rr v1 r' Y - . " -V V i s . i 1 V Jt ? PVL uiJHED EVER Y WEDXESDA YMORXJSG 44 r a; a. mows. Editor. . T . . Office oa Front St., next South ef th Bank of Cspe Few. Th nrieft nf tliia nancr. i two dollar! and fiftr - cent .. - , , i ...... - per annum payable in advance. . If not paid within on month after subscribing, or after the beginning oft new eubscriDtion year, three dollars will be charged, aud if not paid..ontU the year expires, three ulnars and liny cent win be, purged,, . ," - ; 1 No paper will be discontinued, until all arrearagea are paid, sl the Editor may think proper to do so.'.- AmiTnirttn inserted at one dollar per square 1 tinea, or Less for the first, and twenty-fiv cents for each succeeding Ineertios Jt per cent, will te deduct ed from an advertising bill when it amounts to thirty dol lar! In any n yeart Yearly . standing advertisements will bd Inserted at 10 per aijuarel t " ' A1J leyal advertisement charged 45 pr rt. higher than the usual rate.'1'-: ::': -7' -. Letter 'the Editor, on business connected with his paper, must be post-paid. '." - ; . GILLESPIE . ' ar:pvr4 f(n THE HAl.tf OF . . Ctoibqr,' Jjumter,, and all other, kinds of t, : - i rT ' PRODUCE. , .- ; - - - -? - QotoW 25. 1843. - 232-tfr -' tUmtiiflton, 1. Sep. 20, 18431 ; ' , " " 227-if. Corrnlssibn & Forwarding .Merchant, -AwgiMt?9,l) 1B48..; W-tf, w-r"XrO&r SJLJTDFOItD, , - Aaetioneer and Commission Merchant. WltMlSOTON, n. c. r . - ' Worember 0Jit'l848. 185. autthitccr eommlsston Merchant, . WILSINGTON, N. 0. ,." - tifcrW uiwwe moai on Mptncnie to, hi frtendt in. Few York. -Sept. 2 1843. ', ' 237-lf. PBALCR IN Snip Stores, Tamil? Oroceries, Clothing-, AND MAB READ 0 ATETTEVtLLK sfKAMDOAT WHARF. Nov. 34,1843, yvY S36-lf. - Jt Awi IMM . Hilt . ft 1" 1 "ii" h ' i c v v 1 1 i rsa i ' i! iti ; , ' iScw( brirk buihfing on Ituletf South ef . 'Mutbtfry Stfttt? ' "TTTJLI. make advances on shipments 'of NAVAL V V UTOBBS, RICE; nl COTTON, to his corres poiidenU in New: York and Philadelphia, to the amount; of three fourths fair" market value here. . Having the largest and most convenient wharf for Natal 8tom, and some esneranca in dealing in that article, hopes to sscni the patronage of his fneuda.v,. - ' -Nov lit. 1843. , i. ;k 433-lf. f HHE ondoraignod would respectfully announce to the H public that he wilt continue the , t . COM MINION BUSINESS,. aUh pld" stand pf the late 0. C. Btow. ' . '.'. .CIUKLES D. ELLIS,; : Kov. lt, 1843. 1 ,V 1 - V:. ; , & Jones,;-; . Have just returned Trdm the North with com plete assortment of GROCERIES, WlNES.and UQU0RS.(1IARDWARE,SHIP CHANDLE RY,; WOODEN WARE., HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, iic, which they can sell at tho vory lowest market prices, as the most of their purcha ses were made for eash in New. York, which eoaWes them competa with any similar estab lUhmint in this town. 't. ' ' : ON HAND AND FOR SALE. cr y C-f; Jl 2 hhds. PorioRiro Sugar,; ' , -r,-t. 20 bags La(mira ('ofTee, ; ''- - ; ' .ao.." st..Domingo do. v2, , 18 keg Goshen Iluller, , u 'Vi; ; Aft: nSi sk nl K jt.lVs sKotlia "-'":...:.. 0 orf casks JFrencb Brandy, witliCu3tom House .f oerti6cales. ',"v- " , lQeL,S5,.19a. ' . - " M2-t;. Crockery1 Store. WILMINGTON, N.JC. ' ,, f FTER. thanking my old customer and friend for sf.V their very liberal patronage, I beg leave to inform them that I have recently returned from New York, where I selected a very large and handsome assortment of Glas, Ci.in.1, &nd EartJien Ware, which, is now open and opening at my old stand' in FKttNT 6 MEET, South of Market street, and will be sold, at prices considerably . lower than such WARE haa usually been sold for, I expect to receive an addi tional supply by the first arrivals, and shall eontinu to re ceive supplies to keep tip a complete assortment ' : " '-v i .rr i .isi . , . .SET1I UOARD.. J Oci 18I843.' '1 - - ,.231-tf.. FllESH BEEFi $c frniKJ sUUcaiber having taken STALL No. 6, is pti- oiji pared to furnish Families and Boarding Houses with the best of ... - - ' ; , on the most reasonable terms, and wi'l deliver it at their house, if required, at II hours. Besurstocall at Stall o.8..' ' ' . tTrZ3 those that have EEEF CJtTTLfio aI on ,r n fooL I will give, the highest prices the market will V.l.' , JOHN T. HE WIT. Ja;. jary 24th, 1844.' f i 245-tf,; , j . 20 bb8. and 19 t ois. riour, ueniessee, f i ' Mfket Beef, ;; l. . Wri-M .Not 1' Mackerel. ' ' -ON CONSIGNMENT.'- N - ,.,3 j :.': ILSZZ. A COOIIL'S Bulging ctaaseommenc evenr -1-rJL aturJr .furnooo at half after three e'elock. at her lesuk-nce on eroiid itrwt Her pupita on tlie f ia no Forte and Guitar have the privilege of attending free k enanre. : , . ' .:- . Feb. 28, 1844. . ' ; - ' SMWt A CAK1). f TIIS. n.4,aiILTO wnuld inform the ladieaof If U V ilmington and its vicinity, that he will leave tor uie NORTH, on the frst of March test, for the por- poae or laying in ner spring Block ot . x ' v . ' JlilUncru Fancy Article. She returns her aincere thank! for the- liberal patronage received, and bopea-oa her return to have a continuance or the tame. , ' - . , . . -Febroary S(Hh,18(4. . ' S60-tf. i;tr7nLIlAlfl;.OOC2Ea. ,JIt theJMnn Fife Mranf Slnr On DkKosict'b NVHARr, Wilminoton, N. C. nrW. C OCCUDiea i roml three alnrv Fim Prnnf filVlDLi 4 1 it ..1-.-.- V . . i v vivjj, .niviuus uu wrii Buapiea i of (lie enovn Dun neaC And all who fell dinrnsod to favor him -with their patronage, may rciy upon hia prompt and beat attention. r enruary xpui, ihi. -. . ., ..- BBLS. Fayelteville superfine Floar, t :v J Forsnlebv- - WM. COUKK. February 28th, 1814. . 250-tf, OLD h. P Madeira Wine;- v . Fine eld Port - - do, , ' 1 - t ,h .' " , ' .,- Baskets Champaigns do. 8. S. Bordeaux Almonds; Maw Casnsfr. iVew Bedford Winter Bleacb'd Oil, t Plate Locks, , ' German Steel Chisels, - , v , -, Knives and forki,. Cast '"-;doi do. , .: - Brass "Caddie Sticks. Closet Locks, , : y Coffee Milte, ; - . Sad Iron, ,.t Hooka and Hinge, 'Waffle lions, &c. etc; r - : , , CI W. BRADLEY. , March 6th, 1844.- ; v 1 ',-- ;S5Uf. ft 'a Jij Half and small Rice.' 'For sale hy , , , ' RUSSELL & GAMMELL. v March 6, 1844. 'J' , . 251-tf.-, ':yJ. NOTICE; A LL persons indebted to the sabsenbers either by note XV or book account, are requested taettll and cancel them immediately, otherwise tliey will be placed in the hands of an Officer for collection. 1 . -, . ... i SH ELTON & MALLORY. JAII persons having claima against as are requested to present them for payment. , " -1 - 8. ic M. ' March 6, 1844, . -r . 25Mf. ' ;: : f CKOCKElty. t 7m weivtdiptt.Jl.:-f',7yiorri,'ani.fur sale by " ' .Jf. IL ROTIIWELI. . -'. - Markti Street,; v . I BLUE dinner set containing ISC pieces, , I white glsied do. do. do. " '- , ' 1 doB. Wtwioirai fshm, (lot. nat aa araorled sites, 1 pitchers, with powers, H blue Tea seta, 6 do. white glazed,; ,' J , 18 blue 6l white glai'd sauce Tureens, v v 60 doi. blue plates, assorted sizesv 60 do. edged ware, 100 sets cups and sancerit, fine and enamel ware, - 4 dozen rnarnel pitchers, assorted sis, . j I - ' JM ' doi- ' tlo. bowls, assorted , (J do.' cut gifts tumbler, 6 da. rtniration do. . ' l. 6 Jo. ; plain flint Jclleys, 6 do. plain wine-glasses. : March 6, 1844. v " , ,S51.tf. ' . .Qxa'S' .Ointment. A -large suppk- jusl, received and for saleal ' Mannfaeturers prices by .WM. SllAW." . .March 6, 1644... . , . . 26Mf, , t . IO F In 'island br'. ... , , , ' v J Powdered and crushed, 5 WooI,1? ,JbeBt Sor- , : COFFEE, Rio, St, Domingo, New Culm. - ' Apply to" It, W. BROWN,', , March 13, 1844..' 1 .; . 2523t. ' ' 10 Casks Cheese., For sale by - I . A-...-. ... uiTc!Tr r i, in attT v- March 6, 1844." 251 tf. IfT'T NOW ail Mtir aivb woif i this nmnrm, L.jX That the subscriber has -received, and is receiving, by every Packet from New York, a an)nnlil atnek nf ... " Srlngf and Summer Goods. "Among which may .be found a large assortment of Fine "Fancy Prints, Balzarm Mousela'mes, i - JPrinted Mousetaiues, Printed Lawns,1 . - todies -French Kid Gloves,' Gentt - v 4 s: 'Black Kid Gloves. .' ; , ' i.' 1 v Vv'.' J A L S O T , 1 " A great variety of other aoods too numerous tri men. tion. Ladies wishing to. purchase their pnng goods will find it to their advantage to call on us before purchase ing elsewhere, a! there has been no pains spared in select ing the goods we lire now receiving. , ' . country Mercuant wishing to purchase their Spring Stock will find goods in abundance, and on. reasonable term, by halting on the' subscriber, r ": ? -J -' I , - W. A. .WILLIAMS, .. ; Wilmington; arch 13th 1844. , - ; - 2534f, Just receivctl uer brie Echo. ajThT HHDS new crop Cuba MolsMes. - ' or saie rjy ' March 13, 1844. ' JUHJN HATHAWAY. ' 252-tf, NOTICIV-Those indebted., 16 the late firm of Poisson dr, Dickson, are requested to come forward and settle their account, Those having claims against too same will present them fr liquidation. : The business willb settled by th aurvivung partner." . ',"-...'? ' i - JAS. IK DICKSON. ,Nojferaber22, ,1843 , ' '23ft-f, 14 Tl sfrS HIIDS- Nut Coal, just rocciyed nor tcbr. orth Uiy Carolina, for sale by 7 ' V :';' . g.w, davis..: , March 13, 1844. - i 252-tf.- Q C BOXES first quality 8pcrm Candle, OU 1Q 19 lb. boes, ,.-. For sale by RUSSELL & GAMMELL. March 8,' 1844. k " '. - K SJl-tt' sperm oil; at TfRl.SJ Rnprtn Till tilat rWifAl aiti Atf aMfsa k - , Mar?lr 13. 1844, 4 ; ' 252-tf. S HOOTS SUOLS CHEAP for U1SU, . Wholesale and Hetiiil. at rrxoEuroRD's, ' rfkNp. door R.ai r n. wsafMl nM rnrrtM. . ThfMM ill want of Root, and Shoe, will do well to call ................ . r- . . . ana iry ins vAn syiaem neiore purcnasing eisswnere. v Aw. Manufactures and Renairinfl'. , 1 V. Nov.8tli, 184X- 834-tf. ' ' T01MCCO. , HHDS. prime leaf Tobacco, . . ' . , 10 boxes manufactured do. ' v l- . For sale by. IU. W. DAVIS. ' March 13, 1844. - 252-tf.. Jost received per rclir. Illinois. as: i HHDS. prime new rton Molasss. - - j . 1 For ksle bv RUSSELL & GAMMELL: March 13, 1844.' , 252-tf. coircc. SO Bagl prime green Rio; inst received and . - for sale by" BARRY & BRYANT. . March 20J844. , v. ' 253-UV - Splendid Lotteries J. G. GREGORY & (JO. MANAGERS. v . r. 4 ALBXANDRIA JiOTTERY I 'lass No. 1 4, FOR ) 844, To b drawa at Alexandria, D. Saturday; April 13th. '1 'SPLENDID PRIZES! - i $30.000- 1 0.000 8,000l45,000, ; ' 25 prises of fl,000 dtc. &c. dec frv Tickets lu-Ilales $5 Quarters $2 50w 205OOQl lOaOOOl 8PI.ENDW :, :' AtBXANDRtA Lottkrt Class B fob 1844. To b drawn at Alexandria, P. CH Saturday, April SOth. BRILLIANT SCHEME.: ,&000 0,000?. $i0,0OO 46,000 85,000 $2,91 5 -50: prises of 1.000 , 50 of 950050 of $250 130 .of $200. -V' - Ac."'- '".&c. ' fee, " tie- 1 r T8 Number ; Lottery 13 Drawn , Ballots. ' Whole Ticket- only .12 Half i6 Quarter $3 ' V; Eighth SI50,' " - . Certineales of packages 26 Whole Tickets, $.160 - . Do do 20 Half ' do . 80 Do , do 26 Quarter do ' 40 Do ' 1 6 Eijjhlb. do 20 Alexandria IjOttisbt Class No. 15 for 1844. To be drawn at Alexandritk, D. C, Saturday, Aprd 87th. l , GRAND SCHEME! 30,000 S10.000 $4,000 $3,000 32,200 10 prizes of 61,60010 of $500 10 of 9400 V ' ' 10 of MOO &C. &e. , - ,J .' C6No. Lottery 12 Drawn Ballots. : TlckeU flOHalve'5 Quarters W.fiO. Certificate of Packages 22 whole tickets 110 Do.. do ' 22 half" . do'' 55 ;Do do 22 quarter do " 27 50 ' Orders or 'Jickets and Nhares -and Ctrtiji sates of Packages in the above Splendid Lotto Tie, will receive the most prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing sent immedi ately after it is over to aU who order from us address,'-' - " - - ' ' - ; t J, O. GREGORY & Co. Managers, ' ' . j. r Washington Cit?, D. C, or - - " . Richmond, Vs. " March 20th, 1844. " ' , 253-tf, - WHISKEY. tT HR BBL8. Whiskey, for sale by yL, 'russell cammei.l. March SOth. 1844. - 263-tf. Sperm and. Wliale OU. "BRLS. Sperm Oil,-' r 1 6 Wis. refined Whale Oil. J Fersale bv - RUSSELL ft GAMMELL. March SOth, 1844. '. ' . 253-tf. Planting Potatoes. ' . BRLS. Planting Potatoes, for sale by'. A , - RUSSELL A GAMMELL. Moh SOth, 1844, ; , .243-tf, HarperB'" Illuminated Bible No '2. "IrVTO. 8, of Harpers' splendid BIBLE has just been re 1m .reived and is ready for subscriber; it fIW sustain! tlie reputation which the first number gained for the Work.,'- for sale by THUS. BAflDr UKJJ, ' -March 19lh, 1844. , ' . . - 253-tf. To arrive in schf, Samuel Ingham. Ri VDaLED of Long Island HAY, on cohsign- SJLJH ment, and Invoiced a a first rate article. . For sale by 1 W M . CQOKE. March SO, 1844. . - S53-tf. fgpHE Life and Adventures of JACK OF THE MILL, ;. ij commonly called Iiord Othniill, created for his emi nent services, Baron Waldeck and Knight of Kilcottie, a riresule Sterv, by William Yowitt u . 4 THE HERETIC, by Thos.B. Shaw, B. A. THE UNLOVED ONE. by Mr.Hoffland. - . THE GRUMBLER, by MissEllen Pickering. . -','JHEJEW. ' Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition; by Geo. Wilkin Kendall, of the N. O, Picayune, S vols, plates. Siracoe' Military Jojrnal. - .:. - , . - - For sale by .'TH08. SANDFORD.' . March 19th, 1844. ' , . ,..S63-tf. a7V , The fast sailing copper fastened Schooner fuk SAMUEL 1NGUAM, .. triUu1''" notA Packt between this illiPORT ANEW YORK. For freight or passage, having good accomodations,' apply to the labsariber or to the Captain on board, WM. COQKE, Agent. March SOU), 1844. v , 853-tt ' . ; . , coPMi'iJrjsusuiP. ; : , rTHE Bubscriber have this day formed a copartnership - under the firm of HALL & PLANNER, for the purposo of distilling J urpentme. " . ,''; I . -i,', JOHN 'HALL,-'. : t . ' WM. B. FLANNEL .. Sept. 19, 1843.- . I'i.. . 227-tf V.: i ;-. f' v,' ,.r . . t k- . A NEW; VOLUME. . THE iVEVOIIimOIt LITE RATURET AND THE Fl NE ARTS. - 27.?. s L v. WJiU3. : (Each No. rontains a beautiful Steel Engraving.) GOOD as the MIRROR has hitherto been (good enough to prosper) w have edited it a the Israel ites built the walls of Jerusalem with the best hand oth erwise employed.- . The beginnings of all enterprise sr difficult more eipecially be winnings without capital and the attentions of one editor has been occupied .with the management of the machinery now in regular operation, while the other, tilt the concern should be prosperous, was compelled to labour dilligently for ether publications. One by one (to ehsngj the Jgure) the hindering barna cles have bsen washed off our keel by going more rapidly ahead, and, with the beginniogof the third vol a me, sot tDiToas wilt.b xaTtaxLT and axctcsivatf devoted to th miaaos equal to setting studding sail aVlow an -loft with the wind dead aft, full and steady; Of course she will now go along "with a bane in' her mou" ss they say of a craft with th foam on her cut-water.' . ' We live in the middle of this somewhat inhabited island of Manhattan, and see most that is worth seeing, and hear most that is worth hearing. After the newspa pers have had their pick of the new, w have a trick of tusking a spicy hash of the remainder, (gleaning many a choice bit, by the way, which : had. been , overlooked, or slighted) and we vndertake, hereby, to keep the readers of th Mirror tip to the timet. Every body read new.pa per and gets the outline of the world's going .round but we shall do jost what the newspapers-leave undone -HSU up th outline tell you 'some more," (a the children-say) put in the light and shadows nf lb pictare done by newspapers in the rough. It' i what . w have trfed to do in our. "Letters to the National Intelligencer," and at our brother editors seem to think we have succeed ed, we will, (a we . discontinue that correspondence in April in rather a more dathins and lighter rein, resume these metropolitan sketches in the Mirror. i : ' ' ; A secret for vour ear. dear teaderifitf telline the plate of each number for half what it it worth, you get, the reading fur nothmgt -. Each plate is worth a shilling. io put m an a mum and tna wnot mirror costs Dot six pence? 8oltis,lnfct,ynrfAinthatyou getsMteen pages of the best literature that we can procure for yon, including descriptions of the things' about town that are seldornest described and best worth describing.' Of course we can only afford this by very small profits on s very large circulation, and ten thousand subscriber are but the turn of the tide. 'J Jie next ten; thousand (into which we are now feeling our way) will he the first move of the rising tide that overruns into bur pocket. ' '. ? i v 1 1 We keep an eye in the back of our head to see if any body is likely to overtake us (and to try their trick before they coin along-sideJ) and we ktn a look-out on hath tide (from the salient balconies of out imagination) for any stray breezes of novelty, fpf which it M possible ttt inro sail. 'Ann to snow you-our nana a uiue ve nave bagged, (like Bolus,) a breeze r tw which w shall re. serve awhile fot competition, If nothing overhaul us, . ws shall try our speed by and by, with sky-scrapers and all--jut to amuse the reades, and show our regard for hi respectable sixpence. ' , ; , Our plates by the way, we undertake to say, shall be, from this date, of twice the excellence (at least) of those heretofore given... Experience and inquiry, (with a little more money)' make more, difference in ' the bettering of this branch of oar business than ofmost other. N; B, Subscribe, in all cases, f if vou wish; to serve OS rfo you 1) by letter to ourselves. Th Post will forward St "fre ,kf, ssSMyss-j3 ; M; r. m. As to our extra, wey are, to DooKaeiicrc, wnai th "mannaf must have been lathe Jew bakers. 'You n't need' coakina tohelo vourselvWto' atlv tlilna so cheap and heavenly.. Tak what has fallen, and be sure that mora loaves, criso and saliafvina. an bakin in the Clouds. ;i . , U Hi. Bv. i,S ijtM '!. 'TtrmsThrei Dollars pet annym. in aduance. The first number of the new veer will b issued on th sixth day of April next. The work is lent by mail to all part of the Country. Address, (postatre free) ' niyKKis, L.iiia, a vo. , r , ' Editors and Proprietora, ' " No. 4, Ann street, N. Y, March 29, 1844. ' 234-tf. POUDRETTE. THE editor of the Chronicle has received, for sale, s lot of POU- jDRETTE, 'manufactured by tlieNew V ork Comnanv. It is reuresented to be of tlie verv best quality.': The pric is the. same a is charged in New Ysrk, with the freight added. March 6th, 1844. , ' , , 25Mf. . JWtlite to Turpentine Jtlakers. THE subscriber is now prepared to sell Naval Stores of ail kinds, to the best advantage; bis charge will be moderate amLcvery needful attention given, : When the price is depressed and owners'wish to hold for an im provement, he will famish a WHAHF.' and make suita ble ADVANCES either in CASH or GOODS, to enable them to do so, ' Those wishing to SHIP will have every necessary facility. The sulwmBer flatters himself, that his EXPERIENCE coupled with INDUSTRY will se cure him a liberal share of the business. ' J. L BRYAN. March SOth, J844; ' , ;3534f, - To iWpcntinc Makers. k St art no longer an Inspector of Natai .StoSss, Al and the Inspectors have' discontinued the scllinz ot list article, 1 now ofler myavjf as '- r-' v , . , T &BSK5aTTI? : for the SALE OF TURPENTINE and TAR. I shall feel grateful to those of my friends who s have heretofore favored me with their busiues wbil IxsracTos.for a continuance of their confidence in th AGENCY LINE, aud i will say .to theTrsTi!rs' Misa generally, that, should they favor me with their patronage, no exer tions shall be jpared in securing for them the highest market prices. Commissions, I percent " - ' "' ' ' JESSE BOWDEN. March SOth, 1844. . J53t TO TURPENTINE MAKERS. KAVING understood that the Inspectors of TUR-' PENTINE will discontinue to act as Agents in solbug the article, the same being contrary to law. Un der the circumstances I am induced to oner my services as to all makers of Turpentine ; who may favour me whh their custom. ' . I will attend to the selling of the same for t per cent Commissions. ' , , - , JOHN HALL.' . March 20 th, 1844. S53.tr, '-- v AGENCY:' FOR THESALE QF . Timber, Lumber, & Naval Store. AVING located myself in Wifromgtortlbr the pur pose of selling Tmssn.Liiitsssi TtrariKTix. Tab, die, I would aay to the public that nothing shall be wanting on my part to the giving of entire satmfaction. I take this opportunity of acknowledging ray obligation to those who have patron wed me, and hope to thare a por tion of th business of the public generallv. ' - ,,".' ; STEWART PIPKIN. , Marca iwn, 10. .... . . XD3-tt t ,1 i. " IrgMatlve run la vtl:, :; ;I. --.": " 5 , 4oi, (Mist.) Feb, gr 1344. T the Editor nfthsNew Orhant Tropin , At the evening sewion, every member of the Howss was in hi place,. smL,a crowd of ladies graeed the gallery. Some rare fun w expected, as rt was known that Lindsay, the Representa tive from Itawamba county was 10 pek. Thi person, is oncnuth in hi mannera, Hngninty in hi person, and illiterate in his MlisconTse. Some of this man's fitness for his position may be gath ered from the following verbatim report of his speech on the motion to reduce the salaries of the Judiciary, a measure, introduced a few days since, and opposed hy the respectable of both' partica. Where 1 was raised, in fMltarbunfiPp never gin judge of any 'son more aw fifteen hundred a year and if I ma b allowed o eon- jeeturp, I do Ierkon that we J had jest a good judges in Alarbarm yoo can raise In Massry sap. A!y cnnsti-cAfr-enls tent me here io prac fire Vonotny tharfore,. I goes for , Vonomy ) and sorry am I Io observe that mnny which I thou"tit knowedhetter, are a slrainin and a reach- ia'-arrfff the high W-(puwe.J Vfsf? -i ,1 he learned legislator on-this, evening,, I httra dayi Introduced bill, whlchthe ".Clerk, of the House several times attempted 10 read, but waa prevented by his own fits of laughter snd the to multnoua cachinations of the members. ... ' - - -"A Bill to relieve the Free Citizen of Missis sippi and Travellers Be it hereby enacted, that it i lawful for sny white rilizens f. Miasissippi to sell aleoholous, vinous, and other fcrmennng liquors in any qnnntity over a quart provided he keeps order in the house when' tlie aame li dronk.'f ; ' Amidst the heartiest laughter, this Speaker left the rhaiknnd the House resolved itself tnto a com mitter of the whole, to consider tlie'' Bill, which waa again and again read over hy the Clerk. M r. LV was deaired to explain who waa to keep ord;r and who waa to be drunk? He rose and uttered the followin;1iphr!:-;j x V Well, I railly haint no objection myself, Io ,i i,;ir r,i.:ni, ,i,.i,;u ,t We all oo; us likes leetfe drap'o' anUhin?; irdeht soma ffcnelrnen ilnn't f alna' Carries a bottle wttfse.i(;'snd I know man genelmen BOW 'aland- in, and sittin' round me who fake a drap when ever they kin and these genelmcn, as well as rr 1 use 1 1, ib now py is w ooiigeu ir ouy a ganim when we oney .wanta a half pint, which Is con trary td the Consfitntion, contrary id htimarj pamr,- and contrary to the rights of all Iree Whtte citizen of (he Stale of Masseyanpand travellers in giniral. knowen a genelman--a rieht genteel geneU man too he was, I do assure you, genelmen; who was travrllin' in this State with bis wife snd s hull crowd 0' leelle ones in waggin and his lady waa tuck with the shakes, and his bottle was roil but. 77trTe ws s Sx to be ini genol rnen 1 he didn't want to buy i gallon of ardent, freer if mr'nl eoni'tniitQ t asked the lanoV li ft tl t.H bottle at a fair- price and the land 1ord,whd wa s clever fellet, and knowed bat it, was w imve the shake ,nnd n onf 0 ; lieken why he filled ibe gencllhan'l tlle t faff price. when another genelman who was standing by, ssyi you're s goin contrary to the laws of ,Ma seyeap ahd Ihen this genelmsn goes out ind in form agin the landlord for selling Ticker, to the genelman whose wife bad the shake by less than gallon and if they had'nf knowed him well till erotmd them parts he'd a been" fined snd impri soned for doin as any genelman would like Io be done when 'is bottle is runout which is contrary to ihe rights 01 sny white man, traveller or not. - ,lI knowed another gentleman whose horse was tuck right sick, ami he was told that s little brandy and a half pint o' camIre would cur the beast. Now, was temperance anoV never drinked but for ail that he was obliged to , buy a gallon when he oney wanted 4 drap to-: mix with the ettmfire. Is'thfs law for sny while man to live by 7 . : "Why, I, myself gentlemen, were onev Irav elindown there by the Yellerbtisher,' with a friend," beside myself, when I felt like takin' amaR horn bavin' been movin' right smartly through the swamps, the hall day, which my friend said was correct, and unanimously agreed with me" in the eame. t" Well, 1, myaelf,: was obliged to pay for s gallon when I OBey wanted to fill a three-half pint botile which, is my aize as it fits well into the aide-pocket of my lop coat, though some gentlemen's bottles is", larger, but I never knowed a gentleman carry t s bottle bjg enough to hohi a gallon." ' v - - t , '; 5 This speech Was loudly cheered thrnnghontj and Mr. L's solemn earnestness of manner con tributed materially to heighten 1he effect..;, The best of the joke is that his bug-bear, "the gallon law," as it is cbIIcJ, has been repealed for some considerable length of tirof. ' -' k". ' A member moved to strikeout "afcoholous and vinous," snd insert "fable beer." " 1 ' , An amendment was moved snd seceonded, end pot on paper the Clerk read it aloud, and it proved to be a parody on Rnsaella's song, "A Life on the Ocean Wave," beginning "A day in a muddyjswamp."- ,, ' ? fy' Another "amendment" introduced the epigram now going the rounds of Ihe papers about the marriage of a Mr Bee to s Miss FowWr, ending with " ' ; - ; , j . ' f And soon there Will, if heaverj plesses, ' - , -. Be a swarm of little Beesea." - Here ihe (tin grew fast and furious the ladies lert the gallery the chairman rapped in am, and Mr. Balfour rose in great heat and said - -' "Mr. Speaker, look at the chandelier ! look at this splended pile of building look at every bod abont ti is this a place to play the fool? I look upon the bill proposed a; a disgrace to tlie nation a disgrace to Ihe Stale a disgrace to the house of Gml ! -. . ..-.' v. The committee renoried oroirress trie bill was ordered 10 lav upon the table, and the House ad journed about ten o'clock at night. D. ' V. M, '.1a'.; - A lovp-strickcn swain, wishing to ascertain his standing, in (he affections of bis 'brinht narticu- Ibr," hit upon the followinff exqnisue way 6f .A.inilin. Iintf a.. .t. -.L! ' : ..if .: r.. ' . yoo we a dog and I was a bogy ' . A-rootin awv. in the yard, . '- And th old man would say 'drive that hog swayT Would job worry or bite very hard .1 pat reply. "I can marry aoy girl I ptease.f said n young fellow, bbastiagfy'. Yes, for yon can't please any," rejoined a waggish companion.-! REMEDY FOU.-THH ECKALET 1 ' We fimfthe fo'lowinj Ic' ct in t.1 CI (S, C.) Conrier. ' - - pt, IIslesa, Pah I A It ' 7 DU Sis Celicii! it lota sd "7 l.'r" etimbent ort me to give p til'. city In r" I found fly'at speedy ami tZ:rn in t!.e r thst irwI awful complaint, tie '., t I have taken the liberty to beg yon u give it a in yoiir valuable paper. The mannrr, way it wa brought in my family, 1 a?n tt a to account fo "v? . , : ,1 About Ihfl 15th of January, sever"! ef t groe were lakerr with. vMcnl svie tlirc . in the bead and fever, swelling of tl.e r,',. r th neck, and behind th ear. I th- a t! : know what the disease was; and from its 1 progress to termination; it caused me to le 1 J alarmed. On the first day it was 1 simple throatj in twelve hour alter (lie sore throat ecu-.vi' rueoeed, (here waes pair to Ihe bead, snd fcclow ; twenty hours, hot fever snd swelling pf iht glanT . J and neck almoet to aoffotation. I had but it;'".-.' medicine on the plantaifon,' with the exee,--:. r Jalap, snd bfthis I gavaftery largedoses; iise."... ; waa astonishing", attacking the 4iac3se t eve-" pore, nu in two or tnree oaya i.,fctinj; s crsr the do being repeated every day ont.l t' ecr was eflected. Strong red pepper tea was g'v in the intervot. fat night ind sometimes throu out the flay) from s tramp full to s finl. acc inr to go; this was given lot the lor Uiront. did not know what the disease was until it ri irt mt Tarnilvvwhefi It then shewed rs :i L ifi. .- scarlet eritpliohs making tbeir abearance, whic?I r could not be seen on negroes. With my ch'.l C dren,ssoon s they' complaliwd of. the. so" uiroai, 1 gave iiiern a iuii uose 01 Jalap; ymt 1 po further trouble with It, Ss the disease wass thre, and never went further: th next 1! gave small dose to prevent l!;a r ' irn, cf w! ' 1 Was afraid;'':, V"? i From ihi simple treatment t!,e disease v: d so readily, that I considered it tri,'"' maim ano atartea lor Uharleston, id. tnapnn, h any ot triir. other ehil Jreji . - lacked, with" ft, to pursue the Sam trea:....,n ,j In my absence, my two y&ungest children tal i 1 , the sympioms being rather more violent, si 9 1 ? ' fot the doctor, whocameand gaveanemoiii.;.' : ' V. throats began to swell much; after th fe;. ;. K of the emetic, calomel was given, which tfpL" 1 Increased the disease, nearly to sufToca'.ion, 1' - ?-', -ful sore momb with great di.uculty, cfswa""- , mg. ' v nen i returned home I founJ t:.c..i 14 , this state; with two doctors atlc-:-? t" - '., , ... .... ...vu.v., ..u 1 vuui iin , 1 lit., ,1 , 1 - k - L. I . S . I . iaie, iney uieu, ana were ounca co..t 1.1 o .s Cu fin. .After my return, there were e.b t c!." ! jsom boarding with mc) ti.ken with tt.3 C. rth first symptoms; 1 f s Jala, and t ed ln small d'oaes the next (I,iy, ui r'l ; tea at the end, ol three days tliey were ort r iiiq in iio yTo, in a lew casea 1 gave 1 hett tfay; where thfc symptoms were ti.it. dlirlyK'lMW'. -wber tl:.: - I J 1 Jalap, hot one remained) in bed r.or t j MiA'W . - v Ptrttiiont--Immediately on tL Ci4'syr. .' tpfn, which is'sore throat, give s r..tl ici cf Ji- f lap, to an adult 60, 70, or even fJOg::.:. st r.' '.t give strong red pepper tea, from a tea e7 f to 8' pHiC 'sccording to age snd violence cf t . symptoms the neitday gave a smaH dose rf lap, say half ihe quantity divert tf. d,.y I " continue the pepper les st night; on the til. ! 'i if (here is sny soreness remaining in i.le r.r: " . ' give a dose of sails, which will gt-inraY.f t,.L,'t a core; the doses mnatof coorse be reju!-:' ..i cording to the age of tho patient.. . v, - , I hus, my dear sir, I have endeavored to r 'rn t yon the history and treatment Ihe trat- 1 I found (throtigh the blessing oft merciful (J.) Ihe most speedy, safe and effectual in th eu.e 'of this swfu! maladyj which has been, snJ always Is, the scourge of our ciries and towns, and I may say country. . . - , ,Youra. very respectfully ' ? ElWARDCIIAPLINV- ' How Scholars are ladi.Cc..j af par s and splendid cabinets have no tn?ica powr "y ' make scholars. n allcircnms!nce. a. a m-t . is, tinder Gpd, the master of hia own fortune s is ha the maker of hi own mind.' The Cre... r has so conflicted the human intellecf, that ttt-1 grow only by its own action, an J by i's fvt action it most certainly, and neccsar.ly fOT. Every man must, therefore in n ( k ' sen, educate himself. ' His boi '? ; V'" ' sre bot helps; the work is his. ' r ' : , educated until he has the ability tot :' ease of emergency, all his mental power i 1 , ou exercise to eflect his" proposa J c'jjct. . is pot the man who has wen moil, r who l...s rJJ moat, who can do this; such an oua is in t! .' " Of being borne down, like a beast of bnrdOy an overloadml mass of other men thorM. t Nor Is it Jhe man that can boast merely ofr vigor and capacity; The greatest of ail i'.j v ;ri-. ' riors that went to the siege or T toy, I. 5 t 1 1 ' " pre-eminence Jhecanso nalurs hi J ve I' stretigtb, and he carried the largest bow, bot b' Italian Adir-.t,.AEnt;A I.-.! . ....t.. i:L .Lt "" lMIHO iihu Miilll llliu liliW. IO DCIi J it.-iantef IVebsttr.' . '.""' lf - -. ' "Tltr Artful Dodgerifi this odd t' ' which onr reaJers remember was produced lj.. DeBar, at th St. v Charles theatre, last ca -is the following description of dotT0' "j,'T" v. '. V '. we think isn't bad 1 1 A ' , ' . ; - ' - 1 Now, sir. III pro. how useful. V!- ' ' cal,. ; and beneficial ray speculation - P order's suit of clotheir ofa tailor, which, 1 1 intended to pay for benefits tailor.' . Ileorders 1 piece of rlowY of Wo..! ' Cloth being ordered, he bencfl.s on strength of which he rmler'a 1 , , family benefits dry goods r , 1 gooils store, on new dresara bt! c r ..A ' - L-i rites lares panv i oionrr. , er beinjr ordered, treats' fnrr.1 1 efits theatre. : Bntchereonu r , to drink benefits hotel. ... Fri 'ka ,. kicks op a row. Is pal m the wstrli I for getting drank, fise' goes to t!. L beticfita Corporation.1 fo.by c.J.'.., s clothes, which I never in tend fjpajrloi, I n. rt C ,r. -t a r,i.,..71vi.(--h- - - ,s 4i

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