Y iU- Dostok, Nov, 26, 2.T. M.. IVLd hminfliitMliin. ALibamd in Honlon Ihrlxr,- Tho ehlp Alabama, Capt. Wise, from Liverpool, Oct, I'd, witha general cargo, bound to this port, on Tun ing Into the Bay, wind blowing a gale, from the S. nnd very thick weather, at 2 1-2 o'clock yesterday morning, struck on Minot a Ledge, mcsinii bwumk round head to wind nnd backed oH. Finding the chip in a sinking condition, an attrmpt waa nindc to run her on again, but she waetoimu to iiccimreiy un manageable Three of tho boats were then got out, which took ou the crew ana two cnun p,isngcr the Rev. 11. O. Connor, of Miltoan, Inland, nnd John II. Cninnr. of Liverpool, at i o clo k yesterday morning. I he passengora and crew put on hoaro ship Bombay, from Manilla, bound for RoRton. The Bombay arrived about tinpn, yesierdav. Cant. Wise I came up to the city in a pilot boat. The ship now lies 1 l-ZmueaNK. ol Minora ledge in lb littimna wa ter with foremast L'oiie. Noihinncan be saved but her main and niizzcn topsail?. Officers, crew and pas sengers saved nothing but what they stood in. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT NUTTER W lb. i HF.F.S WAX do.-- HACON. IInms,N. C. do. i; Western, do. Sides, N. C, do.-- " Western do. Shoulders, N. C, do." ' Western, do.-- COTTON-nonc. CORN p-bu. COFFEE. "St. Domingo W lb. Java do. Kio do. Laiiuira do. Cuba DOMESTIC'S. Cotton Vnrns, do. 4-4 N.C. .Shectinys If yd. FLOUR. Fuycttuville W bbl. Cannl do. II A V V cwt. LUMBER, STEAM MILL. Wide Hoards, Plunk and Sciinllinir, iM. 11. Floor Bonds, do. LUMBER, RIVER. Floor Boards do Wide Hoards .1". Seanllinj do. LAKI) W lb. LIME IP bbl. MOLASSES. New Orleans None If gal. 15 23 20 12J ta 13 1(11 ta, IUJ (St 81 9 8 ta 7 m GO a 7 o 12 ts 8 fit 8 m 7J tit 19 ta 8 ta 9 !) C5 14 Si PJ a 5 25 7 - 75 6 st 7 50 (0 13 Hi 10- r 1 m (d rtv 10 50 jo, 5 50 tt 1 50 12 l'-'i 77 hi . .. at l'orto Rico, ( 'ulm do.-- ljhu. la (0 00 MEAL NAVAL STORES. Dippings Hard Spirits Tiupentine,- Tar I'iteh Rosin, No. 1. No. 2 "3 Varnish PEAS. I!. E. Pi as l'E.A-M "I S, iioiiiiii RICE--Rough 'lr aried, fair 10 good, 2 05 1 00 33 I CO I I 25 50 50 30 do... Wu:. - )fbUl ....do.- do.- ....do.- -.-(lu.--U'all. .. ..-If I. ii. - .-(lo... no do. V 100 Iba. II' lb. ... -do.-- at ia 1 37i m 1 m i ir 4 50 4 50 ta 5 ra 5 si; oar. Ni w Orleans l'orto Rieo STAVES. W. O. Illul. rouah - None " " dressed " " barrel R. O. Ilhd. rough-. "Noiu " dressed s'HINCLES. ( "(minion C'lmlriu't Oiack's large SPIRITS. N. I-'.. Ruin 'mil. ! i ii Whiskey A pple Brandy SALT Bonaire I .iverpool H urn Key- TIM HER. Inleiior, l-'.iir (innlilv, C i M ,11 ' Shippm;,' 7J fit 6J id 111 lit lit ta tit a hi ta 12 HI - 10 iUO 3 0 - 37J y, 32 37 J 30 35 m . 3r) M 30 ta 35 (it 'J!) (it I Ml tti 30 fa 4fS.-iek, 10 i at 5 ht :') ' (', 25 hi ( 8 12J (ii 10 con n i: k i i "a l. REMARKS ON MARKET. TtMipr.Ni ink.' - Since Tuesday Morninp sonic 0 it 7(10 bbls. ol Tiitprniino, have been dispn d ol a'o.' ier bbl. ; and from 5 tj COO bids, at 5 pa bbl. Tab. About 250 bbls. Tui were sold i( 81,00 x r bbl. TiMacrt. The m.irkil U w. II r-:tpi lied with Tim ber, but We li.ive no sales to upoit. Pta Ni'Ts (!nris nnd IVnnn on i e alnion eve rv ib'V laden with IVa Nuts, which II i- ry rciihly at $1,10 (.. $1 !5 p. r I ush: I. I'l sen IViik. - Scllinc nt 7 to -i eeti;s p. r lb. No tnris- iclion woithy of n iti in nnv other article that wi an. awaii of. For ihi' prieLB i 1 oiIk i nitihs ubi lo our ptico i in ii nt. V.'ll XOhK. Vt. '."'. of I tail liud bnii submitted Li Ciillon a Jctlim to. Piiei h ivi an iipu.inl tetub iiev in Flour ball ; of KHUW bf.ls. Oeni Mi-est ai '25 southern Fl Mrm.ll-. : at $0,50 . wi -tern at 0,25. j Sabs of prion yill iw Coin, at 72 ta 71 cents per, buhi I In Naval Stores thr transactions areviiy liinitid and the inaiktt is ijiiile unsttlbd. Snuill lots of, Spirits of Ttiiientine have chini'ed handsal 35 Ht 3d c nt , and d tally h Id nl !J 1, 10. ! i uu.i)h:iA'lii.. A.-:. : t Flour, western brands, sellsat Wi.'"'. Prinie yellow I 'oin at 75 cents ier bushi I Oats, .i nli'.-e ..f Ta , c I ! r1 , lohiri;- (' uniaoii Romci, if Ti:;,1' n'iiR pri e. nt-" :o .i r ,1 , I the Unto tlALTnioUK, .V" 29. Flour in nn the advance. I..;.ln- of llownn S-r. . i ask Sti.'JS, and purchne. rs ullei f-I. S ',. H ' ii I 1 m (",- Mi:k nfi ti,. .");h r h '.! i -"-'j ii, ntly asl.in'; R.25. I'liiin vvliiii viiio'v Coin lis ni 6:' i.i CO ni,!.- I ! u le I. A LIFE PUESF.RV IP Mr. Hon , N i i v .N i-;:. Mr Seih W. Fowl, I'car SP.-Hnvinu us-ID II. WISTARS PAL SAM OF WILD CHERRY with trial b. in I t :. ny If. I e'rec f-i'lj . ynijily I'll yuui n ipu si to j.i my ti si niionv hi f-vol ol it. Soin-j lone sine COld, lid it SI till d on III v eni.- ; I K ,S I roll h i in. :. d PI V rrnl " 'k " i''i l veiv bid cm:; h, tr.isu .! bl.u j s ., Mo . osl b.i : ni Uv . . I -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 siiii loins al in; c innrnied t'oi'Mp:! u. 1 ib pii dot re ry i i, r t' ' ; v . :-.c r ni ''. in i.-i. I ' ! i boil! f ... i!. ,,i i i -. ' tin. I. ,i: a !') :i 'nslun II' v. , - iiv. H ui- ' ..! restoration. lo health to that mrdklno alone, AU who arc alck or aillirted with pulmonary affuctiona, I would recommend ; them to try DR. WI8TAR'S BALSAM Immediately.'. THOMAS F. KF.ELEO. None genuine tinlcaa signed,, I. BUTTS on tho wrapper. For sale, wholesale nnd ret-ill, by WM. SHAW, Wilmington, and by dealers in Medicines generally throughout the country. Alum Salt and Bacon AT AUCTION. THIS MORNTNO. (Thursday) at 10 o'clock, Will be sold, at tho diatom House YYhntf, on board the schooner Joseph Lybrnnd, 3,300 JJiuheU Turks Island Salt ,- Also, at same time and place, 3 1 1 It'll. Huron Si Jen. Terms at sale. ' SAND FORD & SMITH, Auctioneers. Dec. 3. Ill-It Port Warden's Sale, WILL RE SOLD, in front of our office, on FRI DAY. the 3d inst., at 11 o'clock, under direc lions of the I'orl Waidcns, for account of whom it may concern : The Sails, Itisrsrhiir, and Cargo of Shop VICTOR. And, at sarin- time and place, the I lull of said Sloop, as she now lies stranded on Uald Head Beach, about 7 miles from Cape Feur Li'rht. CRONLY, WALKER & HALL, Auet's. Dec. 2. l'.l-lt Notice to Contractors, OEAI.ED Proposals will be received nt the office 3 of i he undersigned, until tho ISth instant, for the follov.iiP' Timber, Wood, Ac, to be delivered durinj? the year io'-: RAILING. 150,000 lineal feet, 7xd, in lonjjths of 20, 25, 30, 35, or 20.000 .r).x!l, " " 10 bet 325,000 " 6x0, in lengtha of 20, 24, 23, 32, or 30 ieet. To be of the best heart I'iteh or lorn; leafed Pine free fiom knots, and other defectn calculated to iiu pair its Mrcii!;tli or durability, and dres.sed as required. 20.0110 Heart Cypress Sills, 8x8, and H feet Ion;?. 1-.0, 1) " Pine ' 100.000 Superficial feet of heart Pino or Cypress Trusa Timbi r, to be :;ot acconlinj; to bills. 300 ' 'orti.s of lonu' leal Pino V ood nt mrh of the Di: pot.i Washington. Teachv's. Siiiekland's. Warsaw, Fai'ion'.-, Du 'b-y'f, tJoMsboro', Nahunta, 'IVnot, En field. :.n.l Wililon. 2.51 0 bie hcls of ood Corn Meal. A No, for kcepinj? tho Water Stations between Wil mington and Weldon, nceordiui? to rules and nida tions established by the ('ompuny. Twenty per ci m. of the amounts, as they bocoine doe, will bo retained until the completion of the con liiict. Each proposal lor Timber must state tliepoin at which it will be delivered. For further panic ular inquire of L. J. FLEMING, Ens'. 4 Sun. W. & R. R. R. Wilmin'Mon, I), cembcr2. l;;47. Ill -St Dancing and Waltzing Academy. MR. J. WARD havim? arrived in this town, has the bonoi ol inforinini! the cilieiis of H iluiini? lon, nnd its vicinity, llwt Is- will commence Ids' Dan cine nnd Wlt.iti Li t-sotis, oi Vouii!? Ludh s, Misses and Ma -Mrs, In tho MOART II ALL, on Mondav lift' i noon. Dicr nilx r Olh, al 3 o'clock. He also will (iiinnu nce his Leswins the same ev. nin;:, nnd nt the s-nnii place, at 7 o'clock, (m Vounr? (icnllemeii. Such Parents and (iu.rrdi.ins ns have a tie sire: to have lho.su urider Ih ir care inslrncli d, can have nn oppoitunily ol doin ho, by npilic;ition al Air. I'ikuce'b Hook Store, w here there is a subset iplion li.t, and en u iin:: ile-ir iiiinies. Prhan: Lcssona will be plven at pi i vale reside nei s, il desind, if a class of ciy Ii t be made. The most fnhionablc Dances will be taught. Co tillions, Waliinir, Spanisli Dance, and the Polka. Days ol Tuition, Monday.-, Thursdays and Satur day Refer to Gov. I ) t' 1 1 1. k v nnd Wm. A. Wiiioiit. Ei 1'. c 2. (.lotirinl copv.) lll-ltp JUST RECEIVED, litj I'll!:' Arrica! from .Xnn Yoih JSIITSI. A FRESH supply of Children's a V i V ( 'loll, t ;ips, Va pattel il.i - " SOIlli lllili;- IU W Hill pn tty. Also. Gent.'s f.islii, -liable lliivir and Mulctkin HaK ; 2 casi s Medium lliiin II. aver do. Please cull and j,'1 l a liiu Hal atu! a L'entc. I lit, nl MVEn .i BARNUM'S. Die. 2 HI V O T A.rr O E s . i:RKELS Nova Scotia I'ntators, reci ived I , ; !,: . .1. D Jones, and for -ale by D. W. WOOD 111 O U N N X A (1 y .If.ST R- eivcd, w per S A. I hr Olive, nnd .CIHl. Ill f II llec i'K' ?,v, iilra and Rio ( 'of,- ; bv HOWARD .4 PEDEN. Ill 50 int. i. I IT The Merchant Tailoring 'ILL BE CONTENTED nt the old stand of tho superintendence 11. S KELLV, nnd, r f V. R I'l. ii. .-. II S Ki n W. an ill b if. .- ill a 1 w dais lo be abl. to i b n i i, in ui w Stuck I I ioo'i1- in . or bti- o hiit-im SKI II HOARD teUM lor. w 15 Iv V R P i ii . v A 2. 1 !7. JU IMC.S Iw iv i r Pot..:. 20 Ii,,-. M,.r H'V R! PEDEN. Ill 2( K) M.l.'iNs- ' -- I. no; 0,l lliM'i Allll ,V PI. IU. N M.e. 111 K I X K 1 1 ' '. ; S, hr .1 I .; i.ua I 'olb I!i . ill: DAY :'() I'h I M K I . I.I. R ALIUF 111 i ; RECEIV lr, l-iulk E)i is: i FAG 'j I., P, Lady, Gi, y C .in. in le in i.i.!, .V i i: M ,n in nl, I'M;; .'.,.; -il I a t. hi.se . sib- bv K V BROW N. IU) it i". 1 SI. ( rot 1 r.l'l'l.:. I ' in o: :u:t! I'im Io liko Snar. t. -1 1 xi di nt iiaii'v i a i on ., .n u d i. IN" STORE. New aicF.j Liverpool Sank Salt; Whiskey, New Orleans Bcrtlneu j N. K. Rum. '.; i, i R. W. BROWN. Nov. 30, 1W7. ... 110-31. STONE WARE. CJAMPI.F.S or Jur-s, Jam, Milk Pans, Ac.onhan.l fo with full list of all prices io order aupplli.-a. R. w. Brown. Nov. 30, 110-41. I j n( I SPIRITS OF TURPENTLNE. Q A BBLS. just rectived per Rail Roads for "nle Oh R. VV. BROWN'S. Nov. 30. p.17. H0-2t. W A N T E I) . AN experienced middlo rtged or ckh-rly Female, of unexceptionable ehnracler, to superintend, and as.-i.si in conducting, the household affairs of a family. To a suitable rjnin, (w hite or colored,) liberal waces and a comfortable home will be plven. Apply at tnis Otficc Nov. 30. 110-3t campih'nli. THE Caniphine thot I nm aollinc nt 45 cents per Gallon. Is manufactured bv Bonnet Flannor, nnd is wnrranted to bum as well as that manufactur ed by Thomas Smith. D. W. WOOD. Nov. 30. HO- For Freight or Charter. THE fine Coppered Brip SAMFEL POT TER, DouBla Master. 170 Tons burthen. K Mo. nentarily expected. Applv to PEftUSStl, lilttm iu. Nov. 30. H0-3t COAL. i nzr tons Peach Orchard Coal, broken nnd 1 C') screened "rate size, dally expected per Sehr. crnlcuian, an. Nov. 30. i for sale by D. W. WOOD. 110. 11 I V K R L H M B E 11. or FEET Seasoned Rivur Scantling, for OO UW sale from the whurf. by 7 WM. B. GILES A Co. Nov. 27. 100-Ot JUST RECEIVED. lillL'. Sweet Cider, for sale by HOWARD & PEPEN 20 Nov. 27 FLOUR. 25 BBLS. fresh ground Flour, for sale by HOWARD .4 PEDEN. Nov 7. Peach Trees, f"irE are in daily expectation "f receivine SCO V V Peach Trees, various descriptiona, said lo be very rood. i:. J. LUTTF.RLOH .4 Co. Nov. 37. 100-31 sin A i OALE and No. 1 Soap, whole and half boxes, recei- l v ved per Alaiie, and for sale by 1). W. WOOD. 100 Nov. 27: HUTTEIl ik CHEESE. CASKS (ood Chetsi Z ' 30 Bo.xes do. do. 10 K ees till fiothim Bultcr ; Ri ceived Nov. 2.'. us day, a nil lor sun J. A '.by W. L. McOARV. lOH-luio. MESS rORK. Qfilii'l'S. Mess Pork, for sale bv t HOWARD & PEDEN. Nov. 27. A L A N (i I) O N AGKNT KOIt TIIK Ciiulon and Prkin Tea Company, or X O R K . I'l l '.RS lor sale in quaiiUlie lo biiil purehusei at Ni w 1 oik in ices 300 Ins. (iiinpov, der ; 2ri0 lbs. Voung Hyson ; 20011-s. Impeiial ; l (I lbs. Sourhong ; 100 lbs. Oolong . 5(1 Iba Fine English Bu-aU ast Ten and 6(1 lb, l'eko, Flowers, at Mull Ili.iidin;;, North Water Call 3 do vc Pi in ess Si-, et. Nov. '.'ith. 1 -17. 101. CIDER. 71 I v. i v s'tip. i ior t ier, wnrranted tn keep, t ior -i-ler, wnrranted tn ke ARV V tors tie bv J 4 W. L. McCiARV 10-1 mo. I!I'TTER AND CHEIiSE. )l K" 'iige County Butler, wV'la IIoXl s tbislo II ''iilinlV C tlel ..', Ill do Imp. English do Ree. iv eJ bv thw A. J. DeRossct. For .-nilc !y D W WOOD. Nov. io-. Valuable Heal fistate The s pel iy Snbscrlbi r oilers fors de that Valuabli I'ro- y on Ilillyb -'-ii' Slrcil, in the City of Ralcimi, I now in n i. il by tin- I ii 11 1 lit i n l"t the tual ami, Dumb. The corner lot opposite ihe residence of Mj. j l ' n.i in is ..ii the east ddc of Ihe second sipiare west , o th.i ( -..'itol, nnd runs from street to -tree! - on w hii Ii ' is n ht:;i- nnl coiniinilioti I -i-Hii:t ll.mse; n on. sbn y b lililin. bit niei ly us, ( as lie I ' r I n ! ; n ' llbcc ol ' llic N. I 'ar d'.na Staiidaid ; a bib k Kitehni; Stables;! ( 'arria-' .m,: all necessary mil hotisi s, and a Urge "I iiai.bn Tin . . '; .in'i.:: In - a vi rv c-.o I twos! jy Holi'i i'h K iteln n, St ,i , s. vc. and is known ns havInK !oi merly belong' il In the estate ot ( 'npt. IIi ntir, de- censed, nnd also runs 1mm stn et to street. The propiti ty Is located in tin- moft pit asant psrt ol the City, and if pin chased now. will U sold ul a price so reduced at to u nder it a vcty th suable investment I'o-'scstioti ill b ii n in Ap:il, l.;-i -'. The Snb.i, rib. r ha i appoin:. d Wi;.:.i.ji R. P,.oii.. l-"si . his A ' tonic v for tin di-po- a of this property. ;.' Ii en all di sirous of purchasing will td as. apply T. i.okim; Feb. 21. ltvI7. Ul N iudi I or o T I ; ) . 'ted io ihe Snbseribi'r )i:rsons I ' S'nndar for Hi- " I tub pen lent.'' or for AiIm it -. ,rc, ire r. t; vi.i'.s, I1" .'( , to pay the sain Rr.r. i to W F.STON K tfb, Rab Ipl! T. I.OKlNO l.'i Editor. f tlu N. CMV.CK HOOKS. IV' V. have just 1 xeeuli d in u supe'rb styli , bound na V in i-itidlUnii, Hooks, Checks on Ihe - I'. 1 n ol ( ape Fi ar, ' and 'In Israneh II. ink of the S:a: Call 1111. 1 L.ainuie tin. in, al the Uflic of 7Vi ( 1 r.irrntl. T LOR INC. o. t. ill ..... C'oninu'rcial Dank Checks )!! INTl l nnd f -r s-. a: 'he ' 'aura .- ,.,! ,X. ' aura or in ell III "a- I 1' I ink I'b a k. ho ni II in- 1 nip:,. ,n S All M J R I N G. THE SUBSCRIRF.il hna again omwd hi HAIL LOFT, al tha .Old Stand, at tho 1 . Corucr of Water $ Princess Streets, Entrance by the East Door In Murphy's Bulldlnps. where he may be found, at all times ready to attend to business ROBERT S MACOMBER. W-tf Oct. li K B A I) THIS! XT A I.ANtJDON hn recently returned from V . i ho North, with a well aelwied stock of (iiHicnnrnx, MQUOrs, qc, Which he offi rs for :de al that fine l,iri;e Store, in Water strec . 3 ibiors north of Princess street, and next door lo A M.m in . Nov 'ii. 107 FLOUR. 30 H.ilvcs, Hunipton Mills from New 25 Uhr nt. reci ived imr A. i. DeRossct. ! or salt by D. u. vuiir. 10!1. Nov SALT, CE:rf Bushels prime White Alum Salt. For sale by McKELLAR ft McRAE. Nov. 20. 106. I N STOKE. Cnn BLEACHED Sacks Liverpool Snlt, lor sale OUU by J. A W. L. MeOARY. Nov. 20. 10U-2m M K S S P O R K . BARRELS Me: ? Pork, very superior, for salt 150 by J. A W. I.. Mctf A K i Nov. 20 lOJ-lm TUB OKTON MILLS, ARE now in fine older, having been thoroughly repaired during thu past Summer, and having a cood t upply ol Timber, aie prepnrtd to cut orders ul all ilirnenslons on as reason ible terms as any Mill in tli phec. For further inforination apply to R. W. BROWN. Ij., or F. 3. LORD, & Co. Nov. 25, 1H17. ICr -w. HACON. 1 f IHIDS. Western Bacon, for sale, by lf J. & W. L. McGARY. Nov. 25 108. I New and Cheap Stored rpi-lK Subscriber would respectfully announce to L the citizens of W ilinington, and ine surrounding c ountry, that he hus optiud a fiesh supply of FALL AND WINTER (iOOI)S; Consisting, in part, of fine. Cloths Cassinirrcs. Satli in is, Kentucky Jeana, Kerseys. Blankets, fine Merino Mints and Drawers; fine brown and Ucaeh.'d Shirt- in;; and Sheeting; Sheeiing 3 yards wide ; fine plain .mi.I fiinireil Aluaccas: Satin striped do. ; C.ishliu ns ; Mousi linc de Laines; Caledonia Plaid ; Komhaziiw; Worsted Plaids; Fieneh and Domestic Oinghums ; Black and Colored Cambrics; Red and White Flan nils: Canton do.; English and American Pilnts; Coiion and Worsted Hosiery; Plain, Striped, and Closed Muslins; fine Embroidefed Whitrr Robes; Bnena Visti striped do ; fine Leghorn. Straw, Sntin and Silk Bonnets; Hats, Cups, Shoes. Bonis, Ac, Ac. All of which will be sold very low for Cash. PI' ase call and ex.inilne. South side of Market street, 7 doors above Front. JOHN C. DYE. Wilmington, Nov. 23. 107-0w Chronicle and Journal copy six weeks. F O It S A L E . BARRELS No. 1 Mackerel : 50 '' X and line Eayc ikvilk 10 Flour; Canal Flour; New Rice ; Choi so in boxes ; Liverpool (1 round Salt ( Corn, nnd Prllnc Pork, for inle bv R. W. liROVVN. Nov 23. 107 MUSICAL CLASSES. A L ASS will be formed next Mumlny EvLtiing, Mn-rt Hull, to pursue a thotough course in the in linn n's ul music. Ami, on I'ui.nUnj Evening, nn advanci d class will be formed, fit the practice "! (ikes. ipc. G. V B. LEICIITON Nov. 21, 1:.17. 10ti 2t. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. NEW 11ANOVEK COUNTY. John Dawson and Owen Fuini II, LN EtlFlTV Sainiict Sheer I N !'u-uuni o I. Court of Kip ' ihe Decree niadi by die IIon iv. in lins suit, at Full Ti-rui. 1 shall ''toi , i .1 p. s. il tie si", k ol Coods, W'an Mereh .e.'ii b I o: to San. m I Mini, - at hi nl,! stand, or.', dour in st ol J. Audi tson's. on '!e- 0th day ol lb i ci,' i r in xt , sale in eolitii.ue from ,:..v to day till Cn.-hcl I enns n f Sal - -.Ml sums undi r SI 00 cash ; nil suins of Slut', or ovit notes p. in. liable and payable al the Bank f '..p. F. u:. w.to :w.i :. 1 ii.:.im is. No I i nidi w ill be ib iiv. ml on'il I In nciicy is paid or snt'.sfactorv nnrr civr-n. THOM.1S D. MEARES, C. & M. E. Nov. :j. 1' " LI M E . ASKS freth Theri'liisloii Lime. 1001, for talc by W . o T. LUVE. 0C Nov. 2Ulh. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, Norilicni and Eastern Hay, en .v . v) oA 7.s T'l hi: nn let i -nrd, haviiu; uiad' a. i aiii Inents to p a full supply of tin- nl tuiitil'j ot N u thei -n mill llauli i it liny. viMHofthi vr ir, they solicit those in want i.ti .-t c.d! on III. in, ul Mr Wm. Nlti-'s .at all -' ot III.' .S"i.;. ( , , ; i i ' i 1 i.ery NIXON THOMPSON. bl-ly W i!uiiii;-ton,Oct. V.'T 117. W 1 1 18 K BY 2() N..v Klil.S Whiskey lor sale iiv HOW ARD A. I'EDEN (JHAMl'AUM). i i: 'SKETS- "Acomu,' J ti - "Hiidsi.-h. 12 u Pints "Russim Ea"''- ' These Wines s.rr fr sh and will b-- wirrnnicd of brs' ipiallty ; for sale bv ' linw VRP .t I'EDEN. n-v n II A M.S. 7 r.i.AD ) I sale by Nov. it. ii.d tins day. and b. 1) W . rtbuli llJ (;andli;s. SJi'EUMACETI fan.II.-s, S IMi ijsaiUGs K'.ct.ived p. 1 . Vine I) Nov 27 . w I' .r', I - lor jli b, W WOOl It '.I L'ROVISiuNS I' :, Lbb-. .Mil ii.inv. Kin 1: . f b 1I1 lib: p. . : ; ...... M n M .1 nnl: B.: Hale by , (.III.) l'.' 1 -W 1 l' . I ai ! Sin.(!j. (; I'. n. 'i iLrt i-m-i ived h 1 Si In .". In u . anil lor 1 1 . ) Iti)MKW(M)I) Wtltinsr Dcksj & R0 Potttrna f un Hair and Tooth nrnshfi l v "' 10 do. French Extracts, Menpelas, Lubins, Ac, In cut bottles 6 dox. Ox Morrow, Phdocorod, ami ,OiJa (or the halM letter Paper and Fney Stationary, VlaitinU Cards, Ac., very Pretty, and new styles i 11 lir Dyr. and Fnu I. astral for rlcansing do 2 lox Powdef Pulfaarlrl Brx s; Suiarlor Toilet I'owdori 1 1 Boxrt ffcnulno Faxlnn Colnnne; 10 Ut Oilier kinds " Also, a superior lot of Raxora, amonjthem the I'f-nuine llm'h nnd Itciuly. For sale hv A. C. KVANS. Nov. 11. A0t ( R o c i ; R IDS, itc. mllllDS. and 12 bids Porto Klco and Muaco v.ulo Su.'?nrs ; 3'i ll.i-s Rio and Java f'ollic ; .'") I! irro 'anal Flour ; HI Kerrs I!u.lb.!al; lilt; Boxes Raisins i 175 Sacks L. P. (Iromiil Salt) 250 llushcls T. I. Sail ; r lloxi s Tobacco , 5 Thesis Tea i 10 Doxcs Soap j 5 " Starch j 20 Firkins Prime Dairy Biituri 5 Casks Cheese ; 2000 lbs. W oolsey A, Woon:y' Loaf and Crushed 10 qr. Casks Madeira Wine ; LSugnr; 5 " " French Brandy j h Ubls. MonongeliflU Whiakeyi 25 Bbls. NoS. 1 and 2 Mackerel; 20 or bbls. and 10 Kilts No. 1 do.; 5 Bbls. LarnnOili 25 .Boxes Herring ; 75 Keys Nails ; 15,000 Sfgar; 10 NI in tx I ",iiia ; 100 lbs Cotton Twine, Ac , Ac, for sale by W. A. L.VNODON. Nov. 23. 107 MI-I.EKTS ! MUUUETS !! 25 PARRELS No. I, for bale by WM NF.FF. 10? Nov. i5. Valuable Real Estate at AUC T ION. ri"HE subscriber, F.xrcninr to the will of Mre. E. 1 Lord, deceased, will offer for Sale, at Public Auction, on Tuesday, the lth Dcconibcr, on accom modating terms, that Valuable STORE AND WHARF, nt present occupied by Barry. Bryant A Co. The Sale will lake place on the Premises. At the same time will he Sold a Nefro man be longing to the eslatc of Mrs. Lord. All persons Indebted to said estate nrc requested to make immediate payment -and nil having tlunns against It to present tlierii without iMn v. 1 ' T. H. WRIGHT, Krtx'r. Nov. 13, 1517. W'A, Hoarding and Lodging. rpHE Subscriber has token tho Brick Building on 1 Market street, near the post Office and most re spectfully Informs the public that he Is ready to fir commodate all who inny favor htm with their patro naL" His prices will bo moderate, nnd his Tublo ns -i - I--. ...Ill -U... I irood ns Hie in.irnci win nnuiu. Ileing grnteful lor iasl Invors, tie tenners nis innn!i to those who pntroni.ed him nt his former stnnd. nnd rcspcetlV.lly Hollclta ihem to continue ihelr patronsge to film on Market stru t. p Nov. 10. ' IW-if CORDIAL-1N STORE, 2d BOXES Assorted Cordinls; 10 " Cherry for sale bv 3ANDF0RD 4 SMITH. 107 Nov. 23 I'ROSl'ECTUS OF THE CAK0LUVA GAZETTE. "pHE SL IISC'RIUER Intends to publish a W eekly A Ni wspaper in the town of Wilmington, N. C, with the above tilt-. The first Number will make U nppearanco on or before the lirsl of January nexi. I he yi Kzf.TTT. Is now nn applicant lor anauoqiinie support, and to secure it, we will Inhor to make the paper worthy by excluding every article rneukatinQ false or ilscious ptinciples, nnd iiiltuiltiri such only ns will inform or elevule the nnd'-r 't.indlng. News of iiripori.iiice will have nn eaily niseril'ni, and the I i M infoi matiori Of our MAnafTswlll be given. Il wilt advoentn Democratic principles ai they are dc ni iiisirateil by u pure svBiern of isditical othics. We iniend tht the pnpi r shall p i sent a rxtnt mtrhanirnl niyptnnwcf, na m I! aa xhibit nntter distinguished for t: i -ciili m e. Inaword, the Uazbtte will be de y.i d to the dev. interestn of society. We believe that such a pajn r as the G'a-ette is di b'.. in d to be, will mi ct with liberal oticoura;;! iiienl from ali elae. We el inn thu privllopt- of pursulnc tie-boslness' to w hi' Ii w. w ro broushl up, in thst portion o! tin Oi l North S'.ite wlneh eavo us birth, and i hope tin tie I ,: nn , Mi f b aril and Mechan ic, will bid tic ;,.:ki .b i.nw-iiil, bj( incicasinff Its i irciilati.iii aiul usejulntss wiiu tlieir hapios ar.dFoio- II- V. We dei m it iilto-'cth-r iinncccssnrT to enter Into ary !nn' winded csst in a I'rospertua, but with thete f-w rimark" we snbtiiit it to the Public lot their ap po val oi ujectlOn. T K U M n . The Gazstt will b. published weekly, on u lorgc Siis:r-U'lv.d she'.', with new I ypc and oft (jiKsf pnp r. at ih" i.ow i rk s of 1U per unnum, pnyablu on re- ei ipl of the firsl iiiimlier. ' fVrjonti wishing to subseriho to the GAirtu dl K asi addrt ss the subscriber, port pai, at W( il iiiioef in. N. C. All wbo receive this Prospectus will please endca voi in procure m i bin ril-ers for us, ami return the n ,iin s ..: all who moy siibacribeofi or before the .''ill , i. .-. i ;il (. r l'npi rfri ndly lo tilt aliove will plve it .in lnnion. 1 1 inn WM. J VOP?. November IS. 13I7. I or, COliLL. and i.ui.ii J , F t ab c. w . J A V A ; Re BRAi'LEY. I I .Sl'i.AU iv nlo and si . Troll Surir G lib. Fnr sal. MtKEl.LAR .w Mi RA E IUj. SALT. ivr.Rrooi. s, s.. i v 1 x 1 1 ) 1 IU. Nov ..n W I NT'S J Loll. ,ia Cui :.ir ' ' Madura Won. i.:i . ia. Old Jack, CroH n i 'ilass ; Cl.irel. . ji .ii'.. by i'orl ; l.islHin; . 11 , i ill v U. W. WOOD. Nov 1 i: 110 tf MILK ' MILK ! 1 ILK for sale, in ;m ly at my ; i iiiiiiies to suit purchaacid. Iiou , on Second S,lrt, iuM ,.,r io .il 1 - .m '-'" ALSO A tint SAUOLI ; HORSE. '!. F. KORNEiiAV III- if Nov. iio 1 I' Tnirnui i.nd I 1 1 i i l . j 13( H) U'RES C):,..Tliii' . 1 I .......i.. 10. :.l "a li-.niyir nmn-v 11 'be Norlt) Tr,1 ,1 rf.'TVJI ffi ffXtf 1 fSC it 301), WOK, 1 coTijrta e rtmrt .i4ionTticniw -"t ' " WLiriNdToft.Nd. - - , .ft;, 1-jf 1 PARTIfrLARiTTEXTIOj PiDtOTHE FOLLOTM . KIND! OF LETTER PRC8 rRJPfTJNCk ( M fl. sin, or xtnsia, . i srrsrw or MiBc.sMKPts" iiim or txbnto, SOOKS, " ' cr, "" '" CATAtOOCIS, CSSTiriC4Tt, , rittcK. f cfsccijua, " (TttoM-IIOttSt lUllB", iBArrs, nAxvnti.it, MWtm " - ; f AMrHtKTS, roLtcaa or ieaXc. I somas,,; ; afcjtrrs; . Ad PLAIN AND FAiVCV PaiNTlid, ac$cnp(im. done in the neatest Marnier; on the nioal rMtonabto lemtav We cull the ttefttVm of orfr efthtenst, and trrr jffJblhr in fern-mi, m the arve Crrnhr.and rordlalrf tttrtA to them on invitation to jjive us a call tot their mat" nemirlnrt; them, that l aall beta trefl dtmtjtM afaa (if not l&rtr) price, bm at inf Other esnbHsh merit. i im ennre omce is new, and we unftesltalingry saf that we hnve a nrreaier tarlety Of type, and snore ttitfough Job Oftt, Hum U ntrUffH 4 Ihd &UU. 1 THOMAS LOfttNO Wilmington, May B. Lo St. A OOLD CHASED RlO, with large RtJBf . XI. sol. The finder mill be liberally rewarsVid by kavrnR nt the COMMERCIAL OFFICE. No.2;i. . irgrT fi.ourT" OA B AIR ELS trtra 7anl Fleir, r( rssjeivtd v b'i f lllQSSilTt IiaOWN AC'.( i 0" M. Superior Hard Preed ftrkta, owWftarf, 4,J .,m for snie by . K.. DICKINSON leii,' ! Wot. H. JiARO AND BACON. 8 BBLS. print N. C. Lard G00O Km, Bacoo Sides. Fur sale by k, MARTIN. Oct. 24. i-- . H K 1SDL3. Collee ctuahd 3icar, an cicrrfcnt srtl cloyiirnieby W. 4 T. LOVE. October 30, 1847. ST 3t. STUART'S CANDt OOQD assortmeflt of 8tdarf Csmlr-Jm E, II, WOOD. 1 V eelVtd M tat tale bf October 30, 1947. 97-tf. t r OENUINKHiiiaia, IU.UUU Ralla,PrlrtetK,e1( W & Baskets Chsmpaioe VV in. 3 of. (ur49 2s lbs. Fowdered ae. jump ,r in. 23 " English M us lard i 6dbx. " land lbs., Q 6 ' fiweet Oil, pure end fresh -, W 100 Ibe. Jujube J'aele, Eagle brand j 5' ': Rose Water, Ext. Llrfuorfce, Sprees, At.. Per kal at ihe Drus Store of A. C. EVAN.-"V' Nov. I L , ; f y Boat Far Sale. A BLADEN BUILT BOAT, h o6d' repair, win carry 1500 bushels Corn, will be sMd low: Dty nf- Dllcation to i, W. Li. BICUAK1 . Oct. 28. 1847 96. PAINTS! PA IN TS!! JhI Rccrirtd, and Etecbin, pt Schr. ELOCISS 6(f( LBS. Superior White Lead, Ir) Oil ; Andy) 2h0 lbs. ifiackPsIni tori lb. flhrnmo fJreeO. 100 " Venettarr Red, " in DM. VVIorlntr KnanUh Rrown. IM Laa - Black ; Cluo'inc Yellow, Vcnnillion, Ac., U)t safe hf 101 No JUST LANDED Von L. P. Smith. 40 HUBS. Hne Apples. If) Kili Malaga Grapes. Ititrr.-la ('rum tx rries and HrcknrT fCuts. For sale bv JOS. W ILKINSON. Nov. 16, iai7. . , . Copartnership. THE Subscribers have entered Ihto copartnership uiiderVhesnje 61 B. & R. C HALLETT. For the transaction of businefs eeyie rally, from this daw. ENJ. HALLETT, R. 6. HALLETT. W ilniinfttonJVov. 12.1847. KB- COTTON YARN & OSNADURGS. "I ( HALES Cotton Yarn. 1 V i do do OsnabirrCT. The SubsCThn, Agents fOr th sale of the Little River Yarn and Ob-be.bnrgs', wflfalwaya hare a aup- riL'on hart'd. MeKFTLLAR 4 McRAE. Nov. U. W2 NOTICE. A SPECIAL TERil ot. the Superior Court Law, for the County uf iNew Hanover, for lb trial of 01 uses remaining on the Civil Docket ol mk I onri. ill U hull al tUi Court House Ln the. town WilriilTitmn.en the fourth 'M'irrfay In January rirxt v wh. 11 ami wticnj&il ptrnris lakirestea are requueor utu-iid, under ihe pvoaity of the law, in rca l.. an.! nolllded. " '"' ' Puriicsaiid wlwesaea on State Docket, are ibfra riuinJ 10 attend. By Order. Tiste, O. ALDERMAN Clerk, Pur t. H MAtsTSUf, Dep Ctk. Nov 9. : 101 Wooden and. Willow Ware. Just KfceiYtd per Kbr. E.1 Powell from If. Tork I Q I 0.. Painted Palls 1 6 Wheel Barrows 1 6 Ste I C Ladders-, 2 doi. Mlletta.l dox Draw Bucket: I doz. Iron Round Ruckets; 0 Willow W arsons. Backrta Pails, Trara. oval and round ; Ctoikt Pink, KoUng do., Clothe Horses, 4c. For swl by HOW ARD dt PEDEN. KM. N v 16. BACON! MACON!! &'UF.S and Shoulders. iu rrceivcd,per schr. Juli Eliia, from New ork, nnd for sale by HARRISS ft RUSfiRL, Lord s W turt . N,n U. IS' Musical loslrimcats. rPiIE Siibucribcr has received b a late arrhas L from lliwion. acvetal fine toned Piano Guitars, ViolniH, Accorduuiw it, which he will be happy U 1 1 In r ii at K; ware-room (over llnrt 4 Polrey'S slate) 'o ull who liny bo desirous oj purchaainf, Alma freehaupply oliVt-w Muic; Violin, GttlUr und Lust Viol aut0ff4.c. jL, o. f. b. LEiairroN. WUmlrHjton,f(rT.l'V1847. J04-tf I .KOTICK. I rROM THIS DAY. no baa; vi eo'an Aluot Salt 1 I 1 .ntniniraj; more than Two Bushel, UI be re ive,! lor Transportation. KOIU.RT FF.NNF.R. A-nt. A R R R. Co ,v . 107-Ct Wrt !' n. Ii I the ' F. ar U iv- r a-id 1 lioroitph t in leiiinii m:o H!a"k Rir.-r ; for a' tv W ,M i: 1. .1.1 s . i ll N 1 " !'." I mo ALSO App'v i Nov ; it w i: loW N III J: