TliorJAS'LORINO. Editor. W STRINGER, Associate Editor. aitf :.-; ;' -;'-n : ('Hi'"' ''"""if; i it jLtHusu& iCOMMERCIAL" :-rV Is iiifittBhewy TVscfcy1, TWaf, nd Sbfo-aty, at W per annum, payable, ta aH,caa, in advance, ... ' BYLOIUNO STRINGER, Mr 1 , , kAna a AtwraaTtsnta. 4 w. - square, I insertion, SV w l square, a montns, j w do, 2Ldo, , 75 I r do 3 do, BOO 4a fi 1 month, 2 BO 1 ? do. I ' 00 Twelve lines or less make a square. If an adver tisement excwaj twclve ilnc. the price will he In pro UuWtWncnts are myBbWt the 'time of thehr beertWfc;.'' O Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on The mQaVUbetrnW,,,, ; rK .,. ., EDWARD 0 ANT WELL, 1TT0I!IBI IT HIV AND 'COMMISSIONER OP. DEEDS FOR U 'SOUTH CAROLINA. . bvsa na. 4tvaU-axoHura ioitoraos, ,, sjriuiKiQXQn, n a GRdClESDRY GOODS, AND 7;.Ty;'Rj)SARE ,. ; WIlOLESALE'AND RETAIL, BY C,.W,, BRADLEY. April 4. , . JOHN GAMMELL, . , , CdittW&lOVMERCHANT, f L tfrtMiNoVONy ft c. July 10. 'p- f ' ''- i1 - 50 Trmumm:. ... (MfcTtjAL LIFE) INSURANCE COMPANY ' - :r Maw-trim," ; , Will take Risk on the Li w of Slaves. 'J, .1 - ; W, C, LORD, Agent "mvoRinilS '0mU8T COMPANY: W. C. LORD, Agent. E. J. LUTTERLOH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WiLMiNQTOM, M. C. March 26. . THOMAS SANDFORD, NOTARY PUBLIC, ,t v. " WIlillNQTON, K. C, SAML. P. GACSE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, . bWILMINOTON, n. c. April 21. . s IS 1 ROBT. G. RANKIN, lvetioneer tid Coamiulon Mcrthant, v WILSHNOTON, N. 0. LiiuAiADVAxcts MAbaoMstnrHBirritoaisraitD in msw voax. March 17. ' 1 NEFF & WARNER, WOOLCSALB AND RETAtla DCALCSS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHIP CBAS DLERY, SHIP STORES, f. April 14. 13 G. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 March 17. BARRY it BRYANT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 16. 1 tf. N. B. HUGHES,, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT For the sale of all kinds of Goods, Country Produce and Real Estate, RALEIGH, N.O. Business entrusted lo Mm shaD be promptly and faithfully attended to. June 18. 42. C , N. BE IU, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, FOR THE SALX OF TIMBER, LCMBER,. WA TAL 9T0KB, AKD.AU, ItNDfl QT ... . COOXTRT PRODUCSi () ToVwrtAertA oiW. Uroim'. , WILMINGTON, N. C. Aug. 8; ' - 65 ;,.,E. A. CUailING, . j ,,, ,. DSAtER in . BOOkS, STATIONERY, &c. """"" "maBKBT STBBBTVwitll'lJCOTOH, W. C. . April 4- r-;';.f BROWN & DEROSSET, GENERAL C0MMIS8I0N MERCHANTS, ' DERO'sgETBROWN, ' GENERAL tOMMlSSION MERCHANTS, 159 FRONT ST. NEW YORK. TllOMAS ALLIBONE 4 COn COMMISSION MERCHANTS v .w, PHILADELPHIA. JlaVwiee made on eonalgMnent of COTTON, RICE, 'NAVAL STORES, sad produoe generally. :U WlUMlWtw; N, C. : J , Aug. 29, Tl-Bm. n ALEXANDER 1IERRON, J. ' i? i .4- , .GENERAL , , !. : ' COMMISSION ME RCIIANTi v.; v sie35 wptxk waaiiYna,,. ,vv T Reft4BV ffri o-v 4 I PHILADELPHIA ,v GRP?ER$ AND JSHI? CHANDLERS, Id ' K-'i ..11 1 uj-mj u ny 1 1 .... I II 111. II ' i W F I '- i A. 7Z -? MERCHANT; ; rOR TBK 8A OF ALL KIKDB OF 000D8 ' A lit) : " ' edoftrat. mdmici. ' . Particular Ittfntlon pfd to receiving an j f&rwari big of Goods. Orders fitted on the best terma, when cash is enclooedtor produoe in band. ..- N. B. I majr be found at the Store of E. Turlington corner of Water and Princess streets, where may be found a general assortment of groceries for both Town and Country trad.' ,100-y; R. H. STANTON &- CO. WHOLXBALS AMD BBT4-' GttO C tills, . . And dealers In . DSY GOODS, CLOTHINO, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, rPBNITtJBX, HABDWA1E, CPTU1T, : TJJf WABB, CBOOKBBT, 4c, LMg j Wilmington, H. C- CONSTANTLY on hand, a general assortment of CORDAGE and PROVISIONS. Alo, For eign Fruit, Wlrtes, Liquors, Teas, Porter, Ale, &c. rjTSHip Stobbs put up with despatch. Oct. 31, 1846. " ' 90 J. HATHAWAY & SON, " COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3rrf Door North WUer Strut, WILMINGTON, N. C. J, Hathaway. J. L. Hathaway, . Oct. 27, 1846. 84. : SANDFORD & SMITH, AUCTIONEERS k COXSISSIO!! MEECBiSTS, - . - - AXD . ; ... AGENTS OF HENRIETTA STEAM BOAT COMPANY, WILMINGTON, N. C. THOS. (AKDrOBD, Oct. 17, 1846. WM. L. SMITH. 90 JOHN C. LATTA, COMMISSION MER QUA NT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 10, 1846. 67 MYERS & BARNUM, MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, AND WALKING-C ANES, WHOLtSALB AITOKETAlL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. C. Mtcbs. J. M. Babxvm. Oct. 6, 1846. 63 ELIJAH DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT (Senior partner of the late firm of Dickinson & Morris,) WILMINGTON, N. C. Rcrr.R Trt Messrs. B. De Forest & Co., ) K v . E.D. Peters & Co., ii.... 1. m..i. omiuu, Walters 4. Souder, ) , .. . . ... A. Bensoh4.Co'fPh,ladelT",t- iCt. 3, IH0 84 A. MARTIN, GENERAL AGENT AND Commission Merchant, North Water, I Door above Prinetu Street, - (Murphy1 Building,) WILMINGTON, W. C. Oct! 81 . L.S.YORKE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, NORTH CAROLINA PACKET OFFICE. 43 1-2 NORTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. June 9,' 1846. - ly37 JOHN HALL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 7Vo door So. qf the Cuttam Uuutt, WILMINGTON, N. ( March 17 H.S. KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, KABB8T STBBBT, IT STBBBT. i WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17. 1 GILLESPIE & ROBESON, AOEfTTS FOR TfiE Site OF TIMBER, L VMDER, NA VAL STORES, fc. Will make liboral cash advancea on all consignments of produce. MarthlT ' , CHARLES BLAKESLEE, , . (Suwcasor to James Punderfori) MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN BoQtsond Shoes, JUamct St, Wilmington, N.C. : CHAS. D. ELLIS, COMMp3SK)N MERCHANT. N , WIUIWGTON, N. C. Match 17.' - ' -'is . ' - I . SAM'L P, GAUSE, , AUENT FOR THE BALE OF LU.MBEB, TIMBER, TCRPKVT1NE, 4C. VTLMtNOTOl, H. C. , ,v SANDFORD A SMITH, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r two. aiVavcW, "t i 7 r. mat' ED TRI-WEEKLYj if.'v PUBLISHED ;yIiMINGTON TUESDAY " AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 1, 'BLANKS ' ' PRINTED TO ORDER, AT THE " COMMERCIAL OFFIOE SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY, Front Strut, Jtflmtngton, N. C. ' " THE subscriber takes this method J ofinformlng his friends and the public general ' a ly. that he has uken the store formerty occupi ed by Porter and Blakealee,and lmmediatery opposite the Chronicle Office, where ho is now opening a com plete assortment of. Saddles, BriiDet, Harncu, Trnnki, Idrtingolct, Valise, Carpet and Saddle Ban Collars,. Whips, Spun, .Bits U te. U U . All of which, will be warranted of good manufacture and materials, and wiU be sold low (or CASH. Having lonu axraateitci in the abovebnslneM, he Hatters himself thnt he will be able to Tender nil wai itfactlon to those who may be disposed to patronize him. It is his intention to keep no Books, but to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, bv which means he will be able te furnish articles much gheapeb than they have heretofore been bought in this market. tlrREPAIRING of all kinds dono at the shortest notice, - JOHN J. CONOLEY. Aug. fi, 1846. ly61 FLOUR. BEST Canal Flour. For sale, by spt.26. 8i t ,. K, Peterson. SHEETING. Fonr-Fonrth'8, from the Rocxrisn Factoby, for sale by BROWN 4 DuKOSSET. July 7. . a TO RENT. . SEVERAL well finished offices, in the fire proof building on Water Street, over the stores of Smith. Mitchell & Gudcs. That hrve and convenient Wharf on Easlti'S Island. opposite Town and knewn aa tiio site of the Phanix Distillery, 220 feet front, and running back 1600 feet with convenient dock, Warehouse 40 by 80 feet, negro quartern, dw. all In good repair. Apply to H. Nutt. Sept Z5. 184b. 81 U. MESS AND PRIME PORK for Snlc by GILLESPIE & ROBESON. Sept. 15. , 78 FOR SALE. ' . A FIRST RATE northern built Bueey". For sale low, by BROWNADeROSSET. Sep 24. 60 . FOR RENT. A DWELLING on Second between Market and Dock Street, at present occupied by Mr. Aagus tine. well adapted for the accommodation of a small family. Apply to J. MULOCK. Sep. 12. : ,77 SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, did. &c. &c. THE Subscriber has on hand a general ss sortment of Goods In his line, together with Roekateati, lixigtritt. Trotting' Wanton. and Sulkiei, all of which he wiH sell low. Purchasers are respectfully Invited to call at the Old Stand, North Side of Market Street. GUY C. HOTCHKISS. Wilmington, Sept. 20. 81. Aobxct or Cam Fbab Steam Boat Combaxti ! March II, 1848. THE Cope Fear Steam Boat Ctm vanv, having thoroughly placed in order the favorite 8 tenner. Cotton Plant, and are building Lighters of the most approved style, and peculiarly low stageaot tnc to Goods for Fay River, are prepared to give despatch etteville, and the interior, on the mod favorable term. Tk. b.w.1 r . .... U.... I... luvnM I A B.kl.l. ..Ill A M ILOCt Vi UCW IVCmMI IUW VCKU HllU. HWWI Will soon be completed, of such light draft of water, a to mil all ttage of the Rreer; and iriicA; tn lightHtttof . draft, WILLVKVEB SB SeBPAtiSEO. Goods will be received and forwarded promptly thro' Wilmington JVw of all charge for Stornft, Draoejrt, Wharfage, and CommiioMi and will be attendod to at Fayetteville, fret of .Commiuion. Goods can be stored, there, up town or at the river, aa shipper mpy desire. V . 'lit Cap Fear Steam Boot Company art dtUrmin ed to carry Good on a fnvonbU term a ohm other Company; and from the long experience of tneira gcnui at Wilmington and Fayetteville, have no doubt of giving their friends cnlirt talitfaction, E. W. WILLKINGS, Agent at FayetietWe. ROB'T. G. RANKIN, Agent at Wdmington. March 17. 1 EMPTY SPIRITS TURPENTINE BBLS. A CONSTANT supply of the above barrels (or sale by SANDFORD &. SMITH. . Aug. 4, 1846. ,60 5riTtf BUSHELS TURKS' ISLAND SALT AAA) for Sale Jy 7 O. G. PARSLEY.' Wilmington, March 19. lttf. DILLS OF EXCHANGE Price II perqulre, for JJ sale at the COMMERCIAL OFFICE. March 21. Linseed OiL C BARRELS Linseed Oil, In Store, for Sale low, by J J.sW.L. HcUAai . Oct. 1. . 83 HAY. TA BALES prime Eastern Hay, justlandod, for UJ sale by SANDFORD & SMITH. Oct. 24, 1646. 81 BUTTER AND CHEESE. 5 KEGS superior Goahen Butter, 20 boxes prime Cheese, 6 boxes Pine Apple Cheese, inat received per Brie Belle. J.4W.L MeGART. Oct. 52. .92 ' SUGARS, Loaf, Crushed and Brown beat quality. .For aaJa bjr . . C. W. BRADLEY. Oct. 31. 96 Removal THE Subscribers have removed their Office, to the Gaston 8tc4m Saw tiro Plahim Mills Nov. 10. l; P. K, DICKINbON dt Co. Chronicle copy. . . , k; , A , . , , 2ml00 ax .-A Eau De Cologne. r,n DOZEN. Is quart Bottles, of the real Frtnth vv IMoptt, Jut imported and antved from Martin ique, JO) lets to suit Not.iot !: jiqq; Foe sals. bvt 1 IIITUISJIV M IAV A'f: BACON. rr OHO ftUOT North OVuvUna Baaoa HetfVti (astr -"ue4v)4.for sU to f tip-js -ri m. A aaI F '"T JSk iti' i "Jt ' l ifJi- "- ' iW, L McdARr r: HERRINGS. vfc ef BOXES veff supttoKaeaW' HarrtngS, jasf ULreeeirad,an4fMsaJt by j y -Nor. IP,. ,1100 l; mkfo. by lorino & StoingeRw 1 1 ? Copartner ship. -1 THE subsrribers have entered mto copartnership, under the nam and flrmof HoWabb A. Prim. , ,. Wn. O, HOWARD. , ' , W. N. PEDEN. : ! ;, 1846, ' ' '1 - iAv, ;-u ,v 86 " ' ...w .. ) ! SADDLES AND BRIDLES. 5 THE above articles are sold at the lowest price, by Sept. 28. 81 " "EVTETERSON. " JJAT kgoodijaaHtyW We riaVtn lots -'ts shit, by rf. DaROSSET. Oct. 8, 18W. ) ,"K?f W 86 PROVJSIONS. , s 50 SSBecf lti,Dre" WA-A-"" OS "-: 'I A . t M h ' 1 Prime Pork, 50 " &, half do. Snperfine Flour, iVew Wirat, t BWs. Sounds and Torigaes, 6 Bbls", No. I Mackerel, , ; , 3 Bbls. New Salmon, 10 Q,. Codfixh, 20 Half Bbk F. M. Beef; and BeefTonguet, 25 Boxes Cheese, 25 Boxes Smoked Herring, . 15 Firkins Orange County Butter, 5 Tierces White Beans, 10 Bbls. Kill Drf- . ed Meal, -, 25 Kegs Lard, 60 Bbls. Salina Salt, cc. &c. For sale, very line, by NEFF & WARNER. Oct. 3. 84 ,Mess Pork. BARRELS Mess Pork. For sale, by 60 JOHN GAMMELt. Sep. 22.- - '' 19 COAL AND HAY. A A TONS Coal tB Bales Hoy, Dally expected V rr Schr. Joseph Lybrara, from Philadelphia, foraajeby J. MULOCK. Sep. 8. , 75 .REMOVAL. rPHE subscriber has removed to the new Store in 1 NertA Waltr Street, two doors above Prmces .street, where he offers tor sale, m addition to Goods before advertised, 130 Bale prime Eastern Hay. ' 6,000 lbs. Superior North Carolina Bacon. 300 Bushels Cow Peas. , Oct. 22. 97 ,' , a. Martin. COPARTNERSHIP. - THE aubscrlbera hsve formed Copartnership, under the firm of McMillan A Co., for the trans action of a general retail business at Whit HUB, Bla den County. ' . ' dugald McMillan, thos. h. lane. WM. B. ROBESON, Jr. Aug. 26 1846. '. -' ' -'."'W ' SHAD. QI RARRELS of Ocean -Shad a superior ar VF tick for family use, for sale by J. MULOCK. Aug. Bth, 1846.' 62 NOTICE. FLOORING and Weather boards well dressed, also ahea thing, and laths, can be at ail times had at the Central Planing Mill, which will be delivered to the purchasers on any wharf designated in town, without charge for tr asportation. Persons wishing to have lumber plained at said Mill are furnished with a flat of convenient size free from charge, Apply to tlte subscriber two doors north of the Custom House. E. J. LUTTERLOH. Oct. 10. .... t . - 87 PAINTS, OILS, ifcCV FOR SALE. QQr KEGS No. 1. Extra and Pure White Lead. O J KJ 30 Icegs black do. 10 legs Yellow Ochre. 500 lbs. Psris Chrome, and Imperial Green Paint. Kegs Red Lead, Spanish Brown, dee., .Boxrg Chrome Villow A Red Vermillion, dry. 10 Bblx. boiled and raw Linseed Oil. i bl NEFF & WARNER. Oct. 3. 4 MONUMENTS. TOMB TABLES, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, Ac, The Sabscriber has ta ken the Agency of an extensive MARBLE MANU FACTORY at the North and will receive orders for the above named articles on as favorable terms as can be prococed from any ether establishment. GUY C. HOTCHKISS. - Sep. 22. 79 FAMILY MILL. THE subscriber rsspectfully informs the citizens of Wilmington, thai he keeps constantly on hand frati ground Meal, which he sells at Store prices. He la prepared st all times to grind Corn at i he shortest aotica for families. Call and try the iXeam MM. be tween the Messrs. Gba.hts and Fbasklis Hotbl. , JONATHAN LEES. Sept. 1, 1946. '-Vi PTT SIXTY PACKAGES J- ASSORTED EARTHEN, GLASS, AINU l-lilA WAKK. NOW landing from schooner FaytttevuU, and will be sold on A. No. I terms. Abo, ' 2 hhda Porto Rteo8(nir; It bags Coffee, Lanara and Kid; half Chest Tea Saleratus, Spantoh 'Brown, Aluot, Brim stone, Coperes, Tobacco; 14 bags Shot i W hite Noop, Kegs Naiketc, etc. J. lL ROTHW'ELL. Oct 20, 1846. ' 91 Be just and Fear Not" COUNTER Scales and weights of vartoas psterns ' and alsea, for sale, by . iNov. i. J.J . HART 4 POLLEY. . FLOUR. ' A FEW' Barma fresh ground FaTettevflle super i fine, for sale by , JOHN C. LATTA. OcL7. M J. ATWOOD, P O R XAI T PAINTER,,. . raoat raiLADBteaiA, WILL remain la (own a few dayst thus who sie deairoua of their Family Portraits, will please make eariy ppocariaii. ' His Rooms are ever" - ' Doer. EVANS' Dsoa Stosb, Exchemft BmOdlnri. Oct 2L. -.;-.K- - .' ,r-ttA ? 9 -. i i Genuine Imported Cngaxs . Palo Alto -Justo Sam r La MumtUi La Nonnat La Soto; paoawlla. . .' Just received ant) for sals br ;' ' - i n t C' W; -vVOOD BROTHER. xmECK-BOOK9' I "ITfEhevs fam executed In s superb style, bound u V In 1 1 and 4 Q aire Books. Checks oa th Ban af Cape VassnO tha Branch Bankof thethaW Call and semlne, tturta, at Um Oujcs f TV iQssa- i ... T I'lltP, 7 Jut NO.. 109, 1 . A TttAGMpt., -I' ' .. - .. .WE MTORlwRtrj - -. It was in the -month of September. The night 'was ficrca and fat bos. t Tha city of Kotterdara was enveloped to thick snd rots- ty darkness, from lira to tiroo iltumjnated by the frtqucnt and vivid flaibciofltghtnisg', with its accompanying peals of thundci Nat s window on that tftrific night hazarded s single ray of light j not A blind f cthntoed oadrswn in the long line) of houica and pal aoes that border the quays. ,' All vtiamtll and dismal is a tomb. I " .-. lw k ?l . At the extremity of the gtand Boolovard, which extends from ooo extremity to the oth er of the harbor, in s sumptuous villa, ktiowh to all the aristocracy of I Jollcud by the bi L liant feltt ot which it had: been the theatfe for the last two year wasiA woman, still young, and ol exquisite beauty, hotwithrand ing her extreme paleness .and who three days before had been the queen of ber first aotunv onl ball, now given up to the most frightful agony. ' . r-n. .t The room which the Coontosi Van Ottro em had choacn for bor sleeping apartment since her widowhood, was on the ground floor of the pavill ion, looking upon a at and volup tooas garden. This room had been original ly appropriated to an orator and still preser ed several of the ornaments consequent fipon its first destination. The walls were? clolh e4 ,with tapestry, enriched! with religious paintings ftom the most celebrttfd aitists of the Flemish school, and the floor wai fuced with ! the rnoit beautiful "' marble of Csrara Few changes had taken nlnce in (he detdra tiona.,,,-1 , t J :.. : -V. i : The curtains of the bed and windows were of sky bine damnsk, fringed with fold ol the! richest pattern ; and saves few angles of female furniture, and the costly eoiichy no thing in that chamber would lead you to be liere that U was aught but an oratory " A large fire place; the heath of which wat two degrees higher than the remainder of the loom wis bid in a moment by sliding psnnele, srtlully disguised, and presented the appear- Snceci an elegant altar, whicit wasinrmoan fed by marble Stains representing the Vir- gin and child.: v. . " I! Pat why had this woman, young and bril liant, surrounded by the homage, and -mixed tip with pleasure of the highest and best soci ety in Rotterdam, contrary to sit usage, and perhaps in opposition to ber own taste, seleo J.I . r I . m tea mis oratory - for a steeping apartment i 99 I bat is what we hope to inform our readeii of. , . ; CHAPTER II. v i the rArram. widow. ' ' The Countess Van O3troem was tnirrfed at eighteen, and in two years after bcanie a widow. Her grief was inconsolable" at the death of her husband. She shut herself, bp for entire days f n the ' oratory we hare de scribed, without allowing ercn her waiting maid to enter. She toon manifested a. deter mined resolution not again to leare it, and thus cloistered herself in the midif of this smiling" villa, jcr renowned for its former bril liant fettM"-1 1 h fc A bed and a few indispensable srtfclcs of iuinuure were orougm uowo, ana irominis period the daily caret 'which that chamber required were confided t3. atf old andtusfy servant named Brigitte, Who baring been the nurse of' the Conntess. hrfd obtained more than' ordinary favour in ber service, jut even B rigitte herself never entered S lone into this mystei tout oratory. The Countest orer looked all her mdrementi there,and watcfted even her very loolts; and" after the old woman would leave the' room,' the Countess would herself loclr the door with erenie cafe? and never let lor a moment out oi net otro pos session the key. ' : aX Thisstrantre' ano? ttniccbontabie conduct continued -fbr tlr years! Vet In the irinds of tnose ey wnom sae was Burrounoea, a single suspicion : pofavoutablo 'to the Countess had never arisen. ' If ft at first appeared some what ettraortfidaryj all was toon 'accounted for bv the extrerrls gTief of their young mis tret8"tnroT hiving accounted for ft tftusthey thought fto more upon the subject ' f1 -The beautiful widow continued immersed in t profonnd sorrow: Time, that Infallible remedy for healing the rounds of tb; hearr, was powerless with her. " For ten jeafs iraj the clothed' in,'' the deepest- mo'tiToiijgahd separated from that world the bad Nolo ne ver again to mix with 'f she Contemplated eakh lay with deeper grief the image of the Count, pressed it to her hearty and bathed with tears. For ten tears she had fifed "It might be said only with the dead. w.ben, all On Hidden upon tfi peTuthl 6f the gazette When thanee had thrown 'into ber bandi, ehS tremblind is if sbi ba4rreceived an 'eW trie Shock, parsed ber band across her brow, I (. V J mrA lulling '.nil Wl it M..U bir." tliVbtc gnal, hastened to anlweV ba vepral j and in obedience' to the' CoutiWs order, with drew fiotn her wardrobei1 hermSaTnjng Jhsf- hiiimennr,' ana jtpmed iheor wjui dresio wKh haste and imprtntjsfty. V vl Her attendsnti attentivft tof hec tliVbtcsi rich sod elegant ,? Th silja, wbiciiTuirrWnrfor' W, nunrt years lad" an4Mfe' Mstudden! v ' a l " ,V 'S A ' - r ' . enlivened flowers and fctet, pleasure ari folly, I'ght ri' loveliness-, shono around ar.l" (..This sudJtn rttqnt to ue pleasures of tha world mightappearetrsnge to these aarroundj i2 tbe Countess Yan Ostroem. who bad for the last tea yean shut herself, op so imfcncf trally Jn. If rnyster oratory; bat we ta siijr awoun wr Miuiwiuca gives ns rieasare, ukuui uju ihiuuw-ij jmjmimg isw ulC cause: - thus ber faithful teiranu beheld with kT and ..I ! . L!A n t r f m tiA a A. w w , , vi"'' ' J'Ttw rrta-totftJUsitt.-j The first toirtc tha Cboniess cave ai (or her rrotracled morning; fehdited togeth er an the fashion an eieganc or IIoIIanL All that was nolle and tlitii tl bat wai etV cgant ' and1 diatfngnisbedl 'farmed togabief their congress ondet the iospteei of pleuart. Never- was y:ft:to61 brilliant h Nevef did the riaeenTof fotcliness receiri rrlatef homaffe: vet the Cbtmtess did Oct Cod ia all this triumph tb luppmesi sht bad promised herself. Of III lpiMbb-iy:4k.''tett ontTQne r(tnaped dnnswerd-tbo KitQnlA de la Mainerie, Cofonel of tbeT French Hat tars, whose retnrrt t AmsteVdanSlthA fJaieff a a m f ...... J a V m nao a xcek betot annotincea. - j am 'oats, whose name alone bad operated to powerful ly upon the miioftbewcosolabw widow, and caused a' change' which was at ones-sod-lerr Ind matvetlooJ-Khis tftatr, lot wlom this brilliant ftlt ?wss given, bad riot deigned tortp6nd to its Invitation; His' croeMnd on looked far absento poiioaed all ber Joyt hot yet nothing int hef gfltceiui tnatinet snd Sipreffslve countenanct betrayed the tnward mise'of dll'sbwl; V lr.V-4l Women of fashion Ean ibe tad of making their'graclbut imiles ah-tttpea'etrablo'' mask --h is t1ijfrivllf'6fttwfliiM t Poignant as wdst th'sl dtopprintment of tba Conntew, the jtv. tohfVaetea or ai fcaurra, but pressed on thYongh 4he tbrbng, followed, admired, and courted, wbermrthti went ; r Oilier ftttt UW inm t6l4ndid thai tht former were given, and still tbf French Col onet was invited; bat appeared not '- This state of things writhiwd loflwo years, when nnori A t ighTthte dsy or id thai m Wo btvt endcavoued td lesrtibo wa fi rat c haptcr ;tho ! yifbt wat even" more (ban Usually brilliant Ji'TaV gatlaods- appeared fresher,1 (he esotkis lnor rare? aiidltjftlV the earpetf moreitsgnifieenf, and tht rio intt more eiouiaife. AIJ besnoke' the rmlnca of Itisory and' opulence; 1$ A swarm of bcautifaf women and yomlful dancers invaded at an tatly tonMhetplenv did tuke of roornt appropriated to tbsbaU Ihs'trchesUM was artistically tanetiea oe hind s beautifully coYistrocted toast of verdara and flowers, and threv opootbe trowd,' bs toxicated with barmefcy and joy, hi tnagic sound. '''eeSJ " x& 1 -The light iwhicbv'tVH bW white! axwin (torn tweoty. hrstres of thrytttl tad galuV'td ded its peruimed briinancyi la thi .alcgioca and eiquiaita taste displayed by etltranced and enchanting votaries of teaatrrstsTbA a fT a .a . snigni was truly a oruiism oaa-aHnr-yotog, '-the beautiful, the Myvumg-tiwithTrich other to grace and lity : and s Voluptu ous wm the Kene, that a wboUetwooJI bare rtnagiaed that be was soddrbly toniportrd into an ideal world, or that it wa the realiss tioo) oi one of those gorgeoos Jniryt tales, by which the mind of yooUi is ansnsed.';4 k s Tbv t(uadriUenadjfuat teoserL -and. the fair and panting girls wtra abbot being led to a seat by their enamored partners, when a slight movement, accompanied by a stilled whisper,', drew the. altetitiop o( Iho , jealous jdyoui multitude towatdaa door of tha drawing room. Scoaid A 3 The Conatecty' who badgacorflin td us; age opened the bait herself directed her foci steps towards theenrranceaad bad scarcely proceeded as &f 1n the1 .miJd of the aporv ment, whent i Frtaclr offifer, of oollo ind eommandiilg jtrpraneapMraStljr "about thirty years of oftef and Wearing the an&rai of ColoneJ of llossarv a speared at tha door A lady 3 of abooi niaeteerl walteaist log proudly' on his SmJ' whoio 'eiq'aliitl grace And beauty af onca atkek the bcboU efj " j 4.ts,4 msl. .bL'! la4 .' j J-' no ixHjairaj. wdv- imiu m um wuit n:r eeired the (Iooe,dif ted forward eagerly to reeeire him, when- the" servant atmdraed, 'The Marquis and Marchioness do la T.Taiif erio.' : " wtyiij. wt k pa.htf These last words ctosfied ibr ever a Bopo fondly cberiabcd,rand struck aj A liendetloh; upon the beautiTuf widow ShSbecaao file es death, ttaggered, and fell avtucfesson tha grouno, ooo re' a ineoaryarni couu te ' Fve mJbatei tfierwaf ds tb t'ilU waade serted and the'Countrss, in her robVcabrei deied in gold, and the choicest flowerif graeav folly entwined in her raven baift wai s a0ded withoot sense or tnoiion, bon the bed iji'lhoo'fsiory-.--4. t kipuM The Colonel, trhd wssWried scarcely ft month, and had long withstood the Coonteta invitations but was forced to accept iho one) we bdvh above described to grstify bis yodfjL ful bride, fled hastily into France in order to avoid the scandalous " reports circulated by those who bad witnessed tha Countess agita tions. " iIJr4 . uvwtijji,: SO J 1 -i-. CHAPTER 1 trt oi" f.-j - . SIAXaw aMJL-si tmurw At lengtb arrived) fbV feided third da, and whb It an inereaiKf bf bad tymptoms. ml !. i . -1 . C J.'r ' k viilcncs apsinst 'tHeHuiiioJ windowt'ef th bfatOry 'jflrightSnJ vivid flashes of rorl'el llgblnrag' itlumloUed. for1 Vein Jslbgrth wsilyinj rnotionlet'me syesfiied rfend gUss-jthe bslr spfT anoJ JbtrVinv-lIiO mboih dry ani tontTScted--arj S,cij siVitrti' (ton aaotkredfi be hef lasi- 'cr5 .J Ki Tha sfotra Vbk'h 1bktniglVnf Ha fief rrlarrirrs ntHlt : hs'be??b:Y bear Yaioi, whb!s"croi5aiiea by Tarre L ixbact eWk

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