V ... THOMAS- loring JGditor and PaqpfciEi ..I U ,r... V'--' -i ' .,, etoii; j t THE COMMERCIAL Ii'publUhed eyoty Tufdaij, Thyrtday. and Saturday a io jjcrjjrinum, payaDie, in ou canes, in advance, BY THOMAS LORINO, w Corntr qf front and Market Struts . . -JtrilMINOTOXpll. C. ATM OP ADVEaTISINO. 1 square,! insertion, 0 50 1 square, 2 months, 4 00 1 00. x ao. lb 11 do. 3 do. W 1 do. 3 do. 1 OU I 1 Iu. 6 do. 8 00 1 do. 1 month, 2 50 1 do. 1 year, 12 00 Twelve lines or loss make a square. If an adver tisement exceeds Rvelvc lines, the price will be In pro portion. All advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion. Contrarts with yearly advertisers, will be made on lie most liberal terniB. NAUTILUS (MUTUAL LIFE) INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW-YORK. Will take Risk on the Lives of Slaves. W. C. LORD, Agent. March, 16 1837. 1 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. W. V. Li UK D, A?ent March 16, 1847. 1 GROCERIES, DRY "uOODS, AND HARDWARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY C. W. BRADLEY. April 4. 0 MYERS & BARNUM, MANIKACTIRERS AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS, AND WALKING-CANES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. C. Myers. J. M. Bahnum. Oct. 6, 184C. 85 R I C II A RDM O R RT S , NOTARY run LIC, WILMINGTON, N. 13. C. Jnn 12G II. S. KELLY, MERCHANT TAILOR, VUL. 2. WILMINGTON, STURDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1817 ' Jp' NO. 44 J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3rd Door A'ertt H'oer 7ree, WILMINGTON, N. C. J.Hathawav. J. L. Hathaway. OctJ27t JS4t 64. JOHN O. LATTA, COMMISSION MER CHA NT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 10, 1846. 87 BARRY & BRYANT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 16. j SA AIIUU11& WILMINGTON, THOI. SANDFORD, Oct. 17, 1846. N. C. WM. L. SMITH. 90 HUGHES & MEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS For the sale of nil kinds of Goods, Country Produce and Heal btitatc, RALEIGH, N. C. Buainrss entrusted to them shall be promptly and faithfully attended to. June 13,1817. VI MAtlKET BTHEET, WILMINGTON, N. Murch 17. C. 1 1 22 JOHN HALL, (LATE OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA.) COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND AGENT TOB TMK KA1.E OK NORTH CAROLINA NAV.tl. STORES 3J UllAYlEli STIUCKT, New Orleans Janllaiy 1, 1647. ALEXANDER HERRON, Ju. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington, (iV. (,'.) Vackd Office, NO 35J NOBTH WHARVES, UefrMo- PHILADELPHIA. I'. D. Ellis, Esq. ) Wilmington, N. C. fc. J, LiUTTEHLOM, J Aua. 11. "DiniOSSET, BROWN &, Co., nlSiiEIlAL COMMISSIOS MERCIIASTS, WILMINGTON, G. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. MnrrhJ7. 1 BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER, AT THE 0 O M M E R 1 A L O F F I C E. L. S. YOU'RE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, NORTH CAROLINA PACKET OFFICE. 43 1-2 NORTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. June 9, 1846, ly37 C3 N. C. IttlOWN. DEROSSET & Co., UEXKHAL COMMISSIOS ME11CHASTS, 159 KIUINT ST. NKW YOniC A. MARTIN, GENERAL AGENT AND Commission Merchant, orlli Water, 2 Doors above Princess Sired, (Muris nuilding,) WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 3. 84 J. & W. L. McGAlv Y FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AoEI6 OF THE Meri'Iianth' Steam Roat Co. WLMIN GTON, N ('. ROWLEY, ASHBURN ER A. CO. General Couiuiissiou Merchant, No. 56, South Whaivii, PHILADELPHIA. Wo are nrepaii'd to ninko liberal advancmon ship -mem of Naval Siore3, &c., consigned to uh for .ale. Refer to SJamcel Pottei K1- ( wilmincton. N.C. CHARLES 1). ELLIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, HAVING transferred the agency of the Cape Fear S. 8. Mill, ho is now prepared to trnnaact any business committed k hie trust. Office on VV. C. Lord's wharf lately occupied by Russell Gatnmtll. May 13. 25 THOMAS SANDFORD, NOTARY PUBLIC, WILMINGTON, N. C. NEFF & WARNER, on? coods',(Ykoceries, saw chas- DLEHY. SMI' STORES, ff. April I I. if If rirA NTON & WHOLESALE AND BKTAll. GROCER S AND TEAI.tUS IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Hals, Caps Sinf.t. furniture. Hard- Cutlery, Jin are, 13 C O., irnrc, Crockery, !,': WILMINGTON, N. C R. II. Stanton. L. N. Barlow C10NST WTI.V on hnnd, a treneral assortment ol ) COIWAUE and PROVISIOMS. AlMjl-or-l ign Fruit, Wines, Liquors. Teus. Portor, Ale, .SC. J j- Snir .STonEs put up v. mi uiii Oct. :n. 18IG. irom tkt Louinillt, JturnaL The following lines are above all praise. They are surpassingly beautiful : The spring of life is past, Wiib its budding hopes and fear, And the autumn time is coming With its weight of weary years Ourjoyousness is lading, Our hearts are dimmed with care, And youth fresh dreams of gladness All perish darkly there. While bliss was blooming near us In the heart's first barst of spring, While many hopes could cheer us, Lilc seemed a glorious thing ! Like the foam upon a river When the hrppe goes rippling o'er, """"hopes have (led forever 4 'v 'Tis sad yet sweet to ltsieJt To ihe soft wind's gentle well, And think we hear the music Our childhood knew so well; To gaze ont on the even, And the boundless fields ol air, And leel again our boyhood's wish To roam like angels, there ! There are many dreams of gladness That cling around the past. And from that tomb of feeling Old thoughts come thronging fast The forms we loved so dearly In the happy days now gone, The beautiful and lovely, So fair to look upon. Those bright and gentle maidens Who seemed so formed for bliss, Too glorious and too heavenly For such a world as this; Whose soft dark eyes seemed swimming In a sea of liquid light, And whose locks of goM were streaming O'er brows so sunny bright : Whose smiles were like the 3unshine In the spring-time ol the year Like the changeful gleams of April They have passed-like hope away Oh ! many a heart is mourning That they are wiib. the dead. Like the brightest buds of summer They have fallen from the stem. Yet oh ! it is a lovely death To fade from earth like them ! - J ' ' - adHening To muse on such m .-, , And feel that all the beautiful Are passing fast away ! That the fair ones whom we love, Like the tendrils of a vine, Grow closely to each loving heart, Then pcriih on their shrine ! And can we but think of these In the sott and Eeulle spring, W hen the trees are waving o'er us And the flowers are blossoming! For we know that win:cr's coming With his cold and stormy sky Ami the glorious beauty round us Is budding but to die! hnr? nnt .,1 -I I i . ihVfrV , r ' T "orny in monance, but was, in numerous capacities. Fvery on in ,?h . 5em TBni. .Pished thmjiho office found him the hand.Mt fellow "tn u j i iii - m u iiiiipu prn i i rat r r 1 i - ""Jwiia, vi liJl' III ' III pernio disposition? discharge their debts. Thp worst of it fas that quotidian three pence was of Bob's earning, and thero was conse quently no staying at heme. Forth he must po and tread the inclement ground, when the morning clock Mrtick eight ; and il ho would find bis feet after hall an hour's exposure to the frost he must look or them ff ; y human, warm brcathinif. endowed with life from God, and made akin to high angelic beings, he was of less account than a bird or beast brought from a foreign land would have been. A sheet of parchment cov ered with the hieroglyphs of a deap man's will, bequeathing an hundred acres, wtuld have out ralued ten thousand of such itm in the soci I . k. a n " - " vBvwa,D l aii ciiiiiif a i jniifij h iniianii in r i i a a .l. l.-J T ... Ul UIVIIIIl vB.wo.iw.acu. eyesores 10 gentility are" naiu icei. un i u mere nod but been Shoe Charities I The mortification wns that urchins more uiminunre than himself noticed tho jm..fid The lawyer was not a nrotid mn hut ho had a becoming pridt ; that gloss by which ; the old serpent, when he would disguise him- extmki,, .guo nau snJe i nj ( , calccumen l0 his own conceit The SR horseob thought, hathem and J Bob8 mV A and hundreds of pairs unappropriated, ask-1 feet'through half the frosty season whfn intrtobe worn, Fonirinrto escape from the i suuucn.y ui wxuiuiuk ...k8v shelves, and sec thi world outside, with iron tips that fretted themselves to rust because the roais were slipper with ice, and hundreds 1 and hundreds, aye thousands and thousands 1 and thousands of pairs, and Bob's feet smart ed, and Bob'l feelings winced for lack of one pair. Ob, if there had but been Shoe Char itits I birn one day, and went the length of band-, c who had no "ho". COQ'd be H'v of erfc submitted for public touch and general "Snoc8 u you win. naked footed urchin was not a fitting Mcrcu ry. "Robert Racket," said the lawyer, one morning, coming into the office fresh from his nrivate dwelling with extremities that the frost had sharnlv bitten thro-igh well sea soned Wellingtons: "Robert Racket, where nie vour boots?" Boots, Sir?" echoed Bob, trembling, as inspection, and Bob thought he underwent no , risk. But n boy seeing his hngers close upon them, niahed out. 'Oh you would, would you i 'Would what?' asked Bob Rackctt. 'Steal them shoes P No,' said Bob, quietly and he went on handling them. Stout 6ervicable shoes they were to look at. 'Now Tom,' cried a voice inside,' what are you dawdling at the door for 1 There's the three pair of Wellington's to go to Great Orrlmond street. 'Eve upon the fives, father,' replied the bov- TheyZwi meaning Bobs fingers f)r slinnera?" susrrested a ciei k muuiy. "Shoes, Sir? I ain't got any," answered Bob, shaking al the CQnftssion of so great a turpitude. "No ?'' said tho lawyer, retreating a step backwards. '-Not got any ? Sparrow, (to a rlerW 1 this bov has a mother, a worfiSr., Sparrow who is bound by the laws of nature to have a heart, and she lets this boy go about in this Russian wtathtr without shoes." The clerk nddressrd as Sparrow looked at the oflending feet, and the other clerks look- I ed at them, and the lawyer looked nt them, nd Hnh himst ooked nt them. 1'oor leet ...i a .k ..;a iK nr.ni Yon thev were, uioicnea wun ciinuiaiiu, .Cu l ii nuriiu io i.ici.i, D.im ...- i j . j , me incessjiu iuuuiu ui iu "" make a conveyance of the Wellingtons'. 'Eye upon the fives, shouted Tom again, . 'Im stiff if he ain't got em off the nail.' Bob had indeed ventured so far to inspect them more closely. What is this here, that's a interfering with stop ii. Very poor, ery offending, absolutely wicked fed 'You may go, Sir,' said the lawyer. i ou iiiu j to j i - m , . He hasn't earned it, to be sure ; bnt I will not He wishes to earn it, no Coum, ana When iiori from tn fcVtT of aStieJtiTitiiS t. h?o overboard rbil corrtetnplatbj th tnt irous hoe Which Itb Sfrtinf ind xsnectot from th iky fthitt, of the 'eltxemsj lati tudes upon the thousand peaks and pinhacJrf J,nVf"' --m'Mlttu'jMl A fry poor nory. Bet floh; iatgaf hk frozen let, a h imi.jirline jorfflinf w ter, ebiing tround kit boc!; e!fin,f; the sea where the great whales . ,4( , i Uncle Jrm' rich, ain't h, mother V risk ed Boh , 4 If he's alive, dear, the genttemta made him rich', i f wonder il he know that I bad no shoes, whether he woold prive roany. Bob's mother said the dido't know, for money didn't iofb?n benrtt . and people who bd it were loth to part with it But, sb dded, the heart of Jameu Taddy must be ercatly changedjreatly changed, indeed if he wasn't the kindest mortal bwrthirtg. Brother of her's he waa and aha had a riant to speak what wn in her mind, I m bound.' she concluded, 'he woo Id rive you a pair of shoes, Bob and many of, em.' i nougn wny h was, ne had never found her. .0,,t had never wriitokuta- h -ried. Perhapahe supposed hef dead: hot he could use his nen like a schoolmaster, and there miht be a letter lying at the poat office ; but the good mother shook her bead and aia the postman wou d have delivered It, "for he knows where I live.' she remarked, "if ancle Jim don't.' Bob couldn't keep away from the office, though he waa no longer connected with it A new boy hod taken his place, and dusted, swept, and went on menial errands. WeH hod was the new bov in bran new bluchers. Very lank he was ; Bob wondered whether he was tall enough to reach the cobwebs. One day frost wasn't broken up; the Thames, above bridge, presented one field o( ice as Bob was lingering about the office door, Sparrow, the clerk emerged from the lugubrous threshold. Intent opon procuring a shop was Sparrow, and a pint bottle of Guinness's stout Sparrow, rejoiced to Go,io nru But encountering Bob, who was standing with the old shoe less Bending' feet, upon the curbstone of the pavement, he became oohviou of chop ana porter, ana Counting opon the disregarded Mercury, ore htm boldly intolhe lawyer's presence, Here he is, sir said Bpanow oat ot orejiu Here is young Racket.' Young Racket was ivithtn a small trifle ol swooning ; for he remembered short pea, worn to the stump, which instead of sweep ing into the dust hole he had opon occasion picked up and carried home with fell intent of teaching; himself to write therewith. 'Oh here he 4s,' said the lawyer. Pon my word Sparrow. Tin gieatly obliged to a.i How ddNr&o do Racket? Vm gUd to see you. Have yoo procured ant shoe yetJ r Ml . -L J I them Wellingtons a going to great Ormond we will taue me win .or ... .r Sued?' cried the cordwainer approaching , V.ou no - v . a waS cut off the door. 'Thum shoes .' address" 'Please, Sir said Bob Racket, looking imploringly into the man's face, 'would you take it by ibe week, sixpence a week? and he pointed lo his red and raw feet 'told weather, fair. 'Yes, I take weekly payments,- asuu m--t-. a. - c.., ;nanra.iuiw. and 111 man. i ay mo um Ain.v w.., atow them away for you.' But please, ain't 1 to have tnem ai ih.lc stnmrrered Bob. 'We don't do business on that principle. see you have not Sparrow to do t ,pr rw UAik Me a fur- 9G John Gamhcll, ICsii. January 18. 129-ly. ELIJAH DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, (Senior partner of the Utc Dim of Dickinson &. Morris,) WILMINGTON, N- C. Rrrr.n to Messr. B. If Forest ft, Co., ) Ne York. Nesmith 6t W'slsh, J B. D.Peters & Ca.1Bo8,(1I1. .Means 4 Clark, ) Walters A Souder, ) philailclphia. A. Benson Co., J ' Oct. 3, 1846. y"P (iILLESPILj !t ROBESON, A0ENT9 FOR THE SALE OF TIM HE It, LUMBER, NAVAL STORES, f Will make liberal cash advances on all consignment of produce. March 17. 1 ROB'T. G. RANKIN, Aurtlonrrr and fommlision Mrrrliant, WILMINGTON, N. C. N. C, NO TIC E . rpiIE kibms or DeROSRET cV DROWN-.Vfir York, BROWN i DEROSSF.T-inminrron Atl THAT OP JOHN OAMMF.LL-irUmion, N. C, Will bo discontinued after this date ; .nd the under niened, will, in future, be nsaocmica tor tion of COMMISSION BUSINESS in A'u York, under the firm BROWN, DiROSSET A Co., And. in Wilmington, .V. C, und-r the firm of n.nnsSKT BROWN 4 Co. 17 L IV " " - I Dealers with the late firm, will oblige, by attending to the scttlc.ni nt of all account! as Speed' 'r " l"""- blc' JOHN POTTS BROWN. ARM AND J DeROSSET, Ja. JOHN GAMMELL. AprU15, 1947. THE ANNALS OF THE POOR. A LONDON STORY. BOB RACKET'S SEARCH FOR SHOES. Y EDWARD YOl'LL. r a - i ..;ii hrovr m sent ortn a nercrr irusi ...a c.ar f'.r-d be with the r leicer ouu . i .. , poor. Longer days, shorter nights, fci-b-ruary month. Tbe Sun, speeding towards the Spring solstice! And still frost, Irost ? t l:r. il-m n rind biting at the very core ot mu humanity. Heaven, in its mercy, send few such Februaries in a century. Blessings bo upon they bend, kind Lidy. Seraphic peace everlastingly dwell in tby breast, for looking out of tho window on anu K""6 to we 11 the yar doesn't UiMtAnVA-MMADnO.Mtrl!KTStOIII.lllDi 13-if. FOR SALE. NK Kltgant Pinno forte, in Rooe wood caae, of L. GiuiaT a manurac re. Boston. Also, one second-hand Piano Korte, for sale hy the Subscribe i, at his JHuaic Room, oppoalto the thrmvit itmct. Piano Kortea tunod sod repairw in a u.u-. manner. . n.mmv PIANO FORTES In the year matter in the depth of the winter season, a very hard frost set in, which lasted a very long time. Not such a frost as is common to ordinary winters. Nothing like it. But much more severe, than t,ngianu una u lor the last quarter of a century. The earth bit men's toes as they tiod upon it ; and some ol those unfortunates who, perforce went shoeless never it was said, found their feet again, but had them withered up, long before the prent thaw came. i I i . ' . - f t V r tKt i un, u was a naru mui: iui "' ji"u., , iiiilno.l nnu limn mn ho said to be easy I hlflra thu vokei rands lor a wiiii 1 1 1 1 1 m . ii i uii to iiujl - j of poverty is doomed to sit. If it only gall ed the flesh! but it galls the so il, ui course or amid our selfishness we have much rea leeling for the ills of others there were all sort ol Charities set a foot, Blanket and Flannel Charities-Soop Charities Bread Charities Coal Charities I But no one thought ol Shoes. If they had, feet wouia not haA w thered Oil. ana as ooo ivacuc. . . 1 m n rr - . - rrt i ii,.i hiiiar t4 sinriinrv iiiuiiiiuu It wouldn't stand, eh mtner cr. - m ,he ,g6 ot .rw I 1 m rW IM II 71 111 icrnusiu, 'Not exactly 10m. aimmtu ...v L l:,urhintr. 'Come, take those Welling ton'sand you (to Bob) pay sixpence on the nail, bring another sixpence eveiy , and 'in ten weeks the shoes arc yours.' 'In ten weeks the Spring will be here, siirhcd Bob, and walked away. . . . I t.. ami Ian. When Uiiys went uy, mm weciia, a.. .r .va.nrnilw Out.' and no signs of th breaking up ol the wcamer uau uwu to the sagacious iu such matters, Bob Racket limped, nay, went very lame. Cbilbrams had ' .i . r... . il,,ir hnri was scarnea ins poor ices uhv.. r nearly lost. He suffered excruciating patn and got no sleep o'nights. And though thou sands of unappropriated pairs of shoes bur dened the cordwniners' shelves, filled their tpmnlmf v at their Ooors r o j I th- "Certainly sir-Wiii B!uche; ir,r id Sparrow. , Yes; with Bluchera-warm and com foning to the aoklea. Sparrow See thatlb leather is seasoned and moUwnL Will you hare the goodness 7. AoAUtUg hut. bacls. Sirl' Asked trie eierir. , , Of course. Are you hungry Racket 1 Yes, ah, 1 thought so Take him to eating honw. Sparrow hereia a fourth Ml f crown, Make bim as plump as you c. ahould STj?grst roast beef-but Ierhirn have hat be fancies, tie may nonf f w nk n.-l.i nh ch drew tOV aueniiou its unshod teetnd heelaiodtly kibed. And the benediction of Mints make thy while locks shine sunbngbt in the Eternities, thou aged minister ol the Word, who, meet ing the poor bare footed girl ia the streets wcdI with bcr to a sDoe-si.up, u- . feet encased in warm, serviceable boots, py- aio'ns of the , ing lor .hem out of. tby purse. JJUl UOO lMtv K r.nmP Mother. te'Ui tht story again, about uncle Taddy, said. Bob, one evening to his mo:hcr. The Croatia not broken up, but was more severe than ever. 'That story about uncle Jim, brave uncle Jim.' 'Story. Bob, it aint a story,' replied h-s mother, 'it's true.1 'Yes, I know it is all's one its as good I'm snre.' way what March 3. 147 BUTTER AND CHEESE. OfW LBS. very superior uoshen uuuer iCUUUJ) April 15. r1 . Wat vnrv annanHnr Ohpfi? kt NEFF 4- WARNER'S. For anl by Msv 19 CHAIRS. i mnp msnBTMENT of brat AH..1.VU J New VorkManufacliired Cane and n,..h lintinm Mania and Roaewood, Black Walnul, Grecian, with Cuahlona, vv ij, nn,i- rhairai Kuan nd Cane teat Sewing Chairs, with j to go barefooted. I nsira, nr., A. MARTIN. 77 temnimr v at liHir "'""""i 1 r OJ, , . . i .lr though skms stripped reeuing rue a . u. - - u fQ n;mia iira tMnmrrrru irom aouuuuna iw Ullllliuia "viv - tanpits, and thence to shoemakers' workshops, j where awls pierced and hammers rang on lasts and lnpstonts from morning tonight,! yaBobKacketgotnosnoes wfco Still irosioecarna more ;- ' a)V wish up0Q th X W I in uv.-i." ...---j , er. Dark, diogy rooms mat , a PUAndthe bewildered BoMUttff? tion momently increasing-tra to be shod witn oiucner, nj he fancied termiflating- rh frutn pudding. . . I dare say now you are P0Jj ished, ain't you, younger V asked MSf row, when the Bluchers had been tertfedto Bob's feet (as if they were never to come oM a-aini, and the second plate of roast beef waa in rapid course of evanishrrtenr. 'Yes, please. Sir. It f ' 'It ;.,t hatr 'Funny, Sir; ain't i V . : 'Funny, by Jove I I sboutd think it funny to have on uncle com? home from tea, and rret n lawyer to find me out, and giva me ten ft. a imnnili M Mr Snarrow. Wiftk- . t V ... 14 , 'Do tell it, mother, said Bob's sister Ivilty. Do, mother,' said lilUe Charley. 'Pleaso mother, urged lesser ommy. inu Ac, mmher.'said Maiv. 'cast ol all, Vll. MVI w I " ' would have been shod by Shoe Charity, I should have had no tale to tell. Bob had no shoes, and his mother, (his father was dead) could not afford to bay him any. After paying her rent she bnd jus! llirra nd sixnencea week left lo furnish sev en mouths with food. Sixpence a month, less than a penny a day, and provisions weie dear as they ever are, when it is the interest of ibe noor lo have thsm cheap. Therefore, ai there wcra no Shoe Charities, Bob was lUOttU lawver. Dark, diogy rooms that .vuPrhad. full of roustv law books and-1 cobwebs; wiudows that were never cleaned i lookiogout upon dead blank walls ; severer than in the atrecta, where the atmosphere ,.m hitino from the skv. W3B the flOSt 10 these chambers, where the warm soul cf ..u manity was turned to chilling ice. Bob's master was of a taciturn disposition, seldom addressed his elerks exceptito were too i pon tne suojec. This is U, then,' saia tue goou ... pleased herself to please her ch.ldrcn. "It was where tho great w bales arc. 'But are there great whalea? asked Kitty. Ain't there jueir ciied Bob. 'ion don t know, how should you? It was where tho great whales are ; and was. vmir undo But must relate tbe story, a poor .ir in nor OWfl WBY- The UOCU! VI .viJ -- .... i I i i . u nk K an Ant I brother to Bobf rooiDcr, wu w -v- maton, a pfece of machinery doing er sort was n and give instructions ir uo nan oe : ; AlluIed a narr.tiva ol miiu f j . . i " ,i i i- nrn njk siiiDtimiiriKi miuvu a wnaung iir- TV I " at . like Rocken, Children a pnAr RnK i Tha oics of his feet irom A VVI V W I a " - - . long practice in walking upon them unshod, by virtue of aome ingenious mechanism war ranted never to get out of order, and tntailieg no other expense than three penn'orth of oil per diem for the lubrication of its springs and wheels, and oo more trouble than the appli cation of it, he coukl not have been more a cypher in the estimation of both clerks and masur. Bob cleaned and dusted the desks ai.d shelves (be could uot reach tha cobwebs wh ch c ouded the angle oi me ceutog uo crew sab a draoervl be fetched and carried, he was went, plung.n, aod bubbl.ns oo T 2-to ih lr drudgahe up a gentleman who had joined th destined for thalfiahaiy off the coast ol Greenland. Jim Taddy. brave Jim. Whose heart warmed not aa he read in the newipapers. of the drive Jim bad down into the deep half frown sea, where iceberg jost led with iceberg and the polar air burnt so fierce that the sailora became mutinous I Fathoms deep Bob's mother exaggerated a little in her enthuaiaam among the ice he od bubbling down, w oimjr expeui rrnl nUaaiintrv. 'I ShoUJq JUK think itfaUy. How do tho Bluchtraeet HaclHTf.k . . . iCornlbrtaJJe. Sir-nncortmon -pleas STr.theJt ,inche a little,' lpled Bob. 'I have In tnclc, Sir, as is gona to sei. 'Didn't I say so ? and come home aranv with instructions lo our gotenor U---bIeaa h i tfow do tou do, Mr. Thaddy Your nephew, Sir Racket "fi rBrave Jim Thaddy, who carrw into tbe eating bouse, u any itrtnger might- i ' ' v Whn they got bom? food Mr.-8pr after first returning to appfi went home with their, to mtrouacej w tbe brother to the sulci), and , ,WM r greeting were over, Braro .JttoloMv how, though h had oOer intaadrd isVter could get to England before, but waa busied in making money, that hi! sUier, cif f were married, at waa moat hkeJf, W dren.oa wtll as herself, ahonM 'lotaltTJIUa Ibrtunea. How, on arrival in lJJV has j.oght out a lawyer loset muW foot and, after weeks had r,tnolaw)r, ta ing gained ihe oecewuiy cbttd only on that morning, that ho Ulieved Ufaro thedosk, sister, and oircta, ao4PTr; would alt be found. To are the Icarv.ftXi in vtw roan. Mrah 17 t