"TttTgRUMijecl o! investigation wilfBe" to t&wrtain whether thi ska and its shores rt of: volcanic or non-Volcanic origin, nnd to mfate ibe position of infidel philosophers vith regard to Its formation. The elucida tion Of ibis subject is a desideratum to sei zes kad urould ho most gratifying to the whole Christian world. It Is a mystery which has remained impenetrable since the awful raomejit' when the waters of that wonderous sealirst roao above tile smoul dering ruins of h Valo of Fiddhn. The onfiguration of one-half of its tdiorefl and its very extent are unknown. Its waters, of petrifying quality, and limpid as a moun tain stream, doubtless hold within their bo som, and holding will reveal, those ruins, upon the non-existence of which the unbe liever states his incredulity. Strabo, Diodoros, Pliny, nnd Jo.scphus among the ancients and Muundrell, Po coke, Abbe Marline, Chateaubriand, I.n Martine, Stephens, and Robinson, among the Moderns, all differ as to the extent, and many of the peculiarities of this sea. Con siderable streams are said to empty into it, the very names of which are unknown -Some have heard the gambolling. of fih upon iu surface, while others deny that any animated thing whatever can exist within its dense and bitter waters. Fruits. luscious to the eye, but of nauseous taste, ami crumbling in the grasp, are said to be found upon its shores. Marty travellers de ny tho existence of all vegetation, and Cha taubriand asserts that he found branches of the tamarind tree strewed upon the bench. Its southern coast is Said to consist of mass es of solid salt ; while as far as the eye can reach from its northern extreme, it beholds only the washed and barrpn hills of Judea on one side, and those of Arabia Pctrcft-on! the other. All s vague, uncertain and mys-r terious. Are the questions answered ? . Or shall a small pecuniary consideration withhold a country such as this from such an underta king? I admit that it is not a summer's excur sion, and that British officers are said to have twice failed in ft' like attempt. Should that circumstance deter us? I venture to say, that within the broad periphery of this land, which, cradled between oceans, stretch es from the frigid zone to the tropics, there is not one native born or true hearted adopt ed citizen who will answer in the affirma tive. We owe something to llie scientific and Christian world, and while extending the blessings of civil liberty in the south and west, may well afford to foster science nnd strengthen the bulwarks of Christiani ty in the east. W F. LYNCH, C S. N. To the Eorroit of the Herald. . We shall lojk forward to tho result of this expedition' with no little interest. The Innkeeper of Wisbadcn. A few years since, an innkeeper at Wis baden enriched himself by the board of bathers, to such an extent that he was on the point of retiring to estates, was dream ing of aristocratic greatness, and Would have gladly sacrificed a large portion of his fortune for the sake of being ennobled ; but all the various attempts he made were fruit less. The unfortunate iu;lli r.iare was almost assured he should never be able lo attain the object of Ins most ardent aspiration.;. In default of his own honors, he then sought, like all enriched commoners, to inarrv his daughter to a man of tjualiiy, and thus to nrmiirn tlirimrll luc cilluilblliU" nil llliiirc'f ..v , ' nobility a reflection ol aristocracy J iu t in Germany, where prejudices are deeply rooted, even the most destitute gentlemen are not easily persuaded to marry even a wnnlthv commoner Whenever thev were Whenever they were invited to nlav the sou-iii-lav. thev replied tliat they wished not to exclude their daughters from the chapters of the Ger-j in in nobiht v. 1 riviier tbetn a mother ex- eluded from n biiit- Tie ninkecMer of Wisbadcn sought lor a trenthiiiaii inure , . a - ,, and Ins nttriup'ls had all failed, when a yoim- and noble Bavarian came to lod-e at h'u house during the season of tin- wat- ers. This young gentleman cai.ic to Wi. b:ideu neither for bathing, nor tho u na amusements ; be came to gamble In u few daytt, as but too often hapnon.- but nil the luinev lie ti.ol In, nod I eitli ! . lain, a nil wlncli coinpnseil alino.il Ins whole fortune. The innkeeper sa w through his enibari.issuient. came to his aid. and open ed bisi purse to htm. from which our vonm: Havariun eagerly borrowed, with all the aviJity of llie gameoter an I lie- , nileman 'flic more be played tin mure l.e lust ; the nure he lost the more he borrowed : the mote be borrowed, the more did the inn- k.eejH-r rub it is hands fur joy. At nd of the season, when nil the ret h nl o-une. when the gaming room closed, tin- makeep. er nreiictited to the unfortunate gambler his bill ; uot expecting, however, it would be paid. Thj cJiarc for lodinj. board, and tho Yimous exjienscg of a hotel, nmoun'.ed , r ut iniporinn, t to the State. He .yn: to two tbouHand florins. The amount nf... mv n.ltir,ce ,;,r the (;U1pr, f , v er.at WlWxOWed Va thirty thousi-nl thalcrs n 1 1 rpr is on tin spirit of the people, w la h Te debtor asked for a dav to verify the , ,, . ,. ,, .' ,. ., ,. , . -' I Hunk h tnllv awakciied to iheir imtH rt-aci . addition, which was only too nccnraie 1 The creditor willunrlr cranted this d. lav I n" -v l,:,v'' ,IlT r""1 " ,' I,a,r'"" :" !" , D p V ' and even himself anticipated the iiu-vi'a- Lie result. uiou have a piece of conli . deiiCC to nuke to me, which embarrass,' ; you," ruel Uc to his guesi ' You read rny uimost UionghU," reohed the H ivarian "Thin confidence . U this, you cannot iay mc." ' You read lo the button, of mv pure," replied the gentleman "If I were to give you a longer lime, it would b- nil lUa Mruc." "Vou read the future luiglit." ftjikdthe ruined gamegte r , ."LJbAve obtained this inform -itinn von hvc noUiiu left but your i;th-,,f , ouat, a dilapt-Ia'ed chateau, and na oi heun tarnished by want. To maintain your titlo and rebuild your shateaufto restore your escutcheon yoit require. live or six ininu. ted thousand florins." 7 ''And you haVo the means of winning this." is only necessary to have good lurk." j ".Not, that vour dice-hox depends upon i good luck, while this infallible ' " hat is it? tell me." ! uT-..-. .., ..11 1. 1 11 hS nns,unuwno will lnncvil my wiuuc lor- 1 t. . '1 1 1 ( 1 n tune." ! ,,,, . , . ... 1 he ruined gentleman did not stop to 1 ,.,,;.!. .i,. 1.: . 1 11 .1 .... i vi'iiaiiii'i imii ma tiiuiLiniei wuuiu ilius oe prevented from inheriting nobility; he thrust aside all pride of Caste and married the innkeeper's heiress. The worthy father 1.1, ,. ii,, i.i l-ii i i behewdho had acconijihsheil wonders by marrying his daughter U a professed gain- bier. He was proud and happy to be able to say on nil occas.ous-'-the count ; my ; son-m-law." His son-in-law nro use v scat- tcred his gold ; but his family had credit; and to conceal as much as possible the misalliance, tho father had given to bun the W of a baron. The noble father could have nothing to refuse to a son-m-law -whohad made bun a baron; he oKined with more liberality than ever his strong box, and tho young count's new position, as son-in-law, uiado it unnecessary to be sparing. Marriage had not improved the gamester, who gave himself without re serve to his passion, which had, lo some extent, obtained the indulyniu'e of the father-in-law, to whom he represented it was a very gentlemanly vice. This argument was omnipotent to tho innkeeper turned burou, and the poor man suffered himself so Qir to be indoctrinated nnd plundered by his 'daughter's husband, that his whole for tune passed away. In the courso of five or six years, the old innkeeper of Wisbadcn after having successively sold off all his estates, his houses, and his slocks, found' himself at last completely ruined ; he had , nothing left but his title ofbnrou! I Jut perhaps lie would not have given up that parchment for all the forlunehe had lost. In th! meanwhile, he must rct a living: the ex-keeper soon re. llzed tins necessity. He demanded an embassy, it was refused him; he applied for the situation of atten dants the king of Havana, his nobilily was not old enough for that. Then, no! knowing what to do, and pressed by want, our newly made gentleman resinned his former profession, in which ho had pros pered so well ; he disguised his rank, came to Wisbadcn, oiko more obtained credit, purchased upon his imte the hotel of an old comfrere, who had jriown rich, iu:d is now in the way of making a second for tune. It is thus it happens that Wisbadcn has the honor of jxis- tsoing an inuk 'per who is a baron. THE COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON, N. (J TUESDAY. NOVF.MP.UU TKNNK.SSKK. (Jiveraor S. N. JI.iown delivered his Mes :.'l;'e to the 1 ,1'i.dature of 'I'dllH'S-C '. Oil tile Hth hit. II treats of ih -Han!; Vmmoi. 1 . . ... i rv hools and various other lacd t jiic--. i;i a i:! a hille od truths. very apj-.repri;ite manner s anew I flowery but still be talks very " In rclahou ta t'omaioii School., he :as: 1 " 1 fioii.--a:iil- of our lellow-cinxei.ij are gne t- pour mil their bloo. in a distant ioii'l in. 1 to : wither laurel with v.hieh they will de .rate the brow of this t'nniiivn.wcalih. ( an we rot weave kohv- cob! e ehaplet. these iwh :.!, i,-. to ad ! I II.M:- to I, . tie : s i l diirti'oelil ,! 1. I , ,. , I noli,- honor ivi ; '"1 by Da' breath : . .....r o--, : , ; tbe . v.-rr, en that bluoint i;j oa i die mountai-i is f. niiiz.d u.t;. ' 1 i .iiioi.t ai i tiial M ldoii: by eac'i retuniiotj i.la.'.ver ." I'mIIi i it n s nu in of ( 'iimin n S -fii. l , ;. Ion : wilh the war-e-lor of Mexico, a a twin." i l littl:' r-enan'i'-: tint on nrcoi!'i ol the e.rc - of the lie JTO ii 1'-: ad cla,s ,-. !',e f same lainciiih in iy be p. it' :i that (Kii.uaM ; i a v. a .1 -,d I. 1 i -le enjoy the company of John- n. ,' j wnli a coxcoiidi and Jv it las ..n, ." On the subject ol internal ini rnvenn-ni ( Jovernor f!uoi n "talks like a boo'."' lb cnterH into detail, and rdioivn that he i.-i capa hie of ai)reciati:ic; the impoitance of the iih- icct, ami comii' t at I i tliri t ! pu C tin. i to the proper i ou:' -. nieti now io progrek In- i the Leoislaiurc give ail the o all ciipio.c-i'1'iam- lid that lid thill call be sak-h allord. A ami recommends ciiu r f cncouiit r ti mporary evil.,, for measures thai uiurt u'u iii-, ,'. I.- -.. ii...;- ;,. , '"Ul I) WU'UII. I i 1" I I 1 I j j . I L I I . I , I,-, 1, .11.11 . , lUUiatloa an, I Internal linnrov , nienl I r... 1 ' 111 ' "- '"' "I m ' as tiie iniiji am! mean, aside lium the paramouut iTiieral benefit lo he ibnvi-,1." f?r..m ...ni.. t,., I' . i - i 1- i i V rum WHIM' (Xo'il'.l r.'im-.c ni , , . I olili t. we make a Kl.oit e-t,an a ,,!u at : ' 1 here is notlmii' niai'ic d or sacred in the ipicHliun ol war. that should the ,,,s r silence or ternfv the mini ,,: r, C, kiiuivli.dire uu tan h oiil.,l,,x. h, M,IiIm' or aay tliinir I c. And ll , t.pint which dc mruula a blind compliance, or an unwilling acquiescence in tbf or any other quest ioi V itaelf'nt wurAWitbl all timl it Barred,"' tn the rigW of the freedom of thought nnlil of speech. Ibelieve, and telievlng It; I fiuve dared, to proclaim, that this war might, could, und " (,"llt'"1 oursdves wan snowing the juverii.r posiuo.. on me wuruaienuon, wiin- out copying the strong nrgumerits by which he witUaiim that position. He will find a great . .. 1 1 . i J"" ,:,.P:0,'OU'K':?" mn ,,rui,,, non the peace and han- .., . .. 1 piness 01 uie ctiuaii y. nu iimiiiiii N.inacny can . ' foresee. ' , i ne ah s -aie is wc 11 wniten, ana .is evi- denily the fruit of a well-disciplined and in-, Hiirent mind ; and we may add, of a palri- . i otic In ail. - PU KSIDK.YI'IA I. CANDID ATM. ' ... tll(!Iimi(.YHl- n , ,T, v. , ' ... , ils"',SS M"m) u, w" ene.ve ...a. icn. Ih.rs ion was opposed to the measure, i I5ut the Editor of the Union, that -tool of povv- er. that pander to authority," held out to the CJ in-ral the temr.iii.ir prize of the I'r. Midency ..f.ln. yreat ltepublic. and the (icncral's;,,,- IrioHniii welded to the occasion and its aiii.li- . , , , 11 ances, and he became uu advocate lor annex u,'"!1- A Democratic Ma-'s meeting was held in . the town of San Augustine. Texas, on t!:e -'1st of October lata, at which a Committee nl', one hundred was appointed to prepare licso-' 1'itioas (o be submitted to the inci ting at noon on the following day. Oil the L!!d the Resolutions were pre sented, and adopted. The preamble setsloidi the wisdom, experience, honesty, firmness, na tive born grcatia ss, and sacred devotion to his couotiVs weal, as (;unlil her him for the ollice of President of the United States. Mv some unaccountable oversight the word di niiliible,-' so peculiar to the democrat lilicnl dictionary, was left out but ther enou di said in all conscience. '! pil- e was i: !i nl" The fir-1 Iu .;il'.ili,m emlKidi 's thf 1 lie mailer. It sa s : " v e re. oi !!if! am of t!:es. AM I Iocs i deferentiall propose to tin CO!l United States, liiu name of Cieu. ton t' r the next Presidency, subject to tl ie (,rj a National Conventio: Pre-.ident Another Resolution reeofjni Pol!, as a scion from tho " Old Hickory.'' and tenders unfi i'ned ifratitude fir the aide and ' impartial manner in which he ha discharged the trust confided to him by a free p topic. We suppose the people ol' Texas admire the alnli!-, uiui which Mr. Poi.k Tot us into the war with Mexico and with which he is carrying it on--and alt") the :- impartialit)" , which exhibits itself ia parly i::diciive;iess. ! unknown i i on,- history. Dot wc gnesv; the ehief cause of adiiiirati'iu is the "il't of the ' suc cess, ion" to the State of Texas, by that in domitable'' democrati'.: party functionary. Ja.MI.S K.. l'ol.K. So we are to haw. among the gifts and L'rac.-rt areaicr out iX TeXiis annexation, all the etbdiretit gl-iry a: id linlli uit fame ibnt iiiiiv an "ii! of t'v- Mexican v.iir ami :d t!ie mdd and aiiii.-ble 'd'.r ( I' l.t;..r S. u II.. i sro P.esi lent of t:ve Unit -I St And if this is not ,.d iry ei.ou.;h lor tin nr radical and raniji.u.t jiic.il.i.i ia Pit. c.i:.:r. v. e doubt ii'h'j get- it iiny where on tliM oor earlh. SHiS OK 1)1VIS(). !!'.;. -.'tin-!., i I r., -. llie nee i i iirV'g upon of I: t - 1 1 and o D. an. ipfk t e'.lll I'. lie h, 1 o;.!i il tl j ortaa at toWnrdi e 1, tic ciaai.i,' 1 1 1 . t ..o n. ol t "i i. , :tr" ' 'l!-"": -ll l' i II t (111 Oi'.ll -or ratio r i h: 1 ' I; una: inel.I , ha .mhii eo l oe- arauist tin ailmaii-iratei.i' the W'iiis a .-a. and hope i . . t tl, 1 hi!it o; ai ci'-ri I" ! .! eaa l i le d!l!-b y V!:i ,i 1 1: ' t :ie -. jui'.illoa t no ' alisti; d or ia the White Hou-v' erat lo i.i Je ;t hi his usual .v. is any 1) Mr. Kir nu the Cat oil i.i i.i- ( e alii cted spl, It tin I par: .'. 1 l.s .i.-.il. liai'. 11! d f. ohmo- the vaih the ran! o! a..d lo prudeii The r Iv cans..' am t v.-lo-r : and di. Tftion w nl 1 eaj'-in cileec,-. nl :rives HI tl. ' (lr?t illtelli rel,ei- ,,! the jir i-pect before i) i of' a political r. 1 1 1 1 y -bin I; oinuag the fu'l!i f Tub i, ire ad mi, lie.'i l.t lie o l-.e. , luol-.e. ,,;- f -ch re - lilt.. -but the Ol ai i oe. It-, otii. i.d -a net ioi i lu the rumors thai h.i e .uui- tune pu vailed. And mort " it. Mr. It n a in i: sa s th.it it .liall Iv: his '.nisiiuss to ki i p I he pa i i y u oiled n'.d to "heal, not to widen ao litlb- lireach arno!ir them. r. cue f. ,irs Mr. Kin n lie re is I' a di . -.'.Ill im i I),' I! n I U' . anu i ii He. I, lei Tii..!vsc;i vim;. Thursday but iva-, h.-rvcd b) twenty ,. , ,. ,,, , sini.i ll,., 1 , I . r. ,n,.t ,eie .... , ...v Lily, a a l i ol 1 fi.iiikiviiijf. vi. : I.i Maine. N. I laniashire, Mn.-v acini ctt, Uhoilc I .land, 'oi eti.-ut New York New Jerney, i . iii m i i , ',:n... v'-iM:i I 1. I :. IV r. rr A :in un I 1. - ,,r- ia i Morula N.i. l.i.'.ui Ohio Keatiady. In- di in.i llhneii. Mi -oiiri I nun , wv . Mi, - is - ippi T- n iloi) ol Wi -con-i.i, and til) id'Wa.di - m,-. ,a 1 1 is i . be o b b, ale I io i rmoiil I), r. '.iA ; and in i kann.M and I eiiii-iaua Uec. 'oh, WOKTIIY OF IMITATION. A hogrtr' woman in thi towlas'dlivered of .two daughters and h soDjoii Saturday night last all doing ' well and tho inolhcr " as well ua could be cxpected'LuThe name woman has had seven children at three births, within five' years. " ' ALAHAMA. 1 Mmhrommj .snow the Capital of the State ' , ,n . . . , , 1 f Alabama, instead i Vsroqo., ns here- tofbrc. Tins change was indicated by the loiore. 1 mi i n.mjv ""um;u uy me Proclamation of the Governor, fixing the 10,h ' inst. for tho transfer. The Secretary of State W""J " r,"c wou'a 11,11 n- B !" l,u '" . , , ... . . A. ami they would stop. At lust, whan quite ex has received the keys and title deed of the , , ,,Yi, r, ,1 ,. r.l,n i,i; ,,,c no r 7(1 c,, . , ,i, , , new State House at the former city w ji.um-. . A large meeting of Whigs was held in Trenton, New Jersey on Saturday wtck. , i . ,. ,T I he Ilesidutionsoflercd by Mr. Ci.a v at Lex- iimton, were indorsed, in every particular, unanimously and the hi-'hest confidence ox - ,n,,S(:d i tie mtrotism and worth of that ....... r. . ; t: ..: c i. , .. -t, - WISCONSIN j TIlc IUIaturc of Wisconsin has passed ' a iu, or,f:inizillioa of anotherP Co- i ., (- ' .,...,;, ... m,H Jimllarv. in onk,r tlilt it mav i " 1 . 1 , ... "llt,"i 111 lh,; l"'"l,lt! u( HlJ c;lr,y a ,,;l' that- 11 a,0ped. the State may be admitted into the rnion befo.-p tlic closing of the coming hcs- sjOM (;;)M,T,.;V. ' - - .1 . . ,1 K UliaWa V MUYC May 1101 III' Llll)loyC(l III It'llll f.jhilili:!, l'Xrl')t UIldtT Tonall'. In the U. S. Circuit Court, at Pittsburg, a pentdty of $")';() has been awarded asjmhist Dr. Mitchell, of Indiana CMinly, for enticing a slave from his master. The case was t r i . d under the act of Congress of 170,', and for the penalty imposed by that act. The d -ei,-i i.i in this case goes somewhat further than the finnus Van Zaadt eas-1 of Ohio, la the en decided at Pittsburg there was no j.ro'd" ol' any attempts on the part of Dr. M. to en ticc the il.ive away from his master. Nor was there any pp-ven interference to pre vent hi return lo his owner. He ave him em)loymeaf. however, knowini' Iiim to be a slave, ami according to the rluirge of the judeje, ;md the inference of the jury from the charge, there was room for the verdict ren dered. In Judge McLcai.'o charge, the act of employment simply was not deemed an offence under the act of Coinjrtss. The case occupied the ronrt. the Pi'tshui Oaz. Kc sas four d;is. Ju lire Oriel's charge was pointedly aguil.sl. the delindaut. r.M.irrs i.i- .!ahi;i::d V".mi:n. Oa the 10'th inst. the Vermont House of Ke rescntii tives passed a bill lo protect ibe riohts ol married women ia properly belonging to them bcf.irc marriiige. It provides that the rents, issues and profits ol the real estate oi anv uiiirrii il v. nmnn. and the inter, st of her bus hand in her right ni nny real estate w hich ! i io -cl to Ict hi fore uia rria"c. or which . he ma '. nave in h rift. rant. iIi-msi: or i.d.eritaa.re durinir c in rturc. shall he e. mpl from atuu hmeiil for the: husband's debt i. V,'e believe the Senate his yet to act uj oa it. Atlanta Ihilllxit! 'onvculion. This ( 'ouviaitioa a -.-enibled ;it All.iiit i on the :idd instant. William Kzz.ird.of lleenlur 1 'ouuty. (( I i. ) i.'iis a p poii. ted l'l-csident. and J. S. Kay. Ks p. and Col. ('. R. II u ! ! r of ll Hit I. S' iT' t 111- The ( 'ummilti c oa I.. I raal Iiiipr.veui-n! i.l'the Slat'- ul ( i. -uriM.i i.i compoced of lie foil, .win, r ontleiu'-u. i: M. U. McAllister of S.-.vane.'.h ; W. W. ll dt, .-f Ati'.'iK'a : I oi:-Scott. ol'M icon ; J. S. Hulloch. "f ( ',,'.!, t 'oiiaty: ( '. IN , pb s ul' Athciiri ; J. IV Kiar ul' A -isiist : ami 11. II. ('-.ivler, of Sa annah A ! H' - was --r ived fro n (uv. ('riw'ord '. i r Ti. o . ,.' i', :. ::- - L'"i'i,' I by Tea-o- t i t'.e .-! it. ol i, or;;a. M . 1 e li lin '.o n: b ina i .ul . oc.iie.i : a- i o :,.ii' ca ii, ' . .. i :iv.ur.;. Tie- I. -Iter. ,,.s r, ) . ie-1 I-. i i n elite ol t,o I',- ) a lie Si -tea r :i vel i d ivl'-e', cci.is. 1 1 oi' the I Ion. '. .1. Mc I luiiahl o--: I. I'. K , u ,:' i .-'. i : I ' d l.ci i i . 1 ib , . l .1 i, I A laai o South I ' e .!. . i : ( i. .Mel;,,,- and Henry Null, oi N-e ;!i ole:. i ; aa I I '. A. I'm iiam a-al V . I r; . o! Tc :, ,e-.',e.'. ti -- r- lut:,c:s rq'or'el by li e iii on: w i : ".ie r -"in-:. . ! i . x l fh" !..:.,,-. f ( ;. a-..'i i lo r. :'i - ih- . ; ; 1 1 :, i.i l'e a harW uu-v j, l.o.r b. lor- th ' ;. . 1. f.r .i 15 i I 11m!:. .-.a .. t!.- S-. eii ( 'aroiaia and (I ir ' i It ti! li mil n An l'i,e tout. oav'.-atii.i a lj iiir.u.- I on tho 2U ie S; i. m Ti i a i. iii ii oi : S : -, i,: l. mi Vi. !( ia i . M i . J .mil - .-' ; i ei' o' I b aip a 1.1, I dicl ii ' i .-a t I -1 I. i.. ' pioj .it-, in- 1 at 1 .' "). f fin tv.'o bi'.:!-- i . I n.h p... 1 hcmmIoii ot Iih e'ate, 114 Inns' u-H'lil 1; 11 1 ,1 re.iori thai Mr. Si iniuhad nuv. r lieen mai -t;,-.l lo ih" ivoman with whom he lived an lus wife and ivho c, as pnciente at llie tun.- of Ins d -nth. The ac li ia wan brouoht ,y Mrs. Sear- ' ia. lo cjet t tiii 111 li'uui the pu mi s. ., mar 1 ia xk 1-ertunuoi iv.n proved ,ui M.v. .Scar-, ilia's motbi-r ti -tilied that she unci- heard Mr. H. --H to !n-r ilaO'rht'-r, ''.l'r-'. trill In': t mj i" nr. o, t'l irtdi! i.-: fi:m i. 1 iui '.:. nu t ij 11,' !;. ,'. tn that, ire'rc nn llti:m'i J 11,1 tttni lin am he 'k-'. i e, I h 1 1 11 .. ......' ..1 .11.' ., '. 1 u 11 1 11 11 m 'iii' hi. ,iie loll nun III. ll . . . , .. . 'nhf .1 .,; ei aiiil t pr. H(-i ihe fipiii- j ,;. ih n -..i.-ii a t'.rni uf marriair1' win ;n ino - imt a :i.y '.tie r. Sin-lived with bun until '''' " wa proved that lr. S. h nl iiiirodie i d her. and spokea e! Ii,-r, ii hi,. hiI'c. .... . ' . . . I'.viileiiee v. ;ih hroiiiht loi ward h tin-(fefence , ,,roVc that die was woio aa of bad char- ' nctcr iircv ems to her neon liatancc with Mr. . Si'-'ini'tT-. Aotwitli.stau.hiic-tbaMact. the jury , i,roi,Lii, ... veroa u .., .,iM,r oi uie piiiuililt ' thereliv di-clanae; (he marna re , a!i ,jr th.. .-v iin,-t h,Z' 1 talc to be valid, sion of the i s INDIAN HOSTILITIES. TKp followliijj' letter girosfa tliriUiHg ac count of recent hostilities from the Indians in Florida ft' ! ft Hi SCAsfDBttts, Nov.. 4, 1817. For fear of some improper impressions be ing made-nponthe-piblio'mtiMl, I--wiH -lMe that Mr. Michael King, of Holmes' Valley, came to my bousu hist Sabbath, about 12 h' T' hfi. w;,s on, the ro 'o-u St. Joseph to this place, arid near the ,nik. .)OS't .,,nil ,cll mi!t.H t..xst of this place, when two Indians fired their lilies ut. Iiim ; he wlieu I wo iniunnti mi. u mcir i men ui. nun ; m: fled . for his life, and, win',, . the Indians 1 ii -ii ..1.. lltltiril1.il. Ill- louiiu vin' fct illMIViii" w w yards ahead of the others ; lie shot at the liirvmost. but uiissi (1 him ; they then met, ( Imives in haiul. and lie, King. s,iu llie Indian entirely through the jaw; the second stroke, I f ")y up into the left side io tie Indian : the Indian tMl bac'.f nliil hal- ()(,(, t,, otht'.r Uien near bv, took alfright and 'fled ' Kim' then ran towards the. (Jul!', : saw a smack '"'and called they came, and i ".' of them went to -he spot, saw the dead Indian and said it was .oc, the oiu imiian (.'hiel. King was kIu.i tbronL'h the picket on his back, but the ball missed his body; he . SVThnniW- A 0f CX 1,1 nil,r i,.Ll .,. It i .' ..1.1 .,' rifle. I saw the men of the smack, but did not speak with them they left soon alter Luulia,' Ki.nr. This is the substance of Kitalc. "l saw his wounds and the rifle. We fear those men of the iishiusf smack knew old Jw, and had been but too fiiendly to him anU hn cn w. lor wlio coul-l n.io nu ineM I. If .1... v. I I,' , .. . .. 7 iimians across on me oi. j.iatuuswui, : ave often heard of them on the peninsula .siil" f the St. Andrew's hot have never beard of them on the east ide before. I have often heard that lle re were three Indians, lint some say the number has increased. We hope that something will soon be done, so that we may live in peace. 1 am, nir your obedient servant, CklCUAN MKItCKi:. 1'. M.. St. A ud, -invri Hay. Terrible- SU'iUiiboat Disascr ant! ilrcat LcnI i' Life. rirrmtsru-nn. iv. :!r. Oo Sunday ni'irnin;: last, ah ml 1 "', I ! tin- t op, lit-1- Pho-, ix. bound up to the lalov. when wit'M'i 17 iiiih n of tlu: bain was ih, covi red to lie on lire iiiider the deck- ! as I' und impos-dhle to exti'e-rui-.b th- ll iii.e-.--She had mere thai .Mi pa-'' iijits on hoard, It!! Of Wh".0to. to : .e, ,11 ihtaiH . 1111(1 Were I,-'!-- i : n it up le hove ia ti me r Hi I.i u a re v.hi.-h .... Vl. -l:t I It ll"t II l! on ho board. The r- uie.iinb-r v.. re I. or ( ' w u- i wne.l. l l Street was siel in his v at Olil i lived. I U l-aHseneii; Wire cri.r.iim" llelt.iode..:. I'.M r att' ntioa . t, !.,l- d to the 'aidcp'r.-i by the ('::'t :i.i and crew of ihe He! cvrire. 'f'h- l'hnaiix was own d le,-l'ea-e v'v .Ml- a t'le.iv. I, led. and ili.-ll.i-(! I '" sl i.i" o. y 'l d ll t ic J'MUt. I'uilir. Lohi r. Later from S.tnlii IV. Iiisurrt'cliim ai lliihiialiiia A Ciilllc Exjirt Uil. 1,'irisvn.i.i:. .Nov. 2oth. 1 SIT. the arrival of trader' I'roai Sat.la l'e. I it r dates from that (.ne.rter ave ci i'. e ,i Am. 'her la a:a ae( the Me mi i u'.ni re in le i.e.' io. i Mil tel. I taken ,liee ;.-,i;:s ; lit- th . a, r, d ( ' I i'oi.i I i i a ic.l the . to . -of tie ir o lo.i : ch s sllei t- f. fK . lO'l-h I in m ; , .p. re. I- la ,d. ( ' ii. K. i ami v. i : must -rii'.' a lo, a -a in t the ii.mi r J ills ami a b it ll I , i J i , leil to I a'n e 1 ice. f... ry ho.ll h I- heard of the eee a'ie' I.o- a.ill t-.v. lb oacc un'il th pi'lpit a i a i; t -a' al ::!! bell lu call the a;t' n:i a ol I i.- i !i .. v to the I'.i.-t ul in imiu.ihj-i.il lir- i -i ' I ia- tbe-: who ''-' tm'd more appr. h, a w e 'tiii n. uteri. il tli.m :. I.or.-i.zi (.h a rvo-o; a ii i h r.ible on ;iia oi I- l id- ;lv ci : :ei IT--:;chia'. and i ; o il pr Hill ir- lire! lire! l ir Ii i I a nl , h -il ti'i 1 t e mi 0 Were brolo in : 1 av al I I, OfTe i i pi t.ia..i I" The a,ii! ih ,i t is 'III. S ( I . '",11-1.1 tin ! aia . !:l:l. M ll. On Se,,.! i 1 : Mi - I'. ,,. i'e ia 11 mi, 11 y, u.iu 'iiii r m l ie .I,,,- WiilineV . of tills lolVii, Was line d b one 1 : th" - 1 ..: : nt tie '. of ' ion' I - J laid .iii v 1 r -. i,i . 1 1 io !i,,i !, ie Ii! 1. .-a : ,0 .r 1 o, "', ., 1 ', wnli tl.e vt a'i r a' e,- I , v, I, ,. I A ' I :.: . i i the Wet, r i: la i : ! nt ! 1 :irn ei ,-, that .:.e w i-i in irn'oia'-'il d ' 1 ' r I ui'l.ei.l H'.Vl f't ".fat iA'T ml Tliep .,. ti ,.lll.liii I i-. :: :.; Ii' I ii!i ' i c 1, 1 ti 'il i 1. 1 1 I '!' I lo he 1 f, m-1 ie. 1. I It bel 'H l,e ill,'.,.! 1 v. iv. ,- ,:ri. f he I: 1..1 tie ;,,.-!: a'. I for a 1, 1 i;.i .at all .s..'1'iiK'd ti hn luf-t. Well ie,.t presence ol liiaid. he plilnoi d inlo tie' water noil ivd'aed her. She was entirely ii.ie.uu-s-,niu. Iiowceer. and ri ina iiied no tor mine time. She was a j out: lad;, "f licli 1! ar ie ti r. ami ivaH oa In r way hoai li"ia the Sabbatii school. She bail com pla eieil ul a vi"l -ut pain ia le r li' ii I in the moraiair and was ir-di;il l- 'nli'-rio" uial r tc'Op ir:iry de r.iii "Ji.-mc'il. -A'i(,-'(ei '(,': .v. ARMY. A"i'. IM) Tlv ;.!,. Volil u ;i t-i 1 1. 1 a -i.i 1 is'1,1 di-1 ph uai 1 CI HO Well a (rnll.l l ll'l 1 .leeiim pi I - ll i ll nth ni cer. The fnir?ncil ' 00 id 110' which ('ant. T dim ti lis i.s haji.,m:iT m the camp, mil t liavt: t xcitid Ilu- 1 i ' r little licm iai to a dc li-l jl 1 . 0 . art IS. III e mil ie in uiu nianiueii 1 .Mcxieilli i ' . . , 1 . wai' nsheieil into til--prcia nee. wlioae ilcmean 1 or ihmuled the importance of mie weijrlitv comnitiiiicitinti ubieh he wifliml to deliver. j The deticral ponld not Hpeak Snni-h. and hirt iiiterpicti r w.' e'Mii'bt in vain. A Ihhl' I i r . bim ciinen of n sucker, w lm, Irom the onli r nl e of hi dri-KH, the ( ieiu nil took pcrhai s for n inn"i-r hiii'iiened at that iiioment pfr,i''i.'h' rust. Come lu re my man " called out the flea Willi an ai:' "f p. , lect nonchalance, the sue!, er ib itfe 1 Im ballcr' d castor nnd i-ntcri il th, fen! "IJo joo pvnk Mexican ?, inquired tho General. -" V' '""'," ' i( ' Why,. General, I rather guess not;? " Well, ciiu you tell, me of some one who does ?" , "Yes Bfr-cc--I jist can," answered the man. "Quick, then, let me know where he fs?" demanded the. irascible commander. ' ' Why, here, drawled the imperturbable sucker, laying his hand on the Mexican with whom it was desired to communicate 11 he aui'l Hiimk nothing nine." Cant. Tobin left just then. I) I E D, In this Town, on Jlonilny night lust, attorn pro tected illness of .several weeks, Fred. J. Swank; l''8(., ngeil 57 yn.irs. Ai his iil intiitfon, In Rlndcn county, on Friday last, nftur nn ntiuek ol I'livumoni;!, of eight or t n days, John ItrtiGiiT I'nowv, I'sf)., in the 61st year ol nls (lire. Mr. I'nowN hud I'ccn Cor ninny years n mnsis leni and liiuhly rcspoclid iiicinlicr ol the Mcllwulisl Kpinrn'ial Ulmrcli. and died in llie enjuyment oC iho most firm ftith ifhd, lively hope oC ttxi promises con tained in llie docUiVies he professed. His demh is universally l.-iiiicntrfl, for hi: was much beloved, re spected and esteemed, by nil classes of his fcllow-clt-izens. A I Woodford, Brunswick county, on the 2Rlh inst., Mm. I.vdia Tibbbnine, CoriBort oC (he Rtv. M. C Tiirie.nlitic, Hired FayelliTille papers Will ph rise cojiy. 1'OIIT OF WILMINGTON. NOVFMBCtt 30. no, 11 water AT THE BAR:::::::::::-::::::::::::::::: 1 .7 P. M. MIKlVl'.l). "2;i. Sehr. Sarah Ann, Pain, I i Shallotte, wilh Turpi mine in llaniHs.t u.-s II. " Schr. I ,( tit. n re., liiHUi. fiini) IMiiladclphia, to Di RuSii I, liiuWn & Co., vtilh ni.ltc. to bundrjr per sons. f'U'.ARKD. '.':). Sehr. I.pi;iic1iclt, V:uti, fur Nf Oil' ana, lv Dullos.i, lliu.iii.ii'ii., wiili :;00 Mils. Ru.dn, 1U0 lilils. Pitch, raid Ui I.IiIh. .Sjaiiis. Ni'.w Miiu:.- . . Schr. I,. P. Siallll, '.ilinj's,. PiilLADKI.I'HIA. .'7. Schr. John i.'.isin.r. Soiiich,. A II II I V E I . hence. - A II II i v k i . In nre. -Arnm iai. In. nee. I'.O-iTON. '.'I. ' In. Napoleon, .Sinilh,. M A.'T Kit. S!,c,p Vieter. iliieas lioinul I'n-ai Ni w York fir Key Ucil. lifter l.i-ni:; di-:n ::'. I i.t f-i, w, nl mi shor. , '1 litie i!,iy '-"Hi a. si. iitnut (J I'. M., on Uuhl lhi.i.1, ic in i '.i ' lu-iir I . i 1 1 1 . Th .,stc-n .sliiiiin. l.iM of the 21th My : The Si ln. I in I. v.. I.nnicke. ol ii rul lor New Ymk, iflihivs I'ioiuSi. loli!int;ii, lull into lljlunioic lelli insl., wilil l.ejiil Me !!i:::l., ae.I I'llici I, ;iti,! luo nu n : thefct ni ih,- new Kick .mil were sera lu lie- h '- ii:il. Cii. I,, i, polls O I 2'. I, npiike ln i in- .Meitnr.1, ul I'nrl I. uu!, (al Mol ili. ) iiikI :,! Hiiiilii il will) one num.- -I'd nous lo ru iikaii.' Ihe hiinini'. ihc I,', wns tulally iiMliKiimci!, nil ll.iliilx I cini! sick nl Hi. H.ililn linie rX ciit llie cup I n I it, nnd in lliul lielpli-S's coiiilili'in i-X'c-l i i I, - ' i il il i? ii 1" 1 1 1 1 1 ll ill," .S . I-!., uliii ll l.isleil w illlullt int. t iiii-.r-ii.ii lor live tliiyB. Sj.okei.ll t'.ipi 1 1;i u-t lei -h Oiln I'ii, ol Mn!. lie. biiuiiil lo K.iUiiinMe. l'i ids !,ii .", ol and tor N I" uik, nnJ uWI lor tin- ioisi i:on , c! n ei.in, whi.-li iliey l.uili liniily relnscd m a. uie l- i ,1 ai wiili il.t. iiilo! ".'iii I. '-'." milidcir ( 'iiie 1 1 . a i : v, u liu M i y y.i in nui.-ly u mil ml nil ihe iis.ininoe. iu tlicir i"w -r, m ' lloli. rl im-, pttol, iiit.l i, in- n i,i ii uu lioanl. who Hiicci- ili .1 in in int. leg the vi .-.a-I In. NOTICE TO M lltlNI'.bS 'l li. It.i-aei Ailvi-iu-i i of llie " '?. t , in ref. ii nee lu ih, Ni ..r !. I Iai li..r, mi : Wllla n iH st nf itie I lniii.l i r ol 'oiiinicrcc. ih, Killh A u.li ii h is din ; 1 , .1 ill a i hp e c.-in laioys -.Imii In; ,l:iei il in (icln, i s I'll cini. Tin y will hi in iln ii I ich nSnul iliu 1st ll! I l Ci Miller. 'I In lino s will In; nil wiili niie Link siiip run nii.i: i. an, c h h. incl pel in iniilc!l.ii,i'i I. so ili.il . -1 i i- oi pn .:i i alli'l oi.W ol l in m t.y loiiow ay tile ili- I . . ! j, ll-. I., I, S . i.i , m, . Cin'.-.r.i (.iiim tv-ii. i 2 i f, I lain,' lj, I (il .e.;.. .,, Sll.eV ll"'! I i I Ol'.-e 1 1 ll 1 1 1 l,. i, i I no. , ami llie I" n' oo on (..iivr lo l-ejir U iN W . Si, ,i .N v. ill) I In 1 1.!', :i ml Ii. N on 111" flood, ninil too ilmp I nl i Ii fathoms water, when tin hoiee will i.ui'e wilh :, i lump ol lii'Sim lie- HiidilmiU we'i Oi i -si, . n e.:.- i-ni ilmm eivire. lli o a, , , r lei lie . l.t nt uu on ilu Monk, k, . pini: a :i la :c ,, i, ,., il,, I at.,u. lii.w. uii'il mn i n nl-cliioi-nil w:iv w li-n you sicer tor ilu- tm v oi th.-SW Spit. I'., it li. U. llt.r.N'l'. A 1.1 hi M . . II., 1 IMU'.MdUT.I). v . .N , w J i i . v . . i l, le.lu. Mr S, ll, U . I'.iul,- : 1 1 .rSir.-IUviiq u.-id flit. Wlsr.Vit S IMI, .SAM ol' U II. ) CHI'. U,l wi:h 1 .1 bi in lit i" en 1. If, I 'll c.hi'lv ifiiplc wMi vn'it fA t PA' 1 iv f.-'-i,.nv ia I iv or ot ii. S.i.ac 1 line since 1 loiin r ,; I, i,,,,' 11 si iilctl on my liui"s; 1 war tr ul 1, .1 .- v t- , v. , k - w . li 1 -. ' I 1 - 1 , 1 1 1 , ! 1 i "1 11 ! tiluud m; - I I 1 ei nnd h.i.i .ei ill 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 syi.i'l,'in.s attend ' ,- ': - I 1 'ih a 1; ii 11 1 ' .p iln'il : r. .. - v i i- 1 ti vine v.i 1 iai. 1 1 1 ;n !,' io 1 -oa, I nn J .1 ' .. ,t 1 ! ,.( ) ImN.iiii ; 1 t'Hil. I luce butll' ' and ! iv . . : 1 : : 1 1 1 ' el w .h i alio ly ccied. I nlliil'iiii my :!. t:! a, t . I. .;'h ' 1, i'. c i in.- alone. Allwh" , .-nl. er iil'iai'i! weii pinii .-ii .iy nil, . limis. I I r. oininiii.l I In (11 10 Iry Oil. Wl-1 lv i: l.s: M ininii.'iliiiielv. i no.M s r. ui.ri.i.K. . , S..-OU ,1 I. 1H"I i'S ,ai ll,c N.e.i eti.nc .1, W I I... -.e, vvl.!.h,l- nnd I (ul. 1 v M. SUA". W i ! r 1 1 ; r . ;t,.. nil 1 .V .IcililM in M. hcini'H generally Ihaiui'teuit tin- r.'imtry. S II I l P A It U i H ALL, AND COMMISSION ..IK 111' If ANTS, o..i i OiUVIF.lt STKI'.IvT. .New Urltniis w 1 1 h',,-i-i- inn. nH hah- N, I Ifo-lv. SI. Croix iiml PorJo HiroSiiirar. i rz mins. i.ni'iii'.;: "i i m nt lanlltv, un con?u;n- J IIH 111. .tl.SD-N. (iilitiBs Whlskrv. tiIVtO 11 N,,v. :-:o. 1-17. w. nitowN. no ;n. IN STOKl'.. 7v ; r.w i;i(. i; 1 f.l-rprt N.lfV Sail I U lii-k. v. N- w Oile in-i ll.s i.ii. a : r Hum 11. W. HIM Nov ;.o i -i,'. 1 10 I' s roNi: WAiii:. . . I. I s . hi i.i I.-V..II , MJk rutin. f . "n iinnn 'I I S ., Jl'i'i J l' .uu i .0 I,., .! t.rl, . j ll lllili I 1 1 " 1 1 1 ' ' I Vi K. . 1UIV.M1 ,1. Nov i!0, 110 It MARINE NEWS.

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