THpi) 1)JNO,Epitor. v iAY. STRINGER; Associate Enfrok? UT aiiiaM wli ,1111 vi THE COMMERCIAL. H . . Js DutliJd vy, AtpWdfltey, bos' Wy, at 9t per ii i mi bxiiiiuiii. Ln as wivi iw i.tiwiV ui HiiaiitVi HY LOKJU JSTKINGKR, Corner of Front and Markt Street, WILMINGTON, J. C, ATlS Or ADVIBTtsbtQ. 1 equals, 1 Insertion, SO 50 1 square, 2 mdntha, 14 00 1 do. 3 do. 6 00 I ao. Z (10. 7B ! ' Ao. 3 do. ' 100 1 do. 1 month, 2 (0 1 do. 6 do. 8 00 1 do. ;1 year, 12 00 . Twelve lines or let make square. If an adver tisement exceed twelve lines, the price will be iu pro l.drtlon. ' All advertieernenta are payaMe at the time of their insertion, , .,, ,. , ,. . . Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the tntrni llbf-tnl terms. l hi , n JJ EDWARD CANTWELli; iffuBNEY IT UW. AND C0jbfISSl6eit' OP DEEDS FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. ovEtt pa. eviss sxcriAVOE euii.dinos, WILMINGTON", N.C. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, AND HARDWARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY , C W. BRADLEY. April 4. " 9 , j -., . ,;. .. ' ,JOHN GAM M ELL, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WltHIINOTON, N. C. 50 NAUTILUS (MUTUAL UFE) INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW-YORK. Will tase Rink on (he Liws of Slaves. "J ' ' W. C. LORD, Agent. TiE W-YORK I I F K INSURANCE AMD ' TRUST COMPANY. W. C. LORD, 'Agem. - . . J. LUTTERLOIl, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIlMMbtoH,' W. March 26. THOMAS SANDFORD, iY0 7Ty!72 r PUBLIC, WILMINGTON," N.-C. SAM'L. P. GAUE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 8L, 16 ROB'T. G. RANKIN, , AacUpneer and Commiuion Merchant, - WILMINGTON, N. C. aiacaALAftYAacaa mab on iHirami touts raiittns IM VKW YOBK. March 17. 1 JOHN HALL, (LATjE Of WILMINGTON, NORTH . CAHOLIJU ) COMMISSIOxN. MERCHANT, AND AGENT rOa THK SALE OP NORTH OSROMMA WAVAL STORES 33 QP A VIER STREET, New Orleiou. January 4, 1847. I2fl NEFF tfc WARNER, W1rrtLsit. AND HtTAlL DEAI.PRS 15 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Slf IP CHAN DLER Y, SHIP STORES, d. ApriUl. I3 (i. V. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, , WILMINOTON, N. C. Mnrch 17. , 1 .Tarry fic bryantV COLMISSJOT MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Marrh 16; . 1 tf. Nt B. HUGHES, CO M MISSION MERCHANT, AND "GENERAL. AGEiT . For the sale of all kinds of Goods, Country Produce and Real Estate, RALEIOH, If. C. " bullae erifruated to hlrh hat! be promptly and falthfullyanionded to. junala. 41 B. A. CUSIIING, " ' dealer" ltf BOOKS, STATIONERY, fcc. MASKBT STEI, WtLMINOTOH, . C AnrItr r 9 BROWN & DEROSSET, T GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. DEROSSET k BROWN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 159. FRONT T. ItKW YORK. X)MM.SSION MERCHANTS, Acfc&it mads on cohagtlfn'r?t bf COttON, ltfCE, If AVAL STORES, and ptoducS gWlWfW. " Aug. a. n o"p. ALEXANDER HERRON, Jr. " "tJEETtAL comrmidN' m&ichant, H UmtHgU, (4V. O.PmtitM Office, HO. ITif MOMTB) WRAATCa, , Refca- PHILADELPHIA- - C. D. Elus, Es. aw. ), LurraaLOM, E. Aug. U. j Wilmington1, N. C. J. & W. L. McGARY COIIUUOl UO JOEWiRDlNC MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. 124 m . rV::;::" rr- "' ""- 'i ?KY7 - if - .v; rmbv ai t Jnii. tf ) Jtv.l H VJll :i- ' ,, t-tf it&v iafttiA Ad u Wall J5 ; VOL.1, -,, . ;.WiLM D. X OJI.BftRXi , AGENT, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . i.-- for tub mix op all kirds v goods ax ft OOONTRT PRdOOOE. ' Partioalar attention paid w raealvlng itid forward lug of Giioda. jOr4wa fitted Jn tUbet4 kirraa, wheu cash Is enclosed, or produce in hand. N. B. I may be found at Ihe Store of B. f urHngton corner ot Water and Prinetsa atreeu, . where may be found a general assortment of groccties tot both Town and Country trade. Nor. 10. 100 y R. II. STANTON &, CO." WHOLKSALS ADD BTAIL O K O C B It H ; And dealers In Day ooooa, olothino, hats,' cats, boots, a HOES, rCBHITVRC, HAIOWABI, CCTLEST, TIM WABJB, CaOCKEBY, 4CC. R. H. Stanton, j Wilmington, If. C L IN. Barlow, CONSTANTLY on hand, a general assortment ot CORDAGE and PROVISIONS. Also, For eign Fnilt, Wines, Liquors, Teas, Porter, Ale, Ac. rySni Stobbb put np with despatch. Oct. 31, 1846. 90 J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3rd floor Mrrtt Heater Srrr WILMINGTON, N. C. J. Hathaway. J. L. Hathaway. Ocl' 87, 1846.' 94. SANDFORD fe SMITH, AUCTlDtRS & COlfllSSiOtN MEECBAHS, . AGENTS OF HENRIETTA STEAM BOAT COMPANY, WILMIXQTON, N. C. thos. sAimroao, Oot.aT, 1849, WM. L. SMITH, 90 RICHARD MORRIS, . NOTARY PUBLIC, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan 13. . 126 JOHN C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTONN. C. Oct. 10, 1846. 87 MYERS & BARNUM, MANLTACTCaSRS AND DEAI.tRS IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, AND WALKmOVANES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, MARKET STRKET, WILMINGTON. N. C. C. Myers. J. M. Babxitm. Ocl 6, 1840. 86 ' ELIJAH DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, (Senior partner of the late firm of Dickinson eV Morris,) WILMINGTON, N.- C. Retrb to Metsre. B. DeForest &. Co., ) , new lora. Boston. Walters Sc Souder. ) rL II J a A. Benson 1 Go ' I 'ornia. Oct. 3,1818. R4 A. MARTIN, GENERAL AGfiNT AND (1 0 m in i s 8 i 0 n AI e r c h a n t, North Water, 2 Iroori thof e frlrieesi Stwet, Murphjfi Duilding,) WILMINGTON, N. C. 84 Oct. 3. L . S. YORKE, GENERAL COBIMISSION MERCHANT, NORTH CAROLINA PACKET OFFICE. 43 1-2 TfORTTT WnARVEfe, PHILADELPHIA, r J11008, 1848. ly37 ".' u h. s.kelly MERCHANT TAILOR, MAaarr rraarr, WILMINGTON, N. March 17. GILLESPIE: & ROBESON, AOENT8 FOR THI BALK Or TIMBER, LUMBER NA VAls STORES, e. Will make liberal cash advances on all consignments March &jt.!;A opaadaoa. . CHARLES- BLARES LEE, . Vxl (?r IAajei ftadeniira" , V . MANUFACTURER AND DEALER. IN . B oots n4&V S h 00 Mahet St., 'WilraiDgton, S. C. CHAS: D. ELLIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINOTOW, N. C. WarcVlT. - t SAIVDFORD i SMITH, , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMLNflTQN, 0. VMoa. imnas, v. t. avrm. Marrh tt. . BLANKS pritttiuj to order, at thr CO MM F.RCI A L OF FICE. Nesuiith & Walsh, j F.. D. Peters & Co., MM At rrlarV t PUBLISHED TRIVWEI INGTON, WEDNESDAVi AFTEHNOON, FEBRUARY -L. RgVVXEY, ASirBURNER 6?$). tteiiral Cammiiiiu lertbiili, Tfot. 6 A fl, Sotrra WKAtaraa, i" ' PHILADELPHIA." Wo arc prepared to make liberal advances 4a ship ments of Naval Stores, &c., Consigned to ua for sale Refer to . . . , i tef"!wi,mihg,on.ri.a January 18. SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY, nH 0(7 del, THE subscr if of informing his I 7j ly, that he has tal d by Porter end Blaket Front Strtct, Wilmington, N. C. ubscriber takes tins luethod friends and the nubile Barum)- taken the store formerly occunl- d by Porter end Blakealee, and Immediately opposite the Chronicle Office, here he is now opening a com- jj'uwj assortment ot Saddles,, Bridlei, llariesj, TrnaJu, Jlartlugalei, laities, urpei ana mm aap. luii&n, Whips, Spurt, Bin, &c iele- 4e. An of which will be warranted of good manufacture and materials, and will be sold low Tor CASH. Having low iwbbjevci in the above business, he flatters himself that ho will be able to render full tot UfactUm to those who may be disposed to patronize him. It is his intention to keep no Books, but to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, by which meana he will be able to furnish articles much chiapbb than they have heretofore been bought in this market . REPAIRING of ail kinds done at the ahortcst notice. JOHN J. C0NOLEV, Aug. 6, 1846. h y6i TO RENT, SEVERAL well finished offices, in the fire "proof bulldlniron Water Street, over the stores of Smith. aiiwneu or. uuac 1 nat large and convenient W han on Eaale'sWaud. Opposite Town and known as the aite of tHg '" Distillery, 220 feet front, and running back" 1600 feet m. - quarters, &c. all in good repair, :"".w"?",tr,:r",r"':v v w.1RBru Apply to H. Nun. eept 25, 1846. 81 tf. THB OLD ROCK SPRING FOREVER! THE Rack Spring Rtstauratevr ia now open for the accommodation of 104, Public, where every Refreshment the market affords mav be find, at all hours of the day or night. The Bar Is sopptled w ith choict Liquor, H'inci and Cigtrt. a DAVID THALLV. Dec. 12, 1848. 114 WHOLE, HALF, & SMALL RICE, JN Lota, or by the Single Cask, kv C. LORD. Feb. 3, 1847. 135. SUPERIOR Negro Blankets, and Keraeya, for sale O by OcL 31. 961 C. W. BRADLEY. NOTICE. ALL Persons are hereby cautioned not to rcrnovt Tree or Firewood from off the Hirrow Lands, aa any such trespass will bs visited by tna paoaity of the Law. " ' JAMES P. McRF.E. January 29. 137-e ASH OARS. KfVYl FEET Kirra Ash Onra. UVAJV Received thU day for sale, br Dec. 4. 1 10J J. t W. L. McGARY". DAHLIA GLASS ES, Jcc JuST received, pef&hooner Fay 16 pair Dahlia Glasses, assorted ooner FayetlerVle, sizes and colore, 4k dot. Bar Dec liters 1 30 doz. Toy Turnblera: 16 doz. Toy Ewers and Basins (glass); 6 pair cut Salts ; 6 dot. Toy Plates j 1 doz. Fountain Inks; 1 crate, 120 doz. Edge Platrs ; J. H. ROTHWELL. Deo. 18. us NEW NOVELS AT The Book store. IDLE Hour Book 1 Lady of Mooaoreaai My Shoollrig Box j TheRedsklnat Fleming Field ; Nick liigelow: Widow's Walk 1 Heidelberg t " Prairie Bird) Count of Monte Crlsto; Sylvester Sound ; Eiioor VViUvaj Sketches of Imp"ur8 ; Three Guardsmen ; Urulae of Mist 1 Alar Gull 1 Beau Butterfly: Gambler's WTft ; Rhyrrunt DicUonary ; Cruiltshanks' Table Book: Lneretla: wDaaiarv uidDuck ; Mra, Ellis' Houaakeopinf 1 Captala O'SuIllvaa 1 Bush Rangerj WaWrCure, te.,&e., &c. ,n k. a. cvsmm. Dec 30. 120 MANUFACTURED TOBACCO BOXES, varrlous brandi, Virginia Tobacco fat aalc low. apply to SA.NDFORD S3UTH. 129. Jan. 18, MASTER'S OF YESSELS WILL find a supply tffrttti baked Pilot and Na w Bbbab, at HOWARD A PEDEN S. 132 Jan. 25, 1847. TURKEY FIGS. T UST RECEIVED 50 Drums of fresh and very su l perlor Turkey Fig, In small drama. For sale low, at HOWARD A PEDEN S. W7, , fi 132 1 r M M ' B'8 8 - B E F5 P ? rK fmitd, a' few bafrtft Mesa Beef which in b v-J-aow low aooalnmeni, by - , ipAtsJlfi)c, . , J-OAAIMELL. I e.S.'tta. rCIfJARsft WMYl3rA,Tra" Clgtn.'brCnolee brands, dl rest 1 mm Havana, for aara, bv - Nov. 24. net ..HATHAWAV A SON i..r 1 - : -"-1 MOLASSES. HHDS. of Print ntaiRM Mdatitt, now land JO In from Brit Lisbon, will ba acid, daOrsrrd af ter tha 1st dav of Docembsr nasi, by Nov. 24. 106J J. HATflAVAX SOX. CAROLINA HOTEL jCt rpftE undcrslgnid has ieaaod this WU" kiflitH ,nown noTXL. tie naa gl f I'M, thorough cannaiof and - re-fhWd II tt out, aaa will bcprei reparadM furnish lha beat ofaoroin- modation to Hoai Monday, OV 19th FREEMAN RUOOLR4. Oct." 17. IMG 90-Cmp fnd irntnt Y(itm Is She ITappy? How could you come here to-day?' was the preeiinjp that awaited an rlfgant'looking man from a very lovely woman, who entered her drawing-room at the announcement of a visitor. 'Why abase the onfortonate power you have gained over me, Charles?' : I cannot help it I cannot exist without seeing you, Mnry. Bid me do any thing on earth but this ! What Injury am I doing you by a mere call ? Hare you no pity for me, or is the opinion and imaginary drwid of (he world to usurp every feeling of your heart ?' was the Impetuous reply. Every feeling of my heart !' repeated she as she sunk on the sofa beside her. 'Did, yoo not promise me to stay assy ftom here, for some time ? You appear to 'have no re- j gard for my reputation you cannot have?' j 'What, because I make ocall upon you atan hotJr when Iscarcely expect even to ftrid you j at home, and, if at home, su rrounded by pco- pie! And even if you arc alone, what is there remarkable in my being here? 1, who 1 hatre known you from childhood, and almost I like one of our own family, why should 1 not see yotr alone?' was a in the impetuous reply. ' After the conduct pursued towards m by your family, and after the fact beinjf known ol your feelings toward me, and, worsey of min towards you, surely common Mnsetclls IVU.HIIW 1UUTLIIIV. H ill i u i . i , ' d' 10 brkcn aCcentB wotW 'l , tTt, that i Wfl OOght not to meet. But I tell VOU atfai'D. I naries. n any more observations are mndi- upon me, or il you give the power by your attentions to have me lightly spoken of, I will part from you for ever, though I should die ftom the separation.' And you'call yourself an tiriwordhf per son V was the taunting teply. 4 YooMary, say yort hate the world ; why;: yoo' worship it I Yo'i deny yourself the gratification of Jour best feelings to bow to the Idol of your eait the world V 1 Do I deserve (his of you ?' waa the plea ding reply, as she rose arid walked across the room to the further end, and placed her self at tho work table. 4 Spare me, den rest spare yourself I for we are only augmenting the misery we have brought upon ourselves 1( you do not mind my being ill-spoken of' ' Wbo speaks ill of you 1' again interrupt ed ber lover. Is it Dot exactly the reverse? Every body loves you, every body praises you. Are you not thought tie best wifa to the most iodiflerent, selfish man ihxl ever lived Are you not beloved by all the poor and wretched ia the neighborhood! But you always judge yourself to harshly: ever merciful to otheis, and ever' 1 1, who sin so deeply,' was the low re ply, ' may well be leoieot to aheis.' ' 10 what do you sin. 7 Show me another woman that would have acted as you hove Jone! What but vour coodness aad Duritv has turned me from evil? And I will bless . ..'....- . you, Muiy, lor the change, even though 1 never am more to you that at tbis raomtot ' And he rose and crossed to her, and took ber hand, which trembled" in hs. After looking at ner in snence ior a iew minutes, no urop- ped the small, feverish hands, and with a siah turned from her. ; How selfish I am!' he said, aflcr a few " r marv 1 'No nol she answered : 'now vou are here, stay a little while, nnd tell me not' she said, in'an entreating tone, as he came towards her and Sat down by her, 'not there ; sit where you were, and teff mc Tiow you succeeded in your attempt at the Horse' Ooardl Is there any chance for you ?' 'Yes, every chance,' hfi replied. 'Our regiment is likely td leave England in two months, nnd bnt, Mary, dearest, how pale you are f and he flew towards her,and caught ner as she fell back on her chair. He pres sed ber to him, and In a few moments n burst of tears relieved her. As he wa still sup- porting her, a thundering knock at the door state of iodide react, Snd Soon turned hopeless caused both to start, and she, trembling and ly from one who Dover attempted to study blushing, rote hastily, saying . her happiness to one who existed only when 1 What snail I 00? Btippose it's your mo- ther, what will she think of me f What 11 j shall I dd? I most go to my room ; 1 shall meet them on the stairs? 1 Shall I go f said he, in an angry tone ; for, opoo my word, one would suppose that, this house was my mother's What if his bay are you sot your own mistress? Can you ties leceiee whom yon please V1 4 1 must go 1 shall faint, Chsutes, it sh says any thtag to its Why, oh l why., did you. coateUoday And abe ran up-suirs shut herself up to kef. room, ihtew tuiselfoo ber knees, murmorisf awV-sobbiogaiQd be merciful to me, jbi my -hearl is Wetdanglf Fire yea 19 pre ioas to ihe opening ottr tale, our heroioe.Mary Ha wthorn, the young est daufhiei oi a profrjsaiuuai man ot ah neoce residing at the west end of th town, had noado what, anjoagst bee . tnenda, termed a capital match aimed who stood well io lbs opiaioa of Ih lie was. wbi n tsrtneu ' ro hooowr that ia In ua. k uintilA rrd rkaal hiM KuImKat i I : .11:. L.I -. 11 - I L : Ir - 1. L ' t 1 .M tl ' 1 I If . I puhfiluaJitf , bis word WM lit was thai was nothing; and he waaagrteabl I. Ho wot, ' twenty years older than his briile, but, then, NO. HI. at her friends' remarked, 'she was very yooog,' and, though U not least, he had a capital income: and as it was welt known that Mr. Hawthorn, oor heroine's (other, liv ed beyond his income, that was an excellent (ting ; to, ia every way, sho wa ofe$ a very lucky girl. Poor Msry hsd neither mother she bad brothers who thought it wou very pleassnt thing to drink some sod a gow wme.- tier winer nao nuie time I- l ! fl - 1 J1-... .. I to think about his family. But if Mary did like him, or fancied she did ; and every body, particularly the mammas, talked to her of the immense advantage it was to settle well, and l l. i laa I I.i l ilt. a - how glad they should be at such an ofTef for ..e. gms. Ana so tviary was There was out famtlv with whom, from infancy, Mary had been intimately assoc rated Their eldest sou was in the army, bout the same age as our heroine. ' Charles Lawrence was a noble bring, richly endowed by nature in heart, in mind, and in fofftt'ullftrdjiii wood by his sensitive orgWREffrioft, IrrirJ hatrtalfy romantic turn of mind, reserved and proud, but where he loved, unbounded in his confidence. He was thought cold by some, selfish by others, when in reality it was indifference to the good ot ill opinion of those he cared not for. From chilhood Mnry and himself had been, fiom their similarity of teste and feel ing, strongly united, in consequence of Charles going to complete bit education at a military college, prior to his entering the ar my, the attachment, however, that had sub sisted between . tbenv had hitherto b-en that calm and pure feeling which exist in enrly youth, before passion, with itt desolating power, coten the heart j and when Marv wrote to apprise him of her ma mag, though a feeling of regret arose that she should be long , to .another, stilt his answer to her letter contained wishes foi her happiness, at ferv ent and sincere as ever came from the heart. ... When hereto rned to England, upon his first leave of absence, Mary had been purpose ly invited to join the family circle. When she entered the room, and noiselessly walk ed towards the happy party, the stood in utter astonishment at the total change, iq manners and appearance, oi ber former playmate. He was now a gay, dashing looking man,' with j au toe ease ol manner that a military IHb , generally produces ; and as ho turned 1 gazed at her, ber eyes fell beneath the of ardent ad nutation bestowed u poo lie , and she Olufiheu u the extended her hand to wards him. He was bo less struck by thechenge a few years had produced in her. Her form was more slight, and even girlish, than before ber marriage ; her complexion at clear and lovely j but her eye were rio longer the same ; tha targe, clear, bine 01 b, that former ly looked full nt you, now held only mourn tul soilness, at il lean had e loud ou, not dim med, the radiance that youth still ought to noepect, 1 , .. - i ' is sue happy f waa the abrupt and start ling question he put to his mother, as soon at an opportunity offered. The aaswer was, 1 She ought to be, for Mr. Hobinson let ber dons she likes never interferes with her she has, a beautiful bouse, plant vol rnooey, ; and sees lots of company. I only- wish Ellen 01 Rose could gel as well settled." , Charles was not satisfied with the answer;, r-"- nann mess ni tn ovincr nrsrr im unihrnnk. his early iotiuaacy lo discover tha Act It ; was soon learni she was a oeglecttd 'Vilii 1 to a worthless man; and, whh her oftieki sensibilities aod lively leelincs. wtjat wonder was it ihat, upon bemar ibrosvn intoiae socie ty of tha ftnrcd of her youth, ehe gave Wr self up to the new feeling that soon gained entire possession of her 1 Her husband had tcarcely exeked her feel ingt, her sympathi.t was peculiarly untuitca to the impttueus character of Maty. She too Id not exist in a he administered to her wishes. When , Charles joined his regiment, though bo words of unhallowed love bad passed between them, they existed only for each other; and yet jo thought of evil min gled with tho intense enjoyment they ieh aod had any one presumed to telr Mary that she loved Charles Lawrence as no wife ought to love another tbs oor husband, tbs would have spurned the idea. Hut even this pang was spared ber, aod she gave herself op- to the blight, bops oi their meeting again In jh res, months, ...nk km aav w The ihreainonUMi pA;aedM iatlhs drwmr existerKe. that.lotecraiss;lbi tettsrs wero a source of uobooodfid Otlghi, heiarvhs met ot of eommunicatnlf many thoughts snd feelings tbat in conversation weald itr led to an explanation between them,' sod thus ronarienr e, perhaps, bom mem-or, at au a.l .k.-. stale ol their isetiort, the coolinue the Uiaaful ltfo.4 How long such uncertai ditticilt to say, circumstance", occurring ..-rr... . . .. rna ma now viiery iie was Lrnauced, A,?7.l,,,wr.ffctrJarri!sawthMthe oHect'gfjet'tcad' the m. ana n Aummi nimwn m ,n ntin iiwr . . - i. r '. i ---- r- - ..v-. .. - : rmnvr msMtf inmi h-tnr nr rnft in ti i ililrAvjfl I n m Flittnff mnA nAaitna ftvkiJh I .w, "."- . " so' eflmwered Wnat annesred tBolisn rTN manltney contrived to throw UMXUmTtif.kj u-r 'frrriaViAair AA'' s world. I They did not wish, 10 tratb, lo examine tie I fa & . , M y . J . able mat; Icause ot the enjoyment they BMiuRilf ' MW hB. .ftu .i,Z ft t I a 1 -aa w "T vwtu aijar bui ii' " " nw !. k' ntyrwiiu w w yj,. im, Uld fiotife llieftttentioo U Vt pyk2. Mary i king greater lUu cvVp hii titifrtntnmp permitted, and be was made scauaintrrf With ihi fnfi in a letter, frpm hii" motWr- VTbe fetter contained the moif' Idj uripi luenicions of Mary. ' It was written, as te Loti 3 jcov- , cred, with the mo woildiy jjoUveicfer. ! rin only to fifi evil it woukl caow him, and usimx argument taujuuee oim q return, lo his'cimera tt Jeasf j'f I'to mflafticeltm. The dream Hi fndeed (rdbea T 'SuiJ Wary may be kept in ignorance of lhcj,:fcsuefiy,' wa his first tnotrzhljM he" jfga'aS Md again the dreadful truth. as br ah feelings were conccrnerl' and the tile "stander that dared touch so hallowed a '.Alt parment for th Mnow. m'.bCtk .f.. . to spend the day with a gay circle at I fete, his own family bci'n; arnohgst the Jnvittd guests. He tvft that in his present state he t HWl UC IT UC. Bfc KIM f I'M yn h6 had Well considered" the tibe of con - rjuct he mcoht a ndopf, lt yposs ssHle for Ifie'ej-e of jtfve, hdweverV folk dissever something had occurred to agitate Jiim, and when Mary Wrd the ejfcuie he fav't bet for :hbt accompanying her,, there tvasi tone of rerffbdeh in her . answer fflUtiTmfo'jim Say, " '"' " 4 1 had" belter hdCAfar Jbf foSr late My sake ! it it for thy take ttjish you to go. But rou are concealing from ma the real reason, Charles ; and I insist upon hear ing the truth, sir.' And she stood playfully holding hef finger up. The real reason, was not tolcl, and CliarUs left her, wretched a lip ost retklesf ofth 1 fu ture, caring for nothing jbuf ro iiVelej' from the abyu mto wbfc'l) he' taw tiU' tail was likely to pfunjeief. . Dcspfrli' Ihe heart lesj'nc ss of his mother, ao4 Woking with con tempt upon the wordly tclifig' which had dictated the later; still it must be answered, and also the threat it containel of speaking opori the subject to ' Mary. & deliberated long belore he decided his jvldhi. abd, then left (hey Cotild not be fr6 rj'tiVctiy catrietl out; he wrote to his mother teJIiphcr hiti opin ion of hef letter, and wtrirriiri'fSeJ oncjsbe hhd lent him, rfourttulg-jt rhfgbf tiuffsroy ed, and the vile falsehoods It c5n'nd t6us obliterated, not frorn bit "jiiedVy, ftecusc that, ho assured her. rjenlh alone toiiM ,od) bpt frortl evct y one.r He afif Wtfe (o Mary a long'lener, tclllh tier ibarfIfcJ9AtaMct had o&uired which" it ttdircl "if'idwfai from hcr-'nt tftc prdstnt -ia$ but'fha't h shall termftiatwRenevel jhe"rrote tfnd rwimf hit pretence. 'Better she tilnk. closed the Inter to her, nndy tn haayoo,- with it theone ho had rceir'c(!1ffora hit nwrffc; ,r. " " " f- y. Mary was sitting, Th her 3r1eVs!ng;j'ooro'; she had jusf re turned Ironic ttk fete, which had been to her a blank1. "She' Waf partially ioiu. ha,dw'ritirig,; f one radrn g BarZ fWirtbVfAf'qivr jjleasant had ecnrrrf, buf 'Meve.rinin in reference to fieYJrcff, tftc-pfrJra Ifj it. ' , .. j, ' It may have hapeiried to'Wxmd no ders (we hope oot tWarfyl to'V khifror of deep darkriesV.Tatl'tlbtl did upon orrr gentle hert5in1, W tnauda the cruel letter which had been enclosed to her. Her first feeling was,' that the 'dr'iefvedAvoat they said of her, to C0mpfefcr;Bri1qnKnt niff iicoteTeJ the fiiM Sf hr"1ve' t9 was toe sen aoasemcnt, wnen srip naa .taus unariet: cm this Mprr?sion wore on as the , . . . r ... 1 r. ! . viiuLii t y Wr. lieve that the characters there tacd ,Wfre VntleH b' the cmry friend ttf v5rjrrial': fiad eVfr 'confided hef doroesticMih11icVorJf to, whom from ehnMhbocT sfieideVlrcvthe. affection and tender oess, of a dduju'er'. I'.ft tvss her firsf rejn, fn hniirah -ferirejWo,"ai usual with our first lrtyirA;iVwl0dVeK inter the'memory. po totally had: SH wtii 1 0 ' j b w ffijft IrTe'l by the lettev tTntt tHfr1 "ortc from nas still 'unread, Vpd''eVc3 when read, the wartn and tctiderHone ui Uobeed ed. Sheconkl rrcKT'evBo',othef bnb ressfon" than the heaii-tfcWnln'jf one jusfwvirh'; aod raatrv hrjurtriassed before' she&hfa even ' rouse nersen to scck it net, jrqm inn agony it... r. . 1 1- i--"-caL.rf ana shame that oppressed net." " sne laa not . ft . . V the well disciplined rnind'nJcriflwBnicu' a" cse coold seek relief frm 1 hteftcYlpiver, . religion had hem to Maty buf a'dutyl Pritfe . had formed the TmLviiHt r 'ihaacter; arid preserved her hlthc4to tbW evil. .Since she had lovtdVshehad'',)raJeo,'l TuAln' thii miserable hpur no thoiff hi of prtyer'ctjoe ' to her ; heTneanerftcVMr when, sh tiei fo'het oftfBe bid detrrmined lo , aoaffdorl the worW 'atftl fry to 'gome" sWm ' alace wbee she'rie'ed.'iic'rtr be nown or 1 .. s a .JL well tjv v. . 1 f , 1 Wh'!rrfbrfirn'g ftfmelftris Ltrictnik 6e hofesfic cbofd fIftfeF'faW'j "e M 1 aantmeci w tee t ournan ocntjrt ne Wr ed whether tha ;uJKjrH'cd:Ae fact of het dis grace, ibf so the termed the sospMons cbo- l tn he lewet"; sf fsn by R'eal eBbrr, tlghta1 wouw never lorgtve tnem to nil dyiny ciy, nor sister ; .. u W letter stid Wattted1 from fif room fn caff dnon Of HObin- Marp. with ari mtonf inn ' nf n'nltp nflfv an . T trJrhrjnrira she tafrred Id 1k4tVMr Tnom tHrVhe'r tbor awkeedto tbeiThe h . Kl-sB0Ui'. ' I couljiew (ariMf iuw.'u.k., t,, Jswn-a1.:5.ii'ii;ArW ey anere leadinff'.n.sijA, 1,,. kiii.UkA.AHI r ail ' 1 aif J" IUl IV 1 u, 1 r ULV t'c" 1 " v M 1 m !said, II is man.'and there fore must be tel-

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