3 i e i i u X.., . J j ------ . A " v i ... i Ya-V:; ( v--; . . . .1, A j .1) V Aot." 1 - " , O.fi-eoa Front St., next utb ff the liank of Cape Fear ' t-.J!Th mice ol tin paoer. is-tyvo ilulliir anj titty .cent a 1 titty .C 1 Wltlllll I . j'r annuia payable in advance. Jt net paid willinl one "'menta iftrj vilbserilnii!?. or aftei h beginning of 4 new ,tab-.r.ipliin Jear.three dollars wilt Te charged.'nnd if nol , ' 4il until th fear eipires.threednUars and fifty cent K will -te charied.. W. ninr iwill tn. Itairtntmiieil tin, it all nrrtknrmrpm IkTtt ""KT1' vy ' - . V r ' , pud, unless the Editor may Ihmk ptonit to do so. . -" " ifj" Letters flit he BHtor,i)!tbusinecbhectc3witn la paper, ftiurt be pomvJauK .'." v -h - AND TVIL AK BER ALCSn ApVA-. CE3 O'N ALL CQSSJGNMEVTST OF Vw Timber; iumbett'! XIstoI atorcar fwmlssirtaitFoMTanHn?-.!Jlr?ljiMt, .(1H1H' MTHARFfrrLjnCTONi'R,9 X-.-" - niJ:ilT.C. -rl4,JK11f, 0 aaoancet matif on -.iRwwm m jniut i - -f wr 'rt y' Vl." N T AH U A3 It i Uw t-ir'i ; r, . "9i.ir July I0ih,,18-i5., i. -wiijliam 'd. 'smith, -v.;'; 11- -'cbmmio'& meiiciian;i, :;J5r: ; and i V ; GBiVKRAl; AGENT; 1 r- - i j wiLMiNGroNVN.'c.; t HMtMictfuiry r cfm - ; ' ' M..sra-t J I . E. Amlown,. i .Iminjli n; Sf. C. t'MoMfa VVooljt'y & Woufscy, , 'i. , '- RiclrHrdD, H.intte ABorn, J. Xw York. A i Kittiarli Eaa. Juno Sfitfl, 1844. f y , nio-tf. .-W hall, r COMMISSION MERCHANT,;: Tit (he Fire-Pr'oof.binlilingou Water street Third .NorrtioHlw Market Dock, ' , VVILMIMJTOX.'N. U. t-- AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' ,W I ffi I N Of ON, N. U. Office, $ecfnd ibot North of Market street, on ': the wharfl up Aprih5th. jaJO., ;-3fji--tf. CHARLES BLAKESLUE, ' V .-.l'V.li. . t.-'.-. 1 -w .'. -.. - ' ' vfHUCCtBSgR TO JAMBS rVRpCBJ'OBO,) ; , Jffannhicturcr ami Dealer in " BOOTS & 9H0ES,' , Market Street f Wilmington, A. C. , June 10th, 1846. . 3H9-tC JUST. RECEIVED., 4 FRESH flupply of-C!hcinairg 'Arabiarl fialsain Si iuU' arnrills, and amlB1 .Hcmcdy vfot Kiiii?. Warch 5.-1813. , . . . 3ty-tr. DANIEL" CltOML'Ay;, ylMr trrMJffir, ,o.'oai riii(""c in vu, .t, Mrirk (. ; (-ft I tying I rip X n, , , NFOUMfj !i frtrnda tjtid tl pillihr iu jrouwal, that b(Fba mails arrnn!t(iprits to iniuiufaiilurcwork pn Vrnly adapted to lUc pi"frut timi'it. for 1,'ash. v - ' Qehtlomeacaahey'rfni'Jaiiimodiitpd with UOU16 Jn.lde alWtlw IrtraitFferirlrHlvto'" ' - , I the utaluifurtiifoof hix wark.he will jllovy uq!)?t5 compete with hi'ii jn- any; tiirciilat, The wwk;.alo hal ftivoiUire sa'nf h U n,- , D. C, will takopWarfnrfl in hvingithe difforoiit kinds of work'to all whmvill favor him with a null. v; Ootobcr6,1fll4.',"''t.'",'' ' ' 88'2-t'l'. - ":- :iviATTilESSES;.T-; sJ 8tntw-,'dl-bMnJe4Tlbiiiiwn. " 4cr at - thf honc oh Ac -IVt" fclc of ecrtnil Ktr'e'r'ttlilrd frirtn Market ptrc!'tii flie bii8tmaii,- ner; and at law pri", 1 'UK TboiDaatou.Liirie, for Bale by' : ' - f C. R. U; wo6d:' May 87th, 1845.;. Z1 j : w 3G7.tf,. rrHE iibcriler fiii taken the A'CjEiXlvT 6t an cited x- a6 n miiLE m ixrr ictory h the North, 'and will receive order for the abate named uhiclei oa M favorabla tornis a can be "priH-ureil from ny other MUblistmirnt. ' V UV HOTUHKISSr -Wiirninirton, N. d., Feb. Ulth, te-tft, ' yo?-ly i iSance Notices., The WaWinotoj TEMpKaAK .SoptETi.j.li hcM its fuiar? nioetipgseyerv fridaVnight ia the MKTHObisr Photestakt Crurcii, to 'coin" ftjenc8 through the . summer :'pro(pptly M 8 o' ock 1" T,M"' - - Th$ .AUXIUARY WASIIINGTON TSMPERAKCB BoctnrY will hold its fneetings every SUNDAY AFTERXO0N, a(3j o'dcK:k 'at the SeAoo Jfouje In Pattmnilk.' 'eV.j'3-f "Sjr!''. AprH 22Ji 1849, ; , ; 362-tf. lyf SIlJ W MU M4 MIttM. MMsZl, tJ hn.iw arnty mt'ijs city lor tin,, uiaiiuta-Wrj nd, ' " Matfat xireel VxlminglQiu X --' r!iuQvf-Apn.oUiiriljjiijlmuiw, auy 1- touml Il n-w v'i't'k'": V iHATS CArfc, ,.. - (i,nivMUi ? - - i ivet "if ncniPriw K irvil. AND ijAuV ;M'heprAi.lnTOl .nNQbWiifUiir - ; mg rtitw, WiiwjiyvvJuaii uuiwnJ dnuta "NaVjetiilK1 1 3tiir"l-O .V' .""W 'f'-, ! tmn. aitil f i i;')imiiit,utcdU u iirthjF of -Son. ni "J ift ' ;r,: ib ii' v. t ' ,.lJIarnrit.i of nvi.iu dtntTUitiMtvSiMduti :if. He win alMMp.tir anil clean ii wattrcssea in a ; v vi - 'j; "'sfti ' r''- fv, April 5tf; 1848? ; , J fK SQUtf.K r. -?'-A( ,VVEHyS; i 'tTOMB - TABLES ' Head & 6t Stones,: I.i ill, - . - L. i ' ' . . Hvimore .2 Ivertisemcnti. t . . . . r - ; To Tatrchauts, rimicjasy " AND0TIIE1,S! -' fTTVIE tuhMvitar keeps cQrttfUutlj tr tale, at -ihe Jaw Ei el iwices, an ttssortjjuint ol . . ; Medicines,', fyugs, 'D'yestuffsj Painls, r:Qifc, Glasi: VitrnisK Brushts. ; Uonffttt Kii picea tU- satWuoiion,-he.sotioii f ver4jio8B vAio may. nol ifttepd lo'jaichttae at ,1b time, to Aoy coiDSiRnicntions, asking (lie pricea "of !gooJs, arei mwt choerhiJlySnd promptly 'anaWfred, 4wirw- f.-4 llWuhl.t ,iFtiMl il.effdr ilia tiA Ikaa n Mtliaivf Vfrii ry m (jchncTioft.fritb hi we,.4bt1.foderir.gaWp, (prujmg iHuoiar;!, iurwraoji,' mer, ' tiApvj 'pper, ilovea, 4tc aJi Xtiytip-IJ!i-it,DIc4i .IjrailVcnetun lied, i'hrooin elloyr an(I(?renVBrt!t'gus, Yettiw'pchrB, mi "oUkj; Pamta.irt piMloTwhicB Jmi w sMer'to.sclf lflt tho. nert low prtfes,'.' ' - i vv- (V'.t liifu ginmvi(t$njk lytiw, a 110 yui, up..iu iwiinn mi 1 y, KQn VQuewiHV ,t V . .Pntiv ofllin iin-.iirtv. nf j1.!;. iior Tu.. out 4f blmN dpf.taiif Jf S!tsu perl: jit'liliitldf re, iit (if:ituiljelof&0 Hit, irtil upwdrf,-; 'si r.v, ?v i xCN"ihar5c mad.f Jiliv'srinJ good 'tiitny jxtrt of Uj;cit, . Vi'eitV "CrttM, "eiv doors from. Light -gt., ard . ' opposiW tlie Unlt.hml'OIno 11. Tf. Ccpot, Baltimore": - jVo. fSS-lAsht sireet, Baltimore, tii'toVii Tfil( irt&ijma-'fc mAc tliafl doiiblu iH pnwcii, fens lhtinjifliHtirhics, iBi fcrlnjTOwde o, w.roui'lit mm, if ii ir.Mi'i ' by iUj'txnTa ifitHt) and aatjt-ftir IH antl Kiii-ujj fh'.m nv nlKir iT)(MKtiui mnilp lulhw cimiiilCv. :: . "ArWie i3i tUan Awj.tlirltunuiitwba ,B-aTD0rria4i!d4 Huh nwiillitf, I Will niUT(:iuri,KOiije.T'sitiing m imp. unrr.iv flfUalfitnirrjtvll) haviv pin!fiiwiJ MietH dnrliij the lurf (Seasoiy.ninf hi wlion frtvfenfcrjwyie aaij.-yjw., Y , V-Mos! di-lisO -i$lfltj;lull-, jlsfdb.d.;Kormy4 boiiiiMj J f ullhitf Ju.ili " PttilwivfrtuVjick Uion, ain, ifhii,liivOtaiH'i,Tniiij DiniH gylov. jfhM. John- ot,'J;uiiorf1SS'nir,' Ertj. Mrfliium imrf,"'wn LV'il, in'orgo JuMkui. Mm Kii!er,-.llippb-TJi'niiii tJharlcs. R. Uanicv. atBUol Ruttiul, fJ. Wellinan, ' Cash prtce Vfr 8 boras vovttjr w-v k ), - -j i ic -u ' s ,40,00 ' ' SnWn$ band fot hotM poyrw,.-!?. ,00 , ilf. hi' , ..ijw, L : .6,00'' ' Tho. iuksexibea.is aloi aout 10, ii.uUtHora for tke al fahe --I'witv . and, Mar, 'J' Qi.m Celro..Dratisht Plrtnirh'fwI'itW'imiuiliihfCIim aiid 'Cobb AliH." '. I hia Mill jevttn-x(insi( Cu4 &tjt'U instead of CM Iron, ijiiix ifwij'te kpf hafp,ji(f in ordw, n perfectly nimple, rtTa V iib'taitcaiid it (mat durability roudora it exactly .llieajtalBlliat Furrit4nd Flaiitort haVK so tong w(tuK ITlocasJi jirice ol this ajticleis $50,00 . , ; w v i .or anl?. (Jrant's prcmmiQ JanMall itildfGrain CradU's, anil ridvrJ'B premhiiri Straw Cutlcraj ' " , ' ' : Al.irv, oil hand and fotftilr- flll dthrt' Jtinda of iniplo matitiuattv kmn In uoh Sn estabht,hmer)t. 11 " i? l-ZHA WllirMANt'jR' - BaltuorMav2d 1846, - "'A J- 364-6mj. -Slate ' of IVoiih" Carolina NEW IJANOVEK COUNTY. ' t Superior Court' of Law Sprfng TennA. D. 18-16. CHlf.ari.uj A! StanlYJ;-: J . " , vj. . v V-Petition for PiVorce. . . IT appearing to the aaliafacUon of. the Court that the. "defendant is not an inhnbflunt of tlu State,' on nto tioii, t H Ordered tliif puhlir4tiohJ jmadr for three piontha' in the Wilmington Journal and UiS L'hroniclr',iiotif'mKfrio ifttid Johd.W Stanly "to appear, at tho nejt 4rm tif this Court, at this (jouft House in Wilmington, pit ,lhe fi(th Monday after the fourth. Morality in September, next, and pliwlfiuis.ver ot demin to buu! petition,' or the flame will Ijo taken pro eoieMo and heard efparti. -Teato," ' - - . rO. ALDERMAN', Clerk. 4lay Cth,l84fi. 'VS61-3m MRS,. PRICH would inforni tlie" ladles of Wilt 'nnngton and its vk-'uiityj that sho will executo work tathc atxivc line, on reasonable knni. .licildonce over tlie lOVBNAL OFFICE, i ' V - . . , , March 25th, 1846. .. f.'J. ,, 35s.tf.', ; - . -AUCTION' NOTICE. pHE Stibsctitwr liavrrin;' btcnt apDo5n,tit Aactloncet X? touring his gfrvires 'to hia frRliil and til mitific;-'-' 1 fio will arniT (tlve-'hia-aitention Oentwt 'Agoncy tfnd 'ommiwiion HuainoM, . j , '-i"1 . t Wwc 'ortlt,htorc LbidV building. ..ortli .rWutct street ' " ' ' JEBEMI fi UPI'ITT: . , Apall6(h, lS4.fi. ' sra-tf. - rHT' JE siilisrril)t!thaii-tiaiiir nmrflfB nnu (roneral as- or.J'rioitt Of UAUurviU,V3(!t,lniwniiiatrula!T rtrtil IwtlifitlfV 'f'tjortitpd. -, :Tlep nrffl dbne reherte poUn I,,:., i. i. , .1 . ... ... ....r. lie aisij uas (HiJiaati luwvonuaues niiiuuMiimui,K ,. !POUDUBTI afVF tho heot iiuiilitu, niav BBl'OCDKEjTL'Uom,!' YorV, 4f'Ui ritfl ot 64,01 fiha.ioCthtfNevtf.t6KK iiiTinv23.(.)huiiUii.'rBtrcct,oov ,t)(l per Ttafrcl, orv 81,75 tier" tinrwl tat Jeycit hrrpbrnd ofer? debVorcdtlTi board' of- Vessel, v r -t ' ' W-Jt nt cainjiarty ijnes not claim to bve inade anyreeeaf i.'imnm'fttnJ imnrxivemcW iu tlicif modeof nrenaration. itinmfili me am oi pmcmintfr ruur, yei iipt.iio ciuim , ... -I .......) - .. .-1. . .i .1 . , to Wo piu-e.-m their ruodo 61 Tireparatiorl, with the im prowimenU ot the, day whether tnstiltiwr from the dls covnieaojf acienre, wtronj mt-'lisaleHperimenw-wiaile ly clone oWrvcru! und they gtve facts from Jplwile sqnre eafoiatiHnllcllnrtS'-tr. ' " ' 1 , XjrOrdtirB by, Mail, enckwlng tbn4ah,willhp aa care- fully attenikd toKrU given powmallv to , ., .'jJ.VOiXKLlMO, Agent J ' .' - 3Cbimbers street, NY. . " Z r7'POUmik7TE maV be 'obtained from the Editor of the Chronicle W thrf terms tinmpd J ai)(ivctHuuing me cost oi ireigiu w iiinuiKton. TAprillSih, 1846. ? ' '36Ntf: it ' JUST, PRINTED,-;; , , ,., A-'NtTiiir 8jHo"aF thS "ice", tho' "infl ratea o?Ttorage ami Wharfage for the towa'WUrrjingtonj revised by a Committee of tlie-Commiwiwivri May 4th 1846,". ' My 43th 184:: -i - - ; . ' "-jg5.tr. 0 rf.( '4"V S luro, winch he ollvm rorBaTo joutha .host rcaBonaPIo toirifw. mV 'which mnyf b fcund, r e s ,,- ;, ' CfertfApi, i Hqt'iiuehra, ('Imripteti, 'Vugs;ictfl i -tosf, AVffi ,ff?)nT; 't.".V r'"; . . .... ' "r ) ' .. ' Th Ua.lrphia JlJi ertlsements, 'UomIcj, A!i1iumrr X Co., ', W., GENERAL m. 'J C i mi a oir -t c r clia ni : fe r, ' '" s ' , ril'lLADELPUIA." ... We are pre pirt3 to rrjiike literal advances H.alujiniflt(i ot iaTiu Miium, t., cntisijmjd to 114 lur aie . . fietrloWamurl J'attnr. E(1 ' " ' vS-"-1 . . Jtu-Mdf OanlmeJI J W ,l,n,nVm' V V! March"23ilj. 18J5. - ' f!l5f-0fn "1 -i 1 . l - - . .- lfi - , ' LATEST, MrjROVEMEN-U--- ; T'0"AMP ir I' K- E LA' MK TITS, . MCSPrfri" C5".7 fanufaclurens P'oil.-uU.'s, J R,resiotliiiliy'rrtfl ttnf ttefitirr , of t!in clti7.enf of F VvfluHmrtprL nml of tfift s(ial, to ihe imjiroeiiicrtt 3tr' ihs iCarapbino Lump, wbJph;iironU ibtyrt 4nJnywifrr tbat .iif tujj.-tte.imHrij;ltfy ivJM fi(f: dmhkilte AtcAvof-ny .Ojlor lrfril J.srjipycMmenteilK i'JFlicst l.inj,nfi p omlly worthy tlw tfntjjit'or) of Tm JotVof CbaVcli?, HBn; ihJ oTl!ib1ie BuTlQinBni gnrral,1hireijum't5, be'wcj! .Kt. Trri'yiritriiufi-tAj"r,ry v'arivfy of Liaft, Si)d htivc -some of (H'iuUfalVorkaiarrehipTnr tVcijtr 'i'tkMf- iittr vtp'(if fronv. f.1 .50- 46.".. v'-ir i Specnneiia mayji Wif l3raUipr 'CtIw Coimtlhfr flotiKoofMr'ltfcjiiY Sctc. , '.' . WliplngWit. pnlftl84ft 7 X'A;- I8ltes!nnt street, Vw4 :?r ,f I ftwt adelpiUv. i 'Z" si T'1CIIH,ES,TA HUHMU5T,'iUTiti d in tfic cent.c'nf ji, ' ! rn it fflh!iioiiablc paTt of (he rjt . no.t" f if r im trtt thoioimilKit Lamlmor snrl Rmlrnitd lpois (ltf itp iyit) fjlor and diuns adjoining, na1,'vi.'lf nuiov airy KingU,' obanil,cnj.lcr g(4 aMoninoijutinua '(itr JfiKlms and CidiIi mmcii. and Jain.lii!3) oitiaer as, Traitiiignt. oi 1'fb iiKm,nt.ier..r- ' 1 l1" ' VT -Tlio M orfr. H ouft liDi a' ' ' t ' 1 f ' i strtiod tu person nlijiiksto be quiet, and, avebs a 4rave1U))e;fue die rtavcry ol hnl!h, , . r' A Lailies'ah.l efl'iriiii'' Dfifijiary is r'ularl ipro Vhied ami well ni died. Private TuMeisct; wlvrrreipnted; ; 'i'ravfeltHirfivihi at fiajfiti'mhnittod atJaH hourfi;'' ' ;-iVaxiiiid iM'lfaUistti.tb.irtati','."- ; ? .I.MiliatfcW and cujitCjiituc, toc,;MjaU;lIuflo will ha f uM ejiJj9ili4 lJ.Hi'lgoiwraUy,aniJ muub lens woe u. sKr tlljufisrof t6om.- ', ' V ' - s rt- t, nEfUHEff; Pwprlt6r.,,,, JuiteOfh, 1810,' 'V " 371-6l. 'V"-B O A Rp'IN G ri ; M RK':':M ,; fit r m tf 108. Wafnut.Vf.','-bctwciv 4tb and Ofli lV" FHILADEUPJIIA i .t aAVDiO eonnectrd with Bcr old estabhhmonf, th largo'aiid eouiiuedions houa.ndjoinm, ia ftow fTe, pared ti).a(mW:Ut an aJditionaJ nunilwt of.gctiteel Hoji Jt;ts. Mio ruufc aovtrul le.rcre antl aHV auartmcuts for .fomiBtt, trtnxDerf andethtHA ' a -.' . - ' arcaltaf hcAto tfie- lteuee, and every atteution pawl by heraelf and waiteja. H1 t i - . The situalion ia coiilrsl. f erms moderate;" , ; Jm. fhHE MHTfJAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPA ,ji AVrOFNEW YOKK.-ThisInaiitution,auriDg the month of Juno, issued umety now Pohclca, viw Tt' Merl-haiits and 4 ' -Traders . - To Clergymen ? To Physicians' Tp Lawyers . ' To Met,haiiics To Artists To Stipercafgo "7 3 4 Q To Clerks It) ToAserits - 4, 'V Brokers , - 3 To' Manufacturers 'i To Bnokaellers aud ' . ? Publishers " ' . 2 To Iron Masters ; I To Dentist . 1 To Tfacher - " 1 To, Grocers - - To Presd't of a Bank I To Cagh'r of a Bank l To Gentlemen 2 To Ladies : , , . 0 f ' Lives Insured ' 00 ( A ft. Condition of tb.ia Oflica. on the Jt . of Pelruary;, and1 at thia date, n- , . V ' " a 1 fPoti? Dato,- No, o: "ties' Wd CrvHcrp't Losb 4 Exp.'Aro't.Irt. January 3lSt 1086 J 124,687 $27,414 J97.272 June 30trt 1613 191,997 ' ' 38,316 153,694 t ; 5' 'V ' ' " . IncreMannce l4vr yB7 52o ,..'tiB,90t : $56,313 , 1st reD, ) ,y - , t. . i 'M.BINSON," President. . Th undersigned sgent for the above Compa iy,"iu tliistowtj reeeive and' tranfmit .nppH-. CTtuqsy." y- JOHN 5. RICHARDS. , July 16th, 1845. '. 3'i2-tf. DJir.TAYL Oll'S . f Balsam of. Liverwort. SB OMiEfATitt itn Ahwwhi Hirtri Coiiuirafb. Si Consumption tan be eted, are words tlial lor yev a have solely been spj.Iie.1 to Jf, Taylor's CeiMi'ne Haham of Liivrwort,froyti 176 Bi'twry.toVl irh mvatua ble meJicino lltoy are peculiarly applicable, but hive been copied and need liy ot!uu. , - r " H? Tuyhrls iLikawf liverwort baa rt'rcd end rc lu)vd over iOJOHQ pcrnons of Cnnsamption, Liver (,i,i plaint, Cottprhsf WpittHlif.' pf -t- tllrxjd, i 'olds, r)8i:'pfm, Pleurisy; Palpitation,. Bronchitw,-. iRf winch fainpliiiiita, when taken in ttuie, this weiUcine baa for years proved a upecifie, i' --J jAV helirc ttiftt no 0nei's'nn;iH ilio of these diseaeen, and'it thci wb thrr.lt tbebiwca worth preserving .would, ni 'once ue lln, cwwiy'ijijooriliuj te dirfCtioiti., tiie re tirrrt ol deaths Irotn- tin ie .discuses would Tat'idlv ho 'a- iitinishaiir'fllic trutii tif this prwitlinT, wr1 are ready and willing is BMiKiy but liupariT, ity inc most eonrjinsr.TM.TT tificani, udd hy nwnoriu' lUuig witnoj In every to'n, ythv imter mpmmrndijig the ir.eilL'inc nv wwrJ pi atnuth, ,i(!iavtti tttj-tai flaniea pu!'fi-Vd t)r.y of ocr ri1c.ja re cently cured, tnh. Unr-UutiH hn!tte:fuu.t -mute. .eurt 'i,li enttt?nt bi'bdre .MuMHaaUiy, vit&.rce to perfeofceliluKV. 'ij"' ''"' i ' '.. -fy IvretUreii oi t'le proiWoa ne-i tit" their practice, Bwcauae it wocdevhrf eat arc fje Vflext ol! pure t;i?.ii:ine PatrjiolOi-i.'al BrineiplfM,;iilrvrbich-tb-iir1rSrvfi ri;i tjn liHaiKitliin;; tq d. : i'h'.y may, tmf, bututc, enunlr foit,yi, hut A a'l, thi.v.'iiradivurK!iro lt't'r 'jiiii.UJ, asihwaie-only catch pennies nd" may rijualynipair' flt.CtWtv: 't " . 'v., ' "Drlivlor' Uaitatn-nfIJvtrwift.h'SiM happv co:u- bin ition "fi;onunpathf itml Allnuhy.- U is. entirely a. yegeta')le ejtriCiV'd p C iiul-uiod, taU' only ttlMinost minute ibis's are tuttn; of ili.frmctntrukd active piinftplca, wboe action U unlike aU if ' tonieJiea of tlie kind, and are so ooniumeif. tlrai thi. Balsam- aire.cU.swiuhAnwaslv the circulatory .respiratory and secretory orgajiaaiul mereascs 1. . ' S. . .. ." " L.... ... .'-.1. 1 j.. 1 .U. '.i tlictemierutiire and achpn olthe remote veavie, wnnc natts m tn iiuwaaen TeBpis an" ran hiw u hhwum thus giving them an ojirtirtuntty ta heal &y siduift nature iti ficr cirotts to throw oirdisengefff Ii),fino, this remedy, is tlfe enly one that can with aiiy'ccrtnfnty. be relied on for cure; There ars ftlwafa two "rwlfiana in atteHdarli e at the okl Offl j', 375 Bowety, M visit and givo advice. 1 lie Poor attw'd grati , Jiuy 'only as aKoVo, and be tarofnf tr) avoid eoutitertrtta soul ,l:iilalttn of ail bnds, and see The abuva medicine u for sale by E. Bevan, Whileville, Cblunibua caunty ,brfi;a 41 Maon,btnithville,pruoswick coiinly, and VV, WAKE, Wilmington, . ' v, ' and niay be foundV at one store in every' village ; in the, Unite States, ',' . J : '-ft l,-' . -Aprtl BBth, 1846, 363-OBit O.ini , QALINA 8ALT.--25 jblfcSalina grdtt sate by. , i JunsMtb, 184. 4 pUt Dt, LeeV mirmtura to the, steel phtc ,laliol op iafa nol tlo. .Ied tF7:rr,d(Trrii:S;iit', 177 Water-alrcet, and" Mrt. llai 139 Fal'onrtreetJlroolclvnVASfnw.' A" . . iV Again. ','' fj 7 AMN"0 bwit mji old !( H at (Ije r.wnef of Market iii an.t Wdt.'r Bin eiv t tiji" l'e we-l Ukin the icwir I'rcif M;'(YUTlotir NoflinTllifl liw .ijsloiifl ".i-Uiuir NofiiniTlhe iiw usloiif m S!ire, antf ain rrt Bivine; Ksult a rirt tir fjnnfv anilvlupV gn-. , supplies oi Mvti iMci'm Mr !nm anilrlnii BTOinai r rour; 3 tmil.'rx'? rrtailing r?l meo MkIhmciit H lib'), be rciuiIiniT Porto Kto Hunr: 3w Ml prime Kio Collcr j 20 !1! Soda, Sinrar and ITuUrr L omcuiij M iii.la. I'iot lircid 3 M,l ,V Met CsMkm; S-kiijs btwl Govhan.Biiltrrj 5 ket boat' Fukmr Mirlrl IWi ; i bbk'M V retailins Mackerelt'l "bar Wwdaer eViUootr' Loitf 8ur,;. Vil.'WooLpyWfc''Wolarya' emi(tje4'tSnjiir ; Do JwMSIkney oapr Bedelt'a beaii w, a8coi(ra! 4yj. i)ararNii ; WjW)!ffgar or the 1 UJiiureru oiniii.-, irgtM J.ili) 'H per ,11 piua. ASeneraJ saoramcM at IfivHw.treaml Ctitlery.Vnr.h i vvyctltiig ll)Ci; attoiuk mjituitfrro nml Cl.opH':a a'b; W.tijifc -.If miimrM; 1'IaV aqd i'sllckawt.)' nvrnf ulu.erlKiig too teilmiij to mi'Htmfi ht-llie b: nUra line y vt i a'i iiAys. w ' A cenqraf acsorfiaenl of Drt flooir-i. lTats.SiiocB, Ba-n, (Jap, wl.icli wilt T sold on thenoat vconimotUv Unjf thrinrror -a?ti brcounfrv protliirttrir ' en tho' atyM timrt foa ,prrove4 p,iH'r. .. " -.a Tflcntwenber will ote ntlrntMolb riinir of Ti-o- litV and l mnbrri. Nanl P,Uiu. aud Linrli of rnoihirr Jty a ,miy ho ni'iii to Jruri for-fute frtm hi: frtM in, liar emiftirr 1 and hpM fiy Vro f) ,' uttontd bf b'4irie t nrcMwa Hlrarliareef the piibliiJpiitronapp. " ' '" ;.,r.. a,v ....... ,'. i.!,. ....y. ,,. !..Ji..jl. if 'Vi i; Saudsl, Sarsapa ril 'npilre removal iiri3 bermini'iit hire' of ufl., -i't . 1 ,t " - ' e (lisenai's ariMiiff nroni ip ijnptit, state of; f, . . ,ilbs ll ttf oriifl bt t of ihrfsys.efn, tiz: Serrtfufinr AVi ChlJikiMuitltmt OFit'rafr rWinrv . ,, Lrri C .Vnf A'mn cJ HotA ItyLvtjtmtyl tvijs I'mn -uj tinirf-and LJiift,S?ulil)tjrn VUtrit, Siji'lilit' t-impbrni, .S.'iV,i) . LuirJnvo, and Vueum miifag faith m tnittJiMUt "'Awe. rjfMarditifi &r.itt ffr;)rfv,,J"eHr Im .priiHcccyi.X'if.:,.AImr Ckram 'oniltiulumiit . Ih'k- ' I tl VAt-VlK'ol tlu, preparation W MPvjdoii JL known, and everv dav the tieTd of fu.usnAilnrs bi (WU-rtiMiiir. It rairroved and hkrhlv rmsMiAendcF-'by rl'hj nicimm, and ia ndniitied t( be thetrtoet piwe;fu(' and aiajijung prtjpawlipii flora tbe root- that fans' enirbtwn einplnyed u nu'iVealprn.aico. yjt an not local iu jtVoptfa. Uonj but gerieril, extending ihrouKh tile, whule ayflcm.--. It nentralizSa the prrlnorviUJ elemnntS in -"the .blond, wfd restored a bculthy to"ne to the' organ which tVseh-te that fluid. In scrofulous and all cxtcmui duiardertlia result is. rapid healing of lire aorea and. patule:) ifl rheuina. tisro and other painlul aHecbon of the mtm ulnr filiro.Tt speedy remgval of tho pain, and in all taMTs a rene'iral, of strength, keeping pace with the retreat of the diseime from the system. It la put bp in a Justify coneentrate d fonr) for convenience and'xrtuhihty, ami when diluted accord, bur totlfo directioiw, each bottle will make six "timn the quantity, equal tironc iuart, aht is then superior in me dicinal Value to thc'vinoils prcparatioita beainit tlie n.tme. The pre;, net ore at a 1 most ikily, ceivina; tcntl menfa la 'iOf the. ftiost rtwpOA',tnbU',i:lurac.trr, tetilyjng to its great value as an a trvo and cnr,itifl lnediiiiic.' . " . 'The following VntoreBtipn case is itriientt:(I, and the rcadii iiiMtelto ilacarUQl pcruful. tyonitotiit on Ui evuleitco ia nnncceasary. ' T , . y. 1NIwK,N.J.Mircb 12th. 1846, Mcur$ At 11. S( 1). Sjndi Mr! Uiivi t't child, of this phnvi was attacked with arrvjlnln wher) two years old, which soon reduced Ut to a jin.rekcK Ion. TJie, iheae pervaded the whale system and manifested itself in Hialiit. nant soreo on the head; body nnd limbs, j Djlferent phvi- ciana in Newark, UelleviJIe and INewVork, jiroeri)iCd -for her at various tiincvliutiinajiy gave npihtrC'Heaiipenoct ly hopeless. At last Mr.Oltvej wasJiri'Uit'ed to tryyour 8arK!iparilIa,-and ar.curdinalv procured four bnftles, which tifag tspanujrly admiiulerft, wklu innny in(efruptiona,e1 with tlie most decided Ixtnchfo About tw months ago, I became acquainted wit! the cirejinvlauccs of (lie cair The child, who is sow tyred f lurjreafs was fcne complete mass of disriue, and incapable of uolna; ay ,of her lunba. Her body wM woIltn'to nearly twice -rtn jialfiml'siW, the head, iiiribsand body wore almwt. tsntindy cuvrod with largo orc i fhe. was uuablr) to niwavand wanld take no notice of rtnytlilng', 'only to shrink lirom licina; touche d ven liy hei imrthcr. --The disease, attthfl eaio tune, vas equally severe itiwardlyinilnnded witli.bloodyevr.ciialloiii every frwbour. .They procured aorbe innre . fit, tbo Sar sapurillaand lirfore she had taken otic bottle jdie could slip down Trom the chair and Creep across the .room. She- has now )ust 'finished taking the second bottle, and Jlie sores are nearly all hcalcdthc Innbsarereotored tt their natural use, she ia qqile cheerful, aud is fast improving in health. y ' ; ' ' " Yours very respectfully,-" r ' J. WA flNER.:"-?' . " ' - Soc'.of .Youth's pUilS Tem So': r Tha fbllowing is an ox'trart from a lettor ret erveil frorrt Mrs. Bcvan, who ljad bela affected furtovsrul years Villi fccrofuIoua-Ulorrs, Ifvspepua, ' and eccelttly ilh an affection ol tha Throat and Cbf: s ',' h ' j . ; II .... .,,..,... 1Tj. ,tl 1411 . ' Messrs. A, B.4 U.ft iPS-Ucfo;!' Vwinfneneerl usln youi fsarsafiArilla'my firTt.riiijs imtt almnet r-ai-t f vprr- aion, riiy ttirnatW(i eotrivUlilJ UMTafftif 1 bad a lfvJftjf eoiifh-aflJ thete wer lr.i:uillv Mti-lt' tosulict Hull eoukl not spf it n' ova s frbjsjw; and, bef'dt, 1!1 infmc mtilinii f6'n my tlir"" f t 'ntlml Im ti,)' hi(l, o (hrtt My hcarm very rit eh imfwiri' 1. After faking the 6af s.iMitilitt a ulioi t uuiemj healtlifiip'vvf cr; itrnl my throat in now neli; 1 urn as Jeu foin couh ajd t"'iltirH of the ehe st'a ev r I Wafcnn I ran he.ir quite flithnrtly. My thro it ha4 ' ecu w'il a'mi't 'bree t'UMttlu, tlie etiiS-nf whielt has bc. eiUwtrl fnttrcly bytthei.co your Barna- p-jri.io. Vnitrrrjelid. f t nr-L e f firil-A; ' 'I us is 'orlirj t'.al 1 lUve bcor. airii.teij wiC)' fh"U iBj'ie paiui. m both my 'b'S fo- HioraVhsn two Jeaya, witu l) at tiifea was very painful, nnd banr.R tfiod . various kinds vi rutl'ctrtstri.t dd not find'anytlvat gave' ma re &f.J Havinn heard of theftondetftci of .aiul' farsapa" r(lla, . IpiiTchnwil ofMr. H. Kuteliios, "the agent t -".PArtav. rauuth, ilirec hct'Ji.whielil used wfth-ihe rrtr A lavoroble resell, as Iain OeW entirely free frein aiu, and hsVe been well I'JT moretban tlireartKUithvrlirh vatlrbte,9m!er tho blrsiarig of Providcnr e.entuoly to tho use vf nW Sawa. panlla. . j. , , , HiCVKr. BECKL'K. Fiij ?iirtheT ijartteylaal anil conclusive evinW ot. he om'rior,iiie ml trJieaovVsee' (Hiiiipliiett .which ftiay be ! ta.'- ed ol Alto's pfpvaf ft f K , . -Vrtforrd and aoid,' who!esi!ei;nd- relail, by A. B, A D. jt uvv i,.Oii,JUii..iLtnpe;isir.. irjii. r,;iiioifc-Kr,coHV'r u tirHU'ii iaiida'' Sarnaparilla that hat been -sod if enniliin ! in luinf such TjrnarkaMe cure of tlifi rnmt di.rin-ult claS of diseases M which the imman frne Hiftilijectitlirtc fore al."tvid U Saraapanrta, and taken ot'ier, 1 .ApriHStU, lW0-.- , ,";3Gt-lyr DENTISTRY;; rafif'TtiR ntfnrTTir. i'iir.iti'r Vmd Mwtbrr ttfthe'A.mitican hoci'ly of DailatP ' ' swgrwi-'; . ' .TERF(MlMif all VperalJofir upon ttie Teetk f J.Li. Teeth iruerte.d'frorn 6ne to a full set, and nporc $the principle of Atmospheric Pressure m. all eases: JJ Jfi where il is upplicalue. ' ' ( . ; 5' Olfice East, aidft of Front Street, 4 iloors Nortli. ZHof Market atrect.Tip stairs. ."' ( rcy-Ksrass'futit the Citisens geperally;' -iwi , April 15th, 1846. li , i 361-K". ' mimiHmmnmmummm OCEAN Family Mess Shad, st retail or by the barrel. For sale by . WM. COOKE. u Juns 17th, !846, J7K ia uranu .iihmu uui i jo test 6M itiuMiciin'.iarjsnd atenMfain(AVv' '' :'s -'., Gnrt a pipe Sditpetyrwitti QraniW; 1 kh!. Anttri- A'nA &HJ1'.I " V ' esn Brand, t V?bU hut -iiM . Whftkw. -Wed' lrW?na nmiuer- C-OOill, peVL D. Jmits, f;4.' .?'":" rti;-v-"-" ; c : w wMh ibajs(r thrnffc-Menalllejit In a ' v h r.w ou.fj vbriM tet wwety -tore, tnV -uMetchtfit Tibrinf 'Eshiblisfihiciii i ". f r - ii ..7- -..'' -Cif wk '' rnettitfl am KneKbMTrnlarr1 MVl. Mlll,in.N--T W. HoWaUnrtJ.M. PiUW -SJ ,P vUn, ,lyIe fcif, 3?ttdi.l article.. AU-6..-W doxen. VV.Hiamt.HavwnodiCofttrdwiflijC it. BnlimaUler, TARAWA 'J IA 1 d,' ? itt'ZttZZZ ' W. prions 'qn.,!... frfb ?3 .0 MJ.; . i'fioe?l'fet bhHiitbotlf.for'f5. "'. "'' -7 V "tT Joicn .f-n's.s'lljy'v and Infant's' LECB0RN r' V..,iW n. r..n,.,.if,il!w n.miMiod nmAr, tml IIATH. olaiu and enbired. smjrle and double, brims,'. 960 W.' March ant Ta i I or., C MARKCTSTRELT.W I,MIN(;TO.V,V. C. ,;r " - (Strt dm to PctrmTt'i ld tlanJA ' " '.. BOW Orctpj !(, t CLOTHING ST(inEr: I H S ' ,xr,tca" '" gftuJe for tha wry bkerai Q9 ratrnnaaMtmdh6 Lin !te paat year, aiid bope by aftlct altrntum M Pnsilie, tr mertl a rnraUriiantt of tr tamer MWfUldC4 S,r aKrjibon of the itixi 'ej Uf tvrr afjjk j'snd also vtrlety of Light bondsj li'm uomrntv,lub trrt,ftixtt MUrd Pot Wtit. .Of efrry vartatsVvIc an 4 p.ftHni, now on. bandaflj" fa ' f'c on , .viralde tt riS as fin be iaurdod. W 1 ,ir aisivr.uuui.9 vt ' tho nnwt priiwd "nl hivu.fiiLl ) nmrto,aawtll B tb,a)rfaunBod!iirr, teW ; ere: iapnatrjMfsj . . -;-r'CA'SHIiMERfEi vX' ' rlf fce MAtB TO fijllwtobllwfac h amf wirt.ma.i.iike Butitntr.'ar f irttilatwjrt rfof trnfy'ln'tbsTOWN bat in the suort nutKWi fto-j)iiefi(re a (oiwtatawtt ,tl, anv in ,..u... ftl itnU . I I , .A., . :. .. . f : V. VU;H7CK:? fVUiaRilNlSnip.iT"" m..1""" Htt vftjuid etill partiotiln mk-nlibrV fb hia""',. wherP gntfettrt itrriv'njf lit tow wammij in himjedi aleout", ea.i U fiirml',n) with iVry stylo rf yarrrtent, mule ana trimmed tn -every cpe&uuaj nirna isada tomdurj at punwalj.,' mv pHtrfl. t v r V - -' '"wt., tfuoi 5 f,aO ( S 10,00.. y f - . - ' 'Taiit , . U to , 3,0O.. . of every ytmcty, tvte and rltiat(ly a few , down f &ILK drXwbks fc fcU'C.RtfinTS well vnmiiy the; Holies f fjn''m vram,'whlchwilt uaaotd attlte folhiwing U7v, jrinsLi,,rrolbJl)ioJiCiitO)w, .jjnen-bi-nsj iTojlafroin io( vts..tajt ftfio. ," " v In Mldiliou ti Jthi i ihe; . -n' -n . comprisiiiff most . T.cntiuuiT sssiirfmont of- Scarfs,. Cravats, H'clkwchiefs, Jiirtii, ' "Dosdms, Collars, "Ilo.sier);, ' t . " x and Suspenders.. . -1 ,;HATS! KATGH HATS!!!-', Rummer Hate orevery stylo and qunTity, for aale elieap v afti "tistale? Hats ftom 12J eta. to f aV " ' ' Country Morchanti an be supplied wiuj j'ratiirj-made Cloitung.. lliis, &ccheiiir thao they ; ever et bavs been M-ldat. ' 4 . , W 7,.I.M-'I,f.BMS ftT DOIO BI'SISMIIh TllOHO wliOBSfS been mthe habit of payinj,tllrlal pwi(!f(iIIy,il retjulN v, uu r, mnnu m mrec mouuis, i imve to pay eaan for the nrtkh and rrlliticit long lay out of the nioMry. ' V, R. rTP,f0ri having art to. w-inain with me jliTUBsh thcf .itrl, all bnim.n UuiasucMd by. bint (0 me, will be euutid'rt'd tlie same as by mjself. , ' , AprirSth, U46. .r ' ." f " 'orto-tf; - ('HAS; BARH "v iSfONf INf E-4 bin bnainrw'at hiij old etan.1 in JlaiUt arxeo, oetween Trout ami Meeoail. where- w woiiM call tlie attention of,, the cjiiamrf of WikrunUMi and the aurrouuuing cH.ntrjr, to bi lara nnrf wt-Hsr lectod sbxkof : Sprinsoiul Summer to thing:, got up under .us uwasiifcntebrliftoc;(preily' jot tho fuutbem .market.. These garineljts are made by nxpericmw e l workmen, and warranted for tltiriiUlity and fastnuiaoi jpolravj eqnal to any fliat have ever leen oflcred in this nr any other place. Persona in want of such articles ax arv usually found in a . ' , f -',);'; 4" - Merchant Tailoring 'Establishment, Will find It n p;raf saving- to call and examine fot them elic be fore purcbasuig elsewhere-v . r , . . v le haa aiao a lorse nssortincnt of uncut goods, stub ss English, French Ati'Syclgian " ' .' 1 r il ; ' - , j CASS IME RES, wbieli hi, lnrpisfrpd fA tn'tt itrt f rf, ?l. Mmm nklinf and warrant, a perfect FIT -or bS 0 ft.A LE. Oentlemen -I ceming in. and wantingr. cUtbes Oiada by exer wwief d workmen, Vill find it 'xj their .advantage. t6 fiv a call, , In aduthnrii w h is obi foci bTf ' - ne n.is fivieil a spienilKl sworli-afint of Clilrfl DRiiSI m.d FKO;K CtAT-, mode f tb fihoft yreuih, IV Sthnb imI Aner can C'!i the. and Cat lit tf.S IMTRHT fs'if,r,!i fovfhr. "--mli. tn -,irlft. Ho b,v also a p!ii-1 did variety of I'" nVvc-t t.tlcof Sprina; and "RiRqnrer , VWATrcOATINqV ALSO, abcTnUifiiT aiviriitienof I'rcj'ch Eng'jsh and -Amerkal f.ur ami pis .1 . , ,f , CASSfMF.RE PANTS. " ; -'T"j' Affentirtfy fi'wslylft of Summer r f- fittcli ind' nittfttws ;oats ' ' suited for the tbcrhIIA ik.' VPirotta Trjiiijr'iaf to rM-rtlrrf tn a5erttic( aiwflrplcaC call am) thrr owrf jti'Vmrnt. ' f ", I'nini'lorr, N, O., ifarch 2fth, 1840, A 3.13-tf. HashionabieJuatt cr, f JIu;lctt,Jitrtct;JtilintBgton,vAfC.t "M iT8irOLTLU wwpect fully Mil tb attention ? of the. etti- VV' zenrof V iliiinc;tfin and V'lulnity lobia large and eiegnjl assnrtw.'n! of jrr ,tV.b VHATS'AtfD dAPS;-'--. FOll PUiiX G ct.fsUMM BR i. olaiu and loten PALM LEAP HAT", rnJ f jn eerv ntvleansl lbtv, and will bfro!d C Iicapcr than can 'be fcund elewkre. - a ' '. 5 1 '.? Also, a neral aaaurtmentei .kx; Hur ttps,. Bonnets, .Walking Canes,"' Hat . Bruslic., Trnrcllmgr list Cases, fcc. &e. ' 'which aro ofTereil' at whokato: or fcfiiil, at jpricea that - cnrtnotfail to gie satUftjon. -" ' Country Merchants, Plasters, and alt others are ilfvitej to rail and sxaftimc for,thfmA!vw'. at the airrofthe ! - '13IG hat; ' Xarth mU of Matkot 6trceti"VVIruirijloo, K- i 1 flti, it4r - 7 an Inspector's Noticed ; , , .. ,''1 rpHEjandersisitied.riavina; been appomlcd one of the X.'JM'VCTOrji( A.4 Mi A'J'pftfii; and f.fcr "YlSlOMS for the liuspuetioii District adiiiiimg Wilium? bai, temlers hfs services to the public. Totus friends and the publiaaeoerally, be promise sniii ievdtiew Ho the biiiinowof bis oHWe, and hope by b constant attentient I la tlie lutarflsta of ihnas tiiho, nitiy i-fxil Ibcri-f Itss of laba X-." services, tu secure ( share of tlie patfonasje ot the publio. I 9 ir. JAMES AvBUNTlNG. I March 18th, 1840. 357-tf. i i I , ...' , . ' f o a . . " v . Apvk'h;, i ''.nn7..: Ifreaftcradirtiscn,( nts . , -i " iC'Haofcir'isttthefolioVririrak: r or t squats, I jnAcTtion Jt- ' - - - ":; . ' ,.. i '. 3, V , .'aj -I mcrnhr. I.C: J.: 1 , t e . 4 J' 'is J M 1 . .M It l M ,4' H. 6 ". ; -; f-'.w '4,C . M t i vj- year. V -V.-, r. v t.041 xwTwelT Lnes Of less ill' bet eounW ss i sqtui. rsrts of sijuare sonnies' in proportion.- ' " ? CoBtrtots will be- toade' by .tbe 'rtA, either Tot rrroajier advertisements t in b foptiorT ot tbe advetu'set, in-Jor $ej ssertibrj of bv ' .ew -f" !boT8 1f1BMd wnsideriDj m , TIME for which Jvertiseinonts will bt kepibrfm. !.. t'WCH LOWER v than thiwe of any paper now pblihf; or iter poS. liaM fa Wtlminsponf wltcb drconistahe: in eon. WUNrKY,winrTtthrndbnnjteilsrincre4a . - 'jteMNGv;v. , tto the former extensiTe rorfety of Trie irrrOII " PRIXTJNQ, many bw b i.w have lately been s4 ded, together vsiA JOB BESS, so, that" tho Ciiaosjqj.g OrrtcB W weirprepsreal to 4o work in as eoori srris. as. BBntBiwotstttlind as tqW if no( a !iutfc LOWER than ''an v other .iabtkm. W AXCTiaN1JILLS; : LABELS, , ,V. r CAJtDS, r LITARV-NOTJCES,,- ClCCULAflS, PAMPHLET,'"- - v "rt CATALOG U ES,. .v; POSTING BILtS, -r CON DEBT BII4-S,- BflCElPTS, ' ' HAN1 JIILLS, . SHOW BILLS, ' ' ' m sboyt, eerry, itttripiim of PLAIN and FANCY PRINTING will be executed-tn aDsoit WAji , enrl M aflokT n'vnrf. " "Tj" t j ' . Constantly on band and for gale CHEAP) awiy ons HCSlDI different sorts of BLANKS.'embTseimr' ' LthosfMtsed hy Merchinta, Clerks of Conr Sheriffs." iwHiuisra, vuaipnj. noose;. uiJicersMwyersv-lBj apectora, Mill ti Officers, iie, Ve.'; ,y s ' To the FrlendK of Dunuusfty. ' ' - THE PHILANTHRQflST; TitQ title of a serxu-rnonihly- sheet, propose4l'tol . issued in, Wiliriinon,N. C., at tlie low price of ONE DOLLAR a yer,. payable, on,th receipt of Ukj first number, tt .iNTEMf-KRANcB, tliesjcat enerpy tn prosperity oxA happiness, is exertmfa wide mitiieruyihnragtt, our; tho voiralrj-. - It is a 0Row)w erjl, and i dan IyT't1cstroying fe-i.rK,"V)sa"y twthjruj of th toMTonf a of thousand ofthe human family, not withshnding tlie eflbrta that hare, been made, ami arp 5ttll beinif maJi?, lowarda its suppression. 0m, prineipbj reason why this great evil is stiil permits toil (0 oxist io an alarming extent, is, that tlie exer tion of tliQ friends of the Temjranoe cause hw been confined, principally . o cities and .tovn, wliilo vifjatti-s and tho country at lanre are' alm'nai. entirely neglected, A cheap temperance newspain tier, could not, rt is presumed, fad, of soeees. the way of oatronagB y and if extenjely. drto , latcd, would doubtless prove barrier, ht.no imall dejrreei itJ,.the.pro(fresaof inebriation ttasTRg m oun succcMfuUythe pctisworthy infoiw of the friewls of .Temiwance, which could not bee accpmplishcd in any .other f ay., .Tliis tion, besides proving tr . 'aj" r A Vot to the Clroijieller, , and, the isjrraceful habits of dronkenneaw, w51, al the same time, afford a yariety f trthar anattBt of on important nature. . ?i ',jt v $ In North Carolina, no paper of- this deMtei-'mz at present exists (altbough proposal haTe L -t recently H issued,, for the purptse,).1 owing, ut doubV to tlie fact -that the influence, nemserwi . ta piomoto the euceess of work of this kind, hai beerj cmHed,- . Aa anxious appeal k made to th frie,nls of. the cause generally, to use their trtraostr enueavorj to givfineurageiitent to. this publica-t fioir, : The. first number of the FurUsTunormt will make its appearance a soon as 400 subseri-i hiirs can b6 obtained,, which can be done if etery" -4 '", hillilraitial person would . feel a sufficient interest . i' it tlie rausc of Temperance to wort himself.. The J piuWMpRotisT will .bo: printed on a Medimttf sheet, m Newspaper form, Bo as to afford a pri-f flcge 0 Advt.btiers. ,- V.a ' .' ".Persons disposed to patronize this work, are re quededto forward ilicir names to WihningtoB, b t tiiait or otherwise, by tl. first o Angtut next, ivuW dressed to tlie Editor of the FhianthrovUt" i ' llfiitors'of Newspapers throoghefut the (State, f V wiapieasQ jrivc tne aoove a tew - insertions, witlv ' some few additional remark of their own, by fj$ of recommendation. -' .-, - ' r'rit ."WiJmiiigUMi, May, J846".".' x J f-a .r , 1 ;t., ;;-',lt?;,l;l v ; i - - ESTABti&HMENT.fc r t fHS suhscribera would inform" the, citizens. of.Wit I ' - minorton and the sunrounilina-country, that he ha opened in the tor recrotly occupied by Mr. P. M. Lue" aiuV arid now receiving a large and well Selected stuck - Loorisisting to part of French, English, and American f 'Blue, 'Black and Fancy" - - ln.i.MA nit XL ilinv. r 1 '"v..r ' 'AlunVaa. excellent assortment of , : .. t4. HEADY-IADE CL0TG11TG. 1 .Among wluch, are every variety and style tf Dresa, Frock ...... . .. 1 ,r . . I, . r t and iaelc uoaia, 1 anw bbhi rsc an oi. wrucn weie go tan fenfor m V AVTI direction at the North. eXDrrssIv tbv tha ' Soothert m-ukef. " i( . ' 77r: ovrirmsu department has been selected with great care, and eonasleof tjilk, Linen and Cottfia "8HIRT9 and DRAWEK3, ,Clovea !ucpendeT Linen Bosoms and Collar, Cravats, Stocky Ilandkerehiefa and Neck Ties, and every mother ajfiela' ua)l' kept in hia Ima, alt of which will Be saTrrtxl IiOWEK'than haa ever betore been offered in this oniric t k for CASH. - 8AM UEL BOYD COi . N. B.Tb Cutting Department ill be cvnducted by ' MR-THOMAS D. BELL, " who flatters hunierf. frota loiia; experience, M aenrtaK ten tion to bwioess; to be abta to pvt rneral aaUsfactiok, J May 20th, 846. , r . , J66-Iy $UGA1L ! 4: June i7tn, 1545. ; novir, OTr ' L i

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