then the Minister of the Interior presented a bill framing the sum of our millions of frana in aid of tkt public tkanlabU institutions of tM kingdom, tn toxttqutna of the kigh pria of provisions. A good deal of iaterest Is felt In Paris ai to the tnodifieation ot the duties on cotton and iron, which it It understood to be the intention of the Prehch Government to Introduce about the end ot the pre sent moDth. At present manufactured cottons are entirely prohibited in France, but it is understood their introduction will be allowed at a duty of from 25 to 30 per cent, on the valuation. This duty is of itself so enormous, that it will a mount pretty nearly to a complete prohibition, but still it is understood that it will be vigorously op posed by the Manufacturers who at present enjoy the monopoly. The duly upon Iron is at present 20 per cent., and it is understood that the Minister intends to propose its reduction to 10 per cent. A postscript to our Paris letter contains the fol lowing: "M. Qul2ot has just recrived an invitation to AXnnmr fur Tiiv1qit iKa lrh inar (mm T j"rrt nnrl Lady Norma nby. Thus the reconciliation is com plete, for M. Qutzot will reply to-morrow to the English Ambassador that he cordially accepts the invitation." From the N. Y. Tribune of April 7. BATTLE IN SIM FE. MEXICANS COMPLETELY SODTED! YET ANOTHER VICTORY I By TtUgraph to Philadelphia, and thence by Express to tiie New York Tribune. Pittsburgh, April 6, 1847. By private letters from Corr & Pondato, Cincin nati, arrived by packet, we have the accounts of ano ther battle in New Mexico. Two thousand Insurrec tionists were routed by Capt. Morris's command, with 4) heavy loss in killed and wounded. The accounts are from St. Louis of the 29th ult. latest news had just reached by express from San ta Pe. The date of the battle is not given, but It oc curred, it would seem, on the heel of the last dates from Santa Fe. A note to the Loulsvillo Courier gives the following: Another great battle in New Mexico t brilliant victo ry) overwhelming defeat of two thousand Mexicans. St. Louis, Monday F.vcning, Blafch 27, 1847. Mr. W. N. Haldcman Dear Sir : We have this day received an express from Santa Fe. The Mexi can Insurrectionist?, numbering two thousand men, marched down on Santa Fe, as was Intimated by our last advices. They were met by Capt. Morris' command In the valley of the Moro, and totally defeated. A great number of the enemy were killed and wounded, the rest fled precipitately to the mountains. Tho action was a most brilliant one on the part of our men, and reflects great credit on their coolness and courage. The news of the assassination of Gov. Bent Is fully confirmed; twenty-five other Americans fell at the tame time. I have no time for farther particulars, as ieamer Colorada, by which I send this, Is prepar- shove out. F.NT SOCIETY. StfTttnevolenl Society, will hold Its anm n Tuesday morning next, at half pan tin It, In the Masonic Hall. A general attendance 1 requested, both of those already enrolled ss sub scribers and of others friendly to the operations of the Society, who are willing to contribute to tho fur therance of Its objects. TRIAL OF BE.NJ. F. ATKINS. We-fiod in TKe Fayetteville OUrrrer, of the Cih inst. a report of the trial of Bknj. F. Atkins for the murder of Arcii'd. McDairmip, esq, which occupied three days of the last week of Bladen Su perior Court. We have room only for some ex tracts (rod this Report : On the trial, thirty-two witnesses were examined for the State and twenty-six for the defence. It is understood that many other witnesses had been summoned and were prs:nt, whom it was found onnecessarv to examine. It is woithy of remark and commendation, tfiat of the large number som rnoned, only one was absent, and he not an impor tant Witness. It was proved, that on trie meeting of the candi dates at Bishop's, thcoVcrased and Mr-Ai!.ins got 4ni orifcii, wnich res ilted in their taking edtlflk together. That a kinsman and friend of Atkins, unaware .of this more friendly slate ol things, urged Atkins to make a warm speech, to attack McDiarmid strongly. Atkins replied, that he would not do so; he intended to make a mild speech, as he wished to be at peace ; that they had had a conversation which had resulted in their sha king hands and taking a friendly drink together; that he did not wish any difficulty, and hoped that none would occurr; but that if McDiarmid did at tack him he should defend himself. The various caedidausa then spoke: Atklm, as usual, attacking be Convention and its action, but avowing his de termination to say nothing personally offensive to McDiarsnM, who, he said, was a respectable and in honorable man. He did say nothing offensive, except to repeat a remark of Nathaniel Macon, that " Caucuses wre" no places lor honest men," a remark which some of the States' witnesses aay They considered offensive, though McDiarmid him self did not complain of it, either at the moment or in his subsequent speech. A wilress testified, that before McDiarmid rose to reply, he went around the house, and loo from his pantaloons pocket a small pistol, which he placed in bis breast pocket. In the course of his speech fhe characterised Atkins as " an unworthy man" who bad " acted dishonorably," and " was destitute of the principles of a gentlemjn, in public and pri vate life." He made two charges, whether against Atkins or some one else, the witnesses did not dis 4iactly remember; but the charges were disproved by two gentlemen present ; whereat the crowd shout ed and laughed. Apparently irritated at this, he at lacked the moral character of Atkins, who, said he, od former occasion two years before, had said tha" his own moral character was as pure as that of the Angel Gabriel." Atkins, who was standing within I to 4 feet, denied this, either by saying, " I 4eoy It," or, " It is false," or, " It is a lie;" differ ent witnesses testifying to these different expressions. McDiarmid called upon a friend of his, who had goM with him to the ground, to say whether it was X i 1 . 11 tree. Toe answer was,"' He said something tike that." Whereupon Atkins iaid" it is false : It is as base and black lie as ever fell from tie" month of a blackguard." McDiarmid, who was at the instant turning to the erowd, on hearing this, turn ed half round towards Atkins, raised his hands, and as four witnesses testified positively, as beyond a doubt, rushed at Atkins, and struck htm t blow which grazed his,face, he inc'Jpng his head to avoid it. Six other witnesses swore that he aimed a blow, but whether it look effect they could not say, not being in a position to see" distinctly. Whilst a number of the State'a witnesses wore they did not believe a blow was truck, though tney saw the hands raised, and some of them thought he intend ed to strike. Within a very slightly perceptible space of time, as some witnesses said, and almost simultaneously as others said, of this blow, or rais ing of the hands, the report of a pistol was heard, McDiarmid fell, and died within a few minutes. Atkins was standing in the corner of the piazza, the railing on each side of him being about 6 feet from the ground. No weapons were found on him when arrested, the pis ol having been given to a friend. On McDiarmid's body was found a single barrel pistol, and a six barrel revolver, all loaded. It was proved by several witnesses, that whilst the deceased was to his friends one of the most warm hearted, generous, hospitable of men, he was of an irritable, overbearing temper, and when rous ed was violent, and considered dangerous; that he had for years habitually gone armed : and that Al lans had been informed by several personsof threats made by McDiarmid against him, and by one per son, that " he (Atkins) should be put down, and if he (McDiarmid) could do it in no other way, that lead should." On the part of Atkins it was proved, that Ke was of a most amiable temper, kind, good natured and peaceable; that not only had he heard of those threats, but that he had been warned of the inten tion of McDiarmid to meet an I attack him at Bishop's, and advised most earnestly to go armed fur defence. That he had repeatedly said, in reply to this, that if attacked, he would defend himself, on one occasion remarking, that if McDiarmid laid his hands on him he would never lay his hands on any body else. That on the fatal morning, he at first refused to take the pistol which bad been pres sed upon him, but was finally prevailed on to take it. Another weapon was pressed upon him which he would not take. He refused to allow a friend to accompany him to the ground, partly because that friend was ol an irritable temper, and would be likely to produce a difficulty. The trial commenced on Wednesday. An hour or two were occupied in getting a Jury. On Thurs day night the examination of witnesses was closed. On Fiiday morning Thos. S. Ashe, Esq., State Solicitor, opened in an argument of nearly an hour's leogth. He was followed by Warren Wins low, Esq., for the defence, about 1 hours. Hon. J. D. Toomer neatly 2 hours on the same side Hon. Geo. E. Iiadger closed for the defence in an argument of 2 hours. And then Hon. Robert Strange closed for the prosecution, and the argu ment, occupying nearly 34. hours. The Jury retired for about 50 minutes, and illv. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT BUTfER BEES WAX VIb. 20 -a 21ro25 BACON. Hams V'b - 9 Sides f 6J Shoulders Pf COTTON-nono CORN Vb". 90 a COFFEE. St. Domingo V lb. 7 Java 12 ffl 14 Rio 8 50 io 9 00 'Laguira 8J rt 9 DOMESTICS. Coiton Yams, 18 a 4-4 N. C. Sheetings, 6J a FLOUR. Eayetteville ? bbl. 5 75 a 6 50 Cannl 7 50 a 8 25 HAY 75 a 80 LUMBER, STEAM MILL. Wide Boards, Plank aud Scantling, tfM. ft. 13a - Floor Boards, ? M. ft $16 a LARD - a 81 LIME S0- MOLASSES. Ne: Orleans Nominal a Cuba 25 a 26 MEAI bush. 95 a 100 NAVAL STORES. Virgiti Dip O 2 25 O 2 25 1 25 38 a 1 35 1.00- Yellow Dip, Hard, Spirits Turpentine, V gal, Tar bbl. Pitch -HfbhL Rosin, No. 1 bbL-1,25 1,37 80 i 00 No. 2 " 3 20 a VarnlBh gall.- 30 a PEAS. B. E. Pra V bu. 65 a PEA-NUTS, V bushel,.. 75 a 95 RIVER LUMBER. Eloor Boards 7 50 a 8 00 Widelloards 6 a 5 50 Scanllina 4 a 4 50 RICE Rough V bu. 1 00 a Cleaned, fair to good, 100 lbs. 3 75 a 4 00 SUGAR. New Orleans 9 a 9J Porto Rico nominal a STA V ES W. O. Hhd. rough-None u " dressed 12 " " barrel 12 a 15 R. O. Hhd. rouirh do. 6 a 7 dressed do. 7 a 10 SHINGLES. Common I 25 1 75 Contract 4 00 a 5 00 SPIRITS. N. E. Rum 31 a 32 Com. Gin 31 a 32 Whiskey 29 a 30 Apple Urandy 40 45 SALT Bonaire. Ma 22 Liverpool WSsck,.- 1 12 TIMBER. Inferior, 3 60 a 4 Fair Quality, 5 25 a 6 UoodMIII, C00a8 Shipping, 9 00a II Subject to a deduction, averaging 20 per cent REMARKS ON MARKET. In Turpentine, arrivals are becoming exceedingly light, that arriving steadily mslntsine 12.25 and 1.25 for Hard. We hsve nothing to not In Spirits. Txs. A small psreel en Thursday, brought only 11.33 ths principal sales havs ben at 11.36, which ws consider the market. In other commodities, the market Is exceedingly dull, for the want of vessels, there being fewtr In Port than la the dullest month of summer, and more and better freights than we ever knew at one dm offering. Ha v. 150 BUls. o( prime Eastern, brought at auc tion yesterday $1.00. Limc 800 Casks of Lincolnvllle, Me., sold at 90 eta. per BbL The following letter from Rev. HENRY WOOD, of Concord N. H., editor of the Congregational Jour nsL a religious newspaper of a high character, speaks volumes In favor of the good qualities of Wistar's Bal sam. Concord, N. H., March J, 1846. Mr. S. W. Fowle Dear Sir: Two years ago the past winter, s sudden and violent attack upon my lungs by exposure to cold, confined me to my room and bed for several weeks ; and when I recovered I was ao much oppressed by difficulty in bren thing, that I was inca pable of rapid walking and violent exorcise, and often unablo to sleep ot rest upon a bed by night. The suffering was frequently extreme,' and judging the ln efficacy of the remedies used, I supposecd the disease incurable. Being persuaded to try a bottle of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, without the least confidence In its efficacy or that of any other prescription, no one can fully understand my surprise and joy, when I found the difficulty almost entirely removed before one bottle was used up. Having a mortal aversion to medicine, and seldom using it in any form, nothing but sympathy with my fellow-sufferers Induces me 10 make this public statement, and recommend the arti cle to others similarly afflicted. With repcet, yours truly, HENRY WOOD. None genuine, unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. For sale wholesale and retail by WM. SHAW, Wil mington, and by dealers in Medicines generally throughout the country. MARINE NEWS. PORT OF WILMINGTON, APRIL 10. HIOH wateo at tiie bar::::::::.::::::::.::::::: 2.7 r. It. ARRIVED. April 9. Brig Victory, Kelly, from Port au Prince, with 15 tons Dye Wood, to G. W. Davis. CLEARED. April 8. Schr. L. P. Smith, Brewster, for N. York, bv R. W. Brown, with 561 Bbls. Spirits Turpentine, 413 Bbls. Tar, 6 Rolls Leather, 76 Bales Yarn, 4 Bales Sheeting, 266 Bbls. Rosin, 2 Bags Feathers, 5 Bbls. Mdse. and 6 Casks Rice. 9. Schr. Oregon, Hill, for Philadelphia, by E. Dick inson. (Eiports In our next.) LEFT. On tho 2Gth ult., at Port au Prince, Schr. Grandee, hence, 6 days for New York. Bi ig Balize, 6 days for Boston. Brig M. N. Perkins, just arrived from New York. An American Brig from Philadelphia, just arrived. One Brig and 3 American Schrs. outsido tho Bar bound in. Printers Wanted. A STEADY and induratrlous man, who under stands his business as a Newspaper and Job Hand, is wanted at this Office j a Prusman, who can work at case, of like character both of whom will find constant employment for one year. Un doubted testimony of tneir capability and necessary qualifications will bo required. Carriages, Cradles, Chairs, &c JUST RECEIVED, per Schrs. Boun ty and Ware, 18 Willow Carriages, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 ; 12 Willow Cradles ; 13 Doz. Windsor Chairs, sev eral patterns; a few doz. Children's Chairs, vaiious styles, &c. And for sale, at the FURNITURE ROOM, Rock Seamo. J. D. LOVK. April 9, 1817. 11. SUGAR 1 A BBLS. handsome St. Croix Sugar. Received dsome St. 1U thi is day, for sale, by J. 4 W. L. McGARY. 10 April P, 18-17. FLOUR. I ff BBLS. Fayetteville Superfine andX Flour. 1UU Received this day, for sale, by S. & W. L. McGARY. April 8. 10 POTATOES. O CT BBLS. good Ealing Potatoea. ZD For sale, by J. oV W. L. McGARY. April 8. 10 JUST RECEIVED, Per Schr. J. D. Jones, FROM NE W YORK. I f KEGS Extra Goshen Butter, for family use. 1 yj ; 1 10 Casks Cheese. 10 Boxes do. For sale bv 1. 4 vv. L. McOARY. 10 April 8. SUGAR. 1 f HHDS. P. R. Sugar, just received per Schr. L. P. Smith. GILLESPIE f- ROBESON. 10. April 7, 1847. FLOUR! FLOUR!! Orv Barrels superfine Fsyeileviile ; HVJ 17 do. .fino do. 5 do' Cross do. Just received, per Steamer Evergreen, snd for sale by BARRY fc BRYANT. April 7, 1847. 10. OATS QfTiffl BUSHELS, just received, for sale by OXJKJ SANDFORD A SMITH April 3. 8 SUGAR 1 n Hhds. prime N. O. and 5 Hhds prime Porto KJco, just recervM snd for mm. by BAKKT ft BRTANT March 22, 1847 3. JUST RECEIVED r-a. OPRINO atvleot ' LH-kJ QKNTLEMEN'S HATS t Received this dsy, Sod now open for ntp ,ln., ' null, mi MYERS ft BARNl'MS March 18 1 RICE. t faTi CASES Freeh Beat Rice, just received from the mlU, for sale, by J. OAMMELL. April 5. JUST, RECEIVED. A ND In Store, 60 Barrels prim Ealing Potatoes. R. O. RANKIN. April 3, 1847. 9. SOAP. Kf BOXES ColgatesNo. 1, Soap OU HOWARD fc April 3, 1847. PEDEN'S. 9. JUST RECEIVED. AFRESH supply of Oiled Clothing ( Durk and Blue Drill Pants, for seamen; Sheath Knives i Belts; Southwcsters, 4c.. at HOWARD ft PEDEN'S. April 5. 9. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE rpUBS, Pails, Buckets, Trays, Measures, Barrel J. Covers, Rollng Pins, Axa Handles, (Knlp Boxes, Mahogany and Straw,) Brooms, Brushes, Mats, Bas kets, v mow v aggons. 4c.. at HOWARD ft PEDEN'S. 9 April 5, 1847. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. THE new and splendid copper-fattened Brie Axtec, 200 tons, Coombs, Master. Apply to INt-ff ft W AKIN UK. April 6. 9 SOAP. 1 fn BOXES prime Yellow and Pale, for sale lUVJ by SANDFORD A SMITH. April 3. 8 MESS PORK. I r BARRELS just received, per Schr. Dounty, 1 0 from New York, for sale by O. W. DAVIS. April 3 8 SUGAR. NEW ORLEANS & St. Croix, Woolsey & Wool eey Loaf, Crushed, and Powdered, at HOWARD f- PEDEN'S. April 5, 1847. 9. FULTON MARKET BEEF. 4 Half Barrels 600 Pounds Smoaked Beef, 100 Smoaked Tongues, very superior at HOWARD ft PEDEN'S. Apiil 6, 1847. 9. JUST RECEIVED BY J. D. JONES. CUQAR, Coffee, Scgars, Butter snd Cheese of the best quality, In assorted size packages and for sale by HOWARD f- PEDEN'S. April 5, 1SI7. 9. ICE ! ICE ! ! ICE ! ! ! THE Subscribers aro now landing their first cargo of Ice, and until the proper time arrives for open ing the Ice House regularly every morning, It can be had at all houra of tho day, at siiam'S nnuo store, where families may also obtain Tickets. Thankful for the liberal patronage received last sea son, we would beg to assure the Public that we will use our endeavors to keep up a full supply throughout the year, and will always strive, in all Instances, to make ourp tlia Accommodation Ice House. SHAW & RF.PITON. April 3. 8-4t POT AT O E S . CA BARRELS prime Eating (Chenango) Pota 0J toes, just received, and tor sale by SANDFORD & SMITH. April 3. 0 GLUE. QJ BARRELS superior quality American Glue, for Ct) Spirit barrels, just received snd for sale by BARRY & BRYANT. April 3. 8 NEW YORK CABINET FURNITURE. JAMES H. COOKE, 02, Broadway, near Wall Street, NEW YORK, OFFERS FOR SALE, a full and f completo assortment of Cabinet jjj Furniture and Chairs, which he war- rants to be equal to any In the city, at the following unusually low rates: Mahogany Sofas, from 120 I1S0 each. Chairs, 24 o I20perdoi. " Rocking Choirs, ho 75 each. " Bureaus. 5 its 50 " CardTablos, 12 40 " Centre Tables, 14 a 60 " " French Bedsteads, 18 a 75 ' Feather Beds, Hair Maltressss. snd Bedding of ths finest qualities, and at the lowest market prices. s-V ,V trim rhnrurt for Tlaxintr and Shivmnx ! '. ! New York, Feb. 2-2, 1817. nS-3m-w WM. DEBEKNIER, 1NSFUCTOK or TIMBER AND LU BER WILMINGTON N . C . Feb. 26, 1847. 145-6m-w. MOLASSES. n( HHDS. Molaiwes, a superior lo'. fnr U by OU GILLESPIE A ROBESON. April 7, 1847. 10. STONE WARE. Just received per Schr. J. D. Jones. 7 CRATES containing Jugs, Jsra. Churns, Water Kegs, Milk Pans, Money Jugs, Jar Cover. Flow er Pots, Ac. c. J H. ROTI1WELL. April 7, 1847. 10. VALUABLE FOR PLANTATION SALE. TIIE Subscriber, wlshina to relinquish his Plant- 1 Ing interest, otiors for sale his Farm, situsta In Horrv District. 2i miles from the Ylllniro of Consroy, containing about Fourteen Hundred Acres, snd about sixty acres cleared, part of which Is Bottom-land, and equal In richness) and fertility to sny In the District f the Upland has a clay foundation, and susceptible o: great Improvement by manuring. The land Is well ' timbered wltn C ypress sno rins, wim a urge quinmy oLlghlwoodTimbT,whlehlsln good demand at the Steam Rite Mills on the river. As to beauty, health, I and comfort, there is no situation in the District is 1 iurpm It. On the premises Is e comfortable two story Dwelline.snd other necessary oui-buikllnga; ths land la bounded en one side by the Wecramaw River, which la a great advsmsge, as Turpentine, or any otrr Produce, may be shipped at any season of the ! yesr, either to Charleston or Now York. ' ,rin nr , ru 1 JOBN READMAN. April J. 8m-w. MERCHANTS' STEAM BOAT COMPANY, CP FJTETTETILLE ASD WILSKGIOX GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT, Imaging about JO per cent. New Steamer HOW AN, 17 Inches, Steamer WILLIAM B. M FARES, Steamer COTTON PLANT, Flat Boats BEN KERRY. OfD FELLOW, MIKE CRONLY. WASHINGTON, T. J. CURTIS, READY MONEY, MARY ELIZA. IHE Proprietors of tho Merchants' Steam Boai . Company of Fuycttcvill and W llmlnproii, N. C, offer the above Line of Boaia, on the Cape fear River, to the shipping public, under tint lata rcviaion and re duction ot Freights. Thr.'lrnew Steamer, ROWAN, now draws only 17 inches water. When she undergoes some alteration in machinery, her draft is calculated si 14 to IG inches, whlcrt will make her ths lightest boat navigating the waters of any river in ths Southern country. This Company flatter ihemsehes that thsy have it now In their powrr to fltlor the most complete line of Iloal! that hna ever been on the Cape Fear, and one that will do lhcfreii;htiri2 business with regularity and despatch o i ail stapes of the water. They have, In connection wiih the Henrietta Company of this place, reduced the freights to the tariff as In printed rstes. N-lther of the Unallng concerns deemed th;meelves able to re duce the freights ami still do tho forwarding business In this place free of charge, and consequently this Company have given it up, with tho conviction, that the Forwarding Merchants of our town can do It more justice than u boating concern. Any Ouods consigned tothoMqrchinta' Steam Boat Company, Wilmington, N. C, will ha lorwarrlcd through that place fret of commissions all other charges made to the shipper. The new arrangement lakes effect from the 13th Instant. Passage 33, both ways. The two companies will hereafter count all freight cash, or Interest added. Direct letters to Thomas S. Luttciloh, Faycttevllle i J. & W. L. McOnry, Wilmington. THOS. S. LUTTERLOH, Agent. Fayetteville, Jan. 18. 1617. 1J0 N. Carolina Bacon, Lard, &c. 3iyrC Lns- Wayne County Hami j I VjvJ 2000 Lbs. " " Sides s 1000 - " " Lard, In Barrels snd Kcgi ; 100 I'.ushcls HUrk Eye Peso For snle by NEFF & WARNER. Feb. 26. 145. WANTED. GOOD HOUSE SERVANT. Office. (Feb. 10, 1&47.) NEW NOVELS A Apply at this 13S AT Book The S tore . TDLE Hour Book; L Lady of Mnnsoreau j My Shooting Box ; The Redskins ; Fleming Field ; Nick Blgflowj Widow's Walk ; Heidelberg ; Prairie Birdj Count of Monte Crlsto 1 Syl Elinor Will; 1; Sketches oi'lmp"ture ; Thrco Guardsmen ; Cruiso of Mist ; Atar Gull ; Beau Butterfly ; Gambler's Wife; Rhyming Dictionary ; Ubsdlali UUbucK ; Crulkshanka' Tablo Book: Lueretin ; Mrs. Ellia' Housekeeping Captain O'SuIHv.-n ; Bush Ranger; W'otcrCurt, !?.,&(:.,&. E. A. CUSHING. Dec. 30. 120 M.m, Ltcnonx isd mi leaf hats JUST RECEIVED, s splendid nasortment. fr sile st wholesale and retail very cheap. Country Mer chant's are invited to examine our slock, Which we wlil sell st New York pnrnt. MYERS St BARNUM, Market Street. March 8, 1S-17. U9 II A Y . BALES Prime Hay, now Isodlng, for ssls OKJ R. Q. RANKIN. March 8. 149 BEE F . 20S BARRELS Mess Beef, a superior artleto Prime ' Packet Mess Beef " 10 Half bbls. Fulton Market Btef.for family use For sale, at 1. & W. L. McGAKY'S. Feb. 8. 127 SPRING STOCK, BOOTS AND SHOES. t rpHE SUBSCRIBERS have just received Jfstt. A large additions to their Stock, which makes It complete. They will also continue to receive weekly, such supplies as are needed for the season and market. Alio, on hand, a good supply of SOLE LEATHER AND CALF SKINS, 4. . All of which will be on as ressonable terms as at anv other establishment. Particular attention will be paid to manufacturing and repairing, ss ususl. G. i C. BRADLEY. March 25. 1J7. i-3m. Valuable Real Estate. WILL EE SOLD, at prlvnie tale, ihe Houm and Lot No 14'.). teller A , be tween third and Fourth Sreeia, and between Red Cross and North Boundary Srieele. (rwr Uis Rail Rond.) snd st present occupied by J. I Bryan. The lot is full 66 by 330 fe, with a new two story house upon It, all well srranctd; unless previously dis posed of at private sale, will be offered as above, titles undirputtd; persons wifhlng in p'irchite, can ex smine the property, or titles, st sny time, by applying to H. NUTT. March 23. PORK EW YORK CITY. For sale, bv BROWN 4 DxROSSET. N March 18 1 SUGAR. 5 HHDS Prime new crop Porto Rleo Sugar, recei ved per Schr. R.Brown, for tale, by pel! UKunn a umussr. 1 MsuhlS. 151 FOR SALE. NORTH CAROLINA Baeon and Lard j Eastern Hay ; Imitation Brandy, snd New Orleans Whiskey, by A MARTIN AarilJ. 9 SOAP a rv BOXES best fsmily Soap HbS 10 Bbls butt Soap For ssle. bv J OtMMFI I III Feb. 17. 1T47 Ml I I Ml ' JUST ARRIVED, WO SUPEttlOftV TONED PIANO . . hAnwnn . n . V 11 r uin r,.-, in eiegani uscwooa I Mlfiwi of L. Clittrr'a Manufacture. Eos ' ton. Piano Fortes kepi constantly for sale bf thtr Subscriber, at his Mnsie Room, era Front Street, op. poslte the Chronkl OJ!c. ' f. One second hand Piano lor sole s also a few Violin. Instruction gvn In Vocal and Instrumental Mualei on reasonable term. L O. F. B. LEIGHTON. March 3. ' 147 ' CORN. 1 finn BUSHELS C0HN.ju.t received . x wv yetievi,i, per Steamer Raven, tat Sale by Uw. L. McGARi." ' . i4 March i MONUMENTS. TOMB TABLES, HEAD AND FOOT STO ES, etc. The Subscriber has ta ken the Agency of an extensive MARBLE MANVr r AC 1 OKY at tho North and win receive orders for the above named articles on ss svorible terms as can bs procuced from any other establishment. UUY C. HOTCHKI33. March 23. 3 WINDOW SASH ES B LIN D 3 ANDDOOKS. Tho Subscriber is aeent for one of the best man ufactories at ihe North, and will receive ordsrs for the above named article, which Will be boxed op and de livered on board of vcsst'lf In New York, st the LOW- hsl FKICfcS, snd at short notice. Persons about to contract fo' buildings, will find it to- their Interest to call and examine prices sending their orders abroad. OL'Y C. IfOTCHKlSS. - March 23. 3 COUNTRY WHISKEY. 1 f BARRELS Country Whiskey.just received 1 J from Psyettovlile, for sale bjr J. A W. L. McOARY. March I. Mi; CLARIFIED SUGAR. 4S HHDS. beautiful tlartd Sucar. tultatU L mily use, now on retail, nt J. II. ROTIIWELL'S. March 8, 1347. J49. C I G A R .S. 25,000 PORTED BRANDS, Just received, and for sale, by . J. 4 W. L. McGARY. ' ISO March 10. BUTTER AND CHEESE. Just received fro:n Nev York, per Sc'ir. Florida, 1 f KEGS (Extra) Goshen Butter; I. V 20 f'asks Cheese ; 20 Boxes " For sale by J March I. t W. L. MsOARY. 146 CUBA COFFEE. 1 C BAGS handsome, just received, anl for I ') J. II. ROTH WELL. March 23. B O OK BINDERS TO OLS: I "'OR sale, a number of Book-Binder's Tools, con sisting of Rolls, Stamps, Poliahing Iron. Ham mer, Knives, Folding Slick, Saw, Shtai,4ic. la prime ordr. Apply at this Office. March 24. 4 RECEIVED THIS DAY, 1 ( BCLS. Superfine, Fine and Cross Fsyetta- 1 JS ville n ur, for snlr, by J. ft VY. L. M'GARY. no March 10. U O F FEE AND S U G A R. 5IIHD.S. prime Potfo Rico Suar, 5 ' Nw Orlean Sugar, 25 Bags Rio CtT.-e, 10 ' Lajtiira Coffee, Received this day, and for sale, by J. ft W. L McOARY. March 19. 1 SUGAR. nilHDS. Porto RIcoSUOAR.dallv eiperted. V) POTTER KIDDER. .March 20. i FOK SALE. ATR ACK of 5 marres of Pins, and a small portlao of Hammock Land, situated In the neighborhood of Jacksonville, E. F., weil adapted in every reaped for makiw Turpentine. There are 6,000 bosc cut. affording a eood yield ofTurpentine. Also, a number ofO-x.v, Atn Us Carls, and every material rwccesasry tn carry on the Tirpentina biistner. Twrhr bands, (3 of whom are coopers,) will be hired if deslrtrd. -ALSO- A plantation In H.imrllon County, II. P.. contain ing f0 acres, 400 of which are cleared and in food planting condition ; for further information, apply lo the subscriber ai Jacksonville E. F., or to Gen. Alex'r. MacRae, Wilmington, N. C. JOHN L'ENGLE. March 27. 1917. 6-4w. FOR SALE. THAT property in Warsaw known as lbs Hotel, Is lor s-ile. It it an excellent stand for s house of tho kind, and if a suitable per son appilej, no doubt an arrangement could be made for the pisaengere from the Cars to Dine there srtblr arrive in seasonable time (ur dinner. HeretoArta k has been mude a breakfast bonso when the arrival suited. The lione la well calculated, having a front of 70 feet, wiih an L40 foet km;, and a spsciosa dln ini? room. ' Th: t.-r:ns s: reasonable and accommodating. Apply to T.D.LOVE, st Wilmington, N. C. March 23. 3-ltn , e Valuable Ileal Estate. THE SUBSCRIBERS, ss Csecuton to ths Will of Mrs. E. Lord, deceased. oSrr for sale, on accommodating terms, that s4- uahUi STORE AND WHARF, at prseent occupied he Barry A Brvf. THOS. it. WBIGfJT.lR-. W. C. LORD. March 25, 1947. LIMBER m TIMBER- . I OFFER my servicrt to the makers of the ahov articles, snd from the knowledge I hsve of the business, I hope to ealn thn pMmnewef the public. JAS T. MORRIS, bupislar. March 15, 147. I5t FRESH BEAT RICE. 1 fr CASKS, just arrived. In whole and ball Casket 1 UUof fresh mlRit,. anrwHor artMe. fc( aJ b E. DICKENSON, Agent. , March 20. ' " g' HALF AND SMALL RICE. A FEW Casks, for sale bv " BROW & DsROSSET: Msrch 18. I MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. ( LOT of rirv rood Tobacco, for sale at stcA tree I tVan its talus, to close consignment, bt BROWN A DaROSSET. Mitch 19