' From th flrt eonini went of th working of (he Telegraph at Baltimore, buione ofiKe wire upon the poke Ue been teoY, The wire, Uutoadof going beck to Washington after U leave die mil, descend lo tha ground, and 1 ddrd la copper pin, W VW la the earth In Baltimore ' At Wat hlngton, a cop per pitta of the aame dlmeauom U burled In the eel-, tar of the Capitol, from which a wire la taken and soldered to the key. So that the fluid travel upon one wire from Washington to Baltimore, and returns to Washington through the earth ae ita conductor. Professor Morse has his alphabet eo arranged upon square board, that by drawing aside, one letter Is ub itituted for another, thus changing throughout the 'common alphabet. By this means s mercjiant in New York may write to his correspondent In Phila delphia without the poaaibillty of ita being intelllgis Die to any one eieept the individual to whom it It addressed. Not even the writer upon the Instrument In New York, or the' attendant In Philadelphia, can pescribe It. MARINE NEWS. PORT OF WILMINGTON, FEB. 17. hiqh watii AT TH lAi:::::i:::::;::::. ::::::: 6.43 r. m. CLEARED. Feb. 16. Schr. E. S. Powell, Powell, for Brazos, Santiago, with 2 Companies Volunteers and Stores, by O. W. Divl. IT. Brig Selira, Storer, for St. Jago da Cuba, with 90,000 ft. Steam Sawed Lumber, by E. Dickinson. " Brig Wm. Purlngton, Carr.for Jamaica, with 115,000 IL Steam Sawed Lumber and 36,000 Shin lea, by E. Dickinson.' - Schr. Ellen Dale, Boynton, for Havana, with 96, 000 ft. P. P. Lumber, by J. Hathaway A. Son. ' Br. Brig James Willliuzton, Kelly, for Tobago, with 61,000 ft. Lumber, and 60,000 Shingles, by O. W. Davis. 18. Brig Victory, Kelly, for Port au Prince, with 70,000 ft. Lumber, by O. W . Davie. " Schr. Chas. Hopkins, Godfrey, for Plymouth, with 1,000 Buthela Salt, by G. W. Davis. Kindtrhook, N. Y., June 20, 1846. Mr. S. W. Fowli Sir Having la the year 1844, been attacked with sever affection of the Lungs, with pains in the breast and side, I purchused s bottle " Wistab'i Bal sam or Wan Cnar," which, before 1 had consu med the contents of one bottle, performed a eeapkte cure. I can with asMraoee, reeommend k ta my fel-low-men as being most valuable medicine, and which, cannot fail, In any affection of the Lunge, to Afford relief. JAMES LATHROP. Mr. Fowls These lines are at your option : do with them as you tee fit. Ills true certificate. J. L. For aale wholesale and retail by WM. SHAW, Wil mington, and by dealera in Medicines generally throughout the country. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT BUTTER V lb.-12i 18 BEES WAX 24 28 BACON. 7 71 Hama 4f lb- 8 A 9 Sides 7 7 Shoulder 6 7 COTTON none. CORN 4bu, 9& a COFFEE. St. Domingo V lb- 8 Java 12 14 Rio ' 8 8 Laguira 8J o 9 DOMESTICS. Cotton Yarns, 18 4-4 N. C. Shooting, 6 a KLOUR. Fayettevllle 4f lbl. 6 00 7 00 Canal 7 50 8 25 HAY LUMBER, STEAM MILL. Wide Bord,Plank and Scantling, tf-M. ft. 113a - Floor Boards, V M. ft 116 LARD - m 8 LIMK 90 - MOLASSKS. New Orleans 3032 Cuba 21 a MEAI ybueti. 95 100 NAVAL STORKS. Virgin Dip a 2 25 Yellow Dip,- - 2 25 .Splrlta Turpentine, Nominal. f gal. its Tar ybW. 1 25 1'ltch -V bbl. 5.26 - Roain, No. I -fr bbl. 1,25 1,371 No. 2 and 3 - 20 Varnish -ygall 30 - PF.AS. H. F-. Peas V bu. 65 PEA-NUTS. V bushel,-. 75 95 R1VKR LUMBER. Klooi Boardi 7 50 8 00 Wide Boards 6 25 ScanUlna 6 25 RICE Ooujih lr bu. 100 a SUOAR. New Orleans- nominal Porto Rico nominal STAVES. W. O. Had. rough-None " " dressed None. ' " barrel 14 15 R. O. HhJ. rough do. 67 dressed do.---- SHINGLES. Common 1 50 Contract 3 00 SPIRITS. N. E. Rum 31 32 Com. Gin 31 32 Whiskey 36 38 Apple Brandy SALT None afloat. TIMBER. Ordinary. 4 00 Fair Quality, 6 00 5 50 OoodMID, 575 6 00 Shipping, - Nominal. " REMARKS ON MARKET: Turpentine yesterday, look a alight advance, and bale to-day show a further Improvement, the nitrite opening at liM M II JO, and "elating wilh a sale of tt Bbi. wVkk take in all offering, at 12.25 and 11.25, WturM, Arrivals light. Ta Meeti with a r4y demand at 11.25. Timsm Ha bseoen more brisk, and prices for lair qStlltjr and good Mill arc well sustained whh con tMerable aalee yeatrrday and to-day. Lvmsa No demarid. Shikol Sales of some 200,C00 of Country since our last, at 11.50. Rics We learn of no transaction wiilUn the past two days 3J els. offering for a lot of Ordinary Beat, and refused. 11.15 Is offering for Seed Rice, and re fused. No change In pricrt or demand for other commodi ties, since our last. Fak-terrr. The Brig Louua, carrying 110.000, the only veswcl In Port nchartcred, wai taken up to day h r Havana end back lo Port In the United States, not lo go East of New York, ai 1,750, foreign port charge paid. For the first Urn since the " ammtretat ha been In eibrmee, our Aftrmt f?ffmi J( without an arrival a rut al au lima MM T Mania In atipK dnmand in our Port as at the present.' Freight upon freight Is waiting vessels to arrive, and unless there are some on the way, business must come to a stand and every specie of mercantile operation cease. . , TOWN MEETING. For tile relief of the Suflerers In Ireland. APPLICATION having been made by the legal number of Freeholders to call a Town Meeting, the citizens are hereby requested to meet at the Ma sonic Hall at half past 7 o'clock on Thurtday Even ing th 9th, intt. lo devise messures for the relief of the tarvhig Inhabitants of Ireland. JOHN McRAE, Int. Pdiu. Feb. 17, 1847. 111. EARTHEN 6c CHINA WARE. OH PACKAGES ASSORTED, Earthen, Ola U and China War, now being opened. ALSO, 2 Hbd. A No. I Sugar, 5 Bags do Coffee. For sale, by J. H. ROTHWELL. Feb. 17, 1847. 141. $60 REWARD" For the Deserters! TWO VOLUNTEERS In Company F., by the names of L. F. Ran, and Pith Skipper, de- Hcrted from Camp at Smithville on Monday morning last. Ran la about 6 feet 1 inch In height, blue eye, hair Inclined to be curly and of an auburn color, ia intelligent in conversation. He came to Wilmington as a sailor, but haa been working on the wharvea for a montn previous to volunteering, sairria t irom Bladen County and waa driver of the Sulky Mall be tween Wilmington and Ellzabethtown, be Is about 6 feet 9 inches high. The above reward will be given for the delivery of the two, or 130 for either one, to the Colonel of the No. Ca. Regiment of Volunteers at Smithville. W. E. KIRKPATRICK, Capt. uf Camp. F. Feb. 17, 1847. 141-3t (Journal copy.) 30 BARRELS Summer, Fall and Winter tralned Oil. For sale, by J. GAMMELL. Feb. 17. 141 CHARCOAL. OrTT BUSHELS Charcoal, for sale by OLNJVJ HART & POLLEY. Feb. 17, 1847. 141. FOR SALE. 75 BBLS. Piour per Steamer W. B. Mearea. just received. K. U. RANKIN Feb. 15, 1847. 141 -6t TOBACCO. 20 BOXES, Just received from Richmond, Common Morning Dew, and Beeswing. Apply to R. G. RANKIN. Feb. IB, 1847. 141 -6t. DAILY EXPECTED, )f BOXES Ground Pepper, ZJ 70" " Musurd, 10 " " Allspic, 75 Ream Large Wrapping Paper, 75 " Small do do 5 Hhd. Prime Sugar 15 Bbts. Cider Vinegar, and for aale by NEFF & WARNER. Eeb. 15, 1847. 141. FRESH BEAT RlCE. OA CASKS prime quality, fresh beat Rice. For OU sate, by J. GAMMELL. Feb. 17. 141 SOAP. if BOXES best family Soap, QJ 10 BUa. Soft Soap. For sale, by , , , J. GAMMELL. Feb. 17, 1847. 141 STORE TO RENT. JL rpHK new and commodious bride Store on fsyMn X the Wharf nt foot of Quince's Alley, next JiliflLrdoor north of Messrs. Howard and Peden'a, to rent till 1st October next. AppJy to W. C. LORD. Feb.J17, 1847. 141 SOMETHING EXTRA ! FANCY DRY GOODS AT AUCTION. ON Thursday next, 18 inst., t 3 o'clock, P. M., in front of my Auction Store, will be sold, without reserve, an Invoice of FANCY DRY GOODS, con sisting, In part, of Handkerchiefs, s'lk and linen; Cashmere Shawls; Fancy VetPsttern ; Sewing Silk; Brown and Purple ahaded Silk ; Brown Levan tine; Blue-black Gro de Rhine; Black fig'd Silk; Fancy shaded Stripes Bonnet Feather; quantity of Lining Silks; assorted colored Satins; Black Crapes; Ladies' Collars; Merino Shawl; Suspen der; Gloves; Hose, Silk and Cotton ; Ladle' Fancy Handkerchiefs; Gentleman's do. ; Black Lace Scarfs and Shawls, Ladle1 ilk Shawls; Gentlemen' Fan cy Silk Handkerchiefs; Black and White Lace Veils; and a few more of the fame sort of theme splendid Linen Cambric Handkerchief. Goods open for Inspection oo Wednesdiy, the 17th inst. Call end lee. R. G. RANKIN, AuC. Feb. 16. 141 ON HAND CORN in Bag, 120 Tierce and half Rice. I half Tierce Rice, with email and FLOUR Lard In Keg and Barrel. PRIME PORK- WOOI.SF.Y'S Loaf and crushed Sugar, New Bacon Hams. Also 1 barrel Scupnernon Wine. by R. W. BROWN Feb. 17, 1847. 141-3, Meeting of Stockholders. BY a mohitlon of the Board of Director, paaaod February 10, 1847. It wa ordered, that a meeting of the Stockholder of the Wilmington and Raleliib Rail Road Company b called. In tccordanoe with Mid resolution, notice la hereby given, thai a mer ting pf the Stockholder wlU uke plane in the town of Wilmington, oo Wednesday, the 10th day of March next, when It ia hoped a general attend will tax piece. I im a lo irutracted to Invite och other persons (not Stockholder) aa art dlnvwcd td aid In the eomrtnictkm of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road, in attend nid meeting. A train of Car will leave WiMonon Tuesday mor ning, ihoSih day of March, for the accommodation of such persons ss may wish lo attend th' meeting. ALEXANDER MacRAR, Prttt. W. 4- R R. R. Co. Feb. 15. M0-6t (Journal and Chronicle copy.) LIME; OrTl Cosks Thomaaton, of good quality, for aale, 4A) by BARRY A BRYANT. Feb. 15th, 1847. HO. TOBACCO. AROMATIC Extra Oranoki Tobcco, Super. Extra Aromatic do. In small Keg, For aale low. at HOWARD A PEDF.N. Feb. 15, I84T. uo. V: A RALES Hay, prim rticl, 0J 50 Buhcb turnip, 60 Potatoea, For sale, by Feb. I5h 1847. NEFF 4 WARNER. 14(1 Furniture. Sale Postponed, THE Sale of Furniture advertised to take place on Hcdru'M&iy, at Mr. Goldsmith', is postponed until Tfiurtdau 101 o'clock. Feb. 16th. N0-2U NOTICE. BY virtue of a power contained in a deed to ua from Jamea H. Milmore : we will offer at nubile sale. at Exchange corner, in the town of Wilmington, on Monday, the first dsy of March next, all the interest of the mid Milmore, in that valuable brick tenement on Front Street, at the month of, Tootner-s Alley. aaia interest consisting of an unexpired term of five years, from the 23d day of June next, at in annual groand rent of sixty dollar. Also, two valuable ne gro boya Washington, about 14, and Woodley, 16 years of age. The above property will be sold 'on liberal term, which will be made known at the wile. JOHN DAWSON, O. G. PARSLEY. Feb. 15, 1845. 140 WILL BE SOLD, ON Thursday next, 13th Inst, at Exchange Cor ner, at public Auction, two fine work Horees, one Dray, three Carts, two sets of Cart Harnesa and one Saddle and Bridle all m rood order? Term canh. R.O. RANKIN, Auo't. 1 FebTl5, 1846. 140i JUST RECEIVED, PER KAIL ROAD. 1 nr. BUSHELS of WHITE CORNTfor alo, bv IUU 0. R.FRENCH.' Feb. 15, 1847. 144) NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN, that an election Willbeheld 1 at the COURT HOUSE, in the town of Wilming ton, on the 22d day of thia present month, for two Con stables, for the Wilmington District. All persons re siding In said District for alx month last past, and entitled to vote for members of the House of Com mons, will be allowed to vote. The Polls will be opened at 10 o'clock, A. M., and closed at 4 octock, P. M. J H. ROTHWELL, ) IlUHiect4)r. H. R. PERRIN, i 1PU Feb. 12, 1847. 13-3t NOTICE. WILL BE SOLD, at the Court House door, on Monday, the 8th of March next, upon six month'a credit. Five ahares of Stock In the Wilming ton and Raleigh Rail Road Company, belonging to the Estate of Wm. K. Dkvan, deceased. Bond and ap proved ecurlty required. P. MURPHY, Administrator. Feb. 11.1847. 139-3t LINSEED OIL. BARRELS LINSEED OIL, Just received, 10 per Cotton Plant, for aale at J. & W.'L. McGARY'S. Feb. 12. 139 Ofi BARRELS Irish Potatoes, 0J 60 Boxes, Soap, for sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. Feb. 12. 139 I! A CO N HAMS. LOT of very superior Ham, both old and new for aale bv HOWARD & PEDEN. A Feb. 12. 139 ANNIVERSARY NOTICE. THE Wilmington Washington Temperance Socie ty will celebrate kt-Sixtb Anniversary. n-Mon-day, the 22nd inst. Member of the Society, and the friends of Temperance, and eftisens generally are respectfully requested to awcmbla at the Rechabite Hall, in Exchange Buildings, nt 3 o'clock, in the after noon when a procession will be formed and mrlrch to the Methodist Protestant Church where an Oration will be delivered by Mr. Janet II. Smith, and other addresses will be made. After which the Oflictre will be elected for the ensuing year. WM. COOK, Secretory. Feb. 10, 1847. 138. For gale, T PUBLIC AUCTION. 'rpHE Schr. CHAMPION, of about 20 tone X burthen, now undergoing tnorougn re pairs, will be sold at Auction on the 9th day of, March next, uithout raerve, to the highest bidder. The vesaej can be ecn and examined at Mr. Cassi biv's Ship Yard. O. R.FRENCH. WUmington, Feb. 10, 1847. 138 The Charleston Evaiinq Xexi will Insert 3 times and send account to this Office. Furniture at Auction, WITHOUT RESERVE. ON Wednesday, the 17 th inat., will be told, at the Store of Mr. Goldsmith, without reserve, the fol lowing Furniture, most of which Is of his own Man ufacture: Fine Sideboards, Chcjry BrealLfast Tables, Plain do. do. Dining do. Dreeaing Bureaus, Tenet Table, Plain do. Plain Beadsteads, Book Caes Cherry H. Post do. Serpentine Sofas, Bird'a Eye Maple " Card Table, Trundle do. Work Stands, Siting Desks, Flat Stands, Bird Cagea, Maple Choirs, Sofa bot. Mahog. Chairs, Common do, Mar. Top Wish Standi, Rocking do. F.noloeed Wish Stand, Nurse do. Wardrobes of various Double Mattresses, kind, Single do. Pier Tablea, Mahog. Breaklsst Table, Office Chairs ' Dinning do 4c. Sic, &.c. Tsrms at Sale. R. G. RANKIN, Auc'tr. Feb. 11,1847. 138. DWELLING HOUSE TOR SALE. ' i ft rpHE dwelling house formerly owned and Ijljll -L occupied by Mr. I. Peterson, together lt'?- with th ouj building nd. pperiemaca thereto. Abo, ' DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, dlrecllv South of said DwelHns which will be aold eparatelyor together, aa maybe moat desirable Ui f suit nrrrbasBr. ... . . . r- Term mad y and good title of the property ! given. ' Q.tC.' FRENCH. ' Wilmington, Feb. 10, 1847 138 l NEW AND BEAUTIFUL j SOFAS, Plain and Scrpendne. Dresalng Bureau, with marble I Top, Plain Bureaus, French Bed stesda. Work Tables, (very pretty) Cherry Table, Wish Stands, Mirble Top Wash Stand, Trundle,! ind other Ped steads, C. S. Mple Chains, Mahog- ! ony Crailles, 4c, just received, per Monhegan, and . Other, and for sale. J.D.LOVE. , Rock Spring, Fcl. IS, 147. 140 ! LARD. KEGS Lsrd, just received, put u crptcsoly for JCJ family use, strictly prim. For sale, it HOWARD 4 PEDEN'R. Feb. 15, 1847. 140. JUST, RECEIVED. GUNNY BAGS. flA OL'NNY, BAGS, for nle, by, OUU J, ti W? C McOARY. Feb. 1 ' . 137 JUST RECEIVED, rca tea, oiiv. . 4 DOZ. very superior OFFICE CHAIRS, " Cane Seat and back rockers " For sale low, by NEFF 4- WARNER. Jan. 22, 1947. 130 OILS. BARRRLS Bleached Winter Oil; 10 - Whale 6 5 " "VoUtlL' a pririwartkle for painting. For sale by J. OAMMKLL. Dec. Ift - - " " 115 NOTICE. "N Thursday the 26th February next, we will pro J ceed to srlL at public auction, on the premises, by virtue of a deed from Thomas H. Fibld to us, the Stills situated near, the northern boundary of the town of Wilmington, known as the Cypress Grove Dlstllle rie, together with all the fixtures appertaining to said distillery. Also, the Interest of said Fit IJ In, and to, 1 lease of the land on which they ore situated. Teems made known at Sale. SILVER A NORTHAM. v "' . Mortgagee qf Thot. II. field. iJan. 65. Hits. FOR SALE, 1 AJVBLS. North Caiollna Lard a prime arlklc. J, J JdstlecelVed, and for sale, bj GAMMELL. 131 Jn. 25. Daily Expected, " Per &hr. WM. POPE from Sev York. ENGLISH WALNUTS t Bmxll Nuti Filbert Sttelbark: Almonds: Prune: Citron: Stew art'a Candy: Canton Ginuer : Swoet Spice i Zealand Chocolate; Olive; Large Red Apple; Lemons) Mare: Nutmegs: Clove' and variety of other Spicea, all of which will be sold rerrtarkablylow, at HOWARD & P ED EN'S. Jan. 25, 1847. 132 WHISKEY. ryr BARRELS New York Whiskey, just received, I JUorale, by GILLESPIE 4 ROBESON Jan. t. 121. NEW DAGUERRUN CILLERY, ';' Over Dr. i. C. EF1SS' Drag Store, Exchange Buildings, Wilmington. HfHE Subscriber ha tnken the above room, and X': fitted If up for the purpoafbf pleasing the citizens wilh his " Premium Picture,'' and hopes, from hi lone experience and succes in Philadelphia and Bal-, tlmre, to be able to "succeed In rrroduelng satisfactory UkiBcses Uclng possessed ot a large and superior (ifHnan Camera, and new sensitive cliemlcal pa-par-afiuh, he is enabled to reduce, in a good IlKtit, the tlAfeof Mtting to a very lew seconds, so mat ne can mka rtrouns and Children in the most satisfactory manner. The public arc respectfully Invited to call ah examine specimens at !he Gnllery; and judge for ttipifoaplvpa P4ccs arranged according to the size, rrom 9i to tl?. Pictures taken In cloudy or rainy weath:r as weDaafalr. Instruction given, and Apparalur fur- nWhed,in xhe Art. Picture copied iroinoiner ua cuerreotype Plctiircs, or from Paintings. fc J. W. PATTERSON. Feb. 5, 1347. 133. SHINGLES. OfVinnn CYPRE8S SHINaLES, a hand- AjJ)JsJ auute article, lor aale by J. & W. L McOARY. 129 Jan. -20. FLOUR, 1 K BARRELS Fayetteville, assorted, for stile by 1 O R. G. RANKIN. Feb. 8, 1S47. 137 B E E F . IIAKRELS Mesa Beef, a superior article. 15 " Prime " 20 Pnckct Mees Beef" 10 Ilalfbbls. Fulton Market Becf.for family use For aulc, at J. A W. L. MoGARV'S. Feb. 8. 137 RECEIVED THIS DAY, 1 f ('ASKS superior Porter, in pints and quars lUlO u "cream " " " 10 Baskets Champaign, a good article. 20 Boxes Boyd's superior Cider. 10 " Old Sherry Wine. For sal.; by J. 4 W. L. McGARY. Feb. 8. ,137 AC ARTJ ANACHARSIS FOURCADE, begs leave to roll the attention of the Ijodit and (ienUemtn of Wilmington, to his new and beautiful eyMem of MO OCUROMATIC PAI.TI.a H propose to teach In a few abort and easy lessons. Alt therefore, who are desirous of acquiring the Art of Monochromatic Painting, will do well to make Im mediate application at hi room at Mr. Wane's, or at Mr. Ocshiwo'sBookStob, where a variety ol speci mens may be etn. Private instruction given lo pu pils it their residence ; $15 for 20 lessons. In class, iOlesnona, for llv. Feb. J, 1S47. 136-1 bv p. WHISKEY. BARRELS Rectified New Orleans Whiskey, for sale, by J. 4 W. L. McGARY. 50 Frb- 8. 137 BREAD AND CRACKERS. QA BARRELS Nsvy fine Navy and Pilot Bread OVrO-hlf " Butler Crackers. .10" Sugar 1Q Boxe ,1 M Soda " st J. 4 W. L. McGARY S. ''iff "i Feb. 8. t lil eb.8. t fl .TB ; Cigars and Tobacco. "I -ft A BOXK8 Cigar, of different kinds, vit : J.LU Principe, Laincenoids, rwfn,el,1 pernxo, 4- B. 8. TDamas, r. 'JOBoie Tobacco, .-:. FiheK pound, . , , Price . BrjrooL Pounds, 'Hisber'' ' " . Fives, lisbom '& Bniffg Fives, " -14 Boxe Thoma' VrrginGold Leaf,- . . li J3ox Fihr Prmium;DIIar," R. G. RAM KIN. Feb 8th 1847. 137 FLOUR. FEATHERS, DRIED FRUIT. JUST received, 60 Bbl. Fsyettevill Flour, fancy brand. 3,000 lb, new live One Feathers, 10 llbls. dried Apple, 10 Bbl. dried pealed Peaches, For sale low, ipply to SANDFORD 4 SMITH. Jan 18,-1847. IT ) BAGS llio Ogtt, fiir s-Je I'V OV) ' ltOWAKD A PEDFN. Feb 12i 139 FRESH BEAT RICE. QONSTANTLY on hand, at J. C.AMMELL'S UI Jan. 25. RAILROAD tit ICkT t TT Jt CC2 B3 BOOKS will be opened to receive uk:rlpilon to the WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER RAIL ROAD. In conformity with lis Charter, on the pri Jihrnday in March, at th following places ana unaer in direction oi in luuuwing s loners : In the State of North Carol na, at WurtDrOTOjc", under th direr lion of E. B. Dndlcr. P. K. Dick inson, E. C. Bettencourt, O. O. Pariky, Rlch d BradU-y, R. B. Wood. J. A. Taylor, Alex. Mc Rae.Wm. A. Berry, Wm. C. Lord.Jae. Owen. E. P. Hall, Henry Null, Edward Cnntwell, G R. French and John McRae. At WHiTivtt.t, Colurrlbua county, uhder the di rection of Joslah Moultsby, Joaebh Powell. Al fred Smith, Rkhnrd Wooten, and Wm. M. Bald win. At Fai BurVr, umlcr the direction of Absalom Powell, Alva Smith, and William Griffin. At Wa8aw, Duplin county, under the i direction of Wm. Wv Pierce, O. L. Flllyaw, 'Oe Win. Hill, and Henry Moore. , i At Faison's, under the direction of Ellas Fal lon, Dr. J. H. Hicks, H. Broadhurst and James Dunn. At Kkpaxuvu.!., under the direction of Col. J. K. Hill, O. R. Kenan, J. B. Kelly and D. C. Moore. At. G.n.osBoao'. under the direction of Richard Washington, Jus. GrisWold, Willi Hall, and John Wright. At Nahckta, under the direction of Gabriel Shcrrod and R. J. Gregory. At 'J'osmot, under the direction of J. D. Barnes, Jonnihao Ellis nd Wright Edniond'ton. At Rocky Mount, under the direction of Ja. BatuV, Ilenneti Bunn and Rt-dmond Bunn. At We look, under the direction of John Camp bell. Col. A. Joyner, and T, T. Wyatt. And at the following place Irt South Carolina : AiMabio? Coiit IIousb, uivSrt the direction of W. W. Harlee, B. K. Hannegan, N. L. Scarbo rough. Wm. Evans, S. F. Gibson,' .and C. J. Crawford. At Dablihoton C. H., under the direction of Geo. W. D.irgan, J. D. William, J. P. Zimmerman, Jas. S. Gibson, and Geo. J. W. McCall. At Slmptebviil. under the direction ol Willinm Hnvnoaworth, M. Mows, J. D. Blinding. L. White, J. Dyson, J. L. Mainey, S. K. WlUon, J. K. Dennis, 8. McBrydc, and J. O. Durant. And at such other place and under the direction of such gentlemen as my be designated by a majority of the Commissioners under the Charter for ald Company In South . Carolina. The books lo remain open sixty days, st the expiration of which lime, re turns In North Carolina arc to b made to the Com missioners at Wilmington. JOHN McRAE, Ctialrm'n of Board Commissioners al Wilmington. January 22, 1847. 130-tf LETTER PAPER. A very luperior rtlclfl for ale by Oct. 31. 96 C. W. BRADLEY. $20 REWARD. IS Ti AN" AWAY frm the Subacrlbcr, on Black IX River, on Friday, the 1lt Instant, a Mu latto Nearo, by the name of DUNCAN lHA- VERS. Said Duncan i bout 23 yeara of age, 5 feet in inebe hlah. I will irlVe the above rcwardto have said negro delivered to me. st Heailinr Wolf, Black River, or lo Messrs. Narr Sl Wabkbb, Wilmington. JOHN L. KITCHEN. jnn. 29 133-3w BiiACKSiUITIllNG. THE Subscriber having taken the Old Slund, re cently occupied by Mr. S. J. Pair, beg leave to inform the citizens ol this place and vicinity, that he Is prepared lo execute with despatch all kinds of Smith Work that may be wanted, vlx: Grist Mill Spindles and Saw Mill Crank, Mill work generally, Axes, Hoes, Ship, Carriage, Wagon and Dray Ironing in the best manner. Horse shod neatly and at snort notice. """ Jan. 23-l3l-Cm. A. J. ERAMBERT. " CIGARS. rr ((( Very ruperior ClOARS of choice tJJ a V JJ brands. For sale low, at HOWARD & PEDKN'S. Jan. 20, 1 847. 129 JUST RECEIVED, AT CUSHLNG'S BOOK STORE, TUSKER'S ILlAflAC F0K l 8 4 7 Jnn. 8. C O F V E E . C( BAGS RioCoff.'e, for sale low nt UJ J. & W. L. McGARY'S. Feb. R. 137 JUST Per Schr. RECEIVED, A. J. I)eJet, A fiOOD supply liest Lceches, Iinylaja for Jelly, Tartaric Acid. Hi Curb Soda, Ac. Auk) Syrupof Llverwon, for Coughs, dec; Moth ers relief. For alc, bv A. C. EVANS. Feb. J, 1847. 135 WRITI1 & UOOKKEEPLNG. A It R. NICHOLS repcctfully announce to the iVl Citixen of Wilmington and vicinity, that he will commence Classes at tho NEW, DAfilERRIAN GALLERY, OVER Dr. EVANS' DRUG STORE, FXCIIANOE allLDINOS. All those wlio muy wish to Improve their penman ship, or study HOOK-KEEPING, are respectfully invited to call and examine specimens ns above, where Mr. N. can be seen and consulted. Card-marking, Pen-drawing and off hand flourish ing, taught If required. The e lasses will form on edneaJay next, if a suflVient number are eiignced. Wilmington, Fib. 8th, l17. 137 Jnt Received. UN DERWOOD'S Plcklei ; Tomsto faisup ; W al nut Catsup; Preferred Limes; Preserved Gio gct; Figs, in small drums; London Brown Stout Porter i Scotch Ale. An aasortment of best rtalls! ALSO, Shaker Shirts; Shaker So-ks. Ladies' Saxony Wool Shirt i Ladie' Silk ShirU ; Gent's. Silk dn. Jan. 4-mi C. W. BRADLEY. NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. A BEAUTIFUL and full blooded NEWFOUND LNI) DOO, 2 ycara oUl, for. sale. Apply at Iths Office. . .. - WANTED.. A (M)D HOUSE 'SERVANT. iiOfli.c. (Fb. 10, 1S47.) Apply ai' this 13H"' Ma tcli Korses. I SHALL expose al pnblle Auction on the 9th day of March next, If not previously. tlispoAptl of it private ok, a pair of larg JAry Hurt which arc excellent matrhes. sn I well broke to har ness. At the sam time, I shall also offer, a Barmiche, which ! in ""t running order. The l of the -live ppiprnr offrni splendid opportunity to person in wan! of a giod and family aarrlage and horses. G. R. KRIvNClI. W llmlnpton, Feb. 1ft, 157. I3S-t-. M A N U FAf ;TU RE U TO HA CCO. 10 KEGS, iiirt rr celved. and fs le by urns r i.ATTV '7 4!l O.-t v (in MERCHANTS' " 7 steam no at Company, OF fJIETTrHILLB AID WILin.TOT v flREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGIIT, uu$a iboot 10 per ernt. ' . New Steamer ROWAN. 17 inches, Hteamer WILLIAM B. MKARtkf, , , . Steamer COTTON PLANT, "Flat Boat BEN RF.RRY, ODD FELLOW. MIKE CRONLY, WASHINOTON, T. J. ( IRTI9, READY MONEY, MARY RI.I'A. THE Proprietor of the Merchants' Stesm Boat Cmnpany ol Fayeltevdki and Wilniinfrlon, N.C, otler the nhove Line of Kosit, on IheCnpe FenrRIwr, to ihe shlDfiina pnhlk, nde the kite reviion and re diictlon of Kreitliti. - Their new Steamer, ROtVAN, now (raws, only 17 inches wnler. Wl"n she nrwlerpo emrw alteration in marhmcry, her draft is c4caiated at 4 to It iHr, which will make her the lighten boat nsvigallnftbe water of any river in tho Southern eountrf. Thi I ompnny n.itt-T ttiemwlve ihat thy hnve it now in their powej to offer the meat romplete line of Boats that has ever been on the Cape Fear, and on that will do the freighting businesswilh regularity a ad despatch on all tare of the warcr. They have, In connection with the Henrietta Company of (his place, msc4 in freight to the tarill, m printed rates. Neither of tti Boating concerns deemed tbemselve able to ra it ye the freight and Mill do the forwarding basin In thi place free of charge, and- comqaently this Company have given It up, with. the conviction, that the Forwarding Merchant of our town can do It more justice than a boating concern. Any Goods consigned lothe Merchant' Steam Boat Company, Wilmington, ,N. C, will be torwarded through that place Jrte "of tornmittiont -all other charge made tot the shipper. The new arrangement t-ikr s effect from ill 15th instant. Passage 13, both ways. The two companies will hcreiifii'r count all freight cash, or Interest added. Direct letters to Thomas S. f.ulterloh, Fayettevul; R. O. Rankin, Wilmington. THOS. H. LDTTERIH, Agni. FayettcvlUc, Jan. 18, 1847. 130 NEGRO PASSES. JUST printed at" The Cmmtreutt' Office a new supply of egro Pane, whleh are affordfd trifle oyer the cost of paper that It would lake to write them on. Jan. 20. t LIVERPOOL SALT. nrtA SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, 500 Bw (CUvy el Course Alum Sail in prime order. For sale, at HOWARD 4 PEDEN'S. Jon 20, 1847. IN UNPRECEDENTED PROPOSALS. THE WEEUrcOIlERCUL, FOR ONE DOLLAR !! ' . .STRICTLY NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. , CONTAINING FROM TWENTY-ONE TO TtVENTY-tftO COLUMNS OF READING MA TTER EVERY No I Wkick villbeJilUd.vWithe choirrrt JJttrary Artklrn, lm$t Nnc, both Pomestk and h 'or- ' tign, faithful and full Rer -. ymta of the Market, with the tri-verkly Remark " on the Wilmington Mitrltt. THE reputation which the til-weekly CtmmeraaJ baa squired, as a falthf il register of the slat of (lie Market here, ss wed a the latest and moat Im portant News, warranta n In saving that th public have an assuranae: that ihe Wettl Cpwwurcial will be all that the reader may desire, Ut'theae particulais, it k at. The low price of tlc paper lower than ny paer nt the South will cnablia every citizen lo bavecom mawl of a newspaper of his own, complete for H the purpoMs of roth piibHcation diverted of the smpry spirit of party, ana free from polidcaj contentiotit the sole aim of which is lo give correct nd substantial inlorinfitlon to the reader; srtri as ma benefit him In his business, and etitertrlln nd inJorm his mind. Person holding Subwription papers are requested to send in die namea uf ti bat fibers, cooa) as thvy are obtained rrtainlnp the popef for fTirthcr subscrip tion. The object I to obLyin a sufficient number to commence the publication In the early pari of m it month. All payments must be madrin aiivancc. and peist nge paid when the name i forwarded ; otherwise, oo atlenlion will be bald to th? order i LORING .4 STRINGER, ' ' Pnbl'uhtrtnf th' 'H-u-"-y CommtrrUU. Wn,mnoT05, N. C, January t, 1847. CAMPHINE LIOHT i FOR the acomanodaiioti of Fatal- ' lies, I have placed Can tt MaV Habt A Pot-Lrv' where tny ariie frnh Cam-filiiiu will be constantly kept and may be had at ill times. For the convenience ef Store. I send it aroend on every Mondy, Wednesday ami FriiUy. , Hereafter, the Camphint will b sold st f fly cents per patfirn the pric which ihey have been heretofore selling Contmon SpirU. In the use of rrrv Camvhme, vou have a clearer and. mere rteady HgfU and I have th assurance of nnra ber of my ruftomnt, that thcrr Is a saving of en fourth In the aunniity consumed between It add the. common arttcle of Spirits. I pledge myself to fumleb a fresh and pure atticlc, and feel aured tl that Is re quired to bring It into general usvi to give it Mrta!. THOMAS SMITH. Wilmington, Jan. 15. 1S47. 127.- 1 Daily ExpccteI, at axrr A wajiia'a General Yarie,tf Store, rye BOXF.S, Hlf. and Or. New Raisuia, I O W Superior Muurd. ... 20 " Stewart s S leans Candv, aaaorted. 35 " Hall dl So' Ptenl MbuJd Candle, 22 " Adamantine Candi, . 2S Bags S Pomlngo and Luuira Coffee, . 100 jSmnll F-frgs fine TaM. f lt idontoxe : u u 20 " H'.rkiinerCiiu. v CUe.'Sc. S Ca vecy siipcriur t-rtenplcCheetc, , 30 Bxei tAbre llertlh, ver large. 24 t 'ssc 12 Bottk .-atn Brdjf Peaches Brandy Cherric, Prrervd Plumb. Prterved Piur. ipplo, Swert Oil. Canton Ginger, lfore KaJIsh, and Sloughton'i Bitter.' ALSO r 10 Don. Painted Bucket. 10 " Tom Broom, 5 " Wood Bowls i -Mi 5 Neati Piiav. W iUw Batkeft, Cloth Bas kets, Cloth Horses, Tuba. Ac, Ae. , All for sale very lo-. . by , . NEFF A WARNER. Jan. iTti . i B1LI-S OF FJCni ANGE Price II prrqulre. ftif let fhe COMMERCIAL OFFICIC, March .1 J

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