7-V rres'icnt ci". the United State, and ns a ollkr, dutiful to tonstitutional authority, 1 nay not, for the time, obtrude myself up a mjr partial countrymen, or make any ; personal movement, it may be in my power to avoid, that might provoke their feelings. I am, therefore, already embarked for one cf our Northern ports, the nearest to my family, and shall, to retirement, await the ! further order of the War Department. With great respect and esteem, t1 1 nmain air fnithfnllv vrflira. WINDFIELD SCO IT. THE COMMERCIAL. Mi WILMIAUlUiX, 1N.U. X . THURSDAY, MAY 18. 1848. tf FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. ZACIIARY TAYLOR: THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE. . 'wtu& MM,. I COL. PAINE. v Col. Paihe, of this State, arrived in the Company's steamer: Wilmington, Captain Smith, from Charleston, yesterday, and pass ed en north in the Cor. i XpdR GOVERNOR, X CHARLES MANLY, OF WAKE. TELEGRAPHIC WIRES. The Charleston Mercury, of Tuesday, says: The telegraphic wire are disconnec ted between Chcraw and Fayctteville, and we are consequently without our anticipated despatch from the North." CARELESSNESS AND DANGER. Several Dray horses have runaway in our streets, within ten or twelv days. Fortu nntely, so far, no perssn has been injured, but these occurrences are always attended with danger. The Drivers of Drays who leave their horses, and render tliem liable to run, should be brought to an account, and thin culpable carelessness visited with proper punishment. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. I Among the candidates for the Presidency in the Democratic party ore Richard Rush, our present Minister to France ; Levi Wood- tr" ' : - : " i bury ; Martin Van Duren ; Mr. Buchnnan ; DEATH OF TURPENTINE TREES, j and Gi n. Cas. We see a calculation in one , We learn that some doubts exifl at ihe j of the Democratic papers, which wc look up DOrth, relative to the death of Turpentine , 0n as a little queer. The Slate of North Trees, an account of which appeared in the ! Carolina is put down to Gen. Cabb. If the Chronicle of the 3d inst. There is . unfortn- other voles put to that gentleman's account nately, no mistake in this statement. unless n nl on no better hope than those of this fulling short of a full detail of the calamity State, th'- chance of lien. Cass is more hope Ojay be Considered such. We have person- ; Icbs than we imagined. We did think he. atacqaaintances who have lout trees in this might get one .Stale ; but if this is the way Way, and have undoubted statements ol their )jg frjL-nds count lor him .they may as well dying in lots of five, ten and as high as one qUjt figuring. hundred thousand. One gentleman had Ins , tree boxed, which run very well, but after N0R1II CAROLLVl DISTRICT, Ko. 18, I. 0. of R. the first dipping they ull died. This fatality j The annual Hireling of North Carolina among the trees has so far been felt mure in District of the Independent Order of Itecha Brunswick county than in any oilier quarter ; biles was In Id at llnhabile. Hull, in this here, in which county alone the damage is ; town, on Tuesday the lGih inst. The meet estimated at $100,000. They still continue ' ing was called to order at 12 o'clock. al., by to die, and no one can calculate the extent to which the destruction may arrive. No satis factory knowledge of the cause has been ob tained, nor any remedy found. MERCHANTS OF BOSTON. The merchants of Boston, with character istic prudence, apprehensive that our com merce may meet with serious ohstrurtions in the present disturbed state of continental al fairs, are circulating a petition, asking Con gress to augment, without delay, our naval force in the Baltic as well as the Mediterranean. Isaac Nohtiihoh. D. 1). R., and in the ab sence of the D. R. S., William J. Yorr. D. L.. was appointed to act in his ste.id. The following Representatives from the : dilfereut Tents in the District, were in atten- j dance, viz : John MrRne, James McDaniel i Iver MrCallum, l C. P. Kinney, : Geo. Gadsby. N. It. Fowler, D. C. Haggerty, ; There were none in attendance from Cool Spring Tent. The meeting was duly opened, and pro ceeded to business. John J. Conolev. was elected as the Rep resentative from this District to the meeting of the High Tent, which holds its session in Old North State Tent. Rock Spring Tent. e. DEATH OF AN EDITOR. 'Tho Richmond Daily Whig, of Tuesday last, announces the death of RitiiAnn H. To ktR, senior Editor of that paper, in the 49th year of his age. Mr. Tollh has spent his whole life, almost from bojhood. in the ardu- September next, in New Jersey. OBI situation of an editor. He was a man ol The following arc the officers elect of the fine talents j exemplary in private life, and ! District Tent for the ensuing year, viz : Tho. H. Field. D. P. C It.; .Will Clark, D. C. R. ; J. T. Hewett. I). I). R. ; W. J. Yopp. D. R. S. ; Geo Gadsby. D. F. S. ; W. Sutton. I). T. : N. R. Fowler. D. L. John McRae. 1 1). C. Haggerty. Executive Council. A. P. Hurt. ) There was considerable business done du ring the day, and the District closed its la bors after a .hort and harmonious session, to meet again on the 3d Tuesday in May. 1849 unless business of importance bhould render it nccesoary to meet sooner. universally beloved and respected. MASSACHUSETTS. The Legislature of Massachusetts adjourn ed on Wednesday evening last, alter a ses sion of 126 days, having passed 333 acts and 85 resolutions. GEN. SCOTT. The Harrisburg Telegraph says that Gen. Scott will not consent to be a candidate for ! the Presidency, lind gives the General him self as authority. FIRES. A fire occurred at Detroit, Mich.. on the i So WISCONSIN ELECTION, far as heard from, Ntlson Dewcv. the Oth inst It broke out on the Dock in the ' democratic candidate for Governor, leads his large yellow warehouse, formerly occupied . 'opponent. Tweedy, about 4. 00(1. The Legis by J. Chester, supposed to have caught from lature is largely democratic in both branches, ft spark from a Propeller. Every thing was Thomng ;M7Burgl.Wi whitf 1:ilg ,,, r,10gcn named from the Adverser buddings on Jel-; Mayor of Providence, R.I. receiving 632 votes ferson Avenue to the Congregational and 1 QUt Qr dowu to the river. At least three hundred families were burned out. The Advertiser office huildings greatly damaged type, dec, nearly all saved. ""Blackwell's Sugar Refinery, situated on Quarterly Session of 1848 in Greensboro,' on East Front street, near the Rail Road Depot. : ll)e 27th of last mo,llh- The proceedings, re CSncinnati, Ohio, was destroyed by fire on ! ports, uiul t-pecehes were vt-ry intrresliiifcr. :ir,d Sunday night week. The loes is about indicate the high prosperity of the Order. $14,000, in stock and fixtures, $11,000 of , We regret that their length prevents us from which was covered by insurance. copying them. At half-past one o'clock, on the morning of SONS OF TEMPERANCE. The Grand Divii-ion of the Sons of Tem perance of North Carolina, held their 2d HALIFAX COUNTY. The Roanoke Republican of the 17th inst. informs us that the Whig County Convention met in the town of Halifax, on the 15th, and nominated Col. Andrew Joyner lor the Sen ateand W. L. Long and B. F. Moore, lor the Commons. CONGRESSIONAL. The Senale did not sit on Saturday. In the Home, on the Kith, Mr. Brown, ol the )0th inst. the large wooden building in Chelsea, near Boston, owned and occupied by Mr. Stephen Sibley, as the Chelsea Laundry, was dsstroyed by fire, with a brick stable con nected with it 'On Monday night week, a building oceu Jiel by J. W,'Aery &. Co.. dry goods deal- era, nod Ezra Abbott, Attorney, in Richmond Maine, was destroyed by fire. Avery &. Co. (niiurfd for 12.500, and Abbott's Library for 1700. To atore adjoining was injured MiwiwipP". b' unanimous consent, introduced 10 the amount of from $2U0 to I00. " bi ,br ,he -eliefofthe West Feliciana "The extensive Hut Bxly Manufactory and Ual1 lload Company ; rend twice, and refer- 'Saw Mill adjoining, belonging to Hiram L. red lo the Committee of Way s and Means. 'Stordeant, about a mile east of the vilh.ge Mr Adams, of Kentucky, presented resolu- - pf Pauhury, Con., was destroyed by tire on ,io"H of ,U Leg.sl.t'ure ol that State in favor Thursday morning last Loss tlO.OOO-m- ' N1r Whitney's plan of a Rail Road to the d 17.200. P.irific. Also, a resolution in relation to the '-'. i, , , Mobile and Ohio Rail Road Company: laid ' k 1 ' KROST. i on t',c lable and ordered to be printed. "The ClironkU says there was plenty of Mr. Hudson presented the memorial of lhc Wliite frost on tlie night of Saturday lust, American Statistical Association in relation Within 40 Of 50 miles of thi place, in a north- to the mode of taking the next census, erlf direction. We had not heard of thii, Mr. Adams, nf Kentucky, from the Com- feli ATt O0t surprised, us it was cool enough mittee on Engraving to which the subject "W (rotl oo the niglit ihi'.mmmI. , h r f,-rr-A reported a recolaiion to au if- lliorize tlie engraving of a certain, map of the Pacific coast, illustrative of the tiropositlon to establish pertain lines of steajn-packeti from the ports of Calilbrnia westward. ''' ' Mr. Burt moved to refer the resolution to the Committee on Printing. Mr. Conger said he trusted that reference would not je made. The Committee on Printing had business enough in hund, with out being further burdened with that which belongs peculiarly to the C mmiltee on En graving. The subject might as reasonably be relerred to the Committee of Ways and Means, or any other committee of the House, as the Committee on Printing. Mr. Barringer moved to recommit the sub ject to the Committee on Engraving, with in structions to inquire into the expense, and the details. , Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, moved to lay the resolution on the lable : which was lout. The motion of Mr. Barriager was then agreed to. On motion of Mr. Rockwell of Connecticut, the House then resolved itself into Committee, of the Whole, (Mr. Sims in the chair,) and proceeded to the consideration of sundry bills on the private calendar- Mr. Brodhead, in pursuance ofnotice, asked leave to introduce a joint resolution to amend Ihe Ci institution of the United Slates ; pend ing which, the House adjourned. In the Senate, on the '15th, the first business wini the resolution of Mr. JdIiiiwiii, of Mary land, calling on the President ol the l ulled Stales lor his reasons why certain nomina tions had not been transmitted lo the Senate. Mr. Borland spoke at some length in oppo sition to the passage ol the resolution. The subject was then informally laid aside, and the Senate proceeded to the considera tion of the order of the day-r-viz: tlie lull for military occupation ol Yucatan. Mr. Calhoun addressed the Senate in a speech of some length in opposiiini to the bill and amendments. Mr. Bagby lias thelloorou this subcct for to -morrow. A message in writing was received from the President of the United States, transmit ting correspondence between the Si eretary of the Navy and Commodore I'eriy. relative to allimliug aid to the. people of Yui-utan. On motion, the Senate then adjourned. In the lluuse, on the 15lli, a bill refunding lo the several Mates advances made to volun teers in the Mexican war, was taken up and passed. .ir. Stewart submitted a resolution, calling upon the Secretary of the Treasury lor a statement ol the amount of exports ol Cotton and Breadstuffs sent to England from iln.s country, for the first three quarters of IM7 and m. An interesting debate sprang up upon t'h' subject-m i Iters of the resolution, which was participated in by Messrs. Ingersoll, Stewart and Bayly. Mr. Bayly olfered an ainedinent to the res olution extending the siati incut to the la-i twenty years, which was agreed to. The vote was then taken on the resolution, as amended, and it was adopted. On motion, tlie House adjourned. MR. V ENABLE. j Wc have been favored by the Hon. A. W. j Venabli:, representative in Congress. Inun this State, tor a ropy ol Ins speecli. ilelivereii in the House of Representatives, on a qui s tion of privilege. April 0. 1SH. growing on! of the late negro excitement at Washington. 1 It is a first rate Speecli. as the following i tracts will show : The humble fanatic is employed to frequect Bchnols and factories to obtain sigiialuc to petitions for the abolition ol slavery, and im agitation of the rountry, that the by poo m may ride into political power upon the storm which has been aroused. I loathe the lana in fo r his recklessness in mischief while I iiiim in sonic degree, respect his honesty ol purpo-e founded upon conviction, erroneous it is true but still tlie convictions of his unilerstandiiiL' But. sir. I know of no terms which can expn s the utter detestation that all good men must fi el for the heartless hypocrite who avails himself of influence thus obtained for the purpose of unprincipled agitation. The task is difficult for such an one. hut there has, in all ages, been lound those who undertake to perform it. 'IVhal ! nerve two masters ! here's a ImI would try it ; ould e'en srrve Oixl, nnd five the devil his due; S iith grnee before he doth a deed of villa1 -y, And relurnelh thanks devotiilv when lis done '' I have no whining apologies to make for slavery as ii exists in the shiveholding States, neither do I hold it to be a moral, social, or political evil. Wherever the relation of de pendence exists, the form designated as slave ry here, is the most unexceptionable. It .i r . . i - . C secures tne coiniort, ease, ami nroiecuoii oi the domestic laborer, whilst the highest con siderations n re operative lo render the master kind, just, and humane. Hut sir. on tins subject tlie citizens of the New England Statee are the last who have a right to read lectures to the South. The slave trade prop er, by which the African was torn from Ins unlive laud, and Drought lo mis continent 'or sale, was the peculiar employment ol the descendants of the Plymouth pilgrims, nnd the colonists of the Providence Plantations. Massachusetts and Rhode Island can tell how much wenMi hus been acquired by them in this traffic. The slave deck and the slave shackles the horrors of the middle passage, and the agonizing cry rising from the captive suffocating ih crowded confinement, ore un known lo the navigators of southern noris. The slave trade was carried on the North accumulated profits. Prospective emancipa tion laws were enacted, nnd the larger portion of the non-slavfholding Ktntes sold their wgrr t the tjiuith. The nornr y was poek eted wealth acquired capital concentrated; and now we hear from then) grave lectures on our gailt; loud anthems to liberty and equality,;? Sir,; we have no confidence in vicarious repentance j we "ask no such' favor of those who obtrude their services upon us. Let them repent of the crimes of the slave ship, and (fie kidnapper ; and when that Is done, if we wish their aid, it will be sought. There is no humanity in all this cry. It is all a struggle for power, political power a restless effort to get rid of the principle of representation fixed by the Constitution, as the basis upon which slaveholders and non slaveholders meet on this floor to prostrate tho securities which the Iramers of the Con stitution hnve given the one portion of the FLUX OA D YSENTARY, GENERAL DEBIL . ! itation. j At leng'h a cure for the above, which may be most confidently relied on, has made its appearance s cure so positive that it never has failed, arid neter can fall, if properly administered, in proof whereof the money paid for it will be Instantly returned. In every case where it does not give the moat thorough satisfaction. Clickener's Sugar-coated Vegetable Purgative Pills is ihe remedy spoken of, and refer ence is made to all respectable physicians who will cheerfully give the most unqualified testimony in their favor. Let any person afflicted with either of these diseases, give them but one trial, and he isture to purchase them for life) not only because they cure them more speedy and better than any other Union against the aggressive invasions of the medicine, but also because they are as easily swal- other. lowed ns bits of loaf sugar, and are entirely unattend- WHOLESALE PUICB3 CUtRE fi'fH BUTfEIt Cheese.--1 BEEd WAX" BACON. Hams,N. f?; " Western, good scsree- ...yr lb. . 25 t...dp ID. v ,,.. do.,a " 20 at ii do. i 9 10 v Sides, N. C-- do. . Western, do. . Shoulders,N. C., .....ao. COTTON none. CORN Vbtt. COFFEE. 0 " ... u. .8 f 6J (II 6 60s) fJff"' S t. Domingo w lb. 61 a Java .-do.,. 10o..U.f i ed with griping or nausea. They are so powerful that three of ihein will effectually operate on a ! gi.int, and yet so mild and pleasant that a child might swallow half a box full without repugnance or From the Fort Smith (Ark) Herald of April 12. liretil Hail Storm in the Neminole Country Marcellus Duval, Esq., .Seminole agent, -irrlvi-il in lln-j nhiei. from the Seminole . 1 , , , , i injury, country, on Wednesday last. I'rora him ive LIP PITT A WILLKINGS, Front-slrcct, between learn that, on the 2 it h of March last, the Mm kM nnd Dock.streets, are the Agents for Clicke valley of the Canadian, about one hundred : ner's Pills for Wilmington, and fifty miles west nf lliis, wan visited with ! J ;,7,77, one of the severest storms of hail that ever 18 V0UR LIVF'R niSEA5F.D7 fell, the hail-stones bring about the size of! Vou ,nay find reli,fif you will -ul try in time, hens" eggs, and some even larger. Where Mr. ! New J'r8t'y- Bordentown, Oct. 25, 1845. I)uval "vvas the hail-stoncs were not so huge, ' Mr s,,'b W. Fowle, he being on a ridge, but on either side, on the river and in the prairie, the storm was ter rilic. The wild gee.ie and brants, n species of the wihl gno.se. appeared to be on the wing that day. migrating in great numbers from smilh to north, and were killed by hundreds with the hail while flying. Thirty were counted in one place, lying dead, by Rome persons who passed tin' spot slioitlv alter (he storm. Home fell dend in the aril of a Seminole Deur Sir I am well aware that persons of every nj; and sex, nnd condition in life, in every part of Ihi! country, have used, nnd been benefit ltd by DR. W ISTAR'S B.ALSAM OF W ILD CHE RRV . At y own life has been saved by it. My lather's and my mother's family were both consunipiivc My father, mother, and sister died with that fatal disease. For some years, I have been predisposed to it myself. Ahum one year ago 1 wus quite sick for n number of weeks, confined to my bed when the pnin in my hiriv would allow me to lay My pliyta- I . l' i , -1 1 1 i i.l Mii.'iiiiim: ii-lwi liii'Ll'il flli'lll IMI , ., ', , ' ,' ', ii . ii clan pronounced mv disease liver coiiinlalnl ; niv liml litem coniieu, anil ale niein. lie loin ,. thea.rent afterwards he thought the great bver was very much enlarged-I raised bloocveral Spirit liii.ls.-nl then, to the Indians, knowing ""PR. Hie pain in my side was so severe that the cars they were gettingsciuxe of provisions. Some l'a?slr' "i the street by the door affected tne. I was of tin: Indians were afraid to eat them, sup- cupped, bled, and had various other remedies ap posing tho destruction of so great a quantity plied, but all to no purpose ; I got no relief. At last of these birds portended some evil to their my physician said he could not cure me. I expccl country ; others enrried iheni home by liorsi; id todie soon, but providentially I heard of, and ob tained, a bottle ol your IJidsain which relieved uic at once, i was encouraged to pei severe in using it, until 1 took four or live hollies, which saved my liie and cured me. My health is now good. For Liver Couipl, lints 1 believe it is a most cert in cure. .sinned, .MARTHA A. ISKTCHF.L. 1 am acquainted with Mrs. lietehel her sluteineiil Rio do.- Laguira do.". Cubs DOMESTICS. , ; Cotton Yarns, .-do." Cotton Oznabbtgs, 4-4 N.C. Sheetings -tyji. v.7!,?".!!. :J ''i'-CV.-'f.' 15 0 .. FLOUR. W::Mi Fayetteville VfeW.' '? 75r:.,fi.24.. Canal do.''7 7 60 t rm .1.1 I I loads. 1 lie agent i;;iys inai lie never nearu of any thing of the like before in his life, and when lie lelt the Indians were still bringing in from the prairies wild geese and brunts bv loan s. S e vera I o lie nillan ennuis bv the killed. lion were blow ii down and others ii iiooh il storm, but fortnnalelv no person was S rni k i:. Hi o r. a mi l)i:vrn. W'e under stand that a serious disturbance and riol took place among ihe laborers engngVd on the Hudson iiiver Hailroad, on Saturday last, in the neighborhood of the Highlands. From the iiiliii inatioii which we have leeeived. it appears ili.it a portion ol them "struck" lor higher wages and refused to work any fur ther uniil their ih maud was complied with ; and w re ili tennined to make all the oilier laborers follow their example. The increase of wages not being acceded lo as promptly as they demanded it. tin y org mi -ed t!i m selves into a riotous band which too f;-i j 1 1 1 : . 1 -I)' happens in Me li eases, and a p eared to be determined on doi: ii? rinse h ie I. Alter a while, they proceed"! to a building in which was stored two hundred barn Is of gunpowder. I for blasting purpors. and set lire, lo it. and blew the whole concern to the winds. . J 1 jam-holy In relate this i ;i -Ii act caused the ilesl rue! ion of one llle. and was the means ol ; eriuuslv injuring several men in ihe neigh I hoi hood ol the explosion, some eighteen, who 1 wei e badl v wounded bv 1 1 ..Til l Ills , , ; is true. Signed. WIIITAU, STOKES. Druggist, i'llee 81 er bollle six hollies for live dollars. .None genuine unli ss signed I. HUTTS on the wr pper For sal . wholesale and retail, by WM. SHAW Wilmington, and by dealers in Medicines generally tlnoulioiit i lit; I'liiled States. MARRILII). In this town, last evening, at the M. F.. Church, by the Rev. Mr. ( in Izl'Uig. Mr .Ukxamif.ii McKai: Jr. lo Miss Maria Elizabeth Chambers, ull ol ihis place. dii;d. In this town, on the I5lti inst., Mabv Elizabrth, daiigti'i r of Francis and Klizu J. Savage, n"ed 'J3 iiumint. HAY yewt. LUMBER, STEAM MILL. W ide Boards, Plank and Scantling, M. P.. Floor Boards, do. LUMBER, RIVER. Flooi Boards do... Wide Boards do... Scantling do... LARD tf'b. LIME tp-bbl MOLASSES. New Orleans Cuba cargo. do MEAL 4f bu. NAVAL STORES Oipplng Hard do. Spirits Turpentine, gal. Tar bbl. Fitch do.-. Rosin, No. 1. do. No. 2 do.-. " 3 do.-. Varnish Vgall. I'KAS. B. E. Pens W bu. i'EA-NL'TS, do... RICE Rough none Cleaned, fail lo good, 100 lbs. SUGAR. New Orleans Wlb. Porto Rico do... STAVES. W. U. Hhd. rough None " " dressed " " barrel a.O. Hhd.'toimh " dressed SHINGLES. ( 'oiilllloll Contracl "Black's" large SPIRITS. N. E. Ruin ("urn. ' in Whiskey Apple Urtindy SALT Bonaire LiveiioTd Saik, Hum Key TIMBER. Interior, Fair Quality, Good .Mill Shipping 12 . Am . 15 00 A 16 (X) 7 5O',9B0 5 50 a 6 00 6 00 8 0 9 27 0. 181 a tfbu. 7U ..jis) 2) 19 7ft 2 30 0 2 35 1 30 a 27 A .. 140 a. . 80 A C5 1 25 0 1 37 BO 0 1 '' .. 0 60 30 0 70 76 90 0 100 85 90 31 0 3 h0 Ejra . 61 10 10 15 1 50 3 50 . 6 a 0 0 0 11 0fi. 0 2 00 a 4 50 ra .. .. 22 a 32 0 2G 0 36 a .. 20 0 1 20 O 22 0 33 38 25 Soap 3 0 4 4 50 0 6 00 6 00 o 650 8 00 'J00 30 0 35 5 .. q 6 COMMERCIAL. REMARKS ON MARKET. h t i i ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 r in stored. We have her pnrliciilnrs. seatierni" Ira"- whieh ihe powder not received an i'ORT OF 1LM1.NGTON, MAY IS. :::C- 0 A. M. UK. II w I KH AT Til ! M .'. Mil S"llllCt IKII II, III At ! A shocking atlair was it in Mielliy I o. Ivy. Inst wee' I Iuh,:ii:i.i: At ' ! nij lr-l Mi'nh i ' h.oilght to llgl ! )r Milchison. a popular physician. nnd a pro ; lesser ol religion, seduced the wile ol a wealthy and rc:-pce la hie citizen iiiiuid ( Jul line. whose Tamils' phjsician lie was. Mitcbisun ;tlii'ii agreed to muriler his; own wile, il Mrs ( ; would urn rile r lie r own husband; to u Inch .-lie linally assented. Mr till few das af t'TWaiiU, was taken unwell when Dr M. ua . called in. who h it a juese ri t inn with MrstJ with secret insl uel inns bow to iiilmiiiister il. S he com pi led with the instructions, but when M r ( !. u as about to lake 'I. he ohseved it b.-.k-i 1 1 d i lli re n t I n i in 1 1 e incd n ine he had la ken mi ! 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 r occasions; llus induced linn to walk lo window to examine it. when she si iz. d al li.e inciii cine on to tlie Hour Iroul his hand, lie inline di.ilely raised her uji, ami mi looseiMiit; her dress, was horn lied to Ii el several paji. rs more of lhc same .sis leimis nn ilu'ine. She then made a lull confession, and prodim d M itehison's letters tilled with proti stall ilis id' love, and detailing their daiis. Mitehi-nn nnineiliately ie,-,iui)ei and Mrs (i. xva.s .sent Inline to her Ii lends, who tire all wealthy. An eil'ort was made to get her pardoned, in order that she might appear agairisi I)r M. but the iovernor rcluseil to grant it- ARRIVED. mi, W Inn Inn st, Schr. "1 nit, W Inn Inn st, from HI 11, to Dl ltOBSCt, l: UWIl ill C o. Miildli ton i l ' 1 1 ei m. L i ve In 1 1 ; 1 1 h the aim and jireteinled lo hunt. ami: tune kuoekiog the spoon with the lli. i : 1 1 l Mai ion, Aloise, iioni lauli; River, lo G H . ll.ivis wild iih1.l. to Dt ltessel. Ilrown iV o. .M. .oner Rowan, Hull, Il oin Fa) el lev llle . lo J . ( '. I. ilia, witli nuUe. lo R. Maxuell, ( loniy, Wulker A. Hall. G P. ip R H. Giiiiil, Alfkell.il k .MeRau, E. J. Linn ilnli ii v,'o L. J. Ileriiuid, R. W . liiowii it nil J. Hunks Pass neis : J. I). N illi.iins. L. Mekcd u. Me. oin i Hi in ii l in. l.v, iiis. iroiu F lyt lleville, lo Jolin li.uiks. Willi iiul . lo siin.li pi.es. .in. Ii. Siciiiii i Gov. Goiliiiin, Pick, Iroin Faytlte-viiii-, inj. ii N . L. AlcGaiy, with gooils lo siuiiiiy I" i s. ns. " Si hr. Paclidiis, Blown, from Washington, Willi I 'orn, and Peus, lo J . A l L. McG.u y, mid Col n lo In-Kosyci, Blown & o. " Si hr. Sjin llyinni, Styron, from Midilleinn. N-o ih l ounl) , W illi 1UUU uusliclo Corn, to DeRoss I, Brow n iV ('ii. ' i hr l.iulv v hiiliy. I'uiiigc, from Noitli Conn- of vessi Is la b, vn 1 1 ii uorn, le v ,iii.iln. CLEARED. 17. Schr. Prudence, Cowinbs, lor Hartford, Conn., w lib 0,1 W Ii ci ol Liiuilii i. by . B. Giles j- ( ,'o. p. lli in Orb, Davis, lor .Miiiuuziis. Willi l3t,5Jf It. I. Hint,, i. ol I, bb Tar, 1U Id.ls. I'm h, ti bbls. Varnish, l.v I-.. Dickinson. - I Ii it; (. a. Tuft, Norton, nr Cardenas, wiih 10.'. ti(.'J lec-l Lumber, and I Spais. by li.iny, liiy.uil i 'o. ' Sieiuiii-r Henrietta, Evans, lor F.iyellevill, by J. Ikuiks, wnh mdzc. lo pundry percons. Tt-npKN risi:. Sinee Tuesday morning last, a sale of 1G) bbls. nf Turpentine was made at $2,60 per bbl. lor Vii;in Dip, '.',IOfor Yellow Dip, and 91,10 per bid. for Haul. Another lot of J25 bbls. sold at $2,55 per bU. for Virgin Dip, and 92,15 for Yellow Dip, and $1.10 cts per bbl. for Hard ; moiket closing at (lie latter prices. Tail small lot of 27 bbls. Tar was disposed of at $1,12 cts. ier bbl. Sri u 1 1 s Ti iii'eni ise CO bbls. Spirits were sold on Tuesday Inst al 25J cts. per gallon. 'I imueu -One raft infeiior Timber was disposed of at St nc-r M.. nie.iflurcmenl, not inspected. Racox.- A lot of 4000 lbs. Western, Btcon Sides, bronchi $0,50 per cwt., pr;vale sole. Corn -Several small vessels, from North Coun ties, have lately arrived with cargoes of Corn; our market is well su),)li(d with this article at present one cargo was sold at 50 cents per bushel. Cow Psas. --There is also a good supply of this ar Fi.ocn Flour appears to be arriving more freely from I'ayi tlt ville ; w hole ealu prices, $5,76 for ,10 lor tine, and $6,V5 lor super. Our market pieseuts a very dull oppcornnce--but little doing at present. Our wburvesare nearly clear and we are desirious of seeing them r- . ii r .L l ..IJ L . . l l rive mure pa nuiuiiy u ineysnouio o inray incom ing, we sb.dl shortly come lo a stand Hill. TO ISC INK I). The IJaletia Advertiser inlorins us. that a whole lainilv. named I Jessy, residing near Twelve Mile Clrove, Winnebago conuly, . were a lew days ago taken snd leiiU ill. mioii at'ler eatiiur smoked ham which hail hei-n -... turned I'roin a neighboring smoke house I'-re chains, lo the tuck ol the deck, split ihe phmk , . . 7.i i iii ' . shear anil ulienei: Ihe water wai s. brokt the fori in, isl was susiecieu uiai uie iiauiNunii m en puis BOSTON MARKET. Mnj 13 Stormy weather on Thursday interfered limited supply and sustains late advances, fnmoi ipiuliiy mealing Com, scarce and firm. Provisions sust iin previous rati a, and in other articles no tna-1 teii il change. The money market remains pretty much as last week, the rate (or good business paper i . i i. .. . r l f rt,l., nnt-.i i UOI'Ul 13 n I I'lll. JAi iiiiuv vit uviiuuii, iiuiuiuqij u . . .'J . . , - . , There has been rather more Inquiry within a day n I s; a MTI.' J s; .t, ' . -.. c- i v iz., iv'. n, "r wa,,,; or i wo for Spirits Turpentine, bui the sales Bava Men .V C from Maisi illi s, for liosion, arrivi d al S;. ' small, ot 35 a 3(i cents, cash, and 38 40centapr gal. NEW YORK. - 1U. Si lir. Eloiuse, Rotunson, liOSTO.N. 12. Schr. Josep.i Hutlcr, Burnhain, Cl.EAKFIi. lor this port. Arhivkd. hence. lii oryes, Hi rinudii. (d i list . , in dn-uess. On ihe 21-1 nil. in lat. 36. Ion. tl, while lying to in a gale ol wind, w as boaidi d by a sea w hich stove in hiilwaiks ami stanchions on ihe Hal horn d side, 1 1 mil lm w ,ud nl !lii llle liauiH lim oned. ami aeconluigiv lliey Were taken lo Ilocklord, and cbeinically examined, when it was lound that they were slroiiiK iuiiregi(a ted with arsenic Three of the family, have since died, and the remaining nu mbers are dangerously ill. A neighbor whose name we have not heard is suspected ol having min inilted tin diabolical act, and is under bonds I'or trial. St'.hv. The Hoston Traveller of Thurs day last, pays that a heavy storm commenced on that morning, between 2 nnd ;i o'i lock, and at noon had subsided into a drizzly easterly rain. An unfinished building m jirogresH of erection, was bjown down by the violence of the gale, al West Newton. A dwelling house erecting at Brighton was also blown down. Fot'R Stl am hoats lie r ?i r. A despatch from St. Louis, of May U, announces the. de striii tion by lire of four ste;imhoats that mor ning, viz: the "Mary," the Mail," the 'Mis souri." and the 'Lightlnnt.V The lire origi nated in the ' Mail,'' which was without In surance. All the rest insured. The entire loss is estimated lit IHH.ui.ii ''.,- hoats were 11 . mpM .V',' ' '-J' uliout VI) feel above the (JrcK, which Witn over the side, carrying wiih il tin- iiiainiu.ist. and all the sails and nggmg ulltielml lo both musts, tcHiing up ihe dick around the fori uiasl. stove lie bulwarks, and broke several stanchions on the larboard fade all; siovc the mi 1 1 y and long boal lo pieces, and sel Ihe vt sst I to It uking. She w as on llle bill inst. dikth.n Kl" NO T.1UU. 'PI1F. subscriber hovinj dlspostd of his entire stock L ol Conlecllonaiy. Fruil und Fancy Ai licles, lo utlher w iih his ice C'rciin Saloon, to I'l . F. V ooii. hen by requests all person indebted lo him lo innke l in uit clio it.- pay mem ; una utosc lisvingclsims lo ptc senl l Item for hipudaliun. E. II. WOOD. FURTHER NOTICE. THE subscriber having purchased ol E. R. Wood his cm ire slock ol Confectionary, Fruii, Toy end Fanfy Article, respectfully solicits a continuance ol the patronage hen tofote extended lo thai establishment. Tho Hock will be replenished from time lo time, and the ICE CREAM SALOOS w ill be open as usual for the reception of visiters, and be so conducted as lo give general sntisisdion. II F. WOOD m r i 14 G m is. In Tar, Rosin and Pitch the transaction arc confined to small lots. The niaiki t is more animated in Cotton, and Mlei o! i 00 hairs havi taken place, principally Upland a Tex. is. from C a 7J on 6 mos. Holders firm at pre si nl low prices Thodcmund for Rice is moderate. Salea at 3J e 31 cash anil G mos. Sales of southern yellow Corn at 53 a 59, tha ItttUi for prime quality. NEW YORK MARKET;" 1 l .V.iy lo. The Cambrla'a new hn but little t Sec on the market. Dut little disposition to operate Ic i Coi ton. -Sales of 250 bales at previous ratea. There wtre sales of 2.000 bbls. Oenefe Fi0rfcom iimn, st r, and 6,37 for Rood brands. J' Corn was Rim and active, wiih soles of 10,000 bush els at 68 a 59 cents. ' Pork, Meal, and other article remain unchanged! Nothing since last report relative to Naval StOltrf U .7 f PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Any 15. Receipts of Floor continue! tyrl Sale of Pennsylvania brands, In small lot, at M k 6,06j western, I'i.BTI a Ifi. -. ' Not much doing In Grain. Moderate sale of prim red wheat at 11,40; mixed, f 1,35 a 1,39. Com ia I moderate request, with sales of yellow at 50 a 51 cts rye 7 cents ; oats 43 a 44 ci nls. Thi r1 i n ch ii. ;;r In nonce in provisions. Soni