- WAREHOUSE OP No. 56 Cedar Street, fiEW YORK. LBS, JUDDOIT & LE3. (late ler a judson) fCCV?Y the mmcloiii FIVE STORY WARE L HOUSR, No. 66 C E D A R 8 T R E K T-the noli of which is devoted to tha exhibition and sale of the SlNOLE ARTICLE Of ' ,y c PRINTED CAlilCOES. Their present stock consisting of nearly ONE THOUSAND PACKAGES, Embracing some THOU S A N DS of different pat terns and colorings, and composing every thing deal rablein the line, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. All of which are offered for sale, for cash,' or satis factory creoit, at me lowest prices, by the PIECE OR PACKAGE. New stvlcs are received almost everv dav. nd ma ny o( thern are got up for our own safes, and not to be found elsewhere. J3r Printed lists of prices, corrected from day to day. with every variation in the market, are placed in tho hands of buyers. Merchants will bo able to form some idea of the extent ana variety of our assortment, when wo state, that the Value of our usiinl slnek nf thlm . n is at least twico the value of the cntfre stock of dry guous usuany nepi oy our largest wnolesalo mbbcrs. This fact, together with the fact, that our means and our attention, instead of being divided among a vast variety of articles, are devoted whollv In OMR utll reader the advantages which we can oflcr to dealers penectty odvious; and It ehull be our care thnt none wno vish our establishment shall meet with any dis appointment. Our assortment is complete at all seasons of the year. LEE, JUDSON & LEE. P. S. B. P. LEE. former! vol the firm of I.orH A Lees and late senior partner in the original firm of im at Brewster, from which connection he withdrew soma tima ago, has resumed business In cannoction with Messrs. Lee a, Judson, under the firm of LEI juusra S Lha, and he ventures to assure his tnends and the public, that Ihe new firm will main tain the same pre-eminence in this branch of the trade, which formally distinguished the other two nouses 10 woicn ne belonged, Nw Yoa, June 1, 1847. 46 -ly. bits m fjps. WE have just received by late arrivals from New York, a fresh supply of Gentlemen's black Beaver and Moleskin Hats, Spring style, 1 case eitra Drab Beavers A. No. 1. Gent's black and Drab Leghorns, Boya' Leghorn Caps and pateut Leallicr Belts, ALSO, a few Silk Velvet riding Caps for Ladies; very pretty. Call and see at MYERS .f- BARNUM'S. May 22. 29 CORN. CAA BUSHELS up Country Corn. Tor sale jyjU by GILLESPIE A ROBESON. June 12. 33. NOTICE. A PLEASANTLY situated PEW in tho Episco- -la. pai nurcn. For sale hv GILLESPIE & ROBESON. June 12. SPIRIT BARRELS. OF the most approved manufacture, keptconslant ly for Sale by V. O. JEFFREYS. Jun5, 1917. 35. WHISKEY. OQ BARRELS, RECTIFIED W HISKEY, COForaale low at HOWAJLD & 1' El) EN'S. COFFEE. OA BAGS prime Rio Coffin, iCkJ 10 ' " Latruim " Just received by SAND FORD A SMITH. 37. Jaae IU. CANDLES. JUST received -10 Boxes Adamantine Pearl Light Candles ; 10 " Sperm ; 10 - Tallow; For sale, by SANDFORI) A SMITH. COR nV TN quantities to suit purchasers. For sale bv D. WOOD. 20 May I, 1P47. BACON & HAMS. 9500 I,b"- Primc Bac'?" s'lcs and Shoulders, COJJ 2000 lbs. Wari Cmmtv Hnn,a for sale by DcROSKT, BROWN A Co. 37. J true 10. THOMASTON LIMK. ftr0 T,,0Ii'itun Lime, Just rrceivid and VJVJW lor sale by J. f. & R. J. WOOD, ( untrat tors and Iluilders. Ll.Mlv IN good order, In lots in mil. Fo' S:ie. (,y July 3. I U. WOOD. 47-1 m. S I: G A R . 4IIHU.". luirquslltyt ul.a Siit.Hr. fur e llV D EROS SET UROWN A Co'., June 30th. 1517. PEAS. ' K 1 ui siili,!) 01 l'rlmeCow p(n f, llle I V GILLESPIE A KnUKSON. Jane 10. BUTTE It. Q( KEGS prime Ooshcn Butter, intl recuvi U Schr. L. P. Smith. Ir SAND FORD 4 SMITH :7. June 10. JUST RECEIVED. I U WIKELS Peach Brandy. For .ale .v GILLESPIE f- ROBESON. June 4, l17. :i.stf. Lard in Heirs. 1 r 1 O KEGS bpD,"'fu' LM. for family use, for salcat Mr 10. J- S W. L. ilcOARY'S. - SO ll A V i VTi rri- . - ' Jin 1; vviv.v N STORE. 150 Bales P,lm II.,- WO bushels White Corn. -t rorHaJeby SANDFORD & SXHTH. 31 ALE. FRESH Albany sloping A mkr Ale. u.y. on band MM for aale by the Bbl. or fiimntiiv GILLESPIE 4 kobksoN. June 10. , coff 1: K . 50 Biab R,OCOFFE jusl received and GILLESPIE A Jnfr 3. NopF.nN r The Graefcnberg ; Vegetable Pills. 30,000 BOXES SOLD EACH AND EVERY WEEK 1 1 THE ORAEFENBERO COMPANY HEREBY give notice that llielr General Agent for the State of North Caro'Ina, Is Col. VVm. Jokes of Louiebug, Franklin Co., N. C. The General Agent ia fully prepared to appoint sub Agents wherever there ia no branch of the Company cither on Dersonal application or by mail, post-paul. The rapid sale of these celebrated pills, and the extra ordinary cures they are constantly effecting, render them, by far the most popular pill of the age. An Agency will consequently be very valuable. The Grocfenberg Pills arc inconceivably superior to any ever before discovered. In all bilious complaints; in general derangement of the system; in all disor ders which result from a bod state of the blood, these pills are a sovereign remedy. In the class of diseases called chronic, ihe Grafcn bcrg Pills achieve their highest triumphs. Here they defy all competition. Entering within Ihe hidden re ceives of the system, they quietly but surely purify the blood, root out disease, and give tone and vigor to the body. CURES ARE CONSTANTLY EFFECTED By these Pills, in coses where every other means had utterly failed. The most abundnnt proof of thlscould be given, but a trial of one box will convince ihe pa- icm. i ney can oe orut red and sent by mail, ot tri fling expense. Tho price is 5 cents a box. Where tico dollars worth are ordered bnd the monry remit! td, the Company tcUl pay th posture on the Pills. Re mittances at the Company s risk. Wherever there is no Agency of the Company they can bo ordered bv j mail. These Pills are inking the place of nil ofhefs, and no sick person should be without them. ' ALL BILLIOUS COMPLAINTS, ' Hovel Complaint, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Fever , and Arue, Headache, Jaundice, IArer Com- plaints, Ilheumatism, all Stomach Complaints, Green Skk- ... , . f-.i 4f - , icld ot once to theso Pills. They purge awny od'en- sive humors, arrest the progress of disease, and at the ; some time restore lone and vigor to the system. In ' cases of penrrnl derangement of the health, lliey are w v cur. it i.i. BY THEIR USE, The wenk will heroine strong; the pale and bilious complexion be restored to a perfect fresh and healthy color; all the bad symptoms will one by one disap pear. In short, these Pills ore on inconceivable advunce upon any ot her medicine ever bcfoieoffbrcd to the rmli- lic. A trial will satisfy ant one of this. June 5, 1847. 35 New Spring Stock of of BOOTS AND SHOES. THE Subscriber hap iucU reccivrd. bv hitn nr- J rivals direct from Miinufacturers a Inrge (JOTS AND SHOES neatly repaired. For sale, by O. R. FRENCH. May 20, 1917. 28 ine! Camphinc!! UAV L my DiMiIlcry aeain In full onemtion. nnH 1 during the scnson for closing the stores nt nkht 1 have discontinued curving roi)nd my ("ampliinc three limes a wees ana w.li only do so on Saturdays--my price is sixty cents p"i gallon, only ten ccntR o'dvancc 011 tnc common Spirits obtained at the Distilleries. -I have been at eonsideruM" expense In fitting up my establishment for re-dislilMnf:, and am determined hi give to oil who will lav ir 111? with tin i r custom a food article, which they w ill find less trouble, and a saving of one fourth expense, which 1 number of irty custo mers have assured mc to be the ease. ' 'I MOM AS SMITH. June !. ' CHARLES CRAY ! HUCC E S S 0 II T O tTTAVINO purchased t,e Mock of C. Blakrs 1 ll(c. thesiibseritit rwillcoiiiiniie the sale and k. manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES, and keep constantly on hand every variety of artie'es in his line. All orders for work promptly an I punctually atten ded to. BOOTS mad" in the Int, m fashion uiid I'mcM style. CHARLES (;i Y. 31 If June 3, 1017 FOR SALE. DRIME Eastern Hay, New Orleans Whi-kry , American Brandy, Malaga Wine. Li , Bacon Com, Meal Ac. ic. I.y a. M.RT1 ' May 8. ., j Ire Creams ! Ice Creams ! ! 77; LADIES SALOON WILL be open this morning, where the under signed will furnish to the ladi. s of Wilmington Ice Cream served up in a manner and style tint can not fail to please. Call ul tile Conf.rtioiian Store on 1W OK BIXDEHS TO OLS. IOR sale, a number of Book-Binder's Tools, con sisting ol Rolls, Stamps, Polishing iron. Hani m t, Knives, Folding Sticks, S-iw, .Slunrs,4.c. in prime ord,-r. Apply at this Other. March 24. 4 rOMlERCIiL BlNk OF WILSINC10S Till', organization of this institution having t;: place, in conformity to its Charter. Book Ik' n ol "" ii('uiii iiiv noir re-openeo ni me liiinK or ( npc Fear in this place foi balance of i ajiital stork. O. (5 PARSLEY, President. April 21, 1B47. yj.,(, V( BI'SHELS Com in Si. re, a prime article. OVAA7 400 do. do. in Sncka DeROSSET. BROWN cc CO. June 15, 1847. 3'J . u..i.Bn.:..i! i . .i . . . . on BALES PR Ovy For sale by PRIME E lASTKRN HAY, A. MARTIN. M.iv H FLOUR. pLYTONA BRANDS, Bbls. and Hlfs . For sali- by I. W. Mnv 1, In 1 7. WOOD 20 JUST RECEIVED. Per Schr. A. J. De Hostel . Boxes Oranges. 10 " Lemons. 10 2 Sicks Walnuts. 2 Peacaa Nuts, (fresh) 2 ' Palm. 2 " Almonds, I ense Prunes, 1 " Ginger, (very nice) Also a lot of Ladies Baskets at JOS. WILKINSON'S, Confectionary and Fruit Store. June 1 1817. 33. BILLS OF F.XCHANOE-Prie.11 perquTrVfo sale it the COMMERCIAL iSlcVlCK March 21 . cokfi:e. BAGS Id . Coder, just rercivrdnnd fo' sale bv 1MB BY BRYANT 70 JlOl SADDLE, IIARNESS,AND TRUNK '' MANUFACTORY, "' Front Strut, JFdminfton, N. C. ' fci THE subscriber takes this method (J of Informing his friends and the public gcncrnl , 4 ly. that he ha Liken the store formerly occupi ed by Porter and Blakeslee, and Immediately oppositi the Chronicle Office, where he Is now opening a com plete aqsorlinent of . . Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Martingales, Valises. Carpet and Saddle Ba?s, Collars, Whips, Spurs, Bits, kt- it. ie. &e. All of which will bo warranted of good manufacture and materials, and will be sold low for CASH. Having lonu experience in the above business, he flatters himself that lie will bo able to renderu(7 sat isfaction to those who may be disposed to patronize him. It is his Intention to keep no Books, but to adopt the CASH SYSTEM, by which moans ho will be able to furnish articles much cheaper than they havo heretofore been bought in this market. 2rREPAIRING of all kinds done nt the shortest notice. JOHN J. CONOLKY. Aug. fi, 1846. lyCl MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. ' 1 ( KEGS, just received, and for stile hy lyj JOHN C. LATTA. ! Oct. 27. 49 NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of every style and quality united to complete a Merchant Tailoring Establishment, viz : ' OI PF.RFINE FRENCH CLOTHS AND CAS 1 O SLMERES of every shnde and color; Vesting 'in variety; French twilled Drnb D'te ; Silk Alpaecas; 1 lij;bt funcy Cassimercs, all of the latest style and best I quality, which will bo made up to order at the short est noiice. READY MADE CLOTHING: A bir'C nnd complete' ossortment of ready ninde Clothing, just opined and for s.ile, very cheap for Cash. Also, the outfitting Department is very com plete, witli the most choice assortment of Fanc v Goons. Superior L. B. C. Shirts, of every variety and qual ity; silk under Shirts and Drawers; superior Fancy Cravnts; Slocks; Collars; Bosoms; Umbrellas; all well worthy the attention of those in want of ibem. Customers in the habit of paying cash will find it to their interest to make it known, as I in future am determined to make it the int rest of all who deal with ine, to pay cosh. Short credit will be given to punc tual customers and to none others. Those who hive not settled their account, to the 1st of January, 1947, will save cost by immediately doing H. S. KELLY. 21 tf. MERCHANTS' STEAM BOAT COMPANY, OF F.U CTTEVILLE AM) VILMIGTON. GREAT REDUCTION LT FREIGHT. Auviigiug about 20 per cent. New Steamer UOWAN, 17 inches, Steamer WILLIAM B. MEARES, steamer ui l t u.M PLA.M' lal Boats- BEN BERRY. F ODD FELLOW, MIKE CRONLY, WASHINGTON, T. J. CL'RTLS, READY MONEY, MARY ELIZA. rPHE Propri.tors of tho Merchants' Steam Boa L Company of Fayetleville and WilmiiiL'ton, N. C. orler the above Line of Boats, on the Cape Fear River, to the shipping public, under the lute revision and re duction of Freights. Their new Steamer, ROWAN, now draws only 17 inches water. When she undergoes some alteration in machinery, her draft is calculated at 14 to lb inches, w hich will make her the lightest boat navigating the waters of any river in the Southern country. This Company flatter themselves that they have it nv in their power to oiler the most complete line of Boots that has ever been on the ("ape Fear, and one that will do the freighting biiMness with regularity and despatch oi all stay is of ihe water. They have, in connection with the Henrietta ( 'otnpany of this place, reduced the freights to the taTill as in ptinlcd rates. Neither of the Boating concerns de. med themselves able to re duce the laights and still do the forwarding hnsim ss in this place free of charge, and consequently this Company have given it up, with tho conviction, that the Forwarding Merchants of our tow n can do it more justice than a boating concern. Any Goods consigned to the Merchants' Steam Boa' Company. Wilmington, N. C, will ho forwarded through that place free nf commissions other charges made to the shipper. The new arrangement takes etfct from the 13th instant. Passage $3, both ways. The two companies will hereafter count all freight cash, or interest added. Direct letters to Thomas S. Lulterloh, Fayetleville; J. & W. L. McGarv. Wilmington. THOS. S. I.L'TTERLOH, Ag.nt. Fayctteville, Jan. 1, IH7. ljy ' Summer Arranemcnt184t u RENEWAL OF THE DAILY I INE, l in the Route now Farorabhj known as the J.MIES RIl'ER AND BAY LINE. THE Proprietors take grent pleasure in advising the Travelling Public of the r,ic of their daily line. The steamers during the past winter under went a thorough repair, and arc now in fine order. Tho line at present will oons ist ol the follow in" steam rs : On Appomattox Rivtr Mount Yernon Blow, a beautiful Steamer. Ov James River-Alice, Copl. Brough f'apt. Sutton. Ox Chesapiakr Bay Herald, Cnpt. Georgia. Copt. Cannon. Captain ; Jewess, Russell ; These Boats are all well officered by men of long experience on iho route. Passengers leaving W'eldon or Gasf n ever night, except Saturday, and Peters burg every morning, except Sunday, will R0 on direct without any delay, at rss expenao, and more ease that by any other route. ' Fare from W'eldon or Gaston to Baltimore 19 00 )o- " " Norfolk 4 00 Do. " Petersburg lo Baltimore fi 00 Do. " " to Norfolk 1 00 MEALS IXTLl'MD OX TOE STEAMERS. Passengers getting a Through Ticket over this line are allowed io stop at any point on Ihe route, and rc sumo their travel at pleasure. For Tickets fiom Gaston to Baltimore nr Norfolk apply to C. C. Proii. Lsq , (laston. ' Tickolsfrooi W'eldon lo Baltimore or Norfolk to be ldf I L. JONES General Aent Office James River and Bay Line W'eldon, N. C, May 11, IR47. 29., f RIVER wide Boards and Scantling suit purchasers, for snle, bv In lots C D F.I. List on V C M iv 1 ' I Tit' wharf 1 so. j -Mnyll.. Summer: Boarding, r THE subscriber having purchased the residence on Matemborcf Sound, 7 miles from Town, for merly occupied by Mr. Geo. R. French, and at the request of some of hia friends, has consented to open a Iloutt qf Entertainment, commencing the 20tji of May, where persons can be accommodated by the day or week. The house has undergone a thorough rc pnir, is healthy, and pleasantly situated, commanding a fine view of the Ocean, Ac. There will be a Hack running from Wilmington to the above place. Application For passage mado to Dr. Shaw. The Hack will not be run on any particular day, unless tnc travel should be such as to justify it. N. II. Company on Sabbaths, will not be received only when there is some of their family there. I. PETERSON. April 20, 1847. 15 UNPRECEDENTED PROPOSALS THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, FOR ONE DOLLAR ! ! STRICTLY NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. CONTAINING FROM TWENTY-ONE TO TWENTY-TWO COLUMNS OF HEADING MATTE II EVERY No! Which will be filled with the choicest Literary Article, latest News, both Domestic and For eign, faithful and full Re jiortsffthe Markets, with the tri-weekly Remarks on the Wilmington Market. THE reputation which the tri-weekly Commercial has acquired, as a faithiul register of the state ol the Markets here, as well as ihe latest and most im portant News, warrants us in saying that the public have an assurance that the Weekly Commercial will bo all thai the reader may desire, in these particulars, at least. The low mice of (ho paper lower than any paper at the South will enable every citizen to have com mand of a newspaper of his ow n, complete for all the purposes of such publications divested of the angry spirit of parly, nnd free from political contention; the sole aim of which is to givo correct arid anbstantiul Information to the reader; such as may benefit him in his business, and entertuin and inform his mind. Tersons holding Subscription papers arc requested to send in the names of subscribers, us soon as they are obtained retaining the paper foi further subscrip tions. The object is to obtain a sufficient number to commence the publication in the early part of next month. All payments must be made in advance, and post age paid when the name is fop-.ardedj otherwise, no attention wjll be paid to the order. T. LORINfJ. Publisher of the Tri-ictckhj Commercial. Wilmington, N. C, January 6, 1HI7. Boarding' House. rPHE subscriber has taken the well-known House 2 on the southeast corner of Dock and Front streets, 'v:ia-iy occupied by Mrs. Joseph A. Hill, for the nurposc of accommodating regular nnd tmncienl boarders. . j. SWANN ftov-17. lOJ-tf. NOTICE TO" DEALERS IN Till. 1 AVii.mington June I, IS17. THE undersigned, purchasers and dealers In Naval Stores in this place, with a view to adopt some general regulations which seem to them to be founded !n justice, and more in accordance with the customs of other markets, have agreed to establish for their future government, the following REGULATIONS. That as no good reason Is apparent to them for chan ging the size or weight of barrels nf Turpentine, and it would be productive of inconvenience to the ma kers and pueh isors. it will be purchased as he-etofore, the gross weight of barrels to be 320 lbs. or 260 Ihs. nelt, Ihe turpentine to be delivered on Ihe yard for inspection at the expe nse of the feller ; and as there has been in many cases, sn unjust inequality, in fix ing upon the amount of Extra, and whereas the law prescribes what Ihe otder of turpentine shall be, u hen expofed for sale, without proscribing any remedy in case it is not in said order, vie therefore agree that hen after a deduction fhall be made under the il' nomination of extra cooperage as follows : For mi ii 1 1 lint', paekirg, &c, one cent per barrel, for the fust two hoops that miiy be lacking short of twelve as preset ibed bylaw, one cent each, and for each hoo; lss ihan ten that may be short, two cints cacii, h!h,i what other labor m ly be necessary to put it in the order the law prescribes to be adjudged by the Inspcctors.ionctlicr w ith ihe usual deductions for unmerchantable barrels exceeding the niimhi r taki n t" pack. Purchases made at ihe Rail Road depot will be subject to a deduction of two cents per bbl. ilrn v.tl'c, thcreoy placing the sellers by Rail Road on a touting with those t,y water. These regulationi to apply to Tar. only so far as regards tho expenses of rolling and diaynge. The custom adopted in reference to the condition of the barrels it is SUPDoscd must he free from nit ob jection, as turpentine put up in perfectorder w bo subject to a deduction of one cent ner bbl. instead of the former rates of extra. We also agree that in future we shall refuse to compromise for fraudulent mixture as heretofore, that we derm chips, straw, billets of wood, limbs, dirt, Ac, n.i a fraudulent mixture, and that weshall abide by the strict letter of the law in all such cases. And where ns it appears that the Inspectors do not consider themselves authorized to make billsothcrwisc than as prescribed by law, that we will, in all cases, purchase lV the bbl, of320 lbs. and allow ihe Inspector to make his bill as the law directs 2q0 lbs. but that there shall be deducted from the bill one eighth of the omounl. W.O.JEFFREYS, JOHN McRAE, A. II YAN BOKKELIN H. NUTT. B. PLANNER, W . J. LOVE Jr. R. C. HALLETT, B. HALLETT, R. O. RANKIN, C. D. ELLIS. 35 tf. A. MARTIN, W. I. TIMKR, JI'.WETTCo., BARRY A BRYANT, JNO. CHRISTIAN, HALL A ARMSTRONG, Juno 5. Negroes Wanted, I WISH to purchase a large number of negroes of both aexes, from the age of 14 lo 30, for which I will pay the highest cash market price. As I intend making a long stay In W ilmington for that purpose, persons from tho country would find it to their ad vantage to bring such property to town that tin y have to dispose of. Also wanted, some good Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Coopers and Bricklayer!. Apply to mo at tho Caro lina Hotel. ANSLEY DAVIS, of Petersburg. Vn. May fi. 22-tf LOST OR MIS L A I I). A RECEIPT of W. M.Mvr.Rs, of South Carolina, to Luvino Kino; also, an obligation of N. II Hill, guarantied by James D. WAr.rwri.r and Ilrsnv Davh, for Fourteen Itundreei and f'jiv Dollars) ihe coudllion of which obligation is, that I am to deliver Ihe Receipt above, and satisfactory vouchers of my ownership lo three Slsvea sold N. B. Hill by snid EaviNO. for my account, both the napr being rla tivo to that salr. A suitablo reward will be given for the finding of these poprrs, and I warn all persons from trading for them, as they can be of no use lo any one but myself ., WILLIAM G ALFORD. May 25. 30 3in MESS fc lRIMEl'OlTic Qfl B,"'S IS1W Mesa Pork, 15 Prime Pork, city Inspection. DeROSSET, BROW'.N 4 Co. 37. June 10. H O S T O N C R A U K i: R S . Of 1 ' A .N I N I i.iin, Kor sale at HOW'AHD PF.DF.N'S June ' TJ M Y E R s77DARNUM,fl HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, UMBREL LAS, WALKING-CANES, &C, RESPECTFULLY call the attention of thecirrwna of Wilmington and vicinity-, to their Ijtrgt and Splendid Assortment now receiving at tho old stand of C. Mvebs, North side of Market street, which we of fer ot wholesale and retuil, cheaper than ever. GEST.'iHUEAVEn, NUTRIA, MOLESKIN AND SILK HATS, of Bechee ACostar'sand Lenry's Fall Fahlonfor 1816, a splendid article, just received, and a " few more left ofihe same sort." l'lease call and examine them. Also, n very large assortment of MEN'S, BOYS', AND INFANTS' CAPS, of the Intest ond most opproved patterns. Gcnt.'s French soft Dress, Silk, Velvet, and Cloth Cans: Gcnt.'s French Guard do.- Blue and Black Spring Bund, Palo Alto, jRint'geld, Oregon. Oil Silk, ilvc-. teen, Ulazed Law n, Ac, Ac. YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CAPS of every style ond quality, fiom 12J cents to 42,50, the largest assortment ever offered In this market, and at astonishing low prices. A beautiful article of Infants' Cloth and Silk Velvet Caps, to which we particularly call the attention of those wanting Caps for children. In fact, every article in our line we have a rich and full assortment, to which we respectfully call the atten tion of the Public, and warranto g'.titeel lit and at Prices to suit the times. MYERS & BARNl'M, Wilmington, Oot. 5, 18-1G. F5 THE Subscriber would express his gratitude to his Friends and Customers, for their liberal patronage heretofore extended towards him in W ilmington. The same business will hereafti r be conducted under the name and firm of MYERS & BARNl'M. at the old stand. V. MYERS. MORE LIGHT. ON hand a general assortment of the Patent Capil lary Burner Lamps, for burning Cumpliine and Spirits of Turpentine : its udvnntapi.g over others now in use will bo apparent to all on the slightest in speetion, combining perfect safety in burning with freedom and equality, in its supply of burning mriteil- al; also, a large supply of acorn Di-rie Oriental Study, Hall. I'arlor, htanil, Solar nnd Table Lamps, nnd va rious patterns ot passage lanterns. For sale, by Nov. 2. 1)7. J HART ,t POLLEY. sJPERM. ELEPHANT Oand unbleached OILS. aid WHALE Constantly for bleached sale, by D W. WOOD M n v 4. 21 FAMILY MILL. THE subscriber respr etfully informs the dllens of Wilmington, that he keeps constantly ou hand fresh promid Aleitl. which he sells at S tore prices. He is prepared at all times to erind Corn at the shortest notice for families. Call and try the Ste, m Mill be tween the .Messrs. Grants, and Fimvki i-j ILnri JONATHAN LEES. ' Sept. 1, 1346. 7 N O T I C E . j I3EBSONS indebted to the Subscriber, f. u the ".Sundurd or " Indi'pendi nl,'' or for Advertis ing, are request! d to pay the same to WESTON i(. GALES, Esq.,E.litorof the Reuimtkr, Rub b-h. T. I.OKlNG. Jan. (j I B 17. 123 TO RENT. T HE Store on tie South h.I" .if M ok. i Stri i ( lati ly oecuiib d by 1". (iOl l.DSMl I K THOS. H. UIJIi HIT. i:i-)f. M iy 2.'. HOURLY EXPECTED. Prr Jlriif Tylrston from Charlrston. 1,T Hhdsof superior ipialily Molnaaes, 'J 15 Bids, of Sim rior (iiinlily Wlnl ' (). . Cor Art. III. sale tiy June IT. F.. Dlt KINSON, Valuable Kenl Estate rpiIE Siibsctibrr ofl'ers for site thnt ViiIiii Pro- J c rty on lldlstmro Street, in thr City ol R it rion, now oeeiiiiei by the Institution for the Di af and Dumb. The conn r lot opposite the residence of Maj. ' ( '01 t.iss, is on tho cast side of th" second square west of ihe Capitol, and runs from street to stre, t -on which is a laa'c nnd commodious llwellinc. House: n one I only i st"ry buildinir. formerly ui d as th" Printiiie ( Miiee of ; .1.1..,- ' 1: f . I i r 1 ,r. 1. , me . . iroitna .-Miiiiuaru ; 11 uricK r Hcnen ; stall's; CarriafTD House; all necessary oul-lioui s, ut:d alaryc .-pace for a Gaidcn. ! Th lot adjoining has a very food t wo story House, I willi K i ! i ll 1 11, Smhles. .tc. nnd is known as having ; forineily beloiiL'id lo the estate ot Copt. Ik'NTER, de ceased, anil alt-o ruin fiom ttriel to sin el. The propei ty is located in the most pleasant purl 0!" . the City, and If purchased n'iw, w ill be sold lit a price so reduced at 10 render it a very desirable Investment. Possession will bo given in April, 1M'-1. The Subscriber has appointed William R. Poot.r., ' Esq., his Attorney for the disposal of this pioperly, to whom all desirous of purchniing will plea.' apply. T. I.ORINti. Feb. 21, 147. Ill Register and Standaid will insert G times. NOTICE. AGENCY OF THEN LMTlALINSlRAXfE C0MP.1W irininron, July 29, lt;4li. S ANDFORD A SMITH, Agf-nts of the No. Car. Mutal Insurance Company, have the gratification to state lo the numerous persons insured In this Of fice, that the Company will promptly pay the loss sus tained by the recent fire in Fayetleville, without the delay of 90 days, as required by the Bye-Laws; and without calling for any Instalment on the premium notes. The Agents w ill receive applications, and take risks as usual. ' July 30, 186. f,P NEW STORE. JEST opened, a splendid assotment of Toys and 1 Fancy Baskets. Also, a fresh lot of Confcetiona- ' ry, Nuts and Fruit of all kinds, which tho Ladies and Oontlemenof Wilmington are respectfully Invited lo ' call and examine, at E. R. W OOD'8, Front si Aptlll7. ULACKSJIIT111NC THE Subscriber having taken the Old Stand, re-' cenily occupied by Mr. S. J. Perrv, begs , avp to i Inform Ihe citizens of ihisplace nnd vicinity, that he Is 1 prepared to execute with despatch nil kinds of Smith Work Ihnt may bo wanted, viz: Orlst Mill Spindles; and Saw Mill Cranks, Mill work Kent-rally. Axis,1 Hoes, Ship, Carriage, Wii(ion nnd Dray Ironing in 1110 oesi manner notice. Horses shod neatly nnd at short I Jan. 25-131 Cm. A. J. ER AM BERT They Have Come. THOSE very fine Imported Juslo Snnz, Cnnnmics, Nymph, Regalia Scgars w hich all that have tri. I acknow ledge lo be the best, at JOS W7I, KINSO.N S Confeclionnry nnd Fruit Store. Market ilr,,l miller ( Wi, ' , f, ,,,, rr Miv 1 1 JOB, BOOK, CAIRD AH IFAiW CORNKB OF r0NT AND MARKET STRUTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO THE FOLLOWfifO KINDS OF LETTER PRESS PRINTING. BILIS OF EXCHANGE, DILLS or LADINO, HOOKS, CARLC, CATALOGUES, ENTRIES OP MEOCHAWDIsal ' HANDBILLS, ( LADELS, ! LAW BLANKS, j MILITARY NOTICES, ) NOTES, PAMPHLETS, POLICES OK INSURANCE, i POiTEIlB, RECEIPTS. CERTIFICATES, CHECKS, CIRCULARS, Cl-STOM-HOL'SE BLANKS, DRAFTS, And PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, of rru description, done in the neatest manner, and on the most reasonable terms. We call the attenlion of our citizens, and tho public m general, to tho above Circular, and cordially extend to them on invitation to give us a call for their work, assuring them, that it shall be as well done, and at as Imr (if noi lower) price, as ot any ollweslablishmcnl I no cntiro office is new, and wo unhesitatingly say that we have greater variety of type, and a mora thorough Job ( Jtcc, than was erer before in the State JVnnngton, May I THOMAS LORING SADDLES BRIDLES. HARNESS, TRUNKS, &c. &c. &c. 'TMIE Subscriber has on hand a trcnnml J X sortnient of Goods in his line, together with Jiockawavs. Iliu'trirs 7V,,;,... and Sulkies, nil of which he will U low. Pii2 ' pectin iy invited to call at the Old Stand. Nortl. Market Street. W ilinington, March 23. o i 11UILIIKISS i. F 1 o u r . Op) BIH.S. of fresh ground superfine Flour V received and for sale. I,v JUBt GILLESPIE & ROBESON. June 10. 37 L I M E . BP.I.S. landing; Also, Hydraulic Cement 1800 Calcined Plaster ; I'lasterine flair, nnd Elr Bliek. J. C. cp K. B. W OOD. 22 May fi. HISTORV OF MEXICO. TEST Received, a few copies of an abridged His O lory of Mexi o, ;,d the Texian Revolution, with tkiteiii Kof thel.iviHol (Jen. Taylor and Sunta An na, by David K'. Hell. For sale, by SANDFORD & SMITH. May 3, I--17. jl. JUST RECEIVED, Pi: II SCHOO.XEH A. J. DEROSSET. A N assortment of Summer Coats, Pantaloons, and J V csts, from John Earlk Jr., Boston, of beauti ful material. JOHN CHRISTIAN & CO. 15 Aptil 20 V a I ii able Real Estate. rPHE Sl'BSCRIBLRS, as Executors to I the W ill of Mrs. E. Lord, deceased, oflcr for sale, on occommodating terms, that val- uanic, S T ORE A N I) VV II A H F , pre si lit occupied bv Barry 4 Bryant THOS. II. WRIGHT, ) r. , w c r omi . 1 is. M PI7. - ) Valuable Real Estate. HE SOLD, at private sale, tho iuse an I Lot No. 140. lei ler A hn. U -1 "X, tween lliir third and Fourth Sreets and beiunmi Id R i d fio.-.-ai'd r,, IJoitri.Inrv Sttcets. (near the ll Road.) and nt present iiccmiieil I, v J I Itrv,,,, The lot is lull bv 3 1U feet, w ith luuise upon it, all wi II arranged; unliss previously dis'-po-.. ilof at p:i.Mlesile,will be oll'ered as above, title iiwhy nteil persons wishing to purchase, can ex :ll!l llle )l pert)', or titles, at any time, by applying to II. NUTT. 3 M i: S S 1 O R Iv I. Ol of N'iw York City Inspection lust rcceiv DA VIS 25 . t en ami tor sale by (i. W May I I. DKIEI) KRIMT. Cluiricis, Pcaclusand Appl-s. D. W. NIKiRO PASSES. For sale WOOD. 25. May 13, JEST printed at" 77i Conmerciai' OlTico a new supply of ,Xeiro Passes, which are afforded a trille over the cost of paper that it would take to write them on. Jan. 20. 12a CHECK BOOKS. Al 7E have just executed in a superb style, bound up V in 2. 3 and I Quire Books, ( hecks on the " Bonk of ('ape Fear," and the "Branch Hunk of the Stale." Call and examino them, at the Ofhcu of The Com merci.il. , T. LORINO. Oct 31. M MOLASSES. Daily rxjirctetl on Consignment. V VKliOol Ml llh.ts. from south side of Cuba V daily expected, fur sale by G. VV. DAVIS. 40 June 17. PATENT, PORTABLE SHOWER BATHS. 1 O OF these Healthy and Ornamental articles i upon an improved principle. Just received, for sale by BARRY A BRYANT April 29. io W A N T E I) . A GOOD TURPENTINE STILL, to run from I VI to 25 Barrels. Apply to c n. ELLIS. 37 June 9th, IP 17. LEMONS. CHCII.Y I 1110ns in fine order, received rr L. P WOOD. 62 O Smith and for sale by E. R. July 17. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS. Northern, Is duo dally at 3 T. M., closes every ninht nt 10 P. M. Southern, duo fl A. M., closes nl 11 A. M. r atittevilli, by Rai Road, duo on Monday " ednesdny, nnd Friday at 3 P.-M cloaca Tuesday 1 111111H107 nnu oumiay, at lu r. m, Fatettkvili.b. hv Robeson's. Westbrook's, Ellrs- brthlown and Prospect Hall, due on Tuesday, Thurs day nnd Saturday, Bty A. M.j closes and depart same day, at Id A. M. Smitiivillr, due 8 A. M. close at 12 P. M. Taylo' Briooe, Long t'reek. Moore's Creek Black River Chapel, snd IfsrrelJ a Store, due on Thuradsy, at 8 P. M. close at 10 P. M., and depart Friday, st li A. M. Onslow Court Hoc, due every Monday at C A. M depart mi Frlduv at fi. A M i.