TRUNKS AND PAPER. QQ SUPERIOR TrwlllnnTrtinkii OO 600 Reama Wrapping Paper i 25 " Foolscap 25 Letter ' Just received, for tale low, to cl "Jjj by March 8. 149 B1LL8 OP EXCHANGE Prlc II perqulre for sale at the COMMERCIAL 6fFICE. March 21. MANUFACTURED TOBACCO 1 f KEGS, jut received, and for tale by lJ JOHN C. LATTA. Oct. 27 49 WHISKEY BARRELS "Old Monongahela," for sale by ZJ Q. W. DAVIS. N A I L S . CA KEGS best quality, at DKJ HOWARD March l. PEDKN'S. 146 Valuable Ileal Estate FOR SALE. UNDER a decree of the Court of Equity for the County of New Hanover. I shall proceed to Bull at public auction to the highest bidder st the Court House in Wilmington on Thursday ihe 17th day of June 1847. The following lots of land situate lying and being in sold Town, to wit : One tot with a three story brick tenement thereon situate on Market Street, and at present occupied by Dr. Dickson. One unimproved lot, situate on Quin ce's Alley. One lot with I ho improvements I hereon, situate on the corner of Second and Princess Streets. Also one lot of land situate on the corner ol Srcond and Mtilbury Streets, being the western poitionof the said lot. 1 Thonbove lots of land will be sold upon n credit of J stx and twelve months, purchasers giving bonds and : spproved Security. j T. D. MEARES, C. M. E. ! April 27, 1947. (Pr. adv. !0 50.) 18-ts. I SOAP. BOXES prime Yellow and Pale, for sale 100 by SANDKORD & SMITH. April 3. GLUE. O J BARRELS superior quality American Glue, for &K) Spirit barrels, just received and for sale by BARRY & BRYANT. April 3. 8 They Have Come. i THOSE very fine imported Justo Snnz. Canomies, j Nymph, Recralla Sepnrs which all that have tried i acknowledge to be the nest, at , JOS. WILKINSON'S, ; Confectionary and Fruit Store. , Market street, under Mrs. Covan't Residence. ! May 4. 21 j Valuable Real Estate. THE Subscriber offers for sale that Valuable Pro perty on Hillsboro' Street, in ihe City of Raleiqh now occupied by the institution for the Deaf and Dumb. The corner lot opposite the residence of Mnj. Collins, is on tho east side of the second square west of the Capitol, and runs from street to street on which is a large and commodious Dwelling House: a one story building, formerly used as tho Printing Office of ! iheN. Carolina Standard; a brick Kitchen; Stables; ! Carriage House; all necessary out-houses, and a large , space ior a uaracn. The lot adjoining has a very good two-story House, with Kitchen, Stables, Ac, and is known as having formerly belonged lo ihe estate ol Capt. Hottsb, de ceased, and also runs from street to street. The property is located In the moet nleasant narl of tne Uty, ana a purchased now, will be sold at a price ber or my customers, that there is a saving of one so reduced at to render it a very desirable investment. I fourth in the quantity consumed between it and the Possession will be given in April, 1848. common article of Spirits. I pledge mvself lo furnish The Subscriber has appointed William R. Pooxi, I a fresh and pure article, and feel assured all that Is re- r.sq., nis Attorney lor tne disposal ol this property, to wnoru an desirous oi purchasing will pleas,' apply. T. LORINO. Feb. 24, IW. 144 Register ind Standard will insert G times. CIGARS. 25000 AS50RTED brands. Just received, and for sale, by J. 4 W. L. McGARV . 150 March 10. NEW STORE. JUST opened, a splendid assoiment of Toys and Fancy Baskets. Also, a fresh lot of Confectiona ry, Nuta and Fruit of all kinds, which the Ladies and Gentlemen of Wilmington are respectfully invited lo call and examine, at E. R. OOD'S, Front it. A prill 7. 14 BUTTER AND CHEESE. Ju$t rtetired from New York,per Schr. Florida, 1 f KEGS (Extra) Goshen Butter ; l.VJ 20,Caka Cheese ; 20 Boxes " Foraaleby J. & V. L. Me GARY. March 1. 14G WESTERN BACON. 8HHDS. Shoulders, a superior article, daily expec ted, and for aaie, by J. f- D. McRAE. May 10th, 1847. 24 nnirvTRV whisktv W -KS 1 A AW A I k M.KJ 1 K.J A -. 1 " BARRELS Cnunlrv YVl,llrv ,'n.t from Fayettcville, for sale by J. & W L. McOARY. 146 March 1. F1JUI1, LEG1NM AND PUS LEAF HATS. JUST RECEIVED, a splendid assortment, for sale at wholesale and retail very cheap. Country Mer chant' are Invited to examine our stor k, which we will sell at New York prices. MYERS &. BARNUM. Market Street. March B, 1347. 119 WHISKEY. Cf BARRELS, justVeeivwi. JJ 8ANDFORD SMITH April 13. 12 P OR SALE. NORTH CAROLINA Bacon and Lard ; Eastern Hay, " Imitation Brandy, and New Orleans Whiskey, by . , A. MARTIN. April 3. f) U.S. INFANTRY CAPS. JUST received, 2 down of the above Caps, suinhlt for Offlcera, and for tale, at the Hat and Cip Si,,,,, o t M MYERS if BARNUM. Fh.K. H3 FRESH SODA BISCUIT. BOXES and 15 Kegs For sale by &) J.&W.L. McOARY prtl22. 10 TOBACCO. OC BOXES assorted Brands For sale low, bv ZJ- J. f- W. L. McOARY. April tl. 16 SOAP. rrrv BOXES Cobatea No. 1, Soap at OU HOWARD PEDEN'S. April 1, 1P47. o DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE. MrpiIE dwelling house formerly owned and JL occupied by Mr. I. Peterson, together with the out buildings and nppertenancca thereto. Also, DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, directly South of said Dwelling which will be sold separately or together, aa may be most desirable to ault purchasers. Terms made easy and good title of the property .in... n n fhkKth ' ...... - . wiii. in 1047 nn , llllMMg l VII, m ,v. v, tJ m i , ..... NOTICE. AGEXCTOF TIIEN C.MCTHALINSURANCE COMPANY. Wilmington, July 29, 1846. SANDFORD A SMITH, Apents of the No. Car. Mutul Insurance Company, have the gratification to state to the numerous persons Insured In this Of fice, that the Company will promptly nay the loss sus tained by tho recent fire In Fayettcville, without the delay of 90 days, as required by the Bye-Laws; and without culling for any instalment on the premium notes. The Agents will receive applications, and take risks as usual. July 30. 58 SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY, Front Street, Wilmington, N. ('. THE subscriber t;ikcs this method of Informing his friends nnd tho public eenernl Iv. that he has taken the store formerly occupi ed by Porter nnd Illakeslee, nnd immediately opposite Ihe Chronicle Olliee, wheie he is now opening a com plete assortment of Saddles, Bridlrs, llnrnfss, Trunks, Martingales, Valises, Carpet and Saddle Bugs, Collars, Whips, Spurs, Bits, if. it. A,c Ac All of which w ill lc warranted of pood manufacture nnd materials, nnd will bo sold low lor HASH. Hnvii'i! lono f.xi'Kiuf.nok in the above business, he Halters himself III a he will be able to render full sat ixfarlion to those who may bj disposed to patronize him. It Is his intention to keep no Bx.ks, but to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, by winch means he will he able to furnish nniclcs mi en t u e a p e a lli;in they have heretofore be n ' mu jh t in this market. JYREPAIIUNG of nil kinds done nt the shortest i nolice. JOHN J. CONOLEY. j Auk. fi, 1?1G. ly(il NlXillol'ASSKS. JUST printed at '' The Commercial'' Office a new ( supply of Scero Pusses, which nre oflbid 'd n trilie i over the cost of paper that it would take to w rite them on. ! Jinn. 2a 129 1 NEVVFOUNDLAND DOG" A BEAUTIFUL and full-blooded NEWFOUND LAND DOG.2J years old, for tale. Apply at this Office. Porter! Porter! Q"V DOZ. in Pints nnd Quarts, just received, and WW lor sale by NEFF for sale by WARNER. Feb. 2G. 14o CAMPHINE LIGHT. FOR the accommodation of Fami lies, I have placed a Can at Messrs. Hast 4 Pollev's where my article of Fresh Camphine will be constantly kept and may bo had at all times. For tlia convenience of Stores, I send It aroi;nd on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. . Hereafter, the Camphine will be sold at tlflxi cents vereallonthe nricn whir h they have been heretofore selling Common Spirits. In the use of my Camphine, you have a clearer and moretfciuj itgnt and I have the assurance of a num- quired to bring it into general line, is to give it s trial. THOMAS SMITH. Wilmington, Jan. 15. 1847. 127 o m e and ex a mine You are not compelled to purchase. THE full ond frpsh stock of Confectionary consist ing of STEWART'S, SPOTTEN'S.and LAN AHAN'S Steam Refined Candies. Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Eng lish Walnuts, f-c. Oranges, Lemons, Apples and Smyrna Figs. ALSO, French, Ennlish, Germnn nnd American Toys of every variety and description. And n lot of Ladies covered Work Ila.drli nf very superior make. E. R. WOOD. April 24, 1847. 71 ! PAPER. REAMES Letter Pnper, CO 2.5 do Cap, do. 50 do Wrapping, do.. For sale, by SANDFORD & 1 April 24, SMITH. 17. GOSHEN BUTTER. J EST received per Schr. A. F. Thorn 52 hours from New York 10 Firkins Goshe n Butter ' SANDFORD A SMITH i April 27. h WHISKKY. Bbls. Rectified Whiskey for sale by DeROSSKT. DROWN A 18 Co. 16. April 22, 1T47. G L U E "VTO. I Glue of Boston and IMtimorc Manufacture 1 for sale by DeROSSFT, BROW N & c, ' April 22 1A47. r,' BACON. WAYNE County Hams and Middlings, tenj supe rior, for sale, bv D. W. WOOD. May 1, IP47. 20 NASH BRANDY. Bbls. First quality Old Nash Brnndv. For snlo by DeROSSET, BROWN 4 Co. 9 April 29, 'j HAVANA ()R.YaKs7 JUST Ariivcd, very li r. AIo. Key Bi.sket, at JOS. WILKINSON S. CONFECTIONARY rf- FRUIT STOKE. M irket St. under Mrs. Cvican't Residence. I May II. -u j BACON & I.ARD. 1 Just Recti veil per Steam Boat Cotton Plant. 2000 d"8 ,Jacon'nan"' sM"od Shoul- 1000 lbs. Prime Lard. For sale by ! SANDFORD & SMITH May IK. 26 VINEGAR. CIDER and While Wine Vl.ugar, for sale by DaROSSET, BROWN 4 Co. April 22, 1947. if, JUST RECEIVED. rm QPRINOatyleof 11 O GENTLEMEN'S HATS Received this day, and now open for Inspec tion, at r " March IP MYERS A RARNUM'8. UNPRECEDENTED PROPOSALS. THE WEEKLY COMMEftCI At, FOR ONE DOLLAR IJ' STRICTLY NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. CONTAINING FROM TWENTY-ONE TO TWENTY-TWO COLUMNS OF READING MATTER EVERY No I Which will be filled with ihe choicest Literary Articles, latest Newt, both Domestic and For eign, faithful and full Re ports of the Markets with the Iri-weekly Remarks on the Wilmington Market. THE reputation which the til-weekly Commercial has acquired as a faithful register of Ihe state of the Markets here, as well as ihe latest and most Im portant News, wurrants us in saving that the public nave nn nssutnnce that the Weekly Commercial will be nil that the reader may deshe, in these particulars, nt least. The low price nf the paper lower than any paper nt the South will enable every citizen to have com mand of a newspaper of his own, complete for nil the purposes of such publications divested of the anry spirit of pnrty, and free from political contention; the stole aim of which is to give correct nnd substantial Information to the render; such as may benefit him in his business, nnd entertuln and Inform his mind. Person holding Suliseription papers are requested to Bend in the nnmea of subscribers, as soon as they nre obtained retaining the pnper for further subscrip tions. The object is to obtain a sufficient number lo commence the publication in the curly part of next month. All navments must be made In advance, nnd DOSt- i ne paid when the name la forwarded; otherwise, no ! attention will be paid to the order. i t. lorinc. I Publisher of the Tri-wekhj Commercial. ! WiiMiNGTON, N. C, Jnnuniy 6, 1HI7. Hoarding House. : TMI E subscriber has t ikt n lh" well-known House ; on tile southeast corner of Dock and Front streets, .". nrrly occupied by Mrs. Joseph A. Hill, for the ! of accommodating regular nnd tranclent 1 boarders. F. J. SWANN. I Nov. 17. irr.l-tf. j CHECK ROOKS. WE have just executed in a superb style, bound up In 2. 3 and 4 Quire Hooks, Checks on the " Bank of Cape Fear," and the " Brunch Hank of the State." Call and examine them, at the OfEc-i of The Com menial. T. LORING. Oct. 31. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE For Sale, THE TOWN OF WILMINGTON. rPI!K Subsciiber being desirous lo close X his husincss in ihnirurlnll iifTera fur s do, the nnd Lot on Walnut Street, continued, now occupied by Mr. Jos. M. Tilliv. The lot is fiii ft. by 3liO ft., corner lot, having on it n new one iindn half story house, containing b rooms, with all nccessury out-houses. ALSO, A Hduseand Lot, situated on Red Cross St, now occupied by the undersigned. The lot is 80 ft. by 200 ft , ihe house contains 8 rooms, is nearly new, and is filled in with brick ; there are ail necessary out houses on the lot. Also, an enclosed lot adjoining and fronting Red Cross St. bb' ft. by 200 ft. ALSO, Two enclosed lots on Boundary and Third Streets, 55 ft. by 250 fi. ALSO, One half lot on Third Street continued. Alno, one quarter section of Land in the Stale of Illinois said to be of excellent quality. For further particulars, apply to WILLIAM WILSON. Aug. 10, 1846 CO C O P A It T N E It S HI P . IHA VE this day taken Donald McRae Into Copart nership, for the transaction of agency and Commis sion business under the firm of J. A D. McRae. JOHN McRAE. Jan. 1, 1817. 121. Til E OLD ROCK SPEINli FOREVER! rpHE flock Spring Restaurateur Is now open for J. the accommodation ol Ihe Public, where every Refreshment the market affords mny be had. at ail hours of the ilay or night. The Bur is supplied with choice Liquors, Hlnes and dears. DAVID THALLY. Dec. 12, 18-16. 114 BLACKSMITHS C THE Subscriber having taken the Old Stand, re cently occirnied by Mr. S. J. Pkbry, bens leave to Inform the cilizi na of this place and vicinity, that he is I prepared to execute with despatch nil kinds of Smith ' Work that may be wanted, viz: Grist Mill Spindles and Saw Mill Crhnks, Mill work generally, Axes. I Hoes, Ship, Carriage, Wagon and Dray Ironing in ; the best manner. Horses shod neatly and at short ! notice. Jan. 25-131-Gm. A. J. ERAMBERT. ; A L li A N Y A I E . DAILY expected a few Rbls nf the bovc article. GILLESPIE if- ROBESON. April, 22 16. j SHEETINO. ' AmA SHEETING, Manufactured at the Rock fish ' 4 Factory, for sale bv i DeROSSET, BROWN & C... I April 22. 147. Summer Hoarding. THE subscriber Invin? piirchascd ihe residere e on Masonlmru' Sound, 7 mil. s Town, fn: ' merly occupied by Mr. Geo. R. Fncsrii, and at th' request of some of his frieii.fs, has consenli d to open a House of Entertainment, cimuiencing the 20th of Miy. where persons can be accommodated by the day or week. Tlie house has undergone n thorough re pair, is healthy. and plensnnily situated, commanding ' n fine vii w of ihe Ocean, Ac. There will bo a two 'horse Hack for running from Town to the shove place on the follow ioj; days, nnd ofiencr if necessary, ; viz. leave 7W mi Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days, return on Wednesdays, Fiidaysid Mondays, j N. B. Company on Sabhiths, will Yfot he received 1 only when there is uouie of iheir I imilv there 1 I. PETERSON. April 20, I-I7. . 5 I Cl.BA COFFIli:. 1 BAGS handsome, just received, nn I for sle, by j I J. H. ROTH WELL. : Mirch2T. 3 STONE WARE. . Just received per Schr. J. D. Jones. 7 CRATE containing Jugs, Jars. Churns, Water Kegs, Milk Pans, Money Jusrs, Jnr Covers. Flow r Pots, Ac. Ac. J. H. ROTHWELL. April 7, 1847. 10. GUNPOWDER. AN Assortmeni of " Du Pont'a" Powder always on hand for sale on Mmufactnrer's Account, by DeROSSET, BROWN Co. . April 22, Ifi. JUST RECEIVED. AND in Store, 60 Barrels primi Eating Potnfoe. R. O. RANKIN. April 3, 1B47. 9. MOLASSES. Of HHDS. Molasavs, a superior lo. for sal br OU OILLESPIE A ROBESON April 7, VAT. ' q' IN i FRESH DREGS, MEDICINES, it i RECEIVING AT THE NEW Drog Store, of the undersigned (Exchange Buildings) of hi own select ion, In the Northern Cities, t new and I greatly enlarged stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, fcc. Dealers are requested to inquire (he price before purchasing. A. C. EVANS. Dec. 16. 611 FAMILY MILL. THE subscriber respectfully informs tho citizens of Wilmington, that ho keeps constantly on hand fresh ground Meal, which he sells at Storo prices. He is prepared at nil times to grind Corn nt tne shortest notice for families. Call and try the Steam Mill be tween the Messrs. Grants nnd Fbanki.iis Hotel. JONATHAN LEES. Sept. 1, 1816. 72 " Be just and Fear Not." (COUNTER Scales and weights of various pnterns J und sizes, for sale, by Nov. 2 J7. II ART &, POLLEY. PUMPS. DOUGLASS'S patent Revolving stand premium Pump, for wells, cisterns &c. The merits of this pump have been fully tested by the most competent judges throughout the country, and Its decided Hiipcri only over any thing of the kind now In use. universal ly acknowledged. Also, force Pumps of different pat terns for deep wells distilleries &c. for Hide, bv Nov. 2.97.1 HART f- POLLEY. PERFUMERY, AGOD SUPPLY OF PF.R fvmi:i:v. lllli; k '1-lO'iII BRI'SnES, or the v i ." r st o e a l t T . FRESH OI.lVi: (II,; POW'D. SAfiU, ,t CAVFNNE P E P P !. R ; EXTRACTS OF LEMON AND VilMLLA ROSE WATER, it For Sale low by A. C. EVANS. Dec. 10. lit). CI 1 1! A PER THAN E V II It . SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. rT HE Subscriber respectfully n turns thanks w I to his numerous customeis for their libera patronage the lew months past, and begs to in form them tint he h is just returned from ihe North with a large nnd complete assortment ot ltoots nnd Shoes, suitable lor the Kail and W inter Tiade, from the m ist extensive nianuf -ictuicrs, and most of which have been mad,: to his special order, and warranted to be of a su pel ior (ii iliiy, and to give entire satisfaction. He is also receiving, weekly, from the manufactur ers, at low prices, nil kinds of Boots and Siloes, that will, in point of beauty, durability, und cheapness, eclipse all previous exhibitions; and ns his Stuck is fresh nnd ni w, he can with the utmost confidence, In vite nil to cull nnd examine it, us he will s II nt such prices as to make it the interest of all who want Hoots and Shoes to give him a call. He has also a largesupply of Negro Brognns, which he will sell cheap. Boots and Shoes made to measure, In the ' tea style nnd best materials, and warranted to give satis faction or no sale. Also, repairing dono at short not tlce, and In the neatest manner. Lasts kept constantly on hand for sale, suitable for Country Work. CHARLES BLAKESLEE. Successor to James PcNDsaroau, Market Street. Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 17. 103 NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to the Subscriber, for the "S andnrd or "Independent," or for Advertis ing, are requested to pay the same to WESTON R. GALES, Esq.,Editorof the Registes, Rnleiirh. T. LORING. Jan. 6 1847. 123 JUST RECEIVED, Per Schr. A. J. Dell asset. A GOOD supply best Leeches, Isinglass for Jilly, Tartaric Acid, Hi Curb Soda, tc. Albo Syrupof Liverwort, for Coughs, &c; Moth ers relief. For Kile, by A. C. EVANS. Feb. 3, 1517. H5 N O W It E C E I V I N G . BAGS Rio Coffee, pood GILLESPIE & ROBESON GO CRACK MRS. OnHUF n,lls- Butter Crackers. eCJ 10 hit. bbls. Water Crackcis. 20 Kegt Lemon and Sncar Crackers nt NEFF d WARNERS. April 15. 1 Colt N ! CORN ! 1 CO I JnTT ! Just Received per Schr. MidtUeton. 1 ?(M ltU'SI,''"S n'hitt Cum. For sale in 1 tJJJ lots from vessel, by S A.N FORD & SMITH. 2b. M.v 15 Valuable Real Estate. AA AA7".!. BE SOLD, nt private sale, the T m H mise and Lot No MO, letter A., bc- J-JALj tween third nnd Fourth Sreels, and between He I Cross nod North Boundary Streets, (near the lt:iil Bind,) nnd at pri sent i.ceupied by J. I. Bryan, lb lot is full 6D by Hi) feet, wnh a new two story b'liisp upon It, nil well arranged ; unless previou-ly dis I "- d n at pii vite sule.will he oll'tied as above, titles i. t:r,ndrd; persons wi.-hing to purchase, can i the property, or lilies, nt any time, by applying in H. Nl'TT. March 22. 3 CI.ARHTED SUGAR. 1HHDS. benuliful clarified Surar, suilablo fo ( family use, now on retail, at J. II ROTHWELL'S. March R. 1"47. M!l. FOR SALE CHEAP. AHORSE 13 ycais old this sp- ing I). W. WOOD. May 13, FOUND. O N my Desk, on ihe Gib inst., a bunch of KEYS. D. w. wood. Mayll DRIED FRUIT. DRIED Quinces, Pcachesand Apples. For sale by I). W. WOOD May 13, 25. hay, Lime and whiskey" JUST received. 200 Cn.ks Lin,,., 50 Bales Hay. 10 Bids N (). Whi.kry JFPV. ROBERT O. RANKIN. May22d, 1P47. .k, JUST OPENED. AHANDSOMEaaaonmenl of French. American aad Fancy Perfumery, Sonpa. Oil. tc ni JOS. WILKINSONS, Market S.retl. May 15. 26 40 BARRELS New Orleans Whiskey; 10 Do. American Brandy ; 10 Qr. Casks Malaga Wins, for ante hr mm n A MARTIN May 18 r, a MYERS tfc DARNUM, S ' MANUFACTUBBa AMD DXALKI IH Jp HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, UMBREL 1 LAS, WALKING-CANES, &c, RESPECTFULLY call the attention of the ciliien of Wilmington and vicinity, to their xtre and Splendid Assortment now receiving at the old stand of C. Mvebs, North aide of Market street, which we of fer at wholesale and retail, cheaper limn eter. GEXT.'S BEAVER, NUTRIA, MOLESKIN AND SILK HATS, of Bcebee ACostars and Lcary's Fall Fashion for 1846, a Bplcndid article, just received, and a "few more left of the siinio sort." Please call and examine them. Also, a very largo assortment of MEN'S, BOYS', AND INFANTS' CAPS, of the latest and moet approved patterns. Gcni.'e French soft Dress, Silk, Velvet, and Cloth Caps; Gent.'s French Guard do.: Blue and Black Spring Band, Palo Alto, Ringgold, Oregon, Oil Silk, Velve teen, Glazed Lawn,&c, &c. YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CAPS of every style und quality, fiom 12 cents to $2,50, the largest assortment ever offered In this market, and at astonishing low prices. A beautllul article of Infants' Cloth and SWc Velvet Caps, to which wo particularly call tho attention of those wanting Caps for children. In fact, every nrtlcle in our line we have a rich and full assortment, to which we respectfully call the atten tion of the Public, and warrant a genteel fit and at Prices to suit the times. MYERS & BARNUM, Wilmington, Oct. 5, 181G. f 5 rpHE Subscriber would express his gratitude to his X Friends and Customers, for their liberal p nronane heretofore extended towards him in W ilminglon. The same business will hereafter be conducted under the name nnd firm of MYERS A BARNUM. nt the old stand. C. MYERS. CONFECTIONARY, &c rPHE Subscriber respociftilly informs the Ladirs -I nnd (J nilemen of V ilniioitnii, nnd lis vicinity, that fiom this dale he will sell his goods at the follow ing pi ices : Candy, - - ' 20 ci nts Der lb. Supi i fine SiiL'sr Almonds, L7J do. All other fine Cunf.-ciioiiniy, '.111 do. Best liurich Il'ii.ins, - 1G do. By the Box, 2r. lbs. - 2 CO ll. st Tin key Figs, . ifi do. I!i st quality Sweet Ornnges, 37 cents per doz. And all o I- t nriiuKsio his ine, w hich are too num erous to ii -.lion, will be sold in proportion to llie above prici a. IIaiii;: engaged ihe b.rt workmen in this country, I will win rani my Candy and Cukes to bo supeilur lo any now selling in ilmington. I am at present s tablishtd nt my old stand, near the it id Roud. but will in n few days open my New Sior", in Maiket Street, where the above Gooda will be sold i.t the same pi ices. A siutre ol puDlic palrona;e is respectfully solicited. P. M. LLCIANI. Dec. 21. H7 STEAM 1UCE MILL. rpiIE SUBSCRIBERS, havl-irr purchased the I Steam Ru e Mill nt unerVa Creek, lately occupied by John S. Fvles, Ksn i' row prepai.J to receive Rice on Toll, at the iim' :' r, uns. Foriheaccoiiiniodalion of PI inters, they will keep nn exci llent Flat, and careful hands, for the Irnnspor tntion of Rough Rice to the Mill, and clean Rice to Town which will be done of charge, but in all cases at the risk of the ovnc'r of the Rice. The Mill Is In tine order, anil can turn out 20 casks per day. The constant personal attention of both the partners will be gi v. n to the management of the busi ness, and persons interested may rely on tho most carefi l und faithful attention to the preparation of their Rice foi Market. SMITH & BERRY Nov. 4, 18-16. 99 Funher information may be obtained, and turns In the Mill secured, by application to Huows A DeRossit. FRESH GARD '"SEEDS', DECEIVED P E B SCHOONER A LA III C, i A FULL Stock of Garden Seeds, from the Sha--ii. kers of New Lebanon, of the growth of this year. Also, Blue Grape Seeds. Those wishing supplies of these favorite SEEPS, will do well to select them early as they may avai themselves of a large and vaiiul assortment. Eorsalc by A. C. EVANS. Dee.2l-ll? Druggist. MORE EIGHT. ON hand a general assortment of the Patent Capil lary Burner Lamps, for burning Camphine and Spiiirs of Turpentine ; its advantage! ov.-r min is turn u use will be appnn nt to all on ihe slightest in spi ctiuii, combining perfect safety In burning with freedom nnd o j tin lily. In i r m supply of biirnini' nmteil nl ; alsn. a large supply of acorn Deiie Oiiental, Hull. Parlor, Stand, Solar and Table Lamps, und va rious patterns of pas-ug lanterns. 1'or sale, by (Nov. 2. 117.) HART t POLLEY. f'flPPI.'H TIV AMU ail.'."r IlfnV '.'.V.'-.rli !!!', I".';'.r'1 "' V,'S;"',N ' N' -w the LOW LIH 1 liK, 1 IN A I ) Mlhh I IliU.N KST PKICK.s, nd at short not Persons about WARE. ! to cotilract forbuildim;s, will find it lo their intens THE subscribers keep constantly on hand, a liirjjc , assortment of plain and Japain d lin ware, also ' Britannia nnd Tut:.nia Tea and Coffee Pols, Tea ' trays, waiters, tinned and enameled sauce puns and preserve kettles Ac. I N. 11. All kinds of copper, tin, and sheet iron ware made to imli r nnd nl r-hori nolice. (Nov. 2. 97. HART A POLLEY. ! Just Keceived. pORNSh, Hers; Ploughs; Patent Straw CutteiR. Bui keis, brass hooptd. Tubs Measures, lironins. S hlie wash Brushes. Paint Bed Curds, Lend Lines 4.C GuavaJillv. Landing. C. V. BRADLEY. April 17. II II A Y. HERDS GRASS AND TIMOTHY, For sale, by D. W. WOOD. May 1,1147. 20 NEGROES FOIt SAEE. rp WO likely voung fellows, good Mill hair's, fur sue. I np;.lv to ' MILES COS! IN. Apnl27. I-J p(1uv"A1T I" ONDON P.etrr. Brown Smut nnd Scotch Ae, IJ Quails and Pint.-i. I 01 suk bv D. W. WOOD. May 1'). 26. CUANO. PURE Ichnboe fiinnn for snlc by DeROSSET, 11KGW N A Co April 22, IHI7. 10 C A NDI.ES. ROXES Sperm flandlca. 20 Half Boxis Sperm Candles. 20 20 Boxes Peml Licht Candles. 20 Dum b Hull and Sons Mould Candles NEFF Jt WARNER. April IS. j Valuable R c a 1 Estate. THE SUBSCRIBERS, as Executors to the Will of Mrs, E. Lord, deceased, offer for sule, on accommodating terms, tbal val unblu STOIlE AND WHARF, t present occupied by Barry A Bryant. TIIOS. H. WRIGHT, ) . W. C. LOR D, hx March IS. IP IT 4 JOB, BOOK, CWD MID IF All 7 corhii or raoNt and jtAaxT itrect, WILMINGTON, N, C. PARTICI LAR ATTESTION PAID TO THE FOLLOWING KINDS OF LETTER PRESS PRINTING. SILLS Or EXCHANOB, BILLS Or LADING, BOOKS, card:, CATALOGl'ES, CEBTiriCATIS, CHECKS, CIRCULARS, CL'STOM-IIOL'SE DLANKS, DRAFTS, ! ENTRIES OFMEBCHANntS HANDBILLS, LADELS, LAW BLANKS, , . I MILITARY N0TICBj - NOTES, PAMPIILCTS, rOLICES OF lNSUSANC,' I POSTERS, I RECEIPTS. And PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTINO, of ertr description, done in the nontext innrmer, ond on the most rctisonablo terms. VV'e call the attention of our citizens, and the publlo in general, to the above Circular, and cordially extend" to them an invitation to give us a call for their work, assuring them, that It shall be as well done, nnd at as Unr (if not lower) prire, us at any oth';r establishment. 1 he t utile olliee (s new, nnd we uuhesilatinglv say that uv haven greater variety of type, nnd n more thorough Job (J,cc, than u as iter brjore In t'te Slate. THOMAS LORING. V ilniinfilon, May 5. 8 ADDLES, liil IDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, &c &c. &c- S r 'TIE .Subscriber hug on liaiil a general as- Tl -L S.llllellt Ol (JiiikU in Ills tin.. llinr wUh (uo.iu-(iis. ll't'inrs. Tmltin"' ' 1 1 ',j on. ami .'!. i. , ali of which h,.. W)ll si ll uw. puu-ii .sera aiu n-t. cciiully invikd to call ul tho Old Stand, North Sidi- ol iluiKtt Street. GUY C. IIO TCI IK I SS. 3 Wi'min-.-ton, Man li 2 . SUGAR. 1 t)f) Hluls. piime N. O. an-' 5 Illids. prime Porto : Rico, just received i.iul .or side by 1 a -, oo -, BA1UO & BRYANT. Apnl 22, 1347. j(j S U G All, Ilims. P. R. Sugar, just received per Schr. L. P. Smith. 10 GILLESPIE d ROBESON. April 7, 1917 10. COPARTNERSHIP. rpiIE subscribes have formed a Copartnership, Ji uruler the fmn f McMillan & Co., for the trans action of a geneial retail business at White Hall, Bla den County. dugald McMillan, thos. h. lane. WM. B. ROBESON, Jr. Aug. 25 13I6. j EARTHEN CHINA WARE. 9(" PACKAGES ASSORTED, Earthen, Glass sJ and China Ware, now being opened. ALSO, 2 Hhds. A No. 1 Sugar, 5 Bas do Collee. For sale, by J. H. ROTIIWELI.. Feb. 17, 1847. B E E F . BBLS. Fulton Market Beef. 10 10 Hall do rin Ac 10 Quarter Bbls. No. 1 M 20 Kits Sounds and Toncm s ot . , NEFF & WARNER'S. April 15- ,3 SPRING STOCK, BOOTS AND SHOES. mtrr "Jl imruinrno i. . I Mi i"i.uii,ii.i nuve jusi ccciveu im. A large additions to tin ir Slin k, which makes u lumpieie. i uey win also continue to icciivo weekly, such supplies as nre needed for the season and marker. Also, on hand, n Rood supply of SOLE LEATHER AND CALF SKINS, Ac. All of which will be sold onus reasonable terms as at nny other c-inb!:- hmr nt. Paiticulnr atu niiuii w ill be puid to manufacturing and repuiiing, as usual. , O. & C. BRADLEY. March 23, 1 --17. 4.3ln, TtflNDOW SASHES-BLINDS ANDDOOHS. v i ne .-Mirscritcr i is ni'CllI llir flflf. Ill ilia. Itna! ...n... - ... ... .u. oi iiinii- llfuctorics ill Ihe North, niul uill r..... iv I.... r... .u above named nrtu l, s, which will be boxed no n,l ,t... in can iinu i xamiiie prices Injure sending their order abroad. Gl Y C. HOTCHKISS Man li 2 1. 2 SUCAIJ. PORTO in Hhds. ami Bur. ! for vnlo by DeROSSET, BROWN & Co April 22, 147. 6; I-IME." QplO BBLS. Innding; Also, Hvdraulic Cement ; OV Calcined Plaster; Plasti ine Hair, and Eire "''k J. C. .- R. II. WOOD. M ''.''. 22 lIl'TTERy AT EW GOSHEN BUTTER, In packages of from is 40 to SO lbs. i aeh neeiv,,l il.iu ,i.. i Smith. I . .. . . ' I" 1 .'"'I'm bv I W. WOOD. 1 May (1, 1 VAi.rAi'.Ei: cook J70R Sale. Apply al this Oifice 1 ;1 p 1-17. n Ll'liSliR Tl,l!l!i;il. I OFFER my services to the makers of the nhnva mill li s. anil Irom ihe knnwl. dee I heve of ihe biiainess, I hope 10 i.e in i.. pnr..n-ie. of the public. JAS. T MO. (IMS, tnticclnr. V -'h I' 1 17. 1V2 si'(V.-:'.s." " V EV.' O '. 1 Cr -. d Apnl 21. alls. Si T'liiix. f.-iif. Pni' ft and nt I1U. AKD A 1'EDLN S 19 j J lT S T R I - C E I V E D , PER SCHOONER A. J. DEROSSET, N asii!inn nt nl 5 '. miner Pffnls, I'nninlooi.::. an. Vests, from John Eau Jr., Huston, of btnutl- fill inatei..l. I JOHN CHRISTIAN & CO April 20. 15 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS. Nobthbb.i. Is duo dally at 3 P. M cloaei every tilth! nl 10 P. M. Soctiiei.v liuefl A. M., closes nl 11 A. M. FAVCTTEviLta. by Rail Rond, due on Monday Wedncmlsy, and Friday nt 3 P. M closes Tuesday Thursday and Sunday, at 10 P. M. Favbttkvilib, by Robeson's, Westbrook'a, Eliia bethtown and Prospect Hall, due on Tuesday, T hurs day and Saturday, at 9 A. M l closes and departs same day, at 10 A. M. Smithvillk, due 8 A. M.; closes at 121 P. M. Taylob's Bbidob, Lonff Creek, Moore's Crtek Rlack River Chapel, and Han-ell's Store, due nn Thursday, at 6 P. M.( closet at 10 P. M., and depart Friday, at 8 A. M. Okslow Covbt Hocsi, due every Monday it 6 A M. i departs on Friday at 6. A. M 1

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