"WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT BUTTER BEES WAX BACON. : I Hams s- Side yn.-M is 24 A 258 Vlb.-10 101 is 10 101 - Hog Round COTTON-none. CORN Vbu. 80 COFFEE. St. Domingo 7 Java 12 m 14 Kio 8 60 9 00 LBiruira 8J m 9 DOMESTICS. Cotton Yarns, 18 4-4 N. C. Sheetings, 6J O 9 FLOUR. Fayjttevillc-. nominal W bbl. 6 00 8 6 50 Canal-nominal 8 00 o 660 hay ' co o 70 LUMBER, STEAM MILL. Wide Boards, Plank and Scantling, f M. ft. 113 - Floor Boards, M. ft 16 i9 LUMBER, RIVER. Floot Boards 8 00 a 8 B0 WideBoards 5 5 50 Scantlina 4 o 00 LARD 104 f 11 LIME Jdu MOLASSES. New Orleans Nominal in Cuba 24 a 27 MEAL V bush. 87J o 90 NAVAL STORES. Prime Sew Viriln Dip. 2 70 B Second year's Yellow Dip 2 40 r Virgin Dip -nominal 2 00a Yellow Dip .nominal 2 00 Hard, 1.12J Spirits Turpentine, tf gal. 32 m, 34 Taj y bbl.- 190 2 00 Pitch If)" bbl. .Wra Rosin, No. 1 -V bbl. 1,23 a 1 37 No 2 GO 1 00 3 25 fit 28 Varnish tf-gall.- 30 a PKAS. B. E. Peas bu. 9j a I 0U PEA-NUTS, nominal bushel,-- at RICE .Rough----none--ip bu. 1 00 fit Cleaned, fair to good, W 100 lbs. 4 50 (It 5 25 SUGAR. "- " New Oilcans 8 0 8 Porto Rico 71 6 STAVES. W. O. Hhd. rough None " " dressed 12 at " " barrel 12 a 15 R. O. Hhd. rough do. ti a 7 " dressed do. 10 15 SHINGLES. Common 2 50 o Contract 4 CO (8 5 00 SPIRITS. N. E. Rum 350 37 J Com. Gin 42 a 45 Whiskey 33 ra 35 Apple Brandy 35 a 37J SALT Bonaire, none 20 fit 22 Liverpool nono Sack,- 1 121 TIMBER. Inferior, 4 00 a Fair Quality, 5 0. nt 5 75 GoodMilL 5 50 a 6 50 Shipping 8 12J o 10 00 Subject to a deducllon.avcraging 20 per crnt. REMARKS ON MARKET. We do not know when our market has been so bare of most kinds of produce, ns at present. Turpentine. About 125 or 130 barrels Turpen tine sold yesterday prime new virgin, 2 E0; tccond year's yellow dip, 2 45. Tills cleared the market. We hear of no other transaction s.ncc Monday, ex cept the tale of a small boat load of common shingle at 2 25 per thousnnd. Fbeights. Vessels scarce, and freights in demand. UOSTOS.JulylO. 1847. There Was an active demand for flour on ttic IPih, at 5 and 5 for Ohio, and 5J fl fJ for Genncscc and Michigan. Southern, Nothing doing. Some few parcels New Orleans Corn sold at 57 m 68 conn, for strictly prime white, and pood at 60 51 1 a cargo southern white In bulk, at 57 rents. .VKir ORK, July 21, 1B7. Spliits Turpcn'lnc, from store, 36 a 37 rents rash: North County Rosin, 50 a 55; COO barrels Tar, at 2 50. Flour Is better, especially fresh ground. There are numerous buyers of fresh Gennrsser nl 5 25, but no sellers ; good Michigan and Ohio 5 12. Cotton is in artivc demand for export, and the mar ket closed firmly at an advance of J tr Jc per lb. Pri ces according to totality, 10$ to 14. Sales for lDth and 20th, 7000 bales. PHILADELPHIA, July 21, 1P47. i he market continues inactive, and the sales rr.ive j hrcg on a restricted scale, the hot weather hiving re- I tardd tho transactions. Sales of 2.300 bbls. of Flour ; at 5 BO; sales of western. 6 5 371 according to h,ual ' lty and condition, 1,500 bushels yellow Corn at 811 cents, on Saturday since then 270 'ushels Penn. and Souihcrn nl 70. Oats, southern 42 a 43 cents. j Sales of Spirits Turpentine unimportnnt in lots at i 33 39 cents. Tar 2 62J. IlALTIMOIiE. July 22, 1847 Fliur market inactive- sales fresh ground Howard Street Flour at 5 25 o 5 43J ; a few trnnsartions In city mills at 5 50. Corn meal, limited sales at 3 00 per barrel. Prime white anJ yellow Corn, G1 lo GO cents per bushel. ( IIAKLt:s'IX)., July 21, 1847. The Courier of the 2lst, says, nothing was done on ' Saturday last. On Monday, between 3 snd 400 bales of Cotton wers taken at previous rates. After the telegraphic advices ptr stesmer Brliania were received on Tuesday, upwards of 650 bales war sold at an ad vance of Je. Nolhing doing in Rice. Broughton's Confessions. JUST publlahed. and for sale st the Commercial Office, "Sketches of Ihe Life of John Hokdfiild, aAosJoiiK BaovoHTOK. vtho was executed for tho matderof Dc Silva, on tho 2lst of May, 1817 1 rice U cenis. July 24, 1F27. rfl, j mi V i A I . 1 f HI HALES prlmo Eastern Hay, for sale by , IUU POTTER A KIDDER. 1 July 24, 1497 55-4t. FOR SALE. I THE valuable dwelling house and lot now occu pied by D. J. Gilbert on lha Western side of Boundary street, between Dock and Orangs streets, will be sold on accommodating terms. Applv to the subscriber. J. O. WRIGHT. July 22, 1947. -tf. COFFEE. Pir BAGS RIO COFFEE, just received and foi salo, by GILLESPIE A ROBESON. 4" July 3 Pine Apples JUST received, and for sale, at J. WILKINSON'S FRUIT, ako CON FECTIONAR Y STORE. July 24, 1847. . 6S-tf. "liOTTEWARD. JANAWAY from the subscriber two negro men. DICK and TOM. Dick isof common heiflhttolcrablv thick set. Tom is tsll and rather slender; both very likely rmn. The above mentioned ncgibcs were purchased by D. L. Russell, Esq. for me In Wilmington In January, 1840, at R H. Cowan's sale. 1 will give the above reward for the apprehension and delivery of both, of lhe;n, either to me or in Wilmington jail, so that 1 get them again ; r twenty dollars for either of them. It is likely that they ate now lurking about Wil mingun, as they have relations In that place. W. H. WALKER. Brunswick Co. July 2 id, 1947. B5-2i-p. DAILY EXPECTED. Per Schr. Wilmington, from Baltimore. 1 f BARRELS large family Pilot Breed, 1 W 10 " Bmall " 6 " Navy Bread, 4 half bbls. Water Crackers, 2 " Suga,r Crac kers. For sale by C. D. ELLIS, Lord'3 Building. July 24. 65 CORN ! CORN ! ! CORN ! ! ! KAA BUSHELS Bladen White Corn for sale JV.V in lots from the Boat at DeRoeett, Brown A Co's. whnrf, by SANDFORD 4 SMITH. July 22, 1847. 54-3t. HAY. Itn BALES prime Hny. For sale by OU CRONLY it WALKER. July 22, 1847. Bl-3t. FLOUR. "I l Hisi.S. ana lu nail num. beet qunlitv best nualitv Cnn.il 1U ' Flour, for sale by HOWARD &. PEPE.V 51-tf. July 22, 1847. StJGAR AND COFFEE. QA RAGS Rio Codec, Xj 10 bass Laguira Coffee, 2 hhds. St. Croix Suear, very fine. ' For sale By HOWARD fc PEDEN. July 22, 1847. B4-tf. That Molasses has Arrived. WUHDS., 32 Tierces. 4. Barrels retailing Molass es, just received per Old Zack from Cuba. Apply to G. W. DAVIS. July 20. 53 NOTICE. THE copartnership of J. & E. Anderson was dis solved by mutual consent on the 14th Inst. All persons Indebted to the firm will please call at the store of J. Anderson and settle their accounts. JAMES ANDERSON. EDWIN A. ANDERSON. July 20, 1G47. 63-tf. NOTICE. THE aubsciiber will continue the business at the old stand, and will always keep on hand a Urge stork of Dry Goods, Hardware, Iron, ifc, fcc., which will be sold at low prices and on the most accommo dating tui ins. A supply of new Goon's expected in n fewdavs. JAMES ANDERSON'. July 20, IS 17. 53-if. NOW IS THE TIME To get Bargains I STOCK OF DRY GOODS SELLING OFF TO CLOSE THE SEASON. rpHE SUBSCRIBER intending to sell off his I Stork of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS will now oiler customers greater inducements than ever. Crcnt harnins in Silk Parasols with fringes Silk Hose and Cloves; Silk and Harege Shawls and .Trurls; .Muslin; l.awn iVc, iVc, tVr. D. TELLER. July 20. 53-lm H9MM0NY MEANS RECEIVED per L. P. Smith. For sale hv - 1). W. WOOI). July 17, I8tt. ' Bl-lf. BUTTER AND CHEESE pOSHEN flatter, (extra) Coshrn Cheese, old En VJglish dairy Chceso smail sr. per Smith and lor su Julv 17. by I). W. Wl OOD. 52 Fresh Mackerel lAQ't. URLS. o 1 and 2 fresh Mackerel. 1VJ 10 Kills extra do. lor family use. Received this, day for salo by Julv 17. J. if-W. L. McGARY. 52 MOLASSES. HHDS. superior retailing Molasses, just rc UU CLivtd from Hoston per Sehr. Outesie, snd for sale by HARRY 4 BRYANT. July 10, HIT. Bl-tf. nautilus mutual life Insurance COMPANY. 29 Wall street, ew Wrk. THIS Company, which confines its buSinessexclu sively to Life IvsiiANrE. has now been in ope ration two years, during .which period it has Issued !,0S1 pollrlcs. and for the first eighteen months it experienced no loss. Its losses for the wholo time have been less thnn 87,000, leaing an accumulation of nearly 142,000 on Jiand beyond the payment of claims and expenses. 'This, added to the original guaranty capital of $50,000. places the security of the Company on a basis so solid as no longer to admit of a rational doubt. All Its profits accrue to theerrdit of the dealers, nnd are divided annually among th.'in, whethe- the olirv flS,1(Hl lor a limited period or for the whole term of I.I'm fualllM l,nln.,u.n In k. t.nw.. .. IIIC, IFIIIIIU UIIHIlUn I, III 111,1 11,111 lt' JI I1IIV Uiliri Mutual Lite insurance Company incorporated by the Stale. Two dividends of 50 per cent, each on tho amount of premium received, In accordance with the provis ions of I ho charter, have been declared, and are cred ited to the accounts of the assured, and for which scrip certificates will be Issued. A dividend of 0 per cent, on ihe first year srrip has likew ise been declared, payable in crtA lo the hol ders thereof, on demand, at the office of the Compa ny. For policies granted for ths whole term of life, when tnc premium thereof amounts to $50 a note for 40 per cent, with Inleiesl si 6 per cent teilhout t fruarantee, may be received In payment, or it msy he pom in cash, In which case It Is expected, should tne nartv Snrvlve In mnkr thirteen annual nnvmenls lesv Ing ihe dKldonds to accumulate, the policy will be fullv paid for, and the accumulation ultimately added K rmllev Hatetfbr Inturing ilOO en a Single LJe. Age For I year. or , years Fot Life. annually. 0 91 M95 1 31 I 36 I 69 1 P3 1 96 2 09 4 35 4 ill annually. 177 235 3 !0 4 GO 7 0G 20 30 40 50 GO EiamjJe A person; aged 30 years next birthday, by paying the Company SI 31, would secure to his family or heirs S 100. should he die In one yesr.or for 13 10 he secures them 1,000; or fiir 13 GO. anniislly fin seven years, ho secnmi lo them I.OOO h'ld he die In sewn vests; or for 23G0, paid annually, diirine life, he provides 1.000 whenever he dies ; for $Kr 50 they would receive "i 000, should he die In onr yrar. FREDERICK J LORD, Acxt. Wilmington, N. C , July 7ih, 1847 4t 4m FORSALl. ; 1 n BBLS. New Orleans Whlfkcjr, 1 U 250 Bags N. Orleans Com. For sale ty E. DICKINSON, Agt. July 22, 1847. 53-tf. FOR SALE. 1 CASK Cincinnati Hams, 12 Bbls. of first quality lN.O. Whiskey, by June 10, E. DICKINSON Ag t. 3T NEW CONFECTIONARY. THE SUBSCRIBER, would respectfully Invltb -L the Ladies and Gentlemen of WilnlnEton and vicinity to his assortment of Confectionary, Fruits, Ants, Toys, Fancy Articles, &c., Which has just been teleeied in the northern market. of the finest rjuality. and which he will endeavor lo sail at the lowest cash price, and plve satisfaction to all. JOS. WILKINSON. . Market St. under Mrt. Cowan t duelling. April 15, 1847. II Come and Examine; You are not compelled to purchase "THE full and fresh stock of Conftctionory consist 1 Ingof STEWART'S, SPOTTEN'S, and LAN- All AN S Steam Refined Candiet. Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Filberts, Brotil Nuts, Eng- lifih Walnuts, 4c. Oranges, Lemons, Apples and Smyrna rigs. ALSO, French. English, German and American Toys of every variety and description. And a lot of Ladies covered Work Uatketi ol a very superior make. K. R. WOOI). July 1U. W. PURE MEDICINES & CHEMICALS. JUST received; 200 oz. Sulph. Qui nine, Hydro Sublimed Calomel, Blue Pill Mass, Citric Acid. Lunar Caustic pure, and No. 2. Chlorate Po tassa. Acetate and Sulphate Zinc, bi Carb Potass pure, 5'hosphate Ammon ia. Phosphate Soda. Vallettc's Proto Carb, Ferrl, Citrate Quinine and Iron, Soluble Citrate Iron, Precip Carb Iron, Piperino, Salicine, Acet and Sulph Morphine, Strychnine, Varatrine lodincr. Iodide Lead, Sul phur, Arsenic, lion. Meicury, Liquor lerri lodidi, Donovans Solution. Iodide Arsenic and Mercury, Ox ide Silver, Krcosote, Wood Naptha.Oil Cubebs, Ol Copalva, Ol lllk. Pepper, Ol Camphor, Ol Erirot, Together with a large stock Paints, Oils, Brushes Perfumeries, Surgical and Dental Instruments of su poriorquality, and may be found constantly on hand on accommodating terms at the Drug Store of A. C. EVANS. June 26, 1847. 44-if. NAILS AND SPIKES. KEGS Cut Nails, assorted. 4d to 20d. 10 ' Wrought Spikes, assorted. 25 For sale, at J. & W. L. McGARY S. 47-lm. Julv 3. COFFEE. 25 ii BAGS Green Rio Coffee. Laguira " For sale, at J. 4 W. L. McGARY S. :" " 47-lm. .... . . -.. . .. - it - July 1 VALUABLE PLANTATION F O R S A I- E . THE Subscriber, wishing to rrflinnuish his Plant ing interest, offers for sale his ! arm, situate in Hoiry District, 21 miles from the village of Cuniray, containing about Fourteen Hundred Acre; and about sixty ncres cleared, part of which la Bottom-land, and equal in richness and fortility to any in the District, the Upland has a clay fouudation, and susceptible of great improvement by manuring. The land is well timbered with Cypress and Pine, with a large quantity of Lightwood Timber, which is in good demand at the Steam Kice Mills on the river. Aa to beauty, health, and comfort, there is no situation in the District to surpass it. On the premises is a comfortable two story Dwelllne.and other necessary out-bulldlngs ; the land is bounded on one side by the Waccamaw River, which is a great advantage, as Turpentine, or any other Produce, may bo shipped at any season of the vear, either to Charleston or New York. Apply to Samcci. N. Cannox. Wilmington, N. C, or ti the subscriber on the premises. JOHN RF.ADMAN. April 3. 8-Gm-w. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. New Hanover Coi nty. IN EQUITY. Samuel R. Potter, Sterling H Everitt, Mchol is N. Tallev and U ile Amv, ; B!!I for dower. John P. Bmwn and Wife Eliza. John A. Baker and Elizabeth E. Potter. J IT appearing to tho satisfaction of the Clerk and Master in and for said County, that Nicholas N. Tally and Wife Amy, John ?. Brown and Wife Eliza, and Jon A. Baker, arc non-residents of this State, they nir hereby notified to be and nppesr before Ihe Court of Equity to be held on the filth Monday after tho 4th Monday in September next, at the Court Ho'ise in Wilmington, to plead, answer or demur to said bill, or the same will be taken pro confesso against them, and heard ex parte. T. D. MEARES, C. M. E. July 1st. 1S47. (Piirc Ad. ,50.) 47-6w. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. New Hanovxr Coitntt. In Equity- Sailing Term, IS 17". Eliza M. Shine, 3 vs. Petition for Divorce. James R. Shino ) IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that James R. Shino, tha defendent in this esse. Is a non-resident of this State. It Is therefore ordered by tho Court that publication be rrtade in the Wilming ton Chronicle, and the Wilmington Commercial, once n week for three months, that unless the said James R. Shine shall make hlsDetson.il snnearanrc before the Court of Equity to be holdcn for the County of new Hanover, at ihe Louft House In vvilmlngton, on tho fifth Monday after the fourth Monday In Sep tember next, and plead. shaweT or demur to the said Petition, the tamo will be takeb pro confute against him, and set for hearing ex parte. THOS. D. MEARS, C. M. E. June 10. (Price Ad. 5.50.) 4! 3m. WM. DEBEUNIERE, INSPECTOR OP TIMBER AND LUMBER, WILMINGTON N . C . Feb 26, 1847. 145-6m-w. FLOUR. FLOUR Bbla. and Haifa Beach Brand extra, for family use, received per Jonas Smith, for asle, by D. W. WOO D. June Jth, 1347. TO C0NTRCT0RS AND BUILDERS. EALED PROPOSALS for a thorough remodel Ing of the f'retbyterian Churr, lu the lown of Wilmington after an approved mod- rn style, are inci ted until Thuivlny 2!lih Inst. The plan and perlfics ilonsare In the hanJs of Rev. I. O. Siedoisn.sud mav be seen at any limo between this and the dale named above. Wilmington, July 15, 1047. 51 t CANDLES. SPERMACETI-S. BELL'S Newport 8-a. ADAMANTINE -HANCOCK MAIN'S Baltimore 4 s 5'a affaand 14. TALLOW W. E. HULL aV SON'S New York 4'l 5's and 6'a. For sale by D. W. WOOD. July I. 4C. $35 REWARD. T AN away from tha subscriber, two negro l men, John, and. London : John la a low thick-set fellow, abnnt 30 years of age. black ii. London ia a very likely boy about ZU venrs old. black skin and atutters a little. I will give 20 for ibe apprehension of John, and 915 for Ixndon. H. W. BURGVVIN. Shav, fields, Brunswick County, July 12, 1817. 51 7t. THE GREENFlELt) MILL. THE subscriber having lately thoroughly repaired the Oreenflt d Griit Mill, la now ready to grind any quantity ot Corn at the ahortest notice and on ac commodating terme. WM. II. DUDLEY. July 13th, 1847. 60 Ct. MOLASSES. HHDS. Prime Molasses, In fine order, just re CJ celved, and for sale by R. W. BROWN. July 13th, 1847. 50-tf. SUGAR. Of BRLS. Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugar. 10 St. Croix Sugar. For sale, at J. & W. L. McGARY'S. 47-lm. July 3. Wholesale and Retail GROCERY. THE subscriber offers for sale, at lowcat market prices the following article, viz: 20 Bags Rio Coffee 10 " Lapulra Cotice ; 5 " St. Domingo CofToe; 3 Bbls. St. Croix Sugar; 10 " Porto Rico " 4 " Cuba " 10 " Rectified Whiskey ; H " Northern Gin; 5 " Donisllc Brandy ; f " New England Rum j 5 " Very superior old M"nongahrla Whiskeyi 15 Kegs Nails, assorted sizes: 800 Lbls. Loaf Sugar, Powdered and Crushed do. ; Superior Cogniac Brandy ; Holland Gin and Port Wine on draught ; a few uoz. old Madeira and Cham naigne, warranted pure; Flour; Bacon; Dried Beef; Tongues; Mesa Pork; Molasses; Mackerel, No. 1 and'No 2; Green and Black Teas; Water, Butter and Sugar Crnckera; Allspice; Pepper; Ginger Nutmegs; Soap; Candies; Cloves; indigo; Mus taid, Ac, 6c. J. BOLAND, SmUh Water Street, third door from Market Street. July8, 1347. 48 THE aubacriber having made arrangements to close his present business-all persons Indebted will please settle promptly. Accounts against me will be handed In for aettleuiint. ROB'T O. RANKIN. July 8, 1647. 48 Fresh Supplies. NORTH CAROLINA Bacon, aseortcd. Corn and Meal in Sacks. Fsyettcvllle Flour (with a prime lot fresh ground) forfarnily use Canal Flour best article. Kegs and half kegs prime Butter. Also 6 Bbla. Dried Apples and Peaches. For sale, by R. W. BROWN. July 1. 46 HAY. BALES prime Eastern Hay. For sale, at J. 4 W. L. McfJAR VS. 47-lm. 100 July X TO RENT. ! THAT largfennd commodious Hotel, 1 the HANOVER HOUSE, situated on sc-! ,cond street opposite tho Capo Fear Bank, in 1 the Town of Wilmington will be rented on reason able terms, from and aller the first of October next. The Hanover House Is a new brick building, four sto ries high, tin roofed, and built expressly for a Hotel. Its location ia one of the best in the town of Wil mington, and should ihe person wUhlng to rent it desire its enlargement the undersigned Is prepared to enter into arrangements for that purpose. For terms, &c, apply by letter or personally to the Subscriber at the Journal Office Wilmington. DAVID FULTON. July 10, 1317. 4U tf. Chronicle copy till forbid. RECTIFIED WHISKEY. BBLS. New Orleans Rectified Whiskey, just received and for sale by 25 J. W. L. MeOARY July 9,1547. 49 tf. CANAL FLOUR. 1AI1 BI.S. Canal Flour, for Familv use do. ' 11 10 Bbls. do. Just received and for aale by J dc W. I. McGARY. July 10, 1947. 49-tf. IE OX PIPE. 1000 FEET Two for sale by and a half Inch Iron pipe Wm. B.GILES & Co. 49 July 10. 1147 C O A L . goo: TONS Red Athe broken and serened grate ize, from the celebrated S ohn Mines. For sale by vV WOOD. B0 July II FISH. PICKLED SALMON. Bbls., Half Bbls. and Kits; Mackerel, Bbla., Hlfe.,Qis. and Dried Codfiah, recently received, And for sale, by D. W. WOOD. July 8. 48 ROUGH AND READY HATS At MYERS & BARNUM'S. June 5, 1&47. 35 opartners NOTICE. h i p IHEaubecrlbera have thia day aseociated them- aelvea together for the transaction of the AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. J under the Finn of Cronly f- Walker, at the old 1 atand of Robt. ). Rankin, Esq , Murphy'a Buildings, j Business entrust to them shall be promptly and . faithfully attended to. ' MICHAEL CRONLY. JNO. W ALKER, Ja. Julr7ih 1847. 49-tf. EDGECOMBE HA COA GOOO Edgecombe Bacon, recently rr Ived per Rail Read. Few aale, by J. & W L. MeOARY Julv 15, 1647 SO-St AlTRNCY FOR VENDING SHOT., HAVING been appointed agent for tha felehrated Shot Faetorr In Philadelphia,. MatsravT. A T. Sfasics, Jr., Proprietors, 1 now otter to sail half to on loo or mora of any kind of Shot, dell? erabla her at tha wholesale factory prices for cash, or 90 days, ad ding Interest, with only charging tha freight ot and insurance from Philadelphia her. K. DICKINSON, Agent. Jn 9. 45 FOR SALE. A GOOD COOK, with four children) two boys snd two gltla. The above property will be aold ofl aecommodatlntr tcrnrs to a resident of lha town or county. Particular as to price and credit will be given by the Editor of 1 ( mmerciat. Wilmington June 21th, 1847. 44-tf. LAGUIRA COFFEE. 2CT BAGS Laguira Coffee just recrii 0 sale by J. HATHAWAY ved and for A. SON. 42 June 24. FOR SALE. 100 SUPERIOR Hams and 5 Bbl. Lard for sale by HOWARD &PEDBN. June 24. CORN MEAL. 1 n B AGS Corn Meal, for sale bv 1 1) HOWARD d PEDEN. June 21. 45 WINDOW SASHES BLINDS AND DOORS The Subscriber la agent for one of the beat man ufactories at the North, and will recclVt orders for the above named articles, which will be boxed up and de livered on board of vcsaela In New York.al the LOW EST PRICES, and at short notice. Persons about to contract for buildings, will find It to their Interes to call and examine prices before sending their order abroad. OUY C. HOTCHKISS. March 23. 3 Smoked Beef and Tongues. QMOKED Beef and Tongues, largo size. kj or aale, by June 24. D. W. WOOD. 43 COW PEAS 1 N oiiari'.iiies to suit. 1 For aale, by D. W WOOD. 43 June 24. COOPER'S ISINGLASS. COOPER'S Refined Isinglass, for making Table Jellies, Blanc Mange, Ac. For sale, by D. W. WOOD. Junc-21. 43. CANAL FLOUR. OC BARRELS, o superior article, just received O) per achr. Wm. Burk from New Y ork, and for aale by C. D. ELLIS. Lord'e Building, N. Water St. 43-tf. June 24, 1947. SUGAR. QA HHDS. Prime New Orleans; 5 Hhds. and 20 iJ Barrels Prime Porto Rieo, just received snd for ale by IIAIIRV 4 BRVANT. Juno 22. 42 FLOUR. 1 OO l1''" taycl,cv"l Fine, Super, anil Cross. 1 JJ For sale at J. v . L.. .iiu-m I .-v July 10, 1647. 80 FEATHERS A FEW bags of good ' eathers, received per Cot JTV. on Plant. For sal: by & W. L. MeOARY. 60 July 10. ! SPERM CANDLES. K BOXES Patent Sperm Candles, for sale at 'J J. A W. L. McUAKV. Ju ly 10. 50. Fresh Drugs & Medicines- DOZEN Congress Spring Water; 50 lbs. Peruvian Bark ; 9 dozen Henry's Magnesia ; 6 doz. London Mus tard, nslf and qr. lbs.) Gum Camphor; Calcined Magnesia; HI Carb Soda ; Cr. Tartar j Seldlitz and Sod.n Powders Fresh Hops; Extract snd Oil of Lemon ; Acetic, Nitric, and Sulphuric Ethersand Acids j Sp. Amnion. Aroni. ; Chloride Soda; Dover Powder; Alleppo Scam mony; Strained Honey; Scales and Weights, on Stands and common; good assortment of I, unci is. (Evans lien., imitation do.; Sup. German Silver and Brass Spring do ;) Horn and Glass Cupping Instruments; sup. Spatulas, from I? inch down; Leather Drinking Cups; Dominoes; Brandreth'a Beckwlth's and W istnr's Pills. Also, 40 gross vials. For anlc at low prici s, nt the Drug Rtore of A. C. EVANS June 20. 41 PORTER. - TUM tnri.I'HI A Poller Gunman, I Pints I For sale by D. W. WOOD. July I. 4G. BUTTER. Tubs, prime Goshon Butter. For DeROSSET. BROWN, & Co. 4;. 6Ki;"iS and sale bv July 1.' ROSIN STRAINERS. 200 FEET No. I Rosin Strainers, jusi recciv. ,1 and for sale by HART A POLLEY. June 26. 41 IRISH POTATOES 1 i BBLS. fine new crop Potatoes, at 1U July 9. HOW A 111) A I'KUKA . 4-1 BUTTER AND CHEE.SE. I FAMILIES and Masters of Vessels ran always de i pend on gelling good fresh Goshen buiter and Cheese, at July 9. HOWARD PEDENS. 43 FRESH SUPPLIES. CI I DER VINEGAR by the Barrel; J Brandy Cherries, very fine; l Fresh Lobsters ; Sardins; Salmon; Mackerel: Sino 1 ked Tongues ; English Mustard and Can 'on Ginger ; Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugar, st HOWARD A PEDEX'S. : July 3 48 A UCflON. ON Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock our store, we will orTsr for aale in front of 1000 bushels torn, 20 barrel e Flow, 4 do Sugar, and several other articles. CRONLY d WALKER, A wC July 13. 117 W U. Just Received. 'ST received, direct fiom 'h.' manufactory. nnd for sale, chtsp, Light Calf skin peg? Hoots, Jo. Goat skin pegged Boots, Ladies, MlsatS, snd Children's Kid slippera. t; It FRENCH. 147 51 l.dv 1 Administrator's Notice. AT the Jane Term 1947 of ttte Court of Pie and Quarter Sesakme (or the County of New llano-' ver, the subcriber Obtained tetlere ot administration on the goods and e hat tela, rights ai4 eredita of Sam el Potter deceased. All persona Indebted 14 tie ae tata, are requested to make Immediate payment and those havl ng eUlme lo present them aa bjr law required, or they will be barred of rr-owwy, SAMUEL R. POTTER, jWm'r. June 22. : .ft LIME 9rYlCASKS pr nw Thomaeton Lime, f rV AJJ celved and for sale, by BARRY 4 BRYANT, 42 June 72. PORK. QO BBLS.Meae and Prime Pork, received this day, ivs ror safe tr - J. A W. L. MeGART. July 10. SO Marble Monuments AND GRAVE STONE AGENCY. THE aubscrlbers are appointed Agentafor oti4 the bert and mtrt titenntt MARBLE YARDS in Connecticut, and will receive orders for Marble Monuments or Grave Stone, either lettered or nor. which will be furnished at the shortest tootle ana most reasonable prlcee. We have received a variety of potteme, various ttylee i h the prices, which mar be examined! at any time. J. CAR. B. WOOD, Builder and Contractor. June 17. 40. FIRE CRACKERS. Kf B0XE8 Fire Crackers, jaaf received. Fqi O J Sale by I.AW.L MeOARY. July 10. 49 COW PEAS. 1 fr( BrSHEIS Cow Peas, juat received 1 J V. rJ and lor sale in lota to suit purchaser. DsROSSET, BROWN A Co. June 17. 40. NEW GOSHEN BUTTER, I FAMILIES can be supplied with fresh Bolter every Week. At HOWARD 4 PEDEN'8. June I, 1847. J3. sugarI AFRESH aupplv of Crumbed, Powdered, Loaf and St. Croix Sugar. at HOWARD & PEDEN S. June I, 1947. 33. WINES AND BRANDIES. A CADEIRA, Port, Claret, Meupermrnff. Malaga anal IU Sherry, at HOWARD PEDEN'S. June 1. 1647. 33. liCmons! Lemons!! A ( BOXES just landed per Bark C. L. Bmn, for H)J sals low at JOS. WILKINSON'S Confectionary and Fruit Stote, Market St. JuneS. 38 LUMBER. REFUSE. River, Wide Boards and Scantling for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by HAHHi 4 BRYANT. May t 31. JUST OPENED. A New assortment of TOYS, FANCY BOXES, Ac. At JOS. WILKINSON'S CONFECTIONARY 4 FRUIT STORE. May 25. 30. A f BARRELS New Orleana Whiskeys QkJ 10 Do. American Brandy; 10 Qr. Casks Malaga Wine, for aale by A. MARTIN. Msy 19 27 River Lumber. WIDE BOARDS and Scantling. Planed Lumb. V V and Lathe for eKc In lota to auit purchasers by D. ELLIS, Lord'e Wharf. May 15. 26 BICE. Cfl CASKS fresn beat Rice, hourlv espeetedi ant J KJ for aale by E. DICKINSON, Ag t June 10. 37 -,-T7.J.'JI..J : i i 1 : : : : : 2 , w' TrT- ; : - r-f:W Encourage Competition. NEW PUBLIC HOUSlf; 5 WELDON. N. C. j Ob the left or wntiide of the Kail Bud THE SUBSCRIBER, Conductor X An f hiA V ilmintrfrin &rw4 R ejLiah ' g--UL Rail Road, opened thia House on the 1st January, 1847, especially for Ibe convenience and accommodation of (he traveling public, and In tends that its furnish and accommodariooa shall not be surpssvd by anv house In the place. His bouse is situated about 50 ' feel (mm the cars going north, and iKar the IVp.ii of the Wilmington Road. The liberal jhare of patrnrtage whlcft he has rreehod-is evidence that Ills efforts ID please the trSTctlnj ptibHc have been appreciated. Hm Tab!..' shi! always l simoHed with the beat I the Mirk, t will afford; and, with unremitting atten tion on h. part, and that of his Lady, he hopes for a continu-ncc of tho puronago heretofore o UberaBy ! bett owed. The lovers of good eating ; clean snd comfortable cham-x ; faithful and obedient servants, will find fi ii i ut W HIT-FIELD'S. nojiNOKE house: V. T. WHITFIELD, Proprietor. WtLDof, N. C, July tX, 1847. P. S. Supper always rradv on the arrival of the Cars. Don t forget WHITFIELD'S ROANOKE HOUSE. Give me a trial, and you hsll not go away diatlsfied. July 12, 1iM7. 4My. Ci 1 u c Agency. QUPERIOR quality American Oluc, constantly on 'hand and for sale by BARRY BRYANT. S3 July 20. BACOX 4' LARD. cyr dCifi LBS- N- C. Bacon, Hiar mind ZUfUUU 14 Barrets) Lard I) Kega do. jaet icMvad and for sale, by ft. 'T. BROWN Julv Pth, 1547 48 PILOT BREAD, dec. ' PILOT BREAD, Bbls, Halfst WiW Cractee. Half Bbls.; Leaioo Oa-kiwe, Half BMe.t Sugar Crack., Half Bbls. ; Pienlc Crackers, Half Bbte. ; Soda Biscuit, Bbla. and Boiee. Received per L. P. Smith. For aa!e by D. W. WOOD. July 17, 1347. H-tf. CORN'. 1 fsfV i BUSHELS CORN, For Salr, by lUVA J W L. MeOARY. June I?. 1-17 W

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