jcIaimcJ, unJ llie turning Years lh.it are fall ing bn you' cannot rrstore" liCf for vvhich I y Kvtl FutT of my bf art t your U fall art "vcr. and jjt; JH'PV, fceavc n. Oh don L iatgd uie ihi-t ) our, own Mary, but look ijotvii otnny wm,, and implore of .''Oodto ind them.' 1 Bin 'nlonoln the woilJ, ' lX-rtnoU jn wuk. wida .vwU a w an derer now : lor even the foia pome trint once ',' was oui can be mine jnb longer. , , LWuell 'iht i loved aoJ lost onis ol my tu.ait Juw hit- tor if my Jut; for no teats may dim the iyes of angels, : Tell, th m I'll soon go l.omo to them. AriJe DermotJ svilli&h mchrce I .niylt farewell must "le spoke for tho red ima'a yatiog"tb deck your giave w ith lea ins. ()t, Hiav (one tut., it's laid lo pail wiili those we love, to rii'in God's preciuus gifts ; and yit it must, it inusi lie done. Here, take bim, ' she Siiid, aJJn isim; the lystnndeis, "and lay him in his grave.'' She impiinted a kiss on the deathltis lip?, ntitl tracing the symbol of the ciojj on his hrmstand liow, je?igned hT brother lo thi ir hands. Ciouchinj down by the optn grate t-Ke shroud i-d hei -face with tl,i .folds of lni cloak, anl .valtej m patu-i.t f:h nee until ll: I thoulj he lowei'd. As ilnv prrpand io throw the clay ova him, shf nJvnnet d lo take another look. P. Go ! I the agony of that 'moment; years of suhVring cou.'d not have . wrung her soul wiili sucti torments. 1 lie expression of her face was that of the most intense deppnir. She sremed to endur x cruciatinff toituirs, nnd the look ol pious re i 1 I l. ( signation had given place lo a glance of mad Dfs. bnegaZ'Uaown 11.10 l'ie ilai I; r;rave, tniiii s. . ond tht te lay In 1 brother in his w bite shroud. 1 Some changes are about being made in the Stretched on the Lnre earth with In? face uu- Cluaitu mnsier's Depaitment. Capt. K A. I covered. His hands wire fohhd on Ins Ogden, who founded the depot, and pitched breast, nnd jo tranquil was his face that he the first tent at this place, is about bcinrr re-1 seemed lobe under the influence of some ; lieved, alter being stationed lore one year, blight dream. His dark biown hair .luster i and during a time wli n the d 1 t i 8 at the pos-t ed around his openbrow, und even the mouth 1 were of a most ardous nature, and enough to b trayed no sign 8f death ; and the 1 yes were try the patience of Job. liy the bye, tln-ei 's hollow, there wai nothing ghastly in his one thing they forgot to put on old Job. II countenance. A strange jontrat the two fa- they had just m ule him Quartermaster, and ccs presented. The lace of the di ad so free j sent a parcel of volunteers about-him, het from every trace of pain and sorrow, so hi au- j would have :'givcn in." tilul io its solemn ond awful rrposp, so undis Mj Anderson bucceeds Capt. Ogden. and lurbedm its calm expression ; and the face of , 'e find him a very worthy gentleman, and: the living, with its bright bewildeied eyes , hie him much. Lieut. Weld, our cointins glaring into thccoldgiave the looh of mute J sary, y t remains. May tho -powers that terror depicted on the parted lips and quiver-, be'' luff him hy,'' and nut order him ofl. r . 1 II tng forehead. 1 ho men anxious to complete their task, prepared loshovf-1 the raith our the prostrate body, Maiy still s'.anding im- moveable as a statute, seemingly without thought or power ol speech 1 hey strove U remove lit r fiom the spot but n the ruth if 1 on the upturned face, staining and dislig tiring tho features of one so loved, her gin I burst out afresh . " O. iVni.ont ! seven times as dear as the soul within me i imt thend worm feed on that cheek nnd the true and faithlul hcait that never ehnngtd, thestiong brave heart that never quailed nor shrunk be fore the world's cruel blow. ( )h, avounn-en! this is tho cold bed lor your weary lin.l-s : nnd the hard rest after the toils of hfe ; and see the wet clay matted among your bright hair. Why don't you look up and see the face of her you love so well, the face of her whose hopes and joys are but i din your ear ly grave I" She sunk on the ground inst nai bleand the work was soon finished. 1 The beams ol the next suns, t n il upon ano ther grave, and again the wail rung 0m .;S' dread tones awakming the wild echms. no kindred eyes s-hed teais above t.iat giavi . for Mary O'Conor was the list of !u-r fnuilv. and strangeis suftT hei dirge. 'J'i.e file sl.i feared and dreaded came tiuc. she pfiislud from wunt and !! irv,iti,.n, but peihnjs the broken heattaidul the wo:k. h'nmtht X. . ).!' w P L i TEST X i; 1 S . From Sallillo Monlrrrr, Jlntamorns nnJ the mouth of Ihc Rio Graiulc. The kUamship Ohio. Capt Saiii r. .Ir . ar r4red yesterday. She kit Brsz s St .1 ico the 31 St U It., and touch-d at 1 1 v str.n ihe 2d int. Wc recc ivd by h i lix M.-.l nn.1r.1s Flag of the 27lh nil . from winch we maki extracts. She has also placid us in p.-d?-lioB of a package of biters fiom our lavor He correspondent, Capt. Tobm, (whieh wilt b published in next Commercial ) and a h i:er from Oiir.HtU-ntive correipondi nt at the mouth of the Rio Grande place iscnllid. l) . .. J A I . I ujyuiiu, wc ueiieve tue , Runups Oefentclesa state 0 the Mouth 9 the Rio Grande -Danger of an Attack Exposed condi tion of Public PropertyThe Weather Changes in the Quarter master's Department - Hie Frying ! Pan Club Mouth Rio (.!bamk. July ly 1-17. on t -iv 1 1. 1 II' U S Eh. Dc'.li I n.n s .rry 1 c..i you 8om thin;' iht-n sfn io from this quMi r W'r I inv 1 if ctrlnir'.t) i vet vthinjj H r do hi nr. tnor, from MiUeon.-.s Wh.ii th them, am Iroin ( '1: i;n l;.., so , ,.i I hit hy thlini.- n Mirv t il, - 11 - 1 t :. 1.- .. 1 1:; if, 'wiit c nothr. r rtorv. Wc 1 1 ru tl.e il.n. mor, ns oi hm1 the ('fllly t I - uonM of n niv. h"ui vcr, i; ihc ,;in, is .mui n neiirei th i nth ih;-n our ritmoiS Miie tttfl'-l dr. h'ji :inot - verv m-is ui s(lii8 t he of. opinion ihnt w. shall . t,iw Hon! h horralioiit. Evi h nci i. r a t , pf)!, ilivsto b regnrded lightly, nr.. hi-hn n no ! aboet us juvi lorik at it. II u. is a d. poi o! fullic frojeriy, lo lh ninotmt of sonif mil liiMf, tad a guard ef filtrm mrn r, ptoter'. il-4b plaff is jv-rfi ctly e- y ol fn r. on eftr f k! cf ihe nrpr. Iironld (..- n'tick-H dtroyd, evr iy tal nuirikred. aim beforr ny ilttflCC 0lll l BWtve, Ihr.s,. ivhoihrl it would bo $fn and eonnd on himdr I rnilfi . fctf. A bodjr of meti cen ily inarch upon r F us by the Sjii Fernando road, without distur bing the juut citiaincf.Muuiora, nd march lack at thfcir leisure.' , A lore, party of iraglihg jrarheai and guerrlTa, arctoow ificirbpcd pnjlji$ .j-obJ,,, within ,70 mill s of us. A Mexican that cime in to-day, oVclnrcft ly alt hit taints, big- and little, out door and pocket, that thry already number SUUU, and ihnt thrir conversation is altogolh ; concerning the little fixings they expect to ' pick up cl our I3oc.i del Rio. Well J let 'theni come n-e will endeavor to receive ! them with nil due attention and consideration 1 nnd if they fall in with sonic Imle fixings they Am' expect, Ihey must '.excuse us, fur for some of our chaps do imndlo these old j mnsktts very carelessly. If they make any j serious charges ngainst us, we will refer the nat'.er to Col. Ii Ikunp and his command, ' and he beinjr a littlt; hasty, may make use of t argumnits not to be resisted, ul lenst, they ! never seemed pnrticuly anxious to come to 1 the point with the Cownel. Me is amongst I the Mexicans what Capt. Scott is amongst (lie j coons, j The navigation of the river is about the same no iinpiovemi nt ot least still low, the s.irJ bunks won't budge. Il they weri only "red dog," insu-ad of sand, there would he no complaint of low water. It is said to he a dry season. I judge so, not only Iron) 1 1 ho Mute 01 tho liver, but from seeing1 so many thiiMy fjcnis, that even in passing an empty hottle, hea ve a sigh ''lo the memory ol the d( paited." Water pure, os a bever age, would be the deulh of them in fifteen . . . c can t spaie linn, nohow you can lix it ; ficod f lious ate too scarce, We have a -Fiying l'.in Club" here, composidot those who are lond ol lish, ntul have linn to eo niter thun. Allow me to U rub r you an invition lo our ne.xt chowder liiriy. You will please ajipi-ar in the uni form of the Club, which is simil ir in pattern 10 the Ui oroja Costume, atid at ined with a spoon, a small cup, und a bg mijohn. IIOMBKE. TIIK ( OMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY, AT'CCST 11, 117. Tin: coMMKRcur. rank. Tle.s ins'itirion went :iim opera don on .Mo.-u.'ny last aep.cnbly to -. e- i 1 : s arran v nieiilH. 'im: m.i:ki.v coMMr.nrnL. The ivpn for ih" li'.'-'.v ( '-in -He ' hnv" miiv-i! and thai l'aprr will i-.neil m a u e. k or tuv, at f-,r-ilusi. I hose who h to uhl-iin the liri! numbi r. an invited to fjii aid lie ir names, at on. e. Oliii l l'.l. LOWS' Si'Moni,. An examitniinn of th" Pupils of this Nrleml tm.k plaee yen- r.lay. We regret ihtt rh r .hit:, s n rn! 1 d our atl"n..lin!4 thU very iut t, Min;; i-xb;i i ion. e ham from those who weT more favored h ih.n i, . peel, that the exaiiiiii oi.ni was hiehh snljsf .einy. and ev.nce.l eapih.liiy and caie on ihe prut o ihe Ttaeh 1.8, and Modioux ullt'i.lion en the a; t 1 thr fr!io;.rs. XOKTH CAROI.IX t l.I.I.c TIOV. Our returns of the late il.-eii.m art vr :y far f.om 1-ein comj ! te, nr:. j- lime u ill 1 h; .s. !. I'.-n; t'"-.v- '. f;.l! 1 . W,- ( m, ,.t ,,ins ',.., ..r ihe I"r.:. -Iv' ..- it,. . r.ir; t. c V. Win n I-:- nr.' . The I..; N 1 '...I, V. 1 ri yult hi Delati. I o. J " ! will p-it-l-'h th. in fir f:.t-..r-. nf. r n- . i t- a-e f.i'Luva : Tii . in V 1 1 1 . s are Olinirninn and P.vt'-itti, Kn'.wn which i' fie- essi"i, 7"!,, no eif ei 011 th" ; eilienl complexion of :!n n and It.ifdi The remai ks of Nc 1, apply to ti.n Iumiu t also. .J j. Uaaiel .vi. Il.irr.rg. r, Whig, runswi.hout oppotitlon. No. 4. Ausnpttn II. Sh. pperd, Whip, and Junius Clemmons, Deioocul. 8hippc;d letted. No. &. John Kerr, Whig, and Abrnhim W. Vrna ble.Dem. Venuble eltcted hy a um ill rn 1 , i 1 y . No. 6. Gen. Daniel, th in , i hrKd over All r nngton and H. I. T-'!, in.!, pi nd. ni .;. m ...to. .No. 7. On M'K'av. Deei.. ehri, ,1 our Il-'l whig, and iiivao, p. m .No. t K Ear.. n. 1'. !;:.!, . i s. n . I', in. Ho i,. i: . C.d l)a..J O;: Wi el. .1 I anl ; I), rn () i! iw i I'.cv.d. '.i -tt I in oe.r h"t. the Oeli t' i'i .n f ! ! ' .nt m w ill b 0 W My lo ' 1 .'e... f.e ml r pi ' sen'e 'ion we ha e t I In i : r h n! of Xer'li ( ' loliei. ! I'.'I'TIi PI STRICT i iti n that iheiu wir - Vilii, in n. ri mi on the rUe'iuii d y, "I ' i K rr a unijoiil) In tho 1'iOh !' ,i n v. :y e. M i ii for lie r a pa i: ;m onpouuiiil) ol i m! tng " '' !i . o.d.li :aiioes lo C'oiij.rj'S. loo o.iic majority ha bitn redo. . i. , win n 1 l ..Ii. K. i. I il:n I til ' I r. in 77.3 to IM'l.VN A ELECTION. The I ,-l i ai m Vim Indiana In the Insi Conien -d '. , mucn,n to ? whip Tho whlf have cc ' el . . . . i. (Wirc in. mhi I roni ilie 8th and lOih ! ' 1 1 :m : lur" an no returns they were boih tip i. - nu r hr rj, nio-ruts in the lust Cutsf: s. TIl: "''a.' . .nn i In the ll Ilis'irt. ihe many, .1 demo " nie District In tho Stats, where Emrre's nuyoriiy ova Kotei t Dilc Owio is mid to b GOO. ,. VIRaiM.rKLEpTlO.V. lUKJitiiAot, Esq rtB ectc& vCon(TjW f rthl lh fytorsburj Dfetrlot, In VJ glni, by majority of upwirdf of 3CQovr Mr. Bolting, th whig tnuMidste. A , - . '- ' 1 "t'u'V i t" " KENTUCKY ELECTION.1" " Returns sufficient to indicate the result of the Con gressional Election In Kentucky have been received. In tho last CongreM the Delegation stood 7 Whigs to 3 Democrat. The following is the result of the lute election : VYhkH, Drmoc 1st Dist Linn liovd ATI!. 3d Dint. Todd 4 6 13 T 8 9 10 A. Bucknir. Thompson. Adams. Puin-rin. C. S. Morchcad L. M.Cox, Mnj. Ouints, " " ( TENNESSEE EI.l.CTIrtN. Tho Cincinnati Gazette s iy thai Hbows is electfd no uy 1 Governor. Hut the Dtdhmon Sun gays, as bolhcnn- ! dldetei sro neinrd Brown, we will hsve to wait for the n turns to know which is the lucky Brown which it the broienwt Hroncn. ILLINOIS CONVENTION The Convention to revise Hie Constitution of llli- j nois is now in session. Il has been agreed to ineor- 1 poraic a provision therein, by which the tij;ht of vol- , inn c r..oi, A 1.. r.r.'.LB inut nH nf ..Ydnilinfr il. as . . . ' r .-, 'ti. : .r,i...l i nereioiore, 10 inmwufiiiis. 1 nu ijuc-anuii ly a vole of 81 to CO. A MISTAKE. I!y Ihe news which we publish to-dny fr om Mexico, it will be seen that our expectations hnve been realis- ...,... l ,, ,- r m, ,.:,, 1,,. ri,,, ! Scutt-s army i all "moonshine." - - ciiTvrto ivnvn puinmws . .. iv. 1 1. , y .-...iw.i i ... . ., , , M , Tr,.r..u A Huehee rern pponnent ol the Alontreal Iler.iia ! 1 I., ..t .... 1.1 i...t. follows: "The stcmHhip.Sl.OcorKeha.'ju'.: arrived from Orosee Isle, and briiitja up 66 convalescent iinniininis. The uie nome ami coniusion 01 nan noen jony 0111 siekni ?s has not uhnted, and the mortality i" much the 1 cers ill high und gleeful discussion, fame, vi. between 30 ond 40 per day. Hospital all Very rcemecllully, full. I l -arii that 200 of the passenscrs of the Virgin ia have died sinco her sailing, and it is said that very f. w of her whole number (upwardsof BOO) will rtcov-ci. ELECTION IN ALABAM A. I Thi mpetk, Pei ls. Keti Lteat My.- The Gabi-.a The Montgomery Journal of ihe 9th inst. says -hat ' (") Jell'eraonian mentions the inarrlngc of a consia returns of the . lection have been received. Full ,--o We, named Phillipa, and, as was common In those tojudyeof the result with some 1 ertainty. Th . h parts. 11 parcel of his acquaintance!) fell bound to in Ihe whi-.-H h ive nol earri.d the Slate, liny have ma 8uU llim an,i conunon decency by a galilhiiinpian out teiially reduced Mr. Polh's majority, nnd the '. ... rage n the occasion, lie lold them if ih, y did they eralic majority in the Legislature. Tin V havi gained a number of ('.ingress In ihe lsl Ihsuict MORE VOLUNTEERS. The .ViM....T. teruUUan Mat. s that a further requi- Roltf ,atc voteer ot Capt. Crow'a company, had s tion ha.s hern ina.ie upon the Governor of that Stale, f,mrUi.n or f,fH. dped in different pa'ts of his I,.. fir anoih-i b:.t.,ll.uii of volunteeis lo be employed in Ay nd is gUpp0Std to he In a dangerous situation, service on tin- Plains. Tho requisition is for three 1 cninpiiiii s "I mounted men, one company ot inianlry, and one of uinlltiy. A ul.'ESTlON OR TWO. The Jinn-mi! of yemerd.iy, in P; uie nmarliii rela tive to the state of parties, asks the following ipies t'.on : ' In' princij !e d :ra the federal party avow or ad- or:: 1 1 ' ' W'r fiippiite the trhiy parly is here meant, as ihe deinociais, so called, aie in Ihe habit of bellowing the word frili ml on ihe only rrfmblicun party in the roun i:y. 1 1 i i ; we do not intend to comment upon this nni'i r. I . u l will answer this queslion hy the i.Mial v:i!il.i-i.- mode of asking another. hat pi !ti ', I. d 1. 1 the di niocralie pai ty (so call ed jot?!Fg or yractirr F.DITOR'S COU KKSPONDMNCK. ('ami' in nn: Hatti r, Kiim.o ur riri: iv.s'7'.i. July js i7 My I'e.irSn-: As the ni.'iil is ,i!ion! to hltrl fir the '.'iiilevl Ht.'ili-.., and is likely to he the hist lur some Mnir, I ;ivuil mysclfol tie. .ippor tunity to lovi yon nil', irineil of km. Although I h;ie lint lew inhlil ion;il facts to conitnuni c;ite, i (eel a kind ol' fellowship in correspond iii jt w ilh one who. in limps lonn; ntrone. provnl Intnf.eM' n sidilii r ' true a i i.l yo i.l," and who hv hrave roiiihict won jiromotion on the hatile omund ; e.inl I know too that his lei'Iino id' leil.iu -o'Jiership is sentohlv reeijiroertied hv von Inwards lie1 whole Kt 'iinent. I ivin t I,, he eniniielled to inform on that ihe health nfo'ir men is not improving. Tla re are to-ilay oji tlie s-ick reports. 1") men not lor duty. This- (Iocp not include C'ompnnv ( '. capt. Henry's, which is still stationed in n 1 1 1 1 1 3 imles tlibtaiit, and whose sick is not reported to our Regimental Surgeon. What cause there can be for this continued sickness il in impossible to divine, as this spot would be supposed to combioe no"-le nil ihe i 'eaie.:;.; of !.e ilth in it. (),,r Camp CJrotmd i- a wide exli iieive ratine ol open table -land : 'by : i ' 1 I a li ne s-io fonr.ntion. Our air is '':''. i : 1 1 i ) -.ui - . Iie-li and hlin l:i' ihrretly Iroin ilie he'h and er:j:.'y elill's of nirrotiinlino; inniiiiiaias. unuopedrd hy a single tree cr other ob-taeie. a al u itamled hv itny malaria ; i i the ii.idst of t..e plan there iir"le lor'h a d '.( ;i e; r.n;;-. Iroin bed ; o' p !rr hme tioai . i, i li-ar. cool and reliesbinjr writer. The sou in warm in the central part ol ihe day, but never i hot ;. with Von. nnd tilw.ivs aeeiim- I aim d hv tin' rel're-l.ai'f liiTr, "im r re ii r- '. of Iii ahli. .iilililiiie I Ie :r m a red f Yet with all i.. n ; appal i l:l , . i in. I , n ; :.s i. ,r , , m iy .-villi, .'i ul ui ir.'ttiy i ; : ': t ; i ; . i 1 1 . 1 1 cliaiactcr. Shut the llroiiiiriit has lni i la re, it lni- improved nine Ii in din ,,,,,, , , i 'I'iiii.iiiii 1 diai' and ' I.l ii la ii rn v res, und lias lice, a naire liian oiica . praisCU liy (n".. ool lor tutor y;,), behavior tin I sobln r-like colldiilll. VVf liavc just henrd fioM ( icn 'I'a lor itlfcatl (linnlrrs at c . ' Wal'llll Sliriiwrc thai till. llil'iSloo nl'll.r. r. . , I ' " ' t i- .r, ,.,. .,-nn h,.rr,f !..... .Ill n. . ... ' '"h, r' a" 1 11 )s ""npanMl V.th mnny - r Oii'istaiiei's . aleillllli'il to illipri'Ks the idea 1 . tl.e ilc la) j i uccutiioncd y a tokralily tlelin,. live pcoerect of pence. However much wo all dcBiee to mingle our name in the list of ncroes of Uili War, by epferidid feat bf arms, et I : btilieve I express a senlirncnt Common to the wholl"rlrnijrn Well Rcgulafiaa Volun teers, that an honorable peace would be hailed with' tIiewarrneT approbation. - It is a fact now well Vnown to tho whole' American peo ple, that our enemies are not our qunls in arms ; ihut it in no honor to cliaatine them ui ' r(lUJl' combat, und that their moral character 2nt. - T timrd j and political standing among the nations of IT wm' roprewn'uli ! wor'd tira no of u kind to enhance our ua ln the Inst Connies tinnsil standing abroad hy gaining vietory af- Im Jd'OOiiyor" ! t(:r virtor' ovrr lhuIn' '" 8,ldl uncT'al I'y- ' tests as Vera Cruz. Buena Vista, and Cerro Gonlo. Sneh victories must ever he accompanied . , . . . ... hy a severe Iofh on our part, and in lamiliar , ,. .. llr ' " 1"" 18 ' l"c e can gaia nothing uitrinstcully or extiirjeically to remunerate us for buch sacrifices, and no one who has ever seen thin desert and un wholesome land would be willing to exchange one hour of honest freedom at home for the whole of it. You doubtless remember in your campaign nf nlil thp inniimfr:iltlo ntnmmlnd in r-nmn ..I' j - ... . tin n i ir(i:ieli iif l:t pr.' twwlw1. nf lhp-rifirnu I.. . I 11 ""tS" " I I eei any in erest in uietn as we uai y near 1 J them here. I When I sat down to write I had intended . . 1 . e .1 . . . , . 1 I 10 ITtVC VOU a UCPCripilon Ol tlieir cnilieural-i land religious ceremonies, but I fdiall have ,. ! defer it until I have more time and opportune . i. ..... ., , iy io do jtiHiice io uie huo eei until i nave as J i J . . . ,, , i , . . vi't li;i.l lln i' t icktip mv i hi s trr- J " severe, and 1 have to wnl,- in my lent amidst , 4 I. .1 j I I i 1 . It 1 I ' your olit. servt. A VOLUNTEER. i T. Lorino, Esq., Edt. Com , Wilin'n., X. (' 0 would h ive to al. uie the ci)iis.iiii.ne -. tins did nut ' i :.-r ihe "fun ;" und the eons, ipi' iice wis that wle n tin: niPilley bewail, Phillips lluew anion,-; ihe ciowd i some v:'ih tnaehines,'1 whi h expludid and lud;t I cd seveinl larw thot In some tim e of ihem. John From the X. O. Delia Auvust, MEXICO. Uh 16-17 LITER FR0MVER1 CRUZ. EVACUATION OF TABASCO f!Y THE UNI TED STATES FORCES. Capture of a Guerilla Chief, if'c , ij-c. The ship Piter Hutli 'iik, capt. Rockwell, t.rriv. .! hire ytstetd: hum Vera Cruz. She left on the 27ih ' nil . nt which date everything was quiet there. We understand fiom capt. Rockwell ihat no auihentie tinws from tin inn rior had been received, iillhoueh i In re weie nuineioiis reports in circulation al ihe p. riod of his di par lure. Tap.aho. We leiiin that the United Slates forces al Tabasco, h.id ab.uido ed lhal cily on ihe 20lll nil . in cone.pi'nce ul the troops bein sick.v At thi p '-t. within five days journey of the city of .Mevi.o. I lie it. habitants had heard noihin of Gen. Scott's h,a inj o"cnpied ihe capital. The U. S. pteamer S'.or.i " 'i a ,ivi d al Vera Caui from Tiib isco, brininK Mr C.ipeila and his lamily io that port. This gentleman came hither with his fumily in the Peter llnttrirk lie was formerly a resident of New Orleans, nnd had been in Mexico (or the Lst two jtais nnd a half. He aeli d as Sin veyor General of tae Slate of Tnbosi o, under the Mexican Government, and nfier wc to.-k p.. Mission, was appointed Alcalde under the I . S Government. I he Mi xicans have threatened to laki hi' life, and heiher' f .re thought il prudent to quit lie c unlry when o ir forces wire withdrawn. Ma; Smith i, id di. d al V.-r.i Cruz on 'he ZUU lid . midwas buried with military honors on tho 2.riMi - ''apt. Rockwell Informs us thai a parly of sea Cap tains, in retuininn from the funeral of this laineiiiid ..f!ieer. iscovercd a Mexican in ihe neighborhood of :he grave yard, who was taken and searched, when a Mexican protection was found In the llnlnc ol his hat He was Immediately imprisoned, and was still at Vi-ra Crua for further examination. ST1LI. LATER ! ARRIVAL OF TIIK FASHION Assembly f (lie Hvj.-ira,i Cinigii .c.v Venn: propositions i'li, I Ih dat e tlil inselvi s ilK Ompr ti lll lo net Ul. tte I' remises Meeting of ), (htPi rillas railed In Xunil iuut - 1 Decide un trying I hv fortune of ), : more JJattle Pmbla- Cut S-tt ' in statu eptn Suppression of the Newspaper Press in the. Capital Intr'giies of Santa Anna for Ihe Dictatorship Guerillas, iv., it. The in',a;,i.l,i p. fhion, eaj.l J , f:o.t, i , I : . Ih" " ' i.. ' ::- iv d h-re la : rvt.v This anmd Len:;H u bid cu inaie'ii of tin n,iu..i u I, it h h.n. lately preMiili d here, n lalive to 'In-faiairr of lie. list - fjoriof our Ooverntnenl, in the ini'sionof Mr. Tina to briiii lha Mrxirsns io listrn lo n asun. All pios necig nf nenco nre now ihsslnatril for the minimi snj thf sword will once morp hs appealed to, as nn ai biter of Ihcfu'lirf dvsllnlrs of (hat Republic, lErmiti ths butlnscyof tlif bcsoind rulers who now pr. side j over her government There Ins hvn a contelt ol .. -I !....! l 1 .t . l"-'"-. Will. IIU.I.M.UI llMlll, UCtWCCn IOC Congress and Santa Anna, each rvliienily .hiikinc (hf onsibtipy of mfltH,,. , Ith the invade. ,, (i ,ow,.vcr, !,,, willy auppoaed that ihe latter per- sonogs is siocorcljr desirous ol patching up the iliilvr- encci briwetn tlie o countries, the eole nuene of securing to him h gmnd object of hi smlftion, vis : the" Dlctitohlp; When the Congrts , dlesplrcd, which was dine by the hhjrawnl of such a number (ji niembc: itrj cve the retnalndef blbw the figure whlcii constitutes s quorum, Ssnti Anna held a coun cil of general officers, wlun it was resolved to try the cfli-ct of one m"re encbuhtcfreither by marching a- calnsi'Ocncrnl Scott, at Puobla, or rejecting the pro- positions for negotiation, calmly await his advance, nnd acton the defensive. In order to bo free 10 act, ' the Giv rnimnt isjued a decree suspending the issue of nil in .'wspiipi-rn, except the officiul organ. The") force drawn foRnthi r for the deftince or the capital are Plated to be 25,000 in the city. Itself; 4000 hourly cxpculcd lioui oan mis, unuer vuiencm, witn iour- teen pieces of rannoni and 1,000 ecattered hn the rov! brtween the oily of Mexico and Puebla, to net . . T J T ' ' .... r : , .11 ar'ainnt lie- invading forces, as ilicy advanced. I'eEiu K. - Gen. Scott. Ill Sol dc Anahvac of the 'Zd inxiiiiit, in reference to ibe American Armv, snys: ' , , , ;' , The courier arrived here on Saturday tiiyht last from iheciiy of Mexico, but from the vniious reports received by hlin, we can only inform our friends that no new movement on the rot of Cten. Scott has an yet taken place. We had the pleasure of an inter ilw wiili a gentleman yesterday, from whom we learn that (Jen. Scott had, when our informant saw 111 in, ten mousanu mrn 111 ior s'-ivice, unu uuuui three thousand others, sick and in other capacities in which he could not well reckon upon them for fieht- in"pmpow s. But wn Irarn that it was his fixed determination, the moment of Gen. Pierce's arrial, tiA inori'lt nt unci, iinnti lit.) T1!!..!...! nnt u.. mnu fwl.i ns a matter ot course to take it. l!y lo ters received here last Saturdny evening, we further learn that deBpatches huve been forwarded . . ..... r m - .1. 1 . I .1 : . Horn rienil quar'ers, u ior tvasnioijion uiei 11113 'Uy. "d that our expresses beatm the Mine, m.st h:,vc !' rut n"hin whatcVl'r havin !ceH K eeived by that source. , ... , , . , , , I.iKur. inrFLE. letter has been pul.lished in ... , r ... : i ... uie w or nwnuar, i...... n p-niirniai., ... ...u. exposes Inmll in enthuFlaatic terina, rfg.irdi.. the kind treatment he had received, since fulling into the hands of the Mexicans. Il is expected he will 1 1 virilized fur a Mexican Major, now a juWoiur in Vera Cruz. Wab T w ("ViHiiodon; Perry has issued ihe foj lowing notice ;o the officers under his eutniunnd : I'. S Ft ag Sine MiFBiiri-i, f Anton l.izar.tu, July 2-, HIT. S Notice Is piven ih it ihe Wur Tax often per out. wl morrm.hilherlo imposed on cpo,ts fiom the polls in the liii'f of Mexico, oecupii d hv the .N'.ival fore, s of the I'nited Statin, is hereby ordered to b" discon tinued. All officers under my coniniand havintr eharpe of ihe e,i!l, r I ii ,n nf tin ii, ft nri.iiT llin Witr 'I1 , ri I' . ,f A m , I ,. , ill. I- 1 1 . will act aceorditiilv. M. C. 1'cRiiv. Coin'rx Home Srpiadion. fii KiiRii i -' -flrxerAL I'irBr's Thain. -Th-llnUtin' a Mexican paper publish. -d in J.ilapa, s".i. s in i's iiiinih. r ol 2.'idi nil., thai the ercitt imia had p sv ' d Id IM iii. and w, ml 1 j . j . . S ibly enter that eav on ihe -line d:iy. The (iin rrill is disputed the jia-i'e ,,f line ml Pierce al Sun J inn, Tola ne und I'.i- i d ( jas.biil wi le fi. ally ublii d to n Ircat. ovepow i,.l by f iii.;.i . l-'romxix'y lo eighty of this number wen kit at the I'uente .Naeion I. wh re the train w a- det lain d an hour, by these bands. 'I he Mine journal states 'hal no disaster bi fil the Guerri lap, slim line tlie 2;00 Americans: and their six' f aitilleiy. nitwiih 11 pie.ih MAKINK NKW'S. PORT OF WILMINGTON, .U'Gl'sTll. nii.li wa i er at Till: an 0 J ' r. ARltlVI.D. :jo (),!,, D..;s, fium M.itanMVn hdlast to I". "Ml. j Ih lie, M i eis, fi ui Aiw Vuik. to G W I i. I In tin I! D i-.i- s.-lir I lairisun Pi ice. Chaniuan, f- ., I . .1 I.M'. n. h, w ilh ;:ood- l a M. .in-- It I . II. tniellu S. I! Co.. J. C. I. iUa, il. iV. I.row e, -.indlotd 4 Smith, G. I'. 4 R. H. (iiant, fiilli-ple & H.dieson. '' Brig l'acific, Lakey, from Host a, tu (). G . Par- y' CLEARED 12 Schr. A. J. DeRosset. Rodick. for New York, ; l v R. W. Brnwn. with ?5S hols. Spirits Turpentim . j l"0f)lbls. l'o'in. !) kee Butler, CD bales Ynrn. SD i ... Uu Shu niui, 5 bales Cotton, H casks Rice, 3 boxes .' risks and I half bid tnd.e. U. Ship Courier. Luck, for London, wi:h 2.712 it! !s. Rofin, bv G W. Davis ' IIul' Ella, iiallett, foi Boston, with 257 BbU Ros in. TSfi rtbls Spirits Turpentine, and 20.000 ft. Timber, : by (i. W. Davis. I " Schr c. P. Rrown. Doughty, lor Boston, wlih . nr;" t."!" ,rP "ri1""'"1'. 'ia -" ' ie I nii'iei, i . v . . l.nv.s. Sehi Old Zack. Canlwell. for Philsdch hia, with j SO 000 ft. Lumber, by O W Davis. ! " 's''hr. Aleynm, 1 ith. rade. for Philadi ldiia, by . wavis. ii.ijions ia inn nr.i f " Bin; ChmK Card for Uosion, with 110,000 f el s JMai.k bv E. Dii k'nison. NF'.V XORK An;: II. Schr J. I). Jon. s. Sm h. C'tAifn lur tills purl. s.MiiiiLii i.i:nn Mr. Mi lb W l-'owle: -S r II r.m : .1 th. n::HI VK'RSOST. Nov 21, lfW' i! r ol i'. islai s P.iN na ot W ild hun. I ul.' ; I ;imi:. .i.i yn.nj to you ihe li.-l in mvownesse, f..r your own san-l'a. ;i..n n I the b.-m-fiinl others. One year seo lacl Ap.il I was vlohmty attacked with a severe cold and e?h, w.th '!,urh ,,ai" in ""' M"' ""CT cM;lM en I niHMl'si 10 :i iinniu' i oj jei . -n . n.i o ; e ,a.ri u n i n liel, and ih y v..l ine il,al if 1 d, I i:ui r, ( I,, lo nil ined: 1 1. I v my e ihe Wo.jld be d , , e ! t ici. mv foiod ioilnn. at that ' nil. al liij.iu I,: in lalic t:. , . j.r. i'li iniM i notte.. '.i:os ihiUi'ti ol V i ' ( In riv, and ilnn.o.. l. 1 r v a .1 I n. i 'b d. -' -no dl" inei 'o pi'Mine a botlle, ns il was not lb in i in o n Men. re. and I i mv asion.shni. nl, I teet i . 1 limn that on bonl" im-n 'dints rrhef. I now k.vji il bf ni" c.ontlaotly, as I find n-.thl'v -i.i eo. 1 1 lor loiiimon coUls. ami d ) i heirtullv nc nii in n.l it to all as beinif an article of treat ue ni, ho- ln 'Il "hers miy by the rnrlv iis of ibis v ille lem dy, be 'av. d fiom an unliini ly gra ?. JAMES KING Timbri Ije, Otatyp (to., V"t iVnno cnttlnf, un1-t sl!rnei BUTTS, oo the rapper. For sale, wholesal, nndrf.ail'.y WM SI.V. Wil mington, nnd by ilfslcrs in Msdicim-s ginendlv hroughoui ilia country. W II OLES ALE TRICK CUHRENT BUTf ER'iflMt. ft.1.',. U aJXm a 18 BEES WAX . "-...23- BACON. tT ' Hnins. i . . 1. 1 : , i , . U.y.C;i . , j lb. 10 o 10 Hog Round. ................ lni m (rrONinone. -noiwL ' ir ..v..f(..feu.'60 COFFEE 70 St. Domingo.. c.v.i-. iA;..i,. .. ty'fb'Jt A 7 j. 1214 leira , ".8' " DOMESTICS, v 50 1 V'iJ" aJ.ni'' j" l.tf min ShccllnB-" 18 ia 8J 9 b'ayetteville. nouiinal-. r bbl. 6 00 a j Canal nominal 7 75,3 fcQQ . 'X'n' ,; ' ;,'.;-.". '.' c0 n JO imnuLu,oiri,jiil,u WMeBoarH.PI..r.t .....i Srt, uidScnntlInr, f M.fi. 413 j Floor Hoards, iff M. ft- mm 8 00 a j? 50 B " m B r0 4 o 00 10J ra 11 100 ' ,, , ' Floor HoardH 1 VdeT5oards ' Scantling , 'Ag ; jjoLa'sSFS i 4(;w Orleuns ' Cuba j jvaVAI STORES Nominal ... ta - 24 27 V bush. 87J f L'O Prime A'w Virgin Dip. 2 i Serond year's tllow DifJ,- 2 10 ""r'l. J 171 Spirits Turpentine, V ful. 32 0 34 T"r , -tfbbt- i fi5 - 1 itch bhl ! no . iJsin-No- 1 -V bbl. 1,25 ' 1,371 rs?,- i 50 a i 00 j VarniHh. i l'EAS. 25 m 'i -Vgrdl- 30rO ' it. I'.. lfiftfl .at. la W.. n- ,,,.,,:.,,. , -". IP uu. ;';) id I jj R10B Rouch-- --nom-V 1m I 00 I ''''" fuir 10 8uod. V '00 Iba. 4 50 5 25 I i i 'w uneans nominn i ,, ... uununai- ! ' "rto Kleo i ........ fl ra FJ 7J m , rAyhS. W. (). Ilhd. ronrh - one " '' dressed -" " barrel 1?.. O. Ilhd. rough " drossed SHIXflf.K.S. t '.onmon 'onirael Sl'llt ITS. N. K. Knm 'otu. I iin V hisk, y Apple Krandy SALT llonaire, 12 a V m 15 'j ra 7 10 ra 13 do.. do.. I M) . 3.3 ra VI ra 4 .3 :m ra 37 25 ra ISO tk. 1 I , . 1 I TI.MUr.lt. Illleliur, ? Sack,- i fin . l7urll";;,i'V. 5 0. a 5 73 . n nt Al ill, - ha . r ',1 , 'shii'iiiiii' I il 10 00 K KM AUKS ON MAHKHT. Ti ee i:tive. About fiOO barrels of Turp. niim lave be. n disposed of since our rerun t on Tlnirs.hv list. Tin ri is no rh.inTP in fuieS; Vindn dip .?' 90; v. How ,'ip 8? One , xirn loinf yellow d: bioncht S.' fO. Wi believe ibis clears ihe mark. I nf 'I'm p- n line. ' AB- Erom IjO Io 200 barrels of Tar sold yesler i IV :1 ' Timhes. Some nine rafts nf Timber wrredi-posed of yesterday and Thnrsilay. nt from $5 to 10, srrord 11114 to finality. W Wieve this very near .'lears lie in irln l nf T.uiber. I XRtV YORK Au- 1 1, ! ii7. Th'' nnrket for Cotton w as dull un the 10:h. S:iles about T'OU bales, and pile: s v.irv i.ij from 1 1 1 to lt, aecordiiiL' to ((iialily. Ml d seriptions of Flour dull, nnd priees a shade ..w. i. Gennissic can be boiiL'hl at 8i -7J ; Ohio and Miel,i:::n, al J", ', !; a 7"i ; eoaun m So;, :1k rn V ill'!-, f'i. I 'orn i a . e! d. mind but mail." el losed wil h b ss ae'iviiv. S. ,s f ahout :!r).00tl In. -hi 1 sj al fi7 Io C'.t e. ins. It.7-,inm. ( lata 4 -IO. N.'ihinrr doio' in rrti.' Turpi niine. Snlt-n I.OOfl N o'li CiMinty R.in, al "! cents. Sphits ar 41 ai d '. ' cents w iihonl sub s of iiiiporlance. IIOSTOX. A;.- I'l. 1- 17. ii:ii li I eonlini ea fiim for Flour and piicis j i,n:ii,ls. Sal. h if (ooil e . uai 'on lands an .md Hi tinrwf nt f I2 and 6'.'5, ca-h. at !..: - iherc is n cood demand, ncii Im ' for Com is nlso firmer, w,ih s dc? of ui 7 and - 0 cents, cash. 'I h. I i..:ie Miehi' w In.-!. The ai'ni d llAI.TlVOh'E. Au? VI. Tin rioia tnaiketon ih.- Ilth was somewhat Va i . lb. re lain I. ss inquiry. Small salt s of 1 1 - .wai I sin el bra U at ?fi ; mn.lcrnte soles of cily nulla, -?li. . n lit i e Corn in matki I. and denned leader a while and yellow may be ipinted nt tif! n C.7 n nt PHILADELPHIA Ait--. 11, P47 N o iiia. h doing in flour. Suijll sa. p, nnMlva nia brands 86 supply light. Saks of Coin M.al at $.1 21. Sales of yellow Corn at 75 cents rer h ishel - ; supply llKht AUCTION. MONO IV MO:(NINf;.,t lllo'el.,. ;,if I .. ir Auction Sloie (Muililiy s Hull din. W lil sill Id Hani l Oeorci Flour, 111 Kins V.acki n I 5 I' rn Is Sn.ir. ri asks Hrandv. lol!. s 1 1 nmy Hew Tohaciv I Ilhd Leaf do in i:... .- II ,'s io C dress. HI " 1'ip.s. io CUars. 7 'nsks Mal.sia Wins. I" Do.. Cane ntid Wood Sual Chairs '20 Mali's Hay. At.o. A luce I .l of lines, ledd snd Kitchen Fnrnl'"re Seales elchis. Oil i'sns. Lamps. Ar if-e Ac CKONLV A VNALUEH, Amfr. An.'. U. fl NOTFrrc. .-1 T vv't ' sell at iiivSfinnifiTle, oh the first '""-rll.- ';v "ls, r,",l," ' H Houwhold ni.d -r K il. . ii I iitmnire j nlo, a number of .. '., i iiiieles: inui. I), llnj;s. ('alile. llnrs. , Ilo.ns (!j H n.oiclie, C.iris. WanB. Also. Ave hlitei. . ii ec , ol Willi liiiibm.il I'iouy Land, on ihe raal mdH ol ( 'ape I e-,r mver, 1 mllrsfmm Wlhrrlnrffi.ti. And my en,p ilia is now nn my Sound pteoH . and mv pi ,, , i,,.,, I . ruiied l.. one or two years If any pir..,n shoiml svi-h to purchase be(,irn the dar of aale, If they w il call and see me. they innv r- i s bintiln 'DUNCAN 11. mtVANT Aue Jt j t - fit-at SAHC SALT t Vlfi RACKS Liverpool bait, dnily exp. 'ed, for VV7 SliIS t)f K. V. UUO-. N. Aug. II. ''4

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