ajsiTi i T II If .-him nTUOMAS LORING,' Editor,! W.STMNGER, AisocuTB Editor. r THE COMMERCIAL la published every TWoy, Tftvrtday, and Saturday, itNpn annum, payable, In all eases, la advance, . BY LOMNCr & STRINGER, Corner of Front and Market Streett, , ' A WIUUNOTON, . Ci ftATCS Of ADVEBTistNO. 1 qUare,l Insertion, 10 60 1 do., 2 do. 75 do.' i do. 100 I do. J month, 2 50 1 square, 2 months, 14 00 1 do. 3 do. 5 00 1 do. 6 do. 800 1 do. lyear, 1200 Twelve lines or less make asquora. If an adver tisement exceeds twelve lines, the price will be In pro portion. Ail advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the most liberal terms. EDWARD CANTWELL, 1TT0RHET IT LAW. AND COMMISSION Ed OF DEEDS KOR SOUTH CAROLINA. OVGB Dt. EVANS' EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, WILMINGTON, N. C. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, AND HARDWARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY C. W. BRADLEY. April 4. 9 JOHN GAMMELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 10. 50 NAUTILUS (MUTUAL LIFE) INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW-YORK. Will take Risk on the Lives of Slaves. W. C. LORD, Agent. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. W. C. LORD, Agent. E. J. LUTTKRLOH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. 5 March 26. THOMAS SANDFORD, NOTARY PUBLIC, WILMINGTON, N. C. SAM'L. P. COMMISSION CAUSE, MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 21. 16 ROBT. G. RANKIN, Auctioneer and Commig&lon Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. U URAL ADVANCES MADE ON SHIPMENTS tO HIS rSlENDS IN NEW YOBK. March 17. 1 NEFF & WARNER, WHOLESALE "AND" RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY OOODS. GROCERIES, SHIP CHAN- lllscn l , OttW iSlTJKtlilS, d-c. April 14. 13 G. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17. 1 BARRY & BRYANT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 18. 1 if. N. B, HUGHES, C O M MISS IO N MER CHA NT, AND GENERAL AGENT Pur the sale of all kinds of Goods, Country Produce and turn batata, RALEIGH, N. C. RuafneM entrusted to him shall bt promptly and laitruuiiy srtenaea to. J una 18. 42. C. N. BELL, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, FOR TUB BALE OF TIMBER, LUMBER, NA VAL STORES, AND ALL KIND8 OF COCNTRT PRODtTTE, 7Vo doort North of R. W. Drmrn'i. WILMINGTON, N. C. Aug. 8, 1840. 02 E. A. CUSHING, DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c. mars.it strut, wilminqtox, . c. April 4 9 BROWN fc DEROSSET, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , WILMINGTON, N. C. DEROSSET & BROWN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 159 FRONT ST. NEW YORK THOMAS ALLIBONE A CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 8 South Whartes PHILADELPHIA. AUwnet nwuls on consignment of COTTON, RICE, NAVAL STORES, and produce gcneraDy. Refer to Meter Brown f- DeRotttf, . ,VVlLHNOTONtN, C- AnglWf- - - - H- ALEXANDER I1ERRON, Jr. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WSmrngtcei, LV. C.) Pd Office, . mo. 36 Noam wnaavis, Refer to- .., ... PHILADELPHIA. Aug. II. 83 J. & W. L. McCARY, 3ROCERS AND SHIP CHANDLERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. raj Id- JliyR' PUBLISHED TRI WEEKLY, BY LORING & STRINGER. . ". . . ' ' ' " ' ' ' '- ' ' -. ' i i i, ,;.srr- i n n - . ; ; - T VOL.1. WILMINGTON, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 19, 1840. NO. 104. D. J. GILBERT, AGENT AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR THE BALI OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS AND COUNTRY FHODUCE. Particular attention paid to receiving and forward ing of Goods. Orders fitted on the best terms, when cash Is enclosed, or produce in hand. N. is. I mar be found at the Store of E. Ttirllnetnn corner of Water and Princess streets, whore may be found a general assortment of groceries for both Town and Country trade. nov. iv. lOU-y R H. STANTON & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GllOCEltS, And dealers in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, SOOTS, SHOES, FURNITURE, HARDWARE, Cl'TLER V, TIN WARE, CROCKERY, &C. N. Stanton, ) nrni , , n L. N. Barlow, $ WUUUflgwn, fl. i. CONSTANTLY on hand, a general assortment of -s COHDAOB and PROVISIONS. Also. For- cign Fruit, Wines, Liquors, Teas, Porter, Ale, Ac. CtShip Stores put up with despatch. Oct. 31, 1846. 96 J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3rd Door North Wattr Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. J. Hathaway. J. L. Hathaway. Oct. 27, 1846. 94. SANDFORD & SMITH, AUCTIONEERS 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND AGENTS OF HENRIETTA STEAM BOAT COMPANY, WILMINGTON, N. C. THOS. SANDFORD, WM. L, SMITH. Oct. 17, 1846. 90 JOHN C. LATTA, C OM MISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 10, 1846. 87 MYERS & BARNUM, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, AND WALKING-CANES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. C. Myers. J, M. Barnvn. Oct. 6, 1846. 85 ELIJAH DICKINSON, C031MISSION MERCHANT, (Senior partner of the late firm of Dickinson & Morris,) WILMINGTON, N. C. Refer to Messrs. B. DeForeat Co., I Y . nesmuA waish, i E.D. Peters & Co., i Meant uiarir. J Walters Souder, dkm.j.,,,,. A. Benson A Co. ' I PbJladelphit. A. Benson eV Co., Oct. 3, 184C. 84 A. MARTIN, GENERAL AGENT AND Commission Merchant, North Water, 1 Doort above Princcu Street, (Murphi Building) WILMINGTON, N C. Oct. 3. 84 L. S. YORKE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, NORTH CAROLINA PACKET OFFICE. 43 1-2 NORTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. June 9, 1846. ly37 JOHN HALL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 7m doort So. of the Cuttom Uoute, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17. 1 H. S. KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARIIT STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17. GILLESPIE & ROBESON, AGENTS rOR THE 8LE OF TIMBER, LUMBER, NAVAL STORES, f. Will make liberal cash advances on all consinmenu ot produce. March 17. 1 CHARLES BLAKESLEE, (Successor to James Paoderford.) MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Boots and Shoes, Mirr 9tt Wilmington, N.C. BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER, AT THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. CHAS. D. ELLIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT. WILMINGTON, N. March 17. C. 1 SAM'L. p. CAUSE, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF LCMBER, TIMBER, TURPENTINE, kC. W1LMINOT0I. ti. C April 21. 16 SANDFORD 4, SMITH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. THOS. SATf DTORD, March 23. w. t. SMITH. 4 SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY, Front Street, WUminpton, N. C. THE subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public generol Iv. that he hns Ukfen the stora formerly occupi ed by Porter and Blakeslee, and Immediately opposite tne cnronicie uttioe, where he is now opening a com plete assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Tranks, Martingales, Valises, Carpet and Saddle Bags, Collars, Whips, Spurs, Bits, fce. &c U Lt AH of which will be warranted of good manufacture and materials, and will be sold low for CASH. Having lohu experiencr In the above business, he Hatters himself that he will be able to renderutf tat Uf action to those who may be disposed to patronise him. ' It is his intention to keep no Books, but to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, by Which means he will be able to furnish articles much cheaper than they have heretofore been bought in this market. Ij-REP AIRING of all kinds done at the shortest notice. " JOHN J. CONOLEY. Aug. 6, 184C. ; lyGl FLOUR. BEST Canal Flour. For sale, by Sept. 26. 81 E. PETERSON. QHEET1NG. Four-Fourth's, from the RocicrieH KJKactory, for sale by BROWN & DeKUSSKT. July 7. 48 TO RENT. CJEVERAL well finished offices, in the fire proof kj building on Y attr btrott, over the stores ot&nutn, Mitchell & Gurjcs. That Inrtre and convenient Wharf on Essie's Island, ooDositeTown and known as the site of the Phttnix liutillery, 220 feet front, and running back 1C00 feet with convenient dock, Warehouse 40 oy 80 feet, negro quarters, &c. all In good repair. Apply to ti. iNutt Sept 25, 1846. 81 tf. NEFF &, WARNER TTAVEju8t received per Schrs. E. S.Powell and XI R. W. Brown. At their General Ship Qhaildlery and r amiiY urocery Store, The following supply of GOODS, which they ofTer for sale on most accommodating terms, viz : OA BBLS. Mess Beet 20 " Rio do. 20 " Family do, 20 ' St. Dominiro do. 20 1 ' Packet do, 6 chests Yg. Hyson Tea, 1000 lbs. Smoked Beef, 10 Black do. 20 bbls. Beef Tongues, 20 " Mess Pork, 20 " Prime do. 20 boxes Cheese, 40 Dbls. Canal Flour, 20 i " " " 30 " Pilot Bread, 20 I" " 20 " Navy " 12 boxes Lemon Syrup, 6 " Lemons 10 boxes Sperm Candles 20 i " " " 20 " Tallow 30 kgs Cut Nails, a, sizes. 20 do. Ship Splltes. 600 lbs. cop. Sheath. Nails, 100 lbs. Copper Tacks, 20 " Soda Biscuit, 1 Soda Biscuit, 60 kegs No. 1 White Lead, 3 hhds. FortoKlco Sugar, 41) " Kxtra " 6 bl I a. Crushed Sugar, 20" Bluck Paint, 10 " Powdored " 60 Cons Imperial Green, 1000 lbs. Loaf " 30 " Paris " 10 bags Lagulra Coffee, A general assortment ef Summer Clothing. A general assortment of Wood and Willow Ware. Also, per Schr. Wilmington, and Hriir Dutlell : 30 boxes Tobacco i 10,000 Spanish Segars, assorted Brands i 30.000 American do. 3 casks first rate French Brandy, with Custom House Certificates, And 5 casks London and Philadelphia Porter. All of which we offer for sale on accommodating terms. N. W. Aug. 13, 1846. 64 MESS AND PRIME PORK for Sale by ' GILLESPIE & ROBESON Sept. 15. 78 FOR SALE. A FIRST RATE northern built Buggy. For sale low, by BROWN DsROSSET. Sep -n. eu FOR RENT. A DWELLING on Second between Market and Dock Street, at d resent occuDled bv Mr. Ausrua- tine, well adapted for the accommodation of a sraaH family. Apply to I. MULOCK. Sep. 12. 77 SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, fcc. fcc. &c THE SubscrlbOT has on hand a general as sortment of Goods in his line, together a Willi nwwmuiigg f v and SuUciet, all of which he will sell low. Purchasers are respectfully Invited to call at the Old Stand, North Side of Market Street OUT C. nOTCHKISS. Wilmington, Sept. 26. 8L Agency or Caps Fias Steam Boat Conf art, ) Aforcftll, 1846. '.J, , fWK HTHE Cape Fear Steam Boat ' Con- Lj,!l""y JL pony, having thoroughly placed In f " order the favorite Steamer, Cotton Plant, and are building Lighters of the most a st vie. and Doculiarlv adapted to UM low et aires le, and peculiarly adapted to the low stages of e River, are prepared to give despatch to Goods for My- r. are prepareo 10 give acspwen to www lor amj- attfiv VOtL rui thn InUirtnr. on ttM matt raxonMM Unu The keel of a new Steamer has been laid, which will soon be completed, of such light draft ot water, u to tuit alt ttosret of Uu Hirer ; and vhieh, in ttghtnott of orol, wiu Nsvca is buspasd. uooaa will be received and forwarded promptly thro' Wilmington, fret of all eharrttfar SUratr. Dranate, Wharfage, and Committitne ; and will be attended to at FavsttevlBe, free of Ctmunitmont. Goods can be stored there, up town or at the river, as shippers may desire. The Cape Pair Steam Boat Company are determin ed to carry Goods on at fatoraUt term at any other Company i and from the Ions experience of their a gents at Wilmington and Fayettevltle, have no doubt of giving their mends entire tatitMitm. ' K.W. WILLaUNGS, Agent tU Foyeiletill. robt.g(:raniin, Arent at Wilmington. March 17. . . - - 1 EMPTY SPIRITS TERPENTINE BBLS. A CONSTANT supply of th above barrets for XX. sale ay SANDFORD SMITH. Aug. 4, 1848. 60 5,0002?! i BUSHELS TURKS' ISLAND 8 ALT Sole by O. 0. PARSLEY. Wilmington, March 19. 3 tf. BILLS OF EXCHANGE Price II perqu!r,fcr sale st the COMMERCIAL OFFICE. March 21. Linseed OiL 6 BARRELS Linseed 00, In Store, IbrSsle low, by J. W. L. McOARY. Oct. I. 63 Copartnership. THE subscribers have entered Into a oMH,tMrshlp, under the name and Ann of Howard A. Psmn. Wr. C. HOWARD. W. N. PEDEN. Oct. 8, 1846, 86 SADDLES AND BRIDLES. THE above articles are sold at the lowest prices, by Sept. 26. 61 E, PETERSON. IT AY of good quality, for ', for sale in Iota to suit, by BROWN d DeROSSKT. Oct. a 1846. PROVISIONS. trn BBLS. Baltimore and N. Y. Inspection mess tseei, 60 " " Prime Pork, 50 " & half do. Superfine Flour, Nne H'keai, 5 Bbls. Sounds and Tongues, 5 Bbls, No, 1 Mackerel, 3 Hblft. New Salmon, 10 Otis. Codfish, 30 Half Bbls. F. M. Beef, and Beef Tongues, 25 Boxes Cheese, 25 Boies Smoked Herring, 15 Fiikins Orange County Butter, 5 Tierces White Beans, 10 Bbls. Kill Dri ed Meal, 25 Kes Laid, CO Bbls. Salina Salt, &c. Ac. For sale, very kit, by NEFF A. WARNER. Oct. 3. Mess Pork. BARRELS Mess Pork. For snle, bv 6J JOHN GAMMELL. Sep. 22. j 79 X A BARRELS N. O. Whiskey, w 30 do. Apple Brandy, 30 do. Spanish Brandy, 10 do. Malaga Wine, 3 Hhds. Sugar, 2,000 lbs. N. C. Bacon, fur sale by Oct. 3, 1846. A. MARTIN. 84. COAL AND HAY. A( TONS Coal, 26 Bales Hay, Dally expected -v pet !cnr. Joseph Lybrain, from Fhll kadelphia. for sale MULOCK. Sep. 8. 75 REMOVAL. THE subscriber has removed to the new Store ia North Water Street, two doors snore Pracet Street, where he ofTert for sale, in addition to Goods before advertised, 150 Bales prime Eastern Hay. 6,000 lbs. Superior North Carolina Bacon. 300 Bushels Cow Peas. Oct. 22. 92 A. MARTIN. COPARTNERSHIP. THE lubacribcrs have formed a CopartneTshlp, l.n)nr tka Arm rJ If sMLIUm Jt 4xm wMnsa- A uiiuui iiio ail n wivmaiuuii s w vf uro tmttr- action of a general retail business at If We Halt, War den Lounty. UUUALU JHCMlUUtn, THOS. H. LANE, WM. B. ROBESON, Jr. Aug. 25 1846. SHAD. 9f RARREIS ot Ocean Shad a superior ar &J ticle for family use, for sale by . MULOCK. Aug. 6ih, m. 62 NOTICE. FLOORING and Weather boards well dressed, also sheathing, and laths, can be at all nines had at the Central Planing Mill, which will be delivered to the purchasers on sny wharf designated in town, without charge for transportation. Fersons wishing to nave hunber plained at said Mill are furnished with a flat of convenient size free from charge. Apply to the subscriber two doors north of tlw Custom House. E. I, LUTTERLOH. Oct 10. 87 I" - PAINTS, OILS, &C. FOR SALE Qff KEGS No. I. Extra and Pure White Lead OVKJ 30 fa IbHrsbhck da lUSegs yellow uenre. 600 lbs. Paris Chrome, and Imperial Green Paint Kegs Red Lead, Spanish Brown, Ac, Boxes Chrome Yellow Red Vermillion, dry. 10 Bbls. boiled and raw Linseed OiL by NEFPofc WARNER. Oct. 3. M MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, dte, The Subwribcr his U ken the Agency of an extensive MARBLE MANU FACTORY at the North and will receive orders for the above named articles on as favorable terms as eon be procured from any other establishment. GUY C. HOTCHKISS. Sep. 22. 79 Notice. THE subscriber having qualified at the Septembor Term, 1848, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of New Hanover County, a Administrator Pendente lid, of Sovomok W. Nash, deceased, hereby gives public notice to all persons indebted to said es tate to make Immediate payment, and to all persons having claims sgalnst the same to present them within loeu DJ Law, vl uua mm wui ev w UK p W overv. FANNING. Admr. 79 q v, FAMILY MILL THE subsenper respwuuiry tmonns ne ciuxcns riber respectfi L ot Wilmington, that he keeps constantly on uy on nana fretknwmd Meat, which be sens at Store prices. He is ore pared at all limes to grind Com at lbs shortest id tnr iween the Messrs. OiAirrs amf FsAffwLn Hotvl. JONATHAN LEES. Sept. 1, 1846. .72 prr SIXTY PACKAGES T W ASSORTED EARTHEN, X) GLASS, AND CHINA WAR, NOW binding from cbooner FayUeoQk, and vil be sold on A. No. 1 terms. Also. 2 hhds. Porto Rico Sugart It bagi Coffee, Lagulra and Rlof half Ckest Tea i SeJeraros,' Spanish Brown, Alum. Brlnv tone, Copsras, tWsjoee; 14 kags anot wkus fioapi Kegs Noik Steele, LL ROTH WELL. Oct. 20, 1848 , ' '. SI COPARTNERSHIP. rpHE Subscriber havtng taken his Brother Ears R. X VNood mi oCki partnership, the busriiesswber- afier be conducted under the Arm of D. W. WOOD 6 BROTHER. , Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore re ceired, a continuation Is respectfully solicited for the new Arm. u. w. nwu. Oct ZJ, 1846. ' t3 "Be just and Fear Not" pOUNTER Scales and weights of various pawns J and srsea, sor ssM, fry lNov.2.977 HART &. POLLEV. From the New OrlsaM Picayvae. CSWBICIIK HUJfllll. The remarkably quiet and Maceabfo citi zens residing in a certain portion of Bartnnft street, were a wakencf from their slumbers a few ntc-hta sincp, and from the enjoyment of uivcis ana sunury u reams oi tuiysiao new, J j a .." it murderous attacks, storms at sea,. tumbling down long flights of stairs, or of rain and re peated enorts to accomplish some desired ob ject (varying jn character, of course, acfotd- ing to the amount ol supper they had eaten and the state of their digestive organs) bv certain melodious sounds in the streets. Some fancied they heard the wild and gash ing melody of an iEolian harp others, the discontented mullerings ol some unhappy grunter, who, like a penny-a-lindr after a hard day's work, had abandoned his pen in disgust The sounds approached, and soon a not unmusical voice somewhat thicken ed and husky from tSe effect of the dew chaunted out : "To ladies' eyes around boy, We can't refoss, we can't reluser Though bright eyes so abound boy, Tis hard to choose, lis hard to choose. For thick as stars that lighten Von airy bowers, yon airy bowers, The countless eyes that brighien This earth oi ours, this earth of oars. , Bot fill Ihe cup where'er, boy. ' Our choice mav fall, our choice may fall, We're su re to find love there, boy, So drink them all so drink iheid all I At this precise juncture., when the tngtfs voice reverberated iu the drum of tome ner vous gentleman's ear, a window" was heard to open suddenly, und a loud crash, as of bro ken crockery, followed. 1 Halloa, old gentleman !' said the singer, 1 you came very near my head then. I wish you would be a little more particular when when you shower your favors upon public singers. I say, aint you a mem mem- member of the temperance society t you must be a president of" some so-ci-ety. I don't mind a utile cold water myself, but I like it in small doses and never take K pitcher odd all V "Hall Columbia, happy land. ' Hail ye heroes, heaven-bora band !' Who's that making all that 'ere noise down there" said a querulous voice from second story window. ' What was that last inter interrogatory you were pleased to pro propound f said the musical amateur. 1 Who's making all that noise there V re peated the voice. ' it you mean to characterize my vocmi ex execution as a noise, sir, then, sir, allow me to observe, sir, that it is me that is making all that naiie, as you are so facetious as to de nominate it.1 ' Well, you had much better go bom than be disturbing people at this time of night,' retorted the voice as the window was sum med down. ' If he don't o soon, Til call the watch,' said the first voice, following his neighbor's example Oh fin V lnnrrhixl tli Vfvslint : CM In hpd. old gentleman go to bed ; you've no ear for !mus so don't exhibiting your breed istening to what you don't understand. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind, Sboald auld acquaintance be forgot, And days o auld lanj syne ! Should auld' Waub t watch !' cried a shrill female voice from the next door above. Wbefe in the work! is all the watch ? I do believe they are eternally gob', for they'll never stop when a body wants em. They are not stop watches, ma'am'., said, the gentleman who had expressed himself so forcibly sgainst forgetting 'auU ting syne,' and acquaintances formed at that period. 1 None of your iroprdence, too loafer you 1' retorted the lady with tha shrill voice, protruding her nightcapped bead from her window, and looking ' sharps' and ' bet weens' at the amateur. 1 HI soon put a stop to your music,' '.Well, ma'am, you need'nt be so poin. ted in your remarks, or shake your bead so violently, eoa you mirht shake offthat fine nightcap you've got' on, and disturb them , - y v, - nit- bot ik"" ) " r j Ob take me to yoar arms my love, roi Keen tne wind doth blow: -; i;" Ob uke roe to thy arms, my love, for bluer. i my won; .Jt. (Female bead disappears and window cloaca.) She bean me not, she cares not, nor wiu one list to me, . ' '' '" And here I lie in misery beaeatk tbt willow tree , Willowl wUlow, wUlow.benealblbe.wuwtrtev Vila I ha I' said a iieah.voice from the bal cony of a bouse from .which, bong a small piece of a shingle witb tba words, i Fomisbr ed rooms to letT inscribed thereon. ( 4 Oo it my eid boy I W bile were yonng wa should bo gay,' said a young gentleman in a Shirt, appearing upon the aforesaid balcony' 1 bVe music!' v'" ' 4 Oh bow eaa ! be Wltbe and tUlj " tr how eta I fratw brisk Sod bras, , r7, , , , When the bonnto lass (bat 1 We be Is o'er lbs hills and tar a wa'- S , cbannted forth tha modem Apolla - Monsieur I Monsient r said a fall deed head, anneerio at another window Moo- sienr Amsteor, would do bo so please as to com some oxer time an' tksntt for oar sal- iajaction. W are so much obliged for yo ring now, zatwe fo not know' how to e? press myself, atV we Ad not desire fo'ptif a yoo t too motn eierfwrr, arr to oiS will be nfeai not to sirtg airj tn5e 'U'vrtfek t hay one little baby tat ii my wife have4 on1 Iitt! batyand be nf rar moze all zfo time; ha just i now go to slee 'afidVif he : walta a tip. im Ishatlftcr gd to ileej) a'njf more to-night.' r " ' 'l'mmrjch obrigei wyott fdr jour tom plimcftfs, tli fcllow. bat I'm not singing (d oblig you, but to oblige myfefr, and. to o blige that lady in her shirt theiI rneari ' that gentleman in his shirt And as tot jronr baby, iit; to fofr wire's Ubr.dHt tlt 1 babyf What do you appose 1 car about dirty nosed liule brat,' sir 1 Let k erj inJ be d -d. Spank it, sir ( s ponk it P ' ; " 1 j napftapll wenr a watc&nMrlit!a! at neigbborihg ftrect c'o'rfier, and Immediaiety after three windows were heard to open, and , three mate voices and one female toic cr V Watch ! in dirTerent keys. T : VW. H'jS"1, "llllj WJ UKAJCJ,, ( y jf HuW fast the moments lit i Ti time to part, ihott Mare t f That batctal watchman's eiy. . Fast tweWt o'clock 1 Goodbir tn4 ;.t sit chaunted the musical genius in a rich vbicds Watch I' bawled the tenor. m Watch !' cried the bass voice. -, -j-'Awn Watch !' piped the falsetto, v Waahmanl' echoed the Frenchman y during which the songster was favoring tbct. compenj with the second terte of Alotfre's melody, and (he watchman was rapidly ap4 proacbing the spot. Wharis the row V pertinently inquired: the watchman, r i ' Why,' said the bais voice-, 'thai 'era fel low's a dietorbin' of the whole neighborhood with 'is sinrm'.' - n Amu That he is,' said the tenor. 'Attdnal been doing it for an hour I A pretty set "of watchmen we've got; to be Sdrfe' t ns'i 1 Ef you say anytbin' agio the waichinefj you may tote him off yourself, for 1 1vna'tj said the watchman, wrtheommendatlasn d corps. i . fi ijts&M' Oh, do lake him away I cried the 4enb? 4 I've been sick for week,ndllhan't! sleep a wirlk io-night, it be keeps a joirf' orJ in that way.' ' For merry's sake, put hint Jd lhe k boose, watchroarl,' exclainied the female In the cotton niirhtc&n. - ?f ' The' Thli en fare thee well, my own dear lav: ' Is world Has now for as " ' No trreater grief, no pain above - i The pia of parting taoa dear Uwef i he paw oi parting tnus r . lanir thn oerseverin? musician, sbrteadioa bis legs very wide apart, and, witi.hul Jtani od ; his heart, extending bis head toayaids tha ? lady, t t. -,; - . -c'l ' ' Come, let's have no more o' that, old iel- ler,' aeid the walchmatt. W will jtatlike ft small somnambolaiioo together, my niguV ingale, for these 'ere people saetM Useliaya, j as yea' re no more musical than a Idx key f t and he jinked bis arm id bie Mw'irictui'i u&i Ab,.ah, MonsierAinat jckbncd the Frenchman, exoltinrly. , Yoa alafJ SDCterJuae toMOorroW,'Tviin yon- b brldg before lh Eeeorder be LDakl ton airiff trpn on ze oxer side of yoar moose f' tlafluU yon dam my little babyby dam I daal too, an', to. morrow L abU go appeal aaft sjaka a complaint again yotf idam if 1 1 don't i'- ' r: s, ttt-Mt1 Go to the d 1, old fello said lb mirsv -cal man, ' and let the watebmab and me fight our own battles,' and away they started down the street, the watchman's companion roar ing out tho' flash song or Culwcrt, begin- ! ninfr Ui " In a box of the stona Jrig, I tjow-f 0,:;. nix, myooitypaiai fast away; Nir m A.ltv nah ! Pali awav f : '' The last faint sound of the inebriate's reice died away, and oaiet resumed ituwsy. ' SOT T1IWB TIE BOCTOR J MICE. 4Vi ... . ....... ...,a.lMl KltA4 .. aa a sr. - Among the most disagreeable things attriwf- wg ibe practice rjf me rnbat ardent of all professions Medicine -are the prejadicesd tha physician must eonstanxry dMeod wih, either m the mind of bis patientr hULtof his friends. It b enier to rtreebodiV compbints or a hondre4 pervnajthaii io eradicate the prejudices "frfira the ftiind bfope.( Absurd, ridiculous, and hurtful notion, which have as ft: were, frown with them, wHl. adhere to the mind, in spite ofalttflbrts to root them out " , 4 Visiting a patient a short yfiw agoj says Dr. ljiraMrt, fa cclebratct! ftbyskiaolaja from Ciacinnari, but now1 pr,aci!siog' ia )hJs city,) I penjelwd a wrjf rJigagrecable' srnclj, like that of putrid meat, apparently "issuing, from beneath the bed clothes at the foot of the1" bed. I inquired what it was. ; ' ' , 'r Why, said the good wife, Who was t tending on her sick hosband, ' it's nothing but a dung bill fowl h tas got 60 thebdt-jii torn of his feet poor man.' t x i 'A dun 2 hillwwtt' txclaimcd I with ajnAxe- T Yes. Doctor said ahe 1 ' I bad iba r Jul- ' lest fowl in tha barn tard cut open stive, s6d. ane-l other, IVi 1 A 1 feet to ears a fever!" Who pot ints,fooK " r s . . i - i. ish notion into you? head V . v 9 " Foolisb'notipo.or not, Docioi1,'! sm iufafc Mr. Totef Is a great deal better of lis' 2om plaints than he was, poor map; be doesn't sweaV'sdconfusely and ha breathes k great deal shorter and quicker than.te dji So much tha worse,' good wotoao.! , , So too' always tejlLina,', Doctor, whan Vm doing all I Un for tha bentfit of the ilcX in my bmily. 8o you told me when I wai hail pin oq one kkx, ana ons-nau on uo . whilo' ft was all alive and kicking i a charming thing for a fever. Doctor A live fowl cut orjen: and duI oo a maft s

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