. r 3 Gracfe abcrff -Vegetable SO,O0d Moicsjold md. every, week v 1 BCRQCOMPANY. "f Tiertsby give notice tbat thttlr wnerai Agent for tn State oi North OuMlna la Opt. W M. iON KS, Lou- Isburg, franklin oowy, N.C. Th General" Agent It fully prepared to appoint ub-Agentwherever there It ni branch ol the Compa nv either, on personal ap- nllcaiion. or liv malLpoet of these celebrated Pills, nod ha exvraarjiiury cure thsy nr.- constant v .-H.-dins. unSxhm, bv far, th mot popular Pill of the ae a kftrnzt UI eoaaaflnently ba vary valuable. Th Graefenberg PiUa art Inconceivably supcrim toaayerer before discovered. In all blliojs com plalmet in general derangement of the system ) in II dtKrdjr which mult from a bad stuio of the hhoalheatplllatroaoverel-Tirundy. Ia)th elassesof diseases called chronic incGrrncr enbery Pills aMV their highest triumphs Here thefiieiV all competition. Entering within the hid den recesses of lb system, they quietly but surely piirlfyhetlood, root oat disease, and give tone and yyjorte the body. CURES ARE CONSTANTLY KF- ta.il. ' THIS (HUM) l'lilGITHL'-. ' ' v to c ita BiijM&r - for up. a nl Uetil The rapid salt KECTED Sirl; Th. y ! less of i of ihi.- KINGS. Wilniinu by (AOS rini, In cases where every oilier nienns had utterly laiiw. iuo mom uumuu on i.in oouM h given but a trial of one box will convince thoBttiat.They can bo ordered and sent by mai' ttTifllntspense. The price is2S cent n box. Where two dollars worth arc ordered, andllie mo ney remitted, the. Company will pny posing" " Pilla. Remittances nt t lie company's risk. ever there Is no agency of Ihe company, ihey can be ordered by mail. TlMfl PlBsnre taWn? tho pl iee of nil others, ami no tick person should be without them. f ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. Bowel Complaint, Canst ihiti.,n, Ihjyj.sin. I'rrr rr .v...- I 'inn nhi i l ?'mAl(ion,att Stomaifh Comil'iinlx, Urctn nut, !.:. yield at once to ill -e I'llls. offonsive humors, arrest ihe pro,: . iK.. a mi., ti'iii! restore tone ;i i i I v to lh Mltein. Incases of B'mi.tiI derant;cm--;ii o h.h"lth; they aro SOV ERl:iP.N. BVTHEK USE, the woak will become Mronsj tliploand bilious complexion be ietor d to :i pi i ftctlyfrwb and healthy color; all the bud syii;pMn:s will ontby one disappear. In thort these Pills are an Inroncelvilde n.lvnne.. ..MiMtihnr medicine ever bcfuc oil rej to llie ,.ml .. A trial will satisfy an v oi r PortalobyLlPPITT & Wl ton N. C. fC5"A?enta aro requested to report to nie f their progress. WLMAM JoXKS. Nov. 20. 817. v- 1 Iiraclc of Miracles ! ! oZtke'itkof August, in the war ' -iindar tcene occurred iu thr U :jal Sce nt i He iMlitutmi of France. The ul. whir u..l.A Pmultnt hu licnd lire, n.t tircis ouUlrelchii, hi face rtrhaut vith i,ilr. (for teknee ifw triumphant.) ami Ai rotrf vith fratutatary tone, delivered tlieollou-ma . Report: I h ,-Wttrt astounded at this singular prep;i'ation. , Weraindetd will acience stop 1 Mere we have n pre paralion mida In the form of a beautiful piece of; soap, whkh wc know, by actual practice, io i Taryculansoua eruption, every disliuremenl of, atul Ttodiscoloied akiu 1 Where will Its mtiL'ic and -in-jrular power cajse ? The N-Jjsro. ihe Creole, ihe el lowRaoeof the East, and the Red Man of the l.r Wtav art alike undar the influence of itn extrnordinn ry powars Of clearing yellow or discolored skin, mid rniklnalt white and beautiful, nnd of chinL'iiii; i he cotoriii dark, or black, or brown skin.- (H-;rever-I peraona wert brought forward by the President, whohad used it, In proof of his as?rtion ) There are probably few persons of iniclliirence who, after reading the above, will doubt ilie qualities of Jonei Italian Chemical Soap, In earing Wmples, Blotches. Salt Rheum, Seurvv. Erysipelas, 8ora Heads, OKI Soref. I'.e.ird nd 11 ir bera ltch.Chapped and Tender h'l-sh. Kreekl. s. I .m. SklO tot pure clear white, a? smooth and soft as nn InfkBfa.aod Intact every kind of iruption and dis- i Lmrtmnt. Road these certificate-: From the O. S-rMI ft. HW. Ontof our subscribers. Mr. H. Ie.n .i.l. inloiin-,; ua that ha has Keen cr3d of ld, scaly 8sh Khenm. ; of tUhteoa yeart slandins, on his beard, f ty's md , hand, by a cake of an article nurh adv. rused Lie- I I fie st)sk of J m' Italian Cliemical Soui. He i tvWlBlortnsa that he has tried iiseltcison his fell rmlt HaW Rosa, much niarksd win sun spot- and b' ! found In two weeks her skin mueh clearer md whiter JaoljajGhham.a pilntw, in J. iey Cuv, as .-nred , of arbnciea od pimples, wiiicii he was ailli. i,,l, with for many yeare, by part of a cake of Jones Iial ln Chemical Soap. . Persons In purchastn? this. mut always afk fu JOIfES ITA LI 4 N CHEMICAL SD P ; and per hapa, as many who have been eliu if d w.di .oniiter- feita will be too much discournsied to trv the c-vhi-in,taay to such, try thisonce-you will not regret t but always see that the name of V. JONES is on ihe wrapper. LlpplttA Willkinss. Front st ,.a:c ttic A'enis loi ihisSaap for Wiluiington. . ;.ACAI).MV (IF .MUSIC, -"- AN'D PIANO FORTE SALOON. VC.t. O. F. 15. 1. 1. Kill l O. v.oiil.1 re I III spectlully annoanci- to tin- ciiizrns ol Wilmin ton and . I 1 1 1 y tint he is prepared to give instrtic ion in th- various depvi matt of Vocal and Imtr jinonal M .-i- at Miait HaU, WJere he rvjps to m rit a eoniinaance of the patronage hitherto bestowed. "Adjoining the Hill, he-has n Saloon, in h.-h lie detlgnakoeplogan assirtment of 1'ia.i l-' .iies imt, for Perfection of workmanship, bwiuty of linis'i. an t ttrlltuoev of lone, ehall notcouvpatc uniavouibi) nli any lath markeu Alaajaftwaaperior-ton-'d fialturs and i ilin- ih iastrncliofl boots and itrini for ihe s mv l i.i.k dasirouaof purchasing, and otln-rs, r imm d to t ,1. ndtxanlaM. Fiaiw KprUa tuned and repaired in a ius;.u u' wamjar. , , , , Wttuilagton,Dc.9,184T. lU-tf TUB'-CURE OF PAD ACHE. Giddiness, Rheumatism. Piles Dis psla, Scurfy. 8mallpix, Jaundice, fainsm mc Back, Inward Wi-nkness, Palpitation of tn Heart. Rising in the Throat, Dropty. Aslhoia, Frveisol all kind. I-Vniule Comnlnlnls. MeaslfS. .Sail Kl.ium, Hearthun , Worm, Cholera Morbus, Coughs, U.uln ay, v'ho ptni.'Otiiah,Coiisiiiiipiion. Kit. Liver Com plaint, l-'.ryslpclas, D.-wfoess. Itchi.ias of the Skin, Colds, Oout, Uravel, Nervous Complaints, ami a va rletv nf otlMr Di asri srining from Impuriiin ol tho ISImxl, and OUitructum in the Or-pani oJ lHflun. Y.n crirnc. has proved 111 it nearly every Oisi ase lo w bieh the I iiman frame Is subject, originates trotn Inipuriti. i ol the llloodor l)i rnne ill of the Dines- live Orjoins; mid losecuro Ueallb. we inehl leinove l hose (ibsiriicilons or isstore the lllood to iiHiuitunil State 'I'heielore w hen the slightest diirangeinenl of the system is indicated by Costiveness, or any otliei si!n. it admonishes us thai siiperllulliee areiralliei inir In the Syslcni. which should at once be got iid of. This fuel, hs stated, is universally known; 'ml peo ple have such an aversion to medicine, that, unless the case Is ureent, thev prefer the disease to ihe cure, until an Impaired Constitution, or n fit of sicklies re bukes them for the folly of iheir conduct. Slill tlipy A.i(f some ex urn'; for hcrttiifort, iiiodiejue in nlinosi nil Its forms, was nearly as ili -i'iisiiii!! n It was bem fa cial. Now, how. ver, the evil in most effectually re moved j for flifkner's VreiiiMc PurRalive Pills in inc Coinplelclv envi loped with Cvaliut; of imr rliilc Siwiir, ( hu h i? n- .ii -iinel I'iomi tin-Internal , in TeOli ills a i mi hln II Imiii ihe kerntl) hurt no (lite f mntiriiu, lull aie as eiiil swallow i il us lilts ! of candy. Mar'ovi I lli.iy ncV.v r (. or vn'x- in J the slightest debtee. I'ln y ) n"' i-qii.nly on dl I hi i ilisi'iised pails of the -ie:n, ii,st":o of confining , iliemselVi s to, nncl raekino un n "' i -1 1 lit r n f ion. j Thus, fon-xiimph- it ihe l.i. ' e nil' t d one inijre- i'.Ii nl w ill oimai.-on ina' immi. imr o ran. ,nu. t.y cleansiriL' it ofihal I'xcisni.l Itiii n i -i . ,11-1 .1 ri ' fy 1 s i 'i ireinu into I ! . - stomach n -to u lo iis i.,itin.il -late. Another will opei-itron the 111 md, anil reiimve ill. ise Inipuriti' w hich have alie i' ; .-meieil into i ' s ciiculation; while i ihi il I tl.-ciunlly expel I rom the system wh iicv r impiriii's may havi betndis eharL'ed into thestom n h ilirouuli tile insiriiiiH nlulity of the other iimredienls lleiieu liny strike (it llic root uf the dis- (isc ; remove all linmire Hiiniours I'k.iii iIih bod v ; open the poies externally nnd miernnlly ; promote the Inscni-ihle I'eispii.nioii ; obviate I'l ilu lenev. H-'ad iche ie. ; sepal ate all foreign and ohnox ioii! p articles I nun the chyle; sccuri- n reo nnd heal r 1 1 v notion to the I lea it. I.uiiei and l.ivt r j and tin re In restore nn'i ii . ii ir!un .1.7 iillirr intaiisjiave fnileil The entire truth ol thoab..ve can be ascertained by the trial of a single Rnttlu ; Hnd their virtues nie so nnsilive nnd certain in restoring llealih. thai tho uro- inlior binds hiiiisef to reiurn iho linftiey paid fdf tie ni in all eases where ihey do not :;ive universal sa- tisfaetlon. .'tail Pii'-e, '25 cents per Hottlc. Sold ill Wil.MINGTOM bv I.IPPITT A WJU.KIN'OS. Front tr.-ct. hi-twci n Market and i lock l)r Ctiikener I'rinrifml Jfirc,M Vcscy-st. N i w Ol k. V Item- m'ji r Dr. C. V. Cliekeni-r is the inventor ofSufrir Coated Pills, nnd that nothitiL' of tlic sort was ever heard of until he introduced tin in in J une. l-li I'urehas. t should tin r foie, always ask foi I 'lir'kener's Snj r 'oated Pills, und take no ol hei s o: ih'-v will made the victiiliB of u fraud. F.' i.i oy -i MP- IT. miaE1 aubsoriber ofiors roi' sule.'al1owcsV hiarVti I prica ths following article, ll I , 'f, Si. D iiiiIiil'o CoireV,' ' ' ' " 1 "' T St.'Jroix .Sunai ; ' CubalA' f 41 '. 'f i i " lUctifitd VVIilHUey j ' Norihern Oln; ' Oontostlb Brtndy; " Now England Rum i " Very superior old M mongahela Whiskey; Kei's Nails, assorted si.est 80f) Lbls. Lout Sugiir, Powdered and Crushed do. Supeilor Cognlac Brandy t Holland Gin and Port Wine on draught i a few do, old Madeira and Cham pagne, warranted pure Flour; Huron; Dried Rer'f; TonLMiis; Mess I'oik; Molasses; Mackerel, No. I anil No '2; Green nnd HI irk Teas; Water. Nutter and Siijiar Crackersj Allspice; Pepper; Oiiifir Nutnnirs; Soap; ' ,'andles ; Cloves; Indigo; Mus taid. io.. Ac. J. ROLAND. South Water street, third .nor from Market Street. July -. 1347. 48 10 i 1 1 bis "10 ' 4 ' 10 " 8 ' 5 " 5 " 5 15 LoJjGUS. LOT of A. 87 Allama &Cosi auperlor No.' 14 Plouuht. Just received and for Sal, by r . ... .1 tni ( ro i. m T kff h tl'lS T lt- g 'I Jan! 8. 126. 1 ssurance. HE Subecribei having Wived th 'Agency of in Camden Insurance tompany j. CHARTERED 1832. : WITH ( A P I T H II F $100,000, or Wilntlncton and vicinity, wiil Issue Pollciel on cargoes, freights and vussi Is outof this port; and also ,nke Fire rinks on as reasonable terms ss any other InstiiiitUin Losses sustained will be promptly and honorably adjust, d and paid, and in case of difference, ihe otii'ts of North Carolina will be acknowleed. A. MARTIN, Ant. lire. 1 1, 1A47. llfi-ly-c. North Carolina Almanacks for 1848, Lli'E; lriSURANCU. : ' E SltlL'iL LIFE nsi'RA.U'E innnnf ii n a no n AULitll vf tao liui cow i1 1 :.,,). rPH K best thin" to Iced 'owH.Hnrses.Hnirs, Fowl-, 1 iVc.Ac. lorsideby JETHUO TH AIM. Dec. 14. Ib47 llli-tf. foi ; lie by ec. 14, 1947. G A. FRENCH. 116-tf. V A. I,A N (1 I) O N At.i Nr run Tin: (anion and Pdviu Tea Coninaiij, N K W Y O II K FI'I-'.KS foi s de iii j 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 . s a i New Vol k pi ic -.ion I'.s Saupou d i ; :".o il,- Vomer llysoii ; Vl'll lbs lrnpeii.il: li H lbs, Souclioiig ; llio Ihs O.-lont . ili 'is Fine ln jli-h Rri-aklasl 5U It's I' -koe Flow. is. at Murphy's Hiiildine., I'- in . - Sti, p. 7th. ml nreliaseip SPIRIT TlIltPENTINE A BARRELS in pood order .SL'PI'LV ol '2d. h ind lnrCv slc always on hand. Ahplv io ItAKUlSM a niiaai'.i.i,. I)rc.'2. l-O-'f londs for Negro Hire M)S for the hire of NEGKOKS, just prinle. for sal at the ofli' i-ol he I nmiwmal. CO 31 PAH. THE Subscribers have jusi received tho Agency of the above Company, and are now prepared to re ceive tpplicatlona lor life Insurance ihey are also prepared to receive applications for Insurance oa the Uvea of tM. mk'w .w ' vs,-." Thie inatitution Incorporated la 1846 with t liberal and perpetualcbarter, and duly organised according to law, hat commpneed the business of L1FR INSUR. ANCEon the MUTUAL principlet, The aarr puoriTS being divided tn.tually among ths Insured, according io the Aft.of lnrorporatiop The rateaof piemiuins conform with the usage of other similar companies -For tho ConyeDicOce,of parth a insuring who would prefer tr pay the premiums by Install ments. It is left to their option when the premium exceeds 2a. to pay on hell In cast), ana secure pay ment of the residue In 13 months. by an approved note bearing interestBtaU ptrctnt. The lives of married men may be Insured for the bcn fit of their wives' and children, so that upon the decease of the insured the who if iiving.or if not. then his children will receive the amount payable oy tne policy, free and clear of any claim by the creditors of ihe deceased. For the greater security ol parties insuring wnn, itiiurnninanv. the Trustees hate provided an indem nity fund, to the amount of 250(10 lo meet losset that may accrue upon policies issued by the company which is to remain, until a capital exceeding inat amount shall have been reali.fd from the ruceipl of premiums, when it will be no longer necessary, and may be wlilulriiwn. The following is a list of the ofliccre and trustees for the ensuing year viz : TRUSTEES. Samuel K. Satterlee, .North W iter, 3 l-ROi'MBV, J 1 1 1 : s I ! CIH-AI!! T I irge III sil'"-crihei i ii 1 1' 1 1 .sin m. and to ena! stock ul 1 III 1 1 I M 1 l.illl to I i llat.Lll i bo, veil ,ar Inn. (ihiss. aiiil ( liina Ware ill Inst Th. I'., i ii ii i 1 Hon sloe ii ' ol I 'I .M i IS I i fie K.-P'.i-s ii.o in i II A NTS I. II ain- a o'cat variety. till- pi s- ills a t'avotatile opp ar il I'. 1 1' supplx. and ih" ail- I' is rc-m ellohv s illi ll. .1 'I he .ir-e and varied assortment otleiing in liieeineiits lo pin ellltS On a uivi ii f liM'iy. I sums over sum a upp. ovt d note N I! - aeeiillllls ll I'll n credit of 9h days will he mull i MOU ea-ll mi de- J H. HOi 1 1 v I.I.I,. ( ,'ioek' a y an house, hied, are iul i-d l tin i de n . io. rit. .1 H !f 2( )()() Man h 2H. Ill SALT. sIlKI.S leav McK'l 1 Alum Salt, for sale LER & McRAE. THE GREAT KEAIEDY. II O l S F. ' S I N D I A N 1 O N I C . .!,: unit .iii r in re fur ('HIIjLS or A (iL'Jy I I- I l-H. in tin' iinprecetleiitrit shar tiuif nj I'iri U'Wis a. Ihniixtuitls throughout the Wist mid Smith run tmlifij, who hart bmi tliu.i xpri tlihj currd hij thitt Gh i:at Kkm- i VI'U mil who is iilllicted. llOulll be nnxioiis to obtain ill a i n no d w hii Ii .fit rs the best, ipiick est. and sal. si cure tm in Her liom whin souire It sni inus: i yerv horn si man b-ins bound to embrace ih'- truth win i v i foi. ml. 'Ilu-ieloie the piopri elor in justice to the plinll I. pon to state. I)V l: Prisons iiu' oe in...!, .nil and ready loi JOB, Accommodation 1 Li M older lo all'ord L'icati I lai lli'i the lra I la IWeen llii" pbn e Vilniinton. and nt ih. s line .ten .oi. i legi.lauiv to Hi In mbtu.j-' lui M EH CI I N Is' S TF.AMHOAT fOMP uill a s. mi-tti cHy line nl Shin lloats. i as piiicll. ahl. ) until liilllii I noli. a ; ! aviug pl.ii v as lollows : Sli aim r KOU A N w ill leave 1 1 .-v i Hi- mi M.oul is am. W iliniiiton mi Tlmi" AN V . 1 1 'M I I .. Il i av-;da-. V. am MEAKF.s wi nyctteville on t I iv. W iliinnL'ion on Mondays I hnr:.(i"V . JOHN I) W II, I. M ll v nt Mi rrli.inis' Sleaiu Bolil ' '" M oeh .'7, l--s. 7 if coaxER or kbont AND MA1KKT 8TREET6, UH.MI.NGTO.N.N. C. PARTHTLAR TTF.TlflN PUIITOTIIFPDI.LOWIM KINDS OF i.El 1F.K PKEss I'KIN I I.NC. ' HA Kit I Spiiii , lVed lier s E. J. U.S. of Turpi ntine R.nrel hi Olive, for sale by LL 1TEKLOH C . ZD I.S 1 II I F.s ill M EKU II AN 0 I H I II n I. lil LL.-, '.A If LAW H.IIKf, , Mll.ll AKV NoTll IS, lilTDf, PA MPIILR1 . I'OI.HTS of I NSI'R A M t . COS I KRS. nr.. Kins Asu Pl.WN AND l'N('V I'.tlXlMNG. t .r--x. tirarrijititin done in tin n.-at'-sl oianiea . ., ! i.l on the most reasonable tt rni. r I LIS of I. X( II AN.. E, HILLS uV LAU1NO, II I..K9. ( A 111'-, C AT A LO I EI-, (KB ri IT'.' A IKS, CHECKS, . IR. C LA IIS. Cl'HToM-HOl'SE BLANK, na AITS. Fa yet m ill KMIT 1 "1 New Empty 1 rsf just H May '2 liniuuic Ifgrlalilc Aiili liiliou Family Fills 1 to the public nnd himself, feels called honestly, a lew lac Is, which will i stab lish HOI SK'S INDIAN TONIC to beih. hesi rem edv lor CHILI. H or AGl E and FEV KK, now known. h'n't nt The aitiile is convenient and pleasant to take-is ri fined fioni all ijiohs particles w In. h i elide i mil' i picpaialioiis so iiiiu.dy. nausi mis and ilisaL'ii eahi. to ihetasie; and il th. direcii..m .He followr I. will eiire every ense. wuh iiiallieiuaticn ... re.inU' in lr. on I hrce lo live hours As onishinu j c bui line 'art 'iit My its action upon the liver and iithri nivalis collet rued ill forming it. tile bile is rreu laied the morbid action induci d by ihe euse of ihi diseasi is destrovrd -lever allayed -and it will be lound a pi'Weili.l as. nt in assisting to reinov. Ii va is ueiici iliy I'tittiril llgi. stone lo lie sioiua. Il inv ie a ales tin body si i m ii la tes an t nr lu nc I ions lo a n. a I iti v action and if til; -1 1 1 v iiseiul. wtieicvcr tonics nr mied Fiirt Ath This Tonic has performed urn' is daily pcilorrnini'. cures inCHILLS or AfH.'E A Kl'.VEK. w ithoul a parallel in medicine Wiln.ss siiijle but lie uiakiiiL' a cure in a case ol TEN' YEA K ndinL'; another in a cas- NINE YEARS stun cu.o- to em e w hleh hai previously bnffled nil skill ,..) every ii uirdy. l.ooK at He mnnyoilier astonish ii,.' eiires sei fori ti in the ci ililicaiesaioiind tin bottle : d ih. n say, if HOI "SF.'N INDIAN TONIC doer h a ,1. s. n. dlv stand, pi' -' mini inly lln grca'.esi inn .I'yof the times K' tid lli rpiiiflcaies rarefu'ly ; i'.i v are from your neigbhnisand fiiends and when ii.r yon meet iihnnv of them, (to ancertain ihi ,,th.) don' i t iil io ask ihi in eiincerninu It. Re sin ' . ask lor HOl'SK'S INDIAN TONIC, an) as you v due your healili. don t be put off with any thing J I 'e and half Casks constantly on hnnd lr ; ' -4 .'DaROSSET.lSJlOWN C' t an. ti.- ;-afW"s-w-B -i'.-4,21.i r -.';' WE havs juat execuud In t superb ttyle, bound Dpi. In 2, 3 and 4 Quire Books, Checks on the " Eaak" of Cape Fear," and the "Branch Bank of the Slat,'' Call and examine them, at the Office ol Tkt Con ' '' nureiaLtf, m fttvf ',... i.-..., r.'.-jv. 1 T., LOfiJNtW f ' f r ir-1--- " ' ' ' - 'ii it.... BUTTER. ii & I, r 9 f f TUST received per Schr. Alarlc. For saloby i fi(, .. ,.:-V - 4& ; w NOTICE. -iL?tJ$: AGENCY OF THE W-C.M DAL IRSrBMfB tWWKji; ' - Wilmington, ?y 29 ,18461 CANDFOPi) A SMITHS Aen,tV'. tb?Nol OMutal Irt-arance Company, have thti feraiifichtfolt'' to state to ibe numeroue persons insuredin this Ofi ficc. theithe Company wUlprompUy pay jhe loeaiua utd I'U recenlfi"n PoyetteviliJ,wlthouHhd delay o' 90 4aya. as required by the Bye Lawa. n3 notei. ... " -f -. , . The Agema will receive ftPpUcatlpn.,an,l,iJ , asusu July 30, 1847. Nathaniel Weet" Simeon UaldwlL Dennis Perkins. Iin A. Davenport t lexandcr II. Dana, harles J. Taylor, Alex'r Hamilton, James T Soulier, '.'.ra Wood, oseph II. Nones, Hoswell Hoyt. Stephen H. Provost. A I ,F,X A N 1) Kit IN. JOHN W. LEEDS Cyrus H. Benrdelt y, John W. Leeds. Alex'r N. Holly, Williain T. Minor, Chauney Ayreg, Philip 8 Oalpin, Wm. L. Brewer, Janice Diinon, Charles Whittlesey, Joseph D. Warren, Theodore Dnvenport. HOLLY, President. Assistant President. JOHN A. DAVENPORT, Vice-PicBldent. JOSEPH II. NONES, Actuary. ROSWELL HOYT. Secretary. WM. WELLS, General Agent. Any information will be cheerfully given on appli tion tn the Agents. Dr. James H. Dickson hns been appointed Exam ining Physician for the Company. fSAINUFlMlU Si SMITH, Asrevtt. Sept, 21. 1817. 80-tf. Boarding and Lodging. 'PHE Subscriber has taken the Hrlck Building on 1 Market street, near the Post Office, and most re- spcctlullv informs the public thai he is ready lo ac- mmodate all w ho may lavor him with tnelr patro- natre his prices win nr moueraie, unn nia I auie ns nood ns the market will afford. Heinu grateful lor pasi lavois, hetendrirs bis thanks to those who patronized him nl his former stand, nnd respect) y solicits them to continue their patronage to him on Market street. P. SMITH. Nov. 10. 102-lf Marble Monuments AN'D GRAVE STONE AGENCY. rpHE subscribers are appointed Agentsfor one 1 the bent nnd mot extennirc M AItRLE YARDS in Connecticut, and will receive orders for Marb'. Monuments or Grave Stones, eiilitr lettered or net which will be furnished at the shortest notice anu most reasonable oriceB. e haverecei -eda vsrlefy of patterns, varimisstyleR i the prices, which may be examined nl nnv time J. C. A R B WOOD, U adder and Contractors. June 17. 40. NI.GROT ASSES. T VST printed nt" The O'mmercwl" Office a new .1 supply of Yr ro Passes, which are afforded a trifle iivit Hie cost of paper that il would take to write l hem VALUABLE RICE "AND TCPENTik'Ml5 FOR SALE .::i&$t rHasubteribert offer for aale between two a ki' three hundred aoree of valuable Rice Laadl'on Lock w)od'a Folly river, io Bruaswick county wInvi mediately In tho ncl8hborhood of the Londaie eiood siream of water emptying Into the Lockwood'trivr - furnishing water power sufficient for Weterln iha fields and for pounding and threehing the Riee'tt we l as for o Saw MUM part of thialaada W" any land CoUonhnd prodiwej Adjoln'ingto these Lands ar between Allien' anriT nreo una two thousand acres of first rale TtirDeiirttia Lands, very convenient to Ihe river.all wl4oi"hrttv miles ol iht- aca-Bhorcanda Oealiby location. Thai whole neighborhood abounds In good'-ToriWnlltte 'on,)8 ' WM, V. BAfe " Ju.yl3 1M8. - D-B-BWoV? rrr cu terms Rnnl I?cfnfn a.'f rym subscriber, offer for .ale that 'eomm&frai X Urlck leneinerit on Mnrl.i .ir.. . rins Dickson, on accomnidaitlag -ALSO . -Three house. and lots, oh third street; between Castle and Church streets. f CRON'LY, WALKER & HALL-.&. n 129-trV Crfamand Amber Ale." rrnrLivi'i hrribtr 'ePrtuUy lnff"18 necftiifjjiB - of Wilmlngiw, and public generally.tha'r he bis commenced tjie Manufacturing of Ale aid Beef. the comer ol Orange and Front Ktrvets lOTl " JETHRO THAiy.f' 116-tf.' Dec. 14. 1P47. FOR SMITUILU3, FROM ond after thlt date the Simmer Calhoun, CaDt." A. Mar wltt luuik. V liiii i. iooi ot Market St.. rvrrv SninrHi ,ft... at 2J o clock, returning Mondny morning at To'rloei. Pansagt: 50 cttnu each way. Freights at veeeelrateti for freight or passace apply at the office of IHUA bi f VALKhiR f 11 LL. . , ,, t - t, March i. TOBACCO &-SkN'UFF. 5 BOXES M.innfa vtured Tobacco; '20 Boxes Snuff. For aale by DcROsSET BROTVJf 'etC. March 28. i -i trj I ir c i A. ; llil-al. y iw o pills,) lie ey. h ipilW a,! sab i-lf, elual!'. Inch tin We call the attention of our citizens, in general, to the above f 'irru! ir. a ml mil tti- nublK lially xt.nd i th'Tu an invitation to nive us a call l'..i tin ir w. k iss irine theiii, llut it st'iill be us irll ito.u . and at as '. 'd not i nre r) nr'vt. n at any other taMn!inirnt. I ii. i utile .(tho is new . and wc unhesii itinlv say that we hive a erenier variety ol u pe. and a inon i.o-otir'i J'tb iiire, than ir.u en r ItUh i a t i Stale. I'lIOIAS I.OIU.NG. Wi! ain'i :i May 5. 81) HEDSTEADS ATO'tV in stoic i 2 M .li.any of ihr f.illawinj Fr nch Bedite neniiiiont : 21 Higii Post M iplu 19 Field Slut f do C .rd II F-ench Pont .V.n I'i do do Cord 1 R wn.nl C.dd 3 Pitcnl Screw 6 Cot 2 Trim )! With f'ribs, ('radlea f-c. do do A do do d do do d do For sab J At ihe by D l.nvi Rock S April IV 0. JUST KE( REIVED. CORDAGE. per Sr h' ii nil I I. I' Snith. A Iv auilfnl anieie nl Inlants' hp lor mi ii ii r. ( hod Hi t 'ohm , Hals; Boy' Pidal 'nps . an I a teWM.'i I e s K 1. 1 1 n f Caps, a new putini. VLO.ifull assmluient ol Genis.Siunineill.il I . r nil- on the moil n as. ua I blr terms. MVI'.KS 21 l M M I April 13 12 I "i'CORDS aaeorted Sisal Rop. for le by 1U,J l MtklF.LLER & McRAE. .arciiS. I iu.y"."NO T I C V. . PEHSONS, tnvbrnd to th Kubarrlbrr forth, ivaadtrd e ."Independent." or for dv.tn, Ingiartraquottefltopay the same to l.sTON It OIL! riW,KdUorcf the Raoiw... To Turpentine Makers in Duplin. AM now looting two la-ir .hill have ihein tn otM-iaii. Persons mnklrig Tiirprniin. ill diiposiitir ol a' all line s Hies there will be rondncicd r Stir, s , Snrrrni i-h n Lv 1st to 10ib June n th it region, onn rely at Imp ices. Ify bus 1 v Mr W m V. Ivde ri.iin ''11 and lid nasi va. as inline: lo I he piopi . loi s ill slm a The siiialln ss ol the dose. ("I enelgv, th Ir simplicit V, and ' 111' thnn lor F nnily and oeneral use Tin unbounded noiuil iiliy and extensive the pi Is h He lndu a il per.-oris to imiinte them, a wiap tlv in up t.i.dei amine and r. potation t il.cirovwi. Thi. .. r.uiriel.,1 s b ivo Iillt lltl 'h'Se mils 111 ill nwn im.i ninn ihai ihey rn y ih' ni"' in o. et them and ilu ini'illc horn Laud, could not do it tlu had laken a ti. litems n.oi e, m lie nam. ol thi i). ,ad. ttead I In lo,nw ir... st.rrm. Mjiathii.th Rev B Ilinii.Mi!'. oi. d iigust Ii. 1-11 Whip in his lile tini. . I niaiHiiieiiir.il th' I'lll", and piii lli. an up in l.v s- ami i m lose. I 'In m wilh wiappi -, nil his nan e. t y hi" eons, w and appi..!.a' mi ; h. as. d It. tp. . n ' I to - iv to nie. - 'N "iv lie viiv drill I, mv yni loi il i lu- I'llis ale not in . ; H 1. ihe piihlie will hi line eoi So by Ins .leliv. sup. i ii.tendanc. . lb- I'll1" h .ve iiaiiied their repnta tmn as a Family M dieine. Since his di alh. I have inauulacliitu) tin I'd!-an.! ul tli' in up in my own name, as I del in il to be a spcei'S ol deception lo pin tin iiiiuii ol Rev. B Mil' rarii. on ih- vvapp.i. ii. .1 ih.reiv inli.ee the tn-1 : : that lie superinicnds the manulaeiii', nl I In I'nls know ing ul Ihe same linn 'hat it ;s not so llial In is ,1. :,,) The Pills bearing the name. R F. Hibb rd. an iiianiifiiniired by me, and ale tin G inline Hibburd ? Pills us made bv my f alh. r. It. v Ii Ilibhaid. HII'l s V H IBB Be sure and ask for R . F. Hibburd's I'll s ( ! n is. This may ci ititv that 1 a - atliet. d witii thai drr. nihil dim ase, Ki v. r nnd in . and was re coiiiiiiended to try your Piils. Oiu ho was ulVn ieni to I "lllbli te a I inc. Yolll . ret;,feltllllv S .,, IN ER. To R F Hiioiarij A Co Prep red and "old W I oil sale a ml ' S'ail HIHIUlf O A t o John str.it. New V i a);, Tits lo. the I'niled S.iciilv "I Miakeis l' I.V ANS, wliijIe.Mil.- an I h bill D minglon C IV PR ll E 124 AND .." CE.N IS JUST Kl-'CEIVEI). SPIRITS 11 Rl'l'-N'l INI. B U I! ELS, for i A. sale by B KRY, BRYANT ,i Co. May 20. Ice Cream Saloon, I'i. pa'i d nnd uddbv Geo. W Hoi ft. Nsshville. nr,. Priia p,-r buttle I'he ab'.v very popular and valuable medicine. i s,. by I.IPPITT & UILKINGS, Druggisi ininei oi N. C And bv B S. Ol A M M N AMiinoi'Gii, Mulberry. iRMsTiioNo. Rocky Poinl. i'aiiii.ii.i.. neiiSoMih Washingion. I!-H. 4 Ci RGEIVE!) 3 Jan. '20. April q. 129 EOK SALE. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS, large sir, and in fini oidrr Apply io HARRISS A RLSSELL. M1 bit s ; Mv -v N CHEAP 11 ire ins, ( 'aid ,,nd Extrusion T La .1. s V "ik 1 -i 1 .1. s ; I hi i iv Cribs ; ash Sinks , eri it va icty "I Children's Chairs 4c. ; ock s now v.iy c.'lnplele. Made Up Irom ok, B .-'.oi and "lli r place, ii p.,H. nis a rit t) ill stv Irs an ! .'ini;v J I). LOVE, ui ihe Rock SunnL' Mantua Maker. HN.Sl'S.AN REDDING. LIU rs he r services lo tho Ladles of Wilmington in the above husi- nc .and hopes from the knowledge she possesses, to ub' iin n share of their patronage. She may be found one door East of Jlr D. W. Wood's, at 'he n i nee of her Mother, Mrs. Williams'. A eul I.V n 11 CALL IN! MI E Subsc ihiTS ll I VI 1 1 jusi reciveil. and arc iRD. a th of Panama. Lei'horn nnd Palm Leaf HATS. C"iiiprisine great vniieiv in style, ipialilv and prif . a large n-sortmcnl of I'.uhrellas. Super Silk, G;iifh am nnd Cotion; siz.rs from 2fi io 'Mi inches; I'I 'is rnnL'ing from f)0 reins to S7.00. W'alkiin; 1 'am s in ureal vaiiel y ; mine vary line, Whale Bone, w ith lv,,. y 1 lends ; Gunidilla do. do. Hi "I whii h. we will hi 11 very low . for cash. MYERS .i HAKM V A"il. HI-- 10,1. b R. F. ... i; neral and by lr cjisl, ' W il- J. w ri.i J rei r ihe nt all ' i t LIME. aoo ,rMh KrrTVrVanV; co' 1 -,ii9a.V-, .'... i t, t 19 GCttiMolaieaaof very prime quality, la hhd" iWcea and barrel, for tal low by D.R088KT, BROWN 4- Wilmington, Aj-iii 23ih U. O JEFFREY LLTTKIl SHEKT BILLS OF LADIM; BE MTTlFrt. Impression of Letter Sheet R II- of Lading hss iust been struck oH at the Office d Ta Commertial. May 16. 1 1 1 . s'ibsi.Tib, r has rc-oneii' d hi" -1 1 ' M i I ri piion ol vi"itois, nnd vvuu Id be happy tlmi s tn wait upon thi m P. ntiu supplied ul short notice and on reanini I teniH. F. R WOOD. April 27. l tl. Lo IILNti i CI ,oTlll.;ti irr 'his dny openilikf in the store undi i ;l-,. 1 arolinn Hotel, a larir a nd ei-nernl assntimer.i ol Cl"'lnng. -nirt ihte for the seiisnn eons,:in- o CI) I I' NI' A LOONS VF.S'l S, SHIRTS st "s I'ENDI RS, STOCKS, if-r , Ac ,r Pcrsiiiis w ishing sucll article had b. in r rxaminv lhi s'.. k. wheie bargains may be had for n I Mr J in hor will siiend si ihr store SAND FORD A SMITH, A u. tin. r M iy I 21 iJERSONS itvli bt. d in the subrilbcr for the N. Carolina Sianduid. The Independent, I 'niVHTsity Maairii . I v Note or oiln rw i-e, r for nilvertising. notifi. d to pa v no mom y lo any Agents, exci pi to W.R Gal, Esq. or Wt VViuts, Es PoBliiinstcr, at Hil'igh; Nathaniel J Palmiii. Esij. Milton, C.isvv. II Co ; John V Hicks. Fq of Frnnklin, Ma'onCo ; H. W. Mil. fr, Esi Attorn y of Wake Co.; Mr. Jnd. Hiatt, of Grrensboio' tjilllford Co.; and Mr. Uracl E. J A Mi:. General (Collector, or his assist. mi. Mr John Cm link. In ihi State, and his assisTint in other Stale. Thus-persons professing to perform the dinks of Constables, who have had accounts of mine In their hands irom 4 to B years, are requested lo make re turns uf onie sort loelllmi of lh" above eonileinen, or to in m If T. LORLN.G. Ri ijisierand Standurd, Raleigh insert 3times. Feb. 19. U t&OOK BISMXU ' EN'TLFM EN'S Libraries, Music books, Mag azines. Periodicals. Check books. Blank Rooks, .tie., Sir , bound at reasonable prices, on application at llie office of the Commercial. A'l Blank Book bound and ruled lo order. Much '23. 3. SPIRITS BAHRELS & BOGHEADS. TMPTY Splrii Barrels and Hogsheads, second XJ Handed, in prime order.- For sale In tola to tail, by DuROSsET BRQWN Coiv JWarch2S. , , wJf - ITIZPINS aVe honoranly aartn'dnaithV fo'ftow v ing are the hdaal qua 11 ties ot a 8a bottle of Jon' Coral Hair Resiorstlve, If they doubt our f word, ihey cannot ihesc highly respestable cithena, wha have Med It . ' ' ' v; "' r Mr. G.o- Becket, 41 Elm et.,N. V. " H-- Mrs. Matilda Reerea, Myrtle avenue, Brookhnl Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 92 King at.. J.T. t Mr. Th inns Jackson, 89 Liberty ar, PlltabargnT H. E. iilleo. late barber steamboat S America. And mors than a hundred ethert atattf,theagh thla must suffice, thai ii wJI force the hair to g row on the head or fane, atop It falling off. itretigthen the Toots, removing scuil and dandru1 from ihe rootr, tnakhit llgh', red. or gray hulr ageumo a fine dark look, -and keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, softclean and beautiful, a vet, very long tlrae f V-'Y - ' ' V-J. fNOLEla.fr Sold in W ilniiogti p by Lippll. W,iJlkr)gay HILLjS of exchange. A beautiful impression of Bills of Excbangt; for sale at the office of 1 he Commercial. li A Ina lew days, Bills of Exchange bound In 5ik I of 3 and 4 Quires, will be received and for aale, -I Mnrah 18, 1848. ' r - v a.a. YHST. TIRI ERS Y F.ST, an excellent ar lcle JLJ I (i1 1 light breed, for aale by Dec. 14, 1R47- to mak JETHRO THAIN day. COW PKAS QO """hels Cow Pens, fresh and prime, received l I by Rail Road ; for sale by DOMESTIC LIQUORS. ReTt-trfii ;cr srWjr I,ncy Ann, 10 bbl. Apple Bisndyj 10 " -Onmestie Oln j r : 7 ". ,N. K Rum( TO " ReClifl.d Whisker for sale b i. flOLANO May 18- J7 M o 1 a s 8 c s . JUST RECEIVED PER BRIO LISBON, '250 hhd . prime retail- ttilf Hoinsse from Sanlst rui Cuba. ForsaUbv i. HATHA A AY A SCN. AniUth. 18 .irv nhri "A,tt) b,,fn' ,ck hurv w f )JJJ piTted front Maine, nnd for sal SI- ' salebv May 2.1, IF48. W. A T LOVE 20 iCA O to s Hoards in lots uit purchascis. for sale by E. J LUTTERI.OH & Co. May IS. 26 BUTTER TVTEW Ooahrn Butter foi sale by I1 May 23. HOWARD A PEDEN. 29 " rMEAi ,; 1 if Uusbol forU at H 71 HOWARD May 23. PEDEjTS. 29 8 I'LNE dozen for aide at AITLES. MnyR. WILKINSON'S. 23 NEW (;()SHEN niTTTER. .Marie. Junt rerrir d per Srhr. 1 A KEOS Extra Goshen Butler. IU ' J. w. June 1. For sal by L. McOARY. 33. MEAL I MEAL 1 ! )0 DLLS. just received from Fayrtlevllle. For -,u sale by J. 4 W. L. McOARY. June 1. 33 FAYETTEVILLE FLQUU , I710R sale in lota to suit purchasers, by I1 HOWARD 4 PFDEN. Mny 2r. 2Stock of Goods at Auction - ON Monday next. I will rommenc t 11 tW bal. nceofgood on hand at aaction. On trm i suit the time. ' 7 All sunia ovet 1100. W daytf 'over 'I2O0, 4 mo., oref 1300, 6 mo, taklac not at bank with, appro yedaaTrry. C. W. BRADLKY. Jun I. JurnalCVry 1 time. 13. Commercial Bank Checks PRINTED and foralot the ComTOtVeiflXbflid Blank Chuck, bound In Book of In Quire, of cry elogant imiireaslorr, on the ComwurtiaX Bank o UmnSton ,y. , ,rypt' . , " 1 NOTICE. liS MY xperfe"nce for tho last two month fully eonJ tinct me that pura eaniphlnecoitiiei oe-.aoaou-' lectured and dtlivcrid at 0fDtaprtfUen.4aat' thertfore necfrsltifcd to charge sixty cent tar ballon after the 11 of April -If thclrin'of VVIlafngtott prefer Ji wing 4heomiioa Bplrll at" Terpentine 11 tered at forty-fire etuU per gajlenjl can aeJiver It lor them at that price rather than aeil Camphlne at te than sixty cent. r ' " DrPRR. March 30. ' KV ' .-"lfciK'n 4e"'eit. . i i. , . .ti . 1.7. ARRIVAE AND PEPAllTTJlbF THE' MAIliT . NotTHBsw, Is due daily at 10 4,. M.cloeTviy FATtrnfitu, hv Raif Road, dual on Meadi j Wedneaday.and Jrldaf at 8 J. M.J ctoaaTtta1di TburaJsy and 6ndav,al 10 W)A -t JI lABTTaviiAB, by Robeaon', VVetbrook',Ej7a netntown iuu umwu i tray'i gfB day and nararaey.ai a a . at - 7cioaaBapt Ueaai I dajnat I d A.M. S t ) j M J ft ri' 4 1 TAttot' Btit5e:.Loni Crk,Moot Crk BWk RU4r;Chpe,nd lIafn.ll,i tar "dua e. Ttvdtadav. at P. If. it lest i at 10 P.lLa.j d' Marl 2t R. DICKINSON, Conine. 38 Friday. atA. M June 8 t ..r-s . e I m

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