' '"i.'''v' ' it i In Vs f i -i v i t ,' J ..i' f; I ? ' J. t .ft v. ) y .t . V ,(j' Ti. W Li ,..,4 v . ' ma J - . , (.1 Yfiii:4t.voTo; :;oitu c.iioli;i, vrawniuvi, YiiOTaivi as, iM4. 1 i hi ' 0 M - J . . - - A rf 7 ' . 't er.lr;" ' ' ' jP'Sreonfr . - Lawueh ..r. r u .ien fnmm ol te Uaua-yit-epe t ear. 4 4ifvU two dollars Bad jilty (iit lirsdvaaee. ,J not paid within 'u .. .uwg, or eflt the, befumiug o(V ovw pi l'alfi-i the yeri4iir, HiWioMn4flftjr owls ' i ai.i le!) J."Hr" H i ,vtnA.i Wvj A W j Kepecilully iuforun ler town and i coawry frieiidiutLeha juteliiroedrroii) York MUnn and' fetTavi ! Ooadsy xthert, fteteer$, t and Riband ffittil Florence ' 'LomieU y'Fankv'Ani' Englith Straut t ! iiwf teu.K -ivvwL- : ' AlUegi-JyertLwnciU cWnod.a5pr ct higher Un V T y KUBS I AWU H C., ,0 I riaber, Z.s:lier..oA all Ur JOndt of Uiu ..'VSe-pl: 1843' " .yii .v r , r.vii, , n ,ji . t igDi iiii niii g t Whfc'iSiHJsferitf the fiihfert ft) Ufr fofd tirter. 1" f t-f,TC--0 I denneil 4ml mio, jit hft J)p8t , isnnet ( UMr KHMQSr M lonod one Uoor iV 4 nttlV.K P Uai il.:;a "iiiri'f ifj! lj k k;X11,J 't-j' 4 1 MtA4 doow tn'wl oMnui t iy :aU-wmL id hu utiullf Wo uld lur. ; I eiuect to' receive an1 with' r) 1 U t Lit ltelvfir,i,iiimT y,,NyAL SitwnJ'1 ri, 4 'ling; bn ' IIWe" t ) f 6 'tmndwitu in New Ywk nd lkykiihlio the of Ihrw fvurtha iir nlarket WlM l4.'Hynf tW Wft4 foiii pWiviint Wiittwll mfmm !.t ft rr r.; 9.:HAKLC4 Di .ELLIS. r;0? rt, l84j. h wf .asa-if. .. . ... J .v 9 i.'iMtt' : '. . 'Si fry 2s! FRESH BEEF, $6. U7 SKtlL Jittthfi. hiirl ftt timid -t whife titut :!cotd-jiaiaxon$ f'Mihe thtll and fine on the moat reuonable ierm mm will Jelitref H at their bouaea, if required, kt all boon.' B cure to call it Stall WOi o , ai .Yi..i,'f .ii ;'. ji-v.' ;;ir SnXO tiioea that hare BECf'&f J7XXUifl At foot, 1 trill cire the Mabe prirm , the merketwiil T-nl. . . . - , . JOHN T, HEWIT, v January 24 tk, ldMfVMm? , tlyvplwrvl, TRUWIW((r, iladi lAWfl! trmorthi.lnltuti(mort HA LIU oaly-ia it witt be Miht all the bMbchei uol It .taaghl jntchool between the Primary .arhoei, aod the' rrj-fm jnta?irtt i jt4, nil-' ii!0n t it- v -.Crockery i Store ,1'TER thnking,aiy Cfjirtonwi and. fnend for v y Uooil wpply. by ,the fii-at artfvala, and (ball cortutiad ttf rt cetfupitIto'ln!'tftflR'oeinplrt kMottronL''1 , l.aiet New.Yoriu.bss ta (inform , tba ladiei VnMii UiJj jL .-, ZJfU U iJLi.i vt- U.WilMWiTtaa and iM'rusinitr lMht wilboipoi MaKliifaVr rAftttsriat tWA.W 4 twtb M W'.! Ji 1 ii il. til A Ia Ma it f rf-j i rr . . . : ri i .. i i 111. . .j s From Lord Bnughtite Sketchu Ztttt$ttA ... rAa t'itW, irt A iwM of,Qmie 11!- ; :;.';; TUOMA3 iCTFEasos.- .' ..t ' W batt bad eceMtun to ooM thilrorJiDa 17 capacity and bnlliaiil htatory . of - Vuhinkrti and f ranklin, next to whom, undoubtedly among the great men thai Landed tb Amerteeu Repub lie ia to b Oieutiuoed Jtfferaon, alihougb foU Iowa them al eootiderablf ditmce But with-; out ih axtraordinary tihde W tlta'ouo bwauae, indued, he never paaaed through the aanM 'temp taiiot and wubcul, th ninguta geuiua ca tltt other, t)i lerricea U the great eabae pf humao li beiiy were truly Taluble: hi Jife'waa euiadiljf devoted hi the maiiiteua'nee of Me ptWlawi and ha displayed both Jrmiteea aud ability in Ibe tin portaDt actnea in bieh M performed a conipie- noua part. ; A a time wbeo there ia an tjuaceoanU .li. -ji.j -.a " m : .... r.i f- ..ri:i....u ! OIV UtepoeillVII, sreil Iiiwii iwunuuMi iu'wmj. U) Qudervajue tho ihetiiutioua of the Great Ufttb- lie. to f rudrt her extraordihart ! uccei, ' and'lo take delight w foretelling her diieitiberwent and her 4ownlnll, it becowea a duly to eoutntemwate the, irtue (4 her, founder,eer if , we altould jaot in all parttcuure adopt their political- opinion and if we Imuld wiliwai 'with pa abaao fclurhiir impM feeti6na lit the fi'aro' or ia tht wotkiaga of the polity whwhttbey Mtwuawd. T''t h fA t. fi lie waa educated erv cvefuUr fpr.lhaprpf-- ion of the law, and had alao the ineatioiabl ad vantace ofiood clWical andaclen'uftc JnMrui'iW. He atudied the inaihemaliea indfer Dr. Smrih.1 bnMh of t the i naathAhaiictati of the Bame w no ' , . r JhiadeaaoniilrauoiwotDrMatihewytewari'acel VSSel .7ji-2th. 1844. -.rt kii(SltMm, hi. feabM atote; he w .oon di.uugui.W n i . i,.'.. ' !. 3 aamrtg h brethren m a kotind ud acsarute la ttnlArtil Sri. ' Wnii o mipa ? I yer. v Hia apeakinf waa plaia aad buainee-Ube, i ; oi-rin . u- hurl.., nrwi. : .Rat duriui theeiibt vtl 1 fi (Vftff ycara ne eiMitinued in the profeiaiou hio' aue- J , 7?i, rea wae ao great thai pi mtiat hatit rtaei w Wiej loljari , Lt furenoat rauk a a practitioner. ' 1 U happlned,"! however, that the diaputea between tho njotber couutrv and tba eoiome now broka oat. and be inc ebweu in- hia twenty-fifib year. to repreaeot hie comity in the Virginia Aaafipbly he aoou withdrew hi aiieuiiini froiii 1 legd purtuiu',' au.f tho '. way to the- KeVolutiort by tua Ketalutioit wtupla the Aembjy adopted, to eaubliah a C- tlui varioun branc'liM at MATHEMATICS. tUo leaaoBa gie(l in HUVK K&ErlNQ, iihf ty or oouwa entry. iTrtw. ail heretofore" ',!, , i VW l t-r-tlctober 18th. l9Xn-rtt irnH it'! j;- !NM f h-'1'w-n,lt I December lefih, f;iv.l-1;tier W f 1 'niofi.dao't A.I ' MM.. . A 1mT- Aj.atDau to be drawn at Afcii t 1 1844. March fed. I MAONIFICiFSClIKU.El, I - ;3 i j' J J J with iba Fourth of JuiT. in wbicli no reawraa I hoor:" rroa thf r can mingle on tho people' part, and ixi conaoJa-1 releawd by aceeptiag tU alu iin tr.rf.w.rf in their oDMeeaort bf lb tendency he remaiaed M mibtar tf tU of cruplty knd injuaiiee W maif At work they laii 1784 UH ,Tho ialefrt l ' " lhatehoted lhof oufortttnaw omiaaion ot-Ui Hfe Rreat. Betqtutjoa?y w!l c .r,k Mtiixr in the 81fe-T acfei and.n I eii8teij eonneeiea if it tntii i.,e r--";-i , ' , i. 4....,:. j.i.v i.F.nn'i mKinnre mat it anoniu i inuiiniHKiKc, yui nw iuim . n w y m J tmrn im . .vh w . , i "... , hM KMrteiL- 'i hafraoMi ot U.t uecjarauon wa i iHew .,.., to chars all the fr'ierancei j upon the King ot Lnglaud "tie lua w aired cruel war tiira iiaulf 'alni.iine tie nail aaL-nul rlrhta ..-.i i;!. u .. nMM ..r a diatani WuutL 4 oMrreamaJli tortJlfdejirovwt!'- ' Tt: who neer offendud hiini c-ptWatiOa ' and earry-JMig lntp,pnat ife-id bca" t '7- , ... .... in , in. ; n' ing Uiein into alatery vrt anoUier heruupaere, vr to inurf nixerabtc oeiin in tneir wanaponaupn thither: Tht piratic warfare, tho ppprohni e jlatned of Oireetv- doubled Oiat year alter R'.rj r - , , -i, i - r-i i J would ace the certain tnc -ppy lermwaii -a c arainaa- hoaan ai thi akrugtaf for liberty-. of life f "U now. vTaaliiirrtdU4 temc;: f rrt3t oiavr 11 any oni rvuiw kuuki . ,i iiicerely republican tefclicr tT.I ' tiu-iit Iv 1 Snirrkltictidn ffttttTii callaU U $L 'erf cl .f of e ..a-' iiifidel powera, ja.lho warfare of (M Chriettan the dOcuVjcraao parry ma Vonc3 ' ; . - King of Grrat Britain. lkiririinl tolieepopen. fcii1iThf wbto.iwl "fr . a market where men ihouhl be bought and aoloV ederalwta, jn. thaKbineu wt JI v U hhaapr)atiioiedhiprerogHlr4 foralippriaaing larv -of the Treaaurjri Knx1, U't.....- l : every IcgitbUTO attempt to prohibit M featrtin War, jftined h.airhile U-adv,r-, t, J T 1 thieexecrabhiepmiBefeoi , And that tbie aaein- Cetjeral,ThUd wltb 'ia2irjoofi l j.".; - .1 ninrtriiitinnuiaiMitav tiixiiiiMn?wuurei;crr x I Grand 'Capital iff'iu 'Mi.nV.: ImT. ,1 oi f ta.vuo-j, o. 7S nlj I'lrK t.000 V -pcito'of llO.OOO 3olfl.7U - 504 amber lottery, 10,)0 ii.unwftvu Twkel.only il5-lMCt ter $3 7a-Eiglub ,tl 7 Ac. V "Ac, 1 I Mutee of CnrreaDondenee witli ibe Usaialatarea of lotaV, l' iWothwcvUieo.'v1oafratio uimbYB U1 uuiiuii iuii w aw avo r a r - i ed dy'eV he la now exatiiitf tfieal f errpeopir loJ etas befwte nj tliem. wi',H fit rp'-' .im inhn( ua. anil Ln nurnnaM mm lioer wiiirn maraeu urn mm, imi, ," i Af whifh hu haa decrired. them, bvnorvnliit I Mantl whtttf fceot W mtj i..t Sf lat; tL uu .ki. k. ata hu dbirttdad; them:' f 4trani?e."U la ktlaiit!tiwtr. Wt'.iCl l-'.'f . St HffJ vwwrw wat w aeww w vw. , - 4 t i a ea - - thua paiugofT forntercriinee, corn Milled agjnr' I gJine a n to perttmeuwa! i.. w HV,r v vum ,"' r.fT" ' :-'- ! i J i ; 1 " - ' .--. urgce thein to coinnjHBgainai wia iiea wiamniwr i i rKi wi, - ii i. L -ikiMi(hakia hnttir of JeffHraoait French faction, and kept afoot frofj i . r- --- r .ri. ...... . that bora aad brad in Yirgiuia, htinaelf an owuer leal 0faiett,w yrTniic 7 ',rui of ttffroei ftt l;Vruii kSMiw; hi 1 cawti:4ainijto--l e-l" cf 1 1 -u motion iik thi Aaeernbly waa i propoaiiton to fa- .Jeapjairad of n,Kepuuii i g . , .aa;. eilttate tile manumiaauwi of alavea. i It wan not I ttchWo W at 1 1 1 ta X1 Ull lldi thatlun'tWwWof 6mancipa0oo WaagltJl hitjr? Oife JJiriy id eJ-.i;"r"terr t en by the legiaUtpTf" Bu h' propoeal w,: 1770; popnlar luatiiK- jcr, c i . 7 1 "" '.9 to Mill VrttMi'U aJrtobw'wT iin- ag, tl.wt.iii.: feMlflM:?--' ' -i - nm, a..m. .11 Mkit.tMn nfatavaa: horn after a caitain needa natter themaUvet 1 1 1 ,i ton tJt da. f;aiuiieMr theinata ceruiQ aee al iroiwdSiateiiWaJiiua loatual.J L... - . eokkniaia to a new territory, the only praetieaWetahillliil fcf if errou! t'SI'.kkiIk.wi i-...- I ao auheme. oerhapa hf w'bleii the foul blot of alaff-wellal the FeUa?irtCiaean"" ' efV ea4WWaWlWiii'tbi'n1Ml taM.. I pwtt,r-Tli tfutb i, that eren y - ; tb I1 Uie f pfaii for tne planUntWweotwjf altovU to bpenadmiw-of ur 4natitution, w( 't44lirwiMito'..rw4a Wd, t.ejteMiaW i4iM ofg1tiB2'Ui;A'iiiL.f t J fenea, .Ua-.f,kf iha midtUa elaaaea. and ait. uiiitersitirt I Oftttl lkAV4ni 4teatiUwa'. ltr I W. for tht higher branehet -oi learning, waa iawywiiH.wiJ4r ' to tiperieoec Biioilar!delay"ai"lhougli liayll'Ul abyn, rotntnenrHg . that .a o' ef 1 J , Almi'piWalUV.twl1i piruallf af Uwe ofpopuUr eruiLeutl(ou.a . in lota witoiry: aaopteu or:i eirgima .tegmv nil whiiu u w Hwu.i. , r..i iTha Rnetiah lw atfainai oerDetuili'e bad I wouldnbi prefer the cauatiiy of po'.; ' r -Mi. enifehne'new-tat briabiMt'eWiS kfyfea'and PArrER5S.' wHlfch kte MpPttfoliy aaka the a1ie'4tibhVdVaCra'a4 kh! ta' t&teWned to aelllAW fp'rASH'.1 ,f i neiiuuiwii v uai wui oe iouiiu -qrrt. I r lorence jnonneu (1 juitrrpu, a mawins. Wacar"''5doV r in oiraw. I'd V tWd Cg6-.,,,v a.. ,7 iMi..' ' MMiMr'Crif & ew'8fiaa 9,m n'J fy-Saee Mifil"1' rl aWIMIJ V e W mmmf , Mieeea: I"ghf 1. " ttaiwi;s; tuft w a Fftjmir nil andlk. 2 rY. WU0DEM fVAltE... HAT HOOTS, fcuf ii?-: 1, ' ,,'u-),( tfP run' e11 at 'Mie' erv' lQweei.mrket pr1c,Ja the M W, ihclpArcJt'f ' KLm ,h. co'mwtfl,wiih,atiVltiifaV-e.tab2 Jiahmpnt in U.i twn. . w T. f " 1 20 bag, LBBiRraXWeef;' ' ta flS Ug. "Conheh BjffirV "W " 9ft i' Lard Willi 1 1 nn nr l Kilk. ...; Gj. . -Tf'tL 'Liu , a.ii . ii . a. Water rnlnreil s k: ' XUo or'd IV a tone I,' i H I JV?W Mb ?rlPSd' Fnph Rrinla A ' 1 1' am 'f wioneeiiu tie iar e,k, ' I r ignr o L,ace,i the General Convention, aoon follkiCd' iadoed, they grew natoraily oat of the iJowniitue, and onlv waiiHil tha nt act of oioraaaiua fraiO Ea- ALiiAtioKiA tQTTliM-Uao jNp. fW )44. gjaqi to inawre them. r Yet atUl there, waa tho -r-'- I i m '" ' i i " ' 1 - - V nanal aKfivliml aia1iiAlatiaa. 'irt thtAwV itt thai Villi 4. Al lAUIALSI ! I ter to tha Attomev General, ttaiidololi.wrttujnao l'prise of $3O',Od0l-l of I2,40d'40 nf 82,600 Uto aa the miUlle6f t77i.'ahd ft' fJl lrt blood u 20 or f 1,000 50 ' of. $5O0-4(!Vr etc ( r that etelned Ihe onhppy auatret had beeu'ehed, iTikau MftLltaleoa ksUluWton 82.50. v declarod that in the whoU empire there f a ot L - - ' ' la man who more eordiallv loved tbejinion with SlS fake'K fnLotTnT-tUaNo.t8,foi p4. Britain;'; but be ttbiff ixed reaotutiod Pabe drawa at Awiaadria D C aUdajr,Mc 1 n nia niist'irirf riillt Li.itohg:f,.a,j! oLjivJUTiJU iijliup .Jil.t.I'1.' il4 ii . 'l.iit.tl L ' Li u-tHi L.Vf. Ill If IB M!XIIIIIV M -f HTlfm. WllMfl Hllfll.WIII UKB UICD I 'l. : , "? I. I T . I - . . . . I M t I . i ,. . T . t , r i . . ' . . I ' ! "I i .. i . . . .M . . 'ttrf it kji-ii! i'lfiihitliiV ih'anv'hrtraohHo ma'faVor ITKaraat Ak.irU.'D (J- cSaUuila. VK it.i ! . " 9.. .." i I. ''7 f.Ua.'ti.iVi .'Leal. tt.1- miriMi J'M e " ri fa?l wmro vanii wr . llrti. . W-k.tfutir.ff-ntil liviia. miraiiup, after thobatUe of Bunkert Hill h fwema" to hia old if aater , Dr. Small, then aenled in tteotlaiid, hi nnxioua 4iope: of ; com-ilialiwi, J bf party 'lO-'oT MOOtt of840plr. Ve. j b ;jeffera.,na, that un-ler Dickinaon, ,;M t 12 drawn riunibere out of M. weff fej, prjp,red for deapMato eklreiiiitiee, atraneely beenmodined, or abrogated, iit. yir'giv ih lounaaMon ol rwro-eepotiteantanj, 11 Htr ,4 niawihlreign ofQueort r ' Aahe; ioi lhat 'tlwrtf to M'oBined ofe-Wli-irywUh' or-Vr', V .JOfd- w aeWporofcuHiof o(Tnatt(ailb ' M wr'iw'iMyAMltoew wi.lirY:lMmtx; ;Mfiil5toffj! prmW8rir" or mI9 Wli;4 JBnrlj.tw IN. PtJW WI ifMonailuaer-cafh yi V feraoij anceeded in repealing tltia colonial law, and eonaiiiation proved au-cieut fr t..d f ... ttl .v.''i.va.taSJrt . hr..ir11iitf 'hf Aet,w'J if ' tlia' raoidl,,e'...J tti.!-- -lev of primogenitor; The effect l thie-baag ta Uioi 4pptenetiala upo' U! L i been greaW-'and baaapraad oiniaeaAry:i! liVifgii reatcdi.i ltf.WMUrrntr 'I "7 "J. MenValiepoeUionf thr prpporMlll Mtrh f apted,,pTnfe.to r i h; towed he legal proytaton;,no piif ,tui ,o. . ..- king an eldeat ao'o iue generat heuS i'eoVreaoob; glahd hi i heer fott any t-u-Jcuto I -I Cf - 'dibj dtfwddl f tli to''t4ki'ii flfc iHblrV U diiltBatind iliefiaConf'kJiA k: ' . '.. 1 1- ho Mgtf I ebae lieintt i1u)tniouB 'todnlgobi rodent teapmiting a icturoo K. ahila aihaM ara'aniuiaiit And OOOTt VUU Oo kmot bt B4! V fathered Irofa t'B rn eraeeaomanjr, great fquipagea, 'bHljwr ,imiii eion when emleavortpgto r"v ' J every where with carriage aulhcieul tor uao aid reignation in 1723, even a r l. J t.. eoiuiort; and though forurl, aom famifie rW French' ravoluUon lad L.uid J c ot r aeiied tuor plate than any ooe"booe can now publican erery where, at he nstl.v ihnwklhf whole tlate in Uil oonntry' (aayt totolihero were ten r- In Err t'n Tickets 810 Halvee 85-lQnarler 1 50 i Alixakdbu Lottxbt Clam No. 11, ton 1844 To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C, Betarday, It .TV " nutvsitrtvfrollfrr l .il! itti HtiLir Hi) i 1 1 t hi) ii, ifnni iiki oiwii, , U r 'I" ' ,r-.....s '."J1. .. - k.vl A.''! ' .Mwt-A'.UAi-Mii., l4Vi-''a rl .j,.1i: e nnn -i-atlniuio 7 ' l nrmncee wun ainauiBr J V.;. t." r- rt j HvaiiJCT H 1 h"Vd & i.. w .-l , , .' "'" " . rboee a.i.tf.eaof todfif trjrn i . mi ji OTi , w iw i. i ivt . : i.T."1 'rTTtv.Tr--- ;vjT - -v-T1' -Mt iiMtnnot kutvo M...n. . 'iiwwkw. A h irrentWhWra'' 7D.AlMivb RibaWb,H ! L! . I . vm .iiVrr r-i 4:yJ79 x.eiber'IOtlv II48, ?- vra'R fl.it xfteTj ,j. v. ,r R.io i" a v.4b;.i.U1 I ., .fl . ... ' t i I we look tniain forany W. n V t,'t v,i t ,n, .i. . mi in f 'mui m tyh?,yra I'! diL i.r WhAiVisi. I AwXASBmlTTWTCuanWo, 12, fob 1844 principle ahd inteerity Wef - " f ' Til.. i,.... r l. Jo driver ony yrrrrTr; 1? uwk j: vBMT!iiRMisr . "Nwtho whole t"r w..i.u3oiu yiiu.ni.oo.HUp. , p. .....! s.H,.1 . : t j I ilom and perplexinf H wffJS'.i.. 'ii,iA rtfii Ui ! II W. Irt ) i I 1, r 'V r vi 1 I r T 1 r"' ,. . B nrixea of 10.000 I ol Bja.oUU I ot '.4l mJ . I mm. M..' - rWl.Jk.l 1.- . ..".A ir'IVejfvet, Mafone Lace, m I t i urcau f m r 10 Faiipv, ilrpaa I Vr . I . AV.c.i ,&n. Un. lor me line rah riaironnee reeeiveu, ana nopes w )"l ftIK , cleaned and 'prwaetl atd Newnort-,priece.i Storeih Cap Potter' new building,Ilwft doors I Weal nf ftepold itatid. Vm.) i '- Oct. llth, 1 843. .1 . n 23&Vlf. ' ti me caramai point ot taxation anowio nutoecoar ceded by' England, til in certain, and it iIha freatet.praie which can be heewwed npoa any tioVl people in eucb circumstances, (hat. all parue were gulden oy men wno oniieu , eairaoruiuary .i. 7. . I - ... J .Ji.f.. '!-ii". raooerauun meu, auv.e purpose neve appears in beenawpecieoV iftAf. ating, their jehoto conitocl wniT-U l ne uiu w. ewer. deviatou froiii the1 line of . we alad find it lmpof- miHrrial error of judgment management of ieir per aire, rruiu ail tue unre- fleeting violence, the sudden changes the liitmn Dcrata excertea.'the ihinlirhtlesf deeeriidn of lead ers,' the alternation of popular admirauon aud haired, by bich other, teyoJutwna b-ve been ao s A' l'tpibidcrt to AliBirttlt, bt Mote end ac- . .X rUJM.. 'mAaW ia:HUW-ioasisa ,aMikeiimii.c payment, .,.-.., wvw. ana i " r r7.Tirr''i,tttaBd UtetnaMm-iln law aMNwol aav ottcac. .. .. a. ,. . l .l -o.r- ,i.iftr7''m "r: . - ! . . . . . ' i v - . . . ..Mi(ihAalna ' ' -v. j-r -i-. --v.- i, , ... fcw -r mw a v - , - - " " ., . . , I.' fm ,7,J --laWW Hll J 4 '4r2M 4 iTVfi Vfl' OS, BACON, sides and about. . "! af i i ! I .w ".Wl- . . j f b . ' " AU imtTI laHAf ..CJ ,.''1., .toijii ..T .... Ujlk, fl 1 1 ;fwrw ITT f 1 : I V a-a. .i W . A.' TV . - ion v.r al; -T fUal r DIH I ' in Ka. . a e 'i' tnn ijommiiiiw. i nui, txi..vi vua inui ui a kh i ; lRIA' ti Q'"'r feo-eonntyof re Hanover; VJ "b Ap'p' W,J die sul.i.iibrf' oTihiI fi'ilmliHlratleniir I P ' 13184. ftt;3tfd.r AU oaraona.jrt'-bteit tcj said, rytate; are enMeale to make imraeilmw paymenv, ana uimaj .uaviiiv.ciaims te ; areeent tbein si 'V Is requited, or Wief nifl 1 batted ft yJ.,ieovery. . , ..,.. ,. -fc..-.. ,. r ... . -fa!!' .ji; ijgy jaijK I uiturv'Aurn r, 'I inn 4tJ WBivK Vr,rW'rT'rV,'l . 25 of 81,000-53 of 2400200 oT 8200 t', , , ,tVe , c. ,sJ e.v f T.Lia ilft Ilalvea 8ft Quarters 82 60.' Order (of Tickets wd Sbtiw9mJ CertilcaW onatondy,diangui.hed,. when the peoplr were of Pm.lmge in th. .hovr splendid Vrwi fe i'ji-I-kL..' . .,i.k.rA.. ..,1 k. V,IT..i.l I mui v.uiv.n.a w- rl . ' . . I 4h.l A rJwMHrmiim m.m wh ;,llv ,ll,l,t: i Nil d. liberbtive assembly of men? email in number and aciinK free from all popafij instigation or conuol, ever carried on the affairs of a eoiomuniiy aettled in perco ana wnooe existence waa aasuieu, witn greater calmnese or moro eieadv judgment than die American Conereu ahpwed in guidtug a rev-i olutionary nioement,fiV61ihg at each step of it proiteaa thtir oWri etisieiice and that of the com. murtity theV repreeented and roTcrncd. - -.' JYVtaen iiuselnd oumfeat lUisl neitner aioe would veld and a aeoarstiQn became inerilabie; a committee of five, at ihe bead of whom 'wa Jef ferson, received ; the commission to prepare a manifesto of their reason f6r 'at length Uking the ajreatstep vHi eolleagnea were Franklin, Adajns, Sherman and wlngsW; the paper, waa account of each drawing sent iru mediator after it is over to all who ttrbVr from Oaweddree ' . : J. G. GREGORY it Co. Mantgtr,. i ' m "n . .J i Washinfton Cityi D. C. FebftiarT 20th. 1'844. ' " i "p' ' -248-tf.; f -4- r kir rt "B RLS. Flour, alt a rtiea; hictudinV McIfeiU'e rQ f jl brand, aad Dr. Csmeron f t ifTAarrtle Canal tuOftfloef i fjjtwr'i ) 'j ,i "is "jManufaeU UinijpiinTwrlu,l - - ' ' - .. . ii i ' varstiss,wilh,Jobj v- BBderVwa-raupertor, ; sent, or , ktoatitain Butter, AVRjtPran, tu. . i f vwwv-,,. - i congress oniineo aoout a iinn pari n it, in oruer I '"l.j... i. V . i:rn w niwa ' i - . i. 1 vz - v - "Ti . . " i . I mother Feb 1X1844. - . . . .iWbtf.. 1,.' -BL , ra &W (e W Btmiau hraJt OinyC Wv.,TotaXbT,B!lrvX Fet, !4,Jl8.44,,r.,Xf, ( i'i in ;) i orn.joet reeeived. , nHjAjX ... Ti.'L'":' k.l.ulL' "Lx-fcA aide rc"ikcry 1 jitsiauusiiuiciii. roorth i4MiUawsta, , ' lanusry 8. 1844. ' ?f , . ' t-r ' w.T'?,V1-(.k.i''.J'i-.r . "T i'."" . ! 1,1 ri'i'S ?'.. i rn!ffi sulwcnber hs'sjurtreceiTedJi fcrge 'and Jund-I Ja-ry 24, 1844. Fpfli 7Su T"H t ei'ttVli' . n w i M - 'Earlhc.., GIW bht China Wart. A , (. r ,;t seleoted l)y tinjll m Hew ' yori, to vrnicn ne wouui . m . . .L . -im.. -.'.t '4 aaiHHV lfrl auawrniaa'. t J 24 . b h WOUW l xr V1- . ..l U.:ial.tnl.tav innt.u&Qp8,-hibi detentiiMd.lD sell low'for rniui ai. m..uMp.u. kV Jv i tfliAtK j itl AMi fiHLYi' : iH i Lf '.Butvtlios u6ntiauallv nrnmd bv Daeketa fronvNeW uTd to work cheap. . I ban MtWatCaWw'abtidinf P. "V 77 R0TiELtV ' tiar.5nttiet. three door. North of jheCs F 8fco- ; rjN 4 .1 '74e;kytrctt, ' , aftw ' -- v j 111 r" "TT7"' A3 iAICili.j n !'-, v ; a-.A.' i' ", X" ' 7 P,a ll,c'" swlf i -onsqs ewandrresLMRion,', vjil ,.j tor. " r f ,-",' : Panai i. iiJ, wf - iions Kbw and Trte IkeM'Rir ', I 4,1. . ,V - UAV Kfa CJaMUBOp ft ffi BBL8. Canal floor, Fancy rsnda, h 1 ' jy 20 half aw M - do." .v ir; f i ,y , ou nags cooira nip ano wgwni wur, , . bbls.Kye Waiker, ,2U Boxes a ot e candies, 6 basketa Champaign, ' 20 boxes Fkauly Soap, . J. .1..:.. t -J D. . Hhda. and barrela of Soni. &c.Wrr i ' j iOOtnshele Botky IVaotCOBN- .N , A , rot sale cneap nv 4j A.r, rxoiw r,. country. - Among parazraph reprobatiflf th A frican slave-trade, 'to which, thay might not proadvnppose;.nglsnd was partial, inasmuch as she had formerly, inter posed tier ' authority etiamefully,' scandalously; wickedly interposed it to prevent the abolition earnestly desired by her colonial auoiecls. rte vertheless, it is possible that Ihe omission was conciliate ,th slave- not yet resolved to aet great abomination. - With these omissions and the further alteration af a fe lines, the instrument was finally adopted, and it was signed on the rotirtn of July. . , ? -; . This i that famous Defloration of Indepen dence by which ihe freemen of the New World approved themselves worthy of their ancestors to the Old those ancestors who had spoken, writ ten; and fonglitv and" jefiebed for conseiened 'and for freedom's sake hot whose descendants in Ihe Old had not alwaya borne their high lineage in mind.' In the history of mankind there is no more important event,' on which side ' soeter of the Atlantic He consequence may' tw iwarued and if tyrants are said sometimes to. feol aqeaey oil tho Thirtieth of January, how roach 'morefi histot iaii) ) ii iiiamseed iony if not fifiytold, ll if aifirfued widi i eauaL eojifiilence, that boogh tii id of over-refined person has been exceed ingly curtailed, if not iterminaia .:tm: numoei of well educated people 1iae beeir incalcBlablytin:,, Creased. Nor doea a session pa yWinont4iui elosing talents, which sixty Jolsevepty j years aao. would liav been deemed so rare af u catty a name iromaoutn ioourtu.01 me umust - ,- JfelTers'n however, was not more aeatonsiit nv moting alt BteaMrwbMibw preventthe growth of ariatocratib distinctions and maintain the 7 . . . .. . . . i . a e ... a Jf level ol repuhlican aquaitty man ue was in lumier ing whatever might wad to complete religloua libx brieJ with which ha cotiscientioui'lv dcenied ia, established chared to be incompatible. Upon Kit a subject we may entertain a very dillerent optn- ton. ana war. wnn we nuiei euitrv wimwu w the prmeipUs of toleration, b able to descry daiv gers to liiooo principle iroea uie; xeai oi. socio. ss well as from the prepowierancf ol a jsute lfJburcb..H No oof who contemplates the intolor ance exercised during tho tiroqs of iltw Common wealth in this country Can repose any great rii ance uoon the meekueSe of Ihe liberality of ;eort- HictMia sectaries, while U most be silmatea.br all uisii, ea, by candid diahler,'s that tJiBieab' Laliwl C.'hnreh ia a mild ruler to those Within her1 pale, a nniet - and - iiioflenaive . neighbor to diosf without. 'But hbw fa a ehbKb'or tablishtMftua compatible with purely, republi can institutions ; js a very ditterenl n.ueftion ana it mihl he . mnat rash to eoBuemn JeBeraon persffrripg efforts for eradicating all eceleviasiir cal privileges, when we renect uist ne waa acting as a BtrWU even stern, iepnhlieao 'fb elergy of Virginia had from the earliest aettIemsnt,of tb eolouv been endowed ; not only with Ulh. but with, parochial assessment sitnougn tni propor- Hon ol aiasenters naa increascu to auuoat au eiuai ality with Ihe numbers of the 'ehtirchmeh. 1 , 1 ........ , ml ' M.m.n .i.'..rir .t. -Am.i- was .'OOlllirtll year inai eneraon a cuoria were crowned with,J entire r. f ttccess nd ..-the laat mark of perfcrence to one church over : the 'is " a ' i ' ' V fwvs . '. ' "'. ' g rest were flnaiir enaceo. i ney wno sirreea wiih him in opinion apoii this important subjeftr mainurrt eonfidenny that all femime of religKm intolet ant have been extinguished btlhoso mea sure, and that the means of spiritual instruction have been greatly extended:, but how far Ihe cause of Sound, ana rational religion generally . . ij! J i.i.;iii -J a.'i nas gainca, can oiny . ow aaccriaincu ujr vim capc- rierice of toftger- time S m nH if-.-' ' After having for two year heJdtine emef ,01 Goveronor of. Virginia by election, Jefferson ws in 1782 chosen to represent Uiat' State in' Coni gress."! But it wai ao longer the same body' in which he bad acted during the tecopwtuou pe riod of the Revolution, when it eonsiaied only ,of 50 jM 60 persorfSj U meii of busineas, me of af; lionVHe w abundantly aensibl of the, d. (Ter ence, and looking back on the days wheti "thf Washington and Mis 'Frpiiklini' wer wont st onci to selxelhe greaf point of a quealion. leaving toe little on lollow of themselves. qd nf ver treat two arguments M a time " he dda? , ,Vtf io nrpaom Cong res errs in too much ulkW, hew ean it b otherwise in a . body to which , h pQi pie end 10 lawyers, whose traoe u is wties Oon every thing! yield nothing; and.'lalk1 by 'the ll. ..c'sthsi , s'jo- ...I monarchy." They wLvt C-.. Hi.,,.ngtoil Wa disrsJ t. c maV be clc Jr will. '.that c j cvi mrrarneqnp JisJpot!'',, "f f chsb among whom, to the t Ion?" tni. .1.:. . 'OL.. t ... . -I ' mm 1111 WUUUi I 1H UCIJ .11 c: ( t mm . heshewed when I fi it,uJ JI! jak.. i.ooi Gencr. toettUdnltr? rt.e W.V.:.. jtltiiJiy, bf resent iar4;.jon, artli:;:'.;;d . a -vaf ifom ih njinitfr,tial."h Piurtave a ry - existencs at Dijon was thosdee.J tu.r.'mtt -bu:'H'wto flbjilca.arC1d'tv4M'.:r ar . ' afterdecided thfUteofl.-.o"Bat , ,,4 S - ' 3Vbe;WisJiiDg!00'liei"'iAJ,nJ " 1 " ' ' proposed for the Presidency? but Auiu c .-in- " ' -ed it, add he-was ebosea Vice l'sh! - '.!tLlJ - - ' 0 , i2w : expiration of Adiu; four y ceedeor huu and set ao.ex---' ? to when promoted to power.. l 'r n 1 never either to remove an f L. . Lie fWdparliitan v requicaJ ..in or 1 selbiff c:.. v cause his enemies ihresteoed ot Bai!cd 1 1. Jif.pUFsuedihiaiOwa) e-jr .re-""" rf ihf uunu from one party, or, v. iiupuriity it ue other; and, ahhot.jh exposed to motet.. .ur d:abue than any man thal'wer't-C'.'iJ I.U bf-. tstion, h'lired to see fuH jostico djne I'. , .Jl the firm and rnatdy conra jof. r 's ;a." - -osj generally approved. ,Jt i profuse v e- : fee sucli.sn example; aad they wbo are u, t bwfc&it!f measnt a b3'k. . ... tf bf weiUpred that it -7, w''"r X ' ' '"attoai when they assumed to t' rect te c'" f t' :ir country. Whoever Suurshi...ilf 10 be 1 .ic ed or deterred frojj'U.e psih -f t'.t j. C ear . . .. a .... i. ' . . a. . - . '. jib . l. .. - a . ... m not ruiev oat oocy; ne wrps we p wrc o be preienda to f'jids wlujii h sjf vjsh'y ""wc bub he put "forth lale pteiencfs..and , wo ' ( be andersioMl:iauu:t for . LimselfLwhilf bd is but s tool in-other meb's hnds, hetftean'y .I'rrtcl if g the iresppnaiuihly the pront pr v ' BgVtJiey dictating hweoridoct whi'e tf.r.. in ihe darlu. It ia a compact equ:. CJ... biith ihe pariiea,Vnd'of whkli il.et. . y best iountsi are acriSi"-l by it V 1 ' jiusl right to complain. i' .1.1 ...t'l.m. An -mm.!' -Oil t.lt. .1 tne close of hi second prcilnry, ia thai perio(J, and these he passed on his estate ia Virginia, 'superintend... j 'i0a. .;n.i luiprovfa, men ut, and watching1 over ih r.:.iiciiy".wbieb; he had tounded and, ybich t? resided with jin Ceasing parental caret. Like li e o'her chief jner gistratea of the T 7"! iic, ha retired" without any fortune, and hi pretty -ws.1! 'ief-t. found bmetfehtmax ko Ay his Llied It was lingular ?"d slTectin eciucidencej thai wh Iht people wcid assWtlied In eoontle bu.-era to celebrate K.e C'-v.: ahnlveraafy f lf Aras.Icaw ludependenc,'. the- paf ing:bel' ahe-iH r'.V ec Adamsone of the hetrorvrvfrypatHwlLtkf signed the1 memorable ant of the J . July. OntfidaV hepirdbui'il -..;;.. miw days found thafcat ihf ttin thia rs!Jbt rparsjaiciofthf ,New,.-M r-!. r'? r-!ted s i.i rw f . a Lit; froifthia labor; Jim uti;ir ot uiat i - u ment had, on the same ysv, . eiostd mr . u emi,rae:mtwllLTlr.'1 " t.J?;.J fa(fl fc4f ted to Inspire siarra are tho recolleciions associat- - J . i i r , , fc .' .1". .',f.. ' Febroary 5 K if k,ia Uaj i

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