"-THOMAS LORlNCi, - ; - - : EpjTOR. and VjiOI'IUETOU. . . r -r 1 . e - '-THE CdMMRRCIAT. .. Is published $very Tuesday VWidfy, and Saturday ii t 5 pep annurt,-rayhle, to U eaaea, In a d?Auce " li Y TflM AS LO R I N O, , CoriM&iffitM to MrM Struts, ,:;. v:. ! snaaroil Insertion,!) 50 ( t square; 2 thonlnsy ft t0 i V.: 2 doW" ts ! -do. 8v do s oo 1 Sf5 'do. ;' TOrjfl doi, 5flo.'jC t i seraenf (ixgeeda f waive Iiqo8,tlie pricoyi o,lo, pro-j-ortIn.5 '..' ;07. .... ' s,-. insertion. " '" ' Contracts with yearly adverjiscw; win be mad on The Hjyibol terms y .if.ii' fi&J) A N I E h'":T p'VK 13,'" t Efe JEjCTFP J-If Y offcrj ' hi" JPisgfesgional Scr XV Mccs tpjb etiiwn qf W luitnctoa and vicinity. Hff)nay b found nt his Oficc. In Lpi6o.n's Bcito iiaafOjiIVant Street, souln of Market. ' (JllOCERIES; DRY -GOODS, AND va IAROTARE, " ' Vli0LESAL5 AND RETAIL, BY .. C. W.rBRA DLEY 9 MYERS It NUM, jK' yMAttCrCTUKe 4ND . DEALERS IN ,., ' -. UA T&rCAP$UMBRELLASi AND WALKING-CANES R I O H A'R D MORRIS," 1 NOTARY PUBLIC, WltWlNGTON, 50. ' Jan. ll 126 ' a"HS. KELLY : t MERCHANT- TAILOR, . - Cv WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17. 1 ...JOHN 11 AH, ' (LATE Of WILMINUTOJJ, NORTIi ,(JAK0L1,NA.) COMMlSSlOiN MERCHANT, . AND AGENT FOi TUB BAUB Of NORTH CBOI.li. KA VL.S.T0RC 33 GRAV1EH STREET, ..... Sew Orleans. January 4, 1847. 12 DEROSSET, 1JROVV N 6c Co., CIEXERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. RRO W EROSS ET Co., I.ENE.RAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 159 FRONT ST. NEW YORK. A. MARTIN, GENERAL AGENT 'and Commission Merchant, Worth filter, 8 Doors above Princess Street, Murphy' $ Building,) WILMINGTON, N. U. Oct. 3. 84 ( J. &-W. L. McGARY roHnjDISQ-AHD COMMISSION merchants; '' Aocsirs" or tm Merchants' Steam Boat Co. - tVLMIVOTON, N. ROWLEY, ASUpURNER CO. General Coin mlsUon Merchaoli, riv . J(o. A C, SouTivWHARiref, l'HI L ADKLl'lil A. .. . ''WS pWlwtrd to mk literal advance on uhlp wnt8 o(Navtd Stores, &c, conaignod to ua iur aole. Hefe to " 1 ?AM0 Pottm, Eq. ) Wiln.in8toniN. C. Joh Gammku, li.aq. j J January 18. I'y- J T ELU A fFdTo K IN SON, COMMISSION J1E R Gil A NT, SiiJorj)tUi1)ftltc Into firm of Dickinson &Morria, .;Vw.. wilhinqjon;. ; . Nesmiih & Walsh, J r;.D.tfrs&Co,Bu8tou M.-an Clailf, J , Walter.&SoUder,)phil dc, ,,, A. Benson &. Co., , 1 Oct. 3, 1810. ' HI ly p UILLKS i'lEt ROPESON, V "' " AGENTS FOR T9tf aIE 67' VOIDER, LUMffEKAfAtStOJRES, f 'willwakq Mbwal cash adta'nee on alj conilgnraent of produce. . .., . f iTarcklt . v. I i" r - "'r- BANDFOHP-A SMITH, ICCTlOSEElli 4 ilIUI MEBCCASTS, JrtH ATHAVV AY & SON, COMMISSION MERCn ANtS, 'WllMlNaTQN.N.Cw J IIIVkaitay'i ' ' J. U HatiiawJlt. AY I hh I A; M ill .1 E A p, , bnimlssVo"ii,WrilIaVj Rilelfjh, AT.''in,l8t7.1 55-y. "3k&2&&&?,i. . ' T'OBLlSlIED TIII-WEEKLY,'JSY THOMAS LOB1.SG. . - . . .rrSh? ;Ei2.-fi..i.;.lLMINGTON,SATURPA ' '' ' " ' ..... . . . , barky &buxnt;;: COMMISSION MERCHANTS r, WILMINGTON, N.'jp, March II 1 if. u JOHN. O. L ATT A, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, ' ' ( 1 WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. 10, 194G. '"67 N. B. HUGHES, COMMISSION . Af7A a.hY7' '"and general Agent. ' For the sale of all kinds of Goods, Country Produce and Real Eatate, RALEIGH, N.C. Business entrusted to him shall be promptly and fuithfully attended lo. liefer to th Editor, of Vie Commercial. Jm 4,. "J ; G. W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, M March 17. .WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 BLANKS " PRINTED TO ORDER. AT THE C COMMERCIAL Q F FICE. L. S. YORKE, GENERAL COMMISSION MEROHAN T NORTItCAROLINA PACKET OPFiCE. 43 1-2 NORTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA. Juue!), 1846. ' v ly37 CHARLES 1). ELLIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, HAVING transferred the agency of the Cupe Fenr S. S. Mill, he is now prepared to transact any business committed to bis trust. Office on W. C. Lord's whnrf lutoly occupied by Russell AGutiiim II. May 13 . 25 THOMAS SANDFORI), "NO T A R Y P U B L1C, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 25. 1347. NEFF & WARNER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEU! IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, SHIP CHAN DLERY, SHIP STORES .f-c April 14. 11 11. STANTON & WUOLl:a.Vl.K AND ttf.TAtt. (JROCEU S, A.VD DF.AI.ER8 IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps Boots, Shoes, Furniture, Hard- icarc, Cutlery, Tin Hare, Crockery, $'c, t-c. WILMINGTON, N. C. L. N. Bari.ow fl. 1. St into. lUiKT.INTl. on lianO, n ir rneral assoitment of C (JHltA UK and PRO VISIONS. Alao. I or- eign FruitrWinos, LiHtioiB. Teas. Porter, Ale, Ac. r Ship Sroats put up with despatch Ocif 31. laifj. ijCopailiiersIiip Notice, TMIR, Subscribers have this day associated with 1 them Mr. Eli W. Hail in the trnnteiIon of th" Aurilnn and Commission business, under tho firm of ,t it 1 tj ? t. 11 1 1 1 ' U D U .1 U 1 , ll a u 11 u u j Grateful for the patronage heretofore extended, we j Iniim hr nfoinntrless and faithful attention to businene i I If II I. 1 I U J 1 . II f 1 n n II f 1 1 1 I ! . 1 to inert a continuation of the same MICHAEL CRONLV. JNO. WALKER, Jr. Refeb to P. K Dickinson, Esq. It R. Savage, Esq. MeM.HHtnisifinfiv O. V. Davis, Esq. J,.hr A. Taylor, Esq. John Walker, Esq. Aug. 17. ., 63 PIANO FORTES FOR SALE M-; h.legtrfit i'tano f orte, in uom- wood case, Of i. UlLBfST's manmae- ture, Boston. Also, onu second-hand Piano Forte, for stile by the Sub? riliet, at his Music Room, opposes h ChronMe Ofltf. Piano Fortea tuned and repaired in n satisfactory ,mmnCr-' " G. F. B. LEIGHTON. March 3. 147 PLANE f) LUMRER. THE Snb.icribi'r having Ixjeomo Agent for ill" salo of the abovo article, for Central i'l.uiing Mill will keep constantly on W, G. Lord's wharf a full sup ply, foi' Bale in lots to suit purchasers. HAY CORN, FLOUR etc. OAA BALES prime Hay, ZVA) (00 Bushels White Corn, , SO Birrels Super, Fine and Cross Flour 20 Boxes Palo Soap, w 4 20 ' 'Adamantine Candles, .100 Bushels Cow Pess, Just received, and for an le by ; ' . SANDFORD & SMITH. Jnj 8. 1847. I J u s t Ite ecived. . f T CS T roi'd. dirscl from the manufactory, J and tot aJ. cheap, , Llffht Calf akin pepged Boots, ' - do. Goat akin peeled Bootai Ladles, Misses; and Ch ildren's Kid sllppeTS. 0. R. FRENCH. July IS, 1347. - ... SI. , Co me, an d,Ex amine; .U . , 1 ll . 13 Vj O., iYou ar$ nqt compelled to pwr(v.awTihabaement;TOtt TMIK full and fresh stock of Confectionary oomdM I 1 e OTCW A DTa SDnTTCIVH nil I. AM AilAN'S SltuH Refintd CofutW. r. , . , Almonds, Pscan Nuta,,FUbert BrstUNuta, Ene Uah WaJnntav4e.-"-H. j j r. .Oranfiea, Lsmoaa, A pule Hid Sjoyrr Bg . Prenrh, Entllsh, Gnrroan and American , Toys of And lot of Ladies covered Work Roslul of a tcry superior make. I..R. WOOD. July 10. &(1 Glue A g6 aq y QUPERIOH quality American Clue, constantly on kjnanu una lor ulu by BARRY $ BRYANT. 63 w July 20. AGENCY FOR VENDING SHOT. HAVING bsen appointed scent for tlM ceVbrsted Shot Factory ! Philadelphia, Messrs. T. & T. Spaiiks, Jr., Proprietors, I now ofter to sell half to One ton or more of any kind of Shot, deliverable hore at the wholesale factory priccsforcasn, or 90 days, ad ding intun st, with only charing the freight out and Insurance from Philadelphia hcriv . , E. DICKINSON, Agent. June 9. 45 ROSIN STRAINERS. OHO FEBT No. I. Rosin Strainers, just received JJ and for sale by HART A POLLEY. June 26. 44 THE subscriber having made arrangements to close his present businessall persons indebted will please settle promptly. Accounts against me will be handed In for settlement. ROB'T G. RANKIN. July 8, 1847. 48 TO RENT. THAT lafjjfrand commodious Hotel, (he HANOVER HOUSE, situated on se cond street opposite the Cspe Fear Bank, in the Town of Wilmington will be rented on reason able terms, from and after the first of October next. The Hanover House is new brick building, four sto ries high, tin roofed, and built expressly for a Hotel. Its locaiionisoas of. the best In the town of Wil mington, and should the person wishing to rent it desire its enlargement the undersigned Is prepared to enter into arrangements tor that purpose. For terms, dto., apply by letter or personally to the Subscriber at the Journal Office. Wilmlneton. DAVID FULTON. July 10, 1847. 49-if. Chronicle copy till forbid. NEW CONFECTIONARY. ryUK St'RSCRIBF.R, would respectfully invite X the Ladies and Gentlemen of VVil nington and vicinity to his assortment of Confictionay, Fuits, .Nuts, Toys Fancy Aticlcs &c. Which has just been selected in the northern market, of the finest quulity, and which he will endeavor to nail at the lowest cash price, and give satixfutclion to all. JOS. WILKINSON, ATnrket St. under Mrs. Cowan' dwelling. April 15, 1847. 13 TAKE NOTICE. TIIOSF. who nre in the habit of purchasing mv (.'AMPlIINi:, will hereafter find it at the more of Mr. D. W. WOOD, where they will alwavs eet a fresh and genuine article. THOMAS SMITH. August 3, 1647. 59-tf. Fresh Drugs & Medicines. S 1 Q DOZFN Congress Spring Water; J B(J lbs. Peruvian Rnrk; 8 dozen Henry's Magnesia j C doz. London Mus- ani. nan tin nr. 10s.; uiun i.anipnor; Calcined Magntsia ; lii '"aib Soda ; Cr. Tartar; StiilliU and .oii.i Powders Freeh Hops; Lxtractnnd Oil of Lemon ; Acetic, Nitric, and Sulphuric Etliersnnd Acids; Sp. Amnion. Aroni. ; Chloride Soda; Dover Powder; Allcppo Scam mony; Strained Honey; Scales tnd Wi hhts, on S'innds and eoniiiion ; good nssui tin, nt of Lancets, (l-'.vans" Gen., Imitation do.; Sup. German Silvernnd Brass Springdo ;) Horn and I Glass Cupping InstrumenlH; sup. .Spatuius,from 12 'Inch don; Leath' r Driukiri Cups; Duniinoes liratidn th s Beckwith's anu Wistar's Tills. Also, 40 gross viuls. For sab' at ow prices, nt tho Drugstore of A. C. EVANS jti 44 June 213. SUGAR AND COFFEE. OA BAGS Rio C ..flee, J I . - . . - . yj (, !,, l.ajruir.l .'Ollee, 2 lilids. .St. Croix Sucar, very fine. For sale by HOWARD A- PEDF.N JuTv 1M7 1 tf. COFFEE. BAGS Green Rio Coflee. iCU 15 " Luguira For sale, at J. A W. L. McGARV'S. 59- 1m. Aug. 3. Broiigliton's Confessions. TFT uublishcd. and f.,r sale at the Commercial .1 ois,, ".Sketrheq of the Life of J0.1v DoNnriKi.n. j nfot Jo) BaorottToi. who was executed for the 1 murder of Db Silva, on tho 21st of Hay, 1S47.'' . pr)oe jj ctnts. ' 2l . . :.JL FOR SALE. THE. valuable dwelling house and lit now occtt pi I bv D. J. Gilbert on the We-ter:i side of IlouuJary street, betwi'i n Dock and Orange streets, w ill be sold on accommodating terms. Apply to thu siihseribor. J O. WRIGHT. July 22, 1847. - - 65-lf. Family Mill THK subscriber respectfully Informs the citizens of Wlhnrntrton, that he keeps eonatantly on hand fruk ground Altai, which b sells at Store prices. He is prepared at ad time to grind Corn at the shortest aotico for families. Coll and try the Stex-m MM be tween ths Messrs. Guars and FaAttvLiM Hotsu ' ' " JONATHAN LEES. Sept. I, 1846 73 ; COFFEE. " RIO, Lagulra, and Sr. Domingo, for sale by CRONLY WALKER AHA CRONLY WALKER A HALL. Aug. 1, ' 61 ML ' TO RENT, FROil tfia first day Of October next, the largt four atory building, now going up, . nn th north' ilitu M Plm. tuif Wn. let and Front Streets. The building it so divided as bmaka. two comfort ible privata dwellings) but Is Ivenleat bonrdinir Iioiim. It inntnln InclnHtn 4 in wwi iocs tea, ana can esiny oo converted into eon At so, front the aaifn- tlma.- Office No. 1.. 2. 3. second story af Murphy's buildings, fronting Water Street. " OILLESPfR ROBESON A ug. 3, 1847. . . . . . 5'J Molasses. 1 rfHHDS.MuacovartoMoUasrs, a prime anl 1 J W ck for retalrin?, now landing at Parsley's barf froia onboard the Brig Llls. and for le b r -T G W .DAVH.i Au;. 7. 61" ml From tht 'Pcopte'l Journal . the urm moles. BY CMA. MACK AT. n When grasping tyranny offends, . , Or angry bigots frown 1 When rulers plot for sc Ifish ends To keep the people down ; When Statesmen form unholy league To drive the world to war: When knaves in palaces Intrigue For ribbons or a star 1 We raise our heads, survey their deeds, And cheerily reply Grub, little mole, grub itndtr ground ; There'itunihint in the iky. When canting hypocrites combina To curb a freeman's thought, And hold all doctrine undivine That holds their canting nought 1 When round their narrow pale they plod, And scornfully assume That all without are cursed of God, And justify the doom t We think of Heaven's eternal love, And strong in hope reply Grub, little mole, grub under ground ; TTiere'e tutuhine in the iky. When greedy authors wield the pen To please the vulgar town Depict great thieves as Injured men And heroes of renown 1 Pander to prejudlco unclean, Apologise for crime, And daub the vicca of the mean With flattery like t lime : For Milton's craft, for Shakespeare's tongue, We blush, bui yet reply ff'ri6, little molei, grub under ground ; 'JTiere'i sunshine in the iky. When smug philosophers survey The various clinics of earth, A nd mourn poor sagellngs of a day - Its too prolific birth 1 And prove, by figures, rule, and plan The large fair world too small To feed the multitudes of man That flourish on its ball: We view the vineyards on the hills, And corn-fields waving high Grub, little mutrs, grub under ground ; There') sunshine in the iky. When men complain of human kind, In misanthropic mood, And thinking evil things, grow blind To prtbCLce of the good ; Winn, walled in prejudices slrori;:, Tiny urge that evermore The world is fated to go wrong, For (rolng wrong before: We feel that truths they cannot feel, And smile as wo reply Grub, little mules, grub under gruuiul ; T'u rt'i tunihine in the ily. 1 Fmm the N. O. Pilt.i, An- MEXICO. 20. I, ITER FROM TERU'RI'Z AND TAMPICO. A I UUVAK K THE .ALVHS'l'O.N r, , , , y- 1 v Reported advance of General Scott , mi the City of Mexico Left Pitc- j tla on the 7th instant Attack by the Guerrillas on Major Lalcys ' , r, Train- Defeat of tjie Enemy Strong Reinforcements under Or- dcrs tn March to the Assistance , , , . ,. , . , 1 the American Command- -Sickness . in the Squadron Expected Niqht j Attack m Tamuico - -Diminution of the Disease at Feta Cruz-On The Increase at Tampico, dv., $-c. The flnlveton. Havilnnd, arrived in port ' last evpiitmr. liavin left Vera Lruz on the j l'2th. Tninpieo on the 1 1th, and touched, oil' Fnuos 011 the 15th inst. j The most important intelligence wluch tin; i.ilvtston briny.;, is that (Jen. Scotllefi , Fit' IjIj. fur the City of Mexico on the 7th AucriiHt, and that it was confidently expec- ( ted he would have to fight a severe battle ; ! between Puebla and that city. Hie c dp-1 municationa being still interrupted, and our sjwcial expresses from I'uebla having been cut off) (as see our correspondent Alpha's letter,) w a-have nothing direct from Gen. Scott's army, but the statement of his ad vance on the 7th, comes in an authentic and reliable form. The guerrillas, it appears, have been active, and have kej(f our dragoons continu ally on the via rice. We are happy to see that Lieut Waters, with a detaclunent of Bensancon's company, and, Capt. Fairchild, with his gallant company, have had a brush with the enemy, and shown them wbat Louisiana mettle is. The Nun of Anahuat, of th . I?th insL, f ives the following account of a pretty se rious affair between some of our troops and the' guerrillas; K ' v.. Tk Traint, 'Attacked. .Several dragoons armed here yesterday evening.,bearing. a mesSa'grtthe'gyvernor, They. loft the train Yesterday morning, and report that i a fight had taken place eight miles froihjlhn National Bridge, in which Cnpt Caldwell of the Voltigeui", and 'npt Cummyngsof 0 - r ,t. .- the 15th Inland; M4 $cyn ' wttttriilci!.-- Catrt. Loyell's Georrk mounted mett chaV get! on the enemjr (tcr tho first onset, and drovo them back, killing somfi' tweDtjive. Wlten the dragoons left, it was Expected other attacks would be made upon cmrmcn. Eight Amcricnns'Vnad' been killed.Tha force of, tho cnein is fPDohcd to he ttf Inrgc, and the natural ouvantttgofl of the if position rendef them" doubly strong. The Governor immediately, caused preparationa to bo made fur the departure of atfong rein forcetnecta. r The reinforcement were to leave on tha mominff of the 12th. The Sun thinks the train will meet with severe opposition before it pasuea the bridge. Respecting the health of various points in Mexico, the Sun aays : " Tampico is very unhealthy. We are told that at Anton Lt zardo, also, the yellow fever . had tnade its appearance among our sailors ; but w hope there is no truth in that, foiour kind correspondent in that neighborhood would have apprised ua of it, if it was'so. The health of Vera Crua may be said lobe good. 'Ilierere are, it in true, some cases of fever, but nearly all these hare been occasioned by exposure to the sun." The'SttA of the 11th contains the follow imr items: Lieut. Waters and his Ranirers,Vho had been sent to reconnoitre the road which the train was to follow, came back to the city much fatigued, having gone near 1 uente Nacional On their relurn, they met with two men murdered by the Mexicans. The Georgia mounted men had arrived oi ' thf spot before the Rangers, and had found one of the men yet alive. He had time, before his death, to give the information necessa ry to recognize the murderer, who were captured a short distance from that place. Although they werd very much fatigued, the Rangers-went out yesterday evening on another scouting expedition. A Mexican was taken by one of CapL Ceaancon's Rangers in the act of stealing the horsfs of the company. A rniigrr- belonging to Capt. Cesancon's company, wc have just learnedj haa been killed last evening by the Mexicans. We could not learn the particulars. Wc were told that he was found, hi.s sword having blood on it, in his hand. This shows that he must have defended him,sclf. The h.iiiie of thin poor-fallow was Francis Lor iiilt, a Canadian by birth. We deeply regret to notice in the Nun of tho 10th, the following account of the 1 leath of that promising young officer, the adjutant Of Col. Fieaca's "battalion of Lou isiana Volunteers : Death, of Adjutant !uwt. We are called uiwn to announce the denth of one of the ; most prominent young officers of the Lou isiana Battalion, Lieut. Ouiot, which took ' place yesterday morning, after an illnejs of ' only three days. His remains were Dome I to the grave last evening, accompanied by 1 a military escort commanded'by' Lieutenant ; Read, several American citizens, residents I here, also attended the funeral. Lieut. O. wus Adjutant of the battalion, and was a native 01 liouisiana, wiiero no leu menus who, with his brothers in anus here, will lonff'regr,., LilJl Major Wly's column has a hard time of it, as it appears from the following that it h hardly- got out of Vera Cniz before it wasattacked. We quote from the bun of otlx ; Allark upon th- Train. The rear of the train which left here on Saturday laat, was attacked by a large party of guerrillas about a .y, Sauta Fe n main winch wus under command of Major Lalfy ot the lUiii lnlantry, was consiaeraoiy of the (some say 7 or 8 miles) in advance of the f,n -ward m-af on. Two of the nartv were h.uiy woun,lcJ ; one man died nt Bergarra yesterday, shortly after his arrival at that nosi, a nd the otner was uroueni into town and placed in Dr. Porter's hospital The following letters from our corres pondents, contain all the news which is in circulation in Vcrti Cruz : Vuua Cri;z, Aug Oth, If 47 Ldn. Delta, ' Yester day Capt. Fairchild sullied out with his company, and about seventeen miles off fell upon a number of Mexicans, a village can ed Paso Toro. The sight of our Louisiana boys frightened them as much as though the blast of confusion from Mahomet's hea ven had burst upon their ears, and they scampered away over hill and dale out of their reach. The village was searched through, and a good deal of arm and am munition was found and destroyed i their swords were broken and thrown into the river some were brought into camp, , The camp was formed and here they staid all night without coming to an action of any descriptioa With great respect, yours. AMERICANO NUEVO. VESA CacryAMf. Uih, 1847. Eds. ZMftf The!. anticipated attack on the train which started trrr the 7th instant, E roved anything but. imaginary; for, not aving more i than 50O;soldierr to eseort them, the iruerrillera betran to narasi then rear not far from this city- This growl con tinued for about twenty-nve milee, whert a dashin g, d aring fight took place, and brought tram as well as escort to a stand-still SO soldicrj wouiiJ.l, 3 Geoi.,.'-i.'i ....luJ, a...Ii -HO hones, A ine-- 'nr'r Wived iti to day for reinforccin. i befof W. y to ,11- ( proceed, j, Copt. Foirchild and L ; f : v ; -ny were ordered off to tie t eno of r. r 'ion -Jul all probability Capt. , Lcrffl neon's 1 .eti 'j: would have been ordered out Lkewi ,e I.a.r fee been incamp; but he was out w IU n. : 5r of his men, having left only eH.t . tJ' 4 UftM tlio c.uiip and ita contents; Love-. r, y e in not idle a skirmish came off Tester day between his men and 'the Mciican.i at SL Jonn'i liruige. Lawrence, one of th privates, waa ho( through the chest he 5 was orcLigi mio camp, una morning an.i -. buried. . -Iliaf' sword - was ':simnMcl ' wirft''"?1. ' the purple Btream,fts well , as the belt and!.., word-strap,; Capt. JJesancon's men killed,. 3 Mexican on , the spot, and sabred tlieni-.c-. fburtn of ougr men are unhorsed by thefnghtv of the horses at each discharge of rlre-arml from then riders With great respect, your T . . . , . i,r.W,'l l."! , , . ". , Vm AtiAugt;i;i'8S,r . Eds. Jfa The Galveston arrived Jiere last . evening tU Tampico, bringing witli. j her 80 men of 12th Regin1cnV6a quartef.if master's men and CO horses. "Amongst the passengers on board, I vas both surprised p and .very much pleased to find your ktd' -"' worthy- copartner and friend, Mr. llap:-4:-.r He looks 5 as hearty as a buck," and wal , . much pleased with his tripso far. Of tneft and matter here just- at present, there ir.,y but little, to ipprbe ro of that inay be) called news." Since the date of my last let- ter there has Wen M newe whatevc tf ceived from the aray. ; The tram: wLich left on the 7th, under Majof Lally, i-as ab ';'.. . tacked & Um miles out, and four pi five orp our men wounded. . Onl of them, I under') , stand hftf ' lince 'dled. v LieuL Vatm, of Besancon's company of mounted ranger started in pursuit 1 guerrillaa oa Monday evening, came tip with 4 Party, supposed- r to be the one that made the attack on tho 4 train,) attacked and completely ;outecl it" Three Mexicans were killed; several wounr . ded. Waters' loss amounted ta only A' horse, which was shot during the skirmish, FairchOd's Company have bees kept fery busy since their arrival, going' out event day, scourinff the said hills and chaparreL The mounted men in this neighborhood are the only effective foiter that can1 be used !a keeping the gAiemllas it ft retrpectable dis tance from town. ' I see by the papers which Voq were kinl enough to send, that seme of yur contem- poranes have sent Gen. Scortfairly into the -city of Mexico on the 17th but yotwUL, at once; see that they are' at fettle ahead m this matter, and subject themselves and their readers to the mortification of Ceehnjthat they were imposed on,bj,rlymg:'rupon statements made without any regard inaL ever to the sources .from whence ihey are.' derived. . ... , An arrival by express from headquarters of the army is anxiously looked 'for here, . but it is a matter of the merest chance whe it wi reach. ' I was'told thaf sveral ex presses fox New". Orkans-rlhrce 'of Kl dall's of the Hcayune and two" oflyours-f have been exfi fmewbere between here and JalafTbut this, in the weseniitate' of the road; is rwtJimg , worwerfui " The preparations for a new train are already afloat ; I have not yet. however, learned who is, to take commana of it' CoLWil son, (12th RegimenO 'wh Wa td -Tlavi proceeded with the last but' detained by sickness, is sull very low, and if is scarcelf 'i probable he will be strong " enough (6 pro- ' rffil wilh th nti tw trremnmr. . Ieut. v"v.y,. UTieedn, of the 12th Regiment, atsoy for merly of Raleigh, N. C , persisted in leaving r in thry train with his company on Saturday contrary to the wisher of his friends hr, and, I regret to Slate, returned here in I. Ve ry weak state the' day before tejrday j jeut. w. naa been extremely iu eversmce he left Charleston with' a portion of , his re giment :' '-JT'S ' -Another afrack Was MJiade -on 'the tram this morning, about 30 miles ? from Sonu Fe,s which t have already told yon is a few miles above the encampment, or, sorfle rail it, Cump Vera Gordo.' The guerrillas numbered about 200, and are supposed to be but an advancea guara 01 a panjr 01 up- wards or ww Mexicans now stauonca ai Vumtt xVaow,.which' point every means is being taken bj the enemy trj fertrfyj and where, nodoubtour sbHiers 'will 'have to ficht hard to nass.". However they1 are t200- strong, and tLere is no apprehension whatif vf should "they reach there without su . ',n . ... , ' . - a' f 1 ever, ferine: any considerable loss on the- road. but that they wilt pass, it 'yictcriouslyt i accompanied ft small party, tier hearing of the Attack tcnlay, and met the escort kbout four miles from jiere;: one of tnemtou me, and the information was afterwards, by letters, received by the 'Governor that the attack was made at i the place,, tamed ; a considerable brush had taken place between sv portion of our men and the guerrillas, la which 21 Mexicans had seen shot ndV 1 American. Two of our officers were wound ed badly and six or eight of our ment In compliance with the requisition made upon the Governor, a small train of wagons, with forage and supplies, under a strong escort. Fairchild's Rangers, and 10O Infantry, will be sent out to-morrow morning. ; On returning from Santa-1 e, I met Mr. It, well mrjunted. with a pair of holsters in front". He looLci, as formidable as you please and was, 1 suppose, fa tiuesl if the guerrillas. He is, determined, however, lo see the elephant, anJ prajrs fbr a chance I do a part of . the figbting i before ltF back. Yours, i ' ' - - ALT1LW Edt bJUTht itoamship Far..- has just arrived, baring On board Capt Ilaite, ' -4 4

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