Ml illy Un Li wlVJ vL' . T """i Vol. XII: No. 14. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1850. Whole No. 583. WOJIHIGTOH CHRONICLE i Published every Wednesday Morning. A. A. BROWN Editor. OFFICE ON FRONT STREET, NEXT SOUTH Or THE BANK OF CAPS FEAR. t TERMS. The price of this paper n Two Dollars ahd Fittt cents per annum, payable in advance. If not paid within nnn tnnnih aftpr liharrihtnrr. or after the t- irinning of a new subscription year, Three Dollars wm do cnargea, anu u nui pom umu ui ti ejires, three Dollars and run cun ww oe P"No paper will be discontinue J until all arrear ages are paid, unless tne taiior may mum proper. ETLefters to the Editor on business connected with his paper must be post-paid, Rates of Advertising. Tot 1 square, 1 insertion? - - - - m j . i - 1 " 3 " 1,00 "1 1 month - 1.25 4i 2 3,25 it I it 3 " ... ... 3,00 u 1 j,tt 4 ...... 4,00 v it I t 6 " ....... 5,00 tt i t i year 8,00 Turolvn tinea nr 1ms will be counted as a sciuare - Advertisements not having the number of insertions desired marked on them, will be published one . i i- i tear, ana cnargea accordingly. Contracts will be made by the tear, either for permanent advertisements or to be renewed at the option of the advertiser, and for the insertion of bus iness cards, on terms the mest advantageous. 90 50 JOSEPH B. RUSSELL, (Late of the firm ol Russell & Kenrlriek,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, North Water Stieet, Parsley's buildings, : WILMINGTON, N. C. June5lh. 577-tf. SAVAGE & MEARES, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOUTH-WATER STREET, (Third door below Market street,) WILMINGTON, N. C. EDWARD SAVAGE, GASTON MEARES. March 5th. . 5C4-lyr. Wm. II. LIPPITT, DrUGOIBT AND CHEMIST. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Window Glass, Shop ltmiture. Pukfcmeut , Fascv Ahticiks; Statiohsht ; Oaii iik d Flows Skf.iia. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at any hour of the night by calling at his DRUG STORE, where will always be found some one ready to wait on persons. N. E. Corner of Front and Market Street. Wilmington, Oct. 31st. 1849. 546-tf. JOSEPH R.JBLOSSOM, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Cash advances madii.on consignments to me, or to my friends ii New York. Oct. 31st. 546-lt. "JTwIlkin SO N & CO., CONFECTIONARY. d?ruit, 'NuW, Eojjt, $tinc$ article, " PERrUMERV, SOAPS, SKOAR8, , Wholesale and Retail. iWtmt Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. Uih. 545-ly. BARRY, BRYANT & ADAMS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 18th... 531-'f- . & xv. "a. owykh, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IS CABINET FURNITURE., In all iti .Varieties. Bedsteads, Cots, Mattresses, Looking Glasses, fec, &c, Front Street, Ncnr Market, Wilmington, N. C. SKORIIK llVtil. WM- A- "WISH. , M,iy 23d. 633-tf. GEORGE S. GILLESPIE, CONTINUES THE aanJYCY nusr.VEss. AND WILL MAKE LIBERAL CASH ADVAN CES ON ALL CONSIGNMENTS OF Timber. Lumber, Naval Stores, Ac. Wilminston, N. C.July 28th. 1845. 334-tf. JOHN C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT. WILMINGTON, N.C. November 1 0th, 1816 3!)l-tf. MARTIN & CRONLY, AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 3d, 1848. 490-tf. J GEORGE W. DAVIS, CoimnlMSlon & Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N O. Aoaust29. 1848. Mi-il LEIGIITON, CIIADBOURIV V Co., General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. G. F. D. LEIGHTON, J AS. H. OHADBOURN, GEO. HOOPER. J ia. 2d. 85&-tf- SCOTT, KEEN & CO-, MERCHANT TAILORS, AND DEALERS IN MARKET. STKriilir, WILMINGTON, N. C. Bee. 19th. ,. 553-lyr. PINE OIL. A PURE ARTICLE cin b obtained at the store of & P. anytime, ind will be delivered to customers, by aty man, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Warranted good, or money returned. A. IfVANBOKKELEN. Liberal discounts to'those who wish to sell again. Sept. 86tb. " &' . ; ? 541-tf. GLUE 80 bhla. choice, far Spirit Barrel uae, just received and for sale by - B.ARRY, BRYANT t, ADAMS. June 19th. ' ' 1 ' ' M-tf. T. C. WORTH, COMMISSION. AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, WILMINGTON N. C. Feb. 27th. 5G3-ly.. J. E. TOOMER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, NORTH WATER STREET, i. WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 13th. 561-lyr. JOSEPH H. PLANNER, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 14th, 1849. 648-lr. TEETH! TEETH!! TEETH!!! Cleanied, Plugged, Regulated, Extracted, and Inserted on I'itvti and Guld Plate, by " J . E . K E A , Dentist. AT his operating Room, East of Carolina Hotel, corn er of Second an l Market Street, nheie he invites al who have decayed Teeth, Scurvy, offensive breath, odon talgia, or any oMhe catalogue of IrouMea which the or gan! ol mastication are heir to. All operations warrant ed to give satisfaction, or the money returned. Nov. Htli, 1849. 518-tyr. JOHN A. STANLY, CENEltAL COHMISSIOIV .MEUeilANT, NORTH WATER STREET, n WILMINGTON, N. C. April 3d. 5G8-lyr. KtSL&BB & QBHtri;-- GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTE JttAJTVFJICTVRERS, No. g. 9, and 1 1, Eetaw Street, Bait., Md. The PIANOS made at this Establishment are not sufn. passed ly any in the Country for beauty of style, delicacy of touch, and power and quality ol tone. $y Wholesale dealers furnished on the most hvotable terms. Sept. 2Cth. 541-lyr. NOTII!E. The Subscribers have this day entered 4nlo Co-partiierallip, under the firm of MARTIN V CRONLY, for the transaction of a General Commis sion and Agency business, at the late stand ofCronly, Walker Hall. A.' MARTIN. M. CRONLY. Oct. 4th. 490-tf BEACH'S CELEBRATED MEDICINES. flHE Subscriber has been appointed Ai;ent in Wil li mington fur the sale of Dr. Beach's celebrated Med icines, and alio his Medical works; and has now on hand at the Book Store as follows. Da. W. Bkacu's Amkricas Piucthe, or Fumily Physician, &c Beach's Pile Electuary, " A ntt-Uilious Family Physic, " A nti-Dy speptic Pills, 14 Hepatic or Liver Pills, " Rheumatic Pills, " Anodyne Pills, " Anti-Bilious Pill, Coitgh Pills, " Female Pills, " Vep;ctal)le Emetic, " Irritating Plaster, " Black or Healing Salve, " Brown Ointment, " Compound I Ilmus Powder, " Pulmonury Powder, " Alterative Powder, " Restorative Wine Bitters, (Powder,) " Worm Powder, " Fever and A j;ue Powder, ' ComHsition for steaming, ifc. " Piilmoriary Syrup, " Alterative Syrup. " Meliorative Wine Bitters, " Rheuiimtic Liquid, " Diuretic Drops, " Kipeetorant and Anti-Spasmodic Drojis, " Cough Drops, " Sudorific Tincture, ' " Neutralizing Mixture, " Diaphon-tic Powders, " Catarrh Powders, " Nervous Pills. L. II. PIERCE. August 9lh, 1818. 482-lf. J. T. SCIIONWALD, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Murphy't Innldinffn, 2d dour from the corner of Vr'uues and Water streets, Surth side. WOULD lender his thanks to the citizens of Wilming ton and the surrounding country, for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, and reacctrully informs the public that he still keeps on hand a large ami freshstock of BOTANIC MEDICINES, of his own manufacture, of purely vegetable composition; These medicines arc universally known to possess vittuethnt have never been excelled by anv series cf medicines ever olleied to the pub lie. They are effectual remedies for consumption, coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, cholera, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, cholic, gravels, liver and Rpleen com plaints, dyspepsia, rheumatism, sick headach, piles, ner vous diseases, worms, tetter, and nil diseases of the skin, itch, scrofula, all kinds of fever, Ac, &c. Also, on hand and for sale at manufacturer's prices, Rinehardt's patent glass pad double and single lever TRUSS tor Hernia. Wilmington, Sept. 1st. 4 3 -tf. PLOWS, Just received, 30 No. 10 Plows; 80 No. 14 kM 20 No. 11 do. , ALEX. McRAE, Jr. . MsyS2d. . TWf. Restoration and Preservation of the HAIR, by M. WISE & SON, of Virginia. A CARD. IT WISE fe SOIV, finding it altogether impossible . to stterd personally to the great number of daily applications, from all sections of the Union, for their rem edy for Baldness, and for their celebrated HAIR TONIC, have found it necessary to apioiiit a General Travelling Agent, to visit different cities and towns throughout the United States, vesting him with authority to appoint suh agents, to use and vend the Hair Tonic, and to apply the Restorative, and to put them into the hands of those he may appoint to operate wherever a sufficient number of patients in any town or ncighltorhood shall be obtained. Capt. Gun hoe Cauvubt, of Fauquier county, Va., is alone authorized to act as Ucnoral Travelling Agent, with the powers above indicated. Capt. C. may be expected to visit, as speedily as prac ticable, the principal cities and towns of the Union. N. B. Capt. Calvert will always have on hand a full supply of the Hair Tonic, (which cleanses the head of dandruff, strengthens and invigorates the hair, and pre vents il, also, from falling off,) for the region of country most contiguous to his operations or it may always be ob tained, at wholesale, ird forwarded to any part of the U nion, by addressing the proprietors, M. WISE ( SON, Richmond, Va. a Price $9 per dozen cash. Six bottles for $5 or illar single bottle. Jan. 33d. 558-tf. - SHIRT ESTABLISHMENT. ONE of the most extensive in the United States, No. 179 Baltimore st., where SOU persons, art employed, and a stock of 1000 dozen of shirts always on hand ; style and qualities suitable for all parts of the Union. Merchants and others visiting Baltimore are invited to call and examine the largest snd best assortment of shirts that has ever been offered in this city, consisting of all sizes and qualities, for Men snd Boys, which, for style and workmanship, cannot be sur passed. More than usual effort has been made to render the assortment otSa i bts, Comas, LnrxsJ & Cottos Daiwias. complete and desirable in every respect. . ' r T. W. BETTON, 1 79 Baltimore street, near Light March 87th. ' : , , MT-lyr. VALUABLE PROPERTY v FOR SALE. : m it nriv. iWairmir House in ths South Eastern .jfl part oLJha Town, aiwljisttng eery convenience UM LOti Will M SOIQ UIWU lau re.. jw mm aMtmyrtus Institute. MEDICAL DEPARTMENTS THE Regular course of Lecture in this Institute will commence on the First of November, and continue untii the last of February. The As torn ical Department will be opened and ready to receive students by the First tf October. The Medical Department will be under the direction of the following Professor : Z. FatsxAS, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. R. S. Nisttok, M. D.. Professor of Surgery. H. J. Hciei, M. D, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. W. Bird Powsm.M. D., Professor of Physiolojy, Pathology, Mineralogy, and Geology. J. Kisb.M. D., professor of Materia Medics, Thera peutics and Medical Jurisprudence. J. Milto Sas dibs, A. M. M. D., Profcor of Chem istry and Pharmacy. J. A. Wnaon.M. D Professor of Obstetrics and Dis eases of Women snd Children. - CLINIQUE LECTURERS. Minims Prof. II. J. H.lcx. SuKosaT-yProf. R. 8. Nswtox. Z. Fhxkmah, M. D. Anatomical Demonsfator. The fee for a full couise of lectures amount to $10B. Each Professor's ticket, t II S. Matriculstor's, $5. De monstrator's Fee, $10. Graduation, )0. Those desiring further information will please add rem their letters (post paid) lothe Dean; and student's arriv ing in the city will please call on him at the Commercial Hotel. R. S. N EWTON, M . D., Dean of the Faculty. LAW DEPARTMENT. Hon. E. W. M. Ki-ig, Profcssot of Theory snd Prac tice of Law. John Dklafieiu, Esq., Profossor of Commercial Juris prudence. Pkhms f 50 per session. All communications pertaining to this department must be addressed to E. W. M. KING, Esq. Memphis. Tenn., March. 18.'0. The Faculties, for intellectual abilities, moral worth and professional acquirements, will compare favorably with the most distinguished in our country. The medical faculty constitutesan anomaly in this or any other coun try all of them are able lecturers and the liestof teacheis. Those who will contemplate our geographical position. and the extent of our population, can have no doubt as to the eligibility of our situation for an enteipriseol'thekiiid. As to health, including all seasons of the year, we deny tbatAST OTHLB OITI MAS MORE. A common error exists in the minds of many students relative to the place of studying medicine; those who in tend practicing among the diseases of tne West and South should certainly educate themselves at a school whose r acuity are practically acquainted wilh tnose ureases. That the public may be satisfied of the permanency of this school , we feel it our duty to stale, that the Trustees and Faculty form arsix in" action, which augurs well for it future success; and (hat the peculiar internal organ ization which connects them, cannot be interrupted. E. W. M. KING, Pres. of the Memphis Ins. March 13th 5C5-tf. i pan ply to ApriJ 7th. W E. A. CU8H1NG. , 670-tf. m marbCe yard AT WILMINGTON, N. C. rpHE subscriber takes this method of informing the iki- JL zens of New Hanover and the surrounding counties that he has established the iilmve business, in all its variety, in the building known as the Carriage RciMsitory, next door to Mrs. Cowan's, on Market street, where he will be constantly receiving from oncof the most extensive man ufactories in Kew Vork, as well as from an establishment in Baltimore, a constant supply of articles in his line con sisting in part of tVUN UA1L.N IS; I'lnin and Box Tombs ; Head and Foot Stones ; Fire Places ; Mantel Pieces; Bureau and Ccnfre Table Tops; Pastry Shibs; Im posing Stones; form Tables; Paint Siones and Mullars; Window and Door Sills and Lintels; In short, every article required, either of Itnlhin, Egyp- tinn, or American Marbles, he is prepared to furnish, at rices that cannot fail to please and in a style of work manship that cannot be surpassed at the .North or else- were. Ho will attend to the delivery anil pulling up oi II jobs that require his attention thereby saving the pur chaser the trouble of employing inexperienced men to put up a job after it has been louglit at tne INnrth; and he lias no hesitation in saying that there will be a net saving ol 20 to 25 percent in buying of him, together with the as surance of having the work sound not running the risk of breaking by shipping from a distance. The public arc respeetlully invited to call and examine tns stock: and judge for themselves. Orders by mail or otherwise, from the country, will lie attended to, and charqes the same as it ordered in person, and instructions implicitly obeyed. S. It. FORD. Agents for Duplin County, at Kcnansville, I. B. & J. J. Kki.i.t. For Sampson County, at Clinton, .1. & W. Joiinsok, with whom all orders cam be left. Agents at Goldsboro', Gregory $ Griswold. May 2-kli, 1818. 471-tf. THE AMERICAN LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY; CHARTER UNLIMITED: Granted January 2d, 1850. CAPITAL $50,000 ! For the Insurance of IIoiisks, Mi lks, Pur.K TIllis, Shekp and Cattlk, of every description, against the com bined risks of FIRE, WATER, ACCIDENTS and DIS EASE. Losses paid in 30 days after proof of death. iiiRECTona: Joseph G. Bowman, John Wise, Hiram Decker, yt. ., Alvin W. Tracy. Isaac Moss, Hon. Abner T. Ellis, George D. Hay, Ab'ni Smith, Hon. Thomas Bishop. JOSEPH G. BOWMAN, Prcs'L B. S. Whitxkv, Scc'y, Wm. Bchtcii, Treasurer. J. G. IlUKIi, Agent. II. R. NIXON, Examiner. The subscriber having been appointed Agent for the above Company, is now prepared to lake risks on live Slock, as Horses, .Mules, Cows, Sheep, Ac., and any in--formation desired in regard to effecting the insurance, will be cheerfully given. J. (. BURR. Wilmington. June 12th, 1850, 578-lyr. LOOKING GLASSES, AT THE N. Y. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. WE have now and intend keeping constantly on hand, a large assortment of Looking and Toilet Glasses. It is our intention to offer Glasses at the lowest possible prices; and have'made arrangements with an Importer in New York, that will enable us to sell them at lower prices than they have ever been offered in this market. 24 U. U. sqr. Glass, from 34, 20 to 82, 13 ; 30 " " top " " 30, 12 to 17, 10 ; 68 Glasses, various sizes, 14, 10 to 10, 8 ; 20 Toilets, " 4 superior French Plates ; 6 ' " " Gilt frames. G. & W. A. GWVER. May 1st. 572-tf. CARRIAGES. (lORNER of Princess and Third Street, opposite H. ' R. Nixon's Livery Stable, Wilmington, N. C. The subscriber is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of Carriages of the latest and most approved style, which he will sell low for cash, or approved paper. 1 ho public generally are invited to examine, before purchasing else where. All work warranted one year. Particular attention paid to the repairing of all kinds of vehicles. Wm. J. CORNWALL. t April 17th. 570-tf. 1 DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the name and firm of G, & W. A. Gwyer. expired on the 14th inst. by Its own ujiitatios. The business of the firm will be settled by either of the Partners! All per sons having claims against the firm are requested to pre sent Ibem for settlement. And all persons indebted to the finq by note or boolr; account are lequested to settle the same when bills are presented. O. OWYEH. c Wm. A. GWVER - May ioth, v - ' . ,. 674-tf. T U4 .YAJtJU'ABjIOTJyiiit Jietweta Uarketjnd I i. Princess Street, will be sold cheap. Apply to - - - E. A. GUSHING. April 1 71b, .- MM LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, Chronic or Nervous Debility. Disesss of the Kidneys, and all disease arising from a dis ordered Liver or Mjmsch, inward Pile. Fullnes, of IMovd to the bead. Acidity of the Stomach, Nsur, iiesn-ourn, Uisgust for Food, rullneas, or weight in tt Stomach, Sour eructations. Sinking or Fluttering st th pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the head. Hurried snd difficult breathing. Fluttering st the heart, Choking or lutfiraling sensations when in a lying posture, Dimnes or vision, Dot or web before the siehL Fev snd dull nsin In the head. Deficiency ot perspiration, Yellowihnes of ine sum ami eyes, fain in the aide, Bsrk and chert, Limb), Ac, Sudden ilushe of best. Burning in the flesh, Con stant imagining of evil, and grest depression of spirits, can be ellmully cured by UK. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GEI1MAN BITTER 8, sbisasio st DR. C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, 120 Arch Street. Philadelphia. , Tlteir power onr the abort disepue it rud txetllcdif rquuucaoy any other preparation in the United States, as the cures alent in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attentioafof invslid. Possessing great vittues in the rectification of disease of the Liver and leaser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and allection ef the digestive ergans, they are withal, safe, certain, and pleasant. KsAn aid at cosvisckd. Chas. Robinson, Esq., Easlon, Md., in a letter to Dr. Jackson, January 10, 1850, said "My wife and myself have received more benefit from your medicine than any other we have ever taken for the Dyspepsia and Liver disease. "The Tenth Legion," published at Woodstock. Va.. January 10, 1850, said "A f seat MKnict!n.' "We have uniformly refrain ed from recommending to the public any of the various Patent medicines of the day. unless thoroughly convinced of their value. Among those we consider worthy of no tice is the German Hitters, invented by Dr. Hoojtund, and prepared by Dr. Jackson in Philadelphia. One in stance in particular, in which the superior virtues 'of this medicine baa been tested, has fallen under our observa tion. During the last summer, a son of Mr. hraham Cratiill. of I Inn county, was very seriously airlifted with Liver Complaint, and after trying in vain various remi- dies, he purchased a bottle of the (litters, and after using it, was so much relieved of his distressing malady, that he proeuicd another bottle, and is restored entirely to neaitn. READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. From "The Weldon Herald," published st Wcldon, N. C, January 24, 1850, which said "Patkst MiDtcir.s." It is very seldom that we make any allusion to Patent medicines, either approving or otherwise. Unfortunately for the country, and for hon est and conseientous inventors and venders ol these med icines, the land is becoming flooded with quack prepara tions, that arc made alone tor profit and aic lit not even for the dogs. In this stale of things it is hard to tell which arc not worth having, If a person gets an indif crerit medicine the first time he purchases, he is very apt to condemn the whole of them and buy no more, and in ventors must blame those of Uieir number, (who iguorant ly combine plain medicines together for the purpose of making money,) for the ill success which attends the ef forts of the deserving." "e believe that Dr. C. M. Jackson's 'Hoofland V German Bitters' to be a most excellent medicine, and one that should be highly popular ih: these days of Temper ance; for they are altogether Vegetable in their coinjiosi tion, without one drop of Alcoholic Spirits in them. ThU meuicineis innocent, uut strengthening in iticltects, and richly deserving of an unbounded popularity, which, when it Incomes known, it will no doubt fully enjoy." MUKE EVIDENCE. The "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," is the best family newspaper published in the United Stales.- The editor saysof Da. H JOFLANU'S German Bitters: "Itissel- dom that wo recommend what are termed Patent medi cines to the confidence and patronage of our readers ; and, therefore, when we recommend Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, we wish to be distinctly understood that wo arc riot sneaking of the nostrums of the day, that arc noised about for a brief period and then forgotten after it has done its guilty race of mischief, but of a medicinolong es tablished, universally prized, and which has met the hear ty approval of the faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) from .all sections of the Union, the last three years, and tie strongest Icslimtmij in its favor, is, that there is more of it used in the practice of the regular Pliy syciansof Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, a fact thai can easily be established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet wilh their quiet approval when presented even in this form. 1 liat this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dys pepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver; itisprefera- nie 10 caiomei in an umous diseases the cllect is immedi ate. They can be administered to femalo or infant with safety and reliable benefit at any time. Ubwaiib ok Cou.vrii nr kits. This medicine has at tained that high character which is necessary for all med icines to attain to induce counterfeiters to put lortli a spu rious article at the risk of the lives of those who aro in nocently deceived. Look well to the mara of the genuine. They have the written signature of C. M. Jackson upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale, Wholsale and Retail, al the German medicine atore, No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth, (late of 278 Race Stieet.) Philadelphia, and by respectable deal ers generally throughout the country. 570-tf. March 27th, 1850. RACING SUIISCRIPTION' OFFICE, 1!) Park Place, New York. fTHK Proprietors lier to announce, that thev hive mien- i . j i X ed Classes for Sweepstakes, upon the system which has obtained a large share of the public support in En gland and elsewhere, by extending as it does to the public at large, the interest otherwise felt by only a few in Kaciku Ev'K.vrs, and enabling all, whether conversant with sport ing matters or not, to participate in the chance of gaining a Large sum, ny the result of proportionally a Small Kink : As will be seen by Ihe subjoined Scheme, the subscrilier in Class E, may for ONE DOLLAR, gjin 5,)U0.( The Sweepstakes now open consist of five Classes for the Great Yorkshire Stakes, to be run at York, (England) 23d August, 1850164 Horses entered. FIRST HOUSE, f50,)00. a o S o o 3 A, 2,'H)0 f 50.00 $5(1,000 $25,000 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 B, 2,000 25,00 25,000 12,500 5,000 5,0110 2,5fl(r C, 5.000 10,00 25,000 12.500 5.000 5.000 2,500 D, 5.000 5,00 12,500 6,250 2,500 2,500 1,250 E, 10000 1,00 5,000 2,500 1,000 1,000 500 The drawing of this Swccp.dake will take place public ly on the 23d day of August, 1850, the day on which the race will be run the place and hour being duly announced bv advertisement ; when the name of all the horses enter ed will be allotted amongst the sulwcribers in each class, , and on the 20th day of September next, by which time the result of the race will be known, the Prizes will be dis tributed ; the holder of the name of the winning horse in Class A, receiving a Prize of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, that of the second, Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, &c, &c., in accordance with the above Scheme. A commission of 10 percent to cover expenses will be deducted on payment of all prizes. Any further information required, will be attorned of the Secretary, Mr. William ISarroll, at the office as above lb whom all applications for Agencies and other commu nications are to be addressed post-paid, and all remittances either by bill or note to be made, in return for whlchnum- bered Uertilicates will be forwarded as directed. Lists of Horses entered for tho above, and all other ra ces of importance may be seen, together with Schemes for Sweepstakes, in the forthcoming St. 1-eger, &c cVc June 26th, 1850. 580-2m. A Green one iold. The publishers of a well known periodical in Hoston, have placed in front of their office, in jhe Tremont atreet, i vey handsome sign-board upon which is emblazoned the words, MLITTEL MTI50 40E," A greenhorn, fresh caught came to the city to look at the "gloriooe Fourth" chanced to be passing towards the Common, when hi attention waa arrested by the above cabalistic syllable. Upon one siJeof Broomfield atreet he aaw the big sitm, upon the other the word uMuseum.n "Wall, said he to himself, "Pre hearn tell of them museums, but ft 'living age,' big or little, must be one of the curiosities we read about. He stepped quietly across the atreet, and wi ping his face approached one of the windows in which were displayed several loose copies of the work. He-read upon the covera"I.ittePs Liv ing Age," and upon a card "Popular Magazine only one of its kind in the country cVc. "Magazine! wall, thai beats thunder all tc smash! J'vc hearn abaout paouder magazines, an'nll that wall, I reckon 1 II see the critter, en ny how!" and thus determined, he cautiously approached the door. . A young man stood in the entrance. When does it opes?" asked the countryman. What, air?" What time docs it begin?" "What?" "The show." "What show?" "Why, that are this," continued our inno cent friend, pointing tip to the sign. The young man evidently supposed the stran ger insane and turning on his heel walked into the office. "Wall, I tlunno 'baout that feller, much but reckon I hav'nt cum a hundred miles to ho fool ed I ain't, and I'm goin' to see the critter sure." "Hello! I say, Mr. Wat's name, there, door keeper? Hel-'o" 1 A clerk stepped to the door at once and inquir ed the man's business. "Wot do I want? Why I want to sco the an imal, lhat's all." "What animal?" "Why this critter" "I don't understand you, sir."' v "Wall, you don't look as ef you could nndcr stand nobody enny how. Jcs send the door keapcrycrc." By this time a crowd had collected in and about the doorway, and the green 'un let off something like the following. "That chap as went in fust thar ain't nobody, ef he has got as waller tailed coat on. My mon ey's as good as hia'n, and it's a free country to day. This young man ain't to be fooled easy, now, I tell you. 1 cum down jf see the Fourth, I've seen the elephant, and now I'm bound to see this critter. Hello, there, mister!" As no one replied to him, however, he ventur ed again into the oflicc, with the crowd at his heels, and addressing one of (lie attendants, ho in quired "What's the price, nabur?" "The price of what, sir?" "Of the show." "There's no show here" "No show! What'n the thunder do you leave the sign out for then?" "What do you want to sec?" sakl another gen tleman. "Why, I want to'sce the animal." "The animal?" "Yes the critter." "I really do not understand, sir." "Why, yes yer dew. I mean the wot's name out there" pointing to the door, "Where?" "Hav'nt you got a sign over the door, of a lit tie livin', sunithin hereabout." "Littel's Living Age." "That's the critter them's um trot him aout, nabor, yerc's yer putty." Having discovered that he was right, (as he supposed) he hopped about and got near the door airain. Pending the conversation, some rascally wag in the crowd, had contrived to attach a hall-dozen of lighted fire-crackers to the skirt of ourgrrcn friend's coat, and as he stood in (he attitude of pas sing as he supposed to the door-keeper's quarter crack, bang! went the fireworks, and at the same instant a loafer sang out at the lop of his lungs "Look out! the critter's loose?" Perhaps the countryman didn't leave a wide wake behind in .that crowd, and may be he didn't astonish the multitude along Collonade Row, as he dashed towards the Common with his smo-, king coat tail streaming in the wind. Our victim struck a bee-line for the Providence depot, reaching it just as the cars were ready to start. The crowd arrived as the train got tinder way, and the last we saw of the "unfortunate, he was seated at a window whistling most vocif erously at the engine to hurry it on. Boston Alias. " A BEatiTwct Lrm Stoit. A tew weeks since in coming down rhe North rirrr I seated in the cabin of the magnificent steal, er Isaac Newton, in conversation with sc-ne fiknd. Il was becoming late in the evening, and one af ter another seeking repose from the cares tad toil of the day made preparations to retire to their berths. Some, pulling off their boots ami coats, lay the mselvei.down Jp rest $ . H ihr at- tempt to make itseem much h'. : 3 rjow; sible. threw off more of ibeir cloUiiiijZ each one as their comfort or sppreheiuioa of danger dicta ted. - . . I had noticed on deck a line lookinf boy, ? about six years of age, fbllowmf romxi s) maa. evidently his father, whose appearance indicated him to be a . foreigner, probably a German a. man of medium height, and respectable drew. " ; ' The child waa unusually fair and fine-looking:, handsomely-featured, with a intelligent and af fectionate expression of eonatenanee; and from ' under his German cap, fell chesout hair, in thick clustering curls. s : ' - - ' . '',"''' After walking about the cabia for awhile, the father and son stopped within a few feet of where, we were sealed, and began preparations forgoing' to bed. I watched them. The father adjusted and arranged the bed iffe child waa to occupy, which was an upper berth, while the little fellow was undressing himself. Having finished this, his father tied a handkerchief around his head, to protect his curls which looked as if the sooHghr from his young happy heart alwaya rested there This done I looked for him to seek bis resting place: but instead of this, he quietly kneeled down . upon the floor, pat his little hands together so beautifully childlike and simple, resting his arras on the lower berth, against which he knelt, hat began his vesper prayer. . v The father sat by his side, and waited the con clusion. It was, for a child, a long prayer, but well understood. . I could hear the murmuring . of his sweet voice, but could not distinguish the Lwords he spoke,' .There were men around him Christian men retiring to rest without prayer; or if praying at all, a kind of mental desire for Crotection, without sufficient courage or piety to :tcel down in a steamboat's cabin, and before' strangers, acknowledge the goodness) of God,"$r ask his protecting love. ' 1 his was the training of some pious mother.. Where was she nowl How fAany time had her kind hand been laid on the sunny, locks, a r she had taught him to lisp his pnryera. ,.,xr if A beautiful sight it was, that child al prayer in the midst of the busy, thoughtless throng. . He, alone, of this worldly multitude, draws nigh, tot heaven. I thank the parental love that taught him to lisp his evening prayer, whether Catholic or Protestant, whether dead or alive, whether, far off or nigh. I eould scarce refrain from weep- ing then, nor can I now, as I see again that sweet child, in the crowded tumult of a steamboat's cab in, bending in devotion before his maker. But a little while before, I saw a crowd of ad miring listeners gathering about a company o j Italian singers in the upper saloon mother and ' her two sons, with voice, and harp, and violin; but no one cared for die child at prayer. v"- W hen the little boy had finished his evening devotion, he arose and kissed his father most aA fectionately, who pat him into hie berth to teat for the night. licit a strong desire te speak for them but deferred it till morning. When morn ing came, the eonfusion of landing prevented me from seeing them again. But, if ever I meet thai boy in his happy youth, in his anxious manhood, in his declining years, I'll thank him for thai in fluence and example of that night's devotion, and bless the name of the mother that taught him. 1 Scarcely any passing incident of my lite ever made a deeper impression upon my mind I went to my room, and thanked uod that I had witnessed it, and for its influence on my heart. Who prays on a steamboat! Who train "their children to pray, even at home! Horn' JaUr nal. . - ' ALEXANDER'S PATENT ARTIFICIAL LEECH ES. The artificial Leeeh have been adopted in all the hoxpiuls, public institutions, in the Navy snd Army, ind by all the mct eminent practitioners every where where they l)sve been introduced. For sale by ' , Wm. H. LIPPITT. L Druggist & Chemist. May 29th - . . . ; - " 570-UV SULPII. QUININE. f OUNCES Fan's Sulpk Quinine, jiul re ceived snd tot sal trv "" 111 1 " " ' tf J" II I.IPI'l'I'T 1 n, ... v.. . . . , Druggiet Si Chemut. I Julv 17th. . w! 6M.-lf. The Chevalier Bayard. When his mother was told that her youngest son was on bis horse impatient to be gone, descending from the tower of the castle, whither she had retired to weep bitter tears for his departure, she thus addressed and commanded of him three things; the first was "to love God above all things, and recommend himself night and morning to God, and serve hirn without offending him in any way, if it might be possible." The second thing was "to be courteous to all men, castingaway pride; neith er to slander or lie, nor be a tale-bearer, and to be temperate and loyal." The third was "that he should be charitable, and share with tlie poor whatever gifts God should bestow upon him." These were commands which he implicitly obey ed: and for his observance of them he waa in debted for a title far above that of prince or no ble, that of "the knight without fear and without reproach. I rom bov to man he was beloved and respected for his courtesy, bravery, benevo lence, invincible integrity, and piety. Francis the First would receive the honor of knighthood from no hands but his. . Being once asked what possessions a man had best leave to his son, Bay ard replied, "Such as are least exposed to the power of time or human force, wisdom and vir tue." Being mortally wounded in a battle in which the enemy were commanded by the Duke of Bourbon, the Chevalier Bayard caused himself to be placed against a tree. In this situation, calmly wailing for death, he was found by the Duke, who expressed sorrow for hia fate. "Pi ty not me," said the Chevalier, "1 die in the dis charge of my duty; but pity those who fight against their country ana ttictr oath. . XosortiWEZLaAlMpi'sJlAssAinaa in Pittsburg has been fined bv the Mayor l,02i for squeezing a young ladv s hand. As Arab Test Scese. The following we extract from Urquhart's travels in Spain and Morocco, a woik recently published by Harper ii Brothers: - . "The chief lady of the douar wae too busy' for ceremony; she left that department to her husband. She was first lieutenant. But one evening, as we were returning to the douar she signified that she had something to say, and eou ducting me into the tent, made me ait down and herself opposite, said' Christian, since the wives and daughters of your country's shieks neither cook nor weave, nor make butter, nor look after the guests, or sheep, what do they doI" Having already avowed that the greatest sluek in, the English country had not in his tent, or in bis house, a spindle or loom, I explained how our ladies occupied themselves. She shook her heat! and said ' It is not good;' but added, after, a pause. ' Are your women happier than we V I answered, ' Neither of you would take the life7 of ihe other; but when I tell my country women about you they will be glad to hear, and they whT not say, 'It is not good.' 'Christian, she said, what will you tell pi me ?' I answered, I wilL say I have seen the wife of an Arab hiek,"and the mistress of an Arab tent, such as we read of in the writings of old, such are the models held up loour young maidens; such as we listen to' only in songs, or see in dreams. Had a voice spoken front the earth,,! could not have been more startled. It waa nature say ing to art What is thy worth ! What do wt know of the happiness and the uses that belong to the drudgeries of life ? Our harvest is of the briars and thorns, of a spirit uneasy and over- wrought. Here are no changes in progress no classes that hate and why ? The household works. There is no subdivision of labor the household, not the man, is the mint of the State' Takixo a Ride. At Bordentown, N. J., he other day the managers of the railroad to Trenton were put to a nonplus. The locomotive which waa to carry the morning train to Trenton, was mis sed, and could be no where found. The engineer was compelled to get another, with which he went to Trenton, where he found the runawsr. It seems that some time during the night an insane fellow, had gone to the engine, made a are, took in water, greased the machinery, and then set off on an excursion f his own down the road. . II passed all the stations at a flying pace, and did not atop until he had reached Trenton, where ha said that he only wanted to see how fast he could make the thing go. That he escaped destruction is almost miraculous. ."- . ;?,v':' ! ' " ' ' . ' ' Mrs.1 Baldwin, the last surviving child of the . UonoraWeBojerhermanJhe aigner .of the Declaration of Independence, died at New Ha ven, on the 23d, aged 85. - ' '