. . : -t- -:- - -r. : z . llfllTOa'AND Proprietor. - v THE COMMERCIAL ' 1 -? iiiSHshedeTcrjrtTi(irf'jyi77''"'f,yi and Saatrtfay . at tJ per annum, payable, In all caaea, in advance, rn T II O 1A 11 ORNO , ; ,W0K .It. BAl'or lDtBtTlint. 1 Square, 1 months. 84 00 trrk.- 8 - do.- 8 00 I. do,. .,6,, 4off. .8 00 l'i-do. lyear,' T1tloei orless mats square. If an adver lt!kmaexssds (vlvtliw tbs prica will bo in H;f)portlon.vilwtU'if-.- .! , &ll adferUaamanta are payabW at tha lima ol their ' .,i;ontfaeis wuo ysartf iowotimh, wm m df JAJvfetlwmehti inserted it, the tri-weeuy Commtr cial, are entitled to one aaerrjq the IFeeWv, free of charge, TtMiE fll 8- &. B A RNU M, iiNbricTiiacBi and dsalcbs in ,4BAmS (MPS,- UMBRELLAS, AND WALKING-CAW, f C'll.rw o'-rfcL-P'P Wtr MIVrtTflfti V "! J. M. BABKPM. 85 r(n 1QA ipERQSSET, BROWN & Co., Jfili COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , i, - WILMINOTON, N. C Mb'i8''' l-y. , DEROSSET & Co, 0 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 159 FRONT ST. NEW YORK. Ilajca)? 1818.'-, Hr. , ... i . o A. MARTIN, & AGENT AND -jpojit iriiss ion Merchant, 'i.JtotlAWiter, 8 Boon above Princes Street, v (Murphy' t Dvilding,) u WlLMlWrON, N. C. uOct,3, 8 Ity W. L. McOARY 'ii'aillViBDLH AND ClllLmSlUJI .. ' t( MERCHANTS, i i WLMLVGI-ON, NC. ..Miph 17, 1949. 1-y- RjWLEY, ASHBURNER fc CO. t filer tl Comiflitiian lerchailt, i if No. 5 Gt Squth VVhabvh, fe. i . .i PHILADELPHIA. Wcara prepared to make liberal advance on aliip JtaalMtXaval Swrei, Ac, couaigaoii to u for aale. U .Rafai tu .Bfaara.llALLiB Aa.MTao.vo. J a AtBtiorarr FiANsaa, Wilmington, N. C. Gaoaaa W. Davh. J0if 19. 123-ly. ELIJAH DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 'Senior partner of the late firm of Llok inion & Mrrii ,Jf ' I . WILMINOTON, N. C. RnClt TO -Ak.Bra.-B. DePoreit & Co, N Ywk Nesmlih & Walsli, ) O&OUCE 8. GILLEiPIC. AGENT FOIl THE HALK OP TIMBER, tUMDER, NAVAL STORES, f t?nTmaklibfrICih advancca on all cornlgnniento fl pi ' t fcf produce. ' CilANDFORD SMITH, ; AU5TI05EEIS k C011ISSI01 flEICKAXTS, jrv,i n WILMIWOTOX, N. C. Afc(l.i;,Hi48. i-y- J.)UTHAWAY & SON, " COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i .- v. Ird Door North WaUr Strut, ... wiLmaroN,N.c. J.Hatnaat. J. it. Hathawat. Oct.27.l84T. 8EAVVELL & MEAD, CpDXiiisiQn Merchants, - ft-ALEIGH, N . C. M-fclfBl''C MfMneM Wi fi Cwimmn. Raklgh, Anj;. 16, 1847. B5-y. G. VV. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, . . , " WILMINGTON, N. C. ' If.r.BlT.'TOlft' " 1 COMMISSION MERCHANT PtrthtsaJaof all kladaof Oooda, Country Produce IOVm .!,MLE10H,I.C. IV IJailoeaaentfUited to him shall b promptly and tlthuN Bttendedw. . , Rafaruxh lUXmol Ttt CotbhuitW. VB.18.J8T. iAQtaibeU Corn add Paa afloat; for aale 27 "if -1 1 flTptfBAWAND MEAL. Y"Sn 8U3HF.tSOatt0dB. Maal.jnat raeel- tX from Karat toTiltp, and tor aale by r J T - U W.L. McOARY. IV f.i.i -f.r t - 27 if CANDLES T CANDLES ! ! tfl' '"oM nV'Taflow Candl JtVn,tir.rktt m4 for wia by ei- ' J. dk W. L. MaQART. y " 27, I H-l l l - ,N. . 1 li ki iilJ i ill A il 11 I ,K ,K 1 11 71 ; V" V -V, , VOL. 3-r-NO. 30 JOHN HALL, SHIP AGENTj AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 30 GRAVIER STRERT. New Orkaat April 13, '88. UO-'y- F. J. LORD fc CO. Rice Factors & Commission Agents. Nor 28, 1847. 103-tf. LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN CIETY, OF LONDON. AND FIRE INSURANCE IN THE iETNA INSURANCE COM PANY. OF HARTFORD, Conn.. OB, IN THB HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, May be effected by application to DcROSsET, BROWN & Co. Nov. 25,iai7. 108 W. A. LANG DON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 23. 1847. 107 M'KELLAR & M'RAE, LUMBER AND TIMBER MEATS, GENERAL CUMISSIDN Mt Ri HAMS, and I.RIKERS, Start formerly octvyud by Hall 4 Abmtbono. NORTH WATER STRF.F.T. WILMINGTON N. C. HBCTOa M'KELLA. Nov. 11. 1817. ALEX. M'RAE. 102 THOMAS A LLIBONE & Co., GENERAL I'll.TI M I I II N MERCHANTS, No. 8. SouthWharves. PHILADELPHIA. Advances mode on ConRignmenh- Refer to Misr. DsRosbit, Brown & Co. Wil mington, N. C Nov. II. 102-y HARRISS & RUSSELL, (8UCCE880R8 TO CHARLES D. F.LLI3 ) GENERAL CO M MISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N.C. oaoaoa HAaaisa. henry r. aueiELL. REFF.R TO E P Hall. Esq. ) O Ci. Parslby, F.89. Hilming'.un. Jno. A. Taylor, Esq. ) Armer Pattov, Esq . Ncic York. Alex. Herron, Jr., F,bq., Philadelphia, Mersbr. William.. Wblbman & charltHon II. F. Baker. Esq. S Sept. 4th, 1947. 73-tf. K. J. LITTERLOH & Co. FORWIRDIMJ AND I'OMMISSIDIH MERCHANTS, AND PACKET AGENTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. C. I. I ITTBRLOH. Oct. 28, 1847 ). B. riERC'E. 95-H L. MALLETT, AGENT TOR THE BALE OF Timber, Lumber, Naral Stores, Ac, Lazarus Building, North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 9,1847. 101 BARRY, BRYANT & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1848. 1 if. J O H N C L ATT A COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON. N.C. Oct. 10, 1917. 87 S A N D F O It D & SMITH, AGENTS OF THE HOPE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, WILMINGTON. N. C. March 17. 1848. ' 7- SANDFORD &. SMITH, AGENTS OF THE North Carolina Mutual FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1843. 1 J- BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER, AT THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. SHEETING & YARN RO' KFISH Sheetlnjt. 4-4 1 Mallett'B Varo mwortrd. For sale low. by D ROSSKT BROWN a Co. Mareh 28. 1 30 QR. Cask rKstspa Wins 1 20bbla Radford Rami 20 do. old Apple Brandy 1 10 do. N. C. Urd 300hnahelsCow Praat IHhds. OatBgnsracNed,and for wlaht A. MARTIN. April t5 " PUBLISHED TRI-VVEEKLY; WILMINGTON, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, JOHN D. LOVE., DEALER l CABINET FURNITURE. BEDSTEADS, CUIUS. !U BASSES, ie , ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON. N. C. WILLIAM NEFF, (ImU of the firm of Ntrr &, Warn BR.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OK DOCK A WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th, 1947. 113-tf. F . G L A RkT M AN VFACTCaaa AND DBALBB IN ALL KINDS or CABINET FURNITURE. CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WRITING UU&, MAT TKiSSkS, P.ILUsrcKS,le FRONT STRKET. NEAR MAKKET, WILiMlNGTON, N. C. April II ih, 1848. Illy. Proceedings of the Safety C mmit:ee OF THE TOWN OF WILMINO.ON. During the yrar t 1774 1775 and 1776 WITH ihe joint Prowdin-.ani the 'ommiiuo of the Countltn of Duplin Onslow, Bind. n. Brunn wick and Cumborhind, tor anient the ' 'ommereiol Of fice. Pricr25 c-ntB per copy. A large dlecount mode i for large numherc. JUST RECEIVED fe Very h incisome anortim.'iit of Lodies fan Buekin: Lata a fine kid, low l.iw t:-: Litdiesdo. do. alippii nnd tionj do. do. whiti- ?ili r,,r.lbv GF. R. FRENCH I " "1 w Feb. 17. I4J. ALL person indebted to the subscribers from ih. yeur one, up to 1848 ate requested to cull unci P" y tne aame N. B. All i All accounts for work .lone at ihit eiiah lishinent, will htreaiii-r Le presented cv, ry nmn dnyi. Jan. 5. I1AK1 & 1'UL.l.KV V:'.' FORTY CENTS PI 111 GALLON. AMPHIE selling at loriycents pertrallon by D. W. W OOP. Dec. 7(h 11 3-if. JUST RE..E1VLD 1 TO B:,lr' F.nsletn Ha,, 1 I J 10 Ht'ls. Apple 25 Hncsheails Sucar House Mol.isses. For suit by G. W. DAV-IS. April 16. 14 COFFEE lff BAGS prime St. Domingo ColTee. landing 111) frum Schr. Ontario from Jerome. For ile by G. VV. DAVI8. April 1 1 ih. II. A Fine U cUVcHi for 25 Cents. White Teeth. Foul Breath, Henlthy Gums. Yellow nnd unhealthy teeth, after being once 01 twice clt lined with JONES' AMBER TOOTH PASTE, have the appearance nf i he most beaiuiful Ivory, nd Ht the aame time it is so perfectly in iioeeni md exqui aitely fine, t ha ilia constant dully use i highly ndvania peous. even to those leeih ih.it nre in uood conditiun. giving them a beautiful pulish, nnd preventing a pre mature decay. Those already decayed, it , revtni from beoiaiiing worse it also fusti ns iuch s mi be roniing loose, and hy perseverance it will render tlx foulest teeth delicately while, and make 'he breaih delciouslv sweet. PRICE OR 37, CENTS A BOX. Sold in VV ilminglon, by Lipplit 4 Willkincs. GLUE. A Supply of Glue, for Spirit Barrels, conslantly on IX hand. or snle by De ROSSKT BROWN 4 Co. Mareh 23. PROVISIONS. yr C BACON, assorted, Including fine Hams 1 Lara ; Prime and Mess Pork; Red nnd W hite Pe a; Corn ; Half tie'cea new Rice ; Flour, a variety, for aale by R. W. BRGWN. April '20. '.849. 15 if. MOLASSES. lOU log equal to Porto Rico, just receimd per Sehr. Baltimore, and for sjile by BARRV.BRYANT4CO. April 18. 41 CORN, MEAL, HOMMON'Y, AND G,(XX) May 6. For sale b VV dt T. LOVE. It Linseed Oil. 2BELS. N. C. Llnsccd Oil for aale hy HOWARD A PEDES' Apra 29. 19 FOR SALE, 1 C hhds. o( New Crop Martinique Molissea, for 1 O ial low to close conairnmeni. Apply to HARRIS l RLStfF.I.L May 9. 23 , WATER COOLERS. si N Invoice of Wmer Coolers; a heat nd usefu il, article, received from Knlf Imore. For salr by DeROSSKT BROWN A to. March 28. FEATHERS! FEATHERS ! ! 1 fff LBS. Nrr Teathera. jnat rwWedfroin 1 JJJ FaTtrtlcrtUa. and for aat h j. a rv. Li. ncUAKV May 19 77 DY THOMAS LORING. Gen,: Taylor. The following Preamble and Resolu ttons were introduced nd adopted, at a meeting a short time iince in Baltimore We not only think them commendatory of the distinguished individual whose name it mentioned in connection with them, but u fully commensurate with the feeling and sentiments of the whole country; lo represent the spirit of moderation which would seem agreed upon, as to the past, mid 10 iinpresd iu happy influence up on the future, we are most fortunate, at this crisis, in having a lender, around whom we can rally upon the platform of the consii- ! tution. with that national banner above us, i which Una same leader has borne to fields J of victory and glory. Zuchary Taylor 1 servant of the republic obedient to the i laws ! This is the man to whom the eyes 1 of the people are turned, and their hearts also, its the chosen one, fitted for the su ' blime duty of presiding over a united peo ple, untrammelled with purty obligations or interest of any kind, and bound by none, but those which the constitution and the high interests of the nation at large most seriously and solemnly demand. In so far .is the people ure superior to a party in so far as the constitution is superior to party creed so fur does General Taylor stand above ull partisan competitors for the Chief Magistracy of this Union. With such a man at the head of the government so honest, so firm, so wise we mtiv re- ' pose in the confident assurance that, while the deliberate wisdom of Congress shall do its part in any contingency that may arise in the progress of our national career, the duties of the executive function, in his I hands, will be promptly and faithfully dis charged. In full view, therefore, of G'-n. Taylor's i itnuitmn mill Willi n rlnp nnurprMiitimi nf , ifj .,,, , ' ..ii.,!,. tliC VIIOIO, DC ILtjUllt AAitUlO U1IU IL0.'UI101UII I ties, it is hereby ! I. lifsohrd. That the firmness and dura , tion of the Union materially depend upon i the purity of the supreme executive author ity ; i-nd that, lnibuetl wiih the true spirit of the constitution, the Chief Magistrate should be a patriot I'resi lent, intent upon the moral glory and solid prosperity of our country, and, without disfranchising dis nuctions for part3's sa!;e, awarding the trusts of the people to vinue and talent. 2 Itcsulimi, '1 hat the true welfare of the ; republic now requires an Exi cutive Chief 1 not committed to extreme opinions, who will temper past animosities, and. by an j example of wise conciliation, regulate the j rising differences, with which new and vasi events sire about to test the durable worth i i t.f 1 11 1 1 1 1 iti n rrni'orii inAiit 3. Halved, That the honor and well bams of the nation its dignity abroad and its tranquility at home requiring, always, -'a strong head and an honest heart" de mand, paviicularly now in the momen tous circumstances which surround us to be commitied to 'untrammelled" hands 4 Rtsolred. That the platform of the con stiiuiion upon which Gen. 1 nylor fore the people guarantying eq t a nil iiiriiiuhoci r. unra nnil it mill hnu 111 i :.u r.. . .. Ull WHICH ail OUI iciiow-vnicns, wueima known as demot ratio or whig native or naturalized may unite 111 his support, and participate in ihe benefits of good govern- ,nn,,i ...r.r hi ,lminlel r,amn 5 RevteA, That.,, the judgment of. h.s meeting. Gen Zachary Taylor is cons,,, 1 1 r u ..,,ki. . I 11 cuouslv lndicateil by the public voice, and , , , r . J , , his own merits, for the first place in the na- ,. . nf 1, tion. 1 .luring a long lite 01 public service, j h h-is heen nil frir hm counlrv. nnd nolhimr "v -" I for himself Great in command, but great-1 er in obedience brave in his wisdom, ant prudent in his courage merciful in victo ry, and modest in triumph-hc has given 10 his countrymen, always, nn example of that rare moderation, which is the best ele 1 1 1 ! riient arti mark 01 statesmansnip and great I ness From such a man. professions of faith .re needless He has the constitu- lion for his guide, and has declared that he I will follow it. We have confidence in h:.-. ability. and know his truth "On our own responsibility, then." and ' without any jdedges" from him, we do hereby nominate him to the free voters of the Union as the people's candidate, and ihe man of the cri sis. 6. Roolrrd, That we invite our fellow- citizens of the several counties of this Stale 10 cooperate with us in the support of Gen. Taylor, by meeting in primary assemblies, and by the selection of delegates to a State Taylo' convention for the adoption of mea sures to Becure his election. Ai Important Amendment. At t'lel iie ! neaaion of the Episcopal Convention of Vir ginia, un amendment to the canons of Ihe churrh pnaed tha' body "making il the duly of every minixtrr nt the diocim of Virjri.da. to exclude fmni the communion table all the members of the Church who were addicted to gaming and horae rarimr, who should at tend publie ball, theatiienl exhibitions, bul let dn 'icing nnd the exhibition of the model artiata." This and mher amendment favnr ahlv paaaed npon, will be nubmittrd Par the j fioal action of Ihe next Dinrcw Convention I which, it has been reaolve.l. shall Us held at i Richmond. PML Et. Bullttin. J i 20 4 IbiS Whole No. 348. A, ir.oit lime igt a cbarmimr yotinir girl made her debut in one of our vaundr ville theatres, nnd obtained, on her first nppearance? great success for grace and beauty, while waiting for the success of talent, which is only given to more experi enced personages. The effect which he produced purchased for her an engagement, which was quite moderate as regards pe cuniary benefit, but which would assure her present success and prepare her for that of the futdre. According to custom, one clause of the contract stipulated for u for feiture in case the engagement was broken by either party. I he riinnngers never fail to insert this article in their engagements with actors, and oftentimes ihe smallest salaries are ac companied by enormous forfeitures, partic ularly when the individual is a pretty wo man ; for pretty women are more thnn nil others, sul.ject to caprice, and they easily find bondsmen to pay the expense of their irfcofist.inc v , j - - me loneiture was nxea at ten thousand francs, nnd the young actress attached no importance to 11 , there was no probable cause of rapture on her part ; she was re solved 10 fulfil her duties, and oecuov hr. self exclusively with her art. It was in T TJ .... vain that seductive homage sought to des- : me ibrllion had been rroahrd, and exhsrt troy ihese gwd resolutions ; the youn- nc-. th' Ha liens to go to work, respect pfa tress trod with a firm step in the nght , V""""9 orJer- resoma lhi tiiiial road , .11, he little , characters which were i "hHast aeco,mts the Prtrssat given to her, exhibited treat progress, and ' Xa Cuyes. "M she might have become talented and re-f " nowned if she hatl continued in the dm-1 The Illinois Camal. A hriak trada has m.ntic career Hut d.scretion nnd virtue nl,,,,ld commenced thrnngh this new avenoa are exsed to change as well ns the most of amerce. 8uuar. nwlassrt. hemp, and flening f.ncies of an inconstant he.,rt. i 'h',r V-tmi of the i 8ft.rferingthS . , , , 1 MiMi'ipii. are brought fo CbkCaffO. asai A few da;s ago the young aciress went Iri,,,r, d ,( Jf jJS'SL into ihe iii inairers otlice and mforiued hun ., rrtlir ff,r these rommodities ra DOCS that she wished to leave the theatre j that the 8t. Louis papers apeak rtfths mefpt "VY h.'t, ! y u '' exrlaimed he, ' you ; of lumler and fish from the Lakes, and Stut are the Li.tr fnun u.!imn I vnrt.l enrh n ' from New York. Urnh. Hum n ' caprice Ii h not a enpnee. sir " 1 hen it is a in alter of business Per haps you have been oiT red an engagement in Ku4la " One was proposed to me some time a - go. bni 1 declined." Ves. I know that you have refused several bnlliaiii offers." 'There is one which I have thought it , .. .... '""'1 one and pleases me offered me his hand." A young man has " The. devil ! A marriage ! Tl us is ra- i her serious." It wilj decide the happiness of my life, Mr " "Then do not Vf:,rrv I" hesitate for a momenl.- J i "uu ne wnou, i am to marry uoes no - - p- Oh. ho! Prejudice! And what is his iruie8Ston i He is, in business, a clerk i Alt but he is going to set up for himself, and he needs mc to helo him 111 the store." of thee 1 '"And 1 need you. my dear girl, to take , . i 'i"':'wo new characters in two" new pieces o i n ,1 ! wch I received yesterday." pial right? .... , J ebas-s up ! , '-l.ln you refuse, sir. lo give mc n.y 'And 1 need you. my dear girl, to take dismission ?" 1 wain you ro reuei r 1 an v time throw up your lint you ran at engagement by I paving your forfeiture " j rtTen thousand francs' It is very high " u H was too high when you signified it, b,lt 11 " no1 10,1h Alas! "tins will prevent my marmpe , , r J a , . said the young actress, in a voice stifled by . . tears ; and she left the apartment in des ' 1 1 1 Jj Two days after this scone the manager' was in his office, before the fireplace, try-! ing lo hht his fire All the servants of the theatre were nwny, and he was obliged : to help himself The treasurer came in with a long face ! The theatre was in one of its crises : the 1 receipts were gening small, ami the end of the month looked threatening. ' Yes." s.nd the manager. "It looks rn-, iher blank and this cursed fre won't light I stand in need of puffs now more than ever " Astonished that the manager could jest under Mich irciuistaiices, the treasurer. I .-. .1 4 . I, - . .t. leu me iLMiiii. .ii 111- wua liuoil: uui, iL,e young actress went in. "Ah ' is it you V asked the manager, "vou are just from rehearsal?" No, sir, I h ve come to give you up my What 1 then you are resolved to leave the l bent re?" " I have 'rouht yon the forfeiture " u The ten thousnnd francs V "Here they are." "And how did you manage lo rei them " "Mv ftitute husband guve them 10 me." "Then he is rich 7" "This is pretty much all that be is worth. Rut he said, what we do care ? we will set up by and by, or perhaps I can borrow the money " r " tVhta 1 A nreltv nersnective to a " - j 1 - 1 voung family I Then you give to your htisband. na a dowery, Vkx ition and Mia : yoti take from him the fruit of his econo my ; you oblige him to renounce his pro- ; J fft of cstablUhmcnt, an JL. i 1 i f ff. tuner - ' , " , ;f nih, sir, joti r cr-tl f exckL. il ".a oung girl, sobbing., . t, , f i - :i -IIfe yott thought fcow t r f -". ;j s.h - onion must be f Now ' I.u...., f tL ir'oice ; of rea son take ; tie te tai.k tlH tk to nioi who gave thefn t? ; : j v -J 1 you are. aUolutr bent cm lea;.. - ? t" 9 tre, there i a '-mj iimple w y .,Lich vill cost you nothing ; take & f rttt n4 are th goodness to throw it jr. : the fs$ .dace.? V , . ; 4i ,; , 4 A Tbft mn najer handed the actress a tlcet f pnprf, foMei together, which il,s took nl threw upon the coals. "Do you know what that peace of 'v ,ier is, wbtcfi is naming there t eoutia ied he : it is jour, enement t ,ndT .ow, 1 have no title to your forfeiture, j demand Go my child, get married, t ublish yourself and be Ltpp. " , ' , f ' leepiy moved at this generous actum the young actress thanked tbtaanae,f with tears' in her eyes. ' "What do you mean hy gratatnds V fs plied he -Look here, ag hour ago I was puffing and blowing ibis .fim for nothing ; you threw jotw engsgemeLato hand flame is now mounting high. Thanks ts you I am going to takes warm tr"axi quiN you see." The nmnHper's kind aclioiv whtcb f cruiral circumstances rendered realty dis interested, merited a reward, ao4 deserr4 , m tirimr Kim ,,,... 1 ...... fXI.,1.. Stim Awm aAa the cloiid which was hanging rer thi j theatre, dispelled ; monej . cams .rapid I int0 lne treasury, and the chCJliastitJC rf the comoanv never r ltt ;Jl 1 Hatti A prorlamntion by me President at Aux Cayes dated May 9th, was ptomol gatrd on the 13th. revoking the order tot pla- ring Aquin in u aula of ntrn, statiaat that Slave Asdcctohs CoNrtcrts." Is iha U. 8. Circuit Court, anting nt Meweastle, Di la ware, lut week, the two most mrpoftaat chs p that came up were those of 'nomas (Jam-It ol Wiluiino ton. Del., and John Ilaoo. r ii- n ' . .1. 1 of CaMwt IT Bridge, for aiding and abetting I cape of five or siislaveaV Wh bo- l"g'd to peraoi.s ret iding m Qaesft A6Blt UHty.Md. The LVUwHre Repobliean ST: : "V1- , tfrl,M i rrrr ih, romnntmei.f nrihm k.l..u : ,,rw that thev were aliivea tlw.TWfwBfti-- out on a wot of habea corpus, and diaehftra. ed. They were then brought fa this eitj, nnd Mi nt out of the State. On Th qrsdaj, a verdict nna rendered against Mr. HotUk, Who was fined $500 in each ena the Whole S iii'iuuti.ig to $2500. On the two (blearing daa, venlirta were rendered against &r. Lrarnett. who was fined to tha anwran t4 , $X.VW. Ai( IirtK)n fpr lhe noartryt gainst the latter." ; unr oi me negroes, was to M OroCgMtr k lib? : England 1.1 Oaec.o-. Tj TTmm'U the Appendix to his Report on i' Oregon," ! stales that n very anuir harbor has bc'ensoaeLd. ,d :",d tnk? wweH)n of by the : "oinmr.v on the Bonth-eoste i ) W-nd- They hava VictiHi.i. and it is destined to be j ,,, im , , :",d tnk? wwen of by the IJodsOBj's Bontn-eosteni part or named tt become tha porta nt onuIi arn-Dort eontirruoos la ! our tt rriturv. EitrhtMtn fvl nt mrmtm Km 1 carried into it moat inmost reees, which is ft : line large basin. There is besides aoita a gxid aiM-horage for frigates outside this basin. The company Hre making this their principal nhipphig port, depositing, by means of small cr.il't during the summer, nil their fara and other articles for the English market at this place, which ia safe for their hip td Snter during the winter season. Tber BO too get (ii rruit them to come into the Colombia twteu .Novetnbtr uud .March. . t i St. LnuU PtVfSU. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMEU NIAGARA. Of- FRANCE. The conspiracy discovered is aViSs oa Mood.iy, fir the pverterow of the repabSe und the eatablinhiuent of lerrorisaa, baa bates tf-LulHeati dhe greater porOoa Of tbsj n.motern ol inia insane morfpfnt, ar4wMVither in the hands of the flnthori iicx or reduced 10 11 condition which wilt aot ! .m(l o1 tieir bdng able to do further bam. Louis hlJic. however, i still at libettT sJ. .1.-1.1. . m , umuuii inert arc utii fr grooods tor auspecv y with lbs wopin- iig linn ne whs uc until y wiin US COOspira lors Jurb.o; the two hours he wo absent frnca lhe Nalional Assenihlv. on MonAmv Tl. . I . . L. . I VaZA' ITT ; Vt.t H rrrurreiK.e ol thvaieal dinvLaVht LZ 1 nn mbrrs ol the aeeret cluba. V. I 1 l.e :.ll gmiM-e of the troops of the line aad Naii i.ul Cuiird ia fully depanded oa, aaai IJ. Laui.triii.c's pepuluriiy has bsea fffcctoaSy rtMtlurrii. ' u rumored. Advn es from Paris of Thursday erejiln stale ihut His nty had born psricctlr tnu qud daring the day. Th ouoaber of arrests nunuiiied nt jwo up to that lima,. XJaneni and Floile. hy soois mystvnoos ingfni hud Un libfraird. Gen ainae laa been oppidiiud minister of ar aai.Sl. trouve. chauvel . rrfrct of policy hha H Alter the wholo bad Uaa drivaasMt af tha h..ll A' the Nniixwl Asmnbly on tha 15dL ihey marched to ths Jlotcl de V2Js tssp! tioii.t n i niniiiiltre of Public Safety and if baris Alh rt aiidhsj other aainisteraV the would-be new provWional WTtraoent hud jut commenced. In the identical rota t

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