WAREHOUSE OF ; , No. 56 Cedar Street, NEW YORK. JlTiDOlT & LEE, (late lke a judson) 0 CCUPf the spacious FIVE STORY WARE- HOtSK IX o, 50 UKDAK a T R E ET th holi of which Is devoted to th exhibition and sale f the Sinoui Aitici of PRINTED CALICOES. Their present tilo, consisting of nearly rHCu SARD F1CI1GES, Embracing some THOUSANDS of different pat tern, and colorings, and composing ever? thing desi rable In the line, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. AU of which are offered for tale, for cash, or satis factory credit, at the lowest raicta, by the PIECE OR PACKAGE. New stylos are received almost every day, and ma ny of them are got up for our own sales, and nut to be found laeT,hci6. Cr Priuted lists of prices, corrected from day to day, with every variation in tho market, are placed in the hanSi of buyers. Merchants will be able to form tome Idea of the extent and variety of our assortment, when we state, that the value of our usual stock of this ok a asticls, ia at least twice the value of the entire stock of dry goods usually kept by our largest wholesale jobbers. This fact, together with the fact, that our means and our attention, Instead of being divided among a crl variety of articles, are devoted wnolly to wju render the advantages which we c;-u offer to dealers perfectly obvious; and it tHiii be our care that none who visit our establishment shall meet with any dis appointment. Our assortment is compile at nil seasons of the year. LEE, JUDSON & LEE. P. S. B. F. LEE, formerly of the firm of Lord & Lees, and late senior partner in the original firm of Lee & Brewster, from which connection he withdrew pome time ago, has resumed business in cannection with Messrs" Lee & Judson, under the firm of LEE, JUDSON & LEE, and he ventures to assure his friends and the public, that the new firm will main tain the snme pre-eminence In this branch of the trade, which formally dls'inguishcd the other two houses to which he beloneed. Niw Voai, June 1, 1947. 4C-ly. MTS AND CAPS. WE nave just received by late arrivals from New York, a fresh supply of OentleflMIV black Beaver and Moleskin Hats, Spring style, 1 eaie, tJflra Drab Beavers A. No. 1. Gent's Wack nd Drab Leghorns, Boys' tiebomCaps and patent Leather Belts, . ALSO, a few Silk VellH&dinfl Caps for Ladies; very pretty. Call and see at MYERS d BARNUM'S. May 22. 29 CORN. K.CT BUSHELS up Country Corn. For sale DJJ by GILLESPIE b ROBESON. June 11 NOTICE. A PLEASANTLY situated PEW in tha Episco- il pal Church. For sale bv GILLESPIE 4 ROBESON. 39. June 12. SPIRIT BARRELS. (F the most approved manufacture, keptconstant- V ' ly for Sato by W. O. JEFFREYS. June 5, 1347. 35. WHISKEY. BARRELS, RECTIFIED WHISKEY. 23 For sale tow at HOWARD fc PEDEN'S. COFFEE. Of BAGS prime Rio Coffee, ZJ 10 " Laguira " Just received by June 10. SANDFORD t SMITH. 37. CANDLES. ,TCT received 19 Box Adamantine Pearl Light J Candies; 10 M Sperm i 10 "Tallow; Forwlcbf- ; SANDFORD & SMITH. May 8. V 23 CORN, IN quantities to suit purchasers. For sale, by D. W. WOOD. May 1, 1847. 20 BACON & HAMS OCAn Lbs. prime Bacon Sides and Shoulders, ZUVJyJ 2000 lbs. Wayne County Hams. F sale by Jnoe 10. DsROSSET, BROWN 4 Co. THOM ASTON LIME. Qfr Bbls. Thomaston Lime, Just received and OOU for sale by J. C. A R. B. WOOD. Contractors and Builders. LIME. I N good order, in lots to suit. r or sale, by D. W. WOOD. 47-lm. July 3. SUGAR. HHDS. fair quality Cuba Sugar, for sale, tmr, by DEROSSET BROWN 4 Co., 4 June 30ih. 1847. 46. PEAS PL( BUSHELS of Prime Cow Peas for sals bv 0J GILLESPIE ROBESON. June 10. 37 BUTTER. QC KEGS prime Goshen Butter, just received nr ZO Schr. L. P. Smith. SANDFORD & SMITH. 37. Juns 10. JUST RECEIVED. 1 Q BARRELS Peeh Brandy. For sale by lO GILLESPIE f- ROBESON. June 4, 1847. 35-tl. Lard in Kegs. 1 AKEG3 besutifulLsrd, for family use, for saleat -ly J.4W. L.lIcOARY'S. Juy tQ- S0 HAY ANDCORN. IN 8TOKE. 150 Bales Prtjna Hay. 800 bushels White Corn. FofSsleby 8ANDFORD A SMITH. JUne 3. 34 ,ALE 'RISH Albany, sloplnjt Amber Ale, always on naDd IM lor salefy rnt trti. or quantity GILLESPIE i ROBESON. iun 10. COFFEE. rriBAOS RIO COFFEE, jut received and foi OJlXESriE A ROBESON. 4" Mft. ...The . Graefenbcrg Vegetable Pills. 30,000 BOXES SOLp EACH AND EVERY WEEK J 1 5 ! THE GRAEPENBERQ COMPANY HEREBY five noUce that their General Agent tor the State of North Caro Ins. if Col. V m. Jonas, f IoulbuR, Franklin Co., N. C. The General Agent ia fully prepared to appoint sub Agents whtrcver there Is no branch of the Company i either on personal application or by mall,;.-jaif. me rapia snie 01 these ceieDratcd pills, anil tne extra ordinary cures they are constantly effecting, render them, by far the moat popular pill of the age. An Agency will consequently bo very valuable. The Graefenberg Pills are inconceivably superior to any ever before discovered. In all bllieua complaints; in general derangement of the system ; In nil disor ders which result from a bad state of the blood, these pills are a sovereign remedy. In the class of diseases called chronic, the Grafcn berg Pills achieve their highest triumphs. Here they defy all competition. Entering within the hidden re cesses of the system, they quietly but surely purify 1he blood, root out disease, and give tone and vigor to the body. CURES ARE CONSTANTLY EFFECTED By these Pills, in cases where every other means had utterly failed. The most abundant proof of this could be given, but a trial of one box will convince the pa tient. They can be ordired and sent by mail, at tri fling expense. The price is .5 cents a box. Where Iud dollars worth art ordered and the money remitted, the Company uiJl pay tin pontaee on the Pills. Re mittances at the Company's risk. Wherever there is no Agency of the Company they can bo ordered by mail, Thfie Pills are taking tho place of all others, and no sick person should ba without them. ALL BILLIOUS COMPLAINTS, Doieel ComplaintB, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Ferer and Ague, Headache, Jaundice, hirer Com plain, Rheumatism, all Stomach , Complaints, Green Sick- ' nest, (f-c, $-c, Yield at once to these Pills. They purge away offen sive humors, arrest the progressof disease and at the same time restore tone and vigor to the system. In esses of eenenil derangement of the health, they are SOVEREIGN. BY THEIR USE, The weak will become slum!!; tho pnleand bilious complexion be restored to a perfect fresli and healthy color; alt the bad symptoms will one by one disap pear, In short, these Pills are an Inconceivable advance i upon any other inelicineeverbefonoIIered Jo the pub lic. A trial trill sati-ify any onsbf this. V, June 5, 1647. 33 New Sprintr Stock of a of BOOTS AND SHOES. . rPHE Subscriber has just received, by late ar rivals direct from Manufacturers-a large and aplendid assortment of Gentlemen's, La dies, Misses, Boys and Children s Boots and Shoes. OOTS AND SHOES neatly repuircd. For sale, by G. R. FRENCH. ' May 20, 1 3 17. ( 2H Camphine ! Camphinc j I HAVE my Distillery again in full operation, and during the season for closing the stores at i.icht, I have discontinued c irrying round my Camphine three times a week and will only do so on Saturdays- niy price is sixty cents pei gallon, only ten cents advance on the common Spirits obtained at the Distilleries. -I have been at considerable expense in fitting up uiv establishment for re-distilling, and am determined to give to all who will favor m with their custom a tood article, which they will find less trouble, and a saving of one fourth expense, which s number of my custo mers have assured mc to be the case. TiJOMAS SMITH June 5. ' So CHARLES GRAF SUCCESSOR TO El TT i i !k P"T ? ,oP MOf k f ? B akf'; cilice .the subscriber will continue (he sale and , manutacture ot 1) U II I S ,1 .1 U S II II L S , and keep constantly on hand every variety of articles in his line. j All order for work promptly and punctually atten- ded to. BOOTS made in the latest fashion and finest i style. CHARLES GRAY. 31 If June 3, I?47. FOR SALE. PRIME Eastern Hay, New Oilcans Whiskey, American Brandy, Malaga Wine. Lime. Raeon, Corn, Meal &c. &c.'by A. MARTIN. May 8. .) Ire Creams ! Ice drams ! ! THE LADIES SALOON IT T ILL be open this morning, where the under- i signed win nirmsn to tne ladles ol W ill i u :i ton Ice Cream served up in a manner and style tint r-m-not fail to please. Call at the ConUctionaru Slure on Front Street. ' E. . OOI). April 21, ln!7. 7 B O OK BINDERS TO OLS. IOR Hnle, n ntiiiibi r of Book-Binder's Tools, con- j sisting of Rolls, Stump. 1'oliMiin.j Iron. Ham-' mer, Knives, FoUin Sii. ki. S.iw. shears. ic. in : prime orii.r. Apply ,ii this Office. Mnrrh 24. 4 I C0MHErTi.1L DINK OF WILJIING10V ! THE organization of this intitution havinc taken; place, In conformity to its Charter, Hooks ol Subscription are no re-opened at thr Bunk of t ope Fear in this place for balance of onpitul nock. O. G PARSLEY, President AprilJN, I917 1 -"corn1 QfW Bl'SIIELS Corn in Stnre.a prime article. OVAVJ 400 do. do. in Sacks DeROSSET, BROWN & CO June IS, 1P47. 39 tf. OA BALE-S PRIME EASTERN HAY, 0J For sale by A. M A RTI N May H FLOl) R PEYTONA BRANDS, Bbls. and Hlfs.. For sab', by I May I, IP47. WOOD I J ILLS tiF t,XCHAOE Price ! per quire for Lj suile at the COMMERCIAL OFFICE March COFFEE. " QY"V BAGS Uio Cofhw, just received and for snle by U BARRY 4 BRYANT June 22. 42 RECTIFIED WHISKEY. BBLS. New Orleans Rectified Whiskey, just received and for sale by 25 J. 4 W. L McGARY. July 9. 10-17. J9-if. ROUGH AND HEADY HATS At MYERS A BARNUM'S Juns 5. IR47. site1i M 3S C A N DL'ES. 2r BOXES Pstonl Sperm Candles, for sals it J J A W. L McGARVM. July in SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK M AN C FACTORY, Front Strut, Wilmington, N. C. ' THE subscriber takes this method J of Informing hi friends and the public general (5 ly, that be has t.iken the store formerly occupl by Porter and Blakrslee, and immediately oppositt Office, where he is nowoponlng t com' pleteassor'""-- 1 Saddle,, Bridlri, Jranki, Martingale , Valisen, Carpet and Sidm. c?,lar Whips, Spun, Bits, it. tt. iC M-. All of which will be warranted of (rood nanuliu;'.'.,rc and materials, and will be sold low for CASH. Having lonu experience in the abuve business, he flatters himself that he will be able to Knierfull sat isfaction to those who may be disposed to patronize him. It Is his intention to keep no Books, but to adopt . the CASH SYSTEM, by which moans ha will be able to famish articles much cHSAren than they have i heretofore been bought in this market. I rtrREPAIKING of all kinds done at tho shortest notice. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Aug. (i, 1846. lytil MANUFACTURED TOBACtX . j 1 ( KEGS, just received, and for sale by ! 1U JOHN C. LATTA. j Oct. 27. 4'J NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of every style and quality suited to complete a Merchant Tailoring Establishment, viz : is1 iUPERFINE FRENCH CLOTHS ANDCAS- SIMEHES of every shade and color; Vesting in variety; French twilled Drab D te ; Silk Alpaccas; ; li'lit fancy Cassimcres, all of rife latest style and best j quality, which will be made up to order ut the short I est notice. ; READY MADE CLOTHING: j A 1 'i rjo and complete assortment of ready made I Clothing, just opened and for s.ile, very cheep lor I Cash. Also, the outfittim; Dipaitment is vc ry com ; plete, wi:li the niowt choice assortment of Fancv (ioons. Suiieiior L. II. '". Shu ts, of every variety anl quai ity ; silk under Shirts and Drawers; si'Deiior Fancy Cravats: Stoeks; Collars: Bosoms; Umbrellas; ail j well worthy the attention of those in wan' (;f ;!ietn. I Customer? in !he habit of paying cash will find it to their interest to make It known, as I in future am ' determined to make it the intt rest of all who deal with j me. to pay cash. Short credit will be given to punc ' tual customers and to none others. I Those who have not settled their account, to the 1st j of January, 1847, will save cost by immediate ly doing I ho. H. S. KELLY. May II. 21 tf. MERCHANTS' STEAM BOAT COMPANY. OF FAYETTK VILLE AU WILMINGTON. GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT. Ivcvaging about 20 prr ctnt. New Steamer ROWAN. 7 inches. Steamer WILLIAM li. M FARES, Steamer COTTON PLANT, Flat Boats-BEN BERRY, ODD FELLOW, MIKE ( RONI.Y, WASHINGTON, T J CCRTIS, READY MONEY, MARY ELIZA. THE Proprietors of the Merchants' Steam Boi Company of Fayetteville and ilrninjjton. N. (.'. ofler the atiove Line of Bonis, on the Cape Fear River, to the shipping public, under the hie revision and ic- duction of Fn luhts. 'rk,..,. Sr...,,,. . unwiv .1...... i- Inches water. When she underroes some alt-riti,,-, m ,nochincrv ,hcr draft is enlc.l l at II to Hi inched which will make her the lightest i.oat navigating tb. waters of nny river in the Southern country. Tins Company flatter theins Ives that they have it now in their power to offe r the iiiosi comph le line of l!oa' that has ever been on the Cape Fear, and one that will do the freighting business with regularity and despatch on all slaret ol the water. 1 hey have, in connection with the Henrietta Company ol ibis place, reduced the freights to the tarifl as in printed rates Neither of the Boating concerns dwmed ihemsi Ives able to p duce th! freights and still do the forwiirdinu biisim in tills il ic tree of ch; -j;c. ami ennscquenily tin Company have given it up, with tlm conviction, tli.i' the Forwarding Merchants of our town can do it mor justice than u boating conenn. Any Ooods consigned to the Merchants' Steam Bo r Company, Wilmington, N. .'., will l.e lorwunbi. through that place free of commissions n other charges made to the sliippei. The new arrangement tikes edict from the IVh instant. Passage 3, both ways. The two companies will hereafter count all freight cash, or interest ailded. Direct letters to Thomas S. I.utterloh, Favcltcv ill' , J. A W. L. McGary. N ilinlngton. TIIOS. S. LUTTERLOH, Agent. Fsyettewllc, Jan. 1?, 1S-17. 130 Summer Arrangcniciit"1847. RENEWAL OF THE DAILY LINE, I in the Ruule now Faroraltly knoicn us tin AM) BAY LINE. rpill. Propr,ers (-lie Krea, pt.,turc j advilng I Ihe Travelling Public of the rcntie.U of their doilt, line. Tha steamers during the past winter under went a thorough repair, nnilarc now in linn order. The line at present will consist ol ihe loilowing stcaiu rs r On ArroMArrox Rives Mount Vernon, Cuptaln Blow, a beautiful Strainer. 0Jamcs Kivii-Alice, Cupi. Rruugh; Jcvcs, CaaL'Suiion. On CiirsAPiAKt Bav Herald, Capt. RiimcII; Georgia. Capt. Cannon. These Bonis are all well ofheeted I i mu d of l,)n(. Xcrience on the route Pass tigers . m ing Wi Idon or Gasfn ever night, except Satunlav, and Prtrrsv bnrtfrirTy morning, eiceptSundsy, will go on dirrel, wtlMUt any delay, at less expense, und more ease! that by any other route Fare from YVekloo or Gtiton to Baltimore 10 00 Do. " " Norfolk 4 00 Do. " Petersburg to Baltimore fl 00 Do. " " to Norfolk 1 00 KEAIS INCLUDED O.N THE STEALERS. Passengers getllnv a Through Ticket ovr this line are allowed to slop si any point on the route, and re sume their travel at pleasure. For Tickets from Osslon to Ralilmoto or Norfolk, apply lo C. C. Puoh. Esq , Gaston. Tickets from Weldon lo Baltimore or Norfolk lo be had of J. L. JONES. Central Agent. Office James River sod Bay Line. Weldon. N.-C.. May 11,1847. 29-if RIVER wide Boards and Scantling. In lots to suit purchasets, for sals, by C. V. ELLIS, on W. C. Lord's harf. Mnv 11 25 miimcrrBoardingr:-' THE subscriber having purchased the residence on MaBonboTtf Sound, 7 miles from Town, for merly occupied by Mr. Gio. R. Fskch, and at the leanest of some of his friends, has consented to open 1. 1 louse of Entertainment, commencing tho 20th of May, whore persons can te actommooaiea oy tne aay or week. Tne house has undergone a thorough re pair, is healthy, and pleasantly situated, commanding a fine tlew of the Ocean, Ac. There will bo a Hack running from Wilmington to the above place. Application for passage made to Dr. Shaw. The Hack will not be run on any particular day, ...,p me travel stiould bo suen as to lusiny u. ""v it Co""""1)' on Sabbaths, will not he received only when there u j PETERSON. April 20, 1347, UNPRECEDENTED PROPOSALS. THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, FOR ONE DOLLAR ! ! STRICTLY NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. CONTAINING FROM TWENTY ONE TO TWENTY-TW O COLUMNS OF HEADING MATTER EVERY Not Which will be filled with the choicest Literary Articles, latest News, both Domestic ami For tign. faithful and full Re " porta of th c Ma r lifts if it h the tri-weekly Remarks on the lt'ilminsrlvn Market. rP I IF. reputation which the tti-wcckly Commercial L has nequiied as h faithful register of the state of the Market" here, as well as the latest and most im portant News, wm rants us in s lying that the public huve an assurance that the II nAy Commercial will be all that the reader may denre, in these particul.us, at least. The low price of the paper lower than any paper at the South-will enable cveiy citizen to tunc coin niand of a newspaper of his own, complete for nil the purposes of sucli publications divested of the angry spirit of parly, and free from political contention ; the sole aim of which is to give' correct and subf t.inli.il information to the rimlcr; such a9 may benefit hiiu in his business, and entertain and inform his mind. Person? holding Subscription papeisarc ropi'sted to semi in tin) names of subscribers, as soon as tin y are obtaon d ruaininu the paper for further subscrip tions. The object is to obtain a sufficient number to commence tho publication in the early pail of next month. All payments must be made in advance, and post age paid when the nnme is forwarded ; otherwise, no attention will be paid to the oiJer. T. LORING. Publisher of the Tri-icetkhj Commercial. Wilmington. N. C, January (i. 1817. Hoarding House. rtr' II E subscriber h is taken the well-known House ': on the southeast corner o Dock and Front stuns, nily occupied by Mrs. Joseph A. Hill, for the nurpose of accummod itiii'' rcgul ir and traneient boarders. F. J. SW ANN. lOltf. Nov. 17 notici; TO DKAI.KKS IN THi,ivTii; & m Wii.minoton June 1, 1"I7. rPIir undersigned, ptirch iserj and dealers In Naval 1 Stores in this place, with a vit w to adopt sonic general regulations which seem to them to hi; founded in justice, and more in accordance with the customs of other markets, have agreed to establish for tile i r future government, the following REGULATIONS. Th it as no good tcason i.s apparent to :hi in for clmtt giiig the sie or Weight ol Kara Is of Tiiipenline, arid it would be productive rl inconv. nience to the tua ki ' , iind pilch isers. it will lie piircba d as hcelofore, the i M w. iglit of barrels to H- 3.0 llw. or '-" II lbs. mi!, the turpentine to be di liven l on the yanl lor inspi rtion at the expense ol th -seller ; and as there has been in mnny cases, an unjust inequality, in fU ing upon Ihe sin. nint of Ettra, and whereas the lavi pn seriles w h it the ordi r of turpentine shall be, when .xi.j;ed for s ile, without pn.vi il.ing any remeily in c.ise il i not in said ori'c r. wc ihenforc agree that le ieiiiii r n itiiliiction shall be ir.inle unib r ih denoiiiiii'ition of extia cooperage as follows : For y ut'litig. lucking, Ac, one cent per bind, loi tin fi -':v..i ho,ips that may he lacking short of twelve a-, ;.:erif-, bylaw, one cent each, and for each hoop ! ss than ten that may H; short, two cmts acli, n!o what other labor in .v h" necessary to put it in lie -order tlv law prr sciibi a to be admitted by th' ln-i r torstogcihi r i'li ihe usual deduct ions lor unuit n !i mi.iMe barrels exceeding tho number taken t p. ick. Purchases maije at tin; Rail It i :il di-pol will he subji ct ton (b-ilui'iiiui of two C( tits er bbl. aya.-e, t h i n y pi n ing ih. si l!cr by Rail Ro.id on a lo uing with ihoc by water. These regulatioiH npply to Tar. only so larn i renardi the exM usi n ol M'iliiMi :iiiil ilra egi'. 1 le eiistoin ndopted in reference to the mml'ilion of the b.irn la it is supposed must be free from nil ob e n in a turpentine put up in perfen order will mil v !e subject lo a di'iln. lion of i,iii; cent per bbl. inrt ad i! II'!' tor mer r 1 1' s of e(i n We ;isn agree' that in liitin- we shall refuse to compromise f.,r Iraiiduli nt m as hi ri totoic, th it wc deeir. chips, straw, billi i of wood, limbs, di't, lie. us a fraudulent mixture, ami tlm i weshill abide I v tin' iri. t Ic ti r ol the law In nil uch cases. Ami where as ii appears that the Inpei lors do not consider tin ins-1 v i s authorized to make bi!lotlu r w lso than as P'esciilMil by law, that we will, in all cases, purchase by ill bbl. ol"T20 lbs. and allow llu Inspector to mnkc bis hill us the I tw directs '.'JQ lbs (,ir thai thfre shall i.. .1 from the lo ic i ighth of the amount. A II VAN ROKKI.LI.N, H Mil'. It FI.ANNF.R, W J. LOVE Jr. R C IIALLETT. II. IIALLETT, R. G RANKIN, C. I). ELLIS. 3r if W O JEFFREYS, JOHN McRAE, A MARTIN. U HIIMLR, JEW LIT A Co., IMRKY .t BRYANT, ' -'NO CHRISTIAN. HALL ARMSTRONG, June ). Negroes Vanted, I S H to purchase n lare number of negroes of both sexes, Irnni the ai;e i)f I I to 30, for which I will pay the hi(hcfi cash msrkei nrlc. As I intend mutiny a lon stay in H ilininton for that iiurpose. persons from the coun'ry would find It to lneir ad vantage to bring such property lo ion ihnl they have to dispose of. Also wanted, some good Carpenlcis, Ulackimiths. Coopers and Bricklaveis. Apply lo ins al tho Caro lina Hotel ANSLEY DAVIS, of Petersburg. Vs May t. 22-lT lo s to iTmi siTakd. A RECEIPT orW M.Mvtss.of SuuihCstolinn, to Eavisro Kino; also, nn obligation of N. Jl. Hii l, guarantied by James D N ADr.wiLtand Hsssv Davis, for Fourteen Hundred and Fiflu Dollars; the eoudltlon of which obligation i, iH'( f nm to deliver lh Receipt abovo, and salisfactorv vouchers of my ownersnlp to thruc Slaves sold N B. Hill by said Eaviso. lor my account, both the papers being rela tive to that sale. A suitable reward will be given for the finding ot ihrso papers, and I warn ail persons from tradlnc for them.aa they can be of no use to any one but myself. WILLIAM G ALFORD. May 25. ;m m MESS & PRIME I'D UK. Qf BBLS. New Moss Pork, 0J 15," " Prime Pork, city inspection DeROSSET, BROWN i Co. Juns 10. 37. HOSTON CRACKERS. Cf CANISTERS, For sale al HOWARD A PEDEN'S. June 5, I3I7 ;tj m my BR finru'xitN t) itw Jpk UAtivrAcrvuMM Ant obaubm ' HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, UMBRE1 ; s LAS, WALKING-CANES, Ac, RESPECTFULLY call thesttention of the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity, to their Largt and Splendid Assortment now rocelvlng at the old stand of C. Mtkbs. North side of Market street, which we of fer at wholesale and retail, cheaper than ever, GEST.'S I)EA VE II, NUTRIA, MOLESKIN AND SILK HATS, of Beebce ACostar's and Loary-t Fall Fashion for 18-1(1, a splendid article, just received, and a " few mors left of ihe same sort." Please call and examine them. Also, a very large assortment of MEN'S, BOYS', AND INFANTS' CAPS, of the latest and most approved patterns, Gent.'s French soft Dress, Silk. Velvet, and Cloth Capsj Gent.'s French Guard do.- Hlua. and Black Spring Mu mo nnu. .i"ici;'i, iiugun, vru ohk, eive- o,S7P,: La r..n- c., 4c. ' YOUTHS' A:S OYS CAPS of every style and quality, fiom rij cents to 2,50, tho latcest assortment ever offered in this mnrKe', ArK. astonishing low prices. A betauliful article of Infants' I C',. I'.l t.,.o ti. w.' uin nnrfifiilftilv call the attention of those wanting Caps for childn n. In fad. every article in our line we have a rich and full assortment, to which we respectfully call the atten tion of the IMiblio, and warrant a genteel lit and at Prices to suit the limes'. MYERS & BARNCM, WilruinMon, Oct. B, 1846. F5 rpHE Subscriber would express his gratitude to his 1 Friends and Customers, for their liberal patronage heretofore extended towards him in Wilmington. The same business will liereafti r be conducted under the name and firm of MYERS & BARNCM. at the old stand. ' C. MYERS. MOIlft LKiHT. ON hand n general assortment of the Patent Capil lary liurni r Lamps, for burning Camphine and Spirits of Turpentine ; its ddv.intap-es O'.i-r others now in use will be apparent to all on tho slightest in spection, combining perfect safety In binning with freedom and equality. In Its supply of burning main I al ; also, n larnc supply of acorn Deiie Oriental Study, Hall. Parlor, Stand, Solar and Table I.anis, and va rious pi'tti rn of passage lanterns. For ev, bv. Nov. 2. .'7-i . HART t POLLKY. s PERM. ELEPHANT and U II LE, I.U ached Constantly lor sale, by D V. WOOD. :i und unbleaclii d (Jl L.S. .Ma i-l. FAMILY MILL rP 1 1 1", subscriber respectfully informs the liii. A of ilinington, that lie kei'tis constantly mil: :eiis and fn sh around Meal, which he si lis at Stoic pi ice is prelum d at all times lo grind I ,'orn at tin- s! il test bc- notice lor tannin s, (.all ami try Hie .V, in .1, twieil the Mcssis. Grants and I'liwiiitw 1 1 or JONATHAN Li;i Sept. 1. I-IG. . N 0 T I c i : . PERSONS Indeb'ed to tb- Subciiber. fir the "S'andard or " Imh ) . !i ut," or for Advertis ing, are request! il lo pay tie- s on to WESTON R. GALES, Esq.. Editor of the Ri:i.tsTi:n, Raleigh. T. LORING. Jan. 6 1817. I -'J TO RENT. HE Slur.-' on the Snulh si.le of MirketStictt lately occupied by T. ( iOI' LI )-M I t II THOS. II. W RIGHT, lay -2. -'--1 1 . Valuable Heal Mslate. T T' HE Subscribi r ofli rs for sab' that Valuable Pro- ty on llillslioni' Slreit.'m the City of R a lkicii, now oeicpiid by the liistiiulion for tin: Deaf and Dumb. The corner 10I opposite the nsidence ol Maj. Co 1. 1. ins, is on tile east side of llu- second square vvi st of the Capital, and runs from street lo s'r i t -on w hicli is a large and comuiodioiis Dw liing I louse a one story building, fortncily used us the Printing ( lllice of the N. Ciimlin i Standard ; a btiek Kitclun; Stables; Carii.ige House ; all in cesoary out -ho uses, utui a latge r i n e for a G irdi n. The lot adjoining has a vi ry good two-story Hons', w ith Ki:i In n, Siables, tic., niid i known as buying f ir n ic 1 1 y In Ioicm d to the i st itc ol 'apt. llcxita, ile c ised, und also runs from strei i to slrc-l. The properly is hx'alcd in th.: iiio.it pleasant part of till1 ( 'ity, and if purchased now. w ill Ih: h dd at n pi ice so reduced at to render it l very d. -irabli mvi stuii nt. possession w ill he givi n in piil. I-H. The Si:b-ei iber hiis appoiuti d William R. Pnoi.r. I'.sq.. his A I tot in y for the dispot d f ibis propi 1 1 y, to w iiotll all desiious of pun liasilig w ,ii pi, as apply. T. LORING. Feb '.'1.1, 17 111 Ri gisier and Standard w ill in.-eil G linn s. no'I'ici:. agent v of then c. jimi ll i si t. ntf. IVilminrron. July '-", lfi. SANf . .Mm, A N Droit D .I SMITH. At-nts of ihe No. Car. ital liisiirnnce ( 'oiuii.inv, h ie (he prit i ficat inn 1 the numerous p isoiis insured in this'll- fe lt tin 'ompany will proinjitly p iy the los tin ed by the recent lire in r ayi tlevllle. wltti.int trie delay ol (.H) days, as required by the Bve-l.-iwa; und w ithout calling lor nny instalment on the premium noted The At'ctns w HI rix-elve aj plicatioris, and take risks as usual. July 30. Ifi. 50 NEW STORE. opened, ii splendid assotnonl of TIS'l Toys und O Fancy I! ets. Also, a Irish lot of t'oiifi clioria- N ills a nd Fruit of all kinds, which the Ladies arid (ar Hntlenienol W ilmington nre rcsperifnllv invited lo call and examine, ut E. R. OOD'S, Front jl April 17. If IRON VIVE. 1000 FEET Two for sale by and a half Inch Iron pipe W. B. GILES & Co. 49 July 10. 1647. C 0 A L Ml M I Ahe broken and serened gnile ' V ' Bl te( Ir, I I - . I C. t . lion, nn nitnraitu npouu .viiii, u - For snlc by July 11 I). W. WOOD. 60 F I S 11 . PICKLED SALMON. Rbls , Half Bbls. and Kits; Macke, ,1. Bbls . Hlfs , Qta. and Dried Codfish, recently reci-ivrd. And for sjc, by D. W. WOOD. July 8. 48 CAN A I, FI.OUR. 1 ( BULK. Canal Flour, for Fnmlly use. I V 10 Bbls. do. do. Just received and for sale by J. A July 10 10.(7 W L Mi li G RV V.) tf. JOB,: BOOKy I,- cosmb or raoHT ak maket sTMiTi,' WILMINGTON, N. C. PABTICrtAR ATTEwBilb TO We FOLLOWING KINDS OF LETTER PRESS PRINTING. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, ILLS OF LADING, BOOKS, CATALOGUES, CERTIFICATES, CHECKS, CIBCl'LABS, CUSTOM-HOUSE BLANKS, ENTB1ES OF MERCHAKDISEi niinuuiLi.s, LABELS, LAW BLANKS, MtLITABY NOTICES, NOTES, PAMPHLETS, POLICES OF INSCBANCr, POSTERS, DBAFTS, RECEIPTS. i Axn PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, of ever uescrlrtion. done in the nfifoor on the most reasonable terms. We call tho attention of our citizens, and the pTMi In general, to the nbove Circular, and cordially extend4 to them an invitation to give us a call for their work assuring them, that it sNII be as veil d6ne, and at as w (11 not lower) price, as at any other establishment. Ihe entire office is now, and wc unhesitatingly say that we have a greater varitty of type, and a more thorough Job OJkc, than teas ever before in the State ..... , . THOMAS LORING.' V ilmlngton, May 6. s au Tm , e is rid l e sT HARNESS, TRUNRST'&c. &c. &c. fHjHE Subscriber has on hand a general as J. s.iitiiicnt ol Goods in his line, together With ?. Jl!ftJ. liuL'PieS. Trnli;,,,, V, .,... and Sulkies, all of which he will sell low. ' Purchasers arc lccpcelUiliy invited to cull at the Old Stand, Nortlt Side ol Market Street. ..... . , OUY C. IIOTCIIKISS ilmini;fon, March 23. 3 F 1 o u r . 9f) BRI.S. of fresh ground nuperfine FUntr, just J received and lor sale. I,v GILLESPIE 0; ROBES ON. 37 June 10. I, i m 1; GOO lj,!I'S ';'nding; Also, Hvdrnulie ( J'J Calcined Plaster; Planning Hair, C ment g Hair, and Fir Brick J. C. r R. II. WOOD. Muv6 UISTDRY OF AllOXl 0 JI'ST Received, a few copies of nn abridj-ed H tory ol Mexico, and tbu Texian Revolution, w, Willi skelclii H of tin: Liv if Gi n. Tavlor ate! Snnt Vn- na, by David K. Ui 'l. May 3, I? 17. For sale, by SANDFORD A SMITH. 21. Valuable Real li state. a n rpiIE SUBSCR1BFI5S, as Executors to grffl A the Will of Mrs. E. Lord, deceased, oil', r 1:1 El . for sal , n;i accommodating terms, that val uable STORE AM) WHARF, al prcs; ut oceu b .1 bv Unity ,t Ilrvnnl. TIIOS. II. WRK1HT, W. C. LORD, March 2-), 1 17. I rs. 1 Valuable Heal Estate. if ILL BE SOLI), nt private snlo. the House rmd Lot No 1 I'.t, Ii th r A . be tween third and Fom th Sri els. and he I with Red doss and North lloiindaiv Stieets. (near the Rail Road,) and al pn ent . ccupie, byj.l. Ilrvnn. The lot is full (iti hv 3 in lei . wnli a new two storv house upon il, all II r i r i i r i . 1 posi d "fill pi i vati' sa!c,w ill I e unilisiiittctl ; persons wishing amine the propeiiy, or titles, at to M ireh . unless previously (lis- olK n d as above, t illc.1 to purchase, can cx r,:iy lime, by applying II. Nl'TT. 3 M LS S V O R K . LOT of New YotkCity Inspi i!nn, c.l and lor sale by G. W. 1 Mnv 13 just recciy DAVIS 2:') DRIED FREIT. Quinces, Peuclusand Apple D. W NE(R) l'A.SSi;s. I) RII'.D bv . For sal WOOD. May 13, L'ST printed lit " T.'ie C.mimerciid' Olfiee a new I supply i f .Ve;,i '.,, which an all ed 1 1 j I rifle ol p i pel that it would take lo w rite them over the i ( n Jan. 10 r9 CHECK HOOKS. w L ha e just ex- cull d in i snpeib stv e bound up I Uuire Book , Ch ks ill tile liilllli it the Slate.'' ot The. t.'um LORING. ol Cape I', at, ' and llu " lii.i t 'all find cMimine t h. in, ut nierriu). Oi t. 31 i: ii. k Olbc T. PATKNT, PORTA III. . SHOWER UA1US. nn I Ornamental atticb s OF these If altbv pon an mitrond iiruu n le. Just r. c, u,d. lor s il, by IIAKKY it BRYANT. ApnC.'V I 'J W A NT C.( tOD ICR PL Nil NE 1 V to Ilar:i Is. i; i) . STILL, to run fiom !." Apply to C. I). EL t.IS. June Pili, 1 17. EEMONS. L.iiMiis In fin o,der received ICILY per L P. V OOD. r'' O Smith and lor .ib by E. R. Jul) I "J u s t R c c c i v e (1 . I. .1 I received, direct fiom tin- inuiiufaclory. ono lor s.iic. ( In up. Llfhl Call skin pi ggi d Boots, do. Coal akin peeri d Bonis, Ladles. Misses, and Children's Kid 'ppers. O. R FRENt II July IS, 1S47. r,i V I) G ECO MB E i , CON. )( )AiH- KJ2"0'nbe Bacon, ceived oer Rail He-id recently rc- per it nil Hnnil. I' or s ill by J. & W. L. McGARY. 5j-fr. July 13. 1-17. ARRIVAL AM) DEPARTURE Ol' THE MAILS. 4 NoaTHCHN, Is due daily at 3 P. M., close svsry nlcht at 10 P. M. South r. a n, due 9 A. M clow-sal 11 A. M. Faviitkvilh, by Rail Rood, dun on Mondny Wednesday, and Friday at 3 P. M closes Tuesday ThurmUy and Sunday, at 10 P. M. FAiETrsvats, by Robeson's, Wcstbrook',jEllia bcthtown and Prospect IMH, due on Tuesday, Thuts dayand Saturday, attf A. M i closes and departs sairis day, at Id A. M. SMiTiivitta, dun 8 A. M.; closes al I2J P. M. Tavlos's Bsidos, Long Creek, Moore's Creek Rlack River Chanel, and Harrell's Store, d lie nn Thursday, st 0 P. M. closes at 10 P. M., and doparts Friday, at li A. M. Osm ow CoesT Hni'ii, dun every Monday at 6 A. M ; departs on Friday al CAM IS- i