V : 1 ! i .. . . a. JL . iff ;i- . i C A, a, w. "Wi ,-. i .... ' ";' ''' - ' ' ' i TVBLISUEJ) EVER V WEDNESDAY MORNING. '' --" JL, A. BROW, Editor. V ;f Onto front Stnext South of the BaakoCCaps Fes. The price of tbs paper, is twe dolliwi and fifty cents i per" ennurapayable 1 advance. f not paid wiUiii on ' month after ubcribmg,' or after the beginning of a new wiljecription year, three dollars will be charged, and if not ' paid until the year expires, three dollar and fifty cents j will be charged. .,' - - No pap' wpl be discontinued Until all arrearage! are , aid unless the Editor may think proper to do as.. . -' AaTJurr IpMrtcd at on dollar pejr square r ef 14 lines, or leaa, for the fir and twenty-five cents for each succeeding insertion. & percent, will b deduct- -ad from no advertising bill when it Amounts to thirty dot 1 . Ian in any one year. Yearly Handing .advertisement ' will be inserted at 10 per square, v ". , , 'v AU kegaf advertisements charged 35 pr ct. higher than ' the ttanal ratea. ' " ' : ; - ', . .' ... " f ' '(j" Letters to th&Xdftofy on business connected with ,"" Tm paper, must be port-paid. "-.,.-- "1 AGENTS FOR THB 8ALB OY v . ' . Timber Lumber! and all otber klnd oft PRODUCE. October 55,' ia43. . 232-tf. Ui ' WOXAUY rUBLIC, " ... ".v ; tEtlmfaflton, si, c - ISeDt. 20. 1845. " , '- ,527-tf. - GEORGE W DAVIS, '. Commltwlon V Forwarding Merchant, LONDON'S WHaRF, WILMlNOTON1 . C. .August 89, 31) 1942-.. ' ; . ' IT-tt' . ' TUOS. BJLJTDFORD, Auctioneer and Commissioa Merchant. " ' jy- ." - WILMINOTOM, N. C. " ' November 30th. I8.- 185-lf. auct(onr Commtssfon illerthant, ' ' ' WILMINGTON. M. C. ' , !) Liberal -advance made on thipmentt to Hi jriend in Sept. 20, 1843. 227-tf.' DEALER IN Ship Stores, Family Oroceriei. Clothing, . ANI . ' BRT,' GOODS. ' c;y building. 1 f atlaS HEAD Of FAVETTEVILXk 8TEAHBOAT WHARF. t t Nov. 23. 1843. 36-tf. L(viOTa and AViuts LD pale and brown Sherry, very yperiiJr French Brandy, Uolimiu and . Amencnn Urn, Jamaica and St Uroix Hum, Sicily Madeira, Malaga and Malnuey Winefc'a Vwiety of CowtaU, and (ntos Ale. : VIn .lore and. for Me. by R. H. STANTON - November 2M 843. 230-lf, niikt aaak Dn ... 4 n i N" V ssi Jf - sassssj ujj HOUSE AND SHIP PAINTIXG, GILD ' , INQ ANDMMZING. . . 1 A NT porsonJritnting a Job done in, that line will find it to their advantaes to give me a call, as I am deter. . mined to work cheap. ' I can be found at Caldxr't building t . i..1...... f 1,. TP a l .'. ui t lull, hiiv. wmg .iviui ui in, vnw n.i dona. WM, OLANEY. "fepl. 2(1843. 227-tf. ave fust returned from the North with a com rplete assortment of GROCERIES, WINES and "LIQUOKS.HAKDWAnE.SHIr CUANDLcI 5 RY WOODEN WARE, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES';' &e, which, they can sell ill .the 'very lowest market prices, as the most of their purcha. . ses were made for cash in New York, which enables them to compete with any similar estab ' lishment in this tbwo. -. i.:' -0-Zp?.v?P ON HAND AND FOR SALE. ' 1 ;,V-:-? ithda',' Forto'Rieo .Sugar, 1 ". - XqBtUp saira; Coffee, y. - . ' 120 " St. Domingo do. . . i 15 keg8' Goshen Butter, S '- so v lM,VrV&&tiZl$z ' 25 botes and 5 casks Cheese, ' i - ' 20 bbls. and 15 bbls. Flour, 0ennesee,: Vf'fe'i'y?F"Hon Market. Beef, . - '4 .". Nol Mackerel. f ar..cask8 French Brandy, With Custom! Mouse 1- eertiflcaies.-vri t tesW '" :. 'J XOaL 25. 1843. . ,M 23 232-tf. ; .2flLDTTJItt31H.s. . : .iflHB subscriber gives notice to the tmblio generally , that be ha. taken hisnephew JOSEPH LAWTON rnto.partnersmp wun mm .in. us - ' CABINET 'MAKING BUSINESS, whlckviU Mi-futaire be carried on under the firm of .: i f M. it J. LAWTON. : ; - AS peraoas indebted to him individually are requested w pay, oon.S',;v,i it,My.i- ' -" f vl...-,... .;;.- ".,.:-t-:.ri.,l,..1i, i MnHnm " tvrtiT oVi8ih; 1843, 234-13U et and Ague. .fB O WAND'S IMPROVE D TONIC MIXTURE, . w.rrnnfed to cure the slxwa b.u.,1. V JB ' ' Z; "".vvuwi vvis4ittj Uthonlyacredlted igsnt in thls pWe fcr uw sala 'pf : . tne above. gents wanieq in we surrounding towns, to trnoirtt uoenu uucouni win oe aiiowea. 1 . . 1 , 'Wilmington, N. 0. Nov. 1st, 1848.. I 11334 VeiJost received and forult& Wi li .11 f fl L68 BACON, sides and ahoul- X V)UVV uers, -Siy; .'?;';.? .; : , ' ; 10 barrels City Prime' Pork, ,; -?f - ' rfVi'-' 10.boxss John Endert Tobaceirr:-- ; . '.!-. v.'-' SO bags' Laguira Cofl -7 ,;-"''' ' ' v 10 Jjarrels Sugar. ' V :' 'i '', ". - . ?AnnW to ;: '. 1 r RWVAW? JSeptiJ8v,1943.: iICKLED.a1mohS,i5flolgna 8ausages,S FultorCMarket aha Smoked Beet . f ii ; ' At JTANTON'S. t.'vNotembei 22, 1813, MWWQ 238.tr. -Kepectfulj' informs her town ml country friendi that the bas just returned from N iw York Whit a large and fashionable assortment of MiUUitrj anil fettaw OooiVs, y--,'"- i'7.iK' 08ISTINO 0?V. V ?'.'''.' A variety of Silktand Tthet$, for Rati f fea Ihers, l1ouer$,utnd Jlibandt ) fine Florence rBonntlt f : Fancy and English Straw i I until, Jiiotrtt, ana Jiuuana $ unue ana . coFd JImazoni Mutti ihell and fine . Straw: Jirtijicialt? American and tFttnelfj black Ilorenee and D'-:fM: " ' ttables $ Lacti and JEdgingtil . v I , .--' for Capt i with :.a variety -qfippj- - 'otAet.articletAho,'- - 2) ib a s iCffi as a sj continued as aaual. She haa a few choice PAT. TEKN3 fof DRESSES) and will keep con stantly on hand TRIMMINGS. of all kinds fur dresses, with Gimp. Silk, buttons and daisy. ' She hopes lo gice satisfaction to those that will favor her wilt) , their custom, as she has two competent assistants from New York, a - Jflilliner and fDress 7afccr, v who understand the business "iji a superior manner. gleaned and attended to1, in" the best manner. Her store may be found one door North of the Bank of Cape Fear. - -, A" Uctober Illn, 1843. 230-tT. , WILMINGTON, N. C. , Jt A just returned fiom New York,: with, large 1 aelected stock of . , MERCIAN T T A I L 0 RS GOODS, embracing allVhe latest atyles and pattei WEST OF VaiAND WOOL DTEDJuLOTHS Superfine Blatk,linvisible-Green, Blu, Green, Olive, ' Brown, jLfle Green, Otivf&ireen, in fort of every shadtrtsnA color. L CjfSSlMERES, and all GOODS SuiUblelW pantaloon of tho latest style, of every sixcnirTioir, iWne Jrthe most' beautiful pat. tema,; of entirely NEW BATTLES. The above good. wem -bought. 1 extremely' w s mostly jor vash, ana will be sold on the anTjtSrms for cash, .CHEAPER than evergoods wereelleSRl iiiis-nwkfiW''?.'?f H't; The community are rpcUunr Solicited to call botore purchasing elsewhere, I intendutolding out strong in- ducementa in buy ersTt e above wide wiU be made to order, in a more aoMrtor ' style tliaBX any that have been made In. this or anr similar esUbltAnwent in this place. Alt garments cutjhd made will be.wa(kiinted to fit m the best maimer, an of snperinr workman Ajp. J ' I have engiisd 8. li, MENARD, onSf the most ex perienced Tuiors in New York, as an assutant and cut- tor. In adtion"io the above I offer a Tiill supply - of ADY-MADE Cl.U 1 HI of the MSt workmanship. . TailorsV TfilAtMlNGS of every dAcription, for sale wholesale oi retail. , rju v x ji uri u l & i lucqfu pbiru, uosoms, sonars, Biociu, Btnrip, iravais, anevery article that is usual kept in a Mtii'clmiit Tuil ow establishment. v (jTwenty-five or thirty females can have constant em ploymcnt for three or four months. ' , September 27, 1843. . ' ' , 228-tf. . CHEAP CrockerVi Store s T'" t "M v .-V " -WILMINGTON, N. C. FTER thanking my old customers and friends for tnetr very liberal patronage, 1 beg leave to iiiiorm mem that -I have- recently 'returned "from New? York; where I selected a very large snd handsome assort ment of Ulasi, tjliina, and Earthen Ware, which' is now open and, opening at my old- stand in FRONT STREET, South of Market street,, and will be sold at prices Considerably lower than such WARE has usually been sold for, . I expect to -receive an addi tional supply by the first arrivals, and shall continue to re ceive supplies to keep up a complete assortments y ' - v . SETH HOARD. Oct, 18, 1843. ' s . V 231-tf. .ri.iiii jirf i -n i. m,i 'tuin,t,hi: ,;m. ; i.'i iiTjiiii. ii n 1 1 . ,iir ladies' Eicpoiirara. liBte oi iew jtorK, oegs to inform tne ladies o Wilmington and its vicinity that she will open On the 15th inet. a Urge and handsome assortment of embracinft- the newest and most choice styles and A11LK1MS, to which she respectfully . asks the attention of dealers, as aha is determined Id sell low for CASH. fhe following list will be found to contain some of the leadiup articles, which she will take plea sure in exhibiting io any person who may favor nerwiih8caii..v & Florence Bonnets, Lisle Inserting, ' ; Misses, - i v":..'. Edging, Neck Ribands, Uolor'd Caps, Lace Capes, ' ( Morning Cravats, Misses Mils, . - ' Black "Kid Gloves, - Colored Amazons,... . " Black vvedo.; ' - ( Fine Straw, , " Misses, " New shaped Straw, Devon Straw,' u :.; v -.. ,, Muses, Light , Dark " - Shell and Albert, ; Rice Slraw Hals," . White Wulow Bonnets, .vt -t--V-'' - Long . -Lisle Caps,'.' HwMr Misses, French Flowers, Dark figured Ribands, v 'i ? Sprigs, r igured Satin," , Water'dS Pipk Satin, White " V ' Bloe'."-'?!".-'. s ; Black and White Satin White C"pe, ' Black do. 1 Figured Silks, - . Striped S ' . Cherry Marcelline, ( Florence, I H Bonnet Silk, ' ,V; Water colored Silk, Black Velvet, ;, ' Frencn Prints, Mouselin do Laine,' FigM Net, ,.t : Brussels.r1',.- Blond Qailliriir. ' - CoIor'dWster'd Velvet, Color'd Satin, striped, Plain , FigUr'd Lacej Tarlaton Muslin, Malone Lace, 1 1 Thread Lace. . . . . &e. &e. kc. : i Fancy drese Hdkfa,. ' Mrs. HAMILTON retnrns her sincere thanks for the libera patronage received,, and hopes to nave a eonnnuance ot the same. - - cleaned; and pressed at ' New York nrices'. StowmCapu Potter4 new buSJine, two doors West of her bid stand IOct, IttB, 1843. 230-tf. PLANTERS' UOISE. flTHE .ubscriber takes tli'S method of informing his JJ friends and the public, that he has opened this MW ESTABLISHMENT on Front street, near the Rail Road Depot, for thereception of . v , 1 ..', II OA 11D BUS,, and will bs pleased to aerouimodate any who mayavot him with a call, at the following low'pricea, via: ... . .' Transient Doarders, per day, . '. " fl 00', ' -- do. '. , do. ' per week, 6 00 -. Retrular Boarders, pet month, with, todgings, 15 00 do. ' do. do. without' du.. 12 60 a M, G. GENTRY, Agent. ' , "Wamtngton, N. C Nov. 1st, -1844. . 833-lfU if- ' Prove all thing and hold fast that which is good." A certain and effectual curt for Ague and Ftverf ' also a most $uperior rmedy in the treatment 3. ' : Bilious Fevtr.' Nuuiea, General : ' ; "Debility, and Nervoue IVeakntsi. n THE most flattering recommendations of this Medi cine have been received from many eminent Physi cians and others ho have used it. And it is presumed that no medicine has ever been used whose action has been mors beneficial, pleasant and iiivigoratfdg, and CallJ ed forth. from afflicted sufferera such expression Of heart, felt gratitude and thankfulness.'1 Persons taking the Pills, soon find themselves relieved Chill broken! Fever gone!! etomach and head free and healwtul U r strength and appetite increasing and improving, and all nervous -weak' ncss fled. 1 ' When taken according to the directions accompaiiytng them, they never fail to cats tho Chill and Fever and nev er sicken the stomach or operate upon tlie bowels. v , Their action upon the whole system is so charming, that persona are' invariably surprised and pleased with their rabid and complete restoration to health. , ' ' The Pills are purely and solely Vegetable; and the haupv combination of the ingredient and their ptopor (ions are' such as to produce's medicine which never fails to relieve when relief is at all attai nable. ...,. Each bex eontaina.30 doses of -Pills Price, one dollar. , Thousands of testimonials and certificates of their un paralleled efficacy, from Physicians of eminence, and otu ers who have used them and witnessed their salutary snd surprising effects in numberless, instances, are ui posses sion of the proprietor, and might be given, but a single trial is more satisfactory than volumes 'of testimony from others, and ' sufficient to ensure their Universal adoption. For further particulars respecting this invaluable Medi cine the reader is referred to the pamphlcta, which may be had gratis of all the Agents who sell tna nus. f i For sale in Wilmington, ft. t by , ; - VV. WARE, Agent. ' And on enquiry may be found iu sll the cities, villages, and all the principal country stores in this Statevand tlirbughou) the United Mates of America. ' YkR. HULL'S CourrltljOienses are now rapidly tu- 9 9 poreeodinff all other preparations for tho relief of Coughs, Uolils. Asttima,', vvnoo.puig uougn, uatarrn, Tightness of the Chest, Bronchitis, and similar Putmo n3ry aflcclions. -j. , -- ,-1. - ; . - Hundreds of persooe f ould now be' pointed out, who have been troubled with an old lingering Cough from five to twenty years, snd who have been entirely eured by using; two or three boxes of these Lozenge. In fact, the proprietor have now; known an instance where they did pot give pertect satisaclionr(. 'miSf ?; t v, ". : Sudden Colds and Coughs areured by tlicm in a few hours. They do not check and dry up the cough, but ren der it eaxy, promote expectoration, relieve congestion, al lay the tickling or irritation, and remove the proximate or exciung cause. : x ' Death itself has already deprived of life Its hundreds and lu thousands, whom "this valuable medicine might have saved if, it had only been taken in time. . How im. portant it itc, then, that every individual should attend to the curing of a coukIi, wlucrj lias such a powerlul tenden cy to undermine the constitution before the least danger is suspected. A delay of a tew day often proves fatal. No liciue will be found more efficacious than these Lozen gesj they are as pleasant to the taste as sugar candy. ': ":Fnee, 88 cents per box, with directions. ; . , j ALSOdS; HULL'S f ' RE the surest and safest Worm Destroying Medicine ever discovered. It is satimatod that in tbe U. B 100,000 CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY from the affect of Worms alone. This vast mortality can be almost entirely prevented by the use of Jlull's ce ebTatedLoaang?''-'-...' ' Grown nersons are very often " afflicted With Worms. and are doctored for various complaints, without any ben. efit; when one ot two doses of the Ijoxenges would spee dily cure them. . 1 hey are an inlalhble- remedy, and so pleasant to tbedaste that cliildren will take them as readi ly a they would a common peppermint iwozenge.' : t Thousands end tens of thousands pine away and die of Worms, without suspecting the real disease. 1 be fof lowing are a few of the symptoms; headache, pale hps, flushed checks, disturbed dreams, feverish ness, thirst, bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath, itching of the nostrils, pain of tbs stomach, nausea, unnatural appeUte, swelled stomach or limbs, sense of something rising in the sto mach. Ac. 1 , i - . , . To parents, we say, do not be without these Loxenges at any time attend to these suggestions as you value the Uvea of your children. h , , - ' " Price, xo cents per box. with lull directions. . For further particulars respecting the above invaluable compounds, the reader! referred to tlie pamphlets which may be bad gratis of all the Agents who sell the Loxenges, t orsajeui Wilmington, IV. U., by , , .. " W. WARE. Agent. A PUBLIC BLESSING. milESE PILL8, wherever thv have been fairly tried. 4. hav established an enviable eelobiity; and are daily supercedidg all other preparations of piedicines In curing thoso disesses for which they are recorvmendsd. It is be lieved that the rapidity of tlie sale of thif "valuable med icine fin those States ot the Union whire thy have been introduced) and the reputation it has acquired in the brief space of twelve months, has herctotors been unprecedent. ed in tbe snnals of medicine, since the days ol Hippocr- Nes, the fatlierof the healing art, to tbe present time. S' 'l Rt!4I TUB FOXtOWINO!!! Fromlsaac M. Thomas, Merchant, at Talladega Springs. i, Talladega Spring, Talladega County, Alulntma,') - s ' " . . August 17. 184a i This is to certify, that I havs been afflicted with Sick Headache. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and Cestive- ness lor the last eight or nine years, during which time I had teken, as well as I recollect, shout sixty, hoses of Bsckwitivs Pills, twelve boxes of Peters' Pills, snd a num ber of boxes of Champion's and Brandreth's Plls, all of which aflorded but little or no rebel. At last, I was re commended to try Dr. 8pencer's Vegetable Puis, arkf mil miiaiUj..-AS tmitrTySutuF- Ldidi Or I nevcT bad but on attack of the Sick He- 1 Sehs after I coiomcnml taking the Pills, (aow about sit snonths,) mni I candidly that I have derived asers real benefit uera the use of Spencer's Pills, than from all tu other medicines and fill tost I nave ever taken, and I would earnestly recommend them to all, a, being, in my .. . i . i ' u . r ,, , . opinion, uie own meaicine m use lor au iiogvruis; curo plairrts. The Pill have dons me. so much good, that I would not feel witling to he without them for five.dollar a box; and I cannot bat fuel very grateful to Dr. opener for baring prepared, such a valuable medicine, and the dis tnbution of it is coiifernog very great aivor m tbs pub he, as it is a thirur of the utmoat imoortance that every family should have a supply of Dr. 6'pencer's truly Valua- oie ruis eonauntiy on nana. " 'For further -particalars, the reader is referred t a pamphlet which may be bad gratis of all the Agents who ell the fills. . - ' . Price, 25 cent per box, with full directions. - ' Forsalein Wibnngton, N. Cby -.' ? . W. WARE, Aftent. January 16th,'l844. 244-tf. I j. liiTOQcx's school;.- BTp HE fall term of this institution commenced on Mon fUU day the Sd of October. This school is designed fur MALES only in it wdl be tftugbt all the branches oasb ly taught in schools between the Primary school .and the College, careful and thorough instruction, will be given in the various branches of MATHEMATlCSi also lessons given in BOOK KEEPING, either by single or double entry, terms as neretoiofe. . v. - ; v s-'i :; - October 18th, 1843. 1 ... S3l-tC : ; Patent Medicines. UnriLLIAH 8IIAW holds the Agencies and WW, ha for sale the fallowing celebrated medicines, every article warranted genuine.'; Swsyne's syrup wild cherry, Murray's fluid Magnssis,' Indian a fan area, " Kwaim's do. Leidy'. Blood Pills, do. i Sarsaparilla, Rowamfs "do. j . Jsyne Expectorant, : ? ; . do. nair route. ..;,. do. Carminative balsam, do. Tonic Vermifuge, do. Sanativ Pills, Hay's Liniment, ; , ! Crar' Ointment '"i Harrison's do. . , '.' Marshall's : do. Rowand's Improved Tonic Mixture, i '. '- Moffatt's Life Pills 6i Pboe- nix Bitters, S'"i' ' - r Betohor S ; Pulmonary Pre servative. . . ". Beckwith', Wraiidretby fr Peter' Pills, . . f Haarfcm Oil, ... ,v Cheesman's Balsam; . Ac, dtc. " &c. 1 Henry's calcined Magnesia, With a complete awortment in the DRUG 4 MEDI CINE line, which wilt he suld at a small advance on Northern prices. . ' .,...:;;.i;."if:..:..i ;v'. Physicians prescriptions accurately compounded. December 27th, 1843. ' l;tf. TH3 CHEAP GASH OTOEB. 'pHE undersigned have taken the store recently ocen A Died by Kuasstt, & GaiinxLL,.in the Lazarus build mg, and have just ppened sn extensive aasvrtment of Groceries; Dry Goods, Hardware, . Crocktry, Moots, moes, Mats, naps, j-c. which will be sold at reduced prices either for cash or country produce. 95 bags prime Rio Coffee, 60 bbkCsnat Flour, 40 case rogans, 1 . floota,-. 85 For Hats, . 50 bbls. Suit, -2000 Gunny Sags, -20 bbls. Cracker.,"; 6 " Scotch Hnuft "85 . Laguira dor 20; " 'St. Domingo do. 5 ,' " Old Gov. Java do, 10 hhds. P. Rico Sugar, 15 bbls. ' ' da. do. 20 casks prime Cheese, ' 60 boxes nale Soap, 100 reams wrapping Paper, 40 keg 19 lumpToUcco. l ot sale cheap hy - " S HELTON & MALLORY. Oct 25,, 1.843. -J . 232-tf. teMfOtTLl) inform mefarmer of this snd the adjoining f f counties that they have received by late arrivals, 12 dozen cast Ploughs, assorted numbers, 30 Shares, , . do. do. ' 5 " Lands, do. : do. An . T 17 I! TI ' .1 Ft mVXJ'..M. ll A na assorted sizes, , ... ' Collins' and King's Cast steel Axes'. . . ' Trace (Jhains and f lough Lines, . . ' . . , Spades and Shovels, ' 1 ' "- Atso. -Several nattdrns of Stbaw CerreM, and a handsome article for SHELLING CORN, which is worth the attention of farmers general- Groceries, Hardware, CutLibv, Naiis, iic. January 8, 1844. . ' . 242-81 REFINED CIDEll. - BBLS. iUst receivrd.. Tor sale by 1U . SHELTON MALLORY, January 3, 1844. ,.'.', "X , . " 243-tf., . 80 M& Whxt tAvf Uodinj;. , ' SHELTON Si MALLORY. Jaqoary 3, 1844. , 242-tf. Slat Bedsteads bijh and low pmt. ii Forsale.br SHELTON & MALLORY. ' January 3, 1844, t " . , 4J-ttV PERFUMED MATCHES, Prepared without Sulphur, wholesale . or .retail , : PATENT SEALING WAX, that bums- without light, (various colors.) ,. . SUPERIOR LAMP St PAINT OILS. Just received and will be said cheap by . . . WM. SHAW. 'December 27, 1843.' . 241-tf. For Rent. TWO commodious, new brick. Stores, and Counting Rooms, near the Rock Spring, o tbe London Wharf. For terms, apply to - j W, O. LORD, or "" . , . . - M, LONDON. ; December 87th, 1843. . 241-tH. ffVIE smlersigned would respectfully announce to the v Ij public that he tna sontinue the , , ; . .. . COMMISSION BUSINES8? at tlie old stand of the late C, C. Stow, ' ' , - . ; . CHARLES Bl ELMS. . Nor. 1st,' 1843, ' . - , , 223-tf. ytHHERE are several PEW8 for ssts snd iS rent in" 1 1 8t Jsuies Church, ' Application may be made to eitner of the Vestry. , . o November 29lh. ' ' " 237-lf, At SUntoa'a cheap varietj Store. VnfHOLE, half, and quarter . boxes Aaisins, . vl WW. Malaga Grapes, . African Dates, Almonds, ', Pecan, Brazil, and Jiickory ut ; Citron West India Preserves, snd Preserved Ginger Quality excellent and prices to suit the times. v . November 22, li Mfl-uV, OttTlTCRX PROD174DE, of ewsny' vari.ty J at retail by ' - - JL H. 8TANT0N. . "' ' ' i ,. ' r t f i i ' i i -i ii. . . ...... , BL4HK& FOR SALE AT THIS QfFCS "Oh! lives there, Heaven I beneath thy drsad expanse. One kopek, dark Idolater of Chance. . ? . '" r -Content to ferdi with pleasure. OMirfined, t f Tbe lukewn.m fiatwions of s lowly mind; - v ba, rnoukTrmg eartiiward, 'rBllos every ussi, - - In jnyleaa auion wedded to the dust, ; ' i -i Could sll hi aottinsenergy dismiss, " " . V And call this barren world sqll'icifnt blit ' . . ,'.' v There live, alas !of ieaven-directed mien, , (f cultured nul, Snd MpieiU e serene, Who nailed Uwa, Man L ttte pilenm of a Oay, Spon) eftlie worm, nod brotlier of the clay - rrau as the teaf id Autumn s yellow bower, . t Dost in the wind, or dev cson the flower! ' - A frlendkMS !,, a child without a ir, . Whose mortal life, snd momentary fire, . - ' - " . Lights to the grave hin'chanre-rnntsd form, . As ocetn-wrKks, illuminate the storsni ' ' . ' ; And when the gun' tremendous flash is o'er, t To Night aridtilcnee ink for ever rnore I Are t)tce thapompcai tidinit J.prorhiim, Ugnu of the werld, and dean-god ot femel " 1 v , I this your tnuttph this yesf prood sppl0e, . Children of Troth, and champions of berceuse) . - . Fer this hth Science, ararched, on weary wing, ( . r , By shew and sva each, rauie and fivittg ihingt ,. ; .', ,' launched with Iberia' TMlot from Uie steep, To world unknown, and Men beyond tbedcepl (Jr round the eade Iiit Irving chariot driven. Ami wheeled ri triumph through tbe sign of fraTsnl Oh.I slar-syed ScteitMhM thon wandered there,, r To waft b home tlis'atewage of despair 1- , K V Then bind Mi plm, thy age' brow to suit, C; ' Uf blasted leaf, ana death-distilling fruit I ' Ah ms ! the laurelled wreath that warder tears, ; ;;. ," Wlood.nnfed,inl wstered by the widow's tsars, f i : . Seems not s foul, i tainted, and so dreail, 3 i i A wave tlw night-shad round the skeptie's head. . " ;' i.,I;!:i'.i;-..S:;rrV'v-.iv ".';.?v4- iXmpbttl. 77e First Umber Co'rocf-Tlie "Bangor fPliig haa dielbllowiiig!- ; ':V!;iV? Mr. Paine, In his lecture before the Mechanie Association , in speakinkT of Solomon's Tsmnle, remarked, that the first and last contract oft record tor the cutting, rnnnimr. raftiuC. and delivery of lumber, was made, by Solomon with lliraot King of Tyre. Hiram 1 agreed for' twenty ; thousand measures of oil per annum, to hew fir and cedar timber out of Lebanon lo run it down (rpm'Le banon to ihe sea, to convsy it by eea in rafts to Joppa, and there to discharge and deliver it to be carrieq up ny oouimoii 10 erusaiam. , iyie waa on the Caalcoaat of the Mediterranean Sea at the ttioutli of Uie River Leoniei, sometimes called the waters of Lebanon. ..: Joppt waa on the sea eoaat about ninety miles south of Tyre, and it was the nearest or rather the best and most convenient sea port for Jerusalem, which was in the interior or thirty-five miles to the south-east of Joppa, ; But td the Eastward of Jerusalem and only twenty miles distant, waa the mouth of the river Jordan which flows down from the mountains id Leba non and from the Ilermon Mountains, through the sea of Tiberiu into the Dead Sea,! Now .from the fact that they took tlie Westerly Votite, includ ing the pfesage of ninety miles, or following: the winding of the coaal, a they most nave done ith their rafts, over a hundred miles by the Mediterranean Sea from Tyre to Joppa and thirty five miles over land from Joppa to Jerusalem it is eviueni eitner mat tue river vuruan- was ,:" Kood lumbering stTeam or that the timber lay m the west side of the mountains towards Tyre and not the East around the source of the Jordan. In order to form some idea of the magnitude 61 this lumbering operation, let.'uS consider that uangor is one or the largest lumbering markets m the world, anil that the whole! number of men engaged in that business in our woods, in the winter, is about 2500Y. Now,; besides the ser vants of Hiram, who could not hav been few in number, considering the supplies furnished, Kolo- morr himself made a levy of 30,000 men out ol all Israel, and sent them, by turns, ten thousand a month, tn lbanon, to work with the servants ol Hiram. ', Bui although this must hare exreoded in expense, and in number of workmen employ ed. any similnr operaiioo of modern times, yet the quantity of timber thus obtained and earned lo Jerusalem, wi.8 so small as to impress as pow erfully witli the immense advantages which mo- aernart nas conterrsu upon manKinu, ; misoora oi every desfription. For all this timber was for Solomon's temple, which , waa seven years in building, the walls "of which were of atone, and r.ich, in its given dimensions, could , not have contained a hundredth part of the quantity of lum ber annually sold id our market, v ' ,' , Wonderful Cave in owa. Irt the Lead Dis tricts within a few miles of the town ot jJu Buque, is a eave lately discovered, which abounds ininexhau'siibleooantitieiof richlfad ore, : Some of the aoartments are beautiful, full of spar and other formations. lit one section,, the cavern ex tends to an unknown distance ; it has been travel led three mile without any sign of its termina tion, or without tbe sight of walls on either side. Compared to this, the Mammoth Cave of Ken- tucky, and other subterranean wonders, dwindle into littleness, ' The American ' Continent, when ' . . . ' " a as fully explored, will be found to contain the most natural magnmcent curiosities in ie wurui, The . tnrtut 'ot iMUthterHo ' man, says t'arlyle, who has once heartilv and.wholly langh- ed. can he a ogeiner .irreciaimaniy ua. ; uw much lie in laugbten die cypher-key;, where' with we decmher the whole maul noma men wear ad everlHStinir barren iimpef: in tne smite of other lie a cold glitters of ice; the Tp west are able to laugh, what can be called laDglimrr, but only sniff and titter and snigger from the throat 'outwards; or at best, produce some whiffling hus "kv cacltinnation, as if they were laughing through wool: of, none soeh eoroes good.v r'rii man! who cannolaugli is not only fit for treasons, strata gems and spoils j out ms wnoieuie is aires dy 4 treason and a stratagem, j' " , v The worms . havo ' destroyed nearly all the L ""n ii i' hi ' sti i 1 . i li i is r'T1lni,r-rT-J-"irrr- r r " orange; trees in Florida, and all efforts to prevent their rsvage have ailed. The Su Augustine News dired tbs attention of those) interested, to the cultivation of grates,., a a source or revenue to the industrious and enterprising. A npgro having purchased a hat. was observed to take it'from his head on the fall -of a showier of rain,' and to mahifest eonsiderabl alarm to preserve it from the wet.' un pemg reraonstraicu for his eonoosedstopidiiy in thus leaving his head Uroosed; h wittily observed, 'IIat belong to tne r head belong to massa Be content with what you have," as the rat . ' - a a . 1 .. ft t . i aid to the .irai, wnea uesaw inai a naieu.pan of Ma" 10 'l'-", ' FrthChtrleiimPnuIf ' Ur. Editor .So miich has bees wi.'..vJ t-J said of the glorious character af Tsaas as a r!ae of residence, a aoch has bee told of it At "' ness ii prosperity and great adranuge for f v , lerprisiog young men, that I am uducnf to toyo the experience of one who has lived t'e.- for the lael six years, so that tho who ar &v posed id emigrat my bar fair isw of vgai they will uiioubiedly hav lo eneoaater if taer locale in Texas. n 4, 't -.yyjK ,trmr "Extract of letter from geotlemaa fa Texa" to t friend in 101s city; ' -'i?et r-v 7teat;Fo. is, ims. I would like to know what Too think l as poor mortals here la Texas.,' Whatever yoi 1 may fAin, I believe you would bav puiea tu U, yqu could hav seen us lass mmmerv '"Cuehii scene of sickness, I ' neret witnesaed, ttefor-- though I hav as yon well know see come preuy , toogb time that, way, tunr wa th tk irer i known fit ths recollection of ui elOcst setu'era. " very amia has bee sick, baroiy an Indict ,.M Leven ha escaped.; The prevailing epidemio Z -ha been the Congssur fever. All of ' Liiy "S V have had the diseased 1-hv bee kk aiao - ' June wita the chill and lever.' . It is nothsv kind of a disease to the fever nd sgu of the) - Norih--.it ha reduced tn to complete skeleton, . and tll) I cannot iet rid of it f haVe "alms.! concluded 10 quit Te-T1tw'lkj'iaiw are getting a "leelle l too bard m oi$.m,f P. The whole eonntry aflpear 10 b. , aicinf eondiiioo. and ,oSet no opening ,10 a t ttn.f N-oHHiey, io tamistwo,'nd to fro 't . ; feci of changing for Uie better until Mexreo'aex nowledges our Independence, and that fhmever "' will do uniil eon pelted bjr, Joree jf rm-Mjr ' intervention of other nation. Ther Jias been . " om hopes of so annexation to th United Suite, . but T bars on. Many perwrw sr fcari r ' Texasandretaroing to the United States, . The merchanta da i Cotton', busiBe, boy 'fi? and selling entirely for thatartloiefithodt sfwior ny mbney dl" if lieyi but Htf lUtfe IndeeX . This fall iber ha been 5 ialmost jbcesaant ntui, - ' causing a great toss in tb Cotson- eropV ftjtlaajr ' plantations have been overflow, thereby destroy -; ing the erfiire crop en some and greatly Injuring ' lion otners. 1 ne only lavoraoie , ming ui. Texas, that l ean inform yo of, is the rise oft.1 Exchequer Bill, j They are now t paror asuty " so-as there is considerable demand , for them " ..... tl.., .1... ,'r..a mitm mm. J shout two weeks and tin' makes snothe frsat , expens to the "country, wtthooi r.'seaJt . yo would b surprised, and .would iat. ro- femptible opinion; of he eiifxeno( Texae if yo t eould ee the member elect of some of tbe cooo. '' tiee.'i Theyare the most eommo sMiafof f. most erdmary talente.' I might almost byw of ' I none it all. Th Presidential election it UrO, tit agitation; several candidate bar. ,ben Jro"-h ' , out among whom t Edward Borleson now ,Vie ' President, man of out tittl intelligenc or pabilityi andfwh ote ni pojlDlarltf to' 11 . many Indian fights. Tlio ou e what; kind of men are brought ouVta 'fill. tmporMtauoii--' om owing tbir popularity Uf shotting Indians, , others to their success to shooting Bears', wLil rery few art selected for their high Inlellectaal -worth, The citizen of thi etmnty havenomina-:, tod Anion Jones a a candidate for the Pres'idr iial Chair, Jones is ooW Secretary of Stilt.' E ., ery' man here 'goes mljforlf.' not only id ' prl.' rate, but public malterev therefor nr rarutot wonder the eonntry ,i so far below par,? 9 J SS ' I sun . Si II ai-n f i sassH'-' j? ' ' ' ,(" - ' , i,-TV fip.W find the following fn One of our exchangesilir a good advice, 'rbe point Kl which farmer ire most at fault, aad; that lor , which our correspondents snd huodred of other. blame, them, arid with reason too is, that t'ler " ' overstock their farms only half feci pieiraoimai let skeleton cow-frame ' drag themselves over" , th premises, and complain because the dry bone do hot giv milk "-abundantly "Wherever ow are kept for the dairy, it is possible and proper yea ft is a duty to keep them ; well-. Thi ca ; be done.. If you cannot-keep four weD; try .twtif the two, well kept, will' give, mors income than ." four half starved ones. The goodness of th ooar ia determined partly . by her native propertie ' ; , but the food also has much and very much to do ' in making her good or otherwise. Keep no toor than you can feed well very well- t , '4, '' A roan In Bethel, Ner York, com'mitteuC suf-. ' eide a few day ago, by shooting himself whh rifle. He had joined th Temperajie Society ft few. months pri;yious,' but in an ,evfl,. hour, was enticed to break the pledge by some drunken "' companions, lie considered dead' , p referable U life pfdronklsni degradation !. f 'tr . -. -ui i v "f. . k " Beasont for not paying fot a Newspaper ' The Richmond "Christian Ad vot" publish the following extract from, a letierf ' t ' W " v "Please say to .the Editor ot the Richmond unristian Auvoeaia inaiuwouiuoouDuess w wej , to erase ttte name Of C. C from hi book,' audi give Bp a gone that ST 60. t He ay. i the 'first nlnce. he never rmlerd th Daner.snd rTbedid h) never got ftand if he didtwa ass agenu aoj' -. besidee he thinks he paid for. ii1ongago,nd if h' - - -didn't, he's got nothing to. pay, and if h haj Ij -, . t,t vI.J Uam liiraiinn ." t - "- ' " - s. ' r- T - " 7 r , ' . 1 :. ' -r Thi Art ef Shopping-' What' the jr. r - -of ihi articlef" inquired a deaf eld ladr.M 'Levea - ahillinsii!''- laid: the draper. ' Seventeen ...- . lings!", ahe exclaimed; I'll iv yon' th:"-t i Seven hiUing', replied th bonr-t t; . ' ;a is the Dfice of ths article.' Ov! "fn i man. ahiV- lingsl" toe lady sharply rejoined-. " t'il g.re yo five." - . ' -' r- ; . ) ii , , j i in i mi j i ii n i i i i i m ' Important rJranspoUionhos Philippe -who was at one period ef hi life 'nothing mora than,. -riA Muster i now plaster ff A French. ;, ' TluCruterVl9 saw s aua, Cw day - " with gin botUe under bis armi whoremincHI r orMonnt Yesuvius-rhi eummtf bsing in a sta' Of eruption long bin sopplvin fmike,' iiJI tobacco spitderunning down like lata.". Cr opI.j fon is, thai he was too near the "erat to bafet Vmuiiee Oteci. A itortford ps .t'eaya thaV 1 wo gentleman of Bristol (Conn.) hav started for . -ChlnwitbgoodlynumberefclocLfortL':ti'-.:fi , kt. ..Eoteypruung 1 "ows, j,;rt' , . ta , 'si. T .... I: (Liiif- i 'I- i -!, 'i- .... . , .v4 i ; u(',7 ' 'J 0 Si " " 4