Smm TtrrixTi. Several parcels Spirit! of Turpentine bar ba brought to market by Railroad-! end Boats, but none sold that we hear of. - Timim.-38 Raft have brat disposed o? since Thursday at the following price, 1 rait at (, 1 at 5, 2 at 7, 1 at 9, 1 at 5, 2 at 6i, 3 at S, 2 at 6. 2 at 5, 8 ami 7, 1 at 7, at 6, 1 at S, 1 at 4 and 19 more, ranging; from t3i toJU per M., price varying according to Gallery "of. Paintings, 77 MR. M ART1N, ARTIST, 0 Rtchmond, Fsi, rce pdctfully informa the Ladies and Gentlemen of Wilmington and Its vicinity, that hi liar taken Room for a short time, adjoining Moiart Hall, (in the same building ) where he will be hnppy to submit his r inspecild quality. I No transaction in any other articles that wc arc op- i Shields and Quitman, prised of. collection of Paintlnca to thier inspection. Amongst them will be found original Portraits of the late Chief Justice Marshall, of the late venerable Bishop Moore ! of Vs. of Bishop Capers of 3. C and of Generals The three Inst. recently Mint ed in Charleston. w; rjf Admistion Free. Mr. M. wilt remain in Wilmington Ions chough to puiDtrQTnv miuutt 1 execute any commissions with which he may be fa- tHAKLbS ION MARKET, vorcd during the ensuing week. March 9. There was a good demand for Cotton March 11, 1M8. 1532t. yesterday, but the operations were somewhat restrict- " MrVRTI I C niVl IV n A rrVV ed In consequence ot the high prices demanded. The KVMVlll OAUULiMA UAlvUOI. sales reached fully 1800 baits, prices in most instances ! A 000 I,BS' SMe nnd 's"oul,,er8- Jus,1 ,. . . , . , . t.UUU Ceivcd per Rail Road, and for snip by were even more stringent than on tic previous day.' ' 1 HOWARD A PF.DF.N The transactions were at extremes running from O't March II. 10 sc.; a very large portion oi t lie nay s ousiness now- ever, were ut prices within the range of 7J a 7(. Rice. The Rice market continues withoiitchunge. The sales reached 200 tierces, at prices ranging fioin 9i S ib to i 5-16tlis. per hundred. March 11. HAY. 1 rf prime Eastern Huy in Stoic, and Jl JI lorialcby G. W. DAVIS. NORTHERN MARKETS. hc Northern Mail yesterday was almost a full tire; mo much so us to leave us without any lule news from trie Northern Markets, The doubt and uncertainty that slill exist relative to the Treaty, and the contiudictory statements daily received from the seat of government, keep the public mini in n feverish condition, and the stock market is in a very unsettled stutc. While some are suffering under the evils of a secret session in the Senate, it is Spring Fashion for 1848, rui THE Su , also, a new and see them at March (J. Subscribers hiivo just received per Alone, the Snrinc Style ol MA la; lot of WALKING CANES; call MYERS & HARNUM'S. 152 HOUSE AM) LOT AT AUCTION. ON the Mill of March, at the Court House, will be Fold, a House and Lot on Dork Street, above boundary street, next south-east coi ner of M s. Cal der's new How. Lot is 66 by 150 feet, one siory uepected that parties In Watl Street, New York, 1 House and Kitchen, and joud Well Water In the .r...:ii.i..f. i.i i... i .....i.i k i... yard. For terms apply lo S. M.WF.ST. March J. liave facilities for reaching the Interior ui tlicchanibi r of that body, superior to any other class of optimum. The news fmn Europe is oi such a favorable cha- ! rectcr, as regards financial and commercial affairs, that any further exportation of Bpecic to any extent is not very probable. Should the rise in Cotton be per manent, our exports will rapidly TnereaSe, and the balance of trade change the specie current in our favor. A speedy Improvement is expected in monetary af fairs in New York and other northern cities so the papers say. Hut they do not yet appear to have ical ized that prosperity in this respect, so confidently pre dicted Some time ago the notions concerning which we took the liberty, at theitne, of expressing some doubts; aa we now do as to any very sudden im provement. If the Treaty is ratified, things will cer tainly assume n favorable aspect. We must wait the tlow and salcly inarch of Legislation. THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, by Dr. A.M. Maiirieeau Professor of Diseases of "unit n, lid edition, !cin, pp 250 ; price $1. 25,000 cwiui tolU in three month. The great demand for this most important wink, (of which thousands ure sold,) has compelled theissue of another edition. It is iff'.. ruled especially for the married, as it discloses important secrelsVhlch should be known to them particularly. Here every female can discover the causes, symptoms, and the most ef ficient remedies, and most cctain mtde of cine, in every conipluinl to w hich lier sex is subject. It is an important ipiestion to the inuiricd why it is that we behold so ninny married females sickly, debili tated, and prostrated, as also the causes, and whether h'ry arc susceptible trt rf nudy. They will here fihd ilicso important matter, connected with discoveries in medical and physiological science, which meets that question. This work is designed to, be in ike hands of every wife and mother w ho litis a regard for her own health and welfare, us well as that of her husband. The revelalions contained In its pages have already proved a bb ssing to tlmnsands. To those yet unmarried, but contemplating mar riage, or, perhaps, hesitating as to the propriety of in curring the responsibilities attendant upon it, tue im portance of being possessed of the revelations contain ed in these pages so intimately involving their future happiness, cannot be appreciated. 'opus will he nut by mail free of postage. On the receipt ol one dollar, the " Maiiied Woman's Privalu-Medicu1 Companion1' w ill be sent fiee of poa lagntoany part of ihc United States. All letters must be addressed (post-paid) to Dr. A. M. Muiriccau, Box 12-2, New York city. Publishing Office, No. V)4 Liberty street, New York. For sale by the following Agents : ZKIIIK.R A ( 'O., Philadelphia ; WM TAYLOR A CO , liailimoie ; W. ADAM, Washington, D. C. ; CHAS. F. KISIIER, Richmond; R. C. PARtl.AY, Norfolk GAINES, RICHES A CO, Pelersburg, Va.; L. H. PIERCE, Bookseller, sole Agent lo Wilmington, N.C. fcc. 28. 3m. 121 l!ji-2tp FOR SALE. THE House and lot owned and recently occupied by Richard Bradley; also bis House and lo' at Wiihtsville. Also, a lot ' owned by him, situated between Front street ond the i Wharl, in the rear of Messrs. Harry, llryaut & C'o.'s olhce. Mho, 45 Shires Wilmington und R. R. Roid Stock. I llarnuehc and Harness. 1 Carl and one Wagon. For further particulars in (pi:ieof WM. B. GILES A Co. March 9, 1R43. IS.Mt. JUST RECEIVED. A LOT of sup'-rior ORANGES nnd LEMONS, for sale low at the Store near the Rail Road De pot. Maich 9, 1849. ON CONSIGNMENT. Jiijl received from liaUimore, LBS. White Lcid, Eagle Brand, pure extra and No. I. This lit and is recom mended to be of very superior ipniliiy, ami the mainl ine tun rs, confident ol litis I net. have sent me a lot in order that it may be tested und introduced in this inaiket. I have also for sale super. Coach. Copal nr.d Japan Varnishes, all of which will be sold at the low est mar ket prices. A. C. EVANS. March 9, 1319. 2000 JUST RECEIVED On Consignment from Philiiilrljhin. NT. Case assorted I'ERFI'M EilV. from the wi II known establishment of Jules Ilniiel corn- niisinL' Kau Lustrul. Hair Restorative, Hair I) lCau Divine de Venus. Shaving ( Vain, Curling F id. Chimse Powder, &c. My stock of Perfumery nnd Fancy articles is large, very s led, ana win tie soul at iowcsi pi ice. Dye. Flu A. C. EVAN'S. March 11,1319. Valuable Properly For Sal?. mill'. Distillery and lot w illi a Cooper's tOiop on it, and other buildings, in California, at present occupied by Mr. JVhn Christian, l or price nnd terms, apply to W". A. W ILLI AMS. March J 1-if 100 March 9. LIME. Bushels nood Lime, for snle ow by E. J. LUTTERLOH A Co. ROBINSON & ELDRED'S (D II k D HI S. THIS MONSTER ESTABLISHMENT, by far the dhmI extensive and sustained at greater es pense than any other iComparry in Ameilca, und probably in Europe trie Travelling Cortige con sisting of orcr 200 I'trtont and llori It Is respect fully announced, will exhibit in Wilmington, during thewoek, under the Leviathan Pavilion, capable of sealing comfortably, Four Thousand Personal I Ity common consent of the Equestrian and Musi cal world, here Is congregated the best Krass Band, Lady Eipiestrian, Principal Epii'8trlan, Scene Rider. V aulter, nnd Tight Rone Dancer, that Is lound attach ed to any or all the Circle in the WorM, to wit : ihu Mainmort) Brass Band ! and Its Lender, Mr. C. Vo landt, 'he Lion Bugler, the notes of w hose Magic Silver Bugle are superior to Sivorl on the Violin, or Ilerz upon the i'iano-Foi te. M i demoiselle I leriettn I ! from Fnneoni's, Paris, nnd Asiley s London, tin- greatest Equeslri in, male or fi male, past or present. Hernandez ! ! F irst Principal Equestrian of the Age, w ho accomplishes liarkittinh, eveiy feat attempt ed by niortul, forwards. Mr. (J. N. Elilred I ! the Modern Ducrow! nnd On ly Dramatic Equestrian extant- The Projector of the New and beautiful 'Drama, entitled Mexican Monk, General Taylor, .S.:nlj Anna, Yankee Volun teer, and the Goddess of Liberty. Mr. Win. B. Davis! the Gentleman Comedian, late of the English Opera House, London, where he won the highest honois cv.-r awarded to any Equestrian in Europe. t Mr. Geo. Sweet! the 72 Somerset Man!! known throughout the Woild as thn best Tight Rope Dancer living, pcr.'orming Feats of Balancing on Drums, Tables and t 'hairs, at an Elevation of Ten Pert ahore the llojie, throwing from this difficult position, a I 'or vnrd Somtrift, and lo the great astonishment of his auditors, maintaining n balance on tlie Hope without Injury lo lilmst ll. Mr. Win. Kincald ! thcOnly correct Personification of the Primitive Indian Warrior, on his favorile Cns tilliuri Mure, will perform, without Saddle or Bridle, all the most durin" feats ever witnessed on Padded Horses. C.irto, the Immortal Clown, of the Royal Amphi theatres, London, and late 'if Bowery Theatre, New York, where he won tho cognomen of the Modern Giiuialdi und Hliakspcriaii Clown ! ! Tue foregoing are alone and unequalled the w ide world over, all stars of the fust magnitude; such as were never before found in conjunction, either of whom, (ns they have done,) would, singly, create a sensation in any capital in Europe, and together, have caused the pionress of this great Circus from New York to New Oilcans, the past sensun, to resemble a Ttlnmphul March, anil lo be visited by over Five Hundred Thousand Patrons, thousands of whom ! hail never before witnessed Circus performances. In ( vidence that no undue importance is attached to the unajrprmcfud and waymrparixM! The Manager challenges the Universal W orld to produce their Equal! CHINESE FAIR; THE FOOL IN PEKINl Performed by Carlo and Family, tided by the Troupe. Ladles unattended by gentlemen will not be admitted. Doors open at 6 o'clock. Performance to commence at 7J. Admission 80 cents. Children under 10 years arid Colored Persons. Half-price. WM. I.OUNT, PrinnW Afttnt. March 7, 1949. I5l-3t. ' "LAW NOTICE. rPHL Subscriber has resumed the duties of his X Just Received; By the Banpu Mary, from Jh$ion. 1 O Boeton Rockers, lA It Nuree Chairs, I 3 Urge Dining Tables, t Bureaus, 43 Looking Glasw-s, 9 different patterns, eoaae err pretty. For sale by ). D. LOVE. Feb. Z4. - 146, COFFEE. - .... OA Bsgewirne IloCofTr. FereileW ' , Fek 10. 140. BUTTER if CHEESE. JUST received per Schr. 0. W. Davis, 10 Kegs eitra Goshen Butter 50 Buses Cheese i 15 Caaka do forsnlehy J. f W. L. McGARV. Feb. 29. 149. Fsb. 17 tn nrrmtvr v r X.ASlX'iU'e HAM. ; b by 1 Af BALES, prime eosdlty. Eaetern Hsf or x JJ sale by . Vim. B. 01LE3Ce, 141. prolesslon, and will be found at his former office HPfPlVPH PPR P W flnftWM laiketSt ov.rIr Frn. r,us Wil.i. '"'blilthU rPjlv IV. VV . UKUVVW. on Ma.ket St. over Dr. Evan s Drug Store, Wilming- ' ' ' J ' 'J L' ' ,v ton, N.C. 8 , BOXES Oranges J EDW. CANTWELL. I Halslns N. B. And prompt ottentlnn glvi n loclalms tin- ' der Ihi! various Pension and Jlvunhj Lav, passed lo cncourriL'r enlistments In the llevultif Annv and Vol r Service of the United Stales. 30 bbli. Apples; Citron, N'uts, &.c. untce Ma Feb. 29. 3t. 1M. NEDiSWICK FEMALE SEMINARY. iiali:k;ii, n. c. instructors" Rev. J. J. FINCH, Principal. Monsieur J. BRADY, Music and French. Mrs. M. L. FINCH, English Department. MissW. C. BUOWM; Drawing, Painting, -c. TERMS l'KU SESSION. Boord, Washing and Fuel, $fi0 00 English Department, - - . $9 to 15 00 Music on Piano or Guitur, - - 20 00 Use of Instrument. .... jj 00 Music on Harp, 40 00 Latin Language, 10 00 French Language, .... 1000 Drawing and Painting, ... 10 00 The Scholastic year Is divided into two Sessions of five months each, commencing on the first ol April and October, and at the end of each Sssion there will be a vucation of one month. Pupils can remain during vacation without any extra charge. To pre vent extravagance and rivalry the pupils arc reiiuircd to wear a Uniform on public occasions, which con sists of purple Merino dining the Winter Term, and of while material during the Summer, with plain .Straw Bonnets '.rimmed in a corresponding style. Each bom ding pupil Is expected to furnish her own Sheets. Towels and Napkins, which, with her appar el, must In) marked wilh her name in lull. Furihe. information may be obtained on application to the Principal. Haleigh, Feb 10. 151-Gt For snle at J. WILKINSON'S. 140 FOR SMITHVILLE. FROM and afte- this date the .Steamer Calhoun, Cant. A. May. will leave Ike hurl. loi oi Market St every Saturday afternoon at 21 o'clock, returning Monday morc.lng at 7 oV lock. Pasange R0 cents esch way. Freights nt vessel rates j for freight or passage apply at thn office of CRONLY, WALKER 11 LL. March 2. U!Mf. foregoing nonpareils of Equitation, and thuGymna sis. there need only be mentioned the names of the residue of the Troupe Brilliant Luminuiics, that would be accounted fixed Stars in any other system th in that in which they are now revolving. Muns. Lee! the Celebrated Cannon Ball Huiler! and mosi distinguished Herculean Performer Ameileo. KI.OUR. OBIILS. 1' .yr tteville Flour, just received per Steamer Ew :e,r m. and lor s;d'.' b I It) WARD t P ED F.N. March !, 1311. CiLASS Jiul lh ci ii ett. per r PACKAGES assorted GLA."S A l r. WARE. Srhr. (iinnijiu. 1 r?t l si-itin" of the latest Style nnd Pntterns of f.WI'S DFJASTEHS TI Mil.EHS u .v;.s, spice jmis, dishes. SALTS. FLASKS dc. a:. c. Call at the Crockery Watc Rooms of J. H. KOTHWELL. March 9. l"2 COFFKH. -I rr H Vf'.S Ilio foil,. f,,r siiln bv IVA) HoA'AKD i PEDEN. A i FOR SAI.K LIKELY Negro woman, and Child. Apply lo JEREMIAH NICHOLS. lM-'-'t. March 7. March II. l.'.3 Furniture at Auction! 9 luilmn, now daily expected Auction Stoic, willi- rTi arrival of the Schr J we will sell in front of our out reserve. S4 Cane Seat fancy finish Rocking C hiars ; 12 do do do do Sitting do 4 do do Small Hocking do 0 do do and Cane Back Rocking do VI do do Common finish do 18 do do Rocking do !8 Wood do d 4H Cane Round Post do 12 do Grecian do . do Mnplc do j 20 Office Chnirs wilh Cushions ; 21 Wash Stands anil Tables; 24 Cane Seal Stools; 6 Wood do do fi do Desk do 43 Single Back do 48 Chlldtcn'sVlinirs: 41 Double Back Wood Chairs ; 12 Wood Nurse do 34 do Banister do 36 Cane do do 80 Common Wood do 4 Sofas; I Walnnl Extension Table ; CRONLY, WALKER A HALL, Auct'm. March 11. I5-1 1JACON: HHDS. Shoulders; ) 100 Hams. In Bags; just received per achr Gram pus from Baltimore, and for sale by F.J. LORD Co. March 1 1. , 163-31. MA RTINIQU K MO I , A SS KS . I STY Hhds. verv suDerlor Martinique Molasses, i it i.i. JHU I...... k.i.. iii,lni, n n,1 for snle hv J. f- VV. L. MiGAKi. March II. nUn. Daily Kxpoclid pfr Schr. Klouise. Iliniitmiiii,- 1 f :ii Slam s: n sliiL'le enciosru nsn Stands-Walnut and M-ihogiinV; 12 Nursing Chairs: tit'anc Rockers, witlaims; 4 .! ihnKany Rockts: liu incite Tables; Fancy Walnut Tubles; It. Walnul Towel Racks Ac. (: , F. CLAKK. Warehouse Front St. near Market. March 7, .Mr. Kobcso'n the Roman Gladiator, and dating Four and Six Horse Rider. Mons. R. Foster! the Champion Vaulter and Tumbler of Europe, und (Sweet excepted,) of the Woild! Mast. Reynolds, the Equilibrist and Necromancer. Mr. Diirand ! the Wonderful, Grand and Lofty Tumbler, Acrobatic and I'antoinimist. Mr. R. Edwards, ihePrinceot Dai kics and Medal Prize Dancer. Mr. II. Franklin, of a Vcrsality of Genius, that defies an nitcinpt lo define his position. Also, the Twn Beautiful Dancers, Misses Caroline and Louise Cailo. Win. Cailo'. will appear wilh his Father, Sig. Carlo, in the most beautiful scenes of Living Statuary. Mr. Roman, ti c most distinguished Banjo-Player and Ethiopian Vocalist In the south. Together with T. Stanley J. TVoy, J. Caruthcrs, and a host of others, each so good, and jet so c(Uul. that to give either the prelerence would be Invidious. The Costumes, Trapping, ami Paraphanalis, re cently completed in New ork, for this summer cam paign, have just eotnc In tiai.d, and arc pronounced like everything else in this Establishment, incompar able. The high order and purity of the Entertain ment, are tho distinguished characteristics of this Circus, and have won the Management many cher ished encomiums, from the grea'. and good. Tney will readily discover that here is the material, from which may be compounded on Equestrian, Gymnas tic and Musical Fete ! which the intelligent, the refi ned and the virtuous may enter Into with zest. The usual verbiage about " good order' " decorum,'' tc, is ompenseo wirn, since ui" enin.nj ",u,iiuiinou such an immense amount of talent, and to elicit lis sircniMli presupposes the capacity, aa well as the In clination, to n nder it, in every particular, proper to be participated in by all. The Magnificent and Gorgeous Appearance of the Grand Procession, formed by the Company, on enter in" each nlacc of exhibition, la the most sublime and imposing scene i ver w itnessed in the Southern coun try. The carriages, thirty in number, built upon tlv ino-t modern and improved style, curved, painted, and ornamented with Gold Letters nnd Stiip.s. in the imfl cosily and splendid iiiaitmr. The Harness is mo'iiilcd and ornainenled in a style of cosily niugui liei nee never belnre attempted in the Cnited Slates. The Imposing Grandeur ol a Procession of ibis kind, extending over a Mile in length, preceded by the most cosily ll ind Chariot, drawn by Twelve Beautiful Cream Colored Horses, may be easier-imagined than described. NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY "1HE MANAGERS take this method of inform- More Brushes!! JEST RECEIVED from a large Manufactory, an addition of lol doz. Brushes, of the best styles, including several doz. solid Rosewood Hair Brushes, Extra long Paint Brushes, from 0)0,0000 down, Horse Brushes. Mane do., Hesrth do., va pretly si ti de.) Crump do., which added to my already large and in I select stock of Hair, Teelh, Nail, Shaving and Flesh Brushes; embraces a selection from which the most fastidious may choose. My stock of Paints, Oils Ar., Is always large and it will be to the interest of purchasers to inquire prices before buying elsewhere. Whiskey, Pork, Molasses, NOW LANDING, From brie; Jno. Y. Elicell from Ntw Orleani. 1 aflll RRI'3 Heclified Whiskey; J.VMF200" Mesa Pork; 200 " Pilme do t 64 ' Molasses; IS hhds. Bacon Sides; 15 " Sugar; 210 Sacks Salt 150 Kegs Lord; Which will be sold low to close Consignment, by CRONLY, WALKER & HALL. Feb. 15, 1845. 143-lf. FOR SALE OR KENT. ' THF. ansiplredlessson wftsirfsndlolll. Ill IT, south of R. W, Brown', susodlntf la 1st OtL. 1919 is offered for ami , with th eiesllso MwCtwp' er's shoo and 8heda on ir sam. The above property may b rwred for HmllssJ time. Apply to P. CHURCHILL, or to DaKOSSCT BROWN, A Co. Fsb. 17. ;: HUnveh. 1, FLOUR t FLOUR It FLOUR!!! nrv BBL9. Eira Crnal Flow i U 20 Hit do. 4o. 4o. tm. Jost received and for aaU ky A W. L. HcO ART. Fsb. 17. - - 143. ' FOR 3 ALB CHEAP. . A LOT of fin Pickle, by lb barrel M Mmfrad j li. a mo i large aow M Of V.LrClANL Fsb. 17. . itaj il43. CANAL FLOUR iwHalf Bamla, (or aata hf W.A.:kANODOJf. Fsb. 17. 14X BACON. finfi LB Dspli HarnsV ,, K. JUUU 3000 " 8M, 2000 Shouldsra, 2000 " ' Jota, Received per Kail Road sad for Mia If P. W. WOOD. Feb. 8. 139. MUSTARD. ftf DOZ. Crommcllus' Mustsrd, for sale by UL CRONLY, WALKER A HALL. Feb. 29. 143 JUST RECEIVED. PORTABLE DESKS, and Ladles Work Boxes, at the New York Furniture Warehouse, Front St., Near Market. F, CLARK. Feb. 19. CANAL FLOUR. QT RBLS. best quality fresh ground Flour. 5fJ 28 Half " 20 boxes Buckwheat. 10 1-4 bbls. do., for sale by HOWARD A PEDEN. Feb. 22. 145 A. C. EVANS, Druggist. 135 Jan. 29. RECEIVED Per Packet schooner L. P. Smith. SVVAYNKS Syrup Wild Cherry ; Wls'.ars Balsam do. do.; Faliuestocks Vermefuge ; Capsules Ol Cubcbs and Copaiva ; t Sands Sarsaparills ; British Lustre : Sienna Cubcbs; Bermuda Arrow Root. Also--Thoinpsons compound Syrup of Tsr and Wood Nantha, for diseases pf the Lungs; for sale by A. C. EVANS. Feb. 22, 1847. CORN AFLOAT. r ry e- BUSHELS prime White Corn, for sale by O O J R. BLOSSOM, Hairs Row, Middle Store. Feb. 39. 148 CIDER CIDER. 30 Bbls. Champas-M CIDER, Just received in lor aa by Feb. 3, 184B-137. ;. w. l. McCMXr. BUTTER AND CHEESE. QC KEGS Ooshe Butm j 4J30 bo scs Cheese t received par MgBslU. a4 fur sale by O. W. WOOD. Feb. ll 1647 SUGARS. WOOLS EY S Lotf, Cmarhed, P&hvrltto, and Ground St. Croi2 rid .'orto Riefl 8ogara; rs. ceived per brig Esiie, sod for :ale try P. W. WOOD. Feb. 12. 1849. MEAL. 1 nC BUSHELS Fresh Meal.jnal received, a4 1 Kjyj forsalby Feb. 10. McXELLAR&ileBAE. M0. FLOUR. O BBLS., 30 Halves, received per Brig Bll fnt9 and for sale by D. W. Fe.bS. WOOD. 139. PLANTING POTATOES. Bbls. White snd Yellow Planting Pota toes. For sale by V W.nUUD. Feb. 1. 136. 250 FLOUX. Cir Bbls. FsyHtevble Fine arxi Utrp. flrw PToUT. rCVJ For sale uy M;CIX.1R UcRAE. Feb. 10. 140. N. C. KAY. Zf Balea Creb Gr?- Kiy, 0J BO " Cnt Rica very attpcllw, 60 " Rice Jt.-a-v, 100 Bushels Sweet potatoes. For sale low by HOWARD ft PEDEN. Feb. 17. 143. GLUE. " TEN Bbls., just received, and for sale br BARAY, Ctti'AfrT Co. 14. Feb. 22. aVotice PERSONS indebted lpbe subscriber for the N. Carolina .Standatd, ltt independent, University Magazine, by Note or otherwise, or for advertising, sre notified ropay no money to any Agents. except to W. K.. Oalis, K.sq. or Wm. Whits, Esq. Postmaster, at Raleigh; Natuaniil J. Palmes. Esq. Miilon, Csawell Co. ; Joii X. Hicks, Esq. of Franklin, Macon Co. H. W. Milleb, Esq. Attorney of Wske Co. ; Mr. Jno. Hiatt, of Greensboro' Ouilfatd Co. ; and Mr. Iibael E. James, General Collector, or his assistant. Mr. John Coi lik, In this State, and his assistants in other Stales. Those persons professing to perform the duties of Constables, who hive had accounts of mine In their hands from 4 to fl ycats, ore requested to mske re turns of some sort to cither of lhe above penllemen, or to mystlf. T. LORINQ. Register and Siandard, Rulcrgh. Insert 3 limes. Feb. 10. 144 RECEIVED, Y the schr. O. V. Pari, 6 Mahogany Crlh Ciadles; I Doz. Wulnut Chairs; fi " Common " 'J Elejranl Marble TopWash Stonds; For sale by J. D. LOVE. 1-19 20 Februry 29 DRIED APPLES. BBLS. Dried Apples, I bbl. Peaches, st J.WILKINSON'S. 148 JUNIPER SHINGLES. 50 QQQupi,PERSHirGLES,for Mle ri ot r wr i t rro i. ti i T r Feb. 29. CRORLY". WALKER & HALL. 148 IRISH POTATQE3. Bbls. fis-M.lor Plenticv Potatoes, iuat M ... U . . A received, tor ci! by H KH Y.-rj. y.I?(T l. niFTY eli Eeb. 22. 11&. W t41S KEY, Oojr, Cm, bokoes. Cow Ps Ac.fors.Ub A. UART1W. Feb. 18. 141 tr PACKAOHS Rallc best qtrallty. 3J 2 Caaea Cation O'Lijar. I Citron. : 6 Boiea Lemon Symp. Mace. Cloves, Mutmaf s, L.l.iiunoa wq aji t id or rr.s tMt nus ry. tor mm f3 B March 2, l343. ( 1 XDLES ! CA XDLES ! ! BOXES Hull A Son's Tallow : on ik eCJ 21 do Adamantine; Just received per G. VV. Davis J. 4- Feb. 2P. for sal by VV. L. McGARV. 143. T 151. LAMPS, (HANDKLIKKS, tamlclnbra, liirandolcs, Ilicli fhinamid Bohemian Glass lasrn, Hull Lanltrnx, kt. s. v. DIKTZ, HKOTIIEU & o HWiinWiiri Sfnrrt. So. LI9 U Uluim Street, (line Door Soulli of Fulton SI red,) ARK. Miimilactiiring and have always on hand, a full assortment of articles In their line, ol the lol loping desciiption, which they will sdl St wholesale or riail, ut low prices, for cash : Solar Liiuips-C.llt, Bronzed and Silvered, in gnat variety, Suspending Solar Lamps, gilt and bmnred. Bucket do. do. do. Side do. do. do. Solar Chandeliers, do. do. 2, 3, 4 ond 6 lights. Ciimphlne Suspending Lamps, gilt and nronr.ea. do. Bracket do. do. do. Chandeliers do. do. 2, 3, 4 at d G lights. Girandoles-Gilt. Silv'd and Bronied, various patten. s. (andclabras do do. do. China Vases and Bohemlnn Glass Vases, do. Hall Lanterns, a large assortment, plain and cut. do. do. with Stained and Bohemian Glass Llghls Lamp Wicks, Chimneys nnd Shad, s of all kinds. Paper Shades, a large assortment ol new potternsand ivif OILS Sperm. Whale ond-Lsrd. of the beat quality Superior Camphlno and Burning Fluid. iVc. 7, 1P-17. ll3-6mo w c. 8 MX Dozen Glass, Show Jnie of vniious sixes, fur sale Feb. i'7 I.ITIAM. 111). ailditioii to III -ir alrcity ext nsivc i ompany, tney lirive, ;it grenl expense, i tVeelcd nn Engagement wilh il,e celebrated Italian Trick Clown, Sig. FELIX i CAK.LG and Family ' Sig. Carlo, though only 12 months in America, Is known ihronghoui the I'nion ns th'-most astonish- Ing and indescribable perfornwr of the age: capable' of peiforming One Thuutanil Trick!! Many ol j whidi am o diflicult and dangerous, that they never j were and never will be attempted by mortal tnnn. He . creuted a greater sensation In New York City, than nil the Theatres and Circus s combined for the last ten years; ond agreeable to the New York Herald, and other loading papers, created more fun, than all New York eoukl tvallou. Signor Felix Carlo will appear os t wirn, io intro duce his Funny and Comicalities, such as his Military ICxerriie : his Hop, Skip and Jump : his curious way of McAdainising : hi new-fashioned way of Grinding Flour: his wonderful Plastic Split on a Board, his astonishing Spring over Stick, sinn ing und arriving at the full extremity of his sficle : his absurd way of Sleeping to prevent kicking ofl lied Clothes, his Imitation of aTelegrsph : his Swim ming on Dry Land, and oilier marvels. Signor Felit Carlo will give his amusing Clown's Gymnastic F.ntei tninuimt on Tun Chant! This Performance bids defiance to the power of pen to give a into desciiption of. Signor C. will show Dow suppleness is requireii lor Fishionable Compliments, Carlo's Aiilie en Tito " 'sig Felix Carlo and Son w ill apprar as the Ihtlo rted Miracln, and display their graceful Feats ol Fla'tirit'J, Strength, and Anility. Oracle on the Man ic Luddcr, by the Phynomen Clown Signot Felix Carlo, who stands In this Orlgl nal Act, without a I'aralltl ! Tho Man-'gement have alo the pleasure of announ cing to the Public the nnme of lr. GEO. SWEET, who has visited every part of the Inhabited Globe, and is known throughout the civilised World, as thegreat est 7ty' Vaulttr that ever lived I A hilni d. a cripiion of his wonderful Powers, will be found In ihe Small Hill' Thus In nddltion, by one half ihe lateral Company in thn I'nlled Ststea. here sre Two tht mntl ,tanihini Performer the mid i ver produr od ' Who stand now' as they have Hone through llfs NOTICE. Till'. suSscrilx rs respeelfully solicit those having l!. , l accounts, to call nnd and pay them ; and Irom the confusion of delivering Beef to servants, and the great difficulty of collecting numerous small Beef uccounis, must hereafter insist on selling for cssh. It must be nppinenl so all. that such a system will go far towards the Improvement of the Beef Market, and we bopc to be sustained in the s'rnngement. M. COSTIN A Co. March! IMS. W lf- SPARS '. SPARS ! ! 1 SPAR 09 feet lone, 18 inches in pardncr. 51 H2 77 r.4 05 " (36 ' For sole by March 4. 21 24 22 13 19 19 17 $20 REWARD. ' RAN AWAY from the subscriber, on the 27 th Inst., CATV, csrrylng with her her daughter CHARLOTT, about 11 years of age, and a nil about 3 oi 4 months old at the breast. Caty la about 30 years of age, not very blsck ; Shsrlott and the Child very light mulsttoee. Caty's mother, Jenny Shaw, livee In VV llmlngton. N. C. The above reward of 120 will be irlvtn for putting the aforesaid negroes In any Jail so that 1 get them. I forwarn all persons from harborlmr or Irsdlnir with said Negroes, and I will give a reward of $20 for proof that will lead to tho conviction of any person or persons of harbouring or trading with the said slavea, as 1 am determined to enforce tho lew to Its full ei uni. MILES POTTER. fi. B. The above negroes are supposed lo be lurk ing about the plantation of the eatate of the late Ad am Bloodworth, about 4 milea below town, on the River, or in Town. Feb. 29. 143-lf. FAYETTE VILLE FLOUR. ONE hundred bbls. FayettevlRe sope', floe and A Flour; ISO Bushels Oat a, Juat received per Rowan, for soie by J. dc W. L. JIcQARi . Feb. 29 148. Valuable Library at Auction, ON Wedncsdsy, 15th of Msrch next, st II o'clock, in front of our Auctloa Store, we will sell THB VALUABLE LIBRARY of Rev. T. Pofta, deceased, consisting of s large um ber of very select Theological snd other worls, also, all his periwnsi effects, Mathematical Instruments, Ac. CRONLY, WALKER 9l HALL, Auefa. Feb. 29. FLOUR. 4 4 BBLS. Fayettevilk. superfine and K hwdlng V per Odd Fellow. For sale by CRONLY, WALKER i HALL. , Feb. 29. 1 ,9 rl.n nf NnicM. rraundaf rr.s beat ai bv Bow.aiAtDiar, Fsb. 25. id LATHS. OK M of superior CsUls wbJ Pln L Ireb. n. m LstH for Asenl 144. i, SNUFF. TEN Hhf. Bbls. In Bladsn Anlcalt'a Bvottk Snuff. 5 Kegs Sslt Just received, for ssle by BARRT, BRYANT Co. Feb. 2t. 1- CHEESE. FIFTY, Boies Cheese just reesived, tor sale low by J. sf W. L. MtOARY. Feb. 26, 1849. HAY. f -x n t I f 1 H.v fnr sale bv i, . Llfrf ERLOH, s Csj. Feb. IS, 1848. 142. Dried Apples. 10 Feb. 10. BARRELS, just received st . i. vtiiavinaviv-a. 140 FOR RENT. WARRHOUSB snffieien to Mow 180 hhd. im.Molases. Apply to Feb. 26. . A W. L. McOAKY. OATS, EGGS, MEAL. ltU lOObushoUOaia, A W (rat Ural lost revived tad for me by McKIlLIE UcRAK. . Feb.22, l COTTON YAKlN. 1 Q BALES assorted nmher, M aasiy HOWARD & PEDEN. FEATHERS. LBS. Live (teese Feathers, ia small peek a - Feb 22. 141 ' pes. for sale by EV. J. March 1 LUTTERLOH A Co. 149 NEW SPRING GOODS. 0005 FINE West India ORANGES. forsaJe H. CI KUINnr.lLKK, l.irnsci i (hjh, the Read I so Room, has just retiirned from the North and received snd will continue to reenvu ad ditions t. his fine stock oil Soring Goods, vli RE4DY MADE CLOTHING ; s fine a.or menl fnshi..nubleand well n'nde; Dresa, Ftoek. and Sack Costs; an excellent assortment new style vesting.; Pantaloons In great variety. Ac, pc. DKY GOODS; a Iwauiiful nsaortnient, to whicli he respectfully Invites the attention of the Ladles -Handsome Lawns, Balxarencs. Prints, beautiful Ging hams; a vorl.tyof Fringe; Hosiery, Gloves, Pais soli llees, new stle ; Linen shceiing, s rare ""f l. qrs. wide, also Linen for Pillow Cssis; Table Clo'.hs, M siting, Ac . Ac. All ol which will be sold on the most reasonable tcrm. with many other articles not enumerated. Samples of Lace, Ribbon, Fringe, Prints, Ac, ere prepared for ths accommodation ol 'the Ladles. N. II. Country Merchants will find It to their sd- Tnntsge to call and examine hhf f..i . March 7 BURKH1MER 149-tf. CANAL FLOUR. Of? BBLS. Family Hour; JVf. do. do. do ; tusl received rT schr. G. W. Dsvia, and for sale by Msrch 2, 1849. L. MiGARY. 149 if. CHAMPAIGN CIDER. 1 i BBLS. Extra Champaign Cider i fust received 1 f per achr. G W llivx and for asks bT J.A W. L. McOARY. SUGAR. 1 fi BBLS. beat SuCroU Suarj 1 0 M t. clrlfi 1 Udo. i 10 bbU. emsliad do.; fl) bbl. Powdered do. I0bo.eaLo.fdo. 1RD A P50KX. IU FULTON MARKET BEEF I fi HALF bbls. Hani' rwst. Feb 22. 25 Smoked Tongues, for sate by , HOWARD. TZPVt IV March 2, 1843. SIMHIT TURPENTINE B.WHELS. A SUPPLY of 2d. hand larjv aiac, In good order iV alwsyson hand. SALT AND MOLASSES. Just Rereired, prr Brig Alpif en "RS soperios rstai&sf McsarW troav OU also, 3000 bashelsy coars 8t KuiN 8aft actable for curing Beeon Ael slf sw uivMiw, Fas. 25. Abply to HAKRISS A IM Im Dee U RUSSELL. I .D tf nail. PICLKD Salmon, BW. and riti Pickled skss ,1 Me- Hlf. BbL Wo. X -. Hlf. 0 dried Cud fish asle by February 9 Reciivcd per '?. " su, w v w w -