I 0tt T7R0MhlsioI October nxt,, tho Store now. occnplf d by E. Bevcn EE '' Aug. 14. ' v 01. - y-rir-?' ir-tffy r ). 1, r- - -R ECEIVE6 ondor' Mlo, at EGOtTCII S I V NTALfj, No. 1, Mnrktt fTount, a t oflrc PINE APPLES ajio IRISH POTATOES', for sale, t hen p. v 1 Auff. 14. Gilt POUND. AT the Rail Road Drpotj RocVv Point, ti rtrinll Pocket Book, cimtitiiiirnr a small sum of money ami Drafts to a considerable ninotfnt. TIw owner tan have the same, by proving properly and paying lor ibis advertisement. Apply to I. A. Latnont, neatly opposite the Methoditt Episcopal Church, in Wilmington. Au.'. 10. C2-tf. NOTRE OF COiMilOTSMP. MlIE Subscriber huvin interested Mr. AN DL I) ;EW MoLEAN iu the business ol his esta blishment in this place, l lie business will hereafter he conducted under tliu In in of JOHN DAWSON & Co. who will keep as targe nnd extensive an assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Iron, &c, &c., us formerly kept by the senior partner, and which will he bu! at as small profits as tiny other establishment in town and on as uccotnmodntiriL' terms ns hereto lore. JOHN I JAW SON. The Subscriber "'ill proceed to close hie old busi n.ss us sjiecdily as pos-ihle, and icqucbls those in di t j ' d to iiiip lo call mid settle. JOHN DAWSON. Aug. 7. 1 G 17. 6Mw. Received by the R. W. Rrown, AFUES 11 Hiipi.lv of PI RE'WTIITE LEAD, IN OIL. A superior aiticl", lor sale, luw, by A. C. EVANS. Ana. 5, P17. CO No. 1 C..FUH. 'ONSTANTLY on hand by v ' DlKOSsET, BROWN & 'o. July J'., P17. .r7-it. i . . . Received jcr ISchr. R. W. Uroini, 1 CASK 'r. Tait:.r; I 1 " hlo-ridc Lime ; 1 " Bermuda Anow Root ; 1 " Sal So,!-, ; 1 'am! l'ulv. lib .! ; I " 'iiiiiain.m I! irk ; f Il' iirv's .M iirm Si. i ; Tnie l uikev Rhubarb ; Ol. Pelin. uiv.d ; C Jccalus I ni!;. us ; 1'or s de. at A. C An n i ;;. EVAN'S l)r,m SUirr. ( u TFRNIP S1WP. T"i"ta i:oo tfsnip si:r:n. chc b. st.) At I'm ,1. ,!v A. C. F.Y IV l1 : rp. cud. more Sil h. 'i'linine aii ICum W,n,' Pi' 1 5 17. TO i I , 1 .u sT ri:ci:ivfi) ';,' saw. ;. n . i. vis. I1RI.S. Ni w Mess P.nk, 10 ' " Pume " ALSO fi lei-' N w Canal Flour for fnniilv ue. 10 IU l l.ll hi s. For .ale by J. A V. L. McCi'Alt Y -, 1 Jul) ii, 1- 1 at . .. AOIl LAM) xu 1 if 01 saw. a. if. Avrs. tf"h 1 0N ' ""''I' s'"1 1 l!lv '. " W in h i 1!, Id " " I'd .: .-nl n.i famlh 11 c I n s.,, 1 v J. A, W . L. .Mcti RY .' .iv ;i, i-ir. : if Yi)l SALK. TP ( TolnllOOeer- of 7','lir, and a s:i :,:; p,.--.' '1 n "! If, mm- ' I rut .i'l.il .! in 'Ii :.. ho.d .. Jai ksonvil'e, F. F.w.II ndnpt. 1 in ev, v r-i, ! f.r I'e.kimf Tuipent:ne. 'I'll, re r.;i! -sfnj I . . .. in', i. In e ih r,. a rood vl Id of il'urpi pi inc. A I .1 n.ii.i" 1 ..; Or. .1 7... t '.. . ' .. at .'. v ly urileri ,1 itn- i'v to eanv on ib" Toip- iiit: l.iisin, -In !i hands, p of u h, nil ate coo;" 1 ) will he lured . : ! i 1 ' '1 he h!mi ,r,,p,.iiy is ollend at pu , aie sal", tin' .1 the 'tlb h ol November; If not d:sposi;d nl ' v 1 1 1 . 1 nine, vi nl be nlTcre I nt piibli,: nle on ihe fo.n.v ai.' da at Jacks .111 ille, l it Floiuia. Ti 1 111-. on. t ool i 1 a 1 1 ; l.;. 1 ne.- m t-A o 1 ; ial e u i ', instr.lin. tit . wi'h i-i.- r, -t -.nd - i.-l , :, 1 . , on. F "I till : il . p 1. ' Ii 'il II- .pp.i I . Or .iiIiciij.' " ' .1 e ks. mull. . I .. I '.. 01 to I ii n. A i.i.x . Mi ii a v., at II'..'- .'..a. N '. JOHN I. f Mil C August 7, I-I7. hi l?t. ( iKLNI) STUNF.S. l(")0,f:'!l; s I'H.N'ES risaorti'd lo; .; I.y Pi.'e.- ins' 1- Di.HO'-'srrT, BROW N .1 Co til ('ANI)LFS. j f BOXES Mould Cnndl. s, II ..II A Son, for sale 1. ' ny Auc. 7. CRONLY WALK E R . Gl OOFFFF. 1) IO, Laj-unn, nnd St. Doiiiii'ta, Prf-' P i cuo.nl a w 1 k 1 :rt 1 7 1 1 1' A It 1 1) I S I-. Nil I I. FIIV FUR S A I. Tills ,:i ',,.,. D ,.';il. 1 l..,irel Stills, lonfll. : w oh ill ihe fixtures b, i-ie lh. 'i to, e,. -.i of St-ntn Entrtn", S, I! .1 , On., House, Neijru llouaes. and a l lh, o 1 ,,,! bin v iieutftMiry for s Disulkry. Also, th" 1 in and loiiiuiotlloug wharfcjniiieli d with il ; SuiJ .Sod ..u be put lo opi'taliou Iminmlia aly. Apply to , NEl'F WARNER, ar to JNO. GAMMELL. July 31. 1P47. 5'f- MORli I.KiHT. N Innd a nrnl ass'irttiient of tl.e Pa!en' J liny Burner L.trap. for btirnln;' faniphinc au.. Spiilts' of Tttrpentlno ; its ...Ivant iprp oa.r u'h. r- r, iw in use Will is.' ajipat, in I . a,l Jll .Ii! fllllieiu n. -i.-ctliin'Tomblnln" i"'rfe' i' s-Tctv in buintn.' w.'b ,,, , .11.1... frfi-doia arid squstliy. In its upilv of bn;riiiiff waliri .1. a laiKumii.ply si corn Uern On. riial Siudy I Had Fallot. Si. ind, Solar and Tuliic Lamps, und vj , ,,.. p.inn ol pa 'tiffe lnn'ei'ha. Frtr sule, hv I I.Nov 2 -7.1 , HART 1 POLLEY. . HAY. - rrs J Is v l ST r, crlvrd 100 B.ik s North Carolina Hyhlcli cry superior, at iIUVAUl iV r I.IM'.'S. Ana 10 ' ' M , ' l.FFCHIiiS. T r.' F.lYI.D by the A. J. DcRossrt, 2000 best Lec- 1 ihes, at Driiu Stotc of A. C. EVANS. Aug la 6?' A.scaaot for bqvs, at catonsvillc, ; ; Sis Hiltt from Baltimore, Bo.- X:tu Rev. L: VAN, BOKKBLEJf.M. 'flf , A' e c f o r . 1M1E i xt. nsivc buildines of ibis Iuli; Minn tire now CoinpU I-, nn furiiith umple HCeuiiiinodalinns l""i 80 pupils, the limned number. They have been erec ted spertnlly tor th Ir present purpose, nnd eont.iin ll the couvetueiiee found in mnilnr builiiini; in the ISorthurn and Eastern Stales. Thn poniii Jii is re nowned for iis n il l.rity nnd the beou y of iis fcetierv The trron rots eontntn nearly 100 nrres. 20 ot which ntc n grnve of Forest Trees, arid utlord suflicitnt space for ihe appropriate recreations and amusements of Youth. The t-iVirse of intrueiiun ( mbracesevitry bnuieh from the elements of nn English education to u thorough prcp.iraiion for tlm Sophomoro or Junior classes ol Coll ie, or for Mercantile life. The syjicm ol ln struelion in the Classics is n inndKieation ul thai p.ir oued wjih (ui'h eminent puccess. hv Kev. T. K. Ar nold, of Kn:rland. The Rector is assimed by experi enced I'eachors, who are trrnduati.s of our Hi bi Nor them Colleges, and Ida cllort will be to establish in Maryland a Mrhnol of the liiehrsl trade for instruction flnd iliseipline. All the accomplishments consistent with a christian lnslitittlon c in bn acquired. Vocal and InstrunientHl Mtieic receive special attention, and are taimhl upon very reasonable terms. Physical Ed ucation is avHtemaiiyed byretjulir pc;riodsfn. exercis , and the charat tor ol the enereise is adapted to a per feet devt lopi iiient of ihe body. Parerusd. sh im; a lliorouuh ( ilucation for theii .ons, are invited to vi.-al the il ill and examine nil Itsdepart menis. Til.' Keeior will be pleased lo have visiters pass a day in the School, and notice iis maniiL'i m nt in every detail. Parcnls from th" South passing through Baltimore and "isliinj; to place lh. ii sons at School, are invited to visil St. Timothy's I lail. which it is iliioihl will liiinish all ihe advant.Jt;i a ol iuslni. -lion anJ climate which can be obtained in any ol ill. Northern States. Terms 8100 per Sosslon of , moriihs vacation in April and October. Reference is iniide lo the following gentlemen, many of whom have sons at the School. Rev. Dr. Draco, Dr. A. J. DeRospet, Jr., Dr. Thos. H. W'rlj-ht, Dr. John II Kill. Mr. V in. A V light, Mr. A. II. Van l!nkk"lm. Mr. Levin Lrii". V ilminL't.'ii, N. ( '. Mr. W'ancn W inslow. Favettevjlle. . ('. Mr. Thos. J. Push, B-trtie. :'o., N C. Pro-pecliw .i w ill he lb; w ed. d as desired, hv ad ilressini; 1 1. Van liokk -Irn, W iluiinglon, N. C. July 29. 1417. Sni-w. STATE Or NORTH CAROLINA. New IIanoviiii Cointv. In lvjiiiiy Sjiirins: Trim, 1S17. 1.I1Z.1 11. M. J vs. V Petition for Divorce. J. urn s R. Shine ) IT app.-arln).' to the satisfaction of the Court t'.v J mi U. Shine, the i! leieli t.t in this c-i-e. i- a non-iesich tit of Ihih State. Il is then fore or,!, i. d hv ihe Couil that publiealioii .em..d in lh W iliiiin.. I Inn f 'hinniel.'. anil tip W ilmiri"ton t'oniiiu ri i .1. en.-i I a wi . k for il.rec untiiths. that unless the siid .lanu II. Shine shall make his pets. enl app. iranc- bei..i. I Hi.- Cuurt of aiiy to l.e hold, n lor the Cu miv ., . w ILin-ei. at the Court House in ilniiii:: '. ::. I -ii ihe f'lih Mond iv ailcr the ,.,inh M"i' ! .v in I t. !:'. r neyi, and pit ad. in-.'.o r or ,'i nun to lii. - r ! i. .n. the same will l,e I :i K n w.e.. m on i ,i. I set loi Ileal iiil' i r i.ai Ir. THOS. D. M EARS, C M V , J,;:: P. (Pii.'c Ad. "Il ) i! .- .. . ST'V'I'I' (II." Mliri'll (Ml.'lll l Nr. w Ha.novlh Cci ma. IN EULITY. Samuel R Potter, 1 SlerliruT I! Everitt, N'i. hnl io '1 alley and Wi iiiv, )-Ki!! for dowrr. John P In .w n anil W ife Kli.ii. ' I John . : ,h, ; in,, I I ' I'.hz.be'h I! Poller. IT : .pp. .Till" lo ihe salisfin lion nftlie C. ik and Mast. 1 in in.,! 101 siid County, that Nicholas N. . Tally an1. Wife ;ny, John P. Hiownand Wife Eli'n. and Jon A. Baker, ire non-r. -idi ins of tlm State, tin y an !, n by 11 Oili, d lo bt and app ar b, lure lh Com t of Ppiity to h !d ,.n tl. !i!'h Monday .-.It. I the 1th M .nd 1) in Sijitcinb. r 11 M. at b, Coin! I lo 1 s. in W .! .melon, to p!. nl. i.tisw, 1 . : ,! unir n. 1 e.n. j s.i il bill, or 1 h. si nn w ill bi i.ik.-11 pro . .riVss,) npainst j n.w i 1 lie in. ..11 .' le :iul 1 X I ii: le. i In. ' T. I. MI'.A Ill's, C. M E ! Jutv 1 P17. iPii 1 .'; r-'. ) 17-Cw UM, DKBEUMKIIE ixnet -Tim ThMliL'Ji AM) LIMUEK. WILMINGTON N.C. Fub. 26, 18.7. H5-6m-w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. New IInovsb County. IN EQVITY. JameR Burr and wife, J. Oaimnill and wife and Uctll,on tmKllt of Rl -,, ts n... I r.siaio. 1...-.. Iri pursuance of the decroe. made In this esse t th. Spring Term 1347 of tho Honorable the Court m Equity, held for tho County of New Hanover, 1 eh ill prnT-cd to o ! im Monday th" Oth dnvof September l'47. at the Court Hons, in the town nf Wilmington, a lot or parcel of land siiuate, lyinu and being in the town of Wilmln!'! m. . 01111! v ..1 New II 'mover., in the n. oil b h:.1i 01' t a. I , I vi, ri, .: K 1 ... , . Kc'itriH and third , Mr, (,ts .j,,, n ,m. Kouihe.n linl said Market I Sin . 1 ut the 1, .:ih w.'-:iin corn, r ..' an all. v I dnv: -,td lo' fi an a lor now occupied as the r- ' i ', n.-e j ol Di. 'I In is. H . W . ighi, run ninp lie nee so nth warn' v j w, tii said ai:- , ltii,.,.i --fed 1.1 ib, noi ih, in nn .,: j a lot tho pr"". .'v .,1 - lh. nee we-iw.e.'ii wiill lh-Sal I hue., I - nd lot aK.i,i f ! I. lb line i4 a lot o c,; .1 1 '. Ill Ian ' in t ' I :.i. ill 1). leniliw 1 ,1 1 y u en - ,. i"e a ,,, ( (. 1 (, 1 Ma Sin I, thill ,.i.-",ii!n ...ill -'.lid ',..'lo till' I. : inj. I .fun innd-' knownn' S de i'. I) Mi: viil's c M 1: A i-: 7. :P- d. f! .iTji 1 r 1M ! F. ropnrtnen hip of J ,t E. And n as ill- .arsons jiidehlud to llio linn will pi, se call al lie ' .. .' ol J. Au ! rs in and s nl. their accounts. .1 HMF.S AN'iM'1'1 ' N ')W IN A. N.EKON Ji.lv 211. PP. .". i : 'Pill'. "i'' r i I coiiiinue th I ,,, ! :n!,an l Will h',Wny I 'Pin A V --1 ti ii ' a i .....b.fl.u O. ....I.. II.. r., . i. .. r K s . r . -. ,,miw,-w. , ion, ,)-c v ll b. .-.., at lw p::-san 1 oi !,.- r.- i' OL' I. nn" -. ,1 IV. .1 ' , ' I : supply of n ' (,Mv p. . . JAMKJt AN I JElt so.; r t f MOI.ASSF.S. 1 ( HIIDS.Museovado Molns- -. a p.,.i I A I ' lor n l.inin,', now in r.r 1 r' : at wlmrl fioin on board ihe B:i; F.ila. .n.l fo O. W D A VI Au. 7. - . til MOL.SSFS I Hh,!. and j'J Tios prim" retailing M I " ' ., yn I 't tec 'IM.I H.r hihr. Sir. fein Cuba Eors.lobV J linHAWMV A J-oN Ant 10. C (ff TONS Red Ashe broken and l-fert.sdgratt UUV aie, from ibo Celebrated Snohn .Minis. Fwwto by.; - 1). W.-WOOD., July 13. . t ,, ,7 jf;,, ,rv . 'V 3 . 60 mi J- i In. bjJ 4lnti iiitmiM I i - , ' - "' u N OTiac . .y PERSONS Indebted . to, the Suboriberr or the S atldard or "IndrrerirteTlt),, or ir Alverti it.t. aie pajui-etid to pay t tip satjio lo W ES I ON K. JALE.4!, Esq..i:ditorof the Ilccisms, Rub-irli. T. LO,tlN: Jan. (i !el7. " I'f Scotch Snuff "Y liHI.S. superior Scotch Snntr iti received nnp "'I. - .1 t.v BARRY it BRYANT J..:) :i- RICK, " n '' '.sics and half casks fnsh I. -t Rlee. for sale ' ' I v DnKtJSSET, BKttW ,v Co. I K 1 I7. 57-it. 1TRL MEOICLNHS & CHEMICALS I EST received; iXO oz. Sulph. Qui- nine, Hydro Sublimed Calomel Blue Pill Man. Ciliic Acid. Lun .r (JiillKlic itnrr. :ittd i Chlora to Po- 'assa. Acetate and Sulphate Zinc, Bi si Curb Potass arc. PliosphatcAinmotl iVlL 3k f Phosphite Soda. Valium's Proto Ss-:wcjtMf ' " ' '-ttrnic uuiiitne anu ..yi.-J-jjLJ.-er lu.n. S.i ii ,'e I ilrali' lion. Preeip Caib Iron, Pipeline, S..lh ine, Aeet ( .mm ouipii .uoipoui., oi . i , .on ll l lie 1. 111 mi s. j nn ii i. i .... 1 1 , in- phur, A. scute, lion M.-rcuty, Li,i.,.r Ferri lod.di. Donovans Solution. I oil i le Arsenic and M ictiry, (' J iile Sdver Kreosole, W,al Napthi, Oil Cube is, Ol i Copaiva, Ol Blk Peppei, Ol Camphor, Ol F.r.-ot, IW'ther will, a lurye stock Paints, Oils, Rrushcs j Pi i fu nn i ics, M,r,,cal and Dental l.isiu.iiien.s ,,f s,e pe.ior.iual.ty.ati.1 may be found constantly .n hand on aciomiiioaatiii'' ifiuia at Hit urug .-ton- in A. C. EVANS. June 2C,1S-1 7. II tf. SPFHM CANDLFS. BOXFS Sperm f'nr.dbs. ns'.l. 4 SUf. 30 A lieUHl J, I .'i-;f SL'CiARS TFAS. OOLSEY.t WOOLSKY S Loaf, Ciu-hc d i Powder. ,1. w 1 hhd. Si. ( 'to; Surra r, 1 " Porto Kico ' lehistliuii I'uwd. r Tea, very fine an I sr or fl ivoi . 1 cle PI Iile: l!!.,rk Tea, 1 " .Soilehonc " At HOWARD i Pl.DI N'S Auniist 3. IR17. ?.:': RAISINS. TMOI,E. Half and (D bnn rer, ivd per I! W lown and for sal. by 1 1 W. Wtit'H Julv il. I' 17. 'I'O RF.NT, ROM the fust day of Octol.i r net, 1! 1 loin Moiy I. nil, ling, iioweooi' u; 1: u :h - i ! of P, in. , . b iw . n V. i ..u l I'lonl Sir, ts. Tin- I, nil line issidii.,1 I., ueikf. l'w,i i-.i 1,1,1, 1 i l.le nrivnte lwill;ne: I w, II Incut, d. iinU can t:asilv be i oinert.d into a en ... , ,,. i i; , i. j . . . . , It c. .ma ins. lie Indine I .11 ,.,. 1,.,;,,,, i,t. M laim am! w. II i, m ih.n d ioon, - Al so, In, m tin sane lim . (Ifiie. No. I , .i .. - c.ii.l Muiy "I M ir ll '- I luidim s I r , ,1, ' . i ;e .it- r Su.'i. (ilLLI.SPIK V RtiLLoO.V .lug. a, 1 1 1 1 . M A RS II A L L'S S A I. F. DISTRICT I'M RT OF THE I'MTKD SlUi.S District of (.'ape. lar. in the District of Sorth Carolina. f.'hnrl. s I '. (.'IkiSc, fin himself and oilu is. ; I . i.i i f Sid vnge. In A iii.ltv. The lb Y-'inio H111 ,-n. her lie k!e. up;, in I, and tort. , Hue "nl 1 1. Is, w ales A ill. r- i eh m I., ! .'! 11 tin 1, in. N "'" du n. e to tin Old. r of the llonorahli' the Ju.'o oi die ( :,,ui t alor.'S.ild, made in ih.-.iP.M' I I , p n. vi.- 111 public !,..n 111 ihe i.ui 'on. in the IJisirici ol N nih Caro- . Tin . s 'In I7rb iv of Ai oust iv xt, ih, I Pole Peine If 1, en. tiiIi Ii- r tackle, nppari I, nnd 11r11.l1. , .. h i'ie i"'o.is, wares anu men liann.iC la !, 11 .ii. .ii 'I , : 11. . . iish Wl'.sl.l'.Y JOM S. Ma'slial. by J r.KE. Ni. not s. 1 '. .M. July ;il. P 17. Be-7t TAKF NO'l'K'F. I1 1 1 1 1 - F. who ic in the habit ..f p.nehaMniz my I VMI'III L. wni !i.-ielier laid It al ihe sloie ,1 Mr. I b 1 'Ol. v it sll ill,! r" ei-ilie al , le V.zu-1 I 17. :i I lit-v ill niw .vs i;el a I iiOMAS SM11 11. f)!i-tf. RFcr.lVFI) ('Fit II. U . IJROWN. 1 1 ' 'i .., d (i:ri", T. 1 I " I', ,r.b 1 u.x l'i 1111. s. 2 1 K- Almonds, .' V. I - Ii"!. I Nil!-, ;f,n c. . v.-- I 5 b i. v No I 1 p ;-ci;ii 'nr ,!r nr .His. n.K INON'S, .1 .', :i. '-p. ': tf M irkii V,,,,.. .LIABLE r.TF. iND TIRPKMIM tNDS I'OR SALF. rnnr ...v. :u-. n" , f . . .. L. Jk.. i,a nJ ' I J I r. Tli ' ou r ' 'ir s u fl I 'I v.r l'i u t QlltJ I !hrcPiLr, P-i a' ". s ,. lahiutl. H.,e l.-.nds on t . . 1 . ' 11. . -: 1.. II.... 1..' I-. 1,0. - o . . r "1,1 : .0 , , 111 1.1 , 1 ... , 11 1 '. '''. r l b.nh"od o' lh ' Land '' '. 1 ef Willi 1 . liiptl in il.lo tie' L ', kMuo'-'ii -!' 1. -in : : w 1 1 I po .'. , 1 ! 11 .b III ,..r w,l. 'I : - i" I i ,! .1 . 1 111., si ". ' 'i I.'. ' i. ., -, ,.' :. a p i t oi : " . '. - . . . ; ii. -- oh! C .'. ,un, and pi ' - - ' - , P l i, .. .... :'.',! -, I. Hps i,r I, jw.. n . . I,. ,. dtid nn,: I ,iu :'i . is. :'. :. i i. - ..; In-! i ' -p I .ands. vciv com. ni, nt Id th -, ni. i. nil e, :!;.. ' . i.-il s "I tin s. a shore, and a In ..'.bv loi a!i ,, Th it "! 'b r. ; -I. ho.! nl oun !s in nood 1 !pii!ir i. .n w m !. d ( r.. D. H. BAKI-. Wiladn t, ;,, .Inly 70 P17. ' ... li'i.'ii ii in ii ii r i 1 ii JLol li EiVia LA). jt 1 I '.N'S K'lp P.ro"n. iJfcw I I. olb . K'd s ipp.rs. I. Hi '- ,1 ill I I. "l'l' 1 o-S I .. ti. S. i nn.. I !. r It.- '- 'I ba in r and .V ,-. ,-.. firo' - ,; ''' ' '' ''li-'f. (-ni . .ih nt..: l.istin O .i'eis. tJen's' esll and O.-it in llnors ibildrrn's Shoes d I , Mr eh. n I v (1. R FUFNt 1 1 2- ! FDOFOMMHi; II VCON f(i" ( Lli.S ii-. r, of i Lose neetl'ii! !' of ll.ose i iretl. u and Shviulo-rs fro M V , l-Hum- -Si I. s nnd SI u. be 1 ounty, foi rah ji J W I, MfOAHY's Aagiisl 3, 1547. r-li" TOBACCO A: S KG A IIS. Of A) "OXEfl Tobacco. torted ijuatlty. feme vc w ' ' superior, 70 0(1 Spr-tra. Trtv tine For ab' bv HOWARD f 1'ED FN gar' I P4" l'i To gctISaraalii&t 8T0PR CF Dlf tSflODS'fc'AisC 0FF T3 CLOSE t tup mm, rpi(F. srhiRrai inlmniw c n oiriv S'o.-k ..f KACY nd STAPLE DIU'c,iv.),s will 11 ,w ..ii;.r ' Mumvtrritr4it!t tmlw- . han e-, tii.at b-irijuins in Silk Par aw j uim : Si.k llo.-c and Uloveg; Sllkaiid Tt.!.. Shuw! . S' : ' -: Mn-liii ; Law 11 Ac . lie . i&e. D. TEi.l.n:. J..'-' '.''). i-1 ,. DAILY KXPKOTKH 1 p It R7tr.LS lare (ruiilly Pilo Hr.r.d. " ' iO sin ill " " ' N'my Bri ad, I h ,11' bMs. Water Crack -r s - " .S'l'r Cru-kt rs. I' r V. C. D. ELLIS, LoniM Builditi-. J.ivJt 5'. FLOUR. JjfTtPI'l.s fteioii see Flour 'J ? 'v. rrrville Flour For Sain in Jul) ijt m;. DtHOaal.l'. BROWN A Co Co mr and tlxnminc; You arc not compelled to purrhaxi r, PHI. :' . II and In -! hto. k of ( ',.iif. eliui i' v con ,i 1 ..,. .s,TK A V It 1 N. Sl't JT I'K.WS an! I . I i i f i , sj . ....',-. .1 t '.. i: . ' AM,mi; ,.., -N , 1 ',!! , ,- B,ail N,.t E, alnuts f- 0 L',,1110, Al))i,slm, snij inn Fis. 6 ' ' (js() p R ,u, r.Jri;; ;j AllK.r;,.an Tj).() v Vttril.ly ,,,,,1 d,serij,.ion. . a . , ,,its ',.., ,, , ... , . V I V Slip, I Ml' 111. I July 10. i: r. wot id. 50 nt M Y KRS 15 A It N U M. MAM I'M I I Hl:il.-. A. l.l'.Al Kl;s IN HATS. CAPS. lio.N'NKTS. C.MIUU'.L LAS. WALK INC CA N KS. Ac. ) 1'.SM;i "I 'Fl LL Y .all iheain 111; m oi'lhecitiens IV ol W ilimiietoii ami ieii;iy, to the.r l, :rr mi..' .)...' As"-(mi'' ri..w receivnie al tljc "Si M..111I ol l' Mykbh. Nonh side ol .Alaikct street, vihiih wi ol 1 . r ( wte.l - d- nil i' 'nil, rUtiijifi tlftn fti.f. ;i:t s ;;. 1 vr.n. rriti. mou-'skis .1 v; silk ll rs. .I II, 1 1 re ,1 Costal 'sain I Lear) Fall Fash: ;i f.n Pin, . - . mild aril, le, Jie-i reef ive.l. and a " I. a i. ..., "I ll'.. Hume soil. I k use ('.ill an I . X uu.iie ill. :.i. !- 1. a v.-rv llir.ee as irtun nl o MEN'S, V.s; AND INFAN'l '' CAI' -'. of lb" latest .nd ns..st : nn.vi d patl.rn-.. ( I 11' !'!:.. ll soft Dh v Silk, elvet, and Clolh I , C nt s French tJuai'd do.- Piur and lila. k ." ie.i, r Hand. Palo Alto. Kinrriond, On gon. Oil Silk, . '. I ;i, I il.ii d Lawn, .tn .. ie. 1 O 77V .! A I) 1:0 1 V CM'S , ! , . ', Ml'!' .... I 'i': -'i' - ft 11 I -' ' .' uts to S-'.'O, I i n;', H ass.irttni nt ' v. r t?: r d in !,; in ok. m 1 at . - -1 o 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 ' I . toie - A l.enn'il I a: :i. le of 1 1 1 ' 1 T . " - .'.! !' .N'. Fi I ' i '.!. t- v!,i. I) V., l lllienlai!',- 1 ;;!, a' 1 : 1 1 tlr ,-.' w on 1.1 : '.. . l,,i eli . . n 1 . 1 . . '. . . 1 ; 1 1 . 1 ill I 'l.l - llil i' ,11 ii ; II. I' v.e ,1.1V, .1 . i;h,,i r .u , , ,.. ,..'. I. , ,r,,ll, II ,1 ... 1 mil of !h. P: V.- .o. l v.airan' 1 .!!!. .- -t at. i at I'll,-, - '.i .-nil 1!. 1, iu .. MYERS ,t BARN I'M. V l!u. 1 ..II. tl t i), l"-l!l. (; Till! Siibvctib," wouhl express his rratitudc to his , Fi b nils and I ;i i.iinrn, for tie ir IP" r-il p-iironai'.- ! I heretofore extended towards him in W ;imii:io. Tbe ' ' s-iini f.iif-iie vs v. ill le ie:il n r . l under the 1 c. . ... ... II 1 l v; a- l , 1 1 n . , .1,. . . 1 - Just Received from S ir Yuri: ,T PO X FS f. 111 n- (i 1 fi ) n !: .: s v ! ! - P. of. .'lilllole'-. '.' 1 "v. 5 C iiil.ui t-i.iiiri r. 1 t, How '!) ,v PF.DF.N n FAMILY MILL. rPIIE -uPe: ib, 1 r. "p. a 'ilu.iy mforins th I .1 'A nin.iiL'ii.n. that hi kc, p-. constant!' ff's vr..,t V .,!. w,..-h Ii- - :i ill Sne. 1 . III., 11- ,' oil !: n ! ,'e,- M il! ill tilll. S I , n.iil.s il: M, - s. Ilu i-.; Mill 'orri a! the -'n.l I, ' "v t'w ...'.. , V'7 I .' 1. : i n v 1. . II 1 i JON I 11 AN I.I l' an. 1 I. IU' 1 11 ll !. 1 In. cow im;as :( )0 ,i,,iv. 0,1 PT'sii i:i.s ( till- is. '..;.. in P'- '., D nv-'i:r, r,;;.)','. n a TO RF.NT. ,n th" S . "b - 1 T HF. Stor I..' : S "b - I '! ' -' I LO! l.lis'.ll 1 11 1 iiD. 11. w l.itii: : M liliinblc Real Fl'i1c 11 - ..r . 1' s'( .' lii-l.i. 1 p. ' ,.: Di Tie r iKl (ii'i of I .p.i nd i ii , . is ill ri an I , "uodions i. II. cl' H .- a s:,nv , i, i dm;', : , la.'rly us, d as tie Print. t'.v ' iflie- .,! ttie.N '..iroiii.a MHi.ilard ; a brick Kitchen ; .'s'.abi.i'i Carri.ac' H .' s, ; allcecesaary out-hou . ur.d i ' .:." 'f."!."' " ''I' ! ,t ' fiar.bn. ... ' V has s "ry n : t .v , ". - H i o i K '' i , :l il H .i ii in ." ,i I 1 '. O-i .. ' ,1 V. ni' M R . P I i ' , I .OKI". I e '. , i.. y . a t, .ito ,.- o p , 1 17. . I via?, !-,. no- ,1 .,f ii I , ' r 'I'O KF.NT. '.(). I , i n. ,i, !. : Fllol 1 i' t're" nl oecupl-l i. I P J I.O.IP l.O Im A ','e. 5, :,47. A Iminitr:itiV Notice T b' ine T r. .7 -P. f mr! ' . '. if on let rs,. (.fc,ons. ;..r n , -tiniyof N.w Man.. .. I A-li , ; ' ' P.. 'he -.ul- r, un oil ll.ihl. aii.l ( ii., ti I-, i,, t. en ! e i d i . Dr. John tiill.l, : A,i , -. - i- 1 to ' it ir- r - i i - ' ' , , i ni. tit. i t ilios, having , .m ; i " . m as law ri l, i . r-,i . I, d ol t.Tui, ay , M HILL. r. .Iu'v27 .e.-lm. CA N 1 . FI OFR .) .rr " RP.EI.s ' 15 half bhls F r Wo by , . - 7. CRONIA WALKER. ji PORK .if BPl.s. M-'.m at, ! 1' . C. I O ,, I, -U - ' 60 lbs. H,rU BsrkrS down inortji, 1 e con. Loni..n 31 u- la i id S. l,n" ml 'lr' 'bs f,l"" Camphor j linlf arid nr. lbs i fiim (.'atiitjbcr i Hlf $! T',r':,r ' S-!"! ri'l S.kIi Powders VliiirtO Freah,l"PJ E tm,l and Ollf.f Imim ; Vg'fr. 'Jfl N'fl-. til Stllj-hnrlt Ethers and OI .rit" : nn. Amiirnn. Atom, i -ni..rwi- Vi& y Dovr Powder Ailrpix) Scam- , ' v ; J'raimd lloncyi SVitVg, i ni '-:"!ti. ...jJ V.;ur,! on Sfnnds sndeitmninn; tw nirtniriit of Liintts. (Evans' Utn.. Initiation do. ; Sup Herman Silver nnd Bra's Spring do ;) Horn nnil iii-,s.H Ciippiii In"; aujehini sup. Sptitilfld, from I? i ,. h don , Lent'iT Diln'-tfn; d:pi Dominoes i Itiandr. th-s Bcrkwiths awl V. U'.irn Pills. A !(, 10 I ero vials. , For sale at low prices, at the D-ug Sror' of A C EVANS Jim" 44 1IO.MMONV IU:.N.S I DECEIVED .,r 1. P. s'rh. F .r -de iv 1 Ji ly W. 17. D. . UOOI) fil !!. HVCMl AND COFFMH. , r' is v;s Rio coiiio. 1 X. t 1 f h.e's I. UMiIra Co.Te. ' IiIkD St. Croix Snirar. very fu iv I'..: sale by JhV V.. 1' 17. IIO'.VARD & PF.DF.N. 'I If That MoldMs has Arriwtl. e II 1 1 ns' 1" Tl. A Knrr.-U r..lli y ' i s i -I r, c ived eivril pet On! ui k Irom l.'ul.n. ii W. DAVIS j 'v J.' (ofkf.i: 2T tt;S dree,, HP, foil.,.. ) 1 " Laiiiii-a i 'ui - ,1 at J 'i I.. M fSARY S 'l- ' ;:i l in. Till', subscriber h.n in 11. '' iri urn" n. n't t ..!,,, 1 hi- e- sell! t. i-!in : all f -r-...t! ire!. ii n', '.-.. pn.i'ii.lly. Acro'.nts ufruiiist 11:1 wi la 11 n i, ,.' ,n 1 r 4U-i ' inn:. ROB'T f! R i.NKIV .' 'v 11 PI7. )- TU R!;.NT. Tl I A T lirireniel enm mod tons i lo ri:i . the ll.-WOVER Dill S K. situated on if- U-iL.yL cond sir. , t opposite ihe ( ',ipo Fear Bank, in th Town .. W .,'iiiiin:too wid be n nt, d on reason- ti 1 .i -i Com and nn. r tie' first of October next. , , 'I be II mov. r 1 1 .m, is a new brick building, lour lo- 1 1 ri. h;j.i. mi mol. d, i.nd built expres .Iv lor a II, .ltd It . lo, , ,11,11 is on nl 1 :ie hit in tl.i- ti.wi of Wil-! . m'ii:i..ii. at. I -n ml I he t i-.m wiahiiiL' to rent ll 1 d. '.' i'' . nl-i"-. ni nt ih ibrl;n. lis fir.'istr'.l to 1 nler into :niani;eii,, els f.r tbat puipose. " ; i'or t.-i in-, Ac. apply bv b it. r or p inally to the ; S;.e .. , J., mini OlTnre i'liiT. . .,ri. D W ID I ALTON. i J if,'i'-' .,,., 4-"- . 1 1 1 'in 1 1 1 1 " v 1 1 11 iv 1 iJiij . .OFR. .:;' I,1.'.. 1,, 1 .(Uiu'v t 'anal P.i:i. ,1 III I'! ,'. Mr- :1-' b' I IOW A III) A 'l.DEN. f'l 't juiv -u 1 "ir. m:v conpkctionaky 'IMIF. SI'BSCKIBER. W...1O n -p. 1 tf.i;lv Invp 1 ill. La b. s and Gentlemen of W il iilnpinn and i. ini'v to bis a-oitm, iit of I'oiiH'ilioniiry. Fruits, NuLs Tons, Fiincv Artidf'. kr., Winch hi" ji.st b ni 1, lee led in the north, n market . r . l. .. c ... , , .1 .. :,.',. 1... ... .11 ...I . .... . nil. Jos w ILK IN. MJ.N .1. ; i' ,t SI. u-njrr M I- P ( oi.-f 1 v lf .'.'01 '. lp, II MOLASSES. fi MUDS, np.'tlor r. tail.n" Mnlnw'i, jut re- eiviii irom liositm per s, nr. nutesie, :,no lor sib by UAR , ,v liKY NT. j ly : ;. Pi7. m tf. lininlituii's; Coiiresshins. Tl'ST pnbl'shed. aii! for ,e v th" Comm. "d , Oilier, "Skelehi of ihr I ,itr of Jo.it Hocnrir 1 u. 1 hJ.oin I'.k iuHio, who was ton cut. d lor the ;n .id r ol D: slu A, ., ... : M ,v, 1 17 ' IP e l?l ,., Julv -.'. 1-27. FOR SALF. HE v.il.cible dwelhiiL' house nr. I I 0 n.w a,-cu-p . .I bv I) J Oilb-it on lb. W 1 m, rn , I T i' i ni u vt.i 1 b; tw. , n D..ck and Crane,' -in is O. -.1 I on a.'i-. iri; .daii'ig t. ii:. Applv to th rd . r JO. WKKiHT J.iiy 22. 1-17. ."-,f. iui;i:rs- it.olu. If") nr lU'.f.v Kiehui'j'nl ri.,.r. ' P' f,,r 1 .k In-: bv DcRrtSSEP, BROWN 4 Co. J'.'. 2 PP 57-lf. in ' h i. i -. s'tie:, . i'lim.-. receivrd this r'ev i;t'N lb.'! 1 1 ijD :.id Dullle, for ,ule by D W. WOOD 5Vtt. J.'y il, 13J7. NOTICF. !ttxcvoFTUESc.Jini;Li.srBrnronpiY U'.'.'morrMn. Jay . I'". SANDro'TD a Smith, .p. o f ' ! . I I 'isui i n - i ', H.-.y, h ive tii ' ! .... -!MM ;.m n V r - 'i . n ;;, lb- s a -i . - - b t th -d ).n,.i. . .i i in IV i. ' . FOR SALF P. PI. I i:. i N, I ' Mf!iC!Tl. n' ' . ' . v. : in;:;' :, J .v I ,. - f- w I. Mi GARY. y V '.iN A WIUSKl-iV .- . HHCP.lWn. I ' - i ui isvwifted ) K. . nil it W ho.k. i SANDFORJ) A o.' : ; I Oil MIWIGNK CIDF.I! Jf FV P I s .i Cider, for sib-1 Cy ' HOW Mil nr.N if. SO A I'. ,rn Pc:i .UU'a.Xo. I Soap, at DP HOW'AVDA PEDENS. : ::;. 5-u. PORK. Xnt h V-rtj.i t W 1 . 1 ' 1 11 llriTthln A I nnnm n ntrt i i flRAVt! KTAvrr Afir'fW s - -.". . -r-rm 'T'ilR Miheribenar sppojntvj A?f nfs fr-r o I "he brt and mmi tzlcnnrt MABBLE TAIDS in Conrwwitlcot, nod w'll..iteeli vtfofrjfr Msrbl M .num. n's n,-t Jrgv Stones. .Iiti-r l.rr...l r ri i whleh will be furnished at tha thoiftsl DOtieHni I umi fesoiMibls vrico. .... f,-,r,, I W'e hvyree I eda variety of palti;rrts,vlortijtJes t '1-fc tlM ptiee whfeh my bat ettmhwif 'tmf tMt i. S? DuiUirt and CuntracUrr., J jm t. ,0. River Lumber. UMOF. F!i J R DS and Swntlinjt. Planed I.arnber and Lit'u for sell, In Inl ten suit r-WehnKmhy C D. ELLli, Loid's Wharf. M 'V,v . HOURLY EXPF.CTED 4 To Arrive per Schr. A. J. DeHosset 1 r R H LS. freh Rround Canal Fkur, -I ) 10 hall - ' ' K r ,r,e by IIOWARO ft PRDRN. Ancusl i, H47. , . ; t i3-tf. CI 1 ii e A gene y. l i' PRIOR quality American Clue, conrtantly on J... h ir.d and for salt by . BARRY 4 BRYANT. July 20. 51 ; . nrON LARD - ' ' ' 1 narrets MM r X K du. nist iolTd and R. V. BliOWN f.r .al-. bv Jn'v -'lh. PIT AOKNCV FOR VKNDINQ SHOT. HAVINi; been p..in'il agtnt fof ttM c$lebrMil .-hot Factory in Phil idi Iphui, Messrs. T, & T Spaok", Jr.. Proprietors. I nwr offer W"Sft tllf to iw ton or more of any kind 01 Shot, deliverable baio at th wholeiKile factory pnetsfor cih, or OOdajfS, sd ,'ii.,' 11, t r, wi'h only chirulng the freight OiUSnd instimnre from Phllndetphfj her. " f" E. DICKINSON, Jfenl June 9. ,.44 FOR SALE." VOOOD COOK, with four children; two boys and two girls. Tha above property will be sokl on n cu t iii'l.iiing terms to a resident 01 me 10 wn or eonnTy Partietilais as to price and Tedlt will be given by the Editor of Th Comnureial. W ilmini;ton June 21th, 1B17. 44h, . .. . . v L.VGUIR.V COFFEB. ' OXBAflo' Lrg'iira Coflee just received and for CD .ah- by J. HATHAWAY & SON. J in. 21. it ; -ll'INDOW st s s -BLINDS AND DOOBS ' I fie Sa'acribi r 1-agent lor one of ths best man- s -,t 'hi' N rth, nnd will rcceiTe ordsrsfortha a'. 1. le u;. ,1 arti. l, , whlrh willtrf-boned up and ttf P - d on Ixwird ol vessrls in New York, at the LOW I'.S T PRK'F.S, and at fhort notice. Person about : 10 contract for buildings, will find it to their inhere j to call nnd examine prices before sending their aracr r'h 23 oly c. norcHKm. ' - Smoked Beef and Tongues. nd Ton cues. k j t or ail". 17 June 21 D W. WOOD. 42 CANAL FLOUR o;r BARRELS, a superior article, jns't rsnrfTM )) p.r i.-hr. Win. Burk from New 'or k, sod fr S'.le by (-. r L'l t iv - v. futiu. iM E nd's Bu':ldhie, N. Water St. June 24, 1 17. SUGAR. Qf BI1LS Saaia i'n.i Sugar, a prims srtkHe, (ar w V a -le bv urituasti, liJiUMiCo, 87 tf.' Julv 20, 1 HU'l'TFR. H O PF tlOR Ooshen Rum-rat HOWARD J- PEDEN S. A.'i- II P 53-i ROSIN STRAIN LiKS. ,)AA FEET No I. Rosin trslnern, jmf rMaivM LAJ and tor sale by II ART & POLJJEY. J -P 44 MOFASSKS. HMDS. Pr!m- M-lns-s, in ftnordsr, just n- c .ie !, and for sale by - - R W. BROWN. :o-if Hih, pi: Wholesale and Rcta; ' (i j O (' K R V . ' HE subscriber offers for sals, at lowest mAft prio s the following axucta, U: II !),' CV1T. . 10 " Lajtii' Lajtii'S totte ; 5 "Si. Uorhlngo Cofft ; i Bb.s St.Croi Sugirj i j Porto Rico " 4 Onba ' " '.0 ' Ratified Whitkeji s ' N or, hem fir ; ') ' Domestic B andy ; - ,i -- c ., i l) . T . ill o . t-i. ii; ,ji ,m ,-ui, , 7 " Very supiiior old M'iK)ngivJkWbwics1 ' ' K' N .,!, ass.ir'r,; u i , . rr ) i.' - l.n f o'urir. Ponfrd and Cnihrdo. ; surer r 4'ir.ioe Brandy, Holland Gia) and''l,t on ' , :-. ; a f. w : r old Madeira and Cham , a -mi .i ;u:e, Flour; Bat on t Drld ft'ef ; Teiigoes i ?P s Porki an ! No i; d arwi Buck Teas: Wwr, Bnttr ail S.inar Cn.k.'s; Al'v'' : J I f"" r : Gtrfr NuviKt"; Moips Candles; div-i tnd:3)"Mu tud. 4C..A". 1 DOLAND, 7,.a'i IF ,'-- St-e! Vi.rxi -'cs.r (Von Murktt Strut. July a. P;7. " VAUAHLF PLANTATION FOR S ALE. -"I pili: - '"' - "i-hmj to r.l.nfUilsh hisPTant l e . , f ,,.r, fi.rsnle Ms Farm, slttit In Horn ii -i ' 2 mil's from th village ut Cy, , , I,, n a.',. .' t'liuiUcn Iliuulrui A-tv, and about v . - - v in . !, part of w hich is Bottom-land, and . .. - it i rb-hnesa and fc-rtiHTT t any In the DistrtW. l'i I pi ind h i a clay (oinidalion, and snacepubW of ; ,i.a improvement by manuring. The land is Well tiniK red with Cvpn'ss anJ Pine, with alnrje quantity of Lightwood Timber, which ! lo good demand ot fhe oi.inyi K lc Mills on the river. As to, beauty, keallh, , anJ comfort, llisre is n. situation In ihs District t. snrpasotf On thw fMnlsea t ewmfoTtiMo r' story Dweluna.snd Mharoewyout-buiWI'f Vr)a ' laud U bnunded on on !,! l Jha Wuccawsw Jlitat r, ! which Is fft'St 8daD'a4?e, s' Turpi ntlne, or sny I oth,T PradtM. mar be shlrS','d " rf t Ti v. sllasi lo ClLarloaton or ft, w Apply to 8acci.. Can.v, )U.tuutop, or to tn surtsMiner nn tnc nremi. I'KONLY .4 WALKER. JOHf READMAIt April i. - ,,. 61