I it 3 "TrHETC'OMMEUciAL. S: THURSDAY, JUKE 3, 1847. " Mr. VTtutAM J. Lov, wnlot', U the UnancUl Agent of riwii. io whom payment! may be made for subscriptions, advertising, &c. ,Ai - ,;; , : rsj-Tve have att application for the- fVunWe Coo" nrfrmlsed for Sale In tho Cwimtrriu', but have mis laid the memorandum containing the owner's name. He wiU tkw fall at til! office. CAUSK OF COMPLAINT .Wa would call the attention of ilia public to tlia fact, which we have front good authority, that the Pe tersburg Rail Road Company atill refuse to moot the liberal proposition made by the Wilmington and oth er pompanic, to reduce the faro along the lino from Charleston to New York. We stato thin that the public may know to whom to attach the blame- In tending to recur to theaubject. i MR. FORY'S LECTURES. Mr. h'oav concluded hla Lectures ou Monday and tucadoy Evenings but The subjects of the I.ec nrcs wcreTldss end S.nsona, llluairated by moving pbantnsniagorial diagrams. Why tides on opposite Iioof the globe at the same limo. Cause of Twi- lighl. All these were beautifully illustrated on Mon day Evening. On Tuesday Evening- the F.nrth, its physical or ganization; internal srrueture; more than 6000 years old how proven once a globe of fire evidence of II. Number and character of minerals composing tho crust, thickness of crust, dc Mr. Fobv had a complete Telegraph and valuable apparatus for other philosophical experiments. The Telescope was slso exhibited, to which w e hove heretofore alluded. Colt's sub-marine Battery was illustrated by the ex plosion of a mine. Mr. Foav'a lectures were not well attended, from ausot heretofore staled. But lie will go from hence uiihthe good opinion of all with whom he had inter course, os-a gentleman nnd a scholar, capable of im . pat i ins important information, to all w ho may favor lurr. wiih a heating. THE RECEPTION AT RALEIGH. TJie JUfifUwl .Jittsday gives a very full account of the reccpUonof the President nf tlie United S lutes at Raleigh, on Saturday last. We havu not space for ho Register's account o the afl'uir, but it was very creditable to the known taste and hospitality of the Metropolis of North Carolina the bountiful ' City of Oiks The President was received at tho Di pot, at abou: half past 5 o'clock, P.M. by W'm. Pallas Havwood, Esq., f mendant of Police. He, with his suite, was thenescoTtetf through several streets of the city, to Yaiisowovoh's Hotcl, by the Ringgold Artillerists, the CcMcks and the Wake Cavalry. At o'clock tho President attended at the Senste Chamber la the Capitol, to receive the attention ond civilities of the citizens. The Southern front of Cupital Square and Fayette t!1U street were illuminated, and there was a display of firs works ate little past teno clock closing with the ascension of a large Balloon. MR. BROWN OF THE CHRONICLE. We tee that Mr. Bsowx Is determined to keep up a controversy with the Csnnmertitl. and right or wrong, w iH indulge in feelings by no means creditable to any man who has respect for courtesy or decency. Ever since the Commerxud commenced Its opera iioe4 here, he has cherished a vindictive spirit towards th establishment ; and while adopting in his secret operations a course of extreme meanness, he has oc casionally uttered complaints in public, the character of which wo soften as much as possible by calling thens silly, very silly. The articles in his two last pap jrs relative to the rc- . r , . l.ttll, ... port ol snip aews which he has the characteristic im- 2i- .1. l. , , pudeticc to claim as bis own are calculated to rpake fj)lse Impression, and arc tantamount to misrepre sentation -fliadc either in milicc or stupidity. Tlte craft abroad woulj b? astonished could they but learn the mean tricks resorted to by Mr. Baows 10 injure the business of the Comtnerdit. If he hears uf a job Intended fur this establishment, he proposes to print It at a rate that entitles him to the scorn of i vory Opera tire In tho State, anJ the contempt of ev ery high-minded and honorable Proprietor. One would think that the present and late joint Proprietor of the Commercial lud committed some rrisne sfaimt Mr. Bsovn, In coming here to set up their bttsine. Rut printing Is their trade, and ne which the present Proprietor has followed for muujr jwars, sna esnnoi well engcg in any otinr. luiilf. Baown it isdifleient. He is, wo learn' a Shtmktr, nnd is very probably a good one. So if either party must quit, as Mr. Brown ppr, doicr tf mlaed wo khall do so we think Mr. D. ought to ee theons. Or, ht may hate the Cvmmircial establish Wta very fair vikiation, if he di tires it, and the public are willing to such an arrangemciii. Any course is better than the one he pursues-of making it appear that he is s very malicious mm ; sn I to peo ple abroad, where he U no known, a blockh-r,.! into the bargain. Hor -wonderfully enchjined is Mr. Baows by his . 4fotnonhablt ide, In hi notices of the Comm. mV. ?' H perpetrates a perversion tantamount to a f dw hood when he speakinf our -descending to a Irvil with Mr. Bow." Thf Intelligent Trader will prr ceivehitonrremarkshadnobearineonMr Baows v A " level" Otsnk but to the level he dfcoicLd w that I particular case. People will begin tothink that a de- - m,4 ffl IS alnU nf tnnrnl ,t..tl..iAnn.. Im n ,1 - . " ...W ... lVI.UiMlll',U.H J D 1,1 Ul Oil III tsRht him, If his friends do not keep him In t -rtr. r tralnfng. " TJ MARRIED IN PRISON j if. A pan named John A. Randall was yestetday sr - rested, on complaint lodged against him by a young woman named Catharine SbUtx, and was confined in prison 19 answer. About 1 o'clock, ouly a few hours sffcy ttU imffljBjf iU of RsudaB, the complainant proceed id Io hla residence, tod burgkriottalntered, snd ttuls a uoantllliy of bed ciothes. She was arrest ed nmeiiauly, spd ukn to the same prUoa Into whif h hat (tin 9M had so Wury been Incarccrstcd. Btin t)lef4 in alia dccnt to uch other, they msdc arrtpgfronl whersby each mlfiht rehsv ths ptrvpr, jr cjuf' ,Th prelimlnarlrs being sst tf,fw$ f'fclvm, the comBiitlnf magUusts wt eaJWl Iri.wh perfurmei the marrtajs ritt thus msklitf all ta cowptlots iilcgsl. tad nsmrlng Ihe 'Hisppy'' pair to liberty. -.V V Hr.po'l. From the N. Ol'ommerclal Tfmrt, May 27. LATER. FROM VERA TIM. ARRIVAL OF THli STEAMER PALMETTO. 1 gen. worth at puebla. OPERATIONS OF THE FLEET. CAPTURE OF NAUTLA. THE TARIFF; Ac, Ac. The steamship Palmetto, rapt. Smith, arri ved at tin enrly hour thiH morning, front Vera Cruz, having snilcd on the 22d hint. Wenre in receipt of files of the American Eagle nnd the Arco 7rtVr up to the day of departure, to gether with our regular correspondence from. I npn f I'n? till trrentpr nnrlinn nl which un .. . ' " ' subjoin. Gen. Worth reached Puehlu on tlic 18 inst. Ilia lorccs consisted of 3,500 men, and he en tered the city without opposition. The American Eagle utatca that General Shields was recovering slowly, and it is thought surely. Gen. Scott etill reu'.nins at Jalapa. Thk Navy Capture of Talascoza The American Eagle of the 19th, has the follow ing account of the capture of the town of Talascoza, by our navy: Capt. Mayo, Governor of Alvcrado, started on an expedition on Thursday, the 13th inst. against a town of considerable importance, called (we believe) Talascoza, accompanied by eighty men. This place. is said to be near ly one hundred miles in a S. YV. direction from Alvarado. Ho took gun boats with him only. On arriving at the. place, he was re ceived jn till kindnei's, every attention being shown him that could be extended in order to render his visit agreeable, and arrangements were made for the surrender of the town. We understand that Captain Mayo declined leaving any force there, however, as it would have wenkened those under his command too much. On his return, and whilst in his boats j descending the river, which is represented aB j being both narrow and shallow, he was fired upon from a dense chnppanil, and one officer and five of his seamen wounded. The follow ing is a libt of their names : J. G. Pringle. Passed Midshipman, badly wounded. J. Tollcit, Seaman, badly wounded. Henry Wright, li 11 John Ellis, wounded in two places. Jas. De Ronnie. " ' severely. William Grant, Commodore Perry lia.s gone in a southerly 1 i0 1Cs 5d- collected in St. Peter's Church, Char direction. We refer to the letter of our cor- j lcMon- and fur l() 3d- collected in the Con respondent for particulars concerning the cap-1 f?re;iun of Grace Cl'urch- I ' lake it as a ture of the l.ttl, Iowa Nautla. ' ! 'an,r if you wiU exPrc5s for mc my co,lmr",, Gcehhilla Parties. Tho following is the account from the American Eagle of the 22d. I oi uu-cupmreoi me urueniia parties, to wnicn our correspondent alludes in his letter or the last date. A party of this description was ' captured yesterday morning nbout one o'- j one blood, the hi od of -God. Our country is suf clock, a short distance from the gate of Mcr- j lering sorely. You will be glad to know that the cy, at the soulh-wctitern end of the citv, i C,er&y of ,IC Established Church are nobly doing which, from facts that have readied us. seem j to have been composed of a retniltirlv oro-an- i O J o ized band of robbers and cut-throats. It ap pears from information which Col. Wilson ! (our Governor.) had received, he was indu- ced to authorize Col Hanks who vrilnntocrrd manorial. 01. iaiia. wno oiuniu rul io neau mc cxpeuiuoii, anu Aiijuiani artnur, the dischar-e of their duties. Their days were to raise a small fotcc for the purpose of ar-; given to labor, and their hours of midnight to writ resting a gang of desperadoes who had been ' ing for help. The Lord in some Districts has sof suepectcd, as being engaged in some such ne- tened the hearts of the multii tides, and the gospel . . I. - 1 .1. - 1 1 , . . a .1 farioua business. Col. 13. proceeded to an ap-: is made welcome to them. Much Christian pin pointed snot with ten men. after nrranirinir i Cli''e and Chtistian munificence has been manifen-1 r e his pluu of surprise, and not long alter the party had arrived, observed enough to con firm all that had tieeti believed. Two of the ! party, who aferwards proved to be the rhicfk, j approached near the spot where some of our j men were secreted the fiat of them begin I ,Umnimoned to halt, refused, and endeavored to escape, but wa- shot dctul on ihe spot. On which, his comjianioti made a furious attack upon the man who had fled, with a mhre but I was soon overpowered by another idiot. P,c- , lievinrr liinwelf tn bn drinrr ! e :,t nnrn .IL-,.'... ' ecd the whole secret of plans, location of par ty, &.c. Searcli was iininediatcly made, and fourteen others arrested in one of the boutcR. about a quarter of a mile outside of the walls, where was found lourtecn horwiH nnd five mules secreted in a back yard, one American ! It was but the other day in reference to Oregon and nineteen English muskets, fourteen esco- j at-least we have not a few inklings of such a pur pets, twelve pistols twcnly-lhrre saddles and ' Pns and among them is the declaration of a the same number of hridles-about four bun- 'Washington letter-wi iter in the Baltimore Sun, drcd weight of ammunition, and a great nuin wh ' f'1ys: bcroUnbrcs. The wounded man wnsbrought "A slr"n ,J,I' "A'':edIy using in this to the hopnitt.1 whrrr he d,n,l L,,, .... ! c"u,,,,y- in ,avw ' acquirinxr and retaining the and eleven o clock yesterday. The men. arm., nmmunumn, &c, were all captured and Kr...wl.t ... .1 fl'l. .1 l l . """8 .uu.ee. ij. i uere cannot dc nuout.t I ns t0 ,heir designy. The cutlasspa were all ! 8rount' ,0 n fine edfte, and the horse mount- Hin ai.-erj nnc. i ne wnole matter will probably be speedily investigated, and we' trust they will receive their proper punish- i rrwDt. Eriratt frun CorretpmuUnci, datut Vera Crur, A7ay30fA.-The new tariff is fonnd to orerate as 1 predicted in tome of mformer lettera Three ves sel with vaJauble targoes have arrived wiihin the past two or three days, and there is not money enough in the City to pay the duties oa them. Four more are dally eipectedl If the dutjea are not paid within thirty days afler entry, the gjods must be old at public auction- and what will they bring 1 The United Stales steamer Spiifirr, came in yes. terday afternoon from, a cruise ia.Uie,.NottJiuanJr bringing down Ciputin Bulsson late of the aeh'r. Prologue, 6t New! Orlcajs from whote lips have the following narrative r; 1 f , ?A ;,. "On the 8th Instant, the PrakniU JeA.Vera Cruz in company with the United States elonp of war Albany, and arrived, at Naatla on the-10th.- The captain of the Albany fired a gun, soon after her arrival oil' the bar, and hoisted a white flag, up on which the authorities of the town came on board nnd formally delivered Nautla Into the possession of the Americans. This being done, the Albany sailed for Tecolttto, the Prater niU remaining lor the purpose of disposing of her cargo. At 10 o'clock on the morning ol the 13ih, I went on ahore with two of my crew, and found there three hundred armed Mexicans who had just arri ved from Misamla, and taken possession of the town. They seized the authorities ol the place who had given up the town to the Americans, to- geiher with Mr. Berry Godel, supercargo ol (he Fratrrnilf, Mr. Dories, n passenger, and those of my cicw, who had accompanied me on shore, all of whom were sent off bound to Misautln. I for tunately escaped by getting into the woods, but was unable to reach my vessel, which lay outside the bar, two miles distant from the shore. At two o'clock on the mottling of the next day, the Fralmiatc was boarded by thirty armed Mexi cans, who ran the vessel ashore, stripped her of her cargo, and of every thing valuable, and then burnt her I have obtaintcd the names ol the following men who were amongst the leaders in the attack and robbery, viz : Pope Nunez, Gabriel Acote, Uosario Mendcz, and Augnslin Ortega. The Captain also informs me that lie was in the woods and travelling along the beach for ihiee days, when lie lound a canoe, in which he put off with the object of reaching Vera Cruz by water. Ten miles from the land, he fell in with the Spitfire, beard ed he and reported the facts as heretofore detailed. The Spitfire was bound for Nautla, and proceeded on her course. Upon reaching that place, or the bai near it, the Captain opened a fire upon the town which had the effect ol bringing a delegation of the citizens, beating a fln nf truce, to the steamer. These people cleclatcd ihemseivcs and the inhabi tants, innocent of all participation in the recent events, except as sufferers. From the Charleston Mercury. LUTTElt FKOM IRELAND. We have been obligingly favoicd with a copy ol the following kutet : Dlbuv, April22d, In 17, Rev. and Dear Sir : I received your kind letter of March 22d, enclosing three bills of exchange, drawn in my favor. In the name of our heavily afflicted people, I return you, and our kind li iends in Charleston, our warmest thanks. Kindly pre sent my individual thanks to the tluee persons who sent to the sufferers, through iue, 8 1-Js 3d., and accept my heartfelt gratitude loryourChristian kindness in committing to my care, for distribution, inanKs and my own, lor ibis great Lliiisinin con- sideration ol the poor and needy, and I would de sire it expressed in a way honorable to our Lord and Aj,r,.cr and as nef(,nies his redeemed reonle Alay the nations feel themselves moreof one blood, ' and may we all feel ourselves purchased by the! lheirdlllr devoting strength, property, and many j lheir UvfH-,0 mi,iPale l,ie sllfI"ei in of ,l,e Pr.- Some in the densest Roman Catholic population hnve exhausted life, and others are doing so to feed and comfort the miserable Roman Catholics. 'UIII- HI UUI IIH'SI CAH-IILIll iW I II 1 3 1 L' I 3 1 dill U II . r w , -' . ." i0 say, have fallen victims to lever, Ac. caught n Some of our most excellent Ministers 1 am sorry ted. Our day of national humiliation was one of the most solemn I ever spent. I never saw a i more deep solemnity on the people. Much prayer is offered, much of the Gospel is preached, and I much blessing is given by the Lord. I shall faith- J fully distribute the money entrusted to me. The j blcssiegs of the God of peace ; blessing exceeding i the stars ol Heaven in multitude, rest on your ; Ministers, Churches, and people. May Grace be with you, your family and people ' am. veiT llear 'infi Rev'd. Sir, V("lr obliged, faithful servant in Christ, Rev'd JOHN GREGG. Rev'd. W. 11. narnwcll, Hector of St. Peer's Chuich Charleston. From the Ilichr..mul H7ii. "THE WHOLE OR NONE!" I'his is to be the warcrv in regard to Mexico, as entire tenitory of Mexico. The administration d ics not favor that nartv It it now small hut ; wj inCejs, &, , be . Th. present administratinn came into powei upon the 1 uuesiion of an original noriion of Mexico . a P.. ; sident may Leieaf er he elected upon the question ot annexing toe wnote ol Mexico." Should a President ever be elected upon that 'Mae. we venture to predict that he will never be President of the United States. In the threatened design of blotting Mexico from (he map of nations we should be very sure that a much greater than Mexico will Dot share the same fate that Samp son, io pulling down the pillars of the teip'.e, will not himw-lf be burled beneath its ruins. Poor Hornc dalnrytd by Fvt and L"W tf Lift The Cattaraugus Co. poor houe at Mach is was destroyed by fire on the 15tb iaat. An insane r su per named Roana Uerrick, aged about Si years, perished in the tlam 4 f,.. from Ik Sw Y TrlbUM. ' EMIGEATIOX TO ftfEBETfPHt FEVER. On the 20 Inst. Mr. Huchanan agent for emigrants, had advicel that 40 vessels had (ailed for Quebec from Watcrford, Sllgo, Dublin, Londondery, Belfast; New Ross, Limerick Cork, Fcwry and Liverpool, having on board 12,300 passengers. A large number of emi grants by other ships had reached Quoboc, and one veBsef, the F.xmouth, from Londondery, had been shipwrecked. On the 23d Inst. 1,335 passengers reached Qunbec by sea, nnd twelve ships, chiefly from Ireland, with over 4,000 pnssengers, were at the (uaranline ground below, where accommodations have been provided for 10,000 persons. Tho deaths on board the ships that have arrived are very numer ous. Fifty died on board the Agnes from Cork, forty five in the Wandnworth, ten in the June Black, 20 in tho ftuorge. On the 23d Inst. 43C fever patients were in the Grose Isle Hospital, and the probability is that the number will augment dally. We trust that care will be taken to prevent persons sick from typhus or ship lever from being broiiL'ht up to (his City. Its highly contagious character is but too evident. Drs. Van Burcn, Graham, and others, arc amone its victims here Mr. Kllfoon. a niedicnl oflicerat Liverpool, was the fourth professional victim thereat the last accounts, and others were ill. In Ireland the cases are beyond our means of enumer ation. Drs. Barker und Cheync, however, in their account of the Irish epidemic, freely uilmlt. thrt, "in every part of the country, fever was reported to have been much more futal among the upper than the low er clusses.'' From the likhmond Whig, May 26. D IS ( I It AC F. F U L OCCURRENCE. A eorrespomlen t informs us that tho count)' of Goochland was, lust Friday, the scene of one of the most shameful transactions that has ever occurred in this State. The circumstances, as they have been related to us, were nearly as follows : Two negroes were, some time since, condemned to death, for the cold blooded nnd atrocious murder ol a boy, fourteen years old, w ho ktpt a store for a Mr. lla pan. living on the Threc-Notrhrd rond, nenr the Lou isa line. One of the Court, believing that the spectacle of a public execution was caleulntcd to produce n very demoralizing cflect upon the public in general, and could be of no benefit in deterring the slave popula tion from imitating the example of the culprits, pro posed to erect the gallows within the wall built around the jail. His proposition was readily agreed to by Ids brethren, and the gibliet was erected In the place pro posed. On lasl Friday, the day of the rxeeullon, a Inre ciowd issenibled lor the purpose of witnessing the exhibition; nnd when they found thnt measures hud been taken to baflle their curiosity, their rnge knew no bounds. They assimbleu to the nuinbur of six or eight hundred persons, and threatened to tear down the jail, unless their demand, of a public execution, was complied with. The sherifT, being unable, alone to breast the storm, was comp lied to comply with their wii-hcs--the gallowswas removed, and tho ami able dt sire of the multitude to witness the last ago nies of their wretched and guilty fellow creatures was complied with. We regard this not only as a stain upon our charac ter us a State, but as n blot upon humanity. DISTRESS IN AMERICA. While the liberality nf our countrymen is devoted to the iclief of famine in other countries, we pcr cicve that distress and destitution arc hcgining t he cxpci ienced in some portions of our own. In Maryland the long drought h.is so checked vegeta tion that many persons are without the necessaries ol life. An endorsement on the letter bag, from Mi. John Spalding, Postmas'er at Pleasant Hill, f'liatles county, dated May '26th, states that en that day six persons called on him heggingfor meal or corn, and that in the surrounding country many ate begging from door to door, and that no corn is to be had at any price, and the Baltimore Patiiot h'-.'i rs that siinili.tr destituli n preails in other c 'ti ntie. New York, Satibdav, May 2.'. NAVAL. The New Yolk Jmimiiluf Cummerrt lcnrns that tin U. S. ehip-of-the-linc Ohio, arrived in Hampton Roads fr.mi Vera Cruz vi i Havana, was met on her approach by a steamer from Norfolk, with orders from the Scc re'nry ol t'i Navy to repair imim-diat' ly to this port. Here Hhe will receive on board Air Todd, United States M:i;iter to Urazil, and Com. T. Ap. Catesl.y Joins. o pointed to r. lieve Com. Shubiick In the command of our squndr.'ii in the Pa. ific. After landing Mr. T iM at Rio, Capt. Slrineham will proceed to Califor nia. The Ohio is .e lected as the fl ig-ship of Com. Jours. Com. Shubrick is to lie relu.wd at Ins own rnpiet. Dshwlwn of th' aw; Island Fv m Huildingf 'I h" Alarm of flic in the 4th district, beiwc-n one and I'vo o'clock this morning, was caused by the burning ol the buildings on Long Island Farms, lately andfi r a long time occupied by thcC'ommis si i er of the Alms ILmse as a home fr poor chil dicn thrown upon the charities of the city. fortunately all the children had been removed to the ne accommodations prc ared fur them on Rlackwell's Island, nnd all the public property was also removed, except the coal; which, however, we believe, escaped the (lames. The whole of the buildings, with the exception ol the lower one and the cottage are a heap of ruins. The buildings were set on fite by the mob, to prevent them being occupied as an hospital .V. V. Journal oj Commerce. Blooh Mo.vev. correspondent of the Journal of Commerce writing from Mexico, says that Gen. Sco't has taken the guerilla business in hand, "and by his order, every murder that trie Mexicans may commit takes 8300 out of the nearest alcalde's pock et. Although this may be rather hard on the al caldes, it will induce them to exert their influence, of which they possess 'some,' as a preventive of the evil " CoNO.ur.sT and Annexation We begin to find freqnent notices of marriages between our country men io Mexico and the senoritas of that cactus growing, sunny clime. This is perhaps the best mode of conquest, but a sour bachelor fuend mg ge its that it is the very reverse of conquering peace. It la estimated that the suiface planted with Corn, this year in the Flam of New Jtrasy, exceeds that ol last year by 100,000 acres, which ouht to yield three or four million busheli. iV; ,i i ' 4.4 1.. '4 i tfJ '.:! t' A man named Daxcev Was killed at Frankllnto as the pardng salute was given to the President. VotcANOas and Eartrquakks. Capt. Trnfultcr, of brig Deposit, at tlda port, horn Cape Verde Islands, states that the volcano on tho Island of Fogo, com menced burning on the evening of 9th ult., ond con tinued eight days, during which the blaze was dis tinctly seen at Porto Prnya, and the earth was felt to tremble violently at intervals during die remaining six days. The emokc was still rising from the crater on the 2d Inrst. DMa-i Daily Adv., 2Gf,7 u!l. Shock i so C as u alt v. The circumstances of a most heatt-rending casualty are communicated by letter yesterday, to one ot our citizens, from a gentleman at I'crryvlllc, Cecil County, Maryland, which occurred on tho Philadelphia, Wilmington and Dnltlmore Rail road, near that pluce, du'ing the preceding night. -The information detailed the fact of the finding of the body of a man on tho rood, early yeeterdny morn ing, whose face was horribly lacerated and his body most shockingly mangled- having been thrown from the train and dragged by it the distance of neaily a mile. From tho information thus fur obtained ii is believ ed to have been the body of Mr. Robert Scott, of tho firm of R. Scott & Co., Shoe denier, of 151 market street. J'hil. A'o. Amn-icart. The correspondent of the Baltimore Patriot Fays that the President of the United St iles and the Sec retary of the Navy have resolved to appoint Lieut. Hunt, r, dismissed from the Gulf Squadron for the capture of Alverndo, to the command of a vessel. The Lieutenant returned home in the Ohio. He reached Ni w York on Thursday evening, the 27th ult., nnd took lodgings at the American Hotel. FxTRAOnDiNABY F.M i on ATI os to OnEOON. A let ter from Princeton, Illinois, dated May 3d, aays: 'If the emigration to Oregon may be CKtimatxl by the number of wagons which have passed l y my house this Fpring, it will be very large More th:m one hundred wagons have pnssid thiough I'rine ton this season on their way to that distant country." TiiK.Caops. The Fineaslle Valley (Vn.) M'io'of the 21st inst. stales ihat the wheat crop in Uoletoua county is likely to be a i t y poor one. In n portion of Roanoake, recently vi.-ited by the editor, on the contiary, the crop looks quite promising. Wheat. The wheat fields in Wi stern Wisconsin look tine, while those at the South have suffered stri oubly. There is no belter or pafti land for whr at than the country here and extending uhovc us COO or ?('U mil. s. dalaia Caz., 4tlt ult. Sad OcecHBtNtE to an Offrcr. The Staunton ;Va.) Democrat b ains by a letter thnt a sad and ne I uneholy accident hits happened to Lieut. J'ultcrson, who distinguished himself at the batik- of Mouteiiy. The Lieutenant refused to surrender himself to the officer of the guard, who ordered him to be find on, and Itis leg was Urribly shattered. The surgeons were amputating the limb at the time the letter was written. Havti.- We have Port au Prince journals to ihe 2d inst. They contain uo political intelligence of in terest. All clnsses, from the 1'iosident down, paitiei pated in the celebration of tho ft te of Agliculturc on May-day. The Hay lien sloop-of- war, the President, wsb blown up ou the 23d April, off Port au Pilnee, while prepar ing to fire minute guns on occasion of n funeral cele bration in honor of the I He President ( im rricr. Tlv cnlastiophe is i i puled to tlu1 carelessness of ihe commander. No one was killed; but several win wound, d two of them severely. CoNNKCTicn. The Legislatuic of Connecticut has r j'-cted a proposed amendment to the State Con stitution striking the word '.rhitc' out of that instru ment, so ri io place negioes and whltf s on the -ame fooling ,n n i-ard to setiriiee. The veto stood nut- 121 to li-' nays two-thirds being pquind. The I'ni jii r. pudint' s with a vast show of indi:nn tion the ings out of the I'h.lad. Iphia I.eilg, r and New Yoik Sun; of the former tint the Administra tion built hop. s of iraee on the dtfint of Genera! Talornt liu. ni Vista, nnd ot the latter that the Ad-mltii-tration meditati h the totul 6,.bjuga'ion of M. i ! eo, mi ni holding i In i country in pi run in nt siibji-etion. So all'ionti il is the odicial editor nt those indiscreet' int rpret.tion of the Administraiivi' policy, by two of his allies, that he calls ih. m "th - random conjee-' lures of ignorant or unprinclprd anonymous writers'' j - "atrociously false. " und "speeimcus of partisan j cibunny in its most rank and kiuune i s- fuiin.'' - ; Hard wordy, tin sc. nppli d to such . al.ms co-opt rn- 1 tors with the I'nioti as the Sun and L. dgi r .V. V. I Cnn mrrr HI. Shinry nf thr irore! kind 111 Mi lieo !.llly of, tin-wnist kind xists. 'Ihe bavis of ilu sy.-tem is' not dill, rence of color, or Inf. -ioiity of race, but is ! simply di I t ' For inability- to pav the most ineon si !. r aide sum, a man is made the slave of his creditor ho lives upon the fruits of his labor, allowing him to take but n bare subsistence, und accumulating the oiiglnnl debt by interim nnd oth.r charges to an cx li nt thai makes the bondage one for life, and (ntuls it upon his di s ' ndants. t'an any thing (he than degradation he expected from sm h a system. Oj inioii and expi-rlence of the Kd it or of ihe Rich mond News nnd Stsr, Dec. H, I'M"). WISTAR'S IIALSAM OF WILD CHF.ItKV Is conntuntly adverih-K-d in our columns. We feel bound to say that we put little faith generally In speci fics and nostrums much less in your cure nils. But a familinr use of this medicine for six or seven y.-nis past-dining which time the editor who writes this hns st lntcrvnls suffered with ncutc asthma, nnd he wilting not so much for the benefit of the proprii tors ns for that of those who are adllcled with trial dislres- 1 sing disc-lie ; takes plensuro in saying that he has in variably found it beneficial to him and In every cise i where il has b- cn used promptly at (he fi rat indication of an attack, with entire nnd prompt relief. Fiom having also observed (i tried by olhrrs. he Is of opin ion that it is worthy of 'he confidence of the public. None genuine, unless sigr.d I.HUTTSon the wrapper. For sale wholesale and retail by K SHAW, Wil mington, nnd by dealers In Mcd!clnt generally throughout the country. NKW H UTTr.lt. r- KF.flS New Uuehcn flutter. Just received, and O for .ale at J. A VY. L. McOARV 8. Juno 3. 34 HAY AND CORN. TN STOtE. 150 Bales I'lim Hay- 1 GOO bushels V hite Corn. , e .,.,, For Sale by SANDFORD SMITH. Jun 1 41 MARINE NEWS. PORT OP WILMINGTON, JUR moil WATEa atth sAB::::::::;::r:::::::::.::i 110.4 e. H. ARRIVE. f I May 29. Hrijr Lisbon, Price, from Philadelphia, to J. Hathaway & Son. June 2. Brig Adelaide G. VVushburn, Glazier, fiom New York, in hullast, to G. W. Davis. " Stcniner Kvergrvtn, Rush to John Ranks, with Yarn, Sheetings, Corn and Meal, to Sundford &. Smith, K. J. Harnaid, J. & W. L. McGary, Oillespla ii Hob. son and John Ranks. " lloat Ren Rerry, from Fayettevillc, to J. AW. L. McGaiy. wiih (,'oin. Sin clings, Oals, Flour nnd Ra con, to Sandford & Smith, J. C. Latta, Gilksiio fc Robeson and J. W. L. MeG.iry. " Rrlg Delaware, Elliott, trorn New York, to Dc Ropsel, Rrown & Co., with 20,000 Urieks. CLEARED. June I. Schr. Patmos, Townsend. for Philadelphia, by E. J. Lutt. ilili. with 112.000 ft. S. S. Lumber, 0-1 Rales Domestics, 23 I'igg Metal nnd 5 Bans Hags. 2. Sehr. Thus. I'. Coopcr.Oiuin. from Philadelphia, with I I'i!) HHs. Rosin, Twenty Rbls. Tar and 25 Rhls. Splllls 'I'm pelllille, by (.i. . Davis. " S: hr. iMary, Chase, for New York, with 45,000 ft. Beards and 40,000 It. Lumber, by G. W. Davis. Sehr. m. Benton, Randall, for Little River, with Sundiies, by ti. W. Davis. ROSTON. Arriveo. May 29. Sehr Rio Grande, liowden, henco. " " '' Caroline, Gilpati ick. '-Iience. " " " Diadem, Black, hence. NEW YORK. Clearsu. May 31. Sehr. Jonas Smithy Nichols,-for this port. w f. Arrived. JLay 31. Sehr. Olive, Smith, vf' hVnce. 4 NOTICE TO MARINERS. The Russian Minister of Murine announces to the Stale Department, at W nshington, that, in order to facilitate the entrance ol vessels fiom ihe west into the port of Faiva. n wooden beacon h is been erected in place of (he one destroy, d on the noilluin Island of Holt, in thi'Gidlof Finland in form of a tilingular pyramid, mii mounted by n globe, formed of three iu-ops cioKsinc each oilier ; Ihe northern side oflhc pyramid is white, the oihc black ; its heighth above the base is ihirly-five English fei t, nnd it is situated in 59 degrees -10 minutes and 'l seconds north latitude, nnd 2fi degrees 31 minutes 38 seconds east longitude from Greenwich. Tho Collector ni New Haven, Conn., fives notice thai Ihe Light I louse nt tin- entrance of I tint haibor has been removed time rods W .bv S. for the purpo3n of erecting a lit w one on the old site. We have seen no notice that any change w as to be made, uhhnuch It must be apparent (o any one tll-t if tile notice had been uiven u soon iir iho work was decided upon, 111'- satety of ihe mariner would huvc bun butcr con sulted. Y 1101 .V. A I , K PMC MS C UllItEN T RUTTER -Ib.-2a 20 lil .ES AX 21 v 25 RACON. Hams lb. 10fl 0i siil. s in Hog itoimd 9J tr - - COTTON - none CORN ' bu. 1 00 1 HI COFFLE. Sr. Dominoo y lb. ta 7 Java 12 m 1-i Rio ft 50 .,9 0) Laenirn B y DOMESTICS. ( 'otion Yams, - 1 U 4-4 N. C. Sheetines, -j J FLOfR. Favctteville J'bbl. fi 00 -a 9 f 0 'anal 9 00 3 J 50 HAY 70 m 10 LI MIU lt, STEAM MILL. Wide Hoards, Blank and Scantling, h"M.ft. 13 - Fl.x.i llo.uds, b" M. It SKi LA It I) - ii LIME 10 -j - MOLASSES. New Orl. ans No ninal Cub.. 21 1', MEAL f bush. 1 10 m NAVAL STORIX I' runt .V.'ic i r e; n i 1 1 jp. . Si eond years Y.Ilow Dip Virgin Uip Yellow Dip. Hard, spirits Tin pciitine, Tar IV. h Hoin. No. 1 No. 2 " 3 Varnih PEAS. 2 r0 C 27 tt - 2 0U J 2 00 at - I 10 irgai. :o,i:m -p bid- 1 56 -- - u-' i.i.i. - : no - -W bbl. -1.25 a l.Mi 50 'a I do 'Jo j t,' i -eail.- jO.-j B. E. IV as ip hu 95 tn 1 00 I'E t-.M TS, n m.iinl J)' bush. a RIVER I.I MIil R. Floot Board FJ 00 9 00 U idelionrds 6 iii 5 50 Scaiillm i .) rrt 00 It I. I. Rough IP hu. I f0 iq t 'leaned, fail loi'ood, y KlMbs. J 75 -0- I 0 SI GAR. N, W Ol II' HIS I'oltO Itieo STAY l.s. . O. Ilh I. rourh -None " dn used " " b-nrel 1 1 'j t i 12 12 15 ti ra 7 - 7 tt 10 1 75 2 25 3 WI 5i)0 35 n 37t 42 45 35 ii !i7i 35 a -Id 20 a 22 1 I2 4 00 -8 - 5ii. tt 5 sn 4 W) v 0 50 a It. O. Hhd rouyh '" dressed SHINGLES. Common l.'oiitiaet Sl-IRM'S. V I. It o.i "oin. Gin Whiskey Apple Hi:; ih! v SALT Ronmie, Liverpool TIMBER. Ililelior, Fair (iualitv, iooilMill, ' .Shipping, do. do. V Sack, Subject to n deduction, averaging 20 per cent. HR MARKS ON MARKKT. There is somewhat a stand in our mnrket in regard to Turpi nliiie, nnd we have no Irnnsnclions lo irport, as it appeals thnt buyers and sellers hnve some diffi culty in adjusting mailers under ihe ro w law, which went into opeintlon on the firxl of thepicarnt month This law lequiu a the barrel towiigh 2f0 lbs, while the foimer w i ighl will J20 Tar None In market. Spisits Ti arr.MTiNr No Iransactiona In this article, na it Is chiefly shipped on account o( Dlstillert. Hav. A hundred and fifty bairn of Hay sold wiih in a few diiyi nt 75 cents. Tmun.-One rnfl of fins quality sold yeilerday at fi 50. mid two r.ifls common at to. .5. Bacox. Three tliousnnd five hundred weight ol uai on sold on Tuesday at 11'i. hog round. I' T.iuiiTi.-Vessilascarct and fuiglus hlh. EAjf, TTE VI L L E, June 1,1847. 7 00 7 50 flour Raton, New Cotton, Corn. "I !'l K'i it lt(