THE- COMMERCIAL: WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1847. . T0 THE PUBLIC. jThf Proprietor of Ihc pommncial has to announce that Mr. William S thinger has withdrawn from the situation of Associate Editor, and th&J his connection with the es tablishment cease wiffi the present number. It is needless to say timt we teel that we ImvC sustained a loss in fegard to the power f tho management or tho concern. Mr. Strincsh's valuable services in the Commcr tial Department, and details of the market, tire well known and appreciated by the pub-lic-and it cannot he otherwise than that gome derangement will arise in the departments he superintended, for a season. But the Editor hopes to put all things in a proper train, in a short time, and wdl take care that the Com mercial loses nothing of its interest in any of its subject. The long experience of the Ed itor and Proprietor, in every department per taining to a newspaper, cominerciul or other wfgemay e qcourage our friends With the hope that no disappointment will be ultimately felt iiider the new arrangement but that the Commercial will still increase in its patronage and continue to be an object of public favor. dkaYh of gkn. dromgooi.e. Gen. DtoMoooLS, who was eloctcd to Congress by 27 majority, at i he late election in Virginia, died a few days ago, Ih m a sudden and violent illness. VIRGINIA ELECTION. We have returns from all tho Congressional Dis tricta but three. The Whigs elected ore John M Bolts, Wm. L. Goggin, J. S. Pendleton, Wm B. Predion, and Thoe. S. Flourney oil except Pendle ton, whig gains. The Democrats elected are, Archi bald Atkinson, Geo. C. Dromgoole, Thoa. S. Bouckj Thos.H. Bagley, R.T. L Bcalc.Jas. McDowell, and Wm. O. Brown, Itlseipecled the Whigs will have a majority In the Legislature on joint ballot, as they certainly have ia the House of Delegates. VINDICATION OF THE TRUTR. By tbefsjllowing letter which we copy from the Sa titmal InUlHga.ctr, written from Chaltsion; It will be Perceived thnt the Editors of that paper have lent their aid in vindication of the truth, relative to the charge lately circulated to the prejudice of the Boats of ih.- Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Company We find thin to be the casein other quarters, and that the oldmoll.) is sustained in our behalf: "Great is truth and will pa vail." Chhsleton, (S. C ) April 19, 1847. Gentlemen : I reached Charleston this morning, after a rapid journey from the North, and now find myself amid the warmth and deep foliage of "glori ous summer." A delightful change It la from the cool temperature and brown woods of your present tardy spiing. As far south as Richmond and Petersburg ths sonic wintry look hangs about the woods, while through North Carolina the young oak leaves are ven turing out, and the yellow jasmine, the brilliant honey suckle, the magnoliu gU uca, and their friendt of other families, are in fuli beauty. Htrt strawberries, green peas, and new potatoes maik the advance of the sea son quits A Intelligibly as do the floral indications further fjorth. And, by the way, let me say that the multitude of splendid oaks about tha capltol and squares in Raleigh were beginning to be covered with verdure a week ago, when I pasasd through there, lending their beauty to that most besutllul of South ern towns. So much for the season. Now, let me any a few words obout the mails, the steamboats, and the railroads. Vom arc probably aware of the great irregulariiles of thegrvat mail from New York to New Orleans that it sills ts reach New Orleans rcgulurlyour timet a wetk, or on an average at thnt rule per month du ring the winter, and particularly of late. And you probably know that the Wilmington steamboats are obliged to shoulder the t mire blame of this Immense evil. Indeed, no fixed has the whole country become in the belitf that thia Wilaiingtou and Raleigh Rail Road Compnn) and its bouts are the cause of this in calculably great source of injury to Southern com merce, that no language Is deemed too severe to be ap- plied to them, and the travelling community are led to beliers that their lives sre scarcely worth insuring when they venture to ses upon their delinquent and dangerous steamers. It Is a most difficult tark to icm such a current of public opinion, particularly when some of our best ntwspapert sre in the same error, and lend their influence to lis perpltuliy. Still I will make the attempt, knowing well that you will notdoajrurselves the opportunity of rendering jus tice, according to your usual wont, to those who are unjustly estailid. 1 have no interest In uW boats, or the Wilmington od WeJdsn Rail Road and Stemiubosl Company, or in any other railroad or steamers, nor am I employed in anf way to say or write in their behalf ; but, having inyaelTlong lived in the belief that they were responsi ble for tie mad failures so vexiliously frequent In New Orleans, and having, from a somewhat thorough In vestigation, after pasting thtee times over the line wirhla the past three months, Income persuaded that the (Yjjisnot property chargeable to this part of the line, lassies) to render toy feeble aid loenllghtes the public in tha nutter. The Wiltnlssjton and Raleigh Steamboat and Rail road Company sre required bjr ths Post Office De partment's schedule to deliver the mail at Charleston M half rt lt-(ncon,) while the Charleston and Au gusts railroad cars leave here at 9 A. M. Vet the steamscs have eontiivd to deliver their malls before o'clock- three sad a half hours before they are due wllh angularity that, considering the length of the fMitesnd ths nature f the navigation, reflects great credit on jsc energy and public spirit of the company sod khs Captains, and proves tbil their boats are most seaworthy Ind speedy. Before the I9ih March last th scheduls time for ths arrival of their boats at Chariest wss P. II., while ths ears left at 9 A. M i ysl lbs aualners biles' but four times to connect from as 20th Fstnury to the 19th of Harch-thres of tassskUiHM slscasrflbffrwMi,(nd eM by is isrsmrr LfJng n teM ly fcj to aacW. ; (Co . tM U taesa occsikn ra re. SttiW tu lost bf but two u asjf ftlsates. Pa ihe 19ih of March lbs mmi) trrsoisai toafea&wt, nSs steamers being tins furs it hah past 12 o'clock. Between that tlmssnd this, vis. thirty two days, ths steamers failed to rnske their schedule but totes, snd, though ths car continued until to-day to leavs st i A. M, ths steamers arrived tventy-thm times la aeeaoa t forward ths molls by ths cars i that Is, three and s half hours before they were due. Therefore the commercial public South hsvs been In debted that number of times, within that period, ex clusively to the Wilmington snd Raleigh Railroad Company snd their steamboata for the reception of the mails ntar tteenty-four hourt in advance I During (he seme lime (thirty-two days) the cars came through from Weldon to Wilmington In time to con nect with the steamers thirty-one times, foiling once In consequence of s derangement of ths machinery of ths locomoilvs. Tho South Carolina Railroad Company advertise to day toiesve at, i 1 A. M. By ths published schedule of the Postmaster General the hour of arrival of the Wilmington stesmers and de parture of ths South Carolina company's csrs was fixed at 1 P. M. after the hours' difference between this and the actual starting of the cars from Charles ton, and this must bo gratuitously overcome by the steamers, or they must ensure a failure of the mall In all the towna and cities beyond this city. If failures take place tho public must look to the Postmaster General for their remedy. If arrivals here of the mall before 11 o'clock take place, they must give cre dit to the Wilmington steamers and railroads for their zeal to promote the Interests of the Community. And It la their, due already for their performances dur ing tho past month. Of these steamers, the Gladia tor, the Gov. Dudley, and Vsnderbilt, I wish to soy that they are large, strong, fast, snd well-ordered boats, commanded by captains of skill and courage, and most kind snd stteniive to their passengers. Their performances amid some of the wildest storms that ever awept the ooean, during the past season, attest the truth of this assertion. But, lest you suppose that I cannot sea any faulta, even when they exist, I will sny that the cook't department In one of them might be Improved without giving any body the gout or dyspepsia a fault which I have no doubt v. ill be remedied when those concerned sec (his letter, which let me say, I hope you will send them as tho friendly admonition of a stranger. Of the perseverance of the President of the Wilmington Railroad and Steam boat Company too much cannot be said, and the only fault to be found with him and his company is, that they have allowed themselves to be misrepresented and slandered so long without resistance, but when ever complaints have been made have at once gone to work to make some new addition to the strength and meana of comfort of their boats. Not a life haa ever been lost on this line out of the Immense number of passengers transported on It. Yours, fcc. L For the Commcrcltl . Wilmington, N. C, May 3, 1H47. T. LoaiNO, Esq.: Dear Sir As much has been aid, North snd South, respecting the irregularity of ihe Great Northern snd Southern Mail passing through nur line, and the failures attributed to tis, I herewiih send you the iciurns ot April, 1847, which will show whether we are liable to the censure and blame cast upon us. We sre willing to take cen sure when deserved, bin, when we feel perfectly cod sc loin of straining every nerve to carry out our contract with the Post Office Department in good faith, and suattd, we feel as if we ought, in justice lo ourselves, wake up a little and state the facts, which are: By contract, we are bound to deliver the mail from Weldon, in Chnrleston, at 12J o'clock, A. A!., and in Weldon, from Charleston, at II J P. Al. The Boats arrived in Charleston 28 days before 9 A. M. 31 koitri btfirrt schedule time ! one day at 9 45, and one day at 1137A.M., from which you will see we did noi fail during the whole month of April, to deliver ihe mnil within contract lime wiih the mail going South. The Cars (ailed but once in arriving at Weldon wish the mail going North, and that was owing to the Boat failing to arrive here in time to connect, being detained at sea by a heavy gale of wind from iheN. E. The boat which left here on ihe Uih April, wait ed until 435 P M , for the train, which n. it arriv ing at lhai time, she left without the mail. The train was deiainrd by breaking as axle on the road and running oil' ihe track. Please publish ihe foregoing facts in ihe Commer cial, snd I hope ihosc who have given currency to the many charges against us will do us the justice to copy we ask noihing more. Yours, c, JOHN A. TAYLOR, Steamboat Agent W. and R. R. R. Co. i't Um ComaMrcial. In the lest number of your paper Ms. EoiTua : 1 was surprised to see my name brought before ihe public as a candidate for ihe office of CtMtr m the ComMercial Bank. 1 regret ihat I had not been con sulted in this mailer, as I think it is one that belongs to the Board of Directors exclusively, snd over whose action no improper influences should be ex ercised, and I assure you that my name has been ihut publicly brought forward without my know ledge or consent. A. MARTIN. May 3d, 1847. RAIL ROADS vs. TEETH. Mr. F-DiTos : As the following U a true occurrence and I wiah to advertise a set of teeth, I think the beat way is to relate the circumstances just as thev hap pened. ' r CEf, BAIL SSAD CASH, LADICS OBPABTM EST. h..lUdJ ,lefPln? dn one of the long scara and her D.n,v0on k ,b0U' dHfkhe Conductor K ndse.,raethlngon the floor, which hr. br,CtleJ ' ,nd Pick li up but o hlDa.lf lmmJ',e "'taWe; but recovering fc.hi ,l,lelr' ,hm "P '(ft" 'ouch Lh,'n -. ""Ister! O mis- hour or so Cond Tha lad v snd str a. Th.u..j ----- -nuui orMsraai nouse." hUhP.?& "J In. to ea, ; .""..hi "" ' In aatonlahtnent mnA uva. "m. 2EZtnk.10X Crests on. -But my JT.dV,S! r 0" !ir teeth." " I havi mytewh- -Nsvod h... ".T . : vu ihti noi. for 1 1 vset pocket.- ' No ! you have . f (putting her fingera to the cornets of tapMng quite s set of - unders.i th nn-k,, ,i 7 mem in my si pocset. JSo ! you hio tmi . f. k i ' her mouth snd they most be your 'r kU k hardly dUpsnsa with lbs m 1 uAuT 10 ,lir! " o.nVthiog wm ui cssltu s ,IT"n "on ss hiTnser. rttht aTu fn"h? Td tbst all was lor m My siclslmed -1 know now' rhey belong to ot h now E PJ"T 10 P' for htn ' n,e wife whoT. .,ni ",bnd ' "Ilk. look, si hi. -.. ruiiir iii. nouaing. m an Ons of thoa three ladles thst got out at ths Junction, on the Petersourg road i they had been sll ssleep snd do doubt shook out snd got among my things i 'twas enough twshaksout good ns poor old lady, how she la missing them justsbout now do Mr. Conduct or take them and try and gat them to her it will save her something i if this, is the way those miserable roads Is going to do 1 snail put mine In my reticule t" at ths same timo hauling them out and depositing thorn. "And I shall put mine in myvallce," says the ffentleinani but the third passenizer swore his should stay, as his was put In by Duly Wabb, of Wilmington, txlt possenizcrs, ana away goes cars. I think the Raleigh papers should copy gratis ; even If the tieih were not lost on the road they would have been if ever ihey had reached thst far. Tho owner can have the teeth by directing s letter to K. T. A., W. & R. R. R., Weldon, Halifax, N. C. From the N. O. Picayune. From the Rio Grande. "We received yesisrday, by the steamship Tele graph, the Alaiamorus Flag of the 18th Inst, and ihe Monterey Pioneer of the l2ib. We give from ihem such extracts as we deem of Interest to our readers. Gen. Taylor is still at the Walnut Springs. He does not contemplate leaving there for sometime not until he is fully reinforced to cross the country, atlack, and, with the certainly of ksuccess, takes San Luis Potosl. We should not be surprised to hearof the forces under Gen. Scott reveling in the "Halls of the Montexunias" with out the co-operation of Gen. Taylor. From Ihe Monterey Pioneer, ol the l2ih, we learn that a fire broke out there on the !)ih inst. in the market-house of the city. The wood work of ihe building was consumed. The fire communi caied to the Mexican prison, which was also con siderably injured. A number of concealed arms were discovered, consisiing of muskets, hand gre nades, fuses, rockeis, &c. A rumor was current at Monterey that. Gen. Urrca has reiurned to thai ncighboih od, wiih four pieces of an illery, and was then somewhere be tween Camargo and Marin. We believe there was no foundation in (act for ihe rumor, The rank and file of ihe Is: Ohio Regiment have taken measures to present Alaj. L. Giddings with a sword, to cost 8500, as a token of iheir respect and thanks. The 2d Regiment of Aliksissippi Volunteers have arrived at Aloniercy. They are all armed wiih rifles Robert While, ofCapt. Bullen's company, Louis ville Le giun, lost his hand by ibe explosion of one of the tockeis, found during the fire at Monterey on the morning of Ihe 9th inst. The editor of the Alaiamoros Flag has recently paid a flying or rather a sieamboat visit to Camar go. Speaking of it he says : A happier looking people than the Mexicans on the Rio Grande we never saw, and many of them are becoming enriched by supplyingthe s'eamboats wiih wood, which is easily obtained, and for which they received 82 50 per cord. Camargo we found all life and bustle apparent ly more business doing there than here, and mer chants looking wiih confidence to a brighter pros r eel ahead. Considerable stocks ot merchants' goods were being bent forward to Monterey, Saliillo and towns along the line protected by our troops, and the trade between our merchants and the Mex icans bieU fairio open again niih new life and acnvjiy. In our paper ol Saturday morning we alluded lo the following assassination. The Matamoras Flair, from which we copy, gives more fully ihe particu lars. It snvs : A private in one of the companies of lhe 2d Mis- 9issippi Regiment, named Carson, formerly a mem- berthe Mississippi Legislature, who had lagged behind Ihe regiment on the march up, between Camargo and Mier, was waylaid by two Mexicans man 01 ln,s Cllv corroborates our previous impres and inhumanly butchered. His mutilated body ,'on,' lnat Wlstar's Balsam was none of these was discovered in lhe' chaparral a few feet from ! nos,rums- he road, hv Cant. Jack Everrilt and Mr. John Hays, who were journeyine up to Mier-lhe warm blood was yet trickling from him, which induced ; ihem to think his assassins were still near, and Ihey I commenced a search in the thicket and came in sight of the two Mexicans, not more than two hun- dred yards from where the murdered man laj. Chase was given, and they were soon ovenaken, and their guilt sufficiently proved by their blood- i stained hands and garments, and the property ofihe , murdered man found upon their persons. The first impulse was to kill them upon ihe snot but re-' flecfion induced ib !ir being taken forward and turn- ed over to Col. Davis, who, with his regiment, was , not many miles in advance. ' The assassins, we learn were shut. 8HAMEFUL. Persons recently arrrived from Monterey inform us that, in coming down, ihey beheld sirewn along the roadsh'.e, mhere had been massacred the team sters who fell into lhe hands ol Urrea's assassins la the attack on wagon train, the decayed and mu- 'ilated remains of upwards of fifiyofihese unfortu natemen. Where ihey fell, there still they art? sufferred lo remain their flesh made the food of vultures and wolves, snd their bones scattered about by these beasts and birds of prey. Train afier train has passed ihem by, with no more aotice than a passing commentary upon their sad fate-none have stepped forth to give ihem barlai. Humanity sickens at man's indifference to man. It wss rumored at Matamoras that the Massa chusetts Voluniecrrs were about to be relieved by the 2d Ohio Regiment, and thai lhe former would start for Monterey in two weeks. Henry Aldri-b was arrested at Palo Alio on lhe 17th Inst., by order of Col Cushing, charged with having murderously assaulted a Mexican named Serbantcs. He was taken to ih guard-house, where he awaits bis trial. Seidames is in ihe Hospital. FIENDISH MURDER. Father Ray, says the Flag, so long and fsvorably known as sChaplain in the army, was recently killed by a party ot Lancers on the road between Csraargo and Monterey. What Ignorsnee, com. blned wiih fanaticism will do, msy be judged by lhe butchering of this faithful old miolstorot peace iorsook Irieods and nome to make easyihe couch of the dying soldier be came with design of barm to neither Mexican or A merican, and was irressted in his divine voca tion by those who choose the same mode of wor shipping the Almlghiy. Stranje infatuation ! , ; ; jFEpMURO PE, ''Bjr the arrival of ths $araA JSand','i New York, on the 29th ulu sdvlces from Liverpool 2 days later thsri before received csme to hand' - 4 , The news msy generally be regarded, as favorable to trade. Cotton and Corn were In demand at im proving prices. A fire broke out In London on the morning of tho 6th Of last month, at the Kent and Sussex Wharf, south sldcof London Bridge. The range of buildings occupied by Aldermen Humphreys, Messrs. Gold & Co. wholesale grocers, and Messrs. Malm & Skinner, cider merchants, was nearly destroyed, and the adjoin ing property, the Hibernla Wharf, was considera bly injured, and Mann's wharf slightly. The fire broke oat at 3 A. M. and was thoroughly extinguished before 1 1 . We notice, en possant, (hot the Liverpool Mercury notices, under the head of "disgraceful persecution," that Frederick Douglass, the fugitive slave, waa de nied ths privilege of a gentleman In his passage home In the Cambria. Ho was compelled to take his meals and not allowed to mix with the saloon passengers. This was right. No white man, who goes about the country Imposing falsehoods upon the credulous as Douglas does, ought to be treated a. a " gentleman,'1 much less this baso impoater. The Cork Conititution says, "hundreds of comfor table looking farmers, of young women and men all decently clad, continue to arrive daily, with the view of emigrating to America. The some paper gives a dismal account of the de vastations committed by fever, the victims to the con tagion filling the graveyarda to overflowing. The Paris Monilcur says tho price of flour and grain continues to decrease in that city. In relation to the Corn Market, a Liverpool papor of the 5th says : " The reported arrivuls of Grain and Flour glace Tuesday last are very moderate, but the wind now being favorable, we may expect mo9t ves sels in that ore close at hand. The late reduction in our prices has attracted buyers from various quar ter., and rather an extensive business haa been dono in Wheat and Flour. " llesldes a good demand for shipment couslwise) the inlerior millers have taken largely of barrelled Flour at 37s 6d to 38s per 196 lbs. for Weeicrn Canal, which is nn improv :rnent of la per bbl. within the week. Wheat hns also moved more freely, but with out amendment in price ; indeed, for both Wheat and Kour, holders have liberally met the demand. "Several Irish orders and buyers of Indian Corn having appeared, there has been a reaclion on Tues day's quotations of 3s to 5s per quarter; good Ameri can Corn is now firmly held at 52s per 480 lbs. In the oilier articles of the trade very little has been trans acted, and Outs, Uarley, Beans and Peas remuin with out alteration." Of the Cotton Market the same paper, of April 3 says .- The import of the week is 2G.56C bags, namely, 24,402 from the United States, 320 from Brazil, and 1784 from Bombay. The sales of the week are 30,500 bags, of which there are taken on speculation 8400 Amorican,500 Kgyptiun, and 700 Surat ; and for ex port 2500 American, 100 Pernambuco, iO Egyptian and 4G0 Sural. The prices of Sea Island are advanc ed d per lb. and of Egyptian J J per lb; those of In ferior and middling quality of American Cotton arc advanced d per lb.'' On the Sth the report la a. follows: The sales since Kridny amount to 7000 bogs, of which 3500 arc sold to-day. The market Is steady at the rates of last week. Arrived, since Friday, six vessels from the United States, two from Brazil, and one from Bom" bay. From Uie Boston Daily Bee. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY There is much tampering with the feaiful mal ady, Consumption, and numberless alleged rerae- dies exi,(, 'li'eh are but so many obstacles in ihe ,a" 01 Ine ProPer ,,eaIment lhe urease. The fullowing letter from a highly respectable genile- Boston, April 11, lglrj. Dr' Se,h W- Fwle, Dear Sir, 1 have been in- ducetJ- ,Be suggestion of many of my friends, to maKe Known 10 ,tie Iiubhc' 'hgh you. 'he great benefil 1 have derived from lhe usef fhe medicine 33""1 "WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY," in the hope (hat oihers suffering wiih ulns comP,a"1, may t"Q 'he same reliel by its lbat 1 havt doDe- 1 ne ,alter par' of last summer and in ihe fall, I R"uerco gr"y ""om a severe cough, pain in the siae' d""cully ' breathing, loss of appetite, and olhcr synt,oms which indicated a rapid decline, thrM of lhe most Iearned aDd '"''U'S"11 medical Practlorier! 'he city pronounced my case con- sumption, and stated to me that noihing but a change of climate could be of the least possible benefit to me, as my lungs were in a very inflamed and diseased state. At this time, In hopes (hat I might find some temporary relief for my cough, I bought a bottle of the Balsam, which not only gave me ,he relie' thal my fai,,ng Wren?,h rt'(lu,red' bu: seemed lo give me new lile and energy. After taking several bodies of the medicine, my appetite returned, and with it my strength; tny cough entirely left me, as also the night sweats, which previous to this time bad been very profuse. In five week's time I gained eight pounds ol flesh, and have been able ever since to take my accustom ed exercise, a walk of from three lo four miles a day, sad attend lo my regular business. I should be most happy to have you refer any one, who may wish further particulars lo me, at my place of bu siness, No. 305 Washington street. Very truly yours, . W II. IIOLIMOOK. For sale wholesale and retail by WM. SHAW, Wil mlngton, and by deolcra In Medicines generally throughout the country DOMESTIC GOODS. COTTON Yarn assorted numbers, from two. N. C Faciorlea 4-4 Sheeting heavy and superior, at R. W. BROWN'S. Msy 3. 2l-4t BACON. A LOT of very fine well cured. One lot 2000 lbs. llama and Shoulders, a iittlo touched, at reduced prices, for salo by a. W. BROWN. Msy 4. 2l-2t FEATHERS. A FEW bags of good Faaihara, received per Cot ton Plant. For sale, by J. dt W. I. McQAR V. May I, I84T. 21. MARINE NEWS, ' r I '& w si" ; I PORT OF WILMINGTON, MAY 4. HIGH WATER AT THS .AS:: 9.55 r. M. ARRIVED. 1. BarquoSusnn, Rearse, from Charleston, in bal last, lo Barry tk Bryant. 2. Schr. Henrietta, Fitch, from Boston, with Brick, Hay snd Potatoes, to W. B. Giles Co. " Schr. Joseph Lybrand, Teal, from Philadelphia, to Geo. W. Davis, with goods for Dr. E. McQueen, Murchiaon, Reed & Co., J. W. McRae. A. C. Blum, Rockfish Co., Mallett f- Huske, E. A. Vogler, Dr. A. C. Bullie, M. E. McNeill, Washington Mining Co., Catharine Stanbcr, A. & D. W. Honeyeutt, J. A R. Gilmer, J G. Lash, P. J A. Haines, A. H. Lindsay, T. D. Walker, Ballard Si Huntington, Mallett A Bur ton, A. C. Evans, A. B. Rolhwell, W. Wlnslow, J. C. f R B. Wood, Cnpt. J. A. J. Bradford, C. Blukeslee, J. A. Davis and Fridcnburg dr. Bro. Steamer Cotton Plant, Banks, Irom Fayelteville, to J. if- W.L. McUary,with Sheetings, Hams, Flour, Corn, Feathers, Meal, ic., for Gillespie & Robeson, R. W. Brown, B. Baxter, Sandford & Smith, L. T. Hannum and J. f. W. L. McOurv. 3. Schr. Watchman, Barter, from Thomaston, with 800 Casks I.irne, to DeRosaet, Brown & Co. " Schr. Ellen Perkins, Leavilt, from New York, to J. & D. McRae, wiih Mdse. for Neff& Worner, Hull .f-Johnson, G. W. Davis, H. Nutt. A. H. Van Bok kelin, J. & D. McRnr, B. Flnnncr. Henrietta Steam Boat Co. ond Merchant's Steam Boot Co. ' Schr. Caroline, Gilpatrlck, 11 days from Boston, In ballast, to Master. " Steamer Henrietta, from Fayelteville, to John Banks, with goods lo Sandford & Smith. Pasxtngcrii: J. W. Sandford and Lody, and C. T. Haigh. " Schr. Locsbiirg, Boon, from Philadelphia, to De Rossett, Brown p Co., with goods for H. A. King, G. Louder, Holeomb & Watson, Capt. W. P. Richards, W. Shaw, J. L. Hurry, S. Shuter, G. W. Duvis, My ers, A. Martin, R. O. Rankin, Hull & Armstrong, R. C. Hallett, W. B. Giles & Co., Henry Null, B. Hal lell, A. II. Van Bokkelin, B. Flminer and W. O. Jef freys. ' Schr. Rio Grande. Bowden, for Boston, wiih 950 Bbls. Turpentine, by llarry i liryunl. CLEARED. 1. Schr. Caroline. Rogcis, for New Orleans, with 228 Bbls. Tar, 150 Bbls. Pitch, 151 Bbls. B. Rosin, 468 Bbls. Common Rosin, by Barry if- Bryant. " Brig Caroline and Mary. Wiggins, for New Or leans, with 118 Bbls. Pitch, 1388 Bbls. Rosin, by G. W. Duvis. 2. Sehr. Col. McRae, Marshall, for Philadelphia by DePosset, Brown Co. wiih 264 Bbls. Spirits Tur pentine. 190 Bbls. Rosin, 67 Bales Sheeting, 12 Bales Yarn, 123 flups Corn, 6 Bbls. Flour, 81 Pigs Metal, 5 Bbls. Oil, 2 Bbls. Liquor, 2 Casks, 3 Bbls., 6 Boxes Merchondise. 3. Schr. A. F. Thorn, Sandford. for New York by R. W. Brown with 555 Bbls Spirits Turpentine, 500 Bbls. Turpentine, H5 1 Bbls Rosin, 141 Boxes Tobacco, 156 Bags Corn. 70 Bbls. Flour, 1 Hhds. and 1 Box Fur. 2 Hhds. Wax, 1 W. Tloren Rice, 1 Bbl. Hams, 10 Bales Sheeting. 14 Boxes and 1 Trunk Merchandise. Sehr. Marv Jane, Webb, lor Bath, Me. by W. B. Giles p Co. (Exports in our next.) " Steamer Rowan, Perry, for Fayelteville, by J. & W. L. McGury. BEI.OW COMINti LP. Sehr. L. P. Smith, Brewster, from New York. Brig Hudson, Richardson, from Norwich, Conn., lo G. W. Davis. NEW YORK. . Ahriveo. April 29. Schr. Alnric, ProsHer. hence. 30. Schr. O. W. Davis, Murch, hence. .Cir.xtr.v. April 28. Schr. Jonas Smith, Horton, fur this port. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT BUTTER rit.-20 BEES WAX 24 25 BACON. Hams lb. 10 Q Sides ia 10 Shoulders 9J ra COTTON none. CORN y bu. 90 0 95 COFFEE. .St. Domingo y lb. a 7 Java ' 12 ill 14 Rio 8 50 ra 9 00 Lacuirn fa 9 DOMESTICS. Cotton Yarns, 18 a 4-4 N. C. Sheetings, FLOUR. Fayelteville bbl. 5 Canni- 7 HAY LUMBER, STEAM MILL. P- 75 -a 6 50 Ml ia 8 46 90i 100 Kia -tie - 9 90 ia Wide Boards, Plunk and Scontlinc, p M. ft. Floor Boards, V M. ft LARD LIME MOLASSES. New Orleans Nominal ra (Uiba 21 22 MEAL ybtish. 1 10 NAVAL STORES. Virgin Dip 2 25 a Yellow Dip, 2 25 O - Hard, I 25 Spirits Turpentine; If gal. 38 ia Tar tf bbl. a I 40 Pitch p bbl. :.00 Rosin, No. 1 -If' bbl. -1,25 1.371 No. 2 50 1 00 " 3 21 if 23 Varnish y gall. 30a PEAS. B. E. Pens W bu. 93 n 1 00 PEA-NUTS, nominal y bushel," RIVER LUMBER. Floot Boards 7 25 R 00 Wide Boards S n 6 50 cnnfl)ng 4 a 4 60 RICE Rough f bu. I 00 Cleaned, fair to good,- W lbs. i 75 id 4 00 SLUAK. New Orleans 8 i orto KIOO STAVES. W. O. Hhd. rough-None " " dresned " " barrel R. O. Hhd. rough " dressed SHINGLES. Common a ia et 12 12 ia 16 6 7 T o 10 I 75 t 2 25 do.-- do.- Contract 3 00 5 00 SPIRITS N. E. Ruin - Com. Gin Whiskey Apple Brandy SALT Bonaire, Liverpool TIMBER. Inferior, Fair Quality, 31 19 31 19 29 m 23 a 20 o 22 1 U 3 60 4 00 6 25 t ti 0. -- 00 800 9 00 n 1100 V Sack, Subiect to a deduction, averaging 20 per cent. REMARKS ON MARKET. Yesterday, some 4 to 500 Rbls. of Turpentine, be i ng sll Ihat was on the Markot, sold ot 12.26 for Yel low snd 1.25 for Hard. In Spirits, we have nothing to note. For the state of New York Market, see that head. TAB -LllUe or none arriving last rnlo st 11.40 et which rale thero la considerable demand. Roeirt From 4 lo 6000 Bbls. of Common, chang ed hands on Saturday al 21 23 eta. TiMisa Sl Lcmiii-Market very inactive wiih few sales of former at our quotations. SHiKQLis-rSalosyesterdsy of a fair article of Com' mon, st 12.25- but little demand. ; . Hat- Sales from wharf of Eastern, at 85 cts. market well supplied. ' - ' ' ' r t : ' " Coitw None afloat sales In small parcels from store BtSl.OO. Bacon Sides are scarce and In good request at 10 cts. With Hums and Shoulders, the supplj is equal lo the demand. Labd-Is scarce, and a good article would readi ly command 10 ct. NEW YORK MARKET May, 1st. HAY Since out1 last) about 1500 bales North liv er have been sold at 53 rt 62 cents. LIME Some further cargoes of Thomaston havo arrived and been disposed of at 82 ia 85 cents. MOLASSES There is a fair demand, wiilimit change in prices. The sales include a cargo of 310 hhds. and 21 Ics. Cardenas, for refining at 19 conls : 250 hhds. in lots. 19 ia 20, part for export ; 100 so W do. on terms not Btrnnspircd ; 60 Porto Rico 32 Ki 34 cents; 180 Clonfuegos Clayed, received coastwise, 25 : and 150 casks and bbls. New Orleans am .Vu Iberia, 35 to 36, 4 mos. NAVAL STORES-X sale of 1000 bbls. Wash ington Turpentine, we umlcrMund, has been made for export at $3,50 f 2801b. the seller procuring l he lreight at a certain low figure, so that this ennnot be considered a fuir criterion of the market , holders, however, arc lirni. Rosin, for immediate shipment, bus been in demand, and though the stock here is ample, yet tho difficulty of gelling it ready fast e nough (coopered, &c.) has prevented operations in it, and a higher price was puid for that available ut the moment, though wo heard of no sales of importance since ourlast. Tar Is scarce nrul in good demand; we notice sales of 1000 bbls. North County at 82 m 82,18) p bbl. Of Spirits Turpentine, sales have been made in lots at 43 ru 45 cents, cash, with some nt the. latter price, 4 mos. ; the market rather Inactive, with a tendency lo decline. Hl('E''c transactions have been lo a f.iir ex tent since our last Saturday's report, and prices nre fully maintained. The Rales amount to about POO tcs. of ull descriptions st J,50 for oidinary. lo'Jfor good. The Block having been considerably reduced, holders are firm nt our quotations which we do not vary SPERM. ELEPHANT and WHALE, bleached anil unbleached OILS. Constantly for sale, by D W. WOOD. May 4. 21 FOR SALE. OA HHDS. and 53 Bbls. Porlo Rico Sugar. iC ' Cub i Molaxs'"), Loaf, Crushed, and Powdered Sugar, Woolsiy'8 best, by R. W. BROWN. May 4. 21-It ON HAND. )R1MF. Corn In bulk and begs. . Cum Meal in hays. 50 Bbls. Fayottuviilc Flour. Cannl extra do. 2 Bbls. Country Mens Pork. Mrssand I'llme New York city Poik. Lard in Barrels. New Orleans hiskcy. Apple Brandy. American Brandy 1 Bbl. Seiippetn'one Wine. At R. W. BROWN'S. May 4. 21-3( HISTORY OF MEXICO. JUST Received, slew copies of an abridged His tory of Mi-xieo, and the Texian Revolution, -rvilli tkeiclusof ilw Lives of (ten. Taylor and Santa Aiy na, by David K. Bell. For Mle. hv - SANDFORD A. SMITH. May 3,15-17. 21. Pine Apples! Pine Apples!! FIRST in Mnrket, come and let ll be said, you Imvo one of the first from JOS. WILKINSON'S, Coufeciinnnry and Fruit St. .re. Marl;rt St.,vndrr Mis. Cmrnn's Ihrrllin". They Have -Come. THOSE very fine imported Jnsio Snnz. Conomlm, Nymph, Reualia Seirars which all that have tried acknowledge to be the, at JOS WILKINSON'S, Confer1 ionnry nnl Fruit Store. Mtu'kili'.rtft, u:iirr Mrs. ( 'oicun't Residence. Mav 4. 21 1'IHInKRn.lL B1JK OP WILMNGIOY THE organization of this intitnrion hnvinir taken place. In conformity lo im Charier, Books of Subscription nre now re-opened nt the Bank of Capo Fear In ihin place for balance of rnpltal slock O. O PARSLEY, President. April 28, IPJ7. I9-tf. If A Y. nF.RDS CRASS AND TIMOTHY, For sale, by D. W. WOOIX Mav 1, IP 17. CORN, IN quantities to suit purchasers, For sale, by I). W. WOOD'. May 1, 1847. 20 V E OUR. PEYTONA BRANDS. Bbls. and Hlfs.. For sale, hy D. W. WOOD May I, 1 17- 20 SUGAR, fc c . JuM recrirrd per Schr. R. W. Brovt K HHDS. prime Sutjar; y io 10 " Soda BiilBCtiit, 10 ' " For rale, bv SANDFORD 4 SMITH. April 30, 1-T.I7. 20 just received! AFRESH supply of those bad looking Razors, warranted aa usual, by MrKELLAR & McRAE. May 1. 20-Im. MOLASSES & SUGAR. 1 Hhds. Sweet Cardenns Molnsxes, lJ I 1 Hhds. Muico. Suntt-Della brand, per Schr. Lawrence. For sslr by DiROSSKT, BROWN A Co. April 29, 19 PATENT, PORTABLE SHOWER BATHS. 1 Q llieae (Healthy ami Ornamental articles, 1 & upon an i'mroed principle, Juat received, for aale by BARKY A BRYANT, April 29, l

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