1 4 r WAREHOUSE OP PUINTS 0.1a. No. 56 Cedar Street, NEW YORK. Lias, jtoboit &, lee, (late lee a judson) OCCUPV the wxcloiu FIVE 8TORY WARE HOUSE, No. 66 CKDAR STR EET the hole of which ii devoted to the exhibition and solo of ib Stwu Aiticle of PRINTED CALICOES. Their prevent stock consisting of nearly OSS THOUSAND PACKAGES, Embracing some THOUSANDS of different pat terns and colorings, and eomosing every thing desi rable In the line, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. All of which are oflercd for sale, for cash, or satis factory credit, at the lowest raicus, by tho PIECE OR PACKAGE. Net styles aro received almost every day, and ma ny of them are got up for our own Bales, and not to be found elsewhere. y Printed lists of prices, corrected from day to day. with every variation In the market, are placed In the hands of buyers. Merchants will be able to form some idea of the extent and variety of our assortment, when wc state, that the value of our usual stock of this onb abticlb, Is at least twice the value of (he entire stock of dry roods usually kept by our largest wholesale jobbers. This bet, together with the fact, that our means and our attention, Instead of being divided among a vast variety of articles, are devoted wholly to one, will render the advantages which we can oflbr to dealers perfectly obvious; and it khall be our care llmt none who visit our establishment shall meet with any dis appointment. Our assortment is complete at all seasons of the year. LEE, JUDSON & LEE. P. S. B. F. LEE, formerly of tho firm of Lord & Lees, and late senior partner in the original firm of Lee & Brewster, from which connection ne withdrew some time ago, lias resumed business in csnneetlon with Mesfere. Lee & Judson, under the firm of LEE, JUDSON A LEE, and he ventures to assure his friends and the public, that tho new firm will main tain the name pro eminence in this branch of the trade, which formally distinguished the other two houses to which he belonged. New Yobic, June 1, 1347. 4G-1 y. HITS AND DIPS. WE have just received by late arrivals from New York, a fresh supply of Gentlemen's black Beaver and Moleskin Huts, Spring style, 1 case extra Drab Beavers A. No. 1. Gent's black and Drab Leghorns, Boys' Leghorn Caps and patent Leather Belts, ALSO, a few Silk Velvet riding Cape for Ladies ; very pretty. Call and see at MYERS ! BARNUM'S. May 22. 29 " CORN. rnn BUSHELS up Country Corn. For sole JJU by GILLESPIE A ROBESON. June 12. 38. NOTICE. A PLEASANTLY situated PEW In tho Episco pal Church. For sale bv GILLESPIE & ROBESON. June 12. 38. SPIRIT BARRELS. OF the most approved manufacture kept constant ly for Sale by W. 0. JEFFREYS. June 5, 13-17. 35. WHISKEY. 09 BARRELS, RECTIFIED WHISKEY, OForsalelowat HOWARD 6V PEDF.N'S. COFFEE. OA BAGS prime Rio Coffee, Z,J 10 ' " Lagulra " Just received by SANDFORD & SMITH. June 10. 37. CANDLES. JUST received 10 Boxes Adamantine Pearl Light Candle ; 10 ' Sperm ; 10 "Tallow; For sale, by SANDFORD & SMITH. May 8. 2:1 corn7 " TN quantities to suit purchasers, JL For sale, by D. W. WOOD. 20 May I, 1847. BACON &l HAMS. C)rXff Lbs. prime Bacon Side and Shoulders, 4JJJ 2000 lbs. Wayne County Hams. For sale by DeROSSET, BROWN 4 Co. June l. 37. THOMASTON LIME. Bbls. Thoraaston Lime, Just received and forsaleby J. C. 4 R. B. WOOD. Contractors and Uuililtri. 860 LIME. I N good order, in kxs to suit. For sole, by D. W. WOOD. 47-lm. July 3. SUGAR. 4HHDS. fair quality Cuba Sugar, for sale, lev, bv DEROSSET BROWN 4 Co, June 30th, 1617. 46 PEAS. Crv BUSHELS of Prime Cow Peas for tale bv It mi t ....... . . . . . . June 10. 37 BUTTER. 9f J08.1" 0ohen Butler, just received set U fckhr. L. p. Smith 8A.)FORD ol SMITH. June 10. 37. JUST RECEIVED I O BARRELS Peach Brandy. For sale bv xy GILLESPIE 4 ROBESON. Jon 4, 1847. 35, Lard in Kegs. 1 f KEQ8 beautiful Lard, for family use, for ule at v. TV. L. jacOARY'S. j my iv. SO- HAY AND CORN. IN STORE. 150 Bales Prime H.y eOObushets White Com. For Bala by SANDFORD & SMITH June 3. 34 ALE. j'RESH Albany, sloping Amber Ale, tlwiyt 0n was ua ivr we vj me npi. or quantity OILLESPIK A ROBESON. Jar 10. COFFEE rr BAGS RIO COFFEE, just received and fx mk,by GILLESPIE 4 ROBESON 47 The Gracfentarg Vegetable Pills. 30,000 BOXES SOLD EACH AND EVERY WEEK 1 1 THE GRAEFENBERO COMPANY HEREBY give notice that their General Agent for the State of North Caro'lna, is Col. Wm. Jones, of Louisbug, Franklin Co., N. C. The General Agent it fully prepared to op point sub Agonts wherever there is no branch of the Com pa i y either on personal application or by mall, post-paid.-' The rapid sale of these celebrated pills, and the extra ordinary cures they are constantly eflcctlng, rei dei them, by far the most popular pill of the age. An Agency will consequently be very valuable. The Graefenberg Pills are Inconceivably superior to any ever before discovered. In all bilious complaints; in general derangement of the system ; in all disor ders which result from bad state of the blood, these pills are a sovereign eemedy. In the class of diseases called chronic, the Grofcn berg Pills achieve their highest triumphs. Here they defy all competition. Entering within the hidden re cecaes of the system, they quietly but surely purify the blood, root out disease, and give tone and vigor to the body. CURES ARE CONSTANTLY EFFECTED By these Pills, in cases where every other means hnd utterly failed. The most abundant proof of this could be given, but a trial of one box will convince the pa tient. They can be ordtred and sont by mail, at tri fling expense. The price is '6 cents a box. Wiere two dollars uorlh are ordered and the money remitted, the Company will pay tlie pottage on the Pills. Re mittances at the Company's risk. Wherever there is no Agency of the Company they can be ordered by mnll. These Pills are taking tho place of all others, and no sick person should be without them. ALL BILLIOUS COMPLAINTS, Doted Complaint), Consumption, Dyspepsia, Fever and Airue, Heatlache, Jaundice, lAter Com plaints, Rheumatism, all Stomach Complaints, Green Sick ness, f.c., dV., Yield at onco to these Pills. They purge away offen sive humors, arrest tho progress of disease, and at the same time restore tone and vigor to the system. In cases of general derangement of the health, they are SOVEREIGN. BY THEIR USE, The weak will bocome strong; the pnlcnmi bilious complexion be restored to a perfect fresh and healthy color ; oil the bad symptoms will one by one disap pear. In short, these Pills are an Inconceivable advance upon any other medicine ever before offered to the pub lic. A tried ipilt satisfy any one of this. Juno 5, 1847. " 35 New Spring Stock of of BOOTS AND SHOES. rTHE Subscriber has just received, by late ar wtiaw JL rivals direct from Manufacturers a large and splendid assortment of Gentlemen's, La dles, Misses, Boys and Children's Boots and Shoes. BOOTS AND SHOES neatly repaired. For sale, by G. R. FRENCH. May 20, 1847. 28 Camphine ! Campliine ! ! I HAVE my Distillery again in full operation, ar.d during the season for closing the stores ot night, I have discontinued cirrylng round my Cnmphlne three times a week and will only do so on Saturdays tny price is sixty cents per gallon, only ten cents advance on the common Spirits obtained at the Distilleries. -I have been at considerable expense in fitting up my establishment for re-dislil!ing, nnd am determined to give to all who will favor mo with their custom a good article, which they will find less trouble, ond a saving of one fourth expense, which a number of my custo mers have assured mo to be the case. THOMAS SMITH. June 5. 35 CHARLES GRAY SUCCESSOR TO 3EAP.LE0 BLAX3D13E. feTTAVlNG piirchmed tho stock of C. Bliikes iTlce, the subscriber will continue the suie and manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES, and keep constantly on hand every variety of articles in his line. All order for work promptly and punctually atten ded to. BOOTS made in the lutent fashion and finest style. CHARLES GRAY. J uno J, 1847. 3-1 tf FOR SALE. PRIME Eastern Hay, New Orleans Whiskey. I American Urandy, Muiaira Wine. Lime. Rnenn Corn, Meal &c. dec. by A. .MARTIN. may a. 23 Ice Creams ! Ice Creams ! ! i THE LADIES SALOON i ITT' ILL be open this morning, where the under-, iuiicu win nirnisii to tue mules oi i in neon Ice Cream served up in a manner and style that can not fail to please. Call at the Confectionary Store on Front Street. K. R. WOOD. April 24, 1847. 17 B O OK BINDERS TO OLS. FOR sale, a number of Book-Binder's Tools, con sisting of Rolls, Stamps, Pollshinir Iron. Ham mer, Knives, Folding Sticks, Saw, .Shears, &c. in prime ord.r. Apply at this Office. Starch i.. 4 COMMERCIAL BASIL OF WILMINGTON. THE organization of this Institution having taken place, in conformity to Ita Charter, Uook of Subscription are now re-opened at the Bank of Cope r ear in tnts place tor balance ot capital stock. O. U PARSLEY, President. April 2fl, IR47. 1'J.tf. CORN. QfkOn BCSHELS Com In Store, a prime article. OUUU400 do. do. in Sacks ' DaROSSET, BROWN 4. CO. June 15, 1S47. 39 tf. 80 BALES PRIME EASTERN HAY, For sale bv A. MARTIN. Msv H. 27 TloTjIT. PEYTON A BRANDS, Bbls. snd Hlfs., For salo, by D. W. WOOD. Mny 1, 1347. '20 JUST RECEIVED. Per Schr. A. J. Dellosset. I ( Boxes Oranges, 1U 10 " Lemons, 2 Sacks Walnuts. 2 '. Ptacaa Nuts, (fresh) 2 " P.lm. 2 " Almonds, 1 case Prunes, 1 " Glngrr, (very nice) Also a lot of Ladies Bukots, at JOS. WILKINSON'S, Confectionary and Fruit Store. June 1 l47. 33. BILLS OF EXCHANOE-PHcellrulrtfor sale at the COMMERCIAL OFFICE March '21. COFFEE. Jf BAGS Rio Coffee, just ree.W and for sale by ly BARRY 4 BRYANT. SADDLE, IIARNESS,AND TRUNI ri: MANCFACTOR Y, ' ' - " j. Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. ' THE subscriber takes this methed J of Informing Ms friends and tho public jremJral 15 ly, that he has uken the store formerly occup ed bv Porter and Bbtknlee, and Immediately oppositt the Chronicle Office, where he Is now opening com plcte assortment of Sadillei, Bridles, Harness, Tmnks, Martingales, Valises, Carpet and Saddle Bajs, Collars, Whiui, Spars, Bits, &e. te. kt kt All of which will be warranted of good manufacture and materials, and will be sold low for CASH. Having lohu kxfbbiencc in the above business, he flatters himself that he will be able to renderutf sat isfaction to those who may be disposed to patronize him. It is his intention to keep no Books, but to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, by which means he will be able to furnish articles much ckeapeb than they have heretofore been bought in this market. ErREPAIRING of all kinds done at the shortest notice. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Aug. C, 1840. lyGl MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. 1 f KEGS, just received, and for sale by 1W JOHN C. LATTA. Oct. 27. 49 NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of every style and quality suited to complete a Merchant Tailoring Establishment, viz: SUPERFINE FRENCH CLOTHS AND CAS SIMERES of every shade and color; Vestings in variety; French twilled Drab D'te ; Silk Alpaccas; light fancy Cnssimeres, all of tho latest style and best quality, which will be mado up to order at the short est notice. READY MADE CLOTHING: A Inrgc and complete assortment of ready made Clothing, just opened and for sale, very cheap for Cash. Also, tho outfitting Department is very com plete, with the most choice assortment of Fancy Goods. Superior L. B. C. Shirts, of every variety and qual ity; silk under Shirts and Drawers; superior Fancy Cravats; Stocks; Collars; Bosoms; Umbrellas; all well worthy the attention of those in want of them. Customers in tho habit of paying cash will find it to their interest to make it known, as I in future am determined to make It the interest of all who deal with me, to pay cash. Short credit will bo given to punc tual customers and to none ethers. Those who have not settled their account, to the I st of January, 1847, will save cost by immediately doing so. H. S. KELLY. May 11. 24 tf. V'lllM MERCHANTS' STEAM BOAT COMPANY, OF FAYETTEVIUE AM) WILMINGTON- GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT. Averaging about 20 per cent. New Steamer ROWAN, 17 inches, Steamer WILLIAM B. MF.ARES, Steamer COTTON PLANT, Flat Boats BEN BERRY, ODD FELLOW, MIKE CRONLY, WASHINGTON, T. J. CURTIS, READY MONEY, MARY ELIZA. THE Proprietors of the Merchants' Slenm Boa Company of Fayettcville and Wilmington, N. C. oiler the above Line of Boats, on the Cape Fear River, to the shipping public, under the late revision and re duction of Freights. Their new Steamer, ROWAN, now draws only 17 Inches water. When sho undergoes some alteration in machinery, her draft is calculated a t 14 to 16 Inches, which will make her the lightest boat navigating the waters of any river in the Southern country. This Company Halter themselves that they havo it now in their power to oiler the most complete line of Boats that has ever been on the Cape Fear, and one that will do the freighting business with regularity and despatch on all staves of the water. They have, in connection with the Henrietta Company of this place, reduced the freights to tho tariff as in printed rates. Neither of t lie Boating concerns deemed themselves able to re duce the freights and still do the forwarding business in this place free of charge, and consequently this tomuaiiy nave kitcu ,t Up( wm, mo conviction, irmi 1 the r orwarding .Merchants of our to wn can do it moro justice than a boating concern. Any Goods consigned to the Merchants' Steam Boa'. Compnny, Wilmington, N. C, will be lorwarded through that place free of commissions all other chnrges made to the shipper. Tire new arrangement lakes effect from the 1 6th instant. Passngc $3, both ways. The two companies will hereafter count all freight enph, or Interest added. Direct letters to Thomas S. Lutterloh, Fayettcville ; J. & W. L. McGary, Wilmington. THOS. S. LUTTERLOH, Agent. Fayetteville, Jan. 9, 16-17. U0 Summer ArrangcmcnM847. RENEWAL OF THEDAILY LINE, Via the Route now Favorably knovn as the J.1J1ES IlIVER AND BAY LINE. THE Proprietors take great pleasure In sdvising the Travelling Public of the renewal of their daily line. The stestners during the past winter under went a thorough repair, and are now In fine order. The line at present will consist of the following leam rs : Ox AroATTox Rtvia Mount Vtrnon, Captain Blow, a beautiful Steamer. Ok J amis Ri via Alice, Capt. Brough; Jewess, Cant. Sutton. Ok CNasAf bakb Bav Herald, Capt. Russell 1 Georgia. CapU Cannon. I hese Hosts sre all well o flic red by men of long experience on the route. PiMtng era leaving Wcldon or Uasf n every night, except Saturday, and Peters burg every morning, exceptSunday, will go on direct, or Gasf n every night, except Saturd without any delay, at less expense, and more ease, that by any other route. Fare from Wcldon or Gaston to Baltimore 90 00 Do. " u Norfolk 4 00 Do. " Petersburg to Baltimore 6 00 Do. " to Norfolk 1 00 HEALS INCLUDED ON THE STEilESS Passengers getting a Through Ticket over (his line are allowed to stop at any point on the route, and re sumo their travel at pleasure. For Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to C. C. Pi oh. Eaq , Osston. Ticket from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk to be had of J. L. JONES (tsntral Agent. Office Junes River and Bay Line. Weldon, N. C.,Msy 11,1847. 29 tf RIVER wide Boards and Scantling. In lots to suit purchaser, for sale, by C. D. ELLIS, on VV. C. Lord 1 whnrf Mv 13. 25 Summer Boarding. - rjTHE subscriber having purchased the residence JL on Masonboro' Sound, 7 miles from Town, for merly occupied by Mr. Oao. R. Fbbwch, and at the request of some of hit friends, has consented to open House of Entertainment, commencing the 20th of May, where persons can be actdmmodated by the day or week. The house has undergone a thorough re pair, is healthy.and pleasantly situated, commanding a fine view of the Ocean, dec. There will be a Hack running from Wilmington to the above place. Application for passage made to Dr. Shaw. The Hack will not be run on any particular day, unless tne travel should be such ah to justify It. N. B. Company on Sabbaths, will not bo received only when there is some of their family there. ' I. PETERSON. Apri! 20, 1847. 15 UNPRECEDENTED PROPOSALS. THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, FOR ONE DOLLAR ! ! STRICTLY NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. CONTAINING FROM TWENTY-ONE TO TWENTY-TWO COLUMNS OF HEADING MATTER EVERY No I Which will be filled with the choicest Literary Articles, latest News, both Domestic and For eign, faithful and full Re ports of the Markets, with the tri-weekly Remarks on the Wilmington Market. THE reputation which the tri-weekly Commercial has acquired, as a faithful register of the state of the Markets here, as well as tho Intest nnd most Im portant News, warrants us In saying that the public nave an assurance that the Weekly Commercial -will be all that the reader may desire, in these particulars, at least. The low price of the paper lower than any paper at the South will enable every citizen to havo com mand of a newspaper of his own, complete for all tho purposes of such publications divested of the angry spirit of party, and free from political contention 1 tho solo aim of which is to give correct and substantial information to tho reader ; such as may benefit him in his business, and cntertuin and inform his mind. Persons holding Subscription papers arc requested to send in the names of subscribers, as soon as they are obtained retaining tho paper for further subscrip tions. Tho object is to obtain a sufficient number to commence the publication In the early part of next month. All payments must be made in advance, and post age paid when the name is forwarded; otherwise, no attention will be paid to tho order. T. LORINO. Publisher of the Tri-weckly Commercial. Wilmington, N. C, January G, 1847. Boarding House. THE subscriber has taken the well-known Hoiibc on the southeast corner of Dock and Front streets, fonnerly occupied by Mrs. Joseph A. Hill, for the nurpose of accommodating regulur and trancienl boarders. F.J. SWANN. Nov. 17. 103 tf. NOTICE TO D EV LERS IN TlluTEfflli & TAR. Wilmington Juno 1, 1817. THE undersigned, purchasers and dealers in Naval Stores In tins place, with a view to adopt some general regulations which scorn to them to be founded injustice, and more in accordance with the customs of other markets, have agreed to establish for their future government, the following REGULATIONS. That as no good reason is apparent to them for chan ging the size or weight of barrels of Turpentine, and it would bo productive of Inconvenience to the ma kers and puchascrs, it will be purchased as heretofore, tne gross welglit ot barrels to be 3W lbs. or ZOO lbs. nett, the turpentine to be delivered on tho yard for inspection at the expense of the seller; and as there has been in many cases, an unjust inequality, in fix ing upon the amount of Extra, and whereas the law prescribes what the order of turpentine shall be, whi n cxpored for sale, without proscribing any remedy In case it Is not in said order, wc therefore agree that hereafter a deduction shall bo made under the denomination of extra coopcrago as follows : For scuttling, packing, 4c, one cent per barrel, for the first two hoops that may be lacking short of twelve as prescribed by law, one cent each, and for each hoop less than ten that may be short, two cents each, also what other labor may be necessary to put it in the order the law prescribes to be adjudged by the Inspcctors.togcther wlih the usual deductions for unmerchantable barrels exceeding the number taken to pack. Purchases made at tho Rail Road depot will be subject to a deduction of two cents per bbl. drayage, thereby placing the sellers by Rail Rond on a looting wiin tnosc oy water. These regulations to apply to Tar, only so fur as regards tho expenses of rolling and drayage. The custom adopted in reference to the condiiionof the barrels it is supposed must be free from all ob jection, as turpentine put up in perfect order will only do subject to a deduction of ono cent per bbl. Instead of the former rates of extra. We also agree that la future we shall refuse to compromise for fraudulent mixture as heretofore, that wc deoin chips, straw, billets of wood, limbs, dirt, Ac., ns n fraudulent mixture, and that we shall abide by the strict letter of the law In sll such cases. And where as it appears that Ihe InBDcclors do not consider themselves authorized to make billsothcrwise than as prescribed by law, that wc will, In all cases, purchase by tho bbl, of320 lbs. and allow ih Inspector to make bis bill as Ihe law directs 280 lbs. but that there shall be deducted from the bill one eighth of the amount. W.O.JEFFREYS, A.H VAN BOKKF.LIN, JOHN McRAE, H. NL'TT, A. MARTIN, B. FLANNER, W. LATIMER, W. J. LOVE Jr. JEWETTACo., R. C. HALLETT, HARRY A BRYANT, II. HALLETT, -'NO. CHRISTIAN, R. O. RANKIN, HALL A ARMSTRONG, C. D. ELLIS. June 5. 35 if. Negroes Wanted, T WISH to purchase a largo number of negroes of a 00m sexes, irom tne sge ot 14 to JU, for which I will pay the highest cash market price. As I Intend making a long stay In Wilmington for that purpose, persons from the country would find It to their ad vantage to bring snch property to town that they have to dispose of. Also wanted, some good Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Coopers and Bricklavers. Apply to mo at tho Caro lina Hotel. ANSLEY DAVIS, of Petersburg. Va Msy6. 22 tf. LOST OR MISLAID. A RECEIPT of W. M.Mvaas.of South Carolina, to Ebviko Kinoj also, an obligation of N. B. Hill, guarantied by James D. Warbwull snd Hknbv Davis, for Fourteen Hundred and Fifty Dollars; the coudttlon of which obligation Is, that I am to deliver the Receipt above, and satisfactory vouchers of my ownership to three Slave sold N. B. Hill by said Ebviko, lor my account, both the papers being rela tive to that sale. A suitable reward will be given for Ihe finding of these papers, and I warn all persona from trading for them, as they can be of no use to any one but myself. WILLIAM O. ALFORD. May 25. 30-3m MESS & I'RIME PORK. Qf BBLS. New Mess Pork, 0J 15 " " Prime Pork, city Inspection. DeROSSET, BROWN A Co. June 10. 37. "ll O ST ON CRACKERS, OH CANISTERS, For sale st 4J HOWARD at PEDEN'S. Jun5, 1917 35 fl MYERS & BARNUM, fjl MAsurACTttacaa and oialiis in HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, UMBREL LAS, WALKING-CANES, &c, RESPECTFULL V call the attention of the citizen of Wilmington and vicinity, to their Irgc and Splendid Assortment now receiving at the old stand of C. MvM, North side of Market street, which we of fer at wholesale and retail, cheaper than ettr. GEST.'S BEAVER, NUTRIA. MOLESKIN AND SILK II ATS, of Beebee A Costard and Leary's Fall Fashion for 1846, a splendid article, just received, and a "few more left of Ihe same sort." Please call and examine thcui. Also, a very large assortment of MEN'S, BOYS', AND INFANTS' CAPS, of the latest and most approved patterns. Gent.'s French soft Dress, Silk, Velvet, and Cloth Caps; Gent's French Guard do.r Blue and Black Spring Bond, Palo Alto, Ringgpld, Oregon, Oil Silk, Velve teen, Glazed Lawn, Ac, Ac. YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CAPS of every style nnd quality, fiom 12J cents to $2,50, tho largest assortment ever offered in this market, and at astonishing low prices. A beautiful article of Infants' Cloth and Silk Velvet Caps, to which wo particularly call the attention of those wanting Caps for children. In fact, every article In our line we have a rich and full assortment, to which we respectfully call the atten tion of the Public, and warrant a genteel fit .and at Prices to suit the times. MYERS A BARNUM, Wilmington, Oot. 5, 18-1G. 5 THE Subscriber would express his gratitude to his Friends and Customers, for their liberal patronage heretofore extended towards him in Wilmington. The same business will hcrcafltr be conducted under the name and firm of MYERS A BARNUM. nt the old stund. C. MYERS. MORE LIGHT. ON hand a genoral assortment of tho Patent Capil lary Burner Lamps, for burning Cnmphino and Spirits of Turpentine 1 its advantages over others now in use will be apparent to nil on the slightest in spection, combining pcrfoct safety In burning with freedom and equality, In its supply of burning materi al; also, a largo supply of acorn Doric Oricntul Study, Hall, Parlor, Stand, Solar and Table Lamps, and va rious ptttterns of passage lanterns. For snlo, by Nov. 2. 97. HART A POLLEY. CJPERM, ELEPHANT and WHALE, bleached Kj and unbleached OILS. Constantly for sale, by D. VV. WOOD. Miy4. 21 FAMILY MILL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Wilmington, that he keeps constantly on hand fresh ground Meal, which he sells at Store prices. He is prepared at nil times to grind Corn at the shortest notice for families. Call and try the Steam Mill be tween the Messrs. Giiasth and Fuanklis Hotel. JONATHAN LEES. Sept. 1, 1310. 72 N O T I C E . PERSONS indebted to the Subscriber, for the "Standard or "Independent,'1 or for Advertis ing, are request! d to pay the same to WESTON R. UALK, r.sq., I'.clltoi ol tlie Heqibtkb, Kalclirtl. 1. l.UKJftt. Jan. 6 1817. 1'23 TO RENT. rpiIE Store on the Smith side of Market Street 1 lately occupied by T. I JOf I.DS.M 1TI I. THUS. II. WRIGHT. May 22. 2!)-if. HOURLY EXPECTED. Per llriif Tylrston from ( 'li(ii b'slon. 1 PC llhdsol superior quality Molasses, i J 15 Bbls. of Superior uiiolitv Whale Oil. For , sale by June 1 I! DICKINSON 40. ! Valuable Real ttstatc. j THE Subscriber offers for sale that Valuable Pro- I petty on llitlsbtiru Street, in theCity of Raleigh, I now occupied by the Institution for tho Deaf and 1 Dumb. The corner lot opposite the residence of Maj. C01. 1. ins, is on tho east side of the second scjuare west , of the Capitol, and runs from street to street -on which is a large nnd commodious Dwelling House; a one storv building, formerly used as the Printjng Office of the Sf. Carolina Standard ; 0 brick Kitchen ; Stables ; Carriage House; all necessary out -houses, and alarge r-pnee for a Garden. The lot adjoining has a very good two-story House, with Kitchen, Stables, Ac, and is known os having formerly belonged to the estate ol Capt. Mcxtib, de censed, and also runs from street to street. The property Is located In the inoft pleasant part of (he City, and if purchased now, v. ill be sold at a price so reduced at to render it a very desirable investment. Possession will bo given in April, 1648. The Subscriber hasuppolnted William R. Poole, Esq,., his Attorney for the disposal of this property, to whom all desirous of purchasing will ptense apply. T. LORING. Feb. 21, 1347. H I Register and Standard will inarr! G times. NOTICE. AGENCYOFTUENC.MLTIALINSIRANCE COMPANY. inminiTJim, July 20, 184G. OANDFORD t SMITH, Agents of the No. Car. OMulal Insurance Company, havo the gratification to state to the numerous persons Insured in this Of fice, that the Compnny will promptly pay the loss sus tained by the recent ire in Fayetteville, without the delay of !H) days, as required by tho Bye-Laws ; and without culling for any instalment on the premium notes. The Agents will receive applications, and take risks as usual. July 30, 18-jG. 59 NEW STORE. JUST opened, a splendid assotment of Toys and Fancy Baskets. Also, a fresh lot of Confectiona ry, Nuts and Fruit of all kinds, which the Ladies and Gentlemen of Wilmington are respectfully Invited to call and examino.at E. R. WOOD'S, Front st. Aprlll7. 14 IlLACKSJIITIIINCi. THE Subscriber hnvlng taken the Old Stand, re cently occupied by Mr. S. J. Pcaav, begs leave to Inform the cltliens of (his place nnd vicinity; that ho is prepared to execute with despatch all kinds of Smith Work thst may h wanted, viz: Grist Mill Spindles and Saw Mill Cranks, Mill work generally, Axes, Hoes, nnip, nrriarc, tngon snn nroy Ironing In the best mnnner. Horses shod neatly and at short notice. Jan. 25-131-fim. A. J. ER AM BERT. They Have Come. THOSE very fine Imported Junto Snnx, Cnnnmlca Nymph, Regalia SegBts which all that hove tried acknowledge to be tho best, at JOS. WILKINSON'S, Confectionary snd Fruit Store. Market 'trcrf, under Mrs. Coivih's Rtsidenre. May 4 21 JOB, BOOK, coBNta or raoirt aicd mabkit tbbcts, WILMINGTON, N. C. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO THE FOLLOWING KINDS OF LETTER PRESS PRINTING. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, BILLS OF LADING, BOOKS, CABIr, CATALOG I'EP, CEBTIPICATEB, CHECKS, CIBCVLABS, CCBT0M-HOC8K BLANKS, DRAFTS, ENTSlia OFMEBCHANDISB HANDBILLS, LABELS, LAW BLANKS, MILITABV NOTICES, NOTES, PAMPHLETS, POLICES OI' INflUB ANCE, PnHTDtt. ! BECEIPTS. And PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, of eteri uhmh, uunt in iiiu nemem manner, and on the moat reasonable terms. We call the attention of our citizens, and the pubtfe in general, to the above Circulur.and cordially extend1 to them an Invitation to give us a coll for their work nssurlng them, that It 8all be as veil done, and at as hnc (if not lower) m ice, as at any other establishment The entire office Is new, and we unhesitatingly soy that we havo a greater variety of type, and a more thorough Job Ojice, than was ever before in the State . THOMAS LORING. Wilmington, May 5. " Taddles. bridlesT" HARNESS, TRUNKS, fcc. &c. fcc. THE Subscriber has on hand a general as eoitmcnt of Goods in his line, together With Jlnckawnns lluaai, T;.,r U'.. nnd Sulkies, all of which he will sell low. Purchasers ore respectfully Invited to call at the Old Stand, North . GUY C. HOTCHKISS Wilmington, March 23. 3. F lour. Of) Iinr's- f,f frPfih ground superfine Flour, just w VJ received and for sale, by GILLESPIE A ROBESON. June 10. 37 LIME. ftOO RfU'S- landing; Also, Hydrouljc Cement JVV Calcined Pluster; Plastering Ireir.nnd Fir Brick J. C. d K. I). WOOD. May 6. 22 HISTORY OF MEXICO. JUST Received, a few copies of on obridged His tory of Mexieo, ond tho Texlon Revolution, with sketches of the Lives of Gen. Taylor and Santa An na, by David K. Bell. For sale, by SANDFORD & SMITH. May 3, 1817. 21. J U S T It E C E I V E 1) PER SCHOONER A. J nKnnx.VPi' A N nssortment of Summer Coats, Pantaloons, and Vests, from John Easli Jr.. Boniun nf lu.mni fu material. JOHN CHRISTIAN St CO. April 20. 15 Val 11 able Real Estate . rpiE SUBSCRIBERS, ns Executors to 1- the Will of Mrs. E. Lord, deceased, ohVr ior saie, on accommodating terms, that val uable STORE A N D W II A R F, at present occupied bv Barry A Bryant TIIOS. H. WRIGHT, j Ei'rs. W. (J. LORD, March 25, 1RI7 N ECHOES FOR SALE. TWO likely young fellows, good Mill hands, for sale npply 10 MILES COSTIN. April 27. 19 Valuable Real Estate. Jtl "linM. BE SOLD, at private sale, tho STjffl VV House snd Lot No. 149, letter A., bc tween third ond Fourth Srects, and between Red Cross nnd North Boundary Streets, (nesr the Rail Road,) nnd at present occupied by J.I.Bryan. The lot is full 6ti by 3:10 feet, with a new two story house upon it, all widl arrnnged; unless prevloutly dis posed of ut piivote sale.will be offered a a above, titles undisputed; persona winning to purchase, can ex amine the property, or titles, at any time, by applying to H. NL'TT. March 22. i M E S S IM) It K . A LOT of New York City Inspection, just receiv iV ed nnd lor sale by (. W. DAVIS. May 13. 2S DRIED FRUIT. DRIED Quinces, Peaehesand Apples. For sole, by I). VV. WOOD. Mny 13, 25. NE(iR() PASSES. JUST printed at " The CummerciaV Office a new supply of Xrgro Passes, which are afforded a trlflo over lite cost of paper that It would take to write them on. Jan. 20. 129 CHECK HOOKS. "117 F. have just executed in a superb style, bound up V In 2, 3 nnd 4 Uuire Books, Checks on the " Bank of Cape Fear," and the " llranch Bank of the State." Call nnd examine them, at the Oflicu of The Com menial. T. LORING. 96 Oct. 31. MOLASSES. Daily expected on Consignment. A CARGO of 1G0 H fids, from south side of Cub daily expected, for sale by G. W. DAVIS. June 17. to PATENT, PORTABLE SHOWER BATHS. I 1 Q "culthy and Ornamentol art idea I & upon an iniitrored nrinriptt, Jlist received, lor sale by BARRY A BRYANT: April 2'J, 19 W A N T E I) . A GOOD TURPENTINE STILL, to run from 15 i to 25 Barrels. Apply to C. D. ELLIS. JunoOth, 1R47. 37 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS. Nobtkfi, Is due daily at 3 P. M., closes every night at 10 P. M. Soctheb, due 8 A. M closes at 11 A. M. Fayettbvillb, by Rail Road, duo on Monday Wednesday, nnd Friday at 3 P. M., closes Tueeday Thursday and Sunday, at 10 P. M. Favbttbvillb, by Robeson's, Westbrook's, Ellia bethtown and Prospect Hall, due on Tuesday, Thura dayand Saturday, at 9 A. M.i closes and departs same day, at Id A. M. Kmithvillx, due S A. M. cloaca at 12) P. M. Tavlob's llninOB, Long Creek, Moore's Creek Rlark Riwr Chapel, and Horreirs Store, due or Thursday, at 0 P. M 1 closes at 10 P. M , snd depart Friday, at b A. M. Oxslow Cot-BT Horn, due every Monday, it 6 A. M. ; depart! on Friday a; 6. A M. 1 llrft

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