NOTICE. SUBSCRIPTIONS to tne following Nwef atbrs, and Periodicals, will be ncaived at the ' BOOK STORE. GODErS1 AMERICAN MONTHLY csriwt or DLA CKWOOP S LA DIES' MA OA ZISR. Terms, One Dollar per annum In advance. THE AMERICAN MONTHLY reprint or tiii, LONDON WORLD OF FASHION. Testis, One Dollar per annum, orOne Dollur and Fifty Cent for the two Godev's Lady's Rook and American Magazine. Tem, Three Dollars per annum In advance. The Old Countryman mid Emigrant's Friend. A Journal af Iht ir England, Ireland, Scotland, and Walts, Three Doll are per annum wt advance. Tkc New fork L Long Island Weekly Chronirlc and Snorting Register. Terms, Two Dollars per annum. YANKEE DOODLE. THE AMERICAN PUNCH, The ttiost humorous Journal of the day. Terms, Three, Dollar In advance. Specimen number of all may be seen at the Rook Stos. C. A. GUSHING, Agent. Wilmington, Dee. 14, 1910. 114 AfYV"! I-BS- Jewet 4 Sons sup. White Lead ; AAA 1500 lbs. Copperas ; J 1000 " EpaomSalia; 6fr boxes Window Gloss, 8x10 to ISx22; ' 6 Bbla. Linseed Oil. I ForssJehy A. C. EVANS. Dec. 16. U6 I NOTICE. PERSONS having claims against Thom ah O. Lar- kim, formerly of this place, are requested to hand i them in properly authenticated, to ALEX. McKAE. Dec. 29. li;i N O T I c V. jl "ounanru or independent,' or lor Advrrli?- ..-,. ... 1 . - . .1 ing, are requsatcd to pay tho same to WESTON R taq., Ldltor of the Keoisteb, Kalelph. T. LORING. Jan. 6, 1!47. 123 c 6"rn . QAAA BUSHELS prime White Corn. Tor sale. ClfUW by W C. LORD. Dec. 30. 1-20-tf. Rail Road or no Rail Road ? ALL persons indebted to the subscribers nre posi tively requested to call and settle their bibs by the first dayof Fbniury 1847. HART A POL LEY. Jan. 13. 12a Boarding House. '"PHE subscriber has taken the well-known House X on tho southeast comer of Dock and Front streets, formerly occupied by Mrs. Jogeph A. Hill, for the purpose of accommodating regular nnd trrtncicni boarders. F. J. SW'ANN. Nov. 17. 103-tf. BACON. NORTH CAROLINA and WESTERN BACON for sale in lots to suit demand, and at low prices to close coiwignmcntJi. BROWN A DcROSSET. Dec. 16, 1346. 115. COPARTNERSHIP. I HAVE this day taken Donald McRae into Copart nership, for the transaction of agency and Commis sion business under the firm of J. A D. McRab. JOHN McRAE. Jan. 1, 1847.. 121 SUGARS, 5000 iff 6000 P. C. Choice brands, for sale by Dec. 18. J. OAMMELL. 116 SOAP & CANDLES. fJ BOXES Soap, 30 Boxes Tallow Candlca, just U I received, and for sale by BARRY 4 BRYANT. In- 18, 123. NEW LARD. I f BARRELS New Lard, for sale by 1 E. J. LUTTERLOH. 18, 128. 20 IEGS, first qunlity GOSHEN BL'TTKR A 1 HOWARD A PEDEN'S. Jan. 25, 1847. 132 C II E E S E . BOXES Cheese. a Casks do. Just received, for a;ile. bv 20 J. HATHAWAY A SO.V. Dec. lfi. UH JUST RECEIVED. 1 A DOZ. WINDSOR CHAIRS, LJ (very strung.) 2 Doi. BOSTON ROCKERS. HIGH AND LOW POST BED STEADS, Ac. J. D. LOVE. Rock Sfawo, Wilmington, Jan. 15. 127 PARTICULAR NOTICE. THE Commissioners of the Town having determin ed on grading and otherwise improving the Bury- , ing Ground! Immediately adjoining the Episcopalians', have appointed the undersigned a Committee for that i purpose. NOTICE, therefore, is hereby Kiven to all persons having friends buried therein, or otherwise in-! tareettd In the premised, to come forward immediately and make arrangements with the Committee concern- j Ing bodies that may have been deposited in the Ground otherwise, after the grading ia made, particular graves cannot be designated; and it will be impossi- j Me to lay off the ground wnh any reference to the pto- mlscuous manner in which it has heretofore boen oc cupied. It is desirable to commence the grading as esrly as the 10th of February, nd proposals are invited for that purpose J BALLARD. ) ,. P. W. FANNING (Curamittee. : Jan. 22. I30 if FRESH RICE. JUST received from Mill, a small lot of Rice, a ten, tuptrior articlo for Retail. W. C. LORD. 126 Jan. 13. MALAGA WINE. 1 nSCARTEIlC,,ltMUP"l' Malaga Wine 1 8ANDKORD SMITH "" 125 LONDON PORTER ANDTc(Jrcn ALE ft CASKS, London Porter. '5 " Sujerloi Bcotch Al. Just received bv S.INDFORD 4 SMITH. 175 FIRE BRICKS. 5,000 u Enlilk imts$Alj. '. LmoWa Wharf. JPk MAHcfACTtrataa amp mauu in HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, UMBREL LAS, WALKINO-OANES, tc, RESPECTFULLY rail the nttontlon oftha dllicns of Wilmington and vicinity, to their forge and Splendid Assortment now receiving at the old atand of C. Myers, North aide of Mnrkot afreet, which we of fer at wholesale and retail, cheaper than eter, GENT'S BEAVER, NUTRIA, MOLKSKIS AND SILK II ATS, of Reebee A Cottar's ami Lcary'sFall Fashion for 1 16, a splendid article, just received, and a "few more left of the unit tort." Ploase call and examine them. Also, a very large assortment of MRWF'S, BOYS', AND INFANTS' CAPS, of the latest nnd most approved patterns. Gent. 'a French eoft Dress, Silk, Velvet, and Cloth Cups; Gent, a French Guard do.: Blue and Black Spring Band, Palo Alto, (Ringgold, Oregon, Oil Silk, elve tecn, Glazed Lawn, Ac., Ac. YOUTHS' AND DOTS' CAPS of every style and quality, fiom 12 rents to 12,50, the largeat assortment ever offered In this market, and ut aatoaiahlng low prices. A beautiful article of In funis' Cloth and Silk Velvet Caps, to which we particularly call the attention of those wanting Caps for children. In fact, every article in ottr line we have a rich and full aasortment, to which we respectfully cull the atten tion of the Public, and warrant a genteel fit, and at Prices to suit the times. MYKRS A BARNUM, Wilmington, Oct. 5, 1946. t-5 THE Subscriber would express bin gratitude to bis Friends and Customers, lor their liberal patronage heretofore extended towards bim in W ilmington. The same business will hereiifter be conducted under the mime and firm of M YliRS A BARNUM, at the old stand. C. MYERS. COPARTNERSHIP. subscribe have formed a Copartnership. under the firm of McMillan A Co., for the trans action of a general retail business ul White Hall, lllu- den County. dugald McMillan, thus. ii lane. WM. li. ROBESON, Jr. Aug. 25 1846. Eau De Cologne. " f nnKlV In ntutrt Rntrlna ff thA ronl l.Vi-u, :)l I y, '. . - '" Cologne, just imported nnd arrived from Martin I ique, In lots to suit purchasers. For sale, by Nov. 10. 1001 J. HATHAWAY A SON. SADDLES AND BRIDLES. rPHK above articles are sold at tho lowest prices, by I Sept. 26. 81 E. PETERSON. FRESH d a r n s , MEDICINES, ic., KF. C E I V I N G AT TIK NEW Drug Store, of the undersigned ( Exchange Buildings) of his own select ion, In the Northern 'iiies, anew mid Frtally enlarged stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, 0 1 LS, WINDOW GLASS, &c. Dealers are requested to Inquire the prices before purchasing. A. C. EVANS. on MORE CROCK ERY. 1J' UST received per Schooner R. W. Brown lour packages assorted. ALSO J 6 Demijohns J 1 2 3 arid 5 gallons. J. H. ROTHWELL. Dec. 7, 1846. RETAILING MOLASSES. Few Hhds for sale hv liROW'N A Hi ROSRF.T. 115. Dec. 16, 1946. PERFUMERY, Ac. A GOOD SUPPLY OF PER FUMEIi y. n,UR k TOOTH BRUSIIES, Of THE FINEST QUALITY. FRESH OLIVE OIL; POW'D. SAGE, A CAYENNE PEPPER; EXTRACTS OF LEMON AND VANILLA ROSE WATER, if. For Sale low bv A. C. EVANS. I Dec. 16. 1 lfi. j TO OUR C R E I) I TO RS. WE wish those Gentlemen to whom we ore in debted, and having accounts ocainst either D. W. Wood or I). W. Wood A Brother, topresent them at once for settlement. f TO OUR DERTORS. THF. misfortune which beffl us bv the lire on the : JL 27lh ull., compels us to make n respectful call upon all them that favon I uswuh their patronage, and are indebted to us, , ither by note or account, to come forward and liquidate ihesamc. D. W. WOOD A BROTHER Dec. 21. 117 PER BRIO HOULTON, 1 COILS CORDAGE, assorted size, 1 CfJ 30 Bolts Rovens Duck, 30 w Cotton, aseorted numlxjs. J. A W. I. m, r. tnv Jan. 8,1847. ' 121 IMPORTANT TO T II E MILITARY! JUST RECEIVED At dishing s Book Store. A LOT OF SCOTT'S INFANTRY TACTICS. Dec. 7 1 846. j j I-tf RIO COFFEE. A I MAuS 1'rime Kjo Coffee, now landing from . Thom. For sale, bv J. HATHAW AY A SON. Oct. 39, 1846. JUST R E C E I V E D , 1 0,000 A.YKA C,0ARS. A few Bbls. very superior Old MONONGAH AL WHISKEY. DAILY EXPECTED. A choice stock of Old LIQUORS, A WINES, for Medicinal and Family use, which cannot be t-jeellcd In any market, and will be .old low at the Drue Store f A. C. EVANS. Dee. 21. n; PUMPS. DOrr.f 'Q .... d . j , nnmn nasi r.. 1 1 ..... j i . i - TbrJ tr , d ItsTcldTsrT ! orlty overanv thlm, of ,h. wih nJ . . i ly acknowleJd. Also, fores Pumps of different pat terns lor deep well, distilleries Ac. for sale, by Nov. 2.97.1 HART 4 POLLEY. NOTICE. TUB UD,J1nei may be foand at the store of M""ts Howard A Padcn. , D. W. WOOD BROTHER. Hart & Poiy.,, wbf wj nc,J(J ,,Wl)de1 ' . D W. WOOb A BROTHER. Jn 4 in 6 Doc.'' 16. ! 1 - 'LIFE ASSURANCE. MAT105AL LOAN FLD LIFE ASCRANCE SOLICTV. '', NO. 26, CORNHILL, LONDON. CAPITAL, 500,000, Dlt,') 2,500,000. Empowered by let of Parliament. THIS Institution embrace Important and stibslan tial advantages with respect to life assurance and deferred annuities. The assured has, on nil occ:iinr;s, the power to borrow, without expense or forfeiture of the policy, two-thlrdsed ihepremlumspaid (sec table); alao thciptlon of Hclccting benefits, and the conver sion of his interests to mcot other conveniences or ne cessity. Assurances for terms of years at the lowest possible rates. DIVISION OF PROFITS. The remarkable success and increasing prosperity of the Society has enabled the Director, at the lust annual investigation, to declare a fourth bonus, vary Ing from 35 to 85 per cent on the premiums paid on eoch policy effected on the profit scale. EXAMPLES Ago Sum. I'rrfiiiui Year. Uuima utj U',nui in cnh. IVnitiut f nt rfl'H of i rcai- (Int. .S.iu mr le row on llnlii, y s ' 2225 19-7 17-0 14-3 I3S6 It 1837 108 75.500 24 ISM 0 76 435 53 80 08 67 53 55 76 3!) 70 37 54 60 5000,370 80 183!J 828 0 0 37 0 45 1840 5Hl 86,270 20 i!841 655 50347 50; The division of profits is annual, and the next will be made in December of the present vear UNITED STATES AGENCY. For list of local directors, medical officers, tal l' s of rates, and report of last annual meeting, (15th of .May, 1846.) see the Society's pamphlet, to be obtained ill their office, 74 Wall street, New Vork. JACOB HARVEY, Cliairman Of JmcuI Hoard. J. LEANDER STARR, General Atrcnl. W. C. LOUD, Agt. ) ..... A.J DeROSSET, .Vf. Exam. ) u '""""K " June 22d, 1840. 46 Another Battle Expected. JUST received, and for sale, a fine lot of Double and Sinsln guns, P'volvintr and hinyle Pistols, shot pou ches, uaiuc bags, powder flasks, percussion caps d'-c. N. B. All kinds of nun repairing und ultering, to pcreunsion, done at short noiic, LNov. 2. -i6 HART & POLI.EY. STOVES AND CRATES OI' various piiltern.i.ainnng which are the Air Tiirht Parlor und Cook Stove, the Kitchen coinnanir'n M. n'ler iox and Oflice Stove, also mat, s of dif- 1 rent patterns, for sale, bv Nov. 2. 97. HART if- POLLEY. FAMILY MIL r"'HK subucribcr rcspceliiilly inf 1 t Wilmington, that he keep inforniH tho itui 113 P coiiMaio v c.n hand fitnh ground Mad, which he sells at Store prices. He is prepared ut all limes to rrind Corn at the shortest no'iec for families. Call and trv the St turn Mill be tween the Messis. Charts and Franklin Hotei JONATHAN LICKS. Sept. 1, 1816. 72 " Be just and Fear Not."' CtOUNTER Scales and weights of various pa terns ' and sizes, for sale, by Nov. 2. 97 HART & POLLEY. ATONEMENTS. TOMB TABLES, HEAD AND JVJlFOOT STONES, Ac, The .Subscriber has ta ken the Agency of an extensive MARBLE M NlT FACTORY at the North ami will receive orders for the above named articles on as favorable terms as can b" practiced Irotn any other establishment. tit." V C. HOTCHK1SS. Sip. 22. 7(1 NEW FALL AND WINTER OOODS. II. S. KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, S. C, HAS recently returned fiom the city of New York with a large and well selected slock of GOODS in his line; to wit: Super super West of England. French, German, and American Cloths anil Cuxslmtres, Vcslinis. Ac , all of the latest importations; etnbraein:; every vaiie ty of shade and color, which are most in favor ; all of wnicn will be made to order in a manmr nnd st!, that cannot be surpassed in this or any other city in the Union. Having sp( nt the last two or three months in the Northern cities, nnd acquired a thorough know l edge of all the latest styles of gentlemen's jarmcnts. and procure d some of the best City H oiLuu n to as sist mo in trying to perfect the ort ond science of my profession, togi tin r with my own cxpeiicticc, I feel confident In assuring the cit'izi ns of Wilmington, as well as the surrounding country, that all who favor me with u call shall not go aw ay dissatisfi. d us regards rHEAP GOODS OS A PERFECT FIT. I solicit the attention of tho citizens generally to niv V A NCY GOODS OF THE MOST DESIRABLE BTY1.ER, Consistim? In part of Rich Fancy Scnrfsand Cravnl-i. plain und Black; plain and seamed Silk and Satin j Stocks; self-adjusting rich fancy ( .'ratal Ties; Shirts, Bosoms and Collars of every stylo and quality; Silk, Cotton, Woolen, Merino, and Buckskin Undor Garments; I all and Win ter Gloves of ail kinds; Suspenders, Handkerchiefs; Dressing Gowns; Hosiery; Cravat Stiffeners; I'm brellas, Ac. &r. All of which i WILL DE SOLD CHEAP. , In addition to the abate will be found a large I and a general assorlmi nt of j P.SADY-IIA.D3 CLOTHllia, j Which consists in part of Dress and Frock Coats, Pants, Vests, Over Coats, Cloaks, Ac. Ac. Hav- ing made arrangenM-nts with one of the largest HULKS ALE CLOTHING STORES IN NEW YORK, On such terms that will enable me to seU much cheaper th.m any one only manufacturing a few ar ticles under his own eyes. N. B My friendsand customers will bear in mind that hereafter 1 shall adopt a new system, For Cash then- will be a discount of ten per cent. It Would be wall for cash customers to make it known, u i0 future! shall makoa great diilerence betwaen cash nrtd credit D S. KELLY. Oct. 19, r,46. in04 VALUABLE RICE PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE subscriber desirous of moving awav from Wilmington, N. C, offers for sale his Rve Planla turn, si tuateo about one mile south of the town on bo' h sides of the Cape Fear River, containing about acres ol swamp-tide-land, 65 of which Is under cultivation, the remainder being old fie lds and unclear ed. Thero is also attached to the Plnndtinn Vftltlll- lu acres ol swamp-t de- and, i5 of w . . v. u uw nni,iii u i 1 1 tu t in 11 foVaT o"' hh 7P '".Tcnilne boics cut on it. PomcmIo. given imniediately. WM. II. DUDLEY. Dec. 23. llfl-tf FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, RECEIVED It SCUOOKIS ALABIC, A FULL Stock of Garden Reeda, from the Sha kara of New Lebanon, of tha growth of this year. Also, Blue Or spa Sccda. Those wishing supplte of these fctorlte SEEDS, will do well to select them early aa thay may aval themselves of a large and varied aasortment. Foraaleby a C. EVANS. Dk- 21-llfl Drugg'st "WitETO'TttE book store;; THE SUBSCRIBER has just received from the Northern cities, tho moat kndid and complete at wrtmcid of MISCELLANEOUS 4XD SCHQtlL.fiOQKS ANNUALS, ANIi BLANK ttOOftti, STA TIONERY, FANCY STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, f-., EVER MIOUCIIT TO THIS MAItKT'T. Hoping to merit the favor of your patronage he hrn made every effort to render liia assortment perfect, and Mutters hiiusi If that motives of interest and conven ience, as well as a generous sense of justice, will lead 0" ' PATRONIZE IDE BOOK STORE, and givo to thom who duvoto themselves entirely to tnis Dranen 01 Dullness, tnatencouragement which is ( thuirdue. His assortment of Miscellaneous Rooks! compriens the best standard works of the day. Wri- tings of the old English Authors; Translations from ancient and modern French, German, Swedish and , Italian Literature; Works 01 tho best American Au . 1 . 01 . u . .. p. .. .. 1, .. . , l. . . . , 1 iiiui a , uii'11 npiit.c, uv. an . (.a 11 w eui paoccu oy no rc- , tail ttock South of the I'vtumac. These, with a ram j plete assortment of common and classical School I Books, common and fancy Stationery, Perfumery, i'-c. ! ! present altrnctiona to purchasers nuver before offered ill IIIMIML'IOI, Add to this, the fuel that he will sell them ti n per I cent lower than they can be bought elsewhere, and none who look upon It as essential to serve their own interest, will purchase of others any article to be found I Inhisstock. Call and examine for yourselves. 1 EDWARD A. Cl'SUVt;, Sicn of the Red Book, Market street. Wilmington. Nov. 3, 1846. 98 "7TNIHW SASHES - BLINDS AND 1)00 Its. V I be Sub(;rihor isaeent for one of the brsl mnn- ufactories at the North, and will receive- orders fqr the L BUl,te tlle nu"ierous persons insured In this Of above nained articles, which will be boxed up 'And lie- l""t lllc Company will promptly pay the loss bus- i U vexed on board of vessels in ISew York, ut I he LOW- EST PRICES, and at ahort notice. Persons nWi:t to contract for buildinus, will find it to their interest to call and examine prices before se ndinir tin ir orders 1 abroad. GL" V C. HUTCHKJSS. Sep. 22. 79 FOR RENT. IROM the 1st of October, a sninll dwelling house on a large lot in the eastern partol b tne town, culled Urciron. Sept. 1. 77. W M. O. JEFFREYS. H ARD AN D'llULLUW WA RE." pUTLf'.KV J Sept. -.'6. Ac. Ac. For sale, by E. PETERSON. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, 0Se all descriptions. 'or sale by E. PETERSON. pi. 26. CROCKERY WARE, COTTON j YARNS, AC. A General inssortnu nt of Stone & Crockery Ware; Cotton Yarns, i-r. For sale low,' hy E. PETERSON. Sept. 26, 1846. M ; CO N ACTION A llY&c. rP HE Subscriber respectfully informs the Ladles , -L and Gentlemen of Wilmington, and iis vicinity,! that from this dale he will sell his goods at the follow- j ing prices : C'andy, Superfine Sugar Almonds, 20 cents per lb. I 37J do. AHoUier fine Confectionary, li, si Hunch Raisins, - ;i7 do. IG do. By tt. I!,25lbs. - 2 00 I!, st Turkey Figs, 16 do. l.i si quality . Wfi 1 tl, :m"cs, ji J cents per doz. .'inu nil oilier arncies 111 tils line, which are too nuin- ! emus to niemion, will b sold in proportion to the1 above nric s. Having 1 ugaged ihe Ik si workmen in this roun'ry, ! I will warrunt my Candy ;.ml (Jukes lo be aupeiioi 10 nny now sellinc In Wilmington. I ain at presi ut rs- 1 tablished at my old stand, near tho Rail Rond, but will 1 iu a few days open mv New Store, in Market Street, I where t lie above Goods will be sold at the snmcpilces! ! A shara of public patronayo is respectfully solicited ' P. M. LUCTANI. Dec. 21. 117 MORE LIGHT ON hand a general aasortment of the Patent Capil lary Burner Lamps, for burning Camuhlno tini .Spirits of Turpentine; Its advantages ovnr others ' r ow in life will be apparent to all on the slightest In spection, combining- perfect safety- in burning with freedom nnd equality, iij its supply of burning mntcri I al ; I'lso, n large supply of acuru Dei ic Oricntiil Siuiiy, I Hall. Parlor. Stand, Solar and Table Lamps, and va j riuiis pallej-ns of passage lantorns. For eale, bv ! Nov. 2. 07 HART .t POLLEY. I STEXftriilCiTM THE SUBSCRIBERS, having purchased the Steam Rice Mill at Harnard's Creek, lately occupied by John S. Fvier, Es.q.,are now prepared to receive Rice on Toll, nt the usual Terms. For tin accommodation of Planters, they will keep an excellent Flat, and careful hsnds, for the transpor- t ition of Rough Rice to the Mill, and clean Rice to I Town which will be done free of charge, but in all cases at tho rink nf the enrner of the Rice. j The 'Mill Is In fiiK! order, and oen turn out 20 cuiks per day. The enn.-ttnnt personal attention of bmh the . partners will be given to the iniinngemi nt of the busi- ness, and persons interested may rely on the uiusl careful andfiiithfol attention to the preparation of their 1 Rice for Market. SMITH & BERRY Nov. 4, l-;6. 9? Further Information may be obtained, and txrni in the Mill secured, by application to liaowv A DeRosset. COPPER, TIN ANT) .SHEET IRON WARE. JIIF. fiibscribera keep constantly on hand, -M. asgorlmcnt of plain and Japnnrd tin wai a large ware, also Britannia and Tutitua Tea and Coffee Pols, Tea Hays, winters, tinned and enamded sauce pans and preserve kcltU s Ac. N. 1). All kinds of copper, tin, nnd sheet Iron ware made tn order and at short noiiee. .ov. 2. 97 HART A POLLEY. MANUFACTURE I ) TOBACCO. 1 ( KEGS, just received, and for sale by A W JOHN C. LATTA. Oct. 77. 4!) LOTS FOR SALE. mHE Siilinrrtiw will fi Wl on Devek lreL h- 1 ginning at the Oeirn.r of Dock and Front at Sv, each lfti feet wide, and running back 33 feet. A credit of four years will be given; (he purchaser building a two story brick Storn, with tin roof occupying the whole ground, and paying the interest of the pwehase mon ey every quarter, till tbc latter be paid. Nov. 10, l346'.T-l37-r JAMES F. M;REE. LUMBER, BRICK, AND HAY. j of nnn fi:et cfr wb" pine: . w ' f . ' uiiiiiii , .lull ii.iii A n- vlng Brick, 100 Bales Eastern Hay. For sale, by W. B. GILES efcCo. 09 Nov. 7, 1846. CANAL FLOUR. HBLS Canal Flour, very aupeilor, t-A30do. do., 20 Bbla Fayettsvlllc Superfine Fofaalc, at HOWARD PKDETt'9. Jan. 2a, 1B47 132 MESS PORK BBI.8 MF.SS PORK. For sale, at 20 HOWARD A PEDEN'S 13? Jin. 25. 1M7 TO ' TITR.P13!NTIN13! 11TSTTT .1 V.ltiP TffifiSa Rnln. and the Dlallllnllnn nt Tnrnnllnn nn i.fli f for sale the rigb of use of hU Stills fbr the city onus. , t ne aavantagei are, tne nnving or more tnan one Halt 01 the ooatot Copper mills, their lasting long er, usliig for years without repair, tltclr great safety,' nut rictng liable 10 accident Ot nre, Ae. '1 hey wilt dis til near double tho quaintly of turpentine 4a tho same time it takes for copper stuls, and by 'this mode all the tplills can be extracted from the turpejitinn. which cannot be done with a copper still ( the spirits runt pure ana clear, and iront Hie scrape can be produced n spirit as pure, and burn as clear, as nrtv caniphiue; the roKin brightens more than by any other process of distillation. For further nartlculurs. nnnlv to Messrs. Haibv A Bbyant, or to the subscriber, at Little River, South Carolina. NICHOLAS V. CHAFEE. Apnl'J. 11 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, w ILHJiNGTON MARINE RAILWAY-Tlils year, and '.i prepared to take up the largest size ves sel 'km .nines to this Port. Steam Kontsover 4(X) tons have been taken up frequently. The facility for repairing Teasels, are perhaps as great us any Port south of Baltimore. The Proprietor has on hand Live UaK, v nite Uak, and tedar Timber. Spruce und I'm spars Slid .Masts n&tiK and Sooras touit the demand. Attached to the ysrd is S RWKamith Ea tablishment and Foundry. Rudder Braces ami Pin- tids cast ut stiort notice. JAMES' CASSIDAY, Proprietor. April 18 j:, NOTICE. " AGENCY OF THE NX. B CT11.U INSURANCE COMPANY. Wilmington, July 29, 184G. . J QANDFORD A SMITH, Agents of the No. Car. I KMutal Insurance Company, have the gratification j l'":i,u '7 me recent tire In Fnyctteville, without the I '''y f f0 days, as required by the Bye-Laws; and I w''hout calling lor any instalment on the premium ! ' n, Agents will receive applications and take risks ! us usual. CABINET FURNITURE. DEDSTEADS, CHAIIUS, CvC. Rock Si-rino, Wilmington, N. C. PHE SUBSCRIBER would wpect- Liuuvcaii tne attention ol the nub c to tils hiock 01 r t-r l Ultli., just now being re ceivedhaving selected it lilmsclf, in Boston and Ntw York, he. thinks his assortment the most com plete ever offered in this market. It consists In purt, ii tn'- loiiowins: articles, viz : Side Ilonrds, Mahogany do. Office (.'hairs, 1)0 Stooli If'M-l, ini; Chairs, .MuioL'onij do. Do. A-, ,'trh do. (-eau, Dressing Huriiiis, Sofas, Sofa Reelstaiils, Wardrobes, I'renrh Ihilnteads, Hieh Post do. Dining Tablet, ('ciUre do. Matched do. Toilet do. Work do. Sinks, and Waeh Stands, ton .tlavte, ( a n e Rush Si, it, and Funru Chairs, Wi)udsor anil Com mon do. Children's Iieh ('hairs, Do. Fancy do. LOOKING GLASSES. Gilt Frames, Frames. Ionetim Toilet, Com. Toilet MaJiouony and (Jilt qV WILLOW AND WOODEN WAKE, MATS. dC. Carriages, Child1 tjjiairs, Cradle, ( 'uv'd. Batkett, Fancy do. Jute and Rop Sup. Corn Mots, I J room and Rruties, Cm 1 ml Taui anil Ilucktts. Wasi Tubs, dV. if'C NeM do. AUrant and Straw Mats, Manilla, Plain and J. D. LOVE 79tf S. pt mbrr 21, 1 16. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE For Sale -1 IN THE TOWN OF WILMINGTON THE Subscriber being desirous to close his business in Wilmington,1 offers for sale, ilio Mouse and Lot on Walnut Street. eoniiniicd, now occupied bv Mr. Jos. M. Tilley I... rf r. L .. -i-j, , . .... . no i.n ia on n. iiy .i.-.o ii , co-in r lot. Having on it n now one' and a half story bouse, e-.u-.tninlng li roe with all nec'-Hsnry out-houses. ALSO, A Ilouseand Lot, situaUil on Red Croea St, now "impie-ii oy i rie undersigned, l Ik lot is to fi bv ')( U I i t . L l. . , . . " l. it , me iiDuwroniains n ruoniiH nt'iirly new, nnd us tujf (.i in with brick; ihoTo art1 nil nccnsnrv mu- hnu on the lot. AJo, on rncloncci iot adjuJuJiiu j uiu tiufcjiiinj ivuu viuoo oi. uw ii. uy w ll. I A !,&(), I Two endowd lots on boundary nnd Third Stror i t: fi k., -itI r. ' ' uu ji. uy u. I ALSO. I uae nan lot on intra Street cent nneH Amc , one quniu-r section of Land in tho State of Illinoia ' : s.iul to he ot excellent quality. I For further particulars, apply lo WILLIAM WILSON Atg. 10, 16 no PROVISIONS Jltt Rectired, per Brig J. A. Ismcvstcr. A( Bbls. and Hlf. Extra Gcnessee Flour LyJ 10 elo. New York City Mess Pork. 1 do. Piiat Bread, 10 rinlf do No. 2 Mackerel, 2R Boxes New Rnisius, 12 Half do. do. do. 1") KV's bei Roshin Ruitrr, ;-,0 I'ai kage-s Extra Buckwheat, 40 Uuga Cuba Coffee, (or ante by J. HATHAWAY & RON Oct 27. B-16. e).( CHECK BOOKS. AT TV. have just executed in a superb style, bound up t in 2. 3 and 4 Quire Books. C he'ckn the " llAnL of Cape Fear," and the " Branch Hank of ihe Siauj." nl and examine them, nt the OHio of The Com mcrcial. LORING it STHLNGER. Oct. 31. M I11LLS OF EXCHANGE Price $ per Q aire, for J ) sale at tha COMMERCIAL OFJfK'E March21. . t. i... 3 CBRI.S".!Tw Oireana neciinceJVhwL-y. just v rreeivca ann tor sate uv Dec. 16. E. J. LLTTERLOIL r ( VV BUSHELS TURKS' ISfcAND SALT ' for Sale by O. PARSLEY. 2 tf. WTlnilngton, March 19. NOVA SCOTIA HERRING. 1 ff Ohls. In prime order, for Sale by lAJ O. W. DAMS. London's Vharf. U3-tf. Jan. 29, BACON. I ( Htids. ShouUsra, a prime ariwle, for salo by 1U GEO. W. DAVIS. London's Wha Jein. 29. 1847. U- apple' bran' D Y . On Bbla. Good Proof, for Bale by OU GEO W. DAVIS. London's Wharf. 133 if. Jan. 29. RICE. WHOLE Half, and Small.ln the usual ilCak'e for Sale by O W.DAVIS London's Wharf. Jan 29. 133-tf ill x1tit)nl4r STOCK: 0? BOOT JS MOES.' "& .rrili? 0..klki wiii.rI,;Mj.r j.i ' ' . 6f J WfX to hU oiimeroaw: usto.iws fo. rhelr liberal J- patroB-ajw th fctrtont past, and begs to in form them that he hs just returned from ths ftorth " '' nna compute- assortment or Boots and Dnuc,siiiiaoniortaeraiiana. Winter 'Trade, from the moat ettenaivo nnjniifiir.liireia. ntul mi nf whlk have been made to his special order, and warranted to be of n superior qnahfy, and to give entire satisfaction He la also reeeitlng, weekly, from the manufactur ers, at low priocs, all kinds of lloots and Shonsj that wilL.ln point of beaut v. durnlitiiiv. mj rhann,.. eclipse all previous exhibitions; and as his Stock la fresh and new, he can with the nrmost ennfldrne c In prices as to make it the inttir't of aU who wsnt Knoi and Shoes to give him a call. wamuoota vite ail to call and examine it, as he will s 'at such Ho has also a lartrc aupnlv of rfwroRronnn. .-M-i. he will sell cheap. -t ' Roots and Shoes made to measure, in th styfd and best tnaterials, and warranted to give naiis ftictlon of rio sale. Also, repairing done at short no tice, and in the neatest manner. - Lasts kept eorwtnmly on hand for anlnraitltnMe for- T'liMn..r t.'i. ."'U A 1 f f) t ..l.r.. . "iimir .twin.. - nyLi.irwi ill j m I'-.-m . I. I. Succeasorto JAMbs PfRBrtrrtiftj, 'Market Street'. V ilminglon, N. C. Nov. 17. 103 JOB, BOOK, CORNER OP I BONT AND MABKET STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. PARTICUL AR ATTENTION PAID TO THE FOLLOWING KJNDS OF LETTER PRESS PRINTING. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OP I.ADIKO, ENTRIES OP MERCHANDISE HANDBILLS, LABRIH, LAW BLANKS, ' MILITARY NOTICES, NOTES, PAMPHLETS, POLICES OP INSURANCE, POSTERS, RECEIPTS. lion KB, CARt.r, CATA LOGrKP, ( F.11TIKK ATEH, CHECKS, CIRCULARS, CUSTOM-HOUSE BLANKS. DRA1T8, AttD PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING1, of every ,'i,., oi iuc iicau'Hi manner, und on the most reasonable terms. We call the attention of our cltiwns. nrirf in general, to the above Circ!ar,and cordially extend to them an invitation to give us a call for ihir work assuring them, that It shall be as well done, and at as tmr (If not Itnrer) price, as at anv other establishment Tho entire office la new, and we unhesitatingly say that we have a greater variety of tvrv. anel n n,... thorough Job Office, than vat exer before in the Stale. 1 HUMAN l.URliNG. WILLIAM STRINGER. W ihnington, May h. HOTCIIKISS' VERTICAL WATER WHEEL. 1 D4"W' of the very great popularity which J these Wheels have attui ned hv lho nai nf n.fiPi,. 4000 of them In dlllin.'nt parts of the country the Subscribers have sold about 100 Rlirht lei Nnnl. in.,' uIuia,MXU wbwh are InfuH and succesurtrl nperatton in Cumberland County. When prowly Introdtiood, they nearly double the value of the Milt, Win-quantity of work generally, far exceed thu most sanguine expectations ol theowncia, many of whom are gen tlemen distinguished for their scienca and practical skiH, who have afte-t. d to the value of this improve ment. The Wheels are more durable, und more easi ly kept in oreler, win n properly nut tow ihcr ib.m . common Flutter Wheel. ITiey will save one-third e,f the wnler, and run well in buck wate r when ibere la a head above. 'I he spe e il of thu saw Is incroaaed to more than double the tdioki s i r minute The prii-cofun individuul ri'dit. for one nnlr ,.i Wheels, la 850. Wt refer, ameing othe rs, to the following i?entlH mi'n. some or whom have had the W be'edw ni ,mi,r.. tion 12 iiiemths or more, and from many of whom wa have rece ive d certificate s hhdilv nnnrnvlnn nf ,,. Whrels, and staling that thi-ir saws, with tllislui Drove- mi nt, cut 2500 fee t a day, nccording to the head of water. faveTi eville. Graham. i Mi;i:ru.AND. C1.EENE. Thomas Hooker. CI'ltrORD. Dr. Fauliie. JONES. Julias McDanlcl. ( RAVEN. John Bryant. Cul l MRUS. Lot Wilhama. Col. Akx. Murchison, ChrUtophcr Munroc, Aicx. t liliams. ''ol. A. S. Me., i!, l-'iirqubnid Smith, John Me Dunii I. John Evans, J. W. Howell. BOVESON. W. C. McNeill. RICHMOND. John C. MeLasrin, John L. Fairly. AN'tieiN. A. liaucliuui, J R. H id. Miilwrht:. CASWELL. J. T. Dodsuu, Millwright OSANOE. Ir. Yane y, W. II. Merrit, W. Barbeo. CHATHAM. Cede A BrantJey, Smith & l'ulleii, IN. Cli-gg. WA KE. S. Bensley, J. '1'. Leu-ieti. ni.ADEN. Gen. J J. McKay, Redd. Mi hi,,. S. N. Rie haidwui, Thomas '. Smith. Isuac Wii.hi John Siniih. iAMrii. G. T. Hl.lks.lale. Patrick Murnhv. J"hn H. Siiearmmi. Huidy RuaJ. new iiANovr.n Jnnics Murpliv, tharles lie nrv. O.N SLOW. Robert A man. i enoir. Thomas Rouse', 31r. I.assiM. Besides many others In tlitT. rent parts oflhfcStatr llhsueba dese rve ellv hloh rh.t c.v,' fcribe rs lei I im lifi. d in offiwlflie fha WI.1..I. . ' .u ' pllt lic. 1 be y will sell individual or eoumv rih. lo te'ruiB. 'I be'V l i c i ' r -iiBtnii'iT till niirn! lor sale, Pair of Whs. fvr.i -. t -u.. ... ...t. dill' n nt heads of water.) In this place, Wilmington, "a-liiiigton. nnd Newborn, and nU for sale by J Dodson. Cn.well e emntv. 'I'hev caution all pcr sons Ihroughout the' State from paving antnersnrt hut oursolve s or our authorized Agents for the right I of using the e Whee ls. k NOTICE TO MM.I.WHir.trro Il you wish employment, acuunlnr vnnmelvoa leh k,.,uok oi iiii-w iinee is. aa We' now w sh to emr i .i (, r , . atlenat 100 in this business In different parts of tha s,a"'- DUNCAN McNEfLL, in). Mclaughlin. A A Mpg PTir 1 M . Favettevillc, March, 1H46. 1 if SADDLES BRIDLES. HARNESS, TRUNKS-! &e. Tkc. &c Ft TIIE Subscriber has' on' hand ..enala. A' aefttmrnt of Ooodg n his Una, together 5 With ItotkmcaiM. Auenai TWA.. ttI . and Sulkies, all of which Iwe wiUaaU low. . Purchaasra ' are rcspectfuUy invited ta cal) ftt thapM Sund, .Yorth ' Mdeol Market Street. orv n rirrrtTaoa ' Wilmington, Sept. 26. . p ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS NoBTHER.f, Is due dsilv nt 10 A M. night at 10 P. M. 7 eiorwER, dtteR A. M., elosea al II A. M. r AVETTEVILLE. hv Hull 1tmA J. VAJ. Wednesday, and Fritlu mi a P M . iw. 'is.-e.i' Thursday and Sunday, at 10 P. M. Fatetteviue, by Robeson's. Weatbrook'a, ElUa-b-thtown and Prospect lTafl, due ort Tuesday, Tours day ami Saturday, all) A. M.; closes and dapiris am da, at JO A. U. siiTHviLii,dua8A. M-jdoeosat 12 P.M. I ATI OR RiinAa t I - - -p -v i .... . iwiE m Tburaday, at 6 P. M.i cloaca at 10 P. M.(- anidepafta Friday, at 6 A. M. .. imu iviver t natxi. anil mrrrll'' ntnr. elim ein Okklow Coi st Housa, due every Mowiay. at 4 Pi M ; departs Ort Friday, at 6 A. M.