jmm.- . notice. .;,:,. Ttlt YoJbwIni Resolution was pissed by the Board of Dlwcto of ths Wilmington & Ral eigh Rail Rosd Company, on the 9th inst.,nnd or dorad tobsprintcd-vist " Raared, That the usefulness nnd efficiency of our Machlno-Shop require thai the operations In them bs confined to too Company's woik alone-arid that notice be rivca lo the Public that no Jobs will be re ceived Into the SIlKpn "r the 1st J.mtmry next," JAMES S. GREEN, Sec'y. O.U 19. '847. 92-tf. Chronicle and Journal will please copy. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Northern and Eastern Hay. rpiIE undersigned, having made arrangements to . Keep a lull supply oi me y-y Northern and Eastern liny. nt all season of th? year, they solicit those in want of the sni -lii lo call on mem, nt .nr. ' .S'Wn ( handilerv Store. " NIXON & THOMPSON. Wilmington, Oct. 23, 1847. 9Wy NORTH CAROLINA LAUD 1 BARREL and 3 Firkins, received by boat Cronly 1 and for sule by JOHN 0. I. ATT A October JO. 97-tf. Lord's wharf. G L U E . flLL'E of (rood quality, constancy on hand, and LTf,,r8,,Cby DsROSSET, BROWN & Co. Oct. i2. y DAVID R. SMULL, COPPERSMITH, Tin and Sheet-Iron Worker, No. 02, PRATT ST., BALTIMORE. THE Subscriber, having been lung established in tt e above business lenders his services lo the nidillrs of Turnentine .'n the State of North Caro lina, for ill.' manufacturing ol Turpentine Stills, bav in,. nr.-,v turrusicd a iiumnerol llicm, lor v. men 1.0. .---J oaiiafBlnrv references Can DC ivcn. Persons'in want of Turpentine Stills, or any oilier Copper work, Tin, Sheet-iron, orl.ean worn, forc ing and Lining Pumps, Stoves and Pipe, can be ac commodated, M'lwlcsale or Retail, on as favorable terms as any House in Baltimore, or any other cliy. The new Packet Line arrangement now makes it certain to Merchants and others, that their orders will be forwarded, , , Oct. 16, 1847. TO REVT. UNTIL 1st. October 1318, 3 Brick Warehouses situated on Muter' alley, next below Dock street. 3 stores, fine I up lor groceries, at foil of same al ley ,oii Water convenient to the wharf. ALSO The South store in my new fire jmrnf buil lin;:s on Front, 4 doois from nnikci sued, handsotndy filled up for dry poods if. I ossessijn given immeuraiclv by ' K. W. Oct. 9th, 1917, BROWN, kfi-tf. HAY W K BALES Portland Hay, received this doy and 9 & for sale bv CRONLY, &. II ALL. Oct. 14, 1S47. Wil. LANDING Vo;i Schooner Alaric. 25 ln iX BBLS. N. E Rum. Rose Gin. For sde bv CRONLY, WALKER A HALL. On. 25. !''-3t APPLES AND QUINCES. ' BBLS. fi;M qmlitv Appli-s. and :i few (luinrt s now landing from Schr. ALiric. Fm s:ile by 0 E. R. WOOD O.-t. 20. '.'.' 11 ICON. li icon, Sid- and Shonl i. ip. s ;l. nv. DeROSSET, BROWN A V' Oct. V. 1717 S5-if. lime, cofffj:, ba cons- S I-'OA II. (t 1 ' ';K I.inio. )V ' 1 "0 ftnjr M Doniinro Coll" , 10tKl ibv I'dc m Sides. '.'0 llhd.. SnT, M do Mohfe, 12 l'it'5 Rio Colli. Apples Oni j:is. 1!m if. & c. Juptreciivid and fr mI (,. ' BARRY & BRYANT. Oct. 'Si. NEW MALAGA FKLIT. JA BOXES iv w B-dsins, and lU Kegs Mjlaga 0J Grup'.s. just laudc J at J. WILKINSON'S. Oct. 25. 96 Musical Instruction! THE uudcisitinrd having returned from the Noilh would respectfully tender his services to the La dies and Gentlemen ol Wilmington ami vicinity, as nscher of Vocal and Instrumental Mmic. He hns the pleasure of announcing that he hns en caged the valuable Di-tviee ol Mr. O R. Mrs sill, (an rxp-rieneed teacher) lo n.iNt in le.ohsnK the I e Guit ir. Pi ino 1'oiie t,c. nnd hop s lo m. ril a sh.ire of pairon ; by unllritig aiiciilinn to hi busi ness. Pariiciil ir ntti-ntion five ing of I'hno F,rt s. Oct 2-ln I "47. n to the I uniii and repair- j. V. B I.r.KiHTON. F R U 1 T . Fre h lot of Oianees, Lemons, nnd Malaga Grapes, just received and for ted', by A V.. R WOOD Oct. 23. 147. HO. '1 CROCKERY, (iLASS WAIUUr 1 THF luDcriber has just optte d th- lar st stock of CROCKERY, GLASS WAKE & , erer otTfwl in Wllmingion, and he invite ihe atien tlon to It of his old customers and the public In gen eral. His siore Isngw one door above the one formerly occupied by him, on the South side of Market street. H. ROTH W I I.L Oct. 28 1S47. '0. BUTTER, CHEESE, &i LARD. BUTTER, Clw snd Lttd, jusl received, pet 8chr. J. D. Jones, snd for sale bv D. W. YOOD Oct 29. AUCTION 0 N Mondiy, Nov. IS. we shall ruMllHM. to w( st thsBlot-W 11. a. Kelly, on Mnk t Strret, tl,. bslsocs oi his Sntk of FALL AND WIN TEH GOOIhS Sal oettnued wliliom n rve umll all it i!irxj8(d of Bisidefof V. R. PEIRSON. swipnw CRONLY, V.ALKER o flAU, . on I?ihi9i7 ey ts . . . . . . PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENT. OLIVER EVANS' Salamander Fire and Thief Proof IRON CJ1ESTS, IT'nrmnted equal toany other make, and have never V been injured by Mrs ox Dai plan, in a single instan.o. He also keeps on hand a full supply of Common Chests, made of lighter Iron, at lower prices. LETTER COPYING PRESSES AND BOOKS. TRUCKS FOR STORES. FACTORIES Ac. DRUGGISTS' PRESSES. j EAGLE GLASS PAPER. PORTABLE SHOWER BATHS, &c. PACKING LEVERS. HOISTING MACHINES. ' REFRIGERATORS & WATER FILTERS. j OLIVER EVANS, Cl Squill Second St., below Chesnut , Philnd. REFRIGERATORS. For Cooling nnd Preserving MEAT, BUTTER, MILK, and all articles Intended for Culinary purpo- W A T E R F I L T E R S . OLIVER EVAN'S' CELEBRATED- WATER FILTERS, for Puriivinc Wuler that is hrnek muddy, whether by raint.mintrali. or otherwise, ran be Imd of all sizesand nrlees. at ihe W 61 Souih Second Street, two doors balow Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. September JUth, 1847. 8l-3m. Notice. ""PIIE CorARTMEBSHlP OP -- N E F F & V A It N r. k was dissolved by nmlunl consent, on Iho let inst. All persons indebted to the firm, will please call nl the htorc of II ik;.: Ai'and settle their accounts WM. NEFF, ALBERT A. WARNER .September 16, IR17. N O T I C E . ""PHF. Subsciiher will continue the business nt the L old stand, und will alwavs keen on hand a hrei stock of Sup ChamUvry, Groceries, Provisions, Jr., which will be sold ul low iiriccs, and on accommoda ling terms. A supply of New Goods expected in a few d ry W.M. ALKF. Sept. 16, la47. TJ FALL ARRANGEMENT. 1847. DAILY USE TO THE WORTH. (SUM) A Y'S EXCEPTED.) to i Sri -' Mi 'Tit Bi the Jaws I ircr Chcssaprakc Buy Line. . Petersburg Norfolk, Old I 'unit, Baltimore amd I'hiladcljihia, to Nnr York. T' HIS Line .-iv(9 Wei !on find Gaslcn i v, i v ni;:hi, (excriit Sniuriluv.) l-'UIil' direct Ihroiif'i From Petersburg, the pi.s'eni;er will take iln-lnui St! amrr Mount I 'enwti, Capt. Blow, to City; fiom thence down the James River, by one of the fust and comfortable A'r.-r Stramerg - passing down the J.nni's River h itli a viw i( iis scenery, by day light leadline Norfolk l.y 3, P. M. ; thence up ;! f 'Ik -sapeiike Bay, In one ol Ihe ;,;; Simmers, lint are so luvorahly known fur tli ir slreneil. and cini tortulde arrangi ments. 'I he pass"nger on ibis Line travels wldle he keppl and t nj'.ys a luxuiious table fre of charge. Fare fmin Wi Idon to Baltimore, S Of) Norfolk. J) 00 1W 'J'irLls. ni'i.hi fu Wm. M. M iKinv A ft M, f. mm. i. Fare from Gaston to Baltimore, ' " " " Norfolk,- - r or Tiu'.cts, uj j.'rj Li C C. I'ugh. ton. A. C. so no 84. WJ Aw., Gas- -' .Heals always inrluilfd on nil the Steamers of this LINE J VTbe pablie may n ly on this Lim '. ly un.l pi n:i incntly I.t pi up. Wm. M MOODY. JR (ii iural A Office James Hirer cf' Hay Line, ll'i,i;i, .V. C.. Orl ;-,i Oct. 7, mi. IM7 ' it. . JUST ItF.CLlYLI). Per Urig Darid Dnthll. fr,m .V V. 15 Bids. Mess Poil;, li " l'lillin ' 2 Hhds. Shouldirs, 2 do Sides. 1 Tierce Sides, f) libls. Mi ss Beef. I ri i no " Dried Apples, Pickled Tongues. Fur Sale bv HARRISS .f- Rl'SSELL, Lord's Buildinu. ;m if. I ; . I 1 1 Oct. 21. MS. Si II. KELLY. BE(!S lc;ivc lo inform hvr friends the Public, Ihiil she hn lust retuinid an fi mi ew i oik w i in lu r !otk ol Fall Milleimrv. has selt cud with tare the l iiwt Fashions iiiiontd 1 1 viii I an. Silk Bonii". Pntni ln nnd Srtaws, Aliih assortineiii of Ribbons of the latisi style ; Fn neb and American Flowers and Fe iib' is; Capes. Collars, Veils, and a variety of fancy 'm iicle3 ; Fiinge, Buttons Ac. for trimming drrm ; Straw Bomutts cleaned ; and dr.'ss making done n iiiui r'- 5. bt-if. COP ARTXERSIIIP. rPHE undertigned hove entered into Coparineishin i under ihe firm of 1 & T. LOVE, For the purpose of do:n8 s Gentnl Comm.. mu Groctry Uusuusm. They have on hand, it Wh kU ond RotsiL, . rietyof Dry (,oods, H.dnr.-, Cutlery, nd Crock ery : Hats. ( aps, and Sho ; N,,w Orleans Porta Ri. co.Muscovado.Coirec-Crusl.rdand LonfSiienrs- Rio Lsgtirs.snd JT(Jfl,e; Urst ItnpUJ Tea ; S' atidles. Starch Utiles, Iive-.n.n-. pini nu. iv .. d".W UiT"'u li'' ' ? yU !sill",crlf,, C00"1 'l"ur. lo bar. rels nnd half birre.; Oosh- n Butler snd Cheese and a guni'ial assortment of other Goods, which may be f.und a' their Stand. ' IliWt How. Middle Store. North Water St. Thry ..! atl.ind to Forwardlnr, Selling, or Pur- bari'ij Produce, or OoimIf i, Hi, khid V, 11,1,1 VM J. LOVR. t. TIUMT! S I). I.OVF f' no',, 3 1 ' -TTTr- i in i n I i i, TTIR SUBSCRIBER iia'ogafn -t"-opened his SAIL LOFT, at tht Ht' Old Stand, nt tho Corner of Water J Princess Streets, Entrance by tho East Door In Murphy's Bulldlnas. whero ho may bo found, at oil times reudy to attend to business, ROBERT S. MACOMBER. 8'J-if Oot. 12. T. V. UROWN, foil", Ginubllc a AVING rccnily returned from the North, is now prepared to offer his friends and the nubile a vcrv handsome assortment of Omnia in his line, and at very low prices. Clocks and Watches Itepaired, as usual. Oct. 12. 8!Mf Journal copy. Steam Saw Mill for Sale. HIIE Subscriber, offers for Sale, hl Steam Saw 1 Mill, eligibly situated for business, on the West side of the Cape Fear River, opposite the Town of ivumingion, :. i . i ne Minis in good order u will be sold on accommodating terms. ' Apply to i HENRY H. SAVAGE. ODD FELLOWS SCHOOL rjlHK exercises of t iis Insiimiion will be resumed -si. on Hie lOih msl.; conducted ns during the lu year. The rales of Tuition being as follows for Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Composiiion Elocution, Geo i graphy, Ancient anil Modern History, Al geiiru, Popular Astronomy, Drawing and Voc. .1 Mnslc-for nil of which stu dies, hooks arc furnished by the School liceol eh.irj'e. SI per qr l or tlie Languages, Geomelrv nnd ) . - Surveying. TEACIIRRS. ULile Department, Mr. Maoinnev, Frlllalo do., Mi.M8 RltHABDSON leacherof Langrnges, Mr. Lindsay. In connection with ihe Langunces, Studenls will nnc iw conunuo ineir J.nglisli studies. Tickets may be obtained at the oflice of Col. McRnc Oct. 7. 1847. 87-tf. Journal and Chronicle copy. Wholesale and Retail GROCERY. rPHE subscriber offers for sale, at lowest market J. juices ihe following article, viz: 20 Bugs Rio Collee ; 10 '' Laguira Collee; " St. Domingo Coffee ; 3 B!!s. St. Croix Sugar; 10 ' . Poiio Rico " 4 " Cuba 10 " Rectified Whiskev; M " Nonliern (in; f " D.mirslic Brandy .r " New Enu'l Hid Kiiin ; 5 ' Very superior old Mononsrnhi Is Whiskey; i.j iv'7:m . hi ji.ssni oni sizes; !-00 Lbl.. Lu.1! Siiiftir, IVnvdered and Crm-h-d do.; ""I" - i' i,:aniiv ; iiniiaiKl inn and Toil U ine on draiielit ; a few (),.. old Mmleira and ( Miam-paiL-ne, v.i!i niied pure ; Flour; Bacon; I),jed l!((f-Toiiriio- ; Mi :-h Pork; Molanses; Mackerel, No. I and No J ; (in en and Black Teas; Water, Butter and Sugar Ciaekers; Allspice; J. j.per ; (iingM Nulinees Snip; Candles; , 'lines; indieo; Mus t::id. .te. J. BOLAND, from Streit. 48 Sr.l'i II",,, r Street, third Joi July P. P-17. Negroes Wanted, s 1 intend to nnki aige shipments of Slav, s 1 1 b the South duriii'.'- the months of November nnd Dc-t mber, nnd also some rontrncts 10 fulfil 1 am still m iant of a laige number of Stives, from the age of Twelve lo Thirty years ol both sexes, (or which ."'ill pay the liielusl c.-ih mai k( t price. Person ha ') desci ipiion ol Slave propeily for sale ill find it to tlx ir advantage to brinir tiietn lo Wilmington to inc. ut the Carolina Hotel, as I intend making s stay th re diirint; the winter. Also wauled, Carpenti-rs. Iiiieklaveis Il-.L-tr!.iiliS and t Set OOpt ! t C. , lot Hlileli lil t i ul )ilci s will be riven ANSLEV DAVIS 7 1-if. DOMESTIC LKil'OKS. BVRRELS Heniie,nh;sk. v! 15 Ill " Spanih Brand Double Dniiil,, Apple Brandy ; 10 7 li 3 Ivvd I Gin; Old " MolemiN'llela'' Wliiski v Nt w En"! ,nd K,,,i Ren ind for sale by J COLAND. Sc PUllL MEDICINES A- ( ' I 1 V I I I A T O I v- 1 1 ju.ii tvn ljo j p, .1 I ST teci i i 200 i,2. Sulph.Qu Sublimed C.iUinu Ulue Pill Mass. Citric Acid, Lnn nr ' IIUMle re. am No. 2. Chlnnil, I'.,. tassa. Acctaic and Suit htitn Zinc I: m "-' CarbPoiiiHsoirt, PhosphnieA 'MjL- jsMY"' 1',1"t'l''l l,f' s'"l;l- Yallette'i feM. 'ni. fit ruts IJiiinii hiiieAtiim,.n s Pint , nite Ifuininn .n: I Lnn, S., bibl. Citiaii, ,n, l'rteip Ciilb Iron, i'.peiine, S.iiein, ,, arid Suhih loriihine Slit,!,,, ,,, g ' alanine iodines, Iodide l,e ,,l. S,,. I'liur, Atwnic, lion. Mercury, Liquor Ferri Ii.Jidi. l)on.,aiiH Solution. Iodide Aisenic and Mereurv n , - V,. ...... Idc S.lver, Kli oKole, y ,,,( .N:,plh i. Oil Cubeh Copaiva, Ol Blk Pepper. () Camphor. Ol Ereot Ol Together with a l-ircu miwk Paints, Oils, Brushes Peifunii'tlcs. Surficid and Dental Iiisliuinents of si; perinriprilitv. and may be f,,n:i, constantly on hand on accoininodai.rg ti i w nt the Dim, store of , A. C. EVANS. June 2n, 1-. 17. 44-lf. POK T E K ! 1 O R T I) K ! ! Ol'BL IN, London, and American and Seoi-f, Ale, for sale bv Brown Stout J . 1(1 Mb ' I1 I'OKK AM) IJLLI'. S Mi ss I'oik, Ciiy inspection Piime " " Miss Beef. " 20 BBI. 10 III !i I'ii me ' " n J list rrctivid and for yule bv nr DeROVSET, BROWN 4 Cn Oct. ib. ,, N 1 1 W R A I S I N S . VXT HOLE.. Half. d Qnil, r Drums, recived per brhr. Alone, nnd lor sale ly n . 9a D ,v- WOOD 9C'. 06 JUST RECEIVCD, Per Prig J. A. Lancaster, from Richmond, 1 HO n KIir'L3 Extra FW; U -X1 n" t ,DuhU m,W' d Ry Whiskeys .M Boxes Tobacco, a ssoiti d ; 72 ' Si'gatH. f Barn Is Loaf Sugar ; 2 Tierces Crushed Sugar, for sale bv w. W, DAVIS. Oct. 19. 02 .NOKTII CAROLINA LARD S HAKIll.LS.s primi arti- l. fol sr,I by ' t.ATTA I'J MERCHANTS' STEAM BOAT COMPANY, OP FJiYETTEVILLB AND WILMINGTON. GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT. Avevnglog about 20 per crnt. New Steamer ROWAN, 17 inches, Steamer WILLIAM B. MF.ARES, Steamer COTTON PLANT, Flat Boats BEN BERRY, ODD FELLOW, MIKE CRONLY, WASHINGTON, T. J. CURTIS, READY MONEY, MARY ELIZA. T Proprietors of the Merchants' Steam Boi Company ol Fayetteville nnd Wihnincton. N. C oiler the tibovo Line of Boats, on the Cape FearRiver, lo the shipping public, under ihe late revision and re duction ol Freights. Tin ii new Steamer, ROWAN, now draws only 17 inches wuler. When she undergoes some alteration in machinery, her draft is calculated nt 14 to 16 Inches, which will make her ihe lightest boat navigating the waters of any river in the Southern country. This Company flutter themselves that Ihey have it now in their power to ofler tho most complete line of Boats that has e vcr been on tho Cape Fear, and one that will do thefniiihtint: business with ifgtilariiyand despatch oi qlt staves of the water. They have, in connection wiih the Henrietta Company ol this place, reduced the freights to the laritl ns in printed rates. Neither of the Boating concerns deemed themselves able to re duce the fuiglits. and still do the forwarding business in this place lice of chtrge, and consequently this Company have given it up, with the conviction, ihni the Fovw ardlng Merchant!) of our town can do It mor justice than a boating concern. Any Goods consigned lotlie Merchants' Steam Boa' Company. Wilmington, N. C, will be lorwanle; through that place fret nf commissions till other charges made to the shipper. The new arrangement takes effect from the 15th j instant. Passage $3, both ways. The two companies will hereafter count all f re Mil cash, or interest added. Direct letters to Thomas S. Lutterloh. Fnvelleville: j . vi . Li. iricuarv, Yvimnnclnn. T n r . ' J ' THUS. S. LUTTERLOH, Agent. Fayetteville, Jan. 13, 1847. 130 The (jiracfi'iiberg Vegetable Pilk iJ0,00() BOXES SOLD EACH AND EVERY WEEK ! I THE GRAEFF.NHERG COMPANY HEREBY give notice that their General Agent for Ihu Stale of North faro inn. is Col. Wm. JoNts. of Louisbug, Franklin Co., N. C. 1 he (teneral Apt nt is fully prepared tonnnoint suh- A gents wherever there is no branch of the Companv; ithcr un personal application or by mail, imsl-miil The rapid sale of these cilebiati d pills, and the exlra- ordinaiy cures they are constantly tll: cling, render them, by far the most popniir pill of the age. An Arrem v will eonsCQiicntlv be 7ctv valuable. The (iraefi nberg Pills are iucone, ivably supeiior to any ever beforediscovered. In all bllicus complaints; in general derangement nf the system; in all disor ders which result from a had statu ol ihe blood, llue pills area sovereign remedy. In till' class of diseases called chronic, the flmfi-n. heic Pills achieve thi ir high'St ffumphs. Here lh ? d. fy all competition. Entering within the hidden re- ci : ses of tin' system. Ihey que tly hut suit ly unify 1 til." blood, root out disease, ami eie lone and vir'or li, lie. I idv CERES ARE CONSTANTLY EFFECTED By these Pills, in east 3 where every other means lud iittei ly failed. Tin most abundant prool of llijiciuld befivin, bill a dial of one box will convince tlv pa ii, nt. They can be onlired and eenl by iniiil, tit uj. Ming expense. The piiee is',5 reiitt. u box. 1 1 7. ,--I Vo (latin. .i irorlliar, uriril and the money remittal, l!,e Comuiny trM jxi'j tin jmslai't on the I'ilts. Ke miiiaiu i at the ( 'ompany'l risk. W In ri ver there is no Agency of the Company tht y cm be ordtitd bv mail. Tin se Pills are taking the dace of all others, and no sick person should be without tin in. ALL BII.LHUS COM PLAINTS, "ii (nn.latls. C'enmm Vi'on, Disprpsia, '.nr and Arit. llda 'ie. Jaundice, Lircr Com jilainf.i, lt'it wnatism, all Stomach ('t.'jiiimri, (ireen Sick ntss. )., if-c, l i' Id at oner to these Pills. They purge away offt n .vi honioiH, arnst the prngirssof diseose and at th' iti. e time n store lone am vittor lo ihe nvsleni. In a si m nf ,'i neral i''i:Ki:i(i.. di ranj'i un til of the health, tin y an BY THEIR rsr. Tin v.eak will 1, com,, stioi.2 ; ihe pale ai d .jli..i coiii I, i.,n bt 1 1 ?'on d to a peilect fresh and heallbv ! i"! t ; all the l,;d svniHoms will um, bv i,nr diK.'m. - 1 r. in Hiu i r, in- se rills are an pon anv oile r medicine ever 1 e A trial trill mtis'ij cm c;; June .'. I - IT ineoneeivable lldv.'itle 'i fun-nil, ri d ti) tin pi.! ' of this. U OOT S A N I) a tl O L s "T I ST rect-ivi d. J Men's line c i died Hoots, eg d.1. P " Kip Brocan.-, I'e; lluality, I ' e, s no CO do Oeat do Men's CH It lb) Lnrne lot Walking li nlher Shit s. '-'00 pair Ladits' fine Ki 1 li- -mtl Slijis, 'M " Buckskins, f'll " " J (ia'.rlH. Mi-si leather Khors, do Mi,,, ecu ,,, Variety of Children Shots. bs,-, r Wj receiving Boots nnd Slid . . , k lioin the best Northern M imufiicl liter- Tl i vi i y i also Boot icpaitinj uiJ Shoes, made lo mea.uru us usual and ; d o, e in ihe neatest st le. CHARLES OKAY. At Ptimk'tford old Stand. 11. If. 77 - Sip.. Saddlery, Harness, &c. , nih .Subscriber has just returned j from the? North, with luliliiimiKto Ins ex- j tuidvc aHsuiimcnl of SADDLES Blill). HARNESS. TIU'XKS. Ac. Ac Uli, i. EES, offered lor snln on favursbln Temm r.,r r'.,ti, .-i rum Hint io ptompl rusloiners. Th . -ii, "i un itldeble wnose not. s ami uceoiinls nre of long n spectlully n ipiested to call and settle. standing ate v D , , (iUV V. HOTCHKISS. '1 !rul" sllenlion paid to repaiiing nnd innKmg saddles und Hamcss lo order (i C II "'2 ' fao-tf. 1 1 AY, COilNA nT) 6 ATS. Cfk BALES Eastern Hay. 0J 200bnslH lsPorn. 200 " Oats. For Bile by CRONLY, W ALKER &. HALL. 0-'- o.v;tt JLST RLCLIVLI), Per Schooner A, J. Dcliossct, MLS LIN SHIRTS; Kiiibed Ipswiek do.: Shni r do ; Merino do.; Shaker In ,.. Mi., do.; Ribls-d Ipswiek do; Shaki r hnlf Hose': Uuck- klnUlovts; Lined Burning do.; Bsralhes Cravats ,"r;"1', C, W. BRADLEY. Oet. V). NEW RICK. CASKS and hilf CntsNi rU itrrlvi'l and I r s::Jl Pv f'roi Rice, jusl V MARTIN. '.'I LIFE INSURANCE. ACESCY OF IDE HOPE MUTUAL LIFE ISSCBAKE COMPANY. inL.wxa'rotf.N. c, Stpt. 20, 1847. 1 tTHE Subscribers have just received the Ageneyof x me anove company, and are now prepared to re ceive rppheailons for life insurance ihey are slso nrepan o to receive applications lor Insurance on the lives of Stares. This institution incorporated in 1R46 with o liberal and perpetuulcharter, and duly organized According to law, lias commenced the business of LIFE INSUR ANCE on the MUTUAL principles. The hett ruoriTs being divided nn.iually among tho insured, accoiding lo Iho Act of Incorporation. The rates of premiums conform wim Hie usage of other similar companies For the convenience of parties insuring who would prefer to pay the premiums by install ments, it is left to their option whin tho premium exceeds 825. to pay oni half In cash, and secure pay ment of the residue in 12 months, by an approved note bearing Interest uuix percent. ' The lives of married men may be Insured for ihe ! I, .n. Cil i.t tli.tlr urivnu .inl rlliMren an fit... ..n... , 1. ., decease of the insured the wife if living, or if not, then his children will roceivc the amount payable by the policy, free nnd clear ofuny claim by the creditors of the deceased. For Ihe greater security of parties insuring with this company, tlie Trustees have provided an indem nity fund, lo the amount of 8250110 lu meet losses that may accrue upon policies issual by the company which is to remain, until a capital exceeding that amount shall have bee n renlizfd fiom the receipt of premiums, when it will bo no longer necessary, and may bo wiihdrawn. 'I he following is a list of the officers nnd trustees for the ensuing year viz : TRUSTEES. Nathaniel Weed, Simeon Baldwin, Dermis Perkins, John A. Davenport, Alexander II. Dana, Charles J. Taylor, Alcx'r Hamilton, Jaiitos T. Sotitter, Ezra Wood. Joseph B. Nones, Roswell Hoyl, Stephen H. Provost. Samuel IC. Sutteilre, (,'yius II. Beaidchy, John W. Leeds, Alex'r N Holly, William T. Minor, Chauucy Ay res, Philip S Galpin, W m. L. Itrewer, James Dinion, Chailcp Whittlesey, Joseph D. Wnrren, Theodore Davenport. ALEXANDER N. HOLLY. President JOHN W. LEEDS, Assistant President. JOHN A. DAVENPORT, Viee-Piesideiit. JOSEPH It. NONES, Actuary. ROSWELL HOYT. Secretary. WM. WELLS, General Agent. Any information will be cheerfully given on appli cation lo the Agents. Dr. Jam's H. Dickson lias been appointed Exam ining Physician lor the Company. SANDFOKD S SMITH, A .. S. jit, 21. 1947. 'f O-tf. Roardin Mouse. TUIE subscriber has taken the well-known House ; on the southeast corner of Dock and Front streets, .',-:ncr!y occupied by Mrs. Joseph A. Hii.l, for the ul' pose of accuuuuudaling regular and trancient boarders. F.J. SW'ANN. Nov. 17. lOH-tf. LA(JL'IKA COFI'Li:. Or: hags r.e.; eC'f sal- bv Collee pist li ei ivnl j. iia'phawa v & end fo SON. June 1 NOTiCL. Au'L.cvoFTiiLi('..,iiriraLi.sni,ici;nnii,v fVilminylon, July 29, 1?!G. feJ ANIil'OHD A. SMI TH, At'enls oi the No. Car. M ulal Insurant o Coni)any, have tin- gralilicaliun to slati' lo the numerous m-r sons insured in ibis ( )l- , I'uv, that the ( 'ouipany will prmnptty pay Ihe i,us sus tained t,y the recent lire in I- avetli-ville, w illeu.l ihe delay of PO days, us n qiiiled bv the live-Laws; und without callir lor any instalment on th" premium notes. The Agents will receive npplicaliuiis, and I asiisual. July JO, I8l7. k.- risks M ANLFACTl UKIIS AND DKALKnS IN! HATS. CATS, IIO.WH'I'K, IT.MIWIHL I.AS. Ar A I K I Ci ( ' A V. S, Ac., 1) I'.SPI'.CTFl'LI.Y call tht n Mini ion of iheciiiens V of ilininglon and vicinity, to their lAirue and Sj Undid A'etrttntnt now rerrivhig nl the old stand of C. Mvrns. Noilh side of Maiket slrn I, w hich hc of fer at m hitli'sale and relail. rlieaier t.'ian rrtr. h-:t;s hr.AYF.n, m tiua. mvli:ski. AM) SJl.K HATS. of I'.i i bee itCostur'sand le iry s I 'all Fashion for lb 1(1, a spli ntiid ui tide, just n ceived, nnd a '' few more It-; r i,l ihe s Hue :.oi :." Please call and examine thein. Als,'. n v, i v I ii:.'" i"-soiiiiu"nt ol MEN'S, BOYS'. AND INFANTS' CAPS, of th" I itcsi nnd most npiT'ived pittcrii". (ieni s Fiuich soli Dn-iM. Silk. Vilwt, nnd Cloth Caps; Silk. Vi (ieatd do.- I ( Ii ut ' i Band. I tl 1 11. (I French Irani do.- Blue nnd Black Spriiio .do Alio. Ringgold. O ilk, tlvi ri d I .av, tl, lie, Ac. )l 77,s" AM) HOYS' CAI'S of every style and t;:i:ility. fi un I2J c. nts to $2.0, ihe largest as.-ii inn nt i , r oil, n d in ihi mark, t. ami at a.-tuiiishinL' low priei j. A beautiful at ticb of Infants' f 'W.i and Stl'. I', Id t( if ti which we pal tieulai Iv e .1! lie att niioii uf limn w.iiiiint: ( 'aps for cliildicn. i vcrv :,i tide i:i our line we hive a rich und In f.ii t. !n!l .--vMoimt nt. i whidi werop cifullv cull the atti n 'i,u id the I'ub He, and warrant a gi nteel (it and lit Pi ii i s . tin inn. s. MYERS ,t BARN I'M, W iluiin(.lfn. Oct. 5, t 5 T 1 1 V. Subei iber wiiiil l exnres hi' einlilnde to liis I'll' le! s and ( 'iistomci n. lor llieir lile ral nation. -i,,e le ;i inloii i xii ml. d towards him in W iliiiingtnn. The same biisincHH will hereafii r be conducted under the riutiie und firm of MYERS & BARNl'M ai the old stand. C. MYERS. N O T I c i: . l.l. persons may expect to be warranted or sued, who owe the siihsei iber. if paytin nl be ii 'l made bv the 1st of November. WM. D. SMITH. Oct. 2 i. Chronicle ropy. 01-tl Marble Monuments AND GRAVE STONE AGLNCY. T1 HE suhscriU.tsaro appoint, d Aeenlsfor one n the btsl and me W txlensire MAHBLE VARUS In Connecilcut, nnd will leceive orders for Marble M oiiumonts or (Srsvo Stones, either lettered or not, which will bo furnished at (he shortest notice and most reusoiuible otices. Wehsverecel eda variety of pjtUrns.vaiiousstylcs i h thoprices, which may be eiamJriwl nt any ifme J.C. 4 R. n. WOOD, Uu'dderi and Contractors. Juno 17. 40. M E A L . per Rail Road. Sixty Bags fresh DeROSSET, BROWN Co. TVST rccelvtd, J Meal. Oct. 12. 89 It I C H . FRESH BEAT RICE, in store, and for sale bv DsROSSET, BROWN & Co. Oct. 12. Rj FLOUR COEFKE AND SUGAR 1 BBLS cxtrtiCn-sl Flour, from New Wh,,,,. I ft 15 Bai's Mlo Toffee; Superior Ht. Croix Sii,! in bLIs. nnd half bbls. For Sole by A MARTIN. Oct 24. !' JOB, BOOK, a COSKEB Or rSONT AND MARKET STREETS, W ILMINGTON, N.' C. PARTICULAR ATTETMPAID TO THE FOLLOWING KINDS OF LETTER PRESS PRINTING ..... OF EXCHANGE, ENTRIES OP" MEBCHAKOtSK BILLS or LADING, II A Vnnti i e HOOKS, cArlc, CATALOGl'ES, CEHTiriCATES, CHCt KK, CIRCULARS, CUSTOM-HOfSB DLANKS, riRArrs, LABELS, j LAW BLANKS, l MILITARY NOTICES, NOTES, PAJHPHLET8, i ''OL'CKS OK INSURANCE, J POSTERS, ' ! REtEIPl's. And PLAIN AND FANCV IIJIMHTr description, done in thnnen.,.,,7 ' terV on ihu most reasonable terms. ' We call Ihe attention of our eitWnn i .v in general, to the above CZ and u ,hC P"bl,c lo th".,. an invitation lo ",i?u?iM)y.eteid assuring them, that it shnll h ,. , lfu lr work ! (if not hulr iL as I, r T" d'" "nd nt 'I li- - nlir,. offics;Cew T' '""WlshmPn.. tl'i.t we have gresfer v ,' ""ll, s","inf?'y y Wilmington, May 5. ni0:"AS LOR1NG. CAIKCK nnnw-Q "mm, i ihooilie of Th. 4 '. menial. Oct. 31. T. LORING. 96 Coniincrcial Bunk Checks Aug. 17. B O OK BIND MS TO OLS .i . ...... , i. nuiiiueroi Hook- til er's Tnnlo cotl- mer, Knives, Folding stick l' iron. Wnm. S i', Shears, Ac. in prinif ord.-r. Apply t t It i oir,,,. Mai eh 24. 1 'HE Subscrib,-r nfi; rs rr,i ,i... t- , '. . nivon ,.,.' v, . . I ""oxoio pro- Collins, is on, h, ;,s, , . f , !" ,""Tnuc ol Moi' of. ;c:a1,i,.,!a,i)',o,sP;.I;;;; '' 11 l"ge aid r ,,,,,'i,,,, hn, II,,... .,. .. vwnicli s:oi y i-iuli biuldin;, ! ,i i ... . . ' ,,." '' '! a one ihe .Y Cm ( 'arriage I 'I'M'; lilliHcessaiv,,i,t.l,. .. ace lor ii (iaul, n. ' U1JU " 1UIKU for Th lot adjoininii has n i, r,-, t with Kilihin, Stables o,d i """;,,or' , I ' ' ",ri ml"'innie,i lo strict 1 :;P'..p.i iyis loeatid in ,! , nort f,, a'snn, ,,1 ,.i ii M , ""' 1 1 " very ill -plnilj ,. invcslnicnf Poihessuui will ! eiven in ,,;i t,.to "lvtBlnient. l b Si, I, m , II.. , I. r , ' " "ri'omt' 'I I II I A M R Pooli . Ins Atliilnev fur l ,.. .1; i ' i as .'111101111, ,) William R .. i. ' '-"" ai i isposalof this pronsrlv. (i. Miioiu an uesiioii.s ol Jiu,cusim, "ill leas- apply. T. LOR1NO. 144 Fi b. 21, 1-47. N o T I ; m . T)ERSONS Ind, I "S'nndard or 'd lo the Siihsnihrr. for the inuepeniient," or for AdveitiM. .nr are ietiuestid lopny ,, ,,. , U ESTON l' OALK.N, EsiEilnur,,,' lh(, (,, Kn!riPVi Jan. G If 17. T. LORJNO. 123 L I M l ; . 800 cli'll'ine, amlin,': AI-ai lied m ill in . mnn 0 med Plaster; I'Insf.-, j -Ifrtir. nniln,. Bib k May 0. J c. R. B. WOOD. Vh1ujiI)1(. (.., i Estate. rpllE s 'Bsfit.;s as Executors to VMM . on .f M E I :-c2. "id, deceased, (lift r Ulllllod III! I' uiib. thai ul liable K S T F. A n XV II A R a nl oeci.pi. d I v BaiivA Brynnt THOS. II. WliKiHT W. C. LORD, M in 17. I , I ML. ASKS Th, un;, in f.iine f,,r rale bv CKO.M.v, . ', A I.K ER A HALL J7' -3t. FLOl'K. 1500' Oct 21 ! BHI.S. Alaric. i tlia new Flour. iil received nor selir DeROSSET, BROW N A Co 7- O.Vtf. (bi .;, WIIALL OIL. I Of BBLS. Wha le Oil, fo, Steal DeROSSET, n Mill use, BROWN for sal' ,4 Co. 9b'-tf. Ort, 2H, IP47. iVIILLLU VRR OWS. ? V II Ki;L BARROWS for fnmllv ue. F,,r O by HOWARD i PEDEN. Oct. 21. 0.1 " ETTER SHEET P R I C E S C V R R E N T 1 V For sale at this Oilier. TO RENT. Avery pleasant room over my Drug Store. Pos session given Ut October. Apjly to Sept. 25, 1PI7. A. C. EVANS 83-tf. NORTHERN HRICKS. 00 DOn JUST Rev ived and for sale l.y tyrJWJ BARRY & BRYANT. Oct. 19. 92 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS. NoBTiiraN, is due daily nt 3 P. M., closes every night nt 10 P.M. Southsbic, due 9 A. M , closes ut II A. M. FATtTTtviLic, by Rttll Rosrl, due on Monday Wednesday, snd Friday ai 3 P. M., closes Tuesday Thursday and Sunday, at 10 P. M. Favsttevilli:, by Robeson's, Wcsibrook's,Ell7.a bcthtown and Prospect Hall,dueonTucsdsy, Thurs day and Saturday, st 0 A. M. closes and depsrtsssmo day, st 10 A. M. Smithville, due 6 A. M. closes at 12J P. M, Tavlos's Bridoe, Long Creek, Moore's Creek Black River Chapel, and Harrrh" Srore. itiinnn Thmstlay, nt 6 P. M. closes nt 10 P. M.,snd depsrls I riuay, ai u a. pi. Onslow Coubt Hoetx, due evey Monday , al 6 A. M. dep.-Sasonn Frldayat 0. A-. M.

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