V .'' 'film ',? MARINE NEWS, f - PORT OF WILMTNGTfW; C1CT. 13. man WATta ATTKl BAK!:u-::ti::a2!::ntRt:.. 1.25 V. M. :''',' ARRIVED.'"-. ' , J" Oct 11 Schf. Jonas Smith,' Horton, "from New York, to K. W. Brows, with goods for VV. Brown, B, Baxter, A. H. Van BokkeKn, Kelly ft McCeleb, Z. LatrJmer, H. S. Kelly, Sandford ft Smith, J. D. Wllliame, J.Jeasup, J. Brown, E.J.-Hale, Hail Johnaont a A. Brown, J. A W. I Mcdary, 8, P. Gause, W. J.Jove, B. Fianner, W. & J. Blaney, J. A. Slntae. D. Anderaon, R H. Cowan, L. T Hannum, Wm, NeS.a B. Miller, Myera ft Barnurn, Jno. Hall, H. Leote, D. A W. McLaurin, Wrro Prior, J. P. Chambers, J. Utley, J. Dodd. Cooke ft Troy, R. M. Powell & Co., O. W. Davis, R, Pariah A Son. P. M. Luclanl Hart A Polly. G. Potter, Thoa. F. King, W. B. QUes A Co., J. Mulock, NefTA Varner, C. W. Bradley, J. Dawson, Brown & DeRosset, J. D. WU liama, A. Jessup, D..A. Ray & Co., A. Johnson A Co., J. AT. Waddill, H. & E. J. Lilly, Merchant Steam Boat Co., Gillespie ft Robinson, L. M. Sutllff A Co., M. Weston A Co., M. Hislop, James Porter, P. K. Dickinson, and Mrs. 8. T. Cowan. PxsasMana i Messrs. Parish and Waters. Schr. Jos. Lybrand, Teal, from Philadelphia, to J. Mulock, with redze. for W. B. Giles & Co., B. Hallett, H. Nutt, B, Fianner, Hall A. Armstrong, J. A, Worth, Banner ft Crist, Cant M. Burgwin, J. A. Bradford. Phifer ft Yorke, John Brown, J. Stanly, B. Robinson, J. G. ft J. B. Lash, J. J & A. C. Blum, S.T. Hawley, E. Belo J. C. Hunt, W. E. Anderson Keen ft Houston, P. K. Dickin son, Wertleo ft Ellia, S. Teller, F. M. Augustine. Odd Fellow' School, J. & 0. Ellis, R A: King, 8. J. Hinsdale, J. H. Milmore, T. R. Late, J. & J. C Harper, Freidenburg ft Bros., P. M Luclani, Cook ft Troy, Thoa. Campler, and Parks ft Campler. Schr. Melvina, NickersoD, for Baltimore, in bal last, to J. Mulock. CLEARED. Oct. 12. Brig Francis, Savin, for Bajbadoes, with 102,000 feet Lnmber, by G. w:Uvjs. Schr. A. J. Horton, Corson, for New York, with 76,000 ft.' Lumber, 137 Bbls. Turpentine and 20 Bbls. Spirits Turpentine, by G., W. Davis. Schr, John Pnjrh, Capps, toi Jacksonville, with sundries, by G. W. Davis. 13. Schr. Margaret and Elizabeth, Atkins, for New York, with 322 Bbls. Spirits Turpentine, 984 Bbls. Rosin, by Brown fit DeRosset. 14. Schr.'Alarlc Purnell, for New York, with 1100 Bbls. Rosin, 150 Bbls. Spirits Tnrpt., by E. J. Lutterloh Brig Tuscan, King, for Ncwburyport, Mass, with 110,000 ft. steam sawed. Lumber, by E. Dickenson. BOSTON.- -Cleared. Oct. 9. Brlir Electro. Packard. for thisrjorL NEW YORK.-' Arrived. Oct. 7. Schr. L. P. Smith, Young, hence. " " " A. R. Thompson, Ireland, hence. " lone, Hartlck, Newborn. " " " Julia and Nancy, Lewis, -.Newbern. " 8. Brig Wm. J. Jones, Hobart, hence. H " Schr. A. F. Thorn, Sanford, hence. " " S. U Mitchell, Johnson, Nowbern. u Steamer Gov. Dudley. Laughtun,---hence. " Schr. W, Davis, Muich, hence. Cleared. Oct. 7- Schr. Coral, Guthrie, Ncwhcm. " " Ann Maria, Jones, Newborn. " 8. M South Carolinian, Powers,--Newbern. " 44 Alexander, Wroten, Newbern. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. BUTTER 4lb.-20a- BEES WAX-- 24 25 BACON. 7 a 1 Hams V lb. 9 fl Sides 8(0 Shoulders 7J COTTON none CORN Wbu. Bl COFFEE. St Domingo lb a 9 Java 1214 Rio 8 A 81 Laguira 8 A 9 FLOUR. Fayettevtllc V bbl. 5 00 5 60 Canal 6 60 a 7 00 HAY 45 O 60 LUMBER, STEAM MILL. Wide Boards, Plank and Scantling, V M ft. 1130- Floor Boards, V M. ft 116 o - LARD - - 9J LIME 1 00 o - MOLASSES. New Orleans 30 32 Cuba 21 22 MEAL tfbuah. 80fl00 NAVAL STORES. Virgin Dip 2 50 o 2 55 Yellow Dip, 2 45 2 50 8plrlia Turpentine, V gal. 35 Tar V bbl. a 1 50 Pitch V bbL 75 m Rosin, No. 1 nominal bbl. m - - Nos. 2 and 3 Nonilnal) Varnish ygall.- 30 a- PEAS. B. E. Peas None V bu. 65 a RIVER LUMBER. Floor Boards 9 00 Wide Bonl- 6 00 Scantling 400- RICE -V lb - 3J- SUGAR. New Orleans 6! Porto Rico 7 7J W. O. Hhd. rough None " " dresaed None. " " barrel Nominal. Mo 15 R. O. Hhd. rough do. 6 7 dresacd do. 7 A 10 SHINGLES. Common 260 Contract 4 00 A SPIRITS. N. E. Rum 31 A 32 Com. Gin 31 a 32 Whlakey.,.. 24A 25 Apple Brandy- .- 33 A 35 SALT Nona afloat TIMBER B 60 A 7 25 Shipping Umber nominal A REMARKS ON MARKET. In copaequancs of the norm prevailing, but few out door transactions have transpired since our laat, so that ws hav oo change to note. Sales of Turpentine, yarrday.waramadaatttW. Wequota,20l5. TO RENT AT AUCTION. 0 N Thtrraday the 15th lnt, will be rented at Shaw's comer, at 11 o'clock, tba convenient CARPENTER'S SHOP oo Front Street, opposite Mrs. Owen's residence, also, tho HOUSE ON ORANGE STREET next WMt of the Rev. Mr. Hoaklne'a reaidence, on kwa prarloualy rentad out ,. . R. O. RANKIN, Awir. Octl3tkiie4. 83-lt. FLOUR, BUTTER CHEESE. JCST Ptnirvd, p Schr. Jon SmiA, 400 Bbla, and Half Bbla, Canal Flour, Battw. and Cbm. Fovsaieay . . B. PETERSON. OetllMft. ' I - ON WIURF. At rWYiLACXV Prim Cypres 8hlngle, , W.VAW JistLamUd. North River Brkka, 'in quaatlUea, to nit parchaMr. - . R. W. BROWN. Oct 13. t C8 GREAT ; ATTRACTION ! rpiIE Cftlzena of Wilmington X are rwpectfullr Informed, ttiat MiaslULU INFANT 1-iANIST.ouly TaKTiABS or AOS, aaelated by her Father, will give a v - ,; VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL COHCElt, At the Masokio Hall, on TureoViy Evming, the IBth Inst, The Programme of the Concert, will be given on Thursday Single Tickets, M cents one gentleman and two ladies, II. Door open at. 7 o'clock commence at 7. Ticket to be bad at the Book Store, and at the door. (Oct. 13. 88 PIANOS ANL ORGANS. R. B HILL, Proa$or qf Mtuic, from LoKnoN, and Ions a reaident of the U. States, belne on a tour to tho South, will remain a few days in W llmington, and he respectfully Informs the citizens thereof, that he will Tune Pianos and Organs in. the best manner. H is prepared with Wire of all sizes, and baffing for altering the action, Ac, and the utmost confi dence may be pldced in hie capability. He haa testi monials of the most respectable character. He may be found at Mrs. Willking's .Boarding House, or orders may be left at the Chronicle Office. Ho begs leave to refer to the Rev. Dr Drane, and Mr. James S. Greene. Oct. 13, 1846. 88tf FOR SALE. 1 HA BAGS Coffee, assorted, Cuba, St. Domingo, 1 JJ Laguayra, Rio and Java. 40 Hhde. Sugar, Porto Rico, and Muscovado. ' 20 Bbls. Sugar, various qualities, mostly prime. 15 Half Boxes Woolsey's, Refined Loot Sugar. 10 Bbls. Woolaey'a Refined, Crushed and Powdered. B Half Bbls. do do Crushed and Powdered. 2 Hhds. Cuba Molasses. 200 Sacks, Liverpool Salt, 25 do do Blown Salt. 20 Caks, Whole, Half and Small Rice.freeh from mill. 15 Hhds. Western Sides Shoulders prime quality. 100 North Carolina, Bacon Hams. 10 Bbls. Men and Prime Pork, (N. Y. City Inepct.) 8 Bbls. do Beef, do 40 " Fresh Canal Flour, Extra and Supr. 15 Half Bbls. do do do 6 Kega, Goshen Butter, Freeh and Prime. 50 Bble. N. O. Rectified Whiakey. 10 Bbls. N. E. Rum. 10 Bbls. Gin, Apple Brandy, and Imitation Brandy. 8 Crates, Stone Ware, assorted. 3 Hampers, Wine Bottles. Bottle Corks, In quantities to suit. 50 Roams Wrapping Paper, assorted. 50 Small Bags, Pepper, Psmento and Ginger. 100 Boxea'Enders" Tobacco, assorted sizes A kinds. 3 "Dicks" Smoking Tobacco. 5 Hhds. Leaf Tobacco. 40 dr. Boxes, Cigars, assorted, kinds, of good quality. 100 Bags, Shot, assorted. 100 Kegs, Nails, assorted. 50 Boxes. Colgatcs, Pale and No. 1 Soap. 5 Half Boxes. do do do 5 Boxes, Castile Soap. 10 Boxes, "Judds" Patent and Plain, Sperm Candles. I Barrel, Linseed Oil. 10 Boxes, Window Glass, assorted. 1 Half Barrel, Putty. 1 Barrel, Copperas. 10 Bale, N. C. Cotton Yams, asaortcd. 1 Bale, N. C. 4-4 Sheeting. A large assortment, ' Newark made'' sitting Chairs, Rocking, Arm, Office and Children's Chairs, Settees, Ladies, Sewing and Misses Chairs. And numerous other articles, all of late importations and reception are offered by R. W. BROWN. Oct. 13. 88 " A quick Penny, better than a slow Shilling." THE Subscribers arc now receiving their Fall and Winter supply of Family and Slip Stora, and Ship Chandlery, and are determined to sell at small profits, in order that their stock may change hands rapidly, as they will be receiving fresh supplies by the frequent arrivals from the Northern markets. Their stock consists, in part, as follows: 5 Hhds. New Orleans Sugar. 3 " Prime Porto Rico do 2 " St. Croix do 5 Bbla. double refined Crushed do 10 Bags Brazil do 500 lbs. best Loaf Sugar. 25 Bogs Rio Coffee, 10 do Laguira do 5 do Mocha do B do Old Government Java do 3 Hlf. Chesta Imperial Tea, 3 Hlf. Chesta Hyson du 2 Chests Black Tea. 5 Hlf. Chests Common Teas, 50 Kegs White Lead, 20 do Black Lead. 20 Bbla. Mess Beef 10 Hlf. Bbls. Family Beef, 15 Bbl. prime do BOO Lbs. Dried Beef arid Beef Tongues, 20 Bbl. Mess Pork, 20 do Prime do 25 do Navy Bread, 25 do Pilot do 10 Hlf. Bbl. Crackers, 25 Boxes 8oda and Picnic Crackers. 25 Bbls. Canal Flour, 25 Hlf. Bbl. Flour, 10 Casks Cheese, 20 Boxes do 6 do Pine Apple do 10 Kega Goshen Butter, 10 Q.t. Bbla. No, 1 A 2 Mackerel, 20 Kit Mackerel, and Tongues and Sounds, Cordage, Blocka, Sail Duck, Chalna, Nails and Spike' Olla, and Paints of all discription. Wooden Varo, Basket, Crockerv, Clothing. Shoe and Boots. Tobacco, Cod Fiah, Potatoes and White Beans, Hard Ware, Wine and Liquors, and many other ar ticles too tedious to enumerate. J. A. W. L. McGARY. Oct 13, 1846. 88 TIM YERS fc B A R N U M, fR MAirorAcrpaaa ahd OBAUas in HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, UMBREL LAS, WALKINO-CANES, RESPECTFULLY call the attention of the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity, to their nr and Splendid Aforiitunl now receiving at the old stand of tj. nvaaa, norm sum or auraet street, wtucn we oi kr at whole) and retail, etuaptr tAon ntr. GEST.'S BEAVER, NUTRIA. MOLESKJS, AND SILK HATS, of Beebee A Coatar1 and Leery' Fall Fashion for 1846, a splendid article, just received .and a " few more left of the sum sort" Please rail and examine them. Also, a very large assort men l of MEN'S, BOYS', AND INFANTS' CAPS, or tha lateet and moot approved pattern. Gent. 'a French soft Ddwa Silk, Velvet, nd Cloth Caps: Oent'a French Guard do.: Blue aad Btak Spring Band, Palo Alto, Ringgold, Oregon, Oil Silk, Velve teen, Glazed Lawn, Ac, Ac. YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CAPS of every atyla and quality, fiOm 12J cent to 1250, the largest aasnrtmont ever offered In thla market, and at astonlshins low price. A beautiful article of Infanta' Got and SUM Vthtt Cap, to which w particularly can ma attenuoa of those wanting cap lor cnuarea. In fact, avtry article In our Bn we have a rich and fuR aavorunent. to which wt ncoectfullv call the atten tion of tha Public, and warrant a gfnteol fa and at roe w suit ma nmea. ' MYERS BARpnjM, tVUmlDtton,Octa, 1848. Co TnE Subscriber Would ox pre hi patitudt to hi Friend and Customer, for thrJr liberal patronage hetttofora extended tewarda him to Wilmington. 1 he same busloea will herrftr be eonductad under tha nam and flrra of MTRRS A BARNt'M. at the old tend. . C. MYERS. : FOR RENT. " V ; THAT commodioui brick residence, lately j occupied br Gxotoa R Firwcn, on . Mrtldff Af JLfjiaVV MvaW ItVm CfU4 To Ma. aaaaAMOBi jm r vrst vara 1 VUIP ina aibavan avsiAjl MAmi with bV1Imb.. smI .UIa vimivii Bvut iwura aawiaoiA v an u aim uwrm nA rurrimom hfiH w(th all nrMMiw Ani.knr.a It location for a BoAaAiwo Hocas, la thi beat In tha piaca. . r or terms, posieauon mreo mrafmm, ap YJ Wa-W ,'' -. , mp, uct. 14. itHtJ. ,v . 83. ICE. I have received thla day a cargo of Ice, which I will sell it the low price of half ct. Dor lb. Hours of Delivery from 6 o'clock until 9 every morning. . at. A. KKITII. Oct. 8, 1846. 85 COFFFE AND SUGAR. aC BAGS Rio and Laguira CorTee, 3 Hilda, Porto O Rico Sugar. For sale, by Sept. 26, 81 ' E. PETERSON. For Rent TWO large and convenient Stores, and U pleasant Offices, in MuBPnav's new building, corner of Water and Pririce SiriettAo, Wharf fronting the same from the first of October. Apply to GILLESPIE A ROBESON. Sep. 22. 79 Genuine Imported Cigars. Palo Aho; JustoSsnzj LaMlncrta; & La Norma ; La Solo ; Panatella. Just received and for sale by D. W. WOOD. Sep. 21. 79 BRANDIED AND PRESERVED FRUIT, &c. 1 ivCASES, "Qt. Bottleseach," Brandy Cherrys, 1 J 6 ' " " " 14 Pcachea, 2 " " 11 11 ( Pears 2 " " " " " Pine Apple, f " Preserved Canton Ginger, 2 " " Pearhea, 1 11 Gooseberries, 2 Cnses Preserved Plums, 10 Cases Pickles, 0,1 and Pints, mixed and plain, 5 Cases Horse Radish, in Vinegar, 2 " Stnughton Bitters, qts., 5 doz. Pep per sauce, 5 Cases Tomota and Walnut Cat Sup, 5 Cases Oysters, Sauce and Olive Oil, 2 " Currant Jelly, 4 Cases Prepared Mustard, 10 Casea Champayne Cider, in qts and pints, The above articles are on board Schr. Harrison Price, and daily expected to arrive, will be old Ih quantities to suit purchasers, at low prices, By NEFF & WARNER. Oct. 3. 84 Pork. "I f BARRELS Mess Pork, 1 U 10 do. Prime do. Landing to-day from Brig David Duffle, for Sale, by J. dt W. L. MoUAKY. Oct. 1. 83 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, O F all descriptions. For sale, by Sept. Zb. bl IS. 1'fcl lSK.suiN.- T EARTHEN, S GLASS AND CHINA WARE. IHE subscriber has just returned from the north- JL em cities with a full and splendid assortment of EARTHEN, GLASS. AND CHINA WARE, of th? latest anil most fashionable patterns, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. It having been selected by himself, he has no hesitation In pronounc ing his stock superior as to style and quality to any ev er before opened In this market. J. H. ROTHWF.LL. Oct. 5. 63-tf. NOTICE. TLOORING and Weather boards well dressed, also sheathing, and laths, can be nt all times had st the Central Planing Mill, which will be delivered to the purchasers on any wharf designated in town, without chnrge for transportation. Persons wishing to have lumber plained at said Mill are furnished with a flat of convenient slzo free from charge. Apply to the subscriber two doors north of the Custom House. E. J. LUTTERLOH. Oct. 10. 87 NOTICE. CONSIGNEES snd owners of goods, coming by any of the Packets, consigned to my sddress, are hereby notified, that they must attend to receiving them on their arrival, and during the time the vessels arc discharging, as I will not be responsible for any goods after being landed. U. W. LMV13. Oct. 10. 87 FIVE CENTS REWARD. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, on the 2d instant, an Indented apprentice to the Bricklayer's trade, a white boy. named DAVID A. MAYO, aged about 19 years, light brown hair, dark eyes, and about 5 leet 3lncheahigh: had on when he left Kentucky Jeans frock coat and cloth cap. All persons are forbid har boring or employing said apprentice under penalty of the law. JOSHUA DEN BY, Newbern, Oct. 5, 1B46. 87-3t FOR RENT. rpHE DWELLING HOUSE lately occu- Vi'm Plfd y Mr BaNABD, oo Second street, LlllaUnoer the Methodist Church. Apply to Oct. 184G.-87 C. W. BRADLEY. FRESU LIME. A CARGO, now landing, and for sale in lots to IV suit purchasers. Apply to J. C A. R. B. WOOD, or J. A. PABJCia s Paint Start. B64t Oot. Pth. 1345. NEW FAMILY AND 8HIP GROCERY STORE, On South Waltr Street, 1 Door North of Mcstis. Baiiv & BavAirr's. THE undersign! have just received and opened a splendid ind full Stock of GROCERIES AND SHIP STORES, for family nae and Masters of Vessel. Their Stock being selected by one nf the Arm, they feel assured that It la equal both as to qualitv and variety, to any offering in this market They have o arranged, as to receive by the regular Packet, from the Northern Cities, frwh supplies, to that their Block at all times will be full and complete, with all article kept In their line. HOWAHU & rtl)tl. Wilmlgton, Oct. 8th, 1846. 88 NEW GOODS, Landing this Morning from Schooner Harrison Price. A GENERAL assortrnentof Ship Chandlery, Gro ceries, Hardware. Cattery. Provision, Wine. Lkinor. cVe.. Ac., and for sale by &t 6, 1846.-S5. NEFF A WARNER. WRAPPING PAPER. lOO m low, by Oct. fi. REAMS Straw Wrapping Paper, hurt rscelvAL per Schr. A.J. Horton, for J. A W. L. McGARY. 6i NOTICE. THE rtbftfriber having again taken up the stand of Kmit A G acsb, would Inform hi friends ami old customer, that he Inland doing tho amo busi ness dona by them, and hope by rloee attention to the semi, to recti a a liberal ahare of their natronas. Any bnsinea entrusted to him shall b attended to with promptnee and dm ten. 8AML. P. CAUSE, Formerly of the firm f Smith f Gv. WUmlngton, Oct 7. IMA. I! received. E. J. LCTTERLOII. Septiv - SUGAR AND FLOUR 1 A Hhd. prima Porto Rico Sugar. 60 Bbla, Sup- 1 J erno Kichmoml and C.mb Flanv. Lamllna froni Schr. Jonas Smith. For sale by , k BROWN A DcROSSET. Sept. 9. ' v tv: , 76 COAL AND HAY. .,. TONS Coal, 25 Bale) Hay, ' DallT eipectod par Schr. Joseph Lybraia, from Philadelphia, 40 tor aai or J. MULUVJU Sep. 8. . n 1 RECEIVED. OH B1LS. Canal Flour, OU 40 half Bbls. do. Per Schr. R, W. Brown. For sale by GILLESPIE &, ROBESON. Sept. IB. 73 Notice. THE subscriber having qualified atth September Term, 1846, of the Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions of New Hanover County, a Administrator Pendente II ri, of Soumow W. Nah, deceased, hereby give public notice to all persons Indebted to said es tate to make immediate payment, and to all persona having claims against the same to present them within the time prescribed by Law, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. P. W. FANNING, Admr. Sep. J2. 79 LINNiEAN BOTANIC GARDEN A if D NURSE &T, late or William Prince, fcEcpASSD, Flushing, l. I., near New York, THENtw PaOpaitToasof this ancient and celebrated Nureerv, known a Paiifca's and exclusively designated by the abova title for nearly fifty years, offer for sale a more eateneive variety of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shbpbs, ViKES,,PLAwrs, Ac, than can be found In any other Nuasiav In the United States, and the gen uineness of which may be depended upon i and they will unremittingly endeavor to merit the Ccmfidcnct and Patronage of the ' Public, by Integrity -and Libe rality in dealing, and Moderation in Charges. WINTER & CO. Proprietors. ttOriUrs rutited by D. W. WOOD, WUming- tonN. C. September 22, 1846. 79-6wI BENJAMIN BLOSSOM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 38 Burling Slip, NEW YORK. Liberal advance made oa Cotton, Naval Stores, Ac. consigned, to him. Sep. 22. 79-61-w A CARD. Mr. G. F. B. Lkiohto will be In Wilmington a bout the 10th October, and proposes taking a Class In Vocal Mure; he will also give lessons on the Piano Forte and Violin, and will attpnd to tuning Piano's. He refer with pleasure to GontMnien and Ladela whom he taught last winter, aa to his qualifications. Sep. 12. 77 Fulton Market Beef. Ctf HALF Bbls. Fulton Market Beef. Just recei ZJ ved and for aalc, by D. W. WOOD. Sep. 72. Ti NOTICE. To the Honorable, the ntst General Assembly of North Carolina : A PPLICATION will be made at your next Session. .TV for the passage of an Act authorising Limited Co partnerships. Wilmington, July 1 3. 1846. 3ui6 1 FOR RENT. FROM the 1st of October, a small dwelling house on a large lot in the eastern part of the town, called Oregon. 1. 77. YiM. O. JEFFREYS. BUTTER. 7 FIRKINS prime Goshen Butter, 12 small kegs " Glades" Butter. For sale, by BROWN A DtROSSET. Sep. 24. 80 OFFICE FOR RENT. THAT numodlous and well-located Of fice which the nnderalgned now occu pies, la to rem from thla time to the 1st OcU ber, 1847. Apply to JOHN HALL. Oct. 6, 1846. as FOR SALE. O VERY splendid Mahogony Writing Desks, of the u latest Style, uoxen vnim, Vanr, a gwua irin ir, snd for ale low, 6 dozen Chair, Office, Sitting and KOCKlng uo ; W goou Deosieaos. oy rsfc.fi- or v a Oct. 3. M Cheap Cash Store. DRY GOODS, AT NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, & BALTIMORE PRICES. HAVING just returned fnm the shove rrwrkets with a eomplcte assortment, among which mar be found a beautiful lot of Ladim Di Good, such aa Sllka, Cashmere de Ecom, Mousselin da Lalne. Graduated Robe a, Oregon Plaids. Oinghama, Alapacaa, Bombavaenes, Shawla. a genera assortment, such as Cashmere, Turkeri, BrocV and Canton Crape. MEN'S WAKE, Blue. Black and Invisible Green Cloths, Caaaimere of all qualities, a gen-ral .nwotment of Vesting. Caa sinctts, Kentucky Jesn. White, Green,and Rd Flan nel, a complete sortmnt of Clico'a, from 6J cent upward. Irish Linen, Lin" Sheeting. Cloth, Table eovera. Toilet covers, Rus and Bird a EyeDiapeii, Apron Check. Bed Ticking. Kerseye. Blanket, Blraehed and UnbleaehedCotiuns, Oinaburgs, Twilled Cotton, Ac. Together, with a varktv of other ankks too numer oss to mention. The public are respectfully Invited to call and exam ine for thcmselvc. Front Street, Brownl New Build Inf. JOHN CAMPER. Sept 28, 1M6. TO SHIP MASTERS, ard SHIP CHANDLERS. rnilE Subscriber roectfullv Inform the Ship 1 Mailers and ettlaensof Wilmington, that they have juat received, and hav in Store, a fresh sappty of Ship Chandlery, Ae. vtx: 1'arred and Manilla Rope, for aundlng and running rigging, of aOatse; RuU and Cot Von Sail Dock, from N. 1 to 10 8 be thing Copper, from 16 to 23 B: Conner Roda Irom t to li Incht Cornpoalilon and Copper Nail and Spikes, from 3 to 7 tor. Brailflra' Copper, aortid, 8hst Zinc and Nailat Ship and Boat 8pikea, from 3 to 7 Inch t first quality Boiler Plate, and Sheet Iron, for steam-boats and rail roads: Ship1 Blocks, potent RoUe Kheavr and Iran nushlms: Tin Plata r.d Block Tin, for roofing. Sheet Iron, for 8tov pip, from No. 34 to 27 with a genera uorunonr of Paint, boUcO ana Kaw L4nw Oil. Ac. Ac : all of which will be sold on rtasooaola terms. Alao, Chain and Anchor, assorted siie : AH onler forwirded to the aubacTlbef win b promptly attded to. - JOHN 8. tv sva atMi. . 115 East Bar. ChatUstm,Oot.i,W4fi. " & PAIL ROAD CORN-100O Buah.la.iuat rvcalved X v ana ror aai ov ud i .w, nanu'. AprUTS. '18 36,000tKl? Sept. V- ODD FELLOWS' SCHOOL ;V THE exercise of tWsinsUtuiion winUrcoraroen osd m tha 15th Inat. :.- .'.i .... . . i Tha Knglleh Mila Department under the manage ment of Mr. L. Msarmiri tha Famal Department onder Mia Iv RtoitaaJaw sailed ay Mlat Maiy Asm Fiaotrsi and tha Classical Department, ondcr Mr. Rosat LnrDvar. Gradual of St, AadreWt Col lege, Scotland. f i . ; terms. . Four Dollars par Qaartar, for tha Allowing braoch as, Including Booka, Stationery, etc. t Spelling, Read lng,Arilhmtlc and Intellectual ArUhraetic. Grammar, Geography, History, Composition. Algebra. Philoaw phy, Botany, Drawing. Vocal Music, and Elocution , For Cbssics and tha higher branches of Mathemat ics, Seven Dollar par Qaartar; exclusive of Bookaa Ticket to be obtliaed at tha of&ca of Col. John Bu Rae, North Watar street - JOHN McRAE, J. BALLARD, ALEX. McRAE. iTruatm JAMES T. MILLER, A. BRYANT, Oct. 3. lm4 Mess Pork. O PL BARRELS Mass Pork. For sale, by CO JOHN GAMMELL. Sep. 22. 79 NOTICE. THE Stoekholdersof the Wilmington and Rnleigh Roll Rood Company, Will please recollect, mat in Al I hursday U2th.) in November ruzt, Is appointed day of their an nual meetinit in this nbce. Punctual attendance la desirable, as business of great importance will be pre sented tor ccmsiucra tion. Jt. a. rreat. Oc.h.m. 85 Chronicle and Journal copy till Mealing. BOOT & SHOE STORE. THE undesigned having bought out tha entire Stock of Mr. Jamrs Pundexford, solicit the pa tronage of the citizens of W ilmington and the adjoin ing Counties at Mr. Punderford'a Old Stand, whore he will keep a full and splendid assortment of uvui a or sauna oi all qualliiea, and at pri ce that must give satisfaction. Ha will leave in a few days for the Northern cttiea where ha Intend to replenish the present S(pck on hand, from the first maker there and in Europe. CHARLES BLAKESLEE. WHmlngton, June 3, 1346. 36 SUGAR AND MOLASSES. PORTO Rico, and St. Crola, Sugar; good retailing Molasses ; for sale, by BROWN DaROSSET. Oct. 8, 1846. 86 HAY of good quality, for aale In lota to suit, by BROWN DaROSSET. Oct. 8. 1846. 86 CLARENDON HORSE GUARDS. ATTENTION I YOU are hereby notified to meat at 9 o'clock, on Friday the 30th day of October, at the usual place of meeting, armed and equipped according to the by-Jawa, with 10 Rounde Blank Cartridgea. By order of tha Captain, J. DAVIS, O. S. Oct. 8, 184C. 86 Dissolution. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Baliasd A McRa waa diaaolved, by mutual consent, on the lit Inst. J. BALLARD. A. McRAE. Mr. Wm. Hcntskotom, having purchased A. Mc Rab's Interest in tha Clinton S. S. Mitt, tha future business of the concern will be conducted under tha firm of BALLARD & HUNTINGTON. Wilmington, Oct, 1, 1846. 86 FLOUR, BUTTER, ice. 1 sOn BBLS. Canal Flour, (new Wheat) IvU 23 1 do. do. do. do. do. 20 Keg OoWim Butter.- 30 Barrels Apples, just received, and for sale hy SANDFORD da SMITH. Sept. 14th, 1846. 78 Muflets. O BARRELS very superior MuDets, for sale, by ZD R. G. RANKIN. Oct. 8. 86 BACON. Q HHDS. Western Side and Shoulder, and a OO small lot of North Carolina Hama and Sides, of prime quality, and for sale by Oct 6.-45. BROWN A DaROSSET. $100 REWARD. I WILL pay the above reward for the recovery of JIM, the late Pressman In the Observer Office, if taken bevond the limit of thla State, or K0 If taken within the State, and confined In any Jail ao thai I get him. For description see advertisement. J. tlALfc. Fayotteville, Oct. 6, 1846. 86 2r(( BUSHELS SALT, just received per ,UUU Schr. C. D. Ellia, and for aala, by ' E. J. LUTTERLOH. Oct 8. 86 MONUMENTS. TOMB TABLES, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, Ac, Th Subscriber haa ta ken the Agency of an ex renal v MARBLE MANU FACTORY at the ivortn ana wiu receive oroer (or the above named article on as favors bk tarma aa can be procuced from anyather establishment. uui v. uisivtiauvs. Sep 22. 79 50! BALES Easum Havi 20 bbl. Onion i 7000 lbs. Warn County Baeoai 12,000 lb. Hmi 21 Bra Clock ; received this day. and for aale by Aug. 14. IbBJ n h r s vv A KIN tM. DistilTerv For Sale. THF. subscribers offer for aal the Turpentine Dis (i&ryend Wharf, on Smith's bland, lately owned by Joan Haia aod Wsi.B. FLAMwaa, who tranaterad the sam to tha undersigned w pay certain debta by them contracted. There are 3 Stills and fixing in complete working order, belonging to tha Dkatillery. 3QOUK1 W aoov properly qui lw- wum ai ynimmms. brforelhenext Superior Gnrtrf New Hanover Con- mt It a.111 ha nfOmA ml PubUt Arctium at SaiWt Cam- via on Tuesday of the week of said Court. ' tt. ibannaa. E. P. HALL. Wnmington, Oct. 2, IP4C. Mts. Spcnn, Whale, and Winter OU. 3 HHDS. Sperm Oil, 10 BhU. ortA quatUlea, 40 boles Sperm snd Tallow Candle, forte In, by NEFF V WARNER. Oct. 3. 4 VIRGINIA COVERED HAMS. A AH SUPERIOR Ybiinla Hama, ut landed, irtd 4UUfocWby E. DICKINSON. Oct 1 lm84 IN STORE. 4 AAA BCSHELS coaraa alutn-Sah. aaltahl for E. DICKINSON. Oct 3. v i. - lmS4 MOLASSES. 8 Hhds. beat quality Molaaats, at retail, bv - K. PETERSON. Sept X, 1946. m. - , Bl SELECTED HAY, TROM Maine, and coarse for fcorw 150 bale. J iur reeei vtd and lo svtrri j tObhd. wipertor X mtnng MoltsM for l by E. DICKINSON. Oct!.. .' In Hi , EVERY LADY HER OWN 10 TuIiEI DCILII3 (11! A" A. TENTLER woold repecUuny Inform tha LadlM of Wilintnrtoa and i-inrtv. that h feaat'. just arrived from th cliiea of New. Yoik and, Fhllav- oerpma, witn aia new pww nght (or Cutting LaoW x Urswaa, Habit. Bieeve. yokes, Cape, Collaia, Caro . nals,c,t,of swery aUerlptloiKs4i,fclUon, attdk Thla ia entirely new fnvchtlbn."' By lWia r5 enabled, after thre boara Instruction, to cut ny of . the above article wltlt dwtcti,acnornytandaeaa tiul fit, , , ; . ) . , j, V " f, (fr W "t f,. J? . Ladle taugBi (a claa of sot lea than thrraarnor..: A book of InMroctlona, with bart, give gratia. , - v tra eharga for thoa who am instructed at their ow . -reside nrt. and oo pay 1 expected ambaa eompleta m . lafaetlon la given. - '- , v .... f , , Mr. T. will b happy to fxphda (ha fcnrfanwmtal,. prlnrrtple of hi system of Cuitlng. tm of eharga, , ; Hoar frotn to 13, A. M andtont 2to $.. M A Gnat Inducement oftrad to tboa who wlah ttffy eha right for Coontie and tate. M V. n ; ,,', Mr. Tintrer will ramaln for a W Umt, n.V at ' Mr. Seth Hoardiv ,jf fOd. $,) 'J,, UM Ofi BamiaXZ. Roqt jst reeeivH and for aalai 20 by J..MUUXJK, -V, HARLVAND HOLLOW TARV'; CUTLERT, AcAc. for sale, by ;T;r 1 Sept. 26... E.PtTERSOX. FLOUR, WHISKEY BUTTER. OrBI. New Canal ftoaA " l U20halfBU. Flour. "? ; 20 Bla. Reetift4 W Maker. 20 Kegs Goshatt Butter. 5 ,. i ' 50 Gross Loco Toco Xafche. . ' M Reams Straw paper. " f i 10 Bale of Cotton Yarn; aswortrd ttnwbar: . 10 " Sheming, FayttMrvlll Manafaerarg. x Just received and for aa) by 8ANDFORD fk SMITH. Sept S6th 1846. ' ' : Dryed Fruit DRYED Poachefl and Applet jnat rscHved, and for Sal by r D.W.WOODj Sep.29 - - atf '.-.. Hay. . ' OHA BALKS Portland Hay, In Store; for Bala of ZVJVJ J. A W. L. McOART. Oct I. c PROVISIONS. ... 4- " , BBLS. Baltimore ind J. f . Iiuipettlua Mean Beef, ' -: . .-A'.v;! cam ' u m ;.;mf- t.l.a VJL 50 50 " ft half do. Bapfine Floor, Nm Wkeet, . 6 Bula. Sounda and Tonjuea, Bbla, No. 1 Mackerel, .s 3 BblaNaw8alrncm,I0(la, 'Codflhr . 20 Half Bbla. P. M. Beef, and BeefToogntx 86 Bozea Cheeee,35 BosaaSmoked Uerrtof, 15 Firkin Orange Coonry Batter. : 6 Tlereet Whit BcatM, tO Bbla. Kill Dri ed Meal, ... ....4j-.. , 6 Kg Laud, 60 Bbla. fcOloa Salt, ItA. aU For aala, ornr Jottr by KEPT ft WARlfER. Oct X ' M . Cf BARRELS N. O. Wniakar, OU 30 Jo, Apple Brandy, 30 do. 8pnUh Brandy, 10 do. Malaga Win, I Hhd. aagar, 3.000 lb. N. C. Bacon. for sal by A. HARTPtV Oct 3, 1946. Si, Canvassed Hams. OTAiiLBS. Cahvaaaed Hanti lam good o order, OUKJKJ for aale, by NEST A WARNER. Oct, I. 84 Mullets and Shad. . Q r BBLS. Hawlora ffulleta, 10 bbk Ocean 'SW CJ in good order, jut reclved, snd for aala, by ' iro, Mi IV aaWBJIj j NEFr tV WARNER. Oct. 1 M Prime Western Bacok OA BHDS. Sldca, IS Rhdai ShywUera, fust ra tC9 eeived by BROWJf A DaROSSET. V Sep. 29 1846, 61 To On HowaiU ffa ezi Gssunl immUg Sari Carolina. . APPLICATION wiQ be mad at ronrneai BeaMotl, for a Charts of Jncorpormtim tm a MTaiMa am and Fiaa 1viao CoatrAirc, to ba lacaJtd In th town of Wilmington. .. . Aug. 14. . 9-3.. ; FAYETTE FLOUR. 1 Lot supartn and H.lraah. just receivedhy on of tha lata doapatcH tHpo f steamer Cotton Plant. R. X. RANKIN. April 26. . i 13; TO RENT. jtr THE two story dwelling hoc with a fin i large lot ; good wtH of water j 8tb)a and othar oat baUdinc. eomet RtdCroaa and boundary street. JAMES FHcRE. Aug. 71, 1846. . " - 70 , ths honorable th vest Qsntrol Assembly tf NoHX Carolina. ' , , ', -f fs l APPLICATION will b made atytw next Seeaton, to amend th Liense Lorn, fat tUraona ra rrors Liauoaa in th town of V tUaiagton and Cawnty of New Hanovtr. .'..'. Aug. 21 . . ' ;t 69-3. CROCKERY WARE, COTTON YARNS, &C - A General aaaotuoent of Sroara ft Caocsxar Waaa r Carrow Taaanf, f. For nalo law; by i. PETERSON- SAptaS. 1846. t-v CHECK BOOKS. Afr w K Kavt inat eraevted in a aaparb atyla, bvjtttvj tfjj in Sand 4 darr Rooka. Check on lb-"Branca Bank of the State." Call and examlo tkcro, at tba ' Offia of The Cemmmiei. LORLNQ 4 STRLNCXRi Aag. 21. r.j ';- " . " w PORK! FIA3URU 1 A BBLS. McsaPorki abJ bbla. Flour, jaat re-i IU rived, per Schr. J. D. Jonaa, fct aale by . M Attg.,l6 681 ' MPLOCC ' FAMILY MlLL...;j;.V:. THE subscriber rtaawetfully feteana d dttWat j WUisungtoavikat b kpa coraraatly an hand frsskgrmmd 3t, which h sUa atSlarrrprlcta. Hs 1 la prtpared at all tUtea to grind Cora at- Us eKorrta otic for famine. Call and try tha SUsm MSt b-' ' . tween tfw Xaara GaaKTa and PasaUW HoTta. ' . JONATHAN Laj,n Sept. 1. 194A ' ' ;. l "TOBACCO AND FEATI1EI1SJ JIST fpctivid, pee aVntti Boat sTnrfrisk: Titbit' Leaf Tobacco, 10U) It Fae'fcaf. .-;-,W ; poraaWbr f - -'', . ' SANDfORI ft RMim. FOR SALG.OR'RENTfVJ' ') POSSESSiaN gisen laf SoeL naai .'ft., dwning flooaa and Lot aitaaird an East Ja of Boundary, mwm Marawt d Doctr - Sutwta. TattnaawsvatnodaOrat. irtxiOM teryn tkja and tha 1st, of NoTraabae, Ti A 111 rhen be mtatit

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