Tic TCrif ft abcrs" Vegetable - ' PILLS. SO 00t Biz -stoU eat and mry verk. J riMlEOR A KPBN- I nURO CO J P A.N V, hereby lve nolle that in. Ir Ui-nnr.il ArCM f.r l Si.it.joi .North J tMtln.t l ,,.t. VM.iUNKS.to.i 'Siirg, Prink-liu ounty. i.e. ,.- ' . . The General Ag.-m Is ,,ni) pr. p i o-i i ' ..'I'Py1"1 aiib Agent braver ihi'ie is im brain 110, the C pu ny eiincr, on pnsnnal ..p ulic.ai'ii.or by ut.il, pott the GiiAxo mmm J. 'I ... If j unit Thi Ori -f -nS .rtf Pill- V. viv l,y "Ponor In ,n. iv:il h result trim a ,UU" " ' . ., ,. ... ,l enbirir Pill' so "'v-'. ! K'lr tt8f dofV (II C I ID ' .....I mill I1IIU 1,1" -."..- Sugar coat0 VtCETABUt a r I i i i, Scurvy, Sm.ilp'l. Jauntii.-e. Pains m the llaf- , lllW.inl I tlKtlcfS, lMIJIIII(l"ll - Rising In Hut Throat. Drop). -.Bil.iiia. J- ' v. ib ol nil mvm I-Ulii t I l..iv ; " :-. vi ' . ., . ..... EADACUE. Giddiness. Rheumatism r' " " Wholesulc nndRetil i guoceiiy. THfS ubwirlhtr nflurtfiir aele; at lowest market i.i.l male of tlx klrnl, Foiii ale Oompluims, flit'W' "'-' Ileal tburi , Worms, Cnoieru iviiin.ue. v.o"K", i ;,il'lh.UniiSllliiuiii)n .- i.n. i"" ' '-' nl'm ss. Iic1i:..b " ..lulch-.inlM'U' -ii'i III :hosi Iriirnph- H" K nnrnii! wiihin "he hid - .... U... C...-..I. . a.Mi..n I'li'V (I'll V .UK nun i niirlfv tHi lil nd, ri.it mil dirteaao, vigor t ihe body, CURES ARE CONSTANTLY EF- oihcr mnnns h nl ihun I ini prooi ot ihis i.n'' niii iim- un me risk Uh'-r- ihny c it. I)'1 of ill otlierB, ami 1-EOT EI) by til isa Pill", In oiscs whore rvry .Ml.,! Til. IHUt tfiiinl ciuM'Si iri -n ; but .. t, f on.- will ron ihe pUttni. Tn V o in '.c -nltfred nd m y W irin6Xp.n.. T'- j.'lc- U c. ri.s :. v Wh..tMj 1.U ir w-rth arc rdurrd. uniltii- nev remitwl. Uk- f'.,.iiuiy will p-.y posmii. 1ilU il iiiitiica ii 'li' uninpiny et?r thort- is n agency o iho company ordered by mall. Ttiii. P. IN ir ' t i'jItl' thf" pl ii'P n ftck person -li mid ' without ihi'iu. , .ALL. BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. Bated Conih nl$, Cotipahn, Oyf ;'". to Mi n.- rum. i ii- nrrijit til" iro:;n rf ol sure in io am! vi.'.ir 1 i tiI (I ,-r inemt ni " o , iv Rtroivi n . r- II ilic bid rfy ! i (''" - sv. v rio inn ..i i, i.',i..i . n i;.ild-.(Jot. Wniv.l. NiTVuunCuiiipliiini. Hnd it va . v i oilier DU auK .J'ip.lr44 fn.m lmtmnht u the ;,., .ml 1)hHtnict:unn itw Oronn IhgtaUon l.x urion.-. ltiiH..ov dlh liie."i v.o v Disease-to wlm-h 'he l.utnan t'riili. Riibj-.n orlyinatu fioin InipuritL-f "I Hi-' lUo'i'lor D' riiiiiit-ni. nl ot theDlgr iiv, HCk 'tic; 'l " vriirr Hr.lih. mm 'amove ihn. OiiHtiii.-ii.iii or i.-biort in - Hlood to lianaturul Rlnl. Tlu'ii'lom when ihcsliuhttsi dcrany meul of the i-m. in I- in licaiud bv CoMivetiesn.oi nny othfi siun It ad nishi-H iif lhai mipi -i fluitie-H are frnther- in,! in iheSytem. whi. h nhotild at onre he gotild of. Tlii- f u:l. as .slnli d, is imivoi -idly known; hut pro-pl,- hive such nn i veiion to inedit-in. . ilint, iinltsu 1 1... n,u.. iu ..r.n.nt. thev nr.-IVr iho iliienw' to i he cure. iinlll nn impure t Const union, or a til of nirkn. SR re k.,if. . it,, in for the lollv "I their con.luci. Sllll thev i..i .,.... , r in-: for heretofore, inedii-lne in iIiiiohi i nil itf forms w m oe irly .milisftmlin" It d ben. fi eliil. o-,how- vei, i!i -evil is iimst ttkrtuully re inovi d ; 'or riideniTs Vie'alilc Purgative Pills h inp i-oinpl.-ti-lv etii l' pi '1 with n Cuatine qf iur irhitc Susinr. (w hu ll is a disliin I fioin the Inlernnl in.ir ill' nis -i-a O" "It'" I'01" '',e k'-m.-l) hare nu .. ni' mrdn ine. hut ale a t-odly fwiillowrd III-bits X piioii ih fiilloln( rt4i:c, r 20 U g 1UU Untie I f , 10 Lijtulrii ConVej 9 - ' Si. D.imingDCoireei - 3 IkbU. Si.(Jr.ix uuurj 10 " Pdiio tiico " 4 ' Culm " 10 " ftectift. d Whiskey ; 8 orih"trairt i 5 " l)oin mi. Uiwndyi 8 New Bnitl .nd Kitm J t . 6 " Veiy.ipoiloroldM-riongHh-lii Wrtlukcyi 15 Key Null". iMWted Mt 800 Llli. Lonl Suffnr, Powdored nd I Cnwhed do. ; .Stipetloi U0(!l.lllC lirnmiy 1 nunj win unu nn. Wltieimdrnushlt nft-wifo?.. old Madeira .indChatn paiL'ne. wnrrntiieil porct Flour; Bncon) Dried Heel; Toniiii ; Menu Pork t MoIhh- Mackerel. No. I and No 'l (ire. ii nd Bluck Tenni W ater. Butter and Siiuar CinrkerR; Allnpicej Pepper i Gint" NiitrnepPi Soap; ' undle( Jlovenj Indigo; Mus- U"d""- J. BOI.AND. South Water Strut, third door from Market Street. I u 1 v -I. 1347 4M .PLOUGHS. (i' A LOT of A. B. All inii.tCo . 'iporlor Wo. 14 rtiiucha. Jqat received r.d for Mile, by ' v 'an.' 8. " s, -' '- -,' ' iMiirincndFira;Jn3urance. I.HKSuhwrltieijiiavJnjf leceld ' llw Agency of Catndcn Insurance Company N. J. w i ill j i apitil of $ioa.ooo, or Wilminiiton and vicinity, will iue Pullcles on carL'rM',fi luhta.md ves I oulof thl port and hIho mke Fire lifk on ag reaMimble terms at. nny other InBtiiution Lotf.R nt lined will be promptly and honorubly adjiift. d and paid, nndin case of dirTerence, the "ourtd of North Carolina Winn acunowtejred. A. MARTIN, At. Dec. 14, 1847. 116-ly-c. North Carolina Almanacks for 1848, ;OW FF.F.f). TTIKheHi lhin to Iced Cow h, Horses. llopa, Fowl 1 &e..tc.l, Bnhbv JETHKO THAIN. Per. 14. 1847 110-lf w v . 1 lb. v mither niutsrate or n ipt in I'hcv ope rale finally on ill tin nittnilUn. His, dr- Ac. Vi'sl'l it "nc; 'ptrrija awiy ofoiwive hum irs dineWWitl'l U the aim ti ii n m ih avstj n. In i' i -1 i,: -' V,4hrhiUli, ihsy are SOV RKKM V rtr r,l it i:S t i v i -vi'1 1 iv i. ,n l iiili'.iis e iiiiul ixioii he re-t 'red to faciiv fresh an 1 h : ilthy - d r ; all wBI One by one disappear. In 9iirtth;w Pill- r" .in m--iv.i.l t -ttpoaanynhor m-lleiim "wr bef.re oil red rvt 4 lrl1 -H'sfv -iiv on- of lh'.- i. r?.ila hv LII'iM 1' t' & .ULKIMJv Wil'-iiiw i 4pj)NvC , . - i"C" A.jSuU ;rc rciustL'i.1 to -ppr.rt to jrtheir progn-H.-- van'-' to til. IV the sli.ilili si oeL-rei ' I i -I . i s. i I 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 the stein, insteiiil ol cuntininj,' iheiiiH v. b to. and raeuinu' aiiy p irtienlar r. nion Tims. f'H e. ,ni'li il ihe Liver lie ili'Ct.'d one ingie dtetii will op. late mi lha' (lariieiilar orguri. and. by ileansliu n ..filial I'm'' mhI Bile, il iseonsiamly d's ehuri'inii into the stomal Ii rcslo e il to its i.atinal siate" nother will operateon the Blood, and iciiiove thou.- iiupiiiiti swliieh h ive ilreiJ; .-oieied into im eireulatioii ; while i ihi d ill ulleel imlly expel I'ruin ihe system wh 'lev r i npiii ities may huve been dis . h ii'L'cil inlo ilii-stom ieh thtont'll tin- insiriiinentiilily of the .tiler initredietit- ili in'e they strike, at the root I ir i;s as. , remove all liiinnre Hiitnoiirs from WILLIAM JONES. Nov. 13, l.'i:. l(,; 4 Mii-iicleof Mirarle.s!! 4- !v ooen ih'-nores . t, inally and in'ernallv te tb I n.,'ti-i'' P.-r-pn ''ion ; obviate Fl-itu ,. ; s ;iarnte all loretn and ohriox iln ehvle; steun-a .reenndh.nl- ir-. I.iiul's. -Mid l.ivel ; and ihere ir'ien all nt'ler nmn have failed the h ',l'lt"le lb l.-nr-V.H id jotlS l " ' i''. i In leiion in tt'e He Sv rr.i'orr 'iraUh en:i I'll till 11, t i ll of ii ii i i vi 'i 'i A. LA N G D O N AGENT FOR THE Canton and Mia Tea Company, OP N H W YORK. OFFT.RS foranle in quantities lo suit purchasers, at New Yolk piirea 300 lbs Gunpowder j 250 His Voiinn Hyson 200 lbs Iinperlnl; ii 0 lb. Souchong ; 100 lbs Oolone . BO lbs Fine F.nirlish Breakfast Ten, and 50 Ihs Pekoe Flowers. at Murphy's Building, North Water, S doors a- fur sale by Dee. 14. G 1S47. A. FRF.NCH. 116-tf. SPIRIT TURPENTINE BARRELS SUPPLY of 2d. hand tare, size, in good order HARiUSS A A SUI'ri.i ol 'id. hand larc- l alwaybon hand. Ahpiv to Dcc23. RUSSELL. 120-tf Bonds for Negro Hire, Call bove Pun ei Nov. 27th H Street. 1R47. tllWIIll III CIIGP! CIIKAP!! rP H F, Kubseriber Intends niiiUinir n ch inp. I bi,in"s, and lo enable him to do so. w ill 109. in his sell his i ii t ii o) the ah. ve c -n he use. rtiuned bv Hiii.;le I! illle; told ih.'ll virtues are so lin in f' storiiiL' Hcufill, thai the pin Class, miJ Cliinn Ware nt I'ust. large block of tur hen, TI,,. stock is I ,nre and con'ains n irreut vaiiely To House Iveepei?, this pi limit v ll laving in a ' . O.i the I 'h'if f, : It ililn-'i i l 'f '' fw.al. l ',''(.'. hi 6;'.-V. v:t . hit ft (far cr"'v '" '-' ' with, gra'ii!:i 'oi'ij li Yr are i-' i u I u "Wn-'in l -i.-l '.vills.-i -piration mi 1 whi a w. 'VrtrvitK,i' ' 1 OVC'.l dii' ' ' 1 KjJ-r p i a' -! c ' W',U,'iee ol' ill I' '- Wait turn klik-t mi 1 -r rv nrjrjrs if i i i iiitfn It whiw in I ' fit ni rlirk. o" hi o k ! nrr n w 'II! hf.l.l ''H wh) hid us,-1 it. i'' i ' ' 'PUre . ro or lb i dv I w a n.tt iii tlw yi-nr rr.l in 'If II !( ' '' ' nee.' Then':-' I irri'i i . i .... i. ,. ;( e( ii, r 'I Cf ; i! tr '"''' )! ) " 1 '' ''' ' ih'Hrawl ,'ie f i.'oir ig Sold ill el;. hinds Ii i mi sc I M I ( ,s 'h A-'tere ill'1 m t 'il I'liee, '.'.' W 1 1 M I NC.'l on- bv 1,1 IMMTT PiO'll -Ii I lieiwe turn trie, money p -id b da not Sive universal o; ents per Bottle. A W1LLKINGS. II M i rK. I and itoek ,r n i 's l'riwi;ml OJ'irc, liC Vesey-St. N. w i I d I P' f. rv it tliis s n - fli 'P i t la ' i or 01 o l i v. by ii :i ;' i in ' .-r 'Vi ; .' I i . 1 1 th v. lifter leading : .e ah .ve, wall .lou t m Jones' I'uliu.i (" niml locuriiiu Pi.npies. Rrysipelis- ,r'' t!nm lteh.Chmpai Sanbiirn, a:vl cuangiuu Sltin to a p ir ol- o v.' l ie, ? ltrnt's. and in i'a '' fl-JtirciD.-nt. Raltb-.-ci! Pro a tic N ' - -One of o-.tr s i n.' i ''' S Hi thit 11 - h i' n 1 of dih'e'ti ve i.- st " 'bin4,h a 'i ' ' y W "S,l iK ' 1,1 p.h in: ) ,fJt-l lu , v rf ciraa-a le--. i rTt!fir 'ini'V Un Cu ii-' d s hipi. a- ni ii 411 frft Will lt.MII II fUC. VC siv t i ' l ;'l t hit III v I ii '-' Lippi'i i -Min:- Fr"Ml M thisSnp Vihr p . pv in m H '' w 'i iv -i p i hj uiiilal pi' ' ' "' , pi- .e'ie . i i en lisri 'lire o. Ill "'. i'id II US III I !!' md :n- jr., h ';l ' ''te ;'' I K, i. M M in o' 'b F m 1 i --1 -e ' it- " x r 1. 1 din e.O.V r .II " d e. d S.IM. net , iiiml. mil ol cli oi in.' 'If ir hvown ' 'l'l ' (H re s v r i .,. ... ... lo-w I (I IV in. I .' C.V .I' ,f his i-s -ii "i ) mi in ' -'C'- vvn-. ill ,lou''t til- qu dill sol S tup, S r ii r vv . II will ! a ov A V 'Tiekeni r is tbt inveniot ,n I ih it no'liiiiL' of tin' si 1 1 1 ll .ii'io I need them in .1 one, I I'n r lore, always ask f" I I'ill... and l ike in othe.s. vieiiins o ii fraud. his pr. s.-nls a favorable oppor HEAP supply, and ihe aMui- lioti .d Mkik havts is resp.-cituiiy suieneu. i oe ,ie. and varii d aHsoitinent ufleiing indiieeinents to pniehase Un all sums over 8100 a credit of 911 days will be nules- unoer ion cam on ue J H. KOI H KLL. C'roeki ry W ar. house N 11- Persons indehtid. nr.- iuf unied ibat ace.. nuts tire made out urn! ready for set lb tin nt Apiil 4th. R-tf.) ' lI- B ONDS for ihe hire of NRORORS. just printe. and for sal at the office of I i.c Commercial. ; -LllFlV INSURANCE. ' iiiLMi cf ir 3 r:s kct:il ufc'ikcbisce jy y Cn.,lP4,M.' I, frj, H ILMISOTOS, Nt C, Sept. 20. 184T, rpHE Subatribeti. have jukt rectlveo ihe Agency of . JL. Ui ov Cominy ,ad ara now prepurU li re ceive. pplkailont ur lite inurarict ihy ara also prep neu to receive application! lor laaurance on the Thil toMltiitiim Incorporated In 1B46 with a liberal and perpctuulehartcr, Hndduly'irganldacwirdinif to law, has commence thit tMmin. aa ot HFR .INStR ANUE-on the MUTUAL urlnclk;e. Ihe nrrt Piorrrvbemr divided h ully among ihe tneurid, aecu ding to the Act of Incorporation. Theraiva ot piciiiiuiin tonrorfti Wh Hie Mage of other similar companies tor ih'-cMivenk'Dcof wirtliainaurtng who would preiur to uay me, premiu.... 'u ii iiienia, it w teft to their option wh' n the premium exceeds 125. to pay on hull In cash, and secure pay ment of the realdue in 12 months, by an approved note bearing Interest ul elx percent. ' The lives of married men may be Insured for the bem fit of their wives and children, so that upon the nt ih,- Insured the wife If llvlne.or if not. then his children will receive the amount payable by the polit y, free and clear of any claim by the creditors of the deceased. . , For the greater security of parties insuring with ihis company, the Trustee hav. provided an indem nity fund.to the amount of 125000 to meet lom that may accrue upon policies issued by the coiiipony which i to remain, until a cipital exceeding itiat amount fhall have' been realized from the receipt of premiums, when it will be no longer necessary, and may he wiihdrnwn. The following Is a list of tne officers and trustees for the ensuing year vtxi TRUSTEES. Samuel K. Satlerlce, Cyrus ll.Beaidelcy, John vv. i.ee.ris. j : a - . " i i J- . t ".' r '" n t f " XU whole and half Casks rons'i.nt'v o-i I f 1 1. Jan.6. CHECK UOOICSi V 'A " "VTrfc haire just execute din a superb etyUt, bound i VV In 2. 3 and 4 ttuire Books, Check oa Ihe H IM ol Cane Fear." and the "JBrajicJ. Bank mt the Stau.' Call and examine them, at the Qfljcf 3fo CW I mercuu. Trrtosmor .Oct. 31. - f ,vi'i4)f ip NOTICE. yr CJANDFOP A SMITH, Agcnta t the Ke.Ca tOMutal inaracte twrripariy,tiae ihe krailfic to smte to the anmeroue persona fnatiMdn thi Of- flee, that tne company whi promptly fay, thelirstii taiiedbi. thi recent fire In Fayettetllle, without ' delay w ay as required oy fneyeLkwijan wtuiou. caning tur any inaiaiment Od Uie DrChuUI Ala A .'.'!;"; -. 4 SB The Agents wlU receive application, in4 tk tUi .tiii,nl ..id. asusual July 30, 1647. 2000 5 March 28 SALT. BUSHELS h-nvy Alum Salt, for sale McKKLLER A McRAK. THE GREAT REMELY. II () U S E ' S INDIAN TONIC. Asufe ami sure cxt re for CHILLS or A (j I'll if FEVEIt. in the uvpvfcerfentri, s'mr tivie of 7'Vtv Honrs as thousands throughout the West and South can ti'slifij. who hare been thus speedily cured by this Grv.at Rem- n y VERY one who is nfllicted. tlould be anxious to 1 J o lliVi II I'' lively. r apjii oved their R. Hi - - i:. 1 liheum U Old S " He ir .,1 I'.-n l.-r Fl -h. Fr. , OR s F R or I'B'INT AMI 'I AUK KT STREETS. W IL.M1NUTON. N. C. Accommodation Line. N o'der to alfir.d L'teati r l:u lll'ies to ihe trav-l between this place a (I Wilniington. and at ih' sain. timcL'lve l, i ie reyiilarnv to 'n n. no'in'e "i'" "... i. ',.1'iM.iiuier enMIM VV I tie MKKt H , I M- n 1 l-..i.iiii'.i ' v'.m. will uio a semi-weekly line ol Stenm Boals. ( ;S near iih piHCtiei.bl. ) until lurllir noliei ; Laving each plan as Pillows: Slcaiiicr ROW AN will , avc . ay eii. ville "n Mood ivs -mi. Wilmitiatim on Tlmmdavs; V . W M FARES will L ave Wilmington on Mondas and Foyetttville on Thuir.day V) JOHN D. WILLIAMS. A". nt Merchants' Sleani Boa' 1 o. M .rch 27, 184. 7 tl Nathaniel Weet' Simeon Baldwir. Dennis Perkins, John A. Davenport. tlexander II. Dana. Charles J. Taylor, Alex'r Hamilton, James T Soulier, Ezra Wood. Joseph B. Nones, Roswi II Hovt. Stephen H. Provost. AI.KAA vr.i li Alex'r N. Holly, William T. Minor, Clinuney Ayres, Philip S Galpln, W m. L. Brewer, James Dimori, Charles W hittlesey, Joseph D. W nrren, Theodore Davenport. HOLLY, President. F ayetlevilh i:,mp S New Ell 1 - -t. 1 rl3 j tint received per IT l?.KKi;i.S. ntv Sniiiis nl Tinp, ntin Schr Oliv. lior.i for sale bv E. J May 2 LUTTEKLOH & c, 20 RTHTL1! T I LNTIUN l IU Ttt TII E FOLLOWINt. KINDS OF LETTER PRESS PRINTING. KNl HIES ol" MKICKANHIHI ll A Mi U 1 ULR, 111., I Oi..s. S i IVII.'ll'll. . i- iv i s He ,r I old B r ' i ,, ... nu... or BXl It AN OK ,.,.t Tenler Fl -sh. FreekL'R. I m. ... , I .rif S.I I'l HO 111' 1 C IW - . ' " '" I ,1 . ...- I. O I s.n inn ill I -' ' is in ....... v ,. I. 1 ""I'" 111,1 J t' v' '. .i .. tun vv soticss. II I. - .a od. mi i .ti I ,. ,.. ..... ... . . . , i . ... .i...,i ii i . ' 1 , , e - ' i -I noCi-r HI. WKS. i"oi ' r.-.-. ha;. " Ir li '''I. 'fi2--'s md ' , 11,1 ,,v. 1 ' V" i uV'lM.MV l F ' V '.' !. I IT 1 1. of ecer, 1 ' , h ,Vi- T, I '''"' ''"" '"' " -' r.and .... ...I-'4.1. I, IS . I. ' lll' ' ' v 1 1 ' ,. no i he l il.' si i. as ma lib le I III R. , . .a r i .1:1 .no'- ii : -1 ,. - ; :i a i a d ' '"I ,v'' ' ' j ". I I , i : 1 1 I ' ' V II V. l - I Hi i-ill nil. nmill ni ill iiiin." in .iuijiii I ,,,,, , , neii h wis t ill -'' I i o'.-n r.l to the aiiov.- irei.l-.r. .f.t irotaliv -xtenc ,i ' i.- i,if ), i e ike if I'-. -' lab I ... 'Ii in i o v i I a : ion lo 'five us . c ill bo their wmk 1 ' uri i" I i in. 1 1 1 1 ii td'nll bi i ii-f'M'i.i(,!iiiil nlia I ' .:. ..I. .. .. .j, .Iv, IV. 1W li ' I il" ...I I ,,r,. . I r',,r IN 1 HIV itb.r .' (, 1 1 sh 1 11 C n t ! I 1 I ' I I ' I " , ' ...,.l , I . . ...... . ' . .. : II . 1 r. I i , ,,).. O ', I I .. ..I.' I p ', V N I 1 1 i. i ' ' ' ' ' n u i - ' 'I' '- "' " '" ' ""-.." , ( . i i . i i w "i 'lei iv. ii 'v 'i " r - ,1 i , ... I, . , i . d 'a ' V ih jfMi!i- ' uu ' ..,') I )' ,, r, t'liiii ir i.t ft i r I,, .- 01 the NfXtf . ' (rv ,h;s . i ei ..i!l i " "-i-'ret I THOM AS LORING. ihit ih' niiiia ot I'. JUV,"S is on I Vi! ui , m M -v 5 u , , ,., ...... ........ - '" "Tr)' in sin. e of t'l" f i'l oviiej 's ripleins : 4 ft I .1 I i V islll' i 1 M.houiV Fr.,iehB-d-t.-a.s; i'VuAJ-itll vJ1- 'lOIUj .'I H i ; i I' '-! M ipb- do VN n H Field d ii do P N 0 V A r E S A L 0 ON . n f.'! neh'p!-. . '.lo . - i- it i .n.;. U'ON w-.ul I r - !' ! 'I" r'r'l n'' I frtTJ 1 s'ec.liilv uo.ii'i la .-Hiens I 't..s-WM..('old !' rftr o! .V,l ... ni.l , i,.,...y .1... h , jPit. n. Serew do i.-.. in-' u n l.i l- v oiou- ' a " . ' ., . -,l inI..:.-!. . d M.i-ic - M I .JT'"'. . .-',n , l ..i, nil . laii'iiinc. ol in j "imt rms,. raims.i-c. 1 j ,7 , nvR I e.eh.s a S, I in whirl, h j Ap'llfi. P. A I the Rock Sponff. ,n , . i iiil d t'l ui I " i s. ta a, 1 ITT l w ir ii i kii;. iui " li-'-!-;'"'' M .' I -a ill ii i'i e.i.np ire ant ivj .;! with i F. iliiiltilltos Genuine Vegriablf Anli-Bilioat Family Pills "1 ' HESE Pills an a certain cure for F.-v.'i'and Ajiiie all show. i.) ibrir ...lap. sale ami n. ii Tpre;) ire.i 1 1 in ut a:' ,JILt, W -ere le IUtfoftli-J hiio A j-ai:i ! :be ViSJtiil i-' -,n.' , faf.occf icii ji. "i orlUlin:.- ol t m - anf In the uv.-V. t , ,. ,. , " Ali. if.w ..... ut loiilCJ nt.rs ,n 1 films, will. Tiilflu-tt.i.T hoili. in! ilrl'l.'S ..r the i if. I' irons . j.. !-,... . is... . ,ai on. as. art inv it- d to c. 3IH"U" ' ,- ' " ' "and f mine. , , .. . , PKn.FirUSttlii d and repilredm a s.lis.aeto'y if uianer. , . ..Wiliulnston, l) -.,;.!', la'- 114 tf ..-:rf. i i rIO March 23. co;u)ge. CORDS asjrlcd Sisal Rope, for sab by NOTICE VKftSOXS Indebted to ths Subscriber forth, vLi8..rlard or "ln-1, pendent." or for Wvcrtis 1nr. rerenweir1 psy "" " WUK r(N 11 i.lUALliS.Eeq.illdltur.rf ihe aaeiaiaa, (':(';. .300 l-.AptU23 CASKS frh Thems'Wu afloat, fr.r by Hit'- fai", a new- p litem G. n's Siimiiicr Hals hie le in. ptil lil f'KCKIVKl). pot Srhini)i"r L P. S'Vllh. h ..oil iil n tieli- ol Lil-.nls' ' '.,ps r sii o u -r una en ...onum P.d d Cups; -in I a few Ladi s' Ridins 4L") n full ns.o'titieni of Kot s..- on th- inot reaona MYERS dt BARM M. 12. to t ne proprieioi s w Tlf mualliv ss ol ihe d"se, (on'y two pills . neiyy.lh ir siniplicily, and elTieacy. h .ip.l)' th in I'm l-'.iiiii'V and a net ni use. h unbounded popul ,tnv and iilenstve il,e in i. li ne mdiieed lu.rsotiS lo imitate the wiep ih in up ui del name, and reputation ilailown. The proprietor- h.vc put up 'hese pills in ihi-ii uw iieiopci n . me th, it ibiytii y ' hi more ell, cumin ..! i t tlit-in otiil thi pul lie from baud, -liich Hie. ,,il. I mil ,l,i It th, v h ut taken a fieiilimis n .ti r, ie th. name ol ih. d ad. I!, nd ih. follow i r : slaieiif in My b.ther, the Rev B. Hissabp. di.d Aiiiisi I', U bib in bis it.e Imi' , I maiiiil iciur. o ne Fills, and pin them up in hoX'S. en-t em lot-e.1 ih. m w ill. wrappets. with bis name, by his eons, nl ant : approbation ; hi used Ir. qiienll) t" Say tu nn '.V w be v. ly carelul, my son. for It the Pills are not in., .1 (rood, ihe public will blame me." So by his -e H supetintcnd.,nc. . th. Pills hive gained th.-ir u-pLt.i-timi as a Fiiinily M. dieine. Since his death, 1 have manufactured the Pill and put them up in mv own name, as I deem It to br n Hi, . i. s ot di c ption to pm ih.- name ol Kev. B Mm babd. on ill wrapper, and tlf rel y induce Ihe Mi, I ihai he supcrintt nds ihe inanufaciutc of the Phis knowing a' the same time hat it is not so that In is ib ad. 1 he Pills hearing the name. R. F. Hibh rd. nre nianufne lire.' by tne, and nre ihe Genuine Hit. bard's Pills ss made bv tuv father. R-v B. Hihhard BI FFS F HIBBhRD Re sine md ask for R. F. Hihhrd's l'il-s Gknts. This may cettif, ihal I was nflictt d wiitt thai diendliil disease. Fi v. r and Aitue, and wss rr .oiiiin. iidi il to iry y.iui Pills One box wns iiffiel. ni to conibl te h cuie. Yours. res-c'fnll S. ..I.NER. To R, F Hibbasd 4 Co. Prep.ned and sold wi.ol.-ssl' and -etail. by R. F. HI I! HAH D A Co. John strict. New York, e nernl aetus fin the United Societv of Shakers, and by Dr. A. C. F.V 4 NS, wholesak- and retail Drggist, V il- iiiuii;lon N C rPRlCE 12, AND BCENTS J3 rsl. and safest cure no m net laim what i-ouice li splint's; every honist man b. in bound to embraia ihe in.ih win iviiloiid 'J hi lePui the propri i tor in jNSiice to l In- public and hiiuself. feels culled upon to slate, bone.-ilv. a lew lacis, which will eslab- lish HOUSE'S INDIAN lO.MI to be th.- best r n edv lor (.HILLS o. ,t i I I , and I" K V 1-. iC, now known. h'wt 1st --The a liele is convenient and pleasnnl to take is refined fioin all u'loss parlicles, whi. h ii-nilei oiher pieparntions bo muddy, nauseous and i isasrreeabu lo tile taste; and ll the directions Hie followed, will cure every case, wiih ni'ithnmatic; criuiii.u in troni lhrH.i Ni fit., hourn. As onlHhinu I'd hiilirue h'ort'ld By its action upon the liver and nlhe' organs concerned in lonnirif.' it. the bile is n-jiu filed llf niorbid action iiidin i d I y the ci'fs. of ih ,li sen si :t 'b-stroved-fever allayed -and i will lie.ound a pow'ffi 1 air i nt in assisiin! lo r.iuuv- levels irener illy f-ict '.Irtl - ll liiv. s tone 'oth s'oinaeh -invi? ..inn h tin body -stimidatei- nil the uinctions 'o a h al ih v in t inn - mid ik tit nu us. nil. w If 1 1 v. r ton i, s an wanod " Foil Uli 'Fl 1 1 - Tonic has performed u isdailv in ifoiininL', euies in I 'HILLS or ACUE FEVER, w iiliout a piirall. I in niedieine Vitn. sss sinuh bi'lili 1 1 1 n k i n ).' a cure in a case ol 'PEN YEAR!" slanditii: ; anoilf ' in a ease NINE YEARS slan diiiU to cm u w bieh hn. previously haflle.l all skill ind every rem. dv. L"dk al tin nianyolher astonish id" cu res set beiii mine e.-rti ncaies aroun.' in. bottle and then sav, il HOL'sE'S INDIAN TONIC don not deBi-rv. db Hand, pr.-einim ill Iv the irrra'.-st n in dv of the tiinis Ri nd the certifiea'es caiefu Iv ; lb, y arc from your neichhoi sand fiiends and when ever von meet w ill) a m of them, (to asceitain lin ruin ) il'Hi'l fill I" ask them eoneerninir It. Be surf in ask fir HOI SL's INDIAN 'IONIC, and as you V'lucyoui health, don't be put off with any thing else Prepared and snldbv Gro.W. Houss. Nashville. Tenn. Pric. SI p.-r bottle The above verv popular and valuable medicine, is for sale by I.IPPITT A W1LKINGS, DruS(isi W'ilmirinton N. C And bv J I! ScAnDnoic.il, Mulberry. Isham .'.hmbtr -No Rocky Point. I.ahan Carroll, neat South Washington. JOHN W LEEDS. AsSlKtiini rr' Sineni. JOHN A. DAVENPORT, Vice-Piesident. JOSEPH R. NONES, Actuary. ROSWELL HOVT. Secretary. VM. WELLS. General Attent. Anv information v. Ill be cheerfully given on appli cation to the Agents. . , Dr Jami-s (1 Dickson has been appointed e.xam- ininc Physician for the Company. Sept, 21. 1847. 8-,f- Boarding and Lodging. 'PHE Suhscribei has taken the Brlek Building on I Market street, nenr the Pus' Office, and most re spectlullv informs the public thai he is icady lo ae eomiuodiili all who may favor him with Uf dr palro. nnge His ptiees will Im- niodeiale, and his Table as good ns the 111 irket w ill afloid. Beinii giateful lor past tavois. he tenders his thanks to those who pan omz. d him ai his former stand, und respecif lly solicits them to continue their patronage to him on Market street. nMITU P. aWI I n. 10. UI.L'iBLE BICE ISO TTOiaEUl THa aubscrlriere offer for tale between1 two ii three hundred acres of valuable- Rice Lands i Lockwood'i Folly river, In Brunswick county. Im media lely In the neighborhood of the Lands la a loot stream of water emptying Into the Lockwood'S rive - nirnisnmg water power sutncient rr vaerinr th' fields and for pounding and thresh 1 hf Jhet Ricr.a well as for a Saw Mill. A part of thia land has beet cultivated in nice and Cotton, ana produced eQual t any -and. - -,.-. - Adjoining to theao Lands ar between iitleeVion-1 dred and two thousand acres of first ra ie TurpellllM Lands, very convenient to the river, all wltb threi miles ol the sea-shore, and a nenlthv location ' "nis v't whole neighborhood abounds in eood Tnrpentlnt, Lands. WM. L. HALL, I D. B. BAKER? 'I July 13 1849. . , - i 8S. S ;i'f; f Real Estate. THE subscribers offer faf tal tihmtSmui 1 Brick tenement on Market street, at present oc- ; cupied by Dr. J. H. Dickson, on accemniodalini1; J u una. ' . s. i -ALSO-' i I Three houses and lou, on third atfaet, kerwier alt.) atA r-h.,rK llioi la ' ' ' " Castle and Church street, HRllMI V W1I VCD 1 Ulf I t ..... , BAUAJ. Jan. 15. 129-tf. Nov. Marble Monuments AND GRAVE .STONE AGENCY. THE subscribers are appoint, d Aitents for ore I the beit and most extensive MARBLE ARDS in Connecticut, and will receive orders for Marb1. Monuments oi Grave Siones, either leUered or nei which will be furnished at the shortest notice an,, mosi rensonnhb in ices. VVehnvf- ecei eda variety of palterns.vai lotisstylcs iVl. the prices, which may Iv nm'' i'LU' ' J . C. A R. B i.uii, Duilderi and Contractor cum n the corner Dec 14. IP47. Cream and Amber 4k HK Subscriber respectfully Inforhia the cllwcn M. of W ilnilngion, ami public aenerallv;thaihe ha tied the Manufot turing of Ale and Beer,-i ner ol Orange and Front i treets. J -iL-Tuon rrn.iv ' i ui.inu . iiillll, .' t June 17. 40. " negro passes. UST printed at" The C-iiunercml" Office a new supply of erro Patten, which Rrentford-d a trifle the cost ol paper mat it wouiu iuc i " I UK, o A Liu. :-M ' A LOT of good MILCH COWS tot sale i Apply to - '' 1 -' -- " i GEOttUK P. KORNEGAY. I Mutch 23. i-t( i ti j FOR SM1THVILLE. ' I ' ' ; ' r FROM and after thia dale thi Sleane i f. il r a &ar iil -auioun, vapt. a. mar. wnrieava km. . im te. too, ol Market St.. tverv Saturday sftemnnt at 21 o'clock, returnlniz Mondsv muridne al la'rinri ri Passage BO cents each wuy. Freights at vessel rate r lor ireigni or passage apply at thn ofnea of ''' J CRONLY, WALKER f H LL. March 2. HMf --i-a . ' .r -mi 5 over on. Jan. 20. 500 April R. 129 EOR SALE. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS, large size, and In fin order. Apply to HARRISS & RUSSELL. Maich 25, 1849. 4 Cm. RECEIVED CHE U Bureaus; ("a d i nd Extension T Ll. s ; ni'ii, s' oik Tu hi. s ; ( ' heir) ( "i ihe ; ash Mnks ; A itrnit va i. lv of Children's CbaiisA c. ; Mv -lin k is now veiy l oinplele. Ma ie up fo ni New i (irk, Uoston nnd nth r places, it presents a (oeal vuiiely in style and quality J. D. LOVE, at llf Rock Spring Apiilll. II CALL IN! HE Subsri ibers ha ve just received, and nre now off rl nu for sale, a spl ntlid assortment mama. Leghorn and Palm Leal HA IS, cnipiisinL' great variety in style, quality and pne . Also, a large ssso'tnitnt of Umbrellas. Super. Silk, fJinghiim nnd Cotton; sizes from 2fi to 'Jti inches; pii.es rancini; from 50 cents to $7.00. Wnlking Canes in treat vnrieiy; some very fine, Whale Bone, w i h Ivor v Heads ; Cunadilh do. tin. all of w hii h. we will sell very low. for cash. MYERS i. BARNUM. April B. 1849. 10-tf. Mantua Maker. Rs. SUSAN REDDING, otters m r services 10 i he Ladies of Wilniington in the above busi- . L....l...l ... . k.. n.,uai.aa,a nessanrj opes irnrn inc simwuuuc to ohoiin a sh are of their palronace. She may be found one door East of Mr. D. W. Wood's, at ihe residence of her Mother, Mrs. Williame . M March 28. TOBACCO & SNUFF. ' DettOSEt BlUiC BOXES Manufa turedToboecoi noxes anuti. For sole bv SPIRITS BARRELS & HOGHEADS: EMPTY Spirit Barrels and Hogiheada, Mewl Handed, in prime order. For sals In lota to sail r by DeROSSET BROWN Co. March 28. .. . , t April 15. 13 CLOTHIN(i 1 CLOTHING " penini; in the store under 10 M MOIASSE8. rOL'B M'jUssesof verv prjiita qiisll'T" ,n n,,d' I'UOM NEW ORLEANS. 5'TIE !i ESp'imrN O. Molasses r, hh Is. do do. Sugar, ?0 hhds B icon Sidr. i h'lis M ss -md Prime Porit, 30bhls. W hi-k' v. 4 Ids. Od f nonraheita Whiskey. L mding Horn Sehr Eveline and for sal. by DF..103SET. BROW N dt Co April 4th. 6-'f- To Tnrpenllne Ma' ers in Dnplin. I M w lo-'tinit two laree Stills nt Karecta. m I -h ill h 'V 'hem In operation by 'at to I0ah June. Persons mnkln Terpentine in ihnl reirlon, ran rely ,n diertii'8 oi it at nil tf.n -s il 'tlr p-ices. Ta v bi. i th tr Alll'r ro' diic'ed hv M' W'm h Myde. WTiiiilngton, April 25ih W . O JEFFREYS. LETTER SHEET HILLS OF LADING BE TTTI Fi t. Impre rsdon of " Sheer Mills of L iditu' h bisf been st.uck oH at the Office A T?i Omnttreia ... Mir 11 200 JUST RECEIVED. SPIRITS TURPENTINE BARRELS, for May 20. sale by BARRY, BRYANT A Co. Ice Cream Saloon, rpHI;. suhseriber hus re-opened his Saloon for thr X reception of visitors, and would be happy at all tine s to wail upon them. Parties supplied fct short notice and on reasons I term.. K. R. WOOD. April 27. IM'- are his (lav arolina Hotel, a laa-e and yen. ra I assort inert j of Clothini;, -uit ible l"i the st-asoii. consistinir ol COATS PA N'T A LOONS VF.STS, SHI RTS.SUS PENDI RS, STOCKS, i-r.,lr ,4c. Perrfons w ishing such articles had belter examine ihi sto. k. w here Bargains may be hud for a few day. Mr J Anchor will attend ni the store SANDFORD 4 SN11 H, Au- tioners. May 4 21 COW PEAS Q( V Bushels Cow Peas, fresh snd prime, received C VV by Roil Road ; for sale hy to Molasses, fTT JUST RECEIVED PER BRIO J LISBON. 260 hhd . prim.- retail- - i lou Jiolisscs from Ssnia Crux Cuba. Forsalsby J. HATHAWAY it SC'N. Ai.rlt 27lh. 18 rUST n-celved.and far sale at J HOWARD A PfcDE.VS SOdoa, Hactrs-Maul Utyan's Pattern. Mvn N. C. WHISKEY. GALLON'S just received by Steam Boat B. Meures, and for suit- by J V. UI 1 l Apr!!JR J.L SUCAR. clarified Supnr ; Potto Rico do ; just received and for McKELLER & McRAE. 250 S. 1 Q I Z 3 hhds sale by March 2? .AT. Msy 2d, 1848. LOVE. 20 Just Received, Per Schr. John Story from New- Orleans. 1 c, , BPL3 Whii-kevt r,.. 1 R 'BO ' Molasscsi 40 " Mess Pork; - , W bhds. Bacon ; 100 Sacks Corn For sale by O. W. DAVIS. April 27. IS MEAL 1 f Bushel for sale at 1WU ' . HOWARD A PEDE1VS. Mavil ?9 1 PERSONS indibted to the subscribcrfor the N. Camllna Standa'd, The Independent. University Mairir.ine, hy Note or olheiwise, or for advertising, nre notifi-'d lopav m money loany Agents. except to VV. R Galcs. Esq. or W. VVHtTS, Esq Poat master, at Raleigh; N ATH ANI r.L J PaLMKS. Esq. MlllOD, C-.swell Co.; Joh V. H.cks. Ksq. of Iranklin, Macon Co. i ll. VV. Mite te, Esq Attorney of VVake Co - Mr No. HiaTT, of Greensboio' l 'iiilford Co ; and Vfr issacl E. Jasiis. Guneral Collector, or his assistant. Mr John Co' nw. In this Stale, and his sssis nnts in other States. Those persons prnfessine to perfmrn the duties nf Constables, who have had accounts of mine In ih.-ir hands Irom 4 to fi years, are requested to make re turns of some sort to eltherof t h" Sbore fntlemen, or... myself , , T LORING. Register and Standard, itaieign .insert a times. Feb. 19. m pITlZENS ore honorably sseurcd that lt follow s V inti are the t.ctual qualities ol 3a boBJe of JV"' Coral Hob Restorative. If they .doubt OT Wfcf 1.1. . 1.1. ....,.l.l. .1.1... V have tried It. '' . V rrr-j f Mr. Geo Becket, 41 Elm St., IN. T, Mr. Matilda Reeves. MyrtWaverfuaBrWitrTB. Mr. W ni. Tompkins, 92 king a.4N7 nr. I'l I .. -I en r ik... n... , l mi. iiviimf ougvu, u tatuciijr m riiiauurga. t a. tv. , unen.tuiH oaoer iiesnjooats. Amenca. n And more ihan a hundred others state, thon;h. this, must suffice, that it will fort the hair to grow on tb I, head or fuce, slop it falling off. strengthet) the J9u removing- scurf and dandruff from tl rc-Otl, Biskja' -light, red, or gray hair assume a tine dark look,' to keeping dry. harsh ur wiry hair moist, soft.clean anf beauUfil, a very, verylong rjine - Sold in Wilmington by LIppHt WiUkrngs . 7 f. BlliLS OP EXCHANGE, ' -' - - it A beautiful impression of Bills of ExchangeYtb sale st the office of 1 h Crtimriall- " -f r! In s lew days, Bills of Exchange bound M Book! nt . ami j uuires, wui be received and lor jasj- March 19. 1848. i-tf. ' ' YEST. BRI ERS VEST, an excellent ar Icle tt 1hkl Uhtbiead.forsaleby . - i-, ?U" J JETHRO THlIlT. I Dec. 14, 147- BOOK BINDING. GENTLFMENU Libraries, M aslc b.Kiks, Mag-ailn.-a Periodicals. Check hooks, Blank Books, Ac Ac , bound at reasonable prices, on application nt ih- othes of the Comwurcial. A 'I Blank Books bound snd ruled to order. Msrch 23. 3. JUST LANDED LEMONS; Cocoanut Raisins ; Almfmds; Wal nut) Freh Prune; Citron i Preserved Ginger, GuavaJeUya. For sale by J. WILKINSON. May 23. 29 COW PRAS! COW PEAS!! nrr fJL J Rail Road, and for sale hv April 4. BUSHELS COW PEAS, received per D. W. VVOOD. PINE APPLES. B'dortnlbfaihtt i 1 j WILKINSON'S. Mv fl- 21 Cominiercial J Qaiil:! Itteii PRINTED and for sale at the 4VmwVGJx Blank Checks, bound la Books, or In quires of cry elegant Impression, on the Commercial Hankn Wilmington. , ; ; , , NOTlCEr t- k -1 i MY experience for the last two months fuUfcon linccs me that pure catnphln toiuuxt be naan fsoiared and delivered at 0 COt fr aralioa. 1 at therefore necessitated Id charge eixry tents per f ilsst sfier Ihe Im ot AprfL- Utbeeklr .Wllsnlrigte nrafer hsvlna thu com li On Snlrila aC.TnMt4ilkl tered at .fbrty-fv tent per gallon, t can deliver It ti them at that price rather than fell CampRlne at tea than atxty cents. U. VyfKK. Msrch 30. . s it : S ,- 1 JL- ARRIVAL AND DEPAKHJgi THE MAILS, . h i C NoaTMBat. Is doe dally tl9A. UiMr4li night at lu P. M. , , - SovTiat.tjg8 A M,,cleaart IOjIj H.s f pAvsrriiL, if 1UII Hoadf due on Mo, Wlneada,anAF,tdy JJPMAl)lMrf fni, Thursday Punday.at 10 P. U. i t a U 'FAJaTrtvitts-oy Koneson-a, nssiortfOt'sKHil bethtown knd Prospec Hall.dne on Tttesdsj, TJiBn1 J . nl fiAlurAstr AtD A. f u,U..i..Ji.n.i... h day, at ia A.Mu ' - hi w tir . - . " i SsllTvltt.li 8 A. M.Crl St m P, fir. I TATieeV Batten, t.hf Creek, Jadors'i CAe ittkik ftrvrr CnaVel.and HamU's fctar. , ,,7- nvnM A P. M ,rl,. .( IA P V ..J J..f 1. . li T-f "". rtaii'. " " ,