. THE COMMERCIAL. SATURDAVi. NOVEMBER 14, 1840. Hr Mr. V. 8. PufcY Is our Agent to receive d wtlesmeut and, subscriptions for TX (WmmW la th cities of New York and Philadclpni. t TO ADVERTISERS. Ws wiBbe greatly obliged to our ad vertlalrtg friend, If Ihcy win hand In tlwlf favor ti early a possible. We shall certainly do our Nut to accommodate iht ni, but cannoj. prom! thai their advertisements will al ways be inserted, If sent in at so fat an hour oil the day of publication, ax totno have lately ben. THE A. J. DtROSRKT. ThcScWow A. J. MeRosset has been put in the new line of New York packets, nnd on the oc casion ol Lor iniiiatirn a splendid collation whs given on board by the gc nikman whose name she bean, at which a large number of otir citizens were present. She Is commanded by Capt. C. Mill, ami wc trust that she will be an efficient aid to the establishment, not only on account of be ing quite " sea-worihyM hersall, but also on account of her worthy commander. Iter Cabin Is very neat, and well adapted to the accommodation of passengers. Th Coscmt. Wc advise ail lovt H of rood fun. of out dtisene, to pay Miss Lin.tt.and hor company a vis it at the Matonit Hall, this evening at 7 o'clock. Those fond of the Ethiopian Ktyio of alnclng, will be highly entertained, for they ore decidedly the best we ever met with. . - VOTE OF NEW YORK The New York Exjirew publishes a utle, show ing the vote on the Congressional ticket in each District of the State, by which a Whig majority of 20,000 is claimed in the popular rote, on national questions. .. . ORngS TO GEN. TAYLOR. - From what we can gather from the several. sources of information before us, we conclude " (hat government iwued pretnptory orders to Gen. Taylor to terminal the armistice entered into at the capitulation of Monterey, arid subsequently re scinded that ordesjt The Galceston News speaks of Gen Taylor's marches, in view of the renewal of hostilities and the Washington Union. signifi cantly 'tilt "If the News is quite sure that his or dere are to preremtory 1" and intimates tfant he is permitted to consult his own discretion. This ap pear in the Union of Wednesday "last, while the same paper, but a short time since, declared that the war was to be prosecuted-with vigor, and that Maj. James Graham had left Washington with in structions to Gen. Taylor, "terminating the tempo rary suspension of hostilities " From these circumstances we are satisfied that oar government has suspended, in a great degree, its operations against Mexico, and changed its pol icy. That Gen,. Taylor will concentrate bis forces at Monterey, and await further instruction ; and that (be intelligent correspondent of the Journal of Commerce ia correct when he says : " I repeat, what 1 have stated before, that a few week ago the Government did intend to call out a large force of vol Mtert, and chiefly from the Souib. But a change hat come over dim, There w ill be no expensive movements; no energetic movements made before the meeting of Congress. The Mexican Congress may court a peace, and thus relieve our govern ment from the necessity of acting for them in the matters; and, if not, the tekoU responsibility and fur ther dim tetfl be thrown upon Ctnrpt I ! It may be concluded that our government desires peace, and intends to have it if possible, and that (his question is agitated by those " behind the cur tain" of whom the Union speaks. The lmle country will rejoice when assured that Polk ami the Cabinet entertain so wise a sentiment; that tbey are determined to present to the world one, and almost the firM evidence of sani'y since their re cession to power. COL- STEPHENSON SUPERSEDED Col. Mason is at New York, with the intention, it is said, to proceed to California and supersede Cot. Stephenson in the command of ihe California expedition. If the administration has taken this step to consequence of the improper conduct of the Colonel, when he made his exit Jfom New York, men of all panics will applaud the act. ; ' ' A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. ' The editor of the Wahlngton Union has made an Important discovery relative to the 'real character and purposes" of the Whig, and mskes as much ps radeabetrt It as if he had heard that the army of occupa tion were revelling In the Halls of Monleauma and in the Mines of Mexico.' The first of the items lil. h nh'.r to this " discove ry" is pthernl from eotoc remarks of Mr. Webster, who dec tarts that the President has been guilty of conduct which rendVis him liable to impeachment. Thia Is wonderful ! Strange, indeed, that any one should talk of impeaching the heaJ of the faithful, sim ply for violating the Constitution ! The second ium which attracts tlx notice of the kees) and wgacioos editor of the Uniuu, is that the Whigs intend the " Resturailon" uf the Tariff of IMS. Mr. Ritchie ought to be lianilaotmly rewardod for kaotliig ant a thing, so much of a secret la this Re public, that It has been long known to every person in R who takes any cogniunce of political matters. The editor of the Union thinks thia " Issue," which he has this moment discovered, will be destructive to the hopes of the Whlga VYUlit be prctenJod that any titer tame was tried In New York, Pennsylvania, and ether States, which have lately given their verdict (or the Tariff of 1842, In preierence u that of 16461 Solely it Is tbeaaoet awkward pretence for the organ to say that" h Is en appeel to the people which they cannot msMUtderstand, and to which they w ill answer with a voice of power Ceruinly they understand H, and have awrwered already, in part, and will epeak agate very InadUgrbiy when truy again have ofportu. aity. TaeatoraekaMlanooampromlMteelook- X effhe Tariff of '41 are concern od. The ground Uken V W tkA Wf4dM t Oa. mm thmt Vftinlul Im, . I. wrtiowpl the democratic pery; the same that Mr Baod Stood OSOaiu Kia liu inul In kta nr ttaaxma shat ia cherieed by three tourths of the peo nle af dta Union i which tbey will assuredly inak kaowa waeoever prtiuoted in a view that lh y " cm ae aslsaaderetand," FAILURE OF THE MAIL f c ' For the last three weeks there hat bocn a failure of the NcwxYork mail almost every othv dy We learn j(hath Philadelphia tram for BalUowro wUl not wait for thuNew York inafl, one moment af ter tiic contract time. A passenger 4NYwk With carpel bag lira hand", dvmook (he Baltimore train, and came on to thii place while the same train came without the N. York mail ! ! ' , " We hop the Post master Gt neml will be enal tvl 'ti correct this unaccommodating spirit, from whlcrf the public suffers so much. ' , - PACKAGES BY EXPRESS. ; It la necessary' to inform our northern frienda, Uiat it is quite useless (M hr ni we can learn) to send packs get or burnlli south by the " Express Malls,,-as they are negleckd by the agems either in Richmond or Petersburg, and , suffer a much "longer delay than by (lie packet. . We havfrhad a bundle Qn the way lOor 15 duy - and it is usually thrco. weeks "before wc got thcoi. "THE (30SSIPINO PRESS." Mr. Ritchie saj's the "gossiping press appears to know more about the Campaign tha'n the managers themselves behind the curtain." The press should quh its " gossiping," aud, like (lie Union, never guess at things. That paper solumnly averred that there waa to be no change in the Cabinet and a change took place in a few weeks the "gossiping presa" having "Mr jlie nail on the head,'' that time, while ilie facta Impeached the veracity, or else shamed the knowledge of the editor. . How much the " managers behind the curtain" know about 'the campaign, is a matter not easily oscertlued?-a6fhe think their know ledge is very small. , , -i- ii BLOCKADING. SQUADRON. The New Orleana Delta, 'of the 8th Inst, says : "Ad vices from the blockading squadron wero received yesterday in this city, ailateosthe 27ih ult. The substance of it is that certain vessels of our fleet made a second attempt to attack- Alverado; with i view of cutting out the -merchant VcsacU? whkh had ran in there. A heavy gale which sprung up rertdured the effort unsuccessful, and Induced Com. Conner to or der the vessels back to their station In the squadron. There would seem to be some fatulity attending our naval operations in the Gulf. MR. HAYWOOD. The Petersburg Intelligencer, in an article speaking of the result of the late elect ion a,' and the foresight of Mr. Hatwood, and of his warning to hia partvycon eludes as follows ; V "For this, obloquy and abuse were heaped upon him, mount.-i In high- his motives were impcarb("d, and his conduct denounced with an almost unparalleled feroc ity. Hut now, what is the aspect of affairs,? JUr. .Haywood's policy and foresight arc vindicated be fore the country, and full many a LocO who voted tor the " British Rill,'' and who joined in tho hunt, which only lacked the ability to pursue Mr. Haywood to the death, would give their eyo-toeth, if they had heeded his warning voice and slopped short of the measure, which will prove to be a mill-atone round the neck of Locofocolsm. " Mr. Haywood had hud his days of bitterness and mortification he has now bis days oftfiumphand ex ultation. He met with no pity and no sympathy from those to whom he had a right to make the strongest appeals, and he can now " mock when their fear Com eth." FLORIDA OLIVES. The soil and climate of Florida are aaid to bo well adapted to the cultivation of the olive, which Is an important article of commerce. The editor of the St. Augustine News has been presented with some of this fruit, fine snd fresh, the growth of that place. GEN. LA VKOA. We learn thai Gen. La Vega has been officially notified by his government that Captain Carpendcr and the crew of the. Truiton have been exchanged for him and his fellow prisoners of war, who were taken at Rcsaca de la Palma, and that our government has ratified the arrangement. GEN. AVORtTi. Thisgailant officer, whose praise is on the tongues of all his countrymen, rose from the rank of a pri vate soldier, to bis present position. He was aid to Gen. Scott at the battle o Lundy's Lane, and was very severely wounded ; and in the Florida war was much distinguished. Had he joined the army at a la';er period, We should have had no Gen eral Worth. In our Republican country the avenue to promotion from the ranks is closed. It is dis graceful to our democratic professions that this vi lest of aristocractic systems is tojeratcd ISLAND OF CUBA It waa reported, some time ago, that Privateers under the Mexican flag, were about being fitted out from the porta of Cuba. The New York Correspondent of the National Inulligenccr says that a Dccroe has been is sued by the government of Spain, forbidding the grant ing any Menican letters of marque in the Island of Cuba or ItadrpendeneiLS. DEATH OF A NAVAL OFFICER. Commodore John Nicholson, of the U.S. Navy died in the city of Washington, on the 8th, of an st uck of apoplexy. He was a printer In Richmond in IP04, but shortly after entered the Navy, in which be has distinguished himself on several occasions by hla coolnens and bravery. CONSTITUTION OF NEW YORK. Tim Journal of Commerce states that a letter from Albany, written by a very intelligent gtutleman, says thst the majority in favor of the new Constitution la estimated there at thirty thousand. A PROPOSITION. The following liberal proposition appears in the Journal of yesterday. Wc may hope that it will be acceeded to, snd that the variance of opinion among our dtiMfls will be amicably settled, and unanimity and harmony prevail among as : The Executive Committee for the advocates of a subscription by the town of Wilmington, of two hun dred thousand dollars, to the contemplated Road South, and a consequent tax to moot such subscrip tion, ere ready sod willing to adopt the auggeetioo of ' A calm observer' In your laat paper, namely, that na for and agalnet the measure shall be presented by committee te U the tax pay ere, that they mav sign Whkh they prefer, provided a greater uaaniraiey can a ?y that course obtained, the advantages of which m flr ,rPTald. they new (make the ooor do ee, pledging thamealvts to abandon the measure if la the minority, provided those oppoeed will eooada to the arrarerncnt, and agree, if in the minority, to withdraw ihdr opposition. They further agree to absndoa) the scheme, provided the opposition will pkdge themselves Individually, to suhacribe one Hunt na much to the stock of the proposed Rosd as wfB he subecrtbed by the sdvocstee of a subscription by tlie torfh end taxation to pay for such subscription. PF4.1WARB ELECTIONS, f J v ' The terwrns from Delaware showe that Mrr Tharp, the democratic candltlate for governor, la elected by a majorityofJCfl.Mr. H6tteti,.wWg, la elected to Conjjteae' by aVialorliy of U votev The entire whig majority In Newcastle, w hilst the 'democrats bare carried Suseet.; This) given the wlilgs a rnajoriry In rite Legislature,' on joint ballot, of two or three vole. n 4. , v., ... - ' TNov.i3r 1944. . . iMieri;iAn$ 4 fUrJnftr. Ocmakit-! aaW in the daper published by Mr. Fulton, that the arrivals and clearances for the last week, were pubflahed with ipe consignee Jiain, with tho exeepiion 'pi ml no, which vesntle were reported In hla paper, but no con signees givtm I would simply ass. i) U is the proper wsy tor conduct a paper in a commercial city like ours. .-,V ' Respectlully, - E. Dojciso. . We leave those who have charge of the other press es lit this place to manage their attaint In their own way, jmd only speak for ourselves. ' We have not, and trust we will not pormlt peraooal or political differen ces to interfere with duty to the public in giving the fullest as well aa the latest commercial and Other In telligence L'dt. Com. MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. The meeting of Ihe Stockholders of the Wilming ton and Raleigh R, R. Company, was commenced in this town on Thuisday, and adjourned last eve ning. We subjoin as much of the proceedings as our time and space will permit. Wilmikotok, Nov. 12th 1646. At the annual meeting of the Suxkhoklera of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company, held at Wilmington, on the 12th November 1J46, v f James fit. Battle, of Edgecombe, waa appointed Chairman, and Win. A. Wright and Jamee Oriawold, Secretaries. On motion of Gov. Dudley, the Secretaries wore ap pointed a committee to examine proxiea, and to aseer tain the amount of stock represented. The committee appointed fot that purpose reported 3.7B0 shares of stock represented by Individuals, and 6,000 shares by theState. The" meeting-being duly organized, the President of this.compsny made his annual report, together with Ihe reports of the superintendent of the road and road repairs, and of tho agents of the steam boats and shops, which several reports were received, and order ed to be printed. The committee on accounts, by their Chairman, J. Oriawold, made their report, whkh was received. On motion of Gov. Dudley, Resolved, That the proper notice be given that this company will apply to the next Legislature for an amendment of their charter, with a view to an exten siun'of the road to Fair Blurl, or some point on the fciouih Carolina line. NoviMaca 13. Mr. Tools offered the following Resolutions which he enforped by some appropriate remarks, delivered with much eloquence and animation. Resolved 1st. That in the opinion of this Conven tion material reductions should be made in the -salaries and expenditures, exhibited by the Committee ap pointed at the last meeting, Messrs. Oriawold, Mcie andNutt: thut omitting any specifications, the Con vention recommend to thu President and Board of Di rectors a searching examination how far and in what particulars such reductions should be made. Resolved 2d. That the present Road must be tut laintd; that to secure that.it must be ixUndtd. That In contemplation of the present embarrassment of the State, no direct pecuniary aid can he exacted or ought to be asked front that quarter. That tho gener al Government, with a view to mail facilities should sxtnnd a fostering hand. That the new enterprise strongly appeals to the State pride of the citizens of norm oarouna, presenting the simple question wheth er we shall remain aa heretofore in commercial vaeeal ago to Virginia, South Carolina, New York, or wheth er uniting all our efforts we shall aid to build up In North Caroline a City worthy of the State. On motion of Mr. T. D. Mearcs, it was Resolved, that the President and Directors apply to the Legisla ture for an extension of credit on the debt due the Literary Fund and the Bonds of the Company on which the State ia now an Indorscr, In such way as to them may wem best. On motion of G. J. McRec, ii was Resolved that ws memorialise the next General Assembly of the State of N. Carolina, to relinquish the mortgage held by the Slate on the Boat and Wharves of the W. and R. R Road Co ; to authorize an id Company to negotiate, on the faith of said Boats and Wharves, as large s loan as possible; to subscribe the amount of said loan to thq extension of said Road south to some point on the South Carolina line the said mock in the new Road being pledged to the Slate in lieu of said mortgage on the Boats and Wharves, and for the same purposes. On motion-of Gov. Dudley, James Grlswold, Hen ry Nutt end William S Baker were appointed e Com mittee on accounts lor the ensulngyear. On motion ofT. D. Meares, it was Resolved tljat the President of this Companv, E. B. Dudley, Jamea S Baltic, Fred. J. Hill, H. L. Holmes and Thomaa V. Moarea, be appointed a Committee to attend the sit ting of the Legislature for the purpose of memoriali zing that body for the extension of the Charter of the W. and R. R. R. Co. to enable them to connect with the S. C. Road, or to procure another Charter for the same purpose, and to attend to the interest of the Road iu all other particulars; and that the Committee ap pointed as aforesaid, be authorized to add to their num ber, or fill any vacanclee la their body which may oc cur. On motion of Dr Sugg, the following Resolutlona were adopted: Resolved, That In the opinion of ihls meeting, s SikkiWo Fuse-, should be provided for the liquidation ol the debts of this Company, and that we etrongly recommend to the Stockholders, to contribute for that object. Resolved, that the President and nimrtnr. h In. structed without delay, to prepare an inatrument of nung ana cause it to t presented to every Stock holder In this Company, for his or her slgnsture, bind ing them to the Daymen t of M on each Share of toc annually for 5 years on and after the 1st of Nov. 1847, for the purpoee of raising said Fund. Resolved. Thst no such subecrlDilon ih.tl h nM. ered binding until the sssent of Individual Holders of at wast buuu snares, oe obtained, snd also the consent of the Legislature, to a similar contribution on the Stock held by the State. Resolved, Thai all the nett proceeds of the Roed af ter paying the Expenses of the Company andthe In terval on the debt, shall be edded to said fund until the whole debt shall be extinguished. ' Resolved, That after the debts of the Compaoy shall have bee paid, the whole proceeds of said Road shsll be and are hereby pledged to ihe re-payments to the Stockholders of their contributions aa above, an til the sums so contributed ahall be returned with the interest thereon. Resolved, That Ihe President and Directors be In structed to make eppllcatlon to the Lejietsture at the ensuing. Session, for Its concurrence in the object of the above, resolutions. Reeorvcd, '.Unanimously, Thst the thanks of thJe meetlUt. be presented to our late President Gen. E. B. Dudley, for the nnilrlmr. energy, rha ability, and teal with which he has administered the sflairs ol ihe Company. Resolved, That Wm. A. Wright snd Isaac Oris would be appointed a committee to perpars the pro ceedings of this meeting for publication, and thst 700 copies of the same be printed for distributor amoncat the Stockholders ..OA Thursday,' the Meeting waa addressed by the Hon. Richasd HiMs,the Representative of the State Stock in the Company; " We were pleased to find that thia goDtUrnan'a'vjewi were Wghlf patriotic and em braced ths.intctest of the whole Sjata, ' Bo la win ac quainted with this subject, (i all ita bearlnge, ah4 we bopeowcltiwqa by the eloquent and warm appeal he made foiheto jm Mn iltitfor eycMe; for we may take hi assqrance, that if the people of Wilmington do not' do the Work, it will not be done at all I Mr.' Hurts' is entitled to the warmest thanks of this community, tor bis liberal and enlarged Vlowe of pvSbllolrprovemente, as well as for the maat'arly Illustration of them, on thia occaalon. Toe-following officers were elected (br the enau lng)er( Alexander McRe of Wilmington, Presi dent, vr' " . Directors, chosen by individual Stockholders; John Hill; Edward B. Dudley; f. K. Dickinson j Gilbert Potter j James T. Miller ami O. Q. Parsley. The four-diietors on the part of the State arc not yet appointed. ..- '. EX-GOVERNOR DORR. A Washington Correspondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser says t "I very seldom even mention rumors, but one has come to me from a source 10 reepectable that I cannot pate it over: to wit : that the Government has it In contemplation to establish diplomatic relations with Algiers, and that the appoint ment la to be bestowed upon ex-Governor Dorr, he having Signalized himself in action against the At gerlnea. The Union will, no doubt, set this down as gossip." INDIANA LOAN. The loan of 1800,000 for the State of Indiana haa been raised in London among the holders of the bonds of that State. ' A New Bedford Fmt Story. A wor thy old citizen of Newport, who had the rep titation of being the laziest man alive among " them hillocks" so Ja2y, indeed, that be used to weed his garden in a rocking chair by rocking forward to take hold of the weed, and backwards to up;root it had a way of fishing peculiarly his own. He used to drive his old white-faced mare down to a spot where the tautog black-fish) might bo depended 6n; for any weight, from two to twelve pounds, (one has been caught ol fifteen, off our Duplin Kock Light,) back his gig down to the wa ter side pot out his "pole" and when the tautog was safely hooked, start up the old mare and pull him ou r. Wo will take lhat " cigar case" till a lazier genius turns up. MARRIED, On Wednesday evening Isf t, In this town, by the Rev. Mr. Capers, at the M. E. Church, Mr. Edwin T. Lova, to Mrs. Julia M'Taooabt. In this town, on the 12th Inst., bv the Rev. S. VV. Capers, Mr. Cxxit Cii.best, to Miss Nakcv St. i Oaoaoc, all of this place. I In this town on the 12th Inst., Wm. Hcntinoton, , Esq., to MIssHarixt, daughter of Thos. W. Brown, Esq., all of this place. ' DIED, Miss Mary Nixon ol this place, after a lingering ill ness, aged 71 years. ARRIVAL AT THE HOTELS. CAROLINA HOTEL. Not. 12. John Norfleet. Mrs. Dr. Lawrence, Tar River, (Tar River, Miss. B. Headly.T. River, S. B. Staton, Edgecomb. N. H. Murphy, N; C. T. W. Devane, N. C. O. D. Holmes, Brun- W. A. Whitfield, Milton, Iswick, Henry W. Faison, Duplin, M. Stevenson, Jr. E. Borden, Goldsboro'. Wsyncsboro, Nov. 13. J. M. Horah, Salisbury, Mrs., Hallett, New York, J. Hallett,New York, J. D. Danabery, " J. Dramond, " HANOVER HOUSE. Nor. 12 Thos. W. Devane, Rufus Devsne, New New-Hanover. Hanqver Jos. F. Kornegay A Son, S. Pope 4. Daughter, Wayne, Wayne. Oeo. Kornegay, do. J. L. Pennington, Raleigh, J. B. Elliot, Orange, B. Newklrk A Son, G. W. Henry, New New Hanover, Hanover, Mrs. Musgrave, N. C. i Mr. Musgrave, R. V. Nov. 13. I F. H. Hook fr Lady, Samuel Smith, N. C. IN. C. A. M Laspeyre, Smith villa, J. Robinson, Sampson, W. S. Ashe, New Hanover, D. Howard A Lady, N. C. Benj. Newklrk, N C. MARINE NEWS. PORT OF WILMINGTON, NOV. 14. HidH watbb at TUB SA::::::::::::::::::;::::::::4.1l r. M. ARRIVED. Nov. 13. Schr. A. S. DeRosset, Mills, from New York, to R. W. Brown, with joods for R. W. Brown, Nsffdt Warner, C. W. Bradley, Z. Lattl mer, G. 4 C. Bradley, J. Y. Smith, W. G. Peck ham & Co., O. Holmes. J. Bloomtngdale & Bra., Sandford 4 Smith, Rockfish Co., W. Moye 4 Co., Murchison, Reid & Co., W. Lassiter E. W. Wil kinrs, E. Fuller, Green 4 Hastings, W. W. Pierce, G.P.4.R. I Grant, ). 8. Williams, J.C.4R. B. Wood E. J. Lutferloh, Thos. Luuerlob, N. Drey, Holt 4 Canrigan, Howard & Peden, Samuel Shuter, Myers 4 Barnuro, Charles Barr, O. W. Atkins 4 Co., Brown 4 DeRosset, W. A. Wright, E. W, Fontville, C. T. Haigh 4 Son, Shaw 4 Lit tle, D. L. Rnssell, Marsh 4 Moffett, McMillan 4 Co.W. C. Woolen, E.wa'urrington, L, M. 8utIlfT. Hsll 4 Armstrong, Isaac Wells 4 Co., Henry L. Welton. A. H. Van Bokkelln, B. Flanner, E Kid der, J. A Tajlor, Gardner 4 McKeiihen, C. B. Miller, J. 4 E, Anderson, John Dawson, J. Mubck, B. M. Dowd, A.J. DeRosset, . J. Lutterloh, F. D. Broce, F. T. Ward. A. F. Toon 4 Co., J. 4 T. Waddill, J. H. 4 J. Marline, H. 4 K. J. Lilly. J. TJtler, R, J.Gregory, lloblnson 4 Orahanj, P. M. Luclanl, Isaac Wella, a W. Wobd 4 Bro, R. C. IJallett, Henry Nutt, and J. Hathaway 4 Bon. Passcnocrs. Mr. Prince, Mr. DcKnlghl, Mr. Mason, lady and 9 children, and Mrs. Latbop aod child. Ii. Brig Samuel Potter, Barry, from New York, to Brown 4 DeRotsct. 14. Stoarnef Cotton Plant, Bsnks, from Psyettev vllle, to R. O. Rankin, with a full freight. CLEARED. Nov.' 1.1. Srhr.O. W. DavU Murrb, for New York, by O W. Davis, with 610 Bbla. Spirits far nentlne ; 900 Bbla. Rosin j 1 100 Bushels Pea Nuts ; 2 Hod, and 10 Bundle old Copper; 30 Packs. Snndrie -Aaaaivaa. li Bcnr. IU w. crown, rancis in oays rrora hence. On the night of the 6th Inst, while lying too In the Gulf Stream, lost jibboom, flyrag jib, boat and deck loadwe obUred to lighten ait of throwing overboard part of onderdeck Cargo. ' , t , ii m CLaaaro. . il:Schr. Harrison.Prlce, easier,.. for this port. .. DISASTER. ' ' . w ttor. A Sclrr; H. WesttotLgfroonila1 delphla, arrived tnia. arternoon, sne Drought the CapU and crew. of the Melvina, whom she took off taa wreoK on toe morning oi inejnn. i ne ioimw ing is Capt. Nfclferaon's report otthe gale and hla mmr. Ki r: """:-";"Tf . "". The Meirtna crossed dtif Mai& $arInoropany, -with BrJg BeH and 8phr. Pampero on-thef morn In of the 29th nhr For the first 3 days' out experienced C"ekatYv tWska. fsvm irkttt l4mai nan tv (haa 4tK ' experienced fresh cafes rom, -S. 8. E. to S. E. on the evening oi tne 4U. tna w ina cnangea to t&e N. N. E. increasirrg'all the time with a tremendous sea running- At 4 A. M. on the morning of the 6th, in lat. 35, 25, carried away weather fore-rigging Capt. N: then .wore hip and rweriew lanyards to his fore rigging. The gale continued to fnerease" and on the morning of ihe 7th, Cape Hatteras bar. Ing W . N. yf. 10 miles, the foremast went by jhe board about 4 fcet from the deck, carrying w jih it the mainmast about 20 leet from deck. Capt. N. by sounding the pumps found her makinir water ra pidly, whereupon he ordered the deck load to be thrown overboard. The pumps were then manned and kept constantly working until she was abandon ed, the water gaining all the time, and when Capt N. and hi crew were taken off ol the wreck by the Schr. H. Westcott, which was at 8 o'clock on the morning of the 8th there was 3 feet water in the Melvina' i hold. Capt. Lodgeof the Schr. H. Westcott reports hav ing spoken on tho morning of the 6th Inst., 0tT of Hatteraa, the Brig J. A. Lancaster from this port, bound to Richmond, with loss oi deck load and main Boom. Saw on (be 4th, considerable Plain ed Eloorine afloat. tThe Norfolk Beaoon reports the LaneatUr, with loss of deck load, going up the Jamea River on the morning of the 12th Inst. Brig Louisa, Pierce, for Martinique in bnUaat to E. Dickinson. Sailed in company with Schr. Enter prut for this port. The E. put Into St. Thomas. Left Brig Angelina, Bath Me. discharging, to sail about the 1st Inst, for this port. WENT TO 8EA OVER THE MAIN THURSDAY MORNING. Brig Mazeppa and Schr. Caroline Clark. BAR WENT TO SEA OVER THE MAIN BAR YESTERDAY. 1 Brigs Fox, Nonpareil, Grandee, and Schr. F. A. Heath. BELOW COM1NO VP. Barque Nathan W. Bridge, from Portland, Me. ; to Barry & Uryant. Br. Schr. Liverpool, from Bahamas, with Salt, to : G. W. Davis. A Brigand Schooner, auppoaed to be the J. R Lowana senr. Wilmington. 14. Brig Lycoming, Carrjfrom Warren, R. I. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. BlITTRR V'b -20 BEES WAX 24 nt 2.-i HACON. 7 7, Hums 9 a Sides--- 7J .Shoulders 7 ' COTTON none. CORN nominal tf'hu-" a COFFEE. St. Domingo $f lb. i 8 Java 12 v 14 Kio 8 n Pi Laguira t ' 8J 9 FLOUR. Fayctlevllle bbl. n fl 00 Canal 6 87JB 7 00 HAY 45 68 LUMBER, STEAM MILL. Wide Boards, PUtfc and Scantling, VM. ft. 13- Floor Boards, 4f M. ft $16 - LARD - 8 LIME 75 n - MOLASSES. New Orleana 30 32 Cuba - 71 22 ME.L ybush. 8086 NAVAL STORES. Virgin Dip , 3 30 Yellow Dip, 3 30 o - Spirits Turpentine, Vgal. 45 a 47 Ter V bbl. 2 30 Pitch V bbl. 75 Rosin, No. 1 V bbl.-l,25 1,37, ' Nos. 2 and 3 m 30 Varnish Vgall. 30 n PEAS B. E. Peas None- V bu.- C5 O - PEA-NUTS, M-bushel,-. 95 O 100 RIVER'LUMBER. Floor Boards 9 WideBoardsr A Scantling 4 4 50 RICE Nominal. V lb. - SUGAR. New Orleans 6 71 Porto Rico 7 7j WsO. Hhd. rough-None I " dressed None. " barrel - -Nominal.- 14 15 R. O. Hhd. rough do. 6 7 " dressed do. 7 0 10 SHINGLES. Common 2 50 2 87J Contract 4 00 - SPIRITS. N. E. Rum 31 32 Com. Gin 31 32 Whiskey 24 25 Apple Brandy 33 m 36 SALT None afloat. TIMBER. Ordinary, 5 51 Fair Quality, 61 m 7 Good Mill, 74 A 8 Shipping, Nominal. - REMARKS ON MARKET. Turpentine for the few past days hss arrived freely, our Distillers are holding off at present rates, conse quently ssles hsve been small, and at lower rates from Thursday's quotations. Sales to-day have been msds at 13.40, 13.35, and 1130 last sake at lowest rales. There 1 about 2000 Bbla. In market unsold, and 13.25 ia the highest offering this afternoon. In Spirits, Rosin and Tar, we have no sales to Bete, Tar is unusually scarce and la great demand, and will command 12.45 12.50. Tim iss The market le nearly cleared at former rates, sod a fair to good article of Timber meets with ready sale, the demand being fully equal to the arri vals. Lvmsbb DuD, snd without change In price. Bacom Market well supplied sales dull at quota tions. Ha v Eastern, la retailing from wharf, at 70 cts. Ne wholesale transaction. Fasiorrs Continue good to the West Indies a slight Improvement In those Coastwise. AUCTION. ON Monday, at 10 o'clock, la front ofour store, will be sold, 40 Barrels Sugar House Molasses, now landing from Schr. H. Weseott. 6 TUrces Cubs Molasses. 3 Hhd. " " 10 Boies Tobacco. 10 JarTfresh Butter. 12 Boies Tallow Candlfe. SANDFORD SMITH Auct'r. Nov 14 JO? NEW YORK- i ir . i , ' REG U 1 A T 10 N S 1 READIMG7ROOM, Ixduince Term's of 8ubHntinn: t,v rwL'i. '-'nL annum ABXieiB ! Persons residing to the town prt of ihb yea will be allowed to subscribe by the month, at QwaDottAs I per moniberjr M.aclv&Ut in off cow. ' ,t"'4i,,,oi''-' ' v ' No two oriflore persons will be allowed; the use ot the Room undef one subscription. : - - -- .. . Aaricis tit. - Subwrfbers will be allowed to introduce etrahgers, by leaving their names In a book kept for that pur pose, when s ticket will be ftrmlihed, gfttnt "them free admission for one month. No person can be regarded aa a atrarigery wmV resides" within SO mile of town. Offfcere of tne riny and Navv,' and Masters of Vessels,' will be allowed the use of ihe room by apply ing to the Proprietors, and inserting their names in a1 book. - . ; . ' i ABTICLB V. All persons visiting the Room, are prohibited fronf cutting, mutilating, or taking from the Room any pa per whatever. , , , t-A a tic fc'B vr, . t r'.i , Audible conversation Is st all rime prcmiblfed, snd it is particularly requested that thbfrure should be in variably observed. , tJ-Smoklng prohibited. :'f f v LORINQA STRINGER. N. B. Subscriptions irill be made tip to the first day of November annually, and all persons who may become subscribers aftsr the firafr-ofj May, -will be charged pro rata, provided they continue ale months after that date. , ' WATCHES, JEWELLERY, fcc q HPHE subsiiibct haa just opened, selected by j5 X himself, with great care in the Northern CkAcldcs, the rlchesH sndf rnost estcnslve sssort mentof WATCHES JEWELLERY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, HOUSE-KEEPIKO AND FANCY ARTICLES, fcc ever offered by him, all of which wJJI be sold on reas onable terms. N. B. Watchea repaired and cleaned as usual. T. W. BROWN. Nov. 14. 102-tf EXTRA TERM OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF UW OF NEW HANOVER CODSTV. NOTICE la hereby. given to Attorneys. Parlies and Witnesses, engaged in suits now on the trial dock et of said Court, that sn Extra Term of said Court, will be holden at the Court House, in the town of W 11 mlngton, on the first Monday in January next, when and where they are required to attend, under theaamo penalties and forfeitures as for non-attendance at the regular terms of Mid Court. Teste, O. ALDERMAN, Cl'k. Wilmington Nov. 14, 1S46. 102 just rb:ceived, Per Schooner H. Westcott, VAm LMilc "id Sllppere. WV 200" " Walking Shoe: 50" " Half Gaiters. 60 " " Morocco Bootees. For sale by CHARLES BLAKESLEE. Nov. 14. 102 Just Received, AND now opening, another lot of those beautiful SILK VELVET CAPS for Infants, and other styles In great variety. Call and see them at MYERS 4 BARNUM'S. Nov. 14. 102 12,000 Cords Pine Wood, Wanted! PROPOSALS wilt be received j the Subscriber until I5lh December next, for ths.dellvery, on the Wharf of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Co., dr on board the Steam Boars, TWra Jnenttand Cords Pitch Pint Wood. Contracts to commence on 1st January, 1847, and terminate with the year. Bonds will be required for fulfilment of contracts. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Sttam Boat Artnt. Nov. 14. 102-3w Journal and Chronicle, copy. TO THE PUBLIC. THE ME JOURNAL BY MORRIS 4 WILLIS. THE first number of a Maw stktss of the Natiosa l Pans, remodelled and improved, will be issues on Saturday, the 21st Instant, under the title of THE HOME JOURNAL. The neceasiiv of constantly correcting sn impression thst the " National Press" is a political paper, has induced the undersigned editors to express Its character more distinctly by putting for ward the name which ha hitherto been only second ary in it title. The general design of the Hons Jovbnal will be to furnish entertaining reading, to make a brlof and complete chronicle of passing events, to give the cream of new books, to keep s watchful look-out for Genuine Literature, Music and Art and. In short, to fumish s paper by which familiet may Keep up with Vie timet. This plan will be added to and varied whenever Ingenuity end re sources can find new and valuable attractions but our main yurpot will be constsntry kept In view, vis t to ittue a periodical which, by itt sees and tomprthtnttvt contents, thalt suffice for familiet mat unsh to taki but me paper, at the small price of two dollars per snnura. So Important snd Improving a luxury ia within the means of all. Thb Hons Joeanai will be publiahed every Satur day at 12 per snnum, invariably In sdvsnce. Three copies will be cent to one address to sny pert of the Uni ted States, or the British Provinces, done up ia strong wrapper, for five dollsrs in advance. Post Masters sra requested to set aa agents, receive subscriptions, snd make remittances. New subscribers, If Immediate application be made, will be supplied with the ftrtl number of then ttrits. All eommunlestlone to be addreed (post paid) to the undersigned, el 107 Fulton-street, New-York. GEO. P. MORRIS. N. P. WILLIS. HAY. 1 tZ( BALES prims Eaatsrn Hajr. 10U roraal,by Nov. J4, 184ft. 102 SANDFORD SMITH. APPLES AND POTATOES. 25 BBLS. Russets, 25 " Greening i 20' Yellow Potatoes i 20 Napoleon 25 " Peach Bloom do. For sale by - Nov. 14 102 i. QAHHB.L.L,. HAY. rvp RALES PHnu RaiHim Har. for ele by O " 3f. GAMMELL, Nov. 14. 102 BRICKS. 25,000 6090 Nov. 14. 102 OIT. 8 BARRELS Bleached Winter OIL For sale, by - J. GAMMELL. Nov. 14.