NE W YORK, May 31, 1847. Tar. Pitch, Southern shd City Roiln, Common N. C. & W.- Turpentine, Wilmington, soft, Spirits Turpentine. cash,. TIMBER- VVhlte Pino, per cubic foot Yellow " - .... Plnnk. Georgia Yellow Pine,-- FLOUR, r COTTON.' ..."I 2 25 a 2 371 i 67ja 1 00 ...t 7S a 60 ... 3 26 .... 31 a 35 13 m 20 24 m 2G M. 27 SO o 8 00 n 8 25 None. PHILADELPHIA, May 29, 1817. Flour, 88 15 ta 9 00 Corn, 1 VI ra 1 lb 1 Z nV 00?, 2 37 7 nil m, L 1 "if) , Cotton, Tar, Pitch, .Si.irits Turpentine. w u:. I,:.... I I.... . 1.1 fn A 1Q HO v. TV,u:.rmui" .. . '.im ZXim . ' " :;' ": - puch io. not) .... CHARLESTON, May 29, 1817. Paeon Hams, Sides, S. H. Hoar's nnd Seanlliny, Flooring Boards, River Lumber, HunniiiS Timber, 8 m 10 Of)" fd fi 00 A tit in (i 00 fd "11 00 7 00 8 00 ; 2 CU r 'i -'0 CHARLES (iUAY SUCC E S S OR T O rtTTATV HAVING purcham d (he slock of C. Illikea- , 13. - A-l'-l., I IIU Olll.m 1 il'l 1 111 UWU lillllU 111.- manufacture ot BOOTS AND 8II0CS, I and keep constantly on hand every vanity of annus : ''in his line. 7iii ornery lir wiiik iiiiiniiy mm nm: :uany niieii I.mI lo. HOOTS made in I he latest fasliiulM.fld lim it style. JIOOTS AND SHOFS neatly repaired. CUARI.FS fill ay. Jimc3, 1-3)7. M If WESTERN HACON. A FFV IIIIDS. piiinu Shouldtis. just received JLand for sale, by J . A. D. Mi R A !'.. June 3. .il RECTIFIED WHISKEY. n. nm ... n ..:e 1 u-ii-i.. -. i i f) " VTZ V.IM U DHLS. Rcci s.d.'. fit I'll Ill . .v. 11 . u. iiii. ...v - . May 31st, 18-17. DOL1.5LE REFINED WHISKEY Cif Bids. Refined Nhiski v, 4 ' " Uin, June I. 1S47. 3.1 June I. IS47. 1nes ; TADF.Ill A. Port. WINES AND HRAND1ES. VTADF.IRA, Port, Claret, Meup,...,nv. M ! . a and JVl .Mnriy, til 1 VI .Mnriy, nl IIO.NAiiD f- I'FDF.N'S. Jut: i 1-17 NOTICE. ALL foor Rail Hi I.I. foods sbipp. d per Wihiiiiujt.ui an I Rali toll .mil t o. St. inner, mii.'.l b, i tit. led the A gent's ulTiec, before goinr on board. And nil fi ulit lor Smiihvil c nint Ik-j. aid b lore t'oini; on board. I'aniruiar ati. niion to mis niatier is t.ipiisieo, else the Knod wi.l be kit on ihe w hai f ;t owner's riik. I vi i Tivtni.. i , Juno 1, 1-17. ' 31 It JUST RJJriJIVLD. Per Sch: A. J. Udloisd. 1 l 0Xl " 1 ""it"' J W 10 " Li iinns. 2 Sacks alnuti. 2 Peae-n i s. (ftesl.) 1 I'i.. in. 2 - Able. lids, 1 cise I1' nil' '. 1 ' fiin.i a . (vf rv nice) Aba a lot of Ladu.-i Basket" at JOS WILKINSON'S, Confectionary and Fruit Sturc. June 1, 1 -47. 31. NEW COSIIEN IH'TTER, I7AMIL1F.S i I I V, IV W. rk. an be shi p 1 i i I wiih fush Butler At 110 A' AH D A Pl'.DEN'.S. Juno 1, 1317. 33. HAY. nC HALES for sale at H ; HOWARD .r- s. 33. SUCAK. F!!F.H suppV of Cru'di. d P . n:i ! St ( 'r,,iv Si ,ni Loaf at Jin ! ! HOW A!(D A I'FDI'N'S 'i t DAILY LI N I' iIII'.piis nlhit borrowed n In,-.. e:, v wreiuh from oi r o'.,U.i!iihi at, w,! cuif. i n n.-i I. I'.-lillliii' the i nity of Inning th. May 30, li, !." i . as w. h ie nn eeell.-iit i.i..i!,ii,i '.llii.' t,i t. i ri I i-'h r p.-i .n ii i:r poi.i.Y. OATS. i;nLl IT'SHELS Ptime Oats j :st reeriv. V for . ! ,!,. ,lt J ,v W I. Met; VRY'S May '-"J 32 HAY. QfiA BALI'S prime Ivi-f. n II-v. for. -de. , ft J A V. I, Mi O AR S May 20. 3'J N 0 T I C K . A (.T.f RK wanted in n (i;u,a;y Stoti. that e .:: Oakc charge of a set ol Books and turn bis hninl to any thnm to be done nhoiit the Slot,.. None nnd npply Inn those who nte qualili. d nnd can pn e ,its fuetory n fen nee. A pplv ut this Otfu e. May 27. 31 D V W. II. HILL. has taken the office over Dr. Evans' Drue Store, lately oceiipi. d by Mr. Cant- wi ll, hotc he may be consulted, and will rive unre mitted attention to (he duties nf hi Ptuf. ssion. May 27. 31 LUMBER. REFUSE. River, Wide Hoards nnd Senntiint! for sale In lols to suli purrhasi rs. !y BARRY A BRYANT . May 27 j JUST OPENED. A New assortment of TOYS, FANCY BOXES A JOS. WILKINSON S CONFECTIONARY A FRITT STORE. May:.r). j0. J U S T O P E N II ) . A HANDSOME nssoriment of French. American and Fancy IVifinnrrv, Soups. Op., ,tr , JOS. WILKINSON'S, Mstkei Strut May 15. 26 4f PARRELS K.wOtl.nm, Whiskey; 'I', t 10 Do.; 10 0.r. Casks Malaga Wine, for sile f,y A. MARTIN. Msy IP 77 Summer Arrangemcnt-1847. hiiii ifiii : I j" J RENEWAL OF THEDAILY LINE, FYa A 7?ot7p hoic Furtirubhj known an the J.lliE8 RIVER AND HAY LINE. I V'i rPn""rfl 'o croat pleasure In adviPlni; ! , l,"sTrav''lli"R '"I'lif f the rcrwifal of their rfaij T b'' sir nnnTs during the pust winter under-: "'"la 'l"jr0"epalr, nndarom-win finu order.- lire line at pre.rnl ill consist of the following steam-, rTMIE Proprietors take trrcmt pleasure In advising ' ......... --- a r": . - i us Arrr-Ar;oT Kivf.b Mount v I'rnon, i.apiriiri i5iw,n bc:,.irui .s,t,,.r. : r', v, ; ' r ' B . On ('hksapeake Hay Herald, C'npl. Russell; Georgia, t "ji j, I . tjnnnon. Tlii- Uots are all well officer d by men of long 1 neiH-. on nit: num: inn:.iii..hiic "iwiu or (iiston p-ver nibl. cxeepi S.ii.i,!.n, ,.,ri, lMrra- ' '"'r'' ''Vrrv """""'uu. except .Sunday, ill i;o on direct, : .t. ...... . I ; i ..i.i... , v 1 MP MH n Iiy lH"i;i) , l n a. uu, tiuu lliuiu 1-.KM-, 111 :l I y any olh. r roin,' Faie from Uel lon or (5 iston to IVilti'.nore S'' 00 !. " " X'Tlulk 4 00 lo. " Peteifburj.' lo Habi :inn: (I I'O Do. " ' to o: bilk 1 00 .aiL.ll.A III 1,1 1)1.1) ll IIIL ML l.'il'.tiY , , . Pa-wcii!:.-! it. tliiis. a i hrouuli I leket over Has lino , Y , t " - i oiun..' men uavi i ni-pienhoir. ''"r '',k,'l;,ll;,N1 l-.'on m H.iltimorc or Ao;;ulk, . J.. , ... . V,,lillltlr ,ir v,fn. . had of J. I,. JOM'.S. CW.-j A tnl. Ofice James Hiver and liay Line. V.cldoii, A. C, May 11, lh'17." 2!i-tl V. it.Mi.-.i, ros .May H, - !7. ( npiIF utl'l'M i:vied. purchasers and de iler ill av .1 I Stoti - in thi" place, with a i w to r. iupt sum.' Ijen.'ral I ;' :l iiions which r. in In t'letn I b I'm:;.! I ill i.isti.'e, an I in ie in aeei, i ! . i net wi.'li 'b. eu-to;i.s of other markets, have r d to esl .l.ii nr llii ir In ' ore triv.i nm. in. the .ii.iu-oi.,' reu! itiuna com mi n- ' ciii" on the 1'iih day of Jnri" n' xf Asnii(,-!v-e,M1 iihemforehaneini' th" size and w i lit o! Ii ! i Is of Turn urine, and it wamld neth ips Iv proiliu-iiveof inconv nienee to th" inakirs: it will be nurehas. d as heretofore, the i.-ro'-s wei - hl of bands ', he :t:n II... or 2-50 lbs. n-.t .In turnenliine to be delivend on yard for iusipection at . . ' the e.xi"ii of th-sell-rj nnd as tin; pmehaser ntnl s-lleiaie emi t II V hit -Tested ill asecriiiinin" the on in (iiv and qu dily'iil'lh ' eninirrtidity sold, th" e.p.-n:i. ol In -,ee:ion shall lie npiallv divid. d. Ivieh half I of : dip imp ii'::,- sh ill h ive 1.' , ho ijis and hard 10; in-:. -ad of t .In. tile.; i.Ati.i loriueily e, lit ,c,- po. b'd. will be di .I'.v'i' i f r -utthn? a'tid p u-kiii ;.n I two ci n!-i foi eaeh h i ip (! I'e-i' nt tot' tlu r ui'h th,- mil il d ditetion lor until rehair.ilde biro Is i . i i d- jn.; the nutnh. r tak ii lo pack. Purehno in.:.:,: nt th It .il il l d i it will in- s .ilip'ct to a l edu-tion ol 33. two e.'iit-. p -r bhl. diava e, th-u-hy (, i-iu1; ill.- s. !!e:s li'Mii. d a 1 1 K uen s. bv Rail Ro id on a fo Miri't with thove hv water. Th- e i On.! tract of 7ij uen on the onst aide of the Creel re .illations lo aoply to Tar. only s far as regards 'h" One tract at the head of the Mill Pond, coinainln;; , ,'tn ns-'S of roHlii . dnyo'e -md inn-etion. The t-.a ac:. ; nistoni adopied in reference to ihe cmi litem of th- ' Kir:, Is it is Minri'ise must be free from all obierlion a3 turpentine jiut up in perfect icb r will only be miV jeet to a deduction of no cent p.r bhl instead of the former rati s ol exl-a. iv n irt'i'iTV; ,v ' ' J 1 '' 11 .' ' , ,x ,..v-,,v ! JOHN Mi It AE, II NTTT, A. MARTIN. B. IT. NNFR. W . LVI1MF.R. W..I. LOVE Jr. J mill VW WASON R. (i. lUNK'IN, j JEW ETTA Co, R C HALI.KTT, , I B RKY A BUY AN V, H II ALI.ETT, i .'NO CHKISTIAN, W M B. (ill.ES A Co., 1 II LL 4 ARMSTRONG, C. D. ELLIS. ' May H. 27 tf. i BRICKS. 0 000-7MV YOdK, ""DBKIfKS.1 - V ,l v.'V da. IV i-Xjieeli d. lorde.hy DrROSsE'f, BKOWN A.' Co. Mav 21. 1-17. ! 30 i! ATS (.II'H, fl 7 E I. iv jus! ri ccivi by late arrivals from New Y . ' a ti -h supi !i .a' t O. nil-an- n's I I, u k Beaver i. lid Mobskin Hats, ' Spr '.v.! -t ir. f 1 i'i- i t a Vol. Beavi t ; A. No. 1. 1 nt' black and Di.ih Lrh.nns, Ho; ' I., p.liorn C.rps :.:id p iknt L. a liter Bells, Ai.sO. a f' Silk Yi-lvi t ii hi);; I ',ai. for Ladu ; n ry ptcttv. ( all an ; see at MYERS ,. BAKM'M S. Mai 2 '.'ll (' 'Mli:i!i'!L HANK CP WILMI.NC Ti.. .'HE S c .i., ins'- Inn ni ..f pi r Shir, on the I ( 1 1 , : i ! M-ii . - '.. :i - I ri this Ha ,k h n iiuir- i , Ol- '-0l at-ripa- 1 1 1 W 111 i-1 1 d lie III! I It .-. w l I t.f Hlli.W 1 1 en a! a 1 i p , in. r:'-. O (i I'AilsI.KV, ' I'vTnu , in ai i' -iir'rii 1 ' ' '1 i ti "! i t in- no,:hir--,i'sii..,liil! etii!,r niirhtid ; w!,i. b ,!! i -..t I i n In ' li time , ..', e nn.:'" p i . :.- to ;!...'. o . .:;:,e. v M IV .ill tj J , LOST OU AllSLAII). ll 1 ' '! li'T ic W M. lh;;r,Vii ' .A : : iv: .. K:s ; ' -! b- h f ii i tl j i -i . of N. B .1 -. v il'l H U ai.' w ri i - a- I Hi m.v II . .:' , ' . . ii,.- : ' -. : ' i -i ii 1 1 ' : ai I -.: . i t .. mi m - - ' I N I! H't.i Ii, ,. : I a t Ii ol. 1 1 1 1 p ip h, in. .. I j -nl iM- i. a i .! wi, In- Bi-,. ;i : i . p .pei nnd I won nil ji, rM u s 1 ' ' illi can be o! l; i to nv .1., ; ; t ..v. ri -., ;i I Fa- I'.., : u in. i-i tin t li I'm. ho ::.n i ti . .re on. ..ut :-.) - M iv '.''. th w .'i l l M : HAMS.'t D TEST tcrriv, d per S." p Dnlph'n .1-ci piiau North ' 'utility I I.illlS. Fur Mile I V Di.ROssF.T, BROW N A c.. M.y 27 '1- COMMISSION cv Al'lTION nrsiMiss. I'F. ri tp. eifullv inform oar nil fi n Is. nnd lb-' .'i' lie, ttiit we have rr sum. I th" nhnvbT-t-ness. nnd p'oinic mtr b"t ifTuts fir th.- int. n-'-l thus.' w ho in.n il. ase to cntrusi us with the s-,. -t :itivL'iri,f nf nii-r.-l, lln,rtl..n.l., li.,., ... ...... "- '"I""'" cept.-il.) ol counliv proilu.-f'. orof nnv thitu' else Hi our line. WILL. PECK A SON Raleigh, May la 30 71 WATER COOLERS. THE SiiWrilier has taken ihn aceney for lb s d. ..f llITslU. S ci I. brnt.d W ater Coolers. W hi. h may he s.-rn it JOS. WILKINSON'S CONFECTIONARY A FRF IT STORE .May 23 30. FI OUR AND MEAL. i7AYF.TTEVH.LE Flour Super. Cross snd Fin-. I Cannl do Uurels and half Bids 1C0 Hs Meil May 27 5 A W 1. McGARV CORN, TN quantities lo uit purchasers, - - For sale, hy . i ,- D- W. WOOD. May 1,1947. 20 MESS PORK. ALOTnf New York City Inspection, jast receiT rd and lor sale by O. VV. DAVH. Mav 13. 25 1) I VEK wide Boards and Scantling. In 'Jots lo X, suit purrlriscrH, for sale, by C I). ELLIS, on W. C. Lord's wharf. May 13. 25 N E W GOO 1)8. " ! SPRINf! AM) SUJ1MER GOODS . , ' of ( VH I Stlle and (flKlIitli Stilted J ' , 10 meie a t . A . m n . i,. . . Mrrc!in nt Tailonj Establishment, i VI.: ' Ori'l fil lXF. I"H i;( 'M f'f.OTITS AND f-AS ; O MMEHES ..f cv. rv fb.tdc and r,iln ; Vinin:i "w-'" in vaii-ty ; ni-h twillid Drah ; S lk Alpaccis i. l . c ... ., t- .. . ... htmi larii'V issiim ri-s, all OI ine I i'i 1 Htvl'" and rfHt ' l.'y. lii-!i will be made up to order the short- j cf n iiinv I p 1 , i i , r i i, t , i mfIV' m v u u i i ,w im.i . A l-:ri: ;ind conii.l. ie asuoitn,, ,a of n.idy eiad.' , f I- hi u'. jiifit open, d an I a ,1c, wry eh. sip t"r I f Al. llit outlittin" Depaitment U t rv .-om- n!. !. wl:l il ... . I. .....rn,, t v . ... r "J' n .,,,., ,r : , , . u,,- .............. -n , t IC, , , L , y , , , V .11111 !,.!. U- j,v . Ull,,.r sbUl and Draweri; unpe'iior I'aney ' , I ,1 ,l , .T Hit. K 3 ; 4 ,1 1 W J I Hl'lll 1 L II 1 1) 1 11 IIII H J (III wi i; woiiny Hie all. n:;un ol tbos..- in wat.t of them. c,Mm, rs in tho habit of p:iyin cash will find ii in in. ir ini, u si to inaKe 11 Known, ns I in I'llurc am di It : n ,1,1. (I lo hi ike i I I lie int. rent id all who deal H i Hie. tn pay e isll. Shut eledit will be 'ivell to punc li: d ei...;,.iiin is and to none others. 'I hnse who have not Rattled their account, lo the 1 st 11! January, 1'317, will navu coat by inuni'diati ly doin" II. S. KFI.I.V. ' May 11. 21 If. V O R 8 A I , E . 7, Vt- IIIIDi-'. p'ime ret ilinc mol i-. s. by i'jV J. II, II I AU A A'snx. vi-' M iv 1 1 th, I - IT. " STA'I E OF NORTH CAROLINA, P . , r, .. . , '.,' ' In Kquilii. I N pursnacc of the decree made in this c. at th- Sjirtnjr I evni. lo). ol the I lonoralde the ( ..m t ol IV, Fipiity held for iIk- County of tew Hanover; I si, d! proceed to fell, on Thursday, the 17th -f June. Hi7, t,t the Court House, in the 1 own ol" W iliniii;;ton, the followinir iriictB or parcels of land, (rh:) ne tract in the County ot New Hanover, on tie east i-ide of liluck River. ronli'tlioiiH lo the land ! K"l-it Hmry nnd John Colvin, eiirnatd at a . h" in '-hi fork of Colvin's Creek, conlainin,' fill at.?. " 'lie west uto ot l olvin Lrcek', is A credit will be given of 3. f 0 .4 12 i.inmhs. I D. .1 1 . A H l-.S, (..4)1. k. May , 1? I. (1'r. adv. 87.51,'.) 21 l )t. - .. STATIC OF NORTH CAROLINA. Lrrv Ann Bevson and other:: : a ..'yio'y. ;;.r -. j N pur'-nnneeof the. h ei-e made in ibis e.iseat Spriir I T.utu. I -17. of ill- Honorable th- Coin I ..f FciiiC' for th-Coun'v of N. w; I slrill proc.'l to' s., ,, Thnisibiy, tbu liib of Jun. 117, nt the Court House in the Tow of Wilmiimion, upon a enslii of 3, ti, 9 A 12 month . the follow iuy lot, in the said Town; fimuiim on Maiket nte t 2n n , riiiitiina back 6G It., In twi . n ihi lots of Allied Martin an 1 Mi::. Maiy J. Lan -.ion. m.v - Ti'r l..''J"o'T Vu Ir Q A HALLS PRIME ICASTLRN HAY. v.H ; I or sale by . M VRTr.N. 27 May .New Spring anil Summer stork Iixri' I ;.l iIlVli.. i j f P II I! S'j' sciibrr ll i - jut r. :i d, by late ar- ' Aw I rivals .lir ct fiom M mat u i.m'rs -a I J rin I spb'iidid tiss nt in of (i iitli inen's. Lu- j di 'Si1;" i S ' i; fh i cii ! , " M , Hiver Lumbc T 'IDE BOARDS nnd Sen, l'4 lor Sale ill I .: : , I., i .: i v, ha Mav I', XcfiTocs Wnnlnl, i isii , .,. ,:. . - V ,f .1 1 . ell -. :., ' In 1 ' 1 1 -" 'i w:i. ii l . ill 1.. ll- i'i i i : - - V in I ,-ri I'), e n I. I . ; 14 -a h e.aik. I pi . . A - I in', nd i . 1 1 j 1 1 , ii . r , -1 ; tr ; i . .va;! ! tin I .' ... -I ;'. , : t v t ' to a a ; !i i ' I ti v ho vc ' 1 1 . i o.i ( a-pi m, !,. kn;i-ths, At iU to in. at tin ( '.no. ' , ( ' i- p. Jl 10 i II. , "kl l I.I. I i I ! I ANsLEY I) WIS, 1 1 P M r, ' in.-.Va. i e r S c h r . J . I) . J o n e s -fl por.s o .- t I" ' .x-- I. la ci. I" D - Fi-v- ' N : ' . J. l I 'o.'O.I N ..'.-.. ? B..x. !'iioi!.!!(B.,i.! 1 I! ic alniits. 2 Fi '..::.. fi IIum-v Raisins. JO. S 1 1, k' IN SON. Market Stint. May .. Hail Koad iVotice. rll E Cotntiiitsioners nppolnied by the I,r,;ilatiin ' of N rlh and S mill ( 'arolina to' receive :,W. ; ti. in lo the C i)itnl t u x o' the Wihninatoti n id M inch' ster Rail Hon !, hiving ascertained tint Tl." c Hlllld-.d Thoir-ar. ! D dials I, ive Li-'o ,:hrria I. b. rehv civc notice thai a nus-iinu' ol the Stock- l,.,Mnr U..III I... I.. I I.. ..: ... it .. .. '". "' '" .'innon i ouri nouse. rs. I . "n "'"'"day. the 23.1 day of June, proximo, for (he purpose of organizing the company. JOHN Me RAF., ( hairmnn nf Con'rt for V. C Mav P. " .-O-iJ-j j ' harlesinn Mercury and Chcraw Gazette copy TO RENT. 'IMIE Siore on the South side of Market Straot I lately occupied Jy T. GOl'LDSMITH. THOS H. WRIGHI' M.y 22. 2y.if. UNSEED OIL. 1 EST reco vtd. 5 Bbls. Back Country Linsee.1 Oil, ,1 a sujietior atliclo. For sne, hy SANDFORD SMITH BACON AND LAUD. f ti i LBS. nrlme Wayne County Paeon i 5 3Bbl. Lard, just received, and for tale, by April 21, 847. 17 - niMUERl'llfj B1M OP WILXIWItM. TITF. organization of this Institution havlna liken plii"e, in conformity to Its Charter, Books ot Suhaciiptiun are now ro-opencd at the. Bunk of Cape Four In ililj dace for balance of capital stork. (). ( PARSLEY, President. Apiil J. II7. HISTORY OF MEXICO. TUST I(r,viv,d, a few coplen of nn nbrbltrH Hi.- l,,rv Mi.xieo, ami tlie Texlnn Rcvoluii.ui, wirli kei, 1,. , f ,he I.ivra of On. Tnylor and Sunta An- na, bv, K. I!,d. I-'..r r,le, by SANDFOIID A SMITH. May:?, I-1 21. . . . FLOUR. TJEYTONA l!;(AM)S, lib!., nnd HU. For mil,., bv I). W. WOOD. 20 May i. r-'ir. ll'si'l' D I't'l'IV I'll , ' '''' A FRIv'H ply i,f tli.j . ,.,. looking Rtz irs, . i . j 1 1 1 . ( i i u ,. It u . 1 ' , n v MtKKI.I. R A, Mi !! K. May I . 2'Miii. moi.ass:;s &. si oau. U 7 II M S : -V., ,;. - " - ' , p.'f Si lir. Lauu i.e. For mile by ,, ..... , , Aniil 2J, 10 l'ATF.NT, PORTA I'.LK SHOWFIl 1IATIIS. Q OK these H. filthy tin I Orn, I upin an ihiprurni prvn-tlc. int. nlal nrlteh's, iiptin an ihiprucni uriv Juv lee. ived, lor sal by HARRY A I1R YA.NT. M'nl2J, 10 MOLASSES. .)( f Ilhds. Prime M-d f. r fale. lo vi.H I'UITLR A KIDUFR. Apiii -jn, iir. pi RIO AND LAOIIIRA COI'i'EE. 1 ( R.IL'S lilo 1 V l l I iauir.1, .1., va, HOWARD A PKDF.VS. 10 at ;.ril 2. SACK SALT. ( Sacks l.iveiK,ol lilo. .111! Salt 01 1 at HOWARD it PEDH.N-S. Ap:il 2'J, " FLOUR. I P.bN. ."anal l'lotir lU III Half llbls. ( anal Flour. 29 30 Hhls. Fayettevi at HOWARD A I'DDF.N'S. April 2-.I, SOAP 1't ,-T I',x-f.,:i. :-.ap, Pi ail starch, nt HOWARD A PEDF.N S. April 29, 10 SEOARS & TOBACCO. A rv AAf A Sear, nsp'itted Brands, OVJJ J Tobacco in nil vaiii tieo. at HOWARD A PEDEN S. .p ii :.). 19 PALE ALE. Kf 0(17. Pal: Ale, Pints and Quarts For rale 'J f low at HOWARD & PT.DI'.N'S. Ajril 29, 1'.) BOSTON CRACKERS. t)l Canster., Cent's R iton Craekem. For Mile at -Cl f HOW !!D i I'EDI.N S. April 2. 13 lee (Venms ! lee Creams ! ! 77; LADIES SALOON "I17H.L be open this tnorninjr, where 'If; under V I si 'in d w II furnish to the ladies of Wilmington Ire Cn am si rv. I no in a manner nnd "tvl- thatr.i.-i f"1 '''""' Call at the ( 'trijtrtiunnrii Start on Frt'm! V -. '. ' E. K. HOOD, M" : 1 - ' 1 1 '7 BO OK MM) IMS TO OLS. POR - ,!', Ti: ah. r of Book Bin b-r's Too!. r-jn- Stamp", Poli-'bini; Iron Hati- ihit, Kmv, s I'. II015 S'i'k'-. Saw, Shear A.-. ;. prime o, I r. A;. ply at tips Oifiee. Mir. h'.'l I SELLING OFF. HA V I N J i o:r i.. ' d lo in ik,- a i haue;. i;iu.,; 1 . -.'" r f-.- - d A i' i.:0 I I'l.Y i'! !' i I D I'.iL I -' I - .i . ll, m, . ,-: i:v i ; , ' lla'dw- . . L.m. c lV , - ' M -t of th- )rv O .. d, m: a uih cost. and I be ba'-r ol lie s'oi k at a vi ry sen il a,i . over I..- c m. nil p ..-r. '.i i-lii.: - t pu-ii.i- eonsf.j 'cii'ly fii. ! it ; .:'v : . tl. ;: ajvant-i . nl out : ire J I'.. NDERSON Mav ii.! ::. .; II A CO N N D L A R D . KM H M-) '.'b,.'' Ti.;N!. N C B .. ,n ; i a .: i . v. M i: l in Jill 1- WANTKI). S "-I i it 1'. ne'i-.i I ..!. r.boii! 1 1 yea. s--l ot nje to at v - i a a S; it" Apply at this ofii.-e. M i I num, HXIIORN AND PALI LEAF IHIS IF 1' RECEIVED, a splendid assortment, for sale ... w holesale nnd reiail very eliesi Cmint'V Mer .'. .: : rue invited loeXaminP our s'ock, which we w. I il at New Yoik pri'-es MYERS A P. A R.N I'M, M-.i-k t Sir, 1-1. Mirchfl, 17. Mil WHISKEY. ( BARTtELS, JUSt receive.! W S VNDEORD A SYtlTII April 13. 12 P O R S A L E VORTii CAROLINA Bacon and Lard Fjistern Hav : Imltition ami New Orleans Y hiki r, bv A MARTIN April 3. U.S. INFANTRY CAPS. TFST received 2 doxen of the above Cips, suitable lor OfDetfra, and forjnle. nt th- II it an I Cp S'ore of MYERs .f- BAR NUM. Feb. 22. II) FRESH SODA BISCUIT. 0 ROXE.S my! 1 Kivs E ar .1I.1 by 5 A W I McGARV. Pine Apples! Pine Apples!! IIrtST in Murker, com ami let ll be said, you have . one of lh tirt from - JOS. mLKIXSON S, Confectionary dndTrult Store. fiforbi t,t., under A.'r. 0van'l Duelling. r ffee-. " 0 BAGS Dark Oreeri Rio. ) If, " J. A W. I.. MtOARY. April 22. . ll RICE. IRHSH heat Rle'-if,W, hatf and mall, always on hand, for sale in Iota to unit purchasers hv DeROSMFT, KROVVN 4' Vo. jiril22, j?47. I" SOAP. I C Bbls. Sofl Swp, i prime artii U I U 20 Hoxrs Bar Soap, Forsilnby DrltOiS.SKT, HROWN & Co 22, 1I7. 16. . ('nrolina Dnfon, f.nnl. Ve. Q i I V.. Wayne ' nn,:v l-'.u.i. ; J) I V ) '.'OH) I.' 1. - , u i ; lilUO " " Lird, in H.irn Is and K"i;s ; i oo i:..;h u r.iiek i;-.c r. ,: For . d i y M-.l'F ii W AUNT'.R. Feb.'.'.'., HV MESS I O R K . 1 ,: B VRRF.L! jut received, per Srhr. ... y. 1 ' fmiii -. w York, for sale by ti. W. DAVIS. Ap.ll 1 8 inco.N! MACON !! QOf AC A,'"S N""h t.'an.liiM I OUUV. ' c.ived, r,n- for sale, l,y linn 15:icon. Ju t rr- J. .4 w. I.. M () a;: v Ap.:i22. FKESH M CK EREL 1G S) KI'I'TS, and 'ill A t us. . For pal !. .! '..tra lar for fir., J. if- U. I,. M..OAHY LEMON SYRUP, Just Rrrrirrd. 1 ( BOXES L' limn Sirup, 1 V I!) do F u sal by Soda lli-csiit. S M;FO:iD A SMITH. i: April-' I, lure f. l.i -;, I at Hi .a , J I 1 .Col I'll from )J tin., null, '.i i for . i!e. hv Dt.R JssLT, BROVVN d Co, Mny B, i n?. ii. PACK I NT j Q BALLs b M iy fi. t T'liri1.' t'li-kin". for sa'p by J. A W. L. Mct.AltY .FT, i 1! llf.ll IIVI It.l.nui qMlL SI'HSf'HlBEi'!. would respectfully ini,. .1 th La iii s an-! Ocirleinen of V il niicton an I vicinity lo lo as 40rtn.ini ol ronirciioiiiirv, Fruits, NiiK Toys. Fiiiii) Artidp.s &c, Which h as ih! I.'cn sol-ct-'d in the noiili rn market, of 'V- fee t 'prah'V. and"biill be w ill end-avor t" sail at the I ,: e I ca.-h pii-e. and ti'"' svi-f ''.'ti'Mi to nil. .10 : ILKIN" iN. .1 in. i St. I'.c.r Mi -'- Cou-'in' '.'.'.!?. Apiil 15, I: '.7. 1 !- CORN, MEAL, FLOUR, &c TEST received inn H:thels Ci.-n ,J 100 " Ma!: ,r)0 Bhls Virginia Flour ; 7.- Bal.-s Hay; For 'a!-. '-V S A DFOR D A. SMITH. M iy MAN U EACTL'itED "l'O li CC( - TEST r.ciiv d p.r R 'il Boa I l."in Vi-t.;.i '-'' Boxes Mat.ufa tutid Toba- eo. v trior-; h-vr!". For sab I v Mny s. S NDI-OIil) A s.Mll II CI CANDLES. ri'ST reccival -10 Box Ad.-.niiinu;.e Per,:! I.ijit ,) C.mdI. ; 10 S. -:m; - Tail c. ; '.y 10 For s',1 SANDI'oRD A SMITH. 23 HAY. F-ti rn Hav. i- Siot For J ,w Y I.. Ml. . May i B LF s P. 31? r,., by May S. FLOUR. P RREL1.S. Favet'eville Fin.-, ( :fs a:i.i 'SfKW Suinr. I o. sal-, bv ,t . I. M GARY. M.y FOR SALE. I Mi; E -::. ilnv. N w Oiier-ns W i.-'K. y. ii .... ,-i B andv, Mdl.i.1 Y '.ne. Lime, linen; n. M il Ac Ac. by Y. M ;'TI N i v -, t Kl.i;s. I'KKSF.RYF.S. iNF.'.AII.; V) C.isES, Fr.d tw, .oil's I',- k . as'.rt-d. 1') i' - v, - i :. a . v . ' i r jr , I " F'.-n b M .'. r. i , i'i f " I i' 1 . in v I Ic r : I- a, i 1 r ,.'. ... 1 " I o J c 10 " I.--1 i, s.. n.p I - Ti o iti Vim. yar. 1 ' Paoli 1 " Raib-rrv ' P. .per Sauce. Cn Hups, I In: Kn' lh .p. For ile low at HOW VRD A I'I- I'I s April .".', I'.t OIL OA BBLS. hW.rh, I si.ui'iier U h-ie Oil fiJ 3 B'i. b!r 1 bed .V rrm O I 10 II ,. r. rin. I w! 1, O.i :.,r Mi'hincry. 10 IP!" Tar.'i.'ts H I t r ,' by D Kt ' S.:i . HROWN A Co. Apiil-;:. i'j LONDON POIUI ER A: SCOTCH ALE. Just Ilorrived 1 C e.ASKS Lon bin Club Porter, (in p;nt. ) JLU 10 ' Scotch Ale. For.ab, hy SANDFORD A SMITH April 21. 17. Slll'.KTINO AND YARN-" A CONSTANT 'apply of Sheeting and Ys-ns f.c sale on Mjtiufuriultrs soeount tv SANDI OiJD A SMITH Ap-il27 , il CORN & MEAL rfT nFHELS Com. ftKjyt ofl co For sale, by J A W I MeOUlV MERCHANTS' : STKAM BOAT COMPANY, OP FATETTEflLLB ATI) VjIIIINCTOS. " OR EAT UEDUCT IONIn FREIGHT; ' Aveiaria? n!.ou( J!) ptr fent. .. New Stoanior VL(W A M, 1 7 inThrV ' Steamer WILLIAM 15. M FARES, St..amer COTTON PM.VT M . Flat l!fe.ri--BFrV I'.F.IRV. ' 5 ODD FK.LLOH MUF. CKOiSXV. iVAfcHI.NOTorS, T. J. CFRTIS. READY MONEY. JIARY KLIZA. rPtlF. Proprieiorsi nt flip MerehinfV Steam Boat 1 ( oinp my of Fayf ttcville and VYflmins'ron.N. oiler di- .,'ovc Line of Hunts, on tlu-Cape Fear River, to :he :;.( ; p'iblic, 'under the late reviaion and re d;e "o-i ot Fn-ishi. T b ir m w Stennn r. ROWAN, now draws only 17 ir.' !;i s water. W i, n she nnderoea some altiTation in in a him ry, h r draft in calculated at 14 to 16 Inches, whieli will make In r the lithteM boat nni)pitinr trie wa'eis of any river In tin Sotrl, orn country. This. Coinpa.-,) irr theinsi hes that tbi y havi. it now in thi ir power to ofler the most complete line of Boat ti nt bi i v r been on the Cape Fear, and one tint will do th'T;ei"h!iiu business with regularity and despatch 0 . nil ttur,,, of tin water. They have, in connection with the Hi i.riclirf Company of this place, reduced the freifihts to the tarit! na In firlnU.'d ratei. JVcItheTrof the Boating roneems de-mcfl thciitatilVe able lo re duce the IV ijjhn ofid still do the forwarding buainesa in ffih p!ac pee f ehtrge, and conserjucntly this Company ha'.. tivcn it up, with the conviction, that the Forwarding Mi r han'r, of our town can do it more nisfice. than n fcoatic; concern. Anv lia ..,scorii'.'.iii d to tin Merchants' Steam Bout Company, Wilmington, N. ('., will be forwarded thromli that d i-c r,r r,f eumniMuma all otllcr 1 liro :. s mailt' lo llic shippr. Th" new iirtingoinitit takes efiret from the 15th in-t.iiil. Pa'sar- frl, ! o:h ways. The two eorapani . will hercaT'er ronnt all freight enr-h, or Iritcreat ft. lib d. Direct letters to Thnmai S. Lutterloh, Kay. ttcxl'.le ; J. A W. L. Mi Oar", Wilmineion. THOS. S. l.L'TTERLOII, Aeent. I Fiyc.ti' ville, Jan. H, P47. 130 j FRESH BEAT RICE. (t CASKS, just arrived, in whol and hall Casks I ' y'yof (i-'t'i hr-i Rice, a Ounerior article, for sale by K. DICKINSON, Agtnt. ManhJO. 2. N. C HAMS. (( LBS. very superior X. C Hams )UV ) ) I, irn ia Lard, tor sap, ,n Ni.FF A WARNER S. a.,.. ii-.. n I L )l'U. ,r( Bhl a. F.ivi tti ville .S'i;.f.r. fa audCroas, e 'J I (ii.-et. d per If. nr. 'dta Line, or sa'e by DrKOSSET, BROWN A Co. An, 22. P17 !. ' FULTON MARKET bYTeF." t H, !f Bam Is I- '.in Pounds SmouVrd Reef I'") am-iiked Tonucfl, verv mperiorat HOWARD & P EDEN'S. F-i7. 9. HAY. cXfA A P'-mc "''y- just recti red, per Sthr. I ')J A. J. Ihi;s ', lor s.iie, by I SAN DFORD A SMITH. Ajyril20. 1 JUS T RECEI V ED, Ptr S'hrs. .ilaric and Wilmington. T'PERIOR French. Enclish and American prints; .' I. lack Silk; Sewing Silk " Silk Crav e- ; Lnd, V itierior II S ( Ho'.. ; ( ' ntlen-itn' " " Linen 'nn,LiTb'k Hndkerrhtifs : I ! a k s.tii ai. d Cotton Hose; I ap' ; Spool T'liri id ; Irish Linen ; , It i. iia find Birds Eye Diaper"; in. a. !i-d amj B own Siicsrtiiujj 10-4 to 1 1-4 whie; l'., .i's Diitk-. lo- ieh...l end T'oldeich. d ; II 1 Lln.-nTab' Pia; n ; I'niliri lias ; S p-tior Fr. oi h Dot Skin . ' Drip D F' S.,:hi V, li-f: J lekoru f. fl .ok nod S i- Mu-ins . Dimity ;,:..) I . .. U.s() .0 V..-J- V , .ti !lh:.- s ..nt. p.,,,,, I.oal Suua: ; W hiskl'V ; Nnlls; lion nti.l Hi: !.i are a.irtt-d C. K BK tDLEY. A:r'!'. 1 ,,,... ;i,....J ?-''t,K KVirTJXt-J-- ;I. ELEPHANT 2nd .IIAL:-; Lkaclwd iird Ol I.S. Cot stantly for ' ds, by l W. V 001). 2f FEATHERS. M I i'.V b ijs of g h) '. Feathc t. r it d p.-r ( t- .V to. i Pia!. For sal . b J A W I. McOARY. ' 21 M .'. 3, If 17. J U S T R E CUI V ED FROM DOSTON. r 'N'DERW OOD ricKLFS. n":Td, Picuiiily, L' Mum!. M it"o!" (t r'i -ij a",l Prfr. FBI'.Sil S ! CES Jo in li. I), InciaSay.Tsma to. '. ilmi:. l'.'ppi r a .a i AruhoV '. . IN --TORE. W' it- G.i,.-. r. I use Ground Gin '. A.::i .r Ei ! -b Dairy ( he. se. Vctt in Boxrs 11 I Bir .ii, 'ir. ii.v Cbiiu'kJ, Ails'uattiin pearl I. . irs, Gunvs Jeliv. Sard 1 ii. aV w hole Boxes, Srd'iii 1. Lo if. I'r'.-.'v I at'.! P.m l.-e t Suar, CobSpc. tionarv .vssurtvd 1.1 Box. . Eau .Je Ci.Wih. Fk sW by C W. CttADLEY. A;ri:: IG CORN.- 1 if f BFelilF.I.S Cornfor sale. b I V't t.f J.4.W. I.. McGARV. IS I . S U O A R, A- v Just rtcfired ixr Srhr R. II ."' Brovn, ' HHDS. 'prlr.n Suaar . J? 10 Cbbi. 10 - S.vlt Eu'in. t. . . 10 i - For sale, bv SANDFORD A SMITH. A-i :aFl7 ?0 TO'FVCCp. O.-; BOXF.-l ast,i Bnnds r-r sl low. . A -) J I- W I. McQART. Mav 21" prl 22. 1G Mav I 1 ptii 72 lb"

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