THOMAS LOIUNG,;' , Coir6ll-:itiDr pROPIUETfjai t i5 f e -'THE COMMERCIAL .': o : f ttMlshsd s very Tuttday, Thu.r$day, tad Saturday jp t 5 pr annum, psynbla, la si) case, la advance, : ? v BY ;r il OfilA S L 0 R I NO , Corntr vf Front aiid AfarkU Strttlt, ; H r-T w,L-.To.,ir. v-'V; Wj ' .iwyngM-'-ij '-, -TfJ ' r-.i t" Pfvvjv:;.. tb4 or timTiiim. , ' ., l1ir,j ilnertan,IO 50 1 1 sqnsr, Smooths, M 00 iJf : "4yt taoath, " " 1 50 j 1 ' do.1 ' ljrear, 1 J 00 ftTweTTTlnet"ot leis inak tf iqflsrt. ' If a adver i eraswtsxessds twelve lines, th price win be in il't: Mrttoa. 'fi rsv. " w ' 1 ; 111 i.lartUkWtMif pyabb 'a tbs-lfime f their 1 Insertion itJl'vwiir. . (, ' ... Contracts with yearly adTertleere, will be made oa fce moat liberal terms. ' " ""- ' .J3K kill Advertisements inserted , ift the rkTBefeklyiCWVC entitled to one : Insertion 1 0 th&fPeeWirY free of charge Ski V ERS & DA RNUM, 4f "ft i-J -uT TvT- . , tit .4Wwaa D bEt,"f ita " &iLNp WALKING-CANES, , VuuniMUE ilin RETAIL. A U.llll .'a J. M. Baesum. 65 W Tl 4, 0C. nrunaflCT , HlinWN Sr. Co.. ;'$R&lZ'CtMMlSSIOti MERCHANTS, V$$ ( ' WILMINGTON, N. C. 'WW' . xRHOWN. DEROSSET k Co., i4'" p W169 FRONT BT. NEW VOEK. 7,H.,, a. MARTIN, 4fiffr AND ;C dm in issioiv M e r c"h a 11 1, ft' rfljftHinnri ikie Princess Street, j fc IMUI .Wi""'! - ,yi, : WILMINGTON, N. 0. -fo,l. " , . .;J!iM,lMl8 AJID COMMISSION ' MERCHANTS, ' M.ih IT. 1943. l-y- " rittri cw AattniTniMPR Sr CO. 1- jPuVWP1 Jw""""" " r.mmiiiinn Mrrthanli. y.HMin.mui'u""'" ' No. 56, Soutb WHAavta, ' 'pfttLADELPHIA. Twiara prepared tomaka liberal advancca on ahlp eMOtB orsieVel Storee, ftcteonsigned to ua for sale. - Refer " ' 1 ' x t .eVTT FtAKKaa, Wilmington, N. C. .aaaaaDAv... January 18.,, . 128 ly" y. emiaiFdickinson, COMMISSION MERCHANT, g i'ilor partner of the late firm of Dickinson & Morris JUX -itMINGTON, N. C. r 8 tiii to4 1 UfVPi' DtFTKt; ? I Ne York. ;L -v NamUi A Walsh, J las'rllMM Clark, $ &"EQRGB S. GILLESPIE. , AGBNFOR THB SALE 01 WUlaakaUaeraJeaah adtancea onallconsignments . . ofpreuoe. ;,.Mirckl7. ; 1 a" " 3ANDFOD t SMITir KCCTIOJIBBES I CWISSI0S MERCBAJiTS, . WILMINGTON, N. C. (0..aAjlBOD, WM. L. SMITH. ateli 17, 1848. J. HATHAWAY & SON, 38(M34ri8IO MERCHANTS, T"!m- ' ' wiCmwo roN, n. c. amAway. " Hathaway. OcOT.1847. 64' ; " i H'jU t I G II , N . C. tlVbsrwi Cmtti adno Hiadt on Coneignmentt. 'IUWfb,Ao.lo,tWT. B5-y. ".: -G. Wv DAVIS, 1 COMMISSION MERCHANT, - If lLMmaTON, N. C.y -vankijj; m; 'T -1 ' ftlfltf aoscVlbtr'wIihlng to elos hU store during ' rfl ' thi Bummw1 moatrn.-willsoU Us stock oX Qro SJcrlei1 so4 Llquoti It than t. persons la wsnt pf sny thing In mv hrw wiU nod it fd thelrd vsnUgs o call ind emlns bsfore purchos. ' Jag slStwWs i- BOLANU. fi'i a : ri.i i . . v. ,ti iir. HPh!i snYflcslTid; by the Schr. Chrk Mill. j, I Bcs Wslnsts i I ' 4.: Aknnsj f-"J 1Q Drams Firs t Ktf 10 Drums Flgst nr Hip WILKINSON'S. June JO. ' - 41. s FEATHERS t FEATHERS ! 1 1 Ann LBS. NW fsthers)is frsftsdfroa H ' T - J" WJL. iioOAR). . 'jssyis. 21 .'" JOHN HALL, SHIP AGENT . .."I'.. - AND,' COMMISSION MERCHANT, ! Ho. '20 ORAVIER STREET. New Orleim Aprfrt3, ms. MQ-- F. J. LORD & CO. r Rice Factors & Coramhslon Agents, Nov, 25, 1847. 103-if. life Insurance' IN THE NATIONAL LOAN CIETY, OF LONDON. AND FIRE INSURANCE IN THE iETNA INSURANCE COM PANY, OF HARTFORD, Cunn., OB, IN THC HOWARD INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, May be effected by application fo Nov. 26,18-17. ML W . A . L A N G 1) O N , COMMISSION M ER'CIIANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 23, 1947. 107 M'KELLAR 6c M'RAE, LUMBER AND TIMBER AGENTS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, anil (.RDCERS, Slofe formerly occupied by Hall & Abmbthono, NORTH WAT Kit STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. HECTOR M'KELLAR. Nov. 11, 1847. ALEX. M'RAE. 102 THOMAS ALLIBONE & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8, SocthWhahves, PHILADELPHIA. Advances made on Consignments. Refsr to Messrs. DbRosbit, Brown 4 Co Wil- mington, N. C. Nov. 11. 102-y I1ARRISS & RUSSELL, (8UCCES80H8 TO CHARLES D. F.LL18.) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. OEOROE HABBISS. HKNBV F. BUfloELl. REFF.R TO E P. Hall. F.s. ) O. O. Pabslkv, Fkq. H Umuig'.un. Jno. A. Tavlob, Kbo.. ) Asmer Patton, Ksq , New York. Aiex. Herron, Jr., F.hq., Hlidadeljihia, Messrs. Williams, Welsman fc Co. charlctton H. F. Baker. F.bu. ) Sept. 4th, 1847. 73-tf. E. J. LUTTERLOII & Co. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND PACKET AGENTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. C.J. LUTTSRLOH. Oct. 28, 1847. E. riERCX. 95-tf L. MALLETT, AGENT TOR THE BAI.T OF Timber, Lumber, Naval Stores, &c,, Lazaru.1 Building. North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Nor. 9,1847. 101 BARRY, BRYANT & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 tf. Msrch 17, 1848. JOHN C. I-ATT A, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 10. 1817. 67 SANDFORD fc SMITH, AGENTS Or Till! HOPE MUTUAL LIFE INSURAXCn COMPANY, WILMINGTON. N. C. March 17, 1949. i-y- SANDFORD fc SMITH, AGENT3 OF THE North Carolina Mutual FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, WILMINGTON, N. C. March 17, 1813. 1 f- BLANKS PRINTED TO ORDER, AT THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE. JUST RECEIVED m . a Vi Very handsome assortrnr nt 01 woir . w . . - r Buskin 1 Ladies tine kid, kiw lacs i Ladled, do- allpporiand tloai do. do. white slip- rr fur salo br utu, ft. rniwvii Fab. 17. 143. FOR SALE. 1 e bbd.o(NewCfop MarUniqua Molsssea, for 1 U ssk low to oloMConalgnmant. Apply HARRIS SU LL. MsyJ. ' ', ' '' , IT . -. ! - .... IW . , T JOHN D . DEALER IN . cabinet; furniture BEDSTEADS, f R AIRS. Ml TRASSES, ix, ROCK SPRING, :' WILMINGTON, N. C. WILLIAM NEFF, Late of the firm of Nlfp & WarkH. ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PEALEB. IN SUIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCK A WATER STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7ih, 1847. ll3",f F . C L A R K , MANUFACTURER A!CD DEALER I If ALL KINDS Ot CABINET FURNITURE. CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WRITING DESKS, MAT TKASSkS, FAILLASTfcRS, Ae. FROM STREET, NEAR MARKET, WILMINGTON, N- C. April llth, 1948. H-l y. Proceedings ofthc Safety CommiUet OF THE TOWN OF WILMINGTON. During' th years 1774, 1775. and 1776, WITH ihcjoini Proceedings of Uk Comniineoprf ih.. dmniicH of Duulln Onslow, liliidt n, Briint- I wick and Cumberland, tor saleat ihf ommercial () fine. Pric..25ci-nisprcopy. A largnuiscouuimaot lor large numbers. ALL person indebted to the subscribers from tht year one, up to 1848 are requested to call ond pay the same. N. B. All acrounls for work done at inis rstob lishmenl, will lurealier be presented every ninety days. HART & POLLEV. Jan. 5. J'W FORTY CENTS PER GALLON. AM by AMPHINE selling at forty cents rr Crnllon u. v. uun. 113 tf. Dec. 7th COFFEE irif BAGS prime St. Domingo Coffee 7e' landing 1 i Ufrom Schr. Ontario from by Aprilllih. erome. Vol saK, G. VV. DAVIS. 11. A Fine Set of Teeth for 25 Cents. While Teeth, Foul Breath, Healthy Gums. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after being once or twice cleaned with JONES' AMBER TOOTH PASTE, hnvetheappearunceof the most tieauulul Ivory, ail at the same time it is so perfectly Innocent and t .viu! sitelyfinc, thai Its constant daily use If highly artvnni geous. even to those teeih that are in good condiliu giving ihem a bi-nuliliil polish, ntul preventing a prl mature decsv. Those already decayed, it i rcven from becoming worse it also fastens snrh as ate It coming loose, anil ny perseveiance n w in rrnuer "l foiilet teeth d' licnte!v white, and make 'he bread delcioiif I v nwei t. l'KICK XOR 37 J CENTS A POX. Sold in Wilmington, hy l.ippitt & W illkint;s. GLUE. A Supply ol Glue. for Spirit Barrels, constantly o TV hand. For sale bv De ROSSET BROWN t Co. March 29. PROVISIONS. C. BACON, assorted, including Lard j Prime Mei-s Pork j N. fine Ham R.d and W hite Pe s; Corn ; Half tie'ees new Rico ; Flour, a variety, for sale oy R. W. BliCWN. 1 3 -1 f . April 20. 'P49. MOLASSES. I HA MOLASSES, best quality, bright and lies y; hhds., tierces, and bauds iew Ujleans do. r or nle dv DbKOSSET, BROWN Ji Co. 38 June 13. FLOUR AND MEAL. ANAL and North Carolina Flour ; cal in 2 bushel bags ; r or nale by DcROSSET, BROWN it Co. June 13. 39 LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! 4fC BBLS Llncolnville White Lump; 900 bbIS! '-ttVjyt Thomasion Lime. ru...i uni. .a pi,.. HvHriir c,,,,, I mDKllll DUII, IIU B 41V J , ..." f-o. ; for sk by May 2. 184S. J. (J. A R. B. WOOD. Pine Apples! A FEW MORE OP THE S AME KIND LEFT, Jusl received and for b.ile .,i J. WILKINSON 4 Cots., Fr uit Store June 20. I'-'. JUST LANDED QPv BOXES Oranges and Lcmous ; ZJ 1 Ca frosh Prunes; 1 Preserved Ginger ; fur Bale si JOS. W1LKERSONS Jam 8. Great Excitement I 1rJSliING 10 close the entire Stock of Fancy and Staple Drv Goods, of N. Drey, at tho or Ileal SerlovithtSobscriberbetrs lenre to Inform toe cliistns of W llmlngton and its vicinity, that heii de- trmiiulAafttl , 1 . . . ST . . ..,.,. V. . t . 1 "iiirov 11 iiiriii uit. i.iiivii nrci lute timu the pUjmtf lfe hlm aa m)on h( can oonvlace youof iho Uutb. june 8 ... f .1... .-...1. r a ,.- v . inc 1 . 36 BACON CORN WHISKEY. WESTKRit HIDES and SHOULDERS; North Caiotlna Whita Cora i Wtstira Whlaksjri Jpf sala Ctuap, In lots 10 rolf, by ' . , PsROSSET, BROWN k Co. Jans IS. ' jr'- S9 LOVE UTS mx foreign mm, Further EztradtBy the Britannia. IRELAND. The Rppf al Association and Irish Con frilerution hnve at last fraiernized. Anew society to be composed of the Kembers of ! both of these bodies, is to be formed. It is to assume the style and title of the Irish T irwrii Il iu tn Via mftrift nrnl o tfif. chosen from th members of the late ' societies, mul to atritatc o agitate the quew,0n of re- peal br constitutional means alone. Doubts' !are entertained by rnanv, whether such ma- tenuis as the propped league will contnu, can work harmoniously together for any length of time 1'he government lias not i yet made any move to reindict Mr. Smith O'Brien and Mr. Meagher. Sympathy lot .ns. .vjiicneu uiiu tier ciiiiureii is sun ex-i 1 1 .. 1 1 . 1 11 1 11 .1 ... piiwui minis hjiiccuiij; in u;ui behalf are increasing Tlief Irisll! Confederation have issued a very slronp, j and to say the truth, disaffected address to , the people ol Ireland. The -sale of Mr .Mitchell s furniture uk place on the olh mst , and attracted uji ii4-j iiitnse uiieiiiiaiite ; und many pcroous cau)' ' iVuiu 40 to oD miles in order to purclmf ; .some relic The furniture bold at extremt- j ly high price-;, especially the small article, j such as books, china, glass. &c I h j books with .Mr .Mitchell's autoirrapli hrot', 1 iii many instances, their original cost. one Hundred times The pike and two swords, which cost hut a each, sold at a jrun.oa each. lew shillings , 1 he conviction of Mitchell lias not ! q ielled the strong spirit of disaffection which prevails in Ireland. The excitement created by his trial, sentence and deporta- lion has been seized upon and converted into a fresh engine uf niritatton On the yd in; t a tnanifesto was issued by the Council of the Irish Confederation to the Irish people signed by Win. S O' Brien, couched in terms no less defiant of ofthc law than the effusions of Mr. Mitch ell. FRANCK. The Faris pa)ers state that the work-! ctuninilt.Mj came on. the government wiah men and servants of the railways have turn- ed l" li' ve the railway bill brought forward, ed out, to force the Rouen 'oinpany to dis- as' ;f pr"u-ition should pass, it would miss the English employed on the works, ll!,v,; , sending clown the five and also for an advance of wacs. l,er c,-l,,s 11,1,1 lll,Jd rc' dermf the task of The Mmiteur contains two decrees, sign-1 lliu Pveriiment more difficulty in the , ed by nil the members ol' thn I'mnumu,! (Jovernment. modifying the system hitherto pursued in the national workshop. 1 he first decree substitutes task work fur the present system of dail tbor the second commands the mayors of the commune.; throuirhuui France not to deliver passports for I'ans to any person who cannot show that he possesses the means of e We find that further disturbances have occurred at I .iiimges, in consequence of the authorities himng determined U close a club. '1 he operatives composing it resisted, ami it became necessary to march a large military lorce against uiein A culli.-ion ensued, and some ....,,., L.,11,.,1 ,,,,1 persons Will KIlliU alal otliers wouutleil. I lie operatives tlien a 'I'lie oner.tives then l 1 lie onraiivts in n a, sembled and withdrew from the town They encamped at three leagues from Li moges, near the castle belonging to M Muret de. Hord. They propose, it is said, to solicit the aid of the neighboring pea sants, and to march against Limoges. The Commune de Paris sta'es that the republican gu eminent has dared to arm the forts round Paris, a measure which the late government feared to adopt Ammu nition is bei!)'r every da publicly carried into the fori of Konianville '" y LiJTtr . ,tates that the committee on the constitution will be ready to present their report 10 the National Assembly bv the middle of the present month It is said further, that M M Dupm and Luf.niri ; have di.'lligill.shed themselves in the com mittee by the democratic spirit of their tu positions. I The resignation of the law officers of the Assembly to allow M Louis Blanc to be proecuieu . anu more especially tne con- 'duct of M. Lreinieux. Minister ot Justice.' ana Oilier memoers 01 me .niiuiiy, m oa 11,. with the single exception of M. lias tale, given their vote to screen him, has been accepted. Prom the Puns papers of Tuesdav, it ., . 1 - r .1 11.. : 1 .vpea r3 that the affair of L lilanc is l kely to lead to a break up of the minitry of the executive committee of the rov- er unent 'Hie Assembly Inving 1 !( ctej M 1 organs one 01 11 s vu e-pietineois, anu M I and riti, his colleague, one ol its sec - XI I I . I.. . . J 1 retarics, M Cremieux. the minister of jus tice, on whoso conduct these- flections might be considered a vote of censure, at once resigned his office. It is said that .he minister for foreign affairs, and M M. Lunartine and Ledru Kullm will also resign. Tho resignation of M 'remietix is officially announced in the Momteur A frreat banquet is to lake place next S,.ruJa y It is thought that !ilH),(j()(J pr. " sona will attend. Ihe govornment are taking every precaution against disturb , ance. . . !tHE CONSTITUTION OF FRANCE. The Prase states that the Commission ' on the Constitution has decided the foUov ' ing important paints . TheiwIjucaicanatUution t-f Frnc shall be a Dproocraiic Republic, one and irdi-1 visiDie' . a nia proposmon was avlopted unantmoualr.' The brbjeCt of th Conatitution ia to be . f , . ' ' w pruceum u; . -ammion aamuung, ne-1 aides tfte: righta alrendy enjoyed by the people, jhoafi of gratuitous education, em-; ploy metit and assistance. ; .vv.F.. ...... w uj, u, . Kt. in? m0,er banquet to be held 05 Monday, : I !'uer wnsotincionr'ssoi vincennea. : ' ' ,a,lwu lu , ucnu arvi u'e Pary wr or?ftn,1"a 'l"""v' aro irettUJr ,"00 bscrilcrs Laiest accounts state r" t i j 1 1'. . .-v i .u.i Li Aocubui junc p. The Dt'DGET the Hailw avs of Finnnr. 01 r inance, arv . . . - m iiurk-rc, the Minister of inance. orouiriii iorwnM a oiu to nx rnp ounpei oi i A It ,st.matl the e.Tn.luure for th year at 1,0-0.000.000 franca, (70,000.000 sierlmg.) '.he receipts at l,0fl."),000.000 francs, (ahout 70,20,000 ) The scheme was ref-ri-d to the Finance Committee, M lli:.e; u presented the n port of the Finmiee ('onuniitef, recornmei.dinij the A.-.em!ilv i;ot to adopt the ( iovernrnent f,)r t'nkinjr possession of the railways y iou puucher commented upon the present financial condition of the country us most unsatisfactory. France, he said. was proceeding rapidly to a national bank ruptcy, and yet the froveriiment sat n net 0n their benches, and did not even condes- .1 1 . . L. . . 1 1 . I trim ii sav wnai Kiev liiienueii n, ij This is the iri'ire necessary, fruin the Its- ' Ires-i .1 : oufflit to Iduct of t 'a'e of commerce. t.onhdenci) be restored, and certainly the con ic puvemtnent did not appear hke- Jy 'lL) retoif it. lie ami Hit,, other members Of the hriii'i: Hon c bilnv : uui.oiitee had done thtr duty in i r this subject before thai '1 Ley had satisfied their renoii-i' it was now tor tin government meet tin irj (l.ourl cheers ) M O.ii-iiier l'nre, described these as ex ceediutriy fxa?Lrerafed. nnd said that be fore the discussion on the proposition of th.; WilV till! M Jules de Lastcyrie must maintain that the government was altogether too can-less of the i 1 1 1 e re.-1 s of the country Ih re were holders of ions du tresor and do no Mors of savings banks kept out of their, money, and nothing done to relieve them ! The oositiori of the finance was dreadful. I l lie .Minister ol finance intimated mat ..1 k. ..... . w gether, inasmuch as the claims of the de - posiiors were of far more importance, the hoidei , of bum du tn-xor being, for the most part, excessively rich (A tremendous burst of disapprobation ) He had to pray itiM iiainDernottoatlacli more consequence. ....... . , . , , " ll,s W'OrOS mail tney nieniCU A WOU U ... . . . eertamly be paid m the end. Imt the savings ' , uc U1 ' pu""v-nri uisiuuuoiisui iuaui bank leKitors first, as not a person who ' "7 We ar0 fearful f hat rirdbEatToh held bans du tresor now suffered (Uud de- j exercise rfn influence too feekle.tottaj? t$ mul ) The government had thought most ! r,18n of rpemoM pasnonfy--neirinrQle - deeply on the position of the country, and , 10,1 10 tllC most vigorous action1. " Jtrfi had even been about m n few days to nro - pay the depositors of th 1 po-e a measure to .-. vuigs banks in part M IVrryer inveighed m the strongest manner against the dilatory conduct of the government in the financial matters of the country. M Gamier Page- obs i .ed.that France must, undoubtedly, do honor to her engage ments, and he then declared that, with a l.i:l. e energy und a I: e' good will Irian all. uiy fi.L.I e ry dc- II;' ealled Umi,i the . 1 - . . i I'l' e Would d el' m ad aguintt her A --emld v to adiv;r'i imciun U.e proposition alter the railway hill had been d:.pnse,! 01 'In h division, it was decided, by a nn ; ri' v of .'-7 to IJtiJ, that the duru-uon up on ihe railway redemption project of t !. Government bhould take prrteilence of the oilier tiiiuncial debates SPAIN The Madrid Jazette of the 31st ult , pub lishes a Royal deerec directing that M Sierra, l iiiL r Si (1 e .iry ol the l'ma'icial Department, should proceed to Luiidujt 011 , iin nnjioriaii Uiis.-iou, and that .w Langn , tt, 1 ,r (Jeueivl of the National un,al yn' pf(ip,.ri v . .M perform the duties of Aim . . I t fPl ft m 1 ,,.r fsPf r, ;,rv ii, ins ansence 1 nc Minis 1 tcr of the Interior had ordered the immedi ate suppi essi ai of clubs, reading rmims. pa triotic societies. v5cc , throughout the king (Join. Accounts from Madrid of the ud inst. speak oi appreiiencieu riaings ol Larlista in 1 some of the provinces particularly in L - ut - aloma. Ar ,gon and Navarre It was add-1 the ,a ftnd lhe Hch 0n -Jw.r.cmitpiy, ed that two formidable chiefs, Oomez and the M(f m QoA s a popular, MnversJ Forcndell had succeeded m entenng Lata-1 beliefj moreover n necessary one. f $UPd I did not exist," said he, ttwe should, be, 0' LOMDAKDY. VENICE AND AUSTRIA, liged to invent one." Hence .he ahotrlj' ' An extraordinary supplement of the Pied-' moved the convecuw todeclaxt U montet-e Uazette contains the followin? existence of a God He adduced the M Bulletin : - Gioto. May 30 Thirty thou-1 eessiij of the belief in Mod trwrt rrmipu sand Austrmns attacked our position at Oi- f State." w nw&O iS frf M oto, which wan defended by fifteen thou- - On what better fouxrfttiaUw yrwent sand of our men. We complete defeated I rebgion of France baae.4 1 ;i,Vt .ronrr the enemy. Tlo '.Ki...; i aion io the ear, and the I),. alihtl wouri'ie.l "Ve 1. 1 i 3 1 received infofxa;a!i'a c i.' . - chicra. '. - . ,. ;" ' Hie ' Risofri'ifte nto 'publil.eJ u ment oil the i at in si, to anri0'j..c5 1 tor over thd Ausuiar.a.'on the ZZ . Oioto, Qd ' th ' rrarren (let of Tc b ThU iostRnt,"- h aajra, wa( 7 6 1! M , the anillery of fthe ttf of Tu: . bratea the surrender of IVcttT Sicilian depatica amived at .Tu...; t T 1st histant, topropoeei the! incorporii. A ct their island with the kingiom of Cppcr I ly. The Iro visional Government of Mo i i na procLntmetf, dri i29tftimhe, oniua of that duch.irhH Piedmont 'r V : in uuur wiiu icuujuui. y a n tfte Kisoffmtmiff 01 tne.Zd lrtsL;tLre) ftre some interestirlg'partrerilabf ibeaiaaj ner in which Pechfem va! aturrcnJefeX On th evenu.g- of ' the 3fnh blt'in feoj. quince m n cftpuuianorr, me t iemont! . a. entered Peachiera, and dilate 7C0 ifr tions to the famwhed inh'dbifanTL next ay tne Awnw.finwItWW . number, marched out witftJyitlbftnceA nd all tne rtonWS Of Wat - TBeyefet l,y down their arms tfajufe 'dttOesfro nrn uicn oe. marenco roaiiw; na iu tviinrrn ior i nesie. ids capituiar .. .. i . . M . , ( Kipuiates mat they , snarl Mtwtivp arms ag,linst ihe ' ItJiads at l0n',a.titjld . p , , r".. ,. ,M. 1SttU4i t j - " , 7' 2 7u H M$Tm . 1 ------ ,t , Uter reP"8 froiB 'IiaO pipers state that Carlo Alberto 'gtirt brTerfd laj tie, bur in vain, to the eneoryj VhO had ta ken refuge within the waifs olf fiadcr'thV guns of Mantua. The Turin journals of tne MonnouriCft that after the battle of Gioto, the Oerciah troops remained in observation dn'tbei'iigKf of the Mmcio, near !Vf antua ? that hiutaclr took place, and that U theenetWf(irce were concentrated fit Maftttlft, i DisTraBAvcEs. -BatssSLf, Jana. ig.- There has been a strike (b( pVe lunong the workmen employed-: Ry tbejublid works. The gendarmes . wert gxllel to s disjierse tho iuob. One shoVvpnly w d in tho air, but do accident ,of any kino took place. Six of biimiWMi' , rested and sent to prison, .Mf w ROME. ,&m& The Gazette d liomfiof the 2bth.ldUmof announces officially, tbat .his'HoJiqes J ahout to send I'lenipotentiaries''"tdl Wgoti' ate a peace between Austria aftri 1ta!r,'ifid says- The Ministry bare cpresied their gratitude to the Poe for hayiBgiin bi let ter of the 5th of May, to theJCroperot of Austria, insisted upon the only acceptable condition of peace, the restocatli'irifiiV' natural boundaries of the pcbrnsuU to the Italians. Italy does not bate, she tjrn tf- teems and loves the German Jaii6alat. the Italians will only embrace the Oefman . as brother, when they shall hove repassed the Alps, and when they shall hate tvorn those oaths which are prescribed try the in herent rights of races." t This impcrrtajat' document 13 authenticated ;bkhjgijjru-' tures of all the Ministers. . , from iht Albany, 0x, Cwrbr I Il.liHUs . I 1 The Caldron in Paris stilly fffttym M ljlJl1 a,l,! bubble. The eflcrvesenee prodvi ; CR'' h tl'e rccent rewlution, M difficall te' 1 nianage. And though 1 AmaitllM.W sll0W" himself a eoiUjroUingf .tho 1 r" u MivwyvrV.'"', 1 ,..r.roa ait , rra talri (nr in 1 f-'v . p - r , ..e i)....Li....,.Aki'iC.t.. , Kr"iltly woemer me rauonaiiaia uow. nropatrnted by M. Cousin, rand 'rerwralf, embraced m the country,, aoxbettt Abv the atheism of Anachaxsea CI4X1L3L Ot Uv8 mfidelily of Voltafr" Reasori irr thw trtn. is drifted, and rehgfcm rft'adolrie'hdnJt-! maul of philosophv--a' philokft'ifcLichi leches the exigence of a GoI, but if Go J" wiibout individuality, penafUJliOQ-,'' -a lousnc-s. Il leacheAlheexiatencOjrfif ji." I riiiity, but a trinity of ideas, withoutiLJa r ju'wer It teaches that reason iotO&Q !e"cr. the revflatioh w bicbetihghteM trirf -in, m tiMMi cominr into lh worUL? Ia ss x ,vi it teacbesf that reason isSaSiwcesSarjrt mediator between 'UotTaiuf Maojthe Logo I Pythagoras and Plato, thnrordJ'TmaJ tiesh" nn interpreter to OdA tM f jfcathSr to inau, at once both. Qofl S,n4 ?lart,ft .Tbi system, if not so rrpulsive.'Hi the ntidden-; . ed sneers of Voltaire, of Hebertisvf c(r Clootz, we greatly doubt wbUi.4qrci-" ses a stronger moral influence, .jTrtm gious considerixtwus, ibardidectlesa systctu of these ui,r,-f The God of the bible, ljt this teValdn philosophy, has been strlppe3 "of ivitr ai ,a tribute revealed in bis word, or shadowed i forth in creation Whert all ifeorkl otliga-. tions have been thrown 0 o)aQJ)fctt-t' x less being. Tuia uuin, U.giiUlUae,hajl written iu characters o(jjlopdceTe Jlo. Ms, forgotten. Uooespierre'st4n(lgIn.lhff 1 miusi 01 an lniunaieu moo, anu nauiea u f Ihe blood of the die "retro ! of terror," was forced tbdednre that itbis&. i ia r;.,t;- u i, th twhiml wlitfToalrf i i v ' f r . I

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