jj iiiidiwijii J VJjJ U Wll Vol. XII: No. 25. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOIJER 23, 1850. Whole No. 597. Published every Wednesday Morning. A. A.'nnOWX Editor. OFFICE ON FRONT STREET, NEXT SOUTH OF THE BAMK OF TAfK rcxa. The price of this paper is Two Dollars and'Futt ctMTt per annum, payable t adv vsct. If not paid within one month after subscribing, ot after the be giniiiug of a new subscription year, Thukb Dollars will lie charged, and if not' paid until tho year expire, Thrfb Dolum ssv Futt ckxts will Ul "j'-J charted;? ., ' ted ta Bi -mv -.11 1 1 ,..;n..o.l nntil all amtaVt B1 age am paid, unless the Editor may think proper. 17 Letter to the, Editor on business connected with hitt paper must post-paid. , , ( , . It ale of 'Advert Mng. Foi I iiwre, 1 insertion " " 50 ' i 1 " 1 J it t month tt - 3 44 . I tear 1,00 1,25 2,25 3,00 5,00 S,00 JOSEPH II. FLANNICK, General Commission Merchant, W ILMlXttTON, n. c. Sot. 14th. 1819. 548-1 tr. f EETIlTtE KT H ! ! TE ETH! ! ! Clean ted, Plugged, Herniated, Extracted, ami Itutrttd 0HPitvtfandGutdPhte.bg J . E. K E A', Dentist. A T his operating Room, Cant of Carolina Hotel, com V erof Second ami Market Street, whet he invites at who hac derived Teeth, Scurvy, offensive breath, odon talgia, or any ot' the catalogue pf trouliles which the or- I uuslicalion are heir to. All operation warrant ee satisfaction, or the money returned. No. Hlh, 1849. 518-tyr. Twelve linos' or less will be counted a a square. Advertisement not having the number of insertions desired marked on them, will be published one ykar, and charged accordingly. . Contracts will be made by the Yeui, either for permanent advertisements or to be renewed at the option of the advertiser, and for the insertion of bcs i.stss cam,' on teirms the most udvantageowy JOSEPH B. RUSSELL, x (Lite of tho firmot Rnssoll & Kendrick.) UKXEKAL COMMISSION MBliCHAM1, v North Water Street, Parsley's buildings, WILMINGTON N. C. June 5th. "-tf- SAVAGE & M EAIIES, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , SOUTH-WATER STREET, (Third door below Market street.) WILMINGTON, N. C EDWAIID SiVACC. CASTO MtAREf. March 5ih. S64'lyr;.- WM; H. MPPITT, DRtWtsT and Chemist. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Drug, C'temicals, Paint, Oils, Due tuffs, Patent Medicines, Window Glass, lifi) Furniture,. rr'ViiBrtir'i'F"Vi:i V'tricLKt ; -ti ris-isai ; ! na ! Fi.owkii Rrrns. Prescriptions accurately compounded. Medicine can be obtained at anv hour of the niyht by calling at hi- DRUG SI'ORI' where will always be found some one ready to wail on persons. N. Corner of Front and Market Street. , Wilmington, Oct. 3 1st. IS 19. SW-U J O SE Pint. B L OSS O M , General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON. N. C Cash advances made o consignments to me ' J- 1 .T V -l- my.iru'iHisii e iur. (Kt. 31st. CO., or to 546-11. J. WILKINSON & CONFECTIONARY. ftult, "Kitt. ep, t'f!f' PERVUMKRV, SOAPS, SKOARS, &C., Wholesale and Retail. ilinrlict Street, W ILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 24th. 548-1 y. BARKY, BRYANT & ADAMS COMMISSION mV.RCII A NTS, 53 1 -if. WILMINGTON, N. C. Jutv IHlh. TTOTI!B. The Kuhsrriliert have this da entered JK into Co-partnership, under the firm of MARTIN' CKONLY.tbr the transuction of a lieneraLCprnmis ion and Agenry buainess, at Ihe lata stand of Cronly, Walker Hall. A. MARTIN. M. CRONLY. Oct. 4th. 490 tf . THE AMERICAN LIVE STOCK INSURANCE CQMPJ UNLIMITED: Granted January 2d, 1850. . -CAPITAL' $50,1)00! ' For the Insurance of Homkes, Mclks, Paizu lU'its, Snr.ie and Uattis, of every description, against theeom t.ine.l riftksuf FIRB, tVATBK, ACCIDENTS and DIS EASE. Losses paid in 3u days after pruof of death. iiintcru: John Wie, Alvin W. Tracy, Hon. Aimer T. Ellis, Ali'm Smith, Hon. Tliomns l)ih(ip. JOSEPH G. BOWMAN, Pre.'t. D. 8. WniTSf.r, Sec'y, H i, Bvktcii, Treasurer. J. U. BURK, Agent. II. R. NIXON, Examiner. I'he subscriber having hcen ppiinted Agent for the aliove t'onipnny, is now prepared to take n on live Stork, ss Horses. Mules, Cows, Sheep. ke., snd any in formation desired in regard to clfeclirig tlie insurance, will lie rheerfully givFH, J. (!. UL'RK. Wilinmgtnn. JuiiPnISIIi, lSall. o8-iyr. Joseph G. Bowman, Hiram Decker, ji.n., Isaac .Mass, George D, Hay. clion of the follow- 513-tf. U. St w. a. (avvi R, lUNI'FAcrilliKUfl AND DI.A1.1US t CAM V E T ' U 11 NIT V II h , In all Ita Varieties. Bedsteads, Cots, Mattresses, Looking Glasses, Front Street. Near Market, Wilmington, N. ', iissis uwtun. Mav 2Sd. GEOKC.E S. GILLESPIE, COSTINUKS THE .fwever iivsrvuss AND WILL MAKE LIBERAL CASH ADVAN CES ON ALL CONSIGNMENTS OF Timber, lumber. Naval Stores WilmiMiiwn. N-CJuly SStli.. IS45, tVc. 324-t f. JOHN C. LATTA. C OMMISS1 ON ME It C II A NT, AND GENERAL AGENT. ' WILMINGTON, N.C Noteinher 10th, 1346 391'tf- T. M VRTIN & CRONLY, '.mmrmSEERSn namnssiON MERCHANTS-, AND GENERAL AGENTS. Wilrafngton, N. C, Oct SdraiJitr. ommlHMlon & Forwarding Merchant, WILJttSOTOX, N V. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY', R A L E I G iKi N . C . rffflHE strove Company has in tiecn operation siace the . J 1st of April last, under the din inn Oinecrs. via : ' lr. Unas. ti. Jonnson, i reauiern, Win. D. Haywood, Vice President. Jsmes P. Jordan, Secretary, Win. H. Jones. Ticasurrr, Pcrrin Uusl'ce, Attorney, n Xv" i, V.u C Medital Hoard of Dr'.IMJ.HVyoori; S nmltulwn. J. HcrMiian, General Agent. This Company has received a charter giving ndvanta ties to ihe inaurtd over ...any. other Company. The 5ih Seel ion gives ihe Husliaml Hie privilege to insure his own life for tlie sole use ot his VV ife ami Child en, free from any chums ol the representatives of the husband or any of iris creditors. !lrKaiiizi-d on purely mi'ti al principles, the life inein-In-rs purliripate in ihe whole of the profits which arc de clared annuallv. Besides, the application for life, when the annual premium is over 3ll, may pay one hail in a Note. A i: claims fur insiiiance against the Company will be p.iid wiihm ninety days after prool of the death of the jutrtv is furnished. Haves are insured for one or five yesrs, at rates which will eiMble Slaveholders to eccurethis class ol property ugninst ihe uncertainty of life. Slaves insurance .presents a hew and interesting feature in the history of North Carolina, which will prove impor tant to the Souihern Mutes. Tho last four months operation of this Company buw a very largo amount of business mor thsn llus Uiree-, tor cjcctcd to do tlie first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. VI Cnminunitiiiions on business of ihe Company should l- aildrcsstd to JAS. F. JO It DAN. Sec'y. iialeich. Dee. 24ili. 1819. !M-lyr. BE AC H'SCELEBilATEI)TlEI)ICIN ES. 1 II I'i -'ul'si-rihrr has been appointed Agent in W'il t iiiiugton for Ihe sale of Dr. Beach's celebrated Med icines, and also his Medical works; and has now on hand at the Book Store as follow s. Du. V. Hkich's Ai'-HirAM raCTicr., or Family i'hysicisn.' A'c. Beach's Pile Electuary , Anti-Bilious Family Physic, " nti-Dvspeplic Pills. " Hepatic nr Liver Pills, " Rheumatic Pills, " Anodyna Pills, " Anti-lliltous Pills, " Cot-gh Pills, " Feuiule Pills. " Vegetable Emetic, " Irritating Plaster, ' Black or Healing Salve, " Brown Ointment, ' Compound I'lmus Powder, ' Pulmonary Powder, ' Alterative Powder, " Hestomtie Wine Uillers, (Powder,) ' Worm Powder, " Fever and Ague Powder, ' Composition lor steaming, .e. Pulmonary Syrup, " Alterative Syrup, " Restorative Wine Bittcr, " Rheumatic Litpiid, Diuretic Drops, " llxpcetorant and Antf-Spasmodic Drops, " Couh Drops, Sudorific Tincture, " Npatndizino; Mixture, " Diaphoretic Powders, " Citarrh Powders, " Nervous Pills, L. H. PIERCE. August 9th. 184H. 482-tf. A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS TO BE SOLDI 'I'HERChaajtt been received atMAYEK'SCHEAP 1 S TORE, on Market Street, near tl rier, (th. old sta'.d,) a very large general aisorlnient of Coods ft the Fall ar.d Wi'VTka'iraile, all of which will ! sold at the usual low prices of thai Store. Como and see my Stock before buying. The slock eoiwists in part of blue and blark French Cloth; Ribbed, Plain and Fancy Cassinierr.; I'lsul Mixed and other Satinets; 9ilk. Valencia and Satin Vrs tings; Blue and Mixed hentucky Jeans; Best Woolen Linseys; Brown and bleached PbirTths and Sheetings; Striped, Fisured and Plain Silks, Ae. Ace. Ac. Cashmere, Thibet, and IVnoltn Shaurh) I i "A large assortment of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, Consisting of the Finent, Weas ed. Plain, Figured, Blue, Black and Brown Br.vvna otkr Coats. Fine hhas and black French Cloth Dasss, Funcs., and Sacs. . CotTs. Plain. Plait), Blue, Blsrk and Fancy Cassimere. Doeskin. Casinet and Satinet Pants, of all sixes and qualities.. rigured. Plain. BJtck, Satin, Velvet, Cloth and Valencia Vests. Cloaks of kinds. . A GREAT VARIETY OF HATiVCAPS. BONNETS, &c. A large assortment of Veiiitian ami Ingrain Cash-tub TAwka, jOokin-iilasss, VVirnlowr cortainst TAKE NOTICE. I will oupplv Planters, Tor thrir slaves arid servants, with Bouts, Shoes, blankets. Socks, Hats, and Caps at the lowest Philailrlphia and New York prices. Citizens snd Planters well do well to cull and examine my stock of the above nameJ floods, which I will sell VV holcsale and Retail, at the lowest prices. JOSEPH MAYER, Next above Amlci son's old stand, Markrt Street, Sept. 19th. 510-tf. PROSPECTUS OF THE Yorlh. Carolina Telegraph. ' P1IE paper fuvoral'l; known to lha eominuiuly inidcf JL the title mentioned above, has been transferred from the hands of its present editor, to those of the individ ual whose name appears at the foot of this proKpectus, snd will be issued under his auspices Irom and alter Ihe ?lh of Novenil er next Its name and politics will under go no change. As it has been, it will continue to he, an advocate and expounder of the doctrines of Ihe Whig Parly, and a firm and faithful defendei of the Rights and Honor of the Soulh. As a Y hig Press, it will be deci ded, yet liberal, extending to those who entertain a differ ent oliiical faith, that courtesy, which it will expect in retarn ; and as a Southern prpss, while it will stand al ways ready, like the sentinel upon the watch tower, to give the alarm, and arouse to action in times of difficulty and of danger, will still cherish an aJlectionale attach ment to the Union, and will desert it only, when it can be no longer picserved, with safety or honor. It will advocate the doctrine of.non-iiiterventlin by Congress, with reference to Slavery in Ihe Territories, both because its opjiosite is unconstitutional, and tiecause it is the only principle which will, in future, save the South, and prevent those evils, which have distu'bed and are now disturbing, the peace of our country. legurding the nation as a whole, with a community of feelihg and interest, it would favor a tariff for revenue, willi incidental protection to American industry. But while theKorth isarrayed against lire South,- and the un happy disseiisums which now divide us remain unhealed, it will oppose protsction, in sny form, w ith all the power which it mav oo8: It has bee.i tliouaht necessary to specify this much. with reference to the ujrVat topics which have lately enga ged so much of public attention. In regard to other mat ters, suffice it losjy that it Will, as staled ulsivc.be found acting with the hotly of the grfcat vV big Par y. It will lie the ell'ort ol the editor. In reiidet his sheet as interesting and attractive as any within the limits of the Slate ; an object w, ich he hopes he wull be ah!c to com pass, since from hi location, GoldsboroUgh, he will pos sess advantages for ihe early dissemination f news which no other place in Eastern Carolina can furnish. and since, lor the fairer portion ol his readers, he will not loret lo cull many a (lower from the fields of History, Poesy and r icllon. The Telceraiih will be issued on Thursday of each week, at Two Dollars per annum, if paid in advance; two dollars and fifty cents utter the expiration ot three months, and three dollars al tlie end ot the year. Postmasters, and persons lo wuumlhis Pros-dus is sent, ure requesied to set as agents; anil all so acting and lorwardine the names ol six subscriliers, shall le ciiMiieu to a eonv ol the naucr. Those forwarding three names shall receive a copy at the rate, of one dollar. Address UfclJ. v.nii.u.Mi, Editor and Proprietor. Ooldsboro', N. C. Papers friendly lo the enterprise w ill please cpv. Oct 16th. " ftGlf- .U(pistt9. It42. 174-tf. LLIUIITOX, t II 1 UHOUIt S Co., General Commission .Merchants, WILMINGTON, N, O. O. P. B. 1.F.IGHTOV, JS. H. CHADBOURN. GEO. HOOPER. , , 55&-lf, Jin. ad. . SCOTT, KEEIf& CO MERCHANT TAILORS. . s AND DEALERS IN fsaxtTD?" iklh win WttvvAs .NUAe ttoU.ng. MARKET STREET, MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS DYE-STL FFS, Pssri'insi, liver Asnrtis, Pt.vt Msaicmsa. 'J HE sul'srnhrr has just rrturiieil Irom the North A with a bra and fresh slock of articles in hia line, Irrted with rem care, frni tlx first importers and manufac turers in the .Northern cities, li.t h he oilers at the lowest prices, and warrants every krlkkMo 'je ol tb best quality, eurwiatuig in part ; tium Cumphnr, Pow'd Rliubarb, Seidlilx anil Soil Powth-rs, Brrin da and An.crKan Arrow Root, Ex't Jal ap, Ex't (.'nloeynih compound, Calrinetl and t'srb. Msg. nesis, t'asl..r Oil, Culirl -npaiva sml 8arpirills Ca sules, Cunfrrt'ry Senna, Enwry, Pervisn Baik, Shop Furniture, Vials Corks, 4c, Ac. UHEMICALs.Caloinel, Sulph. Quinl.ie, Sulidi. and Act. Morphine, Syrup Iodide ol Iron, Strychnine, Iodides of Mercury, Sulphur, Lead, Iron, Lactate of Iron, Citrate of Iron, Citrate ot Iron and Quinine, Elaterium, Aconi tine,oVe..cie. , 1 PA I. NTs, O LS. DYE-STL'FFf, GLASS While Lead. Pure. Extra ami .No. I Putty, Window Glass, by 10, 10 Ly 12, IS by 14, III by 15. It by IS. 13 by 18. II by 17, Madder. Indigo, Calls, Venetian Bed, Spanish Brown, logwood. Chrome Grren ami Yellow, dry snd in 011, Linseed and Train Oils, Whale and Sperm Oils. Paint Bruahea, Saah Pools, Badger Hair Blenders, Var nish Brushes, Hahle Artist Tools. 4c. FO R PASTRY.- Roper's IsinglastPres1onsE x'ts Lemon, CinRamon, Vanilla, Rose. Nutmeg, Rose water English snd American, PrestnnVi Celebrated Yeast Pow-ih-r, Ckivea, Peper, Mustard Seed, Ginger, A (spire, .Nnt mrit. Cinnamon, Sweet Oil, &c. PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES. French. German and American Cologne, Lubin's Ex'is, very large assortment; nmialic Vinesar. tiuerlmn's, llonselV. Hsuers ljaving Creain. Lubin's Toilet Soap, AO dozen ssortedTancy Soaps, 2 tloi, French, English, and A mrrican Hair 'Brushes, 50 dot. assorted Tooth llrudies, 6 dux. Shiving Brushes, 6 dox. Nail Brushes, Mditarv Shaving Soap, Hat nnd Cloth Brushes. Toilet Powders Meen Fun, Prepared Chalk in balls, white and pink, Ala baster Powder, Lip Salve, Cold Cream, Essence Bouquet, Jenny Lind Hair (iloss. Sealing Wax, Toilet bottles, a large ortmenl;Gdiz. Barry's Tricopherous, 8 doz. Pl.a lon's Invigoratin, I laud's Eau lustral French, Engli-h, and American Pomatum, Oil of Rose, Powiler, PhiT Boxes, CachtHi Aromatise, Indian Rubber Balls, Salt Bottle-, Ivory ami Buffalo Fine Combs, Horn and Buffalo dress ing Comb, Tooth Picks. Bear snd Macassar i ils. Indeli ble Ink, Dupuy's Liquid Sokler.&c-de. Forssleby Wm. H. LIPPITT, Druggist and Chemist. Oct. 9lh. J 5Mll' ASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL COLLEGE. The Medical Lectures sf Hanvaho Cxivkssitt will commence at the MasHSchusetts Medical Collgee in Boston, on the first Wednesday in November. Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence, by W alter ('tun ning, M. D. Materia Medica and Clinical Medicine, by Jacob Bigc low, M. D. Theorv and Practice of Medicine. by John Ware, M. D. Pathological Anatomy, by J"hu It. S. Jackson, M. I). Anatomy and Physiology, by Oliver VV. Holmes, M. D. Principles and Operations of Surgery, by Henry J. Bige low. M.D. Chemistry, by E. N. Horsfonl, M. D. Clinical Lectures at tho Mansachusetts General Hospi tal three times a week, by the professor of Clinical Med i ine ami of Surgeiy. SurKksl operalions are very nu merous, performed weekly in the presence of the class in the operating theatre. The site and effectual practice of etherization is lauehl m this School. Pratiical Anatomy sa.npiV provuletl lor ny mo mow uoerai arraiigeioenis. I'lie anatomical museum is one of the largest and richest in the Coiled Mates. and hasa fund of r,()illlfiritB increase. I'he Eye and Ear Infirmary and other charities are open to si intents. Fees for the whole course, $80, Matriculation. 3 Dissecting Ticket, $5. llo-pilal and Library gratuitous. A descriptive pamphlet mav lie had by application, post paid, to David Clapp, Printer, corner of Vashii,gtnn ninl ranklin streets, Boston. The Tremont-Street School, for private pupils, having II tlie advautaiic of the Hospital, Dissecting Room, nnd of daily recitations throughout the year on the branches .f medical science, is conducted ny t'rs. Ulgciow, oiorer. Jackson, Holmes, and H. J. Higt low, four ot whom are Physicians ano Surgeons of the Hospital. Boslon,Sept. I lib. S3 lf. J. M. ROBINSON, Wholesale Dealer, in Hardware, Iron, and Stoves, aTS now receiviua his Fall sunidv of Cooking, Parlor. Store, Office, and hip Stoves. A Iso, a large stock ol GUNS, some fine English Stub and Twist, worth fifty dollar. He has on hand, and desians keeping constantly a large im-it nf the fottowinrr articles, viz: Hoop Iron, Truss Hoops, Iron Rivets, and Coopers' Tools generally; Mi S.nva. mnnofactured exnresslv for this market; Smilhi lellhws. V ces ami Anvils; Nulls anil opines. extra qua. ilv : Camenteis' Tool", sll kinds ; Saddlers' Pools; Shoe makers' Kits. Bo t Trees, and l,asls ; Guilt Cornice Curtain Bands and Pins, the latter a new and pretty tartwliV Tho who are building will find every article in his line, of the best quality, and at lower prices than heretofore. i...,ir .ll,.ara will liurl here all aoods in the Hard ware linei at such prices a will supersede tlie necessity of going North for them. J. M. UtMM A"UA, No. 3 Frout-streel, W'ilminton. N.C. Sept.SSth. NOTICE. ''PHE subscrilier having opened an office for the trans A. action of a general collecting business, snd also for the sale and rent of Real Estate ami Negroes, pledge binisell failhlullv snd promptly to execute any business entrusted to him, and solicits ihe patronage of the business communitv of W ilnnncton and Ihe nuldic genera, ly. Office in the Suoerior ('ourt Clerk's room. Court house. E. A. Cl'SIIING. djE. A. C. is ageut for the N. V. Nautilus Life In alliance Company. April 3d. RfisMf. A Movrtyay of c iINtlns; nrcrallsi Thrre i no riaH of people for whom the countrymen of ihe Southern Slates hare so prenl a dislike as those wearing fine clothes, and there jjn?."0rt,r-ay of bte,min! unpopular iih them than by going among them fasliionaldy dressed. This aversion extended ss far bark i the Urrolutinnarj '.War, as the following incident will show: During the Revolution, a Capt. E , mem ber of one of llit? first families of Charleston, hav ing lost in a skirmish most of his men, 'went to the interior of South Carolina fur the purpose of nliating recruit?. Having appointed n rendez vous, he spent a day or two in looking around tho country. At the time anil place appointed, be found a large number assembled, not one of whom would enlist. After several hours, spent to no purpose he appointed a rendezvous for the next day, and left the grptind. Next day camo and with it the same crowd hut lie met with no mote success than before. What roultl be the matter? It was tlie first time during the war that a recruiting officer had been entirely unsuecesa ful. Something must he w rong, and lie deter mined to know w hat it was. - Calling fiiie of the rustics aside, he asked: "Why, Is tt'ttiat I get no recruits?" "You don't think," answered the countryman. "that we are goin' to 'list under such a man as ymt aj?- You are dressed ..too fine to bo much of a lighter." In those days knee breeches and silk stockiucs were fashionable, and the Captain was dressed in that style; there lay his unpopularity. He turn ed to lite countryman; anil said: "So you object to my dress do you? Very well. Come here to morrow, and JahaJT Jiavc recruits." Next day the same crowd had assembled, an xious to know what new idea the dandy captain had got into his head. After the crowd had as sembled, Capt. E. stepped out and said in a clear and distinct voice: ".My friends, I understand that you object to me because I am dressed a littles finer than your selves. You think I am unable to fight on that account. Now I wish to make a proposition to you. I will whip as many of veil as will come out, one at a time, with the understanding that: every man is to enlist after he is whipped. Pick vour men and send them out." After a short consultation, a huge, broad shoul dered fellow came out. The Captain drew o(T his coat very coolly. Ho was large and well made, and a superior boxer. The countryman rushed up, intending to brush r ut the Captain in a few minutes. He mistook his man, however, ami soon measured his length on the grass, A greater bully than the first stepped out to take his place, and soon took his place on the ground. The countrymen stared. They bad no idea that such a man could tight, lie nail, however, enlisted two men, and must not be al- owed to go farther. The bully of the crowd now stepped out lo take the gentleman in hand. Ho was a stout fellow weighing aootit 200 lls. and bragged i hat he never had been whipped. He knew nothing, however, about boxing, and he very soon followed his companions. Never was a crowd so utterly confounded! Three of their best mm whipped by a man from the city! I'hey could hardly realize it, and stood perfectly motionless. , -ISh "Well, mv friends, are you satisfied? I i&f enlisted three ol your best men; I suppose you have no obiectinn now to lollow llieir example: "Not a hit of it," responded one of the crowd, .... , , , . i e ii "you II do to tieto.oir. leiiow. i,omeniys,iaii m. They did so, anil in a short lime tlie captain bad bis company filled, and oilers of more than he could find room for. Yankee Made. FRESH ARRIVALS, afiRSchr. I,. P. Hmith. ao bbls. of fresh Canal I Flour, (fancy ;) 2!S hall bid, of do. (extra ;) 2 bbl. prime Lard; I dozen kits fine No, painted Pails. Low lor cash at 1 Mackerel ; 2 dozen August list. GEO. H. KELLEV'S. 58H-tf. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP rnillK Conartriershio hcretolore existing unuer rue name J. T. SCIIONWALD, . BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, ,1uryjA ift building, id dour from the turner of Printtt and Vater tlrtet, Knrlh side. WOULD lender his thanks to the citizens of Wilming ton and the surrounding country, for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, and respectfully informs the uuldic. that he still keeps on hsnd a large and fresh stock -rmiTANIC MF.DICINES. of his own manufacture, of pureti vegetable composition. These medicines are universally known to possess vii tuethal have never been excelled by anv series of medicines ever offered to the pub. lie They sre etlectual remedies for consumption, coughs, colds croup, whooping cough, cholera, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, cholic, gravels, liver and spleen com plaints, dyspepsia, rheumatism, sick headach, piles, ner vous diseases, worms, letter, and all diseases of the skin, nil kinds of fever, Ac., &c. A '-sii, on band ami ior saie i iimiiuinviuici puto, Rinehardt's patent glass pan uouuie ou in8iii inn TRUSS for Hernia. Wilmington, Sept. 1st. PO RENT FROM FIRST OCTOIJER riMHKKK Stores in the lire-proof building on Water street, near Mulberry street, at present occupied ny M. Kricton and Geo. Elliott. wit" all necessary Ware houses. Also several well finished offices in the same l.!l.i;n n.,n Wlmrf mrnsr of Water and Mulberrv street, 06 bv about 200 feet. . , ' One Store on Water street, at picsent occupied bv C W. Calhoun. One lire-proof Store, large and well lilted up. near tlie Rail Road Depot, at present occupied by myself. One Wharf, 250 feel liont ami I50-) feet rear, wilh a large Warehouse upon it, on Eagle's Island, opposite town. One Dwelling House, pleasantly situated, on the corner r n,l It-.l CroM ireet. iii cnod repair, with all nnrmanrv out huildinss. at present occupied by J. Nutt I will rent for one, or lease for a term of years, any or all of the above property, with a number ol vacant iois. H . NCI I . sept. 4.h. 522L WILMINGTON, N. C. lec. 19lh. 553-lyr. T. C. WOK, Til, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. ; Feb. 7th. 6fl3-ly. CO MMISSfo NME RCHA NT, AND .GENERAL AGENT, -NORTH WATRjTKKF;r. . WILMINGTON, N. C. revim ' wi-if, Painting is Economy when not PAID TOO HIGH FOR. rrHF. nhacriher is thankful for pat favors, and shoul I i.i, ... h,.. . FEW VtOHK JOIIS'at oresent ; thev , jp. ii.c v - - . - . ;tl l, .lonA on reaannablc terms, and with despatch. I ran he fonnd on Dock street, under Mrs. Beach's Hotel; when absent. Vou will find a slate on the door for direc tions. July 3d. ibe I4ih inst. bv itsowv LiMirtTini. I he business the linn will bc'ettled by cither of the Partners. All per aon iiaving claims against the firm are requested lo pre sent them for settlemefft. ' And all persona indebted to the linn by note or book account ate lequesled lo settle the same when bills are presented. ( (iWYER. Ws, A.GVViER. May lolh. ''-f- FRESH FLOUR FROM NEW WHEAT. 4t BIJI-S. Canal Extra arid Fancy ; 10J lanal r.x T'U tr and Fancy ; IS bbls. Fayetteville Flour, su perfine and ; 4 1-2 Rvc Flour, Extra, low for cash, at Sept. 25th. v 693-11. a. ,. . 1 1 , -. y 1 '"' NOTICE is herelry given that an application will lie made to tho President Director and Company of Ihe Bank of Cape Fvai, at the expiration of three months from the date hereof, for the issue of a new cer'ilicate for Four Shares of the Stock of the said Bank, in the name ol Joim Ecclf-s, deceased, in room of one lost. SAM L T. HAWl.KY,? Emco1w. July 31st. SB.v.lmo. TUBS. I1ROOMS, BUCKETS, ke. aj NESTS of t;etlr Tubs; 2 o. of pain'erl Tulst; S JZ ,lo. of varnished Ktelers; 20 don-n painted Buckets; I odo. Biooms Msortetl: I do. fraya; 1 Bowls; I do. wssn Boards; 5 hair Seives, all low for cah at Oct. 2d. ' dozen woiaien lo. brass, sice!, w ire and GEO. H.KELL E'S. &'H-tf. Takimi the Census. Alvin Richardson, one of the assistant marshals employeil in the western fart of New York in taking the census, communicates to the Oswego Times the follow ing amusing illustration of the facility wilh which a man may be misled by answers that are direct and true, but "nothing else :" t I must now tell you of a joke I bad put on me in the good town of Palermo. I called in at a house early one morning, and saw a young girl whom I took lo be ten or twelve years old. I told her my business, which she took very emd lv. I asked her, "is your father a farmer .'" She answered, "he is. "Is he at home?" "He is." "Is he in the house !" "I suppose he is. Will he lmvc me the information?" "I sup- nose he will." I wailed awhile, and then askeiM "Have you a mother!" "I have." "Is she at home?" "She is.'1 "Will she be in soon?" "Can't say." "Is she gone from home ?" "She is not." Well, 1 saw there was but one room to the bouse, and had got lircd of waiting. I spoke to the girl, sa nig, "Where is your fath er?" The same answer, "he is at home. Well, where is he .'" Same answer, "ho is at home." "Well, where is your mothce?" "Why, at home." "Where in ihe name of common sense is their home 1" "Why, just over on the other street." Feeling rather chagrined, I asked, W ho is the head of this family Me answereu promptly, "Mv husband, sir." "Are ou mar- ried : "Yes. "nave you "u" yiow old are the children '. " l wo "How old is the other?" "Two "How is that?" "Very easy, sir; i" This solved the whole mvs- fine looking boys ; she is ihe youngest-looking mother I ever saw. ll shows how easy a matter it is to be mistaken. Old IT omen of the '?0 Home. What relates to Washington, and the war he led in, can never be tiresome. Here is an inci dent of a visit latclv ro:vde bv Lewis Caylor;! Clark to the "Old 78 Housm iTie tillage 'of- Tappan, and related in tlie editorial tossin of ths - July Knick. Arrived at the "Seventy-Six House, we X amincd iho room where Major Andr was fon- fined, and from which he went forth indie. Om? friend, and the jotter down hereof, were mads happy by present, from the obliging proprieto of the house, of two of the pietoretl rile whicU . compose a frameworlt around tne an place. rocketing these interesting memf tyos of the past, we next repaired lo an old, crumbling, low roofed mansion, once the head-quarter,., of, Geo. Washington. We drew rein at the gate, tnil parsed into a littlo patch ol meadow that lay be- j t ween us and the house. It was about half mown; . the swe ct scented glass lay in swaths around; and .L - l!l:.1.l .',..' J micro uic mower nan sioppcii in ins niiars, uiesr; lay his scythe and whetsinne. Little faith had ' our companion that Old KnicX" eonlt! Jeftfy 4 wield that instrument of "Old Tempos; but sk him now. Ask him if we didn't make the little meadow resound with the cling cling of the whet-' s:one, and then, seizing the sharpened instrument with long, sweeping strokes, lay close cot and clean a swath around that field as he ever saw in 1 his life. There are several things that we can't - do but we can mow! Well, rejoicing in the t glow which that best of all exercise had given, us, wc next repaired to the old house,, It wa more than a hundred years old, and the cry per -souificatioti of decay. We enlersd, ajd were: cordially wplromrd by its occupanis, two elderly t Uidie,-Jio were born in (he house. Nothing 1 could bo in more perfect keeping with the man-1 sion than those two women. One wae nearly ' eighty, and the other turned of tetenty, bot both were most agreably lively for persons so old, and were obligingly communicative. .Many and many a time," said the elder of the two, "in thi very room, has Gen. Washington held me in hir lap. 1 remember it just as well as if it was bat yesterday. He was a most lovely man, (Jen. , Washington wan lovely! Here," she contin-,. tied, going lo a cupboard, "he used to, keep his , things, and here's the very bowl he used lo maker his wine sangaree into; and they used to pass it I,- " ,f . . .1.. rounn itom one omeer o anouier, wneii wrey come to see him. lie seen t good deal of com pany, (ien. Washington did. Vi We pok of Major Andre. "Oh," said the old lad)' "I seen him morc'n fifty times, He was a handsome t man, and ho was a kind man. ,1 teen him the) very morning they took him to the top . of th hill to hang him. Every body felt sorry for him."; - We asked how (en. Washington seemed lr feel on the occasion. "Oh, he must ha' felt dread ful! He walked back'ards and for'ards all that , morning in ibis very room! and I've hearn Pop' Hl.invcli says that be never see him ' feel ao badS afore. He kept looking at his watch every pow-' and then, and was oneasy till Ihe time bed eome,4 ami Major Andre was hung. I seen jiMajor Att-' drc myself when he was a awingin' and 1 seen)' him when he was dug up; and so did yon, too, Polly, didn't you?" The old lady mentioned a circumstance connected with the revolution, ami f with this spot, that struck na as jntereltinjf and,, somewhat instructive. The enemy, it would, seem were in the habit of coming sometimes intov the rich valley of Tappan, and driving off ealrte,; " sheep clc. '"One day Pop Blanvcll'if nigger; boy Jim, hearing some of 'em coming, drove alt - our rattle into the swamp, ana wnen mey comer up he told 'em he hadn't seen no cattle, and axr saved 'em. Pop Blanvelt liked him r ranch fbrs this, that he told him he might have hUt nbertr, but Jim wouldn't: be staved with fcfm more forty years a'ter that." And thu these good old people beguiled an hour with reminiscence of the revolution, to some others of which'' w may have occasion to reler to hereafter' Otrr rido home in the evening was made doubly pleaa-' ant by all that we had seen and heard, and we, re tired to rest to dream ot outer days, ami m , io "times that tried men's souls." v ' Two.' years." years. thev are twins : terv. I ney arc 433-tf. FOR SALE. ... . i . : -.1X1... A PUR of goes Uarnage norses, tnriinKr u ! ness AlM.lV to F. W. 8WANN, ness. rippiyw inHN KVVANN. JulylOlh. M,Hf- rariOWVSF.MlH SAK!JA1-.KIII.A. wairamou fresh, for sale by July 17th. Ws. H. LIPPITT. Druggist 4 Chemist. 683-tf. a VALUABLE LOT lying between Market and A Princess Street, will be sold cheap. Will7lh ' ' ' " "'' IMPORTED London Porter anJ Scotch Ale " X by the cask, dozen, tor saieny n.-. June Sih. - '. . ..." ' Wm. BLANEY. -' 58l-tf. . - . -. . . . n . . nminiiil , T I IT .' ' 1 1 1 I ALEXAWDKK r A 1 LA 1 AKiir n,i.ii,uuui-iij ES. The artificial Leech have been adopted -ii o... i..,.,tl. nnhlic in.iilotion. in Ihe INavv ami III Ull ,11 uuoj-l".-, , -- Arm, ind by all toe m sr. eimneni pracuuonci. where where they have ueen introtiuceu. r oraiiw oj w ji, n. ijirri i i . Druggist St Chemist. May 29th 57C-tf' NORTH CAROLINA. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. mitE uhcriber has been appointed, Agent oi ine 1 NoSTH CiSOLISS MCTCAI IS8ftlSCE CoMrATIT, for Wilmington and vicinity, and is ready to receive ap plications for Insurance. This company is in a ri-u-prosperoua eondilion. The premium notes on hand amount to over Four hundred thousand dollar, and the amount is constantly Increasing. A. A. lltiu vv tv. A.k R2ft.tr. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. at I. A fill P. Dwelllmr House in Ihe South Eistern part of the Town, and hating every convenience CtO.NTANTLY MAM FAUI IIUAU uri quainy Ellierial Oil, at the lowest market pikes, wilh Lamps, Girandole.. t;handalins,c.,by the package,. loten or sin gle one; also, a fresh importation ol Gothic Waiters, Bo hemian Ware, &c, all ol wtnen wm llc "' "'J ' The liado are invited lo call and exsintitclor inetnar ives. J. S, TO I .tin, uaiurnirc-si, opposite Hanovei. Sept. 25th. ' STI I T. CO M I NO. ner Schr. A. J. DE ROSSET. 1 . . r I .lit - ii him l,.i inn Market Heel, zo uo. nesi nm I Tnn. a ., i, Intel Fine Codlish. 6 boxes Tobacco. o iMixes Adamantine tlandle, Scoila t inch and IJ mill Rope. Low lor cash at GEO. II. KELLr.Y S. 59a-tf. uie. Oct 7th. hhds. best t'-uba Molasses; 25 bbls. best do. Molasses; I bbl. Stewart's best Syrup. . 1 . . I'b'O II K b'l .1 V 'M l,ow ior casii ai ... " August 21st. 58-tf. 1 I OL ASSES. Ten iVl J.RESH BEAT R1CB. 1U casks fresh beat and of V sn excelient quality, call and se for yourselves.-- For cash, at July 24th. GEO. H. KELLEY'S. 64-lf. RESH BOX CP'i'Brt upon ih. Lot, wi,l b, add upon T' Jity. low for c..li-.rIEW Fnsh Arrivals per Schr. Chas. Mirfs. ill uu.lui' ir -iivtcww , w ,, -- - . JLU pounds dried Beef? SO boxes best Gun Cpps; 0 , Lag. Flour.extra. Ia.w for cash .1 . The Tkars ok Ovsters. Glancing round this anatomical workshop, we hud, amongst oth er ihims. some orenarations showing the nature " 1 . , n i?...i a . of pearls. Examine them, sml we win nnu mat there are dark and dinifv pearls, just as there arc handsome and ugly men; the dark pearl being found on the dark shell of the fish, the white, brilliant one upon the smooth, inside shell, do ing further in the search, we una mat me smooiii (littering lining, upon which the fish moves, is known as the nwrt, ami mat it is prouueeu y portion of the animal called the mantle; and for explanation sake wo may addfhat gourmands practically know tlie mantle as ui " oyster. W hen living in its glossy house, should any foreign substance nnu its - v. shell to disturb the smmrthness so essential to its ease, the fish coates the offending substance wi h nacre, and a pearl is thus lormeo. . . r i,!f,ct,alittlcglol.e of the smootli. glossy sub slance yielded by the oyster's beard; teltfed or dinarilv to smooth the narrow home to which i : ;. hin.U him. but yielded xa round drops 1119 lliitw , .tti real pearly tears if he is hurt. When a Tildes nroudlv amonir a throng of admi- rcrs, her hair clustering with flearlsqshc ' little Hiohwav Ronaicttv Byr Mistakb. The tot lowing singular adventure is related in ihe French journals : A party of gentlemen met a lewuaysi since for a day's snooting tn tne netgnooinoou -of Moi.terean. The house in which the sports men spent the night was situate half way np a ; declivity overlooking tlie high road Al about ,' two o'clock in the morning, one of the inmates hearing a noise, raised a cry that their vehicle' was slolen. The party was soon astir, and heal ing a noise of wheels, as of a eo&ch going off, seit ed their weapons and rushed onl in pursuit of ihe thieves, whom they soon succeeded bteoniS ing up with, thanks to a croas rot. The first of the party on the spot," immediately teiied ; th horses heads ana stopped ine carnage snor- The people inside ihe carriage itumtdiatcly ban gan to cry "Thieves !" a degree of audacity at which our sportsmen grew exasperated, and cock in.r their runs thev levelled them at the driver. i'he latter personage, to-einer wury oc iuuivht; unls inside ihe carriage were seixed' with terror , .- :. . at this demonstration, ano precipitating inero selves Itom their seats rushed off into c IteighJ hour ing coppice, where they were presently lost sight of. Congratulating themselves on tb re covery of their carriage, ihe sportsmeo rsturned with it in triumph, dead beaten, but swelling with pride at their exploit. It was now" deter mined the carriage should be safely seeared in the coarh house, but was their surprise at fimj iug the place already occupied by their own carriage which the servant bad placed there the night before, without their knowledge. A The cry of -thieves," which Uiey had considered as he height of audacity" on tlie part of the travellers. I was now accounted lor, anu me jniucu. ...u- interrupled in their journey, were we oona jive owners of the carnage which ihey had been Wo Blad to abandon to save their lives, threatened by a band of armed mflSans. The affair was ae rioum'and in or.1. r to avoid the accusation of rob bery on the RepnWie's highway, accompanied with violence and other aggravating ciretimstuv ces, it was deemed expedient before retiring to i I. ik. .tiA.atiad itvlr) lrlnakaBSai r?Stt, 10 EntClv UIJ iimiwnwra a- TTcOItr them of the circumstances ou whioh they relied for their defence. i? i Civilization already begins to enervate the peo ple of the Far West. lst month a piano maito its appearance in Hard Scrabble, while the Unk lord of the "Fighting Bears," who nobly resisted the innovation ol table ciotns, uan ocen cuiuir- ed to strike his colors to a -imKee. .wno u- vcrtiscs "clean plates at every meal. -; As late as 1798 a woman was put to delth at . , . . . I ... .a k. kiiwninav flk haVilliT mill- thinks that her ornaments are products ot pa.n , ,e wt, in ' T", "Smitv. ttio mostunpoei- lilereu neT nusuaim .... ami diseased action, endured by the iral ol hell-figh. Hwekold Word. tefd:

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