iHifort Alol cascl (Tlc , hoidc .wlijch .tjiey uJbJc aroiinj her jwJ ' ihbrilliaiii JigLt jiw. ccoJing from die torches awoke 'Ijcr,;. . Sho was a somnambulist , ; ,. .. ". ' "." t'f Thu.8 had she been tbo model of . tho nr- tisL wbo returned to ljor 'in luo.what slie -, bii 'given in fame. fff. , ,V.; He obtaiqeO the mz$ aiiJ.was loaded vjlh hopora and riches at the English court X A few. daye after thi 'eceuc, they cele brated ki the'ehurch of St. Paul the mar riage of the painter Van Dyck with Dolly, tyiuhtcr of Jiu.thj;en, Count of Uonc. THE OLD llVnf,RD, BY TMk AOTltO 6r "TWO OU MtltV TAt.Efi." So thly had livied father and boh f Hut lwfl 'years agd thtraJiad been ft terrible win tot a winter which, beginning- in Novem, berlasta till April." Tbe bleak wind whis- tied vm tt bare hills' a black, pitiless, impenetrable frost settlcl tipon lh face of; imttire ' the sky was lead above the earth hanler than iron beneath ; scarcely could k k t : -A v. ?i 7 1 T , amid the herbage and heath, nil parched i j 1 i . - an,! dried up with intense col.!. , v I . t .in i Coidrcoid! more and more piercing was n in. . .i . r.i - iiq . u e cold. The stout heart of the od Scotch- the cold man resisted tho elements in that cabin of his ; he sat there nt night over embers, wrapped in his plaid, and neither slurried, trembled, nor contained : but ono dnv h r . ' . ,. .J got an mirortnnate wetting by a shp ,to a stream, as he followed a refractory ewe, and thc rhcumauem seized u,on his knees anu crippieu mm. nV. -.;!.. J . . f ii i k ' i i neic iu ue n tifw inn i(i-ni"iii, mien- I nei- saia ne.Jif nis son returned rom iro- . i i uil r -i -.i -v. i vidnur his bleatmtf fami v with their ae-! it -i t..- i , - "So I think.Tllied the voun.r inatffl "nniJ may oe weBftall be shut up, ns I liave heard you '4kf f& were in the dreadful year '50. Our oat-menl ohest is getting low, and I.think the best'thiftj'I'iCatttlo is to take old Maggie down Ho- th .village, and bring up a couple of Sitki 6f 'iheal in Cit'sc of the worst." '" w TP" " Ay, ny," said the old mafland ve may as well tak the few sheep-skins which . lie irr tne nyre, ami see wnat me old n.mt fisted body of a bailliotwiH fie ye for them." "Til be off directly, fathet,11 said Mich ael, li and be back before dark; for the wind howls as I think I never heard it before and that cloud there towards the mtii t.. .:.v. ii... . r. . , , lo iii.mrw wiui 31HUV. 1 in nui, lor t'l- ,;ermyonsaKeor.jvinggtes, inctmod v"" w vr'" i..s n.,.,,. , oep. in the drifts at tho rate of half a wil aA hour. Keep the fire well up, fa- J rherf'ajbd'iceep tbe plaid over y(mr knees I' X'rnl "Hive a good mess of porridge ready against I comeback." And so they parted. Tile old shpphef9 stooil at his door, wrap- ped in his plaid, now watching while Mag gie arid her master, as ihey slowly and captiously descended thc hill, and taking it course in thc opposite direction from the Kttlc'gfen I have described, wending their way along a sort of valley, which Ojiened finally upon Strath and now lifted up tjSf dim grey eye to the threateninc; heaven. Thp wii)d whistled and blew keener and i more k;een, and the father could sec the young man wrap Ms plaid'doscr, and urge vbitB Maggie to t rOt. . "Ttre black, heavy clouds, ns if of lead, hang over the north, ominous and melan choly ; thc wind whistled the wind roared tho-shepherd Withdrew into his hut, shut thc door, and sat rubbing his stiff and ach mj knees before the fire. He made it rrp with turf and a little woxxl. The fire began to blaze and flicker; the grnja! warmth of the ingle nook after the intense cold out of doors, acted ns a cheering' cordial upon the old man's frame pleasant dozing drertms began to hum and simmer hi his fancy Lis eyes closed, his head "nodded ; yet he' was not nr:re han half asloert. Such a sudden twirl of the wind ' and. ha's what is that The snrrw has begun: hmv 5t is beatrng and pehing innist the little ca semen f. 'i'hc old man started, awoke, anil listen ed. ' Ob ! how drearily the wind howled, and how heavily beat the snow against the pane ! Presently he made his way to the door He opened it with some difficulty but ktfch n blast, snrh a pit of snow best in r his face! that it almost blinded him Ylt was an old man, and had passed his life ! but who have for some Time past been pro.se nmirl the hihV but never had he seen such I euting their studies at Huatlv publiclv re- a snow storm as this Priven slantin he- fore tire wind, the flakes, largo ns feathers. and thick as sand, fell M fast as it is possi- hie to ConCCtVe. Not a Single obfOCt was to be discerned ttrrrjhgn the thick, white veil; and the door-sil! nbd door-stone were!"'''' '" pm of ninvnn! What won already an inch derp in snow He was forced to eloe the door again and return to thc fire ; but through the hl- tle casement h could so- tuo well Low thick, and white, and rapidly the nVwv ' shower was (leHCendiiig In a little tunc he began to think of bis son He would be blinded and lost if this storm should em, tinne ; it was imjiossiblc for any man to see his way. '"Hut it cannot continue'' raid he to himself; '-and he is at Abervoil long before this time He was a hopeful, slii.it he, d ied old man; find in this hojw be gat, bis knees to the fire; but his eyes were fixed upon the win dow for some time longer. It cannn snow thus fmrtyng, sa.d h sharp shower, short showefV Hut r did 1 When he henrd the rimf mournfully waihng, and shrieking lpudrrnd louder, and ih.er and wilder, add the snow Ix g.m to "drift ai id he Saw the wreaths gailni round bis htllc window --the old man be gan to think of his sheep They were a'flsiyfbg wajfll and sou the little volley Ujit thnoW drifts ! 1 j ' Thereateiidanerdr hiflockinth ScottisttJiiUi ia a 9iyi UfTjif'rv&T row clefts oud glens. bcy laauu bcajrouffhl..outflf IhaLJUicLl lie on tho other sale ol the shelling, said tho old man. I wish Michael had taken an other day for his moal-lmgs ; but sin' he's rri r.x';" : :ir ut n nii", nun miivt; (uu iiuui ui(.-uiiiiir limits hit tlmiiiaiuku.. , I So he roac and tried to open the door ; but there was, a it were, u hillock of snow piled up already against it The door open ed inside, it is true ; but the snow presented an impenetrable wall without and forbade nil exit that way. The old roan returned to his window. Here the drift was not so high ; and he could just, through the upper ; "I , X " 7 ! ZZ.c rA : c ,, "l ing before the wind as it fell. He closed his door again ; and, with the nn , ..7 T S T miirk3 a slr011S turo, returned to his high '. ',i, :' i i. mnm.u otiawi; in tut; limit; liuuiv. IIn . n thtk f fnf . , t , I'Miai mj i lit; llio , nil hi; uiuuimh II 1 1- ' , r , , ? ., i Ib son, wading through and drenched with ' ? flV . , LUIlllll 111 Bpilt Ml IIIU BlUIlll iu ma assistance. He knew Michael well. He thought of his sheep: his whole earth ly weuhh ; cooped up in that little narrow I X ' ' , cieit anuiiKe tnc patrmrcnot o it, he bow- C(1 saj( , , The iQul L , r ha',h tftkon !lw ,,08SC(l1,c thc Zmc of lhc I Ij0r,,,, Alul ,JW Ulc ,iu,c cascmcn. wia. , omin-lv l,lrL-,i , h d,n c,., ! " us i;iiuh;i v uioeKCd u ) oy uio. SHOW, 1 ,.,i t,;i; i,, ,'r ; r ,u 1 iinu iwmii;iii vuijiv iiuaijeMuii (u niu uoiiiiue. c, c r , . . t 1 . oOJBc few rays yet penetrated enough to ... i , -v , .. . globing light at one end of thc cabin. There! was no clock to give a note of time, and how: much of tunc had passed away he knew not He was not very cold. The snow kept the buried cabin warm, and, ho had fuel at hand. Sometimes ho dozed ; at times the old man prayed; at times lie struck his knees with his hand, with that expression of patient endurance which may be observ- in extreme old atrc. The wind no longer howled. The only : noise to be heard within the cabin was the low breathings of one sleeping, ami the fire which cracked a little now and then. ' He slept very soundly, or else the snow was thick and soft; for he was not aroused :0V ine, noise ui iooisiciis ami voices wunuui. 1 .. .1 . .. :.. e 1 .1 fherc were nmny men therewith shovels ' ..iirnrmrr In r Kir i.w:iv I w ' snow, it was a long business. An ava lanche had not precisely fallen, as might have been the case in Switzerland; but the eflect was much the saino. They had to dig for hours before they could make their way to thc door. The son was a man of slight and deli cate make quite unlike the magnificent build of his almost giant old father but ln workcd with pupci'hunian energy. His neighbors and friends, good honest Scutch hearts, toiled as if their own father, wife, or child lay buried there. The storm ceased, and a clear, cold, icy noon seemed to stand in, rather than move in, tho deep marble sky. Some of the men . 1 fell down ahiMisl insensible from the intense 11 ,1 1 ,1 . 1 , 1 cold : others griped 111 vain their tools with their benumbed lingers, but Michael labor- ed unreinHiugly . his anxiety kent' him ! warm. At length, f 1 1-. . 1 . , . 1 . 1),;., .,..,11 ,,f , n.i j,inu 11 110 an ui snow the narrow way was made the I j riilgc 01 tlic cottage just visible in the vh;te f 1 .1 . . bank of nature, which surrounded it had : guided them to the spot. Muliacl had calculated from it the place of the door. and his calculations proved correct . the y struck the cottage exactly at the door. He ptiiihcd it oj e:i, crying, Fatl.ir No one answered. The fire Was gone nut ; ibe auow had beaten in one corner of the roof, and thus admitting the outer air, the cabin was m- 1 1 1 ler.selv cm The oil man sat in Lis settle in tin ngiO nook but he moved nut. The sun with a cry of anguish rushet 'll' :o caugh' imiii 01 Hie wiilierei veiny hand, which ipiite still". ay upon hu knee, h Was lb' had beeii seine tune frozen sulfas marble. 7 dead, and was FOREIGN ITF.MS. On Friday last three young men eighteen md twenty ears of age naiiv.s of Chinn noumcd tin: reliffion ami jfodsol iln-ir fathers, u,ul l"""l- .l Clirisiianity, by rec. iung the r,"",J, ul l"L ,-",,Uil,, The city of Venice is ahum In send n nr, nt to the l'ope. cnnpj'ifiiig of fifit rrmtrk St. l'eler h..ve -11,1 to KClcl a present ? The Marshal of the Russian nobility, Von Witch. sk Von Ci 1 'hai.owick. a nobleman well 1 1.. 1 . ... hiioimi 1 1 11 is erei;sive travels in r.ur'U'e am; the 1". ml. w.im Inii-lv nhot by a gamekeeper. 11 , t:uxttik him Jtr 11 vild Ix'tmt, oti iircnunl t lut Inn, I cni-rniL'. Tin: dying man I'nlK exculpate I the innoiu nt author ol Iim dentli. I la on a 1 mpl i'(.d in .liggin,; the loiinda ii '. ol ili.- n, w chunh at Jirusalem have liad t 1 make their way through forty feet of , remain- of ancient building before they came to til. LI .Moull,. I ' i'.'. 1 11 SI. JMu lhc Hit, v. 2. ; Srr.. HmurCiu iai"N-)iiEADn:i.(..- Hiail'I.M 1 s o' hx.k. llu Om Friday moriunir. about livt fle.llmr I', in in Gl oil ll.r . M , 1 W.l) uium. iu .u lupin-, 1 am,: 111 colli.-ion Willi Ho .-tcincr Tali, .in ,11 lun, f,m I'iiuburg :,, llu- 1 o, t and , unk lb. I., it. r lo the hurricane dei k Tin ai cnli n : ore n 1 n , about live Index 1" low Cape (iiranleau and the loss of life is ileplorabli - aniouiiiui ' to twenty live ,1 the 1, .-i 1I1. ,. , I, p-... .,,,,. einplii-. 1 aiiie 111 en 1.-1011 will 1 . .THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1847. A;N'WoiiicronT""" We have perused a little volume of Poems. f.ow the m of wr QKonoE . v stbpnb, . W ? . ' ' ' J- n ' ol Dr. Salmon Sthono, of Sampson Coun ty, in thiM State. The subjects arc : Francis Herbert, a Romance of the Revolution ; Old Brunswick ; Robert and Anna ; !A Viwion, in blank, verse; Lines on the Death of John Burton ; and three other pieces of minor im portance. The author ia quite a young man ; not too young, however, it Ceemn, to court the Muscn with ronnidcrable surcess. We lertvc t he i'itom of this volume to the crifics ami for ourselves commend it to the public as the ef fusion of poetic genius full of proinmc, ami worthy the cheering plaudits of the lovers of The Book is for sale at MrPiEHctV Book Store. AID TQ MEXICO. The report which some time ago prevailed. that several of the South American States M , , ... . would take part with Mexico ,n the present war, turns out to he unfounded. Only one State, Honduras, has declared such a pur- nose, and that. State will not cairv the decla- ir.. ,. ...Hi... i.i.i. i.m ..t ! ANTICS OK THE ORGAN. The Washington Union, a short time airn, gave notice that there would be peace will) Mexico in the course of six at all evonts. ol twelve months; that the fighting in masses was nearly, perhaps altogether over. Other papers took up the matter as the Union laid jt down, and gaVe their readers the pleasing intelligence that peace was at hand. Whether "Father Ritchie" looked upon this course of the presses alluded to a.s "steal ing his thunder," or as hemming too official i:i their tone, we cannot tell hut he speaks very contemptuous y of thc '' batch of rumors" that always precedes the usucmbling of Con gress, and classea among them the report that Mr. Tiiist had been instruitcd to rc-open. it ,IU r;ini negotiations for peace with Mexico. u ur 1 is so ip f.-mn t il! riimv Mr. IJiti-iiip s-.y.. that ilcspatchrH have been sent to order him to return ! Leaving the puMic. to infer that there are no hopes of peace. All this whimsicality and buffoonery the Oriran ha.i enacted iu les-sthan a week's time. What a comical cdificr and lender thw Wash ington Union is sure cnnuidi. CANDIDATE FOR GOVF.RNOU. Mr. Rayneii, who had been nominated as a candidate for the ollicc of Governor, at a meeting of citizensin Buncombe has sent n letter to the Chairman of that meeting, pos itively declipiifg to have hip name brought before the Convention, that is expected to meet or t he lan iios. ol recommending a can- 1 1 3 ll"lalc ,0 lhu 1H:,,I'10- Pv; business m Teiiiit-ssec, where chief ml. .-rest lies, and i 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 v- Irimi leelilc lie:il ill lo t'liCnniiter lln- .' laiigueu of n canvas, are thc reasons given by Mr. R. lor this delcrminati n. So mtr f f 0 t 1 I IIoi den of the Standard is doomed to disappointment in tlris. as he seemed verv much to de-ire that R wnes should be the j candidate. How the Stu nil, i'l will fare in j respect to Mr. Ci.ay. we know not. );ic 1 thing we are cure of if he is a candidate for ' (he Presidency, be khall not lack our vote, it j wc live to sec the day of election. I (MULCTS OF THK WAR. I 1 v e tjpected that a great deal of I. mil ,1.1 1... r.,.i ..,:.i. n 1 . . .. . r .. -i .... . j in 1 in 111 11 hi 1111 nun :i 1 . v. 1. a 1 vi mii 111 11 ins. , by his political opponent, and also that hi- language would be perverted and his mean u.g misrepresented. Among the false Matt menu m regard to his Speech and Resolu tioiis, id that of Mr. Clay's denirc U lnuh vut from the Mexican War. There id nut a word of truth in tin-. He merely wi-dies that Congress shall ih fin tin ulijccl nf thv ir,ir and then, if Mexico refuse to comply with our demands, Id continue the war in the most cf- f, ciu.il ma: mi r. To us, there appear nothing more reason able and just than such a course. This will be giving the management of the all'uirs of the nation mto the hands of the Representa tives of the icopl, t,, whom n properly be longs and taking the re-pou-nlulities of the tremendous power involved in the question I relativ e to the objects lie war. Irom uinler the dt sHiii-ni of F.Ncrutivc control. .o inemher of Congress, we trunt, will ru lusc to vole lor supplies to our army ; because the honor and glory id our country inn t be preserved. Hut we hope that noloing will be granted merely to gratify the President's wishes, ur n obedience to bis will. Mr should be compelled to give his reason" to ( 'ongress for ever) steji he iiitenil-i to take and should he prevented by all means from adopting am c 'iir-e c intrarj to lhc will of the people, a-(xpic-tvd ihroiigb llii ir n-pr.. . , ntal iv , s. lb. rouiMrv I, on Id no loniji r lr I, u 1M lai k .1 ; to the dcMgns ol the ( 'abini t in rrcanl , to M.Mco. ., h the l'r. Ki.tciit ml, ii, tocu , 7", ; and ,ni.', r I,ct lum nvmv bis juirpoKe. and st if tin- people XV. ill nam h ,1 p,ut , , :lri ' i ve up (In- i-x.-rcis. I .p,:, ..; n, thorigIiof,icxicwij1tPpi.: .Waf once Invested ,)wlhAjicriupreBic i poWer: jwlj the HhilH4halli pujdc oufieninB tK'e integrity of pbr jneUnilorii Jc abandoned at once.'' We may aa well let liberty die at once, as to ex pire by a lingering death, under the quackery of utiprfoclpled partlzansw-undcr .the.dewjiot ism of President Polk. i" ' ''1 , lP?Ut co(tJ if : MrLOHtNOIfejIn youraiier ofTucsday, appeared thc "simple announcement, " Died, on Monday everfing, after a lingering illness, F. J. SuXN5, Esq., in tho 57th year of lua To those who have known thwgentleman hut as an old man broken by the tormn of life and feebly contending with misfortune and disease, it may appear nuflicient that hist detith should be thufbricfly heralded. But, to those who, like the writer, knew him in thc prime of his riiivH. when tho min of Ais lift, aheme iov- , ' -----t - - yvT 1 J ously forth, and the blessingn-of Heaven were upon hia head and about his hearth it is plea sant to awake the memory of those brighter hours by 11 passing tribute to his virtues. Born of one of the first and oldest families of the State, and received by adoption and by name into another, he acquired by inhcritaitcc. and perfected by culture, the boundless hos pitality, the simplencss of heart, tho high in tegrity, thc graceful accomplishments and winning maimers of a Cape Fear gentleman of the old school. Living at a time when the men whose victim: ace now traditionary were passing way. it was his aim and his pride to preserve iu his own life a memorial of nil that was admirable in them. Ilw house and his heart were always open, and he who knocked as a stranger, entered as a friend. God had given to him bounteously, and with a generous liberality, w hich knew no stint, be Hung abroad his wealth wherever it could contribute to the happiness or enjoyment ol those around him. To the old, ever respecl- I'ul and attentive, to the young, kind, paternal I ... 1 11 11 1 . 1 I and uululre.it lo all, generous, nign ruintieu, j honorable- and true, lie has bequeathed to his family the rich inheritance of his virtues, and to all who knew him the remembrance of a valuable citizen, an accomplished gentle man, and a good man. Ci. From, the iV. O Delia, .Vor. 21. LlTBjyROSJEXIfO. Arrival of the Steamship Alabama. The steamship Alabama, Cnpt Windle. arrived last night, direct Iron. Vera Cruz, having left that .dace on the evening of the lyth inst. To tbe politeness of Captain ; Wind I e we arc indebted for the prompt trans mission of our packages of letters and papers. Among the passenger by tin; Alabama wo. notice, the names of Maj. (en. (luitinan, Urig. Gen. Shields ; Maj. Borland and ('apt. Caseins M. Clay, of .he Kncnrnacion prison ers; and Ucarge WiJkins Kendall, of the Pi cayune. The news is not important. Congress was still in session at (ineretaro at tho iutcs.td.ttt:. A tumor was prevalent that the members were about to quit Q,ucreiaio and assemble in the city olMorelia. Speaking on this miIi ject, thc .'Irco ri.1 of the 18th inst.. says: '1 he members of tbe Mexican Congress have determined to assemble, in the. city ol Morelia, ( tlifl ancient Valladohd.) now capi tal of the State of Michoacan. It appears that at Queretaro they wire always threa tened by a new revolution, and, then f re tie y wanted a sale place to deliberate, with all the independence utul freedom that the) require Santa Anna had at the last account. arriv ed at Orizaba Wiih a force of about l'0" rag ged soldier I&nltodiug to the order of Fena ' y 1 Vim M depriving Santa Anna o( his om j maml, thcvrco'Irl fiivs If the President. ! I'cna y Pcna,'.mennt by the. order that he ! -cut him to Hnamantla. that this chief should l,e deprived of nil command u. the army, he ! must have been greatly disappointed, lor : (i, in ral Santa Anna has yet a brigade un ,!( r In- orders. From the same paper of the lC;th, we has tily glean the lollowing items : The road lo Mexico, according to tin er sons who came down with the la-l train, pre scats en r where the most complete seine ol waste and desu1 jtioii. At the approach of the Americans, the inhabitants ol the villages abandon the Iioii.-i s. ai.d run .iwav la cone, al themselves m the woods. Tin- churches have In i ii converted into ftospitnlb or lable l. the troops of both annus, and the whole wa i-i !rewn with the skeletons of Imrises, shreds of uniforms, broken wagons. Ac. It is rumored thai the. Mexican arc galleT ing all their forces to attack ilje train on iu return to the capital : but if Santa Anna puts a finger in the pie it will turn mil .ill talk and no cider. The line night ill which l!i, Aaeiican liaui h.ilkd at Tejiiupallo, (.ion. U a w i-. -1 camped at Ojmh Atfiui, a place on lhc road, which is about twenty iiuhn from I rote, but Kea did not dare to attack the. Americans, al though he had been remlotrcd with all the V c.. I a 1 cavuiry ol tu ia rai nivarc:. Of the social intercourse hi tween thc Mex ienns rtnd Americans al the capital, the Ame rican Star of the U.I nist.savs : We have taken repeated occaMouw to ex press our gratification at the i v ideac s, which every day presents, that the Mexican people are Inst learning to end rt.ua a more just ap preciation ol the American character. They evince a disponlion to do jii-H ice lo thiMr who have In en calumniated. and to c lend to them tin- courtesies of life. V( are stu ak iuL' i a- ther of the intelligent ajid cultivaii-d portion nf the iniicns. llniii of those who give no tone In so'-H-tv and exert no ii'lhience upon It. Ill leicoiirse In t w d n tie former and . dncalei! Americai.s is 'n.,l increasing Wlietlu-r nt , the tbeatrc. or in the stria I. it is gi ttuig t" be no uncommon ihing to -i e an Aauncaa i;.'ntlcma:i by the ride "f a 1i irin c: Span i,'n !! . -h .'wing la r th.it af ,', .., , .en f v a ' c i. if 1!. i ua ; . tl.- a. tcrcodrse between, ladfei ami '"genfleinfcn in every part, of" O10I Ujiited 3tat(j .Way; we rifAca It those evidtjrtcfi 'of .feinjly feel ings on Hie part of the Intelligent people of the cty.U.y J From the American Star 0 A'or. C. Fkom Q,u r. 11 rt A ii 6 Letters from thfi'seat of Government state fhat seventy-seven niern ners appearing in their scats, Congress com menced its session on Tuesday last. The candidates of the Moderates went Goiby and Hernandez: of thc PurosVcpna and G.!n. Moralw. - Tho Litter mmm to have ubauJon ed Almonte altogether bis unpopularity with all parties rendering hi defeat almost wrtain. Those who preteud to bp in luitBf crets, how ever, say that ft is thevnrtifia'oYSanta An na who have destroyed thc hopes of the in defatigable candidate, Almonte. Thc latter does not disguise his hatred, of the late Pre sident, and it is believed that were he in pow er, he. would do all m lus power to crush the hero of so many defeats. It was understood that the partisans of Santa Anna would votr 1 Ibr Cumplido. The Moderates had settled ! "P0" l'c"x v..,,,;na: lhox he is stated not to his party. ' , , ' j The Governors of the States of Vera Cruz and Oajaca recognize the authority of Pena y Piua, as. constitutional, and pledge theiref i'orta to' sustain if.' The Bishop ol Guadifla jani, also recognizes the new Government, and avows his determination to co-operate with it in saving the country. LxciiANfiE of Visits. Day belorc yester day. Gen. Scott nud suite, la full rtrofw, ',- -f I l-'-ll I ed the Archbishop, and yesterday that digui- tary return tho co.npiin.ent, and remained in ll. n,.n..p:.IU iiuai-te.rs fr some- time. i Pahedes. The movements of this indivi dual appear to be watched with a great deal of interest by a large portion of the Mexicans. His sudden prtssagc li on. Cuba to Vera Cruz, was somewhat inexplicable, and his escape from the latter city, still more so. The next we hear of him is that he is in the vicinity of this city, nud said to bo sorimisly indipnsed. This again is contradicted, and now we lind him addressing bis countrymen "mi. regard to the present state of affairs, and the future pruFpcet of the Republic. His known niounr- i chical principles, make him an object el' much J suspicion among all friends of the H'-puMic, i and we are not surprised tn liml the leading journals of Mexico loud in his condemnation. :.. j.' if : C (j .... 1 ... . 1.. .1 r 01 iimiain v. i .u i-ihwih j pynti. i'(-i. 111 announcing mat lie lias Ksttcu an aadress j to hi' fellow citizens, in which he gives, at I some length, the reasons which induced hi:u to return to the Kc.uinllr si,eals ol loin ia some.ivliat severe terms. 1 1 says that "a ( icn- ' eral, who ought to he engaged in defending j his country from foreign invasion, has turned i ins oacK anil ins itrmt. iidoii ner. is uuworiiiv I ol being eaiplovcd by uny adiiiini ilriili .n. What security can such a man olfer to tbe I ii.nl ion. he hi:ns' If hei'ig the main ca:: . I her 'present trouldes ? No.ne I'c can. be who ' has failed lo do his duly once, w ill I'ul a bun dred times." This is severe language, and ina he nieii- ted. Cerlilill it i-- thai there is a strong Iu( fuel- nig manilesteil a rauisl I arciles, hy Hie prom I im-nt journa l Ihe Itcpuhlic. His mon archic, I prepnlices lue piohal!y tin! glou id of this and we doubt win-iher sucii a in in is dislineil to loin:' order and reoul.nily mil ol the chaos and Republic. Hi ei iiifii-;-'inn which sun i mini the will hardly have ihe power. in the promt position of parlies iu the llr piihlie. ( vca if he bad the inclination. 'e hope some master spirit mav vet ari-e. who looking to the he ;i interests of the Mexican Itepiihhc, will exert the energies ol I., - nnml I i restore her to the po-i;i on i be once occu; i -ed in the eyes of the world. This can oul he d mi by her doing ample juslice : in Ihe fir-;! place. 1 , lhc in o. h of the I'liid-d Slnli - u ho.v gov. 1 uinent. u bd IL- !llll Iu. bi;i n i' ii il ever vvhi re victm Hills hasvil, null I o! gn at iuagn;uimul . made hononibl,' positions ol pi ai e. f J i; t this i not a sii pet Ihl up in which we prrpo--e to ei I :r time. riii l Slur, .No!'. 7. Ha sca i.itv. Some of ihe ( ire nt ul the ci. v have a n -w way o! un;ioii r u; "d;p, i a unsn one ol hng . inericans. 'I'l. i e v e linn aia.ro. ii In d an Amera ;.u in in wall n li'. e dollar gold pi-ce or I. .If ei le. and a -he I lor the nl cr. I J rr .-.-i v .1 li'. ,i ill.irs and not sa' islied with th. d. ni m -ded half a dollar more. The Ainiin wn nol r, li diin-r this haw hand." I back the hnlf ca gle and received hu live dollar-' m Kilver a-Mvi. N i' 'us jv however, for h- ii It r di u'.'i le ! that the m eal had return, d live cuHuli it dollar-'. We have i.o'.a'.d u.ulo a uumbcr t'l' urh ihs -ouf lately, vvuh live-dollar gold ie,'C- betw asking fir silver in rhange. it' Ihr'ir finder-. Look out fii tlie v illaius. lb. Tiii.WofMii.n- Weai, h a -,i to see -o in iiiv ollk ers uii'l .-.Jdicis i;..:ini,r out ndo lie' tre. l haviug.suflicif mly ricovcied l;-.:u tb. ,r wnnliilsti) do so. Il is strange, unlet i ib ii ui. w ho were vlighlly wo, nub d m i be b arm. died from the ( tb t f the v. oimd. w l.ii oth i !;oi li'r.-u.'h the l."'l nud in'o ih le ad, - n. v'ivel and are la recovering, Ther i- a s ini liiini' ah et it which v. e eaafol in d. r I n.. I. 'ai'I. Scanllaud. an old f: a nd , o.l, : V, h ' h li the l-t lo 'ak'- coinai md o u Tenia s.a.-e Kegn, cotapanv m ih, : levy, wtis i'Iic,t ib.ruugh ihe head, I 1 I. Ill' tl llilg lie. 11 "I o, temp! a iia . and ic, .'.live bol ha - t . "n I el e e e and COIIIIill' 'it e. "-Uie 11. "light !ie V. ,. v w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I.--land he i- n mad, hu appearanci ' . -c In- '.;'',' .'Ii t nlt ,o I '.' 1 Anoi'iich Fatal Hmi. II-mh Ac-iw-m' a- 1I11I lininu citine iu ronlact on Wedui - - I'l iv in in 1 1 n r, on 1 , 1 e 1 mi-, i; n i . i n i,i.ih, hi ( o-ieord N. II re tIv opp,, 11 Si k's Moii line nt and about a mile and a ha.: a'.ov I'ii- l.timl. The enginers were bo'li 11 lie 'ar ol tin il -. an v a.g t hem ol ronlact. Tin I','. but ihe Ul 1 r 1 a lit en ;. train (Na ,- , inf illing s Iran Iroui Maachcslcr was at a gn at( r pi t d, ain the injnri' were m.nlly upon tbos,' e.irs. Manv ninile d 1 1 ' ' 1 1 the Irani, but othen wefi uu aw are , lhc ill' w 1 llll, ., Il ill., I Well I. III. I fed I , .1 , ',: Will. Ma. e. the lip W illl OV 1 l( I w th 01. 1 I ihe tram I'niH" d oil and ap. 1 snme s ; o ' i : b. m . ei Inn lac. .1.1. 1 in 1 1 w a 1 1 1 . . 1 i 1 "I ,. n i ,,g al llii- iim. . aim mi a I ll. i:,.t 1,1 ol me i iii'ine-. 1,1 itb r iv as 1 1 - ll e I.Hill 1 "III i II in 'I "l ! , -ll , -. i led liil loo lale t" pH v e;.l ,i. Thin e li ele i i g 1 1 1 1 ; i in o. .1 -""I l"'l'.' '." ,. ,' I ... i u ,, ' . I Til WalrfT PlIcivtSRECEIVED THIIO' A U Art if Medium, Pqte, ,GuraJ)p and 8am Johnsing, whoso interviews latterly have been like angels' visits, met .last evening. 'Pete,' said Samy'VovfriV (rou, I Is jut as glad to sec you as a chnnk ob tobaccer.' 'And I is too,' paid Pete, tirfwhnt am dc difiioulfy'riow 'Why, Peto, it am dis ere political problem dat de politicians makes such a fuss about dis Wilmot purwlsor what do it mean V 'Wal, Sam, it mean jest dis ere, dat if Masser Taylor and Masaer Scott conquers ash'cc oh Mexican Tcritory and it am look in mighty like as if em docs you nor I, nor no darkies wot am got massers none but free niggers wont be belovved to go dare.' Well, dat ere aint fair, Pete, be i T 'I reckons not, Sam,' said Pete, in his pe culiarly positive manner, I reckons not. I tink they might give ns darkies thc same chance dey gives dese missionarys wot dem sends abroad---dat is, a Under or field far our labor? . . 'Zackly my opinion, Petc,'tflaid Sam, and the dark dialogueists mutually and politely bade each other good evening. Delia. Strange CarEi.EssKBss. On Saturday last, says the New York New World, a little boy was sent out, by a respectable family living in the upper part of tins city, to bring a bundle of straw, and when he brought it home a horse-pistol was found inside of it. There wero seteml people in tho room, and one after another snapped the pistol, till final- ly one of them aimed it at a young woman, .1 . . .1. . i. . r 1. .1 r ... .....1 . .1. . . r . 1 1 W J . ? '., lo, tJ'u " ', me p.sio. wen 011. "'V'""1''" ": y '"'" g, took eflect " ' 'et ft i "-ni.i senousiy wounm'U, ner physicians are of opinion that she will recover. Two CilTi.mii'.N Shot. Two French chil dren. (Thomas' rerrn. aged il, and Mary l'er kett 1 J were accidentally shot, on Wednes day afternoon, at the south part ol the city. The Charge wa fired Iron, a pistol, with intent trjill a dog -the load took riled on the. dog, ' and the children, being in range, received I lie contents o the pistol. 1 he shot passed through the heart of the boy, killing him instantly. The girl was severely wound ed in the side, hut it was hoped nhe would recover. Oilman Creasy, a lad of but 10 or I :J ) ears. Wiis the author of the accident. l!,i!h Tiihitw. Only Hai r.v 1)ozi-n ! The Sidney Her ald states, 'iijion reliable authority,"" that it woman, residing near St. Mar 'sin Mercer county, was recently delivered of s-ix children a I a birth lour Inys and two girls u ho arc all ( IVIIIL and. wi the mother, doing well. INAI. AC II OSS TUB l'KNINHI'I.A OF Fl.OIH--Tlre A nal.M'lllCola Ail (orfLer raol.-iili: ia , a co'iimuniealioil si tting forth tbe feasibility of uniting the waters of the (iulf with those of the Atlantic. The writer says a ship ca nal seventeen miles long, connecting the i! h h un oc bee river on tin) Ciulf side with ; ihe St. Johns win-h Hows into the Atlantic, v ill accoinpli-.il the object. The expense of such an Undertaking iw estimated at. $ 'iiiu duo. Itivi'i Sr. l.vui.v.Ncj:. We barn from the Montreal Herald id the 17lh inst.. that the lir-l Sieamlioat direct from the city to thc Wed i n lakes h t'l a few days since. It was the new iron boat called the Magnet, coni mnndi d by ( 'apt. Sutlierhmd. Slic is nhmit ' tons burden. S led long, and fei t beam, wilha nineiv borse-pow , r engine. Sin- draws six feet when light and about nine I'd t he, i b adi d. We learn Irom Hull a heavy gale on ihe ve.-'s Is were air, ml y alo that there has been upper lakes. Several known to have been bended that o(h I ' had l"-t. and it was .pr. no i Willi a anil ir al cool.. A gciith inan !rc:n the riiunlr) , stopping at ll'' ol tbe II lei- in linslon. i l.liTi i jnl,) roil- 1 vers.: 1 ion u i'li one nf the boaiders. askinc ini. lies ul the Fair at (iuiuey 1 bill t e: , w 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ; , s i "in ei -.ale in. the "ul I is i far case and a ktd lhc . i !- r I'l .1 1 . f '- I '1 bel li. (V "II I..KC ll cigar nr t mind if I dew .'' u i ; the o ,1 lo him. and. aha. one ' na --mokeig, tor the jiiir- hid, lu I tt hi ' gu m '! ;un llgilt. I le car, limy ho c,) lhc ligar tir-'l baihh .l to bun in bi-s p kei ; took Ins knife and rut oil ih u .-n, ,, lb, hglitcd one which bad been in ihe mouth ol bis generoiiH d lend, lind I'oiuinciici d ,uiu- koig l!.' i, in. under, reinnrkin!' " Il am'l otiea that a man from the conn try runs a foul of so t b ver a feller, ia the city, a s von a III.'' MAKINH NEWS 1'oitp uk u ti.Mi.'i io.,uki i;miu:u 2 II l., il W V . l.ii 1 1; I' i;ui i-:i. 1 lav 1 , '' 11, all, lima New York, t" ; .1 1. mi. :j..'i 0 1) Mel! , , Willi lllilc. In Ib mil llll N II A. M irUn. I'. J li, t n.ir.J. i:eis. It.nr.T V Pii'v.m ' NV ItniiMcv.U 1' , It. II i o .i.i. .1 I ee.inin .v a , J. II. J'li'kcr. V l. iii " ;.,a.l' M l.;n'ifii,i. J A TuVlji, Mricli mis' S If Co.. I C I. CM. I 1 1 1'iiiiril, A. N. .icih-, lln:iril ,v I'- '. a. li ': r, m- N' II, -s- I' 'l'i I! r. J i-'. .tail' is. 'ti, l S SdiiiI.ii, V. 1. 1'etkllaiii ,v 'o , S ,n,! ml ii Sin i'li, 1'iiiinit Itiirisfi, Id ,'in.l ll. J. I. ,:i. it, h i f". ' s. hr. S M.:i!n, I'.cinlun. from l'llil'ek Iplii.i, i.i K J I. ni: 'I"!i iv ( '" , vviili mil. . In Jan Mi llnc, Mi rrlum'"' S I! I ', . I b nui llll S. It ( 'n M.All cnMiiic J. I.)"ii. S 'I', II, r. A " I'.vnn. It. Ilrndli y, I i . 1 1 iv is. ;. (ii iv. Il.'iil It "id :.'i ul. J ". I.nlt.i, II. ,v. n ! l'i Jen, .Siioelfoot A Jiiii!Ii aint I'.. J tail I. 'I h I a " S, In. J. I. .Lines, (IrilVin. from Nrvv o'r., lo U W. Prnvt ti, idi niilf . In jniinli v piiseiH 1 S, )i r .l.ili ii 1 1 n i ni in, Siiii:i'ii, 1 1 o ill ' llu i lesion, lo C, V. H:ms. ci.i. ui.n N..v ::i. Hr. Ini- l'i" '( rfri lb .km in. for ,, -vie vvi'.li i.iiiiili, rniid stiini'l-r, Ly ii. W. HuIh. I'c I I'.in,. ni.-t.iiit y. Hi n V, l"( I'.arl. ii,-, illl I .(;...' . r -.li ! Sllli.;, . I V W I.V- S, hr Sir ill ii". I'i'iii. 1,11 Sli ili'S'i . well UD ,!i i. 'i, I 1 1 a i.j.i id t!ii-w II III!. MH.I.I'III . .. ;" l'i' W I , H'l , I n. Ill llct 1 ' i r VB r. v . ! Ul )"M 1 1 . K.ll).

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