(W. W it.-;-' if " NEGROES FOR SALE. TWO likely young fellowf, good Mill hands, fnrsaie, apply to i s MILES COSTIN. April 27. 19 BACON AND LAUD. 4,000 LBS. prime Wnyne County Bacon ; 3 Bbls. Lard, just received, and for ale. by GILLESPIE A ROBESON. 17 April 24, 1847. FOR SALE. LOAF, Crushed and Powdered Sugar, YVoolscy's beet. Porto Rico Siijjar, Coffee Java, St. Domingo, Rio and Laguira. Sperm and Tallow Candles, Pepper, Perniento, and Ginger, Cut Naila and Shot, full assortment, Manufactured Tobacco Virginia, variety of sizes, 1 Cose of Snuff in Boxes, 1 Case Smoking Tobacco. Segara. American Brandy, Apple Brandy and N. 0. Whiskey, 1 Bbl. Seuppcrnong Wine. by R. VV. RROVVN. April 24, 17-51 Ice Creams! Ice Creams!! TII11 LADIES SALOON WILL'bc open this morning, where tho under signed will furnish to (he ladies of Wilmington Ice Cream served up in a manner and style that can not fail to please. Call at the Confectionary Store on Print Street. E. R. W OOP. April 24, 1817. 17 Valuable Ileal Estate FOR SALE. UNDER a decree of the Court of Equity for the County of New Hanover. I shall proceed to aril at public auction to the iihest bidder at the Court House in Wilmington on Thursday die 10th day opj June 1S47. The lollowing lots of land situate lying and being in said I own, to wit : One lot with a three story brick tenement thereon situate on Market Street, unci at present occupied by Dr. Dickson. One unimproved lot, situate on 'room er's Alley. One lot with the ImprovciuMW thereon, situate on the corner of Second and PrirtCese Streets. Also one lot of land situate on tho corner Ol Second nnd Mulbury Streets, being tho western portion ol the said lot. i The above lota of bind will be sold upon a credit of six and twelve months, purchasers giving bonds and upproved Security. T. D. ME ARES, C. M. E. April 27, 1P17. 1H"!s- Come a u (1 ex a in i 11 e ; You are not compelled to purchase. THE full and fresh stock of Confectionary consist ing of .STEWART'S, SPOTTEN'S.nnd. LAN A HAN'S Steam Refined Candies, Al nds, Pectin NutH, Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Eng lish Walnuts, ef-e. Oram'cs. Lemons, Apples and Smyrna Figs. ALSO, French, F.nulish, Oennnn and American Toys of tvry variety und dcsciiptioii. And a lot of Ladies covered Work Ihu-krls of a very superior make. E. R. WOOD. AprH 24, 18-17. 17 O 1 L 20 BBLS. bleached mnmicr Whale Oil. :t libls. bleached Sperm Oil. 10 Bbls. refined whale Oil for Machinery. 10 Bills. Ttinners Oil. lor sale .y DeROSSET, BROWN &C,y April 22, . Hi LONDON PORTER tk SCOTCH ALE. Jit st Received 10 CASKS London Club Porter, (in pints,) e. For sale, by April 24, SANDFORD & SMITH. 17. NEW STORE. J EST opened, a spit ndid assotment of Toys and Fancy Baskets. Also, a fresh lot of Confectiona ry, .Nuts and Fruit of iill kind, which the Ladies and Oontlemen ol W iliuingtoii arc n sp-etfiilly in itcd to call and examine, nt K. R. W OOD'S, Front st. A mil l 7. J4 SOAP. Cf Boxes Cob-'jate Soap, tJt 1C 10 " Pearl f larch, nt April 21, HOWARD &. PEDEN'S. l'l SE(i.HS TOBACCO. 50-000 t;, ears, assorted IS r n in! h, I'obacco In all vai iclir. at April HOWARD A PEDEN'S. 29. PALE ALE. Dof P:''' fJVf low nt Apiil A I. I'inN nnd Uuarl" I'r s.ile HOWARD t I'EDKN'S. l'J BOSTON CRACKERS. 20 Can tcrs, Bent's Boston Crackers. Eor side at HOWARD & 1' ED EN'S. IP April 20, 1MCKLRS.PKKSF.UYES, VINEGAR Ac. AO CASES, 1'nderwood's I'lckles, axsornd, 10 l'reeervi s in all vuric tie s, French Mustnrd, English '' Brandy "heriii s, Peaches, Lime Juice, Lemon Svr-.;, latoon VlnvRar, i'aoli " Raspberry " 10 ' Peppor Sauce, Culsups, Horse Radish c. For sile low at HOWARD & PEDEN'S. April 211, 19 SHEETING AND YARNS. A CONSTANT supply of Sheeting and Yarns, for -TV. s;ilc on Manufacturers account by SANDFORD SMITH. April??. 18 MOLASSES. OflA llhds. Prime Molasses for sale. nply lo ZUU PO'ITERi KIDDER. April 29, 1847. 19 LIME AND HAY. 1 ri CASKS fresh Thomaston. 1 JVr 1UU Pale Eastern Hsv. Juil received, for BARRY A BRYANT. 19 sale, by April 29. RIO AND LAGUIRA COFFEE. 1 ( Ba;s Rio A J 10 Bags Laguira, 5 ' Java, t HOWARD April 29, A PEDEN'S. 19 SACK SALT. tr Sacks Liverpool t.rounn nnn at HOWARD & PEDEN'S. 29 April 29, FLOUR. 1U 10 Half Bbls. Cannl FMur, 30 Bbls. Faycttevill" " HOWARD PE DEN'S 19 at April 29, ; NOTICE.";.4 ; THIS Subscribers have formed a Copartnership un der the firm of JOHN CHRISTIAN A CO., for tho purpose of carrying on a General Retail Business. JOHN CHRISTIAN, SOL. R. ROBBIXS. April 20, 1947. NEW GOOD S. JOHN CHRISTIAN, HAVING just returned from the North, and the firm taken the store formerly occupied by W. A. Williams, on Market Street, respectfully invites the attention of the Ladies and Gentlemen of tho town and country to their stock of FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAS SILK AND FANCY GOODS. Also, Domestic Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hollow H are, Iron and Steel, Hurie Shoes, and Horse Sitae Nails. Their Fancy Goods comprise an assortment of the newest and most fashionable styles imported, and will offer the greatest inducements to customers. They will present an assortment of all kinds of Goods, not tc be surpassed In this market. They will strictly ad here to the principle of selling at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE. Tho following are among the most desirable styles of Goods which they oiler: Printed Balzorines; superfine French Balzorincs; Satin striped do.; Ombre striped Bareges ; Black Sa tin striped Rolucca ; 'Printed Pads Lawns; Printed Organdl LnWns; English and Scotch Ginghams; Black nnd Blue-Black Grosde RincSilk; Thread and Cotton Lace, Insertlngs, nnd Edgings; Black Italian Cravats; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; striped Ba rcae Scurfs; Plaid and striped Grenadine Scarfs; Fancy CravalB, of all and every description ; Ladies' Pnrusolls, Parasollctles, and Sun-shades; Bonnet and Cap Ribbons; Ladies' Florence Bonnets, and Lace and Gimp Bonnets; Straw and Panama Hats. Which, with a variety ol low priced ootids, such as Calico, Brown and Bleached Shir:ins, Blue Home spun, Gambroons, and Cotton Cnssimcres, Ac, adap ted to the season and trade, nnd an assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Hollow Ware, Iron and Steel, all of which being purchased mostly for Cash, will en able them to sell Cheap, and being selected with great care, they hope, with their ell'orts to please customers to enjov n liberal shaie of patronage. JOHN CHRISTIAN & CO. April 20. 1W. l"'-'f- SACK S ALT. Daily E x p c c t e d. fXff SACKS Liverpool Salt, large size and well UJXf filled. For sale by SANDFORD & SMITH. 14. April 17, RICH. T?RESH beat Rice-iro. half und mall, always A on hand, for sale in lois to suit purchasers bv DkROSSET. BROWN April 22. IS 17. lti. sou. Bbl". Soft Soap, a prime urtkU, 10 -U uoxis li.ir INnip, For sale by DlROSSET, BROWN Anril 22, 1- 17. Co. Hi. NEW NOVELS A T e B o ok St f) r e Th I DLL Hour Book ; 1 Ludy of Monsori.-.iu ; My Shouting Box ; The Redskins ; Fleming Field ; Nick Blirdnw ; W idow's Walk ; Heidelberg ; Prairie Bird ; ( 'ount ol Monte Crisio ; ( 'ruikshanks' Table Hook; Svlvi ster Sound ; Elinor Will; ; Sketches of lmp"ture I Threo Guardsmen ; Cruise of Mist ; Atar Gull ; Beau Butterfly ; Gambler's Wife ; Rhyming Dictionary ; Ob'idiah Oldbliek , Lucretia ; M is. Ellis' 1 lousekceplBg ; Captain ()' Sullivan ; 1 1 u sli Ranger ; U liter I lire, Ac.&c, 4c. F.. A. CFSHING. 120 Dec 30. COFFEE. BAfiS Dark Grecai Ivio. Zt) li Laguira. J.AW.L. McG. April 2.V FRESH SODA 1HSCUIT RY. lo )r BOXES and 13 Iv For sale A. W . 1. bv Me ARY. 1G April 22. TOBACCO. ) X BOXES assorted Brands s-) J. if- For sale W. L. M. low, bv GARY, ltt Apiil22. S T R FHOM I- C Y I V E I) HUSTON. fT.NI)ERWOOD PlfKLES. assorted, I'icolilly, KJ Mixid. .tLitvots, In rknio anil 1'eppers. FRESH S.U'CES. John Bell, IndiaSay , Toinu- to, Walnut. Pepper and Anehovv. IN STORE. White Gin!rcr.'4 cases Ground Oit ger, AlmoiidsEni'lish D ., ,' ncCsc, Soda in Bojes and B ir ,JW CinJIes, Adamantine pearl Lights, (uiiva Jelly, Sardines J and whole Boxes, Salmon, Loaf. 'rushed and Powdered Siijrar, Confco tionnrv assorted in Boxes, Eau de ColoL'iie. For sale by C. W. BRADLEY. April 22. 16 CORN. 1 f( fl BUSHELS C orn for sale, by J UUU J. i W. L. McGARY. April 27. , , B (!opartn e r s h i p . THE UNDERSIGNED have this day formed a Copartnership, under the tirm of iltKl.Ll. AR MtR AE, for the purpose of carrying on a GROCERY, AND TIMBER AND LUMBER AGENCY BUSINESS. Having purchased the stock in trade of Messrs. Hull 4. Armstrong, U z have to lender our services lo the oi n ct'STOHcst, and to the country people jcn orully, aui. hope by strict attention lo busim-is, and promptness! tfj nn rit a liberal share of pntronaee. We will koep such a stock of goods, as Hall A Arm strong hsve been in the hsbit of keeping, which shull lie :old on tho most liberal and accommodating terms. HECTOR Me ICE I.L R. ALEXAN DER McRAE. Jr. April 17, HIT. 1 1' BACON! BACON !! OA LBS North CnroliiKi Bacon. Junt re- OV A'VJ ceived, and for sal bv J. A W . L. Mi GARY. lii April 22. FRESH MACKEREL. on KITTS, nnd 20 3bls Extra lirye, for family V ' use April 2.' For sale by J..f- W. L. MeG KY Id I PAPER. Qr REAMF.S Letter Paper, CO 25 do Cap, do. T0 do Wrapping do . For sale, by SANDFORD cc April 24, smith. 17. LEMON SYRUP, &e. Just Received. I n BOXES Li mnn Svrup, 1 VJ 10 do Soda lliwuil, Fjrule by SADFt)RD cV SMITH. April 24, 17 soap. :r 1 rC BOXES prime Yellow nnd Palo' for tale iVJU by SANDFORD 4k SMITH. April 3. 8 G L U E . Q C BARRELS superior quality Amerirnn Glue, for CO Spirit barrels, just received and for sale bv BARRY 4 BRYANT. April 3. 8 FRESH BEAT RICE 1 AACASKSJust arrived, in whole and hill Casks 1 JJot fresh beat Kite, a superior nrflrle, for aale by E. DICKINSON. Agent. March 20. 2 N. C. HAMS. VC LBS- v"y "uporior N. C. Hams. Barrels Lard, for sale, at NEKr a WAKNKK a. 13 April 15. FLOUR. Cf Bbls. Faycttevllle Super, fine and Cross, ex" 0J pectcd per Henreilta Line, for sale by DeROSSET, BROWN A Co. April 22, 1847. . 16. PIANO FORTES FOR SALE. ,;" NE Elegant Piano Forte, in Rose wood case, of L. Gilbebt's manufac ture, Boston. Also, one second-hand Piano Forte, fqr sale by the Subecribei, at his Music Room, opposite the Chronicle Office. Piano Fortes tuned and repaired in a satisfactory manner. G. F. B. LEIGIITON. March 3. 147 FULTON MARKET BEEF. Half Barrels Lh 500 Pounds Smoaked Beef, , 100 SmoakecTTonguea, very superior at HOWARD & PEDEN'S. April 5, 1347. 9. II A Y. BALES prime Hay, just received, perSi.hr. A. J. DcRunset, for sale, hy 50 SANDFORD & SMITH. April 20. 15 SOAP. Lf BOXES Colgates No. 1, Soap nt JU HOWARD & PEDEN'S. April 3. 1R47. Just Received. CORN Slullets; Ploughs ; Patent Straw Cutlers. Bui kets, bras hooped. Tubs " " Measures, Brooms. While wash Brushes. Paint ' lied Cords, Lead Lines &lc. Guava Jelly. Landing. C. W. BRADLEY. II April 17. 7lJ S T RECEIVE I), Per Schrs. Alar ic and Wilmington. SUPERIOR. French. Enulish and American prints; O Black silk; Sewing Silk ; " Silk Cravats; Ladies' Birpciior H. S. Gloves; ( lentli'inens' " ' Linen ( 'anibriek Hudkerchiefs ; libel. Silk and I'olton Hose; Tapes; Spool Thread ; Iiish Linen; Russia and Binls Eye Diaper; Bleached nnd Brown Sheeting 10-4 to U-4 wide; Bear's Duck. Bleached and Unbleached t 1 1-4 Linen Table Diaper ; Umbrellas; Superior French Doe Skin; " Drap D'Ete, Satin Vesting ; .lackonet. Rook nnd Swiss Muslins; Dimity and Lawns. ALSO: 20 Bacs Rio "ollee; Hhds. Sugar; Boxes Loat Sugar; Bbls. Whiakay; Nails; lion and Hardware, assorted. C. W. BRADLEY. Apiil 1.' 13 (J I 1) E R A N 1) A L E 10 J BARRELS Sweet Cider, Casks Supcii'ir Ale : j ror.er, Received this day, for sale at J. & W. L. A pi i! I.'.. 1. Me OA RY'S. 13 (' A N I) L E S . I'.OX l-'.S Stiii Cnndli-s. 0 llall llo.' 1 Sperm I undies. '.'It I'uv s IViul L'mlit Candles. 'J Boxes Hull and Sons Mould Camil. NEKF & WARNER. C A N A I F L OUR. Flout ; 10 II IJRELS Cairn 2(1 Hall AUi, Fuvettcv:lk Flour in Half Bam Is, always 00 h-.::-!.it J. A W. L. McGARY'S. April to 13 1 O R K A N U B E E F . BHRi:i.S New YoikCity Mess Pork; l) 10 " " Prime " M.88 B.c Prime " f; ill Reci ived tins Jay, for anlc by J. A W. L. MCU.1 April 15. 13 N. Carolina Bacou, L ird, &c. r) ryfr LRS. Wayne Comnty Ham ; O, i UU '-'(HK) Lbs. " " Sides) 1000 " " " Lard, in llarrcls and Kegs ; 100 Bushels Black Eye Peas ; For sale by NEFF A WARNER. Feb. 26. 145. MESS PORK. RARREI.S just received, per Schr. Dounty. from New York, for sale by 15 U. W. UAVIS. April 3 S CIGARS ! CIGARS 1 : Q(Vf SPANISH Cigars, of Choice brands, di- C7V7V7V7 reel Irom lluvuna, lor side, by Nov. 24. U'61 J. HATHAW AY A SON. SOAP. 40 HOXK.S tiost family onp 10 Bbls. Soft Soap. For sal". Ry J GAMMELL HI Feb. 17, IP47. BACON. WAYNE County Hams and Middlings, rtry supe rior, for tale, bv n. w. wood 20 May I, H47 NAsTfBRANOY. ( Bbls. iJ by First quality Old Nnsh Brandy For sale DsROSSET, BROWN A Co 19 April 29, A VALUABLE COOK nOR Ssle. Apply at this OfTicc. I1 April 29, 1847. 19 SUGARS' VEW Orleans, St. lN Cruahrd. at 4pril W, CroU, Lniif, Powdered and HOWARD ei PEDEN'S 19 MERCHANTS' STEAM BOAT COMPANY, OF FlYETTETILLE AXll WIIHIXCTON. GREAT RKDUCTION IN FREIGHT, Avcvirln; about 20 per cent. New Steamer ROW Art, 17 Inches, Steamer WILLIAM B. M FARES, Steamer COTTON PLANT, Flat Boats BEN HF.RRV, ODD FELLOW, MIKE CRONLV, WASHINGTON' T. J. 'CURTIS, READY MONEY, MARY ELIZA. . ! THE Proprietors of the Merchant' Steam Bont ; Company ol Fayetteville and V ilmlngton, N. (;., ' ofler the above Line of Boats, on the Cape Fear River, ; to the shipping public, under the late revlaion and ro- , due i ion of Freights. : I heir new aleamer, ROW AM, now draws only 17 ; Inches water. When ahe undergoes some alterution in machinery, her draft is culculuted at 14 lo 1G Inches, which will make her the lightest boat navigating the Waters of any river in the Southern country. This Company flatter themselves that they have it now in their power to oiler the most complete line of Boats thai has ever been on the Cape Fear, and one that will do the freighting business with regularity and despatch ' o;i all stages of the water. They have, in connection wllh the Henrietta Company of this plnce, reduced the freights to the taiitl as in printed rates. Neither of , the Dotting concerns deemed themselves able to re-I duce the freights and still do the forwarding busincsa In this place free of chcrge, nnd consequently this , Company havotilven it up, with the conviction, that the forwarding Merchants of our town can do it more justice than a boating conce rn. Any Goods consigned to the Merchants' Steam Bonl Company, Wilmington, N. C, will be forwarded through that place free of commUtUnaX other 1 charges made to the shipper. ! The jicw arrangement takes ellect from the 15th i instant. j Psssaire 33, both ways. The two companies will hereafter count all freight cash, or interest addc d. Direct letters to Thomas S. Lnttcrloh, Fayetteville; J. & W. L. McGarv, Wllminuton. T1IOS. S. LI 1TERLOH, Agent, i Fayetteville, Jan. IS. 1H47. 130 ' n o tTce" I rJMIEFlB!!SGF DeROSSET & BROWN-A'cto York, ASH BROWN & DeROSSET- WUmington, N. C, ANB THAT OF JOHN OAMM ELL HVmimrrVm, .V C, Will be discontinued after this date; end the under signed, will, in future, be associated for the transac tion of COMMISSION BUSINESS In .Ycie York, under the firm of B RO W N , D e R O S S E T & C o ., And. in Wilmington, N. ('., under the firm of DeROSSET, B R O W N A Co. Dealers with the late firms, will oblige, by attending to the settlement of all accounts us speedily as posM- bit JOHN POTTS BROWN. ARMANI) J. DeROSSET, Ja. JOHN U.VMMELL. El-tf. AprlU5, 1317. BUTTER AND CHEESE. pV ( LBS. very superior Go-hen Biittt r. CkJ'J 20 Casks very sniierior ( hcise at NEFF ,f- WARNER'S. 1J April I I O T A T O i: S 50 BARRELS prime Eaiinix (( 'iicnnnf.'") Pota lo.-s. jusl received, and tor sale by SANDFORD A SMITH. April 3. A w 1 1 1 s k i ; v . , just recr ived. SANDFORD . Q BARRELS SMITH. l'J pi rii n. F O R 'ORITI CAKOI.IN r.asU in Hay ; Imitation llnindy, and New Oil nils Whisk) v A MARTIN. April f. CLAR1FIFI) SUGAR. HHDS. beautiful clarified Suear, suitaldc fo laiullv us, now on retail, t 4 J. II. ROTHWEI.IS. March , 1-17. 14'J. GUANO. Ichaboc (uano for sale bv DeROSSET, BROWN A 2, rn. piRE April 2 in. I 1 1 sj 'P II I.' 1.' I V E I) J V U I IV It Mi I V U 1' , PER SCHOONER A. J. DEROSSET, AN assortment ol Summer Coats. Pantaloons, and Yests, from John Easle Jr., Boston, of beauti ful material. JOHN CHRISTIAN & CO l.' April 20. F LOUR 1 ff BBLS. Fayetteville Superfine andy, Flour. 1 JJ Received this day, for sale, ly J. A W L. Sic GARY. April fl. 10 S C G A It. . handsome St. Croix Sueur. 1 ( BBLS Received 1 J this day, for sale, by pril 8, IS47. J. A W. L. McOARY. 10 GOSHEN BUTT KR. Jl'ST received per Sclw. A. F. Thorn 52 hours from New York. ilO Firkins Gohen Huttcr. ForaaUsby SANDFORD A SMITH April 27. Id S U G A R . HHDS. P. R. SuRar, just rec ived per Schr. 10 L. P. Smith. GILLESPIE 4- ROBESON. April 7. 1347. 1C. E AST E R N II A Y 1 AH PALES EaeKrn Hay, daily ciccied, for I'JKJ saJby April 20. ROBERT G RANKIN. IS SLHiAR. -20 HKds. prime N. O. am! 5 Ilhdp prirne Porto ttieo UKt TPCt Ivt d nnd tor S.lle. Ii V U.IKK1 OC IHVI Ml . pril 22. H17. 16 WHISKEY. 1 O BtVt Rcdiffed W hiskef for sale bv 1 O Dr.ROSSET, BROWN April 21, IM7. A C. 16. G L U E . 1 Glue of Boston and Bshihiorr Msnufaciure, yo. or sale by DtROSSET. BROW N A Co. April 22, HIT I' S A L 11 . A Bar, .11 and Ear ! ; mill, U6D0U ASD PALI LEAF HITS JUST RECEIVED, a splendM assortment, for aalo' , al wholesale and retail very cheap. ( 'onntrr Mer clmnt'a are Invited lo axamlno onr atork, which Wt will tell at New York prices. MYERS & BARNUM, Market Street. March P, lfi!7. 1 19 CIGARS. 25 OOO ASS0RTED M1'0. Just receirsd, nnd for sale, hv J. 4 W. L. McGARV. March 10. ; 150 ' 'BUTTER AND CHEESE. Just reeired from Neie York, per Schr. Florida, I f ItEOS (Extra) Goshen Butter ; lJ ?0 Casks Cheese i 20 Boies " For sale by J. A W. L. MaGARY March 1. Mo CURA COFFEE. a . , . . . .i C BAGS handsome, just received n I fM J. II. ROrHWELL. March 23. BOOK BINDERS TOOLS. IOR aale, a number of Book-Binder's Tm)ls, eon . sisting of Rolls, Stamps, l'ollshlng Iron. Ham mer, Knives, Eolding Sticks, Saw, Shears,dc. Id prime ord -r. Apply at this Office. - I March 24. 4 RECLlVEl) THIS DAY, 1 r( BBLS. Stipeifine. Pine and Cross Fayotte 1 JJ tlllc Flour, for tnlr, by J.dtW, L. IfOARY.. March 10. ISO ITov'fKi) and sTTTiT7 5HHDS. prime I'ortoRlco Sugar, ft " " New Oclcaas Sugar, '.'.') Bugs Rio CutYue, 10 '' Lairuira CofTeS, Keciived this day. nnd for sale, by J. iV W. L. McGARY. March 11. I CRACKERS. 'Bbls. Butler Crackers. ; onit vi 4,VI lOhlf. bbls. Water Crackeis. 20 Kegs Lemon And S u-m r Crnckei at NEKF f- WARNERS. April 1 U Valuable Real E state pHE SrilSrRIHKRS, ns 1 tho Will of Mr. I'.. Lord, Executors to leeens d, oiler , for sale, on accommodatin terms, thai val- uabl,) .-' STORE AND WHARF. at present occupied bv Barry A Ilrvnnl thos 11. w Right, w. c. lord, f.Vrs. March 25, 1841. Valuable Real Estate. B-a Yin IX BE SOLD, nt prlvale sale, tho ffi ffl V House and Lot No. 149, letter A., be- JFXJiL, twetiDlhird anil Fourth Sreets, and between f Red Crossand North Boundary Siree's. (near tho. Rail Road,) and at present occupied hy J. I Bryiiti. ' The lot is full 6G by '.i'iO feet, with a new two stnry house upon it, all well arranged ; unless previously dis posi it of at private sale.will he ollen il ns above, titles ; undiintuteel ; persons wishing to purchase, can ex- j amine the property, or titles, at any time, by applying to II. NUTT. March 22. 3 , SPRING STOCK, HOOTS AND SHOES. HK SUBSCRIBERS have just received ) e additions to tin ir Stock, which makes . it complete. They ill ul"") eoiiiiniie 10 recrtve 1 weekly, such supplii s as are needed tor ihe season ami I marke.t. Also, on hand, a (;ood supply of SOLE LEATHER AND CALF SKIN's, .-. All of which will In- sold uiian reasonable leims as al any oth r c-tnliliMimenf. i'.irtieular ntienilon will l,c paid to manufactiirin; and repairing, as usual. fi. A C. BRADLEY. . March 'J5, 1-47. 4-3m, SFGAR nORTO Rico S .i; ,r in ll!i,N. I by DeKOS.sF.T, ApriH2. 117 nnd Birrel". for ?ale BROW N & Cei. SHKKTING. A I SHEETING, Mam ictur..! :it th Ro,-kf:i!i '1' Factory, for sale t.v Dcrom-:t, broww a c April 2.'. IS47 lo Summer Boarding. T HE Mjbbo !.. Ii.nine purrhasi.l lhe r s.Ji nec On Mnsnahoro' Sottat 7 mil' liom ro t ) , f... morly occupied '.y Mr. lt R. Fsi:vf n. :uid nt Ihe ii iiuest of some oi his Iriends, Ii ih con-enlcil to open n Howe of Entertainment, eomiiiencini; tht 2f)ih of M ly, where pe son-i can aetoiiim slati-d by llu day or week. The house has undergone a thorough re pair, is healthy. and pleasantly situated, eomninndlne; a line view of the Ocean, Ac. There will he a two horse Hack for runninu from Town U the it placi' on the following days, und oflener W rirrissary. viz. have Toirii o Tui-sduys, Tliuisdjys, nl Saiur d ivs, return on Wednesdays, Fridays, awl Mondajs. N. B. Company on Sabbath, will noi b - cei v. d only whe8 there Is some of tie r fmuU tln-re. I. PETtKSON. Apri!20, Wt, . 1 3 B E K F . 20 S BARRELS MssBef, a sup. or artlcls Prime " Packet Mess Beef " 1(1 Half bbls. For sale, at eb. H. Fslton Market P-ei '.. J. A W L M r Cati.lUklse GARY 9. 137 IN STORE AND FOR SALE. i JI 1 H AivKbLa Back counii ti it. i. y. 10 Vl'pir Hrlli V 5 . 1 Ii llr in 'c. . By NEFF a U A R.N KR. 14S Mirch 5. 1-r. B U TTE K FIO II DAIRY BV'TTER, forf.r e r. ceiv. d pr S.hr. R. W. Bmvn. thi For bv J. &. W. t. McGARY 1 10 djv. KEGS ly usr. 1 March 13 J u s ' R E C E 1 V ED , c. i . r rk r IK FROM NE W YOR K. 1 A KK.tSS Emm G hen Bstter, for family use. 1 J III CnV f 1U Uo) a do April For snl hv J A W I. ! M GARY 10 LHIBER .19ED TIMBER. 1 it.'PI.R mv srrtlces to tho makers of. the !ov I .i..i.4i in,('froii" the knamW-'lae I hsv. of the business, 1 hp lo gain I tie juuaaui n. v""" JAS. T. MORRIS, Insfcrtar, Mirch I'-13' 1M. ll A Y f)0 BALKS Plinu- Hav.nowlan.linji.for .,1- r ti Rankin. ELM A II DICKINSON, f COMMISSION MERCHANT (Senior partner of the rats firm of Dickinson & Morris,) RtrEd to , j . Mesrs. B. De Forest Co., I r. vJ,J Netmith & Walsh i We Yak' ED. Peters 4 Co i , -Means 4. Cla-W. ' BoMon- Walters & SoudsRf ..... . , . , . 3, If Mi Ocf. DTJ. O I LB E RT, 1 AGENT AND COAl.MSSIOK ' MERCHANT, ! roil THE SALC ORLI, KINDfl OP GOODS AXB . COCXTRT PBODrCK. Particular attention paid to receiving and forward ing vt Goods. Orders filled on the best terms, v. hen I cash Is enclosed, of produce In hand. b. I may rc louna at tne more en r.. i urungion comer o Water and Princess streets, where maybe r...i . .i r.;,.. r, MkTA N. II. I may be found at the More ol K. 1 u rung ton and Country Wide. Nov. 10. 100-T J. HATHAWAY & SON. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3rd Door North Water Strut, WILMINGTON, Tf. C. J. Hathawat. J. L. Hatwawat. Oet.27, W. M. GILLESPIE & ROBESON, ' iOENTS FOR TUB SALE tfs 0 TIMBER, LUMBER, NAVAL STORES, f Will make liberal cash adfttnees on all conatgnmtmt m prtKhwe. , Mtrch 17. JOHN C. L AT T A COMMISSION MERCHANT, AN OBNERAL AGENT, W1LMINGTOM, N. C. Oct. 10, 1946. f 67 ROB'T. G. RANKIN, iBflionrtr and rommi$Moi! Merthat, WILMrVOTON, JJ. Qfr 1 II DUAL ADVAKCES MACK ON SHIPMCWUflljl ralttrM March 17. SANDFORD . .SMITH, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C THO. RAW0roD, W. t. SMITH. March 21. J. .WX.' McGARY FORVIRD.H HD CDMHllSIOS MERCHANTS, AoesTc or ths !escha!ts Steam Boat Co. WILMINGTON. N. C. H AUKV BRYANT, COM M ISS ION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March Id. 1 (,'IIAS. I). ELLIS, COM M I h) 8 ION M E II C II ANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. I .Jffurch 17. HANDFOHD & SMITH. AICT10NEEBS t COMMISSION SEBCUTO lf WILM1NOTOX, Tlioa.SADroBD, Oct17, l"4d. N. r. wit. t- JMITH. 90 HUGHES 6c MEAD, C OMM1SSION MERC II A NTS JiXD GENKRAL AGENTS For the tale of all kinds of Goods. Country Produce and Real Ejlulr, . RALEIGH, N. C. , Besiness entnmted to them rhall be promptly and M'milv atUmdtd to. June I -t. 4.'. U VV.. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N C March 17. I r' BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER. VI THE (O MMERCI AL OFFICE GENERAL C O M MISSION M E R O 1 1 A N T, NORTH C.UtOLINA PACKET OFFICE. i'i 1-2 NORTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. Juw y, f6. ' iy37 CftiTiages,Xtra(Uc?. Chairs. 5c. JEST RECEIVED, per Schrs. lio.n yand Wate, IS Willow Cirriagefj No?. 1, 2 and 3 ; 12 Willow Cradles ; 13 Doz. Windsor Chairs, ivv- oral, patterns ; afrjv doz. Cluldrei Chairs, vaiius styles, &. And tm sale, at Ihe rekTN'ITl RE RfM, R-ia Sratsa. J. D. LOVE. April 9.1 17. I1' " SPEinl CAtI)LI fs. ')C BOXES best QUjlfiy. assorted !. for sale by Ol ) IWWJUtD A. PLDE.N. US TOM II TABLES, HEAD AD 'i KM' I'OM . A i . t ho .-"lubscribrT has ta- kmih.' .. ; .'i ti-nsike MARBLE MANV F C I : '!"' Nrth and will receive orders for in, .iIk.v, nsniil srtielrson as favorable terms as cao ! pr u. e.! '.lo.'iianv oilier istaUihmcot. Gl Y C. 110TCHKIS3. M..:ch 23. 3 riNDOW SASHES BLINDS AND DOORS. The SuWrih. r I'nccnt lor one of the best mao- nfact.nif st the V.'rth. and dl receive orders foe tits above ruini-d artiel. s, hu h wul be boxed up awl de livered on 'jird ofvtfsst'lsin Niw York. at the LOW EST PRICKS, and at short notice. Persons slut to contract for buikjln?. will find it to thir Inieie nrtprs twfors aerKtiiiT their onlr abriud. GL Y C. HOTCHKI3S. March 21 COUNTRY M ITCh I . .Ml WHISKEY. , Vt lii'kjv. lust receivrj 10 IUU.U.I ' ' from Kavf'i-v ill,- i. i J I ul I v A W L M GARY H'i i s