f .'ACADEMY-OF "MUSIC, PI 1JV 0 iFORTEiSALOON. Jlf R.,0. f D. LKIGHTON would IvuJ IYX spectfully announce to the Cliiie.na II 1 " ' ot WTInilngUMi mil vicinity, Ihnt he Is pmpnred to glim Instruction In Uta urkm depart in nta of , 'tcal and Instrumental1 Music, at Mozabt Hkti, w.iere hi) hOpja to merit a continuance ot the patronnga Tiitherto bestowed. Adj l:iln the Hall, he has a Saloon, In which he designs keeping no assortment of Piano Forti-a, thtit; fur oerfeciion of workmanship, beauty of finish, and ariituncy of tone, shall not compare unfavorably with ny in the market. ,"' " , . Also, n few superior-toned Guitar nnd Violin; with' Instruction booi and striua fur the aame. I. i sons aesirnasof (wrchlwlnj, and others, ar invited to ciiii and examine. : , . . , Piano Fortes tuned and repaired in a satisfactory minnrr., .i. . ,. V i Wilmington, Dec. !), ISir. "4",f1 Tin: MUttm, benefit Office No. 11 Wall Street, New York. THIS trtstlittllon Oilers advunl itres to tluw de..r ousol ctloeilujj Insuraneu on Lives which nre i'qualled. , Too importance of f.ifr Insurance inu.i benpp iri r.i to alt, esuijciilly lo those who. Biter death, will leave families unprovided for, nnd ihc Mutu.il sysiani, os pricllSiid by this L ompuny, com ;in h llie urean si i -eurity at ihc Icist actual expense. Its poculi.u ..,! ,inages nre, 1st. A prompt payment of lossm. 11. Wtun llio uiiiiu.il premium is over $50, o r fourlh may tie paid, in cash, and lurcc-fuurtlis In :i se cured Note, at I'.' months, bearing 6 pi rem. Intere:.t; r it may lie paid lull' yearly, quaileily, nr monthly'. Tho3o takitiL' out lifo policies, may p:ij !i.ilfe.i!i innl (I vo lliflf Individual Notes for tie' b il.inee, If naiisl e - ory to the officers. 3d. 4 full participation in all the prnfiis. The success of tho company linn been unpamlell d. During the first 20 month of lis exisionee It Issued iiWr policies, and after pavini?all losses and expenses, a capital of nearly J 200. 000 remained, w hich has, dtu lug this yeir been increased to aliuut SIOU.l 00. Any rislc taken conncctej with the duration of life. Slaves Insured. Annual rait of Insurance on $Iti() . .. : - -- As One j Seven' i year, 'years. l" One vcar. Seven' veart.i Ayr. I.il m's H 20 15 20 85 S00 77,SOO Sifi 00 Oh 00 0"i, i oo; i r; 1 31 1 3Gl 1 3fi! 1 5i' i rii 1 77 01 : 2 30 . 2 75 10 45 50 55 60 3 1 ? 1 W -1 nil 211 6 91 ! 7 "8 ( 00 I - Statements of the business, and oilier papers of the Compan. may bo had of the Agent, a Jlr. Ucoigo W. Davis' Office. DIRECTORS. Robert L. Patterson, Setli Low, (harlea y. Macknclt, I.-)wis C. Grovcr, Tiiomns P. .Seyur, Henry MeFurlane, Win. M. tiimpnon, ROBERT . William A. V. Pentz, Edwaid Anthony, Willi, in 11. Mutt, J. A. Underwood, A. S. Shelling. . PATTERSON, Pres't. B. C. MILLER, Secretary. AS. H. DICKSON, M. D., M- dieal Examiner, J. R. BLOSSOM, Ammt, Wilmington, IS'. C. Oct. 21. 93 The Graefenberg Vegetable PILLS. 30,000 Do'S told each audcrifii ir.rk. rpiIF. G R A E F E N- ' 1 l!UR(i COMPANV, I hereby (live notice that I . their General Agrnt for (he I State of North Carolina is j Cnpt. M. JU.KS, I.ou- I I on- isburg, r rauKUn county, X. C. The Genernl Agent is fully prepared lo appoint sub-Agentswhcrever there is no branch ol ihcCompa- ny either, on personal ap- Liiiejiiou, or uy ninii, post , by ii The raDid sale of these celebrated Pills, and kj exiraordiniry cures they sre constamly etlecting, andor thetn, by far, the most popular Pill of the aye. n Agency will consequently bo very valuable. Tha Graefenlierg Pills are inconceivably superior to any ever before discovered. In all bilioaa com plaints; in general derangement of the syslim lri II disorders which result from a bad statu of the klo )i. ihese pills arc a sovereign remedy. ln the clissesof dis-'ascs called chronic, the Greacf anberg Pill- achieve their highest triumphs Here they defy all c iiiipttiiion. Enierini; wiihin ihe hid den rces of the system, they que lly hut sunlv irlfy th" blood, root out disease, and yive tone and vigor is ih b)y. CURES AIIR C'ONTANTliY EF FECTED by these Pills, in eases where every other means had utterly failel. The most obiindint inool ut ihis ould be given ; but a lrinpof one box will convince the pittent. They can be ordered and mnt hy mail at trifling expense. The nrie.. is J5 e. nls a box. Where two dollars worlli are orden d, and th" mo-1 ney remitted, the Company will pay posiiiL'e on the Pills. Remittance at ihe company's risk. le r atr there is no agency ot the company, they cm h rdered by mail. I These Pill, a"e Ii'tlng the plve of all others, and' a sick person sh mid tie without tin in. ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. ; DoxmX Comnlainli, CourtiMiHon, Dytpeptia, I'rter ai Artie, .il-'w, Jtwi lice, Liter I 'tf muihi, R i:Mitit n, all .SVimi-'i Co njil.iintt. (irten Sick M, 4- c- yi'H "I otic; lo these I'llls. They j purge away 0 If.-naive humors, arrest ihe pro ;ies.s of 1 disease and at the sun Ii. lie restore tone and M. .ir lo the system. In cases of general dernngeiin nt of the health, ihey are SOVEREIGN. BY THE I. USE. the weak will Eecome strong ; 1 the pale and bilious compb-xion be restored to a per- j fecft'y freh and healthy color; ail the lid sympiums will one by one disappear. In short thvw PHI are an lnconcidvnbh advance upon any O'har medlciru ever before otlend lo the ' public. A trial will satisfy anv one of tins. Porsaleby LIPPITI' et WlLKLNOS. WUming D3 Airenta arc rcaucated to report to mo I their prorrcs. WILLIAM JO.MER, Xov. 20, 1847. y. log. WHISKEY. B5L8, N. O. Rectified Whiskey ; JJ i i. f Fof sale by HOWARD 4. PEDEN. Jan. 29, MOLASSES. OAAliia. anl 2S Tl-rccs. Saperl ir New Crop VVVJ aat trrilad pt Brig Lrvunr, for aula bv p 4RRV, BRYANT A CM. . 13'.. A lie OtTfEOIBi e r 1 c a ii ll hi c , SVf EOIUW uuanty American Gi uc , cotislatiily on hind and for sale by ;. BARRY, BRYANT d- Co. )Yofc4fhlM7. . no. 1 Mtf i - GRIST MIEIi. TttKrahaerrbora have siarteil a firitt Mill, In mn nexlon wilhhrlr .Si if Mill, ami cun fuuii h Maal ana Hominy of prion e.b'v -e -I at naliea. J'iilN MeRAI r.'b. 8, ln r thu (i!H.l) NltlUTlVE roil 'i hL cat it OF HEADACHE. Jfiiddincss, Rheumatism. Pil DIs pepsin, Srmvy. Smallpox, Jaundice, Pains in the Hnck, Iawnrd W eakin ps, Palpitation of th Heart. Rising In the Throat. Dtnpsy, Asthma, Fcvirsof oil kinds, Ji'rtiiale Complain, ' flfesnlea,' Fall Kliium, llcarlliuri , Worms, Cholera Morbus, Cough, tuin ey, Who -pin ' lough, Consumption. Fits, Liver Ooin pliiinr, I'.iycip' I'im, Deafness. I ! Ii incs of iho Skin, Colds, Goal, Gravel, Nervous Complaints, nnd n v i titty of ulnar Diseases tnlsim: from iyKi 7V..- ( rlin Hlood, ii n 1 Ohslrvclii :iig in tin: (Jii'ium of lli-itnliun. I i i Ii lee lei- inula il ill it iicaily ell ry Disease lo , whoh il.i, liinii hi fiaum is aubccl. original' fi.im I I in ; Mill i ii ? ol iho Mom! nr Derangement of i lie Diges- tin O'c-ns ; mill 'n i" u 10 I Ii iilili. e mi ft icmovc i those Ohsti net ions or n store the Blood In ilB naninil j si.ita Thecforo when the ulliliti hi derangement of ; llio syoti in i' indicated by Cm-tivriKss, or any oilier ! sign, it rtiluiunishi s us that mif mm Miii t ir-n nre giithei ! iii:r in llio System, which should :,t onto bo got rid of. This fil l, as muled, in universally known; but peu ! plo have stub tin fi version lo medicine, thin, utile- the oasois urgent, thev inelrr llie diseiice in ilm cure. until an impaired ('onsiitutiori, or n lit of sieknes k- i lnikes them lor tho tolly ct llieir romluel. Still they hul sonio ex- usr ; f ir hcrttifore, mulieiuo in nlmofl nil i:t foi'ins. was neai ly ;ih ilis;:ii!it as it was lu nt fi- elal. Now, however, the evil I In litest Llllcliially re I moved ; for i Clickcncr's Vcgciablc I'urKallvc Pills beini! euinple'ely enveloped with a ( 'eo'oi.'f of par ir,V7 ' ''' 'eh is iih diotinct ftoio ihc inlein.il lint cdlcnts as a uut V II liom llio kernil) we im '.s,' .. .... I . i I'Ul Q( AS tllBlly SWIlllilWl ll IIS lets of I'aiiJy. .Moreover I i I ' V ntither nuu-imteor vripr in the slighter! dearie. Me'V opeiaki eipjally on all tho disc hi u p uis ot Hie st in, instead ot coiiumm; I themselves lo, mid rnekniK unv pu iiciilar ri-pioii. j Thus, forcxnmi lo, it the Liver he alKctcd. one ingic I (Hi nt w ill o i-r ale on that particular ortran. and, l,y clean.Miiii il of that Exeessof liile. it is coiistnnily dis J rharjjin"! into tin- sioinaeh, resime it toitnnalin.il ; state. Another will oj.riati on ihe lilooil, and lemove those iiiipuuties willed have already cnlered Into na eiiculation; while a thin! will elf rtually expel from the sysd in w hnlcvi r impiititii s may have h"en dis-i-he r: ,i d into ihestoui icli throuyli : lie insti unit -utality of llie oilier ingredients. H"nco tllev .vei'.c i t.'ic i nl 'if the ditw remove nil Impure Humours from the body ; open the pores extern illy and internally ; i. ro:u, le the Ini n.-iMe I', i-oii.n..ei uhvi oe h'liiu. leney. ll-i.l ii'liiMie. ; s -paint" all lor, ii'n and olmox- ions panii li s limn Ihe i.h le ; ieeurt u in e and In al- ,1 : i. . II i ' , . , , my .1, ii hi in me ..earl, ,nn;'s, nnd l.ivcr; anil ::ieu uc n ntui ;,;,,' , -,ji irlieu nil other wmix hare JiUid. The ( mite ti nib of the ah, ve can be nei-nained by thetiialofa single liottlu ; i,ml tluir virtues are m po-o'ive and certain in restoi inir I lealih, that the pio pii.'tor hinds himscf to reiuin the neon y paid for thi.in In all eases where llu-y do not iinivusal sa tisfaction, iieiail 1'iice, 25 eenis per Hotlle. Sold in Wilmington by Liri'lTT A WILLKINfJS. Front-.' treet. Innveen Marki I and ilnek. Or. Ctkkcncr t Principal l)Jueyt',j esey-st. New Votk. J"r Hcmenibrr Dr. C. V. Cliekcm r is the inventor of Suoair Coated Pill, and that nothini;of the sort was ever heard of until lie introduced them in June, H3. Purchasers should, llurefore, always ask for Cliekencr's Sui;ar Coali d I'ill-i, and take no others, or thev will he m ule lie ieliina of a fraud. I Vh'ruary , New Livcrv Stables, Villi) IMtOOF rr? II AVI.VG completed my NEW I.IVERY s II BLEs, I aiu now re'adv to receive Horsci IA- ivc Horses nt t.iverv by the D iv, week, or iWonth. H i oi lines are suuaiea on me corner ot J'rincess and Third streets, dirt ily opposite the Courl-houte, and very convenient lo the business purl of the town. They are built of Urick, and covered with Tin, wliieli makes them entirely fire I'anf. They are large. ii.. k-. i.i . . . i . .... euiiiiiiiiuiiiiis. nno well coiisirueli i : an. I ill ewrv re sped as comfortable andconvciiii.nl as any Si;l in ine i mieo iatt!s. 1 also have, (tor the accommodation of Drvr. r,) a large nnd eoinforlatile Lot, together w ilh a baseiiu nt under the Stables, euflieieni to hold 100 horses, and shelter them well and ci mfortablv. UU SES, C.RRIlitS, AND BIGGIES, KEPT CONSTANTLY FOR HIRE. My .;.fr cannot be surpassed in anv country, and I ilu refi.re 1, 1 1 eonlident nl ijiv hiu eni.re sai.of.ic llon to those who lavor me with iheii eiistom. I feel gran ful to my Iri- nds nnd the put, lie fur their uaeiui pjiiuiui-e iii le utoie, and timiancc ul tluir custom. li'ipi lo ineiit a -un Ii. i;. it. NIXON. ii;-;.,, ,,. Wi Iminu'ton. N. ('.. I), 1 1". 1 ', 't i 8000 and Im -.il,. fv Ba on, ai received A. MARTIN. Ill Feb. v: II A ( 'O.Y, LAUl) a- 7';. IN 2 00 LBS. Hains. Sjd- an, I Slioul.lns. I '-'"ti Mm. Lard in llirrels and k-t'S 200 UushelH Cow, S hitc, iil,nk eye and LaJy Peas. Fur s.il- I v W. A T. LOVE l.i".. Jan. FHKSU CUACKLlLs 10? CANS Bus:,,,) Craikers: 20 hux. s Sods 20 hl.ls Pil.ii Dread ; 5 hit. hlils Sutf ir Crick- ra ; I.elllilll Pie Nick Buller " For sale by Howard" & PI-DI N Juil. 2.0, 15 15. JOB, BOOK, COB.NI.B 01 IHIM AMI MAIKUT STStt's. V ILMI.Ni; 1 on, PARTIfl'LAR ATTENTION IMID TO Till. FIILLOWINli KINDS OF LETTER PR Ess PRINTING. Bills lit tXl IIAVOE, mils nr i ai im,, F. N T R 1 1: n nr MtGi II A N D I i I HAM. Ill l. i,, l nr. i. ... LAW Si.AM'-, I : 1 1 A B V NUIIUI, Mo ; ES, r A M I' It I En, coi ii rs or IN hi BAN I, SOI-KS. t All ", C AT ALo I r.s, i: n t 1 1 ii ... r t, nriKs, m- in aiu. '" "UUl : AMKk, 1 -on .KK l'lA-i. iiiit:pT. A-.., PLAIN AND FVNCY PRI N'TIN'G. of ,r, dtucripl,.,,. ((, j,, i, neatest manner, and on the in.mi trnsoml-lo h ruis. We 1! the nlt.-niii.il of 10 R' neril, V. lb,. ,,M) Cirn.b.r.i..ul ,.,.ll.ll . ... ' ' , !. I ill. .ini allnjl lo PIVP nil n -o I... .1,. T . --.--. .,, t , I, ,,i ir wink """ It si'sll be a r.:i,J,, and nt a or in no , " l-rirt. ns nt anv olh- r estnMishuu ni I '' entire otb- i" ntw, met w. i,,,h- ;..,i,,,L,v lull W Im . r v -,r,. iv nf in-1 n In 'I I In.' I ii V holesal! and R at a 1 1 TIIF. subscriber offers for atito tit lowest market prlcct the following article, Til I , 20 lings Rio Coffee : 10 ", Loguira Collbf ; , , S Domingo ColTe ' ', 3 RbU. St.Cr.iix Sugarj 10 Pnilo HlCii 4 10 8 5 r, - Culm " " Rcrtllled Whiskey; " Northern Ginj " DouustlcUrnndyi " Now Engliind Rum i " Very superior old Monongahrla Whiskey; 6 It, Kef's Nails, afisortcn rnesi 800 Lbl. Loaf Siii'ar, Powderod nnd flushed do.; Supurlor Ooirnlnc llrandy ; Holland Gin nnd Port ine on draii; hi ; a few do., old Madeira and Cham pnifzne, warranted pure; Flour; Raeon; Dried Heef; Tnniiii; Mees Pork; Molasses; Mackerel, No. 1 and No 2; iie( n and Black Teas; Water, Better and SiiL'iir Crnclti is; Allspice; Pepper; Ginger Nuiines; Snapj Candies; Jlovts; Indigo; Mus laid. AC, Ac. J. ROLAND, Soul'i H'.tr Hired, third door from Murtitt Slrtct. July 8. 1317. 49 COPJRTNBRSiny." rpill' undersigned hnvecntered lntoCopartnersh! L under llie firm of W. &. T. LOVE, For the purpose of do'nj a General Commission etnd (iriK'eri IJiisiaest. They li ne on hand, at Wh lesale nnd Retail, a va- iletyof Drytioods, Hardware, Cutlery, and Croek i iv; llals. f'fips, and Shoes; New Orleans. Porto Ki eo.MoBcova.lo. ( 'ollee-Cnislicd nnd Loaf Sugars; Rio, Lauira. and Java Colli-e ; beat Imperial Ti a ; Soans, ' anJIi , Slan h, l)ru:;s, Dye-slull's. Paints, Oils,Wi dow !lii'-.J, and I'n ty; Superior Canal Flour, in har telsniid hill him Is; Goshen I'.ntler and Cheese, nnd a iii neial tisaoi liiieul ol otlu i ( lojd.i, which may nu i hi ml at llieir Stand, Hill's lluw. Middle Store. Xtirllt Water St. They also attend lo Forwarding, Selling, or Pur chasing Pruduee, or Goods of anv kind. WILLIAM J. LOVE. Jr. T HA DDE US U. LOVE. Oct. 14. i U0 if just ri:ci:ivi;d. BBLS. N. O. Whiskev. for sale nl lowest pii ) ) ccs, by C. W. BRADLEY. Dec. I I. to mm:. I ROM the first day of January next, three able neyio f Hows, 0 I LESPIEi ROBESON. CACON. 1 THUDS. Raeon Sides, Hams and Shoulders. J In Store and for sale I y DtROSSET, BROW N i Co. Jnn. G. 123 . l)jile Brand) fc Rectified Whiskey. 10 Bids. APPLE BRANDY, SO - Reel lied U lliskey. Just received nnd ior sale by J. BO LAND. Jnn. 27, lPa-'3l I AISINS-75 Whole, Half, and Qr. Iloxes ; It For sale by W. A. LANG DON 1 rS 17. 1H CONSTANTLY' OxN HAND, Noitlicrn nnd Eastern Hnv, C (J H V A XI) OA TS. T HE u U'l' i - i e -1, bavin. ; made nrran';eiiierits to keep a full -i-j ply of the i-. quality of S'ortUi rn a id JasU rii Hay, nt all seasons of the year, they solicit those in want of the article to call on thim, ut Mr. Wa. Neit'k V-'iii t liaiulllcrij Store. NIXON & THOMPSON. Wilmington, Oct. 23, 1847. 91-ly NOT I C e" PERSONS indebted to the Subscriber for the 1 "S'sndurd or " Independent,'1 or for Adveilia ing, nre requeste d to pny the same to WESTON R. GALES, Ksii.,Edltorof the Reuistf.b, Raleieh. T. lorLnc. Dc. I I IB 17. 123 CO AY FEED. rpHEb I Air. best thine to li ed 'uws, Horses. Hogs, Fowl-, . Ac . for sal.-by JLTHRO '1 HAIN. 14. I?-17 llb-tf. W. A. LA N (i I) O N. AOKNT KOIt THE Canton and Ft kin Tea Company, or N i: AY Y O R K . OFFERS fnrsale in quairitiis to suit purchasers, nl New 'nrk pii'-i 3(KI P s 2VI Pis 21 m !!-. ll II ,'is. Ilm ,S I 'inpou -: i i ; 'IUIIL' 1 1 ) s j!l ; I in pel ial ; Suiieliong ; Oo. 111;'. .'lOllis Fine EiiL'lisli Brei 50 I'.k Pekoe Floweis. klast Tea, and ..il at Mm; v. Prin .Nov. .Till by' Bail ! Sfi et. 1-17. North W. J doors a- 100. Good Jtorgains, " rIs'IIIN'; tochmge my hu- . I ill on the slio-i il fit 1 Hell 17 " st'X-k l Dry (.nods. II irdw.ne Ac . Ac , nl very l"W iT II- . Ill lt III ll,l m l ( iisl mid a f.-W HI n vei y -le ill ilv.m- e. J i tl, liw III II III,- I w ould in V lie i he :.r. mien of a'! who , iv w i-l, to ,--.. -,g,. , ,, ., 1:,. i1,- i .this si,,,-; wills. M il,,- uliole on nceommo ,; ' ' V '' im 1 Vtoi.ld also s,iv i , 18J. v,-hi an- ui- ii( - ' .1 in He su'nerilii r, 0 earry out I. Ill .Mill oblll'rd to colett all nrmmil. V ii 11 ( - U. BRADLEY. 121'-If. -! Jonrna! -epy ,'t J in Chi A 1.1. in ii-ins hub bled to the Sllbsclilra In,.,, ll,.. X XL 1 i il ui: ,. ;i I,, 1 -, .) -,r., r. I. , I l. .--.II p V the S,:lll. . N. I! AM iccotinis for Work ib.ne nl ,bl. r....r, l l i : in 1 1 1 , w.;l In alii r In pn si nil d HART A iveiv ninety l'OLI.I'.Y d i Jan i. SILKY. A Go,,d second hand SI LKY, for sale by v D..KO.SM:!', BROWN A CO. I ill I .w;.s.s 'o.'A i. CM i v Mes Pork, him reep,ved nnd for by Dr.DEROSSET. BROWN A CO 1 Id. If) nt-i, sale Fib. 1. SALT! SALT!! ,S r reived. 40i S,w Wt fm 11.,.. r.n. i i hy J. IIATIUWAV, A SON Jan j. 121; sra.Mi AM) (77;y; lA Bags Plime Rio C.ifTec ; I', do da. Lniiuvrs do. r in, In. C !l I ll t nl 'i ! N O 2 ,1-. -t ti et i. '. i .'Uh U'.S "MAIL 'line'; DAILY' JilNEi f a ljmn. By ti Jamn'Qipar y ChatipedM JBay '-. vid. PhUaMphia, lo New York. 1i.-iisr..u,aoy i run l-ukj iciiyu freiooci gnu QaatoD every niiiht for Petersburg, via Petersburg anil noniMiao nan tvonu. From thence daily at 15 minutes beforo 7 A. M. for City Point. From thence they take one of the fast JnmesRiver Steumcralor Norfolk, reiiehimi there at j P. M.. Thence up the Chesnpcnke Bay in one of llie Steam ers (built lor the route) that are su favorably known lor their strength nnd comfortable arrangements. Tho Steamers of this Lin have been put in first rnte order, for the running of the Schedule required lo irnnspott the Northern arid Soudiern Mail. 'r Bear in mind, this Is llio "Gnat U. S. Mail Line," and at the reduced rates, passengers will save money, and certainly have more comfort by this Line, I, Iohs of sleep, und fewer changes of person mid b.ifiuaije. Fare from Wtldon to Baltimore, SlOO , ii" i, i,..i " Norfolk, 8-1.10 fur Tkkdt, apply to VVm. Mr Moonv, jr., ABt., IVcl- uon, iy. Fnrefrotn Oaston to Baliimore,- 60.00 U u ii u v..i-..ii, . ci nn rf . , , - , , ,,77' p . For TtchtU, apply lo t (. Pugh, Etq., Agl., tu- . lo,n'AC,l. , , Paasengets getting Ihrongh r.ckelsnrc nl lowed to stop at any point on tho route and resumu their trip wlieii they may be ready. Wm. M. MOODY, Jr., Aint. Ojjict James Hirer rfe Pat Line, W'eldon, N. C.,Dec. 2It 1RI7. Dee. 20, !R17. IJl-tf. Raleigh Register. Roanoke Republican will please copy; lenvlne mil the one now In. CO W I ' E A S "&Ti ACO n! I HO Bush Is COW PEAS, lUVj 2U0U lbs. N. C. I! COX. Ju't red ived and for sale by A. MARTIN. Dec 21. II!). COFFEE. hC BAGS of the best St. Domingo Codec ever JJ ottered in this market, for sale hv gillespie & Robeson. Dec. 21. II!) liUTTEli. I f KEGS prime Goshen Butter, I Yy For s ilc by J II v i . HATHAWAY & SON. Jan. 29, 1813. JUST liJCJJniJl). 50, RBLS choice N. O. Molnssu.j, for family O. Whiskey, lor ha lent I iwct . C. W. BRADLI'.Y. Hi rise, SO bbl.i. IN. inarki t price by Fib. 17. BACOxN AND LARD. 7f rvn LBS. Bladen County Hams; IV. ZWU lbs. " Shoulders; 12 bbls. 3j kegs Lard; do. D. W. WOOD, For sale hy Feb, ii, Id-ltJ. PLOUGHS. A LOT of A. B. Allama ACo'.- superior No. II -f Ploughs. Just received nnd for sale, by McK ELLER A M. RAE 12b' Jan. fi. COFFEE AND Sl'OAR. 511 II DS. Purto Rico Sugar uf supeiior 'pialily; ITi It.igs I.aguira Coffee; 20 " Rio: For sale by Dec. 19, 1917. DtROSSKT, BROW N A Co. IIS JiACUX e-(Tl Y Lbi. Wayne County Hams, Sides and UUUU Shouldeis IS lliids. VVcslern Sidisand SnoLldcis For sale in lois by DsROS.SET, BROWN A Co. Feb. 1. IM. YEST. BRUERS VEST, nn cxccll. nt ar iclc lo mnke light bread, for s ile by JETHRO THAIN. Dec. 14, 1817" FROYISIONS. l.CLTON Market Beef, 1 " " Pork half bids.; Smoked 1 ungues ; sinoked Ilci f ; Pickled do.; Heaved per lirijj 'ale hy D. F, b. -. ile, and for WOOD. WANTED. A GOOD Cook and a Rood Washerwoninn for the A next year. Apply ul this Other. Dec. 2S 121 If C ROCK EY, Ci LASS AY A R E, ,V: 1 subiciiUr l.a.-jusl i-piied the largest stoi k CROCKERY GLASS AYARE , v. r olli red in tarn to it of he . ral. W ilininglon. and he invili s . old custom! is and the pub the atlei; ie in yen- His store iinow one d'Mir nliove the one formerly occupied by him. on the South side of Mark' t stri ct, J. II. ROTHWFLL. Oct 2RH-I7. ,; Marine and Fire Insurance, ' PHI". Subscriber having received 1 the the Agency of Camden Insurance Company. N. J. CIIAIlTLItKI) 1R:)2. WITH CAPITAL OF $ 100,009. or Wilmington nnd vicinity, will issue Poliele on eirgnc", freitrhts and Vessels on I of this poll ; and also take File risks on ns reasonable- 'rim ns uriv nilu i In-ttiliitton Le.ssrg suMnlnrd wi be pininplly nnd honorably ni!jiiti d nnd paid, nud in ens- of difirrriice, the 'outts of North Caroll na will he niAn''w!t,'t') MARTIN, A lir,.y. Dec. II, 1317. North Carolina .Umanaeks for for sill Dec. ( A.. FRENCH. ilii-tf. 1 - 17. Bonds tor Nero Hire, r)ONDS for the hire of NEGROES. jnt prnti i.ndforsil nt iheod'coof 'Vie Commerrial. 11 UTTER. Ml HIT EL I'iiklns Butler, Miletly prime for W. .. L ANG DON. 141. sale by Feb. 17. Portrait Painting J.' MASAI.ON. Astist. Im Inkin Rooms on Murk. I Ftreel, over Mr. ItothiveHmiorr. w In r. ibLndii and (J. ml.-mi ft ol loiini.toii and iis vi.'initv an H n p ctlully un ii. d lo eu uiel i 1 1 n 1 j life insurances- , JCEJiCT OF TAB HOPE BL'TUiL LIFE ISSCfiiE'E ' MiMWa TON, N.CStpt. 20, 1847, - wvi.t.u iw ni.uv; vi X tho above Company, and are now prepared to re ceive rppllcationa for llie lnsuranee-rthcy are also firepared to receive applications for Ihauraiicc on tho ivea of Slaret. i 'I Ilia 1 ta til m inn innrtrn ifn I ln tftif? u.f.1. itl I i nnd perpetiialchnrter, and Uuly organized nreordlnL' to , w. ims commenced the hnsine.. M t ire ivmai. 7':. . - ,, hiulu- AM h-on the IHUIUAL princlnlea. The nett HK0FIT8 being divided an.iually ninonir the Insund. ncco ding lo the Act of Ineoiportiiion. The ran of premiiims conlorm with the usage of other similar companies-For ihe convenience of parties insurinn who would prefer to pay the premiums bv install- inents. it is left to their eplinn whr-n the premium : exceeds S25, lo pay on hull in cash, nnd secure pay ment of the residue in 12 months, by tin approved note I beaiing interest at six percent. ' The lives of mariied nun may lie insured for the ; beni fit of their wives and children, so tint upon the decease of ihe Insured lh" wife if living, or if not. then his children will receive the amount paynhle by :h, policy, in e and clear of uny claim by Ihe creditors of , the deceased. For the greater security of parties insuring with lllia,nnn,iiMI lite iT.iiu.n.. ..I : , ,,,y fun(t, , lhc ,, of g -)0o'o ,u o,Sfs ,', " inav accrue unon noliclr iss.hiI hv ib r,,., " " i " -i i e-ii-n-iiiiic nun amount shall have been realized fiom tlv receipt of premiums, when it will bo no longer noccaaary and I rhay be withdtawn. ; The following Is a list of the officers and trustees for iliccnsuing yuar -vi.: TRUSTEES. Nathaniel Weed, Simeon Baldwin, Dennis Perkins, John A. Davenport, Alexander H. Dana, Charles J.Taylor, : Ale.ver I la Million, James T. Soulier, ' Ezra Wood, '. Joseph It. Nones, Koswell Hoyt. , Sleph-n H. Provost. ALEXANDER N. JOHN W. LEEDS. S'ainuel k". Satlerloo, Cyrus H. Beaid.'ley, Joliii W. Leeds, Alex'r N. Ilollv, William T. JMi'iior, ( 'haiiney A ri s, Philips Galpin, W in. L. Bii wer, Jann s Diniiin, ( -hailes U hlllli sr y, Jos' ph D. V ni ren. Theodore D ivenporf. HOLLY, President. issisiani rr. slilent. JOHN A. DAVENPORT. VI ICSIlil ut. iven on iinjili- JOSEPH B. NONES, Acln-ny. COSWELL HOYT. Sccntaiy M. WELLS, (ieni ral Agent. Any information will be cheerfully calioii to ihe Agents. Dr. Jane s II. Dickson has b. en appointed iuiog Physician for the t 'ompany. SANDFORD A SMITH, .1 S.pt, 21. IS 17. batii- iit. t-U-il. Boarding and Lodin', HE S i libr-r has taken the Ihi.-k Bi.il. liie' on Miik 1 1 street, near the Post Office, and most i :!.!oiin:i ihe piiblic ili.it Ii, is le.nly to ee eall 'v'l i may favor him with lh irteitio- sp, etlellv liitiii'.ilat nn:re His nii -es will he moderate, and liih 'I nhla ns g jod n3 the market will allied Bcin,; grateful lor past lavois. he lendeih his thnnk I to those who patronized him at his former stand, nnd . respect!', ily solicils them lo continue their paironage to him on Maiket sin el. P. SMITH. Nov. 10. 102-U' Marble Monuments AND (JllAYE STONE AOEN'CY. Ill", subset Hm-i s arc apoititid Al-i ins f.r one lh -ix.Wand himI r.rl, n.-.irc MARBI.F. Y MM) T in ( 'iiiineclieiil, and will receive orders foi Maile w .. .. .u oiiiiii. ins or tji.ive. Mtiuu. ulln i b it il or ne I In..- an,. wln.-li will be loiiii.-hed at the short. si in mi's' reasonable miees. i havereei i -cil i vaii.ty of pnlli rns, various si yli M'i'l. the pi ices, tv hie h may be i-vamim d :ii :.m- tin.. J. C. A K. II. WOOD, Huittler.i ami ('onlrtirtmn. June 17. jn. Copartnership, 'I'll-, -s U Use ri tiers have ent X under the name of red into copartnerrhip B- & K. C. IIALLF.TT For the transaction of huiiness ecneially t'en.-ially, troni Tli s , date. iu:.j ii u, i, f;r i'. I W ilmingtim, Nov. 12. Icl Ii- C. IlAl.l.lil'l'. nn- f COTTON YARN os.NAinTR(;s. j ( BALES Cotton Yarn. J d-i do ll.,, .,rL, 'I he Subscribers, Awi i.t-Im il.c s River 1 1 n and O.-tiabiegs. willnlu, ply mi h ami. le of III, ys hive M. K ELLA It A M. RAE. iu: Nov. H. LA 111). llils. Pi iuie Lar1 I, . sale bv Drl OSET, BROWN 1() Feb. ni: !iO PASSES. I 1ST print. ,! , t ' r.i- I '.,;,'- ' , 1 1 Office n new fbud a) a ti i tie to Hi ! In an l'.'O .1 i supply of Wrrn ',i.-.,f, vi ln.lt :, r ovi r llie cost ol j,a.i r tiiat it would In on. Jan. 20. LARD 1 r. BBLS. piime.N.C. Lanl.G K J ') bv F- b 1? 'US , A M : . for snle R'i'IN. Ill M L VSSES. - Til ''"s'1!'' v,s' ""Ul 0UO Molssfrs, piiloi nrticle, f r snle In il A., ill- S A RI SS EL 12" HFTTI'.U. 1 M.liS (ioshen Butter, for nli- by in HOWARD V PEDEN. I :-. I '. b. CANAL I 1 .01 I-' ( BBLS. Emm Canal Flour; lllhlf. bbl . do. Co Landing thlS(la- f- " t I." 'I'bn.r, -n.t fr si,, by ( RONLY, WALKER A H ALL F. h ty isifl. RICE. lialf Casks eon 'an'ly hnnd by Dki.OSSF..', BROWN 4 l' 12; J N vi hole ai,.1 Jan. Ii. w) r 'IR- C;k' prime Mnluga W ; 'W f) ii l us sup. ii., i jji, , 1, ,, ( ol!"c I 1 Is. i erlnr St. ('mix Su . Fur sale hy D, 21 A. MARTIN. X AILS - If) K-e: a. tied slra. SI 11 RS Loaf, Ci ii, nod Brown Sugars LAMP OIL 5 Cair.ls; For. Dec, by lrJ7. W. A. I. ANGDMV in Pi V.MI'TY SI'iUIT II A it LI S. 150 EVIP TV -irii llirrels. Inprini-o da sil.i. by ellOSSET, BROWN A Jan 4 fj?c.t.:i CHECK f BOOKS. ;,; tnur WE have ju'st execute'd In "superb iityleboiiii vS , In 2, 3 and 4 Quire Books, Checka-vn tht " Dank of Cap t'ear, and tho "Branch Bank ol the Stata.-fr Call and examine them, at the Ofliea of Th CVw mercial.'" : 1 ' ' ' ' '' Oct. 31. LORINO. - j 96 NOTicr;. ACEA'CVOFTIIEN.C.WL'TUAL ISSRANrE COTIPIXT Wilmington, hi'y 29 19.6. SAND FOP) A SMITH, Agents ot the No. Car Mutul Ii'fr arance. Company, have ihe prutificntion to statu to ll c numerous persons insured in thi Of fice, that 1 ; Coinpniiy will promptly pay the loss sua , M n"v '''n, "re ln "ye'vllle. without th lM".y 1)0 Jy! as required by the Bye Lnwj nnd wittiou, culling lor uny instulineiit oo the premium noies. The Agents will receive applications, and tnke risti ' asiisiinl. ' July JO. 1 847. 53 LIME ! LIME ! ! LIME ! ! ! i onn i!bls landing; Also, llydrnulic Cti 1 i-C V mini; (alciiiid Plaster; Plasterinc II ir. and Fire Brick, &c. J. C. f- R. II. WOOD. Nov. !),UJ7. 101-tf j VAliU.,BLE rice and turpentine lands I FOR SALE. r I Li, subscribe offer for sale between two and three hundred acres of valuable Rice Lands on Lockwood's Folly river, in Brunswick county. Im I tnediitely in the nelijhborhood of Ihe Lands is n gootl I stream of water emptying into tho Lockwood's liver i hirnishiiig water power sullieiept for, watering Ihe fields and fir pounding and threshln" the Rice, ns I well as for a Saw Mill. A pan of this land has been j cultivated in iicfc Cotton, nnd produced equal to ; uny 'nnd. A-lioining d, th, sc Lan ! are between lilteen him i d'a d nnd two thousand nrrt-a ol first rule TnrpentllK)' Lands. very convenii nl lo the river, nil within throe I miles ul the sea-sluue.and n hi-ulthy localioii. That i ".." nctntioil Lands. nod aiaiiinils in good Tuiprntinu WM L. HALL, D. B BAKICIl. 53-ft. 'V,l.:i:.i ;l il, J.i ly 2'J. 1317. IJllICK ! HHICK ! ! IMICK ! ! ! )( WWRiUCK.a superior oilielc, jlnily ' ')'. -'A.v .' i xpeclcd, nr Schr. Lodeniie , liz a, and P. B. Savory, from Philadelphia nnd for 1 by 1IARRISS A It I'SSELL, Feb. 1"), 112. Loid t; W harf. NOltTIIEItN I'OTATOES. .1 EST received, and for sale, One Hundred Btls- Northern PoUitm s, suitable lor planting. .l.Vo, a fre-h .-apply of G:c 's Ointini nl. II. FRENCH. Jan. 15, 117. 12!) Ileal Estate. rPl 1 1'. siibscribeis oli'er for sale that cominoduu A Bi ick leiieuient on M n kct stree! nt present i c- rilplrC terms hy Dr. J. II. Dickson, on accommodating ALSO Three houses ond loi, on third Hrei t, between '"as lie and hun h s'n i i s. CRONI.Y. WAI.Kf II LL. I2J-U. Jan. TOUACt 'O. Iilaeturi d Tobacco. BARRY, UK. I() Box. bi Ma For sale chcup ANT ( O. inn. J ll, n. For Sale or to Hire. T.IKi LY r ! s-i ). to man nbonl 27 vear of ape. Ap SA.NDFOKI) A SMl'Iil. J idv t, Jan. J, 1 i,Ain:r wine. 1 ( BOX Ed St. Julien MedocClaiut; 1 J V7 For s. ie by HOWARD A PEDEN, i:ts Jan. 20, PRIME PORK. 2f) X BP.LS Piiine P and for s; just r n i veil per schr. A. MARTIN. El-niis'. by ). c.2 J. ii I c i ; HOl nn 1 bnlf ( 'iik s I! ee, in Store, y DcUDS.sr.T , BROW N A (. and ir sale Dec le 1H ARRIVAL AND I H'.l'AR TL'RE UF THE MAILS. NoBTiirnN. is due daily at J P. M.. closes evn v if-iil at lu P. M. S ol' I ni.ii s .dm Fa vri rr. vi i.i t, A M it 11 A. M. Kail Road, due wi M'indi r W ediiesmiy, an, I Fi day nl H P. .., eos( s 1 uud, y I Ion d iy mill .' i,iiil.,y , ut 1U I'. M . Faw.iti:vii ii-, by id,!., -.u's, Wi stbrook'S, Ell.a bcthlow n and 1 ' i . . j .. , i I ,alle! in on I in sdii y, T burs- da y anil ,-ii u : eay , at '.I A .11 . ,'-os. t and di i put l smile il-i). ul Id A. M. ,mi i iii 1 1 i 1. . 1 1 il.- A . M . ; clot. i ni t 1 ?j p Tavi.uk. Biin.i.y., Long Cutk. N 1 . 1 1 r r M. ' ri ( k l.ia' k Kim i t Ii .(.. I, and Ilainli Stoic. I ii nsday , .it b P. M.; closi n at ll) P. M. m. ro I ile ,il I i.d.'.y. at b A. M. Il . I l' ilk T llilVH Cream anJ Aaiber Ale. -n . liiidy lie-. i ins ilie i iijz ns i ' l-iibhe gi in ralh . ibal lie has JL ol W ilniin.onn i iiiim.ncid tbe A, ar u' c turinu of Ale and Beer, bii ' ll i oi Pel nl Ol.llij i n Il.i I- ,,lll - I r- i !. JK I HKO THAIN. De- I I I' IT 6 if. iH ii.AK A N U IIIIDS. CiilnSiiL.:ir ; ! do SI C;oi ifn ,11 Kagi Prime l(,Cf d d .. I. i-i.i:a t 'oil. CUt Fl.E. .1. hy Mc ELVER A McRAE. 120. MEAL. 1 f A B .IIFI.s f, h otn Meal, just n C3 IVi id and I I I, MlKELLAR A McR4E. I'l.T'f. A' H SKEY. I his. Ni Uriinns Keeliflia J. A W. L. ' IF I Y For sslo by Me GARY. Vid. I IME TON I IM oo j rMIMAS I Ja-'. 1" 'ols In nil. le B VRRY, BRYAN T A i o I id. t II ELSE .Mi BOXES En.' D- 'v D- 'V t 'In ese, For "' v novr iRD A PEDEN Jan. 20, IP4H. COW Ft)R SALE a j: FIRST RATE NORTHERN COW .)r, Bvitiu: D.e I all . At- i W M. t. OILVS Cn 1 r - i M Kl I I ! i l r, i ( ' .' II - 1 M !' In RMSLT, BROW N