,, ;iiio:iA.s loring, Cnn-ou., Y Sl illNGER, Ah-'! a tk Ewtor. 14, the co:,i.Mi:uciAL ', . f tiiiM!..lud virv i.. mrlnV. hi. ircntW, and Friday, At M iot annum, payable, in all cases, in advance. BY LOIUNG & STRINGER, Corner of Front and Market Street, BATES OP ADVEHTISIXO, taqinre,l Insertion, 80 50 , do.: 2 - do. '-75 ,ImIo.'3x do. ,,.,,100 , do. 1 month, 2 53 1 square, ? months, W 00 i ,do. 3. uo,,,..; ow 1 - do. 6 , do., t 800 1 ,!do. 1 year. '12 00 TurittvA IIna me bM male 11 iwiuare. , If an adver tisement exceeds twelva lines, the price will bo in pro- , All advertisements are payabte at the time of iholr inserUon.i '- -''" i , ' Contractu with yearly advertisers, will bo made on he most liberal terms. y . - 'y1"" " E I)f AltD , CAN T.W ELL , ' jiTUTORNEI IT UW, . COMMISSIONER. OP DEEDS FOR V J: SOUTH, CAROLINA, . QVER.PR. EVAN8' EXCHAXOE BUILDINGS, WILMINGTON, K.C. 'GROCERIES. DRV GOODS, AND Z ii i$. ' HARDWARE, if WHOLESALE AND SET AIL, BY wWfW BRADLEY." 1 -M ' " f :j"7CmNGAMMELL, , , , &OMMIS$XGNJtfERCIIANT, :VWAUTILU8 (MUTUAL LIFE) INSURANCE COMPANY . - .:'-f 'op ncw-york. ' , "-wuaake Rrsk;'6nUe Lives of Stave's. ' W, 0. LORD, Agent gati,inni fiwwi aw ini.MiU" irtyog-flr"- vHEW-YORK- LIFE INSURANCE ZkTRUST COMPANY, "--. ' v W.f C LORD,- Agent. yVrv t"'",, . - - ...' - E. ., LUTTERLOH, . . . SWilMiaSlON; MERCHANT, , "Vfl WILMIMTOXt W. O. March 28 fv THOMAS SANDFORD, - .,t fc; ; WILMINGTON, N. C. .SAM'L. P. GAUSEt tVC6MMISSlO MERCHANT, ' ' ' f,- Wttimtkciton. "IT. c. t. WTlf i" , "T ----- ( 18 ROBTrCRANKIN,' 't''' snrtlnnrfV nr) rflmmissloii Merchant Ml UtEaAt ABYARCIS MADE OX SHIf MEMTS tO HIS PB1IMDS . k.i. ...... x a xiw Vail , m. ' larcH 17. NEFF 6c" WARNER, ' WoLEIaU W ' EST Alt' DEAWBS 1 Dry ooona orocerirs, ship citan- -ml DLEJi Y, SHIP SWJliES, fe. w COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. aaKl.i7ii it i.-t BARllY: BRYANT,: 'COMMKSlbN'lteCIUNTS, ; WILMINGTON, N. C, , rSsK' K HUGHES,! ; .fAND iGENERAL AOENT f jd $it tola of alt kinds of Goods, Country Produce ,!irlULEIGH, N.C. .... . Business entrusted Jo hlni ; shall bo promptly . and faithfully attended kv- ;. - .:--NV--nELL-; " GENJ2RAl,C0MMtS$I0N; AGENT, . li roaiBi al or TiMBEH,trjMBERiA.- V' '.VAt BT0BE8,' AfcD ALL trNDr " ." OOUNTEY' PRODUCE, ' - 4 ' - tw 7Vo ioort S'orih of R. W. Drotfnf. : H ; Aug. 8, 1818. ;?i-:c4v ;, m ' 63 - v R A ;- C U S HI N G , it tJOb'KSSTAtlONERY, ice. r "" ' " '- ' MARKET STREET, WIIMIKOTOH, I. ' Aprit 4. ; r 't - - BROWN & DEROSSET, GENERAL tOMXttSStON MERCHANTS, ' ; S " - " f: r DEROSSET & BROWNr - . CXSERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tft -tf- 159 FRONT VXt SEW YORK . .. .THOMAS ALUBON'B ,CO- COMMISSION MERCHANTS; 1 ilVJs W UVVU , , ....... t '- V ': i k - : PHILADELPHIA. 'itiMtriess made on consignment of COTTON, RICE, NAVAL STORES, srvi producs fenoraBy, ,4 7fTr i"r HrOm T " "w""' y .... AliEXANPER IIERRON, 7a": - commission; mercuant ' infm;ton,(.V. C -Pacts! iDM". l ; Rr iff- .rfi;PPIMDpLP!IM.v; D. Ellis. Eo.' - wrtminmiA. Nf. C H. J, LtrTTKALOMi '"f Aug, 11. , ' m 'mm f II H'lllKAi'V i. . .1 . J. vt w. l: McGARY, . OU0CEU3 AN D SHIt, CHANDLERS, ( tVak7S i jii'jA' '"" 1 l"l""rl" -I sir i J't'9li .. Htt'Wdi ,:'iii Vi iiJ.i..-A V J .nmii mm J li tilT mi .A irii i..i ..f " v t VOL.;!.: d. j: gilbert, . t AGENT AND COMMISSION . MERCHANT, FOR THE BALE 07 ALL KINDS Or 000D9 AND cOCtlTBT JTHODUCE. ' " . Particular attention paid to receiving and forward ing of Goods. Orders fitted on the beat terms, when caoh is enclosed, or produce tn hand. - N. B. I may be found at the Store of E Turlington corner of Water and Princess streets, where may be found t general assortment of groceries for both Town and country traae. ttov.10. - ,w' R. H. STANTON & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GUOC E It S, And dealers In DRV 000D8, CLOTHISO, HAT8, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, ruBHITUBB, HABPWABE, CUTLEBV, " ' TIM WARE, CBOCKSnV, C. CONSTANTLY on hand, o genernl n(sortmcnt ot CORDAGE and PROVtklOSS. 'Also, For eign Fruit, Wines, Liquors, Teas, Porter, Ale, Ac, tVShi Stobes put up with despaicti. Oct. 31, 1840. 96 J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . , 3rd Door North Water Slriet, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' J. Hathaway. J- L. Hathaway. Oct-27, 184C. , 54. SANDFORD &, SMITH, AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ASD AGENTS OF HENRIETTA STEAM BOAT COMPANY, WILMINGTON, N. C. TH08. f AKDFOmD, Oct. 17, 1846. WM. L, SMITH 90 JOHN C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGEJNT, W ILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 10, 1846. 67 MYERS & BARNUM, MANUPACTITRE3 AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, AND WALKING-CANES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. C. Myers. J. M. Babxum. Ocu6,t846. 85 ELIJAH DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, (Senior partner of the late firm of Dickinson & Morris,) WILMINGTON, N. C. Refer to Messrs. B. De Forest & Co., i v-m Vftrt Nesmith & Walsh, I"" OcI.3,l81G. , , i A. MARTIN, GENERAL AGENT - 1 ' AND '' C o in lii i s s i o u M e r ch a n t, North Water, I Doors above Princess Street, (Murphf Dutiding,) WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 3. 84 L. S. YORKE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, NORTH CAROLINA PACKET OFFICE. 43 1-2 NORTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. June 0,1840. ly'37 JOHN HALL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 7V doort So. of the Custom Uout, WILMINGTON, N. ( March 17. H. S. KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. March 17. . GILLESPIE & ROBESON, AOEftTE TOR THE 0ALE OF TIMBER, LUMBER, NAVAL STORES, f-c. Will make Bbcrni cash advances oh an consignments , ot producs. , ,Marohl7.- CHARLES BLAKESLEE, " (Saecessor to James Pnnderford.) MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Boots and Shoes, imT BiC WilmlnstoB,' N. C. " " CHAS a ELLIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT. . t.WILMlNaTUW, W. v. March 17. 1 " SAM'L. P. OAUSE, agent for rntHAii ttiMriKR, ' - ; TlMBEttTURPENTINB, tC, ' ' wiLMINOT0!i,i.C. ' 1 April It. ;- ' " ' ' r 1 SANDFORD & SMITH, r - , I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , 1 ...... - PUBLISHED TRHYEEKLy; WltMlNGTON; AVJEDNESDAV;: AFTERNOON, DECEMDER 9, ' rT a xrrrci PRINTED TO ORDER, AT THE,, . COMMERCIAL OFFICE- SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY, Front Strut. HTlmitwlon. N. C. THE subscriber takes thia method of informing his friends and the publi genrnl lv. llinl hn hti Liken the store formerly occupi ed by Purler and Blakcslec. and Immediately opposite the Chronicle Office, where he Is nowopening a com plete assortment of piwtftr' fc Saddles, Bridles, Ilarneu, Trunks, martingales, Valises, Carpet and Saddle Bags, loliars, Whins, Snars, Bits, fce. k. kt ! All of which wili bo warrnnttxl of pjood rnanufacture and materials, and will be sold low tor CASH. Having tONo expbbience in the above business, he Hatters himself that he will be able to rendcrutt ml inaction to those who may bo disposed to patronize him. It is his Intention to keep no Books, but to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, bv which moafts ho will be able to furnish articles much cheaper than they have hcretufon: been bouuht in this market, . O-REP AIRING of all kinds done at the shortest nonce. junix j. . A up. 6, I84fi. lyel FLOUR. B EST Cannl Flour. For sale, by Sept. 26. 81 K. PETERSON. SHEETING. Four-Fourth's, fr Factobv, for sale by BROWN from the Rockpish 4 DcROSSKT. 48 July 7. TO RENT. SEVERAL well finished offices, In the fire proof building on Water Street, over the stores of Smith, Mitchell & Glides. That laifje and convenient Whnrf on Eacle's Islam), qppositoTown and known as the site of the l'hamix Pislillery, 220 feet front, nnd running back 1000 feet with convenient dock, Warehouse 40 by 80 feet, negro quarters, &c. nil in good repair. Apply to H. Nutt. Sept 25, 184G. 81 tf. MESS AND i'lUME PORK for Sale by GILLESPIE & ROUESON. Sept. 15. ; 78 FOR SALE. A FIRST RATE northern built Ilupgy. For sale XXlow, by Sep 24. BROWN & DiROSSET. FOR RENT. A DWELLING on Second between Market nnd Dock Street, at present occupied bv Mr. Augus tine, wrll tulapted for the accommodntfon of a small fum ly. Apply to J. MULOCK. Set.. 12 77 SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, &c. &c. &c. HE Subscriber has on hand general as- ortuiont of Goods in his line, together with Rnckatcays, UugjrUi, Trolling Waggon, and Sulkiet, all of which he will sell low. Purchasers are respectfully invited to call at tne uia nmnu, ionn Side of Market Street. GUY C. HUTCHMSS. Wilmington, Sept. 2G. 81. Agency or Cape Feab Steam Boat Company, Aarct 11, 1846. THE Ca;x Fear Steam Boat Com any, having thoroughly placed In order the favorite Steamer, Cotton Plant, and are building Lighters of the most approved style, and peculiarly adapted to tne low stages ot tne rer, arc prepared to give despatch to Goods for Fay- ettovi c. and the Interior, on the most raroralXe terms. Tho keel of a new Steamer has been laid, which will soon be comuleted. of such Hunt draft of water, as to suit all stage of the Hirer ; and wkich, in lightness of draft, will nrveb be rvbparsed. Goods will be received and forwarded promptly thro' Wilmington, free of all choree for Storae. ttwwi, Wharfage, and Commissions i and will be attended to at Fayettevllle, free of Commissions. Goods can be stored there, up town or at tne nver, as snippers may desire. 'ITie Cape Fear Steam Boat Company are determin ed to carry Goods on a favorable terms as any other Company i and from the long experience of their a gents at VV ilinlne ton and Fayettevllle, have no doubt of giving their friends entire satisfaction. E.W. WILLKINGS, Anf at Fayettetitte. ROB'T. G. RANKIN, Avail at Wilmington. March 17. " 5,0001 , BUSHELS TURKS' ISLAND SALT ' for Sale by O. G. PARSLEY. Wilmington, March 19. 2 if. BILLS OF EXCHANGE Price $1 perqulre, for sale at tho COMMERCIAL OFFICE. March 21. HAY. erf BALES prime Eastern Hay, just landed, for UJ sale bv SANDFORD SMITH. Oct. 24, 1840. 91 BUTTER AND CHEESE 5 KEGS Mir Checne, 5 1 per Rrig Hello Oct. 22. dor Goahen Butter, 20 boxes prime ixes Pine Anplo Chocwe, just received J. A W. L. McGARV. 92 r-ino AHS Lont Crushed snd Brown best quality. O For suto by C. W. BRADLEY y. 96 Oct. 31. Removal. THE Subscribers have removed their Office, to the Gaston Steam Saw and PlaninoMills. Nov. 10. P. K. DICKINSON & Co. Chronicle copy. 2ml00 Eau De Cologne. c n DOZEN. In ouart Bottles, of tho real French ,u Colttrn. lost imported and arrived from Martin ique, In kits to suit purchasers. For sale, by INov.tu. iiwjf .iuuiAnAi bacon; (trfTTRIME North CaroBna Bacon llama jostre ''OO wved,forsste by ' Nov. 10. .1100) . J.4W.L JMxQARY HERRINGS. rf BOXES very superior sealed Herrings, just yu received, and for sole, M No. 10. I1WI " VT, V. HCAHr 1T7EhRV Jostefecuted in a mipcrb atyta, bonwd si V V In 2. 3 and 4 tiulrs Books. Chncka on the "Ban! f r.M Fear and tli u Branch Bank of the EtStS." Call and Momino them. t theO(rk of The Com- BY;LORINO & STRINGER.! GREAT LITERARY OUTRAGE ; THE PRIZE CONUNDRUM. The silver cup offered by the Sable Har monists for the best conundrum, as might have been expected, caused much excitement among the literary and witty clicks of our city. The opportunity was of a character to arouse emulation, and in the conviction that a just and impartial awaid would bo made, the competion was as general as the aim was lofty. This high and generous feeling pre vailing, how has the taste of the community been shocked, and the senstouities of its choice spirits outraged, by tho gross and un paralleled decision of Friday night I We do not dccuso the Sable Harmonists of col luion witli their audience; we do not accuse the audience of an understanding with the Sable Harmonists, or of having any under standing at all, but wo do denounce the whole occasion as being a mockery of taste, com mon scn3e, nnd even-handed justice. it may be said that we are unjust : that we are prejudiced; that we sent in a conundrum 1 W e don't care a what mny be said ; but to prove that wo are right, we publish the communications below, after perusing which we opine that there will be little else left to say. We wish to be understood we insist upon not being misinterpreted it isnU the cup ! We are not in a passion I We wish simply to interpose between modest merit and falsejudgmcnt, We know to whom the award should havo been made. We don't sav that our reverend and resectable friend of tho American sent in the following ; but if lie did, or if any body did, what must be thought of the befogged, or be-bribed in tellect which failed to acknowledge its merit! Why is the Pacific rail road an ignorant project 1 Ans. Because the Learned would'nt swallow it! Or, talking of swallowing, why was the following, sent in by Fuller, of tho "Em- n .1 n lire, passca over ( Why is the Pacific rail road rage liko a dozen " in the shell?" Ans. Because it is a few rawr ! We would give other instances, if more were necessary, to convict the judges on this occasion of utter imbecility, but we have said enough for our immediate friends, and at once open our columns to the following rush on the part of the town in general ; Editors of the Reveille: Gentlemen : I wish to call the attention of tho Democratic public to tho Whig effort made on last Friday night to throw a slur upon his Excellency, James K. Polk, the Democratic Chief Magistrate of our Union. I am aware, sir, that the enemy will resort to any measure to compass the overthrow of our party, and it is not at all surprising that at aristocratical assemblies, where they dress up negroes in broad cloth, instead of Kentucky jeans, they should attempt to ridi cule his Excellency ! Not that I have any objection to broad cloth as afbreign texture, but because it is customary to put negroes in homespun diess. By thia I do not wish it thought that I am in favor of home manu facture. I believe, sir, thas it everything was made out of the country it is better lor those in it. But, sirs, to this insult to his Mails 1 bee: pardon, his Excellency. A conundrum was offered for a silver cup by these negro, Sable Harmonists, and the fol lowing one was accepted : Why is James K. Polk, at this mo ment, like the Sable Harmonists; Because . .... . . ... j , his brow is clouded and ho is o ertoppea oy the Whigs! M Now, sir, it is apparent that silver caps, aristocratic assemblage, prize conundrum, negroes in broad cloth, and the whole anair, waBgot up as a direct insult to James K. Polk. Misthcr EdJitur ; Knowin' yer avarsion to all foul ulay, I've jist though. I'd appale 10 yer utiucrsiiiuuuiu about this kunindrum that the black boys at the Panther's afler'd a si ver cun for. 1 knew 1 cud win it in a minnit, for my brilher Mike is tho divil foi sayin' cranky things, so I got him a taste of the creature and tould him to go at ruakin the kunindrum, that raesilf might git the cup; and, bedad, Mike tuk the cover aff his wit nnd out came a beauty " Why is a couple about to get married, like the head waiter in hotel fastening on his anron 1" Ye see this was in mike's line of bisness and it came Landv. Bekase says Mike, " thur goin' to tie high-menial knot ' ' WeII,wud, ya belave it, jist causa.Miko wrolo tho thiwr in illetrant Irish,' thobmad- hauns would'nt eive the cop for it. Isn't this the dirtyest thrick yit of Natifism F ;.4t,, ., . BltXT PATTXMOIf,, . Mishtef Rcvellcf:- Yaw, yoo Yan kecs ish all in der cahoot mit yoursclfs agin Oarmany-7-H is all on tarn Yankee dnck dcr cittin of def silver 'cnb."' ' Hans Katrine and mq males yon shtufJcd mit Am, und dcr durrib weplcs coulj'nt see it, und Hans says dat de cub, belong to dcr omin git iL undt it ,fS-i JC.'M,irf irt jii r1'" 140. '4 )4- W)t 'v' ' V f call der fly rat makes dcr noise, and, noting else, bhust bear dm . . , " Vy is. a fcllar rot isb only half nigger, tike a Vogues dollar TT. fYou gives it up at vonce, I knows.. "Because ho ish a voolly headded native." . It shtands to reason dat dis one it der only guot one! PWB Kocu, l,f Gentlemen of the Rcvcillo r I dont know what you think, but I know what 1 think, sirs, I think that the ladies of this country had better usurp the whole Sold ot literature nnu lenvo nothing for the men. I sent a conundrum to compete for this prize, and, although I say it myself, jwftl a good one, sirs yes, I say good I Hear it your self: " Why is sicninff a promissory note like taking a wife V I kfiowr yon Can't gncs it. Because it is incurring a littlo responsibili ty r A LrTEBAny Bachelor. Messieurs les Rcveilleurs : Sairs,by gar, ie have been treat vair bnd in you city. It is vair vel! know by de people distingue of de aan Luis dat 1 make una jeu d'espnt magnitique, ana ven I try to tret de silver cup vitch de little nipper offair at de grand hotel of do Plantair, by gar dey give him to von lcetel fl-mme, vot you call vomain, for nosing vat vasgood. xou shall bear ma say dis : " Why is de grand fight wis do nation Mexic liko von Utile baby born wizout de ceremony ol zo marriage V " You gives him up, ab, ha, cb?" " Veil, sair, it is 'cause ho von cryin shame r Vat you sink ol him, ch? e American have no grand knowledge of de superior intellect and imagination of zc grand nation, la belle France. " Augustus De Bontoxsome. fiam Uw St L-mh lbUb. MRS. DONOVAN'S PIG! A few days since an Irish lady, residing in the lower part of the city, was thrown into a stale of extreme agony, oa discovering, foi the first time, that a beautiful " female pig" she had been tending with anxious care and solicitude was " clano" gone and missing. In many minds this announcement of the loss of a pig will awake no sympathy, be cause thev havo never, like Mrs. D.. w tinded1' it through the interesting stages of juvenile porketbood up to the period when its hams and shoulders had attained a marketable size; when, in short, it was " hog round" to the tune or a weigniy consideration, unaiscov ering her loss, she posted to Justice Butler for a search warrant, procured it and an oni cer to serve the document, and then, with her young son Tim., started off to a pen owned by a negro near Spruce and Fifth street- Tim, had discovered the pig in the negro s pen. " Is this the road, Tim. 7" inquired she. " Faix, it is, mammy," responded her hope ful. " Thin, afficer, dear," says she, u we'll soou take it from the dirty nager. Its mcsilf tha) prayed to the blUscd vargin the day, as I wint along the street, that I'd get back: me pig, and, troth, her rivet ince was pintin' Tito. to the spot at the same time." Arrived at the pen, Tim. pointed out the pig, and his mother commenced coaxing it to her with a loaf of bread. As the other porkers would divide the bounty of Mm. D. with her favorite, she grew so excited at the "onmannerly bastes," that it was with diffi culty Tim. could keep her out of tha pcn.T j " Well, Are :s your pig, madam," says the officer ; u I surrender it into your posses sion." " And is it in the pen you give it to met" inquired Mrs. D. s "Certainly, madam," answered he; ! have found your property, and deliver it into your possession." " Oh, yis, plase to do all your juty, Ir officer, dear, and git rtf me pig." " What! get In the pen T' inquired he. " Yis. av cootsc says she ; u wud ye hate lady climbin' anion? the pigs, whin its your o WD duty t and, besides, didn't his I tanner giv' ye the bit paper to get the pig T - " ," This appeal was too much isra gaiwnt man to back out from, so over ho wont among twenty full-grown porkers, and after getting covered with mud trom head to foot, he suc ceeded in getting out Mrs. D.'a pigi and at lacomg a una to its umki icy, no luiimucm the ?ord to the lady and her son Tim.. About fifty negroes had gathered around during the progi ess of these proceedings, and they were passing their opinion on me mauer. M Dai's a funny preceding said the owner of tho pen "dejdea of white folks steaiia' a nitrcrer'a pig in day light" ( . . , m " Got no right tabe a nigger,, says an other. ; ,s ,:, .MjMrtiJ u Dot's a fact, child- beah 1 hot he-ah I isn't got nuffin to sav, ,'eept dat pigU bat' rail coma hack. Stcnhen I" . 4 J,. M The blissins of the Vargm Mary follow vfl." anvi Mrs. D., " for yov?ra a jutiful effi- cer and offshe and Tim. tratelrcd one war, while the officer, blessing them, and the pig in quite a different strain, started tha other. , , ' The officer had barely time to change his ctothinff, and get back to thdoffice in respec table inoi, wncn in uosnca .mrs. w. again What u i :-r I.. . ; ' Justice-, - , ; Ocb, dear, the riV f ! : it's clane gone Lack to t1 r" j .. ; ., " , Yts, and I'm- biT p.t t the Officer. M but I'm ller'ul if it c! ,::'t f there until the end of time, U f rs 1 1 .t again."' ,v ;3 r I . U was tho najcr that tuck it," ; .ys T M he cut the roDff and einatrudt. n, ' labels, about fut fe int tho afihcr ll.r. iprte of all we cud do. , ., .. . yMloWydoyouknnwthatiaisayourf!;' , inquired hit Honor. -. ' ' Howr, dolknow,-! it txtUisa r.1.3, w D.,t K Sure I know a from irery trateimif ka-ract-er. Didq't I raUe the barrow v;X me own hands, and isnt the the most jlicnt ; pigforhet dirinshion$ "that her twev eyes;; lucktat,andwhia,Ioi4 toJtrinthenaf'ct'a i pen jjar f pjff didn't she as knowia s a fox, grunt back at me I gure. a barrow pig; ; like Kern a mall forth tine to an .mdu&hnr " You are confounding: the gender tf mad am sakl hi Honoi-rWyou first jcafik a h? :, and then a she'!.. " - C jthh, " a A "JUk lhe gendert ntcr.ll the pig I" am - swers Mrs.D. WH, fver j conothry ha ' ' Ua niwti uarst in nAmifi' ft tut em tit lit ftrii. iMynH nj tut iisieiiH, wmuf p vui thing I'm certain intireiy, and that she hat most beautiful Mhtt of fig$ J- . - : " ; This settled the miestioo ot ccndler, and camo nigh knocking bis Honors gravity into s . wrinkles. Another order was issued for tha lady i bMtttiui pig, arm , Tim. ana her werav " made happy by ocirtjf afain put fat posseiy inn '.( " "i " i --t COSTUME OF FORMER TLME1" ' . , M MVII'- w?Vs vitivl ihuk'HM i- f" troopa of MassatjhuscKs'j in 1735, he was, dressed irt a grey wig, cocked hat, a wbite broad cloth 'coat' and WaiscoaL' red maii wpiAtttf i tAvnrnnr i'.nwnri TnvtftvMi inn Clonics nnu uuu;k jiik, eiuvniiia. i ; ., , ,-;'" In 1782, Governot Hancock received bis one of fine linen, turned vn over the ede of the velvet one, two or three -.inches. I1V num u uiuv uuuius unu,iuit,u niut sun, u.., y white satin embroidered waistcoat. Hack sa '4- - tin small clothes, whito silk atockiogs .audV , red morocco slippers. . "" . The Judges of the Supreme -Couit of; . Massachusetu. as Inter' as I TS3." worn robes of scarlet, faced with black velvet: sod irA '4 summer, oiacx suit gowns. , uenucmcw wora . conti or ever tancty' of color, generally; the cap and collar of velret of a duTcrcut , 1783, General Washington arrived in N t York from Ml-' Vetnoti, to assume t . J w ties of the Presidency."' He was drei.J in a lull sun ot Virginia nomespm. vuuia r visit to new XinRiauu, iooh after ao wore.- -4 .... .t i..l.i.J's..J;i.J . the old continental uniform, except on ZJt-, bath when hearncared in black. "' Johnv Adamswhen Vice President, worot a sword, and walked the streets with' his fus'" under his arm:' "y ' ; M i : At bis levees in ! PhiraJcTpUa.'' President Washington was elad in bJadktelvct: Vt. y,'y hair was powdered, and gathered behind in a' A -silk batr. vel low rloves. knee and shoe tuck "r les, he held in his hand a cocked hat ornav v mentcd with a cockade, fringed about an inch deep with black feathers; a long swortl ; in a white leather scabbard,' whh a poshed, steel hilt hung at his hip. : r ; ' SIIUliT II1STUUY V" Tlli UViliT GEN. VAN' NESS, A Washington Tetter wrcr gives a IriefLl.. but interesting history' of thS lale Gen, Vaar-- m.Ia ..miA In ' WtfefitniAn' in Kilt . a member of Congress from tho Slate of N. York, a dashing ami elegant young marmot, about 26 years of age. 1 The writer says : ; r in tne year iduj. no roarriea tne aaugnwr . of old David Burns, who' was a largo lanJ. cd proprietor, wherf, What is now a cMy, ras" ' uiviuea LK.IWLLU curuituuis "iiia suiu J". s. Miss Boms was an only child, a tcry beau-. , tiful and interesting woman, and aficf t!.d f death of her father, becanso posscs?cd of his i,. property, f Under the tareful snJ . ttin.iy- management of General Van Ness, this pro- petty, in less tbaa a ban jccmury, amounted. irt ln in nmr half a.mi!lion 'of dollarii- Gen. Van Ness lad by . this marriage c ;.! " one daughter, a tovefy and accomp!Lhe4 iti,l ivkn A'xbA anrM ftr t mntr"irrn. In a few years afterwards, Mrs.' VanlScs3fbI. "i lowed ber daughter to the tomb, having been5 . borne down by grid ever1 since the loss of ;, her child, thus leaving- GcnvVato Ness solo proprietor of this immense real estate. ' nig iuai - a Fcuiciuucr, vis -.ivu . brother nnd sister, cousin of the kite Mrs.' Van Ness. ' The former has been an inmate, of ' the poor house for several years pajt. end thaf latter, a widow, w residing here, in grint dts- titutionand povertr.' in tne cany tan.oi the present year, Ocneral Van. Htu d.cd ln-.; testate at least no will has been found. CbrC, nelius C. Van Nets, brother of Gen. I. P.' Y.. Iiniwn tA-.ltut nKIi Clniift t nf Vrcri :z. tnonL as luintster to Brain, and as eonecrcr - . . .. . .... of New York, proceeded tor take out U :ts i . V tmaBisP imw rtAta tKai rvrtnrt titmintT la Tift ?;!ft- 111 " Wf WW irw mrmm im.wi -mr w ----- ' ' Ness, soagbtto rivoke the letter tluiined' , by General Van Ness. The Orphan's Court which is now irivestigaling the tact bf the t.l-l f, 3 y . . ,. , ;'-.-.. , f f , ',A-ll7-. . !W0RKINQ MEN. t ; Tht Uniotii ol a late dato tats : "Tho -scries of. important measures v Lich wcre adopted at the last ecssioo of Congrt i bavoj mohipHed to a considerable i!"-rr t ytc' ana iabors.oi .tne a-atiul. i:.. y' Foilunatcly for the country and forthcrostfcr . vea, they are all! working "men ; and wc ua derstand from those who have beco long aoj. t , . I I ,!ik rhrliinrru flf the f ILCU- ' VWJLMIXGTON, Nc. .; -Murch?3. '" '''- r-v.4'