r ', ; ! i ViVuy, i i n ivxnrc, ..IvAijit,, :!reclr. J ','irLt n. r. V" .- v - Ti,--rt. i j n,i re d.J. do. do. 2 mo 3 . -in (. uo , 8 00 v..r,. 1 12 00 If ii rt ntlver vul be In pro- 1 CI 23) I V K;;. J Of i make a ,-.,( hi tWi'lVC litlr", t; " SOI . M" Id i i, it i';,a time of their will be made on .11 v i 'i y 1 ! .1 I , 1 J VOl L ?EDA D CANT WELL, IMS. i i i u u 5 jj Y AT I A H 'axd tw..,:.:i3sio.na of i ncE3 for LOUTH CAP.OLIN V. SPf-'OVEIl Ml. EVANS' EXCllANOfc El II DIN!, ' , ' ' . WILMINGTON, N. C. Gi;oci::iiE3,;, d;iy goods,, and :" HARDWARE, " ' U.r. AND RETAIL, BY V,'. BRADLEY. c. GAM gjQMIIISfiiON TIE It CHANT, V.'II " ! : I nX, N. C. MP'r. ip so 20: NAUTILUS ' p.Iui Lin.) insurance company Ur Kh'.V-UIB. , ;: t:i!e ill 'c on lie Lives r f e 'acs. W. O. L.O !), Agent. ' 7 ' AND : - .ILVJT COMPANY.. j. i.u i ;r.:u.cn, ION :IEIICIIANT, , WILMINGTON, . C. o:iM,r public,. VILMINUTOll, N. C. J. " riAM'L. P. GAIL co:::: ission : merci ia nt, WILMINGTON, N. lA'pr!!21.'.. .13 IIOB.T, O. HANKIN, , .anccr r.::i lc::r.;;r.;.;n .uerrnanr, . W ILMINGTON, N. CV UflEU At ADVANCES MADE ON SHIPMENTS tU UISFtlEXDI 14 , 1 1! NEW YORK. ; r Wttarch 17. -r-;'-: i ' trrr-, ! " ''i'.'"'" r m' ' in :ff;&-warner, ; ; ; WHot.i:s.U.e AND RfcTAII DF.AI.rRS !!..-", P.:v coons, anncnitir.s. ship ciiax- DLLJIY, Mill' STUIiLX, t 13 O. W. DAVIS,: . . co:ri ission lierciiant,' v . . x WILMINGTON, N, C. aJSardi 17. . ' . "J: . . I f T'ltHY DRY ANT, 'flrn" 'MISSION MERCHANTS. II r, .:. itf. n. hughes, CO !! MIS SIO N MERCHANT, J,'., c;r.N:::: al agent ' of all kin U of ' V' t.: ! 1. i " it r:r;.r ' ., Country Troducc C. i .. ; : i ( ) !...i fin !1 be promptly and 42, U . , i . 15 L L L j. . AL COMMISSION AGENT," trt'aTHB bale o'- Tt.vrua, LOIBER, lA- . vau etc: ' .an; all Ktsca or t . ' (ci-.M.-.y juanrcE, .... f, K 0 Ticed- .Vuri o A'. WT Vrown't. ' r"'- '-WILMINGTON, N. C. ' ). A . CU.S1IING, ; I M.I if IN f, r.VTIONERY, itc. ' r tiurtr, wiumi-otox, . r. M A i ., .. i:;iovn 1)1 COSSET, ii :"i:;uton, A M."-' c. '. . t :.'.;:.:.' criASTS, YORK. ST. Ni:v' , ALLIDONC & CO., TON MERCHANTS, ' )UTII Vi'lt AIIVE9 ' ' i'i!it.ADi:r.rniA ,m.. CO'n'ON, RICE, ', in. 1 pr.i.hice ::.'!H rally. '. lit ...I. i if- I ' A'jwc, , N. C. " '.. ; ' 71-Cin. to: ?v; 11 1AI AM?" :;;on, Jn. T ;u:nciiA:; C.) I 'iii ' r f" , I W H A K V f. J , ; :::LA! rniA. . c. b. p. r JJL; J. jpr.ccDA Ai u ... ... .ii en pr ' June VOL. 1. D. J. GILBERT, AGENT AND COMMISSION U-y.l-. MERCHANT,; . ' FOR THE BALE OP ALL KlSM or, GOODS AND COUJfTBT FRODDCC '""4. Particulnr nttpntlon paid to receiving and forward ing of Goods. Orders fitted on tho best lerou when cash is enclosed, or produce ia hand. ' - ' ' - Pi. Ii. I mar be lound at the store of K. Turunctnn comer of Water and Princess streets, where may be found a general assortment of groceries for both Town and Country trade. - . ' .,..- '. ; . .; . r-. inov. it;. -a luu-y R, H. STANTON, k CO. WII0LE8ALK AMD RETAIL GIlOCEUfi, And dealers in , 1 " t i . i u , i tn V GOODS, CLOTHIOk RATS, CAM, IOOT8, V - SHOES, rUiKlTVM, KAtOWAIIj CUTUKf, - TIM wab, cioccnr, 4c. v' ' CONSTANTLY on hand, a general assortment ol CORDAGE and PROVISIONS Also. For eign Fruit, Wines, Liquor, Teas, Porter, Ale, 5"YShip Stohe put up with despatch. ; "-j k Oct. 31 184G. t a , - ' - 96 . J. HATHAWAY 5c SON. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1rd Door North Water Strut, ' 1 -' , , WILMINGTON, N, C.; J, Hatha wat. . " J, L. Hathawat, Oct. 27, 18 16. . -' '.t'ra ,- 94. ; SANDFORD 4. SMITH, V ; AIXTIECRS k C0KISSI05 MEKCKASTS, ( ASP , AGENTS OF HENRIETTA - STEAM EOAT.COMPANYk WILMINGTON," N."'C. TMOS. SANPPOHD, j Oct. 17, 184(1. ; , ) WM. U SMITH. . JOHN C' LAT,TA, , , COMMISSION MERCHANT, 1 ' 'AND GENERAL AGENT, ' ;,' ' - S WILMINGTON, N. C MYERS &:BAUNUM,i MANUFACTCRE3 ASD . pfiALCRS IN f ' i.4 T- CIPaST, umbrellas AND WA LKlNO CANESf - - tt , ; WIOLESALE AND RETAIL, ' " 'MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, If..' . C. Mv. ' ' . T ' 'jf. M, Baitum,'' ; ELIJAH: DICKINSON,'" I COMMISSION: MERCHANT. (Senior partner of the late firm of Dickinson & Morris,) -r ,fILilINOTON, NC. REFERTO . " ' ' 4 f J" Nesmith & Walsh. I E.D.FelfrACo.,i ".MeansA-ClaSr. C1 . Boston. i AV alters & Soiider. nt.,, ,; ;l , A.Beon&Co., 1 Philadelphia. UCL J. lolfJ. v- 8i: r r A. MARTIN-, , - GENERAL AGENT. - AND Commission Merchant, - North Water, 1 Doors above Princess Street, ' V- ': (Murpht Duild'mg,) ' ' WILMINGTON, N, O. Oct. 3. 84 L. S. YORKE, v : ,V.. GENERAL .s..V:;v-; COMMISSIO N M E RC II A NT, NORTH CAROLINA PACKET OFFICE, v ' 43 12 NORTIf "WHARVES, V rillLADELPHIA. - , June 9, 1,:;G. ' ;, : ly37 JOHN HALL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 7V wr i&tflht CuMom Uotut, JLircM 17. ';;;r:H. S.' KELLY,';'''';s S"i. itinr"inwm mirr nn1 WILMINGTON, N. C. .; March If. : -,.-. ,: : I ; - GILLESPIE ROBESON, ; ; '. . agl.ms roa the bale of . ilMUtili, 1.1. .tJAVA; PiAVALt Hi (T-C WW maks Ubt r.il cash advincf on Q consljjnificnt n of produce. . . h 17. 1 ' t , CHARLES BLAKESLEE, ; . (Surresa r to Jauie Punderford.) MAM F.urnnEn asd dealer - Bobts and Shoes, , ; M,ast t r., Wilmington, N. C." ; ' V CI IAS. D. ELLIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT,'- WILMINGTON, N. C. . hl7.' I EAMLa.P. GAITT,, ag; ST KOIt TUE'SALK OK LVMUER TK-nr.n, turpkntini;, AC. WIl 'MNGTON. N. C. :i. 18 I IF. ia: Co rtry . .... , . 1 1 in Mir 1:1 t ! . 1 1 1 ......it"..!! m r 1111 ti . . t . w . nrn-i nn. .' i r. i m . . . ' . n r. i ' !. . .t. . m v.. i. . i ' ...... ..' ,-..' . . r t. .'" . --'f ..... Ja-'-.V.... . r " . '.. . .. ..-.Si ' " ' , w PUDLISIIEI) Till -WEEKLY, .;; WII.r.IINGTON,' MONDAY AFTERNOON, .DECEMBER 7, BLANKS . ' , , . fRINTED TO ORDER, AT THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK t- THE subscriber takes this method t I of informing his friends and th public general a lv. that he has taken the store formerly occurr ed by Porter and Blakealee, and Immediately opposita m vnroructe vmce, wriere ne ii now opening a com plete assortment of' , '. - . t " Saddles, "Bridles," Harness, Trnnlti,4 Karlinsalcs, ...valises, carpet and saddle Bags. Collars, . ".. , '.Whins. Snurs. Bits, it ie. le. ie. All of which will be warranted of good manufacture and materials, and wiH be aold low for CASH. , ' t - Having towu ixpiiievce in the above business, he flatter himself that he will be able to tender full at itfactim to those who max be disposed to patronize him. " " . , 1 ' w , ' It Is his Intention to keep no Books, 1ut to adopt the CASH. SYSTEM, by which moans he will be able to fumlsh article mock criakb than they hay heretofore been bought In this market, s rSrREPAlRINU of all kinds done at the shortest notice. . JOHN J. CONOLKY. , Aug. fl, md. ' ly61 FLOUR in BEST Canal Flour. Forute,by ' - ' ' 3pt26. . 81,' " E. PETERSON. ' SHEETING. Four-Fourth, from the RocartsH FAOToay.forsaleby BROWN & DeKOSSKT. , ' ; v , TO RENTa , . , ' - ; QEVERAL well finlslied Offices. In the Are proof KJ building on n atcr atrttt, over the atorea o( suuth, Mitchell & Gudca. ,t- ' k i' - That larce and convenient Wharf on Eacle's Island, opposite Town and known as the site of the Plumii DMilUry, J2dfeet front and lunnln back IGOOfeet with eonvenientdock, Warehouse 40 by 80 feet, negro quarters, &c. all la goo4 repair. Apply to it. XSutt, v NAM lUAfi . .':-.-, i ' f.:r 111 t . r r MESS AND PRIME PORK tot Snlobr -' ' 1 , v GILLESPIE & ROBESON ,Sept.J5. , .e ' ; , 73 '. ' '' FOR SALE,, A FIRST RATE northern built Bup?y.J For sale BROWN A DaKOSSET. 8ep 24. t; FOR RENT. A DWELLING on Second between Market and XX Dock Street, at present occupied by'Mr. Aiurus- tlne. well adapted for the veeominodation of a small family, ApjHy to . - J A1LLW.. "SADDLES, BRIDLES UARNISuTRUNKS,7&c&c; f ptiE ubcribeT naa on nana ft general a X aortment of Good In hi line, together and SuUws, all of which he wdl sell low. Purchasers .Willi iuvMi.n wiuk. rwwvMtM. rrw.wM are respectfully invlteq a Side of Market Street,, sspectrmiy invitea M caU at tne. UU Sftano, xsorto or Market Street,, . - Wflmlngton, 8ept 28.' AoexcY or Cah FlAaSitAJi Boat Cohfawt, " i ' t in i j " 1 1 - r t - , i ort 11, 1B40. j iT3k fPHE? Caw'FMi' Sfaw 17oo Com- V t A pony, bavin thoroughly placed In L r ' ine lavorite' owswner, txxwn toU, and are building Lighter of the moat approved stylet, and peculiarly adapted 10 the low stares of the River, an prepared to giv despatch to Goods for Fay. ettevlilo, and tne interior, on the mow! fatcrabl Urm. The keel of a new Steamer has been laid, which will soon be completed, of such Heht draft M water, at to tuU all ttaqei of tit Rlvtrt and vhich, in lighttum of arqri. wtu iravaa a averAssto. raft, wi Goods will be received and forwarded promptly thro VUmlneton. fret of all chart a for Storage.- Drovage. Wharfagt. and Cammiutonit and wlU be attended to at rVyettevule,rso (jomtmmm. Uoods can be atorea there, up town or at the river, as shipper may desire. " " t : v- , .; . 77k Cop Ftar Steam Boat Company art ddemin td to carry Good on a fivonMt ttrma aa anttothtr Company i and from the long experience of their e genta at Wilmington and FayettevUle,, have no doubt of giving their friends entirt mlitfadioii, v i ., ; rV . r . , ,t E. W. WILLKINGS, ROB'T.G. RANKIN.. - ; y . Agtrtat Wilmington, March 17. 1 5,000 BUSHELS TURKS' ISLAND SALT for Sale by O. G. PARSLEY. ' r-f, r - v 2tf. Wilmington, March 19. BILLS OF EXCHANGE Price $1 perotilre. for sale at the ; COMMERCLAL OFFICE. March 21, . ;; HAY" y.' -. . CTA BALES prime Eastern Hay, jurtlandrtl, for tW sale by , ' . UArtJJUJKU A HMl l tt. Oct 24, 1846. -'' 91. BUTTER AND CHEESE. V r 6 KEGS superior Goshen Butter, 20 boxes prim Checsa, 5 boxes Pint Apple Chee-e, jnt received per Urljt Belle, fix. f:..- J. 4 W, L. McGARY. Ktrt, ii. .,. vv-.": . ',-- ' UA ; QUGARS, Loaf, Crushed nd Brown brst qnnllty. kj rorsaieby . ' : . u. vr. tsttAULfcy. Oct 31.' 96 . .. '!'::'"'Rem6voLtr'-V:J;: ' mHE Subscriber haye removed their Office, to JL tne Uajton tsam Saw -o Flanino Mill . Nov, ia ' Pi K, DICKINSON k Co. , Chronicle copy. ' r , . 2ml00 , .r. Eau Dc Colo;me. -r :. ; fffj DOZEN. In quart Bottle, of the real FWikA Cologne, just Imported and arrived from Martln- iqi. In kit to tnt purcfinwrs. For wile, by Nor.lOl ,11001 , " J. HATHAWAY 4 SON. liACON. . , " Oflfl PRIME North Carolln Bacon Ham, justre " v eeWed, for nl by Noy. 10. llOtl J.AW. L. Mi-GARY IIERRING.5. ( BOXES v.ry siipfrior scak J Ilerrlngn, just CV received, . I f'r;ili', by , .No. 10.- U i. ! W. L. McGART. cinx "XlTEhavej . . , i in 2,3a 1 t . f t'.ip Fear, ' . I I , t 1 id CXT i' t mil. ' books. . nm . r? stylo, tMiur..I tip c 1 ..k, t ii. cLi on I'.e " :.ui " I nn. il r-ir.k t'f t!i" Stn'e.' i, Rl 111' :' ... o of tVrt p-M v ,. r .L ( ! I VCnvu, I" e 1 vf , utturn no uaa onau ni vi 1 K IJY LORLNG & STllIXCEIl. THE MAD WOLF, A TALE OP THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. t'.i-o i. t A i a e. Id the month of October" 1833. 1 was on my return fron a troppio j tour on Oreen RlTer,tb'ei; Urn(J Colortdo of the West, in company wilh three companions, one namcti Aiexnnare, a nair, oreed VetboncoBur, a Frenchman,' and an American, named VVor thin oon- After a long day'i tramp, we halt. ea in a necit oi umber, upon a tributary oi the Ck)lorado,lmmediately bordering upon a wiup-BDreani3 pmine j ana, navintr nere pitched oftrtentr, und tied " the animaw. ? wa started Ouf 6 fecodnbitre th eiRhborhood surroundingr the eamp-e;roiind.-; The coun. try we bad been travelling over all day lay immediately in ibe path of tie loVio j bands oi virrtAaana Crot Indians, and the for mer tribes' were, the wbite;man' Jneterati foe. Cauuon, therefore, counselled us to ex- amine the tracks imprinted around us" before we resigned ourselves to security and reposej Haringi' mounted, a willowovercdrndgej neat the encampment, I descended into a smalt valley on our right, and had not pro ceeded for before T descried smoke issuing from the covert . Carefully approaching the spot,-1 soon discovered a numerous war par ty encampment of Crows, and, as they were friendly to the company I belonged to, with out hesitation, 4 1 entered the circle . seated around the fire. ' All seized their -weapons with a general exclamation of "Aew f ' wjien, informing them, in their own language, that I was Little Wolf- name "conferred upon me by an old chief of the tribe while I was sojourningat their Village they immediately remembered mt, and all signs of hostility were stayed between us. ; ; After a friendly auaKv oi uanus, nnu a jncnuiy smoxe oi tne caiuniet, s ootaioea ,t ait tne lniormationr i needed relative! totbe 'Arapoaoes,' and with pleasure learaed that the war 'parties of the a last' .i ' ". vtows naa an ven mem tar ironr tne soutn ern hunting grounds. ! The chief of the par ty, and a number of hit braves, accompanied me a short distance on roV return, and, when we parted, it was with mutual expressions of iriendship.' On arriving at my. camp, I found my companions awaitca my comings : juacn leported his observatioDS. and the information which 1 imparted was rcceired with general satisfaction. It also confirmed ' their several reports, all declaring their search yielded no signs of hostile IboUrteps. ';, j : Every preparatiori was' now" niaae for night ot uninterrupted reposeandj every, thing : promised the, luxury.; Our ' wearied, march, with the unceasing . watchfulness ne cessary for safety, bad worn down, until a night of unbroken sleep was looked forward to as the greatest boon.' circumstances could confer Upon us. A foe would not approach us in . the position we occupied, wun. oor friends; the Crows, posted in such close prox imity they were nearly ; within bail cer ta inly' within sound of our gnns. V A' final examination was . made of the lariat ropes which confined bur animals, and then a short smokethe trapper's greatest luxury was indulged in ; alter which, spreading (be buf falo' rob& we 'dropped oft into a slumber that needed po"artiucial aid, toj prolong"; its soundness, W J, y'"u l I;-.:.. : u '( Howlonir we bad lab' in slcen 1 know not; but,- all at once, with 'a sudJenneaa which started repose into fliiht, I felt myself jerked from the robe on which 1 was resting; My first thought was that Indians bad attack ed, but the light ol tbe fire disclosed roy an tn :ronist to be a wolf,' which had seized and sun held me last by ue lea hand. 1 bad no weapons within my, reach, so, without hesi tation, I struck bim wuh my shut fist, and, delivering the blow, upon bis grinning muz zle with all my force, I broke his hold, but in doing so lacerated my thumb against his tusk. . The whole was but tho work of a moment .'Alexandre, who lay nearest to me, aroused himself, and no sooner was I released from the infuriated beast, than it seized bim by the cheek. "He choked it off, when, by ibis time, VerboncoBur and Wortbingtonbav log secured tbeit knives, they rushed upon the animal '.Each inflicted ; wounds lopon him-t both were bitten.-1.. With a. howl that curdled the hearer's blood, our assailant fled and dUapp&rcd ia tho darkness.' .This sudden and violent interruption to our slum' bers was not endured with Christian meek ness. nor commented on in those choice epi theU which bespeak a delightful surprise. On tbe contrary, we indulged in a lew bitter expletives against this nocturnal visiter, and bavinir thus in a measure appeased the wrath within us, we hastily bound up the wounds we had received, and once, more forgot our dangers in the oblivion of sleep. ' ,1 ' Wbco moroifig broke, all sallied forth in different directions, filled whh revengeful rnrposo' against tho wolf -believing that o would lurk fa our ocighborbood. Dot after aa sxtfnclcd search, we were forced to forego the promised revenge and vent our anger ia declarations of what wo would have done If ehanco I.ii only rlaccd him within gun-shot On ray return I og-ain encounter ed the Cro T1- chief cf which in formed me f t a n it iff bad vi.Mtcd tlair Camp the t j r.vious. lb hnJ Icm dri ven on, riowever, tLiurB he bad bitten tiny cl 1810. NO. 111. Llood with a horrid apprc.'.cr.don ; an4wl rU.T be added that the animal :i in tho direction of our camp, I folt assured he Lad been our fierce visiter. , With gloomy JorebodihgS of coming ill, I returned to my companions who werai preparing iora start ; ; ; ' Every thina beina: in readiness we depart ed i from the camping-ground, and holding oar way down the valley, came pon the great Crow trace, where, discovering the tracks of a large party of white men, we fol lowed it op, and lei! in' with, a trapping party of the North American Fur Company. From them I obtained some , whi&kev and and salfi whicn J applied to my tyounds, and but wui a my cvHipnoiona to use me sama pre caution, I intimated that the animal that Lit us might be tabid. They laughed at my lars ; but after they had", os I thought sutTiclent- ly amused themselves about my "womanish" dread ofa wolf bite, I checked their mirth I ? . ' . . . . . m a a oy impaning to tnera rne intelligence. I baa gained from the Crows; i Having, however, commenced amusing themselves at the ex pense of my foars. in a spirit of bravado thev continued, , -1 was awed by a presentiment of cuuiuig vyii, and exuiDiica it, no aouor, in my coununancc. - Moreover, between ' dread of tho Wounds I had tcceived, end chagrin at their ill-limed merriment. I was influenced to drink freely of tho liquor, t My stolid air of iuuiutTeucet wgciner wun my.continuea ii bationi, alarmed .them, for I was habitually temperate as regatded drink but the reverse . a ...l .v : hi puasiuii. au , uuiuurst , or anger on my part . would have been natural, and ; have amused thembut mv troubled countenance. coupled with the quiet despair of roy actions, made tnem uneasy, and they watched 'toe with interest The liquor; first made keen my sensibilities, then imparted a reckless in. diflerence, which was followed by the stupor ol deep intoxication : and wrapped in its at tenaant robe I oblivion, I lotgot the previ ods night's encounter.; Tho songs and ad ventures related around the camp-fire on that night were ; unheard by me and both com panics were prepared to separata in the morn ing before they; aroused me from my deep sleep. " All the painful feelings of intoxic lion awoke with me, and stupid and sick,' 1 made my '.waf to the halting-ground, and laved my head and body in its cool waters. Here Wortbington, one of my companions, separated from us and joined the other coin paoy. ' Oiddinflr bim and the party adieu, we tamed our horses' heads, and again took up mc iiuo, vi waicn wr uio sitramie river. ! tw e were in a region where danger turked on ev. ery busn, and where tbe footsteps of human beings brought hostility almost as surtfyas tb clouds betoken rain. Thos for through the whole season oi trapping we had escaped unhurt and were retuinioz richly laden with Spoils ."-v .. ;, .-. . :v But while successfully avoiding the sav age foe,' a bidden one yn at , Work ' in our midst more terrible than the painted warriors of the western dcseit more appalling in its promised fatality than (he torturing knife of the ruthlt-ss red man.' Hydrophobia, i all its horrid panoply of terrors, looked cut from the eyes that, surrounded me, and 1 thought the madness was reflected back from my own - . .-. , r ; .'.. ' On tho day we crossed Cude cAa-Poultt '. . i . i .. .. . river, n coii, on wnicn we baa strappea some light articles, betrayed symptoms of tho mal ady, and for the first time we found out he had teen bitten. ! Alexandre and Vetbonca ur bad fastened their runs upon his back, to relieve themselves of the bmthen while dim- bling the river banks, and now with dismay they observed him break loose from the mule to which he was tied, and with n yell of ter ror ny irons tbe stream we had just crowed, the foam gathering around his mouth, indi cating wail- certainty the cause of bis frantic actions.. Ibe arms he bore away were ne cessary for oar protection, t-1, therefore, star ted in pursuits but the mad animal being lightly laden, soon Iclt my jaded mulo for be hind and dashing over a lede to our left, ere I reached the promontory be was entire ly lost to view. , Aiisionnno appeared w nave thrown her mantle over u, and, to a diead of the disease which threatened os,"was now added the loss of weapons. Continuing our course down the borders of the Laramie, which became frozen over by the continued cold weather, we approached tbe North Fork of the PlaUe, ''and, while in its immediate neighborhood, fancied we .observed the coll quietly grazing ia a plain bcfoie ns. Leav ing Alexandre, abo complained of being ill, in the tent, Verboacaur and myself started in pursuit A flicker of hone stole about our hearts that this might indeed be the runaway animal, ftce front hydrophobia, which bad fled, startled by tbe close proximity of a beast of prey, or bad been only stung to momen tary madness by some venemous insect A we ncared the animal all hopes fled '.'. t ance and our ardent wishes bad convened the hump of a buflLIo into the rcseinl! : -e of a pack, which on nearer approach r;: Jvi J i;scll into its real character, and c tack aain into a staio'of desponi - .-. At this moment a cry from my cor ; ,;;vn, who was roh.ting toward the cam', i' ' I my cttrn- lion tbithcrward, and the r. : t inoment I bo- T I dur tent on fire, en J f !, ilf breed Cour ts fo;.?ot. i '7 atounj pis t. a . instantly tun. I our 1. r s' heads and wo wun au speed t ., ..rij as weap I.:. . . . . .t , i i . o. t . : f ' , Vhiiij I, r.;v i:J his r,;.:uro r.. .tly dv, Veil e i on in" r v. . . i n with borr.'J i. itg each oiJi-'.-r w IC hel.1 a wild fcxprc;u do'i.U heotrcrred tl.e u:iw I an Ire, in t!to ifirnn time, r , coatulsion, and i.'i tcr.es cf t lion besought v.-, t j if.l ingatu!!i.tt'.r: h lis I;. Cations but ttl.c 1 '.' i ' coursing throi: ;h t y r.', ; ling suicide wkU t'.l C j c- ' whose Cttp of tier; c;r i i f" which .but;, lingers c;i t! f and another convuLiu.'i L:lj . of the ilisca.3 upon our r bis . terriUa ratoxy; ..i he i.ra: ; ' loose, fforn tho .corji, oul besran to rend it with hil teeth f vl i ! cured tlie limb be tried to seio t'. . er, this we prevented 1 7 placing ay CI0S3 bis forehead, and factenirig it r.. I Sido with stakesh"? now lit bij 1" fury and tho blood en ! foam gather f r' them in his ngody, whila t:.e ru, ! cf 1 dark eye shct fire, and t!.3 Li!, !,;.:, a f days previous ,' was wbito a. t!.e'? y,-1 1 the hil!s,ni;urr)cd a hue ah red a L!,JU I. '. other danjer3 vanished Lcie i!;.'.j c :!-. savage foe no 1 mi ;-.r in?pirtd fenr, i. ' ! would have tef -i welcomed tj a t which' promised, for us c eit-tin t! '.. the sun of that day cf sorrow wr u C , . bail breeds paroxysrr.l IccrJ; 1 ! ; t. and seating oiirScfvcs Lts;l; ( ' . r , !i tain couch, wo watched l.;..i t!.r ' gloom of night r.lom!rig nt Lny.. ; ed, and we were rejoiced that w it ri i i ; blush the spirit of our comrai; f J, 1 . his tortured body to iis lor g sleep. Alexandre's knifo bad been carri-.-l t.T the coif, ; with . iho guhs, or.J i!.- t;: of arms between -Verbonccur.r;:.! t.y wis one riflf, two knives, end at' "J; theso; my companion had tuta i! r Share, and I folt selfishly glad, for I : v, . athletic man, u ho, armeJ, ia rr:r' :.c slay in a moiricf.i j I ihcrtfor'a cL:t:. . I weaponi I p-:r:' I m .i an czg'r jr., -, 1 watched my co; -. ri-l's inctim.j wi '1 j .'. vigilance. V.'e. Could net lury AUx.r ' body, the ear :!i being so frc:;Ji it . . i i.. t itle to dig it with knives, v i ti.cieLre 1' r .rt- : ;i cf ed down to t!;e river, r..i t..a f. cuuin'r a holo thiouh lla Le ii.lJ it in tho stream, out c f reach If Ihe v. . '. , Verlcncccur first commenced cuuing V:A I not succeeded in ruling a creyice I Irs snapped bis knife-blade ofTalotit, rr.U .v iy. This accident, ol any time v. hi!? ih i! ? tains, would, bare, been loolcd ului zs great misfortune in our si:u-!il,a it . fieweJ as a frightful calumi'j a".I ;,3 v. ?. ' rendered us weak and he!; !aa 1.1 d fl!.:?, r which it was impossible to r:;!..j- c' 1 paradoxical as it may seem, wl.'.'.j I ' ' 1 rejoiced, for, wl'.tc it da:.!::;.; : 1 ; bcr of our wesper?, it lollci i.y c of the ojily ! in.erous cne I.J 1..11 . one I hadloolicd upon with c'.-r-!. It sented tohim the tieccssi'.' f ! : " - : serving ibn ether knife, cuJ I . I; therefore concluded not to til: ll li r, : i ; but folding op the remains of cur ' !r -pan ion in a buflalo rote 1 ft it tt ..j ;' . ria without sepulture, tvi.'i t! ; v ' to murmur his di rp . Fj r ;' ' . . victim of the Mil I'm '. When we egiia t:r.' i v cc.v; ..r " 1 asked me for. the p 1 i 1 1 y Lt!;, a::J t' knife in my she-.!?, vl'.ch Is arg-:- ! v- '! tc a fair divi!-i t ft'.-? wenpor.?, r. ! I I .-. i no good reason f .r rcfadng bim. t ;. r : my fears, I:. t I p':t bim cil'ivi j r ! c ; that I tvi. ' , - I u place (hern i;i 5 ; before I rer-'-ncd them. - lie journeyed on..-- After bWrt 'r.g ! ' nanc-; lor some time, J tc- n t . 1 s-ircd it looked calm a:. 1 ur...'. bis step displayed a fir.;,. - ; ! which I believed couUcr.!; ! ' . : ! in body and mind. V'I.! , i hope and eorxfidence, t:. I 1 - ; ,:v eveof yielding rp a y a' .:. , a wolf howled in our i:n:i. ( ,!; 1 ' : ' .I.ocJ, c;; I I could see Lin tlu ' ! r, ;'.j l.c! 3 cf ! ; face contract, r-.J hij cjcaruiuocn 1 ! lustre, whi! 3 a law grcan I: ' ; his . bm!:"7 (let I fcuj-.i :' in my posse j-sion with iucrcr.t; J t .,, . , and chn.j to them with attr. ' . absolute fear, for I coniect;. ; 1,1 ! 1 ' ' that the seeds cf the drca! 1. ' , v, :.!.. carried oil our hall brei 1 i v. . . .1 t ti i,uiica r. 1 .aling tbcmsi !ve3 inaaifi.it i 1 Ia crossing a into the Lar -" all branch w Lieh emptied , I agt::i .'.cLed his fa"-- lures snJrJ vmr 3 tf hydropholU burst fort'; in a raratytrn, uutnisakabla "b'. its cl..-? i u r. lie intuitly rushed open r when with the heavy lirrcl'of roy ri.'j i Ll- b I.' i senseli ' - 7 ' ars bad ma "; n. ? a I! .rcoles io Jtre on bis bsensi! 1 larsii rope s . t't gkd for fre? ! , with ray tcct'i c!,: '. an 1 then I. tody I hour. I llm with a Jy t' ' t h v 'i l.e strug- h I s.t ,.xki.lhLl" 111. Ted (0 bis t3 r.I i 1 j rs fjr diEt U)di5; ' like Alcxand but fin Jin I ' broke i; ' I which 1 ? s be v.. 'it .t ni hide.1 ions moved r - t'.at hewo'ild ! no with bis tee'.' as ha v.u.7, 1. a rolled his I 'v held bim tljwn to the ea...., rtbr d into dreadful conn:! ;V 0 ! pair had now 00 lower : t't. I I loom a oi'- oa tny jTraainiiiiT comrade aud sbarrd ia Uu m & a a prcka tbat inevitable as lut - "1- A V ' - v- f 1 - - '; X. :