"4 ('V yO .A' 1 ...I" J . ; . v.;,.' ' y 7 I - "t e i ,,, 'f' V, Crf.l dwth tent- set An. Mftrk. lenni -'At A ScAt.r. of petty ; by , riiri thing Vit: I tppear.s th And num.:) ,4ime of v i Con' the lu the ii ' the i i.i'iny vi i.,.i;m 10' 1. ' t.. curio kin I CI a!,:.io,,t I inn ' ' which i Jhr many ; . 1 . i.uuu ot ycm. i ; a iu the ).. :..t 1 -ma cali'iv I.oce I .ilii r iMl.i i t before Iji'm, ri 1 I'llJ to I , b ( I GuVt ( t HI t ) t h( cne ot ii i Uino' n .Very ci had" fin y- 'llIC ' a ii J win"1 iuj " the ' hor tt for i mi, . On one ' n C rrt-tirn he 'e.1 tint,, ha requested the nh several 8rertiL '"r "made, tracks? i'1 1 1 1 ; I I'olitelyf'eu a ii..) l". . and Jan V to , send lipr littli K i'i n wrvamnil hiA 'tvun i i to hifl boitrdiiior house and he would ty t,..- i .iioy. ijic lady assented; and the oy aeeompaiu. a inm uinut Vlien widdi'idy the ttim and li.it the. chiM to find hm 'way homo 'tta bed he cowld. : 1 U played the s.tm trick uii- eevcrnl C'l'il'. rlioncre iurl others in the lame Kin rl, and not eon lent wilt one-frama: s It try ft, r'etifiorv iuid in s' "t;m'(1.-1. L;i ;(. Safimlay ! ei."cil on one of hi:; CJny -:l-d 1 I ; i,Hklted:ie . 1 -pr- d hm thanks, &c:,' t ) bhoulder a wateivpielon, aljUfequea. to "uend to'-his Ihr the clinp-v..' I'he ehon- !y re:', "d, and Ins ire at the rnomi I a Revere la lie v. ei Ppllia' i. ' nr- ; Vli. '.t, I V - :. St. (.".: : tbrtho i . ,.- fetid va.- ulioi.t taakinij (!u: u. boarding house Keeper, hovvevt r, pontivi. drifts c,w'",:ifttt.the e!i feave t!.c "younff iseanr;)" scold inc. Mid an. e'L'iedhhn that islie was 'perfectlv a- var0' thetiranlis he had ' practised '.'uport othcw;;.: 'ho. ' BhccpLih, . tiiop..l'ulIeri-';hcio cowered under the withering eloquence 'of the'indjwnt. lndy, eonfeeseti liia, 'guilt, and left as 'flcd-e lor the 'payment of his bill, an o!4';po(,kct handkcrciiief which boro in dubitable cvidi nf frequent application to biVtinpal i .:. 'iiic 'pledge "Uius, received, not on nci nmt of if value, Imf aa a trophy, the pui'lici dcclarinsj that they ,are"sati.;ficu witjj the Hound rating the H-1W 'received. QJvior.a whip "to scourge': the .guilty r.i.itul rpyjd tho woihl. ;.-.. . .., :.:,. ,; vtM. .fi'lTA'tlt OL' A -rrt" v ath of a re if nothing dog! mong tho "Ciiy Items" f that excellent paper the rhilad. h hia Kve: i. Ihj'dclin,- wo 6ad the following notice of the arkallft' ' dog. It will arnust else:. - '' ' ;f be Mounu-ul duty devolve upon wn of recording the eudder'Qind paiafid death bf art old and valued member of the Fire De pBrttnent. CAssica irf no more! He who.e' name and fame were spread tin hout thia epuntry end Europe U now iimuhi-rcd with, the dead. .The event has hl!i 1 the eunuijuuity with sorro.v. , i';r. . ;; ' , - ' tCash, an he wan familiarly' called,' wns a large, grey e ", of thclV- le-Hpi'ci. -s-, jcsisingajl the d'raified inli !! er;Cef..r which' thftt vrcdh-nt breed u d! . : !:ed. Y'e: hhye!')u ard of many womb rful tri -hi per-: formed by h., but (Ja.-.'a exceeded them nil lathe extent and variityef hi.-j know h'dgft tic had o'tached him . 'i t ;' " (iood Laen't Hose, of which . company 1 v. as a faithful men;' fr a period of iih ) ;t : ' ? ye'i-:. lli t.ir w.n A.'.Ay acute, sn he could hettf Mi tdanu ( . ,', 1 .i.iore tiny of the nnua kW, of which ! y.ive instant warning, by lend barking and f.;'rigliig-ftgtiiiit the door of the Lofitj house. - A soon us the door was opened, ho would ecre tho rope in his mouth, ay towards toe f j c, pulling lead: irith I; arriv and : . age i' then e Uie un elf v eh . a h on i ht a n i' . m ' 1 it v return weh the horn in hi.s mou fCa.ll had bee Eret 1 to ho ih ig ' ' ' ' at a.. - i. grief, i ! e ipr Ik wh h en: and andl- pea r' the r dotu. :i untu me; ie aiiitance would r e 1 1 : : i'U,lih.hiiJ hold ad, anon returning to enconr- h a I'M! 1 bark or two, nnijj 1 "5 Wan always L!;,r .. i r ; i ti.e l',r, bu?yiii hini- the s : .bubdacd, . v. hen lie would rri i'y;ran-yin jth.-,!h', " .r's l tru ". t t to u-'-r coo! 1 :' - 1 ( f f ii' M. 1 t 1)0. !", Wh. 11 e a t ... 1 1 .! t ) be i.. i to 'it: ! ' ef tho " re- 1 ! h V" ' I fOuu ioi"-lH even ly in with bin ..h. . , ht went 1 ' ! Jen-. .t i ci'i Cr h : 1 t m went oil w h.h the h:h "pponcrt to hi aati: fci... i m (hh !- '" ftlMlown' and kieh i Or. Co. i X- ;:h., (.;. !....,.;: . t his projtrii'c n:.d to 'esprau their pome ormtol the ) on the bell, at i euJ Jenly up, H i noyto-V right , ,:" .V. V.; i hid a very ton Hi a dog that i; p- : t - cry ! ; 'Tt.' In ar. d v 'n it w:v e ti e 1m :T(h' !V .: ran up ami l a (hi.-li i hind .-legs, fcathdied huvior the1' title' sneak rs in hiamnsiter'ii door, i'.mn to 1' ht it out. i ' e ( f i ,e bite, but V ' T'e.l hia t : -far' lit" I c to th led i 1 to l at. t '' t' , Ca iionnfe in ?' pen'tio' C! o. with hni., very oncJ tie wa , ; : v'" 11 ' "-To people of -color, liow I yd ! h-1 aver.sioria would y '! : ' ; re'O'h. Kind wordt and ' ; ' - : ;.aji on hand- for Ca.-!s. "aj n :' ..:.i.; i. .'imely end in wide spread. It is not certainly known I ow hU death came about, but many believe ueathe Wat poisoned by u bad member of oi-eof the rivdl cora panics. ' , He died in the jehU 0f, bias usefid tn 1 - d mne veat, . 4'ooi (hi h 'r,n C h faithful Cniih bimi'M 'nici n t ul nt trilled with vflur intelh"- nee! The lulmg pashion was strong in in ..ui. jv n y, juuimea .oeiore nir aw solution, -and while., writhing twith pain," the Staie I lou :e , Btruc(fota ficewcabtAitd hausted aa he wtis,,he aprahipolrb4k.feet' thjntelligent eye, lighied.:wftkit a..,Wohted fireVhe gave u feebl.barky-iBtatfgeredeoB fulwvely : towarda :, the ,2oorah(f, fell dead! ' The memtiers of the :.Qoo&x latent. Hose are inconsolable for Ms tops, and good-reason have, they m t be, m Cash never fniBsed a fire hi- eight years. They have testified their grief by putting the.- cafrioge ,inn0orning: which badge, will be worn for the usual period of thirty days. Cash 'in to be Htulled "'and then preserved in a lieaoti.'ul r od . expensive .gtasn cane, i It should he framed with gold. He was the property of Mr.. Ileiiry? "Smith, Who very kindly pave him to the company. i: ':.,; h , ,, J?areweil, Cash l', .; .xlihii. lit Bf i v. iv i'AC'UA. 1 ods .' !.... ilf Ro.U)4 Ul'li..,-!. .' ,. 14 CORN'..,... 'rr.. CUKKid-:. ft. Domingo-." J:,va,.........? . UiO-f ' (.'. . . f.r?uira.-.i. .. . . IXJMESTICS. CoifoB Ym. .. 4-4 N.C. WwcUhj..,..,. i It) i, I -" ':."'" C3 fy; V ' ' ? H ' s 5.7 1 10 1 la o,i9 count v, on Friday, Dm. liiih .August, ?, iiki-a Ann, ini.uit daughter of Iliifh H. Cowan, vK six months and twcnty-eleht days. ' " ' MAKIp cwa A"' fOUT'OF WILMINGTON, AUG17S1 2a"' A " ' ' ir-w'' vj? (rr.ei, HWH water at the .ia;::"iii ".'.,', J.' .'.-U-i - '' I -.:'t;',rt:f;ARlUTEB."mtt'l!,i ; 2f, Schr. Tudcnrorn, Campbell, frorfr Philtdelpbln; to C. D. 1 .Ilia, wilh IsjToni Ra,ll Road Irog ajji) m -Buahcls Cou.: '':''-'"-'. .h ?.:' i '"r'V' Schr. L. P.hSmhh, Youngs, from NeWxorkr (i R, VV. Drown, with good tor R. VV Brown, M.' I Inosloop.Hart & Polly, D. W, Wood.T. Huak A Son,. Ih Fuller, Sjmlheimer & CoiW. St G. S. Allen,. D. C. ll.ipprtv. V,. G. Hotehkiss. J' Jlndflrson., C-.W. Brndley, Howard & Peden, Hall h Johnson, S.- .W.'" JlrOonald, S. Boone, V. D. BrMze, N. Drey. ' Price. ut r uiion, w. r. k. ii. urani, j. a v. tucKae.Uoo Jnwft Caldwell, J. & II." McMWniTTi.' A E'J. Lilly. B. Hoc ,t Son, P. Taylor, MunJhfrori; Reld 6i Co., J, D. VN il'iuniR, 3. Cliristinn A Co., Nulf & War ncrA.J. Bradlord. Henrietta S, . Co D.,.-. VV. Mctaurln, John Banks, CJ.'. Sbnnb, Av-JI, VsnBolt kclm, W. t). JftlVrys, VV. & 3. U. Allen;' Werchnnt S. B. Co., VV. Gil.xon,' VV, S; Pomberton, J. Dodd) T. S. Lutterloh. R. U. Stanton & Co., Cronly i Walk er, SundfordA Saiiih, J Hathaway fc Son. L. M, 1'icrce. II. I.ippitt. 1). Porett, J.,Biown, J. Benm ;r, S. T. Haw ley-, J. H. Ibill, E. J. LtiUcilohGardn.T A McKeiihan, RhJ. Orogory.'j. VV, Schenck, T. Lodng. , 'ft c "''". ' : ' ..... . , 27a Schr. Jack Downing:, from JnckMNvilla, 'with tOD blla. Spirits Turprntino, to Q VV. DaTl8x2. f '",'- "", ; " ' CLE A R F. IX' A h. - . . v,"', e' " !. 25.' BrI? Abipnil Cooper, Mulicnn, for" TewWy port, by K. Dickinson, with 100,000 ft." Steam Sawed Iunt'ir,30.0n0ft. Ttniber; .' 1 .e;.:: " v,4 , . . 2J. Ihie Orb, Davis, for Cotton, by E,' Dickinson", with 120.000 ft. Steam Sawed Plank, 35,000 ft. Tim- to" '-V''- 1 ' " , - 27:' Schr. E.S. Powell, ; Powell, for NoW York,' by O. VV. Davln. Expor! In our next,"-;"1 -- i, u, Schr. J. V. Jone9,Siates, fi)rNeW;YoTk, by R. W. Brown. Exports In our next, .. - ').'i' AVir Mammc the 1 1 ihr ' DISASTERS ..ik, Aug. 25. Lota .or tks kew Silif AXBloiTY-i'Oun.i YVorcgTPito lenrr. 1 die y'' Maniiouk,bflonDiiiff to F. A. Da ;. of thi-i ei:y, and the Uvea of forv-two of -0 pns.-.-iwera and crew. Tho Zi. tulk from tloi t ort a short time since bound to Liverpool snd on Sunday, Aug. 1", In about lat. 33, lor:. G7, while lyinjMo in a violent hurricane, under tho ninin apencer and faro ti pmnH t-sto ysail, at ten niiu.utua be fore twelve, the ship was struck by a tremenduim (Ml'i'dl, which careened la r so fur that the cargo shift. ! . ! brounht hr in a'l instant on her beam end 1, iv ' -..t lor ov. r t! at the v.-pi'Ivt nil en th quarter de. k was will... 1 a Mi f.i-t iii 1 . water, j The main and mizen rnaHiHW'TC Immediately cut away, and the h!p Hehffil, I nt the ahiftinq; Of the 1.: hnvlwr ku: -t open i'..; leaehef, n e :i"i,j :,u:::, r I tho :--'! f,!l rf wnrr the narbowrd uA I nr uu.lor .v ', .t daylieht on Monday mot nin ""outnf f l neies wore i.iim.t alivo. Throu::h onf the day and Tuesday the storm still r ...J the sea broke tiolenily over the ''.wreck, Saw a vri:-e! on Thursday, but the weather wat too tonnh f r her to approach, but by daylight Cext tnor tliie; slie wn: -n bear'mi; down f.r the wreck 5 nhe rna.-l t) be ihe bnnr Bal'e, Cunt. Dawes, t'J, da fioni te.:'.m, bomid to Vort an Prince, -Cunt, liiiiPv t.. a i:a oil ihs wreck and treated us with the free test ki: '...., aoendlng to our every want, and s'teri'd the c.jiuseof bis vce" I to the port of New York, where we arrived in f ei ty. Thirty-five of the Steerage pab?en(rera and mncn of the crew w. re wn.-h-d overboard and lost. The M. Cleared fioni. York snd was bound to Liverpool. The fouuv.'hij are the names of the teamen lost : VVm. 1 (oward, Jacob Dey. er, J.ihn Allen, Hamy Outihsm, Robert '', , VVm. ? ,: r. colored rook. Tho otdy atectoge passenger e !, David Ilowela. . . , " !";''h'h br' j I.i " :, no her passage from tliis cily to Seoiland, la.:, n w e i corn, Ao., was foundered 011 thofiih of .Aun-uai, iu lat 41, Ion 67 30, havlrui e;riinE aienx... 'l n c"w were mken off on the" Till 1 ! ' Li t JI Ptvettenia-hoinlnal...iw.r s 1.1.1 r, on e 1 CnnaU nominal vi.'ttrt.VoA't 7 7" S 00 HAY- ., ()fl.70 LUMBER, STEAM MILL. j , , Wide Boardfl.Planit and r, ' ft. i 1 Floor Boards II M ft ?, , .5 -i LUMBiai, laVLll. . ' VloorBoardii-..., 8 00 S 5f ' WjdcBoarda. .,,,,.......,.,,,, .. . . ... 5 , 49 g 50 Scantlini t. 4 4 60 tARbV 10 11 MolASSEsViy-'i" JVewOrleaias ' t. Nouiinol A Cuba. 24 2T MEAL... ... ; ...... A y bush. 87 a UO NAVAL 'STORT.-. , , , - JJriim New Vinnri Dip. 3 W ra Second year's tuow Dip. ..... .. . 7u a 2 7 . Ilard.v'--.,,'!.'':, ;',. ;,.... ..'.'" ','. ' Spirits Turpentine, ....;....." ..(. 'i,': Tarv-,. '. ."? y t..i.- 1 65 s;.:4r HCO v -' -i W bill. J.OtliB' RosiniNo. 1 .i ............ 7 bbl. 1,25 o 1,371 No. 2v..'..v.,.i..,.,.?.--. .......... 50 100 f ' ; 3-"''. . .., 23 4 28 XT f..U ii ! on peas...-. ';. l:X W :. -','"' B. U. per,f...,v.'.... .i..'...i' bn. ;-95 ra lOO P F. A-NUTS', nominal.-. . ? bn-iel,.. a HR i; Iviit;h....noiie...Dr bu. ,'1 00 Clcanc '.fair to r ad, :.i .yr 100 JUs. 4 CO95 25 SUUAK. . ', . ' : ' ' New Orleans" . '.nominal 8 a 8) rorm raco..... .v,v....v.-...... v...-i - vj O ,tii W. O l.ud.nurh-None ' fw ,,w " ' t.-,,, (iievHfd ' 1 ''12 ' " bnml , 4,,.Ti 12 W 18 It. O, Ilhd. rouch-" i .....do..-.. 4-6 r7i. - dioatted.'''s...tv'.do...... 10 W IB SHINGLES, -iV If , . ' v - - s r common. '..... I Vo 2 Contract- T . ', v. J. A .v.W 4 B0 o 5 00 SI'UUIS.-. t 'on 'l N. E. Rum-., . . .. ,'i , 35-. 37 OoTO'.SlnJ. . .V.;h ;; .JT.',,'f 42 ji 4S-" WhIsey.,.,.M.v,.....,iM,...v 25 o 2f AppleBrsndyV.wi.'w......vy.i. 35 - m SALt1 ''.-"'' ' ' 1 '.' " .?,-. " Liverpool. . .;. ,. Kack,... ... v " 1 TIMBERvl-f-n Ur:-' h'"' :' ?'" it Fair Quality, . .:.Vy,v.', .. ,Vjrvi:. '.'.; 5 0U 5 75 GoodMill, .M.y,,v.. y.i..: ..V.v.;. 6 60 0 600 SWpplBfl'w., .. ".:";; i .8 124 0 10 60 i'-'-A, i f . " ' AmiU ceived this Aug. 23. Mi )C Ilhds.gdod P" . pi snle bv J ,Aujj. 2(3, 1 17. -"1 i i-.;i ii - 11Y. in, r "jf ,'T,n' liuuhem t. iiciu. nt of the buildinu I i uiiHit'oaiciy n in oi uio jan, on secona I ... J -.iStreet. which will a lorl , a dcairable and I rr. v-"' pleasant residence tor a annul lamilv containing four f)A BARREL?, a. J half 1 i '. , wni with celMr kitchen. ArprV to 1 ' -i . ZVschr Jont.O' ..... M f.r r ' ' ,Ao(r.28.7 r-' - , eii- Anj.2i,ri7. ";' . .v :,., l or r A"" i TO BUST. ;- -..: '' PI IE Stores on Front and Prlic - ' St'as, j x known aa the Ouard Row nieludlng ' Cu; 1 1" Renoeliorv. ..-'r h ' A t.o, twoi?ti)r. in Market Street, occupied by (i. R.J.'retieIi atrtfT. 11. Howey."-- ',; f-(;'"h "Ai.ko, Bcwrnl f..mior!iblo dwelling; housca, .for twelve iiiet, lis, f.oin H;a f.m of October next. . ; '4'':"- . Aj ; y t V"V - ' "" r-t:r: , . ial.U. Baker." h 111 iiiwmi ii.. i ., , . A'f vr".TirBMTii'x.r5-ISlxtcen hundicd barrels of Turpen tin hsve beeivaolii alrice Thnraday morning, prirrui vlrglnat tt, and pne .small lot at $2,75h-'yolIow dip' at 92,55, 2.70 and 2,75-nd the market elcaredi.; No Iran actions in 86n iis of Turpentiacj Lumber,' Timber, or other articles of consequence:'- g; -at " ' m! iYJS rrifVJKM. ,AugM3i 187. , The market has been freely supplied with' Cotton, and prices ,Sera whor' uneVea-"' galea tot Ui last three day, 3,TO0 tares,' from U to l4f, ' accordin" toqualityJ.r 'tt- YrJv'4 "y The demand for Flour la. moderates .Oennessos ranges from $S.63'to 8.81 j Michigan ia-fify'to 175 j Ohio, the same'i Southern Flour ts dull .' ; , 6?00.bushels mixed Corn sold- 'at75.Vt-'iSub6e-QuentlyvpQod' lots wereofTered t 7? aod,H cents.: .... j - wb' PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 25. : Tlou qSct and rather dull. ;mall sales of r nnsylvanls brands at 18, though,' boyersare asking a re hictioii.'j pom. .meal is held at 13.25, and not niuoh.In'demand.iy-.:l,;y' V.V .: h; .-ir;.;4 . Good Corn;' 75- 0 76 ccnD Oata 45 eta. t.v thaachoom f. ,1'. i tO tV- , te-iii In'1' ' rl., In... . o w ! i h. d rt they Vf'"-e f"i 1Q Wii.ei) t: I I a r i ii. V4 ' I :r:a- ' '. e r t : bid- 1 i - ' a ihe n !?)od h. eom- t t ' 1 i C t.il..' I to put I .! liT n; A. 01:0 v ' A T.r.r I :r 1 .' !'t I HAY.i 1IAV m : VbKo more bf II 'Ufi0, do Kfcrtvi N. C. fl-.v las day, i ' '.out 9 at ftr :. ; i 'tf. !! IJAY!!! :'e's m,. 'hijrv. C. Hay. 1. Ci til t I the !. d to the I, tv- . ' i '' C) I C,i h nv , so ho ran Ind die conn r, and beiraa to baidf. to two 1 1 30 roiiivy ii ro I-w!, M,-n n4 Pfinia Pork.juft rtflw) n04 ' '' I. W. L. McUAilV 1947. ; - : ia ( "NEVER .GIVE FP," so bng as it Is In jrour power to avail yourself of that jutly' celebrated 4Z mcdy fof coughs, .eokls, and every species of lung complalntjr y ;:..;;,;; ly j"." "'t:,: 1 ; W1STAR'3 BALSAM OF WILD CIIERRtV Sir. S. VV. F6Wi.;'t .,. ; ;;-'j' -;vf If you think the'' following:' cerrlficats worth pub-' lishlng, It Is at your service j. ; ; ' V y ; 1 hereby certify that ! war afflicted with a very trouldi-some cough for about one year,. I tried a great ninny diili rent remedies recominrtided to me, but all to no purpusc j finding that I waa not getting any Ix tter, I was induced to try Dr.. Wlatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry j and aec'ir.lm"!y procured a bottk.of Edward .".lason, Drur d. t inj Apotheca-y in Pott land. After using It according to the diitcilons, I can pay it cured me entirely I am now well and aide to attend to my woiS,and woe! K'., -;;'u::y recoaiiueti.I It to any que afflicted with any disease of tbe-'lungs. (na''vi w.iLi.' DAVID ALLEN. , Vitrie8, GEORGE'ALLEN. ' ; -'' ; f Pownal, Cumberland Co,, Med, Oct. 1 . .. " None 'gcnulns unless sljried. I. ' BUTTS on the wrapper.'.-.' -':;'' ' -' ' , . ' , y.h( . ; For sole, wholesale and retail, ly WM., SIIAVV, Wilmington, and by driers In Jleilicinesgenera'dy fhroiiliout the country. .. , . ." ; ' .,- CoaEScm Eisi c:?.y;il3ixscto5. fVTOTICE is ti.o. by . v. n .' ,t e i anticipated r y. e ' r I.,. . : ... , , ruber n- t, on e "i..ap..J4ih f. ' t.taon anbscriptlons .:J..itoek ot th.s : r: . im Interest ill be - ,: 'i. : .U AGE, tdoir. 70-Jt.J- : ', find '1' Coimt e' 10 t!" " alhov.. 1. , Ate,'. A Join re py c f -4- :'JiL'V itlAT rwAc hi UvvclIIn House f - on Sooth Siiiu of oh' t Street, ii!!;-u-JhUm ,i ous to the rrfldcwa of tho a.ibscriber. It baa It rooms, besides all is' r . y out hUi8e, and la well calculated for a In r -o tuiiii.v, or a.r'ivnro Uouiding Hpuse. Apply to i.. . - A P. l.i.riTOhT, t " ' trtht lid. r,f thttl'um.l . Aug 2', 1 17. k v 07-!m. i - Lr rp TVT-'Vnpi " '' '' ' ' J Pphm. - ,. i 1U bu.) I.--, '.. -, .,,;, JlJ THIIE Store end V an h-mr-u in the Laxn- J. ,J, ( nj.t pic,..aoceepLOyS. r ALSO 1 i.e S;ore adioining the above on rwinga' Alley, recently oecupi.'d by C. D. Ellis, I-3.. ,y. .. ALSO Minilry v areiioufrs in tnmt bed dlpp,-' ALSO The Large commodious V oof in front of Said buildlnj. yPoi'PF ion plven Ut Octal r. ,1 '; V Apply to " , , DeROSSET. LROU A A CO. " f.g21,184r.; ' ,-' .- y; -' " '""-' -t-. s ypgljrir ijjti ) r 1 r i y ' j ijjn-1, ,r 1 t M , y. . r , fT1 p-i.-. l. HpySB AND LQT AT AUCTION, '.S-Ltl AN Monday, Cth Sept., wo will atll at Ex f 1 V change Corner, at 11 o'eln k. that valua JL ' r.A bu I louse-and Lot on SeeooJ street, st pre- - k. 1 1 1 a. v 4 I : :. 1 A. ' by :, 1 7. IT 5 o it 10,. t ai.,.o i Onu:'i eh( qon,dta:,tly m i July2n, IS17. '...,'" ...T7f CRONLY, WALKER II A LL, A . f s.J ' .. Ang.lria47,H..v:vf,'.M. f . , 67-ta.',.: Sent occupied by A. V. VV, Hewlett, Eeq. .. 4y order or me .uongar;ees. itxt?'i;if!0 RENT. " h 'T'llAT fine large Stbrls Nd. 3, Jiurph. y'S BulMlng,'l X, lately occupUid by RiG. Eankln, poHsesslon eit- I. Vt. t t e i j t rece. . J j . r t .a i; . " 17.-, nPFr-1,;1 ; ,j Kr'schr dkV t.mito,a"d for .! . ,Aug.2t, 1817. . .,-,-.: -l,--;.J0 Bhl. Canal Flourjy ' ; otA SArirsi r.ivnnwu.i ii.h '.ii . 4 i! L11-H'1 .. - ' ... -I 'C; BBL8. BESS and PRIME TOR f 'l LUi.-il'-Fot sale, by ,, -d . ;Jlug;24,1847, T C3 ' :."'CilV: FOR i RENTv r-VM V T?RM lh lsl 1 October hexC ths.J?tors I I jP.pow occupied by E. Beven, Es4,;.v . .xir ) . - -Anfilv f . '-! 'ti"A :'Attgh4.i-!- f f.M . Apply to : ', ' f ft- f nvp ' i'.' 64. Foi1 'Rent fromlsl 'Ociulcr y; a" fORXER STORK In my tfre proof bulld H J lng, corner of Cheanot and Water St'a . L now occupied by Sleaam Gillespie it Robf- sou. .. Centre Store in 'san.a i,.y: :'i,v n,t neit South of the above. yt r4, . ERICK BC1I. DING, covered with tin, nextN'orth of Hie Custom Jf'uce, toi-eiher with. Wharf, about 1 ) f et front. This build.T I divIJ.d ci InW two Stores, -which niay b r-titfl separately or to gother, i. i. - '.Er rCSxBtriLDIN "-, on 2d r:o . t, r. u South of toy ii -idenoe cota.T'' - two ? t nements with yard, garden and oul bu.aiin-s w i -, a '. SMALL. DWELLING on Cana Street, oext r-"-t cf Mr, B. F, Hoskin'a yjldcnce. - ' ' h ELLLNG oa East aide of 2d Streei. betwaM Ann and Nann St'a, and next South of t! e rrSdeH of CoLMcRawM. . - , - DWELLING on tho L. i uoi ofthe for hat SMALL HOUSE en 31 S'-- t. next South of Kr. ThurstooV-: ' ' ". ',. - ..'ivrForTcnns, s,"p!v , ' -' tl. '; : .;-W.";- ' .. .O. G. PARSLEY... A'JS.1M84T.,, j-w-Oct.I., I ',- fiou;sESFOu(Arn, , I'M c:-: di rit't, win co I . ..IV, of this ; C: Ah ,. P 111' !: ."' T: nf ', I a uhh ii ' .'I'be 1" i Vi r e f t' .ii Li ! bout 'i "TOR SALT , f I J7 mbleand i ,! - Jloi in the to v i , at. aa xd street, 'l ' ,,. i , front and rear .! - In fourrooma, w i aQ necessary c'- ..xi'.-U -. on theprenr n S brgs I wo en., v r i v a at ore p.. en, : , i .. bulldlnn" lot t Y , AUa. K If. Mii , e ypnlcnts .1 1 i. . Alao r 'e front and ft; atlie too -ptim. a k ajed 1.. ' . : V ' r .' A ''! A 1 rfj'nl C! '".. A!0 '- UV. ..: i.. j conttmu i. i - a-" a r . dhitely t i A Sill . ! chp. d ' ' :i e! w i ' r i ,oie .-, i. : - -.-'' i ,,-) v ! ie in u w ..a v d rttwOf'Tyl ; ' ! t ( r t. ie- : I 'l wiiii a lirepfsce ...eh- a a pit.. . , OA Rptfe. Mew and I'fiW Pork j -W' aviw vvituc ft 6 " r, - hi Received tl..'id,.y, and furs--' f -v '' ' - ' . :r Aug.n;f3i7. . - i,. . ,;P, : '. 0 i A Hhda. snd :') XflK lassea ju- Cuba. Forfciltfty Aug. 10. 0 , ,y 4.At: roiicr.) : : T ' ? r i i; biiau eondu. : '"' .-:' ; .. Try aa fori.,, be sold a ia town for. ; The'Su! Hess as f debted to 1 , i t y t! : .itall pti.f ' j nil ni ited Tr. ;. . w et ',,'.4 r . ill r- .:': f Co. ' Ju'y3bJ.7. ; a. h. . r, : : - a tula.- " - " ... p;: f r (n:;r br a.-. . - SCIENTIFIC '.y.d , ... .. . , i , Thhtpe d id i 1 t i 1. 'r rofthi V JJV ':TOf T f J-.' " S - 'Ja-! i 1 y v CM "1. , l '! fl ; a term i the Cac, '8 t"M , ..,,1 fr; . wticlf c ia ftiu.e oilcf, will bcswtl lor 1 65. easb. Apply tt tb eBr.Ka cososMa t.Hi ' - ' ' IddO.j 3C Ait.-. P ::ac;: Lat v 1 ofv : . i . I r- 1 8-1 Id 1 h..id nterfit ! . ! ! i , AB0X3 CeWt.ir.t Bsan, tJU va - unwiiaatcnrvu KAauttlS4r. - t if ef : J ih r. 1 ... A e.i.ni ,J. ; . , , S. i r a I. ; Tet be a T p Q X ". . - - .' .' 1 !.. !.... . .. in. -., .J. r: y; W ?f Tr ,:.A, c txi: 4 ; ? 1 e "4 - ' f r r r.". : K) fc:yv-

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