.... T110:.IA3 LORLNG, , .-.Editor and Proprietor; THE COMMERCIAL- . m r- t C . P, t- ' ' i i will be p-id ttfi'l. iBii'iTr! r,f!-r j. li?'Oeo. t,ATTcaaox, ,jji.;'r, in , nl.ica u t" '.. t '$Sooth Carolina llegftdcnt, r" to nor 6 Wbi: ,h?d irerf .T"lytThurda3i nd Saturday .-.ine nrst pr June j. so that we mny exf-t ' " Viya'' the latwr trt of thia month oreailyin ' ( $ 3 psr mnam, payable, in all cases, in advance,,,. .-BY THOMAS LOIUNG, i Coraer Front tout Markei Slrtdt, ' f I . t Juljr. Jut arrap. rneht "he: roa.Ia fn -;,r a ' 1,uch 'eeeptioA a thf doxvrre. Wuli ii 1 PUBLISHED TRI-W EEKLYf BY THOMAS "LbRLVO; Art iki rii.r :i .t . t.t . . i'i .i n or AOTKBTiaixa. VQL. 3 .WILMINQTON., SATURPAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1848.- I qr.. llnaenion.lO 50 1 square, 2 months,' $4 00 -Whole No.: 352. liLiie 2 do. 76 U do. 3 do. " 500 ; H llv .' v. tofi f 1 h Ji J J JJiv ) : i t-ivv ' ' '"J iho: V&9. .001 1 do. f do.' 800 160 l do. lyeir,: 1200 1 .month, TnlHnaaTleii make a eauare. ' If anmdver- Wmentticaedi twelve lines, the price rwtll be !n proportion- ; . V " ! i III advertisements are payable at the time oi their insertion. '' "c .' Contract with yearly advertlaera, will be made on ItfemostUberaltems.;,;, j'Hl All-' Adyertisementa inserted n the Iri-weekly Commercial, are entitled ta one QsertiotiiiS th Weekly, free of charge r$UTS&CAPStUMBRELLAS, .JIjl,;.WHOlE8Al4t AMD RETAIL, STttBKT, WILMINGTON. N. C. n ' ' J. M. Babkom. Oct.e,I84T. 86 ' a At jjraiiir.iix 1 YDEROS3E rr UttU w il 06 uo 0 RUBRAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, t ri".' :' WILMINGTON, N. C. WafcttlT, 1848. 1-y. 'BRON, DEROSSBT fc Co., 'GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ,(1f,159 FRONT ST. NEW YORK. GENERAL AGENT h - AND Commission Merchant, Korth WateV, t Doonkbove Princess Street, ...vx.'r BvT 84 T1 'fe W: L. McGARY YoWiiDlUG AND COMMISSION ,1 U MERCHANTS, WLM1NQTON, N C. ten' March 17. 1849. V- 6WtEY, ASHBURNER & CO. V-Seaeril Commission Merchants, v': Noa. 56, Soitth Wh abvsb, 1' PHILADELPHIA. We are prepared W make liberal adfanceaon ship- menu of Naral storea, e., conaigneu io us wr wu Rafer to - .. - Meters. Htt AawaTBOMo, ) HejrBTT FtAKSBB,' Obimi W, Davis. Jsanary 18. . Wilmington, N. C 128-ly. ELIJAH DICKINSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Sanlor partner "of the late firm of Dlcklnaon & Murria VILMINOTON, N. C. Rtraaro . Messrs. B. Direst & Co., New Yorlt . - Neamith Walab, J . A -1 V K.D.feipra vo.Vf Rn.tnB Means. Clark OpiS. 1847, 84-ly-p GEORGE S. GILLESPIE. 'AOWt FOa THE 1LB OF TIMBER, LUMBER, NAVAL STORES, .v. WM make liberal cash adfsnoee onaUconsignmenta . .j i ? oi proouce. March 17. 1 r SANDFORD 3c SMITH, ACCTIOSBEH k CIX11SS10S MERCElJiTS, Uminqton, n. c. tos. SABDroasv' . Haa IT, 1848. r A wm. i.. 1-y. J; HATHAWAY & SON, GOaiMiSSION MERCHANTS, trd Dotr JVortA WaUr Strut, 'WILMINOroN.N.C. J. .1. Hatiawat. iBaTIAWAV. Oct 17,1847. 4- SEA WELL & MEAD, Co m in I Ss i o iv M e r c ha n t s, 4U,,R'AL'RI O II , N. C. tjflarol CoaA dvanc mad on Ctmitgnment TUltMu. 16,1847. 6S-y. I rjGTJ W. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, stareaH. 1S4& 1 VlNvB. IfUGHES, (,i, COltMlSSION MERCHANT , ANQ. OENERAlV AGENT Far the sals of all kinds of Ooddt, Couairf Produce ft w ' tad R4l Estate, a :w U m HALEIOH, tf. C.! ' ctaifnes'saBtrosledte him ahallba promptly and klthfull attended ta. ; ttefartothe KdUorOf T Comnurxial. ' June 19. 184T. ' " ' ' ' H rAriBtirteU Cora and Peaa sflostj lot ' J. Yfi L. McGARY. n"tta 18. ' :v 27 i fill 8CSUfis "' M5I,e,,'Jf,L!?!,t ' -., ii -oilo' r t ' ' . 1 - - -1 .1 - aa OH BOXES nalle fn's" W Csniles 13 U rtt d, ft Kpftogt Jd for sale by Mtf It -" . T- J0IIJf.;HALL, SIUP AGENT ' AND commission :merchant;;::1 N0.8OORAVIER STREET. ' :'. New Orleaw., April , !843. "110-If- P. J. LORD & CO. " ; Rice Factors & Commission Agents. Nov. 26, 18474 ., 03- LIFE INSURANCE IN THE NATIONAL LOAN CIETY, OF LONDON, AMD FIRE INSURANCE IN THE iETNA INSURANCE COM . PANY, OF HARTFORD, Conn., OR, IN THE HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, Mav be effected by application to Nov. 26.1B4T. . . . 'U8 W. A. LANG DON, COMMISSION ME It VII A NT. WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 23. 1847. '07 M:KELLAR & M RAE, ipmrrr WW TIMRF.R AI1KTS. GENERAL1 V V Ul v u " " . . . ' UHH1U155UIN lntlliusniis, iiiiu unuiano, Slor formtrly ocrvjticd by Hall fc Abmstrono, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. HICTOB M'KELLAB. Nov. 11, 1847. ALEX. M'BAE. 102 THOMAS ALLIBONE & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8, SouthWharvkh, PHILADELPHIA. Advances made on Consignments j Refer to Messrs. DkRosbet, Bbon A Co. Wil mington, N. C. Nov. 11. 10?-y HARRISS fc RUSSELL, (flCCCESSORS TO CHARLES I). FM.l.IS.) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. OIOQOB H A BBlSfl. HENRY P. HI' SB ELL. REFER TO E P. Hall. Esq ) O. O. Pabslet, Esq. W ilmington. Jno. A. Tavlob, Esq. ) Abmer Patton, Esq . A'etr York. Alex. Hebron, Jr., Esq., Philadelphia, Mesbbs. Williams, vvelbman ol o. i ckrWMi H. K. BAKIB, f.SIJ. Sept. 4th, 1847. 73-tf. E. J. LUTTERLOH & Co. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND PACKET AGENTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. B.J. LVTTBBLOH. Oct. 28, 1847. E. PIERCE. 95-U L. MALLETT, AOPNT TOR THR BALE OF Timber, Lumber, Na?al Stores, &r., Lazarxu Building, North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 9,1847. 101 BARIBRYANT & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1848. f- JOHN C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 10, 1847. 87 "SANDFORD & SMITH, AGENTS OF THE HOPE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY WILMINGTON March 17, 1849. N. C. SANDFORD Jc SMITH, AGENTS OF THR North Carolina Mutual FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1843. 1 BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER, AT THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. SHEETING & YARN. ROntPISH ShaeUng, 4-4 t Mallctlt YBrateewtMl. For sale low, by 1 DaROSSET BROWN 4 Ca. March 28. .Hry 5 QA'HrCaali MaNn WLn OU 20bbla. Badlbre RaAf - ' i: .,30 io oW Apple H raid fi 5rj0buahelafJowPeaaT"1 f ' V ; f Had. OaUjust raceircd, sad for sal by ,w uJ hevrH MARTIN. JOHN d. love; .'tmm'.i DEALER, IN , 'i, CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CIHIRS, IlTR.lSSES. it, ' ROCK SPRING, WILMINGTON. N. C, ' WILLIAM NEFF, - (Ijate of the firm of Natf t WAH.Nta.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SlflP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCK 4 WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th, 1847. 113 tf. F . cIa R K , MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS Of CABINET FURNITURE. CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WRITING DESKS, MAT TKASShS, PAILLASsTt US, &e FRONT STREET, NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON, IS. C. April 11 th, 1848. 11-1 y. Proceedings of the Safety Committee OF THE TOWN OF WILMINGTON. During the years 1771, 1775. and 1770. "IITTTH the joint Prorecdirnrs of the 'ommitii c VV the' Counties of Duplin Onslow, Hlfiden. Hruns- wick and Cumberland, tor saleat the Commercial (if- fcc. Pri ce 25 cents per copy. A largediscoum inadc , i JUST RECEIVED Verv handsome assortment of Ladies fine1 Buskin: Ludiea fine kid, low lace :-;' o. do. slippers and ties; do. do. white slip- Ladies a pers, for sale by GEO It. FRENCH. Feb. 17. 143. J. LL persons indebted to the subscribers from the 11 year one, up to 1848 are requested to call and pi. the same. N B. All accounts for work done at ihis estab V lishment, will hereafter be prwnttd every ninny r, . i , ny r , f r i ' a ' days. Jan. 5. HART & POLLEY. FORTY CENTS PER GALLON. AM J bv AMPHINE selling at lorty cents pcrenllon. U. V. llOOIV in-if. Dec. 7th. COFFEE. Try BAGS prime St. Domingo CofTie. 1-inJing 1 U from Schr. Ontario from Jerome. For sule by O. W. DAVIS. April 11th. 11. A Fine Set of TYcth for 25 Cents. White Teolh, Foul Breath, Healthy Gums. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after being once or twice cleaned with JONES' AMBER TOOTH PASTE, have the appenrHnceof the most beautiful Ivory, and Ht the sanietiitie n is so pi rlertly innocent and t-nqni-altclyfine, thai us constant daily use highly advania geoiis. even to those lec'l) lhal are in good condition, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a pre inaiure deray. Tliose already decayed, it revcnM from bcroinine worse it also fastens such as are de coming loose, nnri hy perseverance it will render tlie foulest teeth delicately white, and make tho breath no r inns v iwi P'KK'K 250R 37 J CENTS A BOX. Sold In Wilmington, by Lippitl A V illkines. GLUE A Supply ol Glue. for Spirit uarrcm, cunsisntly on hnn d. For sale by De ROSSET BROWN & Co. March 'JS. PROVISIONS. 1t r. RACON, assorted, including fine 1 t I.anl ; I' rime uiid Mess Pork ; R. d nnd White Pe 8; Corn ; Hslf tieicea new Rice ; Flour, a vuriely, for sale by R. W. HKoWN. April '20. 1649. 15-tf. MOLASSES. 1 Qfli HHDS. Prime Si. Jigode Cubn, for Retail J o' im! euual to Porto Rico, nisi ruceivid per Schr Raltimorr. and for mile bv BARRY, RKVANT & Co. April IB. 41 CORN, MEAL, HOMMONY, ANT) 6,000 . LBL. IS. c. UAt;oN, For salt- by W & T. LOVE. May 6. 2' FOR SALE. 1 C hhdn. o( New Crop Martinique Moluses, fr 1 U i ' sale low to cloneconsiL'nnient. Apply to HARRIS A RUSSF.LI. May 9. WATER COOLERS. A N Invoice of Water Coolers; n neat a iifu 1. article, received from Baltimore. For enle by DeROSSET BROWN A Co. March 28. 6 FEATHERS ! FEATHERS ! ! 1 nnnLB3 lN"W father., jueueceivtdfrum IWUUKayeUevillc.andaaleby May 13. 27 LINSEED OIL. Bhla. T.tnxrf Oil. For ssle bv O'' ' HOWARD 4 PEDKV May 18. 27. SUGARS rA PACKAGES Wooteey'e Wooiaev s beat qo.ii-, her hanoundef the pUlow to rauQ.Mar 0Jr Loaf CrnahH and PownVw! Sngan t .ley's head. . , " , k ;; 7 hhd Sterol -SDibifEDEN. "Ob othef liaM' IfeleOticniily, Jan I. Prow tht St. LmtU RtvttfU. The Man who wouldn't answer his WIFE. SV Mils B. H. aiMKLi. wiut. "There is Iaguire," and Helen, ';and what shall I do ? He will be nnyry tf I telf him that Dr. Robinson has pulled my tooth. If n were not so dreadful I would have another extracted to keep him in a good humor." " We uuist make the best of it." said I ; ' ''but hush, he is here !' Mr. Laguire entered, and looked uncom monly professional exchanged morning rivilitirs, and commenced forthwith making inquiries about, the tooth m qiiPHtion " There bns boen some mistake." said Helen. " I ilid not know that iny husband had spoken to lr. Robmson about my tooth : when t sent ior you Did not know. ' sni.l the little French man, getting extremely red in the fare " 1 )o you take mo fur one simpleton, Ma dame, dat I walk one half mile and back for nothing 1" " You must excuse me," said Ifplen, there was a misunderstanding between I )r I .Hide n iirl in velf " ' " i no care for de misunderstand be tween man and wife. You tell your understand I to .somebody dut. care. I walk one half r mile and back for noluiir " iif,i J . . t i . i n explain now u was m I ,ag une, uui 1 umjiu not make turn unuerstand that it was just for him to "walk one half mile and back for nothing." In ihe midst of this dilemma Ellis nnri VP( and Helen explained the circumstance , ' , , 't , - 1 to him. He seemed provoked at first, say- nig, Helen might have known he would pend a dentist, but when he looked at the wu-begone countenance of the 1 ill Ic I- rench-. man, he could not help smilinjr j " No insult was inlendfd. Mr Lajruire," he said, courteously " My wife did not i death had too surely done his work. "Ilea : know that I had gone for a dentist." ven had o-an.ed another auel '" ; " I cannot help dat: you walk one half Oh ' if I could only have been here one mile and back for nothing yourself, and den you feel like myself, hey ' ' . I ' Oh, I am willing to pay you for your trouble, if thai is all," said Ellis, drawing I out his purse. ! The face of the Frenchman briphtened, and he said ''All right I Monsieur Lin- coffin that contained the body of little ( 'bar dell, all rurht I rhartre you one dollar ley to the cold earth. 1 shall never forget I cannot walk one half mile and back for how desolate every thing appeared al C'e l nothing " j dur Hill when we returned from the burial j Ellis (laid the sum demanded, and, as J Ellis Lindell's rnef knew no bounds ' some company was just then announced. 1 He serrned ns if he would never cease up i Mr Lainnre departed, and the subject was ! braidir.fr himself not again alluded to. The prosperity that shone :o brightly around thp family nt Cedar Hill was nt length darkened by the lilnesn of little Charley For weeks and days his life was despaired of. I never saw a treire watchful nurse than Ellis Lmd 11. Char- ley was the pride of bus heart, find, llljjjht ; ft u h, hfl h ,hc C0Mdl (jf ll)C iule l - " sunerer. watcluntr the varying by inpKims of the disease. He would not rehnfpiish his post even to his mother, (who had been sent for nt the bemnnin? of the child's sickness (until a chansr" for better was dn- icided.) Charley had been ill about two weeks, when the anxiety lor his recovery j was allayed by a favorable turn of tiie I iaalady, and hope filled Elha'd eye again i with brightness, and Helena step with e- lasticity. It was a soft June morning We had drawn the bed of the childi.sh invalid ne;:r the dnor, where he could watch the bird-, and see the irreen trees and flowers that studded the vnrrl at Cedar Hill K!h had left us to visit a )atient several miles off. and Helen and myself were cheerfully conversing Our conversation was inter i runted bv the entrance of old Airs Lindell. i a re;il bustling, niotlier-in -law "Uni r.iii- j give (.'barley his medicine bt lui'c ie: icli I she impnred of Helen ; ' I don't know." was the reply ; I ak 1 ed him befure lie -T;irt .1. but h' did nut .-Hi wcr me perhaps," she n-ldfil bi'ikit z at me. -he didn't hear rn" " j " I'll be bound he heard you, and you, may be sure if hud given Charley the med- i i t 1 1 1 inno he would bavc told you 1 suppose i he thought I was here, and 1 would attend to it," and she walked to the table, and j i 1 1 m ui e 1 1 c ed dropping the medicine in ui spoon. Helen was nol sure lhal Ellis had j not given it, and she said " Probably ; 'harlev had better not take it yet : he seems quite comfurt.ible." " I tell von." said the old lady, looking provoked, "if Ellis had given the dose to Charley he would have told you," and she .J j Jruppillg lhi mixture. , m , . her hand upon Mrs. Lindell's, "I think yoo had better not give it ; Ellis is some times in the habit of not answering me when I speak to hiro, and" . "lodeedl'1 mternipted -Mrs. Lindell, look ing uite indignant, "ju do Elhs injustice recollect he i my sou ;" and she alipped know lU naiur'e oftho tnidicine, anr 1 arrl I afraid" "Helen Undell" .'aid the old Udy, .harjylj, -do yott think 1 hnre no sense U Thire noth,n? in thi. that can hurt any bqd.. laraseTfral years older than yoii, and ought to know what I ittn about." Helen saw that i. was useless to remon- atrHt n,l fir, Krlf KW Crl-r hn a few minutes after, swallowed the draught n. Immured by his grandmother) remain- ed .here until the sound of a Wi f. et an- nounced the return of her husbnnd With a troubled face she went out to meet him " CharUvy has been asleep so jo' lha , a dose of , - I feel uneasy Mother gave hitt inc. m,i 1 1 n I r. a .miA t.t,i All jli.n,t n n tf a . ...v ui.itiuc enlist. iu I'.. I i. MllCltir UIKI you started, and' '(iood Hearts! Helen," interupted her Inland, as a sudden paleness spVead over his face, -the medicine was a power- ful narcotic, and he is lost to us forever " Ellis ' Elhi i" said Helen, stopping him as he attempted to rush past her into the house, -if i his is true if Charley is dead1" and here she Almost gasped for breath 'do no' let ,j ir mother know the cause, for she ndimnstered the medicine innocently " I iiewT admired Helen Lindell more than al this niojiie.nl. I knew I r heart was touched ii!;iiir,t beyond endurance; I knew that life lnui lost to her one of its brightest charm, and even in this deep affliction she was unselfish enough to remember Lllm's aged mother, and wished to shield her from any ihmg like remorse 'Bless you! Helen, I will do as you wish," said Ellis, in almost broken accents, as he tore himself fro-n the sinking form of his wife, uml entered the room wheie his child lav hnnrt A rav of hone stole ovor his heart, ns his eye rested on the calm, anarel- ic countenance of the beautiful boy. for the expression there might well have been ta ken for sleep rhysieuuin from town were summoned, .and every effort made to rouse the little sleeper , Lot it was of no ava i hour sooner." cried Ellis, ns he hung over the dead bod v of his child, " I mirht have j saved turn But it is right 1 am jusily ' punished "' i ; Two day.? aftet this, we consigned the 'My son," said his mother, "it is a dread ful and unexpected blow, but it is the will of Liod, and yuu should be reconciled. ' I looked at the old lady us she said thia. umI wondered if si.1 il; I not f.e rondemu- eil li.r Uie pail .- je luel aeteil in t i's unnaii - .,. '. . ' . pvafhir: but.sninelnrA-.it never seemed 1 . . . to strike her that the iiiiminisfering of the iiiedieme by her hands h id done th work How strange it is. that the failing to "see ourselves as others see us " is so predomi nant among humanity j Helen bore the bereavement wilh more i fnrtirude than her l.u-diarid ; the reason was. her trnt in th Pivine Providence was stronger, and siie n.iu-ed with resigna- , linn to the (iNpcii-attons of that Providence j After the ':r.-t f 1 ' i -1 1 of Lrnef had passed, Ellis Ltmiell seeineil to review his conduct, and would sxak w,ih u.ore cahnneas of the death of ins little boy. -Helen," he said m uy presence, a few weeks after ('harlev's death, "you have te'ver reproached me for the unmanly and rue manner in which I have treated you. and yet you know the death of our child can well be attributed to me ' "Do not snv so again, my husband," said Helen, bursim? into tears, and folding her ara.s fondly around his netk. -It us too true, my angel wife ,'' said El lis, as he pressed her i loser to his los.a.i if I had answered Mel when you inquired if ! had tveu 'he m-de i:i" to our chl'd. t' :, calamity wed, I not have fillen upon nit And now listen. Helen I here, in the prcsrnec of our mutual friend, promise never again to be guilty of so unjtentle nianlv and ill bred an act. as not lo answer my wife w hen she asks me a question." Ve irs have i lltlle 'barley, a a used since the death of and Ellis Lindell is a sadder, but a betiar man than when I first introdu ced bun to ou, reader. Hls "angel wile'' still cl.ei rs his onward way, and his -cbil-ffren arc hko olive plants around his ta ble." All I can say in conclusion is, lhal I hoMi ihe. husbands who read this story, (if there be any who will condescend to per use it.) will learn; bv the sad. but salutary lesaon taught Elba Lindell, nol to fall into his besetting sin ; and if they do, not" to wait for some dreadful calamity to fall upon them, before ttiey canoe "awnasneo wine I ... i error of tbetr ways," and rrpent if nu ctuactt 0DJ two houn.and .fcw vf thnr doings. ' j months after, ru : unde ( the allgws tree - - 7. 7 , at Tappan. It was Captain", faftcns'Bida The '"irTJ Wr" Lm or And-e who waa entertaining ui": our ea ant Raiment vvhll bon be with na- ,J.. , . l l; rv.u Arramrmc... have heVy' 'made by the War I ", ,,uW .vvW .hlf M.WlQok-of Depurlmwnt Tor their Vanaportatiori directly the meal, and dtJpqseU of oar Jwo baskei from Vera Ctnz to Fort Moultrie, where they of prontiona to nai,Br-the tablo -oipie ... f w' "t"-"!!!;1 1 Ji v.' Tj"!"'-' '' uat PtTI0Uf to ')Wte4 tdirto off MonAooiK.WIurJd4 Mcall-d a ral ounc'1 of hofficerir 10 gather ?lin,on9. "! '" J ftt"kf! Sir tHtTO Umton m hi. march through Jjev Jency. ftboul ,w?n,y fo,,1r,r? mltfaTW of iuck VfJim ",,u wluwe werB "WinglT M fmM Owen had wma aoftbta, UtdW V wbcct -ivw.- roiwu, f teubpD Co"wa3r, 0thc,T?f "7 y pression nt nil favorable, indeed, General) Lee was extremely btfter agarast risking a h tSnlCW.ft. the English arrry, and onderTIaTfajr until 7 ,t , , . . . . ."""J. V "wr . rrT hcre ",an nTincibiliijr abouf Brittah, cou d not b oveiCOM b7 UX! ( v , j ' . 1 .V gZJ1 Allen McLane, of the Delaware reffifitteali a noble-hearted soldier, alike: gallaJll Ud brave. He was the father of the ptesnt distinguished statesmen, Hon. Louls Mc Lane, of Maryland The enemy la j at Haddon Field, and we were encamped few mdes in their rear. It was al this p, nod of our inarch thai he came to uvy tej& just at dark. , -r " Evaiu," he said, " I was tolJ b Cot Oswald ihatyouhitd two or three ,,couQr trymen's dresses. I want to borrow, flney for we are about of a shape arid mxt?!- Very true," I answered, " but what do you want with one of them." - t " I am going into Haddon Field to-night, to ascertain the exact position of the ertcv my." ,, "By thunder! I'll not len J yon. one of my suits unless I go wilh you." - fJ'l "Certainly, Evans, if you desire t,'' iaid Capt McLane ; " but you know you.haxe to get permission, fimt.';, r, ,? , "Never trouble yourself atotit that, I'll j have permission quick enough, . JlareOpen mat Dag j you naveomy to urjtieinegiTuig, and take out which suit of clothe will ft you 1 fcball be back soon, and w"hn; jou are dressed I shall be ready." f ' I waiied on Colonel Oswald wjirj gtvtjl me pern isaion at once to go wita Oaptaia McLane. 1 must aay the latter officer ur derstood the pait he was to play in. the British camp welL He bore on one jaim H basket of chicken, or fowl they might have been called, and I waa ht deputy, for I had a large basket of eggs. . We left H fnrm house near the camp, aboat eight o'clock in the evening, for the positioriof the enemy a fair half hour' waJk.,, Xhe inhabitants were with us, true and ataanch patriots. When we approached the Cftlnp of the enemy, we stopped awhile- Jot ihe purpose of being taken 10 by some of the bcouuntr parties thai were patroIlLnir iav rnediately about the neighborhood, We I did not wait lonir before our desires .vexe 1 c . i i i trrat bed. Advancing: along the road, a i , , r i . nariv of cava rv. iruardinn' a larva mim- r ', i , 173 I un oi wagons muQii i ibu iivuww.iuiu I ... ,.C - 1 J ..'T- mrJl forage, came towards us. Stand forth in the road," saiil (jLahfl to me ; ' we must go into camp under their protection or we cannot get in at al!.lJ'. Tie moon was just rising, ahJ,'a" jv$ stepped into the road we were plainly viMr ihle f' What a re jot doing here ?" aaul tne of ficer in command, sternly, to us - '.' -We hope, if it please yon, sir, 'to"9 yito camp, ju.st to sell a little sarceP ;'(. 'Saice 1 What do you mean by areeP "Well, sir, a few c hie kens, gfeenaj and ' Do you live hereabouts V , ' sir " . , We did live thereabouts for the-ilme be ing, and Captain McLinQ raa ,ell pac quninted with the locality oi pface in the iitighborhooil. ''"' 'Then follow ua vitb the train, Jeftkin's," he said to a uori-coinmirisioneii of$gcr Vho rode itnfnediately behind him,' sf4 o UiCfe men, and take them to my tent. Do,, not let tbem wander off." . , ... ''I'll see to them sir," said the fntO, touc hing hia cap. "Keep directly "before me, fellows !" he said, in that tone which inferiors ar apt to use. as soon as his, su perior wa out of hearing".' f VSTj n "Never fear about u&.n aaal. KfcLane -and we passedaafely into the IWtiah'csrnp. W ware taken to the quarters of the, on cer who commanded the detachment which hud brought us in. lustead of a tent that he hail spoken of. his dwelling for the night waa' the best apartment in a platn,"bu 'ex cellent farm hotm ' ' ' "Cuw, come," he tail, umj Yank countrymen for 'you Yankees, are Jibt our brethren, after all sil down, aittfawn and eat wnu ui. .. H " give you what jgu don't gel often tiow-a-days 1 lhuil.a.ijttn of tea. Here i a tine ptece of cell - beef, too Perhaps we may meet in.diSarcht ' circum'stanres some dar hereafter. ! 1 V Poor fellow ' l never aid lorgei mr re- . f we v(j m,rtrr different cir April IS 13 33. - oo wTui unui jmus irturn.-5 i on aon t W .