To Printers. FOR SALE, about Two Hundred pounds o Long Primer, but little worn, oi which ht9 port of this adrcrtiscmpnt u a specimen Cases wifl bo furnished four pair. AHo, about Two Hundred pounds of Brevier, o trhich lhl part orthis advertisement Is specimen Cases furnished four pair. The type is n sold because considered unfit fur use, but because longer Fonts are required ; a term whicb will be understood by Printers, The above two Fonts ol Type, with the Cases, which are io prime order, will besold lor $ 85, cash Apply at the Office of The CcnflsencuL. Augl!. 6ll. Encourage Competition. NEW PUBLIC HOUSE, WELDON, N. C. On the left or wfxt side of the Rail Road iLa rpHK SUBSCRIBER, Conductor I .... ti':i i . I 1 I.. U uiftui jl on me i iiininiuii nuu ivuii'iii S'n'Wr- Rati Road, opened this House on the 1st January, 1347, especially for tho convemen -c and accommodation of lllte traveling public, and in tends that its furnish and accommodations shall rot re surpassed by any house in the place. His home is situated about 50 fit't from the car going norih, nnd near the Depot of the Wilmington Rond. The liberal share of patronage which he has received, is nvidi'iK-r that his efforts to please tho traveling pub ic hnve been appreciated. His Table shall always he supplied with the brst the Market will afford; and, with unremitting attcn tlcn on his part, and that of his Lady, ho hopes foi a I'ontinuencc of the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. The lovers of good eating; clean ond comfortnl Ic chamber ; faithful nnd obedient servants, Will find them at WHITFIELD'S. 'ROANOKE HOUSE: W. T. WHITFIELD, Proprietor. WELDos.N.CJuly 12, 1847. P. S. Supper always ready on the arrival of ths Cars. Dont forget WHITFIELD'S ROANORE HOUSE. Give uica trial, and you shall not go away dissatis July 1847. 43-ly. THK MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE HUM COMPANY, Office No. 11 Wall Street, New York. THIS Institution offers advantages to those desir ous ol effecting Insurances on Lives which are unequalled. The importancs of Life Insurance must beappan nt (o all, especially to those who, after death, will leave families unprovided for, und the Mutual system, as practised by this Company, combines the greatest se curity at I 1m? least actual expense. Its peculiar rid vantages are, I si. A prompt payment of losses. 2d. When the annual premium is over $50, fourth may be paid in cash, and three-fourths in a se cured Note, at 12 months, bearing 6 percent. Interest; or it miy be paid half yearly, quarterly, or monthly. Those taking out life policies, may pay half cash and giva their Individual Notes for the balance, if salisf x tary to the officers. .'id. k fall pirtieipatinn in all the profit The success of tho company has been iiftparalcll. d. During the first 20 mouths of Its existence It issued 3007 policies, and after paying all losses and expensos, a capital of nearly 1200 000 remained, which has, dur ing this year, been increased to about 8400,000. Any i iik taken connected with the duration of life. Slates Insured. Annual rules of Insurance on $100. Age; One j year. Seven years. Life. Age. One year. Seven, years.1 Lift:. 15 20 S7. :vj 35 00 77 10 fW I 5i 00 91' 00 r. I 77 I 1 001 1 12 2 01, 1 31 j I 3fi 2 36 i 1 30 1 1 hi 2 75 ' 40 J 1 CP i Mi 3 20 45 1 91, 1 9fi 3 73 .50 1 9o; 2 09, 4 Cu B5 ; 2 32! 3 21 i 6 7R 00 4 33 4 91 i 7 00 ClateinenU of the business, and other papers of the Company mar be had of the Agent, a Mr. Gcoige W. Dj via' Office. DIRECTORS. Robert L. Patterson, Scth Low, ChrsS. Mac knelt, William A. F. Pcntz, Lewis C. Grovcr, Edward Anthony, Thomas P. Segur, Willi .m H. Moti, Henry McFarlane, J. A. Underwood, U'ui. M. Simpcon, A. S. Snelling. ROBERT L. PATTERSON, Prcs't. B. L MILLER, Secretory. JAS H. DICKSON, M.D.. Medical Examiner, J. R. BLOSSOM, Agent, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 21. 93 Broughton's Confession. 1 I puNuhrd. and for salin a I flu Ctnnsrt It. OffiC'. "SLt trhwi of Ihp I. if., nf Inn iii.uJoHs Bbocohton. who was executed for (he inarderof Dc Suva, on the 2Ul of May, 1847." I'riee 121 cents. July 21 1-27. 55. TURPENTINE TREES. rPHE Subscriber will Lease fur the term of sev.rt 1 years, 00 or 70.000 Turpentine Hon s, at a f.iir price for very 10,0 JO. The land is situati d on Town Creek. 4 miles from (he mouth of siid Creek, and im mediately on the Creek, very convenient to market. For further pirticulars, apply to the subscriber or to Messrs DeKosaet, Brown A Co. Tenn ms'lecBsy. V. ) SMITH Not. 2. 1917. .Uno. 1000 Nfcv. 16. K'SHELS Salt in Mora, and for sale by J. 4 W. I,. McGARV. 104. SALMON JUST -RECEIVED, and for aalc, bv W WM. NEFF. Nov. 0, 1847. 100 SOUNDS fc TONGUES. JUST RECEIVED, and for sals, br WMi NEFF. Nov. 6, 100 JOLLY BOAT. A VERY SUPERIOR Jolly Boat, ju.t Receive I and hir salt, by WM. NEFF 100 Not. 6, 1847. Daguerreotype Portraits, , BY & BROADBENT, A few drjrs bdow Dr. Ecani' Drug .S'fo i near th Market. T)ORTRAlTS taken in style supsrior to any thu 1 ima M prrMHead. dons elsewhere, or no chargt . Mr. B. win rtwiio but s short tlm . Oet 10,147. P7-tf PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENT. oliveFevans: Salamander, Fire and Thief Proof IRON CHESTS, Worranled" equal to any other moke, and have never been injured by Firt or Uwglart, Ins single Instance. He also keeps on hand s full supply of Common Chests, made of lighter Iron, at lower prices. LETTER COPYING PRESSES AND BOOKS. TRUCKS FOR STORES, FACTORIES Ac. DRUGGISTS' PRESSES. EAGLE GLASS PAPER. PORTABLE SHOWER BATHS, 4c. PACKING LEVERS, HOISTING MACHINES. REFRIGERATORS 4 WATER FILTERS. OLIVER EVANS, Cl South Second St., below Chcsnut , Phllad. REFRIGERATORS. For Cooling and Preserving MEAT, BUTTER, MILK, and all articles intended for Culinary purpo- WATER FILTERS. OLIVER EVANS' CELEBRATED WATER FILTERS, for Purifying Water that is brackish or muddy, whether by rain; mineral, or otherwise, can be hud of all sixes and prices, at the Warerooms, No. 61 South Second Street, two doors below Chesnul Street, Philadelphia. September mt, 1H'17. 84-3m. FALL ARRANGEMENT. 1847. (SUNDA Y S EXCEPTED.) By the James Hirer tj- Chessapealcr Bay Line, via. Petersburg, Norfolk, Old Point, Baltimore anul Philadelphia, to New York. THIS Line leaves Wcldon and Gaston every nii'ht, (except Saturday.) coinir direct throuuh. From Petersburg, the passenger will take the Iron Steatner Mount Vernon, Copt. Blow, to City Point; from thence down the James River, by one of the fast and comfortable Hirer Steamers passing down the James River with a view ol its scenery, by day light reaching Norfolk by 3, P. M.; thence up the Chesapeake Hay, In one ol the Baj Steamers, that are so favorably known for lh ir strength and com fortable arrangements. The payx'nger on this Line travels while he sleeps, n A enjoys a luxurious table free of charge. Fare from Wtldon to Baltimore, $7.00 'Norfolk- ... I4.C0' For Tickets, ajyhj to Wm. M. Moouv, Agt., Wcl don, N. C. Fare from Gaston to Baltimore, 89. Od "Norfolk, Sl.00 For 'Jackets, abj to C. ('. I'ugh, F.sq., Agt., (ias ton, S. C Meals always included on all the Steamers of this LINE 0"The public may rely on this Line being regular ly and permanently kept up. Wm. M MOODY, Jn , General Agent. OJJice James Hirer p Day Line, U ttdon, Ar. t'., Ckt. 5(h, 1947. Oct. 7, !847. 87-tf. Notice II E Subscriber offers for s ile, three Steam Boil JL crs 26 feet in length, and 2 feet in diameter; also the engine belonging to them ; the engine has been somewhat Injured by fire, hut the boilers are gnoJ. Also, a new S jop lately finished by Mr. Ilcnj. W. Berry. ALSO, 300 new Rice Threes nil finished. Also, a l.irgc pine stick 43 feel long, dressed in'o an 8 square, 31 in dies through, will m ike an excellent Shalt. Fur further particulars apply to the Siibsctitcr or Messrs. DeRosset, Bbown 4 Co. W. D. SMITH. Ost.23. 'Jltl Chronicle copy till forbij. " COLTS REVOLVERS. ' REVOLVING Cushioned Office Chairs, inst re ceived, and foi sale by WM. NEFF Nov. 9. 101 15 A G S . BURLAPS BAGS, just received, and f.u sale by WM. NEFF. 101 5GO Nov. 9. C II A I RS. DOZ. Wood Seat Rockers; 10 doz. Wood Scat, received and for sale bv 1 WM. NEFF- Nov. 9. 101 Musical Instruction! rPHE uudersigned having returned frorfl the Noith L would respectfully tender his services to the La dies and Gentlemen ol Wilmington and vicinity, as tiacher Of Vocal and Instrumental Muiic. He has th:' pleasure of announcing that he has en gaged the valuable services of Mr. O. R. Mrtiai, (an experiemM'd leacH'crl'to ossist in leaching the I e Guitar, Piano Forte ic, and hopes to merit a share of patron ijre by untiring attention to his busi ness. Particuhr attention given to the tuning and icpair ing of Piano Fortf s. G. F. B. LEIGHTON. Oct. 28tn P47. 96; V R U 1 T . AFre h lot of Oranges, Lemons, and Malaga Grapes, just received and for sal-, by H. R. WOOD, Oct. 29. Ib47. 9o. BOOKS. CHILDREN'S Toy Books, amusing and Instruct ing. of all k.ndo for sale by B. R. WOOD Oct. 28. Gff PORK. Bbla. ; Mrs Pork. bbls. and half C I,EAR Pork J bbla Received per Schr. Alarlc and for sale by D. W. WOOD. 2P 96 Oct. NEW MALAGA FRUIT. JA IIOXKS new RaUlns, and 10 Ksgs Malagt Wv Ornpia, just landed at J. WILKINSONS Oct. 25. 96 NORTH CAROLINA LARD. BARRELS, a prim? anile, fur ibH J , J. C. LATTA I O-t 19. FOR SALE. , fcfh BBLS. fine eating Potatoes. J9 26 bbls. Apples. For sole by HOWARD 4 PEDEN. Oct. 30. 97 T. W. BROWN, A VINO recently returned from the North, Ua x& If nun fiv)iiiicu lu unil 1110 n leuuf auu llio zciniihllp vprv hnnHjmmn Himortmeht of ClnnAm In his lino, and at very low prices. Clocks and Watches Jtepaircd, as usual. Oct. 12. 89-tf Journal copy. Steam Saw Mill for Sale. THE Subscriber, offers for Sale, his Steam Saw Mill, eligibly situated for business, on tho West side of the Ciipe Fear Kiver, opposite the Town of Wilmington, N. C. I he Mill is In good order, and will be Bold on accommodating terms. Apply to HENRY R. SAVAGE. Oct. 7. 1817. 87-tf. 01)1) FELLOW'S SCHOOL. rWIHE exercises of this Institution will bo resumed M on tlio 15th Inst.; conducted as during the labt year. The rates of Tuition being as follows - Spelflne, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, ' Grammar, Composition Elocution, Gcr . graphy, Ancient and Modern History, - georn, Popular Astronomy, Draw ,ng $4 per qr. and Vocal music lor all ol which stu dies, books are furnished by the S nool freeof ch rge. For the Languages, Geometry and?. Surve) Ing. ) TEACHERS. Male Department, Mr. JL'sn'" Female do., Miss Richauuson, Teacher of Langrogcs, Mr. Lindsav. In connection wiffi the Languages, Students wil' likewise continue their English studies. Tickets may be obtained ut the office of Cul. McRat Oct. 7. 1847. 87-lf. Journal and Chroniclo copy. Wholesale and Retai GROCERY. THE subscriber oilers for sale, at lowest mark the following article, viz: 20 Bags Rio Coffee : 10 " Laguira Coltee ; 5 " St. "Dopiingo CofTco; 3 Bbls. St. Croix Sugar ; 10 " PoitoRico " 4 " Cuba " 10 " Rectified Whiskey ; 8 " Northern Gin; 5 " Domestic Brandy ; 5 " Mew England Rum ; 5 " Very superior old Monongahela Whiskey; 15 Kegs Nails, assorted sizes t 800 Lbls. Loaf Sugar, Powdered and Crushed do. j Superior Cognlnc Brruidv ; Holland Cin and Port Wine on draught ; a few doz. old Madeira and Cham paigne, warranted jiurc ; Flour; Bacon; Dried Beef;' Tonaucs; Mess Pork; Molasses; Mackerel, No. 1 and No 2; Green and Black Teas; Water, Butter and Sugur Crackers; Allspice; Pepper; Ginger Nutmegs; Soap; Candles; Cloves; I ndigo ; Mus tard, &c, &c. 3. BOLAND. South Water Street, Hard door from Market Street. July 8, 1317. 48 Negroes Wanted, AS I intend to make argc shipments of Slaves tn the South during the months of November and December, and also some contracts to fulfil, I am still in want of a large number of Slaves, from the age of Twelve to Thirty years of both sexes, for which I will pny the highest cash market price. Persons having such description of Slave property for sale will find It to their advantage to bring tiiem to Wilmington to me, ot the Carolina Hotel, as I Intend making a stay there during the winter. Also wanted, Carpenters, Bricklayers Blacksmiths and Coopers, for which liberal prices. yi he given. AIYSLEY DAVIS. Sept. 6. 74-tf. PORK AND IJEEF. Of V.r.l.S. Mess Pork, City inspection. CAJ 10 " Prime " 10 Mess Beef. " " 5 Prime ' " " Just received unl for sale bv DeROSSET, BROWN &. Co. Oct. 26. 95 N E V RAISINS. Ar''l''' nrv' Qsarter Drums, received per Alaric, and lor sale by I). W. WOOD. Oct. 23 96 JUST RECEIVED Per Srhoonrr (1 W Davis. KEGS new Buckwheat, 10 boxes do For sale low by 20 J. 4 W. L. McGARV,. 97 Oct. 30. GOPARTKERSDIP. 'rllE undersigned haveentered into Copartnership J J. under I lie hrm of j . W. & T. L O V K , For the purpose of dj ng a General Commission and I Grorenj llusiness. They have on hand, at Wil ilcsale and Retail, a va- 1 riety of Dry Goods, Hardware! Cutlery, and Croek I cry ; Hats. Caps, and Shoes; New Orleans. Porto Ki- co, Muscovado. Collect, rushed rind Loaf Sugars ; Rio, Laguira. and Java Cotlee ; best Imperial Ten ; Soaps, ( 'andles, Starch, Drugs, Dye-sluHs. Paints. Oils, U in dow Glass, and Pu ty; Suerior Canal Flour, in bar rels and half barrels ; Goshen Butter and Cheese, and n general assortment ol other Goods, which may be fu nil at their Stand, Hall's low. Middle Store. S'orth Water St. They also attend to Forwarding, Selling, or Pur chasing Prod -.tee, or Goods of anv kind. W ILLI AM J. LOVE. Jr. TH ADDEl'S D. LOVE. Oct. 11. 90 tf NEGRO PASSES. JUST printed at " The O-mmeniaf Office a new snpply of eqro Tassts, which arealTordd a trifle over the cost of paper that it would take to write them on. Jan. 20. 129 BLACK-JACK WOOD IWAN'T Twenty Cords of good Black-Jack Wood O. G. PARSLEY. October 30, 1"5I7. 97-lf NORTHERN BRICKS. OH Ann ,UST Received nnd for sale by 6J,JJJ BARRY BRYANT A. Co. Oct. 19. 40 BARRELS MESS POKK; 25 " Superior Malaga Wn t 15 " Extra Canal Flour ; 10 Rio Coffee 5 Hhds. Western Sides ; Just received, and for sale bv A. MARTIN. Nov. 4, 1647. yo PALE ALE. rA OU DOZ. Pale Ale In Pints and (t. For sale bv HOWARD A ITIlt-'N Oct. I S 17 or, MERCHANTS' STEAM BOAT COMPANY, OF FATETTEVILLE AND WILMINGTON. GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT, ivtvogin; about 20' ftt ecnt. New Steamer ROWAN, 17 Inches, Steamer WILLIAM B. MKARES, Steamer COTTON PLANT, Flat Boats BEN BERRY, odd fellow, Wire cronly, washington, t. j. curtis, ready money, mary eliza. THE Proprietors of the Merchants' Steam Boa Company of Faycttevillo and W ilmington, N. C. offer tiie above Line of Boots, on the Cape Fear River, to the shipping public, under the lute revision and re duction of Freights. Their new Steamer, ROWAN, now draws only 17 inches water. When she undergoes some oTieruton in machinery, her draft is calculated at 14 to 16 inches, which will make her the lightest boat navigatingthe waters of any river in the Southern country. This Company flatter themselves that they have it now In heir power to offer the most complete line of Boots hat has ever been on the Copo Fear, and one that will !o the freighting business with regularity and despatch m all stapes of the water. They have, in connection vith the Henrietta Company of this place, reduced the reights to tho tarifl as in printed rates. Neither of the Boating concerns deemed themselves able to re duce the freights and still do the forwarding business in this place free of charge, and consequently this Company have given it up, with the conviction, that the Forwarding Merchants of our town can do it inor.' justice than a boating concern. Any Goods consigned to the Merchants' Steam Bou! Company, Wilmington, N. C, will be forwarded through that place free of commissions all other charges made to the shipper. The new arrangement takes effect from the 15th instant. Passage $3, both ways. The two companies will hereafter count all freight cash, or interest added. Direct letters to Thomas S. Luttcrloh, Fayeltcvillc ; '.AW. L. McOarv, Wilmington. THOS. S. LUTTERLOH, Agent. royettevillc, Jan. 18, 1847. - 130 BOOTS AND SHOES. ri, TU ST received, ) Men's fine calf stitched Boots, ' Peg do. " Kip Brogans best Quality, Boys' do do do Gont do Men's calf do Large lot Walking leather Shoes. 200 pair Ladies' fine Kid ties md Slips, 200 " " - Uttekskins, 50 " " i Caters, Misses' leather Shoes, do Morocco do Variety of Children Shoes. ri he subscriber will be receiving Boots and Shoe-i c;y.-y week from the best Northern Manufacturer' till . Itf lilts ti nil Shiw'4 Intnl.. In o., c. no I I u v .. .... .....u .iuouiu aa uduui ail I re, dring done m the neatest Bty le. CHARLES CRAY. At Pundcrford old Stand. Sept. 14. tf. 77 Saddlery, Harness, &c THE Subscriber lias just returned from the North, with additions to liis ex tensive assortment of SADDLES. BRID LES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, &c. &c, which is ottered lor sale on favorable Terms for Cash, or n Short Ifmf to prompt customers. ThoBe Indebtid whose notes and accounts arc of long standing oie respectfully n quested to call and settle. GUV C. HOTCHKISS. ; N. B. Particular attention paid to repairing aii.l j making Saddles und Harness to order. (J. C. H Oct. 2. Go-tf. i 1 CROCKERY, J LASS WA R E, &.c. rjlil F subscriber has just opt in d the largest stoi k Jl of CROCKERY, (.LASS WARE &c, i M r offered in Wilmington, and he invites the atten tion to it of his old customers and the public in gen era I. His store is now one door above the nnc formerly occupied bv him, on the South side of Market street. JH. UOTHWFLL. Oct. 29 1847. 9tJ. 1) E N T I S T H Y . ' DOCTOR OF ! I) IS NT A L SUHGE Y, j And Member of llie Anirrican Society of Den-; tal Surgeons PERFORMS all operations upon the T E F. T II . j 1 Teeth inserted from one to a full set, and iiHin ' the principle of Atmospheric Pressure in all cases whi rc it is applicable. Office East tide of Front Street, 4 doors North ol Market Street, up stairs. fiT ll'f'renre, the Citizens generally. i September H 1HI7. ' 79-tf. NORTH CAROLINA LARD. 1 BARREL and 3 Firkins, received by boat Cronly and for sileby JOHN C. LATTA 1 October 30. 97-tf. Lord s wharf. (i L U E . LUE. of good quality, constantly on hand, and V I for sale by DeROSSET, BROWN & Co. 89 Oct. 12. TO RENT. UNTIL 1st. October 1HI8. 3 Bdtk Warehouses, situated on M liter's alley, next below Dock street. 3 stores, filled up lor groceries, at foot of same al ley ,on Water street, all convenient lo the wharf. ALSO Tha South store In my nu- fire proof buildings on Front, 4 doors from market street, handsomely filled up fur dry good Ac. Possession given Immediately by R. W. BROWN. Oct. 9th. 1817. BH-tf. Li'iity coppice, ha coy sua a r nf- CASKS Lime, JJ I 60 Bags St. Domingo Coffcc, 10,000 lbs. Biron Sid.a, 20 Hhds, Sugar, B0 do. Molasses, 12 llaga Rio Coffee. Apples, Onions, Beets. Ac. Just received and for sale by BAH RY BRYANT & Cn. Oct. 28. 90. FANCY GROCERIES. 1 f) Hslf Bbls. Crushed Sugar; 1J " " No. 1. Mackcrtl Klta of Salmon ; For sale by C. W. BRADLEY. Nov. 4, 1917. 99 LIFE INSURANCE. AGENCY OP TIIE HOPE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 1 031P1HY . U'lLMlSa TON, R. C, Sept. 20, 1847. THE Subscribers havo just rccclfQd the A'gencyof the boots Company, and are now prepared to re coIto rpplicatloni for life insurance they are also prepared to receive applications for Insurance on tire II Te of Slaves. ThiflnqtilutionTfYcorporBted in 1846 with a liberal and pcrpetualchartcr, and duly organised according to law, has commenced the business of LIFE INSUR ANCE on the MUTUAL principles. Tfie nitt profits being divided an.iually among tho insured, according to the Act of Incorporation. The rates of premiums conform with the usage of other similar companies For the convenience of parties Insuring who would prefer to pay the premiums by Install ments, it is left to their option when the premium oxceeds 125, to pay on' half In cosh, and secure pay ment of the residue in 12 months, by on approved note bearing Interest at six percent. The lives of married men may be insured for the benefit of their wives and children, so that upon the decease of the insured the wife if living, or if not. then his children will receive the omount payable by the policy, free nnd clear of ony claim by the creditors of the deceased. For the greater security of parties insuring with this company, the TfuS'tees have provided an indem nity fund, to the amount of 825000 lo meet lueses that may accrue upon policies issued by the company which is to remain, until a capital exceeding that amount shall hove been renMzrd fiom tho receipt of premiums, when it will be no longer necessary, ana may be withdrawn. 1 he following is a list of the officers and trustees for the ensuing year vix: TRUSTEES. Nathaniel Weed, Simeon Baldwin, Dennis Perkins, John A. Davenport, Alexander II. Dana, Charles J. Taylor, Alex'r Hamilton, James T. Soulier, Ezra Wood. Joseph B. Nones, RoswellHoyt, Samuel K. Sutterlee, Cyrus H. Be oidslty, John W.Leeds. Alex'r N. Holly, William T. Minor, Chimney Ayres, Philip S Gulpin, Win. L. Brewer, Jnmrs Pinion, Charles Whittlesey, Joseph D. Worren, Theodore Davenport. Stephen H. Provost, ALEXANDER N. HOLLY. President. JOHN W. LEEDS. Assistant President. JOHN A. DAVENPORT, Vlee-Piesident. JOSEPH II. NONES, Actuary. ROSWEI.L HOVT, Secretary. WM. WELLS, General Agent. Any information will be cheerfully (HVcn'rm appli cation to the Agents. Dr. James H. Dickson has been appointed Exam ining Physician for lte Company. NANDI OKU & SMITH, Ai'rvl. Sept, 21. 1S47. tO-if. notYce." jceacyoftiien.c.jlctlhixstbaxcecompjm' Wdmington, July 29, 1S4G. CJANDFORD & SMITH, Agents of the No. Car. C5Mutal Insurance Company, have the gratification to state to the numerous persons insured in this Of fice, that the Company will promptly pay the loss sus tained by the recent fire in Fayelleville. without the delay of 90 days, as required by the Byo-Laws; and williout calling for any instalment on the premium notes. The Agents will receive applications, and take risks a'UTral. July 3d, 13-17. 58 rm M Y R E S & H A R N U M , rm MANVFAtTtnKBS AND DEALERS IN J4 HATS. CATS, RO.XNETS, UMBREL LAS, WALKING-CANES, dc, 1) F.SPF.tvr FULLY call die attention of the citizens V of Wilmington and vicinity, to their Ixime and Silrndid Assortment now receiving lit the oj 'Tllfid of C. Mvcbh, North side of Market sfrccr, Wlitch vte of fer at wholesale and retail, rheaier ttian erer. gest:s UK AVER, KFTRIA. MOLESKIX AM) Sf.K HATS, of Bcebee A Costa r's and Leary's Fall Fashion for 13)(i, a splendid artlcK', just received, and a "few more left of ihe same sort." Please call and examine them. Also, a very large nusorlincnt of MEN'S, BOYS', AND INFANTS' CAPS, of the latest and most approved patterns. Gent.'s French Soft Dress, Silk, velvet, and Cloth Cups; Gent.'s Frenrh Guard do.' Blue and Black Spring Hand. Palo Alto. Ringgold, Oregon. Oil Silk, clve tecn, Clard Lawn. Ac, Ac. Ol 7V.V AM) SOYS' CAl'S of every style and quality, fiom 12j ei nts lo Si..'tl, the largest assorlinent ev. r oll; red in 1 1 j market, and at astonishing low prices. A benulifiil article ol Inlants' ( 'huh nnd Silk Velvet Cuff, to which we parliculatlv call the attention of those wanting Cups for children. In fact, every article in our line we have a rich and full assortment, to which we respectfully call the atten tion of the Public, and warranto genteel fit and at Prices lo suit ihe limes. MYERS & BARN CM, Wilmington, Oct. 5, 1816. -5 MMIE Subscriber would express his gratitude to his X Friends and Customers, for their liberal pitrononc heretofore extended towards him In Wilmington. The same business w ill hereufti r be condiii -led under the name and firm of M VERS A BAK.M'M at the old stand. C. MYERS. N O T I C E . LL prrsons may expeel In he warranted or surd, who owe the Hulis. i!ber. if payment be not made by the 1st uf November. WM. I). SMITH. Oct. 2.1. Chronicle copy. 94-11' Marble Monuments AND CRAVE STONE ACENCY. THE subscribers are nppointid Ac nts for one o Ihe bfl and most extmsire MAKBLE YARDS ) in Connecticut, arid Will receive orders for Marble ! Monuments or Grave Stones, either lettt red or not, w hich will be furnished at the shortcut notice and most reasonable oiiccs. Wehaverecel edo variety of patterns. variousslylcs 'Ai l. the prices, which may bo exarnintd nt anv lime J C. A R B. WOOD, Judders and Contractors. June 17. 40. FLOUR CO PEEK AM) SUGAR. 1 C BBLS. extra Canal Flnur, from New1 Wheal; 1 J 15 Hairs Rio Codec; .Superior St. Croix Suear In bbls. and half bbls. For Sale by ....... . . -- MARTIN. 94 Cel. 24: WHISK i: Y . OX BARRELS Rectified Whiskey, jum received, CO and for sale by WM. NEFF Ls R ale by Nov. 9. 101 13 U T T E 11 . 1 ( KEOS Extra Gothen Butter; 1 V fi Flrklna Extra Mountain Butter, just receiv- , snd for sole by WM. NEFF. edNov. 9. 101 YELLOW "ON IONS." CJT BARRELS, jui: received, and for mIc bv J WM. NEFF. Nov. 9. 101 TO RENT. A very pleasant room over my Drug Store. Pos aesslon given 1st October. Apyly t Sept. 25, 1917. A C EVANS. 83-tf. BOOK HINDERS TO OLS: FOR sale, a number of Book-Binder's Tools, con stating of Rolls, Stamps, Polishing Iron. HamJ mer, Knives, Folding Sticks, 8a w, Shears,&c. In1 prima ontor. Apply at this Office. March 24. 4 fPLES AND ftUINCES. DDLS, first quality Apples, and I few Quince' now landing from Schr. ATarlc. For sale by 30 E. R. WOOD. Oct. 2fT. 95 JUST RECEIVED, Per schr. John t'cuttner from Philadelphia: I A CASKS containing hi buehela Lime 1 J 30 tons broken and screened coal, 15 M fine quuHty Philadelphia Brick. For sale by E. J. LUTTERLOH A Co. Nov. 2, 1847. 98-if. APPLES! APPLES!? OA BBLS. New York, fine; and 10 bbls. Fayott-' AJ vlllo lor lanlily use. For sale lof ft" J. WILKINSON.'. Oct. 28. 96 PURE PEACH HRANDY. Barrels for sale by Oct. 19. J. C. LATTA. 92 APPLES ! APPLES ! ! 50 BBLS. fini Eating Apples. For sale by J. A W. I.. McGARV. October 30, 1847. 97". LANDING THIS DAY, Per Hrig Belle. Q UARTKRand half Bbls. extra Buckwheat; lObhls. Cider Vinegar; 20 " McNicht's Ale: 16 " Mess Pork. For sale by CRONLY, WA I Kl R A HAI I.. Nov. 4. J9 COPARTNERSHIP. R. ALBERT ADAMS being a Copartner in our House, ihe business hereafter will be conducted M under the stylcof BARRY, BRYANT A Co. BARRY A BRYANT. Wilmington. Nov. 1, 1847. 98 DOM ESTICTOODS. OIIEETINGS and Cotton Yum; Cotton Bagging, O Packing Yam. and Bale Rope, for sale by R. W. BROWN. Nov. 2. 98-if CRACKERS. IF.MON, Sugar, Soda, Butter and Water Crackers, J (Boxen,) Bent & Co., Butler und W ater Biscuit in tin caniiisiers; tcceivtd per J. I, Jones, nnd for sale by 1). . WOOD. O.-tober 30, IR 17. 97-tf. JUST RECEIVED, Per Schr. M. P. Mahony, from Charleston. U V BARRELS of Brown Snear, nnd for sale by BL . E.DICKINSON, Agent. Nov 1 1 . L 1 M E . T no M ASTDN Lime, In good order, In lotsto auit, fomulu Ly I). W. WOOD. Nov. II. 102 CAMI'IIIN E . tAMPHINE of first quality, atBO cents per gallon, ' consionuv tor sale ty I). W. WOOD. Nov. U. 102 HAN AN AS AND ORANC.ES. A LARGE and fine lot, per brig Confidence, for I V sale low, at J. WILKINSON'S. Nov. II. 102 r i c i : Zf CASKS New Fresh Beat Rice, in whole ond JJ half Casks, for sale by J'.. DK'KIN.SON, Agent, Nov. 11. 102' LIME! LIME ! ! LIME ! ! ! 1 Of( MILS, binding; Also, Hydraulic Ce iUv ' merit; Calcined Plaster ; Plastering Ilnlr.nnd Fire Brick, &c. J. C. ip R. 11. WOOD. Nov. 9, 1847. 101-tf NOVA SCOTIA POTATOES. AfA BARRELS, o prime article; Jv ) 6 Crates Onions, for tale by WM. NEFF. Nov. 9. ioi SALT. Q Ann BUSHELS SALT.forsnleby H ) ) HOWARD A PEDEN. Nov. 4, 1847. 99 SA LT. 1 rVMM-'KHELS TURK 8 ISLAND SALT 'or sale by A T. LOVP. 104 Nov. 1G. 13 LACK EYE PEAS. 1 fr BUSHELS BLACK EYE PEAS. For sale by W. A T. LOVE. 101 Nov. 1G. FULTON MARKET BEEF. 1 iIIALF bbU. Hunt's bent ; for sale by J 1 HOWARD A PEDE.V Nov. IG. ran HAY! HAY!! ULTfDLES just ircfjvtd. nnd for mile by UK I E. J. LUT'IERLOH & Co. Nov. 9. 101 JUS T R E ( ' E I V E 1), V GOOD assortment of GROCERIES. Also V II I'lS unit S 1 1 UK onft n lull imuirlmnnl nf TIN W ARE, and for aulo by Nov. 9. L. MALLETT. I01-3UI JUST RECEIVED, Per Schr. ICIotiise. from AVic York. &(( SACKS GROUND SALT; t)Ul ' For s tie by E. J. LUTTERLOH A Co. Nov. 4. 1147. W-tf. . V S T L A XI) IC I) . 1 Pill.. FINE CRANBERRIES; 1 1 do. Hickory Nui ; Almondi and other Nuts, Fresh, nt J. WILKINSON S. Oct. 30th, 18-17. 97. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS'. NoaTHcan, Is dus daily at 3 P. M., closes e vrl y night at 10 P. M. Southern, duefl A. M., closes at 11 A. M' FAYETTEcViiiE, hy Rail Rood, due on Month y WedneRdRy, and Friday at 3 P. M., cloaca Tuesdi y Thursday snd Sunday. at 10 P. M. Fatsttsvills, by Robeson's, Wcstbrook's. Flia brtluown and Prospect Hall, dueon Tuendsy, Thurs day ond Saturday, at 9 A.M.; closes and departs sums day, at Id A. M. Smithvills. due 8 A. M.j clntrs at I2 P. M. TAVLoa'a Haiooa, Long Creek, Moorc'a Creek hlack River Chapel,' and Harrrll's Store, due no Thursday, st C P. M.; closes at 10 P. M., snd drpaits Friday, st ti A. M. Okslow Court Hocir, due every Monday at f A. M dcpaason Friday at 6, A. M.