TlipMAFEBfilNG, ,;Tq8.M v published rry T"itiy, r4rffw Suturdw S pcMinhum; pnvtibtn, in alcMn dva, : H r THOl AS t'ORING, Corner of Front unit Market Strait, ATM OF ADVERTISING. ! riunre , 1 incrtion,0 BO I 1 square, 2 months, 81 00 : 1 tie. ,2 do. 75 h- do. 3 do. 6 00 , 1 rW"' do. 100 ft" do. 6 do. . 600 : 1 .do. "'! month, 2 5041, do. 1 year, ,12 00 J Twelve lines or lem make a square. If an adver- -tis(jm.:utcxcocds twelve II ne, the price will be in pro- i portion. AU advertisement are payable at thu time oi their insertion. Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on he most liberal terms. ItJ'AU. Adyernuoiurnts inperted in the j tri-werkly Cmm'triainn entitled to one j i . : . ,, V .r, . I iisej'Uoii'.n uia tt.eeiciy, iw ui ii..iji ( GROCERIKS, DRY GOODS, AND HARDWARE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY ,,, Q; W. BRADLEY. April 1. 9 mYeks &TTar n u m7 MitfOPACTUUHrtS AND DKAI.RnS IN HAW, CAPS', UMBRELLAS, jW-WALKWG-CANES, j . ,WIIUIl'Ap;jA'l iu-xail, ; ,. MARKKT STREET, VV 1 LM I N ( lT(). , N. C. C. Mveas. J- M. lUarivM. Oct. fi, 1H17. b5 nmiossiny brown & Co.; v r. sural co.v.Mi.s.vo.v mkimiaxtx, WILMINGTON, N. C. uuown, uiuiossut & Co., . EMM A I, COMMJSSIO.X M -' A'C HASTS, 15'J front T. ni:w yoiuc. A . MA R T I N , GEXIMAL A UFiNT A N I) i M ( 1 ( ll !l U t, j C o in i s s i o i) K or ik Wiitor. 1 Doors above Princess Street, ( Mnrphy' Untitling,) WIl.MLNUTON, N. C. Oc.'i. 81 J. & W L. M GARY PORWABDIH AND COMMISSI ON MEUCHANTN, Aoi-r.i or til- Meciis-!V Steam Roat Co. wi.mim; ton, sc. IIOWJ.KY, ASHm'RNKR fc CO. (icnrrnl C o m mission Me rt li an Is, NoH.S.ib, Souru Wiiabves, l'HII.ADKI.I'HlA. We are prPpTe I to moke lihernl iidvnnei s on uliip- 1 ni Tils of N Siorf,, &e., consigned to us loi nolo, j Rilerto ! Messu. Ha i.i. ii AnMSTiiosn ) liCNSKTT Fl.ANNEII, W lllMHl (JKHlliB W. DVVIB. ) ,N. (' Jinrmry 18. ui"'5"- HI ,11 AH DICKINSON, r O M MISS 1() N ME II CHA NT, S Mliur p inner ol'tlie late firm of Dickinson &. Morri V 1 HI I NO'l ON, N. '. R i.rrft in Messrs. I'.. Dee' Nesmill rest ir.' Co., ti Walsh, Ne'A York. Jv I ). Peters eV i 1L1 Mc-int i Clai If, isiun. WtiHifis s '""".(rhiuifUda. A Hens di "v. , S , im7. M-'r Oct. a i . i . n i.- i'nu nu: sai.i: or mniEi:. r.c.i.'r :., ah a, stonks, , Will make liberal cash aJvan.-ett on a!leo:iigninent ' 111" i Oil IK V. March 17. 1 ' SANDl'OltD &i SMITH, auction e eh s iV oi:.i.i.siox Mtiir.i.sTs, WILMINGTON, N. T H O . SANProRP, v,rt. 17, l4i. 8 M I T H . J. HATHAWAY & SON, COM M I SS lO N M F.RC II AN TS, Sid Dour JWjiUi Water Slrce:, WlLMJNOl't N, N. C. l Hit,, ei'.i. J. e.- Hathaway. Oct. ,H17. bi- SEAVI:LL & MEAD, A KD C o in mission Mer c hunts. R a 1. 1: i o ii, N . C . Liberal Ct'i nirnJM mudt on Ciwii;;iim')i. Rali'lth, Aiijr. lb, HIT. Ci. V. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C - -N! if: IIURUKSs COmilSVJON MEU CUANT ANlVriF.NRUAL Act. NT " I Fo' the sale of nil kinds of floods, Country Produce nnd Heal Kbihip, i RALEIGH, N.O. , ft iin iss enlrustoJ to libit shall be promptly and j althl'ull olieiiilid to. Rolarlothc Ldilorof 1 at lommtrrtal. June l'J. M7. P o a nl 1 n g . rrwvn LMtni: and pleasantly looaI 1 TI'.D ROOMS. 9'nher f or w it.n utfhe "ii'ul , i i pr.vaU Inn, I, lo lei. Apply a. (H Lirr ... ' J,n U,li 11 " I U. k. V .V W V.J Bl. I ' , TvV .S-TV. CT. . -Jk WV ' ft -yd )i.-wnii: -i ...n W..1 iwii ; ..,p(,m;t ,?,,,;-K,l.t T.rii m i A ,v ,, i , . '...)' Hi '. Jlfil. If I ilt" Mil-, kI) ')Vf' VOL o 'S'n'fiPPARD k HALL, t R1MP AGENTS : AND 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 30 GR.VV1F.R STREET. New Orleans w. ... skf.ppabd. ""'i " Nov. :i0, '847. 110-Iy. ' V. J. LORD k CO. Rice Factors & Commission Agents, Nov. 25, 18 17. m-t(. , LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN FUND SO F CIKTV, OF LONDON, , F I 11 El i S H U l NC "Ei ' IN THE ETNA INSL?RA.NCB COM PA NY. OF HAHTVORD, Coxm., 01t IN THB ' HOWAKU INKURANOK COMPANY, i ' OF NRW YORK, May be ciVected by nppne'.iltou to1 J)r.ROSSET, BROWN & Co. 108 Nov. 25,1817. V . A . L A i 1.1 1.1 ,U A , : L A N G DON, r ft .1., l, iv' u f V ;! ' f H 4 V T i '. ! I WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 23, 1 - IT 107 iM KBI-l.-AR L IMiiAK, I, V M II E 15 AM) TIMBER JOE JIT?, 6 RUBRAL' C;lin)lSM(lN UlEW.'ll.lMS, "ami 'uBOtERS, ! .SVot-s Jvrmrrly ocaipial b'J Uai.!. t AaHBTnuRU, NORTH WATER WTRKET, WILMINGTON. N. C. 1 1 K l TOn M'ltEM AH. Nov. 11, 11547. Al.KX. WHAT. THOMAS AM.inoNFik Co., 1 GENERAL COMMISSION RCIIANTS,, No. 8, iSutiTii Wharvkh, I PHILADELPHIA. I . . I Aih ances mndc on (onsiiimrnls. K.fer to MneRts. Dtll. sniT, Rbown & Co, Wi! iii in l ion, N, t '. IW. 11. 102-y ; HAIIRLSS & IU1SSF.I.I., ( :-it:cetk.4onn to ciiAn LEy n. KULls.l GENERAL COMMISSIOS MBRCUASTS, V I I.MINOTO.N, N. (.'". ODIIH-r. IIAHB15S. 1 1 K N II P. l.l-ttU. REFER TO I'. 1'. Hall. Esq. ) (). (i. I'ASf-i-gv, I'1. llilmitigbn. Jso. A. Taylob, V.K1- ) Akmeh I'atton, F.8Q , .cir nrk Alex. Tlr.nnoN, J., E(q., f'h,ladrlhia, Mrn8Hff.WiM.iAHf., WnLiMAX, & -! I Charleston. H. F. Habeb, Eu. S Kejit. -till, 1647. J. LLTTEKLOH & Co. FORWIBDIXG ,(NU COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WlLMlN'iTO.. N. C. i nu 1.011 l. i:. en in I' F MAIL KTT, 1j . iU A'' Ji 1 . AOEUT KOU THU SALE Of Timber, Lumber, Natal Store, &e., Uumus IJuildint:, Xvrth Water Mrf't. WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 9, loli". 101 BAliHY. HRYANT & Co. COMMISSION MFRC'H N TS, WILMINGTON, N March 1G. . t . 1 tl. JOHN O I. ATT A, COMMmiUN ME HIE A NT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON.N. C. Oct. 10, 1347. ? s V N I) FORD & SMITH, AGEN I'd OF T11K IlOl'li MUTUAL LTFE INSVIIAKVE COMTANY, WILMINGTON. N. C. SANDFORD vfc SMITH, .AGENTS. OK THE i North Carolina Mutual PIE'E LNSI'TIANCE COMPANY. WILMINGTON, N. C. Sep. 25. P'2 IHiANKS PR1NTWJ-TO OilUEii. AT THIi CO MM HIUUA QFFICK. SUGAR, COFFKE, Arc. Hunns. p n sucnr 10 Urni Rio Coll."; 3"i " Lae'ivrn do i 1 ' Mill obi live Wttlfcfcryf )-, " It. elifi' d do. : fi lio.-n Monld CnndleK i 10 kerr 'etial ItniTrr. IUctiv.dniel lor-nle at l-.-esl I" leea , ni IH1LAND. 1 i.i tl JpucLi3En.Tiu-w:Eia4Y,13Vfno9.,(uiui - (:;:, W1UHNQTON, SATUUpAy JOHN D. LOVE, DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, EfclJSTliADS, CH1IRS. JI.1TRASSES, it , ROCK SPRING, ' ' WnAlT.XGTOM. N. C. ' VVILLIAM NEFF, (Uitv. of the firm of. Jfoff & Wabnek. I v.iioLKSAL; axd! Avrxk vtmkh in ' ; SHIP CUANDLERV; SHIP STORES i iNtxjRccERiEs, ( COJiNER OF OfliqK-.WTER STRltEt'S', ' WlL.iiiGTON, N. C. ; . ',; Dcr. 7ih. M17. ' 113-if. ..: Proceedings of the Safety tommillce OK THE TOWN OFAVILVItlUiOM. Ihmns the year a 1 77 1, 1775 aiul 1770, . j W ITH ihf jolrilPrt'eHlt1!'f tho 'Milmtlvrof ) the Ouullcaol' Iliri. Onslow, I'.ludi tk, Bmn- i wick mid Cuiitberlaud, twsaat lliu 'unmetcinl (jf I fire, i'lwej leitifl pr -gpy.. A wrgt-OisouBt mio lor J .HTST RECFJVIJIV ; XFf i,',Jin'. I.Mdi.'H fine kid. lowTliee t! : ' XTn tj.ukin : I.iidi. H fine kid, lowTl iee i I - adls do. do. xlirtncrs and tk s ; do. do. white 'lip pc - o. for si!e by t'.KO. R. KRKNI'H Feiv 17. . Mi gw -mm-mk. JfT k rT 7-1 nnk r?jnia I Cl-1 CLD H -SJ--B. PTO ANp V Conmiissioii Mercliants, Vn 17 (H.I Klin fwnn nf Prnnt-c, ei.n Oairs v Purlieular aliunijon nniil to ill., wiki of nriuluee. . anil Hrj-ial ujv0ees 111 1 de ori consii'nu'itnta. ' 'EvV YORK. II. KHIDliW. 'RRFERBNCES. Rokenhan'h, Conn, r .t Datiir, I ii i ,1.'.-! . . U u ; . s. -:i 1 1 ii llalMead, J O Dudley J Co. Slant., n, llann s vt Co. 'eb. 10. P. .MALI.E I T. . 110-fm iMTUB. nriHR snb'erlhi r hav m soil his enHro Block in I I nolo to Mr. J. J. ( '..nolev.'vv.iuld take plfiwni.! i rley.'vv.iuld take plrwuie i lavo: able notice of his I in ,..rtm.,..rrfi. ( ih l.ivomhle notice of his t fi Knuaund tonm t cuMonit it-. (;VVC. IIOTCHKIS!?. ! ' 9 Wf. SADDLE, HARNESS, AXD TRUNK MANUFACTOHY. Market Street, Wilmington, !(. C. Pi , I . -IlL' .ii lacnhcr Willi ll rCMH.t ll u 1 1 y . 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 . i ... ,, ,r..n.. ir,... t, U IIICUUS, HUH MI' n. J ... , V. H.I. s the a hove pmchise) receiving tdditloni to ni I etork; nnd from the ..ivornbleelrcuioWanccB in vvliiclu L .....I ,kn rti,hli f.nncrnllv. t rla f tie IS ( ht- lie ...1.1. ...... , I. iinrti. If InO lILlbllC. aUU I H I ICKIlUU V JIIUWCMV - t 1 7 ',. . I m Ii:, eipcriimoe. iu the nlx've hiiPinei.s,, he lei 1 . from II SSI, .ilofhis ability to uive enure satWnetlon to all 1 i, , r.mrh m ivnii ne r paironnue. no hub i ""j ". nlvn ihe store lately oeein ift ty tiUfU iioienKiss. . . ' ,, . ( 1 1 ...l j.: , where I . will t nil iimn keep n coniiilete Bflorlintnl ' . . . , r , r t 4 I t V.' 4 f.' V nW'SASb WHS 1 I i t I I A 1.' ll 11 1J ?i Jii.'..l..,,'' l,',p."lle , ..' rtlll lillill l III' 'U loiitnri"! Cl A' i i ) i, I 1 I ,V 4 1 1 , . U .1 ' . o, ; n i . n IMZVrs .f.f f.,-. n ol v.tih'li ni" will 'Wftrrnni ' hoof L'..od mmoif-ietiire and material. And-ivery (irllele ronneted wilh the ovlewill be fold low lw rash, or on W ercrffl 10 prmnP" '.RKIMIRINC; of all kinds done nt the shntlest ...mcc. loi;. ilnr ill. itinuning Caiila-ci, nr. 4 nuking Church and other CuHhl-nt'. Jan. 7. I" IP. fM-ly. J- J- C- N'ATIf'I'' !VI i . flUL iindetsigned. having illspoMdofhbusinesR B above, v. .mUl p sp-vifally lvc notice, K allusnn- icl.b.Ml lo by riot.- or nreo.inf will call at the store of Mr. J. J t onoley, imrt same without del y. they wiU much ol.Uge llim ) ii not, he must oWiirf im. ,,.,,., GUY C. HOTCHKISf. 1W Itm. Jan vh 1 ' m rnn.l'll ATMI I ' II Ic I-'. St I IH l I nv -iMi' . ( KFOS, enntiitninRfrotii iU to i"o iu. u.. 4"' ' Goshen Bauer ; I lb boxi-a do. Chocfs j foratiln by D. W. WOOD. Feb. 3, 1843. FLOUR. QvIiKLS Fnyitlfville Cnb and Fin Flour ; AeJ in .1 1 l,ir ltl,l mniTfina do. 50 Bushels Oats, Jos' fclvednnrl for mierjyi 4V UIF nun - - r -' . - . . . JliM'.Lt.r.n Mcivfir. . Jan. R. pf)f IJ()IJ.. 1 C Rarrela new Mess Tor jttst ffWH frm 1 ) New York. For sale by ' HARR1SS & RtSSELL. Jan. 'lb. " Flour, Corn, and Oats. 40 UULS. Fayom.XiHe Hour, htie, suBcrnnc ma x. . v. 10 UVuls 6.iti Vet TV. B Mrtfli, for wile by L RON 1. V, WALK UK HALL. Jan. 27. liI VQVL'VY CENTS rUH GALLON. CB.MPHINE falling at forty oentaprillon Deo. 7 th. Z. L BUCK WHUATT7 BI'.LH.. boxe. and bag Ibick, beat ; ic- r.fl ll.,.,. r"nrn ctivJ per biig Utflle, aud for wh" I'jr, D. WAV VOOD. Feb. IS It WHISKEY AND ,ML,AS.SKS ,rrHBI.St. N O. Vshirtey y ' 1M) do do Mol iaaoa, doilv eitprptiid ami f.r 0bf C. W . BRADLEY. Feb 1 ;r f W '-' f"".'; ifluiTT' . iXfaiMt'" MORNING jMAHCII 11, NOT ICE.. rf,"s I" in.'orm the eitim pt,UmlnsiO ihat x j uiv,: ,iirchacil the gnjplilne L)jitJUry pi Mr. , Tiro Smith.' nn't Iimp (01,1,11 ilmt nmrnftt(i h no JiUtally M.-ivlnVon. tUe,.m.I1Mnyy. , ;tlhiivenirHoyMhiiMd niid ' uffirlMrt mmrf M(. Jumli Iuh kmiily icnJottci bin adviuiand wiper-1 vision .r se viral nwnthsi. . , 'Theeon. m, will he Mndnetvrl prrrlwly on thti sDiurjpiiiQftif,iii;rJy, c. DtrRF. ' I Wilmington, Peh. S. ' .r1ainmniv.;..l Il.,l- Mw..L u PiinutAtt wfyBfegiMH lmirmton.ln th. (jujmAfrca liimknt. MARTIN EEWIS & Cos The " Onlj )loix or llir'tiiiil in CalIraorr FO 1MK KXCLllSIVE ' S.ilB OF kmOtfYS Wli.lB." Sv. ''.l Uuliijmirc titeel, .wikI tlcftf. JW ( Ckurltt tlrec.1. TV i-linll n iiiMve in lime for llie fniim' Husln fioill our pre! nt Store, jn. 21! Ihltitnnre nt K - lof CharU tt., ti vtK Now uujl (;Onillt0i4iv nri -iiiiuki', now ijiiilQinj:, ll illimi rc utrnl. mi thf nme tidrnf Hit ulr'it, Irnl 7W (toon abftrf UwjLh drut, V lovvc twil lie mm tu u 0111 ; nij riiMviiK -rn. . , "li lililU.-U iy lu Uiy liO.nU It Uili 'H,, 11. i ii . i, iimi inn, nu' 11 vit lUH'n nil leunvlrie.d i..I)tvn.l i!"iil. , llint a hncin. 1 like ' w',r,ld Miwt wilTl Ihu mine eneournnenif rtf hi-fe, a, M,u,L,r l,bli.1u-.-iiiifw niiivvjeiu pt lud Muriel; ,-iml that fpuhry , UfuM i". by a MRfht trial, otitd sue the -iol ( : iiy III UJ villi! 111.1 r (vli.KU v.t rui(l, Iti.uil mafttiieA', to linvih'ir V uolm (1 ., w litre 1 hi v houiiht' ei:)', Dro.o. K:inf rt.M.. W haw, thm- t-r... ll ....... i-v-JW-.-rr." - v. w,-. 1 eru. tnaik: fliit-U ai riitiufiin n 1 tin. .... i n ! ,;1','i ll:nl w-' ' that we cohfl.ii nilv Invite i'nu iiiuniion of u DwIi'rfiiHnjf ur' .MiiriH't otir 'I'.tlnhrmhilht, I rtu.iiiini. than, fl.ul in 1 1 ... ..... , ....L ..,ul I n y. ur 1 I'llLiM. we shall he s. cnnil M no Hon-- in the Cltmtry u liiivt huJ ojjr own Iluyus in Euiepc. and wiJl he kfpt 6iiiiiii'd diiiini: the hi riM-e. lili ihr in iv. st and rh'.ieeft l-'ntiey tlnnds In our line of huBlnt w, "huh linulanij an j Fiance can product for'a l.inlih ;i r i ( V'( Mini;!', n nk o .Se:n Ih, Or.iv -il-, Serpen .I. r, filovm, Handkerchiefs, and othr(ii il. J. iuiup ed P. i Mi n'.-. wear. OUll S'I'OCK CUNS.STS OF Frcnuh, Eukilisli, IJeliiin i'o rniun and Domestic I CloiliH, Catsimi-us and Co.sklrH, of rti TV 'ciilnr. "a.1.i, and quality ","-oi no UM . u nuU.H'.tuS cli pi'iducc, mill." "larattlce to m 11 the leidtna tuak. h. us ceon ". l "" ""'tm n,i n, 1. 1 1 . , i.iviiw..i'.r i KreH "Vukhh, atuuip a thtu ii(ji'W3 ju Avw . ! ' IXPlSis D ft AT D'F.TF.S, anil ttiLK WART , CASHMKHETTES, Tvvntits of every kiixl and) dcsuiipoon, foreign and ilooieHlie Niiiiiincr Clothn, i t'uvnii r,iftns. Cddrin?iori. O.imliroons. Ife.iw lioiirliaziro and Alpnchai, Willi i number of other i choice and diMrahlu (J.jjingis for Sp.'in and -Sum- . in.!riVear. I FANfTY CASRIMKRES, FANCY LINEN I DRILLINGS and VOTINGS. Of U,. 6t! Uood, , whether for extent, or beauty, our nssortincnt can not tu AKdllfft iim'tvliiirii Vimiu nMm.r nn Vrli,iti in T-.....W, r,rn,,, i,.,,.- our own luipoi laiiun of iht viiy Jalciit slylc. liiiyet ( with us have the yreat advantace, to i;. t iheir fancy - it,u(1b K.tlK f.trtAttrt n n.l il.mi altr. n tlnultf .nl H "..t ....... ..... ... ................ ... . ( , ........... , fru, v hal they din find tin m any when clue, a . ntlmv lln rem i n. ikt rmriiVnf ihrtond nn, Mr.lcnH 1,1 l,u frnm rtc- i any -Jen 4 f - - " " MHnsol nnr own a LINEN.S ANO OHILLINGH. Whiiii (ia'in Fa. ed Driilinps, Duck bd4 INuvy Dfil-1 lin,s. I!r..wn f rich - ( he, kod I.mens for ' jo : ii nu . i o i : .is, liiuwn iitnril i.hiiti'. rami'! linns, lor rvaties uir. t ' ,)( '..'S' W EAR, of a!l lilnH. i.n priiMly lor (tic pin poi. BJL(I u;l ;LUT,,, tw VlHlU ,Hl-t. of the ,J. .t,,,',, ,,.,t,i-,,lli.-.,.Vi..,.ril I I I MILITARY COMPANIES nnd ror.LFOT.r 1 i finni-lii d w lib Clo'hs f r Linifoim. nt Fclorv 1'rl- i ., , c , al.-., with Mi.iia'yau.l N Tniiiuiii-, vf - leveryde,c,i,!n. , 1 TAILORS' T 1 11 M MINOS, of Mnporlor (Qualities, i 1 viz: 111 irk l'.ni;!ihli .-alin, lllack anil ( 'olured Silk I elvils. Llv k nnd C'ond Silk S, re. s. C. , j,.,,, H(. ,,,H,.k Oolo.d ,f,lHM.hl, st.,rB, p,, Alchasand Silk S-U-tvc Lin iigK , Vrni.i.i Sewin.-s. Rl,in., -U S. win. s. I'.l.iek nnd Cird TwlM. Patent Threads. BwllonH, nil kinds, : w,s,,, and Silk UliiiinK, ic, 4c, Ju:., Canv.iHi, . I Pnddirics. Silmias. Moll nd.-. Wieidns. White Mu- imp, lyiitorro miiMlinp, w iidillnt'B. i FOR t DAI ilM Ak'KltS. Silver Drnb nnd Uluo Clo'lif. 1 Ji.i b Sun s lor ( 'ur lain LiuinuH, W oru- t-dDnnn-k Her knmsnnd Dmb YrivetB. FOR SHOKM A K'F.rk. Clothii and CnHnifrea of ilu C'ulore lot Gaiuis, and Laftinja, black Olid colored, of the beal nualily adks Ki NTl f KV JEANS DE-1 80" as ,0 authornhip of the letlera ,nllu iher lew priced Coot and Pani stuffs, dfd to in Cfeiwral Ortlers No. 340. If he COTTON ' ini.ii!, ami older lew pi I at Ijclivy pne. s. .ii. rcluint lailorsnnd Manuiactu , r-rn of K- idy-mnde Clnthtnj, ns will ai Couniry i l).aler. will find thciliselvca well paid In exatuiliing our stuck. . m . To enable n Merchant always to aell Cheap, Ids Mock muM b of thi.l nntiin- ihiil f.tBhlon cinrtel depnxieleiL Olherwist he is qimi lied to charge more on 0ine flood to m ike lip tor his lossi on ' otlwita Aa In our httalniiB ihls dimculrr t happily iivoulcd, oui Slock always being mr one, i: nui ur,ty trtn. IdR WU! It out Coodf, , i h, r for f'nsfi, or j l Sulmtontial and Piineiutl CaMlnmi ra, on tlmc Ml rnk. llii.l fcltuUfiivc full taTfksfWc i i.hi. M.1RTIN LEWIS A Co. Ao. 2113 DaHUnort tnrt, Tuo Donr M't of ChnrUi iti tet uppvtiU H . ij.ut, Lhix nn 4 Hvd i iriu Store. il.ifllmore. February Ist.RiO. ltI .'inn 0. UUNAWAY. AYOTNO NFORO WOMAN ntimrd DOLL V, hired oi J. Pick. li. rq. Ku c. of ll '.'a I'icisi tl, d'-e. v e will uivt-n n wani oi 10. lot tn W n"ton no oenrTy . -nn, .....r. r . . . . i , , . . . u i nnl a lurihe' r. wnul nl 5 1.' ho Mien evwetne a win i.iim.j u.-v , . - - i iwble "s to :niivj I nnv white man ol harboring her. yx n.Mreosed to th CteneraNn-Chlef ; DotM MH-rH ib iirnaSor 'tpiiimaii..fof j ir,arrtneri as I know mrsMf ro be deep k,,... d ML a'rL. 1 ly grieved and wronged, it only remains . . . ...... 1 i ii i . . ft. o. j. ji'RI'.h. Ftb.a. 1J7. WI11SKKY WIUSKKY!!., Cn PftLS. N O. KieiinM Whiskey. Jut u reived Zil m) for mU- by J AW. L McrtAHV. Fb, I .. ui- f 20 iw HBLft. prime Pork, lr fate br M VRTLN. Ill 12, sphLl WW Jl'Jlll IL, 1848. NO 153. iGExiziirsiiiii. I lie fnllnwmjn" is tii enntinnniUnco bc- u - eea CVi.rals Scon aod WoaTU ' UfhijBb l" ''1U ttltesl wt6 latter 0 ml the SUSt- hmihiuu ol tue iunuer : Vlrvi,-,, Vn'f 11 IftfT" t t , All-X" "i Nt EMftf.U , 1 5 IT. I leafiv with much nsnofirshntPtit jUirtt Hie pef'v.tiiitig opititoh in thw rmy ,f iwrora he imjTOftiOft ' of u toaiMiniou'' i wlrtuct iirtl.e tfiii! niiii the iiivoi-ntJOit of o. 840, IuM and. Mind jebtrday, to injjt, Of) Oiu? tyf tjjg 1 tli cii', ,illun(jd la. Alyvfiaffi - cannot lr.unik)si ijiysc , opinions! to bo ipriectly Rumen iicveniieii'ss rcer A r,l 1 life tltA Ktrrti ' hourct: 'ffbih' vi'lilnl ' 'such imjmtnfi'ortt' flow, srt nefi6nnly nftciin,q' the frtmlntes hb "U 'yenipiiiir, the ehoraetor find n.e ' lulws ' nu ftn othrer, of !im to whom n'y mny he iiiiin il, I it1 id it inunuiboiil on )' In a:-k, as now do. P'spcetfull y, ol tlir lioiiklif-s itrrii JiitafiW of the Oftneral in 'hn't", w hi'th'T, fit irfiv lit iiooor doirro,. lie coudoscenJed ti fippljf: or ,leifrned to i liavo applied tin: epttlKH CUUliUJitU ii) .lhal iord.'rio my -elf; aml,.eoiiKepientjy, wheih- er tile general unitary o'iuon orheiitinifnt ill ill at limller as Uuen a ngat or mten- .J J I IV'i' 1 IOJ1 . . , ' , . . , . .. A-V ,'r'iei I biiau oit pitnioneu 101 i-n.-t.nmy wil l ni-rrr-nrv nil Cni'lV reltIV tCIIiIH COTfl- liiniiir oiioii Vrry rrcpeclfnlly. &c. V.y. Html n,' nrevfi ffinjiif r , 1 ('omijKHtftllYfT: Vitrl lAtVlfllOll. m utt, A A. Ailj ( leu Head'piartOM. IJ irAr'iffAriTntr 6vrthi 'Aimiv, Mr.6t6 Xoi-nttbrr 14, J47, ' Si 1: . I have the hoieir to acknowledge the receipt ihw inorjuiii; qf your coiauiuui-c-ntioii, 'dated the 13th instant, relative lo ( leoei ,i 1 ( M'dcr.'J No. Sln, and I ail) InSlPie.- Ur ted iiy (lie iciierni in- criiei io repiy i nai i' the ("JrneTo! fVrler Nn IM'.I was, as ispref- i t v ( lea rl v ' xp.res?ed oil Itn face, mennt to I , 'upplV'toa letter signed Leon u his, in New (.Uleaiu newspaper, uul to Uc sum , mary of iwo loiters jjiveii in the Washing, ton L'nioii, and copied into a Tmnpicopu ,i r. to llie author, aider, and ab''tt6r.i of ' 'tie m' loiters, he they wTx.mihey may !" I nvn. very rospet-tfully, vour immt Obedi- i'iii Ht ivi;m, 11 L. bCOT U, ,L,AA4lj. Cien, uianding, &.c. IlKAMit Ait ri'ii's, VrnsT Drxtsto ' Mrr-yrirmlxT, 14,'lH47. I have had the honor to receive Sin your letter Ifl reply, hut iOt in onuwer U) f a flf daVe. handed in this iv i iv ui j"1" ' ' t iTinrmnir ..w...,, Q r - . t.x,JlcSkC.J ua 6 face" to admit of any , ' ' r .,,,!;,.., , ;,, ; rrmrd trt vrrtnn : 1 ne yeuci-ui oruor, is iw cai,' " ' i i " . - . llie oliject ot- Uiy UlUT, . i i fcUOClVOieU I .1 .- . .JiUr in t-Vl.f ,1 in c e ir v to ( l'l. so. vvii nisei ii u Riiu . ' . . . ... . .. v. and with a rievr 10 further meas- ' . . . ." . . . . . .. ... I ,C i din jwloivl I UVM lO iriHri;i Jlly.-roil, ll, nr. I nil y-j-rm, w one ol the por.onR ro'.eioo 10. Uecret- , ll II tl II Its liccowi ? iv. him m..w.. ed agaui re-pectlully to solicit ten answer o that quei-Uon. I aak it a nn act of silo i!c insiicc. winch il !.- hoped will not be j ; Idled I have the honor to be. very respectfully, ur obedient tcrvrmr. W J WOKTH Ilvt. Maj n ( 'oni'nanding I t Division. Captain H . L. Si orr. A A. Adj. Gen. lleadtpwrtcfi. HKAivr.nn:ii3 or tjie Aiimv Mevn. November 14, 1647. Sm The Genral-in-ehipf dHirea me to r.'jilv to vour imic of ihia dnle, by Bnyiit" ilifit'hr cannot be more explicit than id fits n id V trroufrn me, nlrenrty friven l nqtriP Miai notliinii to do with the suspicions of oth- eri allJ 1JU3 u0 positive UlforiflatlOn him- IihcI vfllid irtfiHrmntioii on tho subject he wmild irnmfdintplT prowent the fnriif!) before ;t rrrrieTiii court mrtrttal I linv.j the lionor to be, very TCKpccttntlJ', ! ..(J(Jt yLf Jieut FtTVaht, tCm"r K A - . u. wvwi , "' Ua Maj. Oan W J, WoRTit, U. S A.. comoianding, HkAIHH ARTrRH IT. DlTIKMiJI, . Mkiicck Nov 14, 1847 PiTt It n due to ftfrieinl conrfesv nnd prnirielv Unit I aeknowlcdgr yotir letter (No. VI) in answer to mine ol Una (late ; and in doing sn, and in closing ihi correspon dence wnii the nen.iqunnen ol this nrmy, hi'L- penniinn to say. end with reeret , i in ve rerpived no salisriiftofv answer i ii.ii i ri.f,,! ,nm.lri. h..h I r , ,v mi,.a . as I stiai uo. tnrouirn me ribed channels, to ihe eonstituliona! I. V I. M . .-, ' 7- . r rr f 1 .1N ,:.f eoinrjoander-in-cniei. i ii -i!Jiu-Mi-vu:c is pleased to say, through you, that "he hns nothlnsr to do with the soapjciDOfi of - m mhrru. aral that he has no posiUv lafoxma ition himself aa to the authorsUip, (tc.-r (jranlcd BmI has not the tnancr in which i the General in Cht' f has. been pleased to trc it the cnic, r-itahlicrie 1, whether design cd or not is to be iierk.arii.nnemtii, lie scntirrifnt'hMn (We WbitTct'Ui'I'!ier nref olwnjs enough of (iiM pecuiini And peddontml ipecie, who onl rex t.u pott t)i brenth of utlw)ritjrt to: catch tir!tbo:;whi:n penng of fancy' and infest whole i liHtA':e ry cOrnrifnirutj 1 do not deaigo "to , bd , r fi'id nnder the mi&srna of wicli, mi suicien,. rtown, in my advancod ge witbouVtm ef-i fori to coBvinc, my friends ibat I . acdmUO:; wear "honora not .earned." ,., -;.fi5, I jemaini lir; yonfoVl. Mi'tto) . ,f. W. J. WOimi, B'vi. Mai. Gt i m pl. II L Scott, A. A. A. G. Jleatt !r miartelrs. , . , !,;,.., (liu. IlKAtiyt ABTiins IT Diviiiox or TtiK Artutj. f , ... Mf xtroNorfinler 16, S4l. ', . Sm: From the urbimry ftrvl jUenl conrt duetthe malice And irijnsdce pfac -i tmed by t)i general officer cojrirrtapding U til chief thi aritiy Major, General ,WnfiId Scot 1 appeal at 1 my xtbt uad prifi;., , to liie eottf UltiiioDfil , ewputon'jGr.'M'H hief,.tli Prfiitb rit of the United;, Statei rtd'i I accuio Major General Wiehl, SfltHi'd of hnviiigcM4 nt a wwuei uA?wwki(lv nn llicer iB(l gejilleronn.;; Uft iyfuU.,; etl himself df hie tiftttoi! to piilhki fyjtfa- (vntfidi it y46 thb army ArMeh b4 c0Pii, nnd of the influeiij f :hi4 Matioa tafirdi the higher effect to aj),,()fdei,:barwg5atft,i Nov. 1', U47, iiml numbftrftd, 5M9 twfl&flvyi printed copy litrevnb.) calrulfliUiii Anditie,: l ineil to cast odium nnd disgrace "POWio Urewot Al.ijor General Wprthta bring thtt ofeiiertil olhcer into dwrrpuK! .wit1U,,tJ)ft ..tuhnt uiy, and to letiseu if not-dtnlroy jii jusrt irv , tliteuflo nrd proper uutliorilj with, .those ofr,.t fieers and Nolihertt over whom he 14 placed in cotruriand.! Thai he hu, without inqui;ii ry or invetnig.uion, m tho auitl order, (puh- Jibhetl to the tinny and lo the. world,) talao- . ly charged Brevet jVhijor Qejjeral Vortl ., with having written, or connived , aU' tb -writing, ft ctrtam letter, publwhed , r hf Ciiiteil Stuiej, null to which he , ha been,,-, 'pltftmed to apply the epithets of ionx, jiialiuant," &c, 'JHjijt haa mpAp,u hnmu ataieuienls to llm world, giving,, U) tlii.m the anclioi ,of hu higr attlliority aotl , tb-, w)fluoc of hi.s posfltioii,,w.bAJit he-.hajR aclt now led i;ed tliit he hud no ktifijrmatijMin, tis to tho fiuihorihip ol the letter ut question; , and, when respcf;tfully uud pioperly aJ- ,, dromed upon the ao;bjcct by the unrsignj, f cd appellant, h &t declined 10 reply wh , tiler or not he intended to impute to Brevet Major Oeneral Worth conduct which ha )HX6 characierized as ' acaudaloua, walig- iitiot, o. lio pleased to refer to AOrrw-, pouilence herewith, marked from. A toE. I do not urge preuent action on these ac pisaiioni, hecauiMi of the incoureiticnce of jhe bctvito in withdrawing uiany ofRcen frotu thoir tlulics ; but 1 do humbly and repeetUilly invoke the President's exarai- . tintiou uito the cae, and such notice (herd4,.,' of ami protection from the nrUitfarycortf able. . r I have tho honor lo be, very respectull, , rour obodicut servant. .' .., , 3 W.J WOKTIi; Bl. Maj. General U! 8. A. , To tho Hon. Sec't'y. of WarWnahingtoa Endorsement on tkt preeeding letter ' dated Norejnbcr J VA This pnppr was prepared on tbu dayos'' iU daio, but iraiisuiitMion delayed in iha , hope, not realized, that mature reflection . would suggest an act of justice'. C W. J. w. . IlKAIKiL'AKTKnS (.F THE AttHT IN' M EX ICO,' A'uetmbtr ttv 1847. Sir. V our b iter lo me of the 24ih inst f covering a eornniunicatioo from you 10 ib Secretary of War, dated eight dny before, professing to be nn appeal mjarTHt Genera I i Ordera No 3 If, msned frnm this othri, bos been received, nnd Itii) rnoniing read by th Gene ral-in -chief. For the studied contempt ami disfespect towards the Generai-in-chief expressed in . that communication to the Secretary of War, under the form of on appeal, I tuakh litrwted by the General inbief to desirt) that you will unmo lintely consider yourself ( 111 a state of arrest, within the limits of tbb! city : and to odd that he shall, by tba firat.J opportunity, form a funeral coart martial 14 for your trial on that and probably otbetii inniters. ..a -. I have the honor to be, very respectfuMr, ' your obedient servant, 11. Ia. cUJl i j A. A. A. Gen,' Bt.Mnj. Gen. W. J Wokth, u. b: A iu( lo il.UUI Charge and spa fidlw prfcrred a'fkikdjBt Maj. Urn. Wrik, f iki U. S. A., .'. ! Chak(;e Behaving with contempt and disrespect t.owurds his commanding office. SrjioiriV ATib.N, In this, that' th-Jibid BrTet.Mai- 6en- Wortli.iri a commufaltjit-,' tiun. jif.ted NovcrnbetllQ, lJresscdli through the Acting Atwistanl Avy-itaat,, General attached to the jrrciieroi beadquojKi t(rs oifthe Amonran fore m Mexicoy tT. the Peeretarv of War, under the pratferrt nnd form of an appeal t the President tt' the United States from Ceneral Order Na o l'J, published Nov 12, 1847, in the irfl, nnd by the command , of Maj Gen. acdttk (JoncraJ-ui-chief of the said forcci &t ta time, a ad still the said Wortha's omdWrjrJ, ing officer, tl Worth 4rioy.csjj thesuii Scott of hnving 1C0, w tli4 Mid orderoetoated by - roalica" It Jtinat imn, the said Worth, as well as of Jmvitff actod ii a mtirlrier hnbewntrif trBc atatsi. rraleiwin" toarf7 riim:Vhid 'Wotlli,4 iu 'the Vhe iaH-Jr-fcrY 'All lhi wT above written iTt, r WINFIELO SCO I T. Mj Gcc1, lt$f Januat v 1