, .MARRIED. . ; - In this town, yesterday morning, at 8 o'clock, at the residence of Gen. MatRicUwvby tha Rov. Dr. Drone, Mr. Lewis ILPrracr, of tills town, to Miss Lavba P. Mil.LEtt, of Winchester Vo. Tho parties left tho same morning, at 9 o'clock, fot the north. DIED, In this town, on tho 18th inst., Archibald M'Col lutn, nged 41. He was hurled on Sunday afternoon by tho society of Rechabltes, of which order he had been a member since- its first establishment in this placo. MARINE NEWS. PORT OF WILMINGTON, JULY 20. HI41I WATEH AT THE 8A::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0. 16 r. M. ARRIVED. 17 Schr. J. D. Jones, Stutcs, from New Y ork, to R. W. Brown, with Mdso. for R. W. Brown, Howard & Peden, W. B. Giles & Co., VV. J. Love, J. P. Gro gan, J. Wilkinson 4 Co., P. M. Luciani, M. Hais Foop. G. A H. McMillan, L. C. Hubbard 4 Co., Dr. W. M. Sherwood, Geo. It. French, R. Washington, I!. Planner, A. H. Van Bokkclln, 1). A. liny & Co., C. W. Bradley, W. W. Pierce, J. D. 4 M. Roundtreo, Simnson & Holdridee, S. J. Hinsdale, G. &. C. lirad- , ley. Sandhcinicr if- Co., Potter if- Kidder, O. P. & ', ' K. H. tirnnt. Jewitt & Co., D. Johnson, T. M. Au- j L'uslinc. 15. F. Mitchell, N. Drey, R. A. King, John- mm & Cheenut, Salisbury Co., and J. B. Knnis. ' Schr E. S. Powell, Powell, from New York, to O. W. Davis, with goods for J. II. & J. Mnrtine, E. Ellsworth, Gurdon ci Demining, C. T. Haigh & Son, J. P. Mabrcy, F.T. Ward, F.. J. Hah, R. II. Stanton A &Co., It. Baxter, J. Christian & Co.. Wm. Shaw, William Haywood, S. J. Hinsdale, G. C. Ilotchkiss, Ohis. Gray, Myers if- Bnrniim, J. f- R. Savage, Dr. Tho?. H. Wright. G. Sr C. Bradley, Hart if- Policy, H. H. Rubc.rs.ou, D. W. Wood, J. A. Sintas, O. G. Parsley. " Steamer Evergreen, Rush, to John Banks, with Shoutings Cotton Vain, Flour and 'Join to Sandi'ord 01 Smith, DeRositet, Brown & Co., E. J. Luttcrljh and John Banks. " Brit; Lisbon, Finch, from Newport, In ballast, to J. Hathaway 4 Son. 18. Brig Patriot, Snow, from Boston, with Hay, to Master. " Schr. Old Zick, Card well, from Cardenas, with 70 Hhds. 'Si Tierces and 4 Bids. Molasses to G. W. Davis. CLEARED. 17. Schr. John Tyler, Knowles, for Auv Cayc, St. Domingo, with 32.153 ft Lumber, 101,000 Shingles, 3000 Staves, 3 bbls. Spirits Turpentine, 5 bold. Pitch, 10 bbls. Tar and 30 Ham?. " Brit' Sea Flower. Crowe!, for Philadelphia, with 135,000 ft. Flooring Boards! und 10,000 .'(. Lumber, by Barry & Bryant. " Brig I ,ouis Walsh, Cousins, for St. Domingo, with 200,000 Shingles, 5 Bbls. Rosin, 5 Bids. Spirits Turpentine, 20 Bbls. Tar, an 1 50,000 feet Lumber by G. W. Davis, 19. Schr. Azof. Cook, for St. Domingo, by G. W. Davis, with 200,000 Shinnies, 50 Bacon Ham:", 10 Bbls. Tar, 1 Bhl. Spirits Turpentine, 9 Casks Rice, 2 Hhds. Tobacco and 30,000 feet Lumber. " Steamer Win. B. Mearea, McRae, for Favette- ville, by J. & W. L. McGary, with goods for J. M. Rose, J. H. & J. Martino, II. L. Myrover .f- Co.,! Rev. A Sui. Til. C. T. Robin. II. A. Kin". S indhimcr . A ("o , O. A II. MeMillan. Salisbury Co., E. P. Out- ! on, IJ. Doming, H. H. Robinson, E.J. Hale,J. Swan. Rev. Mr. Walsh, and Mr. Hooper. I NEW YORK'. 13. Sehr. Ann D. Bedell 1 1. ' Thorn. Wnim i j 1 1 " A. J. DoRoss. T. Ro.lick, '' " Abdcl Kadir, Atkins,- Ar.nivrn. li.'nce. Clt. Ai1r.11. lor this i .. rt . A Kill VII'. hence. ' liriir David Dulf.dl, Colli tt, BOSTON, 13. Brit; Tangier, Clary, Schr. Am I, Austin, WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT BETTER BEES WAX- BACON. Hums Sides Hog Round COTTON none. CORN COFFEE. SI. Dominifo Java lb.-14 n I.- 24 25m If lb. - IU3 10) O 1U 10 rj IP l.u. 60 o IS I 12 II Rio H 50 (9 U Oli Lajruira :'.''.' DOMESTICS. Cotton Varus, 1 1 a 4-1 N. '. Nli. . iin. - J -w' 9 FLOUR. F.yultovHlo--n.iiiiiul i Ml 0 00 n G ."'I Canal nominal p (l(J ia !) 1UY Vo.a 63 Ll'MBKR. STEAM MILL. Wide Boards, Plank and Si-.unliiiir. lf'M.ft. Sl'w.r -Floor Bonds, ( M. ft ; It; a - - lumber, river. Floor Board, i R 00 ia N 50 WidtBoards 5 ia 5 50 ScantliiU I it: 00 LARD 10 m 11 LIME 90 13 MOLASSES. Now Orleans Nominal ra Cuba 21 ia 27 MEAL If bush. 67 rt 90 NAVAL STORES. J'rime Ntie Virgin Dip. 2 02 irt Second year's Yellow Dip 2 35 ia 2 37 Virgin Dip nouiinnl 200 Yellow Dip ,- nominal 2 00 o - Hard, 1.12 Spirits Turpentine, if Cal. 32 34 Tiu -W bhl. - i 90 at 2 00 Pitch -ipbbi.-- mut- Rosin. No. I -p bbl. 1,25 ai 1,37 No. 2 50 1 0U " 3 25 ta Varnish BE AS. Vgall. 30 a- B. E. Peas jf btt. l'EA-NUTS, - nominal ? bushel,-- RICE Hough none-. )f bu. Cleaned, fair to good, IJ' 100 lbs. 4 SUGAR. New Orleans Brto Rico STAVES. V W. O. Hhd. rough-None " " dressed - " " barrel U. O. Hhd. rough do. " dressed do. 95 10 1 00 O I 00 io -60 a 5 25 B IB e 7 at 8 12 io 12 io 15 (i ia 7 10 at 15 SHINGLES. Common 2 50 M tamtriiet 1 50 at SPIRITS. N. E. Rum 35 a Com. Gin 42 Whiskey 33 U Apple Brandy 35 l r oo 37 45 35 37 SALT Bonaire, non 20 w 22 Liverpool none p Sack, 1 12j TIMBER. Inferior, 4 00 ia Fair Quality, 5 00 ra 5 75 OoodMill, ft 50 ; 50 Shippinfi f) 12 o 10 00 Subject to a deduction, averaging 20 per c nt. REMARKS ON MARKET. Thcro 19 no very material change in the state of our markst, since Saturday-but tho news by the Britan nia cannot fail to have some cfl'-ct on every mart In the Union. Tubpsxtix., About 300 barrels of Turpentine were sold yesterday new virgin dip at 2 62J to J 65 j second years' yellow Oft, ,2 33. This la a trifle be low our quotations, but wo do not feel authorised to alter them. ' '' - '. - - Wehavono transaction In Spirits of Tnrpenllno, Rosin or Tar, tho latter none In market. Timber. One ruft of common mill Timber sold yostcrday at 5 25 ; another raft of good rrtalitj , 7 of fered and 8 naked, and no sale effected. Flous. No transaction? In Flour at wholesale; the news by tho Biltannla having put everything out of order in this article ; at retail, Faycttevllle, 6 50 and 6 75 asked. Corn is held at 60 cents, but wo hear of nosalcsat that price. FsBtGiiT. Vessels arc again getting scarco freight to New York, -10 cents for Naval Stores Spirits Turpentine CO to 05. NORTHERN MARKETS. The market for Flour was rather nctivo in Boston on the 1 7th, but no rise in price was experienced. Michigan 5.G2J ta 5.94 i Gcnncsscc, 0.12J. In Boston, business generally was inactive. We can give nothing very Interesting relative to the nor thern markets, till the effect of the news by tho Bri tannia is more fully developed. NEW OJILEANS, July 13, 18-17. We learn from the Commercial Bulletin that noth ing was done In Cotton on the 12th. Nothing In Sugar and Molasses. Sales of Flour, n flat boat load of 012 barrels Ohio, at 4 50, a decline of 50 cents, tho general impression is that tho market will settle at thispticc. Corn, 600 socks of mixed and white, at 50 cents per bushel white at 60 a decline of 10 and 15 cents. No alteration in Exchange. CIIAHLESTON, July 17, 1817. Tho Southern Putriot informs us that during tho first 2 or 3 days of last week 7 to 600 bales Cotton changed hands. Subsequently 450 bales were sold at somewhat unrsttled rate. The actual transactions were 11 bales stained, at 'Jj; 32 at 10; ; 100 at 10; ; 100 at II; 228 at 11 ; 367 at II ; 111 at 11; 04 at 11; lG2stllJ; and 59 bales at 12 cents. For Rice there has been but very little inquiry, Tho transaction of the week past did not exceed 300 tierces, at 6j to 51 per hundred. Corn very much depressed. Small parcels had been sold at 73 cents for country, but to force sales to any extent, prices would go below that figure. A bout 50 barrels western Flour, in one lot, brought 6 50 per barrel. Little doing in this article. In Bacon, quotations nominal; 1000 pieces, shoul ders, city cured, sold at7 37J. MARVLAND. Snoie Hill, February 2, 1-iIG. Mr. S. tli W. Fowlo : Sir I'leac hi nd 1110 aa soon as possible, another lot of Wi ilar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. 1 h ive been felling this valuable medicine in this town for many years. It has proved to be highly useful in many ca sn. Much has been said and written in commenda tion of this article, and justly too, I think from my obs. ivalion of its 1 licet upon others, and my own rx p.'tii'iir in usin:: it. So:iu months since, having a had courrh, I lo-t my app, lite an. I streniMh, and my health was mueh impaired. I tried this Balsam; to my satisfaction and joy, when I hnd taken two bot iIcf, my cough was removed, my appetite returned, and my mreni;iii and general health restored. When ever I have any symptoms of the kind return, I im mediately resort to tliis medicine, and find it to have the ,1, sir, d 1 Hi c.t. I Klicvo this is one of the best medicines in the wot Id forcou:'hn and incipient con sumption, and ih it invalids in the more advanced ila ies may bo n lievul by usin:; it Signed by LEVI TOWN SEN I). Firm of Townsend ii Ups-h'tr. None n .in , A. ,1 1. BUTTS, on the rnppcr. For sale v holt -sale and retail by W M . SHAW, Wil uiinrttiin, and by dealers in Medicines generally throughout the country. notc:. hit' nf J. ; E. ' L solv.-d by inuliial cnnent on the 11th inst. All persons indi bt'-d to the firm will pleas; rail at the stor, ot J. An b rs 'ii und settle their accounts. .1 Mi:s ANDERSON. EDW IN A. ANDERSON. July 20, 1 17. 53-tl'. notici:. T! the business at the old stand, and will always kit p on hand a I irgc ."took of Dry Goods, Hardware, Iron, if-c, Ac, which will be sold at low prices and on the most accomnio- datinr terms. A supply ol new Crooos expected in a few (lavs. ' JAMES ANDERSON. July'2l), 1317. 53-if, j That Molasses lias Arrived. 111103., 32 Tierces, I Bands retailing Molass es, inst received per Old .ack from Cuba. Apply to July 20. ft. W. DAVIS. 53 FLOUR &c., AT AUCTION. ''PHIS morning at 10 o'clock, in front of our store JL will be sold 12 bbls. Bakers Flour, 15 bbls and casks Vinegar, 25 bushels Cow I'cas, 0 bbls. Virginia Hnins. SMITH A SAND FORD, Awl's. July 20, 1817. 63-It. NOW IS THE TIME To act Bargains ! STOCK OF D3Y GOODS SELLING OFF TO CLOSE THE SEASON. THE SUBSCRIBER intending to sell oil his Stock of FANCY and STABLE DRY GOODS, will now oiler customers greater Inducements than ever. Groat barguins In Silk Parasols with fringes; Silk Hose and Gloves; Silk and Bnrego Shawls and Scarfs; Muslin; Lawn ic . Ac , Ac. D. TELLER. July 20. 53-lm Glue Agency. SI l'ERIOR quality American Glue, constantly on hand and for sale by BARRY if BRYANT. July 20. 53 Scotch Snuff. "V BBLS. superior Scotch Snull, just received and OU lot wile by BARRY A BRYANT. July 20. 51 MOLASSES. Cf HHDS. supi nor retailing Molassrf, just rr v)v ' ceiveil from Boston per Schr. Outesie, ami for ale by BARRY A BRYANT. July f. I -17 51 , NAUTILUS MUTUAL LJFE INSURANCE ; COMPANW 28 Wall $trtci,Nt' York.', ' THIS Company, which confines lu business exclu sively to Lifs Ihrvkakcb, has now been In ope ration two years, during which prlod it has Issuod !,0Bl policies, nnd for tho first eighteen month. It experienced no loss. Its losses for the whola time have been loss than (7.000. luavlnz an accumulation of nearly 842,000 on bawl beyond tho payment of eiaiuisBiiu expenses, this, oilucd to tho orljrlnnl truarantv caoltnl of 850.000. rilnres iho snfiirliw nf il Company on a basis so solid as no longer to admit of a rational uouut. All Its profitB accrue to the credit of the dealers, nnd are divided annually amona ihsm, whether the policy be issued for a limited period or for the wholo term of life, a feature unknown in tho charter of any other Mutual Life Insuranco Company incorporated by tho State. Two dividends of 50 per cent, each on tho amount of premium received, in accordance with tho provis ions of the charter, have been declared, ami are cred ited to the account of the assured, and for which scrip certificates will be issued. A dividend of 6 per cent, on tho first year scrip has likewise been declared, payable in cash to tho hol ders thereof, on demand, at the office of the Compa ny. For policies granted for tbe whole term of life, when the premium thereof amounts to $50 a note for 40 per cent, with interest at 6 per cent vithout guarantee, may be received In payment, or it may bo paid in cash, In which case it is expected, should tho party snrvivc to make thirteen annual payments, leav ing the dividends to accumulate, tho policy will be fully paid for, and the accumulation ultimately added to the policy. Hates fir Insuring $100 on a Single lAfe. Aye. For 1 year. For 7 years For Life. annually. annually. 20 80 91 80 95 8177 30 1 31 I :i 2 3(1 40 lb9 1R3 3 30 50 1 KJ 2 00 4 60 GO 4 35 4 91 7 00 Example A perron; aged 30 years next birth day, by paying tho Company 8131. would secure to his family or heirs 8100, should ho die in one yeur,or for 813 10 he Hocurcs them 81,000; or for 813 00, annually lor seven years, he secures to them 81,000 should ho die in seven years; or for 82360, paid annually, during life, he provides 81,000 whenever he dies j for 805 50 they would rqecivo 8,5 000, should he dio in one year. FREDERICK J. LORD, Anient. Wilmington, N. C, July 7th, 1347. 4b1-4m. Copartnership NOTICE. HE subscribers have this day associated them X selves together for the transaction of the AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. under the Firm of Cronly (( Walker, at the old stand of Robt. O. Rankin, Esq., Murphy's Buildings. Business entrusted to them shall be promptly and faithfully attended to. MICHAEL CRONLY. JNO. WALKER, Ja. July 7th 1S47. 48-tf. FLOUR. ! LOUR Bids, and Halfs Beach Brand extra, for! 1 family use, received per Jonas .Smith, for sale, by D w. wood. Juno 7th, 1 ? 17. EijoEcoMni: iiaconT j (ff ( LBS. Edgecombe Bacon, recently n WW ceived per Rail Road. Formic, by J. & W. L. McGARY. July 15, 1317. 50-6t. TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. SEALED PROPOSALS for a thorough reino.Ll k in" of tho I'rcabylcruin Chure in tho town of Wilmington after an approved modern style, arc invi ted until Thurxday 20tli inst. The plan nnd spocifica lionsaro in the hands of Rev. I. O. Stcdman. and may be seen at any time between this anil tho date named above. Wilmington, July 15, 1817. 51-7t. II AVON y LA HI). IJ Keys do. just received and for Hale, by R. W. BROWN July !th, 1147. 43 E n c o !i r a e Competition. NEW PUHLIC HOUSE, U'F. LDO. . N. V. On the left or west side of llic Rr.il Road. rpilE Si;i!.SCHIHr.R fon,locl,,r on tho Wilminfrton and Raleis h ;itrJiL Rail Road, onencd this House on J??J?J the 1st January, 117, especially lor the convenience and accomniodalion of the travi I i n rr public, and In tciuls that its furnish and accommodations shall not be surpassed by any house in the place. His house is situated about 50 feet from the cars going north, anil near the Di pot of the Wilmington Road. The liberal share of patronage which he has received, is e idence that hi i ellorts to please the traveling public have been appreciated. His Table shall alwavi be supplied with the best the Market will afford ; and, with unremitting atten tion on his part, nnd that ol his Lady, he hopes for a continuance of tho pa ronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. The lovers of good eating; clean and comfortable chambers ; faithful and obedient servants, will find them at W II I T F I E L I) ' .S . 'ROANOKE HOUSE: X. T. WHITFIELD. Proprietor. Wr.Lrov, N. C, July 12, 1817. P. S. Supper nlways ready on the arrival of the Curs. Don't forgot WHITFIELD'S RUANOKF. HOUSE. Give me a trial, and you shall not go away dissatisfied. July 12, 1817. 4?-ly. HOMMONY BEANS RECEIVED per L. P. Smith. For sale by D. W. WOOD. July 17, 1847. 51-tf. PILOT BREAD, kc. niLOT BREAD, Bbls, Halfs; Water Craekc, 1 Half Bills.; Lemon Crackers, Half Bbls ; Sugar Crackers, Half Bbls.; Picnic Crackers, Half Bbls.; Soda Biscuit, Bbls. and Boies. Received per L. P. Smith. For sale by D. W. WOOD. July IT, I34T. 51-tf. LEMONS. SICILY Lemons In fine order, received per L. P. Smith and for sale by E. R. WOOD. July 17. 52 BUTTER AND CHEESE. OSHEN Butter, (ex'rn) (ioshrn Chifs, old F.n- c, V Tglish dairy Cheese small size, rcccivrd ir I. P. Smith and lor sale by D. W. WOOD. July 17. 5: Fresh Mnckcrel. 1 f W. BBLS. No I and 2 fresh Macken I. 1 V 10 Kltts extra do. lor family use. Riceivid this, day for sale by J 4- W. L. Mr GARY. July 17. 5! CANDLES,, . . QrlRMACETl-S. BELL'S Newport fl's. 1 O ADAMANTLVE i-HAIVCOCK tt MANN'S Baltlhoro I s 6s G'efl'ssnri 14." TALLOW-W. E. HULL SON'S New Votk 4's V and Cs. For sale by . ; P W. WOOD. $35 REWAHD. E AN away from the subscrllx-r, two negro men. John. nd London: John is a low JiV thick set fellow, about 3f years of nge, black skirt London is a very likely boy shout 20 years old, blade skin and stutters a littln. I will Rive 820 for tho apprehension of John, and 815 for I.ondon. i IL W. liUROWIN. Shawfleldn. Irunswick County, July 12, 1647. CI-7t. THE GREENFIELD MILL. THE subtrribcr having lately thorouphly repaired tho (h ecvjirld Grill Mill, is now ready to grind anj ipiiinuiy oi i;orn at tno shortest notice and on ac- coniniodatinc terms. July 13lh,P17. WM. II. DUDLEY. 50-6t. MOLASSES. OK HHDS. Prime Molasses, In fino order, jusl ro- ' coived, and for salo by R. W. BROWN. 60-tf. July 13th, 1947. SUGAR. C)f BBLS. Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugar. 10 " St. Croix Sutfar. For sale, at J. & W. L. McGARV S. July 3. 47-lm. Wholesale and Retail GROCERY. THE subscriber offers for sale, at lowest market prices the following article, viz: 20 Bags Kin Coffee ; 10 " Laguira Colli e ; 5 " St. Domingo Oolloe ; 3 Bbls. St. Croix Su;ar ; 10 " Porto Rico " 4 " Cuba 10 " Rectified Whiskey; H " Northern Gin; 5 " Domestic Brandy ; 5 " New England Rum ; 5 " Very superior old MonongaheliWhinkey; 15 Kegs Nailn, assorted pIzcsi -00 Lbls. Loaf Sufrar, PowdertJ nnd Crushed do.; Superior Cognlac Brandv j Holland Gin and Port H ine on draught ; a few doz. old Madeira and Cham paiync, warranted pure; Flour; Bacon; Dried Beef; Tongues : Mess Pork; Molasses; Mackerel, No. I and No. 2; Green and Black Teas; Wnlcr, Butter and Sugar Crackers; Allspice; Pepper; Ginger N'utmeg9; Soap Candles ; Cloves; Indigo ; Mus tard, &c, &C. J. BOI.AND. South Water Street, third door from Market Street. July 9. 1347. 49 rpiIE subscriber having made arrangements to close J. his present business a!) persons indebted will dense settle promptly. .Accounts against mc will Ik handed in for settlement. ROB'T G. RANKIN. July a, l;17. 13 Fresh Supplies. VTORTII CAROLINA nacon, assorted. I f 'orn nnd Mnnl in Sr,rL-s. Fayettcville Flour (with a prime lotfrosh grounii) I'irlaiiiily use. Canal Flour best article. Ki "S and ll.'i !f kers nrinic Ibillcr Alflrt 5 BbK Dried Apples and Benches. For sale, by It. v. liUUt; ,i . July 1. b'i HAY. 1 Cf BALES prime Eastern liny. IvV.' For e.Jc, at J. A W. L. McGARV S. Jr.lv 3. 47-lm. TO RENT. a n THAT larrrcnndcommotJious 11ott;i., p ra the II ANOVF.il HOUSE, situated on sc. JIilL, cond street opposito the Cape Fenr Bank, in the Town of Wilmington will be rented on reason able terms, from and after the first of October n -xt The Hanover House is a new brick building, four sto ries hi(;h, tin roofed, nnd built exprcfsly for a Hotel. Ils location is one of tho best in the town of Wil mington, and should the person wishing to rent it desire its enlargement the undtrcicned is pr-pared to enter into arrangenu nts for tb.it purpose. For terms, iVe., apply by letter or personally to the Subscriber at the Journal Ollice, Wilminpton. DAVID FULTON. July 10, 1-17. 4'J-tl. Chr.ii.icle copy till f.irl id. lU;CTIi'Ii;i) WIUtiKHY. QT BBLS. New Orleans Rectified Whisk y.jUHt received and for salo by J. W. L. McGARY. July!), IP 17. i'Mf- CANAL FLOUR. 1 rv BBLS. Canal Flour, for Family use. 1U 10 Bbls. do. do. Just teceived and fr sale by J. & W. L. MGRV. July 10, H47. 4'J-tf. IRON PIPE. 1 W.ET Two and a half Inch Iron pip' LVJJJ for s ilt by Wm. B. GILES & Co. 40 July 10, 1847. COAL. (f( TONS Red Ashe broken and serened urate OvVsize, from the celebrated Spnlm Minis. For sale by 1). W. WOOD. July li. 50 r i s ii. -pICKLED SALMON, Bbls., Half Bbls. and Kits; I " Mackerel, Hbls., Hlfs.,Uu. and Dried Codfish, recently received. And for sale, by D. W. WOOD. July 8. 48 ROUGH AND READY HATS At MYERS A EARNUM'S June 5, 1847. 35 C ORN. I TV iTi BUSHELS CORN, For Sale, by 1UUU J 4 W. L. McGARY. Juno 12, 1847. 39 VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. rTUlE Subscriber offers GOO acres of land, directly L on Shalkittc river, with a good hoi se, Ac, 200 of which aro good fjruiing land, thu balance turnline. Any nncwantinr to pmehnse irould dn vrll to call :md examine the plaiila!ie.n. J. K. CHADWICi. July 17, 117 ' 51-31. V (J CKE T- Ii O O K L OS T. THE subscriber lost his pocket-book on Wednes day evening lust. The object of this notice Is to caution the public ni'ainst tnidinir for a Note which was in the bockil Uck. of 8il. Kiven by Win. L. Bobbins, principal, and B. C. Ldis, cf iirily, piyablo in 9 mopths from the 2"lh day of Juno, last. ALV1N SHURTLEFF. July 17, 1.17 M It AGENCY FOR VENDING SHOT. HAVINO been nppnlntfd sgent for llw cclebrstM Sltot Factory in Philadelphia, M.ssrs. T. & T. HrxttH. Jf., Proprietor, I now odfoi Io tell half to ono ton or mora of my kind of Shot, dcUvcral.Ie here nt the wholesale factory prices Tor ennh, or 90 days, ad- dino; Interest, with only charging the freight out am insurance from rwiitfelptna ier. K. DICKINSON, Agent, Juno 3. ' 45 FOR SALE. A GOOD C(K)K, with four children; twoboysand Iv two elrls. The above property will be sold on accommodating terms to a resident of the town or county. Particular to price and credit will bo given by tho Editor of Commercial. Wilmington Juno 21th, 1347. 44-tf. LAGUIRA COFFEE. RAGS Lcgulra Coflee Just aecelvcd and for vy sale by J. HATHAWAY 4. SON. Juno 21. 42 FOIt SALE. 1 nf! SUPERIOR Hams and 5 Bbls. Lard for I V ty t sale by HOWARD &, PEDCN. June 21. 43 CORN MRAL. 1 ft B AGS Corn Meal, for sale by 1 U Juno 24. 45 WINDOW SASHES BLINDS AND DOORS Tho Subscriber is agent for ono of tho best man ufactories at the North, and will receive orders for tho abeive named articles, which will lie boxed up and de livered on board of vessels in New York, at the LOW EST PRICES, and at short notice. Persons about to contract fur buildings, will find It to their Intcres to call nnd examine prices heforo sending their order abroad. GUV O. HOTCHKISS. March 23. 3 Smoked Beef and Tongues. SMOKED Beef ond Tongues, large awe. For sale, bv D. W. WOOD. 43 June 21. COW PEAS T. quantities to suit. X For sale, by D. W. WOOD. June 21. 43 COOPER'S ISINGLASS. c COOPER'S Refined Isinglass, for making Table Jellies. Blanc Alanire. Ac. For sale, by P. W. WOOD. 43. June 21. CANAL FLOUR. Or BARRELS, a superior article, just received tjJ per schr. Wm. Burk from New York, and for sale by C. D. ELLIS. Lord's Building, N. Watcr8t. June 24, 1847 . 43-tf. S U C, A R . OA HHDS. Prime New Orlenna; 6 Hhdn. and 20 Barrels Prime Poro Rico, ml received and for ale by BARRY A BRYANT. June 22. 42 FLOUR. 1 BUi. Fayettovillo Fine, Super, an4 Cross. I V Af For sab at J. & W. L. McGARY'S. July 10, Lvl7. 60 FEA'MIERS. A FEW bags of good 'eathera, rcceivid per Cot lun l'ltnt. For sal: by . & W. L July 10. McGARY. r,o S V E It M C A U L V. S. BOXES Patent Sperm Candles, for Bale at J. A V. I.. McGARY'S. Ju ly in 50. Fresh Drugs & Medicines. 1 Q DOEN Congress Spring Water I 50 llu. Peruvian Hark ; do7..-n Henry' Magnein ; 0 r)o)t. London Mus tard, hall and nr. Ib:r; (Jum Camphor; M-'ii II ! fill '-alcim d MapiiiM". ; 111 Carb Sotla; Cr. ' inlr fa Tartar ; Sci.llitz and Noda Powders L5 r luffii ! Sis )t Vit Fresh Hops; Extrart and Oilnf Imon; itric.and Sulphuric Ethersand Sp. Amnion. Arom. ; Chloride ovir row. It; Allitipo Scam- monv. r-ilmmro Hnnrv ryrnlr rn.l SJ jig -ii Wi iehts, on Stands and common ; fo! .1.. N lllllljl I'l IJ.IIH l.'OI.l.i. -.'.ll.,l,lllI.I JII UU. Sup. German Silvi r and Bra. s Sprint; do.;) Horn and Gl.is.i Cupping IitstriiNM -it. ; s ;p. Sp jtulas, from 12 inch down; Leather Drinking Cups; Dominoes; llrandrclh Beekwith'a and i.-tar'u Pills. Also, 40 grc vlal.i. For sale at low prices, at the Drmr Store of A. C. EVANS. Junc2C. 41 FORTE It. PHILADELPHIA Porter, Uuarts nnd Pints For sale by I. W. WOOD. July I. . BUTTER. (! KEGS and Tubs, prime Goshon Butter. For O sale by DeROSSET. BROWN, 4. Co. July I. 46. ROSIN STRAINERS. 900 KEKT No. I, Rosin Strainers, just received &JJ and for aale by riART ii POLLEY. June 20. 4 IRISH POTATOES. 1 f BBLS. fine new crm Potatoes, at 1U HOWARD & PEDE.VS. July P. 4S CUTTER AND CHEESE. FAMILIES ond Masters of Vessels can alwsya de pend on getting good fresh Goshen butter and Cheec, at HOWARD & PEDEN'S. id July 8. FRESH SUPPLIES. C1IDF.R VINEGAR by the Barrel; J Brandy Cherrits, very fine ; Fresh Lorwtrrs; Sanlins; Salmon; .Mackerel; Smo ked Tongues ; English Most.ird and Can (inoter i Lost, Crushed ani Powlercd Sugar, at HOWARD & PEDEN'S. July iS A UCTION. 0 N Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock in front of our store, we w ill oiler lor.salo mi ruisn ! orn, ill barrels Flour, I do Sugar, anl mi ira I o'ber articlr, CRONLY .f- WALKER, A-sl ' July H, 1-1" Just R c c e i v (m! t'ST r.'ccivei). direct from th. mmuficteTy, nmi f ir sale, cheap, SZ2 I.ittht ( nil tun Knyi'l I-o. , Jo. Goat skin pegred B.ii, Lilies. Misses, and t'hildrin Kid lipirs. ; It FRENCH J. ! !', I K SI ri : Administrators Notice. , AT the June Term 1347 pf th Court of Pltao4 Uuartrr Ifcseionf for lliCouniy of New Uawm vcr, the snbwertber obtained letteia ol admlnistraUon on thu goods and chattel, rights and credits of Sama -el Potter dcut. All persona Irtdcbttd to the es tatn. are re'inrsted to make lmmediata oavmenls and I those having claims ta pseaeA them aa by law required, r na .linn uflll k-, k f m-.amrm . 8AMUEL R. POTTBa, Admtr. June 22. w- - c-43-i- lime. ; ;' : .... OHA CASKS Prima Thomaston Lime, jnat re CAJ ceived and for aale, by -' BARRY BRYANT. June 22. ? PORK. fif BBLS. Mesa and Prime Pork, received this day, ZV for salo bf J. 4 W. L. McGART-' July 10. LO Marble Monuments AND GRAVE STONE AGENCY. 1 THE subscribers aro appointed Agents for onevof the but and matt txhnntt MARBLE YARDS. In Connecticut, and will receive orders for Marble Monuments or Grave Stones, either IcUerei or not, which will lie furnished at the shortest notice anJ most reasonable prices. We havo received a variety of patterns, various sty kca ri b tho prices, which may bo examined at any time. J. CAR. II. WOOD, OuilJer$ and Contractor. June 17. 49. FIRE CRACKERS. CA BOXES Fire Cracker, inat received For JVJ Hnlc by J. & W. L McGARY Jul) 10. 49 COW PEAS. 1 000 BUSHE,s Cow PC3 received 1 " J. 'J and for ante in lots to Mill purchawra DaROSSET, BROWN & Co. Juno 17. :40. NRW GOSHEN BUTTITW I FAMILIES can bo supplkd with fresh Bntter every Wek. At HOWARD 4 P EDEN' 8: Juno I, 1847. IK SUGAR. AFRESH supply of Crushed, Powdered, Loaf and St. CroLx Sugars. nt HOWARD & PEDN'S. June I, 1347. 33. WINES AND BRANDIES. ADEIRA, Port, Claret, SeurxTOorw. Malara and 11 Sherry, at Juno 1. 1847. HUVVAKtf fltlJISIM'H. S3. Lemons! Lemons!! A ( BOXES just landed per P.ark C. L. Reran, for l f ta". low at JOS. W 1 LK INSON'S Confectionary and Fruit Store, Market St. June 9. 36 LUMBER. REFUSE, River, Wide Boo rdj ami Scantling for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by Barry & bryant. Slay 27. 31. JUST OPENED. A New awrtmcnt of TOYS, FANCY BOXES, Ac. At JOS. WILKINSON'S CONFECTIONARY A FRUT STORE. May 25. 30. Af BARRELS New Orleans Whiskey; 'it " 10 Do. American Brandy; 10 Qr. Casks Malaga Wine, for file by A. MARTLV. May I-'. 27 Kiver Lnmber. XI7IDE BOARDS and Scantling. Tlancd Lnmber V and Laths for sale in lots trt suit purchasers by C. D. ELLIS, Lord's WhnrL May 13. iff RICE fcfi CASKS fresh beat Rice, hourly expected, ond - for sale by E. DICKINSON, Ag t. June 10. 37 FOR SALE. I i a iv i. incuinnM uams. i i rinis. oi rim quainy 1 CA ?-'Iv Cincini r O I - r ! .. II lonti r r- i? 1 N. O. Whiskey, by E. DICKINSON Ag't. 37 June 10, iRV fOSFEUTIOSlRl'. rrilE SUBSCRIP.ER. would rcspw-tfidly invit, x the Laillr h and Gentlemen of VV il ninglon ond vicinity to his asfartmcnt of Confectionary, Fruits, Nats, Toys, Fancy Articles, &., Which has just boen selected in the northern market, of the finest quality, and which he will endeavor to sail at the lowest cash prior, and give satisfaction to all. JOS. WILKINSON, Marktt St. under Mrt. Coican't duelling. April 15, 1847. 13 Come and Examine.; You are not compelled to purchase THE full and fresh stook of Confectionary confin ing of STEWARTS SPOTTEN'S, and LAN A HANS SUam llefintd Ccmdiet. Almonds, I'ecan Nuts, Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Eng lish Wolnun, if-c. Oranges, Lemons, Apples and Smyrna Figs. ALSO, French, English, Ocrman and American Toys of every variety and description. And a lot of Ladies covered Work Badttli of a very superior make. E. R. WOOD. July 10. 10. PURE MEDICINES & CHEMICALS. JUST received; 200 os. Sulph. Qui nine, Hydro Sublimed Calomel, Blue Pill Mas, Citrto Acid, Lamar Caustic pure, and No. 2. Chloral Po taaaa. Acetate and Sulphate Zinc, Bi Carb Potass pure, PhophateAmmoa in. Phosphate Soda, VaDatie'e Proto Carb, Ferri, Citrate Qarnine and , Iron, Soluble Citrate Iron, Prectp Carb Iron, Piperine, Silicine, A eat and Sulph Morphine, Strychnine, Veratrino Iodines, Iodide Lead, Sul phur, Arsenic, lion. Mercury, Liquor Ferri lodidi. Donovans Solution, lodldo Arsenic and Mercury, Ui Ido Silver, Kreoeoto, Wood Naptha, Oil Cttbebev W ' Copatva, Ol Blk. Pepper, 01 Camphor, Ol Ergot, Together with a large atock Paint, Oila, Braaaee Perfumeries, Surgical and Dental Instruments of an perior uallty. arid may be found constantly on hand on accommodating terms at the Drug Store of A. C. EVANS. 1 Jam?2f.,p47. 44-tf. NAILS AND SPIKES. . O er REGS Cut Nails. assurtcJ, 4d to 20d. 10 Wrought Spikes, assoitcd. For aak, at J. 4 VV. L. McOARrS. July 3 47-lm. COFFEE BAGS tirwn Rio Coff.y Lagulra I'ur fab , a' J 4 W I M G.R 'S. 4T-1HI i'i Julv J i