1 !f 1 .1' THE COMMERCIAL, i WILMINGTON, N. 0. SATURDAY, ACGUST 14, 1847. " ,f ' , , Frm ihi N. 0. Evening Memry, THE YELLOW FEVER. Considering th heat or the weather, and ihe in tolerably filthy aie of many parts of the city, It Is nothinj; airangt t hat there ihould be yellow fever, bat bis t liule rraBlhat there is not more ol it. lflnlenseij hot weather and filthy streets have any thilljl to io with the creation ol ye.low ever, or fe rn Of Mty kind, it i a little surprising that we hare not more of it. do no), as yet, see any cause for alarm to those wh are regular and moderate in their hab its, and who use those common means of preven tlc;j disease, which all must use, in any part of t he United States, at this season of the year, if they wish to preserve their health, and escape dangerous dis eases. Those who are not in the habit of using thOM preventive means are liable to be sick any where; and more so in IS'-Oilcans than elsewheie. If a person commits excees in his mode of living it is folly for him to expect health any where. There is no place to which thry can flee and be sale. If a man will eat and drink to excess, keep late and Irregular hours, expose himself to Ihe hot sun by day and to the open damp air by night, he hasno right to K' expect health ; and with such a course of living he cannot have health lung any where. Manypersons commit all sorts of excesses, and then winder that they are sick. They cram themselves to excess with all sorts ol food at all hours; drink liquors a dozen times a day, eat and drink late at night, go to bed with a full stomach, have disturbed sleeps in consequence, find themselves. with a headache in the morning, and lie in bed half the day. They are finally seized with a violent fever or some other serious disease, and wonder what tbe cause can be. They do not for a moment imagine that it is their mode of living; for they are ready to declare, that in thair mode of living they are " regular as clock work" and perfectly moderate. It only remains then io throw the blame upon the climate. There are certain very simple and easy rules that require to be observed in any climate in order to preserve health, and in New Oileaus especially should these tules be regarded. They are such as the following : Rise in the morning at half past tour or five ; eat moderately ol such food as is found by observation to digest well in the stomach; never eat till you do not want any more ; never si; two hourr over a dinner table, cramming and tli inking win or anything else, so as to be dull and sleepy after leaving the table. Take merely a cup often and a cake, or piece of bread, for supper, and never later than seven o'clock. Whatever silly fashion may dictate in regard to meals, let heal;h be the only, director, and let fashion govern those who arc abje and willing to be sick. Throw intoxicating liquors to the dogs; and eschew poik, in all i:s forms, as a Jew. Eat occasionally of a little good and perfectly ripe frui!, but only a little at a lime. Bathe frequently, when the stomach is empty, oral least some liir.eafier eating, and use the flesh brush and a plenty of good soap. Do not remain in ihe cold bath over ten minutes, and it your lungs aie affected do not u?e the cold bath at all. The bath, either cold or warm, is a thing which must not be neglected mat k that. Never sit up later than half past ten at night. If your business is such as not to give you plenty of healthy cieicise, lake it in the morning, on fool or on a good horse; but never act into a carriage as long as you arc well and able io walk. Read the newspapers regulai!y, and keep up good spirits not by eating anddiinking as is too much tba custom but by seeking intelligent company, visiting places of innocent and rational amusement, end by change of scene. If you ever think of yel low fever, just consider that it is no more contagious than any other fever in fact not at all contagious , and that all you have to do in order to be perfectly safe, to to observe the above simple rules. One thing more let all quack medicines alone; and if yoa think that medicine ii necessary, consul! some regular physician. A TALE OF AFFLICTION. We learn that the insane passenger on the steam boat Baltic, whose case was noticed in the Gazette two weeks since, died at the AsylHra in this city yesterday, without any return of his reas m. His funeral will take place at 10 o'clock this forenoon at the hoose of Mr. John Thorn, 26 Whitsboro' st., where bis wife hat remained since his committal to the Asylum. Tbe name oi this unfortunate stranger was John GiJtert Collins. He was from Hull in Yorkshire, England, where be was a clerk in a bank, at a sala ry 01200. A fellow clerk having come to this eoontrjr and purchased a farm in Wisconsin, thirty of forty miles from Racine, on his revisiting Eng tt5d Induced Mr. Collins to try his fortune also in this country. He reached New Yoik with his wife some two months since, having buried on the passage his child and a nephew whoaccomp.inied them. They humediately proceeded West, tra veling by tbe canal. At Lockport, Mr. Collins wished to visit the Falls, left his wife to go on with the boat, expecting to meet her at Buffalo on the night of ihe same day me boat was detained oo tbe way, by the denih of . passenger, and by an injury it received, a couple of days, during which time it has been ascertained ,;Mt Collins was io Buffalo, inquiring at the boats for his wife. On her arrival there she could obtain no tidinga ol him, but she went on board the steam boa! la which they were to go up the lakes, and be joined her there just as the boat was leaving. He Ibid when he left Lockport, some 150 sovereigns . tallied labia rest, and probably other money Boot aftM the boat started he manifested Insanity, 4 Bd It WU then discovered that he had been robbed ofhU mosey, his, waucb, cbaio, dec. In his ravings j k p6k t muggltof whha negro, who wis1 tesietedbytwo wbil toeo. The robbery Usup poaed to hare" beea eommiitd at Buffalo, and his insanity and aaddea death to hart beea caused by the effect of boom drag administered t0 him, as he waa Dot a mac Io hare beea crazed by the loss of hisBtcney. His wife kept on with him to their destination, and they remained at the farm he bad Intended pur chasing, Ihreeor tour weeks, hcn hti case became so, bad that aha was obliged to take him td an Asylum. ' " We understand that he was a temperate, respecta. ble man, and that he and his wife had been for many years church members. She Is truly a daughter of affliction, having lost wi:hin a year two brothers and a sister, a nephew, her only child and her husband, and being now left friendless in a strange land. Vtica Oax., 30A nil, Severe Punishment. The punishment of M. Teste, and other French Peers, recently convicted of bribery, Is exceedingly severe, antf should be a warning to all others. The civil degradation consists in depriving the condemned of nil functions or employment in any public office ; they are deprived of the right to vole, of eligibility to any office, indeed of all rights, civil and political, and of the right to wear any kind of decoration ; they are incapacitated from giving les timony as a witness in a court ol law, from holding any situation in any family, as tutor, curator, or councillor; from serving in Ihe army, National Guard, or in bearing arms any where ; they are for bidden to each school, or to bo employed in any establishment of instruction, either as master, pro fessor, or superintendent. i Cats ni Babies. We learn from the Pratlsville Advocate, that a Mrs. Reynolds, of that village, was alone in her house with a babe about a year old, and having occasion to go into an upper room, left the child silling on the floor; but while she was gone, a Maltese cat entered ihe room and scratched the babe's face in a number of places; it then got its nose into the child's mouth and sucked itsbieath until the child was so far gone as to exhibit but few if any signs of life, and it was some time before it could be resusciia cd. A Dreadful Chasoe A Mr. Taylor, residing at Louisville, has been arrested, and et the latest ac counts was in prison, for poisoning his wife and sis tor. Ho mixed arsenic with soda, and offered it to his wife, who refused to drink of it. This look place on Saturday. On Monday he deposited some of the poison In the cofTee which was served for brcukfast; the unconclous wife drank of the poisoned beverage, as did the sister also; immediate nausea and vomit ing resulted ; medical aid was speedily called In, and by proper applications and atteniions the two persons were partiully recovered. When Inst heard from the parties were so mtch improved for the better as to cause strong hopes to be entertained for their recov ery. THE SOLDIER'S LAST LETTER. There Is much of sad and touching Interest, na well as judicious counsel, in the following beautiful extracts, published by llio Alton Telegraph, from a letter written on the eve of the battle of Buena Vista, by Lieut. Fletcher of the Illinois Volunteers, who fell on the next day in the glorious fight : Dear Colonel : To-morrow, we expect to have an engagement wilh a superior Mi xican force; and, on Ihe eve of the affair, I have believed it proper to ad dress you a few lines. As you ore well aware, the object nearest my heart is the welfare of my lillU child; and, so far as I have been able, I have pro ided lor her. Should I ul I, I leave her entirely with you nnd your ti fe ; bull have written to my broth-- r, request ing him to throw big brotherly protection over her; and if, at any time, you think fi: io send her to him he will receive her as his own child, and protect her as such. Should she temain with you, I wish that Bhe should receive as good an education as the little means left her will afford ; snd above all things, teach her that truth and virtue are to woman, 'whit ihe soul is to the body the life of its life. Teach her that to be just to all in thought in word-in deed, is the true, the great aim of a good mind ; and those who strive to accomplish that pupose, seldom fail to live at peace with the world, and accomplish t he ' Great Destiny'1 for which they ore created. Pennsylvania Credit Redeemed. It must be ex ceedingly gratifying to the people of Pennsylvania 10 know that after the full payment of the August inter est, there is a balance in the Treasury of $3'27.'27 30. II irrisburg I nion. C 0 F F 1; E . II AGS RIO COFFEE, just received and foi y GILLESPIE A ROBESON. July 3. 4- Those Segars That hare hrm I'romixnl hare Arrived. "OLA NTATION, Justo Sanz, Si. nnih.1.11, Castillo x sou oiner oranus and are prune. ( '; II ami irv fhm l JOS. WILKINSON S, Market St. 57 July 29, CANAL FLOUR. 1 A BBLS. CanatlHbur, for Family use. 1U 10 (ibis. do. do. Just received and for sale by J. A W. L. McGARY. July 10, IA47. 4'j.,f. BUTTER. Of KEGS prima Goshen Butter, just received per -CO Schr. L. P. Smith. SANDFORD 4 SMITH. 37. June 10. JUST RECEIVED r'J BARRELS Pesch Brandy O GILLESPIE For sale by til .I.K.SI'IK r- ROBESON. June 4, 1347. 35-tf. PEAS Bl'SHELS of Prime Cow Peas for le bv GILLESPIE A ROBESON. 37 June 10. ONIONS. WHITE, Yellaw.nd Red Onions. For wle by D July 31, 1847. Yf. WOOD. 58-tf. BUTTER AND CHEESE. GOSHEN Batter, (extrs) Goshen Cheess, old En ftllsh dairy CheM small tite, recvived per L. P. Smith snd lor sle by D. W. WOOD July 17. $2 CANDLES. SPEUUCETI-8. BELL'S Newport 6 s. ADAMANTINE HANCOCK A MANN'S Baltimore B s 6't8sand 14' TALLOW-W. E. HULL & SON'S New York 4 Vt and O's. For salt by ) w wyon 1 p; ' f 47 WAREHOUSE OF-iT" r No. 56 Cedar Street, NEW YORK. LEE, JTOCOiT & LEE, (LATH LEE 4 JUD80N) CCUPY Ihe spacious FIVE STORY WARE vJ HOUSE No. 56 CEDAR STRKET-the mole of which is devoted to tin exhibition and sale of the Sixqui Abticli of PUINTJ2D CALICOES, Their present stock conslstineof nearly ONE TIIOCSA.ND PACKAGES, Embracing some T H 0 U S A N D S of different pat terns snd colorings, and composing every thine desi rable in the line, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. All of which ore ofi'ered for sale, for cash, or satis factory credit, nt the lowest pbkes, by the PIECE OR PACKAGE. New styles are received almost every day, and ma ny of them are got up for our own sales, and not to be found elsewhere. I3" Prii.ted lists of prices, corrected from dny to nny, wiin every variation In the market, are placed in Ihe hands of buyers. Merchants will be able to form some idea of the ejtenl mid variety of our assortment, when we state, mat tnei value ot our usual slock of this one article, is ul least twice the volueof Ihe entire stock of dry goods usually kept by our largest wholesale jobbers. Phis f;ict, together with the fact, that our means and our attention, instead of being divided oinong a vast variety ol articles, are devoted wholly to one, will render the advantages which we con offer to dealers perfectly obvious; and it shall be our care that none who visit our establishment shall meet with any dis- appointment. O )ur assortment is complete nt a seasons of the year. LEE, JUDSON & LEE. P. S. B. F. LEE, formerly of the firm of Lord & Lees, and late senior partner In the original firm of Lee & Brewster, from which connection lie withdrew Home time ago, has resumed business in connection whh Mepsrs. Lee & Judson, under the firm of LEE, JUDSON & LEK, and he ventures to ossure his friends and the public, that the new firm will main t.iin tho same pre-eminence In this branch of the trade, which formally distinguished the bther two houses to which he belonged. V New York, June 1, 1847. 4fly. HATS AND OIL'S. WF. have just received by late arrivals from New York, a fresh Bupply of Gentlemen's black Beaver and Moleskin Hats, Spring style, 1 ease extia Drub Beavers A. No. 1. (tent's black and Drab Leghorns, Boys' Leghorn Cups and patent Leather Belts, ALSO, a few Silk Velvet riding Caps for Ladies; very pretty. Cull and see ul MYERS f- BARNUM'S. May 22. 29 CORN. BUSHELS up Country Corn. For sale by GILLESPIE A ROBESON. 2. 38. 500 June tfOTICE. A PLEASANTLY situated PEW in the Episco- i x. pal tlnirch. Y or sale by GILLESPIE & ROBESON. 33. June 1 THOM ASTON LIME. Rbls. Thomaston Lime, Just received and lor sale by J. C. 4 R. B. WOOD. 860 Contractors and Builders. S V f! A R . IIIIDS. fair quality Cuba Sugar, for sale, Imr, h DEROSSET BROWN A Co., June 30ih. 1847. 4'i. B O OK BINDERS TO OLS. IOR sale, a number of Book-Binder's Tools, con sisting of Rolls, Stamps, Polishing Iron. Ham mer, Knives, Folding Sticks, Saw, Shears, &c. in prime ord.-r. Apply at this Office. March 24. 4 (UMMERCDL bTnkTf TviLM FsGl 0V" THK organization of this institution having taken X place. In conformity to its Charter, Hooks ol Subscription are now re opened at the Bank of Cape Fear in this place for balance of capital stock. O. O PARSLEY, President. April 2S, 1R-17. 19-if COFFEE. 'y'VBAGS Rio CofTee, jusl received an yJ BARRY A I A for sale I BRYANT June 22. 42 AM) READY HATS At MYERS A BARNUM'S. ROUGH June 5, 1M7. 35 FLOUR. 1 nn bms Fayetteville Fine, Super, snd Cross. 1 JJ For sale at J.A VV. L. McGAR VS. July 30, 1847. 50 F I S II PICKLED SALMON, Bbls., Half Bbls. ond Kits; Mackerel, Bbls., Hlfa., Qts. snd Dried Codfish, recently received, And for sale, by . , D. W. WOOD. JulyfV 43 Ice Creams ! Ice Creams ! ! THE LADIES SALOON VV'i be open this momlni?. where the under- limed Will furnish to tbe l,tie nf Wilminotnn Ice Cream served up In s manner and style that can not fail to please. Call at the Confectionary Store on Front Street. fr R WOOD. April 24, 1847. 17 CHARLES GRAY SUCCESSOR TO SEAniSO BLAS3DLS1. IJAVINOpurchssed the atoek of C. Rlskei Jhh. 1 i the subscriber will continue the sale and K. minutarture or BOOTS UD S H 0 K s and keep constantly on hand every variety of article 1 ins 11110. All ordfln for work promptly snd punctually atten ded to. BOOTS made In the Istest fashion snd finest styie. CHARLES GRAY. Jun3, 1847. 34 .tf PORTER. PHILADELPHIA Porter, Quarts snd Pints For sale by D. W. WOO WOOD. July I. 40. BILLS OF F.XCJIANOK Price II peroulre for sale at ihe COMMERCIAL OFFICE March 21. IRON PIPE. 1 rVVlERT Tw0 ,nd ' hlllrInrh Iron pip - - w mi saic py V B GILES & Co. 19 J il "r -..a i,s J MERCHANTS': T : ' steam coat company, OP FITETTETILIE Oil WltMGTOX GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT. Avtrnging about 20 per cent. New Steamer ROWAN, 17 Inches, Steamer WILLIAM B. MKARES, Steamer COTTON PLANT, Flat Boats BEN BERRY, ODD FELLOW, MIKE CRONLY, WASHINGTON, T. J. CURTIS, READY MONEY, MARY ELIZA. THE Proprietors of the Mcrchonts' Steam Boo Company ol Fayetteville and Wilmington, N. C. ofler the above Line of Boats, on the Cape Fear River, to the shipping public, under the late revision and re duction of Freights. Their new Steamer, ROWAN, now draws only 17 inches water. When she undergoes somo alteration in machinery, her draft is calculated at 14 to 16 Inches, which will make her the lightest boat navigating the waters of any river In tho Southern country. This Company flatter themselves that they have it now in their power to offer the most complete lino of Boats that hns ever been on tho Cane Fear, snd one that will do the freighting business with regularity and despatch on all ttagct of the water. They have, in connection with the Henrietta Company of this place, reduced the freights to the tariff as in printed rates. Neither of the Boating concerns deemed themselves able to re duce the freights and still do the forwarding business in this place free of chcrge, and consequently this Company have given it up, with the conviction, that the Forwarding Merchants of our town con do it more justice than a boating concern. Any (jroods consigned to the Merchants Steam Boat Company, Wilmington, N. C, will be forwarded through that place free of commissions all other charges made to the shipper. 1 he new arrangement takes effect from the 15th Instant. Passage $3, both ways. The two companies will hereafter count all freichl cash, or interest added. Direct letters to Thomas S. Luttcrloh. Fnvettcville : J. & W. L. McGary, Wilmington. THUS. S. LUTTERLOH, Agent. Fayetteville, Jan. 18. 1847. 130 NEW GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of every style and quality suited to complete a Merchant Tailoring Establishment, viz : QUPERFINE FRENCH CLOTHS AND CAS- O S1MERES of every shado and color; Vestings in variety; French twilled Drab D'le ; Silk Alpaccas; light fancy Casslmeres, all of the latest style and best quality, which will be made up to order at the short est notice. READY MADE CLOTHING: A large and comulete assortment of readv msde Clothing, Just opened and for sale, very cheap for Cash. Also, the outfitting Department Is very com plete, with the most choice assortment of Fancy Goods. Superior L. B.C. Shirts, of everv variety and Qual ity; silk under Shirts and Drawers; superior Fancy Cravats; Stocks: Collars: Bosoms: Umbrellas; nil well worthy the attention of thoe in want of them. Customers in the habit of paying cash will find il to their interest to niuke it known, as I in future nm determined to make it the inK rest ot all who deal willi me, to pay cash. Short credit will be given to puni tual customers and to none others. Those who have not settled their account, to the lsl of January, li7, will save cosi by immediately doing . H. S. KELLY. May II. 24 tf. The Graefcnberg Vegetable Pills. )U,UU() BOXES SOLD EACH AND EVERY WEEK ! I THE G R A E F E N B E R G C OM P A N Y HEREBY give notice thol their General Agent for Ihe Slate of North Caro ina. is Col. Wm. Jones, ol Louisbug, Franklin Co., N. C. The General Aentis fully prepared to appoint sub A Kent a wherever there is no branch of ihe Company ; either on personal application or by mail, post-paid.' -The rapid sale of these celebrated pills, ami the extra ordinary cures they are constantly effecting, render tin 10. by far the imom popular pill of the uge. An Agency will consequently be very valuable. The Graefcnberg Pill arc inconceivably supeiior to nny ever before discovered, la all bilicus complaint; in general derangement of the syslem ; in all disor ders which result from a bad stale of the blood, these pills are a sovereign remedy. In the class of diseases called chronic, the Graff n berg Pills achieve their hiuhest t-iumphs. Here tin y defy all competition. Entering wiihin the hidden re-ee.-ses ol ihe system, thev quietlv but lurelv nurifv ihe blood, root out disease, and give tono and vigor to I the body. I CURES ARE CONSTANTLY EFFECTED I By these Pills, in cases where every other means had utterly failed. The most abundant proof of this could , be given, but a trial of one box will convince Ihe pa I tienl. They can be ordered and sent by mail, at iri 1 Ming expense. The price is '5 cents a box. Where tuo dollars uorth are ordered and the money remitted, the Company vill pay tht postage on the fills Re mittances at the Company's risk. Wherever there is no Agency of the Company they can be ordered bv mail. These Pills are taking the place of all others, nnd no sick person should be without them. ALL B1LLIOUS COMPLAINTS, Ilowel Complaints, Consumption, Pytpepsia, Ferer and Ague. Headache, Jaundice, Lirer Cm plaints. Ilhrumatism, all Stomach Complaints, Green Sick ness, ipc, it-c. Yield at once to these Pills. They puree away offen sive humors, arrest the progress of disease, ond st the same lime restoro tone anil vigor to the sysirm. In enrroe1 derangement of the health, they are SOY ERK1GN. BY THEIR USE, ineweaKwIII become atrong; the pale and bilious complexion be restored to a perfect fresh and healthy oaIiip 1 nit lit. .. . -il u" l"D yiiipioms win one by one disap pear. r In short, these Pills are an Inconceivable advance upon any oiner medicine ever before offered to the pub- lie. June 5, 1847. mi. H7,ii ui-y any one qj uiis. 3fi PILOT BREAD, Ac. P, ,,?,KK.AU' ttbl Halfl W'f Crsrkes, ,.ulf b) Lemon Crsckera, Half Bbls t Sujjar """" tun.; ricnie cracliers, Half Bbls Soda Biscuit, Bbla. and Boxes. Received per L. P. Smith. For sale by D. W. WOOD 61-if. July 17, 1847 Negroes Wanted, I WISH to purchases large number of negroes of botn sexes, from the age of 14 to 30, for which I win psy the highest cash market price. As I Intend nuking long stay In Wilmington for that purpose, persons from the country would find It to their ad vantage 10 bring such property to town that they have to dispose of. Alto wtnted, some ood Cimem.. RUokamiih CMpps and Bricklayers. Apply to me at the Caro- 11ns notci. ANSLEY DAVIS, of Petersburg V. May 6 rl ,r NOTICE TODEALERS IN INE - & TAR. ' ' - WttatfiMTOir Joni 1, 1847. THE undersigned, pnrchisers and dealers In Naval Stores In this place, with a view to adopt some general regulations which seem to them to be founded Injustice, and more In accordance with the customs of other markets, have agreed to establish for their future government, the following REGULATIONS. That as no good reason is apparent to them for chan ging the size or weight of barrels of Turpentine, snd Ft would be productive of Inconveoienc to the ma kers and puchnsors. it will be purchased as heretofore, the gross weight of barrels to be 320 lbs. or 260 lbs. nett, th turpentine to be delivered on the yard for Inspection at the expense of the seller j and as there has been in many cases. an unjust inequality, In fix ing upon the amount of Extra, and whereas the law prescribes what the order of turpentine shall be, when exposed for sale, without proscribing sny remedy in case it is not in said order, we therefore agree that hereafter 'a deduction shall be made under the denomination of extra cooperage as follows : For scuttling, packing, dec, one cent per barrel, for the first two hoops that maybe lacking short of twelve as prescribed by law, one cent each, and for each hoop less than ten that may be short, two cents annh alast uthnl rWriar laKstr niv Ka nnfisssarv tn ntit C'UVII) U IJV "iiui vniva lauui H J WW inviwai j l 'ui it in the order the law prescribes to be adjudged by the Inspectors,toiietherwiih the usual deductions for unmerchantable barrels exceeding the number taken to pack. Purchases made at the Rail Road depot will be subject to a deduction of two cents per bbl. drayage, thereby placing the sellers by Rail Road on a footing with those by water. These regulations to spply to Tar, only so far as regards the expenses of rolling snd drayage, - The custom adopted in reference to the condition of the barrels it is supposed must be free from all ob- iection, as turpentine put up in perfect order will only be subject to a deduction of one cent per bbl. Instead of the former rates of extra. We also agree that in future we shall refuse to compromise lor fraudulent mixture as heretofore, that -.mi .., ksii... r a ... U1,reu, v wmu ,,,,,u,,,,i., as a fraudulent mixture, and that weshall abide by the strict letter of the law in all such cases. And where as it appears that the Inspectors do not consider themselves authorized to make bills otherwise than as prescribed by law, that we will, in all cases, purchase by the bbl, of 320 lbs. and allow the Inspector to make his bill us the law directs 280 lbs. but that there shall be deducted from the bill one eighth of the amount. W.O.JEFFREYS, A. II VAN BOKKELIN, H. NU1T B. FLANNER, W.J. LOVE Jr. R. C. HAL LETT, B. MALLETT, R. O. RANKIN, C. D. ELLIS. 35 tf. JOHN McRAE, A. A1AKT1N, W. LATIMER, JEWETT A Co., BARRY 4 BRYANT, JNO. CHRISTIAN, HALL A ARMSTRONG, June 5. UNPRECEDENTED PROPOSALS. THE WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, FOR ONE DOLLAR ! ! STRICTLY NEUTRAL IN POLITICS. CONTAINING FROtf TWENTY-ONE TO TWENTY-TWO COLUMNS OF RE A DING MA TTEIi E VEIl V No ! Which vill be filled with the choicest Literary Article, latent Newe, both Domestic and For eign, faithful and full Re ports of the Markets, irith the tri-weekly Remarks on the Wilmington Market. rP HE reputation which the tri-weekly Commercial x nas acquired., as a tntllilul ree later ot t he state of The low price of the paper lower fhnn any paper at the South will enable every citizen to have com mand of s newspaper of his own complete for nil the purposes of such publications -divested of the angry spirit of party, and free from political contention ; the uiln nltll f 1 f whir-tl la In n'wt. inr.fti.l .wl H .. kcn . i .. I information to the reader; such as may benefit him in his business, and entertain and inform his mind. j 1 nrvuc ihiiuiii . -ut.m.i tun ,ju (in s n 1 1 reij uemcu n. ,.,,i,i.ii ,,i...i.i... . .i to send in the names of subscribers, as soon as thev nic obtained retaining the paper for further subscrip tions. The object is Io obtain a sufficient number to commence the publication iu the early part of next month. All payments must be mnde in advance, nnd post age paid when the mime is forwarded ; otherwise, 110 attention will be paid to the order. : T. LORINO. 1'uhlisher of the Tri-iceeJ.iy Commercial. Wi 1 ilminu'iov, i. L., January b, IM47. IS PERM. ELEPHANT and WHALE, bleached and unbleached OILS. Constantly for sale, by D. W. WOOD, j May 4. 21 Boarding House. j THE subscriber has taken the well-known House on the southeast comer of Docklnd Front i trcets, .ormerly occupied by Mrs. Joseph A. Hill, for the nurposc of accommodating regular and tranrlent ' borders. p. j, SWANN. Nov. 17. 103-tf. Administrators Notice. AT the Juno Term lfll7of the Court of Pleas and' Quarter Sessions for Ihe County of New Hano ver, the subscriber obtained lelten of administration on the goods and chattels, rights apd credits of Samu el Potter deceased. All persons Indebted to the es tate, are requested to msks immediate payment 1 and thoso havingclalme to present them as by law required or they will be barred of rrcove ry. ' HAMULI, K. POTTER, Adm'r. June M. 42 ft GIN AND WHISKEY. 1 f BBLS. Gin. I VJ 26 Bbls. Rectified Whi.kev t or sal by July 29, 1847. DsROSSEf, BROWN A Co. 67-tf. RI.!.uRw'5!eBotr?,Dd 8""ng. In lot to suit purchasers, for sla, by M .1 C- Ul ELL,3.n W. C. Lord's whsrf. Wsy 13. 25 NEW STORE! JUST opened, a splendid aseotmcot of Toy and J Fancy Basket. Also fre.h lot of Confectlorm- dlnZJw tlDd'' hlch lhe L.dio.nd Qsntlemenof Wilmlngtoo srs respsctfi.lly invlwd to call and examine, st E. R. WOOD'S, t rent st. A pi" 1- 14 MESS &z PRIME PORK. Of) BBLS. New Mess Pork, OU 15 " " Prim Pork M,l DiilOSSEt BROW'n Co. June la ,ir '""".'T ",,n,""u' agister or me male ol j a TUILL nn SOI'D. privato sale, tho ; the Markets here, as well as the latest and most ,- &9ft W House and Lot No. 4!l, !,-, r V br nortant News, warran is 11s in saying that the public M$L tween third and Fourth Sreel , and b 'ween have an assurance that the Weekly Commercial will Ked Cross and North Boundary S.reets. (r ear he be all that the reader may desire, in these particulars. Rail Road,) and at prearnt occunied bv J I Hrv , at east. 1 Jftf " I ! n ILK!l(gf .... JOB, BOOK, coaws or raoxT ak mabkst stbekts, WILMINGTON, N. C. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO THE FOLLOWED KINDS OF LETTER PRESS PRINTING. BILLS Of SXCHANOP, BILLS OF LADING, BOOKS, CAitr, CATALOGUES, cxaTincATce, CHICKS, ClBCULAttS, CITSTOM-HOUSa BLANKS, DSAfTS, swans or MEBCHASDISS HANDBILLS, LABELS, LAW BLANKS, MILITARY NOTICES, NOTES, PAMPHLETS, POLICES Or INSCBANCl, fOSTEBS, RECEIPTS. Awn PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, of tterf description, done in the neatest manner, and on the most reasonable terms. We call the attention of our citizens, and the public i . 1 -. J. II Ul I V I b'"""i ' " auove circular, ana cordially extend t0 tnum an invitation to give us a call for their work . agurlng them, that it aall be as well done, and at as ' not to") price, as at snf other establishment, ! 1 ne entire office is new, and we unhesitatingly say ' mlwe. nV?lreal?r variety of and more j "tmcnign Job Office, Ulan was ever beore in tin State. .., . . THOMAS LOR1NG. W ilmjngton, May B. O A nrtT f Cs nmnTTTn o A xJUjLjEj!, lilvIDLES ' it a TMT7QQ TPtTlMVO '. I 1-"-ivt'i EjOO, 1 IVUmVO, &C. &C. XC. 0T Vwitl HE Subscriber has on hand a eencra! as sortment of Goods in his line, together with Rocltawav n,nr;,. 'v 'u- .. i".. ... KocKmtays, isufgtes, I rotting Hageons, ana amines, all ot which hewi sel low Purchasers : are respectfully Invited to rail t .h. nis.i.j S Side of Market Street. M. -f U..I.1. o. . " """ """" GUY C. HOTCHKISS Wilmington, March 23 3. Flour. 0( BBI.S. of fresh ground superfine Flour X V7 received and for sale, by jus G1LLKSPH5 A ROBESON. 37 June 10 LIME. ROO RBLS' lnndin8l AK Hydraulic Ce jyjyj Culcined Pluster ; Plastering Hair, tin ment d Fir Biick. J. C. d R. B. WOOD. May 6 22 HISTORY OF MEXICO. JUST Received, a few copies of an abridd His tory of Mexico, and the Texian Revolution, wilh sketches of the Lives of Gen. Taylor and Sonta An- iin, vy jjbviu a., ueu. r or sale, liy SANDFORD A SMITH May 3, 1847. 21. Valuable Real Estate. m 1 f s nrmfinrminnn i nr. ouuoi.iuuh.KH, ns Kxeeutors lr X the Will of Mrs. E. Lord, deceased, olfrr for sale, on accommodating terms, that val- uouie STORE AND WHARF, present occupied bv Rnrrv A Bryant THOS. U. WRIGHT, ? r. . W. C. LORD, ( T'x March 25, 1 347. 4 Valuable Real Estate. I'he lot is full fifi hv rtn r..i u,i,i, . .....' , house upon it, all will arraMed; unless previously dis posed 01 at private sale, will be oflercd ns above, i7,'f undisputed; persona wishing to purchase, can x amlne the property, or titles, st sny time, by applying 10 H. NUTT. March 22. u DRIED FRUIT. TK1LD Uuinces, Peachcsand Apples. For sale 1 Li V D. w. WOOD. May 13, 25. NEGRO PASSES. JUST printed at" 'I'he Commercial'' Ofnco a new supply of Negro Passes, which are aflbrd-d a trille over ihe cost of paper that it would take 10 wrile them on. Jan. 20. 129 cTlECK IJOOKS. VI J E have just executed ina superb style, bound up V V in 2, 3 and 4 Uuire Books. Checks on the " It.mL ! of Cape Fear," and Ihe ' Branch Bank of the Stale " Call snd examine them, at the Office of The Com mercial. T LORINO. Oct. 31. WANT E D . GOOD TURPENTINE STILL, to run from 1.') I. to 25 Barrels. Apply to C. D. ELLIS. 37 June Oth, 1P47. LEMONS. QICILY Lemons In fine order received per L. P. O Smith and for sale by E. R. WOOD July 17. 5'i Just Received. Vtkv JU-ST recolved. direct from the manufacior K. ti and for sale, cheap, Light Calf skin pegged Boots, do. Goat skin pegged Boots Ladles, Misses, and Children's Kid slippers July 15, 1847. E Camphine ! Campliinc !! T HAVE my Distillery again In full operation, and 1. during the season for closinf h stores at niabt I have discontinued carrying round my Cmphlne three times a woek and will only do o on Saturdays- my price Is slaty cents pe. gJlon, only tan cent, advance on the common Spirits obtained at tht Distilleries -, m1 " COMldJer,l cipensaln fitting up my establishment for re-dlstll.'lng, and am determined to give to all who will favor me with their custom s good artlclo, which they will find less trouble, and vluK of one fourth expense, which a number of my custo mer have assured me to b the esse. . . THOMAS SMITH. J"P8- 8S ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS. NoMMrtw, Is du dally at 3 P. M , closes every night at 10 P. M. 1 gocTMisji, dueS A. M., close at II A. M. h avsttviui, by RalJ Road, due on Mondsy Wednesdsy, and Fridsy at 3 P. M., closes Tuesday Thursdsy and Sanday, at 10 P. M. FAvrrmVtLLa, by Robeson's, Westbrook'e. Eliza bethtown and ProsnMt Hsll,dueonTuHKfay, Thurs dsyand Saturday, st 9 A. M. clones snd depart sime day, at 10 A. M. Smithviixs, dus 8 A. M. closes st 12J P. M. Tatlos's Bsioaa, Long Creek, Moore's Creek risck River Chapel, and HarrelPa Store, due on Thursday, st 6 P. M. closes st 10 P. M , and departs Fridsy, at 0 A. M. Onslow Coust llotii, due vsry Mondsr st I A M ; depart on Fridsy st 0. A M. I

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