, , THOMAS IOJWQ, p. 4 W. STRINGER; Associate Editor. la published every TWayvTWday,and Saturday, UN per annum, payable, in all cases, In advance, BY WRING. & STRINGER, - Corner if front and Market Strut; , h r BATt-S OP ADTlBTlsiSO. 1 equate,! Insertion, tO 60 1 do. . 2 a do. 75 1 ,to. 3 do. - 100 1 do. 1 month, '2 53 I Square, J month, S4 00 1 do.- 3 do. v 600 1 do. 6 do. . 8 00 t 'do.' 1 year, 12 00 Twelve Hues or less make ssouare. If an adver tisement exocsds twelve lines, the price will be In pro portion, c i ,' :.)'. f All advertisements are payable at the time of their Insertion; . ' . - Contracts with yearly advertiser, will be made on the moat, liberal term. ' v.v ' BDWRDVC ANT WELL, , A T TORN B Y A IP UW. AND COMMISSIONER OF. DEEDS FOR . , SOVTH CAROLINA. OYER PR, SYANB' EXCHAXOB BUILDINGS, -WiLMINQTOW.N.C. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, AND , HARDWARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY " W. BRADLEY. April 4. 9 . rJOHN GAMMELL,' COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. July 10. 60 NAUTILUS (MUTUAL LIFE) INSURANCE COMPANY Or HEW-YORK. Will take Risk on the Lire of Slaves. W. C. LORD, Agent. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE TRUST COMPANY. ' ; W. C. LORD, Agent. E. J, LUTTERLOH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIUIIHOTOX, IT. C. March 26. THOMAS SANDFORD, NOTARY PUBLIC, WILMINGTON, N. C. 8 AM'L. P. CAUSE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 21. II ROB'T. O. RANKIN, Inetionetr and Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. U1EB AL ADVAMCBS MADS ON SHIPMENT tO H IS raiEUDS IM HBW YOBK. March 17. 1 NEFF & WARNER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DCALERS I DRY OOODS, GROCERIES, SHIP CHAN DLERY, SHIP STORES, c. April 14. 13 G. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 March 17. BARRY & BRYANT, COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 16. 1 tf. N. B. HUGHES, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT For the sale of all kinds of Goods, Country Produce and Keel testate, RALEIGH, N. C. Business entrusted to him shall be promptly and faithfully attended to. June la 42. C, N. BELL, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, FOR THE BALE OF TIMBER, LUMBER, NA VAL STORES, AND ALL KINDS OP C0PSTBTPRODVCE, 7 Ve doin North of R. W. Drown. WILMINGTON, N. C. Aug. 8, 1846. E. A. CU SUING, DEALER IN . BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c. MA ax ST STBEBT, WILM1N0T0N, N. C. Aprils'. 9 BROWN & DEROSSET, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C DEROSSET tfc BROWN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 159 FRONT ST. NEW YORK THOMAS. ALLIBONE A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 8 Sooth Wiuavss PHILADELPHIA. Advance mads on eosMtgnroent of COTTON, RICE, NATAL STORES, and produce generally. . , . , , ttfer to Meemr Drmm f DRott WlLMIKOTDN, N. C. . -.Aaf. ' 7i-ro ALEXANDER HERRON, Jr. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, v . , r ". VOL 361 HOBTM WIARTia, . Raart - . PHILADELPHIA. C. P. EtXla. Kaa '.IwUmlagtoo, . C. E. J, LrrraaLOM, E4. ' J. & ,17, L;:McGARY, GROCERS AND SHIP CHANDLERS, TOMWqTON, N. C, i7nTTTi?TT . i 77hrrrv WClTTT',Av"i vi i i j i :t i i i : : i.4 j 4 , i 1 1 v j i f n ,n i i ir, i 1 1 i i ;ri .4 i , ;,t i i ! j . i Mj.iA ) VOL. 1. D. J. .0 1 LBBRT,v' ' ' 'AGENT AND COMMISSION' , . MERCHANT, - rOR.THBSALa OP ALL IHN08 OP GOODS AND COTJMTtT rBODUCE. Particular attention paid to receiving end forward ing of Good. Orders fitted orl the best terms, when cash is enclosed, or produce 1a hand. N. B. I mar be found at the Store of E. Turlington corner of Water and Princess street, where may be found a general assortment of groceries for both Town and Country trade. 1 nov. to. iw-j R. II. STANTON & CO.. WHOLESAUS AMB KKTAII. GUOCEll i- And dealers In DBY OOOOS, OLOTMMt, BATS, CAT 8, BOOTS, shoes, reasmrsjt, habdwaak, cut libit, , TIM WAEX, CBOCKMY, &C. H. Stanton. ) titni L. n L. N. Barlow, J numiugwu, n. v. CONSTANTLY on hand, a general assortment of J CORDAGE and PROVISIONS. Also. For eign Fruit, Wines, Liquors, Teas, Porter, Ale, &C. Shi? Stobbs put oft with despatch. ct, 31, 1840. . 96 J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 2rd Door North Water Stmet, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. J. Hathawat. J. L. Hatbawav. Oct, 27, 1846. 84. SANDFORD 4, SMITH, AUCTIONEERS k COHESION MERCHANTS, ,AND AGENTS OF HENRIETTA STEAM BOAT COMPANY, WILMINGTON, N. C. THOS. SAKDrOBD, WM U SMITH. 90 Oct. 17,1646. JOHN C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 10, 1846. 67 MYERS & BARNUM, MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, AND WALKING-CANES, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, MARKET STREET, WaMlNQTON.N. C C Myebs. i. M. Babrvm. Oct. 6, 1846. ELIJAH DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, (Senior partner of the lets linn of Dickinson & Morris,) WILMINGTON, N. C Messrs. B. De Forest Co., :.l Ne York. Nesmith & Walsh Oct. 3, 1846. &1 A. MARTIN, GENERAL AGENT AND Commission Merchant, North Water, I Doors above Princess Street, Murphf i Dividing,) WILMINGTON, N. O. Oct. 3. 84 L. S. YORKE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, NORTH CAROLINA PACKET OFFICE. 43 1-2 NORTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. June 9, 1846. ly37 JOHN HALL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TV doort So. tftho CWom Houtt, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17. H. S. KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, BUSK ST STBBnV WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 March 17. GILLESPIE & ROBESON, AGENTS TO THE BUt Of TLfDER, LUMBER, NAVAL, STORES, 4c. Will make liberal caah ad ranees on aD consignments of produce. ' March 17 1 CHARLES BLAKESLEE, (Successor to James Paoderford.) MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IS Boots and Shoes, Mabkit St, Wilmington, N. C. CHAS. D. ELLIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, . WILMINGTON, N. a Hlrchl7. I SAM'L P. CAUSE, AGENT FOR THE VALE OF LUMBER, TIMBER, TURPENtlNE. 4C -VIUUHQTOR, April 11. 16 SANDFORD SMITH,. COMMISSION MERCIIANTS, , .. -. J. WILMDiaTON, N.,C TWOS. SAWBS-OM kardlSl r, .tnn 1l RAO. T PyBLISIIEti i T'RIEEKLY, WILMINGTON, SAURDAYA BLANKS : PRINTED TO ORDER, AT THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUM MANUFACTORY, Front Strut. Wdminvton. N. C. THE subscriber takes this method J of informing his friends and the public general- ly, that he has Ulfen the store formerty eceupl- ed by Porter and Blakeslee, and immedlatelv opposite the Chronicle Office, where he is now ODcnina a com plete assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Martingales, valises, Carpet tod saddle Kan, uHian, Whips, odqti. Bits, It. It. it tt All of which will be warranted of good manufacture and materials, and win be sold low cor CASH. Having lohu exprbiewcb In the above business, ne Batters himself that he will be able to renderuli nl- 'action to those who may be disposed to pationize hin m. It is his Intention to keen no Books, but to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, bv which means he will be able to furnish articles mcch ombafeb than they have heretofore been bought in thla market. rjrREP AIRING of all kinds done at the shortest notice. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Aug. 8, 1846. ' ly61 FLOUR. BEST Canal Flour. For sale, by Sept 20. 81 E. PETERSON. QHEETING. Four-Fourth's, from the Rockpish OFactobt, for sale by BROWN k UeKUSSKT. July 7. 48 TO RENT. S EVERAL well finished. offices, in, the fire proof building on Water Strut, over the stores orsmitn. Mitchell & Gudcs. itilUrv. with convenient' dock, Warehouse 40 oy 80 feet negro quarters, oic. all In good repair; Apply to n, Kutt, sept -a, iwr. vi u. MESS AND PRIME PORK for Sale by GILLESPIE fc ROBESON. Sept. IS. ' 78 FOR SALE. A FIRST RATE northern built Buggy. For sale xxlow, by BROWN . iOSSET. sep v. 80 FOR RENT.. A DWELLING on Second between Market and Dock Street, at present occupied by Mr. Augus tine, well adapted for the accommodation of a small family. Apply to J. MULOCK. Sep. Vi. ii SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, fcc fcc. &c. HE Subscriber haa on hand a gnral as sortment of Goods in his line.' together V wMi with Rockawavi. Bur git. Trotting Waeeont, and- Sulkut, all of which he will sell low. Purchase are respectfully invited to ceil at tne urn a tana, norm Side of Market Street . GUY C. HOTCHKJSS. Wilmington, Sept. 26. 61. Aobxcy or Cap Fbab Stbam Boat Compahy, ( March II, 1846. HE Cape Fear Skam Doat Com panv, having thoroughly placed In flSMMMHai ordt order the favorite Steamer, Cotton Plant, and are building Lighters of the most approved styta.-and peculiarly adapted to the low atages of the River, are prepared to give despatch to Goods for Fay etteville, and tne Interior, on the moot favorable term. The keel of a new Steamer has been laid, which will soon be completed, of such light draft of water, u to $uii all ttagt of the Hirer; and vhichj in lightnet of arajl, will nivcb bb sirarAssED. Goods will be received and forwarded promptly thro' Wilralngtonjree of all charge Jor Storage, Droyagt, Wharfage, and Commistiont i and will be attended to at Fayettcville, free of Commiirion. Goods can be stored there, up town or at the river, aa shippers may desire. The Cape Fear Steam Doat Company are determin ed to carry Good on a favorable term a any other Company i snd from the long experience of their a gents at Wilmington and FayettevlBey have no doubt of giving their frienda entire tatUfactutn. E. W. WILLKINGS, Agent at FaycttetiBe. ROB'T. G. RANKIN, Agent at Wilmington. March 17. I EMPTY SPIRITS TURPENTINE BBLS. A CONSTANT supply of the above barrels for 21. sale by SANDFORD & SMITH. Aug. 4, 1846. 0 C AAA BUSHELS TURKS' ISLAND SALT LF,VAA for Sato by O. G. PARSLEY. 2 if. Wilmington, March 19. TJILL8 OF EXCHANGE Price 91 perouite, for AJ sale at the COMMERCIAL OFFICE. March 21. ' .3 Linseed OiL C. BARRELS Linseed OU, In Store, for Sale low, by J i. 4 W. L. JMcUArXl , J. A W. L. Oct. 1. 83 HAY. Cf BALES prime Eaatem Hay, Juat landed, f OU sale by SANDFORD dt SMITH. for Oct 24, 1846. 93. BUTTER AND CHEESE. 5 KEGS superior Goshen Butter, 20 boxes prime Cheese, I boxes Pine Apple Cheese, just received per BrigBelle. JA W. L. McGARY. uet. 93 OUGARS, Loaf, Crushed and Brown best quality. O For sals by C W. BUADLEY For sals bY Oot. 31. 96 Removal THE Subscribers, aava removed their Office, to the Gastom Stcam Saw amo Planino Mills Nov. 10. , P. K. DICKINSON A Co. Chronicle copy. . . 8ml00 Eau De Cologne. eft DOZEN, In quart Bottles, of the real French Coiqgiu, just imported and arrived from Martirs Ique, In lota to suit pnrehasera. - Ft sale, by Hot. la - ttOOf J. HATHAWAY SON. ; BACON Ofin PRIME North Ctmllna Bacon Hams, iastr eslvsd.fot ealwbY- Nov. 10.., tllOOJ. J.AW.L.MCQARY ' 7X HERRINGS. . 1. i - V tr BOXES very scptrdor ssalsw Herrtaga, jtwt 1 rsoalvaA and for Nov. 10. . ilOd) W.L. McUaT. That large and convenient Wharf on Eagle's Island , opposltsTown and known as the sits of the Phamix DutUUrv. 220 feet front snd running back 1600 feet BIT LORlNGfc :STRINGEIi Jr: Copartners THE subscribers have entered into a copartnership,' fender the name and firm of Howabo & Pbdbj, - Wm. C. HOWARD. W. N. PEDEN. "Oct 8, 1846, . - 86 SADDLES AND BRIDLES. rpHE above ankles are sold at the lowest prices, by 1 Sept. 26. 81 E. Pi ISON. HAT 6f good quality, for sale In lots to wilt, by BROWN 4 DvROSSET. Oct. & 1846. 86 , PROVISIONS. crYBBLS. BaUimoro and N. Y. InspecUon OU Mess Beef, 60 ; PiimoPork, 60 " & half do. Superfine Floor, New IVhttU, S Bbls. Sounds and Tongues, 5 Bbls.No. l Mackerel, 3 Bbls. New Salmon, 10 Otis. Codfish, 30 Half Bbls. F.M. Beef, and Beef Tongues, 25 Boxes Cheese, 35 Boxes Smoked Herring, 15 Firkins Orange; County Butter, 5 Tierces While Beans, 10 Bbts. Kill Dri ed Meal, 25 Kegs Lard, 60 Bbls. Salina Salt, U. Ac For sale, vtry low, by NEFF & WARNER. Oct. 3. 84 Mess Pork. OCT BARRELS Mess Pork Pot sale, by AO JOHN Sep. 22. GAMMELL. 79 COAL AND HAY J A TONS Coal, 25 Bales Hsy, Dally expe LWJ per Sehr. Joseph Lybram, from Phlladeli for sale by J. MULOC expected Sep. 8. ,75 REMOVAL. THE subscriber haa removed to the new Store in North Water Street, two doors bove Prtneeu Strut, where he offers for sale, In addition to Goods oeiore advertised, 150 Bales prime Eastern Hay 5,000 lbs. Superior North Carolina Bacon. 300 Bushels Cow Peas. Oct. 22. 92) A. MARTIN. COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have formed : Conartnerahlp, under the firm of McMillan 4 Co., tot the trans action of a general retail business at White Hall, hid den County. dugald McMillan, thos. h. lane. WM. B. ROBESON, Jr. Aug. 25 1846. SHAD. ilA RARRELS of Ocean Shad a superior at' &W tide for family use, for sals by tide for family use, for sals by J. MULOCK Aug. 8th, 1846. 62 NOTICE. FLOORING and Weather boards wen dressed, also sheathing, and latha, can tx at all timea had at the Central Planing Mill, which will be delivered to the purchasers on any wnan designated in town, without charge lor transportation. fersons wuthing to Dsve lumber Plained at said Mill are furnished with a flat of convenient size free from charge. Apply to the subscriber two doort north of the Custom House. E. J. LUTTERLOH. Oct. 10. 67 PAINTS, OILS, tfcC. FOR SALE. OOfi KEGS No. 1. Extra and Pure Y hits Lead. OVJ 30 kegs black do. 10 kegs Yellow Ochre. 500 lbs. Paris Chrome, and Imperial Green Paint. Kegs Red Lead, Spanish Brown, dec, Boxes Chrome Yellow A Red Vermillion, dry. 10 Bbls. boiled and raw Linseed Oil by NEFF & WARNER. Oct. 3. 4 MONUMENTS, TOMB TABLES, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, dtc, The Subscriber hss ta ken the Agency of in extensive MARBLE MANU FACTORY st the North snd will receive orders for the above named articles on u favorable terms ss can be procuced from any other establishment. GUY C. HOTCHKI8S. Sep. 21 79 FAMILY MILL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the cltlxens of Wilmington, that he keeps constantly on hand freth ground Meal, which he Bella at 8 tore prices. He la prepared at all times to grind Corn at the shortest aoiice for families. Call and try the Steam Mill be tween the Messrs. Giants snd Fsaskliw Hortt. JONATHAN LEES. Sept 1, 1846. , .? . PfT SIXTY PACKAGES -'CfT J ASSORTED EARTHEN, A) GLASS, AND CHINA WARE. NOW landing from schooner 'FayettevilU, and will be aold on A. No. I terms. Also. 2 hhda. Porto Rico Sugar) 11 bags Coffee, Lsrulra and Rio ; half Chest Tea i Saleratua, Spanish Brown, Aram, Brlnv stoiQopsras, Tobacco j 14 hag tiot (Whits Soap, KegVNalUetc., etc. J. H. ROTHWELL. Oct. 20, 1846. 91 a Be just and Fear Not" COUNTER Scales and weights of various pstems and stsea, for sale, by (Nov. 2.17.) HART A POLLET. FLOUR. A FEW Barrels fresh, around FayettcvTJls super fir, for sale by JOHN C. LATTA. Oct.27. M J. ATWOOD, PORTRAIT PAINTER, raoai vmiLADairBiA, Wl LL ranula tn Iowa a few dsysr those whasrs desirous of their Family Portraits, will pkaM make sarlv application. His Rooms Bra over , Doct. EVANS Dse 8 toss, Exthemgi DuileUng, Oct. 27. - asj Genuine Imported Cigars. Pale Alto Juato 8eoi 'LaMlnarki LaNonnai La Soioi . . Paoatatla. -Just reoeivad and for sals by D. VT .WOOD A BROTHER Oct. 11. UaiECKn BOOKS. WE ha va just siecuted in a soperb sty Is, bound bb in 13 and 4 duirs Books, Checks on tha " Bank ot Caps rear." and the Branch Bank of the Slats." Cal snd sxamtna thsco, at lbs Offlee of The Cm- wumau - Octal. it NO;108.:: k.S A DOWN EAST DUEL;? t:- : BY O. W, BRADBTJRY. Id a tmall couotnr town io tb Eastern section of the UoioOr tbert . retkledt torn yean sioce, fait of rare bdram-tcaram fellow, who were the champions of their, respective borne factions' jo any and every game that could be started, from ' pitching coppers' up to the celebrating Fourth ol uly. II there was a nlroe of ball, or a squirrel hunt,' or a, wrestline- matcL1 or any other affair where strenrtb, skill or affil- iiy couia be brought wto requisition, they were sure to hare a prominent Dart in k. and to be pitted against each other gene raiiy. i nings naa ptusea on tnu way for many years, and neither wai acknowlcdu-sd io oo me nig aoe oi me lanyara.' innu merable tiaa been the trials of skill between them in almost every" imaginable manner sometimes one wns vkjtorroui; sometimes ....a l tne otner: However, tM honor were jrjst about divided, for it was Generally consider- ea a seniea point that wDile BaUpt TUaT, as be was called, could pitch qaoits a little the best, was rather tber lupeiior of bis anttgbnist at ' arm's length wrestlings and could catch mote and bettor trout than any one in the region ; Joait Short was unquestionably ahead when It came to ball piaying, gunning, una running a wovrace. '1 nus stood matter! when one annual J, une training day arnved. The snirrt was runninir orettv hiffh. and John Short J Of - w commenced boasting of his' success In a shooting excursion the day previous. Sandy Mat was a little pcttlpd by the indiscreet exultation of his rival, and at lost exclaimed: 4 Youietarnally jawing about your great shooting, John, but darn my skid if I don't think I could gire you a pretty fair chase myself , ,.,.. ' Ob, no doubt you d make a great show.' replied John; with a broad laogh. i J ' -: : - Ug s a migbty good aogf but Holdfast is better,' said 8ndy, ' perhaps, you wouldn't mind beUing your; double barrel agin mine that you can take more game b tween sun rise and sun M to-morrow than 1 can.' Perhaps I wouldn't just try it' ' IVul, it's a brt then.' ' Just as you say,' ' I should like to put in a condition,' said John Short 'that we carry each otber't game.' Haint no objection on airtb to that,' said tbe other put it down io writioir. so that mere can oe no misuKe, or cnance to oack out.' Tbia was allr agreed to, the requisite writings ' were made, and due preparations for the next day's work completed At the first break of the' morn,' the two banters, fully equipped for their labors, made their appearance at tbe appointed rendezvous, and after tatting a social dram together, started off in fine Spirits. Tbey had trav elled about three miles without firing a shot, and were a considerable distance ftora any habitation, when they camo across a fine calf, some three or four months old. When within a half a rod of ibis ionocent wander er, John Short raised bis gun to bis should er, and before bis companion could suspect or imagine his intention, discharged iu con tents - into the head of the poor beast, its ma ternal ancestor probably1 not being aware that h was out it gave one bleat, tumbled over, kicked away for an instant with its hind legs in a peculiar and extremely signifi cant mannerand meekly gave no the ghost 1 That's a d d smart trkk, exclaimed Sandy Mat, what on airth did you want to do that for Hutchinson will kick up all soits of a fuss about it he woold'nt have taken ten dollars cash for that 6ilf.' ' 1 Time enough to settle that when we get home,' said John, very quietly loading the barrel which he bad discharged., 'Bag that Mfiu nrA lot's m t Rac what rm V That calf there.', r You don't mean-' 4 1 don't mean any thing but the agree meat, Sandy ; just look at tbe paper ; you'll find that you are bound to carry home all I kill.' iit 1 But k ain't fair.' ' That's to be agreed on by ethers bet, accordiog to that paper, if yoa don't carry horns all I kill, you lose the gun, you Know.' 1 Wal, this is a great business boWerer, you shall never have a chanct to say that 1 gave in so here goes. ; 1 So swinging the carcass across hia shoul der, poor Sandy again started - very demure ly upon the excursion. After trudging along for half a mile or so, John took ofTlowaida the edge of the woods ostensibly lor the purpose of looking for game, but really to take a hearty gufjaw over the 'predicament of bis worthy antagonist. It was scarcely five minutes after be bad left bis companion, still intending to keep in sight, when he beard tbe discharge of both barrels ia quick succession and his name calkq ia rather tri umphanl tonea,, i -i "Vf , . John I Ho, John I' v .- - John quickly cleared tbe bit of kooU be tween biai and .Sandy, and found tbe lattt t rrtoadinar hii can. arulsurveviw with siara- sorse, juii in nis un agonic 1840.' - ; 'Tv'e "but an end la thw oIJ true, Jobrr, mbdtj'-lCtvtUi bis itl tioa-Masl natuYfUy took himon tr.e wmK H most have been tied of lie tlout date tear! ago-prett hir ihootirtr, wasa'l kti Wal'a be'a done kicking; tld Eaaiy', tla , mxictltf ihoulderinsr the itlt: tick t tlf game, and let's go ahead.' J w Yett doa't imagine that fm rola j b th s dertake to carry that old horse, la ye 1 1 fV Sartinyoun ott ft ia all tbe jiapet i yoo'ye got yp carry y "game, 1 carro t yoors;' i :i. Te,'buU-.,-fit Ti' vw There'll no sal abool mi dosumss Job ' Short; tbif calf was yoor game hd I'tar stock to my part of (he agreement this iotul ia my game, and yoii gottoaiicTctoyooi' rrtoftheagreetJBent'v'- fi4 , But 1 ' carry bim.'. -'a.f tit-M But yon atctr antwered SaodyS wtt Ob, look here said John, ootblfljly, let's quit and call it even, and say noihinf ; more about it' f.'WHJ U;? If you don't shoulder that heap of bones in double 'quick time said Bandy, I'll just . serve yoa at I serred hittUdVer think 't'' have to carry this carcass a Bife lotfftOtbings . Ob, if soil waptV gbt, lefS Ears ifitf fight Bandy,' said John, dogiedty. - wt Certainly, if your tar so, let It W a' fail' fight ' I never , wanted any thing else wj'Ji" yogLifH fight ft te grjtar out and oof duel, if Wsay'to ' ' - " Enongh Mid.' 5 - !r 'A But there's no tartnesses ; postf f sbonU happen to kll ytra, or yod me 1 gtfess we'd better bars Some writings stout ft? u fmw- Very WelLr -' V ?j. r f -So.tbsr Iwor belligerents; wrt oofidedT If their f game sat down on lbs grail, indt)' ,k !,! .t d ' l.:nwt lallr kn, Arm MM the following articfes'of regulatioii U l;- ' ' This agreement, made tbiS ; SOtt 'dty S June, between - me. Johrt fibbrt af ths SOf side, and me Maunew iison;oaine wner' is to b a wwnsThalt WS hit ftfe4tf fight s duel with shot guni, it tbiny'stipif aprrt, to throw the c6pper for the flrrt sho; to fire both barrels ttose togetbef, Snd if s er ooe is hart or killed, the on that tS m hurt or kill d. ia to be allowed to go frC ur:.-.- ... v..i H4u,-'-'' v ? HI iwww iff ft tiki i '. NoWj tnrow so best two in three th copper whirluitf m Aeajr. M ,t-. . . Heads,: exciaimes panay. at ws e,ow a t Just look at thatfaff tails.' tt, !:.-J Welljtbrpr again, John,; reiutnroragaio.jionn,-, . .. in threw again and jwooi aod pey eaca had off fiileeA naeei and took jN' P jonnt marched aiilAMa Now, when I say take tfiJohnryoU) ens nis your gun, and when I say ess, toe, ihru, you can just btaa wsy.' - Ob, bang k, iiandy, let's qait tbia ; l'lf pay for the calf and lbs horse, ,spd prs oj the set too.-' v.'if' &tfKrK &heMi a i No, sir. Oon't be s Coward ; tdit '-. one, two. trbec, let 'er lip --fit ru' Brmeirlp;biscunt4 hii, SOTterj fihPTl aiscnargea nis piece wna qoica woia put aw he brought the oqtt ol his mullet ts tits ground, he was astonished to ten, that h'S V (agonist, eridenUy Soiftr)cd,wSS eiMsmia bis percussion caps, v , a ; .y. sst 'Its your turn to exit tfls.wota now, John; saia sandy, . psroans scan make jet ter sbootfirg than youra,' ..-. i w y, ;V .i . tPeibap youcao,bat.rmdif(Ltoj to see it ' 'f m'i y J ?'rri.,f.ij(vr Suhinff the actum to the wordba drorned his (run and took La hia heelii fiaflttv lilt was for a hall instant paialjxrd by the op eration, but be mstsotly started ia porsait.'fr Probably a prettier fee nes was erer seen or will be sgaio. Tbe fugitiYe, tt it remembered, was to nest runner, sua more over, feat knt speed to his heehv I lis do suer, too, urried 'extra weigh!,' fat be W no notion of leaving ha goo benioa. , ; Jon worked his way like quartet-horse, for bs had a pretty good knowledge of tbe trjcL For about a qua iter of a mite m kept .aioflf lbs brow of a slight ottliYiiywbirs tiers eras scarcely grass eobagh tor accent p tors, and finding that wcMld bring hist cts some woods where there wsS SAlbifkftir dergTowth. be struck down mto meadow, where the crass was bdubleawnev end by this change hi rrsuet recottrfof awreral rods of the ground bs bad tost ' The iami obstacle) retarded1' tbs' progrese of ths kBef , however.-and tbe tfan between the cornbst- anu wai again smartly widened. "Joba, hoi sense enough V see io time that the corns be was new following wooid trmg tim to small stream which meandered htougb t&e bottom, snd bs changed his direction so sa to make s landing st a plicr Used r fot J- ing, where the water was sat strertwtieet depth. But toy , body who bat ever tried tbe expertmfai of rtrocuog tn jusr soom mat depth of water, can probably reatentber una k is a Job not ahogetber teaftended wiJi difrkokies Job bounded into ths atresia like a friehteoed deer, botal about the UJfl jtimp be exhibited oas of the fiarst 'po&nJa specimens of gtoaaa ana rosy ramWiOg'. It was then that &ao4y Slat eaUea sot, as at the distancs of forty or fiftV reds U' etmo weaving tbe long griss-a s,a - I've got ton nw totf cowardly sedtxa drel I' ' ' 1 - torn John was soon on hiS feet sgaia,' 4nd riii agfd, without furthe disaster, te if a'.s Uis opposite bsnk.'but sot till, 'the fUnca ts twem hint sod bis exasperated jpsrrJef had beert frtghtfuUt dscreascd. ZfLzJf ' liit reached the brink of thf brecV jost ii his prey, some three or fof rodl hhead. pSsced his hands spoa a board f.n'ce 4 tie aet ef sprragieg over, wheal li toasStlreogVs cUr pasters wtmU- tW sdott: cUctd Va beyond pursuit '-'Cstidy falsrd his fttt I J i ' i i t,ru ' M

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