'n, "3 S. E n c o urn gc.C ompctition. ' J , fc Mr " r- i NEW PUBLIC HOUSE, WELDON, N. C. 4i the left er veit tide if the Rait totd WV "fHR SUBSCRIBER, CoyUctor fcJ f fl on the Wilmington and Raleigh fxflf JjLaL IUU Road, opened thla Houte onill the 1st January, 1847, especially for the eonvemen e ami accommodation o( the traveling public, and In terna that Itt furnish and accommodation! sholl rot be surpassed by any house in the place. Hi house is situated about W feet irom the cars going north, and near the Depot of the Wilmington Road. The liberal share of patronage which he has received, la Lit tamo tint his efforts to please the traveling pubic have been appreciated. ....... His Table shell always be supplied with the b. st the Market will afford i snd, with unremitting atten tion o his part, and that of his Lady, he hopes foi a contioucnM of the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. - The lovers of good eating ; clean snd comfortal le chambers t faithful and obedient servants, will find them at WHITFIELD'S. rojinoke house: W. T. WHITFIELD, Projmetor. Wiloox, N. C. July 12, 1847. P. S. Supper always ready on the arrival of tin Csts. Dont forget HHHHU.U S kuainuk. HOUSE Give nic a trial, ana you snail not go ow.iy dlSSSlis July 1817. 4S-!y. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE UUMB COMPINY, Office No. 11 Wall Street, New York. THIS Institution offers advantages to those desir ous ol cflecilng Insurances on Lives whlch-wre unequaUed1. Tbw Importance of Life Insurance must beappan nt to all, especially to those who, after death, will leave families unprovided for, and the Mutual system, as practised by this Company, combines the greatest se curity ai the least actual expense. Its peculiar nd vanlagesare, 1st, A prompt pnymerit of losses. 2d. When the annual premium is over 50, one fourth may be paid in each, and three-fourths in n se cured Note, at 12 months, bearing 6 per cent, interest ; or it may be paid half yearly, quarterly, or monthly. Those taking out life policies, may pay half cosh and give flieir individual Notes for the balance, if satisf ic tory to the officers. 3d. yfuli participation in all the profits. The success of the company hss been unparnlell.d. During the first 20 months of its existence it issued 3007 policies, end after psying all losses and expenses, a capllil of nearly t'200.000 remained, which has, dur ing this year, been Increased to about $400,000. Any risk taken connected with the duration of life. Slaves Insured. Anniuil rates of Insurance on $100. Age One Seven One year. Seven' years. I Life. Age. Life. year, years. 15 20 00 77,900 83,1 1 M 40 45 50 55 60 1 69 I 1 & .U 3 20 00 91 00 95 1 77 1 OOl I 12 2 04 I 31 1 3G' 2 36 1 91 1 nc 1 3 73 2 091 4 6u 2 32 4 35 3 211 5 7R 35 1 361 1 53; 2 75 4 911 7 00 Statements of the business, and other papers of the Compan, may be had of tho Agent, a Mr. Gcoigo W. Divls' Office. DIRECTORS. Robert L. Patterson, Charles S. Macknett . Lewis C. Grover, ' Thomas P. Scgur, Henry McFariane, Wm. M. Simpson, Seth Low, William A. F. Pcniz, Edward Anthony, Willlim H. Moti, J. A. Underwood, A. S. Snelling. ROBERT L PATTERSON, Pres't. I). C. MILLER, Secretary. JA8. H, DICKSON, M. D., Medical Examiner, J, R. BLOSSOM, Agent, Wllniineton, N. C. Oct. 21 93 The Gracfcnberg Vegetable PILLS. 30,000 Boxes sold each and crery ten I;. THE GRAEFENBURG COMPANY, hereby give notice thiit their General Ajrftit for the Suite of North Carolina is Captain M. JONES, Louisburg, Franklin county N. C. The General Agent is fully prepared to appoint Sub Agents wherever there is no branch of the Company; cither on personal application, or by mail, pot paid. The rapid sale of these celeb ated Pills, and .hi; ex traordinary cures they are constantly effecting, tender them, by far, the most popular Pill of the age. An Agency will consequently be very valuabL. The Gniefcnberg Pills are inconceivu ! superior to any ever before discovered. In all b. oas com plaints; in general derangement of the system; in all disorders which result from a bad state of the blood, these pills arc a sovereign remedy. In the classes ol diseases called chronic, the Grcncf enberg Pill." achieve their highest triumphs. Here they defy all competition. Entering within the hid den recesses of tho system, they cjinetly but surely purify the blood, root out disease, and give torn and vigor to the body. , CURES ARE CONSTANTLY EF ' . FECTED ? y tkaeVUK in cases where every other means had fUVtny lulled. 1 tie most abundant proor of mis cuuM be given ; but a trial of one box will convince the pstient. Tliey can be ordered and sent by mail at trifling expense. The price is 25 cents a box. Where two dollars worth are ordered, and the mo ney remitted, the Company will pay poolage on the Pills. Remiuanccsai the company's risk. Wher ever there Is no sgettcy of ike company, they can be ordorad by nisll. y These Pills arc talng the place of all others, and no sick person should be without them. ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, Otnret ComviainU, Otnttipal'um, Dyspepsia, Ftrer and Ague, lloadodu, Jaundice, Liter Complaints, ItkeumatUm, all Stomach ComplainJs, Green Sick no, if-c. iic. yltld at once to these Pills. They purge sway oilensive hsmors, srrest the progress of disease aod at the ssme time restore tone and vigor t the system. Incases of general derangement of the health, they are SOVEREIGN. BY THEIR USE, the weak will become mrong ; the pale and bilious complexion be rumored to a per fectly freh and healthy color ; all the bad symptoms wW one by one dissppear. la short these Pills era sn inconceivable advance upon any other medicine ever before oflered to the public. A trial will satisfy any one of this. ForaalsbyLH'PITr ft. WILKINGS, WUming ion . SCf" Agents arc requested to report to mo of their progress. WILLIAM JONES. Nov. 20, 1917. lf. ioti CANI)L$. TUDDSON oV Co ., Patent Sperm ; Common Adamantine : Tallow For sale by C. W IIH A DI.EY. Nov. 4. II7 PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENT. OLIVER EVANS' Salamander, Fire and Thief Proof IRON CHESTS, Warranted equal to any other make, and have novcr been injured by Fir or Hut friars, in a single Instance. He also keeps on hand a full supply of Common Chests, made of lighter Iron, at lower prices. LETTER COPYING PRESSES AND BOOKS. TRUCKS FOR STORES, FACTORIES Ac. DRUGGISTS' PRESSES. EAGLE GLASS PAPER. PORTABLE SHOWER BATHS, Ac. PACKING LEVERS. HOISTING MACHINES. REFRIGERATORS A WATER FILTERS. OLIVER EVANS, 61 South Second St., below Chesnut , Phllad. REFRIGERATORS. For Cooling and Preserving MEAT, BUTTER, MILK, and all articles Intended for Culinary purpo- WATER FILTERS. OLIVER EVANS' CELEBRATED WATER FILTERS, for Purifying Water that Is brackish or muddy, whether by rams, minerals, or otherwise, can be had of all sizesand prices, at the Warerooms, No. 61 South Second Street, two doors below Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. September 30th, 18-17. 84-3m. FALL ARRANGEMENT, 1847. SUNDAY'S EXCEPTED.) By the James Hirer Chrssapcake Bay Line. L-ff rk Petersburg, Norfolk, Old Point, yKjd Bullviwre amd 1 hihuleluhui, iV' to yew York. THIS Line leaves Weldon and Gaston every night, (except Saturday.! roinr direct throimh. From Petersburg, the passcneer will take tho Iron Steamer Mount 1 ernon, Cnpt. Blow, to City Point ; from thence down the James River, by' one of the fast ond comfortable Hirer Steamers passing down the James Kivcr with a view ol its scenery, by day light reaching Norfolk by 3, P.M. ; thence un the Chesapeake Bay, In one of the Hay Steamers, that are so tavorably known lor their strength and com fortable arrangements. The passenger on this Line travels while lie sleeps, and enjoys a luxurious tabic free of charge. Fare from Weldon to Baltimore, $7.00 "Norfolk- $4.00 'or Tkkela, npjihj to Wm. M. Moody, Agl., li t don, y. C. Fare from Gaston to Baltimore, $9.00 " " " " Norfolk, $-1.00 For Tickets, nj''y to C. C. Pugh, Est., Aqt., (ias ton, S. C. Meals always included on all the Steamers of tins LINE 1.7" The public may rely on this Linebcing regular ly und permanently kept up. Wm. M. MOODY, Jr., General Agent. OJfict Jamct lliter if- Hay Line, Weldon, S. ., Oct. 5th, 1847. Oct. 7, 18-17. bT-tf. Notice. rTUIE Subscriber offers for sale, three Steam Uoil X ers 26 feet in length, and - feet in diameter ; also the engine belonging to them ; the enjiine Iiiih been somewhat injured by fire, but the boilers are good. Also, a uuw Sl wp lutely finished by Mr. Benj. W. Berrv. ALSO, 300 new Rico Tierces all finished. Also, a targe pino stick 45 luet long, dressed in'o an S 8uare, 31 in ches through, will make an excellent Shult. For further particulars apply to the Subscriber or McSil'S. DtitohSET, Buown & Co. W. D. SMITH. Ost.23. yi-tf Chronicle copy till forbid. "COLTS REVOLVERS.' Tj EVOLVING Cushioned Olhcc Chairs, just re- 1 V ceivtd, and for sale by WM. NEK F. Nov. 9. 101 Musical Instruction! THE uudersigned having returned from the North would respectfully lender his services to the La dies snd Gentlemen of Wilmington and vicinity, as teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Mueic. He has the pleasure of announcing that he has en gaged the valuable services of Mr. O. It. M ss bill, (an experienced teacher) to assist in teaching the t e Guitar, Piano Korle Ac, and hopes to merit a share of patronnge by untiring attention to his busi ness. Particulnrattenlion given to the tuning and repair ing of Piano Forti . G. F. B. LLIGIITON. Oct. 28tn 1547. J6. FRUIT. AFr.h lot of Orunyt-B, I,cn.onn, and Malaca : I i r i. i j. a. inapt b, judi iiTiivai uiiuk'i piii' j uy i:. K WOOD. Oct. 28. 1847. . IJ O O K S . "CHILDREN'S Toy Books, amining and instruct J ing, of all kinds, for sale by E. R. WOOD Oct. 23. ,;6 PORK. c LEAR Pork Bids. ; Mess Pork, bbls. and half bbls. Received per Sclir. Alaric and fur sale by It. W. VNUOI) Oct. 28. '.Ki NOTICE. I. O S T O II M I S L A I I) A CERTAIN Note or Bond on William S Ah, dated September Term, County Court, IKH'i, a mounllng to One Thousand Dollars, payable in ten annuul Inaislments, of One Hundred Dollar inch, the first payment due September Term ol said Court, IHI7, un wfdeh there is two credits, both amounting to about forty. two dollars. Said Note or Bond was loM or mislaid at Novcnil ( r Term of Supriior Court, which Bond 1 forewarn all fiersons from trading for, and also forewarn astd il ium S. Ash from paying or redeeming said Note from any person whutivtr but myself. ALBERT O. HALL. Nov. II. 102 -Jm. JUST RECEIVED PER SCHOONER L. P. SMITH. ? BOXES best Champaignr; kegs of Malaga Ornpc J boxes KuisiiiK ; hall Imxrsdo.; i quarter boxes do. Drum Kljjs. Currant" Citron, Ac. C. W. BRADLEY 101. r or sale y Nov, V1 W. RROWN.i ! HAVING rocentW returned from the North, la now prepared to offer hia friends and the nubile a very handsome assortment of Goods In his line, and at very low prices. Clocks and Watches Repaired, an usual. Oct. 12. 69-tf Journal copy. r Steam Saw Mill for Sale. THE Subscriber, offers for Sale, his Steam Saw Mill, eligibly situated for business, on the West side of theCspe Fear River, opposite the Town of Wilmington, N. C. The Mill Is in good order, ond Will bo sold on accommodating tetms. Apply to HENRY R. SAVAGE. Oct. 7. 1847. 87-tf. ODD FELLOW'S SCHOOL. THE exercises of this Institution will be resumed on the 15th Inst.; conducted as during the lutt year. The rates of Tuition being as follows!.; Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, " Grammar, composition f.iocuuon, uer. grn phy , A nciont and Modern History, 1 genrn. Popular Astronomy, Draw,ng tind Vocal Music for all of which stu dies, books arc furnished by the St hooi free of ch rge. For the Languages, Geometry and Survc) Ing. 91 per qr. 7. TEACHERS. Mnlo Department, Mr. M,'lr!', Female do., Miss Riciiahdson, Teacher of Languages, Mr. Lindsay. In connection with the Languages, Students wil1 likewise continue their English studies. Tickets may be obtained ut the ofticeof Col. McRar Oct. 7. 1847. 87-tf. Journal and Chronicle copy. Wholesale and Retail GROCERY. THE subscriber offers for sale, at lowest market prices the following article, viz: W Hugs Klo Collee : 10 Lacuira Collee ; 5 St. Domingo Coffee ; St. Croix Sugar; 3 Bbls. 10 Poi to Rico Tl Cuba " Rectified Whiskey ; Northern Gin; Domestic Brandy ; New England Rum ; jvp verysuponoroiu aionongatieiii VMiisicey; vd Kegs I alls, assorted sizes; 8ft Lbls. Loaf Sugar, Powdered and Crushed do. ; Superior Cognlnc Unindy ; Hollnnd Gin and Port Wine on draught ; a few doz. old Madeira and Chnm nalgne, warranted pure; Flour; Bacon; Dried Htcf; Tunsues; Mess Pork; Molasses; Mackerel, No. I and Wo 2; Green and Black Teas; Water, Butter and Sugar Crackers; Allspice; Pepper; Ginger Nutmegs; Soap; Candles; Cloves; Indigo; Mus tard, Ac, &c. J. ROLAND. South Water Street, third door from Market Street. July 8, 1347. 48 A Negroes Wanted, S I intend to make large shipments of Slaves to the South during the months of November and December, and also some contracts to fulfil, I am still in want of a largo number of Slaves, from the nue cf Twelve to Thirty years of both sexes, for which I will pny the highest cash market price. Persons having such description of Slave property for sale will find it to their advantage tobrin;; tliem to Wilmington to me. at the t arolina tlolcl, as l intend making a stay tin re during the winter. Also wanted, Carpenters, Bricklayers Blacksmiths and Coopers, fur which liberal prices will be (riven. ANSI. ICY DAVIS. Sept. 0. 74-tf. COPARTNBILSUir. T Ill-', undersigned have entered into Copartneifhip under the firm of W. &, T. L O V E , For the purpose of doing a General Commission and Grtftry Husintss. They hfive on hand, at Wh dcsale and Retail, a va riety of Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, and Crock ery ; Hats, Caps, and Shoes; New Orleans, Porto Ki co, Muscovado. Colli 'c-t 'rushed nnd Loaf Sugars; Bio, I.nguirn, nnd Java Coffee ; best Imperial Tea ; Soaps, ( 'andles, Starch, Drugs, Dye-stuffs. Paints, Oils, Win dow Glass, and Puity; Superior Canal Flour, in bar rels and hall barrels; (iobhen Butter nnd Cheese, and a general assortment of other Goods, which may he found nt their Stand, Hill's low. Middle Store. Xnrth Hater St. They also attend to Forwardine, Selling, or Pur chasing Produce, or Good of any kind. WILLIAM J. LOVE. Jr. THADDEl'S D. LOVE. Oct. 11. 90-tf. NKGRO PASSES. JUST printed at " The Cuminrrrid'' Office a new supply of A'egro Passes, which nre afforded a trille over the cost of paper thai it would tukc to write tin in Jan. 20. 129 TURPENTINE TREES. THE Subscriber will Lease for the term of scv :n years, 60 or 70,000 Turpentine Boxes, at a fair price for every 10.000. The land is situated on Town Creek, 4 miles from the mouth of said Creek, and im mediately on the Creek, very convenient to market. For further particulars, apply to the subBcritxr or to Messrs. DeRosset, Brown 4 Co. Terms made easy. W. D. SMITH. Nov. 2,1317. 'JS-lino. 1000 Nov. 16. 'K'SHELS Salt In store, snd for sale by J. A W. L. McO.VR i . 101. MEDICINES, A,c. aailpn LBS. Hops. (New Crop); 7l)U 1 CsskCr. Tartur; 1 Cask Bi Curb. Soda ; I Cask Saleratus; 1 " Kulssni (,'opuiva ; 2 Packnges Carb Ammonia ; 2 Gross Capsules, (Copaiva, Cubebs and Conalva, Castor Oil an'1 Camphorated, for sick headache ; Sulph. (luinlne, Peruvian Rark, Calomel, Blua Mais. Opium, Rhubarb, Jalap, Cubebs, Acids, lCthers, Essential Oils, Ac. For sale by A. C. EVANS. Nov. 11. 102 ! n o t i c i; , TS HEREBY GIVEN, that States day for the trial L of ordinary misdemeanors in the Siirior Court of Law lor the l ounty ol .ew Hanover, Mas been chan ged from Thursday to Monday. Parties and witnes ses interested will please take due noiiro thereof. By Order Teste. O. ALDERMAN, Clk. Per L. II. Mabstcllii, Dep. Clk. Nov. P. 101 J2G. Chronicle snd Journnl copy HAY A N D P 6liK Junt Ijiiiidiitfr, Jrom lhij lomtra, Z( BALES HAY, first quality; 0J 20 bbls. Mess Pork. For sale hy SANDFOHD A SMITH ' Nov. 2X 107 P A P E R , &. Juft llieririnc, fr Si hoonrr Ih I Ins art. (C) REAMS Large Straw Paper; )0 - Kaii 2ti " (Town Manilla " I Setts Brass Mounted ll.irnes SAND KURD A Nun . '.'J for sab- by SMITH. 107 merchants' i r: STEAM BOAT COMPANY, OP FAYETTETILLE AM wLsiXCTOJ. GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT. Avevoging about !0 per eent. New Steamer ROWAN. 17 inches, Steamer WILLIAM B. MF.ARES, Steamer COTTON PLANT, Flat Boats-BEN BERRY, ODD FELLOW, MIKE CRONLY, WASHINGTON, T. J. CURTIS, READY MONEY, MARY ELIZA. THE Proprietors of the Merchants' Steam Boa Company of Fayettevllle ond Wilmington, N. C. oiler the above Line of Boats, on the Cape Fear River, to tho shipping public, under the lute revision and re duction of Freiehts. Their new Steamer, ROWAN, now draws only 17 inches water. When she undergoes some alteration in machinery, her draft is calculated at 14 to 1G inches. which will make her the lightest boat navigating the waters of any river in the Southern country. This Company flatter themselves that they have it now In heir power to oiler the most complete line of Boats that has ever been on the Cape Feur, and one that will do the freighting business with regularity and despatch mi all itapet of the water. They have, in connection with the Henrietta Company of this place, reduced the freiglits to the turilT ns in printed rates. Neither of the Boating concerns deemed themselves able to re duce the freights and still do the forwarding business in this place free of charge, and consequently this Company have given it up, with the conviction, thut the Forwarding Merchnnlsof our town can do it rnoro justice thnn a boating concern. Any Goods consigned KitlieMerchnnts' Steam Ron'. Company. Wilmington, N. C, will be lorwarded through that place free of commissions all other charges made to the shipper. The new arrangement takes effect from the 15th instant. Passage 3,both ways. The two companies will hereafter count all freight cash, or interest added. Direct letters to Thomas S. Lutlerloh, Fayettevllle; J & W. L. McGary, Wiluiinuton. THOS. 8. LLTTERLOH, Agent. Fayetteville, Jan. 18. 1847. 1J0 BOOTS AND SHOES. TUST received, V J Men's fine coif stitched Boots, CT " " '' Peg do. " Kip Brogans best Quality, Boys' do do do Goat do Men's calf do Lnige lot Walking leather Shoes. 200 pair Ladies' fine Kid ties and Slips, 200 " " " ' Buckskins, 51) " " i Oaters, Mi-'ses' leather Shoes, do Morocco do V-irlolu i,f ( 'ItlMren Sllopfl The subscriber will be receiving Boots and Shoe i eory week from the best Northern Manufacturer, nlco Boots and Shoes, made to measure as usual un I , repairing done in the neatest style. I CHARLES GRAY. At Punderford old Stund. I Sept. II. tf. 77 Saddlery, Harness, THE Suk-icrihcr lias just rettiriK.I from lite North, with additions lo his ex tensive assortment of SADDLES, BRID LES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, fcc. &c, which is offered for sale on favorable Terms lor Cash, or ( n Short time to prompt customers. Thou- indchti d whoso noti s and accounts nre of long standing uie re s-pcctlully requested lo call and settle. GUY C. HOTCHKLSS. N. B. Particular attention paid to repairing ai,.l making Saddles and Harness to order. G. C. II. Oct. 2. 85-tf. CROCKERY, i LA S S NY A R E, &. T II F subsciibcr lias just opened the largest slot k of CROCKERY, CLASS WARE &c, ever offered in Wilmington, nnd he invites the atten tion lo it of his old customers and the public in gen end. His siorc Ispow one door above the one formerly occupied by him, on the South side of Market street. J. H. ROTHWFLL. Oct. 23 H47. Mi. DENTISTRY. DOCTOR O V DENTAL Si; R(i R Y, And Member f the Anicrirun Society of Den tal Snnreons PERFORMS all operations upon the T E F. T H . Teeth inserted from one to a full pet, and upon the principle of Atmospheric Pressure In nil cases where it is applicable. Office East tide of Front Street, -1 doors North ol Market Street, up stairs. J T Reference, the Citizens gcnerully. September 18, 1817. 79-tf. y OUT 11 CAROLINA LARD I BARREL and 3 Firkins, received by boat Cronly L ..ml for sale by JOHN C. LATTA October 30. 97-tf. Lord's wharf. G L U E . ("1LUE. of good quality, constantly on hand, nnd J for stile by DeROSSET, BROWN & Co. Oct. 12. 80 TO KENT. JH UNTIL 1st. October 1818, 3 Brick Warehouses, situated on M liter's nlley, next below Dock street. 3 stores, fitted up tor groceries, nt foot of same ul ley ,on Water street, all convenient lo the wharf. A I.SO The South store In my nir ftre proof buildings on Front, 4 doors from market street, handsomely fitted up for dry goods &c. Possession given Immediately by R. W. BROWN. Oct. 9th, 1817. 88-if. LIME, COPPICE, II A COS if SV(IA R nr- CASKS Lime, OA, I B0 Bags St. Domingo Coffee, 10,000 lbs. Bacon Sides, 20 Hhds, Sugar, 50 do. MolasiHS, 12 Bsgs Rio Coffee. Apples, Onions, Beets. Ac. Just ten hi d nnd for sale by BARRY BRYANT A Co Oct. 28. W. FANCY GROCERIES Half Bbls. Crushed Sunr; " " No. 1. Mackcrtl; 12 Cits of Salmon ; For sale bv C. W. I R A DI.EY. HI Nov I 1-17 LIFE INSURANCE. AGENCY Of WE ME SL'TUIL LIFE I Ji SI' BIKE wiLMiyaros, n. c, Sept. 20, isn. THE Subscribe have just received the Agency of the-above Company, and are now Drennred to re ceive rppllcallons for life insurance they are also prepared to receive applications tor insurance on trie lives of Slatti. Thla institution Incorporated In 1846 with a liberal and perpetuolchsrter, and duly organized according to law, has commenced the business of LIFE INSUR ANCE on the MUTUAL principles. The nett pbofits being divided annually among the insured, according to the Act of Incorporation. The rates of premiums conform with the usage of other similar companies For the convenience of parties insuring who would prefer to pay the premiums by install ments, it is left to their option when the premium exceeds t'lb, to pay onf half in cash, and secure pay ment of the residue in 12 months, by an approved note bearing interest at six per cent. The liveB of married men may be insured for the benefit of their wives and children, so that upon the decease of the insured the wife if living, or if not, then his children will receive the amount payable bv the policy, free and clcor of any cluini by the creditors of the deceased. For the greater security of parties insuring with this coniDanv, the Trustees have provided an indem nity fund, to the amount of $25000 to meet losses that may accrue upon policies issued by the company which is to remain, until a capital exceeding (hat amount shall have been rented from the receipt of premiums, when it will be no longer necessary, and mi v be withdrawn. 'File following is u list of the officers nnd trustees for the ensuing yeur viz : TRUSTEES. Nathaniel Weed, Simeon Baldwin, Dennis Perkins, John A. Davenport, Alexander H. Dunn, Charles J.Taylor, Alex'r Hamilton, James T. Soulier, Ezra Wood, Joseph B. Nones, Roswell Hnyl, Samuel K. Snttcrlee, Cyrus H. Benrdslcy, John W. Leeds, Alex'r N. Holly,1 William T. Minor, Chimney Ayres, Philip S Galpin, Wm. L. Brewer, James Dimon, Charles Whittlesey, Joseph I). Warren, Stephen II. Provost. Tlieodorn Davenport. ALEXAMDER N. HOLLY, President. JOHN W. LEEDS, Assistant President. JOHN A. DAVENPORT, Vice-President JOSEPH B. NONES, Actuary. KOSWEI.L HOYT, Secretary. WM. WELLS, General Agent. Any information bo cheerfully given on appli cation to ino igerns. Dr. James H. Dickson has been appointed Exam ining Physician for tho Company. SANDFORD 6 SMITH, Aeciin. Sept, 21. 1317. go-if. NOTICE. AGEXCYOFTIIENCMliTUALIXSURiNXE C0MF.1NY Wilmington, July 29, 18-IG. CJ AND FORD & SMITH, Agents of the No. Car k3Mutnl Insurance Company, have the gratification to state to the numerous persons insured in this Of fice, that the Company will promptly pay the loss sus tained by the recent fire in Fayette ille, without the delay of DO days, as required by the Bve-Lnws; and without calling for any instalment on the premium notes. Tho Agents will receive applications, nnd fake risks asusnnl. July 30, 13i7. 58 M V R E S & A R i LJ M MAM'FACTl HERS AND DKAI.ERS IN HATS. CAPS, HO.NNETS, UMBREL LAS, WALKING-CANKS, ic, I") F.SPECTFLT.LY call the attention of thecilucns V of iliniiiL'lon and vicinity, to their xirpt and Splendid Assortment now receiving tit the old stand of ('. Mvriis, North side of Maiket street, which we of er at wholesale and retail, rhenper than errr. gj:.t:s hfavf.h, m tua. .volhski.x a.m silk hats, of BeebiT ACostar'sand Leary sFall Fashionfor lKi, a splendid article, just received, and a "few more left of ihe same sort." Please call and examine them. Also, a very larirc assortment of MEN'S, BOYS', AND INFANTS' CAPS, of the latest nnd most approved patterns. Ocnt.'s French soft Dress, .Silk, Velvet, and Cloth Caps; Gint.'s Fiench Guard do I tl in- and Black Sprinii i Band. Palo AIM, 'RinL'!,Mld, Oregon, Oil Silk, Vtlvc" . teen, Glazed Law n,te., itc. ' VOf 77.S" AM) HOYS' CAPS of every style nnd iiialify. ftom 12.J cents to 8'2.."0, I he i largest nssm iment ever olli red in tills maiket. and ut astonishing low prices. A beautiful aitiele of Infants' ( 7oi and Sill: Wh it Capr. to which we pat lii ulat ly j call the attention of those wanting Caps for children, in fact, every article in our line we have a rich nnd loll assortment, to which wafesprnfiilly ml I the ntten i tiun f the Public, and warranto genteel fit and at Prices lo suit the limes. I MYERS ,t BARN I'M, I Wilniiri-ton. Oct. 5, 1846. e5 T,1IE Subscriber would express Iuj gratitude to his , Friends and 'iistomers. lor their liberal patronnge heretofore extended towards linn in Wilmington. The I same business w ill hcreafti r be conducted under the j name and firm of M 'ERS A BARM M. nt the old I stand. C. MYERS. NOTIC E . VI.L persons may expect to be warranted or sued, who owe tho subsciiber. if payment be not made bv the 1st of November. WM. D SMITH. Oct. 23. Chronicle copy. J ill-tl Marble Monuments AND GRAVE STONE AGENCY. rrMIE subscribers arc appointed Agents for one o 1 the best und must extensive MARBLE YARDS in Connecticut, and will receive orders for Marlde Monuments or Grave Stones, either lettered or not. which will Is' furnished at tho shortest notice and most reasonable nrices. We haverecel 'oda variety of pnt terns, various styles 'i:h the prices, w hkh may be examined at unv lime J. C. A K B. WOOD, Jluiliters und Contractors. June 17. 40. FLOUR COFFEE AND SUGAR. 1 C BBLS. extra Canal Flour, from New Whenl; 1 ) 15 lines Klo Collee; Superior St. Croix Sugar In bbls. nnd half bbls. For sale by A. MARTIN. Oct. 21. Ji W 11 I 8 K E Y . BARRELS Rectified Whiskey, jii-i rcn-ivnl, 25 tt and lor Siile Ly WM. NI.I'F. Nov. l 101 i R U T T E R 1 f Kl'.tlS Extra Goshen Bntti r; I u 5 Fiikins I'.xlrn Mountain Butler, just receiv , and for sale by WM NI.I'F. cd.Nov. !t. 101 YELLOW ONIONS. K BARRELS, Nov. 9. juf n ci ivi d, and for sale bv WM NF.FF. 101 TO RENT. A vi'ry pleasant room our my Drugstore P, session (-ivi ti 1st Octofler. Aplv to A. C EVANS S.pt '.'-. HI7 B O OK BINDERS TO OLS. FOR salo, a number of Book-Blnder' Tools, con- ' slating of Rolls, Stamps, Polishing Iron, Ham mer, Knives, Folding Sticks. Saw, Shearf,&c. In prime ordr. Apply at this Office. marcn -it. 4 APPLES AND QUINCES. () BBLS flr,t quality Apples, and a few Quinces w now lanainzu roin Schr. Alarlc. For sale bv K. WOOU. 95 Oct. 26. JUST RECEIVED, Per schr. John Castner from Philadelphia. "I r CASKS containing 125 bushels Lime, X J 30 tons broken and screened coal, ID 1 tine quality Philadelphia Brick. For sale by E. J. LLTTERLOH A Co. Nov. 2, 1847. 98-tf. APPLES! APPLES!! 9(1 iiULH. IVew York, fine; and 10 bbls. Fayette. w vine lur lumny use. i or sale Ic, For sale low bv J. WILKINSON. Oct. 28. 98 PURE PEACH BRANDY. BARRELS for sale by J. C. LATTA. 92 Oct. 19. APPLES ! APPLES ! ! BBLS. fine Eating Apples. For sale by j. & W. L. McGAl GARY. October 30, 1847. 97. COPARTNERSHIP. MR. ALBERT ADAMS being a Copartner in our House, tho business hereafter will be conducted under the stylcof BARRY, BRYANT & Co. BARRY & BRYANT. Wilmington, Nov. 1, 1847. 9H JUST RECEIVED, Per Schr. M. II. Mhotnj, from Charleston. "J sr BARRELS of Brown Sugar, and for sale by E.DICKINSON, Agent. Nov 11. b RAN AN AS AND ORANGES. LARGE and fine lot, per brig Confidence, for sale low, at J. W ILKINSON'S. A Nov. II. 102 R I C E Ef CASKS New Fresh Bent Rice, in whole ond hull i ' Casks fur sale by E. DICKINSON, Agent, 102 Nov. 11. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! 1200 BBLS. men I ; landing; Also, Hydraulic Cc Culcincd Plaster ; Plastering &c. J. C. if- K. B. WOOD. 101-lf H.iir.nnd Fire Brick Nov. 9,1847. SALT. 1 nnnr'rsIII:i's tfrk S ISLAND SALT 1 VV UFor sale by W. A T. LOVE. 101 Nov. IG. 11 A Y ! HAY I t 50 Nov llFNDLES just roc received, nnd for sale by J. LLTTERLOH & Co, E 9. 101 j r s r r e : e t v u d, A TIN GOOD nsporltnent of GROCERIES. Also, H ATS and SHOES, and a lull assortment of WARE, and for sale by L. MALLET'!'. - Nov. 'J. Per 500 I01-3m JUST RECEIVED, Schr. Elnuise.froin AVir York. SACKS GROIWD SALT ; For sjiIc by i:. j. lutt'erloh a Co. Nov. 1, HI7 99-tf. PS FINE ' T i ' I 1 ' I J, -1 . Ij CRANBERRIES : Bill.. 1 do Hickorv N uls ; Almonds and other Nuts, Fresh, nt J. WILKINSON-s. 30th, 1S47. 97. Oct V1LLAHLE RICE AM) TICI'EMIAK U.M)S l-'OR SALE. rI'MIF. subscribers offer for sale between two nnd X three huiidrei1 acres of vnlnnble Rice Lands on Luck wood's Folly river, In lltuuswick county. Itn iiieiliiilely in the neiiiliborliisid ol the Lands is a good stream of water emptying Into the Lock wood's liver --lurnishinu water power sufficient for watering the lit Ids nnd for pounding and threshing the Rice, as well as for a Saw Mill. A part of this land has been cultivated In Rice and Colloii, und produced equul to any land. Adjoining tn these Lands nre between fifteen hun dred snd two thousand ncres of first rale Turpentine Lands, very convenient to ihe river, all within three miles ol the sea shori , and a In nlthy location. Tlint whole neighborhood abounds in irood Turpentine Lands. WM. L. HALL, D. B. BAKER. Wilmington, July 20, IS 17. 59-if. r-pHE Subscriber has received a consider JC A able part of his Slock, which islnrgerJ mid belter selected than any which has ever been ot fered by himself, or perhaps by any establishment in this State, comprising, In part, a full stock of Druijs, Medicines. Chemical prenura lions, Paints, Oils, Dve Stull's; Perfumery and Fancy Articles; Surgical In struments, (a large slock)! Brushes, Trusses, Patent Medicines, Tobacco, Havana Segars. and Snuffs, Ac. Beinc desirous of doing more of a wholesale business than heretofore, lie has laid In his stock principally in original packages, and for cash, which will enable him to compete successfully with miy murktt. He desires ihos In wnnt of any of the above articles lo give htm n call. A. C. EVANS. Nov. 0. (Chronicle and Journal copy. 101 NORTH BARRELS, i Oct. 19. CAROLINA LARD. i prime article, for sib' t) J. C. LA TTA BLACKJACK WOOD T W ANT Twenty Cords of (rood Bluck-Jnck Wood. 1 O. O. PARSLEY. October 30. 117 97-lf. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS. Nobtiifsh. is dus dally at 3 P. M., closes erei V nilihl ot 10 P. M. Siu'Tinax, due'' A. M , closes si II A. M. Favcttevillr, by Rail Road, due on Mondi y Wednesday, nnd Filday nt 3 P. M., closes Tucsdi y Thursday and Sunday. nt 10 P. M. Fa vsttivii.i.s, by Robeson's, Wrstbro'ik's, Ells brthtown snd Prospect Hall, due on Tuesday, Thurs day and Sat u relay, nt if A. M.) closes nnd depnllr aruc day, at 10 A. M. Smitiivili s. dus H A. M ; closes nl 12J P. M. Taviob's Bninos, Eon? Creek. Moore's Creek Black River Chapel, an. I llarnll a Store, due no Thursday, nt 6 P M.; closes ut 10 P. M.,nd depnils Friday, nt ti A. M. Osmi.oW 1 'or rt Hnesr.ilue every llondny It f A. M .li'p.inmii Kii.lay at ; M.

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