Valuable Ileal Estate. n THE Subscriber oflora Tot asks that Valuable "Pro prrtv on Hilltboro' St reel, n the City of Raleigh. now ocennied bjf the Institution for th Deaf nil Dumb. The corner tot opposite iho residence of Mj. Colli, it on (he east side of the second squar w. t of the Capitol, and run from atreut fatnet on which l larva and commodious uweitmg tiouset t one tory building, formerly used as the Printing Office of I theN.C.rolinaSr.ndsrdi a brick Kitchen I Stablest I Carriage Houat all necessary out-house, and a large pare for a Garden. The lot adjoining ha a very eood two-story Hons, with Kitchen, Stables, 4c., and Is known as having formerly bolongedao the estate oi Capt H other, de ceased, and also runs from street to street. The property Is located In the most pleasant pari of the City, and if purchssed n w, will be sold st s price o reduced at to render it a very desirable Investment. Possession will be given in April, IHB. The Subscriber has appointed William R. Poole, Eso,., his Attorney for the disposal of this property, to whom all desirous of purchasing Will plea aeplv. ' T. LORINO. Feb. 24, len. , 144 Register and Standard will insert 6 time. FOR SALE, . V PAIR offirst rate Canlaac Horse laq, a good fX Family Carriage and lint now. Th subscriber 111 niiposc of the above propotty at six months' cro i ii lor good pJiper. R. O. RASKIN March 5. 149 v TRUNKS AND PAPER. r9 SUPERIOR Travelling Trunks; O 600 Roams Wrapping Paper 23 " Foolscap " 25 " Letter ' Just received, for sal low, to clow consignment, by R Q, RANKIN. Mareh.8. " 149 Of) BARRELS Irish Potatoes, , OU 50 Boxes, Soap, for sale b, HOWTR D 4 PEDEN. Feb. 12 139 2C BARRELS RECTIFIED WHISKEY at HOWARD A PEDEN'S.. Marc. ' ' " ' Hd DILLS OF .EXCHANGE. Price SI ner nnlro Xf sale ot til COMM$RCIAL OFFICE March 21. MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. 1 f KEGS, just received, and for sale by 1 I JOHN C. I. LATTA. 49 OCI.Z7. . Jit w POTATOES QC BBLS.gopd Eating Potatoes. ns- Tfor kiie. by WVArfl8. jt . i. J. &. w. L. McGARY. 10 HAILY EXt'KCTED, QH RXES Ground Pepper, V '.0 Mustard, I" " " Allspice, 75 Reams Large Wrapping Paper, 75 " Small do do 5 flhds. Prime Sugar 15 Bbls. Cider Vinegar," and for sale by NSF' & WARNER. Feb. I5,1M47. Ul O I L. 1 G AI'L0-NS Pure Sperm Oil; of bear quality, J .V "r f3, bV HOWARD 4 PEDEN Mn.h I. UG FISH. 1 f QTLS. Pod Fi.h; 1VJ S Half!! nreh Mackerel i 20 Boxes Herring; 12 Kits No. 1 Mackerel; 100 Bips Sulina Salt; 100 Boxes " For ;ale low at IIOWARD March 1. PEDEN'S. 146 BEEF 4 HALF BARRELS Fulton Market Beef; f.00 lbs. Smoked Beef; 100 Smoked Tongu-s. very brce, Forsnleat HOWARD & PEDEN'S. Match 1. 14g WHOLE, HALF, &, SMALL RICE, I L,ois, or oy ine single ,ssK, by W. C. LORD 3, 1547. 135. BUCKWHEAT. PACKAGES fresh Burkwhear, For s.ile, at J. & W. L. McGARY S. Feb. 13, IB47. 142, .MA LAC. A WINE. 1 f QR. Casks Swei .Malaga Wine. 1J Jli received, and loraie, by t , r . . . . March 10. J. v. L.. M'UAKY. lbO W II I S K E Y )Q BARRELS Old Mollongahh,,, for sale by a. W. DAVIS. N AILS. K.f KEGS best quality, at OVJ now HOWARD 4 PEDEN'S. March I. 146 JUST RECEIVED. A S D ln ,S:r. 50 Barrels prime Eating Potatoes. r K- - KAXK1N. MOLASSES. " ! 60 IIIIDS- Af' 7, 117 M'jlisses. n superior lo, for 'sals bv GILLESPIE 4. ROBESON - 10. STONE WARE. Just received per Schr. J. I) Jones. 7 f.-R ATJ?. el"ff Jup, Jars. Churn, Water I Vegs MJ Paus, Moa: y Jus. Jar ( 'overs. Ftow- er Pot-:, Ac. te April 7, 1617. J. u. ROTHWELL. 10. O A T S 'XCid BUSHELS, just received, for 1 OVJKJ SANDFORD & ii t sis by SMITH. AprUJ. GUNPOWDER. A N Aswrtmeni of " Dm P. on!' Powder n!wif J 1 o on hind for sale on Manufacturer AcconAL April 22, I j u s tr Tfc eTTeIj" m OPRINO style of MJiO O E NTLl", M EN'S HATS f Received this day, Hnd mm 0pt for n',K.. Uou, at . k . . . MYERS & BAR.M M S. I LONG CORK CLARET. fZf DOZEV Long Cork Claret, v.-rv fine for , 'Jr.m HOWARD i PEDEN s April 13. I VINEGAR, CIDE2 n4 Whit Win ffwgar. for sale bv DtRO&SET. BROWN a c VWJbVUJ, brown a rn April 2 187. 16. NOW RECEIVING. (( DAOS Rio CofTe. foml UV. GILLESPIE & ROBESON April. , IC A Belts DWELLING' HOUSE f FOR SALE. THE dwelling house formerly owned end occupied by Mr. I. Peterson, together with the out building and aDDertenancea thereto. Also, a DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, Jlrectljr South of said Dwelling oP""1ly or together, as maybe which will be (old most desirable to suit purchasers. Terms made easy and good title of the property given. O. R. FRENCH. Wilmington, Feb. 10, 1847. 138 NOTICE. AGENCVOFTnENC.MUTU.lLlNSrRAUCE C0MP15Y. fVUmington, July 29, 1846. SANDFORD & SMITH, Agents of the No. Car. Mutal Insurance Company, have the gratification to state to the numerous persons insured In this Of fice, that ihe Company will promptly nay the loss sua tai ed by the recent nre In Fiiycttevillc, without the delay of 90 days, as required by the Bye-Laws; and without calling lor any Instalment on the premium notes. The Agents will receive applications, and tak risks aa usual., SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY, Front Strut, Wilmington, N. C. terra THE subscriber takes this method ij of Informing his friends and the public general- a iy. wai ne nas uuen me store formerly occupi ed by Porter and Blakeslec, and Immediately opposite the Chronicle Otlice, where he is now opening a com plete assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Tranh, Martingales, Valises, Carpet bdi) Saddle Bap, Collars, Whips, Span, IMs, u. 4. it it AH of which will be warranted of good manufacture and materials, and will be sold low for CASH. Having lono experience In the above business, he flutters himself that he will b able to render urt sat isfaction to those who mav be disnoscd to n'alrnni him. - . t It is his intention to keep no Books, but to adopt ! m" 7 " 11UI,St the CASH SYSTEM, by which means he will be T'HE subscriber has taken (he well-known House able to furnish articles much cftiArEa than thev have heretolore been houeht in tin's market i .r i . ... , . . ' REPAIRING of all kinds done at the sh ortest notice. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Aug. fi, 1S1G. lyCl IMPORTANT Til THE MI L I T A R il JUST RECEIVED At Cushing's Book Store , A LOT OF SCOTT'S INFANTRY TACTICS. 1 '846. 111-tf CABINET FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, &C. Rock Spuing, Wilmington, N C. THE SUBSCRIBER would respect fully cull the attention of the Dublic to his stork of FUltSlTURE, just now being re ceivedhaving selected it himself, in Boston and New Yos. he thinks his assortment the most com plete evar offered to this market. It consists in part, of the following articles, vlx ; Side Boardt, Mahozonif do. Ojfi.ce Chiairt, l)o Stoolt, ockin Chain, Mahoeony do. l0. Freivek tU. Curl Maple, Cane Ruth Seat, and Fancy Chairt, Windsor and Com mon do. ChUdren'i Ifigh Chairs, Do. Fancy do. IJurcau. Dretning Bureau, Soat. ?fa Beditcadi, tf'ardrobcs, French Bedsteadi, High Pott do. Dining Tablet, Centre do. Matched do. Toilet do. Work do. Sinit, and Wath Standi, LOOKIXG GLASSES. Gill Frame t, London Toilet, Mahopony and Frames. Com. Toilet. Gilt WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, MATS, tC. Carriages, i Child1 1 Chain, i Cradlet, I Cor d. Baskets, Sest do. : Fancy do. Jute and Rape Mats, Sup. (,,'n 11 room and llrus'.' t Cnrend l'ails and Buckets, Wash Tubs, (-. tf.c. Alicant and Straw Mutt, I Manilla, Plain and September 21, 16-16. I). LOVE. 7'."f I NEGRO PASSES. TL'ST print -d at ' The C-mmcrcial' OrTi- e a u. w supply of Xevro Passes, which are afford: d a tiille over tho cost of paper that it would lake to write them on Jfin. 20. 0q JUST HECEIVED, AT CUSIIING'S BOOK STORE, TL'SSER'8 A b MAN AC FOR lb J 7. Jan. 9 NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. A pL ttrlFl'L and full-blooded NEW FOl'ND- X & 1. A . U this Office. DOG, 2J years old, for ale. Apply at SALT! SALT!. 1 31 "-h?1-8 fi! Rck Salt" V' nl U white, for Ij c bv NEFF 4 WARNER. 146 March 1. Porter! Porter!! D0Z ,u Pin,, tad O-inrts. just received and I "1b b EFF w A RNER. Fet'-2,j: M5 CAMPIIINE LIGHT. IOR the accornmodation of Fami lies, I have placed a Csnm M, 'ara Hart fc PoLtrv' where my article of : rum ( im;ini:t wg ia constantly kept and may be had at all times. For the convenience of Stores. 1 send it aroi nd on every Monday, Wednesday and Filday. Hereafter, the Camphine will be sold al I flu emit ntrrnllnn ih,. -.,(..., ,. i..i. they have b en heretofore aeHIng Connmm Spirits -In the itM. of my CampAirw, you have a clearer ou l more steady liglU and f bare ItM atsurance of a num ber of my customers, that there is a saving of one rourD In the nuamity consumed between It and the common ar.irU- of Spirits. I pledge mvselt to furnish a (resh and pare ,rncr. and leel assured all that is re. Hiircu 10 oung ii into genernl use, is In give it a trial ..... , . THOMAS SMITH. H ilmington, Jan. 15. P7. )v7 AM) BEAUTIFUL OFAS. Plain ami Sernrntlrie ' Diessinn Miimiia. with, Tors. I'liin H tir.. ,,. I, u. i sfrnri. Work Ishle- (very pre,,,) Cherry Table., Wash Stand Matble Top V8 S.nixU, Tnmdlc and other llodslcads, C S. MrU ChiZ M.k ' any Cradles, 4c, just received, per MonJufan, and .. .... v- iaive. n.e ourinj, rer. 13, ittl. 140 JUST RECEIVED. FRESH suppir of Oiled Clothmn , n,,, .. Ulii Drill p.nts, for semen; Sheath Knlvet i Southw.sters, Ac., at , ' . ... HOWARD PEDEN'! April s Dec UNPRECEDENTED PROPOSALS. Tlir'W EEILY COM ME EC I A L , FOR ONE DOLLAR ! ! STRICTLY NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. CONTAINING FROM TWENTY ONE TO TWENTY-TWO COLUMNS OF READING MATTER EVERY No I Which -will be filled with the choicest Literary Articles, latest News, both Domestic and For eign, faithful and full Re ports of the Markets with the tri-weekly Remarks on the II ilmington Market. rPHE reputation which lh trl-weckly Commercial JL has acquired, as a faithful register of the state of the Markets here, as well as tho latest and most im portant News, warrants ns In Buying that the public nave an assurance that the Weekly Commercial will be all that the reader may desire, In these particulars, at least. The low price of tho paper lower than any paper at ine aouin win enaoie every cmzca to nave com mand of a newspaper of his own, complete for all the purposes ot such publications divested of the angry spirit of party, and free from political contention ; tho aole aim of which is lo give correct and substantial Information to the reader; such aa may benefit him in i his business, and entertain and Inform his mind. Person holding Subscription papers are requested ; to send in the names of subscribers, as soon as they j are obtained retaining ihe paper forfurlher subscrip tions, l ne oDject is to obtain a sufficient number to commence the publication in the early part of next month. All payments must be made in advance, and post age paid when the name is forwarded; otherwise, no attention will be paid to the order. T. LORINO. Publisher of the Tri-weekly Commercial. Wilmington, N. C, January 6, 1847. t i IT ; on Il,c southeast comer of Dock and Front streets, ;or:nerly occupied by Mrs. Joseph A. Hill, for the nurposc of accommodating regular and tranclcnt boarders. F. J. SWANN. Nov. 17. 103-tf. New Goods! New Goods!! W BARRELS Pilot and fine Navy Bread. 4r Half Bids. Butter and Water Crackers. 60 Boxes Soda Crackers. 60 Kei8 Lemon and Sugar Crackers. Just re ceived, and for aulc, by NEFF if- WARNER Feb. 26, 1647. 145 U.S. INFANTRY CAPS. TUST received, 2 dozen of the above Caps, suitable iur viueer of Feb. 22. , and for sale, at the Hat and Can Store 143 CHECK BOOKS. "ITTEhave juBtexecutt d in a superb style, bound up V V in 2, .3 and 4 Quire Books, Checks on lh " Bank of Cape Fear," and the " Branch Bank of the State." Call and examine them, ut the Office of The Com vurcial. LORINO. Oct. 31. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE For Sale, IN THE TOWN OF WILMINGTON. THE Subscriber being desirous to close his busines in Wilmington, offer for sale, the House and Lot on W .ilnot Street. continued, now occupied by Mr. Joe. M. Tillev. The lot is GG ft. by 330 ft., corner lot. having on it a new one and a half story house, containing u' rooms, with all nec ssary out-houses. ALSO, A House and Lot, situ ited on Red Cross St, now occupied by the undersigned. The lot is 80 ft. by 200 ft , I he house contains 8 rooms, is nearly new. and is unco in witn orii K j mere arc ail necessary out houses on the lot. Also, an enclosed lot adjoining and fronting Red Cross St. 66 fu by 200 ft ALSO. Two enclosed lots on Boundary and Third Streets 55 ft. by 250 ft. ALSO, One half lot on 'Flint Street continued. AUo, one imarter secti m of Land in the Stale oi Illinois said to lie of i xci lli nt finality. For fuithci particulars, apply to WILLIAM WILSON. Aug. in, 1-46 ,;o Another Battle Expected. JFST reo ivvd, and fur sale, a fine lot of Double and Sinli- guns, revolving and single Pistols, shot pou ches, game Imis. powder disks, percussion caps if-c. N. Ii. All kinds of gun repairing and altering, lo percussion, done at short notice. I.Nov. 2. Lr, HART dfc POLLEY. STOVES AND GRATES Oy various patterns, among which arc the Air Tight Parlor and Cook Stove, the Kitchen companion Cylcnder Box nnd Office Stove, also grates of dif lerent patterns, for snle, by 2.97 HART if- POLLEY. COPARTNERSHIP. I HAVE this day taken Donald McRae into Copart nership, for the transaction of agency and Commis sion business under the firm of J. t D. McRae. JOHN McKAE. Jan. 1, 1A.7. l. THE OLD ROCK SPRI.U FOREVER! rVHF. Rork Spring Restaurateur is now open Tor 1 the accommodation of th l Hi rrrshmcnt the nuirkot afliirdu tn.-iv bn hnA nf nil ti iVirv hours of the day or night. The Bnr Is supplied wilh , cntuce uujuort, Hmtt and Cigars. n ,o , DAVID THALLY. . Dec. 12, 1 16. j I " K 1 .7 - M. M 111 rm jg m rltTI? ci,....:l i . , . . .... ,,,, ving tuKen the Uld .-land, re - cotiuy occupieu tw Mr. . J. Ir.Bllv. (,ve (0 ,o no rtiuens oi mis place and vicinity, that he is prcpiucd to txecuto with despatch all kinds ot Smith Work that may b wanlod. vii : Grist Mill .Snlll.. nnd Saw Mill Crhnks. Mill work ill Cthnks. Mill work Rentrally, Axe, Carriage, Wsgon und Dray Ironing in riner. Horses shod neatly and at short I Mo... JKI - ... fC " '7 nwi ine nesi manm notice. I Jan. 25-131 6m. A. J ERAMBF.RT. JEST RECEIVED 1 A DO.. WINDSOR CHAIRS, IV (vcrv strong ) ' 2 I)oi BOSTON" ROCKERS. HIGH AND LOW POST BED STEADS. Ac. ,,0 3 I LOVE. lioeir SrsiNo. Wilmington, Jan. 15. 127 J U S T R E C E I V E I) 10,000 H A V brands.! A N A CIGARS, (bc.-.t A f,-w Rbls. rerv suoerior Old MONO.NG l it 1 1 1 WHISKEY Di'lLY EXPECTED A choice stock of Old LIQUORS WIt r. Medicinal end Family una, whlfh csnnot bo excelled in any market, and will be avid low al the Drug Store f A. C. EVANS. Doc. 21. 117 A L D AN Y.A LE . DAILY expected a few Bbl. of tho above article rut t rutitc unnrcnv April. 22. ( Nov, - COME , TO THE BOOK STORE. THE SUBSCRIBER has just received from the Northern cities, the most tplendid and complete w tortmcnt of MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL BOOKS ANNUALS, AND BLANK BOOKS, STA TIONER Y, FA NC Y STA TIONER Y, PERFUMERY, de., EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. Hoping to merit the favor of your patronage he has made every effort to render hltnssortment perfect, and flatters himself that motive of interest and conven ience, as well as a genorous sense of justice, will lead you to PATRONIZE THE BOOK STORE, snd give to those who devote themselves entirely to this branch of buBlntsa, that encouragement Which is their due. His assortment of Miscellaneous Books comprises the besi standard works of the day. Wri tings of the old English Aulhoraj Translations from ancient and modern French, German, Swedish and Italian Literature j Works of the best American Au thors ; Biographies, Ac. tc. can be surpassed by no re tail stock South of the Potomac. These, with a com plete assortment of common and classical School Books, common and fancy Stationery, Perfumery, f-c. present attractions to purchaser never beforo offered in Wilmington, Add lo this, the fact that he will sell them lenper cent lower than they can be bought elsewhere, and none who look upon it as essential to serve their own interest, will purchase of othersany article to be found in his Block. Call and examine for yourselvos. EDWARD A. GUSHING, Sign of the Red Book, Market street. Wilmington. Nov. 3, 1846. 98 FRESH MEDICINES, DRUGS, Q Iv Drug Store, of th undersigned (Exchange Buildings) of his own select ion, In the Northern Cities, anew and greatly enlarged stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, Ul L S , WINDOW GLASS, tve Dealers are requested to inquire the prices before purchasing. A. C. EVANS. 611 FAMILY MILL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizen." of Wilmington, that he keeps constantly on hand fresh ground Meal, which he sells at Store prices. He Is prepared at all times to grind Corn at the shortest notice for families. Call and try ihe Steam Mill be tween the Messrs. Gbants and Franklin Hotel. JONATHAN LEES. Sept. 1, 18-1G. 72 " Be just and Fear Not."' COUNTER Scales and weights of various poterns and sizes, for sale, by IN'ov.2. 97.1 II RT & POLLEY. PUMPS. DOUGLASS'S patent Revolving stand premium Pump, for wells, cisterns 4c. The merits of this pump have been fully tested by the most competent judges throughout the country, and Its decided superi only over any thing of the kind now in use, universal ly acknowledged. Also, force Pumps of different pat terns for deep wells distilleries Ac. for sale, by Nov. 2.97.1 HART f- POLLEY. PARTICULAR NOTICE. THE Commissioners of the Town having determin ed on grading and otherwise improving the Bury ing Ground, immediately adjoining the Episcopalian', have appointed the undersigned a Committee for that purpose. NOTICE, therefore, is hereby given to all persons having Iriends buried therein, or otr.Twise in ten slid in the premises. to c ime forward immediately mid make arrangements w ith the Committee concern irig bodies that may have been deposited in the Ground otherwise, after the grading is made, particular graves cannot De designated; and It will be iiuposw lile to lay off the ground with any reference lo the pro tuiscuous manner In which It has heretofore been oc eu;iicd. It is desirable to commence the grading as early as tlie 10th of I'ebruary. and proposals arc invited for that purpose. J. BALLARD. ) .. V. W. FANNING. ( o""""lfr J in. 22. no tf 'ERFUMERY. &n. A (iOOD SUPPLY OF PER- I Ft ME 11 Y. II1IR k TOOTH BRI'SnES, OF THE FINEST qUALITT. FRESH OLIVE OIL; POW D. SAGE, A. CAYENNE P E P P E R ; EXTRACTS OF LEMON AND V A ML LI ROSE WATER. At. For Sale low by A. C. EVANS. Dee. 16. 116. Hardware, Arc. BOXING Axes, Clubs, Long Bit, Broad Axes. Round Shaves, Hackers, Japanned Hoes, Steel do., Rfr Hoes, Plough Lines, Grubbing Hoes. Fry iiijr Pans, Seines, Shovels, Spades, Fish Hooka Lines, Corks, 4c. 4c, for sule low, ly HOWARD 4 PEDEN. 146 March I. HACK WHISKEY COUNTRY AND BRANDY. QH BBLS WHISKEY, ov 20 OLD PEACH BRANDY, Jusl received, and for a.ile, by J.A W. I M'GARY. March 10. 151 CHARCOAL. QnOn BUSHELS Charcoal, for sale hv OWWU HART & POLLEY. Feb. 17, 1947. Ml. CHEAPER THAN EVER. SPLENDID STOCK OP BOOTS AND SHOES. b'T'HE Subscriber respectfully returns lhanks A. to bis numerous customers for their libera patronage the few months past, anil begs to in form them that he has just returned from tho North with a large and completo assottment ol Boots and Shoes, suitable lor the Fall and Winter Trade, from ihe most extensive manufacturers, and most of which have been made to bis special order, ond warranted (o lie ol a superior quality, and lo give entlro satisfaction. He Is also receiving, weekly, from the manufactur ers, at low prices, all kinds of Boots and Shoes, (hat will, in point of beauty, durability, nnd cheapness, eclipse all previous exhibitions; nnd as his Stock fresh and new, he can with the utmost confidence, in vite all to call and examine It, as he will sell al such prices as to make it the Interest of all who want Hoota nnd Shoes lo clve htm s call. ' He has also a large supply of Negto Brogans, which n win 1 neap. Boots and Shoes made to measure, in the '"trs style and best materials, and wnrrnntod to give Saij. faction or no sale Also, repairing done at short not tlce. and in the neatest manner. Lasts kept constantly on hand for sale. suitn,P for Country Work. CHARLES BLAKESLFE Successor to James PewnsaroiD, Market Street Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 17. j q j NOTICE. PERSONS Indebted to Ihe Subscriber, for the "S'andsrd or "Independent," or for Advertls ing, arc requested to psy (lie some to WF.STON R GALES, Eq , Edltorof ihe Rioister, Rslelgh. , T I'ORlNfJ. Jn fi l"47 I23 Dec. 16. nB MYERS - t5t ,BARNUM, PB Jflfek MANVPACTUIIBI AND DBAUBS IN . tfL HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, UMBREL--LAS WALKING-CANES, &c, RESPECTFULLY call the attention of the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity, to their Large and Splendid Assortment now receiving at the old stand of C. Myers, North side of Market street, which we of fer at wholesale and retail, cheaper than ever, GENT.'S BEAVER, NUTRIA. MOLESKIN . AND SILK HATS, of Becbee ACostar's nnd Leary Fall Fashion for 1846, a splendid article, just received, and a "few more left of ihe same sort." Please, call and examine them. Also, a very large assortment of MEN'S, BOYS', AND INFANTS' CAPS, of the latest and most approved patterns. Gent.'s French soft Dress, Silk, Velvet, and Cloth Caps: Gent.'s French Guard do.: Blue and Black Soring Bund, Palo Alto, Ringgold, Oregon, Oil Silk, Velve teen, Glaicd Lawn, Ac, Ac. YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CAPS of every style and quality, ftom 12 J cents to 12,50, the largest assortment ever offered In this market, and at astonishing low prices. A beautiful article of Infants' Cloth and Silk Velvet Caps, to which we particularly call the attention of those wanting Caps for children. In fact, every article in our line we hjive 0. rich and full assortment, to which we respectfully call the atten tion of the Public, and warrant genteel fit and at Prices to suit the limes. MYERS & BARNUM, Wilmington, Oct. 5, 184G. F5 THE Subscriber would express his gratitude to his Friends and Customers, for their liberal patronage heretofore extended towards him in Wilmington. The same business will hereafter be conducted under the name and firm of MYERS & BARNUM. at the old stand. C. MYERS. CONFECTIONARY, fcc. -"PIIE Subscriber respectfully informs tho Ladies x and ucntlemen of W 1 and Gentlemen of Wilmington, and its vicinllv that from this date he will sell his goods at the follow ing prices : Candy. Supciine Sugar Almonds, All other fine Confectionary, Best Bunch Raisins, -By the Box, 25 lbs. - 2 Best Tuikcy Figs, 20 cents per lb. 374 do. 374 do. 10 do. 00 16 do. Ilest quality Sweet Oranges, 37J cents per doz. And all other nrticles in his line, which are too num erous to mention, will be sold in proportion to the above prices. Having engaged the best workmen in this country, I will warrant my Candy nnd Cakes to lie supeiior 10 any now selling in Wilmington. I am at present es tablished at my old stand, near the Rail Road, but will in a few days open my New Store, in Market Htreet, where the above Goods will be sold nt the same prices. A sliaro of public patronage is respectfully solicited. P. M. Ll'ClANI. Dec. "21. 117 STEAM RICE MILL. THE SUBSCRIBERS, having purchased the Steam Ric Mill at Barnard's Creek, Irltely occupied by John 8. Fvler. Kan,., arc now prepared to receive Rice on Toll, at Ihe usual Terms. For the accommodation of Planters, they will keep an excellent Flat, and careful hands, for the transpor tation of Rough Rice to the Mill, and clean Rice to Town which will be done free of charae. but In nil cases at the risk of the mrnrr of the Hire. I The Mill is in fine order, and can turn out 20 casks per day. The constant personal attention of both the partners will be given to the management of the busi- ness, and persons inteiested may rely on the most I careful nnd faithful attention to the preparation of their ' nice lor .natKct. SMITH 4 BERRY Nov. 4, 1S4G. 93 Further information may be obtained, and nrti in the Mill stcurcd, by application to Brown & DeRosbet. NO TI C I. OI lisnnPTIONS to the following NcwsrAPrBS, KJ and Pkriodk m, will be received at tlie IiOUK sToifn. GODEVS AMERICAN MONTHLY REPRINT OC BLACKWOOD' S LADIES- MAGAZINF. Icrms, One Dollar per annum in ndvauce. THE AMERICAN MONTHLY BErniNT or 1 or LONDON WOULD OF FASHION. Teiims, One Dollar ner arinuin. or One Hollar nn,l Fifty Vols for tin- two GonEV's I.Anv's Book and A. an Magazine. I Tim e Dollars per annum in advance. Tl, 111. I P. 1 r. .. - . . me uiu touiurjiiiun nuu I'.nujrain s rrinid. i A Journal of the tieirs of England, Ireland. Scotland, ami H'aict, Three Dollars per emnum in adrance. TL. 1' V . -I. f . 1 1 ... . .. , . I Lon; hlaud Weekly Chronicle; ne .Krt ior& a. ami Snorting RceiMer Tebms, Two Dollars per nnnum. YANKEE DOODLE. T II E A M I It I (,' A N P U N C II , The moMi humorous Journal of the day. Terms Three Dollars in advance. ' Specimen minimis of all may be seen at Ihe Book Stor. r , C. A. CLSHING, Agent. Wilmington, Dec. 14, 1816. m FRESH RECEIVED GARDEN SEEDS. PER SCHOONER ALARIC, A I FELL Siock of Garden Seeds. from the Sha- era of .New Lebanon, of the ffrowth (if Il ia year. Also, HUc Grape Seeds. Those wlahlng supplies of these favorite SEEDS will do well U uct them early as they may aval themselves of a lorge and varied assortment rnKor "!,lIb,y, A C- VNANH. i'!ili!8 Oruggist. MORE LIGHT. ON hand a general assortment of the Patent Capil lary Burner Lamos. for burnl n IT CTamilhlnn mrtA Spirit of Turpentine ; its advantages ovur others now In use will be apparent to all on the lWhtet In. spectlon, combining perfect safety In burning with freedom snd equality, In Its supply of burning materi al ; also, s large supply of acorn Derlc Oriental Study Hall. Parlor, Stand, Solar and Table Lamn. and vl rious patterns of passage lanterns. For sale by lov. i. yj.) HART A POLLEV. COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. THE subscribers keep constantly on hand, a laige assortment of plain and Japuned tin ware, also Britannia snd Tutunia Tea and Colfee Pots, Ten trays, waiters, tinned and cnannlcd preserve kettles Ac. N. B. All kinds of copper, tin, and sheet iron ware made lo order and at short notice. .Nov. I. 7.J HART Si POLLEY. JUST RECEIVED, Per Schr. A. J. Delotscl. A GOOD supply best Leeches, Isinglass for Jelly Tartaric Acid. Bl Curb Sods. Ar. Also Syrupof Liverwort, for Coughs, 4c.) Moih rrs relief. For sale, by A C. EVANS. 135 Feb. 3, 1947. sJUUU IR00 lbs. Copperss ; 1000 ' EpsomSnltsi 60 boxes Window Glass, 8 x 10 lo 13 x 27; 6 Rbls. Linseed Oil. Forsaleby A.C.EVANS. Dec. 16. 6 JOB, BOOK, CORNEB Or TBONT and mahket stbbbts, WILMINGTON, N. C. PARTICULAR ATTEKTIOS PAID TO THE FOLLOWING KINDS OF LETTER PRESS PRINTING. SILL OF EXCHANGE, BILLS or LAD1NO, BOOKS, CABDr, C ATALOOl'ES, ENTRIES Or MERCHANDISE HANDBILLS, LABELS. LAW BLANKS, MILITABV NOTICES, NOTES, PAMPHLETS, POLICES OF INSURANCE, POSTEBS, BECEIPTS. CEBT1FICATEH, CHECKS, c1bculars, custom-house blanks, Drafts, And PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, of every description, done In the neatest manner, and on the most reasonable terms. VVe tall the attention of our citizens, and the public In general, to the above Circular, and cordinlly extend to (hem an invitation to give us a cull for their work assuring them, that it shall be as xcclLdonc, and at as Imc (ir not lower) price, a at any othr establishment, the entire office is new, nnd we unhesitatingly say that we have n greater variety of tvpc, and 0 mow thorough Job OJice, than vas erer before in the State .., , THOMAS LOR1NG.' Wilmington, May 5. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. II. S. KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET STREET, WlLMXGTOJl, N. C, HAS recently returned from the city of New York with a large and well selected stock of GOODS in his line; to wit: Super super West of England, h rerich, Gtrman, and American ClolUs and Cassimcres. Tcxlings, 4c , nil of the latest Importations; embracing every varic ty of shade and color, which are most ln favor: all of Which will be mode to order in a manner and style that cannot be surpassed In this or any other cily In the Union. Having spenl the last two or three months In the Northern cities, and acquired a thorough knowl edge of all the latest styles of gentlemen's garments, and procured some of the best City Workmen to as sist me in trying to perfect the art and -science of my profession, together with my own experience. I feel confident in assuring the citizens of Wilmington, as well as the surrounding couniry, that all who favor rne with a call shall not go away dissatisfied as regards CHEAP GOODS OR A PERFECT FIT solicit the attention of the citizens generally to my FANCY GOODS or tiii: most desirable j Consisting in part of Rich Fancy Scarfs and CrnvafS, lllal" '" Black ; plain and seamed Silk and Satin I S'"!kl wlf-adjiistlng rich lancy Cravat Ties; I Shirts, Bosoms and Collars of every style and quality ; Silk, Cotton, Woolen, Merino, and I1....I.-I. I., f- 1 . r. .. .... ui umiii i iiiier uatments ; 1- all and V in ter Gloves of all kinds; Suspenders, Handkerchiefs) Dressing ,Cowns; Hosiery; Cravat Stillener) Um brellas, Ac. Ac. All of which WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. In addition to the above will be found a largo and a generul assortment of F.3AD7-2.1AD3 OLOTHIlTa, V i hieh consists in part of Dress nnd Frock Coats Pants, ,sts, Over Coats, Cloaks, &e. Ac Hav ing made arrangements with one of the largest WHOLESALE CLOTHING STORES IN NEW YORK, n such terms that will enable 'me lo sell much" u aji. r man any one only liianufaciiirin" tides und! r Ins ow n i vi h " a few ar- ,1, , ! ; y "',n "a"(l c"s'"merswil bear in mind hat hereafi, r I shall mlopi a new system. For Cash Uiere will be a discount of ten per cent. It would be well for cash costumes lo make ji k nown. as in future f shall makca great dill, r, nee la Uw , ,) II. S. KELLY. Oct. IP, Flo. tflOl I , 1 01 7 ! .. ' ' ' I -nnd for Sale. ACRES of GOOD TERPENTINE. I..A ND. Ivincr n. r l.- i ... I .. . 1. u:. ' ... I, . , . I '''wiiiii ill IVlWT.HV Br insw i, k ( oonly, and en mile. ,om S,i,hv c ? y M:FF & EARNER. ' -'':A: 146 lOOO ViSSZi'' A lew barrels Lard, for sale by , A. MARTIN. 1 145 COPARTNERSHIP. rpiIR l,M,-,;i,..r. i. r. , . . 1 acti I . loiiiieii a onarrnersliin.. under the firm of McMillan A Co., for the tians n of a genernl rernil buMm-as nt 117. .,; m den County. ' dug a 1. 1) McMillan thus. h lank. i o- WM. II. ROBESON, Jr. Aug. 2o 146. FOR "SALE! O BLS. splendcd SEED POTATOES. Apply to R. G. RANKIN. i:if EARTHEN &. CHINA WARE. 9f) P('K1AriF:s ASSORTED, Earthen, Glass' v and China Ware, now being opened. ALSO, 2 Hhd. A No. 1 Sugar, 5 Bags do Collce. tor sale, by J jj Feb. 17, lci!7. ROTHWELL. Ml. B E E F . 1 f BBLS. Fulton Market Brrf lVIOIIiilf do do do 10 Quarter Bbls. No. I Mackerel. 20 Kits Suundsand Tongues si NEFF (t WARNER S. April 15- ,j WOOLEN AND WILLOW WARE, HM DS, Pails. Buckets, Travs, Measures, Barro 1 ('overs. Ruling Pins, Axo Handles Ik'nln IU,x. . I Mahogany and Straw.) Biooms, HruMics. Mats, Bai i kcts, Willow Waggons. Ac at HOWARD A PEDEN'S April f, 1 S 17 9 ARRIVAL AND THE Norther, Is due daily nlgfil at 10 P. M. DEPARTURE OF MAILS. al 3 P. M. closes every Souther, dun 8 A. M , closes at II A. M. Favrtteville. by Rail Road, due on Monday Wednesday, and Friday at 3 P M., closes Tuesday Thursday and 10 P. M. Favettevii.le, by Robeson's, Wcslbrook's, Elira ksMhtown and Prospect Hall, due on Tuesdsy, Thurs dayand Saturday, al 9 A. M.; closes and aVpartssam day, at 10 A. M. Skitmvillr, due 8 A. M. cloaca st I2J P. M. Taylor's Bridob, Long Creek, Moore's Creek "Isck River Chspel, snd Harrell's Store, du on Thursday, at 6 P. M.i close at 10 P. M., and depart Friday, at A. M. Orilow Coubt Hoosi, due every Monday, at 6 A. M,i departs on Friday, st 6 A. M.