, TbEaspiy Notm.-- By it statement of the Register tfthaTAasiiTy, under dute Junal.lt appeare (hat frsepti s BTioimt of Treasury Noto outstanding Je 113,147,639 31'.,' , i )' '.y ; .- .- ". . i ; tt, FORpG.YARiavXLS AT BOSTON. 7?" r'tTh Bumbriir fojcfIgt,trtiTU at Boton fortfce ' month f Uayj 1843, Wert 405 -aa ticeM o. 182 Oter Jht ftornb if arrlvall during the corresponding it JUST LANDED. ltZ BOXESTfrangei and Lmorn j XX I Cm fresh, PtdMs It irVed Ginger j Air sal at ' ' JOS. WlLIERSON'S. Uonaa., .. Great abatement! Mzns iOf, Wilmington and ita vicinity, that beia do- trtntnort iMSptl lhmtn ml m miik Iiwmp rula than tua raw toiuo. nessa give mm a call soon mm no - ft 11 t tl - II 1 f ov ouolE iha truth. r. DKKY. 36 TkRiapfendld packet 3chr. ATHALIA, Tt lCapt. UD. Puml, will sail in a few an. or passage, having Stateroom accom- jnodsjlons unsurpassed in th trade for elegance and comfort Apply on board, or to V -I DtROSSET, BROWN 4 Co. ."V &..: - 36-3t oa Ann hard burn' B &J)JJJ aected from Mali Ick, hourly ex- Malne. and lor sale by E. DICKINSON, Confignee. 36 1.1 I .? Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, lutii ItfSt RECEIVED and for sale by J. WILKINSON. 36 rsrr Jloi ivnUfcil V I'jI). PAYETTEJILLE Flour various brunda. N. C. Bacon, aasorted. Also, a lot of fertr superior Rio Coftee. For sale by' W. d T.LOVE. .flint&,L ,. ., 3C Wf - r-e-a J" w t w w -m t r LEMONS. ' IJ 10 04ANGiJS. daily expected peril PrU. , ,For aale by E. J. LUTTERLOH A Co. June 8. , 3G-3t. WHEAT BRAN. A FEW Boiks Bratiori hond. For snle by E. J. LUTTERLOH & Co. JfcrwS. 36-3r. mm. THE Copartnership, heretofore existing between the Subscriber ond the late ttsmud Poucr ; nnd subsequently between the Subscrihor and the Il.-iis of mm Samuel Potter, under the firm of "1'. K Dkklnaoo & Co." has been dlnsolve by a sale ol their imereai la the Quston Mills V " P K. DICKINSON. Wilmlngton, N. C, June 6th, 1848. 35-1 in THE Subacrlbtrt, Proprietors of the Gaston Millo. hate associated themselves together, uiulor the fi ni fP; at' Dickinson & Co." tor the transaction ot allbualruraa connected with th operation of aald Mills. . P. K DICKIN8PN. i ., .' ROUT. H COWAN. . . THOS.D. WALKER. Wilmington, 'June, Sth, 1848. 35-1 m ' Port Wardens Sale, ON Friday next, the 9U Inst., at 3 o'cltek P. M. WlUbaaold near Shallot e liar, under the in spection of the Fori Wardens, for account of whom It May concern, His tTutt, Spart, Standing iigfirifr. Anchors, Chains and Boat of Schr. Abigail Ihyves, aa abajyny jkt atrao!od on en Id Bur Also, i he Car go of said Schooner, landed on the Reach, viz : 850" JBbtt. Spirits Turpentine and balance a ... Jionn. CRONLY, WALKER 4 HALL, Auct'ru. June 6. , 36-2t Should weather prove Unfavorable, solo w ill take taca next fair dsy. N. B. Running Rigging, Sails, Blocks, Furniture, &&. to be sold In this place on Monday the I'itli Inst., It O'clock In front of our Office. C. W. & H. ,vt MCPherson & Alston, : ; "SjilTHFIELD, N. C, 1q41oh tod Commiuioo Merchant! and Grueral fc.'i af Agenls, lr.the Sale vf Country Produce. GowU, M Warit, Merchandise dc. RIEFRRENCE9-W. R. Gales, T. J. l.emsy. ,V, Vf. Holdert; P. B jabee, H. W. Millar, F.sqrs., Col. J. H. Manly. 0. W. Haywood, Esq , R. Tucker &on, Young a Bladaoe. J. F-Jordan, Cook f-Nix on Raleigh. J. W. Evans Fsyetteville. Q nersl Jfarautleraad Isace Wella-iMlntlngton. Hon. w H. Washington, W. H. Mavhewand A. T. Jenkins -JVewbern. J. 8. Leathers-lialilmore. S. V. Ball -Philadelphia, Wilaon A Co.-New York. .Qoodslrom the North iniy beacntvlo Wilmington and Ooldabpro'. or N ew ber n. Consi,. n me n t s w ill be thankfully recoivcd, and promptly attended to. We can always be found at our Office n Main jStveeb -J - 8mlthneld, May 29. 35-3t "J 'JSoiih' jroiixia. Inllatlon ., FOR THE DEAF 1D DOB. 'HnflK Se'it ieaslbn ol this Institution will com JX mence on Monday, the 3d of July. It is very "Important that the Pupila should be punctual In their attendance at the commencement of the session. Applications for d mission, Ac, to be made to Ills Excellency, Gov. QSana ,' or to ,. , .... WM. D.COOK K. Principal. ,.TJZaJelgh1Juia6, :1,JFL0URI FLOUR!! BM6awr, Fm and M Flour, iuat received, from Faysitevllle, for sols by i h nr J. rv. Li. mcuAni . flaaaS. - h u e) PEAH 2f5tl " ' Black Eye Peas, for ssle by Ml E.-J- LUTTERLOH A Co. JTlBteTtoRtat, froo 1st Oct next, . Coinfocttbto'DwaUlfJg for email Iswlly- Apply F. i. LURD dt Co. ii wan ioio. ,,r T..-V,. , I. 1 . J m ,ntA ! 4 vMtfirf t nrj pat r IV IUU UJ OVUI, rTISRlNQ locloMtha entire Stock of Fancy j ...W if and Staple Dry Gooile, of N. Drey, at the ear- 1 lleat period, th Subscriber begs leave to Inform the s , JL V 1IUII 1 Ul 111 N. York Furniture Warehouse I?. CLARK will receive by the Jonas Smith now . ) daily ex lire ted from New York, the Mowing 11 High post slat and screw bedsteads 6 do ' do Cord ottom . da 12 Low post slat and screw do 2 Arm Chairs with writing desk attach 12 Fine hair Cushions ..... ed 6 Bamboo arm and Rocking Chairs ( , 4 Trunnel bed stead aj 3 plain touches j . , , , 4 Convnlent Writing Desks 12 Cane seat Stola t . S mall Chairs for Children 2 Night Cabinets i Front St. near Market, t May 30. 32. Stock of Goods at Auction ON Monday next, 1 will commence to aell the bal ance of goods on hand at auction. On urme to suit the tiinea. All sums ovei 1100.90 days, over 1200, 4 mos , over 1300, 6 mos taking note at bank wiih appro ved security. C. W. BRADLEY. June 1. Journal Copy 1 time. 33. COFFEE. C)C R AGS Lacuira Cofitej "BOdo Rio do 5 do St. Douilngodo For sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. June I. 33. NEW GOSHEN BUTTER. Just receiv d per Schr. Alaric. 1 n KRQS Extrs Goshen Bullet. For sU by 1U J. & W. L. McOAKY. June 1. 33. " MEAL! MEAL!! .) C A BT.LS just receivi d from Fayetteville. For ,JU sulc by J. W. L. McGAKY. Jone 1. 33. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR IJOR sale in lota to suil purchaeis, by HOW ARC 4 PI DEN. May 25. OL!) NICK'S WHISKEY. 6BBLS superior OLD WHISKEY, received di rect fr.mi OKI Nick's Distillery; fir sale by HOW ARD & PEDEN. May 25. HORSE AT AUCTION. OS Tuesday morning, 1 Sth of June, at tho Court House, we will sell A fine Harness and Saddle HORSE. SIl (jositive. CRON LYS WALKER A HAL. 30. MayJ5. WHISKEY WHISKEY ! ! rfi RI!LS. N. O Rectified VN hiskey. jusi received, OKJ und lor sale by J. &. W. L. McGARY. June 1. 33. Fire and Marine Insurance, AGLMiY FUI1 THE PBOTEtTlOS hSL'RIME CO., OF NEW JERSEY. CA PITA L, $200,000! HA VINO been arpointed ngerti jf the nboveCom pany, lor V iluiiujjton and vicinity, I will isxun I'ulieies. n cariroes, iVtifihis nnd vessels, und take Kire Risks on as reasonable terms us any other ln alii ulion. Any losses sustoined will be promptly nnd honora bly niijuf led and paid, and in cuae of dilF rence, the Courts of North Carjllnn will be aeknowlented. A. MARTIN, A June lt, 1848. 33-y. Daily Expected, Per Brig lielle. and Schr. Lee f burg, I n flBLS. Old Manonjjahela Whiskey j 50 Doz. Pale Ale, Qts. .ind Pis , very Superior; Capers, Sn dines. ( lanion Ginger, Pickles, Mus tard, Oils, Wines, Vinegars, uj-e. For sale bv HOWARD & PEDEN. June l- 33. SOAR PZ( BOXES) Collates soap. Eot sale by t)J HOWARD &. PEDEN. June 1. 33, PEARL STREET II O USE, 8 8 PEAItl. STREET. NEW YORK, May 18, 1848. THE UNDERSIGNED. beinn aciiuainttd wiih the ch.injies Hml improvements recently inude in th- PEARL sr-lEEF riOUS by the present Pio prietor. Ma. G. osge Seelev, l.ik- plensiiir in assu ring our Country Friends md all Business M n. that this II 'Use, is now kepi in a stylr equal in c very res uect to uny l!uinl ss Hotel in the 'it) ; und its pres ent Proprietor, havi m Ruined the piiee ol Board to OnedalUr anil Tw niy-t'ivc Cents p r day, is en titled lo the encouragement of llusim ss Mm. JOHN STEWARD, Jr., 4. CO. J II . RANSOM A CO. J A J F. SEYMOUR JL CO. U A H.JOCK A CO. LYMAN COOK. I s AC OSGOOD. NOKTOV, W IN SLOW A CO. Mc H IDE 6V LOUD. DlBHl.EU.Kli HAKDSON A CO. JENNINGS READ A CO. MEADS A CO. J. G. DUDLEY & Co. DENNIS PERKINS A CO LIPPINCOTT A RAYNOI.DS. WILLIAMS, BRADFORD 4" CO. HOPKINS, ALLEN 6t CO. U.N DERHILL 4- LLOYD. WOODBURY. AVERY & CO. VAN ANTWERP, HUBBELL & CO. DAMEL HOUGHTON A BUTLER. KOHEKTSON. BROTHER A t O. SACKE1T, BELCHER 4. CO. CLARK, WORK A CO J. C. MEEKER & HERBERT. KENT, POAG A CO. LEE A CASE. J. L. COCHRAN YELVKRTO.NS & FELLOWS. IRA SMITH dr, CO. W ARNER Al LOOP. RANSOM O WILLIAMS. D. A A. WESSON. ne 3. 33 4 1. A Situation Wanted. A GENTLEM AN who comeshlnrvy recommend ed aa a Salesman i-rC. r'i, la desirous of getting s situaiion either Inn Dry Goods or OriK-ery Siorn. his I. rnis will be modrrate, and from his lone epe'i ence In biislncsa h--feels perfectly sati'rted tltsl he ran efve entire snllsfactlon. Any Information may behidof Mr.Thos. Lorinij, either n to character or qtnllfieiilona. Appjy at this Office. June I. 33-4w contract shingles Qf C-ntraot Shingles, prime quality fcUU yIVJ lot sale by f J. LORD 4 Co. 34-61. Juno 3, MINERAL WATER. OC DOZ. juit rccciwd per schr, Caroline, and for , AfO aaieat J WILlkLNbON'S. une 1. To Contractors, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tho office of i be undersigned in Wilmlnirinn, N. C until tho 13th of June, next, lor making IU00 fuel of Embankment at NeUM River Tium Work, and 2100 feet at Rock fish. f . . The nibankments will vary In height from I to (6 felt, and will contain in the aggregate about 65,000 cubic yarda. The contract to b completed on or be fore the lat day of March Hell. By order of ih Pre sident and Directora L.J. FLEMING, ,t ' Eng. end Sup W, 4 R, R. R. Vii mlngton, N. C-, May 30, l&O. ' 32. Ice Cream Saloon, THE WILMINGTON ICK CREAM SALOON. Is now open for the accommodation of friends snd customer through the Summer Mason. Hav ing certificates from the most expel lenced Ice Cream maker from the North. I flutter myself that I can make the b at lor Cream rv. r offered in this place. Particular at'ention paid to the supplying of out-door customers nnd pi i tie.', at lite shortest nolle.- nnd on in mom accoinmod iting terms. Second door Eaat of the Post Office, Mjiket Sliet-t. ISAAC N. ROBERTS. P. S. Turtle Soup and other refreshments at the same place. MayW. 23 if For Sale, A HANDSOME Summer Residence jmi coritaimngaboul !U0 ncres of Land, hifm on the SOUND, about 8 miles from Wilmington, with Dwelling House andolher necissary out houses situated theieon. Terms easy. Da. JOHN SWANN. Muy 23. 29 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. ( John Dawson and ! Owen Fenneli, f pnt'ITY V8 ( ' U j Samuel Shuier. ; , In pursuance of the dirr. e maile in this cause nt Spring Term 18-IB, 1 ill olfor at public fule on the 12lh of June next, at the Court House in V limine tun, two likely Negioea. ne 11 Carpenl.-r, iliu olh r u ne gro woman. upon ;i rrei'it ol 90 days; notes neeotin ble and payable at th I! ink of Cape Kenr with two iood securities will be required. T. D. ME ARES, C. 01 M. E. Mav23. Pr.adv. J,(i7. 29-'Ji FOR SALE. A PLEASANTLY ciiuaied HOUSE and LOT, (the late, residence ul W m C La rki s, Esq.,) on I ho Southeast corner of Walnut nnd Fourth -ob Terms liberal. G. S. GILLESPIE May 30. 34 if. NOTICE. j r BlHE subscriber wishinp to close his store during Jl the Summer months, will sell his stoC of Gro ceries nnd Liquors less than cost. Persons in want of any thini; in mv I'm will find it to their in vantage to call and examine before purchas ing elsewhere. J. POLAND. May 23 Bargains ! Bargains ! ! 'PHE Subscriber has just received a lari,'c nssort J ment of fancy article. Cutlery. Ac. which he will sell at reduced pi ices. He invites purchasers lojjive liim a call, as he ronfidenlly believes it will he to their interest to do t-o. C. GRIM ME. May 16. 20 PORK! PORK!! Qr BBLS Mess Pork; vt 25 bbls. Prime do. ; just received, and for s;,l by J. & V. L. McGARY April 15. 15 COFFEE. ejO B;'t',;",T;' May l?. For snle bv IIOAARD A PEDEN. 27. LIME! LIME!! A (f CASKS just received per br Monta Chris v V ' to, from ThoniiiKton tor s ,l bv HARiliSS A RUSSELL. April ';0. 15 CHAIRS 1 CHAIRS'! CHAIRS!!! T A Bundles W indsor Chaii just received, by the tj'-h schr ('. IE. Uurit from New Yoik.and For sale by j. n. love. At the HikL S)iritu. May 13. 23 WHISKEY. 2"T Bids. N. O. Rectified Whiky. For snle I y J HOWARD A PEDE v. PEARL STARCH Z HOXI'.S i June 1. tc I all Slauh. For sal by HO'A ARD 4- PEDEN. 33. (It I 'TO Bal. F.a.itt Mbe Y. ) May H v YARN. ir . for . , I HOu ARD A PEDEN. Dissolution. T HE Cop ,rinei!-liip heiitolore existing undei tb. s.ilv d liy in ut al onenl, Ihow indebi. d lo ih. sunt' either I v not. m account ire u qu. st I l.i call and set llo before the first of Migust. or their n. ies and ac counts will be b it in ihe hamls of an Ollice1 for col Icciion. L. A llari isuuthoriz. d to settle all the af fairs oi the Concern. LEVI A II VRT. S P. POLLEY. NOTICE. TH E undersigned would respectfully inform I tie public that he has pun hased L A Hart's uubt and Interest in in-- late concern ol Hail v Poll, y. where he will i ..irinu. 'he husnu tsab unuat, with the exception ol LONGCKEUII S. P POLLEY. 33 June 1. Notice ! THE Subscribers bi ing about to make a change in their business, hereby noiily nil those in. kill ed lo them, .iiher by Note or Book accoun', to elllc the same as soon ua possible M YER A BARNUM. June 1. 33 NOTICE. ALL persons wishing to purchase Lois on the tract of In nd near the R .il Rud, and adjoining the Town of W ilinington, well known as the "C unp hell Lots.' will apply to me. as I have lull auihority to sell and make title fur the same. All persons wh ) are in utreirs for lots heretofore old to thsvn from said trsrt. will please lo make p i y JOMII IO,le, Immediaiel , nt I will be under ihe no ccssily vi collecting it by law. . , 1I1U.11A9 aill.l.KK. Jan VII ri849. 33 6t. i.ix t i w. o o v o , OQQ Hhds and 8 TWreea prim Cube Molasses, wu ju received per Brig langlerrrom Hsvsns, and fot sale by POTTER 4 KDDER. Msr23. ;i n t. . BUTTER. JC3T wcjelveJ per Schr. Alsrlc. For sale by ' . .v i f I ) HOWARD 4 PEDEN. Janal. , - .. . . 33, ORIST MILL. ' ' THE subscribers' have s'srted Gritt Mill, in con nexion with their Saie AIM. and can furnl h Mral and Hominy of prjmequslliy and at very short notice. ' JUH.N AIcKAs, m Co. Feb. 8.1649. 130-tf. IUY, HAY. ' 1 Ol Bales Prime Eastern Hay. Just Received 1 0J and for Mlcby BARRY, BRYANT A Co. April 19. u. LARD LARD! C BBLS N C Lard 1 6 kfsn do. do.: iust received bv Rill Road ,nd for snle by J & W. L McGARY. Mjy II. BACON AND MEAL JUST reectvnl per Railroad. 3O00ll9. Superior Hams; 50 bushels while Meal Fors.l. I,y J. A W. L. McGARY. May II 24. Sl'fJ RS! SKOARS!! Q ( )( )( ) PKIN'CTPE (J"510 Sanx.) very vaiious brunda; for sale nt J. WILKINSON'S. N. Iv RUM. ') V Bbls. Just received and for saie bv OK t Ap il 18. BARRY, BRYANT A Co. 14. to in ceo. ,.),r BOXES To' acco. oi l brand and quality. Eor ale by, HOW ARD A PEDEN. April J. 10 HILLS OF EXCHANGE IN addition to our enLrrie, 1 eopi, 1. ot Hills of Ex elianjii, we li ivvveiy h in.Uome copitsexei uted at dr officii uf Tht t ommcrciul. April 29. 29 COTTON YARN VN assortment of Y.rn, of F.iy. tieville Manufac 1 u if, and ol 'superior ju , lit v, lor sale at loirtr priretthun itl S'ortktrn Mirkr.'s. I.y DoKOSSET, BROWN A. Co. May 2J, 1949. 20 FLOUR & BACON BBLS. of Pluur, superfine, fine and X V 200011)8. N C. Haeon. .ssor'id, For 3 ile '.y W . A T. LOVE 20 May 2d. 19 13. FLOUR ! FLOUR ! ! ) BBLS. Super. Floiu ut leeeive,: irid for sale Jby J. A W. L. McGARY. May 18. 27 HOUSE TO KENT. CO.MEOIt I aHI.E iKv.llinn Houai- In iiB'tfl I L SeConil Oct Wiin illurkil and Uot'k iIL. Klrw.10. tin tiii ill, t 1. 111 ti. 1, 1'. ia iiiiii. ..I HART & POLLEY. April 15. 13 NOTICE. rPHE subscriber havini.' disposed of his entire stock I of Confectionary. Fruit and Fancy Ai tides, to gether with his Ice Cream Saloon. lofl.K. Wood. 1 hereby rcrjuenw all persons indebted lo him lo make imniedliite p.iytnenl j and ihon' having claims to pi e ge.nl I belli lor liquid ition. E. R. WOOD FURTHER NOTICE. rP HE subscriber having puichused ol E.R.Wood L his entire stock ot roofrcliouury. Iruii, Toys and Fnnry Irlirlfs. respeetlully solicits a continuance ol 1 he pitronaire hcr tofo 1 rtti ruled to 1 ha 1 establishment. The slock will be replenish l fiou. lime to li'ne. and the ICR CUE AM S.ifJ)(j will be open as usual for the red prion of visiters, and be so coil.lucti d us 10 j'ivu i, neral satis, action. H K. WOOD Mav I3, 1- IB. 27 FEATHERS. r70R Sale at HOW V K D A PEDEN 27. May 13 Grain Store, CO PA RTN E RSI IIP NOTICE. HE tin l. r L'ned, hni e this day form, d a ' or neiship. "rider the fi' m ot be fi' lii of F.I A.I S 4- MITCH FLU for the inns. i lion of r General on business It U ill ir ml. ii'ion lo keep ilw.ivs on hand, f'ooi Mejil. Hni ny ILne Feed. Peal. Deant, Hay. Onli f-C 4c Office Lord s building, opposite Weasel's do. k CH VRLF.S D ELLIS. B T MITCHELL '.'OHl b ili' ls Corn now on hand and for iile April ."hh 1 -4-t. 20-l2rw-w.lt I Ij.VCU., V.U UA 1 3 O ll II I '"'ls 'r'lno N C. Bacon ; -C.V M t J I.V) nushels iresh Corn Meal; lit) ' O.its; Ju-i red ivtd, and for sal.-, low by McKEl.LAR & McRAE May 20. 23. N. C. 1 1 A MS. LBS. N C. H ,ms Eor sale by HO A.vD i PEDEN. 27. 10,000 M .). 13. 'I ' VN TLI N O, issorled siz. s. Wide Hoards in lot : i mil purchas rs. f.r ile bv E. J LU ITERLOH 4 Co. M.ylG. 26 BUTTER " EW Gosh n Butt, r to. sal.- I.y i 1 HOWARD 4 PEDEN. May 23. LINSEED OIL. Bbls. Linseed Oil Fo. ssl. by HU.VsUD 4 I'EDKN May 13. 27. MO M EN PLY EXPKirPEI). Per Schr. Altaic rem S'ttr Y'irk I Hhils A estei n Shoulders A miprl"r i I ck-. fir lV sulv low by HARKISS f RUSSELL. May 25. 30 if. Lord's Wmrf. SUGARS -ftPACrAGES Woolsey's Woolscy's JViy Loaf Crushed snd powdered Stig best qual. Crs , ' aa 2hbdi I Jmtl. sr. r r sale rv lIOWARDflfOliN. TS r LIME? LIME!! L1MEIII A rf P.BLS Llm-olnvllls W Wte Lomp; 800 bbls. lk.lyJ Thomaalofi Lima. Alo. eali lned Plaaler. Plastering Hair, snd Fire BrWh, Uydarulic Cement l fr s.l by .. . J C a K. B. WOOD. Hay 2, Id & V BEDSTEADS. , Da Up Effected bylh ELOtliE t . New Y.rkiii: I ) High Pot Mapto Btdstrsda, I tC l jhm Post slnule snd double do. 4 Walnut half French do. t Trennel Bodsleads for Children, 6 Wlndlnas do. single snd double, 20 Low price Bedsteads. F. CLARK, if. Y. Forniturs Warehouse, April Sth. 9-tt.J Front if . near M irket. NEW ORLEANS WHISKEY Ban els best quality Rectified Whik y, 1 rj For sal.- by DeROSSLT. BROWN A Co May 13 23 BRANDY. mRARRELS PE:H 10 " APPLE an exim good irticV. Furs.l . y E.J LUTTERLOH A Co. M 1 y II SUGAR! SUGAR!! BBLS Sa ta Crux S11 nr just recelvsd per J schr Tioga, and fot sle b J. A A L McGARY. MivH. -a BACON AND L MID O 111 '-,,s sup r'"r Bicon Hums. Shoulder ,,j Si.' 20Bbli Ex: 20 K i(i,.i Lsrdj do For a l J. A U bv L M G.V Y June NOTICE. The -iibserib"i h bloi k on VVj! 1 St Cominl-finri iluiirn ipened an ' nice h; lo the tr ina n 1 1 . 1 1 1 ot I.Tle SS Propei il'entioi, wili '.. un; I 10 the sile ol nieiclianriise ul any kind, a we:l ... 1.1 the sal.- ,,r 'lupin, nl ol sny of the products ol '( cuuntiy iri l He usual advances mad' when d red, on coiisumtiients tor snl.t or for shipinm to tnv friends aiib North I n Ve a irod N .', il m,,: yard and VV iiehouse. rrinor. fr.mi lis- diti;. r .. I; . and will in iiv rbir rs v.-ry inoleinle, !i , e p 0 tn 1V d -M t ' v ;rc I. uiporaiilv Apitl'JT-il W. O JEFFREYS. LDIPS, CIMNDELIERv, Uamlcliibra. iiir.uiJjics, iiich l lilnn aiiJ blast &ts, II ill Lanterns ic DIETZ. I'All) I HER & CO, II 'ai'iinttvn Sttira, .Vj. :jfJ ll'tlhum Slrcrt, .V. V. (line Uour Suuib oi Fullon Mrcfl.) R I". M inulaeii). ine nd h iVe alw is on h . ti-1 . a Y luil iivs..i'ii. ni ol irliel. s in ill Ir lire , ol liv I ,,- iwuiij I .. 1 1 i 1 1 1 , which .,.K'-,,:,,n, which lj. y will s II ,it wholesii'u Ir retail, al lo pi ic s. f..r c ai i . ir 1. 1 il i li.lt. Bronzed varii t) , ind Silvere !, in gii a: Susp. nduie Solai Earn Bracket do. Side do. S.dur Ch in ! liers. lUbm tilt and bmnzed . do. do do. do. do. do. 2 3, 4 nn.: b Cauiplilne Suspending Lamps, jjilt and bronzed do Black, t do. do. do. Chandeliers do. do 2. 3. I si d 6 lights. Girandoles-Gilt -i!v d ind Bronzed, v ni. u) iiieri s. Cnndelnbrss do do. do. China Vases and Bohemian Glass V im s, do II ill Lanierris, a I irte as)rt merit, plain ne.l . ul d do. with St lined ind Bohemian Gl is Lij;h h Lamp Wicks. Chiiun. ys ar.d shades of ill kinds Paper Shades, a large assort men I ol new pirn tin- a i j styles. OILSSperrn. W'nlesnd f.srd of tin; best quality S iperior Ciiuphine arid Burning Fluid Dec 7.. 947. II I fimo w-c. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ELIZABETH PITTS, i IN EQUITY. MVRY A RIVERA. S IN pursuance ot the decree nii.de in this sliI at Spring Term 1948 I ah ill o!f:r lit public .ile, on ihe I2in ol June, at lh -Court Ilout in ihe town of U ilniiniilon, a lot on the outb side of ( besnul St. between second and third streets and but ed and bounded us follows, viz : on the north by C'lienul s'rc i. on Hie East by a lot or parcel of land btlon inj to Owen Frnnc'l iind th ,me on which he ri iw i. sides, on the South by a I, ,t or parc.l of land ihe properly ol Dr. Thomas II V rigbl, n. d on the V t-si bv a lot or p re I oi land tx longing in W m C Beiien c i r t d occupied by biin as h r. sid. mr A ered i' ul iw Ivr months will br allow, d. nnd the purrha , r r. quired to . nl.-r irno bun I wiih sufficient sir. iy THuMA D MEARES.C AM E M .y 23d. Ib49. 29 9i-IJs ii 11 POTATOES. ) ,r F.al n Pol .toes, jusi n r. iv. d nnd ') sale by BARRY, BRYANT l C. (r Apnl 13. 14. PRIME HAY BALES prone Easi, :n Hay In store, and s V lJ lor salt by J. j . L M.GA:0 M iy 2d, It4S. .'0 FRUIT. 4 Bags dried Apples and P.-s. h. S; Raisins boxi s and irns for sale by May il. H. W ."ROWN. 2J In. FRESH MEAT RICE. '")() SKn " Fr,'stl '"'" ,: 11 " by '"' '" gleca'k, has jiiii bs.cn ire m i Miiri .hi a ! by K Dli K1NSO.V , June I. 3J. . DOMES PIC CRM) l)S. COTTON Y ARN ,n I 20 ,nd .001!. B ,U s asso. t td lluinl'ti s i She. tmi; Con n Oan.iourgs, ailhe!. from N. I ...... . ! k. r i lui it. i For sale by it. W . BROv N May !. 2j-Iio. AGE.Nt Y OF THE NORTH CAROLINA MU- i TL A L INSURANCE i OMPANY. VVlLMlSOT N. May -I. 1-4"5. The amount of property insured in ibis 1 'ornp nv n. May I. N4-. i II -- .(i7(i K1 Notes and Hunds to met losses. 21l.t-.9 I - L ss on. uin' p .id on Nuies snd Bonds. ,(Mi4c) If. Il will b.. purr. Iv. d rhat irv 1 imip my h ,y .m hsm' lo inn I I ov, ihi- sum of ov-r two liur-.d and twenty ihou' nd d dlira. which mum invk.- It one oi iiVsai.sr OlH.es In the i-ounirv Hi-ks ukon uso.,1 by SAND FORD 4 SMITH, A.m Ms4 2J FOR SUMMER 4Biiiiful Cane Seat Maple Setters, extra six; 2 " " Black Walnut " For sale by J. D. LOVE. Mr n ; NEW AND CHEAP, DRYGOOns ASDFAXCY STOr.P.. tt GRIMME, begs leave to call the attention f.f tlwi inhsbitanta of Wilmington and Its vicinity, -to his wall sraorted stovk of SbWJSDSPLESDIDGOW Having resources to ray lo moch cheaper, 1 promt my patronav to give greater Bargains than any Other, etore can offcr. In the following, via 1 Drass S.lks. Silk Zphyrlnca, Barrtee, Moulin fe Lalns. Lawns. Balaarlnea, French Ginghams, Jaconet .Moelln. Irish Llm-n, Nsw sryb Calkoeo, Shswlav Lrsvslt. Lace. Ribhona, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, rrtrnte. Gimp, Cambric, Bleichcd and Brown Mua lln. Hose, Ac. ... ErrnchCsslmere, Broad Cloths, Tweed, Sam-" met Cloth, Do" Skin. Pantaloon stuffs, Checks, Drills. Handkerchiefs, Snspendera Gloves, Cspa te. In 'he Fancy line, sn endless variety of article,. Traveiiincr Bag. Looking Glasses, Goitars, Ylolla. Flutes. Fifes. Harps. Aceordeons, Banioes. fttaef 1 Rea ls. Purses, Wallets, ffombs. Brashes. Button. T-ireid. Veedls, Pins, Flower Vases, Spoons, Re-1 xors. .Scissors, Knives, Guns, Pistols, Flasks, Belt P.-r-n.,io;i taps. Perfumed Soncs, Genuine Cologne Hair Oils. 4c. Go d m l Silver Pencils. Gold Pens In Silver Fen HIs, Finder Kinu. Breastpins. Ear Kin. Thlmbt. ! Metal Co-libs, Hair Dress Ornaments, Fob Chains 4. Allot wni nls respeeifully offered to the public at fi vrry lowest rntty price. My motto Is, "a aim Uc sixpence is butler than a slow ahillin?, CHR GRlMMR, At ih hous formerly occupied by 11 ks V. LuclanL Market Square. i' April 4. 8-,f FLOUR. OA bnLs kUfer "ndtf.FayctifvlllejforeaJebf I ' ' E. J. LUTTERLOH A Co. May II. Dr. B. MUNSEY, Sorglcal and Mechanical DcnUsL UOL'LD respectfully inform the luhaWtsnta of iliuingTon and vicinity, that he has taken a Kuom if l..iridon'4 huilding, t ront street. East side. No 'i. her. he is prepa id to perfo, m all opsrsikM) p, n uiitiiT io h.s profession In the most approval uioderii ii 'I scicntirit; manner, which for utility aast !.. anty h uananr not l j be excelled by aBf la i!i-- p, ..:!; t s.. h as INSERTING, FILLING, CLEANSING, Rt's-.da'.i.-g Extracting, 11- wi I I IV'-t'i. id ' .. i.--i;ibl - IIioh . .ll i un ,i I r Filling I o. tli 'h- '-fi ef Mineral or Porcclaia - if :i. td which will so cloeerf N i'u ihjt the most practiced eye. d 'SCI llli'.ll. I de. ay has expend the BCTYSl .tulle n: th'- ii. oj: v.i!u,bi-: opeiallons b longing tie V nt il an l.n pr icerly and skllllullv Der iKiiutuiy ..nid ii p. rf.c'iv uteris i!.e tooth to its lot mar i eauty i.d .:iir.ii.iiry - iban hich no operation la Suti ! c.n be in i .e gr itriul Mid an tUfactory. Ca s. s ne ii., i irifcqu ni when the nerve ha beVnde hov.d and the i .o-li pluj;ed and preserved for y! ur.ii . :. d .1.:; i.:' wirhout c&uilngnny pain or in- i oiiVrr::-n 'i . Cr.uiii .jT i'Ii of ta t .r .i vi'ry destructive calra rious c. n i lion, ai d oi'.cr cnr.o!lng agent, ia e (dini'i. -il.- c.dle ioi by t!v.e who wih to pffsrrt ihe-l. el .Hid bcai.ii.ying organs. This maybe cone wiihouianv ossibl. ir.jury lo tlie enamel and ntir. Iv re.-'.or. ;a u :!k ir originol health and Urst limey. Dr M. will hr hnppyrowait upon all reqiirlngki professional services and trerly impart any intornM te n w hich tb. v i q i re peria ning to hi piofoalOB. A LSO, (he dise is. oi the .Month und Gums. Al the n ine lini.' he assures tho public that he) makes useni none ion tbe lx si insterlal whkb dental wm. nc hns produced, specimens and reconimes datlona at the office it i;r.eatcd. Call and sat. April JO. Encourage Home Industry," a DDLE, HARNESS. AND TRUNK MAM'FACTORr. v flarkit S'rcct, WiliningloB, H. t. ) rjlllE biibs'ri'uer respectfully Informs the public. M. tlnth. h.s tecently returned from the Noith, wh.re he laid in a lull and complete stock of Saddle) and lla.-i. ess mountings, Ac. 4c ,ot the latestand mos: improved sty les. und is constantly maoufactvr ing. at h's store .n M irktt sireel, formerly occupied h t.uy I! Hotchkms. every description ofartlcle in the above hue Emm his experience in ihebnslMsa. :C I U confident 'hat he wid bo able u irlv tlt satisfaction to nis cusiomeis. He has, and wUlkeen a 1 1 iiy-'iiri' . SADDLES p.V o wtint.Fx. MXRTISGALB8, ( Ol.LAUS. U IIII'S. IllTTS A.D SPL'Bft, CAHPF.T AM) SADDLE UAUS, TRUKSi VALISES. 4-c . 4-, , 7. a ' oih. i an; e usujiiy keptin cstabliahmeiilsj ol he k.nd. all oi which v. , be warranted to bt at in Im nut. rials aid n oi kuu: nshlp, a lid c44 on cr.ns lor ciisii.or on short credit to two in."!. at ' . ll .s'ollie K p a i i v a to. C .. r i s f every dcsc-iptlon promptly sttended ml Carriages trimmed 10 a not sad s. bst ni;..J pl ,.. M. .'ic il li igs. Cushions of every descrloilnn. u . 'h. r ni n. lr- i.iiailv ni mur icrured In eaiahrhBi. or- ol ine kliKI. m.Kj. lo ordrr. ' ...i , w:-tn:ig to purchase Rioiks Vmsclcsl li : ;t i the riuest to give him a call. JOHN J CONOLEY. May 'J. 1-43. WARE, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY And McmlxT of the; a mcricaij Society of iK'tita! Suigpons. I ) E R FO R M S alloperafr.njtonih Tp,h Teffc I iiiei udtruw one iot iunai,iiduiHn list !. . iple of A-inosiphe.ic Preur In all castV when U is ..i jide ble. Oi'ie. Last SJc of Ftont Street, 4 doors Nonfc'of Market, up s'airs In connection wiih the Office he has filled Bt Uoom expn ssly for his I ,riy patrons; Ibey, tncrdor. c m now rrnix his profe-stonsl services wlihoalaV lenn on by . ndii... their name t0 hie office, when he -ill mfotu. ihtm thtilme he can give ihcra his mu, ttn'ion T iy Ri:rcsi:cr. th" Cidzr cs "ecrrallr P"'"- 7 HV't iSc.roes Stolen, kTOI.FN fr.oo th- subsfriber, on Saturdajf nlghr O thefih i Miv. a Nejio Woman nil rw call drm. I l.e i.e.... uj nan's o .ine is IIAA'XAHx in) .Id.sr b is ;s : nn.d w a II DON. and the y atursst ia nam , i CI R OS. Th.-w. int.. ia of ordinary tlu vrrv kick, nift h rnr on her great to. TheoiJ rs boy is n hrjghi Mul itt.. and the youngeet la black. The woman it ,bnut 3 or 35 ye irs of ag Oneot die km Is ah-iui 12 yer iid. and th athft about 4. The.e wa t,T, ii n,y j , ,. siolen at the aama Uanw I he Mj'c has a wfiit. spot in her fort-head . , . ANNMcCeCLLni Dudley'. Depo , N.C.. May II. -41 TtMr: DOMESTIC LiaUOR3.:" I?cnrri f,tr schooner Lucy Ajl" tn I ,U UnL R..-J-. .yyw. UI.IWV1 10 Domenne Gin i ' '. f N. K. Rornt . ' i . . ',' 35 " Kectiarfi wil,k,vtfcf Mlt j,, j " - sr. 2. n-V.